Composition and Properties of Apis Mellifera Honey

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Journal of Apicultural Research

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Composition and properties of Apis mellifera

honey: A review

Adriane Alexandre Machado De-Melo, Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian ,

María Teresa Sancho & Ana Pascual-Maté

To cite this article: Adriane Alexandre Machado De-Melo, Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian ,
María Teresa Sancho & Ana Pascual-Maté (2017): Composition and properties of Apis mellifera
honey: A review, Journal of Apicultural Research, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2017.1338444

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Journal of Apicultural Research, 2017

Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey: A review
Adriane Alexandre Machado De-Meloa, Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradiana , Marı́a Teresa Sanchob* and
Ana Pascual-Matéb
Pharmaceutical Science School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; bFaculty of Sciences, Department of Biotechnology and Food
Science, Nutrition and Bromatology Unit, University of Burgos, Burgos, Spain
(Received 8 November 2016; accepted 31 May 2017)

Honey is a natural sweetener with a complex composition. Honey features vary depending on the botanical source and
geographical origin, as well as climatic, processing and storage conditions. Honey is mainly composed of carbohydrates
and water, parameters that influence its shelf life and some of its properties, including color, flavor, density, viscosity,
hygroscopicity, and crystallization. Honey also contains small amounts of other components, such as nitrogen com-
pounds, organic acids, minerals, vitamins, Maillard reaction products, volatile compounds, and several bioactive sub-
stances that affect sensory and physical characteristics, as well as biological potential. This review summarizes the
literature about the composition and main properties of honey. It also describes the use of honey as a biomonitor for
collecting information about the environment, identifying environmental contamination and assessing the level of soil,
water, plant and air pollution.

Composición y propiedades de la miel de Apis mellifera: una revisión

La miel es un edulcorante natural de composición compleja. Sus caracterı́sticas varı́an dependiendo de los orı́genes
botánicos y geográficos, ası́ como de las condiciones climáticas, procesado y almacenamiento. Se compone principal-
mente de carbohidratos y agua, parámetros que influyen sobre su vida útil y algunas propiedades, entre las que desta-
can el color, aroma, sabor, densidad, viscosidad, higroscopicidad y granulación. La miel también contiene pequeñas
cantidades de otros compuestos como sustancias nitrogenadas, ácidos orgánicos, sales minerales, vitaminas, productos
de las reacciones de Maillard, materias volátiles y algunos componentes bioactivos que afectan a algunos atributos de
este alimento, tales como sus caracterı́sticas sensoriales y fı́sicas, y su potencial biológico. Este trabajo resume las refer-
encias bibliográficas sobre composición y principales propiedades de la miel. También describe el empleo de la miel
como biomarcador para recoger información sobre el medio ambiente, identificar la contaminación ambiental y evaluar
el nivel de contaminación del suelo, agua y aire.
Keywords: honey; composition; biological properties; nutritional value; apiculture; biomonitoring

Introduction Chemical composition

Honey is a complex nutritional sweetener composed Water content and water activity (aw)
mainly of carbohydrates (60–85%) and water (12–23%). The water content of honey is related to different fac-
It also contains small amounts of other compounds, tors such as the botanical and geographical origin of
such as organic acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, pro- nectar, soil and climatic conditions, season of harvesting,
teins, amino acids, Maillard reaction products, volatile intensity of nectar flux, degree of maturation, manipula-
compounds, and several bioactive substances (phenols tion by beekeepers during period of harvest, as well as
and flavonoids, among others), as well as pollen grains extraction, processing and storage conditions (Estupiñán,
(Almeida-Muradian et al., 2013; Cano et al., 2001; Sanjuan, Millán, & González-Cortés, 1998; González,
Gomes, Dias, Moreira, Rodrigues, & Estevinho, 2010; 2002; Ojeda de Rodrı́guez, Sulbarán De Ferrer, Ferrer,
White, 1979a). Honey is usually consumed in natura, & Rodrı́guez, 2004; Pontara et al., 2012; Sabatini, 2007;
and as a food ingredient. Sometimes honey has been Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000).
also employed in both human and veterinary medicine Honeys from different botanical origins may have dif-
(Joseph et al., 2007; Nigussie, Subramanian, & ferent moisture contents. Thus, heather, clover and
Mebrahtu, 2012). Honey’s biological and nutritional strawberry tree honeys have high natural water content
properties are decisive for the consumers’ choice, as (Persano-Oddo, Piazza, Sabatini, & Accorti, 1995; Piana,
well as for the commercialization management of this Ricciardelli D’Albore, & Isola, 1989).

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2017 International Bee Research Association

2 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

Moisture is a quality parameter related to honey that in liquid state, blossom honeys had lower water
shelf life. In general, the percentage of water in honey is activities than honeydew honeys having the same water
suitable when the storage cells are totally capped with content. However, they didn’t find significant difference
beeswax (Ortiz-Valbuena, Fernández-Maeso, & De La between the water activities of different types of honeys
Torre, 1996). Normally, honey moisture ranges between in crystallized state.
13 and 25% (Simal, Huidobro, & Araquistain, 1983), Some researchers found significant correlations
being optimal about 17% (Doner, 1977; Sabatini, 2007; between honeys’ moisture and honeys’ water activity
White, 1978). Honeys with very low moisture contents (Abramovic, Jamnik, Burkan, & Kac, 2008; Cavia et al.,
are difficult to handle and process (Estupiñán et al., 2004; Chirife et al., 2006; Pérez, Sánchez, Baeza,
1998). Conversely, honeys whose moisture is higher Zamora, & Chirife, 2009). Actually, water activity should
than 18% are prone to ferment, because sugar’s osmotic be considered as a better honey quality control crite-
pressure is not powerful enough to avoid osmophilic rion than moisture; because it indicates the free water
(sugar-tolerant) yeast proliferation (Bogdanov & Martin, content that eventually is used by microorganisms to
2002). The higher the honey moisture is, the fewer the cause fermentation (Bogdanov, 2011b).
number of yeasts that cause honey fermentation is
(Estupiñán et al., 1998; Piana et al., 1989; White, 1975).
Some other properties of honey such as color, crystal- Sugar content
lization, viscosity, flavor and density are also affected by Honey is a supersaturated sugar solution, where carbo-
water content. As honey is a very hygroscopic product, hydrates are the main constituents accounting for about
it is important to avoid environmental moisture uptake 95% dry matter (Bogdanov, Jurendic, Sieber, & Gallmann,
during honey processing and packaging (White, 1975). 2008). The most important physicochemical and nutri-
For a given food, water activity (aw) is the amount of tional properties of honey, such as sweetness, viscosity,
water available to microorganisms. Sugar ties up part of granulation, hygroscopicity, specific rotation and energy
the water and makes it unavailable for microorganism value depend on sugars’ composition (Cavia et al., 2002;
growth, thus aw is the criterion that determines bacterial Estupiñán et al., 1998; Sabatini, 2007). Moreover, the
spoilage, instead of the water content. Water activity is osmotic pressure produced by high sugars concentration
defined as the relation of the water vapor pressure of the is an important honeys’ antimicrobial factor (Jeddar
food (p) to the vapor pressure of pure water (p0) at the et al., 1985). As a food commodity, honey has been used
same temperature. Water activity of pure water is 1, and for centuries as a sweetener and human energy source.
each addition of water-fixing substances causes that The monosaccharides (hexoses) fructose (32–44%) and
p < p0. For this reason, the water activity is always lower glucose (23–38%) are the main honey sugars. Very small
than 1 (Gleiter, Horn, & Isengard, 2006). amounts of other monosaccharides, such as galactose, have
In honey, water activity ranges from 0.49 to 0.65, been also identified in honeys (Val et al., 1998). In almost all
even though for some honeys it can reach a value of honey types, fructose is the main sugar, but there are
0.75 (Cavia, Fernández-Muiño, Huidobro, & Sancho, exceptions such as rape (Brassica napus), dandelion (Tarax-
2004; Costa et al., 2013). Water activity needed for acum officinale) and blue curls (Trichostema lanceolatum)
microorganism development is about 0.90 for bacteria, honeys, where glucose is present in higher amounts (White,
0.80 for yeast and 0.70 for molds. Aw values below 0.60 1979a). They are produced by honey bees during the ripen-
will inhibit the growth of osmophilic yeasts that cause ing process, by the transformation of nectar sucrose
honey fermentation (Bogdanov, 2011b; Gleiter et al., through the enzyme invertase from the bee’s salivary
2006; Sanz, Gradilla, Jimeno, Pérez, & Juan, 1995). Nev- glands. Furthermore, invertase has transglucosilation activ-
ertheless, the aw influence on microorganisms growth ity, producing more complex sugars from monosaccharides
depends on factors such as pH, temperature, oxygen (White & Maher, 1953). Therefore the main disaccharides
and carbon dioxide concentration, as well as on the being present in honey are α-glucosyl derivatives of
presence of inhibitory substances (Cavia, 2002). monosaccharides, being likely trisaccharides and tetrasac-
Water activity depends on the sugar composition charides α-glucosyl derivatives of the main disaccharides
(mainly glucose content and glucose/fructose ratio), and trisaccharides, respectively (Ruiz-Matute, Brokl, Soria,
honey crystallization and environmental conditions Sanz, & Martı́nez-Castro, (2010). Other di- and trisaccha-
(Gleiter et al., 2006). Water activity of honey is used to rides in honey could be formed by microbial activity and
predict moisture exchange with the environment, since enzymatic reactions in the intestinal tract of the plant-suck-
honey gains or losses moisture when is exposed to dif- ing insects (Hemiptera, mostly aphids) that excrete honey-
ferent ambient relative humidity values (Chirife, Zamora, dew (Kolayli, Boukraâ, Şahin, & Abdellah, 2012).
& Motto, 2006; Roudaut & Debeaufort, 2011). More- More than 45 di-, tri- and other oligo- and polysac-
over, for a given honey, water activity of the crystallized charides have been detected in honey in small amounts
state is higher than for the liquid state (Gleiter et al., (5–15%), like maltose, sucrose, turanose, trehalose, gen-
2006; Martin, 1958). This is due to the fact that during tiobiose, isomaltose, lactose, kojibiose, raffinose, erlose,
the crystallization process, there is a release of the melezitose, maltotriose, panose, isomaltotriose and
water linked to glucose. Gleiter et al. (2006) showed maltotetraose, among others (Lazaridou, Biliaderis,
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 3

