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Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ batterysensor

§ wmibatterysensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

WMI Battery Specific

WMI Battery Specific

Setting Description

Name Shows the name of the battery or the UPS that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

Setting Description

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Battery Health The battery health in percent

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Estimated Charge The estimated remaining charge in percent

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Status The status of the battery

§ Up status 186 : Charging, Discharging, Fully Charged, Unknown
§ Warning status: Critical But Charging

§ Down status: Critical But Discharging

Time Until Empty The time until the battery is empty

Time Until Full The time until the battery is fully charged

Voltage The voltage in volts (V)

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.262 WMI Custom Sensor
The WMI Custom sensor performs a custom query via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and
monitors numeric values (integers and floats).

If the WQL query returns strings, use the WMI Custom String sensor 2804 .

WMI Custom Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2802 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI (Klant Specifiek)

§ French: WMI personnalisé

§ German: WMI (Benutzerdef.)

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: WMI (customizado)

§ Russian: Н естан дартн ы й WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: WMI (personalizado)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ See the Knowledge Base: Why do I have to store SQL sensor queries and custom scripts in files on
the probe computer?
§ See the Knowledge Base: How do I create a WMI Custom sensor?

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Custom Query Specific

Setting Description

Channel Name Enter a name for the channel in which PRTG shows the received data.
PRTG shows this name in graphs and tables. Enter a string.
You can change the name later in the sensor's channel settings 3052 .

WQL File Select a .wql file. The sensor executes it with every scanning interval.
The list contains WQL scripts that are available in the \Custom
Sensors\WMI WQL scripts subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579
on the probe system. Store your script there. If used on a cluster probe,
you must store the file on all cluster nodes.
Your query must return an integer or float value. Strings are not
supported. Use the WMI Custom String sensor 2804 in this case.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmicustomsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Custom Query Specific

Custom Query Specific

Setting Description

Namespace Enter the WMI namespace for the query.

WQL File Shows the .wql file that this sensor executes with every scanning interval.
Your query must return an integer or float value. Strings are not
supported. Use the WMI Custom String sensor 2804 in this case.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Placeholder <#PH1> In your WQL script, you can use up to three placeholders to which you
can assign a value in this field. Enter a string for variable <#PH1> or leave
the field empty.

Placeholder <#PH2> In your WQL script, you can use up to three placeholders to which you
can assign a value in this field. Enter a string for variable <#PH2> or leave
the field empty.

Placeholder <#PH3> In your WQL script, you can use up to three placeholders to which you
can assign a value in this field. Enter a string for variable <#PH3> or leave
the field empty.

If Value Changes Define what the sensor does when the sensor value changes:
§ Ignore changes (default): Take no action on change.

Setting Description

§ Trigger 'change' notification: Send an internal message indicating that

the sensor value has changed. In combination with a change trigger 3182 ,
you can use this mechanism to trigger a notification 3063 whenever the
sensor value changes.

Unit String Enter a unit for the data that the sensor receives from your script. This is
for display purposes only. The unit is displayed in graphs and tables.
Enter a string.

Multiplication Define a multiplier for the received values. The default value 1 does not
change received values. Enter an integer.

Division Define a divisor for the received values. The default value 1 does not
change received values. Enter an integer.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

[Value] The retrieved numeric value

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

Why do I have to store SQL sensor queries and custom scripts in files on the probe computer?

How do I create a WMI Custom sensor?


What security features does PRTG include?


How do I properly configure a WMI custom sensor?


Which WQL queries are used by the PRTG WMI sensors?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.263 WMI Custom String Sensor
The WMI Custom String sensor performs a custom string query via Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI).

The sensor can also show the retrieved string value in the sensor message.

If the WQL query returns numeric values, use the WMI Custom sensor 2796 .

WMI Custom String Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2812 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Aangepaste Tekenreeks

§ French: Chaîne personnalisée (WMI)

§ German: WMI Text (benutzerdef.)

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Sequência de caracteres (customizado) (WMI)

§ Russian: Н естан дартн ая стро ка WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Cadena (personalizado) (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ See the Knowledge Base: Why do I have to store SQL sensor queries and custom scripts in files on
the probe computer?
§ See the Knowledge Base: How do I create a WMI Custom sensor?

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Custom Query Specific

Setting Description

WQL File Select a .wql file. The sensor executes it with every scanning interval.
The list contains WQL scripts that are available in the \Custom
Sensors\WMI WQL scripts subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579
on the probe system. Store your script there. If used on a cluster probe,
you must store the file on all cluster nodes.
If the WQL query returns integers or floats, use the WMI Custom
sensor 2796 to not only show the returned value in the sensor
message, but to also monitor the value in a channel.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmicustomsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

Custom Query Specific

Custom Query Specific

Setting Description

Namespace Enter the WMI namespace for the query.


WQL File Shows the .wql file that this sensor executes with every scanning interval.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

If the WQL query returns integers or floats, use the WMI Custom
sensor 2796 to not only show the returned value in the sensor
message, but to also monitor the value in a channel.

Placeholder <#PH1> In your WQL script, you can use up to three placeholders to which you
can assign a value in this field. Enter a string for variable <#PH1> or leave
the field empty.

Placeholder <#PH2> In your WQL script, you can use up to three placeholders to which you
can assign a value in this field. Enter a string for variable <#PH2> or leave
the field empty.

Placeholder <#PH3> In your WQL script, you can use up to three placeholders to which you
can assign a value in this field. Enter a string for variable <#PH3> or leave
the field empty.

Unit String Enter a unit for the data that the sensor receives from your script. This is
for display purposes only. The unit is displayed in graphs and tables.
Enter a string.

If Value Changes Define what the sensor does when the sensor value changes:
§ Ignore changes (default): Take no action on change.

§ Trigger 'change' notification: Send an internal message indicating that

the sensor value has changed. In combination with a change trigger 3182 ,
you can use this mechanism to trigger a notification 3063 whenever the
sensor value changes.

Response Must Include Define the search string that must be part of the data that is received from
(Down Status if Not the WMI object. You can enter a simple string in plain text or a regular
Included) expression 3552 .
The search string must be case sensitive.
If the data does not include the search pattern, the sensor shows the
Down status.

Response Must Not Define the search string that must not be part of the data that is received
Include (Down Status if from the WMI object. You can enter a simple string in plain text or a
Included) regular expression.
The search string must be case sensitive.
If the data does include the search pattern, the sensor shows the
Down status.

Search Method Define the method with which you want to provide the search string:
§ Simple string search: Search for a simple string in plain text.

Setting Description

The characters * and ? work as placeholders. * stands for no number

or any number of characters and ? stands for exactly one character.
You cannot change this behavior. The literal search for these characters is
only possible with a regex.
§ Regular expression: Search with a regular expression (regex).

PRTG supports Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) regex.

For more details, see section Regular Expressions 3552 .

Maximum String Length Define the maximum allowed length of the string that is received from the
WMI object. If it is longer than this value, the sensor shows the Down
status. Enter an integer or leave the field empty.

Numeric Value Extraction Define if you want to filter out a numeric value from the string received from
Using Regular the WMI object. You can convert this into a float value to use it with
Expression channel limits 3053 .
§ Do not use extraction: Do not extract a float value. Use the result as a
string value.
§ Use a regular expression for extraction: Use a regex to identify a
numeric value in the string and convert it to a float value. Define below.
See also the example 2812 .

Regular Expression This setting is only visible if you select Use a regular expression for
extraction above. Enter a regex to identify the numeric value you want to
extract from the string returned by the WMI object. You can use capturing
groups here.

Make sure that the expression returns numbers only (including

decimal and thousands separators). The result is further refined by
the settings below.

PRTG supports Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) regex.

For more details, see section Regular Expressions 3552 .

Index of Capturing Group This setting is only visible if you select Use a regular expression for
extraction above. If your regex uses capturing groups, specify which one
captures the number. Enter an integer or leave the field empty.

Decimal Separator This setting is only visible if you select Use a regular expression for
extraction above. Define the character for the decimal separator of the
number. Enter a string or leave the field empty.

Thousands Separator This setting is only visible if you select Use a regular expression for
extraction above. Define the character for the thousands separator of the
number. Enter a string or leave the field empty.

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Number Extraction with Regular Expression

If you want to extract a number in the response string via a regex, note that the index for captures in
this sensor is based on 1 (not on 0). Furthermore, capturing groups are not automatically created.
The example below illustrates this issue.

Consider the following string as returned by a request for CPU usage:

5 Sec (3.49%), 1 Min (3.555%), 5 Min (3.90%)

Assuming you would like to filter for the number 3.555, this is the percentage in the second parentheses.
Enter the following regex in the Regular Expression field:

As Index of Capturing Group, enter 3. This extracts the desired number 3.555.

The index must be 3 in this case because the capturing groups here are the following:

§ Group 1 contains 3.49%), 1 Min (3.555), 5 Min (3.90

§ Group 2 contains 3.49

§ Group 3 contains 3.555

§ Group 4 contains 3.90

Keep this note about index and capturing groups in mind when using number extraction.

It is not possible to match an empty string with the PRTG regex sensor search.

PRTG supports Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) regex. For more details, see section
Regular Expressions 3552 .

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Response Time The response time in msec

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

Why do I have to store SQL sensor queries and custom scripts in files on the probe computer?

How do I create a WMI Custom sensor?


What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.264 WMI Disk Health Sensor
The WMI Disk Health sensor monitors the health of a physical disk on a Windows system via Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Disk Health Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2820 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI schijfstatus

§ French: État du disque (WMI)

§ German: WMI Laufwerkszustand

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Funcionamento do disco (WMI)

§ Russian: Рабо то сп о со бн о сть диска WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Salud de disco (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 or later on the target system.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

WMI Disk Health Specific

Setting Description

Disk Select the disks that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor for
each disk that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmidiskhealthsensor

§ diskhealthsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Disk Health Specific

WMI Disk Health Specific

Setting Description

Friendly Name Shows a user-friendly name for the physical disk.

Setting Description

Timeout (Sec.) Enter a timeout in seconds for the request. Enter an integer. The
maximum timeout value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
If the reply takes longer than this value, the sensor cancels the
request and shows a corresponding error message.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.

Setting Description

You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a

channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Flush Latency Max The maximum flush latency in milliseconds (msec)

Health Status The health status

§ Up status 186 : Healthy
§ Warning status: Warning

§ Down status: Unhealthy

§ Unknown status: Unknown

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Operational Status The operational status

§ Up status: OK

§ Warning status: Warning

§ Down status: Error

§ Unknown status: Starting

Read Latency Max The maximum read latency in msec

Write Latency Max The maximum write latency in msec

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.265 WMI Event Log Sensor
The WMI Event Log sensor monitors a Windows logfile via Windows Management Instrumentation

You can individually set the sensor to a specific status according to a new event log entry.

WMI Event Log Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2830 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Logboek

§ French: Journal des événements (WMI)

§ German: WMI Ereignisprotokoll

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Log de eventos (WMI)

§ Russian: Журн ал со бы тий WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Registro de eventos (WMI)

§ This sensor has a very high performance impact. Use it with care. We recommend that you use no
more than 50 sensors of this sensor type on each probe.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ See the Knowledge Base: My Event Log sensor ignores changes in the event log. What can I do?

§ See the Knowledge Base: How can I configure sensors using speed limits to keep the status for more
than one interval?

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

WMI Event Log Monitor

Setting Description

Log Files Select the log files that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor for
each log file that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmieventlogsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Event Log Monitor

WMI Event Log Monitor

Setting Description

Log File Shows the Windows log file that this sensor monitors.

Setting Description

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Filter Event Log Entries

For details and how to find out the correct filter, see the Knowledge Base: My Event Log sensor
ignores changes in the event log. What can I do?

Filter Event Log Entries

Setting Description

Event Type Specify the type of event that this sensor processes:
§ Any

§ Error

§ Warning

§ Information

§ Security Audit Success

§ Security Audit Failure

The sensor cannot process other event types.

Setting Description

Filter by Source Filter all events for a certain event source:

§ Off: Do not filter by event source.

§ On: Filter by event source.

If you enable this option, this sensor only processes messages
that match the value that you define below.

Filter Type This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by Source above. Select the
filter type:
§ Include filter: Include the specified value and disregard all other values.

§ Exclude filter: Exclude the specified value and regard all other values.

Match String (Event This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by Source above. Enter an
Source) event source that you want to filter for. Depending on the kind of filter, the
sensor either processes the event source (Include filter option) or it does
not process it (Exclude filter option). Enter a string.

Filter by ID Filter all events for a certain event ID:

§ Off: Do not filter by event ID.

§ On: Filter by event ID.

If you enable this option, this sensor only processes messages
that match the value that you define below.

Filter Type This setting is only visible if ID filtering is On above. Select a filter type:
§ Include filter: Include the specified value and disregard all other values.

§ Exclude filter: Exclude the specified value and regard all other values.

Match Values (Event ID) This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by ID above. Enter an event
ID that you want to filter for. Depending on the kind of filter, the sensor
either processes the event ID (Include filter option) or it does not process it
(Exclude filter option).
The WMI Event Log supports more than one event ID. You can enter
a comma-separated list of event IDs to filter for more than one ID. For
example, 1100,4627,4747,4884,5050,6422.

Filter by Category Filter all events for a certain event category:

§ Off: Do not filter by event category.

§ On: Filter by event category.

If you enable this option, this sensor only processes messages
that match the value that you define below.

Filter Type This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by Category above. Select a
filter type:

Setting Description

§ Include filter: Include the specified value and disregard all other values.

§ Exclude filter: Exclude the specified value and regard all other values.

Match String (Event This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by Category above. Enter a
Category) category that you want to filter for. Depending on the kind of filter, the
sensor either processes the event category (Include filter option) or it does
not process it (Exclude filter option). Enter a string.

Filter by User Filter all received events for a certain event user:
§ Off: Do not filter by event user.

§ On: Filter by event user.

If you enable this option, this sensor only processes messages
that match the value that you define below.

Filter Type This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by User above. Select a filter
§ Include filter: Include the specified value and disregard all other values.

§ Exclude filter: Exclude the specified value and regard all other values.

Match String (Event This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by User above. Enter a user
User) name that you want to filter for. Depending on the kind of filter, the sensor
either processes the event user (Include filter option) or it does not
process it (Exclude filter option). Enter a string.

Filter by Computer Filter all received events for a certain event computer:

§ Off: Do not filter by event computer.

§ On: Filter by event computer.

If you enable this option, this sensor only processes messages
that match the value that you define below.

Filter Type This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by Computer above. Select a
filter type:
§ Include filter: Include the specified value and disregard all other values.

§ Exclude filter: Exclude the specified value and regard all other values.

Match String (Event This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by Computer above. Enter a
Computer) computer name that you want to filter for. Depending on the kind of filter,
the sensor either processes the event computer (Include filter option) or it
does not process it (Exclude filter option). Enter a string.

Filter by Message Filter all received events for a certain event message:
§ Off: Do not filter by event message.

Setting Description

§ On: Filter by event message.

If you enable this option, this sensor only processes messages
that match the value that you define below.

Filter Type This setting is only visible if you enable Filter by Message above. Select a
filter type:

§ Include filter: Include the specified value and disregard all other values.

§ Exclude filter: Exclude the specified value and regard all other values.

Match String (Event This setting is only visible if message filtering is On above. Enter a
Message) message that you want to filter for. Depending on the kind of filter, the
sensor either processes the event message (Include filter option) or it
does not process it (Exclude filter option). Enter a string.
You must use the percent sign (%) as wildcard for any or no
character if you want to check if the string is part of the message.
Otherwise, the whole event message must match the string. For example,
you can enter %RAS% for any event source that contains the string RAS.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Setting Description

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

New Records The number of new records per second

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

My Event Log sensor ignores changes in the event log. What can I do?

How can I configure sensors using speed limits to keep the status for more than one interval?

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.266 WMI Exchange Server Sensor
The WMI Exchange Server sensor monitors a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later via Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Exchange Server Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2838 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Exchange Server

§ French: Exchange serveur (WMI)

§ German: WMI Exchange-Server

§ Japanese: WMI Exchange

§ Portuguese: Servidor Exchange (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Exchange Server

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Exchange

§ Spanish: Servidor Exchange (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

Former WMI Exchange Server 2003/2007 sensors from previous PRTG versions continue to monitor
your Exchange server in PRTG 9, but newly added Exchange server sensors are WMI Exchange
Server sensors that can monitor Exchange servers regardless of their version.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

Exchange Server Data Readings Accessible Using WMI

Setting Description

Performance Counters Select the performance counters of the Exchange server that you want to
monitor. PRTG creates one sensor for each performance counter that you
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
The available options depend on your Exchange server configuration.
PRTG shows all possible performance counters with the name and
instance description (if available).

You might be able to select aspects regarding:

§ SMTP Server: Queue Lengths

§ MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Queue Sizes, Delivery Times, Operations,

§ MSExchangeIS Public: Queue Sizes, Delivery Times, Operations,
§ MSExchangeIS: Packets, Operations, Clients, Latency, Requests,
§ MSExchange RPC Client Access: Active User Count, User Count,
Connection Count
§ MSExchange OWA: Current Unique Users, Average Response Time

Depending on your Exchange server version, not all counters might be


Basic Sensor Settings
Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmiexchangeserversensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

Exchange Server Data Readings Accessible Using WMI

Exchange Server Data Readings Accessible Using WMI

Setting Description

Display Name Shows the display name that the sensor uses to query data from the
target device.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Instance Shows the instance that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

WMI Class Shows the WMI class that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Counter Shows the counter that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Time Stamp Shows the time stamp that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

Time Frequency Shows the time frequency that the sensor uses to query data from the
target device.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Counter Type Shows the counter type that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

Setting Description

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Active User Count The number of active users

Average Response Time The average response time (OWA)

Connection Count The number of connections

Current Unique Users The number of current unique users (OWA)

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

RPC Requests Failed The number of failed remote procedure call (RPC) requests

RPC Requests The number of outstanding RPC requests


RPC Requests Sent The number of sent RPC requests

RPC Slow Requests The number of slow RPC requests

User Count The number of users

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.267 WMI Exchange Transport Queue Sensor
The WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor monitors the length of transport queues of a Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003 or later via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). It shows the same
information as in Windows System Monitor perfmon.

WMI Exchange Transport Queue Sensor

For an explanation of transport queue types, see the Knowledge Base: What types of Exchange
transport queues are there?

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2845 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Exchange Transport Wachtrij

§ French: Exchange file d'attente de transport (WMI)

§ German: WMI Exchange Transportwarteschlange

§ Japanese: WMI Exchange

§ Portuguese: Fila de transporte Exchange (WMI)

§ Russian: О чередь тран сп о рта WMI Exchange

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Exchange

§ Spanish: Cola de transporte Exchange (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ See the Knowledge Base: What types of Exchange transport queues are there?

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

WMI Exchange Transport Queue Specific

Setting Description

Transport Queues Select the transport queues that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one
sensor for each transport queue that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
The available options depend on your Exchange server configuration.
PRTG shows all possible queues with names and instance
descriptions (if available).
For performance reasons, we recommend that you only select
necessary items.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmiexchangeservertransportqueuesensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Exchange Transport Queue Specific

WMI Exchange Transport Queue Specific

Setting Description

Display Name Shows the display name that the sensor uses to query data from the
target device.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Instance Shows the instance that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

WMI Class Shows the WMI class that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Counter Shows the counter that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Time Stamp Shows the time stamp that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Time Frequency Shows the time frequency that the sensor uses to query data from the
target device.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Counter Type Shows the counter type that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.

Setting Description

In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Active Mailbox Delivery The number of items in the active mailbox delivery queue
Queue Length

Active Non-SMTP The number of items in the non-SMTP delivery queue

Delivery Queue Length

Active Remote Delivery The number of items in the active remote delivery queue
Queue Length

Aggregate Delivery The number of items in the aggregate delivery queue (all queues)
Queue Length (All

Aggregate Shadow The number of items in the aggregate shadow queue

Queue Length

Categorizer Job The categorizer job availability


Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Items Completed Delivery The number of items with completed delivery per second
Per Second

Items Completed Delivery The number of items with completed delivery in total

Items Deleted By Admin The number of items deleted by the admin in total

Items Queued For The number of items expired queued for delivery in total
Delivery Expired Total

Items Queued for Delivery The number of items queued for delivery per second
Per Second

Items Queued For The number of items queued for delivery in total
Delivery Total

Items Resubmitted Total The number of items resubmitted in total

Largest Delivery Queue The largest number of items in the delivery queue

Messages Completed The number of messages with completed delivery per second
Delivery Per Second

Messages Completed The number of messages with completed delivery in total

Delivery Total

Messages Completing The number of messages completing categorization


Messages Deferred Due The number of messages deferred due to local loop
To Local Loop

Messages Deferred The number of messages deferred during categorization

During Categorization

Messages Queued For The number of messages queued for delivery


Channel Description

Messages Queued for The number of messages queued for delivery per second
Delivery Per Second

Messages Queued For The number of messages queued for delivery in total
Delivery Total

Messages Submitted Per The number of messages submitted per second


Messages Submitted The number of messages submitted in total


Poison Queue Length The number of items in the poison queue

Retry Mailbox Delivery The number of items in the retry mailbox delivery queue
Queue Length

Retry Non-SMTP Delivery The number of items in the retry non-SMTP delivery queue
Queue Length

Retry Remote Delivery The number of items in the retry remote delivery queue
Queue Length

Shadow Queue Auto The number of auto discards in the shadow queue in total
Discards Total

Submission Queue Items The number of items expired in the submission queue in total
Expired Total

Submission Queue The number of items in the submission queue


Unreachable Queue The number of items in the unreachable queue


Knowledge Base

What types of Exchange transport queues are there?


What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.268 WMI File Sensor
The WMI File sensor monitors a file via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI File Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2854 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Bestand

§ French: Fichier (WMI)

§ German: WMI Datei

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Arquivo (WMI)

§ Russian: Файл WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Archivo (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmifilesensor

Setting Description

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI File Monitor

WMI File Monitor

Setting Description

File Name Enter the name of the file that you want to monitor. Enter the full local
path. The file must exist on the probe system.
The sensor does not support Universal Naming Convention (UNC)

If Time Stamp Changes Define what the sensor does when the time stamp of the file changes:
§ Ignore changes (default): Do not take action on change.

§ Trigger 'change' notification: Send an internal message that indicates

that the time stamp has changed. In combination with a change
trigger 3182 , you can use this mechanism to trigger a notification 3063
whenever the time stamp changes.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.

You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a

channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

File Size The file size in bytes

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Last Modified The time since the last modification of the file

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.269 WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) Sensor
The WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) sensor monitors the free disk space of one or more drives via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

The sensor monitors logical partitions of a hard or fixed disk drive. PRTG identifies logical disks by
their drive letter, such as C.

WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2865 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Vrije Schijfruimte (Multi Schijf)

§ French: Capacité disponible de multiples disques (WMI)

§ German: WMI Laufwerkskapazität (mehrf.)

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Espaço livre em disco (vários discos) (WMI)

§ Russian: Сво бо дн о е диско во е п ро стран ство WMI (н а н еско льких дисках)

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI ( )

§ Spanish: Espacio libre en disco (discos múltiples) (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Drive Selection

Setting Description

Drives Select the drives that you want to monitor from the dropdown list.
You can select All to monitor all available drives, or you can select one
specific drive letter to monitor a single drive only. The dropdown list might
also contain drive letters that do not exist on your device.
You cannot change the drive setting after sensor creation.
We recommend that you use the default value.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ diskspacesensor

§ wmidiskspacesensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

Drive Selection

Drive Selection

Setting Description

Drives Shows the drives that this sensor monitors. This is either All or a specific
drive letter.

Setting Description

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Set Limits Checkes for ALL Disks

In this section, you can set limits that are valid for all channels and all drives. By entering limits, you can
define when the sensor shows the Warning or the Down status 186 , depending on the data provided by all
drives that this sensor monitors. If you want to individually define limits for separate channels, use the
limit settings in the channel settings 3052 .

All limits that you define here are valid in addition to the limits defined in the particular channel
settings. The limits are valid simultaneously, so the first limit that is breached applies.

Set Limits Checkes for ALL Disks

Setting Description

Percentage Limit Check Enable or disable a limit check for the free space in percentage channels
of all drives. By default, the sensor enables percentage limits with a lower
warning limit and a lower error limit. Choose between:
§ Only use the limits in the settings of the percentage channels: Do not
define sensor limits that are valid for all percentage channels. The
sensor only uses the limits that you define in the settings of the
particular "free space in percent" channels to determine the status.
§ Use the limits of both the sensor and the channel settings: Define
sensor limits that are valid for all percentage channels. Additional fields
appear below. The sensor shows the Warning or the Down status when
free space limits are above or below the limits.

Setting Description

Upper Error Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify an upper limit in percent for the
Down status. If the free disk space of one of your drives exceeds this
value, the sensor changes to the Down status. Enter an integer or leave
the field empty.

The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Upper Warning Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify an upper limit in percent for the
Warning status. If the free disk space of one of your drives exceeds this
value, the sensor changes to the Warning status. Enter an integer or leave
the field empty.
The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Lower Warning Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify a lower limit in percent for the
Warning status. If the free disk space of one of your drives falls below this
value, the sensor changes to the Warning status. Enter an integer or leave
the field empty.
The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Lower Error Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify a lower limit in percent for the
Down status. If the free disk space of one of your drives falls below this
value, the sensor changes to the Down status. Enter an integer or leave
the field empty.
The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Size Limit Check Enable or disable a limit check for the free bytes channels of all drives:
§ Only use the limits in the settings of the byte size channels: Do not
define sensor limits that are valid for all byte size channels. The sensor
only uses limits that you define in the settings of the particular free
space in bytes channels to determine the status.

Setting Description

§ Use the limits of both the sensor and the channel settings: Define limits
for the sensor that are valid for all byte size channels. Additional fields
appear below. The sensor shows the Warning or Down status when free
space limits are above or below the value.
By default, byte size limits are not enabled for drives.

Upper Error Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify an upper limit. Use the same unit
as shown by the free bytes channels of this sensor (by default this is
MB). If the free disk space of one of your drives exceeds this value, the
sensor changes to the Down status. Enter an integer or leave the field
The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Upper Warning Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify an upper limit. Use the same unit
as shown by the free bytes channels of this sensor (by default this is
MB). If the free disk space of one of your drives exceeds this value, the
sensor changes to the Warning status. Enter an integer or leave the field
The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Lower Warning Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify a lower limit. Use the same unit
as shown by the free bytes channels of this sensor (by default this is
MB). If the free disk space of one of your drives falls below this value, the
sensor changes to the Warning status. Enter an integer or leave the field
The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Lower Error Limit This setting is only visible if you select Use the limits of both the sensor
and the channel settings above. Specify a lower limit. Use the same unit
as shown by the free bytes channels of this sensor (by default this is
MB). If the free disk space of one of your drives falls below this value, the
sensor changes to the Down status. Enter an integer or leave the field

Setting Description

The limits that you set here are valid for all channels of this sensor.
You can additionally set individual limits for each channel in the
channel settings. Both the limits that you set here and in the channel
settings are valid simultaneously.

Alarm on If a monitored disk is removed or not found, the sensor sets the values to
Missing/Removed Disk zero. Select the alarm approach in this case:
§ Deactivate alarm (default): Do not send an alert for a removed disk.

§ Activate alarm: Send an alert if a monitored disk is removed or not


Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Free Bytes C: The free space in bytes

Free Bytes D: The free space in bytes

Free Space C: The free space in percent

Free Space D: The free space in percent

Total The disk space in total

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.270 WMI HDD Health Sensor
The WMI HDD Health sensor connects to the parent device via Windows Management Instrumentation
(WMI) and monitors the health of integrated development environment (IDE) disk drives on the target
system using Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.).

WMI HDD Health Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2872 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI HDD Status

§ French: État du disque dur (WMI)

§ German: WMI Laufwerkszustand

§ Japanese: WMI HDD

§ Portuguese: Funcionamento do HDD (WMI)

§ Russian: Рабо то сп о со бн о сть жестко го диска WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Salud HDD (WMI)

§ This sensor requires Windows 7 or later on the target machine that holds the hard disk drives you want
to monitor. The sensor might not work reliably if the target machine runs on Windows 2003, Windows
XP, or Windows Vista. Because of a known bug in those systems, the sensor might not detect
available hard disk drives.

§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ The values that this sensor shows can vary depending on how a vendor handles S.M.A.R.T. values.
See the respective vendor's documentation for more information.
§ This sensor only supports the IPv4 protocol.

§ For a general introduction to the technology behind WMI, see section Monitoring via WMI 3360 .
§ This sensor has a medium performance impact.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

S.M.A.R.T. Specific

Setting Description

IDE Devices Select the IDE target device. PRTG creates one sensor for each IDE
device that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
The items in the list are specific to the parent device.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ smartsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

S.M.A.R.T. Specific

S.M.A.R.T. Specific

Setting Description

Serial Number Shows the serial number of the disk that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Size (GB) Shows the size of the disk that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the disk that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Timeout (Sec.) Enter a timeout in seconds for the request. Enter an integer. The
maximum timeout value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
If the reply takes longer than this value, the sensor cancels the
request and shows a corresponding error message.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.

You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a

channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

The channel names indicate the ID of the S.M.A.R.T. attribute, followed by a colon, and the typical
meaning of the channel. The sensor can also show other attributes that the target device returns, but
some channels have the name Unknown Channel. This happens if PRTG cannot match the ID of a found
attribute with an internally defined channel name.

Some vendors do not agree on attribute definitions and define meanings other than the common

Every attribute of a disk assumes a value. PRTG shows these attributes as channels with their last,
minimum, and maximum value. These channel values change over time and indicate the disk health.
Higher values correspond to a better health. The disk's attributes come with a threshold, defined by the
manufacturer of the drive. If a channel value is lower than this threshold, the sensor automatically shows
the Warning status 186 . This indicates that the S.M.A.R.T. status of the HDD might break soon.

For some attributes, there are no thresholds defined and because of this, they cannot be
categorized for a status other than the Up status. You can define lookups 3541 and use them with
affected channels to get the desired status for a return value.

Channel Description

Average Erase Count The average erase count and the maximum erase count
And Maximum Erase

Command Timeout The command timeout count

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Erase Fail Count The erase fail count

G-Sense Error Rate The G-sense error rate count

Hardware ECC The hardware ECC recovered count


Power Cycle Count The power cycle count

Power Loss Protection The power loss protection failure count


Channel Description

Power-On Hours The power-on hours count

Program Fail Count Total The program fail count total

Read Error Rate The read error rate count

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Read Error Retry Rate The read error retry rate count

Reallocated Sectors The reallocated sectors count


Reported Uncorrectable The reported uncorrectable errors count


SATA Downshift Error The SATA downshift error count


Soft ECC Correction The soft ECC correction count

Soft Read Error Rate The soft read error rate count

SSD Erase Fail Count The SSD erase fail count

SSD Life Left The SSD life left count

SSD Program Fail Count The SSD program fail count

Unexpected Power Loss The unexpected power loss count


Unknown Channel PRTG cannot match the ID of a found attribute with an internally defined
channel name

Unused Reserved Block The unused reserved block count total

Count Total

Used Reserved Block The used reserved block count total

Count Total

Temperature Celsius The temperature

Total LBAs Read The total LBAs read

Channel Description

Total LBAs Written The total LBAs written

Wear Range Delta The wear range delta

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.271 WMI Logical Disk I/O Sensor
The WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor monitors the disk usage of a logical disk or mount point on a Windows
system via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

The sensor shows performance data of counters that monitor logical partitions of a hard drive. The
system monitor identifies logical disk instances by their identifier, such as C, and the sensor reads
the logical disk object in the system monitor and returns the values.

WMI Logical Disk I/O Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2881 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Logische Schijf I/O

§ French: Disque logique E/S (WMI)

§ German: WMI Logischer Datenträger E/A

§ Japanese: WMI I/O

§ Portuguese: E/S do disco lógico (WMI)

§ Russian: Вво д-вы во д ло гическо го диска WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI I/O

§ Spanish: E/S de disco lógico (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.

§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports Windows Server 2008 R2 or later. It does not work on previous Windows versions
(Windows Server 2008 or earlier).
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

WMI Logical Disk I/O Specific

Setting Description

Disk Select the logical disks that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one
sensor for each logical disk that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmilogicalsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Logical Disk I/O Specific

WMI Logical Disk I/O Specific

Setting Description

Disk Shows the logical disk or mount point that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Avg Bytes Per Read The average number of bytes per read

Avg Bytes Per Transfer The average number of bytes per transfer

Avg Bytes Per Write The average number of bytes per write

Avg Queue Length The average number of items in the queue

Avg Read Queue The average number of items in the read queue

Avg Read Time The average read time in milliseconds (msec)

Avg Transfer Time The average transfer time in msec

Avg Write Queue The average number of items in the write queue

Avg Write Time The average write time in msec

Current Queue The current number of items in the queue

Disk IOs The number of disk input/output (I/O) operations per second

Disk Read The disk read speed in bytes per second

Disk Read IOs The number of disk read I/O operations per second

Disk Read Time % The disk read time in percent

Disk Time % The disk time in percent

Disk Transfer The disk transfer speed in bytes per second

Disk Write The disk write speed in bytes per second

Disk Write IOs The number of disk write I/O operations per second

Disk Write Time % The disk write time in percent

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Free Space The free space in bytes

Free Space % The free space in percent

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Idle Time % The idle time in percent

Split IOs The number of split I/O operations per second

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.272 WMI Memory Sensor
The WMI Memory sensor monitors available (free) system memory on Windows systems via Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Memory Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2888 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Geheugen

§ French: Mémoire (WMI)

§ German: WMI Arbeitsspeicher

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Memória (WMI)

§ Russian: П ам ять WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Memoria (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ memorysensor

§ wmimemorysensor

Setting Description

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.

In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Alternative WMI Query

Alternative WMI Query

Setting Description

Query Method Select the method that the sensor uses to query via WMI:

Setting Description

§ Use the default WMI query method: Use the standard method to query
WMI. We recommend that you use this option.
§ Use the alternative WMI query method: Use an alternative method to
query WMI for better compatibility if WMI sensors return errors such as
class not valid or invalid data.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:

§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Available Memory The available memory in bytes

Available Memory % The available memory in percent

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.273 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Sensor (Deprecated)

Important Notice

This sensor is deprecated.

Monitoring of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 using PRTG is discontinued. Microsoft SQL Server 2005
cannot be monitored with PRTG anymore with the latest updates of SQL Server 2005. The reason for
this is a software update delivered by Microsoft in August 2012. The following updates cause this

§ Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 (KB2716429)

§ Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 (KB2716427)

We have made reasonable effort to fix this from our side but we were unable to do so. We do not have
instructions to circumvent this issue at this time. Please ask the vendor to fix this.

Knowledge Base: Why does my WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor not work anymore?

The WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor monitors the performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2896 .

Sensor in Other Languages
§ Dutch: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005

§ French: Microsoft SQL serveur 2005 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005

§ Japanese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005

§ Portuguese: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005

§ Spanish: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ You can only add this sensor to a device (computer) running a Microsoft SQL database.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Server Instances Select the instances that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each instance that you select.

Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the

items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
Display name and service name are provided as returned by the SQL

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters You see a list of different groups of performance counters that the sensor
can monitor for the instances that you selected above. Every sensor that
PRTG creates for the server instances monitors the performance counters
you select here. Choose from:

§ General Statistics: Read general performance counters. This shows the

number of user connections and the number of logins and logouts per
§ Access Methods: Read access method counters. This shows the
number of full scans, page splits, and table lock escalations (per
§ Buffer Manager: Read buffer manager counters. This shows the buffer
cache hit ratio in percent and the number of database pages and stolen
§ Memory Manager: Read memory manager counters. This shows the
connection memory, optimizer memory, total server memory, target
server memory, and SQL cache memory (in kb).
§ Locks: Read locks counters. This shows the number of lock requests
and deadlocks (per second), and the average wait time.
§ SQL Statistics: Read SQL statistics. This shows the number of batch
requests, SQL compilations, and SQL re-compilations (per second).
Depending on your selection, PRTG creates a sensor with the specified
To monitor more than one of the listed groups of performance
counters, add the sensor several times for the respective instances.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisqlserversensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

SQL Server Settings

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Service Shows the service that this sensor monitors.

Setting Description

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the server instance that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Naming Method Select whether PRTG automatically selects the name of the WMI class
used for monitoring:
§ Automatically determine the WMI class name: Automatically select
WMI class. We recommend this setting.
§ Manually enter the WMI class name: Manually enter a WMI class
name. Select this option if your server instance returns an error code in
automatic mode.

WMI Class This setting is only visible if you select Manually enter the WMI class
name above. Enter the WMI class name that the sensor uses to monitor
the server instance.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.

In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

SQL Counter Specific

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters Shows the performance counter that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Average Wait Time The average amount of wait time for each lock request that resulted in a

Batch Requests The number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This
statistic is affected by all constraints (such as input/output (I/O), number
of users, cache size, or complexity of requests). High batch requests
mean good throughput.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read
from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total
number of cache lookups since an instance of SQL Server was started.
After a long period of time, the ratio moves very little.
Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading
from disk, you want this ratio to be high. Generally, you can increase the
buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to
SQL Server.

Connection Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining

Database Pages The number of pages in the buffer pool with database content

Deadlocks The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock

Full Scans The number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either
base-table or full-index scans.

Lock Requests The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from
the lock manager

Logins The total number of logins started per second

Logouts The total number of logout operations started per second

Optimizer Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query

Page Life Expectancy The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references

Page Splits The number of page splits per second that occur as the result of
overflowing index pages

SQL Cache Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic
SQL cache

Channel Description

SQL Compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of
times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles because of
recompiles. After the SQL Server user activity is stable, this value reaches
a steady state.

SQL Re-Compilations The number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times
recompiles are triggered. In general, you want the recompiles to be low.

Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including
procedure cache)

Table Lock Escalations The number of times that locks on a table were escalated

Target Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory the server can consume

Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using

User Connections The number of user connections. Because each user connection
consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user
connections could affect throughput. Set user connections to the
maximum expected number of concurrent users.

Knowledge Base

Why does my WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor not work anymore?

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.274 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Sensor
The WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor monitors the performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2905 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008

§ French: Microsoft SQL serveur 2008 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008

§ Japanese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008

§ Portuguese: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008

§ Spanish: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ You can only add this sensor to a device (computer) running a Microsoft SQL database.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Server Instances Select the instances that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each instance that you select.

Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the

items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
Display name and service name are provided as returned by the SQL

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters You see a list of different groups of performance counters that the sensor
can monitor for the instances that you selected above. Every sensor that
PRTG creates for the server instances monitors the performance counters
you select here. Choose from:
§ General Statistics: Read general performance counters. This shows the
number of user connections and the number of logins and logouts per
§ Access Methods: Read access method counters. This shows the
number of full scans, page splits, and table lock escalations (per
§ Buffer Manager: Read buffer manager counters. This shows the buffer
cache hit ratio in percent and the number of database pages and stolen

Setting Description

§ Memory Manager: Read memory manager counters. This shows the

connection memory, optimizer memory, total server memory, target
server memory, and SQL cache memory (in kb).
§ Locks: Read locks counters. This shows the number of lock requests
and deadlocks (per second), and the average wait time.

§ SQL Statistics: Read SQL statistics. This shows the number of batch
requests, SQL compilations, and SQL re-compilations (per second).
Depending on your selection, PRTG creates a sensor with the specified
To monitor more than one of the listed groups of performance
counters, add the sensor several times for the respective instances.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisqlserversensor

§ wmisqlserversensor2008

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

SQL Server Settings

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Service Shows the service that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the server instance that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

Naming Method Select whether PRTG automatically selects the name of the WMI class
used for monitoring:
§ Automatically determine the WMI class name: Automatically select
WMI class. We recommend this setting.
§ Manually enter the WMI class name: Manually enter a WMI class
name. Select this option if your server instance returns an error code in
automatic mode.

WMI Class This setting is only visible if you select Manually enter the WMI class
name above. Enter the WMI class name that the sensor uses to monitor
the server instance.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

SQL Counter Specific

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters Shows the performance counter that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Average Wait Time The average amount of wait time for each lock request that resulted in a

Batch Requests The number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This
statistic is affected by all constraints (such as input/output (I/O), number
of users, cache size, or complexity of requests). High batch requests
mean good throughput.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read
from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total
number of cache lookups since an instance of SQL Server was started.
After a long period of time, the ratio moves very little.
Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading
from disk, you want this ratio to be high. Generally, you can increase the
buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to
SQL Server.

Connection Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining

Database Pages The number of pages in the buffer pool with database content

Deadlocks The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock

Full Scans The number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either
base-table or full-index scans.

Lock Requests The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from
the lock manager

Logins The total number of logins started per second

Logouts The total number of logout operations started per second

Optimizer Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query

Page Life Expectancy The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references

Page Splits The number of page splits per second that occur as the result of
overflowing index pages

SQL Cache Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic
SQL cache

Channel Description

SQL Compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of
times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles because of
recompiles. After the SQL Server user activity is stable, this value reaches
a steady state.

SQL Re-Compilations The number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times
recompiles are triggered. In general, you want the recompiles to be low.

Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including
procedure cache)

Table Lock Escalations The number of times that locks on a table were escalated

Target Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory the server can consume

Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using

User Connections The number of user connections. Because each user connection
consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user
connections could affect throughput. Set user connections to the
maximum expected number of concurrent users.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.275 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Sensor
The WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor monitors the performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2914 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012

§ French: Microsoft SQL serveur 2012 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012

§ Japanese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012

§ Portuguese: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012

§ Spanish: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ You can only add this sensor to a device (computer) running a Microsoft SQL database.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Server Instances Select the instances that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each instance that you select.

Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the

items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
Display name and service name are provided as returned by the SQL

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters You see a list of different groups of performance counters that the sensor
can monitor for the instances that you selected above. Every sensor that
PRTG creates for the server instances monitors the performance counters
you select here. Choose from:
§ General Statistics: Read general performance counters. This shows the
number of user connections and the number of logins and logouts per
§ Access Methods: Read access method counters. This shows the
number of full scans, page splits, and table lock escalations (per
§ Buffer Manager: Read buffer manager counters. This shows the buffer
cache hit ratio in percent and the number of database pages and stolen

Setting Description

§ Memory Manager: Read memory manager counters. This shows the

connection memory, optimizer memory, total server memory, target
server memory, and SQL cache memory (in kb).
§ Locks: Read locks counters. This shows the number of lock requests
and deadlocks (per second), and the average wait time.

§ SQL Statistics: Read SQL statistics. This shows the number of batch
requests, SQL compilations, and SQL re-compilations (per second).
Depending on your selection, PRTG creates a sensor with the specified
To monitor more than one of the listed groups of performance
counters, add the sensor several times for the respective instances.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisqlserversensor

§ wmisqlserversensor2012

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

SQL Server Settings

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Service Shows the service that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the server instance that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

Naming Method Select whether PRTG automatically selects the name of the WMI class
used for monitoring:
§ Automatically determine the WMI class name: Automatically select
WMI class. We recommend this setting.
§ Manually enter the WMI class name: Manually enter a WMI class
name. Select this option if your server instance returns an error code in
automatic mode.

WMI Class This setting is only visible if you select Manually enter the WMI class
name above. Enter the WMI class name that the sensor uses to monitor
the server instance.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

SQL Counter Specific

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters Shows the performance counter that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Average Wait Time The average amount of wait time for each lock request that resulted in a

Batch Requests The number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This
statistic is affected by all constraints (such as input/output (I/O), number
of users, cache size, or complexity of requests). High batch requests
mean good throughput.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read
from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total
number of cache lookups since an instance of SQL Server was started.
After a long period of time, the ratio moves very little.
Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading
from disk, you want this ratio to be high. Generally, you can increase the
buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to
SQL Server.

Connection Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining

Database Pages The number of pages in the buffer pool with database content

Deadlocks The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock

Full Scans The number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either
base-table or full-index scans.

Lock Requests The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from
the lock manager

Logins The total number of logins started per second

Logouts The total number of logout operations started per second

Optimizer Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query

Page Life Expectancy The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references

Page Splits The number of page splits per second that occur as the result of
overflowing index pages

SQL Cache Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic
SQL cache

Channel Description

SQL Compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of
times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles because of
recompiles. After the SQL Server user activity is stable, this value reaches
a steady state.

SQL Re-Compilations The number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times
recompiles are triggered. In general, you want the recompiles to be low.

Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including
procedure cache)

Table Lock Escalations The number of times that locks on a table were escalated

Target Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory the server can consume

Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using

User Connections The number of user connections. Because each user connection
consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user
connections could affect throughput. Set user connections to the
maximum expected number of concurrent users.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.276 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Sensor
The WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor monitors the performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2923 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014

§ French: Microsoft SQL serveur 2014 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014

§ Japanese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014

§ Portuguese: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014

§ Spanish: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ You can only add this sensor to a device (computer) running a Microsoft SQL database.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Server Instances Select the instances that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each instance that you select.

Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the

items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
Display name and service name are provided as returned by the SQL

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters You see a list of different groups of performance counters that the sensor
can monitor for the instances that you selected above. Every sensor that
PRTG creates for the server instances monitors the performance counters
you select here. Choose from:
§ General Statistics: Read general performance counters. This shows the
number of user connections and the number of logins and logouts per
§ Access Methods: Read access method counters. This shows the
number of full scans, page splits, and table lock escalations (per
§ Buffer Manager: Read buffer manager counters. This shows the buffer
cache hit ratio in percent and the number of database pages and stolen

Setting Description

§ Memory Manager: Read memory manager counters. This shows the

connection memory, optimizer memory, total server memory, target
server memory, and SQL cache memory (in kb).
§ Locks: Read locks counters. This shows the number of lock requests
and deadlocks (per second), and the average wait time.

§ SQL Statistics: Read SQL statistics. This shows the number of batch
requests, SQL compilations, and SQL re-compilations (per second).
Depending on your selection, PRTG creates a sensor with the specified
To monitor more than one of the listed groups of performance
counters, add the sensor several times for the respective instances.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisqlserversensor

§ wmisqlserversensor2014

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

SQL Server Settings

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Service Shows the service that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the server instance that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

Naming Method Select whether PRTG automatically selects the name of the WMI class
used for monitoring:
§ Automatically determine the WMI class name: Automatically select
WMI class. We recommend this setting.
§ Manually enter the WMI class name: Manually enter a WMI class
name. Select this option if your server instance returns an error code in
automatic mode.

WMI Class This setting is only visible if you select Manually enter the WMI class
name above. Enter the WMI class name that the sensor uses to monitor
the server instance.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

SQL Counter Specific

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters Shows the performance counter that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Average Wait Time The average amount of wait time for each lock request that resulted in a

Batch Requests The number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This
statistic is affected by all constraints (such as input/output (I/O), number
of users, cache size, or complexity of requests). High batch requests
mean good throughput.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read
from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total
number of cache lookups since an instance of SQL Server was started.
After a long period of time, the ratio moves very little.
Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading
from disk, you want this ratio to be high. Generally, you can increase the
buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to
SQL Server.

Connection Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining

Database Pages The number of pages in the buffer pool with database content

Deadlocks The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock

Full Scans The number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either
base-table or full-index scans.

Lock Requests The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from
the lock manager

Logins The total number of logins started per second

Logouts The total number of logout operations started per second

Optimizer Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query

Page Life Expectancy The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references

Page Splits The number of page splits per second that occur as the result of
overflowing index pages

SQL Cache Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic
SQL cache

Channel Description

SQL Compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of
times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles because of
recompiles. After the SQL Server user activity is stable, this value reaches
a steady state.

SQL Re-Compilations The number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times
recompiles are triggered. In general, you want the recompiles to be low.

Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including
procedure cache)

Table Lock Escalations The number of times that locks on a table were escalated

Target Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory the server can consume

Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using

User Connections The number of user connections. Because each user connection
consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user
connections could affect throughput. Set user connections to the
maximum expected number of concurrent users.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.277 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Sensor
The WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor monitors the performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2932 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016

§ French: Microsoft SQL serveur 2016 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016

§ Japanese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016

§ Portuguese: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016

§ Spanish: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ You can only add this sensor to a device (computer) running a Microsoft SQL database.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Server Instances Select the instances that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each instance that you select.

Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the

items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
Display name and service name are provided as returned by the SQL

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters You see a list of different groups of performance counters that the sensor
can monitor for the instances that you selected above. Every sensor that
PRTG creates for the server instances monitors the performance counters
you select here. Choose from:
§ General Statistics: Read general performance counters. This shows the
number of user connections and the number of logins and logouts per
§ Access Methods: Read access method counters. This shows the
number of full scans, page splits, and table lock escalations (per
§ Buffer Manager: Read buffer manager counters. This shows the buffer
cache hit ratio in percent and the number of database pages and stolen

Setting Description

§ Memory Manager: Read memory manager counters. This shows the

connection memory, optimizer memory, total server memory, target
server memory, and SQL cache memory (in kb).
§ Locks: Read locks counters. This shows the number of lock requests
and deadlocks (per second), and the average wait time.

§ SQL Statistics: Read SQL statistics. This shows the number of batch
requests, SQL compilations, and SQL re-compilations (per second).
Depending on your selection, PRTG creates a sensor with the specified
To monitor more than one of the listed groups of performance
counters, add the sensor several times for the respective instances.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisqlserversensor

§ wmisqlserversensor2016

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

SQL Server Settings

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Service Shows the service that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the server instance that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

Naming Method Select whether PRTG automatically selects the name of the WMI class
used for monitoring:
§ Automatically determine the WMI class name: Automatically select
WMI class. We recommend this setting.
§ Manually enter the WMI class name: Manually enter a WMI class
name. Select this option if your server instance returns an error code in
automatic mode.

WMI Class This setting is only visible if you select Manually enter the WMI class
name above. Enter the WMI class name that the sensor uses to monitor
the server instance.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

SQL Counter Specific

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters Shows the performance counter that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Average Wait Time The average amount of wait time for each lock request that resulted in a

Batch Requests The number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This
statistic is affected by all constraints (such as input/output (I/O), number
of users, cache size, or complexity of requests). High batch requests
mean good throughput.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read
from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total
number of cache lookups since an instance of SQL Server was started.
After a long period of time, the ratio moves very little.
Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading
from disk, you want this ratio to be high. Generally, you can increase the
buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to
SQL Server.

Connection Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining

Database Pages The number of pages in the buffer pool with database content

Deadlocks The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock

Full Scans The number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either
base-table or full-index scans.

Lock Requests The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from
the lock manager

Logins The total number of logins started per second

Logouts The total number of logout operations started per second

Optimizer Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query

Page Life Expectancy The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references

Page Splits The number of page splits per second that occur as the result of
overflowing index pages

SQL Cache Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic
SQL cache

Channel Description

SQL Compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of
times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles because of
recompiles. After the SQL Server user activity is stable, this value reaches
a steady state.

SQL Re-Compilations The number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times
recompiles are triggered. In general, you want the recompiles to be low.

Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including
procedure cache)

Table Lock Escalations The number of times that locks on a table were escalated

Target Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory the server can consume

Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using

User Connections The number of user connections. Because each user connection
consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user
connections could affect throughput. Set user connections to the
maximum expected number of concurrent users.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.278 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Sensor
The WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor monitors the performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2941 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017

§ French: Microsoft SQL serveur 2017 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017

§ Japanese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017

§ Portuguese: Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017

§ Spanish: Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ You can only add this sensor to a device (computer) running a Microsoft SQL database.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Server Instances Select the instances that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each instance that you select.

Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the

items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
Display name and service name are provided as returned by the SQL

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters You see a list of different groups of performance counters that the sensor
can monitor for the instances that you selected above. Every sensor that
PRTG creates for the server instances monitors the performance counters
you select here. Choose from:
§ General Statistics: Read general performance counters. This shows the
number of user connections and the number of logins and logouts per
§ Access Methods: Read access method counters. This shows the
number of full scans, page splits, and table lock escalations (per
§ Buffer Manager: Read buffer manager counters. This shows the buffer
cache hit ratio in percent and the number of database pages and stolen

Setting Description

§ Memory Manager: Read memory manager counters. This shows the

connection memory, optimizer memory, total server memory, target
server memory, and SQL cache memory (in kb).
§ Locks: Read locks counters. This shows the number of lock requests
and deadlocks (per second), and the average wait time.

