GSv4 U6 LP Unit06 Lesson Plans

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Lesson Plans
Using the Lesson Plans

The goal of the GrapeSEED curriculum is to use natural language acquisition methods to
engage students in communication while learning English. Our lesson plans are intended
to make it easier for teachers to deliver engaging lessons that focus on developing
comprehension in a meaningful way. Each lesson is part of a purposeful, natural
progression that is designed to meet specific component objectives.

The Class Overview, provided at the beginning of each set of Lesson Plans, shows how
instruction flows throughout the unit. The Class Overview shows which components are
included in each of the 30 lessons.

The Lesson Plans have been created based on a progression of learning using the
appropriate number of exposures for each component. The components have been
woven into the lessons to balance variety and movement with support for comprehension.
Lesson Plans are easy to follow and implement. Since the progression of learning builds
each day, it is important to always start with Lesson 1 and teach each lesson in order
through Lesson 30.

Lesson Plans are designed for 40-minute classes. At the beginning of each unit, the actual
time listed is approximately 30 minutes. This is to allow for the time it takes to introduce new
content and address classroom management needs. Later in the unit, as the content
becomes familiar, the actual time listed is between 35-40 minutes. Throughout the unit,
teachers should complete the lesson in 40-minutes.

Each Component includes approximate time allotment, teaching steps to follow and
information about what to anticipate for student responses.

Questions are used throughout the lessons to engage students. The variety of questions and
language used in different contexts help students learn to use the language in meaningful
ways. The lesson plans support a variety of questions requiring different answers.
Repeatedly asking the same questions and expecting students to respond with memorized
language does not help students communicate authentically. Additionally, memorized
responses can lead to a false sense of language acquisition.

Remember that questions are not a test. Seeing how students respond to questions will help
teachers identify what content students understand. Student responses should inform
teacher instruction. Based on student interaction, teachers can be more purposeful in
conveying the meaning of the language as they teach. In the early stage of a unit,
students most likely will not be able to respond to questions. As teachers prepare for the
lesson, they will need to think of ways to help students understand the question when the
students do not respond. At times this may be as simple as pointing to the picture or using
gestures while repeating the question. When students understand and respond with a word
or gesture, be excited and give them recognition. Always model the correct full response
for the class to hear after students have attempted to respond.

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Things to remember when using questions:
 Keep the class positive and relaxed.
 Direct questions to the class and allow students to respond spontaneously.
 Avoid putting students on the spot or calling on individuals before they appear to be

Transitions are activities which allow students to move during learning. To keep students
engaged throughout the lesson, transitions should occur every 5-8 minutes. Every classroom
situation will be different, so how and where the transition will happen needs to be planned
by the teacher. Note: Action Activities are a great form of movement and may take the
place of a Transition during the lessons.

Planning time should be used to review and understand the lesson plan, learn the main
objectives, prepare materials, and plan transitions. Follow the steps in the teacher column
while keeping in mind the main goal listed in the student column. Remember that there is a
systematic review built into the curriculum. Do not expect complete mastery or
memorization before moving on to the next unit. Mastery and comprehension will continue
to build throughout later units.

Key Terms and Abbreviations

AA: Action Activity
BB: Shared Reading Big Book
SD: Story Dictionary
VPC: Vocabulary Picture Cards
PC: Phonogram Card
PWC: Phonogram Word Card
S-T-S: Student-Teacher-Student
T-S: Teacher-Student

Feedback on the Lesson Plans

Your feedback is important to us!
If you have questions or comments about a
specific lesson plan, please let us know at:

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Preparing to Teach a Lesson

Step 1: Read through the lesson plan to learn the content and flow.
 Review the order the Components will be taught and the allotted time.
 Review the teaching steps for each component in the Teacher column.
 Underlined words can be substituted.
 Phrases the teachers should say are italicized.
 Quotation marks (“s”) indicate the letter.
 A slash (/z/) indicates the specific sound.
 The Student column notes the objective or possible student response.
Step 2: Review and mentally process the questions.
 Note the steps to take for teaching each component (questions to ask, language
expressions to model, or details like the pronunciation focus) and write them on
post-it notes to place on the back of each teaching card for quick reference during
the lesson.
 Think about each question being asked and how to help students understand the
question if they don’t respond.
Step 3: Plan your Transitions.
 Notice where each Transition time falls throughout the lesson. Determine where
each component will be taught (front of the room, corner, on the floor, etc.) and
how to transition throughout the lesson.
 Consider the space needed to complete the Action Activities.
Step 4: Plan for extra time at the end of the lesson.
 Lesson plans have bonus component suggestions. Have one or two components
prepared to use in case you finish the lesson plan early. Consider components or
Writers that were not completed in prior lessons.
Step 5: Gather teaching tools.
 Gather the Vocabulary Picture Cards (VPCs) for the lesson using the VPCs Needed
list at the top of each lesson.
 Gather the Teaching Cards for all Components in the lesson.
 In the Related Items column, gather the noted Phonogram Cards (PCs), Phonogram
Word Cards (PWCs), and any props needed.
Step 6: Organize the materials.
 Put teaching materials in the order of the lesson at the different locations (front,
back, corner, etc.) based on planned transitions for easy access.
Step 7: Lesson Wrap Up
 Mark any components that were not completed on the lesson plan. These
components may be used when planning for extra time in future lessons.
Step 8: Reflection
 After teaching the lesson, take time to reflect on the lesson.
 What went well? What could you have done better?
 What did students struggle to understand?
 If provided, think about the reflection question at the bottom of the lesson.
 Make notes as needed or list questions to discuss with a trainer.

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Unit 6 Class Overview

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Unit 6 Lesson 1
VPCs Needed: before/a er [3], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], cake [6], candy [7], chips [10], cookie [11],
donut [14], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fight [18], fix [19], garden [20], hamburger [23], hen [25],
hit [27], hot dog [28], hurt [29], ice cream [30], juice [32], kick [33], meat [34], milk [35], on/off [37], pinch
[40], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad [44], scratch [46], smell [47], sneeze [48], spill [51], weekend
[55], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Weekends Are Sunday, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
Cool Monday, Sing the song as you point to the using picture
(Song) Tuesday, pictures. clues.
2:00-2:30 Wednesday, Sing the song again as you point
Thursday, to the days of the week and the
Friday, weekend on the calendar.
Saturday, Tell the class that Saturday and
weekend Sunday are the end of the week.
We call it the weekend.

Ice Cream ice cream Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Poem) Hold up the PC and say the name using picture
2:00-2:30 PC, PWC: i of the letter. clues.
Air-write the PC twice. Say the first
sound while air-writing and hold
up two then three fingers as you
say the second and third sound.
Point out the sounds /i/, /ī/ and
/ē/ on the PWC and read the
words pig, ice cream, and kiwi.
Read the poem twice.
Point out the /ī/ in ice cream, I,
like, and likes in the poem.

Transition 1:00
Yes, I Do! chips, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Chant) hamburger, Ask, “What do you want? Do you the phrases
3:30-4:00 hot dog, juice, want ice cream?" “What do you
milk, popcorn, Point to the pictures as you model want? Do you
rice, salad the questions and answers for the want __?”
whole chant.

Freeze! on/off Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Recognize words

(Action Activity) Teach the game: Ask class to using picture
3:00-3:30 listen and do the action until you clues.
  give the next direction. When you
say “Freeze!” to stop, tell the class
not to move.
Give a few commands from the
first list, and say “Freeze!”
If students move when you say
“Freeze!,” they are out, but let
them continue to play.

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Component Related Items Teacher Student

The Bears’ before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
Picnic breakfast/ Tell the story as you point to the using picture
(Story) lunch/dinner, pictures. clues.
3:00-3:30 cake, candy, Use card 2 and ask, "How many
cookie, donut, bear families are there? Where
egg, fix, meat, are the bear families going after
spill breakfast?”

Transition 1:00
Excuse Me! sneeze Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Song) Say the name of the song, the phrase
2:30-3:00 "Excuse Me!" “excuse me.”
Teach bump and burp by
modeling the actions as you sing
the song.
Tell the class when they bump
into someone, burp, or sneeze,
they should say, "Excuse me."
Sing the song again.

Phonograms U6: p, j Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U1: z, k, f, m, d name of the letter, then air-write it sounds while air-
U2: b, g, l, u twice together while saying the writing the letters.
sound. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly big, I, is, will Say the word and ask class what Listen to sounds
2:00-2:30 sounds they hear. in words.
Write the letters to make the word
as you say the sounds.

Transition 1:00

The Red Hen empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Story) fat/thin, Tell the story as you point to the using picture
4:30-5:00 garden, hen, pictures. clues.
pizza, smell Use card 2 and ask, "Where did
the red hen live? How many
chicks did she have?"

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Song) kick, pinch, Sing the song twice as you point using picture
2:00-2:30 scratch to the picture and use gestures. clues.
Ask, "Are you nice to everybody?"

Extra Time Activity

Tell the “Jonny Bear Helps His Father” Story Dictionary.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do you know your material well enough?

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Unit 6 Lesson 2
VPCs Needed: body [1], before/a er [3], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], cake [6], candy [7], chips [10],
cookie [11], donut [14], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fight [18], fix [19], garden [20], hamburger
[23], hen [25], hit [27], hot dog [28], hurt [29], ice cream [30], juice [32], kick [33], meat [34], milk [35],
on/off [37], pinch [40], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad [44], scratch [46], smell [47], sneeze [48],
spill [51], weekend [55], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday
[62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Excuse Me! sneeze Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Song) Tell the class when they bump the phrase
2:00-2:30 into someone, burp, or sneeze, “excuse me.”
they should say, "Excuse me."
Sing the song twice.

Ice Cream ice cream Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Poem) PC, PWC:i Hold up the PC and say the name in words.
2:00-2:30 of the letter.
Air-write the PC twice. Say the first
sound while air-writing. Hold up
two then three fingers as you say
the second and third sound.
Use the PWC to point out the
sounds /i/ in pig, /ī/ in ice cream
and /ē/ in kiwi.
Read the poem twice.
Point out the /ī/ in ice cream, I,
like, and likes in the poem.

Transition 1:00

The Red Hen empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Story) fat/thin, Tell the story as you point to the the phrases “who
4:00-4:30 garden, hen, pictures and use gestures. will ___?,” “not
pizza, smell Use card 3 to ask, "What did the me,” “I will” and
red hen look for every day? “by myself.”
Where did she look?"

Phonograms U6: p, j Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U3: c, x, e, n name of the letter, then air-write it sounds while air-
U4: o, s, h, r twice together while saying the writing the letters.
U5: a, w, q sound. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly did, his, in, up Say the words. Ask the class what Listen to
2:00-2:30 the first sound is that they hear in beginning sounds
the word. in words.
Write the letters to make the word
as you say the sounds.

Transition 1:00

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Song) kick, pinch, Say the lyrics as you point to the the phrase “Be
2:00-2:30 scratch pictures. Then, sing the song. nice like ___.”
Ask, "Is it nice to hit or kick your
friends? Please, be nice."

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Component Related Items Teacher Student

The Bears’ before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
Picnic breakfast/ Tell the story as you point to the meaning of these
(Story) lunch/dinner, pictures. and those.
3:00-3:30 cake, candy, Point to the pictures on card 3
cookie, donut, and ask, "What are these/those
egg, fix, meat, little bears eating/drinking?"

Transition 1:00

Freeze! body, on/off Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Action Activity) Ask, "What do you do when I say the word freeze!
3:00-3:30 ‘Freeze’?"
Give directions from list 2. Watch
that all students follow
Say “Freeze!” only after the
commands with an asterisk.

Yes, I Do! chips, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Chant) hamburger, Point to the pictures. Use gestures using picture
3:00-3:30 hot dog, juice, as you say the questions and clues.
milk, popcorn, answers for the entire chant.
rice, salad

Weekends Are Sunday, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
Cool Monday, Sing the song as you point to the the days of the
(Song) Tuesday, pictures. week.
2:00-2:30 Wednesday, Sing the song again as you point
Thursday, to the days of the week and the
Friday, weekend on the calendar.

Extra Time Activity

Tell the “Jonny Bear Helps His Father” Story Dictionary.

Teacher Reflection Question

Were you able to point to the pictures accurately to convey the meaning?