Bacandritsos, & Sabatini, 2004; Ouchemoukh, Sch- (Piana et al., 1989; Sanz, González, & Martı́nez-Castro,
weitzer, Bachir Bey, Djoudad-Kadji, & Louaileche, 2010; 2002; White, Riethof, & Kushnir, 1961) because of enzy-
Ruiz-Matute et al., 2010; Val et al., 1998). Maltose (7%) matic activity and acid reversion (White, 1979a). Sugars’
and sucrose (1%) are the most important honey disac- degradation, the acid-catalyzed dehydration of hexoses
charides (Shin & Ustunol, 2005). The presence of high or Maillard reactions, where sugars react with amino
amounts of sucrose in honey could be due to the fact acids, darken honey (Ribeiro De Oliveira Resende et al.,
that not all the sucrose from nectar or honeydew is 2012; Sanz et al., 2002).
hydrolyzed by invertase enzyme (Sabatini, 2007). Honey quality criteria regulations, establish minimum
High sucrose values in honeys are related to its botan- limits for the sum fructose and glucose as well as maxi-
ical origin, honey immaturity, high nectar flux or artificial mum limits for sucrose (Government of Argentina,
feeding of bees (Estupiñán et al., 1998; Ortiz-Valbuena 2008; Government of Brazil, 2000; Government of El
et al., 1996). For example, lavender (Lavandula spp.) and Salvador, 2008; Mercosur’s Common Market’s, 1999;
borage (Borago officinalis) honeys are allowed to contain Official Journal of the European Communities [OJEC],
higher sucrose amounts (Official Journal of the European 2002), because the content of these sugars is related to
Communities, 2002). Melezitose, the main trisaccharide, the ripeness of honey and can reveal a possible adulter-
is synthesized by the plant sucking insect that produces ation (Belay, Solomon, Bultossa, Adgaba, & Melaku,
honeydew, through the enzymatic addition from their 2013; Lazaridou et al., 2004). However, as mentioned
intestine and salivary glands. Other sugars such as erlose earlier, it is important to consider that these parameters
come from enzymatic reactions by the secretions of the also can vary according to botanical origin.
bees’ hypopharyngeal glands (Sabatini, 2007).
Several sugars, such as galactose, lactose and raffi-
nose have been described as toxic to honey bees Nitrogen compounds
because these insects do not have the appropriate Normally, the nitrogen content of honey is low, com-
enzymes for their digestion (Herbert, 1992). The prising colloids, proteins, free amino acids and enzymes
amount and type of carbohydrates vary among samples as the most important nitrogenous compounds. About
from different vegetal sources, being useful for the clas- 40 to 80% of the total honey nitrogen comes from the
sification of unifloral honeys. Carbohydrate concentra- protein fraction, and most of the remainder resides in
tions were used to distinguish blossom and honeydew free amino acids (Doner, 2003; White, 1979a).
honeys, because in comparison with blossom honeys,
honeydew honeys contain lower levels of monosaccha-
rides, higher levels of trissacharides (mainly melezitose, Proteins
erlose, raffinose and maltotriose), as well as higher Protein in honey comes from both bees (salivary
levels of other oligosaccharides (Bogdanov, Ruoff, & Per- glands), and plants (nectar, honeydew and mainly pol-
sano-Oddo, 2004; Diez, Andrés, & Terrab, 2004; Kolayli len). About 20 different nonenzymatic proteins have
et al., 2012; Ouchemoukh et al., 2010; Sanz, González, been identified in honey, many of which are common to
de Lorenzo, Sanz, & Martı́nez-Castro, 2004). all honeys, where albumins, globulins, proteases and
Heather honeys were characterized by the presence nucleoproteins are included (Doner, 2003; Sáinz-Laı́n &
of erlose and nigerose, lavender honeys by the presence Gómez-Ferreras, 2000; White, 1979a).
of sucrose and maltose, and forest honeys by the pres- Total honey protein can vary from 0.1 to 0.5%,
ence of trehalose and melezitose. Further, avocado hon- although some honeys such as ling heather (Calluna vul-
eys were characterized by the presence of perseitol, a garis) possess a higher protein content (1–2%) (Chua,
sugar alcohol (Cotte, Casabianca, Chardon, Lheritier, & Lee, & Chan, 2013; Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000).
Grenier-Loustalot, 2004; Dvash et al., 2002; Kaškonienė Ling heather honeys show a thixotropic behavior that
& Venskutonis, 2010; Nozal et al., 2005). confers a gelatinous consistency, hindering extraction
Apart from the sugar quantities, ratios between and processing. From technological standpoint, the pres-
some of these compounds were proposed as suitable ence of proteins can be undesirable. The higher the pro-
indicators to ascertain honey authenticity (Nozal et al., tein level is, the lower the surface tension of honey is,
2005). For example, blossom honeys show a fructose- thus producing a tendency to foam and form scum, and
glucose ratio about 1.0, while in honeydew honeys the consequently, resulting to incorporation of air bubbles,
ratio ranges between 1.5 and 2.0 (Gleiter et al., 2006). as in the case of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
On the other hand, maltose/isomaltose ratio was partic- honey (Doner, 2003). Adulterated, overheated or long-
ularly high in sunflower honeys, being conversely low in time stored honeys show a reduction or absence of
linden and honeydew honeys (Horváth & Molnár-Perl, protein content (Almeida-Muradian et al., 2013).
Honey ripeness and storage conditions modify honey
sugars’ composition (Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, Amino acids
2000). During storage, the content of monosaccharides Free amino acids are honey compounds responsible for
decreases, and the content of oligosaccharides increases some honey properties as antioxidant activities. Most of
4 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

amino acids in honey are in the bound form and free ripening process (Doner, 2003). Some enzymes come
amino acid content may be as low as one fifth of the from nectar, honeydew or pollen (vegetal origin), such
total (González-Paramás, Gómez-Barez, Cordón-Marcos, as catalase and acid phosphatase. And finally, enzymes
Garcı́a-Villanova, & Sánchez-Sánchez, 2006). The pro- such as diastase have a double origin. Other possible
cessing conditions that accelerate the occurrence of origins could be honey microorganisms and in the case
reactions, such as Maillard, result to a loss in protein of honeydew honey, some enzymes could come from
content (Spano et al., 2008). the plant sucking insects that produce honeydew (Cavia,
Around 26 amino acids have been detected in 2002; White, 1957).
honey, such as proline, glutamic acid, alanine, phenylala- Enzymes are thermolabile, being used as indicator of
nine, tyrosine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, his- aging and/or overheating, since their activities decrease
tidine, arginine, aspartic acid, tryptophan, serine, valine, in these conditions. In general, honeys that come from
methionine, trypsin and threonine, among others (Her- fast and abundant nectar fluxes to be processed contain
mosı́n, Chicón, & Cabezudo, 2003; Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez- fewer enzymes because bees have less time to process
Ferreras, 2000). the nectar. Moreover, nectars with a high sugar content
The origin of honey amino acids is attributable to require lesser manipulation to become honeys than
both animal (bee secretions) and vegetal (nectar, honey- diluted ones, thus containing fewer enzymes (mainly
dew and mainly pollen) origins. As the main source is diastase and invertase) (Crane, 1980; White, 1979a).
pollen, the amino acid profile or some characteristics The enzyme content also depends on temperature,
amino acids could be important for the botanical classifi- honey botanical origin, nectar abundance flow and trans-
cation of honey, such as arginine in chestnut honey or formation degree, state and strength of the colony, sea-
tryptophan in acacia honey (Hermosı́n et al., 2003; Pir- sonal activity of the bee hypopharyngeal glands and
ini, Conte, Francioso, & Lercker, 1992). Nevertheless, specie, diet, age and physiological stage of the bee (Gon-
free amino acids are also added by bees, which lead to zález, 2002; Maurizio, 1962; Persano-Oddo, Piazza, &
a high variability of amino acid contents for honeys from Pulcini, 1999; White, 1979a).
the same botanical source (Bogdanov & Martin, 2002).
Proline is the most abundant free amino acid in Diastase. Diastase (amylase) is the honey enzyme with
honey, ranging from 50 to 85% of the total (Belitz, the best resistance to heat, so it is widely used as an
Grosch, & Schieberle, 2009; Hermosı́n et al., 2003; indicator of honey freshness, being its value regulated
White, 1978). It mainly comes from honey bee salivary within several legislations. Diastase hydrolyzes starch
secretions during the conversion of nectar or honeydew and dextrins, resulting in smaller carbohydrates. Its func-
into honey (Bergner & Hahn, 1972). For this reason, this tion in honey is not well known due to the fact that
amino acid could not be a good indicator of the botani- nectar does not possess starch, but probably takes part
cal origin of honey. In spite of this, Biino (1971) in the pollen digestion by bees (Crane, 1980; Doner,
reported that high values of proline were typical for 2003; White, 1978). In addition to its animal origin (the
honeydew honeys. Proline could be correlated with the hypopharyngeal glands secretions), it has a vegetal origin
enzymatic content, since it could play an important role (nectar or honeydew) (Persano-Oddo, Baldi, & Accorti,
as regulator of nectar enzymatic transfer, mainly the 1990). For this reason, the activity of diastase also
invertase secretions during the nectar transformation in depends on the honey botanical origin (Juan-Borrás,
honey (Ortiz-Valbuena et al., 1996; Sabatini, 2007). The Domenech, Hellebrandova, & Escriche, 2014), so that
desirable proline content in honeys should be higher citrus and rosemary honeys, among others, are known
than 200 mg/kg (Bogdanov, 2011c). Some researchers to have low natural enzyme contents.
analyze proline as quality criteria for honey ripeness,
and as an indicator of sugar adulteration, especially Invertase. Invertase (α-glucosidase) is an important honey
when the values of this amino acid are significantly enzyme, since it converts nectar and honeydew into
lower than 180 mg/kg, the minimum value that has been honey, hydrolyzing sucrose into fructose and glucose.
agreed for genuine honey (Bogdanov et al., 1999). Furthermore, the transglycosilase activity of invertase
produces some oligosaccharides in the intermediate
steps (White & Maher, 1953). Invertase activity is main-
Enzymes tained after honey extraction and during storage. Inver-
Natural honey contains small amounts of enzymes, of tase makes honey a high energetic food that occupies a
which diastase, invertase and glucose-oxidase are the minimum space within the hexagonal wall cell (Crane,
most important. Other enzymes that have been found 1980; Sánchez, Hiudobro, Mato, Muniategui, & Sancho,
in honey are acid phosphatase, catalase and β-glucosi- 2001; White, 1978).
dase (White, 1979a). Enzymes such as invertase or glu- Fructose has been described as a sugar that inhibits
cose oxidase are mainly produced in the hypopharyngeal invertase, unlike glucose (Rinaudo, Ponzetto, Vidano, &
glands of the bees (animal origin). Honey bees add these Marletto, 1973; Rodrı́guez-Delgado, 2010). Its activity
enzymes in order to accomplish the nectar to honey decreases with heat and during storage (Sánchez et al.,
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 5

2001; Serra-Bonvehı́, Soliva-Torrentó, & Muntané-Raich, Organic acids

2000). Invertase has been proposed as better indicator Honey contains organic acids, in equilibrium with their
of honey quality than diastase because it seems to be corresponding lactones (Gomes et al., 2010; White,
more sensitive to thermal process (Persano-Oddo et al., 1979a). Honey acids represent less than 0.5% of total
1999; White, Kushnir, & Subers, 1964). Some nectars solids, but are important for honey taste, aroma, color
require less manipulation by the bees in the hive to and honey preservation, making it difficult for microor-
attain that thick consistency, so invertase levels are ganisms to grow (Ananias, De-Melo, & Moura, 2013;
lower (Serra-Bonvehı́ et al., 2000). Bogdanov, 2011c). They contribute to honey acidity and
Invertase values can be expressed in several units, electrical conductivity. Some honeys’ organic acids are
such as invertase number (Hadorn number, IN) or as likely to come directly from nectar or honeydew (citric,
invertase per kg (Siegenthaler units, US). Values higher malic and oxalic), but the vast majority of them are pro-
than 10 IN (73.5 US) have been proposed for fresh and duced from nectar and honeydew sugars by the action
not heated honeys, and higher than 4 IN (29.38 US) for of enzymes secreted by bees during ripeness and stor-
honeys with low invertase activities (Bogdanov, 2011c; age (formic acid, and others) (Ortiz-Valbuena et al.,
Bogdanov et al., 1999). 1996; Sancho, Mato, Huidobro, Fernández-Muiño, & Pas-
cual-Maté, 2013; White, 1979a). Moreover, during stor-
Glucose-oxidase. Glucose-oxidase degrades glucose to age due to glucose oxidase action, the osmophilic yeasts
gluconolactone, which yields in turn gluconic acid, produce alcohols and eventually organic acids from
increasing honey acidity, and releasing small quantities of honey sugars, leading to the synthesis of such acids as
hydrogen peroxide, compound responsible for honey’s acetic acid, whose levels are possible indicators of
microbial resistance. This reaction is faster in immature honey fermentation (Cavia, Fernández-Muiño, Alonso-
or diluted honey during the water loss inside the hive, Torre, Huidobro, & Sancho, 2007; Mato, Huidobro,
being slower in dry honeys (White, Subers, & Schepartz, Simal-Lozano, & Sancho, 2003).
1963). The hydrogen peroxide production protects Gluconic acid is the main honey organic acid, repre-
honey from bacterial decomposition, until achieving senting the 70–90% of the total (Bogdanov, 2011c). It
enough sugar concentration to avoid microbial growth comes from glucose by the action of glucose oxidase.
due to its osmotic pressure (Rodrı́guez-Delgado, 2010; The metabolic activity of some Gluconobacter bacteria
Sabatini, 2007; White, 1978). When honey is not from bee intestine could produce gluconic acid (Ruiz-
diluted, the gluconic acid content decreases pH, thus Argüeso & Rodrı́guez-Navarro, 1973). In honey, gluconic
inhibiting the enzymatic activity. This enzyme is sensitive acid is in equilibrium with gluconolactone (Cavia et al.,
to light, visible radiation (mainly from 425 to 525 nm) 2007; Sancho et al., 2013). Apart from gluconic acid,
and thermal processing, being inactivated at 60 ˚C more than 30 different non-aromatic organic acids were
(González, 2002; Ortiz-Valbuena et al., 1996; White, found in honey such as acetic, butyric, citric, formic, lac-
1979a). tic, maleic, malic, oxalic, fumaric, pyroglutamic, succinic,
pyruvic and tartaric acids, among others (Mato et al.,
Other enzymes. Other important enzymes present in 2003). Some organic acids are intermediates in the Krebs
honey in less quantity are catalase and acid phosphatase, cycle of biological oxidation or other similar enzymatic
whose origins are mainly pollen, as well as nectar and pathways (Echigo & Takenaka, 1974; White, 1979a).
honeydew (White, 1979a). Catalase converts the hydro- Honey organic acids are characteristic of the botanical
gen peroxide produced by glucose-oxidase to water and origin of this food (Anklam, 1998; Cherchi, Spanedda,
oxygen (Huidobro, Sánchez, Muniategui, & Sancho, Tuberoso, & Cabras, 1994; Kaškonienė & Venskutonis,
2005). Acid phosphatase produces inorganic phosphate 2010). For example, del Nozal et al. (1998) showed that
from organic phosphates. It could be an indicator of Erica spp. honeys could be distinguished by their high
honey fermentation (Alonso-Torre et al., 2006). Acid content in quinic acid, Quercus spp. honeydew honeys by
phosphatase activity depends on honey pH. The higher their low concentrations in pyruvic acid and high quanti-
the pH is, the greater the acid phosphatase activity is, ties of both malic and succinic acids, whereas high citric
being the optimum pH range between 4.5 and 6.5. Acid acid concentrations were described as a possible marker
phosphatase activity also decreases during storage of Thymus spp. honeys. Suárez-Luque, Mato, Huidobro,
(Alonso-Torre et al., 2006). β-glucosidase is an enzyme Simal-Lozano, and Sancho (2006) found high levels of for-
added by bee secretions which hydrolyzes glycosidic mic acid in Castanea sativa honeys, unlike the low levels
toxins ingested by honey bees and transforms β-glucans of this acid in Eucalyptus spp. honeys.
to oligosaccharides and glucose (Labropoulos & Anestis, The term acidity is related to the source of nectar,
2012; Pontoh & Low, 2002). Finally, there are minority bee species, and the action of enzymes or bacteria. Free
enzymes such as protease that hydrolyzes proteins and acidity is due to organic acids (which are in equilibrium
polypeptides to yield peptides of lower molecular with their lactones), internal esters and inorganic ions,
weight and esterase that breaks down esters (Labropou- such as phosphates, chlorides, sulfates and nitrates,
los & Anestis, 2012). which could produce their corresponding acids (Belay
6 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