§ SQL Statistics: Read SQL statistics. This shows the number of batch
requests, SQL compilations, and SQL re-compilations (per second).
Depending on your selection, PRTG creates a sensor with the specified
To monitor more than one of the listed groups of performance
counters, add the sensor several times for the respective instances.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisqlserversensor

§ wmisqlserversensor2017

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

SQL Server Settings

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Service Shows the service that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the server instance that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

Naming Method Select whether PRTG automatically selects the name of the WMI class
used for monitoring:
§ Automatically determine the WMI class name: Automatically select
WMI class. We recommend this setting.
§ Manually enter the WMI class name: Manually enter a WMI class
name. Select this option if your server instance returns an error code in
automatic mode.

WMI Class This setting is only visible if you select Manually enter the WMI class
name above. Enter the WMI class name that the sensor uses to monitor
the server instance.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

SQL Counter Specific

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters Shows the performance counter that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Average Wait Time The average amount of wait time for each lock request that resulted in a

Batch Requests The number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This
statistic is affected by all constraints (such as input/output (I/O), number
of users, cache size, or complexity of requests). High batch requests
mean good throughput.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read
from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total
number of cache lookups since an instance of SQL Server was started.
After a long period of time, the ratio moves very little.
Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading
from disk, you want this ratio to be high. Generally, you can increase the
buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to
SQL Server.

Connection Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining

Database Pages The number of pages in the buffer pool with database content

Deadlocks The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock

Full Scans The number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either
base-table or full-index scans.

Lock Requests The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from
the lock manager

Logins The total number of logins started per second

Logouts The total number of logout operations started per second

Optimizer Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query

Page Life Expectancy The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references

Page Splits The number of page splits per second that occur as the result of
overflowing index pages

SQL Cache Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic
SQL cache

Channel Description

SQL Compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of
times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles because of
recompiles. After the SQL Server user activity is stable, this value reaches
a steady state.

SQL Re-Compilations The number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times
recompiles are triggered. In general, you want the recompiles to be low.

Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including
procedure cache)

Table Lock Escalations The number of times that locks on a table were escalated

Target Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory the server can consume

Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using

User Connections The number of user connections. Because each user connection
consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user
connections could affect throughput. Set user connections to the
maximum expected number of concurrent users.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.279 WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Sensor
The WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor monitors the performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2950 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019

§ French: Microsoft SQL serveur 2019 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019

§ Japanese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019

§ Portuguese: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019

§ Spanish: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ You can only add this sensor to a device (computer) running a Microsoft SQL database.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Server Instances Select the instances that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each instance that you select.

Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the

items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
Display name and service name are provided as returned by the SQL

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters You see a list of different groups of performance counters that the sensor
can monitor for the instances that you selected above. Every sensor that
PRTG creates for the server instances monitors the performance counters
you select here. Choose from:
§ General Statistics: Read general performance counters. This shows the
number of user connections and the number of logins and logouts per
§ Access Methods: Read access method counters. This shows the
number of full scans, page splits, and table lock escalations (per
§ Buffer Manager: Read buffer manager counters. This shows the buffer
cache hit ratio in percent and the number of database pages and stolen

Setting Description

§ Memory Manager: Read memory manager counters. This shows the

connection memory, optimizer memory, total server memory, target
server memory, and SQL cache memory (in kb).
§ Locks: Read locks counters. This shows the number of lock requests
and deadlocks (per second), and the average wait time.

§ SQL Statistics: Read SQL statistics. This shows the number of batch
requests, SQL compilations, and SQL re-compilations (per second).
Depending on your selection, PRTG creates a sensor with the specified
To monitor more than one of the listed groups of performance
counters, add the sensor several times for the respective instances.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisqlserversensor

§ wmisqlserversensor2019

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

SQL Server Settings

SQL Server Settings

Setting Description

Service Shows the service that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Name Shows the name of the server instance that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Setting Description

Naming Method Select whether PRTG automatically selects the name of the WMI class
used for monitoring:
§ Automatically determine the WMI class name: Automatically select
WMI class. We recommend this setting.
§ Manually enter the WMI class name: Manually enter a WMI class
name. Select this option if your server instance returns an error code in
automatic mode.

WMI Class This setting is only visible if you select Manually enter the WMI class
name above. Enter the WMI class name that the sensor uses to monitor
the server instance.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

SQL Counter Specific

SQL Counter Specific

Setting Description

Performance Counters Shows the performance counter that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Average Wait Time The average amount of wait time for each lock request that resulted in a

Batch Requests The number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This
statistic is affected by all constraints (such as input/output (I/O), number
of users, cache size, or complexity of requests). High batch requests
mean good throughput.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read
from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total
number of cache lookups since an instance of SQL Server was started.
After a long period of time, the ratio moves very little.
Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading
from disk, you want this ratio to be high. Generally, you can increase the
buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to
SQL Server.

Connection Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining

Database Pages The number of pages in the buffer pool with database content

Deadlocks The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock

Full Scans The number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either
base-table or full-index scans.

Lock Requests The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from
the lock manager

Logins The total number of logins started per second

Logouts The total number of logout operations started per second

Optimizer Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query

Page Life Expectancy The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references

Page Splits The number of page splits per second that occur as the result of
overflowing index pages

SQL Cache Memory (KB) The total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic
SQL cache

Channel Description

SQL Compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of
times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles because of
recompiles. After the SQL Server user activity is stable, this value reaches
a steady state.

SQL Re-Compilations The number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times
recompiles are triggered. In general, you want the recompiles to be low.

Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including
procedure cache)

Table Lock Escalations The number of times that locks on a table were escalated

Target Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory the server can consume

Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using

User Connections The number of user connections. Because each user connection
consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user
connections could affect throughput. Set user connections to the
maximum expected number of concurrent users.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.280 WMI Remote Ping Sensor
The WMI Remote Ping sensor remotely connects to a Windows system via Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) and performs an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request (Ping)
from this device to a specified target.

WMI Remote Ping Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2958 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Remote Ping

§ French: Ping distant (WMI)

§ German: WMI Remote Ping

§ Japanese: WMI Ping

§ Portuguese: Ping remoto (WMI)

§ Russian: Удален н ы й п ин г п о WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI Ping

§ Spanish: Ping remoto (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ pingsensor

§ wmisensor

Setting Description

§ wmipingsensor

§ remotepingsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Remote Ping Configuration

WMI Remote Ping Configuration

Setting Description

Target Enter the Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address of the target
device that you want to ping. The sensor remotely connects to its parent
device via WMI. Then it performs a Ping request from this remote device to
the target device or server. Enter a string.

Timeout (Sec.) Enter a timeout in seconds for the Ping. If the reply takes longer than this
value, PRTG cancels the request and shows an error message. Enter an
integer. The maximum timeout value is 300 seconds (5 minutes)..

Packet Size (Bytes) Enter the packet size for the Ping in bytes. You can enter any value
between 1 and 10000. Enter an integer.
We recommend that you use the default value.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

Setting Description

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Ping Time The Ping time from the remote device to the target device in milliseconds
This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.281 WMI Security Center Sensor
The WMI Security Center sensor monitors the security status of a Windows client computer via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). It can monitor all security products that are controlled by
Windows Security Center / Windows Action Center.

WMI Security Center Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2965 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Security Center

§ French: Centre de sécurité (WMI)

§ German: WMI Sicherheits-Center

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Centro de segurança (WMI)

§ Russian: Цен тр безо п асн о сти WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Centro de seguridad (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor requires Windows Vista or later on the target computer.

§ This sensor does not run on Windows Server operating systems (Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012,
2016) because the Windows Security Center / Windows Action Center is only available on client
Windows versions.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ This sensor uses lookups to determine the status values of one or more channels. This means that
possible states are defined in a lookup file. You can change the behavior of a channel by editing the
lookup file that the channel uses. For details, see section Define Lookups 3541 .

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

WMI Security Center Specific

Setting Description

Security Center Products Select the security center products that you want to monitor. PRTG
creates one sensor for each product that you select.
You see a list showing the Name and Type of all security products that
the sensor finds in the Windows Security Center on the target device. If
there are no products, you see a corresponding message.

You can also select all items or cancel the selection by using the
check box in the table header.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ WMISecurityCenter

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Security Center Specific

WMI Security Center Specific

Setting Description

Display Name Shows the display name of the security center product that this sensor

Setting Description

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Type Shows the type of the security center product that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.

In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Status The status code of the monitored security product

§ Up status 186 : Running - Up To Date (status code 4)
§ Warning status: Running - Out Of Date (status code 2)

§ Down status: Not Running - Out Of Date (status code 1), Not Running -
Up To Date (status code 3), Unknown (status code 0)
This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.282 WMI Service Sensor
The WMI Service sensor monitors a Windows service via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Service Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2973 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Service

§ French: Service (WMI)

§ German: WMI Dienst

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Serviço (WMI)

§ Russian: Служба WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Servicio (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

WMI Service Monitor

Setting Description

services Select the services that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor
for each service that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
The name and description appear in the language of the device's
Windows installation.
After creation, the sensor shows the Down status 186 if the service
does not run.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmiservicesensor

§ servicesensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Service Monitor

WMI Service Monitor

Setting Description

If Service is Not Running Select whether you want PRTG to start or restart the service if it is
stopped or paused:
§ Start/Restart service: PRTG tries to start the service if it is not running
when the device is scanned. In combination with a change trigger 3182 ,
you can use this mechanism to trigger a notification 3063 whenever PRTG
(re)starts the service.
§ Do not start/restart service: PRTG does not automatically start any
service on the device.
If you select the Start/Restart service option and the sensor detects
that the service does not run, PRTG tries to restart the service during
this scan and postpones the next sensor scan for one interval. With the
following scan, the sensor checks if the service runs now. If starting the
service was not successful or if the service fails again, the sensor shows
the Down status and does not try to start the service again. If the service
runs after a (re)start attempt, the sensor continues monitoring as usual.

If Service is Restarted This setting is only visible if you select Start/Restart service above. Define
what to do if PRTG restarts the service:
§ Ignore changes: No action is taken on change.

§ Trigger 'change' notification: The sensor sends an internal message

indicating that its value has changed. In combination with a change
trigger, you can use this mechanism to trigger a notification whenever
the sensor value changes.

Extended Monitoring Select whether you want to monitor CPU usage and other performance

§ Only check if the service is running: PRTG only monitors the channel
Sensor Execution Time.
§ Monitor other performance counters: PRTG also monitors other
performance counters.
Extended monitoring might cause a class not found error on some
Windows systems.

Service Shows the Windows service that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Description Shows the description of the Windows service that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:

Setting Description

§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last result of the requested data in the
\Logs\sensors subfolder of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe
system. The file names are Result of Sensor [ID].txt, Result of Sensor
[ID]-A.txt, and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for
debugging purposes, especially in combination with content checks.
PRTG overwrites these files with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.

You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a

channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

CPU Usage The CPU usage in percent

Enable Monitor other performance counters in the sensor settings to
show this parameter.

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Handles The number of handles

Enable Monitor other performance counters in the sensor settings to
show this parameter.

Pagefile Usage The pagefile usage in bytes

Enable Monitor other performance counters in the sensor settings to
show this parameter.

Sensor Execution Time The execution time of the monitoring request

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Threads The number of threads

Enable Monitor other performance counters in the sensor settings to
show this parameter.

Working Set The working set in bytes

Enable Monitor other performance counters in the sensor settings to
show this parameter.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.283 WMI Share Sensor
The WMI Share sensor monitors a shared resource on a Windows system via Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI).

You can set the sensor to the Down status 186 for different share status messages.

WMI Share Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2982 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Share

§ French: Partage (WMI)

§ German: WMI Freigabe

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Compartilhamento (WMI)

§ Russian: Ресурс WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Recurso compartido (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

WMI Shared Resource

Setting Description

Shares Select the shares that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor for
each share that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.
To provide any shares, the LanmanServer "Server" Windows service
must run on the target computer. If it does not run, there are no
shares and you see a No Share available message.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Setting Description

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmisharesensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Shared Resource

WMI Shared Resource

Setting Description

Shared Resource Shows information about the shared resource that this sensor monitors.

Setting Description

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Description Shows the description of the shared resource that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Type Shows the type of the shared resource that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

TypeID Shows the typeID of the shared resource that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Trigger Down Status on Following Conditions

Select under which conditions the sensor shows the Down status 186 . As long as the share returns OK,
the sensor status shows the Up status. Enable the check box in front of the respective line to select a
Down condition. Select none, one, or several of the following conditions.

If the sensor is in the Down status, it does not record any data in any of its channels.

Trigger Dow n Status on Follow ing Conditions

Condition Description

Error Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns an error status. A
share in this status is not operational.
This condition is enabled by default.

Degraded Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a degraded status.
A share in this status is still operational.
This condition is enabled by default.

Unknown Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns an unknown status.

Pred Fail Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a predicted fail
status. This indicates that an element works properly but predicts a failure
(for example, a SMART-enabled hard drive). A share in this status is still

Condition Description

This condition is enabled by default.

Starting Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a starting status. A
share in this status is not operational.

Stopping Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a stopping status.
A share in this status is not operational.

Service Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a service status.
This can apply during disk mirror-resilvering, reloading a user permissions
list, or other administrative work on the device that this sensor monitors.
Not all such work is done online, but the managed element is neither OK
nor has one of the other states. A share in this status is not operational.

Stressed Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a stressed status.

Nonrecover Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a non recover
This condition is enabled by default.

NoContact Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a no contact
This condition is enabled by default.

LostComm Set the sensor to the Down status if the share returns a lost
communication status.

This condition is enabled by default.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

Setting Description

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Available The availability of the share in milliseconds (msec)

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.284 WMI SharePoint Process Sensor
The WMI SharePoint Process sensor monitors a Microsoft SharePoint server via Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI SharePoint Process Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2989 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI SharePoint Proces

§ French: SharePoint processus (WMI)

§ German: WMI SharePoint-Prozess

§ Japanese: WMI SharePoint

§ Portuguese: Processo SharePoint (WMI)

§ Russian: П ро цесс SharePoint WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI SharePoint

§ Spanish: Proceso SharePoint (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.

§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

WMI Process Monitor

Setting Description

SharePoint Processes Select the SharePoint processes that you want to monitor. PRTG creates
one sensor for each process that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmiprocesssensor

§ wmisharepointprocesssensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

WMI Process Monitor

WMI Process Monitor

Setting Description

SharePoint Process Shows the name of the SharePoint process that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

Setting Description

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Active Threads The number of active threads

CPU Utilization The CPU usage in percent

Current Page Requests The number of current page requests

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Executing SQL Queries The number of Structured Query Language (SQL) queries being executed

Global Heap Size The global heap size in bytes

Object Cache Always The object cache always live size in bytes
Live Size

Template Cache Size The template cache size in bytes

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.285 WMI Storage Pool Sensor
The WMI Storage Pool sensor monitors a storage pool via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI Storage Pool Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 2996 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI opslagpool

§ French: Pool de stockage (WMI)

§ German: WMI Speicherpool

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Pool de armazenamento (WMI)

§ Russian: П ул хран ен ия WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Grupo de almacenamiento (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.

§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 or later on the target system.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

WMI Storage Pool Specific

Setting Description

Storage Pools Select the storage pools that you want to monitor. PRTG creates one
sensor for each storage pool that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmistoragepoolsensor

§ storagepoolsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Storage Pool Specific

WMI Storage Pool Specific

Setting Description

Friendly Name Shows a user-friendly name for the storage pool.

Setting Description

Timeout (Sec.) Enter a timeout in seconds for the request. Enter an integer. The
maximum timeout value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
If the reply takes longer than this value, the sensor cancels the
request and shows a corresponding error message.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.

Setting Description

You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a

channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Free Space The free space in bytes

Free Space % The free space in percent

Health Status The health status

§ Up status 186 : Healthy
§ Warning status: Warning

§ Down status: Unhealthy

§ Unknown status: Unknown

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Operational Status The operational status

§ Up status: OK

§ Warning status: Warning

§ Down status: Error

§ Unknown status: Starting

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.286 WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) Sensor
The WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) sensor monitors the number of sessions on a Windows
Terminal Services (Remote Desktop Services) server via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

The sensor supports Windows 2008 R2 and later.

WMI Terminal Services (Window s 2008+) Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 3001 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+)

§ French: Windows (2008+) Terminal Services (WMI)

§ German: WMI Terminaldienste (Windows 2008+)

§ Japanese: WMI Windows 2008

§ Portuguese: Serviços de terminal (Windows 2008+) (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI служб терм ин ало в (Windows 2008 и п о следую щ ая)

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI (Windows 2008+)

§ Spanish: Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ For the Total Sessions channel, the sensor returns the number of active and inactive sessions, plus
two additional sessions: one for the console, and one for the services. So, the number of total
sessions might actually be higher than expected.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

Setting Description

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:

§ wmiterminalservicessensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Active Sessions The number of active sessions: sessions with a logged in user, including
used published applications

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Total Sessions The total number of sessions (including inactive sessions): inactive
sessions can be sessions with a disconnected user that has not logged
out or system services using a session
This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.287 WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003) Sensor
The WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003) sensor monitors the number of sessions on a
Windows Terminal Services (Remote Desktop Services) server via Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI).

The sensor supports Windows XP, Vista, or 2003.

WMI Terminal Services (Window s XP/Vista/2003) Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 3007 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003)

§ French: Windows (XP/Vista/2003) Terminal Services (WMI)

§ German: WMI Terminaldienste (Windows XP/Vista/2003)

§ Japanese: WMI Windows XP/Vista/2003

§ Portuguese: Serviços de terminal (Windows XP/Vista/2003) (WMI)

§ Russian: WMI служб терм ин ало в (Windows XP/Vista/2003)

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI (Windows XP/Vista/2003)

§ Spanish: Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003) (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.

§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.

§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ For the Total Sessions channel, the sensor returns the number of active and inactive sessions, plus
two additional sessions: one for the console, and one for the services. So, the number of total
sessions might actually be higher than expected.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmiterminalservicessensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:

§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Active Sessions The number of active sessions: sessions with a logged in user, including
used published applications

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Total Sessions The total number of sessions (including inactive sessions): inactive
sessions can be sessions with a disconnected user that has not logged
out or system services using a session
This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.288 WMI UTC Time Sensor
The WMI UTC Time sensor monitors the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time of a target device via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WMI UTC Time Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 3013 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI UTC Tijd

§ French: Heure UTC (WMI)

§ German: WMI UTC-Zeit

§ Japanese: WMI UTC

§ Portuguese: Tempo UTC (WMI)

§ Russian: Врем я WMI UTC

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI UTC

§ Spanish: Tiempo UTC (WMI)

§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor has a low performance impact.

§ This sensor only supports the IPv4 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmiutctimesensor

Setting Description

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Setting Description

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Difference The time difference between the PRTG core server system time and the
target device in seconds

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

UTC Time The UTC time of the target device

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.289 WMI Vital System Data v2 Sensor
The WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor monitors vital system parameters via Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI).

The sensor can monitor CPU, thread, memory, network, or pagefile, for example.

WMI Vital System Data v2 Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 3022 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Vitale Systeem Gegevens V2

§ French: Données système vitales v2 (WMI)

§ German: WMI Wichtige Systemdaten v2

§ Japanese: WMI V2
§ Portuguese: Dados vitais do sistema (WMI) v2

§ Russian: Важн ы е систем н ы е дан н ы е WMI v2

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI v2

§ Spanish: Datos vitales de sistema (WMI) v2

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

The settings that you select in the Add Sensor dialog are valid for all sensors that you create when
you finish the dialog.

Vital System Data Readings Accessible Using WMI

Setting Description

Performance Counters Select the performance counters that you want to monitor. PRTG creates
one sensor for each counter that you select.
You see a list of available vital system data values the sensor can monitor
on the target device. The available options depend on your configuration.
PRTG shows all possible performance counters with the name and
instance description (if available).
Choose from the following counters:

§ Thread

§ Memory

§ Network

§ Pagefile

You can also select all items or cancel the selection by using the
check box in the table header.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmivitalsystemdatasensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

Vital System Data Readings Accessible Using WMI

Vital System Data Readings Accessible Using WMI

Setting Description

Display Name Shows the display name that the sensor uses to query data from the
target device.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Instance Shows the instance that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

WMI Class Shows the WMI class that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Counter Shows the counter that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Time Stamp Shows the time stamp that the sensor uses to query data from the target

Setting Description

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Time Frequency Shows the time frequency that the sensor uses to query data from the
target device.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Counter Type Shows the counter type that the sensor uses to query data from the target
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:

Setting Description

§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Bytes In All Heaps The common language runtime (CLR) memory bytes in all heaps

Bytes Total/Sec The total number of bytes per second

Committed The committed bytes

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Excepts The number of thrown CLR exceptions

Free Physical Memory The free physical memory

Packets Outbound Errors The number of outbound packet errors

Queue Length The CPU queue length

Total Visible Memory The total visible memory

User Time The CPU user time in percent

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.290 WMI Volume Sensor
The WMI Volume sensor monitors the free disk space on a drive, logical volume, or mount point via
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

The sensor does not support disk drive management.

The sensor monitors an area of storage on a hard disk. It can monitor local volumes that are
formatted, unformatted, mounted, or offline. A volume is formatted by using a file system such as file
allocation table (FAT) or New Technology File System (NTFS), and might have a drive letter
assigned to it. One hard disk can have multiple volumes, and volumes can span multiple physical disks.

WMI Volume Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 3029 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WMI Volume

§ French: Espace disponible du disque (WMI)

§ German: WMI Datenträger

§ Japanese: WMI

§ Portuguese: Volume (WMI)

§ Russian: То м WMI

§ Simplified Chinese: WMI

§ Spanish: Volumen (WMI)

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Try to stay below 200 WMI sensors in total per probe 133 .
Above this number, consider using multiple remote probes 3557 for load balancing.
§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ This sensor requires WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) for target systems that run
Windows Server 2016.
§ This sensor does not support Windows XP and earlier.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

WMI Volume Specific

Setting Description

Volumes Select the volumes (drives, logical volumes, mount points) that you want
to monitor. PRTG creates one sensor for each volume that you select.
Enable check boxes in front of the respective lines to select the
items. Use the check box in the table header to select all items or to
cancel the selection. In large tables, use the search function in the upper-
right corner.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ wmivolumesensor

§ diskspacesensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

WMI Volume Specific

WMI Volume Specific

Setting Description

DeviceID Shows the unique identifier of the volume that this sensor monitors.
PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

Drive Type Shows the type of disk drive that this sensor monitors.

PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. If you need to
change this value, add the sensor anew.

ID Selection Define how the sensor identifies the volume:

§ Use system device ID (recommended): Use the system device ID. This
is usually the best option for this sensor because the device ID does not
change when the volume is renamed.
§ Use drive letter: Use the drive letter. In a Microsoft cluster environment,
the device ID changes when the cluster is switched to a different node.
We recommend that you select this option in this case.

Drive Letter This setting is only visible if you select Use drive letter above. Enter the
letter of the drive that you want to monitor followed by a colon, for
example, C:

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting is for debugging purposes.
PRTG overwrites this file with each scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Free Bytes The free space in bytes

Free Space The free space in percent

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


7.8.291 WSUS Statistics Sensor
The WSUS Statistics sensor monitors various statistics on a Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)
server via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

WSUS Statistics Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 3036 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: WSUS Statistieken

§ French: WSUS statistiques

§ German: WSUS-Statistiken

§ Japanese: WSUS

§ Portuguese: Estatísticas WSUS

§ Russian: Статистика WSUS

§ Simplified Chinese: WSUS

§ Spanish: Estadísticas WSUS

§ This sensor has a high performance impact. Use it with care. We recommend that you use no more
than 200 sensors of this sensor type on each probe.
§ This sensor requires 3031 the Microsoft WSUS 3.0 Administration Console on the probe system.
§ This sensor requires Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 or later on the probe system. If the sensor shows the error
PE087, additionally install .NET 3.5 on the probe system.

§ This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings of the parent device.
§ We recommend Windows Server 2012 R2 on the probe system for best performance of this sensor.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ See the Knowledge Base: Can I encrypt connections to my WSUS server?

You cannot add this sensor to the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. If you want to
use this sensor, add it to a remote probe device.

Detailed Requirements

Requirement Description

.NET 4.7.2 or later This sensor requires .NET 4.7.2 or later to be installed on the probe
system (on every cluster node, if on a cluster probe).
If the framework is missing, you cannot create this sensor.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: Which .NET version
does PRTG require?

Windows credentials This sensor requires credentials for Windows systems 542 in the settings
of the parent device. Preferably, use Windows domain credentials.
If you use local credentials, make sure that the same Windows user
accounts (with the same user name and password) exist on both the
probe system and the target computer. Otherwise, the sensor cannot
correctly connect.

WSUS 3.0 For this sensor to work, the Microsoft WSUS 3.0 Administration Console
Administration Console must be installed on the probe system. In a cluster, it must be installed
on every cluster node.

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings
Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ ptfsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. See the device
settings 535 for details. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the
sensor settings.

Sensor Settings

Sensor Settings

Setting Description

WSUS Server Port Enter the number of the port the WSUS server service runs on. The default
value is 8530. Enter an integer.

Connection Security Define if you want to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer
Security (TLS) for the connection to the WSUS server or if you prefer
unsecured connections:

§ Do not use connection security

If you want to use SSL/TLS, you must configure the WSUS server
accordingly. For details, see the Knowledge Base: Can I encrypt
connections to my WSUS server?

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file names are
Result of Sensor [ID].txt and Result of Sensor [ID].Data.txt. This setting
is for debugging purposes. PRTG overwrites these files with each
scanning interval.
In a cluster, PRTG stores the result in the PRTG data directory of the
master node.

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Approved Updates The number of approved updates

Computers Having The number of computers that have update errors

Update Errors

Computers Needing The number of computers that need updates


Computers Not The number of computers that have not synchronized for seven days
Synchronized for 7 Days

Computers Registered The number of computers that are registered

Computers Up To Date The number of computers that are up to date

Declined Updates The number of updates that were declined

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Channel Description

Expired Updates The number of updates that are expired

Not Approved Critical Or The number of critical or security updates that were not approved
Security Updates

Not Approved Updates The number of updates that were not approved

Total Updates The total number of updates

Unapproved, Needed The number of updates that are unapproved but needed

Updates Needed By The number of updates that computers need


Updates Needing Files The number of updates that need files

Updates Up To Date The number of updates that are up to date

Updates With Client The number of updates that have client errors

Updates With Server The number of updates that have server errors

Updates With Stale The number of updates that have stale update approvals
Update Approvals

WSUS Infrastructure The number of WSUS infrastructure updates that were not approved for
Updates Not Approved installation
For Install

Knowledge Base

Can I encrypt connections to my WSUS server?


Which .NET version does PRTG require?


What security features does PRTG include?


7.8.292 Zoom Service Status Sensor
The Zoom Service Status sensor monitors the global status of all Zoom services.

Zoom Service Status Sensor

For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel
List 3043 .

Sensor in Other Languages

§ Dutch: Zoom Service Status

§ French: Zoom Service Status

§ German: Zoom Service Status

§ Japanese: Zoom Service Status

§ Portuguese: Zoom Service Status

§ Russian: Zoom Service Status

§ Simplified Chinese: Zoom Service Status

§ Spanish: Zoom Service Status

§ This sensor only supports the global status of Zoom services.

§ This sensor supports the IPv6 protocol.

§ This sensor has a very low performance impact.

§ This sensor uses lookups to determine the status values of one or more channels. This means that
possible states are defined in a lookup file. You can change the behavior of a channel by editing the
lookup file that the channel uses. For details, see section Define Lookups 3541 .

§ See the Knowledge Base: How can I apply Zoom Service Status sensors and Modbus sensors via
device templates?

Add Sensor
The Add Sensor 391 dialog appears when you manually add a new sensor to a device. It only shows the
settings that are required to create the sensor. You can change nearly all settings on the sensor's
Settings tab after creation.

Basic Sensor Settings

Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings.

Basic Sensor Settings

Setting Description

Sensor Name Enter a name to identify the sensor.

Parent Tags Shows tags 146 that the sensor inherits 146 from its parent device 142 ,
parent group 141 , and parent probe 141 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

Setting Description

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined
in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
§ zoom

§ zoomsensor

Priority Select a priority for the sensor. This setting determines the position of the
sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. Choose from the
lowest priority ( ) to the highest priority ( ).

Sensor Display

Sensor Display

Setting Description

Primary Channel Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the
device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed
below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels
are available for this sensor.
You can set a different primary channel later by clicking below a
channel gauge on the sensor's Overview tab.

Graph Type Define how different channels are shown for this sensor:
§ Show channels independently (default): Show a graph for each channel.

§ Stack channels on top of each other: Stack channels on top of each

other to create a multi-channel graph. This generates a graph that
visualizes the different components of your total traffic.
You cannot use this option in combination with manual Vertical
Axis Scaling (available in the channel settings 3052 ).

Setting Description

Stack Unit This setting is only visible if you enable Stack channels on top of each
other as Graph Type. Select a unit from the list. All channels with this unit
are stacked on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single
channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an
advanced procedure to do so.

Debug Options

Debug Options

Setting Description

Result Handling Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
§ Discard result: Do not store the sensor result.

§ Store result: Store the last sensor result in the \Logs\sensors subfolder
of the PRTG data directory 3579 on the probe system. The file name is
Result of Sensor [ID].log. This setting is for debugging purposes. PRTG
overwrites this file with each scanning interval.

This option is not available when the sensor runs on the hosted probe
of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance.

Inherited Settings
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We
recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings 396 if necessary. To change a
setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance
and to display its options.

For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings 144 .

Scanning Interval
The minimum scanning interval of this sensor is 1 minute.

The recommended scanning interval of this sensor is 5 minutes.

Scanning Interval

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 418 , section Scanning Interval.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. The
corresponding settings from the parent objects are always active. However, you can define additional
schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. They are active at the same time as the parent
objects' settings.

Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 420 , section Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window.

Access Rights

Access Rights

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 421 , section Access Rights.

Channel Unit Configuration

Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. If no
configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels.

Channel Unit Configuration

For more information, see section Root Group Settings 422 , section Channel Unit Configuration.

Channel List
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available
components, and the sensor setup.

Channel Description

Cloud Recording The status of Cloud Recording

§ Up status 186 : Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Downloading Center The status of Downloading Center

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Downtime In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any
values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount
of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent.

Live Streaming The status of Live Streaming

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

Channel Description

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Marketplace The status of Marketplace

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Meeting Telephony The status of Meeting Telephony Services

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

REST API The status of REST API

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Web Client The status of Web Client

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Web Portal The status of Web Portal

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Web SDK The status of Web SDK

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Webhooks The status of Webhooks

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

Channel Description

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Zoom Chat The status of Zoom Chat

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Zoom Cloud Room The status of Zoom Cloud Room Connector

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Zoom Connector for The status of Zoom Connector for Cisco

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Zoom Connector for The status of Zoom Connector for Polycom

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Zoom Dashboard & The status of Zoom Dashboard & Reporting

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Zoom Meetings The status of Zoom Meetings

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

This channel is the primary channel by default.

Zoom Phone The status of Zoom Phone

§ Up status: Operational

Channel Description

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Zoom Video Webinars The status of Zoom Video Webinars

§ Up status: Operational

§ Warning status: Degraded Performance, Under Maintenance

§ Down status: Major Outage, Partial Outage

Knowledge Base

How can I apply Zoom Service Status sensors and Modbus sensors via device templates?

What security features does PRTG include?


7.9 Additional Sensor Types (Custom Sensors)

You can create and use your own custom sensors in PRTG to extend the standard sensor set. You can
create your own sensors by using Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language (WQL), visual
basic scripting, PowerShell, batch scripting, Structured Query Language (SQL) queries, by compiling an
.exe or .dll file, by running Python scripts, or by translating JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and
Extensible Markup Language (XML) responses of a Representational State Transfer (REST) application
programming interface (API) into sensor values.

You cannot use custom sensors on hosted probes in PRTG Hosted Monitor (except SSH sensors).
If you want to use custom sensors, add them to a remote probe device.

For a general introduction, see the sections about EXE/Script sensors and section Custom Sensors 3496 ,
which contains details about the necessary return format for these sensors. WMI Custom sensors allow
you to execute WQL requests.

§ EXE/Script sensor 941

§ EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951

§ Python Script Advanced sensor 1749

§ REST Custom sensor 1819

§ SSH Script sensor 2567

§ SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578

§ WMI Custom sensor 2796

§ WMI Custom String sensor 2804

Additionally, some types of SQL sensors execute script files with SQL queries:

§ Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367

§ MySQL v2 sensor 1425

§ Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634

§ PostgreSQL sensor 1728

The HL7 sensor 1017 sends messages that are stored in extra files on the probe system.

Custom Sensors in PRTG

After you install PRTG, you can find a selection of custom EXE/Script, Python, and WMI WQL script
sensors in the PRTG program directory 3579 , as well as scripts with SQL queries for specific database
sensors, REST configuration files in the JSON template (*.template) format for the REST Custom sensor,
and .hl7 message files for the HL7 sensor. Many of the files are sample projects that you can edit and
improve for your needs.

Subfolder of the PRTG Custom Sensors
Program Directory

\Custom Sensors\EXE The following custom sensors are available by default:

§ Demo Batchfile - Returns 200.bat

§ Demo Batchfile - Set sensorstate to error.bat

§ Demo Batchfile - Set sensorstate to warning.bat

§ Demo Cmd - Returns 200.cmd

§ Demo Dll - Returns a random integer.dll

§ Demo EXE - Returns a random integer.exe

§ Demo EXE - Returns number of files in folder (parameter).exe

§ Demo EXE - Returns user of process.exe

§ Demo Powershell Script - Available MB via WMI.ps1

§ Demo Powershell Script - InterruptsPerSec via WMI.ps1

§ Demo Powershell Script - Powershell Version.ps1

§ Demo Powershell Script - Returns a fixed integer.ps1

§ Demo Powershell Script - Returns a random integer.ps1

§ Demo Powershell Script - Returns Random Integer and Warnings.ps1

§ Demo VBScript - InterruptsPerSec via WMI.vbs

§ Demo VBScript - Multiplies two integers(2 parameters).vbs

§ Demo VBScript - Returns a fixed float value.vbs

§ Demo VBScript - Returns a fixed integer.vbs

§ Demo VBScript - Returns a random value.vbs

§ Demo VBScript - Returns number of svchost processes.vbs

§ Demo VBScript - Returns user of process.vbs

§ Demo VBScript - Returns warning depending on number of svchost

§ Demo VBScript - Timezone via WMI.vbs

§ Demo VBScript - UTCTime via WMI.vbs

§ Load_Test_CPU_1_Mio_Primes.exe

§ Load_Test_CPU_10_Mio_Primes.exe

§ Load_Test_Disk_Write_Read_1000_files.exe

§ Load_Test_Disk_Write_Read_10000_files.exe

§ Load_Test_Memory_Allocate_And_Free_400MB.exe

Subfolder of the PRTG Custom Sensors
Program Directory

To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new

EXE/Script sensor and choose the respective file from the EXE/Script list
in the sensor settings.
We recommend that you not edit the demo files. Create your own
new files and make sure to give them unique names that do not start
with Demo, for example.

\Custom The following custom sensor is available by default:

§ Demo Batchfile - Returns static values in four channels.bat

To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new

EXE/Script Advanced sensor and choose the respective file from the
EXE/Script list in the sensor settings.

\Custom Sensors\hl7 The following custom sensors are available by default:

§ ADT_A08.hl7

§ ORM_O01.hl7

Each file contains an HL7 message that is conform to the HL7 message
format. To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new
HL7 sensor and choose the respective file from the HL7 Messages list in
the sensor settings. You can override certain message headers in the files
via the sensor settings.

\Custom Sensors\python The following custom sensor is available by default:


This Python example script only returns fixed values in two channels to
demonstrate the usage. To create a new sensor based on this file, create
a new Python Script Advanced sensor and choose the file from the Script
list in the sensor settings.

\Custom Sensors\rest The following custom sensors are available by default:

§ kemp.loadbalancer.template: maps values returned by the RESTful API
of a KEMP load balancer to channels, for example, CPU usage,
memory usage, traffic
§ prtg-sensor-stats.template: maps values returned by the PRTG API to
channels that show the count of each sensor status on the local probe
§ windows.docker.container.stats.template: maps values returned by the
Docker Engine API to channels, for example, CPU usage, memory
usage, traffic, input/output (I/O)
§ wunderground.template: maps values returned by the Weather
Underground API to channels, for example, temperature, dew point,
pressure, wind speed, wind direction

Subfolder of the PRTG Custom Sensors
Program Directory

To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new REST
Custom sensor on the device that provides the REST API and choose the
file from the REST Configuration list in the sensor settings.

\Custom The following custom sensor is available by default:

§ Demo Serveruptime.sql

You can find this demo SQL query script in each subfolder for each
supported database management system (DBMS): \adosql, \mssql,
\mysql, \oracle, \postgresql
To create a new sensor that uses one of the scripts in the dbms folders,
create the according sensor (see above for supported sensors 3047 ) and
choose the respective file from the SQL Query File list in the sensor

\Custom Sensors\WMI The following custom sensors are available by default:

WQL scripts
§ Demo WQL Script - Get Win32LogicalDiscFreeMB.wql

§ Demo WQL Script - Get Win32OsBuildnumber.wql

§ Demo WQL Script - Get Win32PercentProcessorIdleTime.wql

§ Demo WQL Script - Get Win32PercentProcessorTime.wql

To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new WMI
Custom sensor and choose the respective file from the WQL File list in
the sensor settings.

Download Custom Sensors

Good resources to find custom sensors that other users and we from Paessler share are the PRTG
Sensor Hub and our Knowledge Base. In the Knowledge Base, search for the tag custom-script-exe to
find a lot of custom sensors.

Knowledge Base

Guide for PowerShell-based custom sensors


Custom sensors

How can I share my self-written PRTG script/program with other PRTG users?

How can I test if parameters are correctly transmitted to my script when using an EXE/Script sensor?


Why do I have to store SQL sensor queries and custom scripts in files on the probe computer?


You can find useful scripts for sensors in the PRTG Sensor Hub

7.10 Channel Settings

A sensor has one or more channels in which it handles the actual monitoring data. In the channel
settings, you can define how to display the data from the sensor's different channels displayed in graphs,
gauges, and tables. Additionally, the channel data can determine the sensor status 186 . Use the limit
settings to define desired sensor states for values.

On the sensor's Overview tab, click below a gauge to change the channel's settings. Click below a
gauge to make this channel the primary channel of the selected sensor.

You can also open the settings of a channel by clicking in the channels data table.

For lookup 3541 channels, we recommend that you stay below 120 lookup values to get expressive
gauges. For non-primary lookup channels, the upper limit is around 40 lookup values.

The Gear Icon of an SNMP Traffic Total Channel to Open Channel Settings

The available options are nearly the same for all sensors. An exception applies to the Downtime channel,
which PRTG automatically calculates and which does not offer all settings. Channels with absolute
values additionally have an option to define the Value Mode. Custom channels have a Lookups and
Limits setting to distinguish between alerting by lookups or numeric limits.

You can choose a different channel via the dropdown list at the top of the channel settings list.

Channel Settings for a Disk Sensor

Edit Channel

Setting Description

Name Enter a name for the channel.. The name appears in graphs and tables.
You can automatically add the sensor's ID to the name by using the
placeholder [#id].
You cannot edit the name for script sensors after sensor creation.

Setting Description

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Unit This setting is only visible for custom sensors.

Enter the unit for the values that this sensor returns. Enter a string. PRTG
uses the unit string for display purposes and shows it in graphs, data
tables, and gauges.
If you want to change the unit after sensor creation, you can change it
in the sensor's channel settings 3052 .

Scaling Multiplication This setting is only visible for channels with a custom unit.
If you want to multiply the received raw data by a certain value, enter the
multiplier. Otherwise, use the default value 1 to not change the received
value. Enter an integer.
For example, the following sensors provide the scaling factor for received
values with custom units in their settings.
§ Sensor Factory sensor 1859 (you can use multiplication and division in
the channel definition)
§ SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1948

§ SNMP Custom sensor 2036

§ SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2104

§ WMI Custom sensor 2799

If the channel uses lookups, the scaling factor does not modify the
values that are defined in the lookups. Any applied lookup always
uses the raw value as it is retrieved from the target device. If you use a
scaling factor for such a channel, you notice the scaling in data graphs,
but the channel value appears unmodified in data tables.

Scaling Division This setting is only visible for channels with a custom unit.
If you want to divide the received raw data by a certain value, enter the
divisor here. Otherwise, use the default value 1 to not change the received
value. Enter an integer.
For example, the following sensors provide the scaling factor for received
values with custom units in their settings.
§ Sensor Factory sensor (you can use multiplication and division in the
channel definition)
§ SNMP APC Hardware sensor

§ SNMP Custom sensor

§ SNMP Dell Hardware sensor

Setting Description

§ WMI Custom sensor

If the channel uses lookups, the scaling factor does not modify the
values that are defined in the lookups. Any applied lookup always
uses the raw value as it is retrieved from the target device. If you use a
scaling factor for such a channel, you notice the scaling in data graphs,
but the channel value appears unmodified in data tables.

ID Shows the ID of the channel. You cannot change the ID. PRTG uses it for
unique identification. For example, you need the ID for Sensor Factory
There are a few special, fixed channel IDs.
§ -1 is for sum channels of traffic sensors (for example, of the SNMP
Traffic sensor 2445 ).
§ -4 is for the Downtime channel (you can use it, for example, for an
uptime percentage calculation in a Sensor Factory sensor).
§ -2 (coverage) and -3 (error) are internally used.

Limits This setting is not available for custom channels.

Define if you want to set limits for this channel. The channel can affect the
status of the sensor 186 that it is a part of. By setting limits, you can
define when the sensor shows the Warning status or the Down status,
depending on the channel data. For example, you can use limits to set a
traffic sensor (that is usually never in the Down status) to show the Down
status when the monitored values reach critical limits.
Choose between:

§ Disable limits: Do not use the channel data to define the sensor status.

§ Enable alerting based on limits: Define limits for the numeric values that
are returned by the device. The sensor of which this channel is a part of
shows the Warning status or the Down status when limits fall below the
defined value or when limits are exceeded.
Enable alerting based on limits is not available for the Downtime
You can show limits in graphs (highlighted in yellow or red) if you
select exactly one channel with a limit in a graph.

Lookups and Limits This setting is only available for custom channels.
Define when the sensor shows the Down status and alerts you, either
based on the lookup definition or based on limits for returned values. Only
the option that you select applies. For example, if you select limits as the
alerting method, an error status that is defined in the lookups does not
show up.
Choose between:

Setting Description

§ Enable alerting based on lookups: Use the lookup definition of the

channel to define the sensor status. Make sure that the channel uses a
proper Lookup if you use this option. Select the lookup file either in the
channel settings or in the sensor settings, depending on the sensor. If
you do not want to use the channel data to define the sensor status,
select None as Lookup.

§ Enable alerting based on limits: Define limits for numeric values returned
by the device. The sensor of which this channel is a part of shows the
Warning status or the Down status when limits fall below the defined
value or when limits are exceeded.
If you choose limit-based alerting, errors and warnings that you have
defined in the lookup file do not apply.

Lookup This setting is only visible for custom sensors and if you select
lookups-based alerting.
Select the lookup file that you want to use with this channel.
Do not use this option for sensors that provide the unit Lookup in the
sensor settings. The channel setting is overwritten with the next
sensor scan. Define the lookup file that you want to use with this channel
on the Settings tab of the sensor. Select the option Lookup for the setting
Channel #x Unit (where x is the number of the channel) and define the
desired lookup file under Channel #x Lookup. See section Define
Lookups 3541 for affected sensors.
If you choose None, alerting by lookups and limits is disabled and
channels do not appear as lookups. If you want to keep the lookup
representation without alerting, define the states accordingly in the lookup

Upper Error Limit ([unit]) This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits
above. Specify an upper limit for the Down status. If the channel values
exceed this value, the sensor shows the Down status. Enter a valid
number into at least one of the limit fields.
The value that you enter here must match the type of value that the
device returns, either an integer or a float. See also Absolute Values
and Delta Values for Limits 3060 .
While a sensor shows the Down status because of a limit, it still
receives data in its channels.

Upper Warning Limit This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits
([unit]) above. Specify an upper limit for the Warning status. If the channel values
exceed this value, the sensor shows the Warning status. Enter a valid
number into at least one of the limit fields.
The value that you enter here must match the type of value that the
device returns, either an integer or a float. See also Absolute Values
and Delta Values for Limits 3060 .

Setting Description

Lower Warning Limit This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits
([unit]) above. Specify a lower limit for the Warning status. If the channel values
fall below this value, the sensor shows the Warning status. Enter a valid
number into at least one of the limit fields.
The value that you enter here must match the type of value that the
device returns, either an integer or a float. See also Absolute Values
and Delta Values for Limits 3060 .

Lower Error Limit ([unit]) This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits
above. Specify a lower limit for the Down status. If the channel values fall
below this value, the sensor shows the Down status. Enter a valid number
into at least one of the limit fields.
The value that you enter here must match the type of value that the
device returns, either an integer or a float. See also Absolute Values
and Delta Values for Limits 3060 .
While a sensor shows the Down status because of a limit, it still
receives data in its channels.

Error Limit Message This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits
above. Enter an additional message. PRTG adds it to the sensor message
when the sensor shows the Down status. Enter a string or leave the field

Warning Limit Message This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits
above. Enter an additional message. PRTG adds it to the sensor message
when the sensor shows the Warning status. Enter a string or leave the
field empty.

Graph Rendering Select if you want to show this channel in data graphs:
§ Show in graphs: Sensor graphs contain the data of this channel.

§ Hide from graphs: Sensor graphs do not contain data of this channel.

If you choose to hide this channel in graphs, it also does not appear
in the graphs of reports 3123 or maps 3145 .
For more information about data graphs, see the Knowledge Base:
What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?

Table Rendering Select if you want to show this channel in data tables:
§ Show in tables: Sensor data tables contain the data of this channel.

§ Hide from tables: Sensor data tables do not contain the data of this
channel. This option hides the gauge as well, but the channel is still
available in the data table of the sensor's Overview tab.

Setting Description

If you choose to hide this channel in data tables, PRTG also does not
use it for the calculation of the Total channel of a sensor. It also does
not appear in data tables of a report.
For more information about data tables, see the Knowledge Base:
What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?

Line Color Select the color of the channel display in graphs:

§ Automatic: PRTG automatically sets the color of this channel in graphs.

§ Manual: Individually define the color of this channel. You can enter the
desired color code below.

Color (#rrggbb) This setting is only visible if you select Manual above. Enter a color in
hexadecimal notation as in .html and .css files, or choose a color from the
visual color selector. The field with the hexadecimal color value
automatically changes to the color you select.

Line Width Enter the width of the channel line in graphs. Enter an integer in pixels.
The maximum line width is 25, but we recommend that you only use
values between 1 and 7 to get optimal results.

Data This setting is available for most channels. Define how to display data:
§ Display actual values in [unit]: Display the values in the shown unit.

§ Display in percent of maximum: Calculate and show percent values

based on a maximum value. Enter a maximum below.
If you choose this option, you cannot display the data of traffic
sensors as a positive and negative area graph.

If you choose this option, values in the Limits section are counted
as percent values.

Maximum ([unit]) This setting is only visible if you select Display in percent of maximum
above. Enter a value to use as the maximum. Consider the unit. PRTG
calculates all percent values based on this value. Enter an integer.

Value Mode This setting is only available for channels that return absolute values. It is
not available for sensors that show difference values, such as traffic
channels. Depending on this setting, the channel can not only show
averages, but also the minimum or the maximum values in the graphs for
the respective time spans.
Choose from:
§ Average: The channel shows average values.

§ Minimum: The channel shows the minimum values.

§ Maximum: The channel shows the maximum values.

Setting Description

For more information about value modes, see the Knowledge Base:
What is the Value Mode in channel settings?

Decimal Places Define how many decimal places of the channel's data that you want to
display in graphs and tables:

§ Automatic: PRTG automatically defines how many decimal places to

use for optimal viewing results.
PRTG rounds values between 10 and –10 to two decimal places. It
rounds values that are very close to an integer to the integer, for
example, it rounds 3.001 to 3.
§ All: Display all available decimal places.

§ Custom: Manually define the number of decimal places. If you choose

this option, an additional field appears. Enter an integer.

Spike Filter You can use a spike filter to correct faulty monitoring data. Sometimes,
sensors report values that are enormously high or far too low. This can be
because of an error in data transmission, or because of incompatibilities of
the physical device you are monitoring. This can make graphs unreadable.
A spike filter can compensate for these flaws.
If you enable a spike filter, PRTG disregards values that are above and
below a certain limit in the monitoring data for graphs and tables.
Choose between:
§ Disable filtering: Display all data as it is received. Do not filter out
§ Enable filtering: Enable a filter to remove spike values. Additional fields
appear below.
This does not change monitoring data itself but only the
presentation of the data. This setting is valid for all data of this
channel, including historic data.
Use the spike filter with care. For overflow values in SNMP sensors,
check the SNMP Compatibility Options 412 before.
The spike filter option is not available for the channel Downtime.

Spike Filter Max. Value This setting is only visible if you select Enable filtering above. Enter the
([unit]) maximum value to show in the channel data. PRTG disregards all data
above this value in graphs and tables. Enter an integer or leave the field

Spike Filter Min. Value This setting is only visible if you select Enable filtering above. Enter the
([unit]) minimum value to show in the channel data. PRTG disregards all data
below this value in graphs and tables. Enter an integer or leave the field

Setting Description

Vertical Axis Scaling Define how to display the vertical axis for the channel in graphs:
§ Automatic scaling: PRTG automatically uses the optimum scaling.
Usually the scaling ranges from the minimum to the maximum value.
PRTG uses one single scale for each unit label only.
§ Manual scaling: Manually define the scaling. Additional fields appear
below. If you define manual axis scaling, it can make low values better
visible in your graph, but it might result in a graph with multiple vertical
axes for the same unit label.
PRTG ignores settings for this option if you select Stack channels on
top of each other under Graph Type on the sensor's Settings tab.

Vertical Axis Maximum This setting is only visible if you select Manual scaling above. Enter the
([unit]) maximum value to use on the vertical axis for the channel. Enter an

Vertical Axis Minimum This setting is only visible if you select Manual scaling above. Enter the
([unit]) minimum value to use on the vertical axis for the channel. Enter an

Click OK to save your settings and to close the settings window. Click Apply to save the changed
settings while the Edit Channel window remains open, for example if you want to change the
settings of other channels of the current sensor as well. You can select a different channel via the
dropdown list above the settings. You can close the settings window without saving by clicking Cancel.

If you change any settings and either click Cancel or select a different channel via the dropdown list,
PRTG asks you to confirm this step. Click Save to apply the changes or click Discard Changes to
ignore the changes. PRTG closes the window or shows the settings of the selected channel respectively.

Absolute Values and Delta Values for Limits

The value type that you need to configure for limits depends on the type of data that the channel delivers:

Value Type Description

Absolute values For channels that measure absolute values, for example, for free disk
space, you must set limits with absolute values like 20.

Delta values For channels that measure delta values, that is, measurements per
second (x.xx/sec), you must set delta values according to the formula
number of errors/scanning interval in seconds.

For example, you have an SNMP Traffic sensor 2445 and want to receive an alert when the sensor reports

§ Set the sensor to the Warning status when 1 error occurs.

§ Set the sensor to the Down status when 30 errors occur.

The following screenshot shows how to configure the limits for delta channels. You could set the
following limits for the channel Errors in with a standard scanning interval of 60 seconds:

Setting Channel Limits w ith Delta Values

Because this channel uses per second (delta) measurements, the sensor reports a single error that
occurs over a standard 60-second scanning interval as 0.016 # per second. So the warning limit for one
single error within a scanning interval is 0.1 (errors/sec). To get an alert when there are 30 errors within a
scanning interval, the limit needs to be 0.5 (errors/sec).

If no new errors occur in the next scanning interval, the sensor shows the Up status again. To
ensure that you do not miss any notifications for this sensor, set a notification trigger with 0

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


What is the Value Mode in channel settings?


7.11 Notification Triggers Settings

You can use changes in a sensor's status or in the sensor's data to trigger notifications.

Notification Triggers Tab

Although sensors activate notification triggers, you can set notification triggers in the settings of objects
that are higher in the object hierarchy 140 . This allows you to use the inheritance of settings 144 to define
notification triggers for multiple sensors. Objects that inherit notification triggers show them on the
Notification Triggers tab.
For more information, see section Triggers That Can Be Inherited from Parent Objects 3073 .

You can also define notification triggers in libraries 3107 . If a sensor is in a library that has notification
triggers, the sensor shows them on the Notification Triggers tab.
For more information, see section Triggers That Are Defined in Libraries 3074 .

