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Group therapy for anxiety disorders using rational emotive behaviour therapy «使用
Article in Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing • December 1997 «澳大利亞和紐西蘭心理健康護理雜誌上的文章 1997 年 12 月»
Source: PubMed «資料來源:PubMed»



2 authors, including: «2 名作者,包括:»

Scott Brunero «斯科特·布魯內羅»

Western Sydney University «西悉尼大學»


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project Mental Health ACT Legislation View project «心理健康法案立法觀點專案»

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Australian and Netu Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing (1997) 6, 164-168 «澳大利亞和紐西蘭精神健康護理雜誌(1997)


Group therapy for anxiety disorders using rational
emotive behaviour therapy «使用理性情緒行為療法
Damn Cowan and Scott Brunero «該死的考恩和斯科特·布魯內羅»
Bankstotvn Mental Health Service, Compass Centre, Bankstown, New South Wales, Australia « 澳大利亞新南威爾士州

ABSTRACT : This paper repots a pilot study desired to investigate Rational Emotive Behaviour
Therapy in the group treatment of selected clients sufferingfrom anxiety disorders, A convenience sample
of 17 clients who completed the treatment programme was selected for the study. « 摘要 : 本文報導了一
項旨在探討理性情緒行為療法在焦慮障礙患者群體治療中的應用的初步研究,選擇了 17 名完成
治療方案的患者作為研究物件。 » Biographical infoimation was sou^it and data were collected on
subject anxiety and depression. « 傳記資料是 sou^it 的,收集了關於受試者焦慮和抑鬱的資料。 »
Intervention was targeted at identtfying and correcting irrational beliefs via the application of a 77mge of
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy techniques. «干預的目標是通過應用 77 頁的理性情緒行為治療
技術來識別和糾正非理性信念。 » Pre- and postintervention data were analysed by two-tailed t-tests
for paired samples and found to be significant at P< 0,002. «干預前後的資料通過配對樣本的雙尾 t 檢驗
進 行 分 析 , 發 現 P< 0 , 002 具 有 顯 著 性 。 » The results suggest that the treatment approach was
successful in modifying irrational beliefs and anxiety. «結果表明,治療方法成功地改變了非理性信念
KEYWORDS: anxiety disorders, group therapy, mental health nursing, rational emotive behaviour
therapy. «關鍵字:焦慮障礙,團體治療,心理健康護理,理性情緒行為治療。»

INTRODUCTION «介紹» referrals to Bankstown Community Health Centre for such

disorders prompted the development of a com- « 事實上,大量
It is well established that anxiety disorders are the most common
among psychological disorders in general, and that anxiety is one
of the most prevalent problems prompting access to medical and
mental health services (Brown & Barlow, 1992). «眾所周知,焦
Correspondence: Darrin Cowan, Bankstown Community Health Centre, Level
療 和 心 理 健 康 服 務 的 最 普 遍 問 題 之 一 (Brown & 4, Compass Centre, Fetherstone Street, Bankstown, NSW 2200, Australia. «
Barlow , 1992) 。 » For instance, Kaplan & Sadock (1991) 通信:達林考恩,班克斯頓社區衛生中心,第 4 層,指南針中心,費瑟斯
suggest tliat the lifetime prevalence for panic disorder is 1.2-2% 通街,班克斯頓,新南威爾士州 2200,澳大利亞。»
Darrin Cowan DjpAppSci(Nursing), BHlthSci(Nursing), MClinP. «達林·
and approximately 0.6% for agoraphobia. « 例 如 , Kaplan & 考恩·傑帕蒲賽(護理),比爾策西(護理),麥克林普。» Scott Brunero
Sadock (1991)認為驚恐障礙的終生患病率為 1.2-2%,廣場恐 DipAppSci(Nursing), BHlthSci (Nursing). «斯科特·布魯內羅·迪帕蒲賽(護
懼 症 的 終 生 患 病 率 約 為 0.6% 。 » Likewise, generalized
Accepted July 1997. «1997 年 7 月接受。»
anxiety disorder (GAD) and social phobia are said to affect up to
3% of the population. «同樣,據說普遍焦慮症和社交恐懼症影
munity based treatment programme that was hoped to be both
響 了 多 達 3% 的 人 口 。 » Indeed, a significant number of
efficient and effective. «希望既高效又有效的基於彈藥的治療
方 案 。 » Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) was
selected as an appropriate therapeutic model. «理性情緒行為療
法(REBT)被選為合適的治療模式。» Originally developed by
Ellis (1962), REBT is based on an 'ABC' model of
psychopathology. «最初由艾理斯(1962)開發,REBT 是基於精
神病理學的“基礎”模型。» The core premise of this model
is that activating events (A) do not direcdy cause emotional and
behavioural consequences at (C), because emotional and
behavioural consequences are directly mediated by individual
belief systems (B), REBT therapists attempt to teach their clients
ways of identifying and then modifying those beliefs identified as
causative of dysfunctional behaviour or dysthymia. «這個模型的
核心前提是,啟動事件 (A)不會直接導致情緒和行為後果
(B),REBT 治療師試圖教會他們的客戶識別和修改那些被識
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy has been applied to a
variety of psychological problems in many creative and effective
ways (Ellis & Grieger, 1986; «理性情緒行為療法已經以許多創
造性和有效的方式應用于各種心理問題 (艾理斯&格裡格,
1986 ; » Haaga & Davison, 1993). «Haaga &
Davison ,1993) 。 » Warren and Zgourides (1991) report that
REBT has been shown to be effective with panic disorder and
agoraphobia, as well as social phobia and GAD. «Warren 和
Zgourides (1991)報告說,REBT 已被證明對驚恐障礙和廣場
恐懼 症, 以及 社交 恐懼 症和 GAD 有 效。 » Its efficacy in
groups is reported by «其分組療效由以下人員報告»

