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create new instance


Test instance required resource specification

Preferred IP : 10.3.15.xx
OS users with sudo privilege: applmgr and oracle
OS group: oinstall
File systems mount points:
/erpfs – 8TB
/home – 20GB
/tmp – 20GB
RAM – 60GB
Processor – 2 core + 3 core possible extention

PreRequest check to create new instance


--installation document for 12.2 -> Doc ID 1330703.1

---OS req
temp 6GB

---disable password prompt when switch to root user from applmgr

edit sudoers file under /etc

switch to root
cd /etc
chmod 640 sudoers

vi sudoers
Previous: applmgr ALL=(ALL) ALL
should be like : applmgr ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

chmod 440 sudoers (the permission should be changed back to 440 otherwise,
it is not possible to switch to root,
it will display 'etc/sudoers is mode 640,
should be 440'

--check OS requirement according to the document

the belows are some of the requirement check:

--check Required Filesets

lslpp -l xlC.aix61.rte

*'xlC.aix61.rte and xlC.rte' > is required file set for AIX 7.2

--To check version of java installed

# cd /usr/java*

--Swap Space
/usr/sbin/lsps -a
*must be 16GB and more

--set AIXTHREAD_SCOPE to 'S' in environment file

vi environment

--Configure Shell Limits or Kernel Parameters for users

to configure or change user limit for both applmgr and oracle user

switch to root
Security & Users > users > Change / Show Characteristics of a User >
enter 'applmgr'
edit the characteristics according to the document or it's also
possible to change them by comparing with other instance

Limits are categorized as either soft or hard. With the ulimit command, you
can change your soft limits, up to the maximum set by the hard limits.
You must have root user authority to change resource hard limits

We can check them using:

ulimit -aS
ulimit -aH

--to change System Environments

switch to root
System Environments > Change / Show Characteristics of Operating System
change the values according to the document

--crate directory under erpfs by root user

drwxrwxrwx 2 root system ERPTEST

create oracle,applmgr and oraInventory under ERPTEST

permission and onwner sholud be like:

drwxrwxrwx 2 applmgr oinstall applmgr

drwxrwxrwx 2 oracle oinstall oracle
drwxrwx--- 2 applmgr oinstall oraInventory

create fs1,fs2 and fs_ne under applmgr

create oraInst.loc file by root user under /etc

sudo touch oraInst.loc

add the below detail to oraInst.loc

--edit hosts file under /etc
add the below deyail : localhost.localdomain localhost erptest.cbe.local erptest

--add the below to resolve.conf file under /etc

search cbe.local

--run a prerequisite system check or Health Check (The utility called RDA)
cd /home/applmgr/analyzer/RDA/rda -T hcve

A03550 DNS Lookup FAILED Host not correctly registered in DNS ???
the server team can fix this kind of issue

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