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Nutrition in Plants and Animal

1. Which of the following is not a type of nutrition.
a) Autotrophic b) Heterotrophic
c) Saprotrophic d) Mistletoe
2. Plants make their own food by the process of
a) Digestion b) Photosynthesis
c) Cooking d) Heterotrophs
3. Things necessary for photosynthesis.
a) Water b) Sunlight
c) Carbon dioxide d) All of the above
4. Which tissue transport water throughout the plant.
a) phloem b) Roots
c) Xylem d) chloroplast
5. In which form, plants produce food.
a) Starch b) Protein
c) oxygen and water d) Fat
6. Carbon dioxide is absorbed through pores known as.
a) Xylem b) chlorophyll
c) Stomata d) Guard cells
7. Cuscuta sucks food through adventitious roots known.
a) saprophyte b) Rafflesia
c) leaf blade d) haustoria
8. Which of the following is not a parasitic plant.
a) Rafflesia b) Tetrastigma
c) Cuscuta d) Mistletoe
9. Organisms that obtain nutrition from dead & decaying plants and animals.
a) Parasites b) Heterotrophs
c) Saprophytes d) Autotrophs
10. In which category Fungi falls.
a) Parasites b) Heterotrophs
c) Saprophytes d) Autotrophs
11. Chlorophyll containing structures
a) stomata b) chloroplast
c) Leaf d) stem
Nutrition in Plants and Animal
12. Rhizobium is
a) a parasitic and nitrogen fixing bacterium b) a non-symbiotic bacterium
c) a symbiotic, nitrogen fixing bacterium d) none of the above
13. Amoeba has finger-like projection on the body called.
a) tentacles b) pseudopodia
c) canines d) pancreas
14. An adult human being has.
a) 16 teeth b) 42 teeth
c) 8 teeth d) 32 teeth
15. When muscles of oesophagus contracts produces wave like motion called.
a) Ingestion b) peristalsis
c) Digestion d) Absorption
16. Stomach produces.
a) Gastric mucosa b) Dilute hydrochloric acid
c) Digestive juices d) All of the above
17. Select the wrong pair .
a) Trypsin- Starch b) Amylase-Carbohydrate
c) Lipase-fat d) Liver-Bile
18. Gall bladder stores.
a) Saliva b) Hydrochloric acid
c) Digestive juices d) Bile juice
19. Trypsin is produced by
a) Liver b) Stomach
c) Pancreas d) small intestine
20. Ruminants have ______ chambered stomach.
a) 1 b) 4
c) 5 d) 2
21. Finger like structures present in small intestine.
a) Pseudopodia b) Molar
c) Villi d) Bolus
22. Removal of waste through anus known as.
a) Enzyme b) Egestion
c) Chime d) Assimilation
True and false

1. Tentacles of hydra have special cells known as stinging cell. [T/F]

2. Protein is the final product of carbohydrate digestion. [T/F]
3. Salivary glands secrete saliva which help in digestion of
4. Gall bladder stores the bile juice. [T/F]
5. Humans have 6 molars in each jaw. [T/F]
6. Papilae are present in stomach and responsible for secretion of
hydrochloric acid. [T/F]
7. Assimilation is not the part of human nutrition [T/F]
8. Amylase convert protein into amino acid. [T/F]
9. Canines helps in chewing and grinding of food. [T/F]
10. Symbiosis is a mutually beneficial relation between two or more
organisms. [T/F]
11. Cuscuta and Mistletoe example of insectivorous plants. [T/F]
12. Plant take carbon dioxide through stomata. [T/F]

Fill in the blanks

1. Chlorophyll containing structures are___________ .

2. _________ means light and____________ means putting together.
3. The water taken up into the leaves makes guard cells________.
4. _____________ is a saprophyte.
5. The plants that trap and consume insects to obtain nutrition are
6. The plants that totally depend on host called ______, whereas some plants
partially depend on host called________.
7. ___________ are the modified roots of parasites.
8. Leguminous plants contain _______ in their roots .
9. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as ________.
10. _________ helps in nitrogen fixation.
11. The sundew plant has tentacles called ________ covered with sticky
substance called _________ .

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