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Unit 6 Lesson 3
VPCs Needed: before/a er [3], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], cake [6], candy [7], chips [10], cookie [11],
donut [14], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fight [18], fix [19], garden [20], hamburger [23], hen [25],
hit [27], hot dog [28], hurt [29], juice [32], kick [33], meat [34], milk [35], on/off [37], pinch [40], pizza [41],
popcorn [42], rice [43], salad [44], scratch [46], smell [47], sneeze [48], spill [51], weekend [55], Sunday [57],
Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Song) kick, pinch, Emphasize the /ch/ sound in in words.
2:00-2:30 scratch pinch and scratch.
Sing the song twice.
Ask, "What is not nice to do?"
Model saying, "Don't ___."

Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Air-write the PC twice. Say the first Listen to sounds
(Poem) sound while air-writing. Hold up /i/, /ī/ and /ē/
2:30-3:00 two then three fingers as you say while air-writing
the second and third sound. “i”.
Use the PWC to point out the
sounds /i/ in pig, /ī/ in ice cream
and /ē/ in kiwi.
Point out the /ī/ in ice cream, I,
like, and likes.
Read the poem, then invite the
class to read along.
Transition 1:00
Weekends Are Sunday, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
Cool Monday, Sing the song twice as you point the word
(Song) Tuesday, to the days of the week and the weekend.
2:30-3:00 Wednesday, weekend on the calendar.
Thursday, Sing it again together.
Friday, Ask, “Are you with your family on
Saturday, the weekend?”
weekend Model saying, “That is cool you’re
with your family on weekends!
And school days are cool, too!
Don’t you think so?”
The Red Hen empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Story) fat/thin, Tell the story as you point to the the phrases “who
4:30-5:00 garden, hen, pictures and use gestures. will ___?”, “not
pizza, smell Use card 4 to ask, "Who did the me,” “I will” and
red hen watch? What was the “by myself.”
farmer putting into the ground? "

Transition 1:00

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Component Related Items Teacher Student

Yes, I Do! chips, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Chant) hamburger, Say the chant as you point to the the phrase
3:30-4:00 hot dog, juice, pictures. “I want __.”
milk, popcorn, Model saying, "I want some
rice, salad orange juice. What do you want?
Do you want some apple juice?"
Do not expect more than a word
as a response.
Freeze! breakfast/ Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Action Activity) lunch/dinner, Give directions from list 1. Watch the word freeze!
2:30-3:00 on/off that all students follow
Say “Freeze!” only after the ones
with an asterisk.
Phonograms U6: p, j Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U1: z, k, f, m, d name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U2: b, g, l, u it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
sound. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.
Assembly and, can, if, Say the words and ask the class Listen to
2:00-2:30 we what the first/next/last sounds are beginning,
that they hear. middle, and
Write the words as class helps say ending sounds in
the sounds. words.
Transition 1:00

The Bears’ before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
Picnic cake, candy, Tell the story as you point to the in words.
(Story) cookie, donut, pictures. Emphasize the /th/
3:00-3:30 egg, fix, meat, sounds in with, both, the, those,
spill mother, father, them, these, and
Excuse Me! sneeze Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Song) Sing the song twice. meaning of
2:00-2:30 Ask, "What is it good to say when excuse me.
you bump into someone, burp or
Model saying, "It's good to say,
‘Excuse me, please.’"

Extra Time Activity

Tell the “Jonny Bear Helps His Father” Story Dictionary.

Teacher Reflection Question

Were you able to sing the songs with confidence?

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Unit 6 Lesson 4
VPCs Needed: bread [2], before/a er [3], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], cake [6], candy [7], chips [10],
cookie [11], donut [14], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fix [19], garden [20], hamburger [23], hen
[25], hot dog [28], jam [31], juice [32], meat [34], milk [35], on/off [37], pancake [38], pizza [41], popcorn
[42], rice [43], salad [44], smell [47], sneeze [48], spill [51], talk [53], turkey [54]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Song) turkey Sing the song twice as you point using picture
2:00-2:30 to the pictures and use gestures. clues.
Ask, "Are you a big turkey? Do
you eat and eat?"

Jam bread, donut, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Poem) jam, on/off, Use the PC and invite class to using picture
2:30-3:00 pancake air-write it twice with you while clues.
saying /j/.
PC, PWC: j Point out the sound /j/ and read
the words on the PWC.
Point out the sound /j/ in the
poem and read the words.
Read the poem twice as you
track the words.
Point out the bread, donut,
pancake, and jam in the picture.

Transition 1:00

The Bears’ before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
Picnic breakfast/ Tell the story as you point to the in words.
(Story) lunch/dinner, pictures. Emphasize the /z/ sound
3:00-3:30 cake, candy, in Bears’, families, eggs, those,
cookie, egg, these, Freddy’s, salads, cookies,
fix, meat, spill Eddie’s, noodles, Molly’s, Holly’s,
fathers, sandwiches, is,
hamburgers, hot dogs, and was.

Phonograms U6: p, i Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U3: c, x, e, n name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U4: o, s, h, r it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
U5: a, w, q sound. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly all, has, me Say the word and ask the class Segment words
2:00-2:30 what sounds they hear. into their
Write the words as you say the sequence of
sounds together. sounds.
Point out the double “l” in all.

Transition 1:00

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Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Ask, "Are you happy?" After they Listen to identify

Happy respond say, "If you're happy, the phrase “if
(Song) then smile and show it." you’re happy
2:30-3:00 Alternately, invite the class to ___.”
stand up, clap, stomp, and shout
“Hurray!” as you sing.

Six Sing and read it once each Listen to identify

(Big Book) tracking the words each time. the word six.
2:00-2:30 Ask, "How many baby kangaroos
do you see?”

Yes, I Do! chips, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Chant) hamburger, Say the chant. using picture
3:00-3:30 hot dog, juice, Hold up 1 pencil and ask, "Do you clues.
milk, popcorn, want a pencil?" Then hold up a
rice, salad few pencils and ask, "Do you
want some pencils?"

Transition 1:00

Excuse Me! sneeze Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Song) Emphasize the /k/+/s/ in excuse in words.
2:00-2:30 as you say the title.
Sing the song, inserting sneezing
and burping sounds after the
phrase when you make a sound
like these.
Sing the song again with the
The Red Hen empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Story) garden, hen, Tell the story as you point to the using picture
4:30-5:00 pizza, smell pictures. clues.
Use card 4 to ask, "What did the
farmer say to the seeds? What
did the red hen go out to find in
the morning? What will the red
hen make?"

Extra Time Activity

Sing the “Weekends Are Cool” Song.
Read the “Ice Cream” Poem if you have still extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Were your thoughts well prepared?

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Unit 6 Lesson 5
VPCs Needed: bread [2], before/a er [3], bu er [5], cake [6], candy [7], chicken [9], chips [10], cookie
[11], cough [12], cry [13], donut [14], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fix [19], ham [22], hamburger
[23], hiccup [26], hot dog [28], jam [31], juice [32], meat [34], milk [35], on/off [37], pancake [38], popcorn
[42], rice [43], salad [44], sandwich [45], sneeze [48], soup [49], sweets [52], talk [53], turkey [54], yawn [56]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Ask, "Are you hungry?" Say, "If Listen to identify

Happy you're hungry and you know it, the phrase “if
(Song) rub your stomach." you’re happy
2:30-3:00 Alternately, invite class to stand ___.”
up, clap, stomp, and shout
“Hurray!” as you sing.

Jam bread, donut, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Match spoken
(Poem) pancake Air-write the PC with the class words to print.
2:30-3:00 twice while saying the sound /j/.
PC, PWC: j Say the sound and read the
words on the PWC together.
Point out the sound /j/ in the
poem and read the words.
Read the poem twice as you
track the words and point to the
pictures once each.
Ask, "Do you like jam on your

Transition 1:00

Jam, Jam butter, cake, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Story) candy, Tell the story as you point to the using picture
3:00-3:30 chicken, pictures. clues.
cookie, egg, Ask, "What do you like on your
jam, on/off, bread?"
rice, salad

Laugh! cough, cry, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Song) hiccup, Say, "Let's all make a circle." using picture
3:30-4:00 sneeze, yawn Get in a circle and sing the song. clues.
Let the class laugh, cry, cough,
sneeze, yawn, hiccup, and snore
with you as you sing.
Say, "That was so much fun!"

Six Sing it twice as you track the Recognize the

(Big Book) words. meaning of six.
2:00-2:30 Ask, "How many zebras are

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 15

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U6: i, p it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly a, am, do, was Say the word and ask the class Segment words
2:00-2:30 what sounds they hear. into their
Write the words as class says the sequence of
sounds. sounds.

Transition 1:00

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Song) turkey Sing the song as you point to the using picture
2:00-2:30 pictures and use gestures. clues.
Ask, "Can you see your feet? Do
you wobble when you run?"
Sing the song again.
Tell the class to stand up and

Sad Sam before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Story) empty/full, fix, Tell the story as you point to the using picture
3:00-3:30 ham, juice, pictures. clues.
meat, Ask, "What is the boy's name? Is
sandwich, Sam happy or sad? Do you like to
soup, sweets eat sweets? Do you eat sweets
every day?"

Yes, I Do! chips, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Chant) hamburger, Invite the class to help say the first meaning of
3:00-3:30 hot dog, milk, card and listen to you say the last “What do you
popcorn two. want? Do you
want __? I want

Extra Time Activity

Do the “Freeze” Action Activity.
Sing the “Be Nice” Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do you know your material well enough to be able to focus on students during class?

16 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 6
VPCs Needed: before/a er [3], bu er [5], cake [6], candy [7], cheese [8], chicken [9], cookie [11], cough
[12], cry [13], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fix [19], ham [22], hiccup [26], ice cream [30], jam [31],
juice [32], meat [34], milk [35], on/off [37], rice [43], salad [44], sandwich [45], sneeze [48], soup [49],
sweets [52], talk [53], turkey [54], yawn [56]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Song) turkey in words.
Sing the song as you point to the
2:00-2:30 picture and use gestures.
Say the lyrics as you emphasize
the /b/+/l/ in gobble, and
Help the class understand that
“gobble, gobble” is the sound
turkeys make.
Jam PC, PWC: j Air-write the PC together twice Listen to the
(Poem) while saying the sound /j/. sound /j/ while
2:00-2:30 Say the sound and read the air-writing the
words on the PWC together. letter “j”.
Read the poem as you track the
Point out the sound /j/ in the
poem. Let the class read the
Read the poem again together.

Transition 1:00

Sad Sam before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
empty/full, fix, Tell the story as you point to the the word before.
3:00-3:30 pictures.
ham, juice,
meat, Use card 4 & 5 and ask, "What did
Sam eat before lunch? What did
Sam's mother make for lunch?"
soup, sweets

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Chant) ice cream, milk Say the chant from start to end the phrase “give
2:00-2:30 while pointing to the pictures. me some __.”
Model saying, "I want apples.
Give me some apples, please."

Laugh! cough, cry, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Song) hiccup, yawn, Say, "Let's all cough/cry." the words cry,
3:00-3:30 sneeze Sing the song. Let the class laugh, cough, sneeze,
cry, cough, sneeze, yawn, yawn, hiccup,
hiccup, and snore with you as and snore.
you sing.
Say, "Is it fun? It's so much fun to
sing this song!"

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 17

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U5: a, q, w it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
U6: i, p sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Writer Pages 2-3 Show how to trace “B/b” while Recognize and
11:00-12:00 saying /b/ using fingers and then name the upper
Writers, pencils, a pencil. and lowercase
erasers Point to the words bug and ball. letter “B/b”.
Ask the class to say the sound Recognize words
and words. using picture
Walk around and listen to clues.
students say the sound as they Produce the
write. sound /b/ while
writing the letter

Transition 1:00

Six Read the book as you track the Follow words left
(Big Book) words. to right and top
1:30-2:00 Invite the class to sing along the to bottom.
second time.

Jam, Jam cake, candy, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
chicken, Tell the story as you point to the the phrases “__
3:00-3:30 pictures. on my __” and
cookie, egg,
jam, on/off, Ask, "Do you like jam on your “___ with my
head? What do you like with your ___.”
rice, salad

If You’re Ask, "Are you sleepy?" Say, "If Respond to

Happy you're sleepy, then yawn." directions with
(Song) Invite class to stand up, clap, actions.
2:30-3:00 stomp, and shout “Hurray!” as you

Extra Time Activity

Tell “The Bears’ Picnic” Story.

Teacher Reflection Question

Were your transitions smooth?