et al., 2013; González, 2002; White, 1979a). Honey’s Bernal-Yagüe, Diego-Calva, & Martı́n-Gómez, 2005;
free acidity determination is included in the honey qual- Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000). Chudzinska and
ity control regulations (Government of Brazil, 2000; Baralkiewicz (2010) distinguished honeydew honeys by
OJEC, 2002). Other important acidity type is the lac- the content of K, Al, Ni, Cd, and Zn, while Na, Ba, and
tonic acidity. Lactones (mainly glucolactones), may be Pb amounts were characteristics of rape honeys.
considered to be a reserve acidity when the honey Both ash percentage and the electrical conductivity
becomes alkaline (Terrab, Dı́ez, & Heredia, 2002). are related to the honeys mineral content (Felsner,
Honey pH is not directly related to the acidity, Cano, Bruns, et al., 2004; Pires, Estevinho, Feás, Canta-
because some honey components have buffer capacity, lapiedra, & Iglesias, 2009; Santos et al., 2014). In respect
among which salts and some mineral compounds (Ojeda of botanical origins, generally nectar honeys have a
de Rodrı́guez et al., 2004; Terrab et al., 2002; White, lower ash content or electrical conductivity than honey-
1979a). Honey pH ranges from 3.4 to 6.4, so that it is dew honeys (Felsner, Cano, Matos, et al., 2004).
usually low enough to inhibit microorganisms’ develop- Honey has been considered as a potential environ-
ment (Cavia et al., 2002; Gomes et al., 2010). In general, ment pollution indicator, as a result of a bio-accumula-
pH values in nectar honeys vary from 3.3 to 4.6. An tive process in the outskirts of urban and industrial
exception is chestnut honey, where pH values vary from areas, as well as in extraurban crossroads, where traces
5 to 6. pH of honeydew honeys was described as higher of some mineral compounds and/or heavy metals were
than that of blossom honeys, because of their higher found (Popa, Bostan, & Popa, 2013).
mineral contents, ranging from 4.5 to 6.5 (Bogdanov,
2011c; Eleazu, Iroaganachi, & Okoronkwo, 2013).
Honey contains vitamins that come mainly from the pol-
Minerals len of the flowers visited by bees, as well as from nectar
Mineral content in honey is generally low, ranging or honeydew (Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000). The
between 0.02 and 0.3% in blossom honeys, while in amounts of vitamins in honey are so small that this food
honeydew honeys can reach 1% of the total (Crane, cannot be considered as a good source of these nutri-
1980; Felsner, Cano, Matos, Almeida-Muradian, & Bruns, ents. The content of water-soluble vitamins is higher
2004). It is influenced by soil and climatic conditions, as than the quantity of fat-soluble vitamins, because honey
well as the chemical composition of nectar that varies hardly contains lipidic substances. The most important
according to the different botanical sources involved in vitamin of honey is vitamin C, which has antioxidant
honey formation. Variations can also be related to har- effect. Vitamins of group B were also detected in differ-
vesting, beekeeping techniques (such as extraction meth- ent quantities (León-Ruiz, Vera, González-Porto, &
ods) and the material collected by the bees during Andrés, 2013). Some fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin
foraging on flowers (Ortiz-Valbuena et al., 1996; Piana A, D, E and K have been found in small quantities
et al., 1989; Sabatini, 2007; White, 1975). (Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000).
Minerals are absorbed in their salts forms dissolved
in water, moving from the roots to the plant sap and
then being pumped to the nectar or honeydew and pol- Phenolic compounds
len (Estupiñán et al., 1998; Sabatini, 2007). The most Potential therapeutic properties of honey have been
important minerals found in honeys are potassium, attributed to bioactive compounds, which provide this
sodium, calcium and magnesium. Less abundant elements food with antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory
are iron, copper, manganese, chlorine and in minor activities, among others (Chen, Mehta, Berenbaum,
quantities trace elements such as boron, phosphorus, Zangerl, & Engeseth, 2000; Ferreira, Aires, Barreira, &
sulfur, silicon, bare and nickel, among others (Doner, Estevinho, 2009; Gheldof & Engeseth, 2002; Pichichero,
2003). Potassium is the main one, standing for 80% of Canuti, & Canini, 2009; White, 1979a). Most of these sub-
the total, as a result of its quick secretion by nectar stances are phenolic compounds. Other components with
sources (Ortiz-Valbuena et al., 1996). The amount of biological activity include enzymes (catalase, glucose
minerals present in honey does not significantly con- oxidase), organic acids, Maillard reaction products
tribute to the dietary recommendations. (melanoidins), amino acids, proteins, vitamins (such as
Many researchers classified different unifloral honeys ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol), carotenoid derivatives
by their trace elements profile (Alda-Garcilope, Gallego- (as β-carotene, precursor of vitamin A), and other
Picó, Bravo-Yagüe, Garcinuño-Martı́nez, & Fernández- compounds such as hydrogen peroxide, methylglyoxal,
Hernando, 2012; Chen et al., 2014; Fernández-Torres royalisin and acetyl-choline (Baltrusaitytè, Venskutonis, &
et al., 2005; Karabagias, Louppis, Kontakos, Papastepha- Ceksterytè, 2007; Bertoncelj, Doberšek, Jamnik, & Golob,
nou, & Kontominas, 2017). In general, dark honeys con- 2007; Gheldof, Wang, & Engeseth, 2002; Kwakman et al.,
tain more minerals than the light ones, being higher in 2010; White, 1979b). Many of these components
honeydew honeys (Anklam, 1998; Fernández-Torres have been suggested as markers for botanical and/or
et al., 2005; Karabagias et al., 2017; Nozal-Nalda, geographical origins of honeys (Yao et al., 2004).
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 7

Honey phenolic phytochemicals are important aro- Tomás-Barberán, Gil, & Tomás-Lorente, 1991; Ferreres
matic secondary metabolites derived from plants, whose et al., 1992; Gil, Ferreres, Ortiz, Subra, & Tomás-
nectars or honeydew are sipped by bees, as well as Barberán, 1995).
from pollen or propolis (Ferreres et al., 1992). Their In temperate climate areas, flavonoids are originated
range in honeys is about 5–1300 mg/kg (Al-Mamary, Al- from poplar bud exudates, diffusing to beeswax and
Meeri, & Al-Habori, 2002; Gheldof & Engeseth, 2002). honey in the hives (Gil et al., 1995; Martos, Ferreres, &
Polyphenols are divided into several classes, accord- Tomás-Barberán, 2000; Tomás-Barberán et al., 1993). In
ing to the phenolic structural features (Grassi, Desideri, areas where Populus species are not native plants, as in
& Ferri, 2010). In honey they are mainly flavonoids, phe- the case of the Equatorial regions, tropics and very arid
nolic acids and phenolic acid derivatives (Tomás-Bar- areas, bees seek different plan exudates. The honeys
berán, Martos, Ferreres, Radovic, & Anklam, 2001). produced in these areas show flavonoid profiles charac-
Phenolic acids comprise molecules with one phenolic terized by the absence of propolis-derived flavonoids
ring (Grassi et al., 2010). They are non-flavonoid (Tomás-Barberán et al., 1993). Finally, in countries
polyphenolic compounds derivatives of benzoic acid where poplars have been introduced for gardening or
(such as gallic, ellagic, protocatechuic acids) and cin- agro-industrial purposes, propolis-derived flavonoids are
namic acid (such as caffeic, sinapic, ferulic, coumaric present in different relative amounts, being the pollen-
acids) (Amiot, Aubert, Gonnet, & Tacchini, 1989). nectar-derived flavonoids the major constituents (Mar-
Flavonoids are a large family of plant phenolic pig- tos et al., 1997; Tomás-Barberán et al., 1993). There are
ments. They contain several phenolic hydroxyl functions flavonoids which come from both origins (for example,
attached to ring structures (Rice-Evans, Miller, & kaempferol in rosemary honey could be originated from
Paganga, 1997). Depending on the structural complexity propolis and nectar, but mainly from nectar) (Gil et al.,
of flavonoids, particularly on the oxidation state of the 1995).
central ring, the flavonoids are subdivided into flavonols Nectar-pollen-derived flavonoids could be useful for
(such as myricitin, galangin, quercetin, rutin and kaemp- honeys’ botanical characterization, being the contribu-
ferol), flavones (such as chrysin, tectochrysin, luteolin tion of nectar more important than the contribution of
and apigenin), flavanols (such as catechin), flavanones pollen (Ferreres, Garcı́a-Viguera, Tomás-Lorente, &
(such as hesperetin, naringenin, pinocembrin and pino- Tomás-Barberán, 1993; Ferreres et al., 1992). The
banksin), isoflavones, anthocyanins and chalcones (Chan- polyphenol content of dark colored honeys (such as
drasekara & Shahidi, 2010; Forester & Waterhouse, heather), is usually higher than that of light ones (such
2009; Grassi et al., 2010; Rice-Evans et al., 1997; Woll- as citrus). Dark honeys have been reported to contain
gast & Anklam, 2002). more phenolic acid derivatives but less flavonoids than
The main flower-derived flavonoids in honey are light ones (Amiot et al., 1989).
aglycones (Soler, Gil, Garcı́a-Viguera, & Tomás-Barberán, The polyphenols profile and/or the identification of
1995). The conversion of natural glycosides present in some individual components or a group of compounds
nectar to the corresponding aglycones detected in are important tools for the characterization of both
honey is due to the hydrolysis by bee saliva enzymes botanical and geographical origin of honeys. Some sub-
(Ferreres et al., 1992; Tomás-Barberán, Ferreres, Bláz- stances were described as chemical markers, among
quez, Garcia-Viguera, & Tomás-Lorente, 1993). At first, them quercetin for sunflower (Tomás-Barberán et al.,
it was thought that only aglycones were present in 2001), kaempferol for rosemary (Gil et al., 1995), hes-
honey, but in 2008, Truchado, Ferreres, Bortolotti, peritin for citrus (Ferreres et al., 1993), naringenin and
Sabatini, and Tomás-Barberán detected flavonoid glyco- luteolin for lavender (Andrade, Ferreres, Gil, & Tomás-
sides in honey for first time. The reason was the exis- Barberán, 1997; Ferreres, Blázquez, Gil, & Tomás-Bar-
tence of flavonoid rhamnosides and rutinosides in the berán, 1994), myricetin, tricetin, luteolin, gallic acid and
nectar of some plants that could not be hydrolyzed by abscisic acid for eucalyptus (Martos et al., 2000; Martos,
any bee enzyme (Truchado, Ferreres, & Tomas- Ferreres, Yao, et al., 2000; Yao et al., 2003, 2004),
Barberan, 2009). kaempferol-rhamnosides and rhamnosyl-glucosides for
In general, more than 90% of honey flavonoids come acacia (Truchado, Ferreres, Bortolotti, Sabatini, &
mainly from propolis (such as pinobanskin, pinocembrin Tomás-Barberán, 2008), ellagic, benzoic, phenylacetic,
and chrysin) (Ferreres et al., 1992; Martos, Cossentini, mandelic and β-phenyllactic acids for heather (Andrade,
Ferreres, & Tomás-Barberán, 1997). Propolis-derived Ferreres, & Amaral, 1997; Dimitrova, Gevrenova, &
flavonoids are relatively lipophilic, and they are found in Anklam, 2007; Ferreres, Andrade, Gil, & Tomás-Bar-
honey in variable quantities, depending on the degree of berán, 1996; Ferreres, Andrade, & Tomás-Barberán,
propolis contamination in the hive and beeswax, with 1994, 1996; Soler et al., 1995), homogenistic acid for
no relation with its botanical origin (Ferreres, Tomás- strawberry tree (Cabras et al., 1999), caffeic, p-coumaric
Barberán, et al., 1994; Martos, Ferreres, & Tomás-Bar- and ferulic acids for chestnut (Dimitrova et al., 2007;
berán, 2000). However, they were proposed as useful Tomás-Barberán et al., 2001), protocatechuic acid for
for the identification of its geographical origin (Ferreres, honeydew (Anklam, 1998; Haroun, Poyrazoglu, Konar, &
8 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

Artik, 2012; Steeg & Montag, 1988; Tomás-Barberán Tuberoso et al., 2010), phenylacetic acid for ling heather
et al., 2001), phenyl-propanoic acid for rape, 4-hydroxy- honey (Guyot, Scheirman, & Collin, 1999), and some
benzoic acid and no phenylacetic acid for buckwheat acetophenone derivatives such as 3-aminoacetophenone
(Steeg & Montag, 1988) and rosmarinic acid for thyme for chestnut honey (Alissandrakis, Tarantilis, Pappas,
(Andrade, Ferreres, Gil, et al., 1997). Harizanis, & Polissiou, 2011).