Wessler (cited in Ellis & Greiger, 1986 ; p, 313), 作 業 。 » The reading assignments consisted of
who suggests that 'most clients' problems involve information about functional and dysfunctiona]
other people, and therefore the group is an idea] anxiety and panic attacks. «閱讀作業包括關於功能
setting in which to work on their problems/ 和功能障礙、焦慮和驚恐發作的資訊。»
However, the application of REBT techniques in
group therapy specifically for anxiety disorders lias Session 2 «第 2 次會議»
not been thoroughly researched, despite a strong Session 2 aimed at providing education about
theoretical foundation supporting this strategy. « 韋 anxiety and panic. «第二節課旨在提供關於焦慮和
斯勒(引自 Ellis & Greiger,1986;p,313),他認 恐 慌 的 教 育 。 » The REBT model of psycho-
為“大多數客戶的問題涉及到其他人,因此團隊 logical dysfunction was outlined and informative
是解決他們問題的一個想法背景”/然而,REBT examples were given. « 概 述 了 心 理 功 能 障 礙 的
技術在專門針對焦慮症的團隊治療中的應用還沒 REBT 模型,並給出了翔實的例子。 » Reading
有得到徹底的研究,儘管有強大的理論基礎支持 assignments for session 2 were related to the ABC
這一策略。» Furthermore, groups are efficient and model and the idea that individuals tend to create
cost-effective. «此外,團體是有效率和成本效益 their own disturbance. «第二節課的閱讀作業與基
的 。 » In an environment with limited resources 本知識模型和個人傾向於製造自己的干擾的想法
and large case loads, a group approach to treatment 有關。»
for anxiety disorders is determined to be appropriate.
Session 3 «第 3 次會議»
體方法治療焦慮症被認為是合適的。» This session involved a higher level of group
The intention of this studywas to establish the interaction and used personal experiences from the
utility of REBT for anxiety disorders as a group group members. «本次會議涉及更高級別的小組
treatment approach. « 這 項 研 究 的 目 的 是 建 立 互動,並利用了小組成員的個人經驗。»
REBT 作為一種集體治療方法對焦慮症的效用。 Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy concepts, such
» The objective was to reduce symptoms of anxiety as emotional responsibility and symptom stress,
and depression, to reduce irrational beliefs, and to were discussed. «理性情緒行為療法的概念,如情
reduce avoidance behaviour. «目標是減少焦慮和抑 緒責任和症狀壓力,進行了討論。 » Self-help
鬱的症狀,減少非理性信念,減少回避行為。 » forms, which are used to identify ABC models and
It was hypothesized that there would be a promote disputation of irrational beliefs, were
quantifiably significant decrease in measures of introduced and completed as liomework. «自助表格
anxiety and depression, and subjectively reported 是作為 liomework 推出和完成的,用於識別 ABC
modification of irrational beliefs. «據推測,焦慮和 模型和促進非理性信念的爭論。»
抑鬱的測量值會有一個量化的顯著下降,主觀報 Sessions 4 and 5 «第 4 和第 5 次會議»
告 的 非 理 性 信 念 的 改 變 。 » The intervention These sessions focused on identifying and chal-
followed a prepared treatment format (Cowan,
lenging irrational beliefs for each individual in the
unpubl. « 干 預 遵 循 預 先 準 備 的 治 療 形 式
group. «這些課程的重點是識別和挑戰團隊中每
(Cowan , unpubl 。 » data, 1995). « 數 據 , 1995
個 人 的 非 理 性 信 念 。 » These sessions also
年)。» This format consisted of six group sessions concentrated heavily on initiating behavioural
of approximately 1 hour. «這種形式包括六個小組 homework assignments of a challenging nature. «這
會議,大約 1 小時。» 些課程還著重於啟動具有挑戰性的行為作業。»
Session 6 «第 6 次會議»
Session 6 was used to identify and challenge irra-
Session 1 «第 1 次會議» tional beliefs. «第 6 節課用來識別和挑戰非理性信
General introduction to group members and ther- 念。» In addition, adjunctive therapeutic strategies
apists. « 小 組 成 員 和 治 療 師 簡 介 。 » The were discussed. «此外,還討論了輔助治療策略。
programme outline was presented and reading » Group members were asked to review their
assignments set. «展示了課程大綱,佈置了閱讀 experience of the group and the group was formally