18 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 7
VPCs Needed:  body [1], before/a er [3], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cake [6], candy [7],
cheese [8], chicken [9], cookie [11], cough [12], cry [13], egg [15], empty/full [16], fight [18], fix [19], gloves
[21], ham [22], hiccup [26], hit [27], hurt [29], ice cream [30], jam [31], juice [32], kick [33], meat [34], milk
[35], on/off [37], pinch [40], rice [43], salad [44], sandwich [45], scratch [46], sneeze [48], soup [49], sweets
[52], weekend [55], yawn [56], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61],
Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Laugh! cough, cry, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Song) hiccup, yawn, Say, "Come snore/yawn with me. the words cry,
2:30-3:00 sneeze It's so much fun - oh, you will see - cough, sneeze,
to do these things with me!" yawn, hiccup,
Sing the song. Let the class laugh, and snore.
cry, cough, sneeze, yawn,
hiccup, and snore with you as
you sing.

Pizza breakfast/ Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words

(Poem) lunch/dinner, Use the PC. Say what the letter is. using picture
2:00-2:30 pizza Air-write it twice while saying /p/. clues.
Say the sound /p/ and read the
PC, PWC: p
words on the PWC.
Point out breakfast, lunch, dinner,
and pizza in the pictures.
Read the poem twice as you
track the words.

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Chant) ice cream, milk Line the VPCs up against the using picture
2:00-2:30 whiteboard and say, "I want some clues.
cheese. Give me some cheese
please." Let a student give you
the card.
Say the chant from start to end
while pointing to the pictures.

Transition 1:00

Jam, Jam cake, candy, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Story) chicken, Tell the story as you point to the the phrases “__
3:00-3:30 cookie, egg, pictures. on my __” and
jam, on/off, Ask, "What do you like with your “___ with my
rice, salad rice? What do you like in your ___.”
Model the sentence telling what
you like.

Yellow gloves Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Recognize words

(Big Book) Point out and name the yellow using picture
2:00-2:30 objects in the book. clues.
Sing and read once each
tracking the words each time.

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 19

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Weekends Are Sunday, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
Cool Monday, Sing the song together as you meaning of the
(Song) Tuesday, point to the days of the week and days of the
2:30-3:00 Wednesday, the weekend on the calendar. week.
Thursday, Point to the days of the week on
Friday, the calendar in order. Have the
Saturday, class name them.
weekend Listen to the class sing the song
and help as needed.

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U6: i, j it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.
Writer Pages 4-5 Show how to trace “G/g” while Recognize and
9:00-9:30 saying /g/ and /j/ using fingers name the upper
Writers, pencils, and then a pencil. and lowercase
erasers Point to the words grapes and letter “G/g”.
giraffe. Ask class to say the sound Self-correct while
and words. If they make a reading with the
mistake, help them look at the group.
picture and self-correct. Produce the
Walk around and listen to sound /g/ and /j/
students say the sounds as they while writing the
write. letter “G/g”.
Transition 1:00
Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Song) kick, pinch, Ask, "Is it nice to fight? How should the phrase “Be
2:00-2:30 scratch we be to our friends?" nice like ___.”
Model saying, "Be nice like __."
Sing the song twice.
Sad Sam before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
empty/full, fix, Tell the story as you point to the the phrases “I
3:00-3:30 pictures. don’t want to
ham, juice,
meat, Use card 2 to ask, "What did Sam ___” and “I’m not
eat before breakfast? Did Sam’s ___.”
father fix breakfast? Who fixed
soup, sweets Sam’s breakfast? Did Sam say
thank you to his mother?"
Freeze! body Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Action Activity) Give directions from list 2. the word freeze!
2:30-3:00 Say “Freeze!” only after the ones
with an asterisk.

Extra Time Activity

Read the "Six" Big Book.
Sing the "Excuse Me!" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Were you communicating with the material or with your students?

20 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 8
VPCs Needed: before/a er [3], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cake [6], candy [7], cheese [8],
chicken [9], cookie [11], cough [12], cry [13], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fix [19], gloves [21],
ham [22], hiccup [26], ice cream [30], jam [31], juice [32], meat [34], milk [35], on/off [37], pizza [41], rice
[43], salad [44], sandwich [45], sneeze [48], soup [49], sweets [52], talk [53], turkey [54], yawn [56]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Song) turkey Sing the song twice. Invite the the phrase “I am
2:00-2:30 class to sing along the second so ___.”
Model saying, "I am so tall. I can
see everything!"

Pizza breakfast/ Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to the

(Poem) lunch/dinner, Use the PC and invite class to air- sound /p/ while
2:00-2:30 pizza write it twice with you while air-writing the
saying /p/. letter “p”.
PC, PWC: p
Say the sound /p/. Read the
words on the PWC with the class.
Point out the /p/ in the poem and
read the words.
Read the poem twice as you
track the words.

Transition 1:00

Laugh! cough, cry, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Song) hiccup, yawn Ask, "What shall we do?" meaning of cry,
3:00-3:30 Model saying, "Let's all stand up. cough, sneeze,
Come clap hands with me!" yawn, hiccup,
Sing the song. Let the class laugh, and snore.
cry, cough, sneeze, yawn,
hiccup, and snore with you as
you sing.

Jam, Jam chicken, jam, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Story) on/off, cake, Tell the story as you point to the meaning of “___
3:00-3:30 candy, cookie, pictures. on my __ “ and
egg, rice, Ask, "What do you like to have “___ with my
salad with your cookies? What do you ___.”
like in your sandwich?" Model the
sentence telling what you like.

Transition 1:00

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to identify
(Chant) ice cream, milk Say the chant as you point to the the phrase “give
2:00-2:30 pictures. Keep eye contact with me some __.”
your students.
Use some toy food or the
vocabulary cards. Say to a
student, "Give me some ___ for
my snack."

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 21

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U5: a, q, w it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
U6: i, j sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Writer Pages 6-7 Show the spread and ask what Recognize and
10:00-11:00 the letter is. name the upper
Writers, pencils, Tell class to trace “I/i” while and lowercase
erasers saying /i/, /ī/ and /ē/ using fingers letter “I/i”.
and then a pencil. Listen to
Point to the words pig and ice beginning and
cream. Ask class to say the sound middle sounds in
and words. words.
Walk around and listen to Produce the
students say the sounds as they sound /i/, /ī/,
write. and /ē/ while
writing the letter
Excuse Me! sneeze Say the VPC (S-T-S). Recognize words
(Song) Ask what the name of the song is. using picture
2:00-2:30 Sing the song twice. Invite class to clues.
sing along the second time.

Transition 1:00

Yellow gloves Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Follow words left
(Big Book) Point to the yellow objects in the to right and top
2:00-2:30 book and have the class name to bottom.
them. Match spoken
Sing and read the book once words to print.
each tracking the words each

Sad Sam before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
empty/full, fix, Tell the story as you point to the meaning of
3:30-4:00 pictures. “before, I don’t
ham, juice,
meat, Use card 6 & 7 to ask, "What did want to ___, and
Sam eat before snack time? I’m not ___.”
What did Sam's mother fix for a
soup, sweets snack? What did Sam say?"
Model the sentence after
students respond.

Extra Time Activity

Sing the "Weekends Are Cool” Song.
Sing "If You're Happy" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Did you keep your students focused and engaged?

22 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 9
VPCs Needed: : breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], cough [12], cry [13], empty/full [16],
fat/thin [17], fight [18], garden [20], gloves [21], hard/so [24], hen [25], hiccup [26], hit [27], hurt [29], ice
cream [30], kick [33], milk [35], on/off [37], pinch [40], pizza [41], scratch [46], smell [47], sneeze [48],
weekend [55], yawn [56], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday
[62], Saturday [63]
Component Related Items Teacher Student

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Song) kick, pinch, Model saying, "Be quiet like ___. in words.
2:00-2:30 scratch Do not be noisy."
Say the lyrics emphasizing the /t/
sound in don’t, hit, fight, and hurt.
Invite the class to sing with you.

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Say the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U6: i, j it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly dog, go, no, so Say the word. Ask the class how Associate sounds
2:00-2:30 many letters are in the word. in words with
Write the words as the class says spelling.
the sounds.

Transition 1:00

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Recognize the
Helps His Use the book and tell the story as meaning of
Father you point to the pictures. picture
(Story Dictionary) Ask, "What do Jonny Bears’ friends vocabulary
4:00-4:30 want to play? Who is Jonny going words and
to work with? Do you work with phrases from
your father?" Unit 5.

Yellow gloves Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to identify

(Big Book) Point to the yellow objects in the the word yellow.
2:00-2:30 book. Have the class name them.
Sing it twice inviting the class to
sing along the second time.
Say, "Look around the classroom."
Ask, "What color things do you
see? Are there yellow things
everywhere you look?"

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 23

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Chant) ice cream, milk Invite the class to say the first card in words.
1:30-2:00 with you and listen as you say the
Help them hear the /k/ sound in
black, milk, and snack.

Laugh! cough, cry, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to and
(Song) hiccup, yawn, Model saying, "Come jump with participate in
2:00-2:30 sneeze me! It's so much fun." conversations
Sing the song with the class. about noises
people make.

Freeze! breakfast/ Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the

(Action Activity)
lunch/dinner, Give directions from list 1 mixing meaning of
3:00-3:30 the order a bit. freeze!
Say “Freeze!” only after the ones
with an asterisk.

Weekends Are Sunday, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
Cool Monday, Ask, “What days of the week do meaning of
(Song) Tuesday, we call the weekend?” weekend.
2:00-2:30 Wednesday, Sing the song twice. Invite the
Thursday, class to sing along the second
Friday, time.

Transition 1:00

The Red Hen empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Story) fat/thin, Tell the story as you point to the meaning of “who
4:00-4:30 garden, hen, pictures. will ___, not me, I
pizza, smell Use card 6 and ask, "What did the will and by
red hen ask the pig, sheep and myself.”
goat? What did the pig, sheep,
and goat say? So who worked in
the garden by herself?"

Pizza PC, PWC: p Say the sound /p/ as you air-write Follow words left
(Poem) the PC twice with the class. to right and top
1:30-2:00 Say the sound /p/ and read the to bottom.
words on the PWC together.
Ask the class to point out the
sound /p/ in the poem verbally.
Read the poem with the class.

Extra Time Activity

Read the "Jam" Poem.
Tell the "Jam, Jam" Story if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Where was your focus during the lesson?

24 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 10
VPCs Needed: body [1], bu er [5], chips [10], empty/full [16], hamburger [23], hard/so [24], hot dog
[28], ice cream [30], juice [32], milk [35], on/off [37], picnic [39], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad
[44], sandwich [45], sneeze [48], soup [49], spaghe [50]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Ask, "Are you sad? Do you always Recognize the

Happy cry when you are sad?" meaning of “if
(Song) Invite class to stand up, clap, you’re happy
2:30-3:00 stomp, and shout “Hurray!” as you ___.”

Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Air-write the PC together while Recognize and
(Poem) saying the first sound. Hold up two name the upper
2:00-2:30 then three fingers to indicate the and lowercase
second and third sounds as you letter “I/i”.
say them.
Say the sounds and words on the
PWC together.
Point out the /k/ in like and likes.
Point to the letter “I/i” in the
poem and ask the class what
letter it is.
Read the poem as you track the
Read it again with the class.

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PC. Say the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s name of the letter. Then, air-write sounds while air-
U5: a, q, w it twice together while saying the writing the letters.
U6: p sound. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly run, fun, on, he Say the word and ask the class Associate sounds
2:00-2:30 how many letters are in the word. in words with
Write the words as the class says spelling.
the sounds.

Transition 1:00

Yes, I Do! chips, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Respond to the
(Chant) hamburger, Invite the class to help say the first question “what
3:30-4:00 hot dog, juice, two cards and listen to you say do you want?”
popcorn, the last.
salad Ask, "What do you want for
lunch?" Model the sentence after
students respond.

Excuse Me! sneeze Say the VPC (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

(Song) Say the lyrics as you emphasize in words.
2:00-2:30 the /s/ in nice.
Have the class stand up and sing
the song together.

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 25

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Recognize the
Helps His Tell the story as you point to the meaning of
Father pictures. picture
(Story Dictionary) Ask, "Where do vegetables like vocabulary
4:00-4:30 carrots and potatoes grow? Are words and
they clean or dirty? Where do phrases from
many fruits hang?" Unit 5.

Transition 1:00

Freeze! body, on/off Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Action Activity) Give directions from list 2 mixing meaning of
2:30-3:00 the order a bit. freeze!
Say “Freeze!” only after the ones
with an asterisk.

Jam PC, PWC: j Say the sound /j/ as you air-write Recognize and
(Poem) the PC with the class. name the upper
2:00-2:30 Say the sound and read the and lowercase
words on the PWC together. letter “J/j”.
Read the poem, then have the
class read along.
Point to the letter “J/j” and ask
the class what letter it is.