Volatile and semivolatile compounds Pigments

Honeys from different botanical sources have distinctive Pigments are responsible for the color of honey. The
organoleptic characteristics that influence the accep- most important are polyphenols, carotenoids, xanthopy-
tance and selection of the product by consumers. lls and anthocyanins that can be grouped in water sol-
Honey aroma and taste are related to the volatile com- uble and lipid soluble pigments. Other compounds that
pounds (Montenegro, Gómez, Pizarro, Casaubon, & can contribute to honey color are sugars, minerals and
Peña, 2008; Piana et al., 2004), as well as to sugars, amino acids (Ortiz-Valbuena et al., 1996; Sabatini, 2007;
acids, amino acids, tannins and phenolics (White, Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000).
More than 600 low molecular weight compounds
have been identified in honeys at very small concentra- Lipids
tions as complex mixtures of different chemical struc- Small quantities of lipid compounds (about 0.04%) have
tures such as monoterpenes, terpenes, terpenoids, been found in honey, among them glycerides, sterols,
norisoprenoids, phenolic compounds, benzene deriva- phospholipids and different acids such as palmitic, oleic,
tives, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters, fatty acids, lauric, miristic, stearic and linoleic (Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-
acids, hydrocarbons and cyclic compounds (Alissan- Ferreras, 2000; White, 1979a). They arise from the
drakis, Daferera, Tarantilis, Polissiou, & Harizanis, 2003; plants and mainly from rests of wax (Sabatini, 2007).
Castro-Vázquez, Pérez-Coello, & Cabezudo, 2003; Cas-
tro-Vázquez, Pérez-Coello, & Cabezudo, 2003; Jerković,
Tuberoso, Marijanovic, Jelic, & Kasum, 2009; Soria, Gon- Hydroxymethylfurfural
zález, de Lorenzo, & Martı́nez-Castro, 2005). Their Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a furanic compound
impact on honey aroma depends on their concentra- produced by sugar degradation, from dehydration of
tions in relation with their odor thresholds (Castro-Váz- hexoses in acidic medium and to a lesser extent, as an
quez, Dı́az-Maroto, & Pérez-Coello, 2007). intermediate in the Maillard reactions (Cavia, Álvarez,
Honey aromatic substances derive from the botani- Huidobro, Fernández-Muiño, & Sancho, 2008; González,
cal source, the physiology of the honey bee, and climatic 2002; Islam, Khalil, Islam, & Gan, 2014; Ribeiro De Oli-
conditions (Bianchi, Careri, & Musci, 2005; Serra-Bon- veira Resende et al., 2012; Sanz et al., 2002; Spano
vehı́ & Ventura-Coll, 2003; Soria, Martı́nez-Castro, & et al., 2006; Turhan, Tetik, Karhan, Gurel, & Tavukcuo-
Sanz, 2003). Some alcohols and branched aldehydes are glu, 2008; Wunderlin, Pesce, Amé, & Faye, 1998).
likely to be produced by microbial metabolism (Castro- HMF is a parameter of honey freshness, since it is
Vázquez, Dı́az-Maroto, González-Viñas, & Pérez-Coello, absent or present in trace amounts in fresh honeys.
2009), whilst furan and pyran derivatives are artefacts of High values of HMF are naturally present in honeys
the Maillard reaction, generated during honey thermal from warm climate areas, such as tropical and subtropi-
processing and storage conditions (Guyot-Declerck, cal countries (Sodré, Marchini, Moreti, Otsuk, & Car-
Renson, Bouseta, & Collin, 2002; Jerković, Mastelic, & valho, 2011). HMF concentration increases during honey
Marijanovic, 2006). Finally, other aroma compounds are processing by heat treatment, and also by adulteration
honey off-flavor pollutants, originated in the surrounding with commercial sugars and throughout storage (Belay
environment (Tananaki, Thrasyvoulou, & Menexes, et al., 2013; Fallico, Arena, Verzera, & Zappala, 2006;
2005). Fallico, Zappalá, Arena, & Verzera, 2004; Kesic, Crnkic,
Honey aromatic profile, as well as the identification Hodzic, Ibrisimovic, & Sestan, 2014; Sodré et al., 2011).
of volatile chemical markers, proved to be effective to HMF content is also affected by the use of metallic con-
assess the honey botanical and geographical origins and tainers, pH, bee species and botanical source (Estupiñán
to detect possible adulterations (Cuevas-Glory, Pino, et al., 1998; Gokmen & Morales, 2014; Wunderlin et al.,
Santiago, & Sauri-Duch, 2007; D’Arcy, Rintoul, Rowland, 1998). High acidity, moisture content, sugars (mainly
& Blackman, 1997; Escriche, Visquert, Juan-Borrás, & fructose), amino acids (such as alanine) and minerals
Fito, 2009; Karabagias, Badeka, Kontakos, Karabournioti, (such as magnesium, manganese, iron and zinc) speed up
& Kontominas, 2014). Methyl anthranilate has been pro- HMF production (Anam & Dart, 1995; Estupiñán et al.,
posed as marker for citrus honey (Ferreres, Giner, & 1998; Ortiz-Valbuena & Silva-Losada, 1991). Kesic et al.
Tomás-Barberán, 1994), isophorone for strawberry tree (2014) observed a negative correlation between the
honey (De la Fuente, Martı́nez-Castro, & Sanz, 2007; fructose/glucose ratio and HMF contents.
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 9

Toxic compounds occur due to the liberation or the diffusion of PAs from
Natural toxic compounds pollen into honey (Boppré, Colegate, & Edgar, 2005;
Kempf et al., 2011). Kempf et al. (2011) observed that
Natural toxic compounds are mostly synthetized by
the PAs concentration in honey was directly propor-
plants, being a chemical defense mechanism against her-
tional to the quantity of PAs in pollen, but when honey
bivores (Kempf et al., 2008; Lucchetti et al., 2016). The
was filtrated, removing all the pollen, honey was not lib-
main toxic compounds of some honeys are pyrrolizidine
erated from PAs contamination, attributing this fact to
alkaloids (PAs) and polyhydroxylated cyclic hydrocar-
the quick PAs transference from pollen to honey. Kast
bons (diterpenoids), known as grayanotoxins (GrTx)
et al. (2014) showed PAs contamination in different
(Bogdanov, 2011c; Deinzer, Thomson, Burgett, & Isaac-
honey types, including honeydew honeys, suggesting that
son, 1977; Dübecke, Beckh, & Lüllmann, 2011; Islam
the accompanying floral pollen probably contribute to
et al., 2014; Johnson, 2015; Sabatini, 2007; Vit & Barrera,
the PAs contamination. Conversely, Lucchetti et al.
2002). When honey bees collect nectar and pollen from
(2016) showed that nectar was the primary source for
toxin-synthesizing plants, toxic compounds can be trans-
PAs in honey. They found that the proportion of the dif-
ferred into bee products (Beales, Betteridge, Colegate,
ferent PAs identified in honey was similar to that found
& Edgar, 2004; Gunduz, Turedi, Russell, & Ayaz, 2008;
in nectar. Orantes-Bermejo, Serra Bonvehı́, Gómez-
Lucchetti et al., 2016).
Pajuelo, Megı́as, and Torres (2013) did not observe any
correspondence between the richness of Echium spp.
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are pollen in honey and the PAs total concentrations.
found in approximately 6,000 plant species (Betteridge,
Cao, & Colegate, 2005), about 3% of them being flower- Grayanotoxins (GrTx). Nectars from many plants of the
ing plants (Edgar, Colegate, Boppré, & Molyneus, 2011). Ericaceae family (comprising among others the Rhodo-
The most important botanical families of PAs-synthesiz- dendron, Andromeda (Pieris), Agarista and Kalmia genera)
ing angiosperms are Asteraceae (such as Senecio spp., can contain diterpene grayanotoxins (GrTx) (Deinzer
Eupatorium spp., Chromolaena spp., Ageratum spp.), Bor- et al., 1977; These et al., 2015).
aginaceae (such as Heliotropium spp, Echium spp., Borago Consumption of such GrTx containing products as
spp., Cynoglossum spp.), Apocynaceae and Fabaceae (Cro- honey, called “mad honey”, results in intoxication char-
talaria spp.) (Dübecke et al., 2011; Kempf et al., 2008; acterized by salivation, dizziness, nausea, hypotension,
Valese et al., 2016). Honeys’ PAs can become a poten- cardiac disorders, muscular weakness, breathing prob-
tial health risk. PAs comprise about 600 different identi- lems and impairment of consciousness (Gunduz, Turedi,
fied structures (Oplatowska et al., 2014), occurring in Uzun, & Topbas, 2006; Jansen et al., 2012; Kurtoglu,
two major forms, tertiary bases and their corresponding Yavuz, & Evrendilek, 2014). These symptoms are due to
N-oxides (PANOs) (Beales et al., 2004). the fact that GrTx are neurotoxins that inactive the
Only 1,2-unsaturated PAs are metabolized in the sodium channels in cell membranes, leading to continu-
liver, being activated by the action of hepatic P-450 ous neuron depolarization state, enhancing the entry of
enzymes to hepatotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic and car- calcium cation into them (Gunduz et al., 2006; Koca &
cinogenic pyrroles (Kempf, Reinhard, & Beuerle, 2010; Koca, 2007; These et al., 2015). These toxic effects nor-
Valese et al., 2016). PANOs contribute to the toxicity mally last less than 24 h, being rarely fatal (Gunduz
because they are reduced in both liver and gut to the et al., 2006).
corresponding free bases. PAs are considered to pro- The specific grayanotoxins vary with the plant spe-
duce delayed, progressive chronic effects, including hep- cies (Gunduz et al., 2006). At least 60 different GrTx
atic cirrhosis (Edgar, Roeder, & Molyneux, 2002). The chemical structures have been identified in Rhododen-
scientific panel of Contaminants in the Food Chain dron, being among them GrTx I, GrTx II and GrTx III
(CONTAM panel) of the European Food Safety Author- the main toxic isomers (Gunduz et al., 2008; Jansen
ity (European Food Safety Authority [EFSA], 2011) pub- et al., 2012), although GrTx III, followed by GrTx I, are
lished a list of four important PAs groups for food: more toxic than GrTx II (Koca & Koca, 2007). However
senecionine (such as retrorsine, senecionine, seneci- not all the Rhododendron species produce GrTx (Gunduz
phylline), lycopsamine (such as lycopsamine, intermedine et al., 2006). The presence of GrTx in mad honey
and echimidine), heliotrine (such as heliotrine and lasio- mainly derived from R. ponticum and R. luteum nectars
carpine) and monocrotaline (Martinello, Cristofoli, Gal- (Kurtoglu et al., 2014). Moreover, it has been observed
lina, & Mutinelli, 2014; Oplatowska et al., 2014). that mad honey harvested in springtime contains more
The PAs content in plant material depends on vari- concentration of GrTx, being more toxic, than the
ous factors such as species, plant organ, season, and honey harvested in other seasons (Gunduz et al., 2006).
location, among others (Bodi et al., 2014). PAs have Although different intoxication cases have been
been detected in honey samples from various geographi- found worldwide, it happens most often in the Eastern
cal and botanical origins. It is not clear if PAs in honey Black Sea region of Turkey, where Rhododendron honey
is predominantly originated from pollen or nectar. Dif- is used as an alternative medicine for the treatment of
ferent authors supposed that honey contamination may gastric pains, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and also as
10 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