You can also directly edit notification templates on the Notification Triggers tab. To do so, click
next to name of a notification template.

You must take the following four steps to set up and use notifications:

1. Check and set up the notification delivery 3241 settings if you use PRTG Network Monitor. These
settings define how PRTG sends messages.
2. Check and set up notification contacts 3209 for the user accounts. These contacts define the recipients
to which PRTG sends notifications.

3. Check and set up several notification templates 3175 . These templates define the notification methods
and their content.
You can also check or edit notification templates via the Notification Triggers tab. For more
information, see section Notification Triggers Settings 3063 .
4. Check and set up notification triggers settings 3063 for objects. These triggers define when PRTG
sends notifications.

Usually, there are three successive attempts to deliver a notification. If all of these attempts fail, the
notification is lost. To never miss a notification, we recommend that you always set up at least two
notifications with different notification methods for a notification trigger, for example, one email notification
and one SMS notification. If delivery via email fails, PRTG can still notify you via smartphone as a
fallback. For example, use the latency setting of a state trigger 3064 to choose a notification with a
different notification method than in the first trigger condition, or set up a second trigger with a different
notification method for the corresponding object.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, see the Paessler website: How to set up notifications via the
PRTG web interface.

Custom notification scripts are also available in the PRTG Sensor Hub.

Notification Triggers
Select the Notification Triggers tab of an object to add or edit notification triggers. You can set up one or
more of the following notification triggers:

§ State Trigger 3064

§ Speed Trigger 3066

§ Volume Trigger 3068

§ Threshold Trigger 3070

§ Change Trigger 3072

Different options are available for every notification trigger. You see the Type of notification trigger and the
notification Rule that the sensor executes once it activates a notification trigger.

Which notification triggers are available on the Notification Triggers tab depends on the kind of object
you select.

State Trigger
The state trigger performs a notification when a sensor changes its status. Hover over and select Add
State Trigger from the menu to add a new state trigger or click next to a state trigger to change it.

Add State Trigger

PRTG includes a state trigger for the root group 140 by default. This notification trigger performs the
notification Email and push notification to admin if any sensor is in the Down status 186 for at least
10 minutes.

Setting Description

When sensor state is [...] Select the status that triggers a notification:

§ Down: Trigger a notification if a sensor changes to the Down status.

§ Warning: Trigger a notification if a sensor changes to the Warning

§ Unusual: Trigger a notification if a sensor changes to the Unusual
§ Down (Partial): Trigger a notification if a sensor changes to the Down
(Partial) status. This status is only possible in a failover cluster 137 .
§ Up: Trigger a notification if a sensor changes to the Up status.

§ Unknown: Trigger a notification if a sensor changes to the Unknown


for at least [...] seconds, Enter the time in seconds that PRTG waits before it sends a notification
(latency). This can avoid false alarms if, for example, a sensor changes to
the Down status for only a few seconds. Enter an integer.
Do not define a latency that is shorter than the scanning interval of a
sensor that uses this trigger. The notification trigger might not work
as expected in this case.

perform [...] Select the notification that PRTG sends if the sensor is in the selected
status and if the defined latency is over. You see all notification templates
that you have defined under Setup | Account Settings | Notification
Templates. Use the search box to filter for notification templates. You can
also select no notification to not send a notification in this case.
You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

When sensor state is [...] Enter the escalation latency in seconds that PRTG waits before it sends
for at least [...] seconds an escalation notification. Use this to automatically escalate a notification
if a problem exists for a longer time. Enter an integer.
PRTG automatically fills in the selected status.

perform [...] Select the notification that PRTG sends if the sensor is still in the
selected status and if the defined escalation latency is over. You see all
notification templates that you have defined under Setup | Account
Settings | Notification Templates. Use the search box to filter for
notification templates. You can also select no notification to not send a
notification in this case.

Setting Description

Select a notification with a different delivery method than in the first

trigger condition to make sure that you receive a notification in case
the first notification could not be sent.
You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

and repeat every [...] Enter the interval in minutes after which PRTG sends the escalation
minutes notification again. Enter an integer.
If you enter 0, PRTG does not send the escalation notification again.

When sensor state is no Select the notification that PRTG sends if the sensor is no longer in the
longer [...] , perform [...] selected status and if the defined latency is over. You see all notification
templates that you have defined under Setup | Account Settings |
Notification Templates. Use the search box to filter for notification
templates. You can also select no notification to not send a notification in
this case.
PRTG automatically fills in the selected status.
You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

Click to save your settings or click to undo your changes.

Speed Trigger
The speed trigger performs a notification if the speed that a sensor monitors changes. Hover over and
select Add Speed Trigger from the menu to add a new speed trigger or click next to a speed trigger to
change it.

Add Speed Trigger

Setting Description

When [...] channel Select the channel 3052 whose data PRTG uses for the speed comparison.
At root, probe, group, or device level or in libraries, the following channels
are available:
§ Primary: Use the data of the primary channel of the sensor for the

Setting Description

§ Total: Use the data of the Total channel of the sensor for the
§ Traffic In: Use the data of the Traffic In channel of the sensor for the
speed comparison.
§ Traffic Out: Use the data of the Traffic Out channel of the sensor for the
speed comparison.
At sensor level, the available channels depend on the type of sensor you
If you set notification triggers at root, probe, group, or device level and
you want to know which sensors the notification triggers apply to, see
section List of Notification Triggers and Supported Sensors 3682 .

is [...] Select the condition that triggers the notification:

§ Above: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel
exceeds a defined value.
§ Below: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel falls
below a defined value.
§ Equal to: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel is
the same as a defined value.
§ Not equal to: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel
is different than a defined value.

[value] Enter the value to which PRTG compares the channel data. Enter an

[scale] Select the unit for the [value]:

§ bit

§ kbit

§ Mbit

§ Gbit

§ Tbit

§ Byte

§ KB

§ MB

§ GB

§ TB

The available units depend on the type of sensor you select.

Setting Description

[scale] and [time] define the unit for [value]. If the channel data has a
different unit, PRTG internally converts the values.

[time] Select the time for the scale to create a scale per time unit:
§ second

§ minute

§ hour

§ day

[scale] and [time] define the unit for [value]. If the channel data has a
different unit, PRTG internally converts the values.

for at least [...] seconds, Enter the time in seconds that PRTG waits before it sends a notification
(latency). This can avoid false alarms if, for example, a sensor changes to
the Down status for only a few seconds.. Enter an integer.
Do not define a latency that is shorter than the scanning interval of a
sensor that uses this trigger. The notification trigger might not work
as expected in this case.

perform [...] Select the notification that PRTG sends if the defined [value], [scale], and
[time] are true and the defined latency is over. You see all notification
templates that you have defined under Setup | Account Settings |
Notification Templates. Use the search box to filter for notification
templates. You can also select no notification to not send a notification in
this case.
You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

When condition clears, Select the notification that PRTG sends if the defined [value], [scale], and
perform [...] [time] are no longer true and the defined latency is over. You see all
notification templates that you have defined under Setup | Account
Settings | Notification Templates. Use the search box to filter for
notification templates. You can also select no notification to not send a
notification in this case.
You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

Click to save your settings or click to undo your changes.

Volume Trigger
The volume trigger performs a notification if a sensor reaches a certain volume in a specific time. Hover
over and select Add Volume Trigger from the menu to add a new volume trigger or click next to a
volume trigger to change it.

Add Volume Trigger

Setting Description

When [...] channel Select the channel whose data PRTG uses for the volume comparison. At
root, probe, group, or device level or in libraries, the following channels are
§ Primary: Use the data of the primary channel of the sensor for the
§ Total: Use the data of the Total channel of the sensor for the
§ Traffic In: Use the data of the Traffic In channel of the sensor for the
speed comparison.
§ Traffic Out: Use the data of the Traffic Out channel of the sensor for the
speed comparison.
At sensor level, the available channels depend on the type of sensor you
If you set notification triggers at root, probe, group, or device level and
you want to know which sensors the notification triggers apply to,
see section List of Notification Triggers and Supported Sensors 3682 .

reaches [value] Enter the value to which PRTG compares the channel data. Enter an

[scale] Select the unit for the [value]:

§ Byte

§ KB

§ MB

§ GB

§ TB

[scale] and [time] define the unit for [value]. If the channel data has a
different unit, PRTG internally converts the values.

per [time], Select the time for the scale to create a scale per time unit:
§ Hour

§ Day

§ Week

§ Month

Setting Description

[scale] and [time] define the unit for [value]. If the channel data has a
different unit, PRTG internally converts the values.

perform [...] Select the notification that PRTG sends if the defined [value], [scale], and
[time] are true. You see all notification templates that you have defined
under Setup | Account Settings | Notification Templates. Use the search
box to filter for notification templates. You can also select no notification
to not send a notification in this case.
You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

Click to save your settings or click to undo your changes.

Threshold Trigger
The threshold trigger performs a notification if a sensor reaches specific values. Hover over and select
Add Threshold Trigger from the menu to add a new threshold trigger, or click next to a threshold
trigger to change it.

Add Threshold Trigger

Setting Description

When [...] channel Select the channel whose data PRTG uses for the threshold comparison.
At root, probe, group, or device level or in libraries, the following channels
are available:
§ Primary: Use the data of the primary channel of the sensor for the
§ Total: Use the data of the Total channel of the sensor for the
At sensor level, the available channels depend on the type of sensor you
The threshold trigger for a Total channel that you define at group or
device level or in libraries only applies to the Total channel of traffic
sensors. This channel has the ID -1. The threshold trigger works with the
Total channel of the following sensors:

§ IPFIX (Custom)

Setting Description

§ jFlow v5

§ jFlow v5 (Custom)

§ NetFlow v5

§ NetFlow v5 (Custom)

§ NetFlow v9

§ NetFlow v9 (Custom)

§ Packet Sniffer

§ sFlow

§ sFlow (Custom)

§ SMTP&IMAP Round Trip

§ SMTP&POP3 Round Trip

§ SNMP Traffic (channel Traffic Total)

§ Windows Network Card

If you set notification triggers at root, probe, group, or device level and
you want to know which sensors the notification triggers apply to, see
section List of Notification Triggers and Supported Sensors 3682 .

is [...] Select the condition that triggers the notification:

§ Above: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel
exceeds a defined value.
§ Below: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel falls
below a defined value.
§ Equal to: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel is
the same as a defined value.
§ Not equal to: Trigger the notification if the value of the selected channel
is different than a defined value.

[value] Enter the value to which PRTG compares the channel data. Enter values
in the smallest (base) unit that is possible, for example, in bytes,
milliseconds, or percent. Enter an integer.

for at least [...] seconds, Enter the time in seconds that PRTG waits before it sends a notification
(latency). This can avoid false alarms if, for example, a sensor changes to
the Down status for only a few seconds. Enter an integer.
Do not define a latency that is shorter than the scanning interval of a
sensor that uses this trigger. The notification trigger might not work
as expected in this case.

Setting Description

perform [...] Select the notification that PRTG sends if the defined channel condition is
true and the defined latency is over. You see all notification templates that
you have defined under Setup | Account Settings | Notification Templates.
Use the search box to filter for notification templates. You can also select
no notification to not send a notification in this case.

You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

When condition clears, Select the notification that PRTG sends if the defined channel condition is
perform [...] no longer true and the defined latency is over. You see all notification
templates that you have defined under Setup | Account Settings |
Notification Templates. Use the search box to filter for notification
templates. You can also select no notification to not send a notification in
this case.
You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

Click to save your settings or click to undo your changes.

Change Trigger
Before you set up a change trigger, make sure that you enable the Trigger 'change' notification
setting in the sensor's settings, otherwise PRTG never sends the notification.

Trigger 'Change' Notification

The change trigger performs a notification if a compatible sensor's value changes. Hover over and
select Add Change Trigger from the menu to add a new change trigger, or click next to a change
trigger to change it.

Add Change Trigger

Setting Description

When sensor changes, Select the notification that PRTG sends if a compatible sensor triggers a
perform [...] 'change' notification. You can enable this option in the settings 586 of
compatible sensors. You see all notification templates that you have
defined under Setup | Account Settings | Notification Templates. Use the
search box to filter for notification templates. You can also select no
notification to not send a notification in this case.

You can also directly create and use new notification templates by
clicking in the dropdown list.

Click to save your settings or click to undo your changes.

Triggers That Can Be Inherited from Parent Objects

You see a list of all notification triggers that the selected object inherits from parent objects. The list is
empty and shows the message (no triggers defined) if you have not set any notification triggers for
objects that are higher in the object hierarchy 140 .

Trigger Inheritance

Setting Description

Trigger Inheritance Select the notification triggers that you want to use for the selected
§ Inherit all triggers from parent objects and use the triggers defined
above: Use the inherited notification triggers in section Triggers that can
be inherited from parent objects and use the specific triggers for this
object in section Notification Triggers. To change settings of the
inherited notification triggers, click the name of the monitoring object in
the column Inherited from to open its Overview tab and then open the
Notification Triggers tab.
§ Only use the triggers defined above: Do not use the inherited notification
triggers in section Triggers that can be inherited from parent objects.
Only use the triggers that you define for this object in section
Notification Triggers.

Setting Description

This setting is valid for all notification triggers that you see here. It is
not possible to select only some of the notification triggers.
You can also click a notification template to edit its settings or click
the object under Inherited from to go to the object's Overview tab.

Triggers That Are Defined in Libraries

You see a list of all notification triggers that are set in libraries 3107 that contain the selected sensor. The
list is empty and shows the message (no triggers defined) if you have not set any notification triggers in
libraries that contain the selected sensor.

Triggers in Libraries

Click a notification template to change its settings. Click a library in the column Inherited from to view the

You cannot disable notification trigger usage from a library here. If you do not want to use
notification triggers from a library for the selected sensor, open the library and remove the sensor
from it or edit the notification triggers on the Notification Triggers tab 3118 of the library.

Part 8
Advanced Procedures

6/15/2022 3075
8 Advanced Procedures
The following sections introduce more advanced features and procedures of PRTG.

§ Toplists 3077

§ Move Objects 3082

§ Clone Object 3084

§ Multi-Edit 3088

§ Create Device Template 3093

§ Show Dependencies 3096

§ Geo Maps 3099

§ Notifications 3104

§ Libraries 3107

§ Reports 3123

§ Maps 3145

§ Setup 3166

8.1 Toplists

Packet Sniffer sensors and Flow (NetFlow, jFlow, sFlow, IPFIX) sensors not only measure the total
bandwidth usage, but also break down traffic by IP address, port, protocol, and other parameters. This
way, PRTG can tell which IP address, connection, or protocol uses the most bandwidth. PRTG shows
the results in Toplists.

Toplist Top Protocols for a Packet Sniffer Sensor

Toplist Storage
PRTG looks at all network packets and collects the bandwidth information for all IPs, ports, and
protocols. This creates a huge amount of analysis data. To reduce the amount of data that is actually
stored, PRTG only stores the top 100 entries of each Toplist in the database at the end of a specified
Toplist period by default.

Toplist Overview
Toplists are only available for Flow and Packet Sniffer sensors 3626 . PRTG displays Toplist on the
sensor's Overview tab.

For more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge Base: What options do I have to
review my monitoring data in detail?

Toplist Overview for a Packet Sniffer Sensor

By default, there are three preconfigured Toplists:

Toplist Description

Top Talkers Shows bandwidth usage by IP address.

Top Connections Shows bandwidth usage by connection.

Top Protocols Shows bandwidth usage by protocol.

Working with Toplists

§ Click one of the Toplist names on the sensor's Overview tab or click below a Toplist to view a
distribution chart and a list of source IPs and destination IPs, source ports and destination ports,
protocols, or kinds of traffic in different channels, for example. What kind of information is available
depends on the selected Toplist.

§ Click one of the Toplist names on the sensor's Overview tab or click below a Toplist to view a
distribution chart and a list of source IPs and destination IPs, source ports and destination ports,
protocols, or kinds of traffic in different channels, for example. What kind of information is available
depends on the selected Toplist.
ú Click an entry in the Toplist periods list on the left side to view data for a specific time period. The
default time period is 15 minutes. You can also manually define the start and end time of the Toplist
period that you want to view. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time. Additionally,
several table list options 222 are available.
ú Click Print This Toplist to view a printer-friendly version of your Toplist and use the print dialog of
your browser to print the Toplist.
ú Click Sensor Overview to return to the selected sensor's Overview tab. For a quick selection of other
Toplists of the selected sensor, click one of the Toplist tiles at the top of the page.

Toplist Tiles

§ Click Add Toplist on the sensor's Overview tab to create a new Toplist. The available options are the
same as when you edit 3079 a Toplist.

§ Click below a Toplist on the sensor's Overview tab and confirm with Delete to delete the Toplist.

Edit Toplists
Click below a Toplist on the sensor's Overview tab to modify a Toplist.

Setting Description

Name Enter a meaningful name to identify the Toplist.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Toplist Type § Top Talkers (IP address): Shows bandwidth usage by IP address.

§ Top Connections: Shows bandwidth usage by connection.

§ Top Protocols: Shows bandwidth usage by protocol.

§ Custom: Create your own Toplist by selecting one or more Toplist fields.

Toplist Fields This setting is only visible if you select the Custom option. Select the
fields that you want to add to the Toplist by enabling the check box in
front of the respective field name. The available options depend on the
sensor. They are different for Packet Sniffer, NetFlow v5, NetFlow v9,
IPFIX, and sFlow sensors.
For performance reasons, only select the fields that you really need
to monitor.

For more information, see section Performance Considerations 3080 .

Toplist Period (Minutes) Define the time span that a Toplist period covers in minutes. Enter an
integer. When a Toplist period is finished, PRTG stores the top results
and starts a new Toplist period.
To avoid load problems on the probe system, do not set this time
period too long. The default setting is 15 minutes.
For more information, see section Performance Considerations 3080 .

Top Count Define the length of your Toplist. PRTG stores only this number of entries
for each Toplist period. Enter an integer.
To avoid load problems on the probe system, set this value as low as
possible. The default setting is 100 to store the top 100 entries for
each Toplist period.
For more information, see section Performance Considerations 3080 .

Setting Description

Reverse DNS Lookup Define if you want to do a reverse Domain Name System (DNS) lookup for
IP addresses that are stored in the Toplist:
§ Reverse DNS lookup for IP addresses: Determine the domain name that
is associated with an IP address and show it in the Toplist.
§ No reverse DNS lookup: Only show IP addresses. Select this option to
increase performance.

Data Transfer Define how the probe sends the Toplist data set to the PRTG core server:
§ According to scanning interval (default): Send data in the scanning
interval defined in the settings of the sensor for which you create this
This setting can create a lot of bandwidth usage and CPU load if
you have many Packet Sniffer sensors, complex traffic, or long
§ At end of Toplist period: Send data once a Toplist period is finished.
This setting creates less bandwidth usage and CPU load, but you
cannot see the data of the current Toplist in the PRTG web
interface. You can only see Toplists with finished time periods.
For more information, see section Performance Considerations 3080 .

Memory Limit (MB) Define the maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) that the probe
uses to collect the different connection information. Every Toplist adds its
amount of used memory to the probe's memory consumption. Increase
this value if the number of captured connections is not sufficient. Enter an

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Performance Considerations
If you create Toplists for data lines with considerable usage (for example, steady bandwidth over 10
megabits per second) or if the traffic is very diverse (for example, many IP addresses or ports with only
little traffic each), consider the following aspects:

§ The probe gathers all information that is needed for the Toplist in RAM during each Toplist period. By
default, only the top 100 entries are transferred to the PRTG core server. Depending on the Toplist type
and the traffic patterns, the required memory can consume many megabytes.
§ Define Toplist periods that are as short as possible to minimize memory usage. This is especially
important when the traffic is highly diverse.
§ Memory requirements can grow almost exponentially with each Toplist field that you use in the Toplist
definition (depending on the traffic pattern). Avoid complex Toplists for high and diverse traffic. For
example, the Toplist Top Connections with 5 Toplist fields needs a lot more memory than the Toplist
Top Talkers with 1 Toplist field.

§ If you notice a high bandwidth usage between the PRTG core server and the probe, try the At end of
Toplist period option in the Toplist settings 3079 .

§ If you get Data incomplete, memory limit was exceeded messages, try to increase the memory limit in
the Toplist settings but keep an eye on the memory usage of the probe process.
§ To increase the performance of a Toplist, disable the reverse DNS lookup setting.

§ When you work with Toplists, be aware that privacy issues can come up for certain configurations of
this feature. Using Toplists, you can track all single connections of an individual system to the outside
world and you must make sure that it is legal for you to configure PRTG like this.
§ Keep in mind that Toplists can be viewed in the PRTG web interface. You might not want to show lists
of domains that are used in your network to others, so restrict access rights 153 to sensors that have
§ Toplist charts, for example for top connections, are not meant to be used for detailed analysis.
Instead, they should indicate if there is an uncommon, bigger change in this Toplist.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?


8.2 Move Objects

There are several options for moving objects in the device tree or for moving objects from one probe or
group to a different probe or group.

Probes or Groups: Management Tab

The Management tab is available when you view probes or groups. After you click this tab, you can
directly move devices and sensors in the device tree via drag-and-drop.

Move Objects on a Probe or Group

If it is not possible to move an object, PRTG automatically starts a clone 3084 process.

For more information, see section Manage Device Tree 394 .

Devices: Overview Tab

When you view the Overview tab of a device, you see a list of all sensors on the device.

Move Sensors on a Device

Click the column headers Pos, Sensor, Status, or Priority to sort the sensor list. To change a sensor's
position, click at the beginning of the row, drag the sensor to the new position, and drop it.

Context Menu: Move Option

Right-click any object in the device tree to show its context menu 232 . Hover over Move to open the Move
menu. The following actions are available:

Move Context Menu

§ Top: Move the object to the top of the parent object.

§ Up: Move the object one entry up.

§ Down: Move the object one entry down.

§ Bottom: Move the object to the bottom of the parent object.

§ Management: Open the Management tab 394 of the object. This setting is only available for probes and

8.3 Clone Object

If you want to duplicate an object with the same settings, you can clone it. Cloning is available for
groups, devices, and sensors.

The following rules for cloning apply:

§ The new object takes over all settings of the original object. This means, for example, that an auto-
discovery 269 starts automatically on a cloned device if this setting is enabled on the original device.

§ A cloned device contains all objects of the original device, regardless of whether they produce working
sensors or not. This often depends on the settings of the cloned device.
This behavior is different from creating a device template 3093 .
§ Cloned sensors initially show the Paused status to give you the chance to change any settings

before monitoring starts. Check the settings and resume 230 monitoring.
§ You cannot clone fixed objects such as the root group, a probe device, or PRTG system-internal
§ The user account 3260 that clones an object must have at least read access 153 to this object and all

objects underneath in the object hierarchy 140 . The user group to which this user account belongs
must have the permission 3271 to create all sensors that run on the device or group that they want to

Clone an Object
Right-click an object in the device tree and select Clone from the context menu 232 to open an assistant.
If you want to clone a sensor, a faster way is to manage the manage device tree 394 .

Clone Dialog for a Sensor

Clone Object Settings

[Object] To Be Cloned

Several fields show information about the object that you want to clone. The available information varies
depending on whether you clone a group, a device, or a sensor.

Name for New [Object]

Enter information for the new object as described below.

Field Description

New [Object] Name Enter a meaningful name for the new object to identify it later, for example,
in the device tree or in table lists. By default, PRTG uses the old name
with the prefix Clone of.
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

New IP Address/DNS This setting is only available when you clone a device. Enter the IP
Name address or Domain Name System (DNS) name for the new device.

Service URL This setting is only available when you clone a device. Specify a URL that
you want to open directly when you select Device Tools | Go to Service
URL from the context menu of the device. For example, you can configure
this option to call the address
Enter a valid URL or leave the field empty.

Parent [Object] for New [Object]

Use the object selector 225 to select the object to which you want to add the cloned object. If you clone a
group or a device, select a group. If you clone a sensor, select a device.

Click Continue to clone the object.

After you clone an object, you can see the following:

§ If you clone a sensor, the Overview tab of the new sensor opens.

For more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge Base: What options do I have to
review my monitoring data in detail?

§ If you clone a group or a device, you stay on the same page.

§ Cloned sensors initially show the Paused status to give you the chance to change any settings

before monitoring starts. Check the settings and resume 230 monitoring.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


8.4 Multi-Edit

Table lists 222 offer the multi-edit feature. With this, you can bulk edit the properties of many objects.
Multi-edit is also available on the Management tab of probes or groups when you hold down the Ctrl key
to select multiple objects. See also section Manage Device Tree 394 .

You cannot change every setting with multi-edit. PRTG only displays settings that all selected
objects have in common.

Multi-Edit in Table Lists

In a table list, you can select several objects by enabling the check boxes on the right. You can also
select all objects on the page at once by enabling the check box in the table header.
Selecting all objects via the check box in the table header does not select all objects across
multiple pages. It only selects all objects on the first page in most cases.

Example of a Table List w ith Some Selected Objects

Use the Items option in the upper-right corner to view more items per page.

When you select one or more objects, the multi-edit menu appears in which different functions are
available. The available menu options depend on the selected objects. For sensor lists, for example,
some frequently used functions are Pause ( ), Resume ( ), Scan Now ( ), Delete ( ), or Settings (
). Click a button to apply the respective function to all selected objects.

Multi-Edit Menu

Multi-Edit on the Management Tab

The Management tab is available for probes and groups.

You can use multi-edit for object settings:

§ Hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple objects of the same type, for example, multiple groups,
devices, or sensors.
§ In the dialog that appears, select the properties that you want to edit, change the respective settings,
and click Save. The changes are applied to all selected objects.

Multi-Edit on the Management Tab

Edit Object Settings

Click in the multi-edit menu to open the Edit Multiple Objects dialog. This dialog shows most of the
settings that the selected objects have in common. For example, you can edit the name, tags, priority,
scanning interval, or access rights. The available options depend on the selected objects.

Example of Device Settings in Multi-Edit Mode

To change a property, enable the check box in front of the respective setting and then change the
setting. New settings are applied to all selected objects. All properties with a disabled check box remain

Click OK to save your settings. If you close the dialog without saving, all changes to the settings are

Edit Channel Settings
The Channel Settings tab in the Edit Multiple Objects dialog is only available when you edit multiple
sensors. The available settings depend on the selected sensors. You can edit the settings of all
channels that the selected sensors have in common. Select a channel name from the Channel list. You
can then edit display settings, colors, scaling, and limits, for example.

Example of Channel Settings in Multi-Edit Mode

To change a property, enable the check box in front of the respective setting and then change the
setting. New settings are applied to all selected objects. All properties with a disabled check box remain

Click OK to save your settings. If you close the dialog without saving, all changes to the settings are

8.5 Create Device Template

To add a specific device several times, you can create a device template from this device. When you
create a device template, PRTG saves information for nearly all sensors on this device to a template file
that you can later use in combination with the auto-discovery 269 (restrictions 3094 apply for a few
sensors). Custom device templates are also available in the PRTG Sensor Hub.

In the device template, PRTG saves all relevant sensor settings 586 except for settings that you set on
other objects, such as schedules 149 , notification triggers 3104 , and access rights 153 . PRTG automatically
sets these settings to inherited settings.

To create a device template, right-click a device in your device tree. From the context menu 232 , select
Create Device Template to open the Create Device Template dialog.

Create Device Template Assistant

Template Settings

Setting Description

Template Name Enter a meaningful display name for the device template.
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Exclude Sensors Enable the check box in front of the sensors that you want to exclude
from the device template.
Sensors that you cannot save in device templates do not appear in
this list.
Sensors that dynamically scan for available monitoring items when
you add the sensor to a device do not appear in this list. PRTG
automatically includes these sensors in the device template if they
support the device template functionality. You cannot exclude these
sensors from the device template.

Click OK to save your settings. If you close the dialog without saving, all changes to the settings are

Device templates only save the sensors on the device and the sensors' settings including the
channel settings 3052 . They do not save the device itself or the device's settings. To successfully
create a device template, you must add sensors to the device (either manually 391 or via the auto-
discovery) and the sensors must be device template capable 3095 .

After you save your device template file, you see a message where you can review the sensors that the
new device template contains. Click OK to finish. PRTG stores the device template in the
\devicetemplates subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 . Your device template file contains all
sensors of the original device, including the sensors' settings.

Before the next auto-discovery, choose the Auto-discovery with specific device templates setting and
select the name of your new device template from the list. PRTG then tries to discover the stored
sensors. If the physical device answers to a sensor request, the sensor is added to the respective device
in PRTG.
For more information, see section Auto-Discovery 269 .

There are a few settings that you cannot save in a device template so PRTG uses the default settings:

§ The Dependency Type setting Master sensor for parent in the Schedules, Dependencies, and
Maintenance Window section,
§ The Result Handling setting Store result because this setting is only intended for debugging purposes,

§ Settings in the Access Rights section to avoid security flaws, and

§ Notification triggers settings that you set on other objects, for example, a device or group. PRTG
saves, however, notification triggers settings that you set directly on a sensor.

In general, you cannot save all sensor settings and channel settings (for example, channel limits of
dynamically created channels) of sensors that dynamically scan for available monitoring items when
you add the sensor.

Furthermore, because of internal restrictions, PRTG does not save every sensor in a device template.
For more information, see section List of Sensors without Device Template Capability 3739 .

Device Template Updates

Once a device template is created, it is not possible to add additional sensors to it via the PRTG web
interface. If you want to create a device template with an extended set of sensors, you need to create a
new template.

When you save a new device template, PRTG updates all internal sensor IDs in this template.
Because of this, PRTG creates all sensors that the new device template contains anew on the
device to which you apply the template, even if the same sensors have already been created on this
device with a different device template.

You cannot delete device templates via the PRTG web interface.

You cannot edit device template files in PRTG Hosted Monitor but you can upload the updated
device template again. For more information, see section Manage a PRTG Hosted Monitor
Subscription 81 .

Device Template Filtering

You can include and exclude sensors from existing device templates. For details, see the Knowledge
Base: How can I include and exclude sensors from device templates?

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


How can I include and exclude sensors from device templates?


8.6 Show Dependencies

The Dependencies 148 feature gives an overview of the dependencies that are configured for the objects in
your setup.

To see an object's dependencies, select Devices | Dependencies from the main menu bar 253 .

Dependencies Graph View

Tab Description

Overview Shows the dependencies graph 3096 . This is a visualization of device,

group, and sensor dependencies.
To show the dependencies graph, you need to access the PRTG web
interface as an administrator.

Selected Dependencies Shows a table list of manually set dependencies (see the Dependency
setting in section Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window in
any object's settings).

Master Dependencies Shows a table list of master dependencies.

Dependencies Graph
The Overview tab 176 shows the device tree in the dependencies graph view. The lines in the
dependencies graph symbolize dependencies between the monitoring objects in the device tree.
Additionally, PRTG uses different line colors 3097 for the dependencies. You can also view the
dependencies in different table lists on the Selected Dependencies tab or the Master Dependencies tab.

To show the dependencies graph, you need to access the PRTG web interface as an administrator.

You can take the following actions:

§ Enable the Show or Hide option to show or hide master dependencies. Hide is enabled by default to
only show parent dependencies, selected dependencies, and broken dependencies.
For technical reasons, the Show and Hide radio buttons are not available in Internet Explorer. Use
Google Chrome 72 or Mozilla Firefox 65 instead.

§ Click or in the upper-left corner to zoom in or out of the dependencies graph.

§ Click probe and group nodes to show the respective dependencies.

§ Click device or sensor nodes to open the corresponding Overview tab.

§ Click or to expand or collapse probe and group nodes.

§ The numbers in parentheses indicate how many child nodes of an object are shown.

Legend of Dependencies Graph

The line's colors show the kind and source of a dependency. This represents the Dependency Type as
defined in the Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window settings of a probe 468 , group 526 ,
device 578 , or sensor 586 .

You can also find the legend for the line colors in the graph header bar.

Colo Description

Gray Gray lines show a dependency by inheritance (Use parent setting). The source of the
dependency is the parent object on the left end of the line, for example, Root is the parent of
Local Probe.

Gray Line for Parent Dependency

Gree Green lines show a master dependency for a device (Master sensor for parent setting). The
n sensor that is set as the master points to the dependent device with a green arrow head at the
line's end. The arrow head from the dependent device to its master sensor is pink.

Green Line for Master Dependency

Pink Pink lines show a dependency that you set manually (Select a sensor setting). The source of
the dependency points to the dependant with a pink arrow at the line's end.

Pink Line for Selected Dependency

Red Red lines indicate broken dependencies, for example, if the master sensor is not available.

Colo Description

Red Line for Broken Dependency

8.7 Geo Maps

With the Geo Maps feature, you can visualize geographical information about monitored objects that are
located at different sites worldwide on one page. You can display the location of probes, groups, and
devices in a geographical map on the Overview tab of an object or in Maps 3145 .

For more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge Base: What options do I have to
review my monitoring data in detail?

Global Status of a Netw ork in a Geographical Map

To use geographical maps and view them in the PRTG web interface, make sure that your PRTG core
server has access to the internet to obtain map tiles. If a proxy is mandatory in your network, configure
the according proxy settings.

For more information, see section Core & Probes 3251 .

For more information about map tile server domains, see the Knowledge Base: Which domains and
ports does the Geo Maps feature use?

Geo Maps Concepts

The Geo Maps feature works as follows:

Concept Description

Location information Enter Location (for Geo Maps) information, for example, a city name, an
address, or coordinates, for each probe, group, or device in the object's
settings 204 . The PRTG core server resolves your location specification to
global geographical coordinates with the help of an external map service
provider. PRTG uses this information to query a geographical map that
shows your objects.

You can use the first line of the location information field to label 3100

your locations.

Geo Maps settings Select a map service provider and the type of map that you want to view in
the User Interface 3223 settings in section Geo Maps. You can also disable
the integration of Geo Maps there.
PRTG connects to the specified maps service provider to get map tiles.
These map tiles provide the geographical background map. PRTG then
marks defined locations with a corresponding location marker that consists
of an object icon and the object's status color 3102 .

Object Marker
for a Group

Geographical maps You can display geographical maps in the device tree on an object's
display Overview tab. PRTG automatically adjusts the zoom level of a geographical
map so that it can show all locations of a selected object.

Geographical Map on an Object's Overview Tab

You can also add geographical maps to Maps. To do so, open the Map
Designer 3148 and click Geo Maps in the properties menu on the right.

Location Labels
You can define your own labels for locations of objects. To do so, enter the desired label in the first line
of the Location (for Geo Maps) field in an object's settings and provide the geo coordinates of the location
in the second line. The object appears with the defined label in geographical maps. It is also possible to
define the same label for different locations as long as the coordinates differ from each other.

For example, enter the following information:

Big Apple

Location New York w ith Geo Coordinates and Label Big Apple

The location New York appears on the geographical map with the label Big Apple:

Location New York w ith Label Big Apple

Status Color of Location Markers
The location markers use different colors to show the overall monitoring status at this location. In the
following table, you can see all possible monitoring states sorted by priority:

Object Color Location Status Meaning


Red Down At least one sensor at this location shows the

Down status. Hover over the location marker to
view the total number of alarms at this location.

Light Pink Down (Acknowledged) At least one sensor at this location shows the
Down status and a user acknowledged this
status via the Acknowledge Alarm feature.
The Down states of all sensors at this location
must be acknowledged. If at least one Down
status is not acknowledged, this location shows
the Down status.

Yellow Warning At least one sensor at this location shows the

Warning status. There is no sensor in the Down
or Down (Acknowledged) status at this location.

Orange Unusual At least one sensor at this location shows the

Unusual status. There is no sensor in the Down,
Down (Acknowledged), or Warning status at this

Green Up All sensors at this location are in the Up status.

There is no sensor in the Down, Down
(Acknowledged), Warning, Paused, or Unusual
status at this location.

Blue Paused All sensors at this location show the Paused

status. There is no sensor in the Down, Down
(Acknowledged), Warning, Unusual, or Up status
at this location.

Grey Unknown All sensors at this location show the Unknown

status. There is no sensor in the Down, Down
(Acknowledged), Warning, Unusual, Paused, or
Up status at this location.

For more information, see section Sensor States 186 .

Knowledge Base

Which domains and ports does the Geo Maps feature use?

Which provider should I use for the Geo Maps feature of PRTG?


Why does my street not appear on the Geo Map shown in PRTG?

How do I get a Google Maps API key for use in PRTG?


Which limitations apply when using the Google Maps API in PRTG?

My geo maps are displayed without background. What can I do?


What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?


8.8 Notifications

PRTG uses notifications to send you an alert, for example, whenever PRTG discovers a defined sensor
status 186 or when channels breach specific limits. You can define an unlimited number of notifications
using one or more notification methods 3104 . PRTG sends notifications to a user's notification contacts 3209
that you can define for each user account.

For more information, see the video tutorial: Notifications.

PRTG sends a notification when a defined event triggers it. The following events can trigger notifications:

Event Examples

Sensor status change § A sensor changes from the Up status to the Down or the Warning status
because responses are slow.
§ A sensor changes to the Unusual status.

Sensor value threshold § A sensor shows a request time that is higher than 1,000 ms for more than
breach 30 minutes.
§ Free disk space is below 10%.

Speed threshold breach A traffic sensor shows more than 1 Mbit/s for more than 5 minutes.

Volume threshold A traffic sensor shows more than 1 GB transferred in 24 hours.


Sensor value change A specific value changes, for example, when the sensor monitors files on a
hard disk drive.

Notification Methods
A notification can use one or more of the following notification methods:

§ Send Email 3182

§ Add Entry to Event Log 3185

§ Send SMS/Pager Message 3186

§ Execute HTTP Action 3188

§ Execute Program 3189

§ Send Syslog Message 3191

§ Send SNMP Trap 3192

§ Send Amazon Simple Notification Service Message 3194

§ Assign Ticket 3195

§ Send Push Notification 3197

§ Send Microsoft Teams Message 3198

§ Send Slack Message 3200

§ Send MQTT Publish Notification 3202

§ Send OPC UA Notification 3205

For more information, see section Notification Templates 3182 .

Notifications can contain valuable sensor information that you can define via placeholders, for example:

§ Last error message

§ Last successful or failed request

§ Total downtime

§ Total uptime

§ Recent sensor history

§ A direct link to the PRTG web interface

For available placeholders, see section List of Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Notifications Setup
You must take the following four steps to set up and use notifications:

1. Check and set up the notification delivery 3241 settings if you use PRTG Network Monitor. These
settings define how PRTG sends messages.

2. Check and set up notification contacts 3209 for the user accounts. These contacts define the recipients
to which PRTG sends notifications.
3. Check and set up several notification templates 3175 . These templates define the notification methods
and their content.
You can also check or edit notification templates via the Notification Triggers tab. For more
information, see section Notification Triggers Settings 3063 .
4. Check and set up notification triggers settings 3063 for objects. These triggers define when PRTG
sends notifications.

Usually, there are three successive attempts to deliver a notification. If all of these attempts fail, the
notification is lost. To never miss a notification, we recommend that you always set up at least two
notifications with different notification methods for a notification trigger, for example, one email notification
and one SMS notification. If delivery via email fails, PRTG can still notify you via smartphone as a
fallback. For example, use the latency setting of a state trigger 3064 to choose a notification with a
different notification method than in the first trigger condition, or set up a second trigger with a different
notification method for the corresponding object.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, see the Paessler website: How to set up notifications via the
PRTG web interface.

Custom notification scripts are also available in the PRTG Sensor Hub.

Knowledge Base

Notifications based on priority or favorites





You can find custom notification scripts in the PRTG Sensor Hub

8.9 Libraries

With the Libraries feature, you can create additional, customized views of your device tree.

For more information, see the video tutorial: Libraries in PRTG

Example of a Library

In this section:

§ Introduction 3107

§ Preconfigured Libraries 3108

§ Libraries Menu 3108

§ Libraries List 3109

§ Working with Libraries 3109

With libraries, you can create custom device tree views of your network's status and monitoring data.
PRTG updates these views in the same interval as your device tree. The library views display the same
monitoring data, but arranged the way you want, for example, based on target groups or a specific use
case. For example, you can create a library that contains an overview of all your bandwidth monitoring
sensors, regardless of the device that they run on.

The Libraries feature includes the following options:

§ Create libraries that contain library nodes with objects from your entire configuration.

§ Show data from different probes in one library.

§ Show different branches of your device tree right next to each other.

§ Arrange sensors in a tree-like view regardless of the device that they run on.

§ Filter your entire device tree or parts of it by sensor type, status, or tag, and only show matching

Preconfigured Libraries
PRTG provides several preconfigured libraries that you can also edit or delete.

Preconfigured libraries are only visible to administrators.

Preconfigured Libraries

The following libraries are automatically created when you install PRTG for the first time. Some of these
libraries are initially empty, but as you add more sensors, PRTG automatically fills them according to the
filter settings defined for the library nodes:

§ All bandwidth sensors

§ All CPU load sensors

§ All diskspace sensors

§ All memory sensors

§ All sensors grouped by state

§ All VMware sensors

§ Sensors grouped by priority

Sensors that you add to libraries do not count against the maximum number of sensors of your

Libraries Menu
Click Libraries in the main menu bar 255 to open an overview list of all libraries. Hover over Libraries to
show other options.

Option Description

All Open the Libraries list where you can view or add custom device tree
views of your network status and monitoring data.

Add Library Open a dialog to create a new library.

Select Library Open a library. Hover over Select Library to show more options. Follow the
alphabetical menu path that is specific to your setup to view your libraries.
Click a library to open it.

Libraries List
In the All view, you see a list of all libraries. Enable the check box next to a library and use the quick
action buttons to perform the following actions:

§ Used by ( ): Show which objects use this library.

§ Clone ( ): Create a clone 3084 of this library.

§ Delete ( ): Delete this library.

§ Settings ( ): Open this library and change the settings 3113 of the library and its library nodes.

To add a new library, hover over and select Add Library from the menu.

See also sections Working with Table Lists 222 and Multi-Edit 3088 .

Working with Libraries

For detailed information on how to work with libraries, see the following sections:

§ Library Management 3110

§ Libraries and Node Settings 3113

§ Library Context Menus 3120


How to use libraries in PRTG in 4 steps



Libraries in PRTG

8.9.1 Library Management
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

You can manage your libraries by adding and editing library nodes and by defining which objects you
want to see on a library node.

Click the Management tab. You see a split screen:

§ On the left side, you can see your library. If you create a new library, it is empty in the beginning.

§ On the right side, you see your device tree.

Bandw idth Library in Management Mode

Add and Change Library Nodes

From the device tree on the right side, drag objects and drop them on the library on the left side. Each
dropped object is immediately added as a new library node. Repeat this procedure as often as you wish
until you have added all desired items to the library.
Library nodes can contain up to 1,000 sensors. However, if you add single sensors to the library via
the Management tab, there can only be one sensor in one library node.

Click Add Library Node or Add Group in the bottom-left corner of the split screen to create nested library

Drag and drop library nodes to change their position. If you want to change the monitoring object that is
associated with a library node, you can change the Linked Object in the library node's settings.

Set Library Node Display Settings
Right-click the name of a library node and select Edit | Settings from the context menu 3120 to change the
Library Node Display Settings. In the dialog that appears, you can change the name of the library and its
tags, as well as the linked object, the library node view, and filters. These settings are available for each
library node.

Edit Library Node Display Settings

You can either show the Linked Object as a subtree of your device tree including probes, groups, and
devices, or you can view all sensors underneath the Linked Object.

§ When you select Show a subtree of the device tree, the library node called My Sub Tree, for example,
looks like a branch in your device tree.

Library with One Node that Shows a Branch of the Device Tree

§ When you select Show a collection of filtered sensors, PRTG only shows the sensors that are
underneath the Linked Object in the device tree without probes, groups, and devices. You can
additionally filter for certain sensor types, states, and tags. PRTG then only shows matching sensors.
In the example screenshot, you can see the library node My Sub Tree where only bandwidth sensors
are shown.

Library with One Node that Only Shows a Collection of Bandwidth Sensors

For more information, see section Libraries and Node Settings 3113 .

Context Menu
You can right-click any object on a library's Overview tab or Management tab to open its context menu.

For more information, see section Library Context Menus 3120 .

8.9.2 Libraries and Node Settings
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

Use the library tabs to access all functionalities and settings of a library.

Library Tabs

Click the Overview tab to show the status of your library.

Click the Management tab to edit the contents of your library, for example, to add items to the library via

For more information, see section Library Management 3110 .

Library Node Settings

To change the settings of a library node, go to a library's Overview tab and click the name of a library
node. You can also open the library node settings on the Management tab via the library node's context
menu 3120 .

You can only change the settings of a library node if it already contains monitoring objects like
groups, devices, or sensors.

Basic Library Node Settings

Setting Description

Library Node Name Enter a meaningful name for the library node.
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Security Context Define the security context for the Overview tab of the library. Select a
user account from the dropdown list to define which objects are visible. All
users with access to the library can only see the objects that the selected
user account has the rights to view.

Only sensors that are visible in the library trigger a notification 3104 .

Setting Description

Basically, the security context defines the minimum access rights to

objects like libraries, reports, or maps, that a user account has. If the
security context of an object is PRTG System Administrator, for example,
every user sees all objects in a library, in a report, or on a map, no matter
what the particular user access rights are.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

Library Node Display Settings

Setting Description

Linked Object Click and use the object selector 225 to change the object in the device
tree that the library node references.

Library Node View Select how you want to view the objects that PRTG shows underneath the
library node:

§ Show a subtree of the device tree: View all objects underneath the
linked object as you can see them in the device tree, including probes,
groups, and devices.
§ Show a collection of filtered sensors: Only view the sensors underneath
the linked object without probes, groups, and devices. You can use
filters to show only specific sensors.
The library node can show up to 1,000 sensors. PRTG discards
further sensors.

Filter by Sensor Type This setting is only visible if you select Show a collection of filtered
sensors above. Select if you want to filter the displayed sensors by
specific sensor types:
§ Show all sensor types: Do not filter by sensor types.

§ Show only specific sensor types: Filter the displayed sensors by

specific sensor types.

Setting Description

PRTG applies this filter in real time. If the configuration underneath

the linked object changes, the library node accordingly shows
matching sensors.

Sensor Types This setting is only visible if you select Show only specific sensor types
above. You can see a list of all sensor types. PRTG displays sensors that
are in use in bold print.
Enable the check box in front of a sensor type that you want to include in
the library node view.

You can also select all items or cancel the selection by using the
check box in the table header.

PRTG applies this filter in real time. If the configuration underneath

the linked object changes, the library node accordingly shows
matching sensors.
You cannot filter for sensor types that are defined in mini probes.

Filter by Sensor Status This setting is only visible if you select Show a collection of filtered
sensors above. Select if you want to filter the displayed sensors by
specific sensor states:
§ Show all sensor states: Do not filter by sensor status.

§ Show only sensors in specific states: Filter the displayed sensors by

specific sensor states.

Sensor States This setting is only visible if you select Show only sensors in specific
states above. You can see a list of all sensor states.

Enable the check box in front of a sensor status to include all sensors
that show this status in the library node view:
§ Unknown

§ Up

§ Warning

§ Down

§ Paused by user

§ Unusual

§ Down (Acknowledged)

§ Down (Partial)

You can also select all items or cancel the selection by using the
check box in the table header.

Setting Description

PRTG applies this filter in real time. If the configuration underneath

the linked object changes, the library node accordingly shows
matching sensors.

Filter by Tag This setting is only visible if you select Show a collection of filtered
sensors above. Select if you want to filter the displayed sensors by
specific tags:
§ Show all tags: Do not filter by tag.

§ Show only sensors with specific tags: Filter the displayed sensors by
specific tags.

Tags This setting is only visible if you select Show only sensors with specific
tags above. Enter one or more tags for sensors that you want to include in
the library node view. You can also use the plus sign (+) or the minus sign
(-) to categorize tags as must have or must not have, for example,
+snmp;–wmi (must have the tag snmp and must not have the tag wmi).
The tag of a sensor can also be inherited from a parent object.

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

PRTG applies this filter in real time. If the configuration underneath

the linked object changes, the library node accordingly shows
matching sensors.

Filter by Priority This setting is only visible if you select Show a collection of filtered
sensors above. Select if you want to filter the displayed sensors by
specific priorities 227 :

§ Show all priorities: Do not filter by priority.

§ Show only sensors with specific priorities: Filter the displayed sensors
by specific priorities.
PRTG ignores the priority settings of a parent object. It only regards
the priority setting of the sensor itself.

Priorities This setting is only visible if you select Show only sensors with specific
priorities above. You can see a list of all available priorities.
Enable the check box in front of a priority to include all sensors that have
this priority in the library node view:
§ ***** (highest priority)

§ ****

§ ***

§ **

§ * (lowest priority)

Setting Description

PRTG applies this filter in real time. If the configuration underneath

the linked object changes, the library node accordingly shows
matching sensors.

Click OK to save your settings. If you close the dialog without saving, all changes to the settings are

After you apply filters, it might take several seconds for the changes to become visible. This is
because of internal filter processes that run in the background.

Click the Settings tab to open a library's general settings.

Basic Library Node Settings

Setting Description

Library Node Name Enter a meaningful name for the library.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Security Context Define the security context for the Overview tab of the library. Select a
user account from the dropdown list to define which objects are visible. All
users with access to the library can only see the objects that the selected
user account has the rights to view.

Only sensors that are visible in the library trigger a notification 3104 .
Basically, the security context defines the minimum access rights to
objects like libraries, reports, or maps, that a user account has. If the
security context of an object is PRTG System Administrator, for example,
every user sees all objects in a library, in a report, or on a map, no matter
what the particular user access rights are.

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

Access Rights

Setting Description

User Group Access Define the user groups that have access to the object. You see a table
with user groups and group access rights. The table contains all user
groups in your setup. For each user group, you can choose from the
following group access rights:

§ No access: Users in this user group cannot see or edit the object. The
object does not show up in lists.
§ Read access: Users in this user group can see the object and view its
§ Write access: Users in this user group can see the object and view and
edit its settings. However, they cannot edit the object's access rights
§ Full access: Users in this user group can see the object, view and edit
its settings, and edit its access rights settings.
You can create new user groups in the User Groups 3270 settings.

When you give access rights to a user group, all user group members can see the objects in the
respective library.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Notification Triggers
You can define notification triggers for any kind of library, also for dynamic libraries that can change with
every scanning interval, for example, when you filter a library by sensor status or priority.

On the Comments tab, you can enter free text for each object. You can use this function for
documentation purposes or to leave information for other users.

On the History tab, all changes in the settings of an object are logged with a time stamp, the name of
the user who made the change, and a message. The history log retains the last 100 entries.

You can delete the entire library at any time. Right-click a library's name and select Delete from the
context menu.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


8.9.3 Library Context Menus
Right-click a library or a library node on a library's Overview tab or Management tab to show its context

Library Context Menu

The Library Context Menu contains actions for your libraries.

Library Context Menu

Action Description

Details Show the Overview tab of the object.

For more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge
Base: What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?

Edit Hover over Edit to show the Edit menu. The following actions are available:

Edit Context Menu

§ Settings: Open a dialog to edit the library settings 3117 .

§ Management: Open the Management tab 3110 of the library.
§ Rename: Open a dialog to edit the name of the object.

Delete Delete the object. PRTG asks for confirmation before it actually deletes an

Add Library Node Add a new library node to the library.

Add Group Add a group to the library to create nested library nodes.

Action Description

Send Link by Email Send a link to the object by email. Click to create a new email with your
system's standard email client. The email contains a direct link to the
Overview tab of the object.

Library Node Menu

The Library Node Menu contains actions for your library nodes.

Library Node Menu

Action Description

Details Show the Overview tab of the object.

For more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge
Base: What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?

Edit Hover over Edit to show the Edit menu. The following actions are available:

§ Settings: Open a dialog to edit the library node settings 3113 .

§ Rename: Open a dialog to edit the name of the object.

Delete from Library Delete the object. PRTG asks for confirmation before it actually deletes an

Move Hover over Move to open the Move menu. The following actions are

Move Context Menu

§ Top: Move the library node to the top of the library.

§ Up Move the library node one entry up.

Action Description

§ Down: Move the library node one entry down.

§ Bottom Move the library node to the bottom of the library.

Send Link by Email Send a link to the object by email. Click to create a new email with your
system's standard email client. The email contains a direct link to the
Overview tab of the object.

Knowledge Base

What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?