closed. «小組成員被要求回顧他們的小組經驗,
During all therapy sessions the therapists shared
an equal role in the delivery of material and direct
therapeutic intervention. «在所有的治療過程中,
的 角 色 。 » The tliera- pists adopted an active-
directive approach and sought to use dynamic and
interactive REBT techniques. «tliera- pists 採 用 了
的 REBT 技 術 。 » These techniques included
visual illustration, roleplays, andin-session
behavioural disputes. «這些技術包括視覺插圖、
角 色 扮 演 和 會 話 中 的 行 為 爭 議 。 » These
interventions attempted to treat a relatively
heterogenous sample of anxiety disorders in a short
period of time. «這些干預措施試圖在短時間內治
療 相 對 異 質 性 的 焦 慮 症 樣 本 。 » Hypotheses
derived from this objective were: (i) that mean
anxiety and depression measures would be
significantly reduced postintervention ; and (ii)
there would be qualitative evidence of significant
reduction in irrational beliefs. «從該目標得出的假

A sample of 17 clients who attended the group
programme was selected for the study. «這項研究選
擇 了 17 名 參 加 團 體 專 案 的 客 戶 作 為 樣 本 。 »
Clients with diagnoses of panic disorder, panic
disorder with mild to moderate agoraphobia, GAD,
and social phobia were included. «被診斷為驚恐障
泛性焦慮症和社交恐懼症的患者也包括在內 。»
The source of referral was varied, and consisted of
self referrals, referrals from general practitioners,
and community case managers. «轉診來源多種多
理 。 » The participants had completed the
programme in its entirety. «參與者已經完成了整個
方案。» They were selected for the group on the
basis of a «他們是根據一個»

clinical interview conducted by one of two clinical RESULTS «結果»