sexual stimulant (Gunduz et al., 2006; Koca & Koca, Color

2007). Therefore, the intoxication cases have not Color is a physical property immediately perceived by
decreased in this region (Gunduz et al., 2006; Koca & consumers. Honey varies from colorless and light yel-
Koca, 2007), although sales of mad honey are restricted low to dark amber or nearly black, sometimes with
(Kurtoglu et al., 2014). Some beekeepers wrongly green or reddish reflexes (Accorti, Persano-Oddo, Piaz-
believe honey storage help decrease GrTx concentra- za, & Sabatini, 1986; Bogdanov, 2011b; Eteraf-Oskouei
tion, despite the fact that Kurtoglu et al. (2014) showed & Najafi, 2013; White, 1975). Color is related to the
that this concentration did not decrease after six botanical origin, climate and soil conditions. Some
months storage. authors have reported that pollen, sugars related prod-
ucts, carotenoids, xanthophylls, anthocyanins, minerals,
Other toxic compounds amino acids and phenolic compounds, mainly flavonoids,
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous influence the honey color (Almeida-Muradian, Stramm,
organic environmental pollutants with potentially muta- & Estevinho, 2014; Ortiz-Valbuena et al., 1996; Sabatini,
genic and/or carcinogenic properties, formed due to the 2007).
incomplete combustion of organic matter from anthro- Dark honeys possess a higher mineral content, dex-
pogenic sources (industrial processes and human activi- trin and polyphenol contents, and higher acidity than
ties such as petroleum refining, metallurgy, domestic light honeys (González, 2002; Ortiz-Valbuena et al.,
heating or automobile emissions) or natural combustion 1996; White, 1975). The color of dark honeys is
processes (such as volcanic eruptions or forest fires) strongly correlated with concentrations of Cd, Fe and
(Ciemniak, Witczak, & Mocek, 2013; Dobrinas, Birghila, Pb, while the color of pale honeys with concentrations
& Coatu, 2008; Iwegbue et al., 2016). Dobrinas et al. of Al and Mg (González-Miret, Terrab, Hernanz, Fernán-
(2008) showed that honey produced in mountain and dez-Recamales, & Heredia, 2005). In addition, this
rural areas was less contaminated than honey from parameter is affected by storage, heat, enzymatic reac-
urban places. tions and crystallization (Eteraf-Oskouei & Najafi, 2013;
Honey can be contaminated as a result of environ- Sodré et al., 2011). Granulated honey tends to set a
mental pollution (from the soil in which plants grow, lighter color than when liquid, depending on the crystal
passing the toxic compounds through the plant roots to size. The finest crystals always give a paler appearance
the nectar, or from particulate matter suspended in air), (Crane, 1980; White, 1979b).
or beekeeping practices (such as blowing smoke into the In some countries, the honey color influences the
beehives during handling) (Corredera et al., 2014; Dobri- price of honey, varying according to the consumers’
nas et al., 2008; Koltsakidou, Zacharis, & Fytianos, 2015). preferences. Generally the lightest ones achieve higher
Due to its hydrophobic chemical structure, PAHs are prices in the market, but there are some countries such
easily accumulated in the lipophilic matrices of contami- as Germany, Switzerland, Greece and Turkey where
nated products. Honey is a polar foodstuff (Corredera dark honeydew honeys are preferred (Bogdanov, 2011b;
et al., 2014; Iwegbue et al., 2016; Perugini et al., 2009), so Tuberoso et al., 2014).
that it is not a suitable PAHs accumulation substrate. The browning or darkening of the honey depends
PAHs toxicity depends on their chemical structure. on its initial color, chemical composition, storage and
About 100 PAHs have been identified, being the benzo heating (Crane, 1980; Gonzales, Burin, & Buera, 1999).
(a)pyrene the most studied compound (Perugini et al., Components that could affect darkening are sugars,
2009). The CONTAM panel of EFSA (2008) concluded nitrogen content, free amino acids and moisture (Gon-
that the sum of four specific PAHs (benzo[a]pyrene, zales et al., 1999). Factors that produce honey darkening
benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene and chry- are the reaction between amino acids and sugars in acid
sene) or eight substances (the above four and benzo[k] medium (Maillard reactions) that leads to the melanoidin
fluoranthene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, dibenzo[a,h]an- formation, the caramelization process of sugars (instabil-
thracene and indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene) were the most ity of fructose in acid solution), high colloids content by
appropriate markers of the carcinogenic potency of macromolecules hydrolysis, and ascorbic acid, polyphe-
PAHs in foods (Ciemniak et al., 2013; Koltsakidou et al., nols and lipid oxidation reactions (Almeida-Muradian
2015; Lambert, Veyrand, et al., 2012). et al., 2014; Gonzales et al., 1999; González, 2002;
Finally, other environmental pollutants, pesticides Huidobro & Simal, 1984; Ortiz-Valbuena et al., 1996;
and antibiotics are also potentially toxic substances that Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000). Some beekeeping
can contaminate honey. practices can intensify honey color, such as the use of
old combs, the light exposure during honey storage or
the use of inappropriate materials that could lead to
Physical properties
reactions between tannic acids derivatives and oxidized
Honey has been often used as a food ingredient, polyphenols with iron salts (Crane, 1980; Gonzales
because its physical characteristics are particularly suit- et al., 1999; González, 2002; Huidobro & Simal, 1984;
able for some culinary arts. Sabatini, 2007).
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 11

Electrical conductivity a factor of 10 (Bogdanov, 2011b). Viscosity and surface

Electrical conductivity (EC) refers to the ability of a tension are responsible for the foaming characteristics
material to conduct an electric current. It is directly of honey (Manzoor, Mathivanan, Shah, Mir, & Selvisab-
related to the botanical origin, as well as to the mineral hanayakam, 2013; Olaitan, Adeleke, & Ola, 2007). Vis-
content and inorganic ions, and somehow to organic cosity also has a relationship with the fluidity of
acids, proteins and other components such as sugars, particles. The more viscous the fluid is, the lower its flu-
polyols and pollen grains, that can act as electrolytes idity is (Kolayli, Yildiz, Sahin, & Aliyazicioglu, 2014),
(White, 1979b). EC is correlated to honey ash content which may hinder its homogenization in preparations,
and alkalinity of ash (Sancho, Muniategui, Sánchez, limiting its use in the food industry. For this reason, the
Huidobro, & Simal, 1991; Sancho, Muniategui, Sánchez, use of honey powder (dry honey), has become an
Huidobro, & Simal-Lozano, 1992). According to the cur- attractive option for the industry, particularly for bread-
rent European regulation (OJEC, 2002), electrical con- baking industries (Tong et al., 2010).
ductivity of blossom must be lower than 0.8 mS/cm of According to their viscosity, the vast majority of
EC, while electrical conductivity of honeydew honey and honeys can be described as Newtonian, but certain
chestnut honey must be higher than 0.8 mS/cm. Excep- types exhibit non-Newtonian behaviour, due to the
tions are honeys from Arbutus, Banksia, Erica, Leptosper- presence of high molecular compounds. Piptadenia monili-
mum, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus, Tilia and blends. formis honey has a pseudoplastic fluid behavior (Stel-
makienè, Ramanauskienè, Briedis, & Leskauskaitè, 2012),
several Eucalyptus honeys and Nigerian Opuntia engel-
Density manni honey present dilatancy behaviour and Weis-
Another honey property strongly influenced by the high senberg effect mainly due to the presence of high-
sugar content is density. Density is expressed as specific molecular weight dextrans (Fattori, 2004; Juszczak &
gravity (White, 1979b), and the values are related to Fortuna, 2006; Sone, 1972; Yanniotis, Skaltsi, &
the water content, temperature and solids concentra- Karaburnioti, 2006), and honeys from ling heather (Cal-
tion (Oroian, 2013). Density decreases linearly while luna vulgaris), Leptospermum spp. (such as New Zealand
temperature or water content increases, and increases Manuka), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), white clo-
linearly with an increase of the solids content (Oroian, ver (Trifolium repens), and Indian Karvi (Carvia callosa)
2013; Sabatini, 2007). Medium values of relative density exhibit shear-thinning and thixotropic behaviour due to
in honeys at 20 ˚C vary from 1.40 to 1.44 g/ml, depend- their high protein content (Mossel et al., 2000; Stel-
ing on honey botanical origin (Crane, 1980; Sáinz-Laı́n & makienè et al., 2012; Witczak, Juszczak, & Gałkowska,
Gómez-Ferreras, 2000). Because of density variation of 2011). Thixotropy confers to honeys a gel-like structure
honeys stored in tanks, sometimes different honey strat- that makes more difficult their extraction from the
ification layers are observed, in which the upper layer combs and their handling. This gelatinous consistency
has lower density and higher moisture, thus being more can be turned to liquid, by agitation or by mechanical
prone to fermentation (Bogdanov, 2011b; Krell, 1996; energy application (Bogdanov, 2011b; Sabatini, 2007;
White, 1975). Witczak et al., 2011). Recently, ling heather honeys
were authenticated by two thixotropic parameters: area
of hysteresis loop and the Weltmann index B (Osés
Viscosity and rheological properties et al., 2017).
Viscosity is an important property for handling, process-
ing (affecting a number of technological operations),
Optical rotation
storage and sensory quality, so that it determines the
acceptance of honey by consumers. Honey viscosity Honey has the property of rotating the plane of polar-
depends on the botanical origin, moisture, temperature, ized light due to its carbohydrate composition. Each
fructose/glucose ratio, honey granulation and chemical sugar has a specific angle of polarized light rotation
composition. The more the temperature and water con- (specific rotation). Some sugars rotate the polarized
tents are, and the less the polysaccharide content is, the light angle to the left, presenting a negative optical rota-
lower the honey viscosity is (Fattori, 2004). It has been tion value (levorotatory sugars such as fructose [α]
possible to predict honey viscosity values at specific D20 = −92.4˚), while others rotate to the right, with
temperatures with an Arrhenius-type model (Bhandari, positive optical activity (dextrorotatory, such as glucose
D’Arcy, & Kelly, 1999; Mossel, Bhandari, D’Arcy, & Caf- [α]D20 = +52.7˚) (Dinkov, 2003; Garcı́a-Álvarez, Cere-
fin, 2000). suela, Huidobro, Hermida, & Rodrı́guez-Otero, 2002;
Also, some honey compounds such as dextrins, pro- Sanz et al., 2002). The overall value for the optical rota-
teins and other colloidal substances tend to increase tion depends on the concentration of the different
honey viscosity (Ren, Bian, Lin, Bai, & Wang, 2010; honey sugars (Bogdanov et al., 1999). Nectar honeys,
Rybak-Chmielewska, 2004; Sodré et al., 2011). Honey that usually present higher fructose content, are levoro-
granulation results in a dramatic increase of viscosity of tatory. On the other hand, some honeydew and other
12 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

honeys can be dextrorotatory due to its lower fructose 2006). Honeys rich in fructose such as acacia and sage,
content and its higher oligosaccharide mass fraction, may remain liquid for long period, while honeys rich in
mainly melezitose ([α]D20 = +88.2˚) and erlose ([α] glucose such as rape or dandelion, often granulate imme-
D20 = +121.8˚) (Dinkov, 2003; Primorac, Flanjak, Ken- diately after harvesting or sometimes within the cells of
jeric, Bubalo, & Topolnjak, 2011; White, 1979b). Some the comb (Dyce, 1931; Maurizio, 1962).
adulterated honeys, also present low fructose values, This process can be undesirable by beekeepers,
being normally dextrorotatory (Garcı́a-Álvarez et al., since some consumers think that if honey is crystallized,
2002). Although some researchers determined optical then it has been somehow adulterated (Costa et al.,
rotation to botanically characterize honeys (Bertoncelj, 2013; Kabbani, Sepulcre, & Wedekind, 2011). In con-
Golob, Kropf, & Korosec, 2011; Bogdanov et al., 2004; trast, creamy crystallized honey is desirably for some
Persano-Oddo et al., 1995), its measurement was not purposes such as the commercialization of spread
described as suitable for that purpose (Dimins, Kuka, & honey. Crystallization only affects the honey color and
Cakste, 2008). texture, preserving the flavor and quality characteristics
of the liquid honey. In principle, crystallized honey is not
a spoiled product, but if a non-homogeneous crystalliza-
Refractive index tion occurs, the sugar concentration of the upper part
The refractive index is an optical property that varies decreases, increasing the moisture content of the liquid
between 1.504 and 1.4815, increasing when solid con- phase (Crane, 1980; Dyce, 1979; Kolayli et al., 2012;
tent is high (or water content is low), depending on the Sancho, Muniategui, Huidobro, & Simal, 1991).
temperature (Sáinz-Laı́n & Gómez-Ferreras, 2000; Honey crystallization depends on factors such as
White, 1979b). temperature, viscosity, water content, sugars (mainly
glucose and melezitose content), dextrin content, the
glucose supersaturation coefficient and the presence of
Hygroscopicity particles that could act as crystallization nuclei (proteins
Honey is a strongly hygroscopic product due to its high and other colloids, pollen grains, dust and other sus-
contents of sugars (mainly fructose), absorbing or hold- pended particles, yeast, wax, propolis or air bubbles,
ing moisture from the environment depending upon the among others) (Bhandari et al., 1999; Crane, 1980; Estu-
temperature, the moisture content of the air and the piñán et al., 1998; Sancho, Muniategui, Huidobro, et al.,
relative humidity (Bogdanov, 2011b; Eteraf-Oskouei & 1991; Serra-Bonvehı́, 1986).
Najafi, 2013; Sabatini, 2007; White, 1979b). This prop- Temperatures of 5–7 ˚C facilitate the creation of
erty must be taken into account in packaging, storing crystallization nuclei (Serra-Bonvehı́, 1986) and for
and in industrial uses. If honey absorbs moisture, it honey crystal growing process the optimum tempera-
becomes diluted, being more prone to fermentation. ture range lies between 10 and 18 ˚C, being 14 ˚C the
The hygroscopicity is a desirable property in the man- most suitable temperature. At low temperatures, crys-
agement of some products in which honey is incorpo- tallization is slowed down because despite decreasing
rated, mainly those subjected to heating, because it sugar solubility (thereby, favoring granulation), there is
helps keep the softness or non-drying in baked goods an increase of honey viscosity that reduces the glucose
(Crane, 1980; White, 1979b). diffusion, making it more difficult for crystals to move
(Dyce, 1931; Jéanne, 1991; Lupano, 1997; Serra-Bonvehı́,
1986). Temperatures higher than 25 ˚C allow the disso-
Osmotic pressure lution of the glucose crystals (Bogdanov, 2011a; Jéanne,
The chemical composition of honey, mainly sugars, 1991; Sancho, Muniategui, Huidobro, et al., 1991; Serra-
makes honey a high osmotic pressure food. Together Bonvehı́, 1989). Sudden temperature changes lead to
with its acid pH, the organic acid content, the hydrogen the formation of glucose crystals that produce a mobil-
peroxide produced by glucose oxidase action and other ity of air bubbles, acting as granulation catalysts. The
non-peroxide factors, the high honey osmotic pressure same happens with agitation, because of the formation
avoids the microbial growth, increasing the stability and of air bubbles (Serra-Bonvehı́, 1986, 1989).
shelf life of the product (Alvarez-Suarez, Gasparrini, For- Regarding water content, honeys between 15 and
bes-Hernández, Mazzoni, & Giampieri, 2014; Manyi-Loh, 18% of moisture crystallize optimally (Bogdanov, 2011a).
Ndip, & Clarke, 2011). Too high water content decreases crystallization speed,
because sugar saturation also decreases. However, glu-
cose can easily precipitate, remaining the fructose on
Crystallization the liquid surface. This sugar bounds water from the
Honey crystallization or granulation is a natural and spon- environment, which increases the risk of fermentation
taneous complex physical process. Glucose, which is less (Jéanne, 1991).
soluble than fructose, separates from water and precipi- The higher the glucose (more than 28–30%) and
tates out of the supersaturated solution, becoming glu- melezitose (more than 10%) contents are, the faster the
cose monohydrate crystals by water losses (Gleiter et al., crystallization is (Bogdanov, 2011a; Sabatini, 2007;
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 13