8.10 Reports

With the Reports feature, you can view and analyze historic monitoring results for a specific period of
time or for your system configuration. You can create reports for all sensors or only for specific sensors.

Example of a Report

The report above shows the report data for devices on a local probe. You can see graphs for the
preceding week and data tables with numeric results.

In this section:

§ Introduction 3124

§ Reports Menu 3124

§ Reports List 3125

§ Configuration Reports 3126

§ Automatic Averaging 3127

You can generate reports on demand or via schedules in HTML and PDF format, as well as in comma-
separated values (CSV) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. Furthermore, you can create
reports for a single sensor or for a whole range of sensors. It is also possible to create HTML reports of
your system configuration 3126 .

Report templates define the overall look of your report and in which detail the report shows monitoring

Preconfigured Reports

PRTG provides several preconfigured reports that you can also edit or delete.

§ Summary report for all sensors

§ Top 100 Busy/Idle Processor Sensors

§ Top 100 Fastest/Slowest HTTP Sensors

§ Top 100 Fastest/Slowest Ping Sensors

§ Top 100 Free/Full Disk Space Sensors

§ Top 100 Most/Least Used Bandwidth Sensors

§ Top 100 Most/Least Used Memory Sensors

§ Top 100 Uptime/Downtime Report

Reports Menu
Click Reports in the main menu bar 260 to open an overview list of all reports about monitoring data. Hover
over Reports to show other options.

Option Description

All Open the Reports list where you can view or add reports about your
monitoring data.

Add Report Open a dialog to create a new report.

Select Report Hover over Select Report to show a list of your reports about monitoring
data. Click a report to open it.

Option Description

Configuration Reports Hover over Configuration Reports to see the available configuration
reports 3126 . Select an item to create reports for maps, reports, users and
user groups, and system configuration to document changes to the

Reports List
In the All view, you see a list of all reports about monitoring data.

List of Reports

Section Description

Object Shows the name of the report.

Template Shows the name of the template that this report uses.

Security Context Shows the user account that PRTG uses to run the report. This user
account defines which objects are visible in the report.
For more information, see section Report Settings 3133 .

Period Shows the time span that the report covers.

Schedule Shows if you set a schedule to automatically run the report in a regular
For more information, see section Report Settings 3133 .

Section Description

Email Shows the email address to which PRTG automatically sends the report if
you set a schedule and entered an email address in the report settings.

Status Shows the status of the report.

Next Run Shows the date and time at which PRTG runs the report the next time if
you set a schedule in the report settings.

Last Run Shows the date and time at which PRTG ran the report the last time if you
set a schedule in the report settings.

# Sensors in Last Run Shows the number of sensors whose data was included when PRTG last
ran the report.

Click the name of a report about monitoring data to open the Run Now tab.
You can only run configuration reports via the main menu bar.

Enable the check box next to a report and use the quick action buttons to perform the following actions:

§ Clone ( ): Create a clone 3084 of this report.

§ Delete ( ): Delete this report.

§ Settings ( ): Open this report and change its settings 3133 .

To add a new report, hover over and select Add Report from the menu.

See also sections Working with Table Lists 222 and Multi-Edit 3088 .

Configuration Reports
Configuration reports show the PRTG configuration. They are available for Maps, Reports, Users & User
Groups, and System Configuration. PRTG directly displays a configuration report in a new browser
window as an HTML page. You can use configuration reports, for example, to file and document changes
to the PRTG configuration.

Configuration reports contain the same information as you can see on the Maps 3145 overview, the
Reports 3123 overview, and on the User Accounts 3260 and User Groups 3270 tabs of the system
administration settings. The configuration report System Configuration includes the system
administration settings of the User Interface 3219 , Monitoring 3233 , Notification Delivery 3241 , Core &
Probes 3250 , and Cluster 3280 tabs.

Configuration reports are interactive. You can click available links to go to the corresponding pages
in the PRTG web interface.

Automatic Averaging
For performance reasons, PRTG automatically averages monitoring data when it calculates data for large
periods of time.

Period of Time in Report Minimum Level of Detail (Averaging Interval)

Up to 40 days Any

40 to 500 days 60 minutes/1 hour or longer

Reports for periods that are longer than 500 days are not possible. If you enter a longer period,
PRTG automatically shortens it to 500 days.

In some cases, the generated report might contain a period of time that differs from the defined start
and end date for the report because of internal averaging processes. When averaging intervals are
longer than 1 hour and do not equal 24 hours, and when they are combined with specific periods of
time, the resulting data points might be asynchronous to the periods of time. Consider this behavior
particularly if you use application programming interface (API) calls 3449 to generate reports.


How to set up reports in PRTG in 5 easy steps


8.10.1 Run Reports
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

Use the reports tabs to access all functionalities and settings of a report.

Report Tabs

Click Go to all reports at the bottom of the page to open the overview list of all reports.

Run Now
On the Run Now tab, you can immediately run a report with the settings that you defined before.

When you set up or run a report, also keep in mind the remarks for reports 3131 .

Run Report on Demand

Report Period

Setting Description

Period Define the time span that the report covers:

Setting Description

§ Current period: This week [date range]: Use monitoring data of the
current period. The actual time span depends on the report period that
you define in the report settings 3133 . It can be today, this week, this
month, or this year.
§ Previous period: Last week [date range]: Use monitoring data of the last
period. The actual time span depends on the report period that you
define in the report settings. It can be yesterday, last week, last month,
or last year.
§ Select a predefined date range: Use monitoring data of a predefined
period other than the current or the previous period. Select from a list of
date ranges below.
§ Define a custom date range: Use monitoring data of a custom period.
Set the start and end date below or choose from several quick range

Date Range This setting is only visible if you select Select a predefined date range
above. From the list, select a date range for which PRTG generates the
report. The shown time spans depend on the available monitoring data and
on the report period that you define in the report settings. It can be days,
weeks, months, or years.

Start Date This setting is only visible if you select Define a custom date range above.
Set the start date of the time span for which PRTG generates the report.
Use the date time picker to enter the date and time. Make sure that you
define a valid period.

End Date This setting is only visible if you select Define a custom date range above.
Set the end date of the time span for which PRTG generates the report.
Use the date time picker to enter the date and time. Make sure that you
define a valid period.

Quick Range This setting is only visible if you select Define a custom date range above.
You can use several buttons to quickly set the start and end dates for the
report. Choose between
§ Today

§ Yesterday

§ Last Week (Mo-Su)

§ Last Week (Su-Sa)

§ Last Month

§ 2 Months

§ 6 Months

§ 12 Months

Setting Description

PRTG sets the date range 224 to the last matching period. It starts at
00:00 and ends at 00:00 of the following day.

Report Processing

Setting Description

File Format and Delivery Define how you want to view the report:
§ View report as HTML: Directly view the report in a new browser window
or tab.
§ Create and store .pdf and data files: Create a .pdf file and, depending on
the Data Files 3141 setting, create data files of the report and store it.
You find the stored report files on the Stored Reports tab. You also
receive a ToDo ticket. By default, PRTG sends out a notification email
to administrators in this case.
§ Create and store .pdf and data files and send them by email: Create a
.pdf file and, depending on the Data Files setting, create data files of the
report, store the files, and send them via email to the email address that
you define below. You can find the stored report files on the Stored
Reports tab.
PRTG only generates .csv and .xml data files for report templates that
include data tables.
To create .pdf files, make sure that the print spooler service runs on
the PRTG core server system.

Some special characters, for example, 4-byte unicode characters,

might not be displayed correctly in PDF reports. As a workaround, we
recommend that you generate an HTML report and save it as a .pdf file.
If you generate reports with Internet Explorer 11, we recommend that
you use one of the PDF options for optimal results.

Target Email Address This setting is only visible if you select Create and store .pdf and data files
and send them by email above. Enter one or more valid email addresses
to which PRTG sends the report. Use commas to separate email
PRTG sends an email to all recipients. All recipients appear in the To
field of the email.
You can change the configuration for outgoing emails in the
Notification Delivery 3241 settings.

Setting Description

File Compression This setting is only visible if you select Create and store .pdf and data files
and send them by email above. Define if PRTG compresses the attached
report files before it sends them:
§ Send files without compression: PRTG sends the report files by email in
their original size.

§ Compress files in a .zip file: PRTG compresses the report files to a .zip
file before they are sent by email.

Click Run Report to start the report generation. Depending on the number of selected sensors, this might
take a while. If it takes a long time to generate HTML reports, consider using one of the PDF options.

Remarks for Reports

§ Any sensor graph in your report only shows channels that you enable via the Show in graphs option in
the channel settings 3052 .
§ Reports show statistics for the uptime (the Up and Down states186 in percent) and for requests (Good

and Failed in percent). PRTG rounds values between 5% and 95%, as well as 100% and 0%, to whole
numbers without decimal places. Other values are shown with 3 decimal places.
§ Because PRTG rounds values, the statistics in the report section Sensor Status History can differ from
the values in the report section Uptime Stats by a few seconds.
§ PRTG limits data reporting to 5 requests per minute.

§ Reports cannot show uptime or downtime data for the Sensor Factory sensor 1857 .
§ Create reports that include an appropriate amount of data. Reports might not work as expected if
PRTG has to process too many sensors with short scanning intervals. Adjust your report size and the
time span that the report covers, if necessary.

Stored Reports
On the Stored Reports tab, you can view all PDF reports and data files that you created and stored.

Click a name to open the report. PRTG stores reports until they are deleted according to the data
purging settings 3257 of your PRTG configuration.

Other Tabs
For all other tabs, see section Report Settings 3133 .

Knowledge Base

Why is there missing data in historic data reports?


Creating a PDF report does not work. What can I do?


8.10.2 Report Settings
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

Use the reports tabs to access all functionalities and settings of a report.

Report Tabs

Click Go to all reports at the bottom of the page to open the overview list of all reports.

In this section:

§ Run Now 3133

§ Stored Reports 3133

§ Settings 3133

§ Basic Report Settings 3134

§ Included Sensors 3136

§ Report Schedule 3137

§ Report Period 3139

§ Percentile Handling 3140

§ Data Files 3141

§ Report Comments 3141

§ Access Rights 3142

§ Select Sensors Manually 3142

§ Sensors Selected by Tag 3144

§ Comments 3144

Run Now
On the Run Now tab, you can immediately run a report with the settings that you defined before.

For more information, see section Run Reports 3128 .

Stored Reports
On the Stored Reports tab, you can view reports that you created.

For more information, see section Run Reports 3128 .

Click the Settings tab to open the settings of a report.

When you set up or run a report, also keep in mind the remarks for reports 3131 .

Basic Report Settings

Setting Description

Report Name Enter a meaningful name for the report. PRTG uses the name in reports
lists 260 and as the title of generated reports.
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

Report Template Select a template for the report from the dropdown list. The template
defines the overall look of your report and in which detail the report shows
monitoring data. PRTG includes several preconfigured report templates.
You can choose templates from the following categories:
§ Graph with data table (data files available): Create a report with graphs
and data tables. Choose from different intervals. Reports that use one of
these templates also generate .csv and .xml files if you enable the
respective setting in the Data Files section.
§ Data table only (data files available): Create a report with data tables.
Choose from different intervals. Reports that use one of these templates
also generate .csv and .xml files if you enable the respective setting in
the Data Files section.
§ Graph only (data files not available): Create a report with graphs.
Choose from different intervals. Reports that use one of these templates
cannot generate .csv or .xml files.
§ List of sensors (data files not available): Create a report in a compact
sensor list style. The list is available with and without graphs. Reports
that use one of these templates cannot generate .csv or .xml files.
§ Top 100 highest and lowest (data files not available): Create a report
with up to 100 objects with the highest and lowest average values.
Choose from different intervals. Reports that use one of these templates
cannot generate .csv or .xml files.

Setting Description

§ Top 10 uptime and downtime (data files not available): Create a report
with up to 10 objects with the highest uptime and downtime for each
object. You can choose between data in percent and hours. Reports
that use one of these templates cannot generate .csv or .xml files.
§ Top 100 uptime and downtime (data files not available): Create a report
with up to 100 objects with the highest uptime and downtime for each
object. You can choose between data in percent and hours. Reports
that use one of these templates cannot generate .csv or .xml files.
PRTG automatically averages 3127 monitoring data within an interval.

Security Context Define the security context that the report uses for access to monitoring
data. Select a user account from the dropdown list to define which objects
are visible in the report. The report only contains objects that the selected
user has the rights 153 to view. By default, the security context is the user
account that creates the report.
Basically, the security context defines the minimum access rights to
objects like libraries, reports, or maps, that a user account has. If the
security context of an object is PRTG System Administrator, for example,
every user sees all objects in a library, in a report, or on a map, no matter
what the particular user access rights are.

Time Zone Select a time zone from the dropdown list. PRTG uses this time zone for
all date-specific settings in the report.

Page Format Define the page size in which PRTG creates .pdf files.
§ None: Do not specify a page format. PRTG automatically sets a size.

§ DIN A4: Use the German DIN A4 format.

§ DIN A3: Use the DIN A3 format.

§ DIN A2: Use the DIN A2 format.

§ Legal: Use the North American legal page format.

§ Letter: Use the North American letter page format.

§ Ledger: Use the North American ledger page format.

Page Orientation Define the page orientation for the data in PDF reports:
§ Portrait: Use the portrait orientation.

§ Landscape: Use the landscape orientation to show data tables of

sensors with many channels. Other parts of the report remain in the
portrait orientation and do not resize to the landscape orientation.

Included Sensors

Setting Description

Cluster Node This setting is only visible if you run PRTG in a failover cluster 137 . Select
the cluster node from which the report takes monitoring data from the
dropdown list. The available options are specific to your configuration.

By default, the master node is set. Select All cluster nodes to create a
report that includes data from all of your cluster nodes.
A report for all cluster nodes only includes data for the primary
channels. Be careful with big reports for all cluster nodes because the
report generation might significantly slow down your monitoring.
If you select a failover node, report and data files do not show data
from the local probe or from a remote probe and might be empty or
show 0 values.
You can generate .csv and .xml data files only for a single failover
node. If you select the option All cluster nodes, the report does not
create data files.

Sensors by Tag Select the sensors that you want to include in the report by tag. Enter one
or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a comma, or the
Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-filtered views
later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically inherited 146 .
The report covers all sensors that have at least one of the tags. You can
also leave the field empty.
You can also use the plus sign (+) or the minus sign (-) to categorize tags
as must have or must not have, for example, +snmp –wmi (must have the
tag snmp and must not have the tag wmi).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

The report automatically includes all channels of sensors that you

add by tag, unless you run a cluster and select All cluster nodes in
the Cluster Node setting above.
If you want to manually select the sensors to include in the report,
save your settings and go to the Select Sensors Manually 3142 tab.

Filter Included Sensors Filter the included sensors further. Use this option, for example, if you
by Tag manually add entire probes, groups, or devices to the report and do not
want to include all sensors that have these objects as their parent objects.
PRTG then only includes the sensors in the report that have at least one
of the tags that you enter here.
Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 . You can also leave the field empty.

Setting Description

You can also use the plus sign (+) or the minus sign (-) to categorize tags
as must have or must not have, for example, +snmp –wmi (must have the
tag snmp and must not have the tag wmi).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

Report Schedule

Setting Description

Schedule Define the time at which you want to automatically run the report:
§ No schedule: Only use the options on the Run Now tab to manually
start the report generation.
§ Every full hour: Run the report every 60 minutes.

§ Every day at a specific hour: Run the report every 24 hours. Specify the
exact time below.
§ Every specific day of the week: Run the report every 7 days. Specify the
exact time below.
§ Every specific day of the month: Run the report on a specific day every
month. Specify the exact time below.
§ First day after the quarter: Run the report on the first day after the end of
the quarter. This means, for example, on April 1st for the first quarter of
the year (January 1st - March 31st).
§ Every specific date: Run the report on a specific date every year.
Specify the exact date below.

Specific Hour This setting is only visible if you select Every day at a specific hour above.
From the list, select the hour at which you want to run the report.

Specify Day This setting is only visible if you select Every specific day of the week
above. From the list, select a day of the week or a day of the month for
which you want to run the report.
If you select Last, the report always runs on the last day of the
month, regardless of how many days the month has. If you select a
date that does not exist in every month, for example, 30th, PRTG
automatically runs the report on the last day of the month.

Specific Date This setting is only visible if you select Every specific date above. Enter a
valid date in the format DD.MM., for example, 31.12. The report runs on
this date every year.

Setting Description

Report Handling This setting is only visible if you select one of the schedule options above.
Define what you want to do with a finished report:
§ Store report and send it by email: Create a .pdf file and, depending on
the Data Files setting, create data files of the report, store the files, and
send them via email to the email address that you define below. You
can find the stored report files on the Stored Reports tab.
§ Store report: Create a .pdf file and, depending on the Data Files 3141

setting, create data files of the report and store it. You find the stored
report files on the Stored Reports tab. You also receive a ToDo ticket.
By default, PRTG sends out a notification email to administrators in this
§ Send report by email: Create a .pdf file and, depending on the Data
Files setting, create data files of the report and send them via email to
the email address that you define below. PRTG does not permanently
store the report files.
PRTG only generates .csv and .xml data files for report templates that
include data tables.
To create .pdf files, make sure that the print spooler service runs on
the PRTG core server system.
Some special characters, for example, 4-byte unicode characters,
might not be displayed correctly in PDF reports. As a workaround, we
recommend that you generate an HTML report and save it as a .pdf file.

Target Email Address This setting is only visible if you select one of the email options above.
Enter one or more valid email addresses to which PRTG sends the report.
Use commas to separate email addresses.

PRTG sends an email to all recipients. All recipients appear in the To

field of the email.
You can change the configuration for outgoing emails in the
Notification Delivery 3241 settings.

Email to User Group This setting is only visible if you select one of the email options above.
From the list, select a user group to which you send an email with the
report. All members of this group receive the email. You can edit user
groups in the User Groups 3270 settings.
If you define both individual email addresses and select a user group,
PRTG sends the report to the individual email addresses as well as to
the members of the selected user group.
PRTG sends an email to all recipients. All recipients appear in the To
field of the email.

File Compression This setting is only visible if you select one of the email options above.
Define if PRTG compresses the attached report files before it sends them:

Setting Description

§ Disable (default): PRTG sends the report files by email in their original
§ Enable: PRTG compresses the report files to a .zip file before they are
sent by email.

Report Period

Setting Description

Report Period Type Define the type of period for which you want to create the report:
§ Current period: Use monitoring data of the current period.

§ Previous period: Use monitoring data of the previous period.

This setting works in combination with the Period setting below. For
example, Previous period means yesterday if you select the Day

Period Define the period that the report covers:

§ Day

§ Week

§ Month

§ Quarter of year

§ Year

Day Period This setting is only visible if you select Day above. From the list, select
the hours at which a day starts and ends. The default setting is 0:00-

Week Period This setting is only visible if you select Week above. From the list, select
the days of the week when the week starts and ends:
§ Monday-Sunday: A reported week starts on the Monday and ends on
the Sunday of the week.
§ [Day-Day]: A reported week starts on the [Day] of the week and ends
on the [Day] of the following week.

Month Period This setting is only visible if you select Month above. From the list, select
the days of the month when the month starts and ends:
§ first-last day: A reported month starts on the first day and ends on the
last day of the month.

Setting Description

§ [15.-14.]: A reported month starts on the 15th of the month and ends on
the 14th of the following month.

Year Period This setting is only visible if you select Year above. From the list, select
when the year starts and ends:

§ 1/1-12/31: A reported year starts on January 1st and ends on December

§ 7/1-6/30: A reported year starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th the
following year.

Report Schedule From the list, select a specific time span for which you want to generate
the report. The report only includes monitoring data for specific hours or
weekdays within the defined period.
Select None to include all available monitoring data in the report, or
choose a schedule, for example Weekdays, to exclude all weekends from
the report. The available schedules depend on your configuration.
For more information, see section Schedules 3213 .

Percentile Handling

Setting Description

Percentile Results Define if you want to include an additional percentile calculation 3554 of your
data in the report:
§ Do not show percentiles: PRTG does not use a percentile formula to
calculate your monitoring results. It only shows the standard values.
§ Show percentiles: PRTG displays an overview table with the percentiles
of each channel for the whole report period, and the percentiles of the
primary channel in the table for each scanning interval.
Percentiles are not available for all report templates. If a template
does not support percentiles, they do not show up in the report, even
if you enable this setting.
Percentiles are also not available for a cluster if you select All cluster
nodes in the Cluster Node setting in section Included Sensors. Select
a failover node to include percentiles.

Percentile Type This setting is only visible if you enable Show percentiles above. Enter the
percentile type that you want PRTG to use for the calculation. If you
choose, for example, to calculate the 95th percentile, enter 95 here and
5% of peak values are discarded. Enter an integer.

Setting Description

Percentile Averaging This setting is only visible if you enable Show percentiles above. Enter a
Interval value to define the averaging interval on which PRTG bases the percentile
calculation. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). This means that
PRTG takes 5-minute averages as basic values for the percentile
calculation. Enter an integer.

Percentile Mode This setting is only visible if you enable Show percentiles above. Select
the mode for percentile calculation:
§ Discrete: PRTG takes discrete values to calculate percentile results.

§ Continuous: PRTG interpolates between discrete values and bases the

calculation on interpolated values.

Data Files

Setting Description

Files in CSV / XML Define if you want to generate .csv and .xml files for data tables in the
Format report in addition to the .pdf file:
§ Do not include data files: PRTG does not generate .csv or .xml files for
the report. It only creates a .pdf file.
§ Include only .csv files: PRTG generates and stores .csv files in addition
to the .pdf file. The data files are only generated if the report uses a
report template that includes data tables.
§ Include only .xml files: PRTG generates and stores .xml files in addition
to the .pdf file. The data files are only generated if the report uses a
report template that includes data tables.
§ Include all data files: PRTG generates and stores .csv and .xml files in
addition to the .pdf file. The data files are only generated if the report
uses a report template that includes data tables.
If you run PRTG in a cluster, the report does not generate data files if
you select All cluster nodes in the Cluster Node setting. Select a
failover node to get data files.

Report Comments

Setting Description

Introductory Comment Enter a custom text that the report displays at the top of the first page.
Enter a string or leave the field empty.

Final Comment Enter a custom text that the report displays below the last data table or
graph on the last page. Enter a string or leave the field empty.

Access Rights

Setting Description

User Group Access Define the user groups that have access to the object. You see a table
with user groups and group access rights. The table contains all user
groups in your setup. For each user group, you can choose from the
following group access rights:
§ No access: Users in this user group cannot see or edit the object. The
object does not show up in lists.
§ Read access: Users in this user group can see the object and view its
§ Write access: Users in this user group can see the object and view and
edit its settings. However, they cannot edit the object's access rights
§ Full access: Users in this user group can see the object, view and edit
its settings, and edit its access rights settings.
You can create new user groups in the User Groups 3270 settings.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Select Sensors Manually

Click the Select Sensors Manually tab to manually add sensors that you want to include in the report.

You see a split screen: On the left side, there is a list of objects that the report already contains, and on
the right side, you see your device tree. You can add objects to the report via drag-and-drop.

You can also add a report via the context menu 232 of an object. In this case, the selected object is
automatically included in the report.

Select Sensors Manually Tab

You can take the following actions:

Action Description

Add items From the device tree on the right side, drag objects and drop them onto
the list on the left side. You can add entire probes, groups, devices, or
single sensors. PRTG adds each dropped object as a new list item.
The objects you drop on the left side are always added to the end of
the list, you cannot directly add objects in a different order.

Select channels If you add a sensor to the selection, you can specify the channels that the
report includes. By default, PRTG selects all channels. To exclude a
channel from the report, disable the check box in front of a channel name.
If you run PRTG in a cluster, you can only choose between single
channels if you select a specific Cluster Node in the report settings. If
you select All cluster nodes, the report contains only the primary channel
of each sensor.

Change order You can change the order of list items on the left side via drag-and-drop.
Click in the upper-right corner of a selected object, drag it to the
desired position, and drop it there.

Remove To remove any objects from the report, click next to the respective list
item, or select several list items while holding down the Ctrl key, then
click .

PRTG automatically saves your selection. There is no undo function.

The final report includes both manually selected sensors and sensors selected by tag.

Sensors Selected by Tag
Click the Sensors Selected by Tag tab to view all sensors that you added to the report by tag in section
Included Sensors of the report settings. This is for your information only, you cannot change sensors

To edit the sensor selection, go to the Settings tab of the report and change the tags that the report uses
to include sensors. Additionally, you can also exclude sensors with specific tags there.

For sensors that you add by tag, PRTG automatically includes all channels in the report unless you use
a cluster and select All cluster nodes in the Cluster Node setting of the report. In this case, the report
only includes the primary channel of each sensor.

The final report includes both manually selected sensors and sensors selected by tag.

On the Comments tab, you can enter free text for each object. You can use this function for
documentation purposes or to leave information for other users.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


Creating a PDF report does not work. What can I do?


8.11 Maps

With the Maps feature, you can create dashboards with monitoring information in a customizable layout.
You can also make live data overviews publicly available.

Example of a Map

In this section:

§ Introduction 3145

§ Maps Menu 3146

§ Maps List 3146

§ Home Menu 3147

§ Working with Maps 3147

There are a lot of different options for the implementation of maps. For example, you can use this feature

§ Create network maps with status icons for each device.

§ Create views of your network that can be shown on network operations center screens.

§ Create network overviews that you can publish on the intranet for colleagues or the management.

§ Create custom views of the most important sensors in your monitoring setup.

§ Create Top 10 lists of the sensors of a specific group or device.

Map Technology

In technical terms, a map is a common HTML web page. A map can consist of the following elements:

§ Map items including device icons, sensor status icons, graphs, data tables, sensor lists, connection
lines, geographical maps, or custom HTML code.
§ An optional background image in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, for example, your company logo or a
graphical view of your network.

Preconfigured Map

PRTG provides the preconfigured map Sample Dashboard that you can also edit or delete. The map is
only visible to administrators. Define a lower priority 227 for the map to not show it under Home in the
main menu bar 252 .

Maps Menu
Click Maps in the main menu bar to open an overview list of all maps. Hover over Maps to show other

Option Description

All Open the Maps list where you can view or add custom views of your
network status and monitoring data.

Add Map Open a dialog to create a new map.

Select Map Hover over Select Map to show a list of your maps. Click a map to open it.

Maps List
In the All view, you see a list of all maps. Click the name of a map to view it. Enable the check box next
to a map and use the quick action buttons to perform the following actions:

§ Map Rotation ( ): Rotate 3164 between maps.

§ Clone ( ): Create a clone 3084 of this map.

§ Delete ( ): Delete this map.

§ Settings ( ): Open the map's settings 3159 .

Hover over and select Add Map from the menu to add a new map.

You can also define the priority of a map. Maps with a 5-star priority ( ) appear in the main menu
bar under Home so that you can directly select them. PRTG can show up to 10 entries in the Home
For more information, see section Home Menu 3147 .

See also sections Working with Table Lists 222 and Multi-Edit 3088 .

Home Menu
You can add any map to the Home menu in the main menu bar of the PRTG web interface. This way,
you can gain quick access to your most important maps.

If you open a map via the Home menu, it appears as a dashboard without the tabs that are available
when you open a map via the Maps menu. Furthermore, in contrast to a map that you open via a
URL, the map is embedded in the PRTG web interface with the global header area and page footer.

You can define whether a map appears in the Home menu via the priority setting. Every map with a 5-
star priority ( ) appears as a menu item under Home.

Add Map to Home Menu

1. Open the Maps overview via the main menu bar (1).
2. In the overview list, look for the map that you want to add to the Home menu (2).

3. In the Priority column, select for the desired map (3).

The map appears in the Home menu (4). To immediately see the change, manually refresh the page with

You can include up to 10 map entries in the Home menu.

PRTG provides a sample dashboard in the Home menu by default. You can remove the sample
dashboard and other dashboards from the menu by changing their priority to or lower.

Working with Maps

For detailed information on how to work with maps and on how to make the maps available to other
people, see the following sections:

§ Map Designer 3148

§ Maps Settings 3159

§ Map Rotation 3164


How to create dashboards in PRTG with the Maps feature in 5 steps


8.11.1 Map Designer
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

With the Map Designer feature, you can create custom web pages as maps, or dashboards, that
represent your network.

In this section:

§ Browser Compatibility 3148

§ Basic Design Concept 3148

§ Device Tree Section 3149

§ Properties Section 3151

§ Properties Object Types 3152

§ Edit Map Items 3154

§ Draw Connection Lines Between Items 3157

§ Snap To Grid 3158

§ Undo and Redo 3158

§ More 3158

Browser Compatibility
Because of the map designer's extensive scripting capability, it is important that you use a compatible
browser when you edit maps. We recommend that you use Google Chrome 72. You can also use
Mozilla Firefox 65 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. The map designer is not fully compatible with earlier
versions of Internet Explorer, or Opera browsers.

Basic Design Concept

Click the Map Designer tab to open the map editor. It might take a few moments to load. Here, you can
add or change map items to create your individual map.

Map Designer General Layout

The map designer consists of three main sections:

§ The Device Tree section on the left side. Here you can select the object whose data you want to show
on the map.
§ The map design area in the middle that has the size in pixels that you specified in the map
settings 3160 .
§ The Properties section on the right side. Here you can define how a map item is displayed, for
example, as an icon or a data table.

Drag and drop any object from either side onto the map, or double-click an object. You always see all
changes immediately.

Device Tree Section

Use the Device Tree section to select the object whose data you want to show on the map. This can be
a probe, a group, a device, or a single sensor.

Device Tree Section in the Map Designer

You can take the following actions:

Actions Description

Find an object To find the desired object, you have the following options:
§ Click at the beginning of a line to expand objects in the device tree and show
objects below probes, groups, and devices. Click to collapse the object again.

Actions Description

§ Enter a few characters into the Search box to search for names or parts of
names of objects in your configuration. You immediately get the search results.
Click to clear your search.

Drag-and-drop You can always drag any object from the device tree onto a free area of the map to
create a new map item.

If you drag the object onto an existing map item, the displayed device tree object is
replaced while the property and size stay the same.

Double-click Double-click an object in the device tree to add a new map item.
If you select a map item and double-click an object in the device tree, the map
designer replaces the map item.

Change size You can adapt the size of the Device Tree section. Drag the right border to the left
to make the section smaller. To enlarge the section, drag the right border to the

Properties Section
Use the Properties section to define how to display the map item, for example, as an icon, a map, a
table, or a graph. Select the appearance of a map item from different categories.

Properties Section in the Map Designer

You can take the following actions:

§ Hover over an object to get a live preview of it, if available.

§ Drag an object onto a free area of the map to create a new map item. If you drag the object onto an
existing map item, the property is replaced while the device tree object attributes and size stay the
§ Double-click an object to add it to the map, or select an existing map item and double-click an object
to replace the map item.

If a specific Properties object is not available for a selected Device Tree object, you see a
corresponding note in the live preview of the Properties object.

Properties Object Types

Many different object types are available. Click one of the categories to show all available types.

Object Type Description

Default Icons A, Default Icons B Choose from various icons that represent typical network devices
in the style of the PRTG web interface. Default icons from category
A also display object data. You can see the object name and a
sensor overview for the object. This indicates how many sensors
show a specific status. For some sensors, a mini graph is shown
as well.

Icons A, Icons B, Icons C Choose from various icons that represent typical network devices.
Icons from this category also display object data. You can see the
object name and a sensor overview for the object. This indicates
how many sensors show a specific status. For some sensors, a
mini graph is shown as well.

Icons A (Static), Icons B (Static), Choose from the same icons as in the category described above.
Icons C (Static) Here, only the icon is displayed without additional object data.

Static Images Choose from various free or public domain geographical maps from
different sources.
Use the category Geo Maps if you want to show geographical
maps that include monitoring locations.
The items in this category are independent from the selected
objects in the device tree.

Status Icons Choose from various sensor status icons in different styles. You
can see the object name and a sensor overview for the object. This
indicates how many sensors show a specific status. For some
sensors, a mini graph is shown as well. Additionally, you can add
traffic lights or the QR code of an object to your map. A map item
for an audible alert that plays a sound when the number of alarms
of the monitored object is > 0 is also available.
Your browser must support playing embedded sounds for the
status icon that includes an audible alert.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: Which
audible notifications are available in the PRTG web interface
and in PRTG Desktop?
If you experience issues with audible notifications in Google
Chrome, see the Knowledge Base: Why are audible alerts in
public maps not working in Chrome?

Cluster These map items are only available if you run PRTG in a failover
cluster 137 . Choose between a map and a status table.
The Map item does not scale automatically. You need to
manually enlarge the item in the map design area.
If you do not have a cluster, you only see white boxes instead
of map previews.

Object Type Description

Data Tables Choose from various table lists 222 that show sensors for the
selected object. You can also choose from several lists that only
show sensors in a specific status.

Device Tree Views Choose from various device tree views 180 , including gauges for the
selected object.

Status Donuts Choose from various status donuts that either show all alarms or
all sensor states for the selected object. These are the same
status donuts that you see on the Welcome page 165 .

Geo Maps These map items are only available if you enable the Geo
Maps 3099 feature and enter location information in the selected
device tree object's settings. Choose between a globe and a
geographical map.
If the Geo Maps feature is disabled, you only see white boxes
instead of map previews.

Graphs Choose from various graph styles that differ in font size and detail.
You can also select graphs that include a legend or sensor states.

Shapes Choose from various geometrical shapes.

The items in this category are independent from the selected
objects in the device tree.

Top 10 Lists Choose from various tables that show the top 10 sensors in
specific categories like the highest bandwidth usage or the best
The items in this category are independent from the selected
objects in the device tree.

Custom HTML Use this property, for example, to add custom text 3156 , external
images, or applets to your map.
Drag the item to the map design area and select it to edit 3154 it.
You can then copy your custom code into the HTML Before and
HTML After fields.

Edit Map Items

Properties Section

Click a map item to select it. You can then edit its attributes in the upper part of the Properties section.

Edit Map Items in the Properties Section

Property Description

Top Enter position values to directly position the item on the map. Enter a
positive integer.
You can also use the mouse to move a map item.

Width Enter size values to give the item a predefined size. Enter a positive
You can also use the mouse to resize a map item.

Layer Enter a layer value that defines if an item appears in front of or behind a
different item if the items overlap. The item with the higher value appears in
front. Enter a positive integer.

You can also use the context buttons 3156 of a map item to bring it an
item to the front ( ) or send it back one layer ( ).

External Link Enter the address of any web page. If you click the map item while you
view the map, PRTG opens the web page in a browser window. Enter the
full URL of an external website, for example,, or
the address of a subpage of your PRTG installation, for example,
To make a map interactive, you need to define a suitable public
access 3161 setting for the map.

HTML Before Enter custom HTML code to embed an object in the map. Any HTML code
you enter in these fields is added before or after the map item and your
HTML After HTML object is inserted into the map. For example, you can enter <img
src=""> to insert
an image of a Paessler logo.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Context Buttons

Hover over a map item to show its context buttons.

Edit Map Items via Context Buttons

Context Button Description

Bring to front Move this item one layer to the front. This is useful when you add several
items to a map that overlap each other.

Send to back Move the item one layer to the back. This is useful when you add several
items to a map that overlap each other.

Delete Delete the item.

The item is immediately deleted without notice. You cannot undo this

You can also select the item and press the Delete key on your

Drop Connections Delete all connection lines 3157 to the item.

Cursor Keys

Select a map item and use the cursor keys to move the item one pixel at a time. Hold down the Shift
key in combination with the cursor keys to move the object 10 pixels at a time.

Add Custom Text

You can add custom text with individual styling to your map with the Custom HTML Element.

For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How to add text to a map?

Draw Connection Lines Between Items
You can draw connection lines between any map items via drag-and-drop to indicate, for example,
network connections or a logical coherence between two items.

Map w ith Connection Lines

§ Click the gray handle to the left of an item and drag it onto the item with which you want to create a
connection to create a connection line.

§ Hover over a connection line and click to delete it.

The map designer dynamically colors the lines between items depending on the status 186 of the
linked objects. A line is red, for example, if the linked objects both show the Down status.
Connection lines can also have two colors. For example, if one linked object shows the Down status and
the second linked object shows the Warning status, one half of the line is red and the other half is

Snap To Grid
With the Snap To Grid setting, you can define how map items are positioned when you add or remove
them via drag-and-drop.

Click at the bottom of the Device Tree section to enable Snap To Grid so that you can only place
items aligned with the grid. Click to disable Snap To Grid to place map objects freely.

Undo and Redo

You can undo previous changes to the map and its items by clicking (Ctrl+Z) at the bottom of the
Device Tree section. To redo actions, click (Ctrl+Y). You can undo and redo up to 50 changes when
you work on a map. Because PRTG saves changes persistently in your configuration, you can even
revert changes at a later point in time.

Both buttons are only available if they can apply, otherwise they are grayed out.

Knowledge Base

Which audible notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in PRTG Desktop?

Why are audible alerts in public maps not working in Chrome?


How to add text to a map?


Why does my browser show an unresponsive script warning while loading the Map Designer?

8.11.2 Maps Settings
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

Use the maps tabs to access all functionalities and settings of a map.

Map Tabs

View Map
Click the View Map tab to show a preview of your map.

Map Designer
Click the Map Designer tab to edit the contents of your map.

For more information, see section Map Designer 3148 .

Click the Settings tab to open the general settings of a map.

In the Add Map dialog, not all of these settings are available. You can change the settings later via
the Settings tab.

Basic Map Settings

Setting Description

Map Name Enter a meaningful name for the map.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-)
sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

Setting Description

Security Context and Define the security context that the map uses for access to monitoring
Color Mode data. Select a user account from the dropdown list to define which objects
are visible on the map. The map only contains objects that the selected
user has the rights 153 to view. By default, the security context is the user
account that creates the map.
Basically, the security context defines the minimum access rights to
objects like libraries, reports, or maps, that a user account has. If the
security context of an object is PRTG System Administrator, for example,
every user sees all objects in a library, in a report, or on a map, no matter
what the particular user access rights are.
This setting also affects the color mode 3172 of public maps 3161 . PRTG
takes the color mode setting of the security context user account.

Time Zone Define the time zone that the map uses for all date-related settings.
Select a time zone from the dropdown list.

Filter by Tag This setting applies to table map objects. Enter one or more tags
separated by a space or comma to include sensors in map data tables.
Only sensors that have one of the specified tags appear in the tables,
including sensors that inherit 144 tags from parent objects. Enter a string
or leave the field empty.

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

For some map objects, for example for sunburst and treemap objects,
the tag filter applies only to probes, groups, and devices. If you only
enter tags of sensors, these map objects do not appear on the map.
Filtering sunburst and treemap objects with multiple tags might not work
properly and is not officially supported.
Use this setting with caution because it affects all tables of the map.

Map Layout

Setting Description

Map Width Define the width of the map in pixels. Enter an integer.

Map Height Define the height of the map in pixels. Enter an integer.

Automatic Scaling Define if you want the map to automatically adapt to your screen size:

Setting Description

§ Scale map view to fit browser size: The size of the map automatically
adapts to the size of your screen. We recommend that you use this
option if you display the map on different screens with different
This setting does not apply to the map designer.

§ Do not automatically scale map view: The map always uses the
specified width and height settings.

Background Image Define if you want to use a background image for the map:
§ Use a background image: Use a custom background image, for
example, your company logo.
§ Do not use a background image: Use a background that shows the
color that you define in the Background Color setting.

Custom Image This setting is only visible if you select Use a background image above.
Click Select File and select an image from your system or network.
PRTG only supports images in JPG, PNG, and GIF format. The file
size must be smaller than 20 MB.

Background Color Select a background color for this map. Either enter a hex color code or
choose a color from the color selector. The hex color code field always
displays the defined color.

Map Access

Setting Description

Public Access Define who can view the map:

§ No public access: Do not allow public access to the map. Users who
want to view the map first need to log in to PRTG. They also need
sufficient access rights to the map.
§ Allow public access: Allow access to the map via a unique URL. The
URL contains a secret key that you can change. The map is an
interactive public map.
§ Allow public access but disable all links except for Geo Maps: Allow
access to the map via a unique URL. The URL contains a secret key
that you can change. If you select this option, all links on the map are
disabled so that you get a non-interactive public map.
It is not possible to disable the links in map objects that contain an
embedded geographical map 3099 . As a workaround, place an
empty, transparent square object over the Geo Map object and link
it to an unrelated URL.

Setting Description

PRTG displays maps with public access in the color mode defined for
the security context user account.

Secret Key This setting is only visible if you select Allow public access or Allow public
access but disable all links except for Geo Maps above. The secret key is
automatically generated. It is part of the public URL for the map. You can
also enter a customized string.
We recommend that you use the default value.
For more information on public access, see section Get
HTML 3162 .
The characters comma (,) and colon (:) are not allowed in the secret
key field.

Access Rights

Setting Description

User Group Access Define the user groups that have access to the object. You see a table
with user groups and group access rights. The table contains all user
groups in your setup. For each user group, you can choose from the
following group access rights:
§ No access: Users in this user group cannot see or edit the object. The
object does not show up in lists.
§ Read access: Users in this user group can see the object and view its

§ Write access: Users in this user group can see the object and view and
edit its settings. However, they cannot edit the object's access rights
§ Full access: Users in this user group can see the object, view and edit
its settings, and edit its access rights settings.
You can create new user groups in the User Groups 3270 settings.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Your map is a standard HTML page. You can make it available to other people via a unique URL.
Depending on the map's Public Access setting 3161 , a visitor needs to provide login credentials for PRTG
to view the map, or they immediately see the map.

You have different options to link to the map:

§ Option 1: Link To The Map With Required Login
A user who wants to view the map via the shown URL first needs to log in to PRTG.
In the URL, PRTG usually specifies the IP address under which the page is reachable. If a
network address translation (NAT) is set in your firewall, or if you want to use a domain name or a
name from a dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) service for public access, customize the URL
according to your needs.
§ Option 2: Link To The Map Without Login
People who want to view the map via the shown URL do not need login credentials. Allow public
access to the map to make it available to the public.

In the URL, PRTG usually specifies the IP address under which the page is reachable. If a NAT is
set in your firewall, or if you want to use a domain name or a name from a dynamic DNS service for
public access, customize the URL according to your needs.
§ Option 3: Show the Map on Other Webpages via an Iframe
Here you can find the HTML code to embed an iframe in your web page. It includes a URL for direct
access to the map. Allow public access to the map to make it available to the public.
In the URL, PRTG usually specifies the IP address under which the page is reachable. If a NAT is
set in your firewall, or if you want to use a domain name or a name from a dynamic DNS service for
public access, customize the URL according to your needs.

On the Comments tab, you can enter free text for each object. You can use this function for
documentation purposes or to leave information for other users.

On the History tab, all changes in the settings of an object are logged with a time stamp, the name of
the user who made the change, and a message. The history log retains the last 100 entries.

You can delete a map at any time. To do so, click in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Knowledge Base
What security features does PRTG include?

8.11.3 Map Rotation
With the Map Rotation feature, you can rotate between several maps on one page. This is similar to a
slide show.

Map Rotation Setup

To configure your custom map rotation, take the following steps:

Map Rotation Setup

1. Open the Maps overview from the main menu bar.

2. Select the maps that you want to rotate by enabling the check box next to the respective maps. The
multi-edit 3088 menu appears.

3. Click .
4. PRTG now rotates the selected maps on a new page in a specific interval.

5. You can change the interval until a new map appears. Hover over in the lower-right corner and
choose from 10s, 30s, 60s (seconds), 10m (minutes), and Refresh (now).

To view the maps that you specified for the map rotation, you need login credentials for PRTG.

Public Map Rotation

You can also set up a public map rotation that you can use without login credentials. For this purpose,
you need to create a custom URL that includes the map IDs and the maps' secret keys.

1. In the Public Access settings 3161 of all maps that you want to include in the map rotation, select
Allow public access. The Secret Key setting appears.
2. Note the secret keys of all maps that you want to include in the map rotation.
3. Find the map IDs and note them as well. To find the ID of a map, open the map with your browser.
The map ID is included in the URL of the map as the value of the parameter id. In the URL
https://<yourprtgserver>/map.htm?id=2124, for example, the number 2124 is the needed ID.

4. Create the public map rotation URL. The complete URL has the following format:
Make sure that you connect each map ID and the respective secret key with a colon, and that
you separate each mapid:secretkey token from the next mapid:secretkey token with a comma.

This is an example URL for the public rotation of two maps with the map IDs 9507 and 9358:

5. Open the URL in your browser to start the public map rotation.

6. You can change the interval until a new map appears. Hover over in the lower-right corner and
choose from 10s, 30s, 60s (seconds), 10m (minutes), and Refresh (now).

8.12 Setup

In the setup settings of the PRTG web interface, you can define almost all system settings for PRTG.
However, you need to define some of the machine-oriented settings via two Windows administration tools
(see section Others 3167 below).

Click Setup in the main menu bar 264 to show the available options.

Some setup options are only available for PRTG Network Monitor (marked with ), so you cannot
use these with PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Some setup options are only available for PRTG Hosted Monitor (marked with ), so you cannot
use these with PRTG Network Monitor.

Account Settings
§ My Account 3168

§ Notification Templates 3175

§ Notification Contacts 3209

§ Schedules 3213

System Administration
§ Manage Subscription 70

§ User Interface 3219

§ Monitoring 3233

§ Notification Delivery 3241

§ Core & Probes 3250

§ User Accounts 3260

§ User Groups 3270

§ Administrative Tools 3276

§ Cluster 3280

§ Single Sign-On 3282

§ Maintainer Mode 3288

PRTG Status
§ System Status 3291

§ Cluster Status 3315

License Information
§ License Information 3317

§ Auto-Update 3323

Optional Downloads
§ PRTG Desktop 3327

§ PRTG Apps 3327

§ Remote Probe Installer 3327

§ Help and Support Center 3329

§ Contact Support 3330

There are some settings that you need to make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 .

For more information, see sections PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

and PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 .

8.12.1 Account Settings
To open the account settings of the user, select Setup | Account Settings from the main menu bar 264 .
Select the various tabs to change the different settings.

Account Settings Tabs

You can define the following aspects of your account settings:

§ My Account 3168

§ Notification Templates 3175

§ Notification Contacts 3209

§ Schedules 3213 My Account

On the My Account tab, you can define and edit settings for the user account. All settings are specific to
the user account.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

In this section:

§ PRTG App Login 3168

§ User Account Settings 3169

§ API Access 3170

§ Account Settings 3171

§ Group Membership 3171

§ PRTG Web Interface 3172

§ Ticket System 3174

§ More 3174

PRTG App Login

PRTG App Login

Setting Description

QR Code Click Show QR Code for PRTG App Login to display the QR code and to
copy your account settings to a PRTG app 3341 .

User Account Settings

User Account Settings

Setting Description

Login Name Enter a login name for the user account.

The login name must not contain the following invalid characters: " / \

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Display Name Enter a display name that you recognize. PRTG uses it for display
purposes only, for example on the Welcome page.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Primary Email Address Enter the primary email address. This is the email address that PRTG
uses by default for the ticket system, including important system
messages, and password recovery.

Make sure that your email client can show HTML emails, otherwise
you cannot read emails from PRTG.

Password Define whether to change the password for the user account:
§ Do not change the password

§ Specify a new password

For security reasons, PRTG does not display the password.

Setting Description

If you specify a new password, enter the old password, then enter the new
password twice.
The new password must be at least 8 characters long. It must contain
a number and a capital letter.
Do not use leading or trailing whitespaces in the new password.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Passhash Click Show passhash to display the passhash for the user account. This
is necessary for authentication for the PRTG API 3449 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

API Access
These settings are only available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

API Access

Setting Description

API User Name Shows the API user name of the user account. This is necessary for
authentication for the PRTG API.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

API Passhash Click Show passhash to display the API passhash of the user account.
This is recommended for authentication for the PRTG API.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Generate API Passhash Click Generate new passhash to reset the passhash of the user.

Account Settings

Account Settings

Setting Description

Primary Group Select the primary group for the user account from the dropdown menu.
Every user account must be a member of a primary group to make
sure there is no user account without group membership.
Membership in other user groups is optional.
You cannot change the primary group of Active Directory users.
Users that you add via Active Directory integration 3446 can only have
the respective Active Directory group as their primary group.

Status This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Last Login Shows the time stamp of the last login of the user account.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Group Membership

Group Membership

Setting Description

Member of Shows the user groups that the user account is a member of. You can
define access rights to device tree objects, libraries, maps, reports and
the ticket system at group level.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

PRTG Web Interface

PRTG Web Interface

Setting Description

Automatic Refresh Define if you want PRTG to automatically reload web pages in the PRTG
web interface for the user:
§ Automatically refresh pages (recommended): PRTG automatically
refreshes single page elements on web pages in the PRTG web
§ Do not automatically refresh pages: PRTG does not automatically
refresh single page elements on web pages in the PRTG web interface.

Refresh Interval (Sec.) This setting is only visible if you select Automatically refresh pages
(recommended) above. Enter the number of seconds that PRTG waits
between two refreshes. We recommend that you use 30 seconds or more.
The minimum value is 20 seconds. The maximum value is 600 seconds.

Setting Description

Shorter refresh intervals create more CPU load on the probe system.
If you experience load issues while using the PRTG web interface (or
maps 3145 ), set a longer refresh interval.

Audible Alarms Define whether PRTG plays an audible alarm on web pages in the PRTG
web interface when there is a new alarm 205 :
§ Do not play audible alarms: PRTG does not play sound files on any web
§ Play audible alarms on dashboard pages only: When there is a new
alarm, PRTG plays a predefined sound on dashboard 252 pages only.
The sound is played with every refresh of the dashboard page if there is
at least one new alarm.
§ Play audible alarms on all pages: When there is a new alarm, PRTG
plays a predefined sound on all web pages. PRTG plays the sound with
every page refresh if there is at least one new alarm.
PRTG only plays audible alarms if the New Alarms value in the global
header area 175 of the PRTG web interface is greater than 0 after a
page refresh. PRTG does not consider the number of old alarms.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: Which audible
notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in PRTG
Desktop? and Why are audible alerts in public maps not working in

Home Page URL Define the user's default home page in the PRTG web interface. This is the
page that the user sees after logging in or when selecting Home 252 from
the main menu. Enter a PRTG-internal web page.

Time Zone Define the time zone for the user account. Depending on the time zone
that you select, PRTG shows the local time zone of the user account in
all data tables and graph legends.
PRTG receives the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) from the
system time of the PRTG core server for this purpose.
If you get a warning message about differing time zones, see the
Knowledge Base: Why do I get a warning message when time zones

Date Format Select the date format for the user:

§ Use System Settings: Use the date format of the PRTG core server



Setting Description




This setting takes effect after the next login.

Color Mode Select a color mode for the PRTG web interface:
§ Light

§ Dark

Ticket System

Ticket System

Setting Description

Email Notifications Define if the user receives emails from the ticket system:
§ Receive an email when a ticket changes: The user receives an email
each time a ticket is assigned to the user or to the user group they are
a member of, or if a ticket is changed.
If the user edits tickets that are assigned to them or the user group
they are a member of, or if they assign a ticket to themselves or
their user group, they do not get an email.
§ Do not receive any emails from the ticket system: The user does not
receive any emails from the ticket system.

Save your settings. If you leave the page, all changes to the settings are lost.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


Which audible notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in PRTG Desktop?

Why are audible alerts in public maps not working in Chrome?


Why do I get a warning message when time zones differ?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Notification Templates

On the Notification Templates tab, you can define and edit user account-specific notifications. You can
use notification templates to trigger notifications for specific sensor states 186 and values.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

Notification Templates Tab

In this section:

§ Note 3176

§ Overview 3176

§ Notification Template Settings 3177

§ Basic Settings 3178

§ Notification Summarization 3179

§ Access Rights 3181

§ Notification Methods 3182

You must take the following four steps to set up and use notifications:

1. Check and set up the notification delivery 3241 settings if you use PRTG Network Monitor. These
settings define how PRTG sends messages.
2. Check and set up notification contacts 3209 for the user accounts. These contacts define the recipients
to which PRTG sends notifications.
3. Check and set up several notification templates 3175 . These templates define the notification methods
and their content.
You can also check or edit notification templates via the Notification Triggers tab. For more
information, see section Notification Triggers Settings 3063 .
4. Check and set up notification triggers settings 3063 for objects. These triggers define when PRTG
sends notifications.

