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CORTES, ANDRICH REY D, ASSIGNMENT 9 - SPIRAL cuRVEr Wy circular curves 0° 279") tor circular Curves te for Sirol Do om o une pe ec: ie Ae 1 2 Ht Gans. detiectiin angie © Bt. 390! Gat gy 46 2! 00 55¢50 = 72.2 sw Srthe Sat0 350 Caw Ro SIM SHAE _ Lamy 94 9) D o yy 2508 GR g(a. 8) ~ te EE) om fh)= A 0m a ge co OMA. he Sta G > te Sse. es % STATION Chord Distance Ne +99, 97 2D NG +00 aa, oF Hs toe 18. G3 Ng 00 20.0 (3 674-39 6 @ 22.41 Re $729, SF 2 STALE ~ [y9.02 4 D TH Mee ears > 4b “RR G (uaz) tekt (R+X) tf) =e 4024 1) tan 43"') * 4.0 FY STA PL—Te > 2 tao- (720.63) Ig t $4.97 STA ~ Le = 15 + 94.97 t(2tO » [fot 29.97 Defkdion Angie vit o'ep as" ony 2a" ot o's!" 0 STA Ts* STA Pl-Te = G2 tro ~ (94-541) = 3448.7 sm a STA Te w= 5948-7 + (4 t00) = Sy £98.97 = LE) s zis! Se* See (teal We 4 ‘ poke = SBT (res! 2 ? Station CHORD DIETANCE Denection Anale 56 tat.9 300 tras! \ 56190 254.00 lis! a4 56 too aot.20 = a +50 \s4.30 o'an'47 95 + 00. lot. 30 o'1g'42" 54 to 5.30 077! 90" 4 +00 4:20 oo'a" B +454 : Can R= 610.57. 5TIS? = 45.40 D s Xer ie 2 ax 32, ae: GR elis.99) ' - e = +) = 706-08 Te 2° (E+ AS) ion = 20 (048m + Be) ta 32) ae SIA = STA PI- Tos 37-4 I~ (9 #36.0 = 294 76-12 GH ST Hts an ain EC tad) = 534 aF.I2 “ae OF) Gite) ee WF Son esl. gty! 6 v STATION CHORD Distance DEFLECTION ANSLE 79 + 28.12 an a'h! atm 924.80 2'0't7! wt 374 eg car's" 92 100 UE ee rari Sit So lee nen 3 +00 iat. ef of 2' Tt" 36 t So 7H. Fe ogi” 30 180 1485 vos" 244 2 0 0 2) @) super -elevation at quarter point Re 145.92 2 190,49 m a ce ge O.4)7(1410 10.) Er 0.1 (10) > Lae o.tfe m elevation Ot quarter points ee a 48) = 0.272 m Cox ACL4e)= 076m fe 2 cae) bom Ces ae b.) oefiecrion angle at ine endpimt (c) ae)” Geen) (7B) br Se. at aS eDexternal distance Neos. mt. s. aR * elie) - Rte z Ber BRE ge et aE song a (4) (2) fo IS-0F m a) a) spiral angle at the first quarter point R= 4s. Ue = 924-1€ m = = 037°90" 2(224.19)(00) \tt . ie ft! b.) petietin angle at the third quarter point Le Sin) om * mH faa 12) = 5'37'50" ee ee ae Go p= sett 2 me 3 6) otftet from tne tangent at the second quart palit Le (> 4om = 460m —é£, G(@a.le) t-_Xel? . 4.05 (40) 2 ocr ies) a 4) super-clevation at quarter poims en. aoa)? om e= 6.145 (0) = Lat etevation at quarter point & > ECs) = 0.862 €22 1 (ugg) 0-705 m a> 3 Gs) = Lose @ Ce= 145 mM ©) penection Angie at ine end point G-c) So Le (4en) = (PX ,\/ Sh) = wo" 4 (8t)- Eran) > ® se oe G= Ws 333 t f.) txternal pistance we wt te 4 Men» Tea” F465 a a 08 () 04.19 Deeg) Es= [9-s5 m a Lengit of tong and chert tangent short tanga: oy = Xe FORE si We 4.65 socal length of chert tangmt = 24.76 long , tangent : Yor tent? 2-9 = HH fe loan) 2 = Xe tor Ae te Lum fan — Fan fo Mrz * 19.96- 26.97 Uungtn of |ong tangent = £3.24 m h) Length of threw (oko = 460 = [luo th 4 4

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