White, 1979b). Fructose and maltose act as granulation when it needs to remain or become liquid, it is possible
inhibitors because they increase the glucose solubility to slow the rate of crystallization or undo the crystals
(Crane, 1980; Sancho, Muniategui, Huidobro, et al.1991; in products already crystallized by heating. However,
Tabouret, 1979). Samples with fructose/glucose (F/G) heating under improper conditions can result in inactiva-
ratio higher than 1.3 (such as acacia and sage, among tion of enzymes, loss of flavor and aroma, darkening the
others) and glucose/water (G/W) ratio lower than 1.7 honey color and also favor the formation of hydrox-
crystallize slowly while in samples with ratios fructose/ ymethylfurfural (HMF), with consequent reduction in the
glucose lower than 1.0 (such as dandelion, rape and sun- honey quality. Although heating is not recommended,
flower, among others) and glucose/water higher than honey liquefaction process at low temperatures is often
2.0, crystallization is faster (Amir, Yesli, Bengana, studied and the use of ultrasounds waves to accelerate
Sadoudi, & Amrouche, 2010; Buba, Gidado, & Shugaba, the liquefaction process is an alternative to the heat
2013; Cavia et al., 2002; White, Riethof, Subers, & Kush- treatment (Assil, Sterling, & Sporns, 1991). But one
nir, 1962). These ratios together with other relations problem of this liquefaction is that honey recrystalliza-
such as (G-W)/F, the supersaturation index (based on tion is usually not uniform (Rybak-Chmielewska, 2004).
the ternary system water-fructose-glucose), the Codou-
nis index ((100/G)−(W/G)−1) and the Tabourent index Potentially functional properties
((G/H)/(1−aw)n, being n = 1–1.5 if water content is
In general, the vast majority of health benefits attributed
higher than 17% and n = 2 if is lower) have been pro-
to honeys have been related to both antioxidant and
posed to predict the honey granulation (Sancho, Muni-
antimicrobial activities of this food (Bogdanov, 2015;
ategui, Huidobro, et al., 1991; Serra-Bonvehı́, 1989;
Boukraâ, 2014; Osés, Melgosa, Pascual-Maté, Fernández-
Tabouret, 1979). F/G and G/W are not the most suit-
Muiño, & Sancho, 2015; Osés, Pascual-Maté, Fernández-
able ratios to predict honey crystallization, because the
Muiño, López-Dı́az, & Sancho, 2016; Osés, Pascual-Maté,
former does not take into account water content, and
de la Fuente, et al., 2016). Furthermore, honey has
the latter does not consider the inhibitory action of
shown other potential functional properties that are
fructose. Moreover, G/W ratio has not been proved as
worth commenting, the most important of which are
satisfactory for honeys with low moisture contents
antihypertensive capacity, anti-inflammatory activity, as
(Tabouret, 1979). Conversely, (G-W)/F and Tabouret
well as prebiotic and probiotic effects.
index have demonstrated to be better because fructose
and water activity are included, respectively (Sancho,
Muniategui, Huidobro, et al., 1991; Serra-Bonvehı́, Nutritional value
1989). In human nutrition, honey is an excellent source of
Decanting, filtration or centrifugation processes energy. 100 g honey supplies about 1283 kJ of energy
(where honey impurities, air bubbles and other particles (306 kcal). 20 g of honey is the usual quantity per serv-
are removed), storage at freezing temperatures and the ing or tablespoon that provides about 256.6 kJ
removal of yeast and glucose nuclei by pasteurization, (61.2 kcal), which represents more or less 3% of the
decrease the crystallization speed (Bhandari et al., 1999; energy necessary per day (Bogdanov et al., 2008). The
Townsend, 1979). The number of crystallization nuclei main constituents of honey are the simple carbohy-
in honey determines the crystal size. At higher number drates fructose and glucose that are used for human
of crystallization nuclei, higher will be the crystals num- body energy requirements after being rapidly absorbed
ber and less will be the size, being the crystallization fas- into the blood without previous digestion (Ajibola, Cha-
ter. A fast crystallization leads a fine granulation that munorwa, & Erlwanger, 2012).
produces a more or less compact structure, while a Blasa et al. (2006) claimed that honey is a good food
slow granulation produces non compact structures of for people of all ages. It helps improve elderly people’s
fewer and thick crystals (Bhandari et al., 1999; Ortiz- health (Alvarez-Suarez, Tulipani, Romandini, Vidal, &
Valbuena et al., 1996; Serra-Bonvehı́, 1986; White, Battino, 2009), and sportspeople performance, increas-
1978). Some honey defects due to a bad crystallization ing the rejuvenation of muscles with no further needs of
are the formation of frosting, the rough granulation and other more expensive sporting activities enhancers.
the separation in two phases (Bogdanov, 2011a). Thereby, honey has been described as a well-tolerated
When crystallized product is preferred, it is possible food and an effective carbohydrate source for athletes
to make an induced granulation process of honey in (Ajibola et al., 2012; Earnest et al., 2000; Kreider, Ras-
order to avoid the building of frost or coarse crystalliza- mussen, Lancaster, Kerksick, & Greenwood, 2002).
tion (Bogdanov, 2011a). The objective of this process is The protein, vitamin and mineral contents of honey
to form an adequate creamy consistency with small are very low, so that their contribution to human needs
crystals (Chen, Lin, Wu, & Chen, 2009). The procedure regarding these nutrients is marginal (Bogdanov et al.,
is a mechanical cutting of the crystals up by agitating the 2008). However, if compared with sugar, honey has
honey, followed by the inoculation of 5–10% of the proved to be healthier as a sweetening agent. According
honey with a starter honey that presents the desired to some researchers, several honey enzymes can
consistency (Bogdanov, 2011a). On the other hand, enhance the digestion of sugars and starch (Ajibola
14 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

et al., 2012). In contrast, other researchers claim that 2006). In vitro studies have revealed that honey intakes
saliva already has those enzymes, so that their contribu- inhibit oxidation of human serum lipoproteins (Al-Waili,
tion to digestion is insignificant. Nevertheless, the 2003; Gheldof & Engeseth, 2002; Schramm et al., 2003).
hydrogen peroxide produced by honey’s glucose oxidase Buckwheat honey in particular was able to increase
could have an antimicrobial effect within the mouth human’s serum antioxidant activity (Gheldof, Wang, &
(Bogdanov, 2015). Unlike sugar, on the people’s diges- Engeseth, 2003).
tive system honey intake gives rise to a laxative effect Phenolic compounds (flavonoids, phenolic acids), as
and improves calcium absorption that could help reduce well as melanoidins (Maillard reaction products), appear
the risk of bone mass loss (Ajibola et al., 2012; Ariefdjo- to be the most important constituents of honey respon-
han, Martin, Lachcik, & Weaver, 2008). Honey contains sible for its antioxidant activity (Bogdanov, 2015; Sancho
small amounts of beneficial nutrients. Flavonoids and et al., 2016). These compounds, together with glucose-
other honey’s phenolic compounds provide this food oxidase, catalase, carotenoids, organic acids, ascorbic
with functional properties such as antioxidant capacity. acid, amino acids and proteins have been described as
The amount of flavonoids depends on the honey type honey antioxidants (Aljadi & Kamaruddin, 2004; Al-
(Gheldof & Engeseth, 2002), and appears to be higher in Mamary et al., 2002; Beretta, Granata, Ferrero, Orioli,
honeys harvested during dry seasons with high tempera- & Facino, 2005; Blasa et al., 2006; Boukraâ, 2014;
tures (Kenjeric, Mandic, Primorac, Bubalo, & Perl, 2007). Brudzynski & Miotto, 2011; D’Arcy, 2005; Fahey &
Honey also contains healthy substances like choline and Stephenson, 2002; Frankel, Robinson, & Berenbaum,
acetylcholine. Choline is crucial for cardiovascular and 1998; Gheldof et al., 2002; Inoue et al., 2005; Nagai
brain function, as well as for cellular membrane compo- et al., 2006; Pérez, Iglesias, Pueyo, González, & de Lor-
sition and repair. Acetylcholine functions as a neuro- enzo, 2007). Dark honeys have more phenolic com-
transmitter (Bogdanov, 2015). pounds and consequently, they are supposed to show a
With regard to glycemic index, honey has also been higher antioxidant activity (Beretta et al., 2005; Berton-
described as a healthier food choice compared to celj et al., 2007; D’Oliveira Sant’Ana, Ferreira, Lorenzon,
sucrose (Al-Khalidi, Jawad, & Tawfiq, 1980; Jawad, Al- Berbara, & Castro, 2014; Escuredo, Miguez, Fernández-
Khalidi, & Tawfiq, 1981). The main honey monosaccha- González, & Seijo, 2013; Gheldof et al., 2002; Karaba-
ride, fructose, has a glycemic index of 19 and sucrose of gias, Dimitriou, Kontakos, & Kontominas, 2016; Mărghi-
68 (Bogdanov, 2015). Arcot and Brand-Miller (2005) taş et al., 2009; Piljac-Žegarac, Stipcevic, & Belscak,
observed a negative correlation between honey glycemic 2009; Pyrzynska & Biesaga, 2009; Vela, de Lorenzo, &
index and fructose concentration, so that honeys rich in Pérez, 2007).
fructose could be beneficial in respect of some diseases Antioxidant substances have different mechanisms of
(Jenkins et al., 2002). action, among them decrease of the adverse conse-
Honey intake can also lead to some problems, the quences of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, inhibit
most important of which are the potential allergenicity the enzymes responsible for producing superoxide
of some bees or plant proteins that could be present in anions, metal chelation, radical chain reactions breaking,
honey (Simon et al., 2009), as well as the possible pres- and eventually, they can play a preventive role inhibiting
ence of Clostridium botulinum spores in honey. In respect the reactive oxidants from being formed (Ou, Prior, &
of the last issue, within the stomach of toddlers younger Huang, 2005; Pyrzynska & Biesaga, 2009).
than one year, the spores of that microorganism can Antioxidant activity of honey depends on its botani-
germinate, grow and excrete the toxin (Brown, 2000; cal source, and moreover such factors as environmental
Manyi-Loh, Clarke, & Ndip, 2011). Therefore, honey and seasonal changes have a strong influence on this
must not be eaten by toddlers under the age of one property (Al-Mamary et al., 2002; Baltrusaitytè et al.,
year. However, there is no risk regarding honey inges- 2007; Frankel et al., 1998; Gheldof et al., 2002; Küçük
tion by humans older than 12 months (Bogdanov, 2015). et al., 2007; Ulsoy, Kolayli, & Sarikaya, 2010; Vela et al.,
2007), as well as the packaging material, processing ways
and storage conditions (Dı́az-Moreno, 2009; Gheldof
Antioxidant activity et al., 2002; Wang, Gheldof, & Engeseth, 2004). Several
Unlike other sweeteners, honey has shown antioxidant researchers have studied the evolution of antioxidant
activity that provides this food with nutritional and tech- activity of honeys with time, leading to contradictory
nological advantages. Honey has proved to prevent or results. After six months of storage, some papers
delay food spoilage due to oxidative reactions, protect- describe that antioxidant activity of honey decreased
ing meats against lipid oxidation (Antony, Rieck, & Daw- with time and/or after heating (Dı́az-Moreno, 2009;
son, 2000; McKibben & Engeseth, 2002), and vegetable Nagai, Sakai, Inoue, Inoue, & Suzuki, 2001; Wang et al.,
products against enzymatic browning (Chen et al., 2000; 2004), whereas in other study it increased with temper-
McLellan, Kime, Lee, & Long, 1995; Oszmianski & Lee, ature and storage time (Turkmen, Sari, Poyrazoglu, &
1990). Therefore, honey has a great potential to be Velioglu, 2006). Honey’s antioxidant capacity was signifi-
used as a natural antioxidant for foods (Gheldof et al., cantly lower after being stored at room temperature
2002; Nagai, Inoue, Kanamori, Suzuki, & Nagashima, throughout one year (Saric et al., 2012). With regard to
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 15