Usually, there are three successive attempts to deliver a notification. If all of these attempts fail, the
notification is lost. To never miss a notification, we recommend that you always set up at least two
notifications with different notification methods for a notification trigger, for example, one email notification
and one SMS notification. If delivery via email fails, PRTG can still notify you via smartphone as a
fallback. For example, use the latency setting of a state trigger 3064 to choose a notification with a
different notification method than in the first trigger condition, or set up a second trigger with a different
notification method for the corresponding object.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, see the Paessler website: How to set up notifications via the
PRTG web interface.

Custom notification scripts are also available in the PRTG Sensor Hub.

Click the Notification Templates tab to show a list of all notification templates, what actions they perform,
and their status (active or paused). To edit a notification template, enable the check box next to the
notification template and choose from the following options.

Option Description

Send test notification ( Triggers the notification immediately for testing purposes.
When you test notifications, PRTG does not resolve the placeholders,
but rather sends the original variables instead.

Used by ( ) Show all objects that trigger the notification.

Pause ( ) Pauses the notification.

If you manually pause 230 a notification, PRTG does not send
messages when this notification is triggered.

Resume ( ) Resumes the notification.

Clone ( ) Creates a clone of the notification.

Delete ( ) Deletes the notification.

You cannot delete predefined notifications.

Settings ( ) Opens the settings 3177 of a notification template.

You can also use the quick action buttons Send test notification ( ), Used by ( ), Pause ( ) or
Resume ( ) next to the status of a notification template.

See also sections Working with Table Lists 222 and Multi-Edit 3088 .

Notification Template Settings

Hover over and select Add Notification Template from the menu to add a new notification template.
You can also click the name of a notification template to edit it.

When a user with administrative rights creates a new object, only other users with administrative
rights can view or edit the new object by default. When a read/write user creates a new object, all
members of the read/write user's primary group can view and edit the new object as well. This behavior
applies to libraries 3107 , maps 3145 , reports 3123 , notification templates 3175 , and schedules 3213 . For more
information, see section Access Rights Management 153 .

Basic Settings

Basic Settings

Setting Description

Template Name Enter a meaningful name for the notification template.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

Status Select the status of the notification template:

§ Started: PRTG executes the notifications that are defined in the
notification template whenever it is triggered.
§ Paused: PRTG does not execute any notifications that are defined in
the notification template.

Schedule Define if you want to use a schedule to activate a notification template

only during specific time spans. This way you can pause notifications, for
example, during regular maintenance periods or system restarts. Choose
§ None

§ Saturdays

§ Sundays

§ Weekdays

Setting Description

§ Weekdays Eight-To-Eight (08:00 - 20:00)

§ Weekdays Nights (17:00 - 09:00)

§ Weekdays Nights (20:00 - 08:00)

§ Weekdays Nine-To-Five (09:00 - 17:00)

§ Weekends

The overall status of the notification template must be Started to

apply any schedule settings.
For more information, see section Schedules 3213 .

Notification Handling Define how PRTG handles notifications that are triggered during a
during Scheduled Pause scheduled pause.
§ Collect notifications and send them when reactivated: PRTG collects all
notifications that are triggered during a scheduled pause and sends
them all out once the paused status ends.
§ Discard notifications during paused status: PRTG discards all
notifications that are triggered during a scheduled pause.
If you manually pause a notification, PRTG never collects notifications
that are triggered while the notification is paused.

Notification Summarization

Notification Summarization

Setting Description

Method Define if and how PRTG collects and summarizes several notifications into
one or more messages with a maximum of 1,000 characters. Choose

Setting Description

§ Always notify ASAP, never summarize: PRTG always sends out one
notification for each notification trigger that it receives as soon as
possible, for example, immediately.
§ Send first DOWN message ASAP, then summarize: When PRTG
receives several DOWN triggers, it sends the first notification
immediately, then it continues to summarize notification triggers into
one message, regardless of the sensor status.
§ Send first DOWN and UP message ASAP, then summarize: When
PRTG receives several DOWN or UP triggers, it sends each first
notification immediately, then it continues to summarize notification
triggers into one message, regardless of the sensor status.
§ Send all DOWN messages ASAP, summarize the others: When PRTG
receives several DOWN triggers, it sends out one notification for each
trigger that it receives, but it summarizes notifications for all non-DOWN
triggers into one message.
§ Send all DOWN and UP messages ASAP, summarize the others:
When PRTG receives several DOWN or UP triggers, it sends out one
notification for each trigger that it receives, but it summarizes the
notifications for all non-DOWN and non-UP triggers into one message.
§ Always summarize notifications, regardless of type: When PRTG
receives several notification triggers, it summarizes the notifications,
regardless of the kind of trigger that it receives.
The maximum number of notifications (see below) still applies.
Regardless of the option that you choose, PRTG never summarizes
notifications of the types Send Slack Message, Send Microsoft
Teams Message, Execute HTTP Action, Execute Program, and Assign
Ticket because it always sends them immediately. PRTG can summarize
the messages of all other notification types.
'first DOWN' and 'first UP' messages refer to the trigger condition and
the clear condition respectively. You can also define 'WARNING' or
'UNUSUAL' states as trigger conditions or even thresholds or other
triggers notification summarizations. The condition clear triggers, if
applicable, are defined in the respective trigger conditions as well. The
triggers all qualify as "first DOWN" or "first UP" messages.
PRTG collects up to 25 single notifications for one summarization and
sends out the message as soon as this number is reached (or when
the gathering time passes). If PRTG receives more than 25 notifications
within the defined time span, you receive more than one message with up
to 25 entries each. For example, if PRTG collects 74 notifications, this
results in 3 summarized messages with 25, 25, and 24 collected

Subject for Summarized Define a subject that PRTG includes when it sends summarized
Email or SNS Messages notifications. The default subject is [%sitename%] %summarycount
Summarized Notifications.

Setting Description

PRTG only uses the subject for the notification methods Send Email
and Send Amazon Simple Notification Service Message.
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Time Span for Define a time span in minutes to define how long PRTG collects
Summarizing Messages notifications for summarization. Enter an integer.
(in Minutes)
If you enter a long time span, for example, 60 minutes, PRTG collects
notifications for one hour before it sends them out summarized unless
other features (see above) require an earlier message dispatch.

Access Rights

Access Rights

Setting Description

User Group Access Define the user groups that have access to the notification template. You
see a table with user groups and group access rights. The table contains
all user groups in your setup. For each user group, you can choose from
the following group access rights:
§ No access: Users in this user group cannot see or edit the notification
template. The object does not show up in lists.
§ Read access: Users in this user group can see the notification template
and view its settings.
§ Write access: Users in this user group can see the notification template
and view and edit its settings. However, they cannot edit its access
rights settings.
§ Full access: Users in this user group can see the notification template,
view and edit its settings, and edit its access rights settings.
You can create new user groups in the User Groups 3270 settings.

Notification Methods

With the following settings, you can add one or more methods for how PRTG sends out a notification
message. You can choose one method or combine several methods. Whenever the notification is
triggered, PRTG sends out messages or performs actions for all configured methods at once.

To select a notification method, click in front of it. You can then see and set the options as
described in this section. The following notification methods are available.

Some notification types are only available for PRTG Network Monitor (marked with ). You cannot
use these with PRTG Hosted Monitor.

§ Send Email 3182

§ Add Entry to Event Log 3185

§ Send SMS/Pager Message 3186

§ Execute HTTP Action 3188

§ Execute Program 3189

§ Send Syslog Message 3191

§ Send SNMP Trap 3192

§ Send Amazon Simple Notification Service Message 3194

§ Assign Ticket 3195

§ Send Push Notification 3197

§ Send Microsoft Teams Message 3198

§ Send Slack Message 3200

§ Send MQTT Publish Notification 3202

§ Send OPC UA Notification 3205

Send Email
This notification method uses notification contacts to deliver the email notifications. Set up
notification contacts in advance in the notification contacts 3211 settings.

Send Email

Setting Description

Sender Define which sender email address and sender name appear in the FROM
part of the email notifications:
§ Default: Use the default sender email address and sender name from
the notification delivery 3242 settings.
§ Custom: Enter a custom sender email address and sender name.

Sender Email Address This setting is only visible if you select Custom above. Enter an email
address to use as the sender of the email notifications.
If you enter a custom sender email address, it overrides the email
address in the notification delivery 3243 settings.
The outgoing Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server in the
notification delivery settings must allow the email address so that it
can deliver email notifications.

Sender Name This setting is only visible if you select Custom above. Enter a sender
name to use as the sender of the email notifications.
If you enter a custom sender name, it overrides the sender name in
the notification delivery 3243 settings.

Send to User Select a user account to send the email notifications to. PRTG sends the
email notifications to every active email notification contact 3211 for this
user account. Leave None to not use this option.
Read/write users can send notifications to any user that is a member
of the same user group as the read/write user.

Setting Description

Send to User, Send to User Group, and Send to Email Address all
work simultaneously. Because of this, you can define more than one
user as a recipient of this notification. PRTG sends the email notifications
to the active email notification contacts 3211 of the user that you select, to
the active email notification contacts of all members of the user group that
you select, and to all email addresses that you enter under Send to Email

Send to User Group Select a user group to send the email notifications to all members of this
user group. PRTG sends the email notifications to every active email
notification contact 3211 of every user in the user group. Leave None to not
use this option.
If you select a user group and a specific member of this user group as
recipients, the user only receives one single email. This also applies if
you enter an individual email address under Send to Email Address that is
already defined as an email notification contact of the selected user.
If you define individual email addresses under Send to Email Address,
define a specific user account under Send to User, and define a user
group here, PRTG sends the message to the individual email addresses,
to the individual user, as well as to the members of the selected user
group. In all cases, PRTG sends one message with all recipients in the To
part of the email.
Read/write users can send email notifications to all user groups that
they are members of.
Send to User, Send to User Group, and Send to Email Address all
work simultaneously. Because of this, you can define more than one
user as a recipient of this notification. PRTG sends the email notifications
to the active email notification contacts 3211 of the user that you select, to
the active email notification contacts of all members of the user group that
you select, and to all email addresses that you enter under Send to Email

Send to Email Address Enter one or more email addresses to which PRTG sends the email
notifications. If you enter more than one email address, separate them
with commas. Leave this field empty to only send email notifications to
the email notification contacts of the user or to the members of the user
group you choose above.
We recommend that you use Send to User and/or Send to User
Group instead because you can then manage the notification
contacts of users.
Send to User, Send to User Group, and Send to Email Address all
work simultaneously. Because of this, you can define more than one
user as a recipient of this notification. PRTG sends the email notifications
to the active email notification contacts 3211 of the user that you select, to
the active email notification contacts of all members of the user group that
you select, and to all email addresses that you enter under Send to Email

Setting Description

Subject Enter the subject of the email notifications. The default subject is [%
sitename] %device %name %status %down (%message).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Format Define the kind of email that PRTG sends when the notification is
§ HTML: PRTG uses the default HTML email template for the message
part of the email.

Make sure that your email client can show HTML emails, otherwise
you cannot read emails from PRTG.

§ Text: PRTG uses the default plain text email template for the message
part of the email.
§ Custom text: PRTG uses custom plain text for the message part of the
email. Define a custom text below.

Custom Text This setting is only visible if you select Custom text above. Enter the
desired message for this email notification in plain text format. You can
use placeholders here.
For more information, see section List of Placeholders for
Notifications 3704 .

Priority Define the priority that PRTG sets for the email:
§ Very high

§ High

§ Normal

§ Low

§ Very low

Most email clients can show this priority flag.

HTTP Version Define the HTTP version that PRTG uses to send the email:
§ HTTP 1.1 (default): Use HTTP version 1.1.

§ HTTP 1.0: Use HTTP version 1.0.

Add Entry to Event Log

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Add Entry to Event Log

Setting Description

Log File Define the log file to which PRTG adds an event:
§ Application: PRTG adds an entry to the Application log file under
Windows Logs in the event log
§ PRTG Network Monitor: PRTG adds an entry to the PRTG Network
Monitor log file under Applications and Services Logs in the event log.

Event Source This setting is only visible if you select Application above. Enter the
source for the event. This is usually the name of the application.

Event Type Select the type of the event:

§ Error: An event that indicates a significant problem such as loss of data
or loss of functionality. For example, if a service fails to load during
startup, an Error event is logged.
§ Warning: An event that is not necessarily significant, but may indicate a
possible future problem. For example, when disk space is low, a
Warning event is logged.
§ Information: An event that describes the successful operation of an
application, driver, or service. For example, when a network driver loads
successfully, it may be appropriate to log an Information event.

Message Define the message that PRTG writes in the event log. The default
message is [%sitename] %device %name %status %down (%message).
To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Send SMS/Pager Message

You must first set up this notification method in the Notification Delivery 3241 settings.

This notification method uses notification contacts to deliver the SMS/pager messages. Set up
notification contacts in advance in the notification contacts 3211 settings.

This notification method uses the central proxy settings that you define for the PRTG core server.
For more information, see section Core & Probes 3251 (section Proxy Configuration).

Send SMS/Pager Message

Setting Description

Send to User Select a user account from the dropdown list. PRTG sends the
SMS/pager message to every SMS notification contact 3211 for the user
account. Leave None to not use this option.

Send to User Group Select a user group from the dropdown list. PRTG sends the SMS/pager
message to every SMS notification contact for every member of the user
group 3270 .Leave None to not use this option.
If you select a user group and a specific member of this user group as
recipients at the same time, this user receives the SMS/pager
message only once. This also applies if you enter an individual phone
number below that is already defined as an SMS notification contact for
the selected user.

Send to Phone Number Enter a phone number to send the SMS/pager message to. If you enter
more than one phone number, use commas as separators.
The format depends on the SMS provider. Usually, you use a plus
sign (+), followed by the country code and the number. For example,
Make sure that the number format meets the requirements of the
SMS provider or the hardware that you use in combination with an
application programming interface (API) call. Sometimes, a plus sign is
not required. The wrong format might result in undelivered messages.
We recommend that you use Send to User and/or Send to User
Group instead because you can then manage the notification
contacts of users.

Message Define the SMS/pager message. The default message is [%sitename] %

device %name %status %down (%message).
To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Setting Description

HTTP Version Define the HTTP version that PRTG uses to send the SMS/pager
§ HTTP 1.1 (default): Use HTTP version 1.1.

§ HTTP 1.0: Use HTTP version 1.0.

Execute HTTP Action

Regardless of the Notification Summarization method that you use, PRTG always sends
notifications of the type Execute HTTP Action as soon as possible (ASAP). PRTG never
summarizes them.

This notification method uses the central proxy settings that you define for the PRTG core server.
For more information, see section Core & Probes 3251 (section Proxy Configuration).

For more details, see section Custom Notifications 3511 . You can find ready-to-use custom
notifications in the PRTG Sensor Hub, see below 3207 .

Execute HTTP Action

Setting Description

URL Enter the URL that PRTG sends the request to.
HTTP notifications work with or without Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List
of Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

SNI Handling Define if PRTG sends the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension to the
Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol along with the HTTP request:

Setting Description

§ Do not send SNI (default): PRTG does not send the SNI when it
executes the HTTP action.
§ Send SNI: PRTG sends the SNI when it calls the target URL. Specify
the SNI below.

SNI Name This setting is only visible if you select Send SNI above. Enter the SNI
name that the endpoint configuration requires. Usually, this is the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) of the virtual host.

HTTP Method Select the HTTP method that the notification uses:
§ GET: Use the GET method.

§ POST: Use the POST method.

§ PUT: Use the PUT method.

§ PATCH: Use the PATCH method.

Payload This setting is only visible if you select POST, PUT, or PATCH above.
Enter a payload. The payload is the data that PRTG transmits to the URL.
You cannot use Extensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON).
Only the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is
You can use line breaks.
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

HTTP Version This setting is only visible if you select POST above. Select the HTTP
version that PRTG uses to execute the HTTP action:
§ HTTP 1.1 (default): Use HTTP 1.1.

§ HTTP 1.0: Use HTTP 1.0.

Make sure that the target supports the HTTP version that you select.

Execute Program
Regardless of the Notification Summarization method that you use, PRTG always sends
notifications of the type Execute Program as soon as possible (ASAP). PRTG never summarizes

To remotely run PowerShell scripts, make sure that you set the according Execution Policy. For
more information, see the Knowledge Base: PowerShell 32 bit and 64 bit and Execution Policy

For more details, see section Custom Notifications 3511 . You can find ready-to-use custom
notifications in the PRTG Sensor Hub, see below 3207 .

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Execute Program

Setting Description

Executable File Select an executable file from the list. PRTG runs it every time the
notification is triggered.
You see the files that are in the corresponding \Notifications\EXE
subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 . For files to appear in this
list, store them as .bat, .cmd, .exe, .com, .ps1, or .vbs.
In a cluster, copy the files to every cluster node. This makes sure that
PRTG can execute the notification even when the master node fails. If
your custom notification executes an external program, install it on all
cluster nodes as well.

Parameters Enter the parameters that the notification passes to the executable. For
example, if you use a batch file that contains a %1 variable, you can
provide a value for this variable. The default parameters are [%sitename] %
device %name %status %down (%message).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .
You need to escape special characters and whitespaces in your
parameters and surround them with double quotes. See section
Escape Special Characters and Whitespaces in Parameters 3175 for

Domain or Computer Enter a Windows authority if you want to use a different security context
Name for the program than the security context of the PRTG probe service.

User Name Enter the user name for Windows access.

Password Enter the password for Windows access.

Setting Description

Timeout (Sec.) Enter a timeout in seconds. After this time passes, PRTG stops the
process if it is still running. Enter an integer.

Send Syslog Message

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Send Syslog Message

Setting Description

Host/IP Address Define the IP address or the Domain Name System (DNS) name of the
system that runs the syslog server.
You can receive and analyze syslog messages with the Syslog
Receiver sensor 2605 .

Syslog Port Enter the port that PRTG sends the syslog messages to. The default port
is 514.
You can only use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Facility Define the facility of the syslog messages:

§ User-level messages

§ Local use 0-7

Encoding Define the encoding of the syslog messages that PRTG sends to the
syslog receiver:

§ UTF-8

Setting Description

Make sure that the syslog receiver supports the encoding that you

Message Define the syslog message. The default message is [%sitename] %device
%name %status %down (%message).

To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Syslog Message Severity Status

Depending on the status of the sensor that triggers the syslog notification, PRTG automatically sets
the Severity level of the syslog messages.

Status Severity level

Notice (5)

Warning (4)

Error (3)

Send SNMP Trap

For information about the object identifiers (OID) that PRTG uses in the content of the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps, see the Knowledge Base: Is it possible to send
SNMP traps using PRTG?

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Send SNMP Trap

Setting Description

Host/IP Address Define the IP address or DNS name of the system that runs the trap
You can receive and analyze SNMP trap messages with the SNMP
Trap Receiver sensor 2454 .

SNMP Port Enter the port on which PRTG sends trap messages. The default port is

Community String Enter the community string of the device. The default community string is
public. Enter a string or leave the field empty.

Custom Trap Code Enter a code to identify the purpose of the trap. The default trap code is 0.
Enter an integer.

Message ID Enter an ID to identify the origin of the trap.Enter an integer. PRTG sends
it on the OID

Message Define the trap message.

To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Agent IP Define the IP address of the agent. Leave this field empty to use the IP
address of the PRTG web server.

Send Amazon Simple Notification Service Message

Send Amazon Simple Notification Service Message

Setting Description

AWS Access Key ID Enter your access key ID from Enter a string.

AWS Secret Access Key Enter your secret access key from Enter a string.

Location Define the location of your Amazon service. Choose one of the following
§ Africa (Cape Town)

§ Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)

§ Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

§ Asia Pacific (Osaka)

§ Asia Pacific (Seoul)

§ Asia Pacific (Singapore)

§ Asia Pacific (Sydney)

§ Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

§ Canada (Central)

§ China (Beijing)

§ China (Ningxia)

§ Europe (Frankfurt)

§ Europe (Stockholm)

§ Europe (Milan)

§ Europe (Ireland)

§ Europe (London)

Setting Description

§ Europe (Paris)

§ Middle East (Bahrain)

§ South America (São Paulo)

§ US East (Northern Virginia)

§ US East (Ohio)

§ US West (Northern California)

§ US West (Oregon)

Amazon Resource Name Enter the Amazon resource name. Enter a string.

Subject Enter the subject of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
message. Enter a string.
The maximum length for the subject is 202 characters. PRTG ignores
characters that exceed this length.

Message Define the SNS message. The default SNS message is [%sitename] %
device %name %status %down (%message).
To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .
PRTG only sends the message if you use email-based notifications
delivered by Amazon SNS. For SMS delivery, PRTG only sends the
subject and ignores the message because of SMS size restrictions.

Assign Ticket
Regardless of the Notification Summarization method that you use, PRTG always sends
notifications of the type Assign Ticket as soon as possible (ASAP). PRTG never summarizes them.

For more information about the ticket system, see section Tickets 217 .

Assign Ticket

Setting Description

Assign to User Group or Specify whether to assign the notification ticket 217 to a user group or to a
User single user:
§ To user group: Assign the notification ticket to a user group.

§ To user: Assign the notification ticket to a single user.

User Group Select the user group to which PRTG assigns the notification ticket.
Read/write users can assign tickets to all user groups that they are a
member of as well as to administrators and individual users that are
members of the same user group as the read/write user.

User Select the user to which PRTG assigns the notification ticket.
Read/write users can assign tickets to all user groups that they are a
member of as well as to administrators and individual users that are
members of the same user group as the read/write user.

Subject Enter the subject of the notification ticket. The default subject is %device
%name %status %down (%message).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Content Enter the message of the notification ticket. The default message is

Sensor: %name
Status: %status %down

Setting Description

Date/Time: %datetime (%timezone)

Last Result: %lastvalue
Last Message: %message

Probe: %probe
Group: %group
Device: %device (%host)

Last Scan: %lastcheck

Last Up: %lastup
Last Down: %lastdown
Uptime: %uptime
Downtime: %downtime
Cumulated since: %cumsince
Location: %location

To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

When Condition Clears Define how PRTG handles the notification ticket when the defined trigger
condition clears:
§ Close the notification ticket (recommended): Automatically close the
notification ticket if the trigger condition is not met anymore.
§ Do not close the notification ticket: Do not close the notification ticket
after the condition clears.

Send Push Notification

Push notifications only work with the apps PRTG for Android 3342 and PRTG for iOS 3341 . You must
activate push notifications in the settings of the app first. For more information about the setup, see
the Knowledge Base: How can I use push notifications with PRTG?

This notification method uses notification contacts to deliver push notifications. Set up notification
contacts in advance in the notification contacts 3211 settings.

The PRTG core server needs to communicate with the PRTG Cloud on port 443 to send push
notifications. It uses, which is the same as for the Cloud HTTP v2
sensor 721 , the Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731 , and support tickets 3330 .

Send to User and Send to User Group both work simultaneously. Because of this, you can define
more than one user as a recipient of push notifications. PRTG sends push notifications to the active
push notification contacts 3211 of the user that you select, and to the active push notification contacts of
all members of the user group that you select.

Send Push Notification

Setting Description

Send to User Select the user that PRTG sends push notifications to. PRTG sends the
push notifications to each active push notification contact of the user.
Leave None to not use this option.
You can edit push notification contacts of a user in the Notification
Contacts 3211 settings and also activate push notifications in the
Android or iOS app with the user.

Send to User Group Select the user group that PRTG sends push notifications to. PRTG
sends the push notifications to each active push notification contact of
every member of the group. Leave None to not use this option.
If you select a user group and a specific member of the group as
recipients at the same time, the user receives the text message only
one time.
You can edit user groups in the User Groups 3270 settings and push
notification contacts in the Notification Contacts 3211 settings.

Message Define the message of the push notification. The default message is [%
sitename] %device %name %status %down (%message).
To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

HTTP Version Define the HTTP version that PRTG uses to send the push notification:
§ HTTP 1.1 (default): Use HTTP version 1.1.

§ HTTP 1.0: Use HTTP version 1.0.

Send Microsoft Teams Message

Regardless of the Notification Summarization method you use, PRTG always sends notifications of
the type Send Microsoft Teams Message as soon as possible (ASAP). PRTG never summarizes

Send Microsoft Teams Message

Setting Description

Teams Webhook URL Enter the URL of the incoming webhook that you set up in your Microsoft
Teams channel.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How do I create a
webhook for the PRTG Notifications to Slack and Microsoft Teams?

Title Enter the title of the Microsoft Teams notification. The default title is Enter
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Subtitle Enter the subtitle of the Microsoft Teams notification. The default subtitle
is %message.
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Content Define the content of the Microsoft Teams notification:

§ Use default content: Use the default notification message content. This
includes information about the Status, Last Scan, Last Value, Last Up,
Coverage, Downtime, Priority, Probe, and Group.
§ Define custom content: Define custom notification message content.
Choose Custom Content below.

Custom Content This setting is only visible if you select Define custom content above.
Enable the check boxes in front of content that you want PRTG to include
in the Microsoft Teams notifications. Disable the check boxes in front of
the content that you do not want to include.
The following types of monitoring information are available:
§ Name

Setting Description

§ Host

§ Status

§ Last scan

§ Last value

§ Message

§ Last down

§ Last up

§ Coverage

§ Downtime

§ Uptime

§ Priority

§ Probe

§ Group

§ Device

§ Date and time

§ Time zone

§ Comments (probe)

§ Comments (group)

§ Comments (device)

§ Comments (sensor)

§ History

For more information, see section List of Placeholders for

Notifications 3704 .

Send Slack Message

Regardless of the Notification Summarization method you use, PRTG always sends notifications of
the type Send Slack Message as soon as possible (ASAP). PRTG never summarizes them.

Send Slack Message

Setting Description

Slack Webhook URL Enter the URL of the incoming webhook that you set up in your Slack
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How do I create a
webhook for the PRTG Notifications to Slack and Microsoft Teams?

Sender Name Enter a sender name to use as the sender of Slack notifications.
This field overrides the sender that you might have defined in your
Slack workspace.

Title Enter the title of the Slack notifications. The default title is Enter value.

You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Subtitle Enter the subtitle of the Slack notifications. The default subtitle is %
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Content Define the content of the Slack notifications:

§ Use default content: Use the default notification message content. This
includes information about the Status, Last Scan, Last Value, Last Up,
Coverage, Downtime, Priority, Probe, and Group.
§ Define custom content: Define custom notification message content.
Choose Custom Content below.

Custom Content This setting is only visible if you select Define custom content above.

Setting Description

Enable the check boxes in front of the content that you want PRTG to
include in the Slack notifications. Disable the check boxes in front of the
content that you do not want to include.
The following types of monitoring information are available:
§ Name

§ Host

§ Status

§ Last scan

§ Last value

§ Message

§ Last down

§ Last up

§ Coverage

§ Downtime

§ Uptime

§ Priority

§ Probe

§ Group

§ Device

§ Date and time

§ Time zone

§ Comments (probe)

§ Comments (group)

§ Comments (device)

§ Comments (sensor)

§ History

For more information, see section List of Placeholders for

Notifications 3704 .

Send MQTT Publish Notification

Regardless of the Notification Summarization method you use, PRTG may not send notifications of
the type Send MQTT Publish Notification as soon as possible (ASAP).

Send MQTT Publish Notification

Setting Description

MQTT Broker Enter the address for the connection to the MQTT broker (server).

Port Enter the port for the connection to the MQTT broker. The default port for
secure connections is 8883 and the default port for unsecure connections
is 1883.

Timeout (Sec.) Enter a timeout in seconds for the request. Enter an integer. The
maximum timeout value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

User Authentication Select if you want to connect without credentials or define credentials for
access to the MQTT broker.
§ None (default): Connect without credentials.

§ User name and password: Define credentials for the connection.

User Name This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter the user name for access to the Message Queue Telemetry
Transport (MQTT) broker.

Password This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter the password for access to the MQTT broker.

Transport-Level Security Select if you want to use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer
Security (TLS) secured connection:

Setting Description

§ Do not use transport-level security: Establish the connection without

connection security.
§ Use transport-level security: Establish the connection with the strongest
SSL/TLS method that the target device provides.

Server Authentication This setting is only visible if you select Use transport-level security above.
Select if you want to use a certificate for server authentication.
§ Disable (default): Do not use a certificate for server authentication.

§ Enable: Use a certificate for server authentication.

CA Certificate This setting is only visible if you enable Server Authentication above.
Paste the certificate authority (CA) certificate for the verification of the
MQTT broker.
The certificate must be in Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.

Client Authentication This setting is only visible if you select Use transport-level security above.
Select if you want to use a certificate for client authentication.
§ Disable (default): Do not use a certificate for client authentication.

§ Enable: Use a certificate for client authentication.

Client Certificate This setting is only visible if you enable Client Authentication above. Paste
the certificate that you created for authenticating the sensor against the
MQTT broker.
The certificate must be in PEM format.

Client Key This setting is only visible if you enable Client Authentication above. Enter
the client key for access to the MQTT broker.
The client key must be in PEM format and it must be encrypted using
the Client Key Password.

Client Key Password Enter the password for the client key certificate.

MQTT Topic Enter the topic for the MQTT publish notifications. The default topic is
MQTT clients that are subscribed to this topic receive the MQTT
publish notifications.

ClientID Enter the ClientID for the connection to the MQTT broker (server). The
default ClientID is PRTG - %sitename.

Setting Description

Message Define the message of the MQTT publish notifications. The default
message is PRTG - [%sitename] %device %name %status %down (%
To reset this field to the default value, enter only an asterisk (*).
You can use placeholders. For more information, see section List of
Placeholders for Notifications 3704 .

Send OPC UA Notification

Send OPC UA Notification

Setting Description

OPC UA Server Enter the address for the connection to the OPC Unified Architecture
(OPC UA) server.

Port Enter the port for the connection to the OPC UA server. The default port
for secure connections is 4843. The default port for unsecure connections
is 4840.

Server Path Enter the path of the OPC UA server endpoint if you run more than one
server under the same IP address or DNS name.

Node ID Enter the node ID for the OPC UA notification. PRTG writes the data that
you define below to the specified node ID.

Setting Description

Timeout (Sec.) Enter a timeout in seconds for the request.

Security Mode Select if you want to use encryption:

§ None (default): Do not use encryption.

§ Sign: Sign messages between the sensor and the OPC UA server.

§ Sign & Encrypt: Sign and encrypt messages between the sensor and
the OPC UA server.

Security Policy This setting is only visible if you select Sign or Sign & Encrypt above.
Select if you want to use a security policy and define which policy you
want to use:
§ None (default): Do not use a security policy.

§ Basic256Sha256: Use the Basic256Sha256 security policy.

§ Basic256: Use the Basic256 security policy.

Client Certificate Paste the certificate that you created for authenticating the sensor against
the OPC UA server.
The certificate must meet the following requirements:
§ The key size must be 2048-bit.

§ The secure hash algorithm must be SHA256.

§ DataEncipherment must be part of the KeyUsage certificate extension.

§ A uniform resource indicator (URI) must be set in subjectAltName.

§ The certificate must be in Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.

Client Key Enter the client key for access to the OPC UA server.
The client key must be in PEM format and it must be encrypted using
the Client Key Password.

Client Key Password Enter the password for the client key.

Authentication Method Select if you want to connect without credentials or define credentials for
access to the OPC UA server:
§ Anonymous (default): Connect without credentials.

§ User name and password: Define credentials for the connection.

Setting Description

Most OPC UA servers do not support User name and password

authentication without a client certificate. To use User name and
password authentication, select Sign or Sign & Encrypt under Security
Mode and Basic256Sha256 or Basic256 under Security Policy and enter
the Client Certificate, Client Key, and Client Key Password that you want
to use.

User Name This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter the user name for access to the OPC UA server.

Password This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter the password for access to the OPC UA server.

Data Type Select the type of the data that PRTG sends. Choose between:
§ Boolean: PRTG sends a Boolean.

§ Int64: PRTG sends a 64-bit integer.

§ Double: PRTG sends a double value.

Boolean This setting is only visible if you select Boolean above. Select the Boolean
value that PRTG sends. Choose between:
§ True (default)

§ False

If you select Boolean as Data Type, the data type on the OPC UA
server must be Boolean.

Int64 This setting is only visible if you select Int64 above. Enter the 64-bit
integer that PRTG sends.
If you select Int64 as Data Type, the data type on the OPC UA server
must be Int64.

Double This setting is only visible if you select Double above. Enter the double
value that PRTG sends.
If you select Double as Data Type, the data type on the OPC UA
server must be Double.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

PRTG Sensor Hub Notifications

In addition to the standard notifications, you can also create custom notifications. To do so, write a script
or a program and use it with an Execute Program notification or an Execute HTTP Action notification.
There are also many free scripts, plugins, and add-ons for PRTG in the PRTG Sensor Hub.

For information about the Comments and History tabs, see section Object Settings 204 .

Escape Special Characters and Whitespaces in Parameters

You need to escape special characters in parameters that you pass to an executable or script and
surround them with quotation marks to make sure that the characters are correctly interpreted.
PowerShell scripts in particular require adequate escaping so that the parameters are passed in a valid
PowerShell syntax. PRTG automatically does most of the escaping for you.

Follow these rules to escape special characters and whitespaces in the parameters fields:

§ Use quotes for parameters that contain whitespaces.

-name "Mr John Q Public"
-name 'Mr John Q Public'

§ Use double quotes for parameters that contain single quotes.

-name "Mr 'John Q' Public"

§ Use single quotes for parameters that contain double quotes.

-name 'Mr "John Q" Public'

§ Use a backslash (\) to escape and pass a literal double quote.

-name pub\"lic

§ Use double quotes for parameters that contain double and single quotes and escape double quotes.
-name "pu'b\"lic"

In SSH scripts, you can use alphanumeric characters and the special characters ".", "_", "-", "=",
and "/" outside of quoted strings.

We recommend that you do not pass passwords in parameters. Use placeholders instead. See
section Custom Sensors 3509 for details.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


PowerShell 32 bit and 64 bit and Execution Policy


Is it possible to send SNMP traps using PRTG?


How can I use push notifications with PRTG?


How do I create a webhook for the PRTG Notifications to Slack and Microsoft Teams?


How can PRTG send instant messages to Jabber, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc., using external software?

Which audible notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in PRTG Desktop?

How do I troubleshoot erratic behavior of push notifications in PRTG Desktop or the PRTG apps?



You can find custom notification scripts in the PRTG Sensor Hub

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Notification Contacts

On the Notification Contacts tab, you can define and change the notification contacts of the user

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

Notification Contacts Tab

Notification contacts are unique for each user account. This means that every user can individually define
how they want to receive notifications 3104 from PRTG. Recipients of notifications are email addresses,
phone numbers, push devices (with PRTG for Android 3342 or PRTG for iOS 3341 ), and users of certain
instant messaging services.

The notification methods 3182 Send Email, Send SMS/Pager Message, and Send Push Notification let
you define a user who receives notifications for every active notification contact. If you select a user
group, PRTG sends the notifications to all active notification contacts of all users that are in the user
group. To exclude notification contacts from the notification delivery, use the Pause button to deactivate

In this section:

§ Note 3210

§ Notification Contacts Overview 3210

§ Notification Contacts Settings 3211

§ Add Email Contact 3212

§ Add SMS Contact 3212

§ More 3213

You must take the following four steps to set up and use notifications:

1. Check and set up the notification delivery 3241 settings if you use PRTG Network Monitor. These
settings define how PRTG sends messages.
2. Check and set up notification contacts 3209 for the user accounts. These contacts define the recipients
to which PRTG sends notifications.
3. Check and set up several notification templates 3175 . These templates define the notification methods
and their content.
You can also check or edit notification templates via the Notification Triggers tab. For more
information, see section Notification Triggers Settings 3063 .
4. Check and set up notification triggers settings 3063 for objects. These triggers define when PRTG
sends notifications.

Usually, there are three successive attempts to deliver a notification. If all of these attempts fail, the
notification is lost. To never miss a notification, we recommend that you always set up at least two
notifications with different notification methods for a notification trigger, for example, one email notification
and one SMS notification. If delivery via email fails, PRTG can still notify you via smartphone as a
fallback. For example, use the latency setting of a state trigger 3064 to choose a notification with a
different notification method than in the first trigger condition, or set up a second trigger with a different
notification method for the corresponding object.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, see the Paessler website: How to set up notifications via the
PRTG web interface.

Custom notification scripts are also available in the PRTG Sensor Hub.

Notification Contacts Overview

Click the Notification Contacts tab to show a list of all notification contacts for the user account. You
have the following options:

Option Description

Pause ( ) Pauses the notification contact. If a notification contact is paused 230 ,

PRTG does not send any messages to the contact when a notification for
this user is triggered.

Resume ( ) Resumes the notification contact. When a notification for this user is
triggered, PRTG sends a message to this user.

Edit ( ) Open the settings of the notification contact 3211 and change its description
and recipient.
This is not possible for predefined notification contacts, for example,
for Primary Email Address. you can change the primary email
address under My Account 3168 .

Delete ( ) Delete the notification contact.

This is not possible for predefined notification contacts, for example,
for Primary Email Address.

Notification Contacts Settings

Hover over and select Add Email Contact or Add SMS Contact from the menu to add a new
notification contact. You can also click the next to a notification contact to edit it.

PRTG automatically adds push contacts for the corresponding user when you install a PRTG app for
iOS or Android on your smartphone or tablet, connect to PRTG, and activate push notifications. You
cannot manually add push contacts. If your mobile device actively rejects push notifications for a push
contact, for example, because you deactivate push on the target device or reset it, PRTG automatically
pauses the push contact. The affected user account receives a ToDo ticket 217 in this case.

Add New Notification Contact

Add Email Contact

Setting Description

Description Enter a meaningful description for the email contact.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Recipient Enter a valid email address for the email contact.

For the contact type Push, this field shows a unique token that you
cannot change. PRTG uses this token to send push notifications
through the cloud. For details, see the Knowledge Base: How can I use
push notifications with PRTG?

Type Shows the type of the notification contact.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

If you want to use a different contact type, create a new contact with
Add Email Contact or Add SMS Contact, or activate push
notifications in your PRTG for iOS or Android app.

Click OK to save your settings, or click Cancel to close the dialog box without changes to the
notification contact.

Add SMS Contact

Setting Description

Description Enter a meaningful description for the SMS contact.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Recipient Enter a valid phone number for the SMS contact. The format of the phone
number depends on the SMS provider. You can use a plus sign (+) or 00,
followed by the country code and the number. For example, +1555012345
or 001555012345.
Make sure that the number format meets the requirements of your
SMS provider or the hardware that you use in combination with an
application programming interface (API) call. Sometimes a preceding plus
sign is not required. The wrong format might result in undelivered

Setting Description

For the contact type Push, this field shows a unique token that you
cannot change. PRTG uses this token to send push notifications
through the cloud. For details, see the Knowledge Base: How can I use
push notifications with PRTG?

Contact Type Shows the type of the notification contact.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

If you want to use a different contact type, create a new contact with
Add Email Contact or Add SMS Contact, or activate push
notifications in your PRTG for iOS or Android app.

Click OK to save your settings, or click Cancel to close the dialog box without changes to the
notification contact.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


How can I use push notifications with PRTG?



You can find custom notification scripts in the PRTG Sensor Hub

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Schedules

On the Schedules tab, you can define or change schedules for the user account. You can use schedules
to pause 230 monitoring and notifications for certain time periods with the period lists option. Also, you
can activate monitoring and notifications at certain times with the time table option. You can also use
schedules to define the time periods that PRTG covers when you create reports 3123 .

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

Schedules Settings

In this section:

§ Schedules Settings 3214

§ Basic Settings 3215

§ Access Rights 3217

§ Schedules and Time Zones 3217

§ Period Definition Syntax 3218

§ Others 3218

§ More 3218

Schedules Settings
When a user with administrative rights creates a new object, only other users with administrative
rights can view or edit the new object by default. When a read/write user creates a new object, all
members of the read/write user's primary group can view and edit the new object as well. This behavior
applies to libraries 3107 , maps 3145 , reports 3123 , notification templates 3175 , and schedules 3213 . For more
information, see section Access Rights Management 153 .

Click the Schedules tab to show a list of all schedules. To edit a schedule, enable the check box next to
a schedule and choose from the following options:

Option Description

Used by ( ) Shows a list of objects that use this schedule.

Delete ( ) Deletes the schedule.

This is not possible for predefined schedules.

Settings ( ) Opens the settings of the schedule.

See also sections Working with Table Lists 222 and Multi-Edit 3088 .

Hover over and select Add Schedule from the menu. You can also click the name of a schedule to
edit it.

Basic Settings

Edit Schedule Time Table

Setting Description

Schedule Name Enter a meaningful name for the schedule.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Tags Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a
comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-
filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically
inherited 146 .

For performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can
filter for new tags that you added.

For more information, see section Tags 146 .

Selection Method Select the method that you want to use to define a schedule:
§ Use weekday/hour time table: Select specific days of the week or
specific hours in which the schedule is active. This means that
monitoring objects, notifications, and reports are not paused.
§ Use list of period definitions: Enter a list of period definitions in which
the schedule is inactive. This means that monitoring objects,
notifications, and reports are paused.

Time Table (active time This setting is only visible if you select Use weekday/hour time table
slots) above. Enable or disable check boxes or use buttons to define the
schedule. You have the following options:

§ Weekday buttons ( ): Use the weekday buttons Mo, Tu, We,

Th, Fr, Sa, and Su to define the days of the week in which the schedule
is active. For example, click the Mo button to set the schedule to active
for all hours every Monday. This enables all check boxes under the Mo

§ Hour buttons ( ): Use the hour buttons 0:00 - 23:00 to define the
hours of the day in which the schedule is active. For example, if the
0:00 button is blue, click it to set the schedule to active for the hour
0:00 of all days of the week. If the 0:00 button is white, click it to set the
schedule to inactive for the hour 0:00 of all days of the week.

§ All off button ( ): Use the All off button to disable all check
boxes, and to deselect all weekday buttons and hour buttons.

§ All on button ( ): Use the All on button to enable all check

boxes, and to select all weekday buttons and hour buttons.
For more information, see also Schedules and Time Zones 3217 below.

Setting Description

Period List (inactive time This setting is only visible if you select Use list of period definitions above.
slots) Enter the date and time periods in which the schedule is inactive. The
periods must have the following format:


Make sure that you enter each period exactly in this format.
Otherwise you receive an error message. Go back to the schedule
and correct the period in this case. For details and examples, see Period
Definition Syntax 3218 below.
For more information, see also Schedules and Time Zones 3217 below.

Access Rights

Setting Description

User Group Access Define the user groups that have access to the object. You see a table
with user groups and group access rights. The table contains all user
groups in your setup. For each user group, you can choose from the
following group access rights:
§ No access: Users in this user group cannot see or edit the object. The
object does not show up in lists.
§ Read access: Users in this user group can see the object and view its
§ Write access: Users in this user group can see the object and view and
edit its settings. However, they cannot edit the object's access rights
§ Full access: Users in this user group can see the object, view and edit
its settings, and edit its access rights settings.
You can create new user groups in the User Groups 3270 settings.

Click OK to save your settings. If you close the dialog without saving, all changes to the settings are

Schedules and Time Zones

Schedules use the time zone of the PRTG core server system. This might be different from other
time displays in PRTG that are saved in UTC.

§ If you select Use weekday/hour time table, PRTG converts the time in which the schedule is active to
the time zone of the user account 3172 . This means that the schedule applies according to the time that
the user account shows.

§ If you select Use list of period definitions, PRTG does not adjust the time in which the schedule is
inactive to the time zone of the user account. The schedule applies according to the time on the PRTG
core server system in this case. Because of this, you encounter time shifts for schedules if there are
changes to the time zone on the server or because of daylight saving and standard time changes.

Period Definition Syntax

Define one or more periods of time during which the object that uses this schedule is inactive. In each
line, enter one range in the format ww:hh:mm-ww:hh:mm. The following values are possible:

§ ww: mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su.

§ hh: Enter the hour in the 24-hour format. For example, a number between 00 and 23.
You must use the 24-hour format. You cannot use A.M./P.M.
§ mm: Enter the minute. For example, a number between 00 and 59.


This example shows a schedule that pauses an object during the weekend as well as on Wednesday

Any object that uses this schedule is inactive (paused) from Friday, 7:30 P.M. to Monday, 6:05 A.M.
as well as on Wednesday from 6:45 P.M. to 11 P.M. It is active during the other times.

For information about the comments and history tabs, see section Object Settings 204 .

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

8.12.2 System Administration
To open the system administration, select Setup | System Administration from the main menu bar 264 .
Select the various tabs to change the different settings.

System Administration Bar

You can define the following aspects of your PRTG system setup:

§ User Interface 3219

§ Monitoring 3233

§ Notification Delivery 3241

§ Core & Probes 3250

§ User Accounts 3260

§ User Groups 3270

§ Administrative Tools 3276

§ Cluster 3280

§ Single Sign-On 3282

§ Maintainer Mode 3288 User Interface

On the User Interface tab, you can define global settings regarding the PRTG web interface, PRTG web
server settings and performance, Geo Maps, and graph settings.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

In this section:

§ PRTG Web Interface 3220

§ Geo Maps 3223

§ PRTG Web Server 3224

§ Graph Settings 3229

§ More 3232

PRTG Web Interface

PRTG Web Interface

Setting Description

Site Name In the PRTG web interface, you can see the site name on the Login 161 screen and in
the title bar of the browser window. PRTG also uses the site name in notification
emails by default. Enter a string.
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with braces ({}) for
security reasons. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: What security
features does PRTG include?

DNS Name Enter a Domain Name System (DNS) name if the PRTG web interface is also
reachable via the DNS name. PRTG also uses the DNS name in notification emails to
generate links by default. Enter a string.

Do not use the special characters " and \ in the DNS name.
In a cluster, only the master node uses the DNS name that you enter. You
cannot enter a DNS name for a failover node.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Website Select the language. The default is English.

This setting defines the language of the PRTG web interface and the PRTG
Administration Tool 3407 .

List of available languages:

§ Deutsch (German)

§ English

Setting Description

§ Español (Spanish)

§ Français (French)

§ Nederlands (Dutch)

§ Português (Portuguese)

§ Pyсский (Russian)

§ (Japanese)
§ (Simplified Chinese)

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core server to apply
your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box appears that asks you to
confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the restart. During the restart, all users of the
PRTG web interface, of PRTG Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network
Monitoring 3341 are disconnected and reconnected.

Graph Type Select how PRTG displays graphs in the PRTG web interface and in reports 3123 :
§ Display area graphs (recommended): Display series of data points connected by
straight lines. Areas between axis and lines are shaded.
§ Display line graphs: Display series of data points connected by straight lines.

We recommend that you use area charts for better visibility.

PRTG automatically displays graphs that contain data from more than one cluster
node as line graphs.

Automatic Define if PRTG automatically logs inactive users out of the PRTG web interface:
§ Do not log out users after a period of inactivity: Do not log out users even if they are
inactive for a longer period of time.
§ Log out users after a period of inactivity: Log out users if they are inactive for a
certain period of time for security reasons.

Period of This setting is only visible if you select Log out users after a period of inactivity above.
Inactivity Specify the period of inactivity in minutes after which PRTG automatically logs out
users. Enter an integer.
PRTG redirects users to the Login 161 screen after this period of inactivity.
If the value you enter is greater than 1 minute, a logout countdown appears 1
minute before PRTG logs out users. If the value is 1 minute, users see the logout
countdown 30 seconds before PRTG logs them out. Click in the browser window to
stop the countdown and to stay logged in to the PRTG web interface.

Setting Description

Logout Countdow n

Google Enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID to track the usage of pages in the PRTG web
Analytics interface with Google Analytics. Enter a string or leave the field empty. The string
Tracking ID looks like this UA-xxxxxx-xx, for example.
You need a Google Analytics account for this feature. Create a tracking ID within
the Google Analytics portal and enter it here. PRTG then dynamically integrates
it into the PRTG web interface.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How can I integrate Google
Analytics into PRTG?

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Geo Maps

Geo Maps

Setting Description

Service Provider Select if and how you want to enable the Geo Maps feature. If you enable
the feature, PRTG uses the first line of the location setting 398 of an object
to show it on a geographical map. Choose a map provider:
§ Disable Geo Maps integration: Disable the Geo Maps feature and do not
show geographical maps in the PRTG web interface.
§ Default (recommended): Use the default option HERE Maps to show
geographical maps.
§ HERE Maps: Use HERE Maps to show geographical maps.

§ Google Maps (API key required): Use Google Maps to show

geographical maps. Sign up for a Google Maps API key to use this
For more information about the different map providers, see the
Knowledge Base: Which provider should I use for the Geo Maps
feature of PRTG?

Map Type The options that are available depend on the map provider that you select
above. Default (recommended), HERE Maps, and Google Maps (API key
required) all have the following options:
§ Standard: Show geographical maps in a standard map view.

§ Satellite: Show geographical maps in a satellite view.

In addition to these options, Google Maps (API key required) also has the
following options:
§ Terrain: Show geographical maps in a terrain view.

§ Hybrid (satellite and standard map): Show geographical maps in a

hybrid view.

Google Maps Static API This setting is only visible if you select Google Maps (API key required)
Key above. Enter your Google Maps Static API key.

Setting Description

For more information on how to get a Google API key, see the
Knowledge Base: How do I get a Google Maps API key for use in

PRTG Web Server

PRTG Web Server

Setting Description

Performance Handling Select if you want to enable performance improvements for the PRTG web
§ Do not limit features or delay display (recommended): Provide full
functionality and show all menu items and live data.
We recommend that you use this option.
§ Limit features and delay display: Improve the reaction time and
speed of the PRTG web interface by delaying the display of monitoring
data and hiding some features.
For more information on how to speed up the PRTG web interface,
see the Knowledge Base: How can I speed up PRTG—especially for
large installations?

IP Address for PRTG The PRTG web server provides access via the PRTG web interface and
Web Server PRTG Desktop 3338 . Specify on which IP address the PRTG web server
runs. Later, you can log in to the PRTG web interface in your browser via
this IP address. Choose from:

Setting Description

§ Localhost, (PRTG is not accessible from other computers):

Use only. The PRTG web interface and PRTG Desktop are
only accessible from the PRTG core server system.
Either the selected port or at least one port in the range from 8080
to 8089 must be available on

If you run PRTG on localhost, do not use the DNS name

http://localhost to log in to the PRTG web server. This may
considerably slow down the PRTG web interface. Use your local IP
address or instead.
§ All IP addresses available on the PRTG core server system
(recommended): Use all IP addresses that are available on the PRTG
core server system and enable access to the PRTG web server for all of
these IP addresses.
The selected Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port for the
PRTG web server must be available on all selected IP addresses.
§ Specify IP addresses: Select specific IP addresses on which the PRTG
web server runs. The list is specific to your setup. Enable check boxes
in front of every IP address that you want the PRTG web server to be
available at. You can also select all IP addresses by clicking the Select
all IP addresses button or deselect all addresses by clicking the
Deselect all IP addresses button.
Either the selected port or at least one port in the range from 8080
to 8089 must be available on the specified IP address.
Regardless of the setting that you select, one port in the range from
8080 to 8180 must be available on the specified IP address so that
PRTG can create reports. The report engine tries to connect to the PRTG
core server on one of these ports.

If PRTG does not find a network card on startup, it switches this

setting to Localhost, (PRTG is not accessible from other
computers). This setting remains even if a network card is available later
on. If you disable or remove the network card on the PRTG core server
system, check this setting.

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

TCP Port for PRTG Web Specify how the PRTG web server accepts incoming web page requests:

Setting Description

§ Secure HTTPS server (port 443, recommended, mandatory for internet

access): Use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security
(TLS) secured HTTPS connection on port 443.
This setting is required if you want to access the PRTG web
interface via the internet.

Although the connection is secure, you see an SSL certificate

warning in your browser when you log in to the PRTG web interface
because the default certificate is unknown to your browser. For more
information, see Knowledge Base: Why does my browser show an SSL
certificate warning when I open the PRTG web interface?. You can
install a different SSL certificate for PRTG. For more information, see
section Using Your Own SSL Certificate with the PRTG Web Server 3583 .

If port 80 is available, PRTG reserves it as well. If port 80 is not

available, PRTG tries port 8080 as fallback. If this port is also not
available, PRTG searches from port 8081 upwards for a free port. PRTG
sends a ticket 217 that shows you the currently used port number and
switches back to port 80 as soon as it is available again. When users
try to connect on port 80 via HTTP, they are redirected to port 443 via
HTTPS. You can change this behavior via a registry setting. If port 443
is not available, PRTG tries port 8443 as fallback. If this port is also not
available, PRTG searches from port 8444 upwards for a free port. PRTG
sends a ticket that shows you the currently used port number and
switches back to port 443 as soon as it is available again.
§ Unsecure HTTP server (default port 80, not recommended): Use the
PRTG web server without SSL/TLS on port 80.
This setting is not recommended for WAN connections.