Transition 1:00
The Bears’ pizza, butter, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
Picnic empty/full, Tell the story as you point to the using picture
(Story) sandwich, pictures. clues.
3:00-3:30 soup, Point to the pictures on card 4
spaghetti, rice, and ask, “What did Freddy’s/
ice cream, Eddie’s mother make?”
milk, picnic

Extra Time Activity

Sing the "Big, Big Turkey" Song.
Read the "Six" Big Book if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Were you excited to see each one of your students? Do you enjoy teaching them?

26 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 11
VPCs Needed: breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], cough [12], cry [13], fight [18], gloves
[21], hard/so [24], hiccup [26], hit [27], hurt [29], ice cream [30], kick [33], milk [35], pinch [40], pizza [41],
sandwich [45], scratch [46], weekend [55], yawn [56], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday
[60], Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to and
(Song) kick, pinch, Ask, "Do you hurt your friends? Do participate in
2:00-2:30 scratch you pull their hair?" conversations
Sing while the class listens. Then, about being
invite them to sing along. nice.

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Respond to

Helps His Tell the story as you point to the questions.
Father pictures.
(Story Dictionary) Ask, "Who was Jonny nice to? Are
4:00-4:30 you nice to everyone?”

Transition 1:00
Cow, Cow cheese, milk Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize words
(Chant) Say the chant together as you using picture
1:30-2:00 point to the pictures. clues.
Ask, "Did mother give you cheese
for a snack?"

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Ask the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U6: j, p letter. Then, air-write it together writing the letters.
while saying the sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly I am big. Did Say, “Let’s write a sentence.” Match spoken

3:00-3:30 he go? Say the sentence and ask how words to print.
many words there are.
Write the sentence as the class
helps you say the words. Then,
read the sentence together.
Repeat with the second

Transition 1:00

Yellow gloves Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds

(Big Book) Read the book, then sing it in rhyming words.
2:00-2:30 together as you track the words.
Point out the rhyme in look and

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 27

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Freeze! breakfast/ Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Recognize the

(Action Activity) lunch/dinner Give directions from list 1. meaning of
2:30-3:00 Say “Freeze!” for a few freeze!
commands without the asterisk.

Weekends Are Sunday, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
Cool Monday, Sing the song. Emphasize the /th/ in words.
(Song) Tuesday, sound in Thursday, then, that, and
2:30-3:00 Wednesday, those.
Thursday, Sing the song again together.
Friday, Ask, “What days do you go to
Saturday, school? Is school cool?”

Jam, Jam butter, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
ice cream, Tell the story as you point to the in words.
3:00-3:30 pictures. Emphasize the sound
sandwich /m/ in jam, my, ham, milk, meat,
and ice cream.

Transition 1:00

Laugh! cough, cry, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to and
(Song) hiccup, yawn Model saying, "Come dance with participate in
3:00-3:30 me! It's so much fun." conversations
Sing the song together. about noises
people make.
Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Air-write the PC together while Follow words left
(Poem) saying the first sound. Hold up two to right and top
2:00-2:30 then three fingers to indicate the to bottom.
second and third sounds as you
say them with the class.
Invite the class to say the sounds
and words on the PWC with you.
Read the poem, then read it
again with the class.

Extra Time Activity

Tell the "Sad Sam" Story.

Teacher Reflection Question

Did you notice whether or not your students were following during shared reading?

28 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 12
VPCs Needed: bu er [5], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], hard/so [24], ice cream [30], milk [35], picnic
[39], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], sandwich [45], sneeze [48], soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets [52],
talk [53], turkey [54]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Song) turkey Sing the song. Emphasize the /n/ in words.
2:00-2:30 sound in when, and run.
Model saying, "When I sleep, I
Sing the song together.

Pizza PC, PWC: p Say the sound /p/ as you air-write Listen to review
(Poem) the PC with the class. sounds in words.
2:00-2:30 Listen to class say the sound and
read the words on the PWC.
Read the poem, then invite the
class to read along.
Point out the /f/ in for and
breakfast, and the /u/ in munch
and lunch.
Transition 1:00
The Bears’ butter, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
Picnic empty/full, ice Tell the story as you point to the meaning of these
cream, milk, pictures. and those.
3:00-3:30 Point to the pictures on card 5
picnic, pizza,
and ask, “Whose mother made
rice, sandwich,
these/those ____?”
Excuse Me! sneeze Say the VPC (S-T-S). Recognize the
(Song) Sing the song together. meaning of
1:30-2:00 Ask, "What's the nice thing to do “excuse me.”
when you bump into someone?"
Model the response, "Say, 'Excuse
Six Sing it together then read it while Respond to
(Big book) the class listens. simple questions.
2:00-2:30 Ask, "Are the kangaroos big?
Where do you see all these
Transition 1:00
Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PCs. Ask the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U5: a, q, w letter, then air-write it together writing the letters.
U6: i, j while saying the sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 29

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Writer Pages 8-9 Show how to trace “J/j” while Recognize and
10:00-11:00 saying /j/ using fingers and then a name the upper
Writers, pencils, pencil. and lowercase
erasers Point to the word jam. Have the letter “J/j”.
class say each sound /j/ /a/ /m/ Assemble and
and read the word. Say the decode words.
sounds /j/ /o/ /n/ /ē/ and ask the Produce the
class to say the word (Jonny). sound /j/ while
Walk around and listen to writing the letter
students say the sound as they “J/j”.

Transition 1:00
If You’re Ask, "What do you always do Respond to
Happy when you are happy?" directions with
(Song) Invite class to stand up; clap, actions.
2:00-2:30 stomp, and shout, Hurray! as you
sing the song together.

Yes, I Do! popcorn, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Respond to the
(Chant) sweets Invite the class to say the chant question “what
3:00-3:30 with you. do you want?”
Model saying, “I want
Ask, “What do you want for a

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Respond to

Helps His Tell the story as you point to the questions.
Father pictures.
(Story Dictionary) Show the picture and ask, "Who
4:00-4:30 did Jonny smile at? What did Mrs.
Ostrich want? What will she make
with the pumpkin?"

Extra Time Activity

Do the "Freeze!" Action Activity.
Sing the "Laugh!" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do students communicate with you in English in and out of class?

30 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 13
VPCs Needed: body [1], before/a er [3], bu er [5], cake [6], candy [7], cheese [8], cookie [11], cough
[12], cry [13], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fix [19], garden [20], ham [22], hen [25], hiccup [26],
ice cream [30], jam [31], milk [35], on/off [37], pizza [41], smell [47], sweets [52], weekend [55], yawn [56],
Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Ask, "If you fall down, will you cry? Listen to identify
Happy Do you always cry when you hurt the word always.
(Song) yourself?"
2:00-2:30 Sing the song together.

Jam PC, PWC: j Listen to the class say the sound Produce the
(Poem) as you air-write the PC together. sound /j/ when
1:30-2:00 Listen to the class say the sound. shown the letter
Read the words on the PWC. “j”.
Read the poem, then have class
read along.
Point out the sounds /ō/ in donut;
and /o/ in on and not.
Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PC. Ask the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U6: p letter, then air-write it together writing the letters.
while saying the sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Writer Pages 10-11 Show the spread and ask what Recognize and
9:00-10:00 the letter is. name the upper
Ask, "What do you say as you and lowercase
Writers, pencils,
trace “L/l”?" letter “L/l”.
Point to the word lion and ask the Match spoken
class how to spell it. Ask class to words to print.
touch their lips. Associate sounds
Walk around and listen to in words with
students say the sound as they spelling.
write. Produce the
sound /l/ while
writing the letter
Transition 1:00

Laugh! cough, cry, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Song) hiccup, yawn Invite the class to sing along with in words.
3:00-3:30 you. Listen and help with the /f/
sound in laugh and cough.

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 31

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Sad Sam before/after, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recall

(Story) cake, candy, Tell the story as you point to the information
3:00-3:30 cookie, egg, pictures. provided and
fix, ham, jam, Using cards 8, 9 & 10 ask, "What from experience
sweets did Sam do before dinner? Who to answer
made dinner for Sam? Who questions.
makes dinner for you? What did
Sam's mother fix for dinner? What
did Sam say? Then what did he

Transition 1:00
Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Listen to the class air-write and Match spoken
(Poem) say the PC. words to print.
2:00-2:30 Say the PWC together.
Ask, “Do you like ice cream?”
Use the students responses and
model saying, "I like ice cream.
____ does too."
Read the poem together.
Freeze! body, on/off Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Action Activity) Give directions from list 2. meaning of
2:00-2:30 Say “Freeze!” for a few freeze!
commands without the asterisk.
Transition 1:00

The Red Hen empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Story) fat/thin, Tell the story as you point to the in words.
4:00-4:30 garden, hen, pictures. Emphasize the sounds /r/
pizza, smell in here, there, for, her, farmer,
and /l/ in little, will, and full.
Use card 5 to ask, "What
happened to the seeds? What
was the red hen's garden full of?"
Cow, Cow! butter, cheese, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recognize the
(Chant) ice cream, milk Say the chant together. meaning of “give
2:00-2:30 Ask, “Will you give me some pizza me some __.”
for my lunch?”
Weekends Are Sunday, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to
Cool Monday, Stand up and sing the song questions.
(Song) Tuesday, together. Then, listen to the class
1:30-2:00 Wednesday, sing.
Thursday, Ask, “What day of the week is it
Friday, today? What days are you with
Saturday, your family?”

Extra Time Activity

Read the "Yellow" Big Book.
Sing the "Be Nice" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Are you excited when you hear your students responding and communicating in English?

32 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 14
VPCs Needed: bread [2], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cake [6], candy [7], chips [10], cookie
[11], cough [12], cry [13], donut [14], egg [15], empty/full [16], fight [18], hiccup [26], hit [27], hurt [29],
ice cream [30], kick [33], milk [35], picnic [39], pinch [40], pizza [41], rice [43], sandwich [45], scratch [46],
sneeze [48], soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets [52], turkey [54], yawn [56] 

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Laugh! cough, cry, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) hiccup, yawn Ask, "What shall we do?" Help the questions.
2:30-3:00 class respond using, "Let's all ___."
Sing the song together.

The Bears’ butter, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
Picnic empty/full, Tell the story as you point to the in words.
(Story) ice cream, pictures. Emphasize the /m/
3:00-3:30 milk, picnic, sound in some, time, them, home,
pizza, rice, ham, and ice cream.
Transition 1:00

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PCs. Ask the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U5: a, q, w letter. Then, air-write it together writing the letters.
U6: i, p while saying the sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Writer Pages 12-13 Show the spread and ask what Recognize and
9:00-10:00 the name of the letter is. name the upper
Ask, "What do we say as we trace and lowercase
Writers, pencils,
“P/p”?" letter “P/p”.
Point to the words pencil and Read with
pocket, and ask class to say the purpose and
sound and words. understanding.
Walk around and listen to Produce the
students say the sound as they sound /p/ while
write. writing the letter
Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Respond to
(Song) kick, pinch, Ask, "Is it nice to hurt animals? Do questions.
2:00-2:30 scratch you pull their hair?"
Model saying, "Don't hurt anyone.
Be nice to everyone."
Sing the song together.
Yellow Invite the class to sing with you. Recognize the
(Big book)
Read it as they listen. color yellow and
2:00-2:30 name it.
Ask, "What do you see
everywhere you look?"
Have them point to something
yellow and name the color.
Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 33

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Yes, I Do! sweets Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Respond to the
(Chant) Say the chant together. questions “What
3:00-3:30 Ask, "What do you want after do you want? Do
dinner? Do you want some ice you want __?”
cream and cake?"
Excuse Me! sneeze Say the VPC (S-T-S). Recognize the
(Song) Ask, "What should you say when meaning of
2:00-2:30 you sneeze or burp?" “excuse me.”
Sing the song together.
Sad Sam bread, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to and
(Story) breakfast/ Tell the story as you point to the participate in
3:30-4:00 lunch/dinner, pictures. conversations.
cake, candy, Using cards 11,12 & 13 ask, "What
chips, cookie, happened when it was time to go
donut, egg, to bed? What did Sam say? Is it
turkey good to be like Sam? Why? Do
you eat too many sweets?"
Transition 1:00

Jam PC, PWC: j Say the sound /j/ as you air-write Listen to review
(Poem) the PC with the class. sounds in words.
2:00-2:30 Say the sound and read the
words on the PWC together.
Point out the sound /d/ in donut,
bread, and head.
Read the poem then listen to the
class read.

Extra Time Activity

Tell the "Jam, Jam" Story.