raw and processed honeys, antioxidant activity of both carried out by Abdelmonem, Rasheed, and Mohamed
of them after storage was described as analogous (Wang (2012), vulvovaginal candidiasis of pregnant women was
et al., 2004). successfully controlled with a mixture of honey and
The advantages of honey as a protective agent yogurt. Furthermore, as food, honey showed
against liver damage, radiation, inflammation, emotional immunomodulator effect against invasive aspergillosis
tension, and other pathologies related to oxidative suffered by mice (Nikaein et al., 2014). Taking into
stress, have been recently reviewed (Bogdanov, 2015; account geographical and botanical origins of honeys,
Boukraâ, 2014). Up-to-date research has highlighted the activity of different Turkish samples was assessed
that, because of its antioxidant activity, honey could play against several Candida and Trichosporon strains of yeasts
an interesting role in the management of oxidative (Koc et al., 2009). Other studies revealed that some
stress-associated chronic diseases (Boukraâ, 2014; Ere- Chilean Quillaja saponaria honeys had both antibacterial
juwa, Sulaiman, & Ab Wahab, 2012; Erejuwa et al., and antifungic activities (Montenegro, Salas, Pena, &
2011). Pizarro, 2009). At concentrations higher than 10% sev-
eral unifloral honeys from Slovakia were active against
Penicillium species (Kacaniová et al., 2011). Some Iranian
Antimicrobial and anti-parasite activity samples also demonstrated capacity against Candida,
Since 1892, honey has been described as a food with Aspergillus and Trichophyton rubrum (Katiraee, Mahmodi,
antibacterial activity (Paulus, Kwakman, & Zaat, 2012). Mardani, & Babaei, 2014).
Nowadays, due to the fact that there are many micro- With respect to its antiviral activity, different investi-
bial strains resistant to antibiotics, the possible uses of gations reported that honey could be efficient against
honey as antibacterial agent are increasing (Cooper, Rubella virus (Zeina, Othman, & Al-Assad, 1996) and
Halas, & Molan, 2002; Cooper, Molan, & Harding, 2002), Herpes virus (Al-Waili, 2004; Hashemipour, Tavako-
both to preserve other foods (Krusna, Kowsalya, Radha, lineghad, Arabzadeh, Iranmanesh, & Nassab, 2014).
& Narayanan, 2007; Mundo, Padilla-Zakour, & Worobo, Honey has also exhibited activity against several para-
2004; Nagai et al., 2006; Taormina, Niemira, & Beuchat, sites, such as Leishmania (Zeina, Zohra, & Al Assad,
2001), and in medicine applications (Efem, 1988; Molan, 1997) and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Sajid &
1999, 2001; National Honey Board, 2002; Oelschlaegel, Azim, 2012), being the major nematicidal component a
Piper, et al., 2012). For clinical uses, honey is previously glycoconjugate with the molecular mass of 5511.
sterilized, generally by gamma irradiation (Postmes, van Honey antimicrobial activity depends on botanical
den Bogaard, & Hazen, 1995), so that potentially present sources, honey bee metabolism, and environmental, sea-
spores are destroyed (Paulus et al., 2012). sonal and climatic conditions, which have a strong influ-
There are many bacteria sensitive to honey (Staphy- ence on physical and chemical properties of this food
lococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Pseu- (Basualdo, Sgroy, Finola, & Marioli, 2007). Antimicrobial
domonas aeruginosa, Paenibacillus larvae, as well as some components of honeys and their effectiveness have been
Streptococcus spp., Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and Pro- described and summarized by several researchers (Al-
teus spp., among others), most of them gram-positive, Waili, Salom, Butler, & Al Ghamdi, 2011; Bogdanov,
and many of them pathogenic (Bogdanov, 1997; Kwak- 2015; Boukraâ, 2014; Molan, 1992a, 1992b; Molan, 1997;
man et al., 2010; Molan, 1992a, 1992b). As an antibacte- Paulus et al., 2012; Sherlock et al., 2010; Taormina
rial agent, honey has been reported to possess et al., 2001).
bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, both optimum in In general, honey antibacterial compounds can be
fresh and unheated honeys. The former mainly depends divided into those with peroxide action and those with
on honey concentration, whereas bactericidal action non-peroxide action. Hydrogen peroxide is the compo-
depends both on honey concentration and time of nent responsible for honey’s antibacterial peroxide
action (Bogdanov, 2015). activity and was the first antibacterial compound studied
In addition to its natural antibacterial activity, Mad- in this food (Adcock, 1962; Brudzynski, 2006; Molan,
docks and Jenkins (2013) demonstrated that honey 1992b; Taormina et al., 2001; White et al., 1963). It is
showed anitivirulent effects against microorganisms, produced under aerobic conditions from glucose by the
reducing their ability to obtain iron from their host, thus action of glucose oxidase (White & Subers, 1963), and
helping minimize progression of infections. Apart from its possible function is preventing unripe honey spoilage
antibacterial activity, antimicrobial activity of honey (Paulus et al., 2012). Antibacterial activity of honey
against fungi, yeasts, some viruses and parasites has been hydrogen peroxide accumulation was, at first, expressed
also described. as inhibine (Dustmann, 1979; White et al., 1963).
With regard to the activities of honeys against fungi According to Paulus et al. (2012), a possible explanation
and yeasts, there are studies that show that according for the different hydrogen peroxide accumulation in
to their composition, several honeys possess antifungal honeys could be due to differences in activity of glucose
capacity (AL-Waili et al., 2013). More specifically, some oxidase. The peroxide antibacterial activity of honey is
honeys were reported to have activity against dermato- sensitive to heat, light and storage (Bogdanov, 1997;
phytes (Bogdanov, 2015; Molan, 2001). In the research Dustmann, 1972; White & Subers, 1964a, 1964b), so
16 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

that Bogdanov (2015) has recommended honey storage Furthermore, the low water activity of honeys and the
in cool and dark places, and honey consumption when it osmolality due to the high sugar amount also contribute
is fresh. to antimicrobial activity of this food (Bogdanov, 2015;
Studies carried out by Allen, Molan, and Reid (1991) Boukraâ, 2014; Münstedt, Böhme, Hauenschild, & Hrgo-
and Mundo et al. (2004) showed that after neutralizing vic, 2011; White, 1979b). Maillard reaction products
hydrogen peroxide, some honeys still had antibacterial (Brudzynski & Kim, 2011; Brudzynski & Miotto, 2011)
activity, demonstrating that there were other honey have shown antibacterial activities, as well as lysozyme
compounds with antimicrobial properties, as it had been (León-Ruiz, González-Porto, et al., 2013) and the combi-
previously suggested by Lavie and Grassé (1963). Non- nation of honey phenolic compounds (Aljadi & Yusoff,
peroxide antimicrobial activity of honey is less sensitive 2003; Bogdanov, 2015; Molan, 1992a; Truchado, Lopez-
to heat and light (Bogdanov, 1984; Bogdanov & Blumer, Galvez, Gil, Tomás-Barberán, & Allende, 2009). Honey
2001). Methylglyoxal and royalisin (bee defensin-1), have flavonoids have also been reported to have antifungal
been reported as the main compounds responsible for activity against Candida albicans (Candiracci et al., 2011).
the non-peroxide honey’s antibacterial activity. Manuka Some bacteria present in honey produce antimicro-
honeys from Leptospermum scoparium bushes (native to bial agents such as bacillomycin F, or antifungal peptides
New Zealand and Australia), are known to contain very after being cultured in vitro (Lee, Churey, & Worobo,
high levels of methylglyoxal (Mavrick, Wittmann, Barth, 2008a, 2008b; Zhao et al., 2013). Antimicrobial activity
& Henle, 2008), which is formed nonenzymatically from of honey can also be indirect, because this food has
manuka nectar dihydroxyacetone (Adams, Manley-Har- been reported to show immune-activating, anti-inflam-
ris, & Molan, 2009), during honey storage (Paulus et al., matory and prebiotic effects (Bogdanov, 2015).
2012). Methylglyoxal has also been found in honeys
from different botanical sources, but its concentrations
have been considerable lower as those of manuka hon- Antihypertensive activity
eys (Paulus et al., 2012). Antibacterial activity of manuka Hypertension is one of the most important cardiovascu-
honeys varies among different batches (Allen et al., lar risk factors (Poulter, 2003), because continuous ele-
1991; Oelschlaegel, Gruner, et al., 2012), so that each vation of blood pressure produces changes in the
manuka honey batch must be analyzed for antibacterial myocardial structure and coronary vasculature, leading
activity, which is usually expressed as “unique manuka to left ventricular hypertrophy with such heart dysfunc-
factor (UMF)”. UMF represents the concentration of a tions as arrhythmias and congestive heart failure, among
phenol solution that yields a similar zone of Staphylococ- others (Standridge, 2005). Cardiovascular diseases are
cus aureus growth inhibition as the honey tested, by the main cause of death globally (Erejuwa, Sulaiman, Ab
using a radial diffusion assay (Allen et al., 1991). Manuka Wahab, 2012). Therefore, hypertension has become a
honeys were also reported to exhibit inhibitory effects relevant health problem, because blood pressure
against the influenza virus (Watanabe, Rahmasari, Mat- increases with aging and nowadays life expectancy is
sunaga, Haruyama, & Kobayashi, 2014) and methylgly- longer.
oxal, in particular, showed effects against HIV1 virus Recent research has shown that honey and honey-
(Behbahani, 2014). derivative intakes can help reduce hypertension risk.
Royalisin is a peptide secreted by the honey bee Hiwatashi, Narisawa, Hokari, and Toeda (2010) carried
hypopharingeal gland that has shown a strong activity out a study with spontaneously hypertensive rats, feed-
against Gram-positive bacteria (Kwakman, Te Velde, De ing them with a honey-based beverage containing γ-
Boer, & Vandenbroucke-Grauls, 2011; Paulus et al., aminobutyric acid(GABA)-fermented rice bran. They
2012). In honeys in which methylglyoxal had been neu- observed beneficial effects against hypertension after
tralized, royalisin was reported to show additive antibac- 7 weeks, attributing those effects to GABA.
terial activity with other antibacterial components such Erejuwa, Sulaiman, Ab Wahab, Sirajudeen, et al.
as hydrogen peroxide, sugars and/or low pH (Paulus (2011, 2012) researched the potential antihypertensive
et al., 2012). Other proteinaceous substances with effects of honey intakes on spontaneously hypertensive
antibacterial activity were found in some honeys (Gal- rats. They observed that honey supplementation signifi-
lardo-Chacón, Caselles, Izquierdo-Pulido, & Rius, 2008; cantly reduced renal malondialdhyde levels, as well as
Mundo et al., 2004). Qualitative and quantitative analysis systolic blood pressure via amelioration of oxidative
of royalisin and antibacterial proteinaceus compounds in stress in the kidney of the rats. More specifically, Malay-
different unifloral and multifloral honeys is interesting sian tualang honey were able to reduce systolic blood
for future research regarding the antibacterial activity of pressure in diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats.
this foodstuff. Inhibition of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE)
Low honey pH and acidic substances such as aro- is one of the most well-known antihypertensive mecha-
matic acids and royal jelly acids, have been reported to nisms. ACE catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin I to
play an important role on antibacterial activity of honeys the strong vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. Echium vulgare
(Bogdanov, 1997; Isidorov, Czyzewska, Jankowska, & honeys showed potent ACE inhibition by spectrophoto-
Bakier, 2011; Kwakman et al., 2010; Paulus et al., 2012). metric analysis at 228 nm (Nagai, Tanoue, Kai, & Suzuki,
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 17