If you use the PRTG web server via the internet without connection
security, attackers could potentially spy on credentials that you
enter in PRTG. We strongly recommend that you use this option only in
a LAN.
§ Custom configuration: Specify a custom port for the PRTG web server
and the security of the connection. This option is intended for systems
that already have a web server on the standard port.
If PRTG always uses a fallback port after a server restart, check for
other programs that use the same port as PRTG. For example, the
Microsoft Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server also
uses port 80 (port 443 for secure connections) by default and blocks it.
We recommend that you disable such programs and services on

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

Setting Description

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

PRTG Web Server Port This setting is only visible if you select Custom configuration above. Enter
the TCP port number (between 1 and 65535) that you want the PRTG web
server to run on. Enter an integer.
If you use a secure connection and port 80 is free, PRTG also
reserves it. When users try to connect on port 80 via HTTP, they are
redirected to the custom port via HTTPS. You can change this behavior via
a registry setting.
If the port that you define for secure connections is not available,
PRTG tries port 8443 as fallback. If this port is also not available,
PRTG searches from port 8444 upwards for a free port. PRTG sends a
ticket 217 that shows you the currently used port and switches back to the
original port as soon as it is available again.

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

PRTG Web Server This setting is only visible if you select Custom configuration above.
Security Specify if you want to use connection security:

§ Use HTTPS (secured with SSL/TLS): Use an SSL/TLS secured HTTPS

connection on the port that you define as PRTG Web Server Port.
Although the connection is secure, you see an SSL certificate
warning in your browser when you log in to the PRTG web interface,
because the default certificate is unknown to your browser. You can
install a different SSL certificate for PRTG later. For more information,
see Using Your Own SSL Certificate with the PRTG Web Server 3583 .
§ Do not use connection security (not recommended): Use the PRTG web
server without SSL/TLS on the port that you define as PRTG Web
Server Port.
We recommend that you do not use this setting for WAN

If you use the PRTG web server without connection security on the
internet, attackers could potentially spy on credentials that you
enter in PRTG. We strongly recommend that you use this setting in a
LAN only.

Setting Description

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Connection Security Specify the security level to use for connections to and from the PRTG
web server:
§ High security (TLS 1.2): Only accept high security connections from
clients like web browsers, apps, PRTG Desktop, or API clients.
These clients must support modern forward secrecy cipher suites.
§ Default security (TLS 1.2) (recommended): Only accept high security
connections from clients like web browsers, apps, PRTG Desktop, or
API clients.
These clients must support modern forward secrecy cipher suites.
§ Weakened security (SSLv3, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2): If you have
clients that do not support High security (TLS 1.2) or Default security
(TLS 1.2) (recommended), temporarily use this setting so that they can
connect. This setting accepts SSLv3, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2
This might be necessary, for example, for older browsers, browsers
that run on old network components, or some default browsers on
Android systems.

We strongly recommend that you update your clients and then use
Default security (TLS 1.2) (recommended) or High security (TLS
If you set a registry key in previous PRTG versions to override the
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) version
and cipher suites of PRTG web server connections or probe connections,
High security (TLS 1.2) overrides the registry setting and only TLS 1.2 is
allowed. If you select Default security (TLS 1.2) (recommended), the
registry value overrides this setting and the connection security that you
defined in the registry applies.
PRTG displays the SSL/TLS versions and cipher suites that are used
for connections to and from the PRTG web server under Setup | PRTG
Status 3291 .

Setting Description

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Active IP Address/Port Shows all active combinations of the IP addresses and ports on which the
Combinations PRTG web server listens for web requests.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

PRTG internally uses port 8085 for report generation.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Graph Settings
PRTG shows several graphs on the Overview tabs and x Days tabs of objects in the PRTG web interface.
PRTG keeps these in RAM for fast graph display. The longer the time frames and the shorter the
intervals are, the more memory PRTG uses for this. You can adapt the details for all four graphs. This
setting also changes the caption of the graphs and tabs in the PRTG web interface and PRTG Desktop.

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core server to apply your changes. After
you click Save, a dialog box appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps
for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are disconnected and reconnected.

Graph Settings

Setting Description

Live Graph The live graph is only available for sensors.

The live graph does not have a fixed time span but you can define how
many values to display. The actual time span that the live graph covers
depends on the scanning interval of the sensor that you view. PRTG
automatically calculates the time span. The default is 120 Values. This
results in a graph that covers a time span of two hours if a sensor has a 1-
minute scanning interval. Other scanning intervals result in graphs that
cover different time spans. Choose from:
§ 60 values: Cover a time span of one hour if a sensor has a scanning
interval of one minute.
This setting uses the least amount of RAM. We recommend this
setting for installations with 10,000 sensors or more.
§ 120 values: Cover a time span of two hours if a sensor has a scanning
interval of one minute.
§ 240 values: Cover a time span of four hours if a sensor has a scanning
interval of one minute.
§ 480 values: Cover a time span of eight hours if a sensor has a scanning
interval of one minute.
§ 960 values: Cover a time span of 16 hours if sensor has a scanning
interval of one minute.
This setting uses the most amount of RAM.

Graph 1 By default, this is the 2 days graph in the PRTG web interface. You can
change it to have more or less detail. PRTG averages the monitoring
results of the actual scanning intervals of the sensors. Choose from:

§ 1 day with averages of 1 minute: Cover a time span of one day with
averages of one minute. This results in 1440 values.
§ 1 day with averages of 5 minutes: Cover a time span of one day with
averages of five minutes. This results in 288 values.
§ 1 day with averages of 15 minutes: Cover a time span of one day with
averages of 15 minutes. This results in 96 values.
This setting uses the least amount of RAM. We recommend this
setting for installations with 10,000 sensors or more.
§ 2 days with averages of 1 minute : Cover a time span of two days with
averages of one minute. This results in 2880 values.
This setting uses the most amount of RAM.
§ 2 days with averages of 5 minutes: Cover a time span of two days with
averages of five minutes. This results in 576 values.
§ 2 days with averages of 15 minutes: Cover a time span of two days with
averages of 15 minutes. This results in 192 values.

Setting Description

§ 4 days with averages of 1 hour: Cover a time span of two days with
averages of one hour. This results in 96 values.
This setting uses the least amount of RAM. We recommend this
setting for installations with 10,000 sensors or more.

Graph 2 By default, this is the 30 days graph in the PRTG web interface. You can
change it to have more or less detail. Choose from:
§ 10 days with averages of 1 hour: Cover a time span of 10 days with
averages of one hour. This results in 240 values.
§ 20 days with averages of 1 hour: Cover a time span of 20 days with
averages of one hour. This results in 480 values.
§ 30 days with averages of 1 hour: Cover a time span of 30 days with
averages of one hour. This results in 720 values.
§ 30 days with averages of 6 hours: Cover a time span of 30 days with
averages of six hours. This results in 120 values.
This setting uses the least amount of RAM. We recommend this
setting for installations with 10,000 sensors or more.
§ 40 days with averages of 1 hour: Cover a time span of 40 days with
averages of one hour. This results in 960 values.
§ 40 days with averages of 6 hours: Cover a time span of 40 days with
averages of six hours. This results in 160 values.
§ 60 days with averages of 1 hour: Cover a time span of 60 days with
averages of one hour. This results in 1440 values.
This setting uses the most amount of RAM.

§ 60 days with 6 hour averages of 6 hours: Cover a time span of 60 days

with averages of six hours. This results in 240 values.

Graph 3 By default, this is the 365 days graph in the PRTG web interface. You can
change it to more or less detail by choosing a time span covered and a
monitoring interval average associated with it. Choose from:
§ 100 days with averages of 1 day: Cover a time span of 100 days with
averages of one day. This results in 100 values.
This setting uses the least amount of RAM. We recommend this
setting for installations with 10,000 sensors or more.
§ 200 days with averages of 1 day: Cover a time span of 200 days with
averages of one day. This results in 200 values.
§ 365 days with averages of 1 day: Cover a time span of 365 days with
averages of one day. This results in 365 values.
§ 400 days with averages of 1 day: Cover a time span of 400 days with
averages of one day. This results in 400 values.

Setting Description

§ 750 days with averages of 1 day: Cover a time span of 750 days with
averages of one day. This results in 750 values.
This setting uses the most amount of RAM.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


How can I integrate Google Analytics into PRTG?


Which provider should I use for the Geo Maps feature of PRTG?

How do I get a Google Maps API key for use in PRTG?


How can I speed up PRTG—especially for large installations?


Which domains and ports does the Geo Maps feature use?


Which limitations apply when using the Google Maps API in PRTG?

Why does my browser show an SSL certificate warning when I open the PRTG web interface?

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

3232 Monitoring

On the Monitoring tab, you can define global settings for scanning intervals, unusual and similar sensors
detection, auto-discovery, and uptime threshold.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

In this section:

§ Scanning Intervals 3233

§ Unusual Detection 3234

§ Similar Sensors Detection 3236

§ Recommended Sensors Detection 3237

§ Auto-Discovery 3238

§ Experimental Features 3239

§ Uptime Threshold 3240

§ More 3240

Scanning Intervals
This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Scanning Intervals

Setting Description

Available Intervals Define the intervals available in the dropdown list of every object's
settings 204 . In the text field, enter one value in each line. Use s, m, h, and
d to define seconds, minutes, hours, and days. By default, the following
scanning intervals are available:
§ 30s: 30 seconds

Setting Description

§ 1m: 60 seconds

§ 5m: 5 minutes

§ 10m: 10 minutes

§ 15m: 15 minutes

§ 30m: 30 minutes

§ 1h: 1 hour

§ 4h: 4 hours

§ 6h: 6 hours

§ 12h: 12 hours

§ 1d: 24 hours

We recommend that you do not use scanning intervals that are below
10 seconds to prevent system overload. Scanning intervals that are
below 10 seconds are not officially supported. The maximum supported
scanning interval is 10 days.
PRTG might convert values that you enter to a more readable
equivalent of the values. For example, if you enter 24h (24 hours),
PRTG displays this as 1d (one day) in the dropdown list in the object
Valid values are positive integers followed by s, m, h, and d. You can
also define specific points in time to indicate when PRTG executes
scanning actions. Enter up to 50 concrete Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) points in time according to the formula @ UTC hh:mm , hh:mm.
You do not need to use a space before and/or after the comma. However,
PRTG always saves the entries with a space both before and after the
Your local time might be different from the UTC time.
For more information on how to set specific points in time as a
scanning time for sensors, see the Knowledge Base: Can I set a
sensor to run at a specific time?

Unusual Detection
The Unusual Detection feature sets sensors to the Unusual status 186 when there are values that are not
typical for the time span in which they are measured. PRTG compares the current average values to the
historic monitoring results for this purpose. If the current values show a big difference to the values that
are normally retrieved by a sensor, this sensor indicates this with the Unusual status.

You can define the granularity of the unusual detection, that is, how big the difference must be to cause
the Unusual status. If you disable the unusual detection by setting both settings to Never, sensors never
show the Unusual status.

You can enable and disable unusual detection for specific devices, groups, and probes in the
respective object settings 423 .

Unusual detection requires sensor data from at least four weeks (28 to 34 days) to have enough data
available for comparison. If less data is available, PRTG cannot calculate the Unusual status.

Unusual Detection

Setting Description

Show Unusual Status Define when a sensor shows the Unusual status by comparing the day of
When the week. If you enable this unusual detection, the average of the values
that were measured on the day before is compared to the average of the
same day of the week in previous weeks. Choose from:
§ Never: Disable unusual detection for weekday average.

§ 24h average is <80% or >120% of weekday average: Show the Unusual

status when the average of the values measured on the day before is
either lower than 80% or higher than 120% than usual on the same
§ 24h average is <50% or >200% of weekday average: Show the Unusual
status when the average of the values measured on the day before is
either lower than 50% or higher than 200% than usual on the same

§ 24h average is <20% or >500% of weekday average (recommended):

Show the Unusual status when the average of the values measured on
the day before is either lower than 20% or higher than 500% than usual
on the same weekday.
§ 24h average is <10% or >1,000% of weekday average: Show the
Unusual status when the average of the values measured on the day
before is either lower than 10% or higher than 1,000% than usual on the
same weekday.
§ 24h average is <1% or >10,000% of weekday average: Show the
Unusual status when the average of the values measured on the day
before is either lower than 1% or higher than 10,000% than usual on the
same weekday.
For example, consider a traffic sensor that usually measures 100 MB of
average traffic on a weekday. If you choose the first option, the sensor
shows the Unusual status if the average from the day before is lower than
80 MB or higher than 120 MB.

Setting Description

Show Unusual Status Define when a sensor shows the Unusual status by comparing the hour of
When the day. If you enable this unusual detection, the average of the values
that were measured in the hour before is compared to the average of the
same hour on the same day of the week in previous weeks. Choose from:
§ Never: Disable unusual detection for hour-of-day average.

§ Hourly average is <80% or >120% of hour-of-day average: Show the

Unusual status when the average of the values measured in the hour
before is either lower than 80% or higher than 120% than usual in this
hour of this weekday.
§ Hourly average is <50% or >200% of hour-of-day average: Show the
Unusual status when the average of the values measured in the hour
before is either lower than 50% or higher than 200% than usual in this
hour of this weekday.
§ Hourly average is <20% or >500% of hour-of-day average
(recommended): Show the Unusual status when the average of the
values measured in the hour before is either lower than 20% or higher
than 500% than usual in this hour of this weekday.
§ Hourly average is <10% or >1,000% of hour-of-day average: Show the
Unusual status when the average of the values measured in the hour
before is either lower than 10% or higher than 1,000% than usual in this
hour of this weekday.
§ Hourly average is <1% or >10,000% of hour-of-day average: Show the
Unusual status when the average of the values measured in the hour
before is either lower than 1% or higher than 10,000% than usual in this
hour of this weekday.
Consider a traffic sensor that usually measures 10 MB average traffic
within an hour. If you choose the first option, the sensor would show the
Unusual status if the average from the hour before is below 8 MB or above
12 MB.

Log Unusual Events Define if you also want to record unusual events and display them on the
Log tab of a sensor that shows the Unusual status:
§ Do not log unusual events

§ Log and display unusual events on a sensor's Log tab

Similar Sensors Detection

The Similar Sensors Detection feature enables PRTG to analyze sensor data for similarities. The
detection runs in the background with low priority. The recommended setting for the analysis depth is to
let PRTG automatically decide how many channels it analyzes. However, you can also override this

Similar sensors analysis requires sensor data from at least seven days to have enough data for
comparison. If not enough data is available, PRTG does not display data in the Similar Sensors
Overview or in the Similar Sensors section on a sensor's Overview tab. For more information, see section
Similar Sensors 197 .

When similar sensors analysis is turned off or if your PRTG installation exceeds 1,000 sensors and
you select Manage automatically based on sensor count (recommended), PRTG does not show the
Similar Sensors Overview in the main menu bar 256 .

Similar Sensors Detection

Setting Description

Analysis Depth Define the number of channels that PRTG analyzes to detect similarities
between sensors, or disable the analysis. The analysis depth depends on
the total number of sensors you have. Choose from:
§ Manage automatically based on sensor count (recommended): Analyze
all channels for up to 500 sensors and only the primary channels for up
to 1,000 sensors. For more than 1,000 sensors, PRTG disables the

This is the default setting in PRTG Network Monitor.

§ Analyze only primary channels: Only analyze the primary channels.

Be aware of potentially high CPU load on the PRTG core server
system if your PRTG installation has more than 1,000 sensors.
§ Analyze all channels (higher CPU load): Analyze all channels.
Be aware of potentially high CPU load on the PRTG core server
system if your PRTG installation has more than 500 sensors.
§ Disable detection of similar sensors: Do not detect similarities. Select
this option if you are not interested in the analysis results or if you want
to keep the CPU load on the PRTG core server system to a minimum.

This is the default setting in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Recommended Sensors Detection

The Recommended Sensors Detection feature enables PRTG to analyze devices in your network and to
suggest sensors that are missing for a complete monitoring setup. The analysis runs with low priority in
the background when you add a new device, when the last analysis was executed more than 30 days
ago, or when you manually start 201 it.

See section Recommended Sensors 200 for more information, for example, on SNMP settings 201 ,
on the results 201 you get and on how to add the suggested sensors 202 .

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Recommended Sensors Detection

Setting Description

Detection Handling Define if you want PRTG to analyze your devices and to recommend
useful sensors:
§ Manage automatically based on sensor count (recommended): Run the
detection engine for installations with up to 5,000 sensors. If you
exceed this threshold, PRTG disables the detection engine for
performance reasons.
We recommend that you select this option so that you do not miss
any important monitoring data about your network, without risking
running into performance issues.
§ Always show recommended sensors: Always analyze your devices
even if your installation exceeds 5,000 sensors and if you never want to
miss any suggestion to complete your monitoring.
If you select this option, keep it in mind in case you encounter
performance issues.
§ Disable sensor recommendations: Never recommend sensors. Select
this option if you have performance issues with PRTG or if you do not
want to see this information on devices' Overview tabs. Moreover, you do
not see the option Recommend Now in device context menus 240 or on
Overview tabs anymore.

For more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge
Base: What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?



Setting Description

Run Auto-Discovery At Define the time when PRTG automatically runs an auto-discovery 269 in
your network if you configured a daily or weekly schedule in the auto-
discovery group settings 282 . Select a full hour.
§ 00:00 - 23:00

We recommend that you choose a time when there is little user

activity in your network because auto-discoveries can produce a
certain amount of load.

Experimental Features

Experimental Features

The operating methods of the experimental features can change at any time. Do not expect that all
functions work properly, or that the experimental features work as expected at all. Be aware that
Paessler can remove these features at any time.

Setting Description

Beta Sensors Select if you want to enable or disable sensors in beta status. Choose
§ Disable (default): Disable sensors in beta status.

§ Enable: Enable sensors in beta status.

Beta sensors then become available in the Add Sensor 391 dialog.
If you disable beta sensors, existing beta sensors change to
the Unknown status.

PowerShell Security Select if you want to improve PowerShell security by hiding command-line
Enhancement parameters in the process explorer and the event log. Choose between:

Setting Description

§ Enable (default): Enable PowerShell security enhancement.

If you enable PowerShell Security Enhancement, PowerShell
scripts that use the write-host cmdlet to provide their output to
PRTG do not work anymore. Custom scripts only work if you use the
write-output cmdlet.
Enabling this feature can also improve the performance of
PowerShell sensors.
§ Disable: Disable PowerShell security enhancement.

Probe Transfer Select if you want to allow PRTG Desktop to access the file PRTG
Configuration.dat in the PRTG data directory on the system that runs the
probe that you want to transfer. PRTG Desktop requires access to this file
in order to transfer a probe to another system. Choose between:
§ Disable (default): Disable the access to PRTG Configuration.dat for
PRTG Desktop.
§ Enable: Enable access to PRTG Configuration.dat for PRTG Desktop.

You can disable the access after the successful transfer of the probe.
Do not forget to enable Probe Transfer again if you plan to transfer
another probe.

Uptime Threshold

Uptime Threshold

Setting Description

Minimum Uptime Define which uptime in percent PRTG regards as 100 percent. This setting
affects the colors that you see next to sensor icons in reports. Choose
§ 90 % - 99.999 %

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Knowledge Base

How can I speed up PRTG—especially for large installations?


Can I set a sensor to run at a specific time?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Notification Delivery

On the Notification Delivery tab, you can define and test global settings for notification delivery. If you do
not want to use a specific notification method, leave the respective fields empty.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

In this section:

§ Note 3241

§ SMTP Delivery 3242

§ SMS Delivery 3246

§ More 3249

You must take the following four steps to set up and use notifications:

1. Check and set up the notification delivery 3241 settings if you use PRTG Network Monitor. These
settings define how PRTG sends messages.
2. Check and set up notification contacts 3209 for the user accounts. These contacts define the recipients
to which PRTG sends notifications.
3. Check and set up several notification templates 3175 . These templates define the notification methods
and their content.
You can also check or edit notification templates via the Notification Triggers tab. For more
information, see section Notification Triggers Settings 3063 .
4. Check and set up notification triggers settings 3063 for objects. These triggers define when PRTG
sends notifications.

Usually, there are three successive attempts to deliver a notification. If all of these attempts fail, the
notification is lost. To never miss a notification, we recommend that you always set up at least two
notifications with different notification methods for a notification trigger, for example, one email notification
and one SMS notification. If delivery via email fails, PRTG can still notify you via smartphone as a
fallback. For example, use the latency setting of a state trigger 3064 to choose a notification with a
different notification method than in the first trigger condition, or set up a second trigger with a different
notification method for the corresponding object.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, see the Paessler website: How to set up notifications via the
PRTG web interface.

Custom notification scripts are also available in the PRTG Sensor Hub.

SMTP Delivery

SMTP Delivery

Setting Description

Delivery Mechanism Define how PRTG sends emails via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

§ Use direct delivery with the built-in email server (default): Use the built-in
SMTP relay server. This server manages its own email queue. For each
email, it looks up the target SMTP server via the MX record of the target
domain, and sends the email.
§ Use one SMTP relay server (recommended in LANs/NATs): Set up your
own SMTP relay server to send emails. Enter data below.
§ Use two SMTP relay servers (primary and fallback server): Set up two
SMTP relay servers with one as the primary relay server and one as the
fallback relay server. Enter data below.
If you monitor the IT infrastructure in your network address translation
(NAT) or LAN, use your own LAN-based relay server to ensure faster
delivery of notification emails.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor. PRTG Hosted

Monitor uses sendgrid for email notifications. For more information,
see the Paessler website: FAQ – PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Setting Description

Sender Email Address Enter an email address to use as the sender of all email notifications. This
setting is global and applies to all email notifications by default.
You can override the sender email in the settings of individual
notification templates 3182 .

Sender Name Enter a name to use as the sender of all email notifications. This setting is
global and applies to all email notifications by default.
You can override the sender name in the settings of individual
notification templates.
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

HELO Ident Enter a server name for the HELO part of the mail protocol.
For some mail servers, the HELO identifier must be the valid principal
host domain name for the client host. For more information, see
SMTP RFC 2821.
The HELO identifier must be a unique name.
Only ASCII characters are allowed.
We recommend that you use the Domain Name System (DNS) name
of the PRTG core server system.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay Server This setting is only visible if you select Use SMTP relay server
(recommended in LANs/NATs) or Use two SMTP relay servers (primary
and fallback server) above. Enter the IP address or DNS name of the
SMTP relay server.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay Port This setting is only visible if you select Use SMTP relay server
(recommended in LANs/NATs) or Use two SMTP relay servers (primary
and fallback server) above. Enter the port for the connection to the SMTP
server. The default port is 25.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay This setting is only visible if you select Use SMTP relay server
Authentication (recommended in LANs/NATs) or Use two SMTP relay servers (primary
and fallback server) above. Select the kind of authentication that the
SMTP server requires:

Setting Description

§ Use no authentication: Use SMTP without authentication.

§ Use standard SMTP authentication: Use standard authentication.

§ Use SASL authentication: Use secure authentication via Simple

Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay User Name This setting is only visible if you select Use standard SMTP authentication
or Use SASL authentication above. Enter a valid user name.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay Password This setting is only visible if you select Use standard SMTP authentication
or Use SASL authentication above. Enter a valid password.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Connection Security This setting is only visible if you select Use SMTP relay server
(recommended in LANs/NATs) or Use two SMTP relay servers (primary
and fallback server) above. Define the connection security for SMTP
§ Use SSL/TLS if the server supports it: Use a Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) secured connection.
§ Do not use connection security: Use an unsecure connection with plain
text transfer.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SSL/TLS Method This setting is only visible if you select Use one SMTP relay server
(recommended in LANs/NATs) and Use SSL/TLS if the server supports it
above. Select the SSL or TLS version that the SMTP server supports.
Choose from:
§ SSLv2 or SSLv3 (default)

§ SSLv3

§ TLS 1.0

§ TLS 1.1

§ TLS 1.2

This is only relevant for secure connections. If you do not get a

connection, try a different setting.

Setting Description

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay Server This setting is only visible if you select Use two SMTP relay servers
(Fallback) (primary and fallback server) above. Enter the IP address or DNS name of
the fallback SMTP relay server.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay Port This setting is only visible if you select Use two SMTP relay servers
(Fallback) (primary and fallback server) above. Enter the port for the connection to
the fallback SMTP server. The default port is 25.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay This setting is only visible if you select Use two SMTP relay servers
Authentication (Fallback) (primary and fallback server) above. Select the kind of authentication that
the fallback SMTP server requires:
§ Use no authentication: Use SMTP without authentication.

§ Use standard SMTP authentication: Use standard authentication.

§ Use SASL authentication: Use secure authentication via Simple

Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay User Name This setting is only visible if you select Use two SMTP relay servers
(Fallback) (primary and fallback server) and Use standard SMTP authentication or
Use SASL authentication above. Enter a valid user name.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SMTP Relay Password This setting is only visible if you select Use two SMTP relay servers
(Fallback) (primary and fallback server) and Use standard SMTP authentication or
Use SASL authentication above. Enter a valid password.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Connection Security This setting is only visible if you select Use two SMTP relay servers
(Fallback) (primary and fallback server) above. Define the connection security for
SMTP connections:
§ Use SSL/TLS if the server supports it: Use a Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) secured connection.

Setting Description

§ Do not use connection security: Use an unsecure connection with plain

text transfer.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SSL/TLS Method This setting is only visible if you select Use two SMTP relay servers
(Fallback) (primary and fallback server) and Use SSL/TLS if the server supports it
above. Select the SSL or TLS version that the SMTP server supports.
Choose from:
§ SSLv2 or SSLv3 (default)

§ SSLv3

§ TLS 1.0

§ TLS 1.1

§ TLS 1.2

This is only relevant for secure connections. If you do not get a

connection, try a different setting.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Test SMTP Settings Click Test SMTP Settings to test your SMTP notification delivery
§ Email Address: Enter an email address to send the test email
notification to.

§ Subject: Enter a subject for the test email notification.

SMS Delivery
Your PRTG Network Monitor license or PRTG Hosted Monitor subscription does not include the cost
for SMS delivery. Refer to the pricing information of the service provider that you plan to use to find
out more about their pricing.

Although PRTG has built-in support for the application programming interface (API) of some SMS
providers, we cannot officially provide support for them. If you have technical questions about SMS
delivery beyond PRTG, contact your SMS provider directly.

Instead of using a preconfigured provider, you can use a custom URL that enables you to use
extended parameters. This is also an alternative to using providers for which we offer preconfigured

You need an internet connection to send text messages via the HTTP API.

For information about sending SMS via separate hardware using third-party software, see the
Knowledge Base: How can I send SMS text message notifications via a modem or a mobile phone
with PRTG?

SMS Delivery

Setting Description

Configuration Mode Define a mode for the SMS delivery configuration:

§ Disable SMS delivery: Do not use SMS delivery.

§ Select an SMS provider from a list of providers: Select a provider from a

list below.
§ Enter a custom URL for a provider not listed: Use a different provider
and manually enter the custom URL below.

Service Provider This setting is only visible if you select Select an SMS provider from a list
of providers above. Select a service provider from the list. Choose
§ BulkSMS All regions (except South Africa): Enter a User Name and
Password below.
ú URL:
ú Port: 443

§ BulkSMS South Africa: Enter a User Name and Password below.

ú URL:
ú Port: 443

§ Agile Telecom: Enter a User Name and Password below.

ú URL:

ú Port: 80

§ Esendex: Enter a User Name, Password, and Account below.

ú URL:
ú Port: 443

Some providers might require a port configuration in your firewall. Use

the respective port from the list above.

Setting Description

User Name This setting is only visible if you select Select an SMS provider from a list
of providers above. Enter a user name for the service provider account.

Password This setting is only visible if you select Select an SMS provider from a list
of providers above. Enter a password for the service provider account.

Account This setting is only visible if you select Select an SMS provider from a list
of providers and Esendex above. Enter the account number or the API ID
to connect your account if your provider asks you to register, for example
EX0000000. Enter a string or leave the field empty.

Custom URL This setting is only visible if you select Enter a custom URL for a provider
not listed above. From the documentation of your SMS provider, enter the
service URL that it uses to send SMS messages.
Use the following placeholders for the recipient phone number and the text


Use the GET method to request the custom URL. POST requests are
not supported.

HTTP Authentication This setting is only visible if you select Enter a custom URL for a provider
not listed above. Select if PRTG uses HTTP basic authentication when it
calls the custom URL of the SMS provider:
§ Do not use HTTP basic authentication (default)

§ Use HTTP basic authentication

HTTP basic authentication is necessary if the custom URL looks like

this https://[username]:[password]@my.custom.sms.provider/.

Custom SNI This setting is only visible if you select Enter a custom URL for a provider
not listed above.
Define if PRTG sends the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension to the
Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol along with the HTTP request:
§ Do not send SNI (default): PRTG does not send the SNI when it
executes the HTTP action.
§ Send SNI: PRTG sends the SNI when it calls the target URL. Specify
the SNI below.

Encoding for SMS This setting is only visible if you select Enter a custom URL for a provider
not listed above. Define the encoding of the URL string that PRTG sends
to the SMS provider:
§ ANSI local system code page (default)

Setting Description

§ UTF-8

§ UTF-16

Virtual Host (SNI) Enter the SNI name that the endpoint configuration requires. Usually, this
is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the virtual host.

Maximum Length of Text Some SMS providers do not allow SMS messages that exceed a certain
amount of characters. PRTG restricts the number of characters according
to the length specified in this field. A value of 0 means that PRTG sends
the entire SMS.

Test SMS Settings Click Test SMS Settings to test your SMS notification delivery
§ Number: Enter a phone number to send the test SMS notification to.

§ Message: Enter a message for the test SMS notification.

The notification methods Send SMS/Pager Message and Execute HTTP Action use the central
proxy settings of the PRTG core server. For details, see section Core & Probes 3251 (section Proxy

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


How can I send SMS text message notifications via a modem or a mobile phone with PRTG?

Which URLs does PRTG use for its preconfigured SMS providers?

Why do I get a connection timeout message when sending SMS via bulksms?

How can PRTG send instant messages to Jabber, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc., using external software?

Can Gmail / Google Apps / G-Suite be used for SMTP relay?


How can I enable notification delivery logging?


Can I use Microsoft Office 365 as SMTP relay server for PRTG email delivery?


FAQ – PRTG Hosted Monitor


You can find custom notification scripts in the PRTG Sensor Hub

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Core & Probes

On the Core & Probes tab, you can define settings for the PRTG core server as well as for probe
connections if you use remote probes or mini probes.

If you cannot save changes to Core & Probes settings because you get an Error (Bad Request) with
the message Active Directory Domain not accessible, make sure that you provide the correct
access type for your domain in section Active Directory Integration 3256 . For example, change Use the
PRTG core server service account (usually Local System) to Use explicit credentials and provide correct
credentials for the domain. PRTG automatically sets the access type to Use the PRTG core server
service account (usually Local System) by default, so you might need to change this.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

In this section:

§ Proxy Configuration 3251

§ Probe Connection Settings 3252

§ Active Directory Integration 3256

§ Historic Data Purging 3257

§ More 3259

Proxy Configuration
This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Proxy Configuration

Setting Description

Proxy Server Handling Define if you want to use PRTG with a direct internet connection or if a
proxy is necessary. Choose between:
§ Do not use a proxy server (default): Do not use a proxy. Use this setting
if a direct internet connection to the PRTG core server system is
§ Use a proxy server: Define proxy settings below. Use this setting if a
proxy is mandatory in your network.
We recommend that you use PRTG with a direct internet connection.
The proxy settings are valid for auto-update 3323 , activating the
product 113 , obtaining Geo Maps 3099 tiles, and for sending HTTP,
push, and SMS text message notifications 3182 .

Server This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above. Enter
the address of the proxy server that you use for outbound connections.
Enter a valid address.

Port This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above. Enter
the port number of the proxy server that you use for outbound
connections. Enter an integer.

Proxy Authentication This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above.
Determine whether the proxy server needs credentials or not:
§ Do not use authentication: Do not use credentials for proxy
§ User name and password: Define credentials (user name and password)
below. Use this setting if the proxy server requires credentials.

User Name This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter a user name for proxy authentication. Enter a string.

Password This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter a password for proxy authentication. Enter a string.

Probe Connection Settings

Probe Connection Settings

Setting Description

Probe Connection IP Define how the PRTG core server handles incoming connections from
Addresses probes:
§ Local probe only, (PRTG is not accessible for remote probes):
Only accept local probe connections. The PRTG core server does not
allow the use of remote probes 3555 .

This is the default setting in PRTG Network Monitor.

§ All IP addresses available on this computer: Accept incoming

connections from remote probes, no matter on which IP address of the
PRTG core server they come in.

This is the default setting in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

§ Specify IP addresses: Accept incoming connections from remote

probes only on the selected IP address(es) of the PRTG core server. In
the list, select the IP addresses by enabling a check box in front of the
desired IP addresses.

Setting Description

You can also change this setting in the PRTG Administration Tool on
PRTG Core Server Systems 3412 .

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Access Keys Enter a list of access keys for remote probe connections. Enter one
access key per line.
Every remote probe that wants to connect to this PRTG installation
has to use one of these keys.
For more information on how to set an access key for a remote probe,
see section PRTG Administration Tool 3432 .

Allow IP Addresses Enter a list of remote probe IP addresses or Domain Name System (DNS)
names that you want to allow to connect to the PRTG core server. Enter
one IP address or DNS name per line.
§ [Empty]: An empty field does not allow any remote probes (only the
local probe). Enter IP addresses or DNS names to allow remote probe
We recommend that you use IP addresses instead of DNS names
because DNS name resolution might be cached.

§ any: Enter the word any to automatically allow all remote probe

This is the default setting in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

We recommend that you only use this option in intranets in
PRTG Network Monitor, not in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

PRTG always automatically allows the local probe ( PRTG

checks the list of allowed IP addresses before it checks the list of
denied IP addresses.
If the IP address of a remote probe regularly changes (for example,
because of an internet provider that dynamically assigns IP
addresses), enter the potential IP address range for the remote probe or
use any.
You can use the PRTG syntax for IP address ranges. For more
information, see section Define IP Address Ranges 3540 .

Setting Description

Deny IP Addresses Enter a list of remote probe IP addresses or DNS names that you do not
want to allow to connect to the PRTG core server. Enter one IP address or
DNS name per line.
You can use Deny IP Addresses to explicitly deny connections from
remote probes that you do not want to include in your setup either at
all or for a certain time. You can also use it to allow access to an IP
address range under Allow IP Addresses, but to deny access to a single
IP address from the IP address range.
You can use the PRTG syntax for IP address ranges. For more
information, see section Define IP Address Ranges 3540 .
If you deny the IP address or DNS name of a remote probe, you must
restart the PRTG core server to apply your changes.
We recommend that you use IP addresses rather than DNS names
because DNS name resolution might be cached.

Deny GIDs Enter a list of global IDs (GID) Enter one GID per line. PRTG denies
access to matching GIDs.
If you remove a remote probe from the device tree or if you deny a
remote probe after installation, PRTG automatically adds its GID to
this list. The remote probe is no longer able to connect. Denying GIDs is
more precise than denying IP addresses, where other remote probes at
the same location could also be excluded.
A GID is the ID that PRTG attributes to every probe that you include
in your monitoring.

Connection Security Specify the security level that the PRTG web server accepts for
connections to and from the PRTG core server:
§ High security (TLS 1.2): Only accept high security connections from
§ Default security (TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2) (recommended): Additionally accept
TLS 1.1-secured connections from probes.
§ Weakened security (SSLv3, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2): Additionally
accept TLS 1.0-secured and SSLv3-secured connections from probes.
If you have probes that do not support TLS 1.1-secured or TLS 1.2-
secured connections because you updated from an older PRTG
version, you can use this setting to connect to and to update 3323 older
probes. After the update, we recommend that you change this setting to
High security (TLS 1.2) or Default security (TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2)

Setting Description

If you set a registry key in previous PRTG versions to override the

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) version
and cipher suites of PRTG web server connections or probe connections,
High security (TLS 1.2) overrides the registry setting and only TLS 1.2 is
allowed. If you select Default security (TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2) (recommended),
the registry value overrides this setting and the connection security that
you defined in the registry applies.

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Mini Probes Define if you want to allow mini probe connections to the PRTG core
server. Choose from:
§ Do not allow mini probes: Mini probes cannot connect to the PRTG web
server. You are not able to monitor with mini probes if you choose this
§ Allow mini probes to connect to the PRTG web server: Mini probes can
connect to the PRTG web server and use the defined TCP port for the
web server 3224 for this purpose. The default port for secure connections
is 443.
§ Allow mini probes to connect to an extra port: Mini probes can connect
to the PRTG web server via a specific port. Use this if you do not want
the whole PRTG web server to be reachable from other networks all the
time only because of mini probes.
SSL/TLS must be enabled on the mini probe port.
If you want to use mini probes, you need to configure the PRTG web
server to accept connections from mini probes and select Secure
HTTPS server (port 443, recommended, mandatory for internet access) in
the PRTG web server settings 3224 .
For more information, see section Mini Probe API 3513 . See also the
Knowledge Base: Where can I find PRTG mini probes which are
ready to use?

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

Setting Description

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Mini Probe Port This setting is only visible if you select Allow mini probes to connect to an
extra port above. Enter the number of the port for mini probe connections.
Ensure that SSL is available on this port.

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server to apply your changes. After you click Save, a dialog box
appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are
disconnected and reconnected.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Active Directory Integration

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Active Directory Integration

Setting Description

Domain Name To use the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integration, enter the name
of your local domain. Enter a string or leave the field empty.
PRTG does not support trusted domains or AD subdomains. For
more important notes about AD integration, see section Active
Directory Integration 3447 , section Notes and Restrictions.

Domain Access Define how PRTG performs AD queries:

§ Use domain name: Use the entry in the Domain Name field above.

Setting Description

§ Specify domain controllers: Use specific domain controllers. Specify the

domain controllers below.

Primary Domain This setting is only visible if you select Specify domain controllers above.
Controller Enter the DNS name of the primary domain controller.

Backup Domain This setting is only visible if you select Specify domain controllers above.
Controller (optional) Optionally enter the DNS name of the backup domain controller or leave
the field empty.

LDAP Connection Define if you want to use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer
Security Security (TLS) secured connection to the LDAP server:
§ Use LDAP without connection security: Do not use an SSL/TLS-
secured connection.
§ Use LDAP over SSL: Use an SSL/TLS-secured connection.

Access Type Define which user account PRTG uses to configure Active Directory (AD)
§ Use the PRTG core server service account (usually Local System): Use
the same Windows user account configured for the PRTG core server
service. In a default installation, this is the "local system" Windows user
account. If this account does not have the right to query all groups of
your Active Directory, do not use this option.
§ Use explicit credentials: Define a user account that PRTG uses to
authenticate against the Active Directory. This should be a user account
with full access to all of your Active Directory groups.

PRTG uses this account to query the AD for available groups.

User Name This setting is only visible if you select Use explicit credentials above.
Enter the Windows user account name that PRTG uses to authenticate
for Active Directory configuration.

Password This setting is only visible if you select Use explicit credentials above.
Enter the password for the Windows user account that PRTG uses to
authenticate for Active Directory configuration.

Historic Data Purging

Data purging enables you to automatically delete unnecessary data to free up disk space and to improve
system performance. You can define different time spans for several kinds of data.

For more information on storage locations, see section Data Storage 3579 .

PRTG Hosted Monitor purges historic data using the default purging limits of PRTG Network
Monitor. You cannot modify historic data purging limits in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Historic Data Purging

Setting Description

Log File Records Define how long PRTG keeps records in the system log file Log
Database.db. Enter a value in days. PRTG automatically deletes all
entries that are older than this value. This also affects the content of the
Logs 214 tab of monitoring objects like sensors.
Keep this value as low as possible to enhance system performance.
The default value is 30 days.

PRTG Web Server Log PRTG creates one PRTG web server log file every day. Define how many
Records PRTG web server log files to keep. Enter a value in days. PRTG
automatically deletes all PRTG web server log files that older than this
The default value is 30 days.

Historic Sensor Data Define for how long PRTG keeps historic sensor data for all sensors. Enter
a value in days.

Setting Description

Historic sensor data is the basis for reports on monitoring data. If you
decrease this value, less historic monitoring data is available.
Depending on the scanning intervals and the number of sensors in
your setup, the file that contains this data can become large. For
smaller installations up to 500 sensors, 365 is usually appropriate.

The default value is 365 days.

The maximum value is 9999 days.

Toplist Records Define for how long PRTG keeps toplist records for Flow (NetFlow, jFlow,
sFlow, IPFIX) 3367 and Packet Sniffer 3365 sensors. Enter a value in days.
We recommend that you use 30 days here.
Old toplist data is deleted automatically as soon as a limit of 2 GB is
reached. The oldest data is deleted from the database first.
The default value is 30 days.

Closed Tickets Define for how long PRTG keeps tickets that are in the Closed status.
Enter a value in days.
The default value is 365 days.

Reports Define the maximum age for PDF reports. Enter a value in days. PRTG
automatically deletes all reports that are older than this value.
The default value is 365 days.

Configuration Auto- Define the maximum age for daily configuration backups. Enter a value in
Backups days. PRTG automatically deletes all configuration backup files that are
older than this value.
The default value is 365 days.

Screenshots of HTTP Full Define for how long PRTG keeps the screenshots of the HTTP Full Web
Web Page Sensor Page sensor 1108 (PhantomJS browser engine). Enter a value in days.
PRTG automatically deletes screenshots that are older than this value
with every sensor scan.
The default value is 10 days.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Knowledge Base

Where can I find PRTG mini probes which are ready to use?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 User Accounts

On the User Accounts tab, administrators can add new user accounts, edit user accounts, and define
which user groups that users are members of.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

In this section:

§ User Accounts Overview 3260

§ Add User Accounts 3261

§ User Account Settings Tabs 3261

§ Settings Tab 3262

ú User Account Settings 3262

ú API Access 3263

ú Account Settings 3264

ú Group Membership 3266

ú PRTG Web Interface 3266

ú Ticket System 3268

§ Notification Contacts Tab 3269

§ Comments Tab 3269

§ History Tab 3269

§ More 3269

User Accounts Overview

The User Accounts tab shows a list of all user accounts in this PRTG installation and various types of
information about each user.

Column Header Description

Object Shows the name of the user account. Click the user account to open its
settings 3262 .

Type Shows the user type, for example, read-only user.

Email Shows the primary email address of the user account.

Primary Group Shows the primary group of the user account. Click the user group name
to open its settings 3271 .

Group Memberships Shows all user groups that the user account belongs to.

Active/Paused Shows the status of the user account. This can be active or paused.

For more information, see also section Working with Table Lists 222 .

Add User Accounts

You have several options to add user accounts:

§ To add a new user to PRTG Network Monitor, hover over and select Add User from the menu.
The options are almost the same as for editing users.

§ To add a new user to PRTG Hosted Monitor, click Invite User. The options are almost the same
as for editing users but PRTG Hosted Monitor automatically generates the initial account password.
The new user can change it later. Click Send Invite to save your settings and to send the invitation per
email to the defined primary email address.

§ To batch-add several users at once, hover over and select Add Multiple Users from the menu. In
the dialog box that appears, select a user group 3270 from the dropdown menu and enter or paste a list
of email addresses. Separate them by a space, comma, semicolon, or a new line. Click OK to
confirm. For each email address, PRTG creates a new, local user account in the user group, using the
email address as the value for Login Name, Display Name, and Primary Email Address. PRTG
automatically generates a new password and sends it to the email address.
Access rights to device tree objects, libraries, maps, reports, or the ticket system are defined in
user groups. Make sure that the user is a member of the correct user group with the required group
access rights.

You cannot delete predefined objects such as the PRTG System Administrator user account, the
PRTG Users Group, or the PRTG Administrators group.

User Account Settings Tabs

Click on a user account and select the various tabs to change the different settings.

User Account Settings

Settings Tab

User Account Settings

User Account Settings

Setting Description

Login Name Enter a login name for the user account.

The login name must not contain the following invalid characters: " / \

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Display Name Enter a display name that the user recognizes. PRTG uses it for display
purposes only, for example on the Welcome page.
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Primary Email Address Enter the primary email address. This is the email address that PRTG
uses by default for the ticket system, including important system
messages, and password recovery.

Make sure that your email client can show HTML emails, otherwise
you cannot read emails from PRTG.

Password Define whether to change the password for the user account:
§ Do not change the password

§ Specify a new password

For security reasons, PRTG does not display the password.

If you specify a new password, enter the old password, then enter the new
password twice.
The new password must be at least 8 characters long. It must contain
a number and a capital letter.
Do not use leading or trailing whitespaces in the new password.

Setting Description

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Passhash Click Show passhash to display the passhash for the user account. This
is necessary for authentication for the PRTG API 3449 .

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

API Access
These settings are only available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

API Access

Setting Description

API User Name Shows the API user name of the user account. This is necessary for
authentication for the PRTG API.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

API Passhash Click Show passhash to display the API passhash of the user account.
This is recommended for authentication for the PRTG API.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Generate API Passhash Click Generate new passhash to reset the passhash of the user.

Account Settings

Account Settings

Setting Description

User Type Define the user type:

§ Read/write user: Can only view monitoring results, libraries, maps,
reports, and also edit the according settings. In addition, they can add
and delete objects, libraries, maps, and reports. The user can
acknowledge alarms, edit notification templates, notification contacts,
and schedules.
§ Read-only user: Can only view monitoring results, libraries, maps,
reports, and the according settings. The user can acknowledge alarms
and change their own password if allowed. This is a good choice for
public or semi-public logins.
Read-only users cannot be members of groups with administrative
This setting is not available for the PRTG System Administrator user

Acknowledge Alarms This setting is only visible if you select Read-only user above.
Acknowledging an alarm is an action that requires write access. However,
you can explicitly allow a read-only user to acknowledge alarms 206 .
Choose between:
§ Allow user to acknowledge alarms: Allow the read-only user to
acknowledge alarms.
§ Do not allow user to acknowledge alarms (default): Do not allow the
read-only user to acknowledge alarms.

Setting Description

Password Change This setting is only visible if you select Read-only user above. Define if the
user can change their account password or not. If you allow the user to
change their account password, this option is available in the My
Account 3168 settings of the user. Choose between:
§ Allow user to change the account password: Allow the read-only user to
change their password.
§ Do not allow user to change the account password (default): Do not
allow the read-only user to change their password.

Primary Group Select the primary group for the user account from the dropdown menu.
Every user account must be a member of a primary group to make
sure there is no user account without group membership.
Membership in other user groups is optional.
You cannot change the primary group of Active Directory users.
Users that you add via Active Directory integration 3446 can only have
the respective Active Directory group as their primary group.
Select Create new user group for this user to create a user group for the
new user. This option is only visible when you add a new user account.
The default name of the new user group is the Display Name of the new

Status Define the status of the user:

§ Active: Can log in to the PRTG web interface.

§ Paused: Cannot log in to the PRTG web interface. Use this option to
temporarily deny access for this user.

This setting is not available for the PRTG System Administrator user

Last Login Shows the time stamp of the last login of the user account.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Group Membership

Group Membership

Setting Description

Member of Shows the user groups that the user account is a member of. You can
define access rights to device tree objects, libraries, maps, reports and
the ticket system at group level.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

PRTG Web Interface

PRTG Web Interface

Setting Description

Automatic Refresh Define if you want PRTG to automatically reload web pages in the PRTG
web interface for the user:
§ Automatically refresh pages (recommended): PRTG automatically
refreshes single page elements on web pages in the PRTG web

§ Do not automatically refresh pages: PRTG does not automatically

refresh single page elements on web pages in the PRTG web interface.

Refresh Interval (Sec.) This setting is only visible if you select Automatically refresh pages
(recommended) above. Enter the number of seconds that PRTG waits
between two refreshes. We recommend that you use 30 seconds or more.
The minimum value is 20 seconds. The maximum value is 600 seconds.
Shorter refresh intervals create more CPU load on the probe system.
If you experience load issues while using the PRTG web interface (or
maps 3145 ), set a longer refresh interval.

Audible Alarms Define whether PRTG plays an audible alarm on web pages in the PRTG
web interface when there is a new alarm 205 :
§ Do not play audible alarms: PRTG does not play sound files on any web
§ Play audible alarms on dashboard pages only: When there is a new
alarm, PRTG plays a predefined sound on dashboard 252 pages only.
The sound is played with every refresh of the dashboard page if there is
at least one new alarm.
§ Play audible alarms on all pages: When there is a new alarm, PRTG
plays a predefined sound on all web pages. PRTG plays the sound with
every page refresh if there is at least one new alarm.
PRTG only plays audible alarms if the New Alarms value in the global
header area 175 of the PRTG web interface is greater than 0 after a
page refresh. PRTG does not consider the number of old alarms.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: Which audible
notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in PRTG
Desktop? and Why are audible alerts in public maps not working in

Home Page URL Define the user's default home page in the PRTG web interface. This is the
page that the user sees after logging in or when selecting Home 252 from
the main menu. Enter a PRTG-internal web page.

Time Zone Define the time zone for the user account. Depending on the time zone
that you select, PRTG shows the local time zone of the user account in
all data tables and graph legends.
PRTG receives the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) from the
system time of the PRTG core server for this purpose.

Setting Description

If you get a warning message about differing time zones, see the
Knowledge Base: Why do I get a warning message when time zones

Date Format Select the date format for the user:

§ Use System Settings: Use the date format of the PRTG core server






This setting takes effect after the next login.

Color Mode Select a color mode for the PRTG web interface:
§ Light

§ Dark

Ticket System

Ticket System

Setting Description

Email Notifications Define if the user receives emails from the ticket system:
§ Receive an email when a ticket changes: The user receives an email
each time a ticket is assigned to the user or to the user group they are
a member of, or if a ticket is changed.
If the user edits tickets that are assigned to them or the user group
they are a member of, or if they assign a ticket to themselves or
their user group, they do not get an email.
§ Do not receive any emails from the ticket system: The user does not
receive any emails from the ticket system.

Save your settings. If you leave the page, all changes to the settings are lost.

Notification Contacts Tab

Notification Contacts

The Notification Contacts tab shows a list of all notification contacts of the selected user account.

Setting Description

Description Shows the description for the email contact.

Recipient Shows the email address for the email contact.

Type Shows the type of the notification contact.

You can add new notification contacts under Setup | Account Settings | Notification Contacts 3209 .

Comments Tab
On the Comments tab, you can enter free text for each object. You can use this function for
documentation purposes or to leave information for other users.

History Tab
On the History tab, all changes in the settings of an object are logged with a time stamp, the name of
the user who made the change, and a message. The history log retains the last 100 entries.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


Which audible notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in PRTG Desktop?

Why are audible alerts in public maps not working in Chrome?


Why do I get a warning message when time zones differ?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 User Groups

On the User Groups tab, you can define access rights for monitoring objects, libraries, maps, and
reports at user group level. This means that group membership determines what a user can do and which
monitoring objects, libraries, maps, or reports they can see. This does not apply to read-only users, who
always have only read access, no matter what access rights the user group they belong to has. You can
define group access rights for each object in the object's settings.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

User Groups Overview

The User Groups tab shows a list of all user groups in this PRTG installation and various types of
information about each user group.

Column Header Description

Object Shows the name of the user group. Click the user group to open its
settings 3271 .

Type Shows the user group type, for example, a PRTG user group, an Active
Directory group, or a single sign-on (SSO) group.

Members Shows all users that are a member of this user group.

Primary Group Shows all users that have this user group as their primary group. Click the
user group name to open its settings 3271 .

Active Directory Group Shows the Active Directory group that the user group is connected to.

SSO Claim Shows the access claim for the SSO group that the user group is
connected to.

Add User Groups
§ To add a new user group to PRTG Network Monitor or to PRTG Hosted Monitor, hover over and
select Add User Group from the menu. The options are almost the same as for editing user groups.
§ For each user group you create, PRTG automatically adds a new group in the device tree 141 with the
name [group_name] home.
§ For each user group you create, PRTG automatically adds a new email notification 3182 to the

notification templates 3175 . It has the name Email to all members of group [group_name]. The new user
group automatically has read access 153 to the new notification template.
§ By default, there are no access rights 153 defined on objects for a newly created user group. Initially,

users in this user group do not see any objects in the device tree except the automatically created
[group_name] home group for which they have write access. This does not apply if the new user group
is an administrator group. Edit the settings 204 of objects in your device tree, libraries, maps, or
reports, and set access rights for the new user group in the Access Rights section.
The easiest way to set access rights is in the root group settings 396 and to use the inheritance of
settings 144 .