Teacher Reflection Question

Did every individual get a smile or some sort of recognition from you today?

34 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 15
VPCs Needed: breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], fat/thin [17], fight [18], hard/so [24],
hit [27], hurt [29], ice cream [30], kick [33], milk [35], pinch [40], pizza [41], sandwich [45], scratch [46], talk
[53], turkey [54], weekend [55], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61],
Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Weekends Are Sunday, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

Cool Monday, Listen to the class sing. Then, sing questions.
(Song) Tuesday, it again together.
2:00-2:30 Wednesday, Ask, “What day comes before
Thursday, Monday? What day comes after
Friday, Thursday?”
Saturday, Point to the calendar to help if
weekend needed.

Pizza PC, PWC: p Say the sound /p/ as you air-write Recognize and
(Poem) the PC with the class. name the upper
2:00-2:30 Say the sound and read the and lowercase
words on the PWC together. letter “P/p”.
Ask, "Do you see the letter “P/p”?
Where is it?"
Read the poem together.

Transition 1:00

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to and
Helps His Tell the story as you point to the participate in
Father pictures. conversations.
(Story Dictionary) Ask, "Who grew these nice fruits
3:30-4:00 and vegetables? Where does
Farmer Brown live?”
Freeze! breakfast/ Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Respond to
(Action Activity) lunch/dinner Give directions from list 1 mixing directions.
2:00-2:30 the order of commands.
Say “Freeze!” after every third or
fourth command.
Jam, Jam butter, ice Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Express
cream, pizza, Tell the story as you point to the preference
3:00-3:30 pictures. about
Ask, "What do you like on your ice combinations of
cream? What do you like with foods you like to
your salad?" Model the sentence eat.
telling what you like.
Transition 1:00

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Song) turkey Sing the song and then invite the in words.
2:00-2:30 class to sing along.
Listen and help with the /t/ sound
in eat, fat, can’t, and feet.

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 35

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Ask the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U6: i, j letter. Then, air-write it together writing the letters.
while saying the sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.
Writer Pages 14-15 Show the spread and ask what Recognize and
9:00-10:00 the letter is. name the upper
Writers, pencils, Ask, "What do we say as we trace and lowercase
erasers “U/u”?" letter “U/u”.
Ask the class to read the words Read with
umbrella and sun. accuracy, rate,
Walk around and listen to and expression.
students say the sounds as they Produce the
write. sounds /u/ and
/ū/ while writing
the letter “U/u”.
Transition 1:00

Cow, Cow cheese, milk Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Chant) Say the chant together. in words.
1:30-2:00 Listen and help with the /v/ sound
in give and have.

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recognize the
(Song) kick, pinch, Model saying, “Be quiet like ___.” meaning of “be
1:30-2:00 scratch Sing the song then listen to the nice like __.”
class sing and help as needed.

Six Sing it together then read it while Respond to

(Big Book) the class listens. simple questions.
2:00-2:30 Ask, "How many lions do you see?
What are they doing in the sun?"

Extra Time Activity

Tell the "Sad Sam" Story.
Sing the "If You're Happy" song if you still have extra time.

36 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 16
VPCs Needed: bu er [5], cough [12], cry [13], empty/full [16], hiccup [26], ice cream [30], milk [35],
picnic [39], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], sandwich [45], sneeze [48], soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets
[52], yawn [56] 

Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Ask, "How do you feel, today? If Listen to sounds

Happy you're happy and you know it, in words.
(Song) can you show it on your face?"
2:00-2:30 Invite the class to sing along with
the first verse. Listen as you sing
the rest. Emphasize the sounds /r/
in you’re, your, and /t/ in it, feet,
and shout.

Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Air-write the PC together as you Produce the
(Poem) listen to the class say the sounds. sounds /i/, /ī/,
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class say the sounds, and /ē/ when
read the words on the PWC and shown the letter
help as needed. “i”.
Point out the sound /ī/ in the
poem. Ask the class to say the
sound and read the words with
Read the poem, then listen to the
class read.
Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PC. Ask the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s class to say the name of the sound while air-
U5: a, q, w letter. Then, air-write it together writing the letter.
U6: p while saying the sound. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.
Writer Pages 16-17 Tell the class to say the sounds of Produce the
9:00-10:00 the letters as they write them. sounds of each
Walk around and ensure all review letter in
Writers, pencils,
students are saying the sounds as the alphabet.
they write. Follow letters left
to right and top
to bottom.
Transition 1:00

Excuse Me! sneeze Say the VPC (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

(Song) Sing the song with the class. in words.
1:30-2:00 Emphasize the /d/ sound in good
and sound.

Yes, I Do! milk, popcorn, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to sounds
(Chant) rice, soup, Listen to class say the chant and in words.
3:00-3:30 sweets help with the /n/+/t/ sound in
want and don’t.
Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 37

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Jam, Jam butter, pizza, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to and
(Story) sandwich Tell the story as you point to the participate in
3:00-3:30 pictures. Emphasize the sound /n/ conversations.
in on, noodles, in, sandwich,
popcorn, chicken, and candy.
Ask, "What do you like for your
birthday? Do you always have
cake for your birthday?"

Jam PC, PWC: j Say the sound /j/ as you air-write Read with
(Poem) the PC with the class. purpose and
2:00-2:30 Say the sound and read the understanding.
words on the PWC together.
Point out the sound /u/ in the
words donut and but.
Ask, "Do you like jam on your
Listen to the class read. Pause
with your pointer on the words
they mispronounce and help
them self-correct.

Transition 1:00

The Bears’ empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Listen to and
Picnic ice cream, Tell the story as you point to the participate in
picnic, pictures. conversations.
3:00-3:30 Use card 6 and ask, “Who fixed
the meat? Who said, 'Our
stomachs are empty.'? Is your
stomach empty? Is it time to eat?"

Laugh! cough, cry, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) hiccup, yawn Model the expression, "Sing/clap questions.
3:00-3:30 hands with me."
Ask, "What do you want your
friend to do with you?"
Sing the song together.

Extra Time Activity

Tell "The Red Hen" story.
Sing the "Weekends Are Cool" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Were all of your students seated at an angle where they could see and enjoy the material
throughout the class?

38 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 17
VPCs Needed: body [1], bread [2], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], chips [10], cry [13],
donut [14], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fight [18], garden [20], hamburger [23], hen [25], hit [27], hot dog
[28], hurt [29], ice cream [30], jam [31], kick [33], milk [35], on/off [37], pinch [40], pizza [41], scratch [46],
smell [47], spaghe [50], talk [53], turkey [54]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds
(Song) kick, pinch, Listen to the class sing and help in words.
2:00-2:30 scratch with the /ch/ sound in pinch and

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Ask the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U6: j, p letter. Then, air-write it together writing the letters.
while saying the sound. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Assembly His dog is big. Ask how we start a sentence. Tell Recognize that a
3:00-3:30 He will go up. the class we start a sentence with sentence begins
a capital letter. with an
Write the sentence as the class uppercase letter.
helps you say the sounds of the
words and then read the
sentence together.

Transition 1:00

Six Invite the class to follow along as Listen to sounds

(Big Book) you read. in rhyming words.
2:00-2:30 Point out the rhyme in sun and
Sing it together as you track the

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Respond to the
(Chant) ice cream, milk Listen to the class say the first request to “give
2:30-3:00 card and help with accuracy. me some ___.”
Say the second card as they
Let the class be the cow and
pretend to give you what you ask
Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recognize words
(Song) turkey Ask, "Are you big? Do you like to using picture
1:30-2:00 talk with your friends?" clues.
Sing the song and then invite the
class to sing along.

Transition 1:00

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Component Related Items Teacher Student

The Red Hen empty/full, Teach the VPCs (T-S 2x). Recall
(Story) garden, hen, Tell the story as you point to the information
4:30-5:00 on/off, pizza, pictures. provided and
smell Use card 7 to ask, "Who did the from experience
red hen go to see? What did she to answer
ask for? What did the cow say? Is questions.
the cow friendly? Are you

Freeze! body Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Respond to

(Action Activity) Give directions from list 2 mixing directions.
2:00-2:30 the order of commands.
Say ”Freeze!” after every third or
fourth command.

Transition 1:00

Sad Sam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

(Story) breakfast/ Tell the story as you point to the information
3:00-3:30 lunch/dinner, pictures. provided and
chips, cry, Ask, "What is this story about? from experience
donut, What did Sam do before to answer
hamburger, breakfast? What did Sam's questions.
hot dog, jam, mother make for breakfast?
spaghetti What did Sam say to his mother?
Did your mother fix pancakes for
breakfast this morning?"

Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Listen to the class air-write and Read with
(Poem) say the PC. purpose and
2:30-3:00 Say the PWC together. understanding.
Ask, "Do you like English?"
Use student's responses and say, "I
like English. ____ does too."
Listen to the class read the poem
and help as needed.
Read the poem again together.

Extra Time Activity

Read the "Jam, Jam" Story.
Sing the "Excuse Me" song, and read the "Pizza" poem if you still have extra time.

40 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 18
VPCs Needed: bread [2], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], chips [10], cough [12], cry
[13], donut [14], empty/full [16], ham [22], hamburger [23], hiccup [26], hurt [29], ice cream [30], jam [31],
meat [34], milk [35], noodles [36], picnic [39], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], sandwich [45], sneeze [48],
soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets [52], turkey [54], weekend [55], yawn [56], Sunday [57], Monday [58],
Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Weekends Are Sunday, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

Cool Monday, Point to the days of the week on questions.
(Song) Tuesday, the calendar in random order as
2:00-2:30 Wednesday, you ask, “What day of the week is
Thursday, this?”
Friday, Sing the song together, then listen
Saturday, to the class sing.

Pizza PC, PWC: p Listen to the class say the sound Match spoken
(Poem) /p/ as you air-write the PC word to print.
1:30-2:00 together.
Listen to class say the sound and
read the words on the PWC.
Ask the class to point out the /p/
in the poem.
Listen to the class read the poem,
then read it together.

Jam, Jam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

(Story) cheese, ham, Say the story with the class. Listen in words.
2:30-3:00 meat, noodles, and help with the /l/+/k/ sound in
soup milk.
Ask, "Do you like jam on your
bread? What do you like on your

Transition 1:00

Yes, I Do! milk, popcorn, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds
(Chant) rice, sweets Listen to the class say the chant in words.
3:00-3:30 and help with the /t/ sound in
what, not, and hot.

Yellow Listen to the class sing. Listen to sounds

(Big book) Point out the /ks/ in socks, chicks, in words.
2:00-2:30 ducks, and /t/+/s/ in shirts and
Read the book with the class.
Ask, "Are you wearing anything

Laugh! cough, cry, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) hiccup, yawn Sing the song together. questions.
3:00-3:30 Ask, "What is so much fun to do?
What are 'these things' in "It's so
much fun -oh, you will see- to do
these things with me!"?

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 41

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Excuse Me! sneeze Say the VPC (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

(Song) Ask, "When is it good to say, in words.
2:00-2:30 'Excuse me!'?"
Say the lyrics then sing the song
with the class. Listen and help
with the /z/ sound in excuse,
please, these, and sneeze.

The Bears’ butter, empty/ Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
Picnic full, ice cream, Tell the story. participate in
(Story) picnic, pizza, Use card 7 to ask, "What did the conversations.
3:00-3:30 sandwich, fathers say? What do you want?
spaghetti What did the little bears say?"

Transition 1:00

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PCs. Ask the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U5: a, q, w letter, then air-write it together writing the letters.
U6: i, j while saying the sounds. Produce the
Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Writer Pages 18-19 Tell the class to say the sounds of Produce the
8:00-8:30 the letters as they write them. sounds of each
Walk around and ensure all review letter in
Writers, pencils,
students are saying the sounds as the alphabet.
they write.

Sad Sam breakfast/ Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

(Story) lunch/dinner, Tell the story. Emphasize the in words.
3:00-3:30 chips, donut, sound /t/ in breakfast, ate, not,
hamburger, don’t, want, eat, hot, hut, it,
hurt, jam, meat, and just.
turkey Ask, "Why is Sam sad? Does his
stomach hurt? Why does his
stomach hurt?"

Extra Time Activity

Sing the "Be Nice" Song.
Sing the "If You're Happy" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do you listen carefully when students speak or read and model accuracy?