nurse specialists with specific training m anxiety
The sample consisted of 12 females and five males.
disorders and REBT. «由接受過焦慮症和 REBT 專
«樣本由 12 名女性和 5 名男性組成。» The mean
age was 42.24 years vith a standard deviation (SD)
» Clients who met Diagnostic and Statistical
of ±11.66. « 平 均 年 齡 為 42.24 歲 , 標 準 差 為
Manual for Mental Disorders (1994) criteria for
11.66 。 » The use of concurrent treatment was
anxiety disorders were asked to complete a
investigated and it was determined that 35% of the
biographical database and the Beck Anxiety
sample was undergoing additional treatment at the
Inventory (BAI; «符合精神障礙診斷和統計手冊
time of the study. «對同時治療的使用進行了調查,
確定在研究時 35%的樣本正在接受額外治療。»
資 料 庫 和 貝 克 焦 慮 量 表 (BAI» Beck, Epstein,
The nature of their treatment was not specified. «他
Brown, & Steer, 1988) and the Beck Depression
們的治療性質沒有具體說明。 » Table 1 illus-
Inventory (BDI; Beck, Ward, Mendelsohn, Mock,
trates the mean, frequency, and standard deviation
& Erbaugh, 1961). «貝克,愛潑斯坦,布朗和斯
for BAI and BDI scores. «表 1 說明了 BAI 和 BDI
評 分 的 平 均 值 、 頻 率 和 標 準 差 。 » Pre- and
孟德爾松,莫克,二堡,1961)。» At clinical
postintervention data was analysed by two-tailed
interview, clients were assessed for irrational beliefs
"tests for paired samples and found to be significant
using REBT framework and techniques. «在臨床訪
at P<0.001. «干預前後的資料通過配對樣本的雙
談中,使用 REBT 框架和技術評估客戶的非理性
尾檢驗進行分析,發現 P<0.001 具有顯著性。»
信念。» No attempt was made to establish
Clients interviewed at the conclusion of the
quantitative measures of irrational beliefs. «沒有嘗
programme exliibited clear evidence of cognitive
試建立非理性信念的定量測量。» This is due to
change. «在課程結束時接受採訪的客戶展示了認
a degree of confusion regarding tlie operational
知 變 化 的 明 顯 證 據 。 » They were significantly
definition of irrational beliefs (DiGiuseppe, 1996 ;
able toidentifywhen they were responding on the
Gerbode & Moore, 1994), and notoriously
basis of irrational beliefs, and were able to relate
inconclusive evidence for the validity of existing
such beliefs to negative emotions they were
measures (Arnkoff & Glass, 1989). «這是由於對非
experiencing. «他們能夠很好地識別出什麼時候他
(DiGiuseppe,1996;Gerbode & Moore,1994)和
信念與他們正在經歷的負面情緒聯繫起來。 »
眾 所 周 知 的 現 有 措 施 有 效 性 的 不 確 定 證 據 They were also more able to correct their irrational
(Arnkoff & Glass,1989)。» At the conclusion of beliefs. «他們也更能糾正自己的非理性信念。»
the group sessions a subsample of five clients was It was also significant that many of the irrational
specifically interviewed for irrational beliefs. «在小 beliefs, which had been freely voiced at the pre-
組會議結束時,對五名客戶的子樣本進行了非理 intervention interview, were not apparent at
性信念的專門訪談。 » The BAI and BDI were postintervention. «同樣重要的是,在干預前的訪
then completed again. «BAI 和 BDI 又完成了。» 談中自由表達的許多非理性信念在干預後並不明
顯。» Although this is not quantifiable, it is
significant in that the 'main subgoals of REBT

Table 1: Descriptive statistics far anxiety and depression

Variable Mean ±SD Minimum Maximum N
ANXl 25.24 14.02 6.00 53.00 17
ANX2 11.06 7.05 2:00 27.00 17
DEP1 13.76 9.56 0.00 36.00 17
DEP2 3.82 3.57 0.00 13.00 17

SD, standard deviation.