The multi-edit option is not available for the predefined user groups PRTG Administrators and PRTG
Users Group.

You cannot delete predefined objects such as the PRTG System Administrator user account, the
PRTG Users Group, or the PRTG Administrators group.

If you want to delete an Active Directory group from PRTG, you must delete all users that are in the
user group first. This is because the Active Directory users have this user group as their primary
group, and user accounts must have a primary group.

User Group Settings

User Group Settings

Setting Description

User Group Name Enter a name for the user group.

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Administrative Rights Define if the user group members have administrative rights:
§ Give user group members administrative rights: Give administrative
rights to all user group members.
If you select this option, all user group members have full access to
all device tree objects, libraries, maps, reports, and the ticket
system. In addition, they can manage user accounts and user groups,
and they can change the monitoring configuration of PRTG.
§ Do not give user group members administrative rights: Do not give the
user group member administrative rights. Access to device tree objects,
libraries, maps, and reports for user group members are defined in an
object's settings.

Home Page URL Define the default homepage for the user group members. This is the page
that the user sees after logging in or when selecting Home 252 from the
main menu. Enter a PRTG-internal web page.
This applies to new users that were either added via Active Directory
Integration 3446 or using the Add Multiple Users option 3261 .

Active Directory or Single Define whether to connect this user group to external users:
Sign-On Integration
§ Do not use Active Directory or single sign-on integration: Do not
connect this user group to a user group in your Active Directory or to a
single sign-on integration. Use local user accounts instead.
§ Use Active Directory integration: Connect this user group to a user
group in your Active Directory.
For detailed information, see Active Directory Integration 3446 .
§ Use single sign-on integration: Connect this user group to a single sign-
on integration.
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How to integrate
Azure Active Directory into PRTG?
For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How to integrate
Okta SSO into PRTG?
You cannot change credentials for users that are members of an
Active Directory group.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Setting Description

Active Directory Group This setting is only visible if you select Use Active Directory integration
above. Select the user group whose members can log in to PRTG using
their Active Directory domain credentials. The according user accounts
have the group access rights 153 of the user group you just created.
You need to configure a valid Active Directory domain in the Core &
Probes 3250 settings for user groups to appear in the dropdown menu.
For detailed information, see Active Directory Integration 3446 .
If your Active Directory contains more than 1,000 entries in total,
PRTG displays an input field instead of a dropdown menu. This is for
performance reasons. In the input field, you can only enter the name of the
user group in your Active Directory. PRTG then automatically adds the
domain name prefix.
PRTG caches the list of the user groups in your Active Directory for
one hour. You can update this list earlier by manually clearing the
cache via the Administrative Tools 3276 by clicking Go! in the Clear Caches

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

SSO Group Claim This setting is only visible if you select Use single sign-on integration
above. Enter the access claim for the SSO group, for example a scope
name or an Azure group object ID.

User Type This setting is only visible if you select Use Active Directory integration
above. Define the default user access rights for all new users in this user

§ Read/write user: Can only view monitoring results, libraries, maps,

reports, and also edit the according settings. In addition, they can add
and delete objects, libraries, maps, and reports. The user can
acknowledge alarms, edit notification templates, notification contacts,
and schedules.
§ Read-only user: Can only view monitoring results, libraries, maps,
reports, and the according settings. The user can acknowledge alarms
and change their own password if allowed. This is a good choice for
public or semi-public logins.
Read-only users cannot be members of groups with administrative
If a user logs in to PRTG for the first time using Active Directory
credentials, PRTG automatically creates a new, local user account
for this user with the user type that you define.

Setting Description

Acknowledge Alarms This setting is only visible if you select Read-only user above.
Acknowledging an alarm is an action that requires write access. However,
you can explicitly allow a read-only user to acknowledge alarms 206 .
Choose between:
§ Allow user group members to acknowledge alarms: Allow the read-only
user to acknowledge alarms.
§ Do not allow user group members to acknowledge alarms (default): Do
not allow the read-only user to acknowledge alarms.

Sensor Creation Rights Define if user group members can create all sensors or only specific
§ Allow user group members to create all sensors: No restrictions for
group members apply.
§ Allow user group members to create certain sensors only: Select the
allowed sensors from the list of available sensors.

Allowed Sensors This setting is only visible if you select Allow user group members to
create certain sensors only above. A list of all available sensors is shown.
Select the sensors that user group members can create by enabling
check boxes in front of the respective sensor names.

You can also select all items or cancel the selection by using the
check box in the table header.

PRTG displays sensors that are in use in bold print.

This setting does not apply when a user group member runs an auto-
discovery 269 . The auto-discovery adds all sensors that are defined in
the used device templates. This setting does also not apply when a user
group member adds recommended sensors 200 .

Ticket System Access Define if user group members can use the ticket system 217 :
§ Allow user group members to use the ticket system: Users in this user
group can read, create, assign, and modify tickets.
Group members that are read-only users never have access to the
ticket system.
§ Do not allow user group members to use the ticket system: The
Tickets 262 menu item in the main menu bar is not visible to users in
this user group.

Group Members

Group Members

Setting Description

Members This setting is only visible if you select Do not use Active Directory or
single sign-on integration above. Define which local user accounts are
members of this user group. To add a user account from the list, enable
the check box in front of the user name. The available user accounts
depend on your setup.

Primary Group Users

Primary Group Users

Setting Description

User List Shows a list of all user accounts that have this user group as their primary
group. This is only shown for your information. You can change the
primary group of a user account in the user account's settings 3260 .

Save your settings. If you leave the page, all changes to the settings are lost.

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


How to integrate Azure Active Directory into PRTG?


How to integrate Okta SSO into PRTG?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Administrative Tools

On the Administrative Tools tab, you can start system-specific processes for debugging purposes.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

Administrative Tools For The PRTG Core Server

Administrative Tools For The PRTG Core Server

Setting Description

Create Configuration Create a snapshot of the PRTG configuration. This action can take up to
Snapshot 100 seconds. Once it finishes, you can find a .zip file that contains a *.dat
file in the \Configuration Auto-Backups subfolder of the PRTG data
directory 3579 .
The name of the .zip file has the format PRTG Configuration
(Snapshot YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS).zip.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this action is executed on the cluster

node you are logged in to.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Write Core Status File Create status files of the PRTG core server. You can find the two text files
in the \Logs\debug subfolder of the PRTG data directory. PRTG creates
new files every time you click Go!.
The files have the names Core State (Global Debug Data).txt and
Core State (Memory Debug Data).txt.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this action is executed on the cluster

node you are logged in to.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Clear Caches PRTG caches tiles for Geo Maps 3099 , user data for Active Directory
Integration 3446 , and the Active Directory Group 3270 list. Click Go! to delete
the cache if you encounter broken Geo Maps tiles, if you changed a user's
password in the Active Directory, or if you added groups in the Active

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Load Lookups and File (Re)load the lookup files 3541 from the \lookups\custom subfolder of the
Lists PRTG program directory 3579 . In this subfolder, your customized lookup
files are stored. If you have created a new lookup file or changed
something in a lookup file, it might be necessary to load or to reload these
With this option, you can also manually reload file lists in the PRTG web
interface. If you have added new device icons 538 , device templates 3093 ,
report templates 3133 , .oidlib files for the SNMP Library sensor 2258 , or
language files to the PRTG program directory on the PRTG core server
system while the server was running, reloading the file lists might be
necessary to display new files in the PRTG web interface.

Setting Description

Usually you do not need to reload file lists manually. A list is

automatically reloaded when opening the according settings page
with a latency of 10 seconds. If you save new device templates via the
PRTG web interface, the template list is refreshed immediately.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Recalculate PRTG Graph PRTG constantly writes monitoring data to disk and keeps the graphs for
Data Cache your graph tabs in memory. If PRTG unexpectedly ends, the graph cache
might become corrupted. In this case, graphs might be empty or show
wrong data.
If you experience graph display problems, a graph recalculation fixes the
problem. Click Go! to delete the data cache file and to automatically
recalculate it.
If you apply the recalculation, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core
server. Because of this, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG
Desktop 3338 , or of the PRTG apps for iOS or Android 3341 are disconnected.
After you click Go!, a dialog window appears that asks you to confirm the
required restart. Click OK to trigger the restart.
Directly after this action, your graphs are empty. PRTG successively
refills them while the recalculation in the background progresses.
Until the recalculation is finished, the performance of the PRTG web
interface might be affected because of the high disk input/output (I/O)

Restart PRTG Core Restart the PRTG core server service manually. Click Go! to restart it.
Server Service
If you restart the PRTG core server service, all users of the PRTG web
interface, of PRTG Desktop, or of the PRTG apps for iOS or Android
are disconnected. Clicking Go! immediately restarts the PRTG core server
If you want to schedule an automatic restart of Windows services for
both the PRTG core server service and the PRTG probe service, you
can do this in the corresponding probe settings 474 .

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Reload Logging For debugging reasons, it might be necessary to change the log levels of
Configuration the PRTG core server. The Paessler support team takes you through the
necessary steps that are required to change your logging configuration.
The log level changes vary according to the PRTG installation, its setup,
and the solution of an issue.
To apply the changes, click Go!.

Administrative Tools For Probes

Administrative Tools For Probes

Setting Description

Write Probe Status Files Create status files of all probes. PRTG writes status files for the local
probe on the PRTG core server (in a cluster, on the cluster node you are
logged in to) as well as for all remote probes. PRTG creates new files
each time you click Go!.
On the respective systems, you find six text files in the \Logs\debug
subfolder of the PRTG data directory. The files have the names Probe
State (Global Debug Data).txt, Probe State (Memory Debug Data).txt,
Probe State (Scheduler Debug Data).txt, Probe State (Syslog).txt, Probe
State (Trap).txt, and Probe State (xFlow Debug Data).txt.

Restart All Probes Restart all probes as well as the local probe Windows service. If you have
remote probes 3555 , this restarts the probe Windows services on the
remote probe systems as well. To restart single probes only, see below.
You cannot restart disconnected probes here. Use the PRTG
Administration Tool 3407 on the probe system to start a disconnected

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this action is executed on the cluster

node you are logged in to. In this case, remote probes are only
restarted if you are logged in to the primary master node. The cluster
probe Windows service of failover nodes is not restarted if you execute
this action on the primary master node. If you want to restart the cluster
probe Windows service of a failover node, log in to the PRTG web interface
of this failover node and click Go! there.

Probe [#Number] This section shows information about the connection status. If the probe is
"[Name]" connected, the field shows the source IP address and port number that
the probe uses. For the local probe, the IP address is always
You also see information about the date when the last data packet was
received from the probe.

Setting Description

If you want to restart a single probe, click the corresponding Restart Probe
button. Entries for every single probe follow.
You cannot restart disconnected probes here. Use the PRTG
Administration Tool 3407 on the probe system to start a disconnected

This option is not available on the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted

Monitor instance.

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Cluster

On the Cluster tab, you can change cluster-related settings after the failover cluster configuration 3567 .
See the cluster status 3315 to see if all cluster nodes are properly connected.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

This feature is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Cluster Node Setup

Cluster Node Setup

Setting Description

Node Name Enter the name of the cluster node. PRTG uses it for display purposes
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Node ID The ID is unique for every cluster node.

We recommend that you use the default value.

Node Status Set the state for each failover node:

§ Active: Set the failover node to active.

§ Inactive: Set the failover node to inactive. PRTG disables it in the cluster
configuration. The failover node is no longer an active part of the cluster
and it does not appear in the cluster status anymore.
This setting is not available for the master node of a cluster. The
master node is always Active.

IP Addresses/DNS Define the IP addresses or Domain Name System (DNS) names that
Names Used for Node- PRTG uses for the node-node connections. You can enter different values
Node Connections for every connection.
For example, in the field #2 => #1, enter the address under which the
master node is reachable from the second cluster node. Usually, this is
the IP address or DNS name of the master node. Do this for all available
cluster node connections, for example, if you have three cluster nodes,
enter the address under which the second cluster node is reachable from
the third cluster node in the field #3 => #2.
See also section Failover Cluster Step by Step, Step 4: Confirm the
Failover Node 3575 .
If you use remote probes 3557 outside your local network or outside
your network address translation (NAT), make sure that the IP
addresses or DNS names that you enter are valid for both the cluster
nodes to reach each other and for remote probes to reach all cluster
nodes individually. These addresses must not be private and must be
reachable from the outside, otherwise the remote probes cannot connect.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

For information on how to set a cluster node into Maintenance Mode, see section Cluster Status 3315 .

The entire setup process for a cluster requires several different steps. For more information and step-
by-step guidance, see section Failover Cluster Configuration 3567 .

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Single Sign-On

On the Single Sign-On tab, you can select an single sign-on (SSO) provider and configure other related

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

You must first configure Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) or Okta accordingly before you can
integrate it into PRTG for SSO. For example, you must register PRTG as an application.

§ For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How to integrate Azure Active Directory into PRTG?

§ For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How to integrate Okta SSO into PRTG?

If you want to further improve the security for sign-in events, we recommend that you enable multi-
factor authentication for Azure AD. For more information, see the Knowledge Base How can I enable
Azure AD multi-factor authentication?

Single Sign-On Settings

Single Sign-On Settings

Setting Description

SSO Login Define if you want to enable login via SSO:

§ Disable (default)

§ Enable

Provider This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Select an SSO
provider from the dropdown list:
§ Azure Active Directory: Use Azure Active Directory as the SSO
§ Okta: Use Okta as the SSO provider.

Configuration Endpoint This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the
configuration endpoint URL.

Setting Description

Click Load Configuration to automatically fill in the values for

Authorization Endpoint, Token Endpoint, JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)
URI, and Issuer. If this does not work, then manually enter the values.
Azure AD URL format example:<tenant-ID>/v2.0/.well-

Make sure to replace <tenant-ID> with the directory (tenant) ID from

Azure Active Directory.
Okta URL format example:

You can find the URL in the field Metadata URI under Security | API in
the Okta administrator console.

Authorization Endpoint This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the entire
endpoint URL for authorization purposes, not only the server part.
Azure AD example:<tenant-

Make sure to replace <tenant-ID> with the directory (tenant) ID from

Azure Active Directory.
Okta example:

Make sure to replace <your-Okta-domain> with the Okta domain of

your application from the Okta administrator console.

Token Endpoint This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the entire
token endpoint URL, not only the server part.
Azure AD example:<tenant-

Make sure to replace <tenant-ID> with the directory (tenant) ID from

Azure Active Directory.
Okta example:

Make sure to replace <your-Okta-domain> with the Okta domain of

your application from the Okta administrator console.

Setting Description

JSON Web Key Set This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the URI of the
(JWKS) URI JWKS, not only the server part.
Azure AD example:<tenant-

Make sure to replace <tenant-ID> with the directory (tenant) ID from

Azure Active Directory.
Okta example:

Make sure to replace <your-Okta-domain> with the Okta domain of

your application from the Okta administrator console.

Issuer This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the SSO
Azure AD example:<tenant-ID>/v2.0

Make sure to replace <tenant-ID> with the directory (tenant) ID from

Azure Active Directory.
Okta example:

Make sure to replace <your-Okta-domain> with the Okta domain of

your application from the Okta administrator console.

Scope This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the scope for
Azure AD example:
openid profile offline_access email api://<client-ID>/<scope-

Make sure to replace <client-ID> with the application (client) ID from

Azure Active Directory and the <scope-name> with a scope name.
Okta example:
openid offline_access email profile

Application (Client) ID This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the
application (client) ID from Azure AD or the Client ID of your application
from the Okta administrator console.

Client Secret This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enter the client
secret to verify the integrity of the SSO token.

Setting Description

Group Claim Retrieval This setting is only visible if you select Azure Active Directory above.
Select if you want to use an access token or GraphQL to retrieve the
group claims from Microsoft Graph.
§ Access token (default)

§ GraphQL

If you select GraphQL to retrieve the group claims, PRTG

automatically adds to the scope.
If you select GraphQL and log in for the first time, a window opens
and asks for the needed permissions. Click Accept to grant the

Endpoint Handling This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Define whether to
select the callback from a list of callbacks or to manually enter a callback:
§ Select from a list of endpoints (default): Select an endpoint from a list of
available endpoints.
§ Manually enter a URL: Manually enter an endpoint URL below.
You need to enter a manual callback if you access PRTG via a
different DNS name. For example, if you access PRTG via but the actual DNS name of the PRTG core
server is, you need to enter a manual

Available Callback URLs This setting is only visible if you select Enable and select Select from a
list of endpoints (default) above. This list shows the available callbacks of
this PRTG instance. Select the callbacks that your users use to connect
to PRTG.

If you define an HTTPS endpoint in this field, you need to configure

the HTTPS endpoint as a valid redirection URI in your SSO provider's

External Callback URL This setting is only visible if you select Enable and select Manually enter
a URL above. If you access PRTG via a different DNS name, define the
HTTPS endpoint.
This is necessary if the DNS name that you configured under Setup |
System Administration | User Interface does not appear in the Available
Callback URLs list. For example, if you access PRTG via but the actual DNS name of the PRTG core server
is, then enter
Also make sure to add the port used by PRTG for HTTPS and the
endpoint in the URL, for example:
If you define an HTTPS endpoint in this field, you need to configure
the HTTPS endpoint as a valid redirection URI in your SSO provider's

Setting Description

Available Callback URLs This setting is only visible if you select Enable and select Manually enter
(for reference) a URL above. This list shows the available callbacks URLs of this PRTG
instance for reference purposes.

Test Single Sign-On Click Test Single Sign-On Authorization Endpoint to call the authorization
Authorization Endpoint endpoint to check if starting the single sign-on process will succeed.
In case of errors, check the answer from the endpoint.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

Notes and Restrictions

§ SSO is not available for PRTG Hosted Monitor.

§ SSO is not available for the Freeware Edition 21 .

§ SSO users do not have access to the PRTG API 3449 .
§ When an SSO user logs in to the PRTG web interface 161 , PRTG automatically creates a
corresponding local account on the PRTG core server.
§ Changing the Login Name in PRTG for SSO users is not supported.

§ By default, no access rights for monitoring objects, libraries, maps, or reports are set for the new user
group in PRTG. This is why, initially, users in this user group do not see monitoring objects, libraries,
maps, or reports. This does not apply if the new user group has administrative rights. Edit the
monitoring object's settings 204 and the settings of libraries, maps, and reports, and set access rights
for the newly created user group in the respective Access Rights section.
We recommend that you set these access rights in the root group settings 421 and use the
inheritance of settings 144 .
§ A local user account for an SSO user is only created if this SSO user has successfully logged in to
PRTG. If you want to send email notifications 3182 to an SSO group in PRTG, using the option Send to
User Group in the notification settings, a member of this SSO group has to log in to PRTG at least
once to receive email notifications. To avoid this, enter the email address of the SSO group in the
Send to Email Address field in the notification settings and select None for the Send to User Group
§ If you want to delete an SSO group from PRTG, you must delete all users that are in this user group
first. This is because SSO users always have this user group set as their primary group, and user
accounts cannot be without a primary group.
§ If a license is not valid, is temporarily unavailable, or is being updated, SSO does not work during this
§ SSO users cannot log on to a failover node in a cluster.

Knowledge Base

How to integrate Azure Active Directory into PRTG?


How to integrate Okta SSO into PRTG?


How can I enable Azure AD multi-factor authentication?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Maintainer Mode

Use the Maintainer Mode to pause and resume devices or check the status of devices without an active
user session or user account.

Maintainer Mode Settings

Maintainer Mode Settings

Setting Description

Maintainer Mode Define if you want to enable Maintainer Mode:

§ Disable (default)

§ Enable

Access Key This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Shows the access
key that you need for the API for authentication purposes.
The access keys are URL friendly.

Generate new access This setting is only visible if you select Enable above. Enable the check
key box next to Generate new access key, click Save, and reload the page to
generate a new access key.

Maintainer Mode API Endpoints and Parameters

You can execute the following actions by using the following endpoints:

1. Query Device Status

Endpoint Parameter Description

\api\public\maintain nodeid Use this parameter to define the object ID of the device of
er_querydevicestatu which you want to query the status. Enter an integer.
You can find the object ID in the info box on the
Overview tab of the device.

accesskey Use this parameter to define the access key that you
need for the API for authentication purposes. Enter a


2. Pause Device

Endpoint Parameter Description

\api\public\maintain nodeid Use this parameter to define the object ID of the device of
er_pausedevice.htm which you want to query the status. Enter an integer.
You can find the object ID in the info box on the
Overview tab of the device.

accesskey Use this parameter to define the access key that you
need for the API for authentication purposes. Enter a

name Use this parameter to define a name for the user that
pauses the device. Enter a string.
The name appears in the status on the Overview tab
of the device.

comment Use this parameter to define a comment for the paused

device. Enter a string.
The comment appears in the status on the Overview
tab of the device.


3. Resume Device

Endpoint Parameter Description

\api\public\maintain nodeid Use this parameter to define the object ID of the device of which you want to query the status. Enter an integer.
You can find the object ID in the info box on the
Overview tab of the device.

accesskey Use this parameter to define the access key that you
need for the API for authentication purposes. Enter a

name Use this parameter to define a name for the user that
resumes the device. Enter a string.
The name appears in the log on the Log tab of the


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

8.12.3 PRTG Status
To view the status of your PRTG installation, select Setup | PRTG Status from the main menu bar 264 .
Select the various tabs to change the different settings.

PRTG Status Tabs

You can view the following aspects of the PRTG status:

§ System Status 3291

§ Cluster Status 3315 System Status

On the System Status tab, you can view relevant system information. Furthermore, this page shows
interesting usage statistics. Use the quick links for fast access to status information.

You might need this data for debugging or when you contact the Paessler support team. They ask
you in some cases to provide system status information to analyze any issues with PRTG.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

Quick Links

In this section:

§ Software Version and Server Information 3292

§ License Information 3293

§ System Startup Log 3295

§ System Warnings 3296

§ Cluster Status 3296

§ Local Status 3297

§ Cluster Connections 3297

§ PRTG Core Server System Memory 3298

§ Thread Information 3302

§ Activity History 3303

§ Auto-Discovery Tasks 3305

§ Background Tasks 3305

§ Database Objects 3306

§ Sensors Sorted by Impact on System Performance 3307

§ Sensors Sorted by Interval 3308

§ Probes 3308

§ System Settings 3309

§ Web Server Activity 3312

§ Synchronization 3313

Software Version and Server Information

This section shows information about the software version and the PRTG core server system.

Softw are Version and Server Information

Category Description

PRTG Version Shows the exact build version of the PRTG installation.

Auto-Update Status Shows the latest auto-update message available from the auto-update 3323 .
For example, the message indicates that an update was successfully
This information is not displayed in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Category Description

Operating System Shows the exact Windows version, build, and service packs, the number
and kind of CPUs, and the computer name of the PRTG core server

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of
the cluster node you are logged in to.

If you run PRTG on virtual systems, some of the information might not
be available.
This information is not displayed in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Server Time Shows the date and time of the PRTG core server system.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of
the cluster node you are logged in to.

Server CPU Load Shows the CPU load of the PRTG core server system.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of
the cluster node you are logged in to.

User Name Shows the user name 3168 of the user account that you are logged in to
PRTG with.

Active User Sessions Shows the user names of all user accounts that are logged in to PRTG.
When a user account logs out, it takes up to 1 minute until the user
name disappears.

Browser Shows the name and user agent string of the browser that you are viewing
this page with.

License Information
This section shows information about your license.

License Information

Setting Description

License Status Shows the activation status of this PRTG installation. Usually, PRTG
automatically completes the activation during installation or when you
change your license information.
If PRTG cannot directly connect to the internet, a manual activation is
For more information, see section Activate the Product 113 .

License Name Shows the owner of the license 111 that you use for this PRTG installation,
for example ExampleOrganization.
The License Name (PRTG Network Monitor only), license key, and
system ID make up your license information.

You can find the label License Owner in some documents from the
Paessler shop. License Owner is the same as License Name, for
which you might be asked when you install PRTG or when you change
your license key 111 .

License Key Shows the license 111 key that you use for this PRTG installation.
The License Name (PRTG Network Monitor only), license key, and
system ID make up your license information.

System ID The system ID is a fixed value that is automatically assigned to a PRTG

The License Name (PRTG Network Monitor only), license key, and
system ID make up your license information.

Licensed Edition Shows the license that you use for this PRTG installation. This
determines how many sensors you can use in PRTG.

Setting Description

Last Update Shows the date of the last update for this PRTG installation. We
recommend that you use the auto-update 3323 .

Maintenance until Shows the expiration date and the number of days that remain for your
active maintenance contract. You can buy maintenance for each license.

If you have an active maintenance contract, you have access to any

available updates and to our premium email support.
This information is not visible in Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor.

Number of Sensors Shows the number of sensors that you can use in PRTG. If you reach the
limit, PRTG automatically sets each new sensor that you add to the
Paused status 186 .
Editions that allow an unlimited number of sensors do not restrict the
number of possible sensors by license, so you can create sensors until
you reach the performance limit 28 . This means that you can use about
10,000 sensors per PRTG core server. However, this number depends on
the performance of the PRTG core server system, and sensors and
scanning intervals.
For more information, see section System Requirements 23 .

System Startup Log

This section shows the log information that was created during the last startup of the PRTG core server.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of the cluster node you are
logged in to.

System Startup Log

System Warnings
This section shows if there are any warnings. Usually, you see None.

System Warnings

Cluster Status
This setting is only visible if you have a failover cluster 137 . This section shows all of your cluster nodes.

Cluster Status

Category Description

Node x Shows the name and type of the cluster node (primary node or secondary
node) and its status (current master node or failover node). It also shows
all connections from this cluster node to the other cluster nodes.
For more information, see section Cluster Status 3315 .

Local Status
This setting is only visible if you have a failover cluster 137 . This section shows information about the
cluster node that you are logged in to.

Local Status

Category Description

Server State Shows the name of the cluster node and its status (current master node
or failover node).

Cluster Messages Shows internal summary information about the cluster node and the
communication between the cluster nodes. You might be asked about this
by the Paessler support team.

Cluster Connections
This setting is only visible if you have a failover cluster 137 . This section shows information about the
connections between the cluster nodes.

Cluster Connections

Category Description

State of Local Node Shows the treeversion and size of the server volume, both types of internal
system information.

State of Cluster Members Shows the name and IP address, a state cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
code, the time stamp of the last "keep alive" signal, the size of the buffer,
and the remote IP address of each cluster node.

Message State of Cluster Shows the name and unique identifier, the connection state, and statistics
Members about the cluster message system of each cluster node.

PRTG Core Server System Memory

This section shows machine-oriented information regarding the memory usage of the PRTG core server

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of the cluster node you are
logged in to.

Category Description

Committed The amount of memory that your system commits to the PRTG core
server system.

Allocated The amount of memory that the PRTG core server system is currently

Unused The amount of allocated memory that the PRTG core server system is
currently not using.

Free Physical The amount of free memory that is currently available in the physical
memory of the PRTG core server system.

Total Physical The total amount of memory that is provided by the physical memory of
the PRTG core server system.

Free Pagefile The amount of free memory that is currently available in your system’s

Total Pagefile The total amount of memory of your system’s pagefile(s).

Free Virtual The amount of free memory that is available in the virtual memory of the
PRTG core server system.

Total Virtual The total amount of memory of the virtual memory of the PRTG core server

Free Effective The effective amount of free memory on your PRTG core server system.
This corresponds to Free Pagefile.

Object Count The number of PRTG-internal data structures, also known as tree nodes,
for example, the number of sensors, users, and reports.

BaseInstance The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Instance.

BaseAccess The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Access Rights.

BaseHistory The amount of memory that is used for the tree node History of
Configuration Changes.

BaseCurrent The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Current Configuration

BaseData The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Configuration Data.

BaseChannel The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Channel Settings.

Category Description

BaseTrigger The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Trigger.

BaseIDs The amount of memory that is used for the tree node IDs.

BaseLookup The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Sensor Lookups.

BaseCheck The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Check Requests.

BaseDeplist The amount of memory that is used for the tree node Dependency List.

Datasets The amount of memory that is currently used for datasets, like for graphs.

State The amount of memory that is currently used for user-specific datasets.

Interface The amount of memory that is currently used for tree node-specific table

IndexCache The amount of memory that is currently used for the index dataset cache
that is particularly important in a cluster.

TreeTotal The total amount of memory that is used by the PRTG tree.

DatasetCache The amount of memory that is currently used for the dataset cache, in
particular regarding historic data. In parentheses, you see the number of
datasets that are saved in the cache.

StorageSystem The amount of memory space that is currently used for the storage

Sessions The amount of memory that is currently used for sessions. A user can
activate more than one session. In parentheses, you see the number of
currently activated sessions.

StateObjects The number of user-specific state objects that are found in the memory of
the PRTG core server system.

Thread Information
The section shows machine-oriented information regarding threads that are running on the PRTG core
server system.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of the cluster node you are
logged in to.

Thread Information

Activity History
This section shows how busy PRTG was for you in the past. The graphs indicate the number of activities
in the last 365 days. Below the graphs, you see statistics about the past day.

Activity History

Category Description

Sensor Scans Shows how often all sensors 142 refreshed their data in the past.

Sensor Status Changes Shows how often the sensor states 186 changed in the past.

Notifications Sent Shows how many notifications 3104 PRTG sent out in the past.

Reports Generated Shows how many reports 3123 PRTG created in the past.

Page Views Shows how often pages in the PRTG web interface were opened in the

Sensors Shows how many sensors existed in the past.

Devices Shows how many devices 142 existed in the past.

Reports Shows how many reports existed in the past.

Maps Shows how many maps 3145 existed in the past.

Auto-Discovery Tasks
This section shows information on the auto-discovery 269 .

Auto-Discovery Tasks

Category Description

Running Shows the number of auto-discovery tasks that are running.

A high number of auto-discovery tasks can negatively influence
system performance.

Background Tasks
This section shows information on background tasks.

Background Tasks

Category Description

Historic Data Shows if PRTG is recalculating the historic data cache in the background.
If so, you see the tasks to do until done. Usually, PRTG does this
calculation after every PRTG core server restart.

Toplist Buffer Shows the size of the Toplist buffer. When you use Flow (NetFlow, jFlow,
sFlow, IPFIX) 3367 or Packet Sniffer 3365 sensors, PRTG stores Toplist data.
The data stream received is buffered and written to the data directory of
the PRTG core server system.

Category Description

Depending on the number and size of the data stream as well as the
hard disk and system performance of the PRTG core server system,
the buffer size can rise. When the buffer size reaches 500, PRTG drops
Toplist data, which can lead to incorrect Toplist values for the sensors.

Similar Sensors Shows the status and the selected setting for the depth of the similar
Detection sensors 195 analysis.

Recommended Sensors Shows the status of the detection engine and the tasks of the
Detection recommended sensors detection 3237 .

Database Objects
This section shows statistic information about your monitoring configuration. This information might be
necessary when contacting the Paessler support team.

Database Objects

Category Description

Probes Shows the total number of probes 426 in the PRTG installation.

Groups Shows the total number of groups 479 in the PRTG installation.

Devices Shows the total number of devices in the PRTG installation.

Sensors Shows the total number of sensors in the PRTG installation.

Channels Shows the total number of channels 142 in the PRTG installation.

User Groups Shows the total number of user groups 3270 in the PRTG installation.

Users Shows the total number of users 3260 in the PRTG installation.

Notifications Shows the total number of notifications 3175 in the PRTG installation.

Schedules Shows the total number of schedules 3213 in the PRTG installation.

Maps Shows the total number of created maps in the PRTG installation.

Libraries Shows the total number of created libraries 3107 in the PRTG installation.

Reports Shows the total number of reports in the PRTG installation.

BitField/Boolean/Integer/ Shows the total number of used lookups by lookup type 3549 .
Range Lookups

Requests/Second Shows a value that is calculated from the total number of sensors and the
average scanning interval configured. This number indicates how many
monitoring requests per second are sent from the probes to the devices in
your network.
There are no general guidelines on what a good value is here. This
depends on the sensors that you use as well as on the performance
of the probe system.

Sensors Sorted by Impact on System Performance

This section shows all sensors that you use in your configuration in order of performance impact (from
very low to very high). If the CPU load of the probe system is very high, you can see which sensors might
be causing this issue. Consider the recommended number of sensors in the respective sections 586 for
sensors with a high or very high performance impact.

In the list, internal short names are used for sensors instead of the official designations.

You can also see the performance impact of a sensor on the sensor's Overview tab or in the Add
Sensor 391 dialog.

For an overview list of sensors sorted by performance impact, see section List of Sensors by
Performance Impact 3713 .

Sensors Sorted by Impact on System Performance

Sensors Sorted by Interval

Shows all sensors used in your configuration in order of scanning interval. Choose reasonable scanning
intervals for sensors that can affect the system performance. See the respective sections 586 for sensors
for more information.

In the list, internal short names are used for sensors instead of the official designations.

Sensors Sorted by Interval

This section lists all probes in your monitoring setup. If there are no remote probes, only the local probe
or the hosted probe appears in the list, which always runs on the PRTG core server.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of the cluster node you are
logged in to. Remote probes (if any) are only shown when you are logged in to the primary master
node. When you are logged in to a failover node, the cluster probe on this cluster node appears as local


Category Description

Probe #x "[Name]" Shows information about the connection status. If the probe is connected,
the field shows the source IP address and port number used by the probe.
For the local probe, the IP address is always You also see
information about the date when the last data packet was received from
the probe.
If you want to restart a single probe, open the Administrative Tools 3276


System Settings
This sections shows information about system settings.

System Settings

Category Description

Web Server URL Shows the URL to access the PRTG web interface 160 .

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of
the cluster node you are logged in to.

Web Server IP Addresses Shows all IP addresses that the PRTG web server runs on.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of
the cluster node you are logged in to.

Category Description

Web Server Ports Shows the ports that the PRTG web server runs on.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of
the cluster node you are logged in to.

Web Server Port Usage Shows the type of port used by the PRTG web server.

SSL/TLS Versions for Shows the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Web Server versions used for connections to and from the PRTG web server.
This is only shown if you use an SSL/TLS-secured connection.

Web Server Ciphers Shows the ciphers used by the PRTG web server.
This is only shown if you use an SSL/TLS-secured connection.

SSL/TLS Versions for Shows the SSL/TLS versions used for the probe port.
Probe Port

Probe Ciphers Shows the ciphers used for the remote probe connection.

DH Parameters Size Shows the length of the Diffie-Hellman (DH) parameters.

This is only shown if you use an SSL/TLS-secured connection.

Incoming Probe Shows a combination of the incoming probe connection IP address and
Connection Binding the incoming probe connection port.

Incoming Probe Shows a list of all IP addresses on which PRTG listens for incoming
Connection IP Addresses remote probe connections.
This is the same information as in the Core & Probes 3252 settings. means that the PRTG core server listens on all local network
adapter IP addresses.

Incoming Probe Shows the port number on which the PRTG listens for incoming remote
Connection Port probe connections. The default port is 23560.

Probe Allow IP Shows all source IP addresses that PRTG accepts for incoming remote
Addresses probe connections.
This is the same information as in the Core & Probes 3253 settings.
any means that all remote probe connections are accepted,
regardless of the IP address of the remote probe system.

Probe Deny IP Shows all source IP addresses that PRTG denies for incoming remote
Addresses probe connections.

Category Description

This is the same information as in the Core & Probes 3254 settings.
Denied IP addresses are superior to allowed IP addresses. If this field
is empty, there are no denied IP addresses.
PRTG automatically adds the IP address of a remote probe system
to this list when you delete a remote probe from the device tree 140 .

Data Path Shows the path where PRTG stores its configuration, monitoring
database, etc.
To change this setting, open the PRTG Administration Tool 3414 on the
PRTG core server system (or of the respective cluster node, if

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of
the cluster node you are logged in to.

Web Server Activity

This section shows statistics about the PRTG web server since the last startup. All values are reset
when the PRTG core server is restarted.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of the cluster node you are
logged in to.

Web Server Activity

Category Description

Time Since Startup Shows the time that has passed since the PRTG web server was started.

Page Views Shows the total number of page views on this PRTG core server.

Geo Maps Shows the total number of geographical maps shown on this PRTG core

HTTP Requests Shows the total number of HTTP requests to this PRTG core server.

HTTP Requests > 500 Shows for how many (percent) of the HTTP requests above the page
ms delivery took longer than 500 milliseconds (ms).

HTTP Requests > 1000 Shows for how many (percent) of the HTTP requests above the page
ms delivery took longer than 1,000 ms.

HTTP Requests > 5000 Shows for how many (percent) of the HTTP requests above the page
ms delivery took longer than 5,000 ms.

Slow Request Ratio Shows a calculated number of the HTTP request values above.
The lower this number is, the faster the PRTG web interface is.

Failed Logins Shows the number of recent failed logins and failed logins in total.
PRTG only shows this statistic when the number of failed logins is
larger than 50.

The PRTG core server holds the configuration of the entire monitoring setup and deploys it to the probes.
This section shows statistics about the synchronization of the PRTG core server with the local probe and
all connected remote probes (if any), since the last startup of the PRTG core server. All values are reset
when the PRTG core server is restarted.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, this shows information for the system of the cluster node you are
logged in to. You must log in to the primary master node to see synchronization data for remote
probe connections.


Category Description

Last Synchronization Shows the time stamp of the last probe synchronization, and if there is
with a Probe still something to do.

Probe/Core Message Shows the total number of messages sent between the PRTG core server
Count and probes, as well as a calculated message speed value.

Raw Buffer Count Shows the number of raw buffers and a corresponding status indicator.

Configuration Requests Shows the total number of configuration requests and the requests that
Sent still need to be sent.

Configuration Requests Internal debug information. Usually, this value is 0.


Configuration Requests Internal debug information. Usually, this value is 0.

With Response

Knowledge Base

How can I speed up PRTG—especially for large installations?


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 Cluster Status

On the Cluster Status tab, you can view all cluster nodes.

This tab is only available if you run PRTG in a failover cluster 137 .

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

This feature is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

The following information is available:

§ Cluster Status: Shows all connected cluster nodes

§ Cluster Log: Shows all log entries for cluster connections

Cluster Status

Click the Start Maintenance Mode link to put a cluster node in maintenance mode. A cluster node in this
mode is still connected to the cluster, but PRTG discards its monitoring results until you click the Stop
Maintenance Mode link. You can use this to explicitly exclude a cluster node from monitoring if you
know that the monitoring values are not accurate, for example, because you are reconfiguring the server.
During maintenance, PRTG displays a cluster node with a transparent color in the overview graphic.

On the Cluster Status tab, you do not see if your remote probes are connected to failover nodes 3569 .
Connect to your failover nodes and explicitly check if remote probes are connected, for example, in
the device tree of the PRTG web interface on a cluster node.

For more information about cluster settings, see section Cluster 3280 .

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

8.12.4 License Information
On the License Information tab, you can view information about your license and enter your license key.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

License Tabs

You can view the following aspects of your PRTG license:

§ Status 3317 tab

§ Log 3319 tab
§ Change and Update License Information 3319

Click the Status tab to view information about your license.

License Information

License Information

Setting Description

License Status Shows the activation status of this PRTG installation. Usually, PRTG
automatically completes the activation during installation or when you
change your license information.
If PRTG cannot directly connect to the internet, a manual activation is

For more information, see section Activate the Product 113 .

License Name Shows the owner of the license 111 that you use for this PRTG installation,
for example ExampleOrganization.
The License Name (PRTG Network Monitor only), license key, and
system ID make up your license information.
Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor subscription licenses do not have
a License Name.

You can find the label License Owner in some documents from the
Paessler shop. License Owner is the same as License Name, for
which you might be asked when you install PRTG or when you change
your license key 111 .

License Key Shows the license 111 key that you use for this PRTG installation.
The License Name (PRTG Network Monitor only), license key, and
system ID make up your license information.

System ID The system ID is a fixed value that is automatically assigned to a PRTG


The License Name (PRTG Network Monitor only), license key, and
system ID make up your license information.

Licensed Edition Shows the license that you use for this PRTG installation. This
determines how many sensors you can use in PRTG.

Last Update Shows the date of the last update for this PRTG installation. We
recommend that you use the auto-update 3323 .

Maintenance until Shows the expiration date and the number of days that remain for your
active maintenance contract. You can buy maintenance for each license.
If you have an active maintenance contract, you have access to any
available updates and to our premium email support.
This information is not visible in Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor.

Subscription until Shows the expiration date and number of days that remain for your
Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor subscription license.

Setting Description

This information is not visible in PRTG Network Monitor.

Number of Sensors Shows the number of sensors that you can use in PRTG. If you reach the
limit, PRTG automatically sets each new sensor that you add to the
Paused status 186 .

Editions that allow an unlimited number of sensors do not restrict the

number of possible sensors by license, so you can create sensors until
you reach the performance limit 28 . This means that you can use about
10,000 sensors per PRTG core server. However, this number depends on
the performance of the PRTG core server system, and sensors and
scanning intervals.
For more information, see section System Requirements 23 .
To upgrade your license right now, click Need more sensors? Click
here to upgrade! to visit our web shop.

Click the Log tab to show a table list 222 of all system log entries with all messages and status changes
regarding your license.

Change and Update License Information

Use the following buttons to edit your license or refresh your maintenance information.

Button Description

Get Maintenance Click to open the Paessler shop and to extend your maintenance for
PRTG Network Monitor. This button is only visible to users of a
commercial license.

Deactivate this License If you want to use the license of a PRTG installation on a different
computer, click this button to deactivate the license. This is necessary,
for example, when you move PRTG to a different computer, because a
PRTG license can be active on only one computer at the same time.
Once you have deactivated the license, the PRTG installation on this
computer reverts to the Freeware Edition 21 after a grace period of 30
See also section Activate the Product 113 .

Update Your License Information
Click Change License Key or Refresh Information on the Status tab to update your license. Provide the
necessary information and click Update License to complete the activation of your license.

If you have any issues with license activation or updates, click Contact Support in the page footer to
contact us directly via the Paessler Service Center in our shop. This requires internet access.

Step 1: Choose Activation Type

Setting Description

Activation Type Define how you want to validate and activate your license:
§ Automatic (online activation with optional HTTP proxy): Activate the
license online. PRTG connects to the activation server and validates
your license. The license is activated automatically. For automatic
activation, the PRTG core server system must have internet access.
§ Manual (offline activation): Activate the license manually. Use this if the
PRTG core server system has no access to the internet and cannot
connect to
This is the default selection if the PRTG core server system is

Step 2: Verify Your PRTG License

Setting Description

License Key Enter the license key you have received from us, the Paessler AG. To
avoid typing errors, copy and paste the License Key. It must exactly
match your license key.

License Name Enter the License Name that you have received from us, the Paessler AG.
It must exactly match. To avoid typing errors, copy and paste the License
Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor subscription licenses do not have
a License Name.

You can find the label License Owner in some documents from the
Paessler shop. License Owner is the same as License Name, for
which you might be asked when you install PRTG or when you change
your license key 111 .

System ID This field shows the system ID, a fixed value assigned to your PRTG

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

For offline activation, click Save to File to write your license information into a text file.

Step 3a: Activate Your PRTG

If you select the automatic activation type, you can now update your license. Define if you need an HTTP
proxy for the HTTPS connection to the activation server and click Update License.

Proxy Configuration
This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Setting Description

Proxy Server Handling Define if you want to use PRTG with a direct internet connection or if a
proxy is necessary. Choose between:
§ Do not use a proxy server (default): Do not use a proxy. Use this setting
if a direct internet connection to the PRTG core server system is
§ Use a proxy server: Define proxy settings below. Use this setting if a
proxy is mandatory in your network.
We recommend that you use PRTG with a direct internet connection.
The proxy settings are valid for auto-update 3323 , activating the
product 113 , obtaining Geo Maps 3099 tiles, and for sending HTTP,
push, and SMS text message notifications 3182 .

Server This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above. Enter
the address of the proxy server that you use for outbound connections.
Enter a valid address.

Port This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above. Enter
the port number of the proxy server that you use for outbound
connections. Enter an integer.

Proxy Authentication This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above.
Determine whether the proxy server needs credentials or not:
§ Do not use authentication: Do not use credentials for proxy
§ User name and password: Define credentials (user name and password)
below. Use this setting if the proxy server requires credentials.

User Name This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter a user name for proxy authentication. Enter a string.

Password This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.
Enter a password for proxy authentication. Enter a string.

Step 3b: Request Activation Data

If you select Manual (offline activation), you must request your activation data at using your license information. Open the activation
page from a computer with internet access and provide your license information.

Generate the key file for your license and provide this data below.

Step 4: Provide Activation Data

This step is only necessary if you activate your license offline.

§ Copy the content of the key file that you have generated on
§ Paste it into the Activation Data field. Alternatively, click Load from File if you have saved the key file
with your activation data.
§ Click Update License to complete the activation of your license.

Knowledge Base

How do I upgrade to a higher edition of PRTG?


The automatic license activation of my PRTG Enterprise Monitor license does not work. What can I do?

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

8.12.5 Auto-Update
In the Auto-Update settings, you can check the status of the auto-update, view logs, and edit settings.
When a new version of PRTG is available on the Paessler website, PRTG automatically downloads the
setup file if a direct internet connection is available. The PRTG System Administrator user then receives
a ToDo ticket 217 with instructions to initiate the update installation.

If you use the Freeware Edition or Trial Edition 21 , automatic software updates are available at any
time. If you use a Commercial Edition 21 , you need to have an active maintenance contract to
receive updates.

This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master
node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way
described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

If 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a
setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security
reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.


Auto-update has the following tabs:

§ Status: Click the Status tab to download and install updates.

§ Log: Click the Log tab to show log information about the update status of PRTG, newest first. In the
table list 222 , you can filter the items by using the respective options 222 .
For more information, see section Logs 214 .
§ Settings: Click the Settings tab to configure the auto-update and release channel. See Software Auto-
Update 3324 below.

Using Auto-Update
If there is a new version available, you see detailed information about the available version. Read these
notes carefully. You find a summary of current and past release notes below the update section. For
detailed release notes, click PRTG Release Notes and Version History, which redirects you to the
version history page on

To install the latest available version, click Install Update [version number]. PRTG asks you to confirm
installation and license.

Downloaded software versions are automatically saved in the \download subfolder of the PRTG
program directory 3579 . The that contains all necessary files is also cached in this subfolder.

Manually Install an Interim Update

Not all available updates from Paessler are pushed to all customers but they are still available on the
website. Sometimes the Paessler support team might ask you to update to the latest version.

In this case, click Check For Latest Update and Download. PRTG connects to the Paessler servers and
downloads the setup file, regardless of the status of the update check. Then click Install Update [version

To manually install an interim update, a direct internet connection is necessary on the PRTG core
server system.

Software Auto-Update

Softw are Auto-Update

Setting Description

When a New Version is Define what PRTG does when software updates are available:
§ Automatically download and install: Download and install any new
version as soon as PRTG detects that a newer version is available.
PRTG checks for a newer version once per day.
The installation of a new version restarts the PRTG core server
service and PRTG probe service and might also include a system

Setting Description

§ Automatically download and alert the admin: Download any new version
as soon as PRTG detects that a newer version is available. PRTG
checks for a newer version once per day. After successful download,
PRTG creates a ToDo ticket 217 for the PRTG System Administrator

§ Alert the admin only: Do not download updates. Only create a ToDo
ticket. You can still manually download updates via the auto-update 3324 .

Installation Time This setting is only visible if you select Automatically download and install
above. Select the desired time for the installation of updates from the
dropdown list. You can select As soon as the update is available to install
updates at any time of the day.

Release Channel Define the release channel that PRTG delivers updates in. Choose from:
§ Stable: Updated about once per month (most conservative option,
recommended): Deliver updates in the Stable release channel. These
are our best tested versions.
Use these software versions for live environments that you depend
§ Preview: Updated about once per month (thoroughly tested in our labs,
do not use on production systems): Deliver updates in the Preview
release channel. Versions in this channel were thoroughly tested in our
labs but might still contain limitations in certain monitoring
Use this release channel if you are willing to take a little risk for the
benefit of getting new features and bug fixes a little earlier.

We strongly recommend that you not use these software versions

in live environments that you depend on.
§ Canary: Updated daily (testing only, should not be used on production
systems): Deliver updates in the Canary release channel. These
versions are updated every night.
Use with caution. Software versions in this channel have not been
tested, might contain severe bugs, and are provided for testing
purposes only.
We strongly recommend that you not use these software versions in live
environments that you depend on.

Save your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the
settings are lost.

There are a few things that we ask you to consider regarding automatic software updates:

§ For automatic software updates to work, the PRTG core server system must have direct internet
access. If a proxy connection is necessary, configure it in the Core & Probes 3251 settings.
For details about the update servers, see the Knowledge Base: Which servers does PRTG
connect to for software auto-update, activation, etc.?.
§ During installation, the PRTG core server system might restart without notice.

§ PRTG automatically updates remote probes, which can cause short downtimes in the monitoring of
remote locations. In rare cases, a manual update of remote probes is required after you update the
PRTG core server. In these cases, you are notified in the device tree, and the monitoring of remote
locations is interrupted until you perform the manual update 115 on the remote probe system. If a probe
system uses several network connections with different IP addresses, make sure that these IP
addresses are included in the list of allowed IP addresses 3252 . Otherwise, the remote probe on this
system might be disconnected after an update.
§ In a cluster, you only need to install the update on one cluster node. PRTG automatically deploys the
new version to all other cluster nodes. This can cause a short amount of downtime for the monitoring
on the cluster nodes, one after the other.
§ If you run several individual PRTG core servers that are not in a cluster, you must initiate and confirm
an update for each single PRTG core server.
§ You can disable automatic downloading on the auto-update Settings tab. PRTG then only

downloads updates when you click Check For Latest Update and Download.
§ PRTG does not start auto-update downloads if less than 500 MB disk space is available on the PRTG
core server system. If this is the case, you can check this on the Log 3323 tab.
§ Virus scanners can potentially cause issues when downloading or installing software updates. To avoid
such issues, we recommend that you make the appropriate exclusions for the PRTG program

Knowledge Base

Which servers does PRTG connect to for software auto-update, activation, etc.?


Which information does PRTG send back to Paessler?



Release notes for the "stable" release channel


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

8.12.6 Optional Downloads
To see optional downloads, select Setup | Optional Downloads from the main menu bar 264 . Click a tab
to switch between different options.

Optional Dow nloads Tabs

The following downloads are available:

§ PRTG Apps 3327

§ PRTG Desktop 3327

§ Remote Probe Installer 3327

To monitor your network while on the go, use our free PRTG apps for smartphones and tablets. They run
on iOS and Android.

For more information, see section PRTG Apps for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 .

For more information on PRTG for iOS and PRTG for Android, see our website: PRTG apps for iOS
or Android.

PRTG Desktop
Download PRTG Desktop to your system. You can run it on Windows or macOS to manage one or
several independent PRTG core servers 134 or PRTG Hosted Monitor instances with a native, cross-
platform application.

For more information, see section PRTG Desktop 3338 .

Directly download PRTG Desktop from our website: PRTG Desktop Download.

PRTG Hosted Monitor supports connections from PRTG Desktop. For more information, see section
Using PRTG Hosted Monitor 55 .

Remote Probe Installer

With remote probes, you can extend your monitoring to distributed networks that are not directly
reachable from your PRTG core server system. The version of the remote probe installer must match
your version of PRTG, so it is a good idea to download it from here.

For more information, see section Install a Remote Probe 115 .


PRTG Desktop


PRTG apps for iOS or Android


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

8.12.7 Help and Support Center
In the Help and Support Center, you can access help and support information for PRTG.

Help and Support Center

The following help and support topics are available:

§ PRTG Manual 14

§ Knowledge Base

§ Video Tutorials

§ Advanced Topics 3445

§ Technical Support 3330

§ Customer Service 170

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

8.12.8 Contact Support
For technical issues, use the Contact Paessler Support / Send Your Feedback to Paessler form in
PRTG. To open the form, select Setup | Contact Support from the main menu bar 264 . You can also open
the form via Contact Support in the footer on every page in the PRTG web interface.