42 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 19
VPCs Needed: bu er [5], cheese [8], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], fight [18], garden [20], hard/so [24],
hen [25], hit [27], hurt [29], ice cream [30], kick [33], milk [35], on/off [37], pinch [40], pizza [41], scratch
[46], smell [47], talk [53], turkey [54]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to identify
(Song) turkey Sing the song using something in the phrase “I’m
2:00-2:30 your shirt to make a big belly as so ____.”
you model saying, "I am so fat, I
can't see my feet."
Sing it again together.
Model saying, “I am so hungry, I
eat and eat.”

Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Listen to the class say the sounds Listen to review
(Poem) as you air-write the PC together. sounds in words.
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class say the sounds.
Read the words on the PWC.
Point to the sounds /r/ and /m/ in
ice cream, /d/ in does, and /h/ in
how. Say the sounds and read
the words with the class.
Listen to the class read the poem,
then read it expressively.

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to the
(Chant) ice cream, milk Say the chant together. request to “give
2:00-2:30 Ask, "Will you give me some me some ___.”
Let class be the cow and pretend
to give you what you ask for.

Transition 1:00
Six Read the book together. Pause Self-correct while
(Big book) with your pointer at the sounds reading with the
1:30-2:00 students mispronounce. Help group.
them self-correct.
Sing the song together.

The Red Hen empty/full, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds
(Story) garden, hen, Tell the story. Emphasize the in words.
4:00-4:30 on/off, pizza, sound /d/ in red, lived, had, and,
smell ground, said, food, find, did,
needed, made, smelled, good,
and would.
Use card 7 and 8 to ask, "What
did the red hen say to the cow?
What did the cow say? What did
the red hen make from the milk?"

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 43

Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Ask, "How do you feel? Do you Recognize the

Happy always feel happy?" meaning of
(Song) Sing the song together as you do always.
2:00-2:30 the actions.

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PC. Ask the Listen to the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U6: p letter. Then, air-write it together writing the letters.
while saying the sound. Produce the
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly sounds of the
as you listen to the class say the review
sounds. phonograms.

Writer Page 20 Tell the class to say the sounds of Produce the
9:00-10:00 the letters as they write them. sounds of each
Writers, pencils, Walk around and ensure all review letter in
erasers students are saying the sounds as the alphabet.
they write.

Transition 1:00

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to and
Helps His Tell the story. participate in
Father Ask, "What will Mrs. Fox get? What conversations.
(Story Dictionary) would Mr. Fox like for dinner?
3:30-4:00 What would you like for dinner?"

Jam PC, PWC: j Say the sound /j/ as you air-write Follow words left
(Poem) the PC with the class. to right and top
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class say the PWC. to bottom.
Point out the sounds /a/ and /ā/
in the words jam & pancake.
Invite the class to read the poem
as you track the words.
Read it again together modeling
natural expression.

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds
(Song) kick, pinch, Have the class stand up and say in words.
2:00-2:30 scratch the lyrics with you.
Listen to the class sing and help
with the /k/ sound in kick.

Extra Time Activity

Do the "Freeze!" Action Activity.
Tell "The Bears’ Picnic" Story if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do you LOVE and look forward to teaching your students?

44 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 20
VPCs Needed: bread [2], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], chips [10], cough [12], cry
[13], donut [14], empty/full [16], gloves [21], ham [22], hiccup [26], hot dog [28], hurt [29], ice cream [30],
meat [34], milk [35], noodles [36], picnic [39], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], sandwich [45], sneeze [48],
soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets [52], turkey [54], yawn [56]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Laugh! cough, cry, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) hiccup, yawn Sing the song mixing up the order directions with
2:30-3:00 and at a slightly faster pace. actions.

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PCs. Ask the Listen to the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s class to say the name of the sounds while air-
U5: a, q, w letter. Then, air-write it together writing the letters.
U6: i, p while saying the sounds. Produce the
Ask the class to stand up. Mix the sounds of the
U3-5 PCs up and flash through review
them quickly as you listen to the phonograms.
class say the sounds.

Assembly Can he go up Say the sentence and ask the Recognize the
3:30-4:00 a hill? His dog class to repeat it. period and
did go. Say each word with the class as question mark at
you write it on the board. the end of the
After writing the last word in the sentences.
sentence, ask the class what you
need to finish the sentence.
For the first sentence say, “This is a
question; so what do I need?” Use
the words period and question
Read the sentences together.

Transition 1:00

Sad Sam breakfast/ Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and

(Story) lunch/dinner, Invite the class to help say the participate in
3:30-4:00 chips, donut, story. conversations.
hot dog, hurt, Ask, "What did Sam eat before
turkey lunch? Is it good to eat sweets
before lunch? Do you eat sweets
before lunch?"

Jam PC: j Say the sound /j/ as you air-write Read with
(Poem) the PC with the class. purpose and
2:00-2:30 Ask the class to point out the /j/ understanding.
sound in the poem verbally.
Listen to the class read, then read
it again together.
Point out the sound /k/ in the
word pancake.

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 45

Component Related Items Teacher Student

The Bears’ butter, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recognize the

Picnic empty/full, Invite the class to say the story meaning of after.
(Story) ice cream, along quietly.
3:30-4:00 milk, picnic, Use card 8 to ask, "What did the
pizza, rice, bears do after the picnic? Were
sandwich, their stomachs empty or full
soup before the picnic? How are their
stomachs now, after the picnic?"

Excuse Me! sneeze Say the VPC (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) Ask, “What should you say if you questions.
2:00-2:30 burp?”
Listen to the class sing.
Transition 1:00

Jam, Jam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and

(Story) cheese, ham, Teacher/class say every other participate in
3:00-3:30 meat, noodles, card. conversations.
spaghetti Ask, "Do you like jam? What do
you like your jam on?"

Yellow gloves Say the VPC (S-T-S). Self-correct while

(Big Book) Listen to the class read the book. reading with the
2:30-3:00 Pause with your pointer at the group.
sounds they mispronounce. Have
them self-correct.
Ask the class to stand up and go
touch something that is yellow.

Yes, I Do! popcorn, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

(Chant) sweets Take turns asking/answering the in words.
3:30-4:00 questions in the chant with the
Help the class hear and
pronounce the /m/ in some.

Extra Time Activity

Read the "Pizza" Poem.
Do the "Cow, Cow" Chant if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do you praise and encourage each individual appropriately according to their abilities?

46 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 21
VPCs Needed: bread [2], breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], chips [10], cry [13], donut
[14], fat/thin [17], fight [18], hamburger [23], hard/so [24], hit [27], hot dog [28], hurt [29], ice cream [30],
kick [33], milk [35], on/off [37], pinch [40], scratch [46], spaghe [50], talk [53], turkey [54], weekend [55],
Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Be Nice fight, hit, kick, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Song) pinch, scratch Say the lyrics together as though participate in
2:00-2:30 you’re talking. conversations
Listen to the class sing and help about being
as needed. nice.

Pizza PC, PWC: p Listen to the class say the sound Produce the
(Poem) /p/ as you air-write the PC sound /p/ when
2:00-2:30 together shown the letter
Listen to class say the PWC. “p”.
Help the class think of other words
with the sound /p/: paper, pony,
popcorn, picnic, and pinch.
Listen to the class read the poem.
Pause with your pointer at the
sounds they mispronounce. Help
them self-correct before moving
Point out the /u/ in pizza and

Sad Sam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

(Story) hamburger, Say the story together. Emphasize in words.
2:30-3:00 cry, breakfast/ the sound /b/ in bad, boy,
lunch/dinner, before, breakfast, bread, butter,
chips, donut, but, bed, and be.
hot dog, hurt, Ask, "What did your mother fix for
spaghetti breakfast? What did you say to
your mother?"

Transition 1:00

Six Read it together, then listen to the Listen to sounds

(Big Book) class sing. in words.
1:30-2:00 Point out the sounds /ks/ in six, /s/
+/l/ in sleeping, and /t/+/l/ in little.
Ask, "Do you see six little girls/

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Listen to and
Helps His Tell the story. participate in
Father Ask, "What did Miss Monkey say? conversations.
(Story Dictionary) What did Miss Monkey ask Father
4:00-4:30 Bear to do? What did Mrs. Lion
want? Can Jonny pick up the big
watermelon? What did he say to
his father?"

Transition 1.00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 47

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recognize the
(Song) turkey Use something in your shirt to meaning of “I’m
1:30-2:00 make a big belly and model so __/I am so __.”
saying, "I’m so fat, I can't see my
Sing the song together.

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Listen to Produce the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u the class say the sounds as you sounds when
U6: i, j air-write together. shown the letters.
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly
as you listen to the class say the

Assembly Can we go? Say the sentence. Have the class Match spoken
3:00-3:30 He will go up a repeat it after you as you count words to print.
hill. the words together.
Ask, "How many words are in the
Ask the class to say each word as
you write the sentence.
Read the sentences together.

Transition 1:00

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Chant) ice cream, milk Say the first card together. participate in
2:30-3:00 Listen to the class say the second conversations.
card and help with accuracy.
Pretend to be the cow and invite
class to ask for what they want.

Weekends Are Sunday, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and

Cool Monday, Say the lyrics, then listen to the participate in
(Song) Tuesday, class sing and help with conversations.
2:30-3:00 Wednesday, accuracy.
Thursday, Ask, “What day of the week do
Friday, you like? What is the first day of
Saturday, school in the week? What day is it
weekend today?”

Freeze! on/off Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Respond to

(Action Activity) Give directions from list 1 at a directions.
2:00-2:30 faster pace.
Say “Freeze!” after every few

Extra Time Activity

Do the "Yes, I Do!" Chant.
Read the "Ice Cream" Poem if you still have extra time.

48 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 22
VPCs Needed: body [1], cheese [8], fat/thin [17], ham [22], hamburger [23], hot dog [28], juice [32], milk
[35], noodles [36], on/off [37], pancake [38], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad [44], sandwich [45], soup [49],
sweets [52], talk [53], turkey [54] 

Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Ask the class to say the name of Listen to sounds

Happy the song and help them in words.
(Song) pronounce the /f/ in if.
2:30-3:00 Ask, "If you’re happy what will
always show it?"
Tell the class to stand up and
show you a happy face.
Sing the first two verses as you do
the actions together. Invite the
class to sing along for the last two

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PC. Listen to Produce the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s the class say the sound as you air- sounds when
U5: a, q, w write together. shown the letters.
U6: p Flash through the U3-5 PCs quickly
as you listen to the class say the

Assembly Can he run? Say the sentence and ask the Understand
2:30-3:00 He can, and class to repeat it. empty spaces
he will. Write it on the board as you say between words.
each word together.
After writing the first word, ask the
class if the word “he” can start
right after the first word.
Put a finger after the word and
tell the class we need space
between words.

Transition 1:00
Jam PC: j Listen to the class say the sound Self-correct while
(Poem) /j/ as you air-write the PC reading with the
1:30-2:00 together. group.
Listen to the class read. Pause
with your pointer on the words
they mispronounce. Help them
Point out the /i/ sound in the word
The Red Hen cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall
(Story) fat/thin, milk, Tell the story. information
4:00-4:30 on/off Use card 8 and 9 to ask, "Did the provided to
red hen have everything she answer questions
needed? What did she ask her about the story.
friends to help her make? Who
said, 'Not me!'? What did the red
hen say? And what did she

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 49

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Freeze! body Say the VPC (S-T-S). Respond to

(Action Activity) Give directions from list 2 at a directions.
2:00-2:30 faster pace.
Say “Freeze!” after every few

Excuse Me! Say the lyrics, then listen to the Respond to

(Song) class sing. questions.
2:30-3:00 Ask, "What should you say when
you bump into someone? What
else should you say 'Excuse me.'
Transition 1:00

Yes, I Do! popcorn, rice, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Chant) sandwich, Listen as the class says the first participate in
3:30-4:00 soup, sweets verse on each card, and have conversations.
them listen to you say the second.
Let the class ask you questions
about what you want.
Ice Cream PC: i Listen to the class air-write and Self-correct while
(Poem) say the PC. reading with the
2:00-2:30 Ask the class to clap on the group.
sound /s/ in ice cream and Sam
as you read the poem.
Listen to the class read. Pause
with your pointer at the sounds
they mispronounce and help
them self-correct.
Transition 1:00

The Bears’ ham, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

Picnic hamburger, Say the story together. Listen and in words.
(Story) hot dog, juice, help with the /s/ sound in
3:00-3:30 noodles, pancakes, oops, juice, cakes,
pancake, and rice.
salad Ask, "Are you going on a picnic
this weekend? Do you go on
picnics with your family?"

Big, Big Turkey talk, turkey Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds
(Song) Listen to the class sing and help in words.
2:00-2:30 with accuracy.
Model saying, "I'm a teacher. I am
your teacher."
Ask, "What are you? Are you a

Extra Time Activity

Read the "Yellow" Big Book.
Sing the "Laugh" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Are your students thinking and speaking in English?