2012). Another study carried out with 20 Spanish hon- as the expressions of the inducible nitric oxide synthase
eys from the autonomous community of Castilla-La and the production of reactive oxygen species. Woo,
Mancha, whose ACE inhibitory capacity had been deter- Jeong, Inoue, Park, and Kwon (2005) and Kao et al.
mined by HPLC with ultraviolet detection, revealed that (2010) demonstrated that such flavonoids as chrysin and
rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), lavender (Lavandula quercetin had similar anti-inflammatory activities but
latifolia Medik.), thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), and chestnut with different mechanisms. However, according to Far-
(Castanea sativa Mill.) honeys evidenced great ACE inhi- ooqui and Farooqui (2014) the molecular mechanisms of
bitory activity variations, generally ranging around 13% flavonoids’ anti-inflammatory activity have not been clar-
to 71%, being chestnut honeys the ones which showed ified yet. Further research is needed to study the poten-
the highest antihypertensive capacity (León-Ruiz, Gonzá- tially interesting anti-inflammatory activity of honey.
lez-Porto, et al., 2013). The same researchers did not
find relationships between ACE inhibitory capacity and
antioxidant activities of the honeys studied, but they Probiotic and prebiotic properties
suggested that the biological activities of honey melanoi- Fresh honey has been reported to have probiotic Bifidus
dins should be studied in relation with their potential and Lactobacilus bacteria (Olofsson & Vasquez, 2008)
antihypertensive activity. that are beneficial for human health. Prebiotics are food
ingredients that potentially stimulate the activity of the
gut flora, altering its composition and providing energy
Anti-inflammatory activity to selected microbial species (Abdellah & Abderrahim,
As well as hypertension, inflammation is considered one 2014). Possible prebiotics effects of honeys have been
of the main causes of cardiovascular risk and other ill- attributed to oligosaccharides, whose actions have been
nesses (Willerson & Ridker, 2004). Reactive oxygen spe- proved to be similar to that of fructooligosaccharides
cies are important factors responsible for the injuries (Sanz et al., 2005; Yun, 1996). Panose has been
during inflammation (Singer & Clark, 1999), because described as the most active oligosaccharide. The mech-
they help release free oxygen radicals, which, in turn, anism of action of honey oligosaccharides appears to be
induce proinflammatory cytokines (Feldmann & Stein- synergistic, leading to an increase of lactobacilli and bifi-
man, 2005; Tracey, Klareskog, Sasso, Salfeld, & Tak, dobacteria (Ustunol, 2000; Ustunol & Gandhi, 2001).
2008). Nevertheless, the study carried out by Popa and Ustu-
Honey has shown that can reduce inflammation in nol (2011), questioned the probiotic effects of honey
several experiments carried out with laboratory animals oligosaccharides, because other sweeteners apart from
(Bogdanov, 2015; Owoyele, Oladejo, Ajomale, Ahmed, several unifloral honeys containing different oligosaccha-
& Mustapha, 2014). In wounds with no bacterial infec- ride amounts supported the growth, activity and viability
tion, honey proved to exhibit anti-inflammatory activity of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.
(Postmes, 2001). Honey intake by rats with bowel dis- Conversely to sucrose, honey has been proved
ease was an efficient treatment for inflammatory colitis, (in vitro and in vivo) to increase the population of Lacto-
possibly due to the prevention of free radicals produc- bacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum of rats
tion that, according to the researchers, could be also (Shamala, Jyothi, & Saibaba, 2000). An in vitro research
indirectly related to the antibacterial activity of this food using five bifidobacteria strains, showed that honey pro-
(Bilsel et al., 2002). Kassim, Achoui, Mansor, and Yusoff vided a growth-promoting effect comparable to that of
(2010) and Kassim, Achoui, Mustafa, Mohd, and Yusoff fructose and glucose oligosaccharides (Kajiwara, Gandhi,
(2010) showed that in rats both honey and its extracts & Ustunol, 2002). In addition, the lactobacilli in the small
could inhibit edema, producing inhibitory activities intestine could well be affected advantageously by honey
against inflammatory mediators. In rabbits, artificial components, such as sugars (Haddadin, Nazer, Abu Rad-
inflammation was reduced by honey, probably because dad Sara’ Jamal, & Robinson, 2007). Honey exhibited
of a drop of both neutrophils infiltration and myeloper- prebiotic action towards three Lactobacillus species iso-
oxidase activity (Kassim, Mansor, Al-Abd, & Yusoff, lated from human feces (Tejpal & Goyal, 2009). Further-
2012). Gelam honey from Malaysia attenuated car- more, the growth, activity and viability of lactobacilli
rageenan-induced rat paw inflammation (Hussein, Yusoff, could be enhanced by adding honey to dairy products
Makpol, & Yusof, 2013). (Altman, 2010).
In humans, honey ingestion demonstrated to be able In respect of botanical origins, sour-wood, alfalfa,
to reduce such inflammatory mediators as thromboxane sage and clover honey showed prebiotic capacity (Kaji-
and prostaglandins (Al-Waili & Boni, 2003). In vitro syn- wara et al., 2002), the three first of them stimulating
thesis of human neutrophil superoxide was decreased the growth of five human intestinal bifidobacteria, as
by New Zealand rewarewa, manuka and kanuka honeys well (Shin & Ustunol, 2005). Honeydew honeys were
(Leong, Herst, & Harper, 2012). also described to contain prebiotic oligosaccharides
Anti-inflammatory activity of honeys has been attrib- (Sanz et al., 2005). Lucan et al. (2009) observed that,
uted to flavonoids (Candiracci et al., 2012), which could comparing to acacia honeys, chestnut samples better
inhibit the delivery of proinflammatory cytokines, as well enhanced the growth and acidity of Bifidobacterium lactis,
18 A. A. Machado De-Melo et al.

finding, as well, inhibitory potential effects of honey- and sensitive indicator. Fakhimzadeh and Lodenius
sweetened fermented goat and cow milk against a strain (2000) agreed, also claiming that bees themselves were
of Listeria monocytogenes. Abdellah and Abderrahim better bioindicators of industrial and urban heavy metal
(2014), claimed that several honey compounds might pollution. Silici, Uluozlu, Tuzen, and Soylak (2016) ana-
also inhibit the development of pathogens such as Heli- lyzed honey and honey bees to detect possible contami-
cobacter pylori or Staphylococcus aureus. The possible nation by thermoelectric power plants in Mugla
mechanism of action would be the attachment of (Turkey). They didn’t find toxic levels of heavy metals in
oligosaccharides to the cell walls of the bacteria, pre- the analyzed honey samples, but they found higher levels
venting adhesion to human tissues. of Pb and Cd in honey bees, verifying the better use of
However, it is still unclear if all honeys have prebi- honey bees as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution
otic effects and, if so, whether some honeys have a than honey. Conti and Botrè (2001) found statistically
stronger prebiotic activity (Bogdanov, 2015), so future significant differences between levels of heavy metals in
research is needed. honey bees and, to a lesser extent, in pollen, propolis
and wax (but not honey), from areas surrounding the
city of Rome and the levels measured in the center of
Honey as environmental bioindicator the city.
Honey, as a result of a bio-accumulative process, has Conversely, other researchers reported higher con-
been used as biomonitor to collect information about centrations of heavy metals in honeys from urban and
the environment, identifying environmental contamina- industrial polluted areas, than in honeys from unpolluted
tion (Jones, 1987; Kacaniová et al., 2009) and character- rural zones (Fodor & Molnar, 1993; Lambert, Piroux,
izing the level of soil, water, plant and air pollution et al., 2012; Rashed, El-Haty, & Mohamed, 2009; Rodrı́-
(Fodor & Molnar, 1993). guez-Garcı́a et al., 2006; Yazgan, Horn, & Isengard,
2006). Bastı́as et al. (2013) demonstrated that arsenic
pollution in honey may originate from both natural (vol-
Honey as indicator of radioactive contamination canic eruption) and anthropogenic (mining) activities.
Despite the fact that honey has been used as an indicator Enrich et al. (2007) found high levels of Zn, Pb, Cr and
of radioactive contamination near nuclear power plants As in some samples that exceeded standards or guideli-
or in different places after radioactive accidents, Gilbert nes for the protection of human health. High Zn values
and Lisk (1978) did not detect beta or gamma emission in could be due to the contact with the metallic honey
any of the samples collected in the vicinity of a nuclear extractor. High As values were found in zones contami-
reprocessing plant. Tonelly et al. (1990) found radioactive nated with it. Finally, high values of Zn, Pb and Cr were
iodine, cesium and ruthenium in the samples collected in found in honeys harvested near iron and steel industries
different regions of Italy, determining the 131I/137Cs and or tanneries that could be the sources of contamination.
103Ru/137Cs ratios. These researchers claimed that, Furthermore, Leita, Muhlbachova, Cesco, Barbattini, and
among bee products, honey was the worst indicator of Mondini (1996), found a linear relationship between Cd
radioactive environmental contamination, pollen being and honey.
the best, which is due to the fact that radioactive content
of honey depends on different factors, such as the extent
of the fallout deposited, the time of collection, the period Honey as indicator of pesticide contamination
of time elapsed between two honey extractions and the Residues of pesticides from agricultural applications per-
botanic origin of the honey. sist in the environment (Blasco et al., 2004) and they
tend to bio-accumulate in plants from polluted soil (Pan-
seri et al., 2014). Rissato, Galhiane, De Almeida, Gere-
Honey as indicator of minerals and heavy metal nutti, and Apon (2007) and Malhat, Haggag, Loutfy,
contamination Osman, and Ahmed (2015) performed a multiresidue
Honey has been studied as an environmental bioindica- analysis in honey for monitoring pesticides’ residues in
tor of mineral elements, having been considered as a several regions. Balayiannis and Balayiannis (2008) inves-
potential pollution indicator for the concentration of tigated the pollution of different agricultural areas of
heavy metal in different zones such as rural, urban and Greece by insecticides, using honey from those areas as
industrial areas, as well as extraurban crossroads bioindicator. Panseri et al. (2014) found residues in sam-
(Enrich, Boeykens, Caracciolo, Custo, & Vázquez, 2007; ples harvested in industrial areas. On the contrary,
Popa et al., 2013). Jones (1987) found low and variable these authors did not find residues in honeys coming
concentrations of heavy metals in honey, attributing the from organic production zones. They concluded that
variability to factors such as the floral source, season, honey’s pesticide contamination was closely related to
time of year, and rainfall, among others. For this reason, the contamination source, being able to reveal the pre-
he concluded that honey could not be used as a reliable cise environmental pollutant.
Composition and properties of Apis mellifera honey 19

Honey as an indicator of other environmental Alda-Garcilope, C., Gallego-Picó, A., Bravo-Yagüe, J.C., Garci-
pollutants nuño-Martı́nez, R.M., & Fernández-Hernando, P. (2012).
Characterization of Spanish honeys with protected desig-
Ponikvar, Šnajder, and Sedej (2005) showed that the nation of origin ‘‘Miel de Granada’’ according to their min-
amounts of sulfate in honey depended on emissions of eral content. Food Chemistry, 135, 1785–1788. doi:10.1016/
SO2. Fermo, Beretta, Facino, Gelmini, and Piazzalunga j.foodchem.2012.06.057
(2013) found higher concentrations of some cations and Alissandrakis, E., Daferera, D., Tarantilis, P.A., Polissiou, M., &
Harizanis, P.C. (2003). Ultrasound-assisted extraction of
anions in the Western Balkans than in Italian regions volatile compounds from citrus flowers and citrus honey.
attributing this fact to local industrial and agricultural Food Chemistry, 82, 575–582. doi:10.1016/S0308-8146(03)
activities. 00013-X
Alissandrakis, E., Tarantilis, P.A., Pappas, C., Harizanis, P.C., &
Polissiou, M. (2011). Investigation of organic extractives
Acknowledgements from unifloral chestnut (Castanea sativa L.) and eucalyptus
(Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) honeys and flowers to identifica-
Ana Pascual-Maté, Maria Teresa Sancho-Ortiz are very grateful tion of botanical marker compounds. LWT-Food Science and
to Cipriano Ramos and Mónica Pascual for their valuable help. Technology, 44, 1042–1051. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2010.10.002
Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian thanks Leila Aparecida Aljadi, A.M., & Yusoff, K.M. (2003). Isolation and identification
Bonadio for helping with the references adjustments. of phenolic acids in Malaysian honey with antibacterial
properties. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 33, 229–236.
Retrieved from
Disclosure statement sag-03-33-4/sag-33-4-5-0212-1.pdf
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Aljadi, A.M., & Kamaruddin, M.Y. (2004). Evaluation of the phe-
nolic contents and antioxidant capacities of two Malaysian
floral honeys. Food Chemistry, 85, 513–518. doi:10.1016/
Funding S0308-8146(02)00596-4
Al-Khalidi, A., Jawad, F.H., & Tawfiq, N.H. (1980). Effects of
Ana Pascual-Maté thanks the PIRTU program of “Junta de Cas- bees honey, zahdi dates and its syrup on blood glucose
tilla y León” (Spain) and the European Social Fund for a pre- and serum insulin of diabetics. Nutrition Reports Interna-
doctoral study grant. tional, 21, 631–643. Retrieved from https://www.cabdirect.
Allen, K.L., Molan, P.C., & Reid, G.M. (1991). A survey of the
ORCID antibacterial activity of some New Zealand honeys. Journal
Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 43, 817–822. doi:10.1111/
Al-Mamary, M., Al-Meeri, A., & Al-Habori, M. (2002). Antioxi-
Marı´a Teresa Sancho dant activities and total phenolics of different types of
honey. Nutrition Research, 22, 1041–1047. doi:10.1016/
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