consist of helping people to think more rationally the treatment programme used here to other
(scientifically, clearly, flexibly) ; to feel more cognitive-behavioural or self-in struct! «未來的研究
appropriately ; and to act more functionally 可能旨在比較這裡使用的治療方案與其他認知行
(efficiently, undefeatingly) in order to achieve their 為或自我結構的療效!» on al modalities. «所有
goals of lixang longer and more happily' (Ellis & 模式。» The lack of contj*ol in the present study
Bernard, 1985, p. 195). «雖然這是不可量化的,但 severely restricts the generalizability of the results. «
意義重大,因為“REBT 的主要子目標包括説明 本研究缺乏一致性,嚴重限制了結果的可推廣性。
人們更理性地思考(科學地、清晰地、靈活地); » It is also difficult to state that the treatment
感覺更合適;為了更長久、更快樂地實現他們的 provided in each group programme was equivalent
目標,更有效地行動(有效地、不設防地)(艾理斯 because the format deliberately avoided the use of a
&伯納德,1985,第 195 頁)。» standardized treatment approach, apart from
complying with the REBT theory. «也很難說明每
DISCUSSION «討論» 個團體方案提供的治療是等同的,因為這種形式
除了符合 REBT 理論之外,還有意避免使用標準
The results of the present study suggest that group
化治療方法。» Nevertheless, different therapeutic
REBT is an effective treatment approach. « 本研究
strategies were applied depending on the needs of
的結果表明,REBT 組是一種有效的治療方法。
group members. «然而,根據小組成員的需要,
» Levels of both anxiety and depression were
採用了不同的治療策略。» Thus, the study inves-
reduced significantly, and qualitative observations
tigates the feasibility of nurses using REBT theory,
of irrational beliefs indicate that the treatment
programme was effective in targeting and reducing rather than specific therapeutic interventions. «因此,
such beliefs. «焦慮和抑鬱的水準都顯著降低,對 這項研究調查護士使用 REBT 理論的可行性,而
非理性信念的定性觀察表明,治療方案在瞄準和 不是具體的治療干預。»
減少這種信念方面是有效的。» Therefore, it is A more sound design would allow for the control
of variables such as the use of psychotropic
possible to derive support for the REBT theory of
the primacy of irrational beliefs in psychological medication and would target specific diagnostic
disturbance. «因此,有可能獲得對 REBT 理論的 groups. «更合理的設計將允許控制變數,如精神
支持,即非理性信念在心理障礙中的首要地位。 藥物的使用,並將針對特定的診斷群體。» A
» However, it is important to note that this was not larger sample size would be required for each study.
a controlled study ; therefore, the results are « 每 項 研 究 都 需 要 更 大 的 樣 本 量 。 » More
meaningful only in that they establish a basis for importantly, follow-up measures at 3 or 6 monthly
intervals would offer written evidence of the
further research. «然而,需要注意的是,這不是
efficacy of the programme. «更重要的是,每隔 3
個月或 6 個月採取一次後續措施,將提供該方案
研究奠定基礎時才有意義。» They indicate that
the treatment format is viable but do not establish 有效性的書面證據。» It is intended that future
REBT as being superior to other treatment research will expand on the current study by
introducing control treatment groups and further
modalities. «他們指出,這種治療方式是可行的,
limitation of extraneous variables. «未來的研究旨
但 並 不 能 證 明 REBT 優 於 其 他 治 療 方 式 。 »
However, studies investigating the efficacy of REBT 在通過引入對照治療組和進一步限制無關變數來
with anxiety based disorders have noted that REBT 擴展當前的研究。» However, it is not intended to
is clearly more effective than wait-list control and restrict treatment approach to prescriptive
has fared well in comparison to other treatment interventions. «然而,它並不打算將治療方法限制
modalities (Solomon & Haaga, 1995.) «然而,調查 在 指 令 性 干 預 。 » Hallam (1992, p. 9) supports
REBT 對焦慮症療效的研究指出,REBT 顯然比 this view by stating that 'it cannot be stressed too
等候名單控制更有效,並且與其他治療方式相比 strongly that all anxiety problems have some
idiosyncratic feature that needs to be taken into
表現良好(Solomon & Haaga,1995)。)» Future
research may be aimed at comparing the efficacy of consideration.' «哈拉姆(1992 年,第 9 頁)支持這

一觀點,他說“無論怎麼強調都不為過,所有的 purpose. «為此,較大的樣本量和對照組將是合適

焦慮問題都有一些需要考慮的特殊特徵。 ”» 的。»
This is one of the primary reasons that the REBT
model was employed as the therapeutic framework, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT «確認»
as it provides both therapist and client with a rela-
tively simple structure but is flexible enough for the The authors thank the Service Coordinator, Aidan
therapist to adapt aspects of it to individual needs. « Conway, of the Bankstowii Mental Health Service
這是 REBT 模式被用作治療框架的主要原因之一, for his support during the study. «作者感謝班克斯
因為它為治療師和客戶提供了相對簡單的結構, 頓精神健康服務中心的服務協調員艾登·康威在
但足夠靈活,治療師可以根據個人需求調整其各 研究期間給予的支援。»
個 方 面 。 » The group process and, indeed, the
treatment outcomes verify that this is an important REFERENCES «參考»
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作者認為 REBT 焦慮症治療方案是有效的,理論 焦 慮 障 礙 共 病 : 治 療 和 SSM-ⅳ 的 意 義 。 »
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research is required in order to more accurately
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