50 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 23
VPCs Needed: bread [2], bu er [5], cheese [8], cough [12], cry [13], fight [18], ham [22], hamburger [23],
hiccup [26], hit [27], hot dog [28], hurt [29], ice cream [30], juice [32], kick [33], meat [34], milk [35],
noodles [36], pancake [38], pinch [40], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad [44], scratch [46], soup [49],
spaghe [50], weekend [55], yawn [56], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60],
Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Laugh! cough, cry, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) hiccup, yawn Mix up the order of verses saying, directions with
3:00-3:30 “Let’s all ___” before singing each actions.

Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Air-write and say the PC with the Read with
(Poem) class. accuracy, rate,
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class say the PWC. and expression.
Point out the sounds /z/ in does,
/n/ in Tonya, and /l/ in like(s).
Read the poem together
Listen to the class read.
Transition 1:00
Cow, Cow Say every other verse and listen to Listen to and
(Chant) the class say the others. participate in
2:00-2:30 Pretend to be the cow and let conversations.
the class ask for what they want.
Weekends Are Sunday, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
Cool Monday, Play the CD and listen to the class participate in
(Song) Tuesday, sing the song. conversations.
2:00-2:30 Wednesday, Ask, “What day of the week is it
Thursday, today? What day comes before
Friday, Sunday? What day comes after
Saturday, Monday?”
The Bears’ ham, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall
Picnic hamburger, Tell the story. information
(Story) hot dog, juice, Use card 9 and pointing to the provided and
3:00-3:30 pancake, bears ask, "What did these/those from experience
noodles bears have for dinner? What did to answer
you eat for dinner?" questions.
Transition 1:00

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Listen to Produce the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u the class say the sounds as you sounds when
U6: j, p air-write together. shown the letters.
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly
as you listen to the class say the

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 51

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Assembly Will he go? If Say the sentence and have the Associate sounds
3:00-3:30 he can, he will class repeat it. in words with
go. Ask the class what sounds they spelling.
hear in the first word.
Have the class say each word as
you write the sentence.
Read the sentences together.

Jam, Jam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Express

(Story) cheese, meat, Take turns saying every other preference
3:00-3:30 popcorn, soup, card with the class. about
spaghetti Ask, "Do you like ham on your combinations of
bread? Do you like vegetables on foods you like to
your pizza?" Model the sentence eat.
after students respond.

Transition 1:00

Six Let the class try to read the first Match spoken
(Big Book) sentence. Read the rest together. words to print.
1:30-2:00 Ask, "What do you see sleeping in
the sun? Do you sleep in the sun?"

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Song) kick, pinch, Ask, "Should we be nice or bad? participate in
1:30-2:00 scratch Is Jonny Bear nice? Are you nice conversations
to your friends and everybody?" about being
Sing the song together. nice.

Sad Sam butter, ice Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

(Story) cream, milk, Say the story together. information
3:30-4:00 pizza, rice, Ask, "What did Sam eat before provided to
salad dinner? Did Sam eat dinner? answer questions
What did he say?" about the story.

Extra Time Activity

Sing the "Excuse Me!" Song.
Sing the "Big, Big Turkey" Song if you still have extra time.

52 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 24
VPCs Needed: bread [2], cheese [8], fat/thin [17], fight [18], gloves [21], ham [22], hard/so [24], hit
[27], hurt [29], kick [33], meat [34], milk [35], noodles [36], on/off [37], pinch [40], popcorn [42], rice [43],
sandwich [45], scratch [46], soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets [52]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) kick, pinch, Sing the song together. questions.
2:30-3:00 scratch Ask, "What does your teacher tell
you to do/not do?"
Model saying, "Don't ____."

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Use the current unit PCs. Listen to Produce the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s the class say the sounds as you sounds when
U5: a, q, w air-write together. shown the letters.
U6: i, j Ask the class to stand up. Mix up
the order of the U3-5 PCs and
flash through them quickly as you
listen to the class say the sounds.

Assembly Can he run? Say the sentence and have the Recognize that a
2:00-2:30 He runs. class repeat it. sentence begins
Ask, "How do we start a with an
sentence?" uppercase letter.
Say the words with the class as
you write them, then read the
Repeat with the second

Pizza PC: p Watch the class air-write the PC Read with

(Poem) as they say the sound /p/. purpose and
2:00-2:30 Point out the sounds /i/ in dinner understanding.
and /ē/ in pizza.
Pick a student to come up and
standing to the side of the poem
track the words as you read
Ask, “Do you have pizza for

Transition 1:00

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Communicate

Helps His Tell the story. information
Father Ask, "What did Mrs. Elephant about Jonny
(Story Dictionary) want? What did Jonny say to her? Bear helping his
4:30-5:00 What did Father Bear say to father.
Jonny that night? What did Jonny
say? What does Jonny want to
pick for Mother? Will Mother like

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 53

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Yes, I Do! popcorn, rice, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to the
(Chant) sandwich, Say the first verse on each card. questions “What
3:30-4:00 soup, sweets Listen to the class say the second do you want? Do
verse. you want __?”
Ask, “What do you want? Do you
want some food or toys?”

Transition 1:00

Yellow gloves Say the VPC (S-T-S). Communicate

(Big Book) Listen to the class sing. Help with information
2:00-2:30 accuracy as needed. about yellow
Ask, “Do you see anything yellow objects in the
in the classroom? What yellow classroom.
things do you see?”

The Red Hen cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

(Story) fat/thin, milk, Tell the story. information
4:30-5:00 on/off Use card 10 to ask, "Who smelled provided to
the pizza? How did it smell? What answer questions
did the red hen ask? What did the about the story.
pig/sheep/goat say?"

Transition 1:00
Excuse Me! Ask, "What do you say when you Respond to
(Song) yawn, cough, or sneeze?" questions.
2:00-2:30 Play the CD and sing the song

Jam, Jam bread, ham, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Express

(Story) meat, noodles, Listen to the class say the story preference
3:30-4:00 spaghetti and help as needed. about
Ask, "Do you like eggs in your combinations of
sandwich? What do you like in foods you like to
your soup?" Model the sentence eat.
after students respond.

Extra Time Activity

Do the "Cow, Cow" Chant.
Sing the "If You're Happy" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do students enjoy coming to class because they love you?

54 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 25
VPCs Needed: breakfast/lunch/dinner [4], bu er [5], cheese [8], egg [15], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], 
ham [22], hamburger [23], hot dog [28], ice cream [30], juice [32], meat [34], milk [35], noodles [36], on/off
[37], pancake [38], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad [44], sandwich [45], soup [49], spaghe [50],
talk [53], turkey [54]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Song) turkey Play the CD as you sing the song participate in
2:00-2:30 together. conversations.
Model saying, "I am so thirsty, I
drink and drink."

Jam PC: j Listen to the class say the sound Read with
(Poem) as you air-write the PC together. accuracy, rate,
2:00-2:30 Ask the class to point out the /p/ and expression.
and /h/ sounds in the poem
Read the poem together
Listen to the class read.
Transition 1:00

Sad Sam egg, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

(Story) empty/full, Tell the story. information
3:30-4:00 meat, pizza, Ask, "What did Sam's mother fix for provided and
rice, sandwich, lunch? What did your mother fix from experience
soup, for lunch? Did you tell your to answer
spaghetti mother thank you? What did Sam questions.
say to his mother?"

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Have the class stand up. Produce the

1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u Mix up the order of the cards. sounds when
U6: p Flash through them quickly as you shown the letters.
listen to the class say the sounds.

Assembly Can a dog Say the sentence and have the Understand
2:30-3:00 run? We can class repeat it. empty spaces
all go. Start writing the second word between words.
without any space. Let the class
correct you.
Listen to the class read the

Six Listen to the class read. Help as Communicate

(Big Book) needed. information
1:30-2:00 Ask, “How many zebras are about the
starting to run? What is the name number six in the
of this book?” illustrations.

Transition 1:00

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 55

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Freeze! breakfast/ Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Action Activity) lunch/dinner, Give directions from list 1 at a directions.
2:00-2:30 on/off faster pace.
Say “Freeze!” after every few

Ice Cream PC: i Listen to the class air-write and Read with
(Poem) say the PC. purpose and
2:00-2:30 Ask the class to point out the understanding.
sound /ī/ in the poem verbally.
Listen to the class read the poem.
Ask, "Do you like ice cream?"
Change Tonya and Sam to
names of your students and read
it as they listen.
Transition 1:00

If You’re Listen and help class sing at the Listen to and

Happy right pace to accurately participate in
(Song) pronounce, especially the last conversations.
2:30-3:00 half of each verse.
Ask, “Was Sam happy? Why?
Don’t you like to eat sweets?”

The Bears’ ham, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

Picnic hamburger, Invite the class to help say the information
(Story) hot dog, juice, story. provided and
3:30-4:00 noodles, Use card 9 and 10 to ask, “Who from experience
pancake, fixed popcorn for dinner? Who to answer
popcorn, ate ice cream? What do you eat questions.
salad for dinner?”

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Produce

(Chant) ice cream, milk Listen to the class say the chant complete
2:30-3:00 and help as needed. sentences.
Ask the class what they want for a
Model saying, "Give me some

Extra Time Activity

Sing the "Weekends Are Cool" Song.
Tell "The Red Hen" Story if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Did you notice each and every one of your students today?

56 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 26
VPCs Needed: bread [2], cheese [8], chicken [9], cough [12], cry [13], empty/full [16], fat/thin [17], ham
[22], hard/so [24], hiccup [26], meat [34], milk [35], noodles [36], on/off [37], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice
[43], sandwich [45], smell [47], soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets [52], weekend [55], yawn [56], weekend
[55], Sunday [57], Monday [58], Tuesday [59], Wednesday [60], Thursday [61], Friday [62], Saturday [63]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Weekends Are Sunday, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and

Cool Monday, Play the CD as you sing the song participate in
(Song) Tuesday, together. conversations.
2:00-2:30 Wednesday, Ask, “What day of the week is it
Thursday, today? What day comes before
Friday, Thursday? What day comes after
Saturday, Wednesday?”

Pizza PC, PWC: p Say the sound /p/ as you air-write Read with
(Poem) the PC with the class. accuracy, rate,
2:00-2:30 Say the sound and read the and expression.
words on the PWC together.
Model reading with expression.
Listen to the class read.

Yes, I Do! milk, popcorn, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Chant) rice, sandwich, Take turns asking/answering the participate in
3:00-3:30 soup, sweets questions in the chant with the conversations.

Transition 1:00

Six Listen to the class sing. Read with

(Big book)
Ask, “What are the lions doing? purpose and
2:00-2:30 What are the zebras starting to understanding.
Read expressively together.

Jam, Jam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Express

(Story) chicken, ham, Say the story together. preference
3:30-4:00 meat, noodles, Ask, "What do you like with/in your about
on/off, noodles?" combinations of
spaghetti foods you like to
Transition 1:00
Excuse Me! Say the lyrics with the class, Listen to and
(Song) expressively. participate in
2:00-2:30 Have a student bump into you conversations.
and say, "Excuse me, please!"
Listen to the class sing. Help as

The Red Hen cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

(Story) empty/full, Designate students to be the information
4:30-5:00 fat/thin, pizza, different characters and say the provided to
smell story together. answer questions
Use card 11 to ask, "What did the about the story.
red hen say?"

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 57

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Ask the class to stand up. Produce the

1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s Mix up the order of the PCs. Flash sounds when
U5: a, q, w through them quickly as you listen shown the letters.
U6: i, j to the class say the sounds.

Assembly I am big. Will Talk about how the word I is Segment words
2:30-3:00 he go? always capitalized even if it’s in into their
the middle of a sentence. sequence of
Say the sentence and have the sounds.
class repeat it.
Ask the class to say each word as
you write.
Let the class read the sentences.

Transition 1:00

Laugh! cough, cry, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) hiccup, yawn Ask, "What shall we all do?" Let questions.
3:00-3:30 students respond, "Let's all ___!"
Listen to the class sing the song.

Jonny Bear hard/soft Teach the VPC (T-S 2x). Communicate

Helps His Tell the story. information
Father Ask, "What did Jonny say to Mrs. about Jonny
(Story Dictionary) Kangaroo? What did Mrs. Bear helping his
4:00-4:30 Kangaroo put in her pocket?" father.

Extra Time Activity

Do the "Freeze!" Action Activity.
Read the "Yellow" Big Book if you still have extra time.

58 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 27
VPCs Needed: bread [2], bu er [5], cheese [8], chicken [9], egg [15], empty/full [16], fight [18], gloves
[21], ham [22], hamburger [23], hit [27], hot dog [28], hurt [29], ice cream [30], juice [32], kick [33], meat
[34], milk [35],noodles [36], on/off [37], pancake [38], pinch [40], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad
[44], sandwich [45], scratch [46], soup [49], spaghe [50] 

Component Related Items Teacher Student

If You’re Play the CD and sing the song Listen to and

Happy together as you do the actions. participate in
(Song) Ask, “Does it make you happy to conversations.
2:00-2:30 eat sweets? If you eat too many
sweets what will happen? Will you
get fat like the big turkey?”

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Use the current unit PCs. Listen to Produce the
1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u the class say the sounds as you sounds when
U6: j, p air-write together. shown the letters.
Flash through the U1-2 PCs quickly
as you listen to the class say the

Assembly He can run. He Say the sentence and have the Segment words
2:30-3:00 has fun. class repeat it. into their
Let the class help sound out each sequence of
word as you write. sounds.
Have the class read the
Ask them which words rhyme.

Ice Cream PC, PWC: i Air-write and say the PC with the Self-correct while
(Poem) class. reading with the
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class say the PWC. group.
Listen to the class read. Pause
with your pointer at the sounds
they mispronounce. Help them

Transition 1:00

The Bears’ ham, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

Picnic hamburger, Tell the story. information
(Story) hot dog, juice, Ask, "What’s the name of the provided and
3:00-3:30 noodles, story? Who’s going on a picnic from experience
pancake, after breakfast? Are you going on to answer
popcorn, a picnic? What are the bears questions.
salad eating for breakfast?”

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Produce

(Chant) ice cream, milk Ask, "What do you want for complete
2:00-2:30 dinner?" sentences.
Allow spontaneous responses
using “give me ___/ I want ___.”
Model the sentence as needed.
Say the chant together.

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 59

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Freeze! Give directions from list 2 at a Respond to

(Action Activity) faster pace and out of order. directions.
2:00-2:30 Say “Freeze!” periodically.

Transition 1:00
Yellow gloves Say the VPC (S-T-S). Read with
(Big Book) Listen to the class read through purpose and
2:00-2:30 page 4 and read the rest of the understanding.
book as you model natural
Model saying, “There is a yellow
__. There are yellow ___.”

Jam, Jam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Express

(Story) chicken, meat, Listen to the boys and girls take preference
3:30-4:00 on/off, turns saying every other card. about
spaghetti Ask, "What do you like in your combinations of
sandwich?" Model the sentence foods you like to
after students respond. eat.

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Song) kick, pinch, Listen to the class sing. participate in
2:00-2:30 scratch Ask, "What nice things can you conversations
say/do?” about being
Transition 1:00

Sad Sam egg, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to sounds

empty/full, Invite the class to help say the in words.
3:00-3:30 story while you point to the
pizza, rice,
sandwich, pictures. Listen and help with the
sound /p/ in pancakes, pizza, and

Extra Time Activity

Sing the "Big, Big Turkey" Song.
Read the "Jam" and "Pizza" Poems if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Do you keep students motivated by consistently modeling accuracy and complete sen-
tences when they communicate?

60 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 28
VPCs Needed: bread [2], chicken [9], egg [15], empty/full [16],fat/thin [17], fight [18], hit [27], hurt [29],
kick [33], meat [34], on/off [37], pinch [40], pizza [41], rice [43], sandwich [45], scratch [46], soup [49],
spaghe [50], talk [53], turkey [54]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Respond to

(Song) kick, pinch, Ask, "Is it nice to hurt your friend questions.
2:30-3:00 scratch anywhere?”
Model saying, “No, not their face,
arm, or leg; don't hurt them
Play the CD and listen to the class
sing the song.

Jam PC, PWC: j Listen to the class say the sound Self-correct while
(Poem) as you air-write the PC together. reading with the
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class say the PWC. group.
Listen to the class read. Pause
with your pointer on the words
they mispronounce. Help them

Transition 1:00

Sad Sam egg, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and

empty/full, Say the story together. participate in
3:00-3:30 Ask, "What did Sam’s mother fix conversations.
pizza, rice,
sandwich, for dinner? Does your mother
make noodles and salad for
dinner, too?”
Freeze! Give directions from list 1 at a Respond to
(Action Activity) faster pace and out of order. directions.
2:00-2:30 Say “Freeze!” periodically.

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Mix up the order of cards. Flash Produce the

1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s through them quickly as you listen sounds when
U5: a, q, w to the class say the sounds. shown the letters.
U6: i, p

Transition 1:00

Assembly A dog can run. Say the sentence and have the Segment words
3:00-3:30 A dog has fun. class repeat it. into their
Let the class help sound out the sequence of
words as you write. Then, read the sounds.
Ask them how many sentences
you wrote.

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 61

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Six Take turns singing every other Self-correct while

(Big Book) page with the class. reading with the
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class read the book. group.
Pause with your pointer at the
sounds they mispronounce. Help
them self-correct.

Big, Big Turkey fat/thin, talk, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Song) turkey Ask the class to stand up and sing participate in
2:00-2:30 the song together. conversations.
Ask, "Can you see your back?"
Model the sentence, "I can't see
my back."

Transition 1:00

Jam, Jam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Express

(Story) chicken, meat, Listen to the girls and boys take preference
3:00-3:30 on/off, turns saying every other card. about
spaghetti Ask, "Do you like milk? What do combinations of
you like with your milk?" Model foods you like to
the sentence after students eat.

Yes, I Do! Listen to the class say the chant. Produce

(Chant) In two groups take turns asking complete
3:00-3:30 and answering questions about sentences.
what you want.

Excuse Me! Have a couple of students come Listen to and

(Song) up and model sneezing/ participate in
2:00-2:30 coughing and saying, "Excuse conversations.
me, please!"
Listen to the class sing.

Extra Time Activity

Tell "The Bears’ Picnic" Story.
Sing the "If You're Happy" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

How were your transitions between each component?

62 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 29
VPCs Needed: bu er [5], cheese [8], fight [18], ham [22], hamburger [23], hit [27], hot dog [28], hurt
[29], ice cream [30], juice [32], kick [33], milk [35], noodles [36], pancake [38], pinch [40], popcorn [42], sal-
ad [44], scratch [46]

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Excuse Me! Have the class pretend to cough/ Listen to and

(Song) sneeze/ bump into each other participate in
2:00-2:30 and then say, "Excuse me!" conversations.
Play the CD and listen to the class

Pizza PC: p Say the name of the letter without Self-correct while
(Poem) showing the PC. Watch as the reading with the
2:30-3:00 class air-writes and says /p/. group.
Point to /b/, /k/, /l/, /d/, /m/ in the
poem. Ask the class to say the
Listen to the class read the poem.
Pause with your pointer at the
sounds they mispronounce. Help
them self-correct.

Ice Cream PC: i Listen to the class air-write and Read with
(Poem) say the PC. accuracy, rate,
1:30-2:00 Read the poem, modeling and expression.
expression as though you’re
Listen to the class read.

Transition 1:00
The Red Hen Designate students to be the Recall
(Story) different characters and say parts information
4:00-4:30 of the story. provided and
Use card 12 to ask, "What did the from experience
red hen and her little chicks do? to answer
Who was friendly? Are you questions.

Six Take turns singing every other Read with

(Big Book) page with the class. accuracy, rate,
2:30-3:00 Ask, “What do you see at the and expression.
zoo? Where do you see them all?
What do you see in the
Listen to the class read.

Transition 1:00

Cow, Cow butter, cheese, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Produce

(Chant) ice cream, milk Listen to the class say the chant. complete
2:00-2:30 Ask, "If you want a snack, what sentences.
do you say to your mother?"
Model saying, "Please, give me
___ for my snack."

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 63

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Phonograms U1: d, f, k, m, z Mix up the order of cards. Flash Produce the

1:00-1:30 U2: b, g, l, u through them quickly as you listen sounds when
U6: j to the class say the sounds. shown the letters.

Assembly Will he go up? Say the sentence and have the Segment words
2:00-2:30 He will go up. class repeat it. into their
Let the class help sound out the sequence of
words as you write. sounds.
Ask how many letters are in the
word will.
Read the sentences together.

Transition 1:00

Be Nice fight, hit, hurt, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and
(Song) kick, pinch, Ask, “Who is a nice friend?” participate in
2:00-2:30 scratch Sing the song together. Replace conversations
Jonny Bear with the name of one about being
of your students. nice.

The Bears’ ham, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

Picnic hamburger, Listen to class tell the story and information
(Story) hot dog, juice, help as needed. provided to
3:00-3:30 noodles, Ask, "What did Molly's /Holly's answer questions
pancake, mother make? How many cakes about the story.
popcorn, did she make? Did the bears
salad have a good day?"

Freeze! Give directions from list 2 at a Respond to

(Action Activity) faster pace and out of order. directions.
2:00-2:30 Say “Freeze!” periodically.

Extra Time Activity

Tell the "Jonny Bear Helps His Father" Story Dictionary.
Sing the "Be Nice" Song if you still have extra time.

64 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

Unit 6 Lesson 30
VPCs Needed: bread [2], bu er [5], cheese [8], cough [12], cry [13], ham [22], hiccup [26], ice cream
[30], meat [34], milk [35], noodles [36], pancake [38], pizza [41], popcorn [42], rice [43], salad [44],
sandwich [45], soup [49], spaghe [50], sweets [52], yawn [56] 

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Big, Big Turkey Say the lyrics, then play the CD. Listen to and
(Song) Listen to the class sing. participate in
2:00-2:30 Ask, "What are you? Are you a big conversations.
Model saying, "I am so sleepy, I
cannot keep my eyes open."

Jam PC: j Listen to the class say the sound Read with
(Poem) as you air-write the PC together. accuracy, rate,
2:00-2:30 Listen to the class read the poem. and expression.
Ask the class to point out the /n/
and /m/ sounds in the poem

Transition 1:00
Jam, Jam bread, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Express
(Story) cheese, ham, Listen to the class say the story. preference
3:00-3:30 meat, Ask, "Do you like spaghetti? What about
spaghetti do you like in your spaghetti?" combinations of
foods you like to
Yes, I Do! milk, popcorn, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Produce
(Chant) rice, sandwich, Listen as boys and girls take turns complete
3:00-3:30 soup, sweets saying every other verse. sentences.
Pretend you are in a restaurant.
Have the class ask you what you
want to eat or drink.

Freeze! Give directions from list 1 at a Respond to

(Action Activity) faster pace and out of order. directions.
2:00-2:30 Say “Freeze!” periodically.

Transition 1:00

Phonograms U3: c, e, n, x Mix up the order of the PCs and Produce the
1:30-2:00 U4: h, o, r, s flash through them quickly as you sounds when
U5: a, q, w listen to the class say the sounds. shown the letters.
U6: i, p
Assembly Can he go up Say the sentence and have class Segment words
2:00-2:30 a hill? He can, repeat it. into their
and he will. Ask the class to say each word as sequence of
you write. sounds.
Let the class read the sentences.

Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited 65

Component Related Items Teacher Student

Yellow Sing together. Read with

(Big Book) Ask the class to tell you what accuracy, rate,
2:00-2:30 yellow things they see in the and expression.
Listen to the class read the book.

Transition 1:00

Sad Sam butter, ice Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Recall

(Story) cream, Let the class say the story. Help as information
3:30-4:00 noodles, needed. provided and
pancake, Ask, "What did Sam eat before from experience
pizza, salad snack time? What did Sam's to answer
mother fix for a snack? Does your questions.
mother fix popcorn for a snack?”

Laugh! cough, cry, Say the VPCs (S-T-S). Listen to and

(Song) hiccup, yawn Make a circle and sing the song participate in
3:00-3:30 together. Pause after each verse conversations
to let the class choose what to do about noises
next saying, "Let's all ___". people make.

Jonny Bear Tell the story. Communicate

Helps His Ask, “Who wants some beans? information
Father Where are they? If a melon is about Jonny
(Story Dictionary) hard, is it good to eat? What Bear helping his
4:00-4:30 about if it is too soft? Who said, father.
'That melon is bad'?"

Extra Time Activity

Sing the "If You’re Happy" Song.
Sing the "Weekends Are Cool" Song if you still have extra time.

Teacher Reflection Question

Are you and your students ready to move on to the next unit?

66 Beta Version © 2018 GrapeSEED Media Limited

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