How to Open the Contact Support Form

On the one hand, you can use this form to give us feedback. Help improve PRTG by providing criticism,
praise, bug reports, and feature requests. Any comments are welcome. Your feedback is handled
directly by the Paessler support team.

On the other hand, you can use this form to ask for support regarding technical issues. To make the
support contact more comfortable, PRTG can automatically attach a screenshot in combination with a
Support Bundle that contains several selected PRTG log files and status files. This information really
helps the Paessler support team to analyze any issue you might have with PRTG. Also consider the
suggested links to articles regarding the scope of your issue.

The Paessler support team works closely with our development department to guarantee the fastest and
most constructive assistance possible. As they need to analyze a lot of data over the course of a
support case, like log files and screenshots, they use email as their primary support mechanism. Their
office is staffed Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 22:00 (UTC+1), so you receive an answer within 24 hours
on business days. Depending on the complexity of the case, they might need to ask for remote access
to your system, or to schedule a remote desktop session.

One-to-One Support

Customers with valid maintenance can open support tickets. Use the Contact Support form of your
PRTG installation for technical questions to get the best possible help from our experts. If you have
trouble using this form, you can fill out the support ticket form on our web page.

Do you use our Freeware Edition? We try to answer your questions in a timely manner but if we are
busy, paying customers come first. You might find an answer in our Knowledge Base.

Supported Versions

Note that we only support PRTG versions that were released in the last 12 months. For more information
on released versions, see our website: Release notes for the "stable" release channel.

Single Topics

Open a new ticket for each new topic.

Communication Methods

Write us in English or German and communicate via email. This is the best way for us to analyze your
log files, screenshots, and other data in detail. We always try to answer within 24 hours on business
days. If necessary, we ask you for remote access.

Updates and License Key

If you are looking for updates or your license key, log in to the Paessler Software Shop and Customer
Service Portal.

Network Planning

If you need help with your network setup or detailed installation planning, our partners are always happy
to help. Please contact a partner near you.

How Contact Support Works

PRTG securely transmits your feedback or support question including the support bundle to Paessler via
the PRTG Cloud.

Make sure that your PRTG core server system has access to the internet and can reach the URL

Legal Notice on Data Privacy

Paessler safeguards data that you send to our organization in the same manner in which we protect our
own similar confidential information and in accordance with the GDPR. However, Paessler cannot
guarantee that your data is handled in compliance with all regulatory standards that are applicable to
such data. Accordingly, do not send any data that is subject to regulations that prescribe special
handling requirements to Paessler. If your data file contains this type of regulated information, contact us
before sending it. We can discuss masking, obfuscation, or other possible methods of converting your
data set to a format that Paessler can manage.

Security Reports

If you are a user of PRTG or any of our other services and would like to file a security report, send an
email to Always include a detailed technical summary in your email. If you wish
to send us an encrypted email, use the public key on this page

Feature Requests

Do you have requests or suggestions that could improve PRTG? The Paessler support team is happy to
hear your ideas. Read more in our Knowledge Base on how we handle your feedback.

Contact Paessler Support / Send Your Feedback to Paessler

Ask a Question or Give Feedback

Provide the following information in this section of the contact form.

Field Description

Your Ticket ID PAE<id> If you already have an open ticket (directly via email to, via the Knowledge Base, or via the support form
on, enter the ticket ID. You can find it in your confirmation
email regarding the request we received. You can provide the ID with PAE
in front or only the number.

If you leave this field empty, you create a new ticket when you submit
this form.

Your Email Address Enter your email address. You can provide any of your addresses.
However, by default, PRTG uses the email address of your user account
to be able to associate you with your license.

Scope of Your Question Select a topic regarding your issue and consider the suggested links.

Emotional State If you want to, you can express your feelings about PRTG.

Enter a Subject for Your Provide short information with a maximum of 60 characters to indicate the
Question/Feedback topic of your issue.

Enter a Detailed Leave any comments. They can be feedback or support questions. If you
Description have a support question, describe your issue with as much detail as

Attach a Screenshot and/or Support Bundle

To provide the most helpful information possible, you can attach a screenshot of the selected page and a
support bundle with useful analytical data about your PRTG installation.

Setting Description

Do not attach screenshot Send the ticket without a screenshot.

If you ask for technical help, we recommend that you attach a
screenshot. This helps us a lot to analyze your issue and to provide a

Create and attach PRTG creates a screenshot of the selected page and sends it with your
screenshot ticket. You can see a preview below the screenshot section.
We recommend that you open the contact support form directly on
the page where you encountered an issue. Taking screenshots is not
possible on some generic error pages that are not meaningful enough for
the Paessler support team.

In section Support Bundle, you can choose from several packages that differ in coverage of information.

Setting Description

Support Bundle § Attach Base Pack with log files (recommended): Contains the following
data about PRTG:
ú System status

ú Lists of sensors in the Down status or the Unknown status

ú Core and probe health data

ú Current log entries

§ Attach Base Pack with log files and PRTG configuration file: Contains
the Base Pack and the PRTG configuration file.
Send this package only if the Paessler support team asks you to.
User names, encrypted passwords in the config.dat file, and
passwords that your browser masks while you enter them on settings
pages are removed before PRTG sends this package to the Paessler
support team.
§ Do not attach a Support Bundle: The ticket does not contain files.
Choose this option only when sending feedback.

Click Submit to send your request directly to the Paessler support team, or click Cancel to return to the
page where you opened the contact form.

If you have questions or feedback regarding your license purchase, upgrade, or maintenance
extension, contact our customer service 170 .

Knowledge Base

How can I propose new features or sensors for PRTG?



Release notes for the "stable" release channel


There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

Part 9
PRTG Desktop

8/5/2022 3337
9 PRTG Desktop
PRTG Desktop is an alternative interface that you can use to connect to one or several independent
PRTG core servers 134 or PRTG Hosted Monitor instances to configure your setup, view monitoring
results, and keep an eye on your network. It is a cross-platform application for fast access to data and
monitoring management.

PRTG Desktop natively includes most PRTG functions. For a few options, PRTG Desktop opens an
external browser window using your default browser, for example, for system setup.

PRTG Desktop also optionally displays a tray icon, taskbar notifications, or plays notification sounds to
keep you up to date in the case of new Alarms, Log Entries, or Tickets.

To use PRTG Desktop, download 3327 and install it on your Windows or macOS computer.

Download the PRTG Desktop user manual here: PRTG Desktop User Manual (PDF).

Directly download PRTG Desktop from our website: PRTG Desktop Download.

PRTG Desktop

Access Several Servers in One Window

Using the Multi Server feature of PRTG Desktop, you can connect to several independent servers to view
their data and manage your monitoring centrally.

Multi Server w indow

§ Dashboard: Use different widget types to show overviews of your configured servers at a glance.

§ Details: Display all sensors of all configured servers as a sensor list or in a more detailed table view.

§ Report: Display an overview of the number of sensors on each connected server and in total, and the
number of sensors that show a specific status.

PRTG Desktop is mainly designed to review and manage PRTG installations that you already set
up. If you have just started with monitoring, we recommend that you first run through the smart
setup 47 in the PRTG web interface 160 and add your network devices there. Once finished, you can
seamlessly switch to PRTG Desktop.

PRTG Hosted Monitor supports connections from PRTG Desktop. For more information, see section
Using PRTG Hosted Monitor 55 .

Knowledge Base

Which audible notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in PRTG Desktop?

How do I troubleshoot erratic behavior of push notifications in PRTG Desktop or the PRTG apps?


How to set up PRTG Desktop notifications in 3 steps


Part 10
PRTG Apps for Mobile Network

3340 4/25/2022
10 PRTG Apps for Mobile Network
You can access your PRTG installation on your mobile devices with PRTG apps for iOS or Android. You
can download and use these apps for free. PRTG for iOS 3341 and PRTG for Android 3342 let you monitor
your network while on the go.

The basic requirements to use these free PRTG apps are a running PRTG core server that is accessible
from the network your device is connected to (either directly or via a VPN connection) and a recent
operating system version on your mobile device. For details about requirements, see below.

PRTG for iOS

PRTG for iOS is the iOS app that you can use as of PRTG 13. You can use the newest PRTG app
version on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iOS version 9 or later. You can also use free push
notifications 3197 with this PRTG app (required: PRTG for iOS 14.3.6 or later; PRTG 15.4.20 or later).

For more information and to download this PRTG app, see our website: PRTG for iOS. For
troubleshooting solutions, see the Knowledge Base: I have an issue with PRTG for iOS. What can I

Traffic Sensors on PRTG for iOS

PRTG for Android
PRTG for Android is the Android app that you can use as of PRTG 14. Use it on your smartphone or
tablet with Android version 4.0 or later, or on a Kindle Fire. For full functionality, we recommend that you
use at least Android 4.1. You can also use free push notifications 3197 with the PRTG app (required:
PRTG for Android 14.3.2 or later; PRTG 15.4.20 or later).

For more information and to download this PRTG app, see our website: PRTG for Android. For
troubleshooting solutions, see the Knowledge Base: I have an issue with PRTG for Android. What
can I do?

Sensor List on PRTG for


Knowledge Base

I have an issue with PRTG for iOS. What can I do?


I have an issue with PRTG for Android. What can I do?


Which features do the PRTG apps for iOS or Android support?


How can I use push notifications with PRTG?


How do I troubleshoot erratic behavior of push notifications in PRTG Desktop or the PRTG apps?


PRTG apps for iOS or Android


Part 11
Desktop Notifications

8/5/2022 3343
11 Desktop Notifications
While you are logged in to the PRTG web interface with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, PRTG can
show notifications on your desktop whenever there are new alarms in your monitoring.

PRTG shows desktop notifications (by default, in the lower-right corner of your desktop) whenever there
are new alarms after a page refresh in the PRTG web interface. The notification displays the number of
new alarms and the current number of each sensor status 186 .

Example of a Desktop Notification in Google Chrome

Desktop notifications are not available for Internet Explorer.

Desktop Notifications Settings

When you log in to the PRTG web interface, a message appears, asking you to allow desktop
notifications. You must initially allow the notifications for each installation or profile of Firefox or Google

Desktop notifications in Google Chrome are not available for HTTP connections. See section User
Interface 3220 for more information.

§ In Google Chrome, click Allow to add the URL of the PRTG web interface to the allowed sites.

§ In Firefox, click Allow Notifications to add the URL of the PRTG web interface to the allowed sites.

Click 'Allow ' to enable Desktop Notifications in Google Chrome

Click 'Allow Notifications' to enable Desktop Notifications in Mozilla Firefox

Disabling or Re-Enabling Desktop Notifications
To disable or re-enable desktop notifications for the PRTG web interface, edit your browser options:

§ In Google Chrome: Click the View site information icon in the address bar of the browser. You can
block or re-enable notifications for the PRTG web interface in section Notifications.
§ In Mozilla Firefox: Click the Notification permission icon in the address bar of the browser. You can
block or re-enable notifications for the PRTG web interface in section Permissions.

There are some settings that you must make in the PRTG Administration Tool 3407 . For more details, see
the sections:

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

Part 12
Sensor Technologies

3346 4/25/2022
12 Sensor Technologies
This section introduces different technologies that PRTG uses for monitoring to give you more
background information. Read more in the following sections.

Sensor Technologies
§ Monitoring via SNMP 3348

§ Monitoring via WMI 3360

§ Monitoring via SSH 3363

§ Monitoring Bandwidth via Packet Sniffing 3365

§ Monitoring Bandwidth via Flows 3367

§ Bandwidth Monitoring Comparison 3370

§ Monitoring Quality of Service 3372

§ Monitoring Email Round Trip 3377

§ Monitoring Backups 3379

§ Monitoring Virtual Environments 3380

§ Monitoring Databases 3386

§ Monitoring Syslogs and SNMP Traps 3390

§ Monitoring via Push 3397

§ Monitoring via HTTP 3401

12.1 Monitoring via SNMP

Monitoring via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the most basic method of gathering
bandwidth and network usage data.

How SNMP Monitoring Works

SNMP is a set of standards for communication with devices in a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP
network. SNMP monitoring is useful if you are responsible for servers and network devices such as
hosts, routers, hubs, and switches. It enables you to keep an eye on network and bandwidth usage, and
to monitor important metrics such as uptime and traffic levels.

You can use SNMP to monitor the bandwidth usage of routers and switches on a port-by-port basis, as
well as device readings such as memory and CPU load. The target devices must support SNMP. Most
devices with enabled SNMP require the same configuration (identical SNMP version and community
string). To learn how to set up SNMP on a specific device, search the internet for its name and SNMP

Netw ork Monitoring via SNMP

When you use a sensor with this technology, PRTG sends small data packets to a device, which in turn
trigger reply packets. Compared to other bandwidth monitoring technologies via World Wide Name
(WWN), packet sniffing, or Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), the SNMP option creates the
least CPU and network load.

Reasons to Choose SNMP Monitoring

SNMP is the most commonly used method because it requires minimal bandwidth and CPU cycles. If
your network devices support SNMP and/or if you want to monitor large networks with several hundred or
thousands of sensors, we recommend that you start with SNMP.

Besides network usage monitoring, another well-known feature of SNMP is the ability to also monitor
other network parameters such as CPU load, disk usage, temperature, as well as many other readings,
depending on the queried device.

SNMP Network Issues
To use SNMP for monitoring purposes, it is necessary that User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets can
be bidirectionally sent from the PRTG core server to the target device. This is usually the case in LANs
and intranets. For connections across the internet, to a perimeter network (also known as DMZ,
demilitarized zone, and screened subnet), or for WAN connections, some changes to the traversed
firewalls might be necessary.

Keep in mind that SNMP v1 and v2c are no secure protocols, so you should not use them on the internet
or with data connections that are not secure. Only SNMP v3 supports encryption.

Understanding SNMP Sensors

To better understand and set up SNMP sensors, you might want to learn more about the principles of
object identifiers (OID) and Management Information Base (MIB) files.

For more information about this topic, see the Knowledge Base: How do SNMP, MIBs and OIDs

For an overview and details about all SNMP sensors, see section List of Available Sensor Types 3626 .

For more information about which SNMP sensor is best for your monitoring setup, see section
Choosing the Right SNMP Sensor 3353 .

SNMP Versions
PRTG supports three versions of the SNMP protocol: version 1, 2c, and 3.


This is the oldest and most basic version of SNMP.

§ Pro: Supported by most SNMP-compatible devices.

§ Con: Limited security because it only uses a simple password (community string 3351 ) and sends data

in clear text (unencrypted). Because of this, you should only use it inside LANs behind firewalls, but
not in WANs. SNMP v1 only supports 32-bit counters, which are not enough for high-load
(gigabits/second) bandwidth monitoring.

SNMP v2c

This version adds 64-bit counters.

§ Advantage: Supports 64-bit counters to monitor bandwidth usage in networks with gigabits/second
§ Disadvantage: Limited security (see SNMP v1).


This version adds authentication and encryption to SNMP.

§ Advantage: Offers user accounts and authentication for multiple users and optional data packet
encryption to increase available security. Has all advantages of SNMP v2c.

§ Disadvantage: Difficult to configure and higher overhead for the probe, which reduces the number of
devices that you can monitor (see SNMP Overload and Limitations of the SNMP System 3350 for more

SNMP Traps

Various devices can send SNMP trap messages to notify you of system events.

§ PRTG supports SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c traps.

§ The destination for SNMP traps is the IP address of the trap receiver, which is the IP address of the
probe system to which you add the SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454 .

Which SNMP Version Should I Choose?

This depends on your environment. Here are some guidelines:

§ If your network is publicly accessible, you might want to use SNMP v3, which has encryption and
secure access. However, this also adds overhead, which results in less performance.
§ If your network is isolated or well-protected behind firewalls, the lower security level of SNMP v1 or
SNMP v2c might be sufficient.
§ If you have a lot of devices to monitor, SNMP v2c is preferable since it has a shorter scanning interval
and supports 64-bit counters.

Make sure to set the same SNMP version in the PRTG settings (for example, in the root group
settings 396 ) as in the target device. If you select an SNMP version that is not supported by the server or
target device, you receive an error message. These error messages often do not explicitly say that you
are using the wrong SNMP version and only provide minimum information, such as cannot connect.
Similar errors occur when community strings, user names, or passwords do not match.

For more information about basic requirements for SNMP monitoring, see this Knowledge Base
article: My SNMP sensors don’t work. What can I do?

SNMP Overload and Limitations of the SNMP System

SNMP v1 and v2 scale directly with the performance of the hardware and the speed of the network. In our
labs, we can monitor 30,000 SNMP v1 sensors in a 60-second scanning interval with one PRTG core
server (and local probe) plus two remote probes with 10,000 sensors each.

SNMP v3 has performance limitations because of the use of encryption. Furthermore, keep in mind that
SNMP v3, unlike SNMP v1 and v2c, does not scale with more CPU power. Because of this limitation,
PRTG can only handle a limited number of requests per second so that you can use only a limited
number of sensors using SNMP v3.

Furthermore, the PRTG core server and probes should run on different computers. If you experience
increased values in the Interval Delay SNMP or Open Requests channels of the Probe Health sensor 1742

(values above 0 % indicate that the SNMP requests cannot be performed at the desired interval), you
need to distribute the load among probes. SNMP v1 and v2 do not have this limitation.

If you run into SNMP overload problems, you have the following options:

§ Increase the scanning interval of the SNMP v3 sensors.

§ Distribute the SNMP v3 sensors among two or more probes.

§ Evenly distribute the SNMP v3 sensors on your devices (about 10 to 100 sensors per device).

§ Check if your target devices answer fast enough. Performance issues might also result from slow
SNMP v3 devices.
§ Switch to SNMP v1 or v2 if you can go without encryption.

What is the SNMP Community String?

The SNMP community string is similar to a user ID or password that allows access to the statistics of a
device. PRTG sends the community string along with all SNMP requests. If the correct community string
is provided, the device responds with the requested information. If the community string is incorrect, the
device discards the request and does not respond.

SNMP community strings are only used by devices that support SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c. SNMP v3
uses safer user name/password authentication, along with an encryption key.

By convention, most SNMP v1/v2c equipment ships with a read-only community string set to the value
public. It is standard practice for network managers to change all the community strings to customized
values during device setup.

Knowledge Base

How do SNMP, MIBs and OIDs work?


My SNMP sensors don’t work. What can I do?


What SNMP sensors does PRTG offer?


The interface numbers on my switch keep changing. What can I do?


What can I check if SNMP and SSH sensors throw timeout and auth errors?

What can I monitor with the SNMP Custom Table sensor?



MIB Importer and SNMP Tester



Introducing SNMP and Putting SNMP into Practice



SNMP basics


SNMP debugging

12.1.1 Choosing the Right SNMP Sensor
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) generally requires little configuration once it is set
up. Many network devices support it and you can monitor many parameters with it. PRTG provides you
with various SNMP sensors. These sensors range from monitoring general parameters to very specific
parameters. Choosing the right sensor for SNMP monitoring that gives you the desired hardware
parameters is a decision that depends on several factors: the type of hardware you have, what values
you want to monitor, and a few others.

Check SNMP Capability

Make sure that each target device supports SNMP, and that SNMP is enabled. You can find out whether
a device supports SNMP by either going to the vendor’s website or checking that it is enabled in the
configuration of the device.

If you are uncertain whether SNMP is enabled on the target device and works, we recommend that
you try SNMP Tester. You can scan for uptime to perform a basic check for SNMP availability of the
target device.

Setup Checklist

1. Enable SNMP on the device.

2. In the security settings of the device, allow SNMP access for the PRTG core server system.
3. Allow User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packages to be sent bidirectionally from the PRTG core server
to the device.
4. SNMP requires the use of UDP ports >1023 to the PRTG client side. This is important for your
firewall settings.
5. Ensure that the firmware of the device is up to date.
6. Select the appropriate SNMP protocol.

It is important to know which SNMP version you need to select, because if it is not supported by the
server or device you want to monitor, you receive an error message.

For more information, see the Knowledge Base: My SNMP sensors don’t work. What can I do?

SNMP Monitoring Overview

Vendor-specific SNMP Sensors

PRTG offers many vendor-specific SNMP sensors for some common vendors. These sensors are
programmed to match the respective end devices. There are also workarounds for known vendor
implementation issues, for example, if SNMP has not been fully implemented on an end device
according to the RFCs. Here, our vendor-specific sensors still automatically receive the most important

Supported Vendors


§ Buffalo

§ Cisco

§ Dell

§ Fujitsu

§ HP



§ Jacarta

§ Juniper

§ LenovoEMC

§ NetApp

§ Nutanix

§ Poseidon


§ Rittal

§ SonicWall

§ Synology

For more information, see the Knowledge Base: What SNMP sensors does PRTG offer?

Generic SNMP Sensors

PRTG offers several generic sensors that work with almost every device that supports SNMP, the
corresponding Management Information Base (MIB) file and OIDs, and it correctly implements the
respective RFCs. The standard SNMP libraries of PRTG include predefined, common values for the
generic SNMP sensors. You can monitor the following parameters with the generic sensors.

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP CPU Load System load via SNMP

sensor 2029

SNMP Disk Free Free disk space on a logical disk via SNMP
sensor 2125

SNMP Hardware Status Status of a hardware component of a server via SNMP

sensor 2141

SNMP Memory Memory usage of a system via SNMP

sensor 2296

SNMP Printer sensor 2370

Various types of printers via SNMP

SNMP RMON sensor 2400

Traffic on a device using RMON via SNMP

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP System Uptime Uptime of a device via SNMP

sensor 2440

SNMP Traffic sensor 2445

Traffic on a device via SNMP

SNMP Trap Receiver SNMP traps

sensor 2454

Operating System-based SNMP Sensors

PRTG also offers several operating system-based SNMP sensors that extend your SNMP monitoring.
You can monitor the following parameters with these sensors.

Sensor Description

SNMP Linux Disk Free Free space on disks of a Linux/Unix system via SNMP
sensor 2269

SNMP Linux Load System load average of a Linux/Unix system via SNMP
Average sensor 2278

SNMP Linux Meminfo Memory usage of a Linux/Unix system via SNMP

sensor 2283

SNMP Linux Physical I/O on disks of a Linux/Unix system via SNMP

Disk sensor 2289

SNMP Windows Service Windows service via SNMP

sensor 2465

Custom SNMP Sensors

PRTG also offers custom SNMP sensors. The monitoring capabilities of these sensors extend the scope
of the generic sensors. With custom sensors, you can show certain values that are not included in the
standard libraries of PRTG. With these sensors, you can monitor most devices that support SNMP and
for which PRTG does not have native sensors. Basically, you only need to find out the required OIDs for
the desired device readings, for example, in the vendor’s documentation for your hardware device.

For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How do I find out which OID I need for an SNMP
Custom sensor?

Sensor Description

SNMP Custom The SNMP Custom sensor monitors a single parameter that is returned by
sensor 2035 a specific object identifier (OID) via the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP).

Value types include the expected numeric type of the results at the
specified OID: You can choose from
§ Absolute (unsigned integer): for integers such as 10 or 120

§ Absolute (signed integer): for integers such as -12 or 120 (negative

values supported)
§ Absolute (float): for float values such as -5.80 or 8.23 (with decimal
§ Delta (counter): PRTG calculates the difference between the previous
and the current value.
For more information, see this video tutorial SNMP Custom sensor
and SNMP Custom Library sensor on our website.

SNMP Custom Advanced The SNMP Custom Advanced sensor monitors numeric values returned for
sensor 2042 object identifiers (OID) via the Simple Network Management Protocol
This sensor monitors very similarly to the regular SNMP Custom sensor,
with the advantage of being able to poll up to 10 specific OIDs with a
single sensor. For each OID, you can define a name, OID, expected type,
and the unit to be displayed. The possible value types are the same as
with the SNMP Custom sensor.

SNMP Custom String The SNMP Custom String sensor monitors a string returned by a specific
sensor 2050 object identifier (OID) via the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP). It can check for keywords. If you want to set limits to the
channel value, you can also extract a numeric value contained in the
Hexadecimal-encoded strings can also be decoded as MAC addresses or
IP addresses. The sensor can check for keywords via plain text or regular
expression (regex) or you can use a regex to extract a numeric value from
the string that can be evaluated later for additional alerts.
See section Number Extraction with Regular Expression 2058 for an

SNMP Custom String The SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor monitors a string that a specific
Lookup sensor 2060 object identifier (OID) returns via the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP). It can map the string directly to a sensor status 186 by
using a defined lookup file 3541 .

Sensor Description

Basically, this sensor does a "reverse lookup". You need to define all
potential return strings in the lookup file as text values, each in one
lookup entry. Graphs and data tables show the value to which the string is
mapped, usually an integer (lookup type 3549 SingleInt). For more
information, see section Example 2065 .

SNMP Custom Table The SNMP Custom Table sensor monitors entries from a table that is
sensor 2068 provided via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). You can
create one new sensor per table row. For each sensor, you can define up
to ten channels. Each channel shows the value of one defined table
Vendors use tables when there are multiple instances of the same object
(for example, memory, disks). The sensor recognizes a table via a meta-
scan and lets you configure the indexes (interfaces) that you want to
For more details, see the Knowledge Base: What can I monitor with
the SNMP Custom Table sensor?

SNMP Library sensor 2258

The SNMP Library sensor uses a Management Information Base (MIB) file
to create sensors that monitor a device via the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).

Knowledge Base

My SNMP sensors don’t work. What can I do?


What SNMP sensors does PRTG offer?


How do I find out which OID I need for an SNMP Custom sensor?

What can I monitor with the SNMP Custom Table sensor?


How do SNMP, MIBs and OIDs work?


How can I import my MIB files into PRTG?


Can't find a sensor for my device in PRTG but I believe it supports SNMP. How to proceed?

SNMP Custom sensor and SNMP Custom Library sensor

12.2 Monitoring via WMI

You can monitor Windows systems via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Windows
performance counters 3360 . WMI is the Microsoft base technology for monitoring and managing Windows-
based systems. PRTG uses it to access data of various Windows configuration parameters and status
values. Note that sensors that use the WMI protocol generally have a high impact on system
performance. In addition to strict WMI sensors, there are sensors that can use performance counters to
monitor Windows systems.

To monitor via WMI and performance counters, it is usually sufficient to provide credentials for Windows
systems 399 in PRTG. However, monitoring via WMI is not always trivial and can cause issues.

If you run into issues with WMI, see the Knowledge Base: My WMI sensors don't work. What can I

It is also possible to use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for Windows devices. The same
information is often available using any of these protocols. Regarding performance, the preference is
SNMP, then WMI or performance counters.

How WMI Works

WMI allows access to the data of many Windows configuration parameters, as well as system status
values. Access can be local or remote via a network connection. WMI is based on COM and DCOM and
is integrated in Windows versions as of Windows Server 2000. PRTG officially supports WMI for
Windows 7 or later.

WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) must be installed on target systems that run Windows
Server 2016. This allows 32-bit applications to be run on 64-bit systems. This is necessary because
the PRTG probe service only runs with 32-bit support. Without it, WMI sensors do not work.

To monitor remote machines, WMI sensors need Active Directory account credentials to have access to
the WMI interface. You can enter these credentials in the settings of the parent device or group, or in the
root group 396 . The sensor then inherits these settings.

Sensors using the WMI protocol generally have a high impact on the system performance. Try to
stay below 200 WMI sensors per probe 133 . Above this number, consider using remote probes 3557 for
load balancing.

For an overview and details about all WMI sensors, see section List of Available Sensor Types 3626 .

Monitoring Windows Systems: Performance Counters

Besides sensors that can monitor Windows systems only via WMI, PRTG provides sensors that can use
a hybrid approach. If you choose the hybrid approach, these sensors first try to query data via Windows
performance counters using the Remote Registry service. These Windows sensors use WMI as a
fallback if performance counters are not available or cannot be read out. When running in fallback mode,
PRTG tries to connect to performance counters again after 24 hours. You can change the Preferred Data
Source in the Windows Compatibility Options in the device settings 535 .

You can identify these hybrid sensors by looking at their categories, for example, in the Add
Sensor 391 dialog. Search directly for "windows" and select "Performance Counters" as Technology
Used. Among them are various sensors with "Windows" in the name, as well as some Hyper-V sensors.

Limitations of WMI on Windows Server 2008 (R1)
You should be aware that the performance of WMI-based monitoring is drastically limited when the
monitoring station or the monitored client runs on Windows Server 2008 (R1). When it comes to network
monitoring via WMI, Windows Server 2008 R2 is many times faster than Windows Server 2008 (R1).

These are not limitations of PRTG. They arise from the WMI functionality built into the Windows
operating systems mentioned.

These limitations also apply to Windows Vista, which is no longer officially supported. You can still
monitor machines that run Windows Vista, but the PRTG core server and probes are no longer
supported on this operating system.

The results of our tests are:

§ On Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 (and on later Windows versions), you can run most WMI
sensors if you provide optimal conditions, such as running the PRTG core server system and the
target systems exclusively under Windows Server 2008 R2 and being located within the same LAN
segment. Actual performance can be significantly lower depending on the network topology and the
WMI health of the target systems. We have seen configurations that could not go beyond 500 sensors
(and even less).
§ On Windows 2008 (R1), you can run about 300 WMI sensors with a 1-minute scanning interval.

§ The more Windows 2008/Windows 7 client systems you have in your network, the more the WMI
monitoring performance is affected.
§ System performance (CPU, memory, etc.) of virtualization does not strongly affect WMI monitoring

If you want to use WMI for network monitoring of more than 20 or 30 systems, consider the following

§ Do not use Windows 2008 (R1) as monitoring stations for WMI-based network monitoring.

§ Use Windows Server 2008 R2 (or later Windows versions) for WMI-based network monitoring instead.

§ Consider setting up remote probes for the WMI monitoring. You still get far better WMI monitoring
performance with a remote probe on a virtual machine (VM) running Windows Server 2008 R2 than on
any physical system running Windows 2008.
§ Consider switching to SNMP-based monitoring for large networks. Using SNMP, you can monitor 10
times as many objects than with WMI on the same hardware.

Knowledge Base

My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?


Which WQL queries are used by the PRTG WMI sensors?


Why do I receive the sensor error message 'Connection could not be established (code: PE015)'?


Bandwidth monitoring with SNMP and WMI



WMI Tester

12.3 Monitoring via SSH

Monitoring via Secure Shell (SSH) enables you to gather performance and system data from many Linux
and Unix distributions, as well as from certain macOS X systems. If your system is supported, this
monitoring technology works without any additional software on the target systems.

How Monitoring via SSH Works

To monitor remote machines via SSH, PRTG needs the credentials (preferably root access) of the
devices. If you use SSH sensors, you can enter the necessary credentials in the settings 204 of the
parent device or group, or in the root group, in the Credentials for Linux/Solaris/macOS (SSH/WBEM)
Systems section. The sensors then inherit these settings by default.

With each scanning interval, PRTG logs in to your devices and queries data by executing specific

For an overview and details about all SSH sensors, see section List of Available Sensor Types 3626 .

Limitations When Using SSH Monitoring

Because of the plurality of Linux/Unix derivatives, SSH sensors cannot support all distributions on the
market. Also, only certain macOS systems are supported.

For a list of successfully tested distributions, see the Knowledge Base: Which Linux or macOS
distributions are supported by the Linux/Unix sensors (SSH, SNMP)?

Authentication via SSH Private Key

PRTG supports authentication via password or via private key.

When you use a private key, ensure the following:

§ Provide the key in OpenSSH RSA format.

§ The key may not be encrypted. PRTG does not support password-protected keys.

§ The key must be provided as an RSA key, you cannot use DSA keys.

When you provide an unencrypted RSA private key in OpenSSH RSA format, copy the entire key,
including the


lines, into the designated text field in PRTG and Save your settings. Once you have pasted in and saved
the private key, PRTG shows it as

Make sure that a corresponding public key exists on the target device.

For a detailed description on how to convert and use an SSH key, see the Knowledge Base: How
can I use private keys for my SSH sensors with PRTG?

Knowledge Base

Which Linux or macOS distributions are supported by the Linux/Unix sensors (SSH, SNMP)?


How can I use private keys for my SSH sensors with PRTG?

How do I enable SSH on my macOS system?


12.4 Monitoring Bandwidth via Packet Sniffing

Packet sniffing comes into consideration if your network devices do not support the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) or Flow (NetFlow, jFlow, sFlow, IPFIX) to measure bandwidth usage and if
you need to differentiate the bandwidth usage by network protocol and/or IP addresses.

Packet Sniffer sensors support Toplists 3077 (for example, Top Talkers or Top Connections).

How Packet Sniffing Works

If you need to know what applications or IP addresses cause the traffic in your network, you can use a
packet sniffer. A packet sniffer looks at every single data package that travels through your network for
accounting purposes.

Monitoring w ith PRTG via Packet Sniffer Sensors

PRTG can analyze the packets that pass the network card of a PC or you can connect it to the
monitoring port of a switch. To calculate bandwidth usage, PRTG inspects all network data packets
either passing the PC's network card (shown on the left side in the schema above) or the data packages
that a monitoring port of a switch (right side) sends with its built-in packet sniffer. Using remote probes,
you can set up packet sniffers anywhere in your network.

Packet Sniffer sensors use the npcap library to monitor traffic.

For more information, see section Add Remote Probe 3555 .

Comparing 3370 the four bandwidth monitoring technologies that PRTG provides (SNMP, Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI), flows, and packet sniffing), packet sniffing creates the most CPU
and network load, so you should only use it in small to medium-sized networks, on dedicated computers
for larger networks, or for individual computers.

Reasons to Choose Packet Sniffing
It is important to understand that the packet sniffer can only access and inspect data packages that
actually flow through the network interfaces of the probe system. This is fine if you only want to monitor
the traffic of this machine (for example, your web server). In switched networks, only the traffic for a
specific machine is sent to each machine's network card, so PRTG usually cannot discern the traffic of
the other machines in the network.

If you also want to monitor the traffic of other devices in your network, you must use a switch that offers
a monitoring port or port mirroring configuration (Cisco calls it Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN)). In this
case, the switch sends a copy to the monitoring port of all data packages traveling through the switch.
As soon as you connect one of the probe system's network cards to the switch's monitoring port, PRTG
can analyze the entire traffic that passes through the switch.

An alternative is to set up the PRTG core server system as the gateway for all other computers in the

Set Up Packet Sniffer Sensors

Find details on how to set up the different flow sensors in the following sections:

§ Packet Sniffer sensor 1658

§ Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669

Header-Based Packet Sniffing

For packet sniffing, PRTG looks at the IP addresses and ports of source and destination to assess the
protocol. This is a very fast method and saves system resources.

Sometimes, this method is not fully accurate. For example, it is not possible to identify HTTP traffic
on ports other than 80, 8080, and 443 as HTTP. HTTP traffic on non-standard ports would not be
accounted as such.

Knowledge Base

How can I change the default groups and channels for flow and Packet Sniffer sensors?

12.5 Monitoring Bandwidth via Flows

Using Flow (NetFlow, jFlow, sFlow, IPFIX) protocols, you can monitor the bandwidth usage of all packets
going through a device. In PRTG, you can view Toplists 3077 for all xFlow sensors.

xFlows are monitoring data pushed from network devices to PRTG. You can use them to monitor where
and how much data is traveling to and from. This way, they determine which machine, protocol, or user
is consuming bandwidth. PRTG supports the following xFlow types:

§ NetFlow v5/v9 and IPFIX: Originally introduced by Cisco and supported by several vendors.

§ jFlow: Traffic sampling technology introduced by Juniper networks.

§ sFlow: Short for sampled flow, introduced by HP. sFlow uses statistical sampling of the traffic at
defined intervals to achieve scalability for high volume interfaces.

You can also use packet sniffing 3365 for bandwidth monitoring if your hardware does not support any of
these xFlow versions.

How Flow Monitoring works

You can measure bandwidth usage by IP address or by application in a network, using one of the flow
protocols. They are the best choice especially for networks with high traffic (connections with hundreds
of megabits or gigabits).

For flow monitoring, the router gathers bandwidth usage data (flows), aggregates it, and sends
information about it to PRTG using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets. When you use sampling
(mandatory for sFlow), only information about every n-th packet is sent to PRTG, which reduces CPU
load a lot. Because the switch already performs an aggregation of traffic data beforehand, the flow of data
to PRTG is much smaller than the monitored traffic. This makes flow the ideal option for high traffic
networks that need to differentiate the bandwidth usage by network protocol and/or IP addresses.

NetFlow and IPFIX Monitoring

The NetFlow (and IPFIX) protocol is mainly used by Cisco devices. Once configured, the router sends a
NetFlow or IPFIX packet for each data flow to the monitoring system running on a probe. You can filter
and evaluate the data in PRTG. Different NetFlow and IPFIX sensors are available: The basic sensors
offer predefined channel definitions, the custom variants enable you to define your own channels.

The advantage of using NetFlow or IPFIX:

§ Generates little CPU load on the router itself (according to Cisco, 10,000 active flows create about 7%
additional CPU load; 45,000 active flows account for about 20% additional CPU load).
§ Generates less CPU load on the PRTG core server system compared to Packet Sniffer sensors.

You must enable NetFlow or IPFIX export on the target device. The device must send a flow data
stream to the IP address of the probe system on which you set up the NetFlow or IPFIX sensor.

You can monitor Juniper jFlow with the corresponding sensors as well. Basically they are adjusted
NetFlow v5 sensors.

NetFlow Lite monitoring is possible using the Sampling Mode of the NetFlow v9 sensor 1579 or of the
NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592 . You can turn on the sampling mode and define a suitable Sampling
Rate in the sensor settings. Note that NetFlow Lite monitoring might not work in every case even with
active sampling mode.

sFlow Monitoring
sFlow works similar to NetFlow monitoring. The router sends data flow packets to the monitoring system
running on a probe. The most obvious difference between the two flow protocols: With sFlow, not all of
the traffic is analyzed, but only every n-th packet.

The advantage is clear: There is less data to analyze, there is less CPU load needed, and less
monitoring traffic is generated. Nevertheless, you can get a good insight into your network bandwidth

PRTG supports sFlow v5.

Set Up Flow Sensors

Find details on how to set up the different flow sensors in the following sections:

§ NetFlow v5 sensor 1555

§ NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568

§ NetFlow v9 sensor 1579

§ NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592

§ IPFIX sensor 1235

§ IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248

§ sFlow sensor 1871

§ sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884

§ jFlow v5 sensor 1268

§ jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281

For example, with a dual core, 2.5 Ghz hardware system, you can process about 100,000 flows per
second for one flow stream. Using sampling, the number of actual flows can be much higher. When
using complex filters, the value can be much lower. For example, with a router sending about 2,000
flows/second (which corresponds to mixed traffic at gigabit/second level without sampling) you can
expect to configure up to 50 flow sensors operating properly.

PRTG internally monitors its own flow processing. You can see decreased values in the Health channels
of the Core Health 751 and Probe Health 1742 sensors as soon as flow packets are not processed because
of an overload (you find these sensors on the local probe device).

If you experience an overload, consider using sampling or setting up multiple probes and distributing the
flow streams to them. We recommend that you do not add more than 50 flow sensors per probe.

IPv6 flows are supported by NetFlow v9 sensors and IPFIX sensors, other flow sensors only support

Knowledge Base

Can I add custom channels to standard Packet Sniffer and NetFlow sensors?


What filter rules can be used for custom Packet Sniffing, Flow, or IPFIX sensors?

How do the channel definitions for custom Packet Sniffing, Flow, and IPFIX sensors work?

Does my Cisco device (router/switch) support NetFlow export?


Do you have any configuration tips for Cisco routers and PRTG?

How do I monitor Cisco ASA firewalls using NetFlow 9 and PRTG?


How can I change the default groups and channels for flow and Packet Sniffer sensors?

What is the Active Flow Timeout in flow sensors?



NetFlow Generator and NetFlow Tester


12.6 Bandwidth Monitoring Comparison

The following table shows the differences between the four bandwidth monitoring methods available in

Category WMI 3360 SNMP Packet Flow (IPFIX,

3348 Sniffer 3365 NetFlow,
jFlow) 3367

Setup Medium Low Low to high Can be high

(depending (for example,
on filter rules the switch
used) must be

Traffic filtering No No Yes Yes

Differentiate bandwidth usage by protocol or No No Yes Yes


PRTG can show Toplists (Top Talkers, Top No No Yes Yes

Connections, Top Protocols, custom)

Filter bandwidth usage by IP address No No Yes Yes

Filter bandwidth usage by MAC address No No Yes No

Filter bandwidth usage by physical network Yes Yes No No


Monitor network parameters other than Yes Yes No No

bandwidth usage

CPU load on the PRTG core server system Medium Low Higher, Higher,
depends on depends on
the amount the amount
of traffic of traffic

Excess bandwidth usage of monitoring Small Small None (except Depends on

when the traffic
switch ports
are used)

Knowledge Base

Should I use SNMP, Flow (IPFIX/NetFlow/sFlow) or Packet Sniffing for my monitoring?


How do I differentiate between excessive bandwidth usage with PRTG?


12.7 Monitoring Quality of Service and VoIP

PRTG can monitor the Quality of Service (QoS) in a network with dedicated QoS sensors, as well as
Cisco IP service level agreement (SLA) and Cisco Class Based Quality of Service (CBQoS). Slight
variations in network parameters like jitter, packet loss, or packet delay variation (PDV) usually have only
little effect on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) based services (for example, HTTP and Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP)). But for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based services like Voice over IP
(VoIP) and video streaming, a steady stream of data packets is crucial. The sound quality of a VoIP call
drops noticeably when UDP packets are not received in time, or if packets are lost or in the wrong order.

As a rule of thumb for good quality of service (from a VoIP perspective), it is important to have low
measurements for jitter (less than 20 to 50 ms) and PDV (less than 100 ms), and preferably zero
measurements for packet loss, duplicated packets, or packets in wrong order.

For QoS measurements, four sensors are available:

Sensor Description

QoS (Quality of Service) One Way Parameters regarding the quality of a network connection
sensor 1758 between two probes

QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip Parameters regarding the quality of a network connection
sensor 1766 between a probe and a target device at the endpoint of the
connection. Traffic is measured bidirectionally.

Cisco IP SLA sensor 682 VoIP network parameters using IP SLAs from Cisco via

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984 Network parameters using Cisco's CBQoS via SNMP

QoS (Quality of Service) Sensors

The QoS sensors monitor the quality of a network connection by measuring the following parameters:

§ Jitter in ms according to RFC 3550

§ PDV in ms according to RFC 3393

§ Lost packets in %

§ Out-of-order packets in %

§ Duplicated packets in %

The QoS sensors measure the quality of service by sending UDP packets between two probes. This
means that you can test any network connection in your network by placing a remote probe 3555 on (or
near) each end of the connection and measuring the connection quality between them. This way, you
can find network issues that can affect VoIP sound quality or cause video streaming issues.

You can also use the QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor without installing a remote probe
at the connection endpoint. For details about the PRTG QoS Reflector, see the Knowledge Base:
How can I monitor QoS round trips without using remote probes?

Monitoring Quality of Service w ith PRTG

The measurements for QoS monitoring are taken between two probes. So the first step is to place two
PCs running a remote probe on (or near) both ends of the connection that you want to monitor. As an
alternative, the local probe on the PRTG core server system can also be used as one end, or you can
use the PRTG QoS Reflector (see the Knowledge Base) to bounce the packets when monitoring QoS
roundtrips. If any firewalls, packet filters, or network address translation (NAT) systems are used, you
must configure them as necessary so that the UDP packets can reach the target probe.

Create a new QoS sensor on a probe device, or, if you use the QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip
sensor, on any device. With the settings for the number and for the size of the packets, you can
configure the test data stream. 1,000 packets of 172 bytes each is a good start, but if your applications
use larger packets, you might want to enter other values here. Try to configure the test streams with
parameters similar to that of the UDP services you are using across this connection.

Find details about settings in the sections QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor 1758 and QoS
(Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor 1766 .

Cisco IP SLA Sensor
Wikipedia describes IP SLA as a feature included in the Cisco IOS Software that can allow
administrators the ability to Analyze IP Service Levels for IP applications and services. IP SLA uses
active traffic-monitoring technology to monitor continuous traffic on the network. This is a reliable method
in measuring over head network performance. IP SLA is mostly used to monitor the sound quality of
VoIP traffic.

If you have not done so already, add a device that represents the Cisco target device. Then create a new
Cisco IP SLA sensor on this device.

Find details about settings in section Cisco IP SLA sensor 682 .

This feature is only available in the more expensive Cisco devices. If you do not have IP SLA-capable
routers and switches, you can still get similar information with QoS sensors (see above 3372 ) that do not
require any special hardware.

PRTG monitors the following parameters: Impairment Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (ICPIF),
Mean Opinion Score (MOS), Average Jitter, Packets Lost, Packets Lost, Packets Late, Average Round
Trip Time (RTT), Domain Name System (DNS) RTT, TCP RTT, Transaction RTT.

Two of these parameters are especially interesting for VoIP: MOS and ICPIF.

SNMP Cisco CBQoS Sensor

Cisco CBQoS provides information about QoS of Cisco network devices that support the Modular QoS
Command-Line Interface (MQC). With Class Based QoS, you can obtain monitoring data that includes
summary counts and rates by traffic class before and after the enforcement of QoS policies, according to
Cisco's CBQoS Management Information Base (MIB) definition.

PRTG determines CBQoS data via SNMP. The corresponding sensor is available as of PRTG 13.x.5 or
later. CBQoS is available in Cisco IOS by default as of version 12.4(4)T.

To monitor CBQoS, add a device to PRTG for the Cisco target device. Then create a new SNMP Cisco
CBQoS sensor on this device.

See section SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984 for more details.

This sensor supports the following CBQoS classes:

§ Class Map: statistical data about class maps, such as pre-policy and post-policy packets and sizes,
drop packets and size, as well as no-buffer drop packets
§ Match Statement: statistical data about match statement specific information, such as pre-policy
packets and size
§ Queueing: statistical data about queuing actions, such as current and maximum queue depth, drop
packets, and drop size

You can select the desired CBQoS entries that you want to monitor while creating the sensor. The
available entries are specified with their particular connections, their descriptions, and class types.

Voice over IP
For MOS measurements, Cisco conducted a panel test where a wide range of listeners judged the
quality of voice samples sent using particular codecs, on a scale of 1 (poor quality) to 5 (excellent
quality). The Cisco device calculates the corresponding value for the network connection based on
network parameter measurements like jitter and packet loss.

The Cisco IP SLA sensor reads out the MOS directly from the Cisco device. For the QoS (Quality of
Service) One Way sensor and the QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor, PRTG calculates the
MOS by itself. For details, see the Knowledge Base: How does PRTG calculate the MOS score for QoS

The values and their meanings are:

MOS Quality Expected Quality Impairment

5 Excellent Imperceptible

4 Good Perceptible, but not annoying

3 Fair Slightly annoying

2 Poor Annoying

1 Bad Very annoying

The second interesting parameter ICPIF. is the sum of measured impairment factors minus a user-
defined access Advantage Factor that is intended to represent the user's expectations, based on how
the call was placed (for example, a mobile call versus a land-line call) (quoted from the Cisco website).

Upper Limit for ICPIF VoIP Call Communication Quality

5 Very good

10 Good

20 Adequate

30 Limiting case

45 Exceptional limiting case

55 Customers likely to react strongly (complaints, change of network


Knowledge Base

How can I monitor QoS round trips without using remote probes?

How does PRTG calculate the MOS score for QoS sensors?



How to connect PRTG through a firewall in 4 steps


12.8 Monitoring Email Round Trip

Email Round Trip sensors ensure the end-to-end delivery of emails and let you monitor the availability
and the performance of a complete email delivery process. There are two sensors for this task:

§ SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor 1935

§ SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor 1924

Both initially deliver an email to a mail server using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Afterward,
the receiving mailbox is scanned using Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) or Internet Message
Access Protocol (IMAP) until the email arrives. The test email contains a unique code in the topic that is
used to identify the email, such as PRTG Roundtrip Mail: {6D136420-5A3E-46CF-871A-1DAF0C4F3D5D}

When PRTG successfully receives an email in this email round trip cycle, it marks the respective
message for deletion on the mail server. Usually, a mail server then deletes this email. For best
performance, we recommend that you use dedicated email accounts for email round trip sensors.

Monitoring an Email Round Trip

In the scenario shown above, there are three steps in the round trip:

§ Step 1
PRTG delivers an email via SMTP to a mail server (like an email client).
§ Step 2
The SMTP server delivers the email to a POP3/IMAP server (which can be located at a remote site, in
your local LAN, or on the same server as well).
§ Step 3
Every few seconds, PRTG connects to the POP3/IMAP server until the test email arrives.

Recommended Configuration
Here is a simple concept to check the delivery of email from and to your organization:

1. Create a dedicated email account for this test in your mail system.
2. Set up an external email account (for example, on a hosted mail server or free mail service) and
configure it to send all emails back to this dedicated email account in your organization (that you
created in step 1).

3. Set up a Round Trip sensor to send an email to the external email account (that you created in step
2) using your network's mail server and then check for the email account on your mail system (that
you created in step 1) for the arrival of the email.

With this technique, you are testing multiple aspects of your email server setup. As long as the sensor
shows the Up status 186 , this means:

§ Your email server accepts emails via SMTP.

§ Emails are being sent to the outside world. So the internet connection and MX lookups work.

§ Emails from an external mail server can be delivered into your mail system. So the MX records for your
domain are correct and the mail server is reachable from the outside world. Also, your email filtering is
§ Emails can be retrieved using POP3 (or IMAP).

Use dedicated email accounts with this sensor. If you use more sensors of this type, make sure that
each sensor uses its own email accounts.

These two sensors ensure the delivery of email from and to your mail servers. Compared to the standard
SMTP, POP3, and IMAP sensors that only check the availability of these services, the two round trip
sensors actually monitor the complete transaction from accepting the email on the first email server to
the delivery of the email to the final POP3/IMAP server.

12.9 Monitoring Backups

Monitoring your backup software enables you to be sure that your recent backups succeeded. With
PRTG, you can check the email notifications of various backup jobs. You only need to do two things for
backup monitoring:

1. Configure your backup software to send emails to a dedicated email account.

2. Configure the IMAP sensor 1214 for backup monitoring.

PRTG analyzes the backup emails for you and sets the status of the IMAP sensor accordingly. This way
you see the states of all your backup jobs.

Backup Monitoring via Email

Setting up Backup Monitoring

Refer to our Knowledge Base for a step-by-step tutorial on how to monitor your backup jobs: How
can I monitor my backup software to be sure backup succeeded last night?

Knowledge Base

How can I monitor my backup software to be sure backup succeeded last night?

Can I analyze multipart emails using the IMAP sensor?


12.10 Monitoring Virtual Environments

Monitoring your complete IT infrastructure in a comprehensive way usually means monitoring not only
your physical infrastructure, but also your virtual environments. With the layer of virtualization added to
the layers that represent your physical hardware, it also becomes necessary to plan beforehand how you
want to logically set up your monitoring infrastructure.

Monitoring All Layers of Your IT Infrastructure

In general, you can assume that with the layer of virtualization, you need to monitor a total of four layers
in your IT infrastructure.

Layer Description

Hardware (Server Racks) Usually, you monitor most of the hardware components in your network
with SNMP sensors 3626 . With this monitoring technology 3348 , you can
gather monitoring data such as CPU load, memory, and disk space. You
can also get information about the network traffic and bandwidth usage of
your routers and switches.
Alerts can tell you if there is an issue with a hardware component or if
hardware resources are running out. In addition, you can identify potential
bottlenecks that might affect your virtualized infrastructure.

Host Server Hardware We recommend that you explicitly monitor the host hardware of your
virtualization solution. If you have issues with your virtual machines (VM),
the origin might be a host hardware failure. You should closely monitor
your VM host servers to be alerted if the hardware status changes in any
significant way.
Besides the standard hardware sensors, PRTG provides specific sensors
for various virtualization host servers. The following monitoring data of your
host servers can prevent issues in virtualized environments:
§ VMware: current reading and health status (via Web-based Enterprise
Management (WBEM)), a general status as shown in vSphere (via
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)), and disk space of a VMware
data store (via SOAP)
§ Hyper-V: host health-critical values; deposited pages; network traffic;
CPU usage of guests, hypervisor, and in total
§ Citrix XenServer: CPU, memory, and network usage; the number of
running VMs on the host server; and load average

Resource Usage of VMs VMs run on their particular host servers. PRTG can show you the status
of single VMs and several of their performance counters. You might want
to know which resources a single VM uses and needs, but we do not
recommend that you monitor single VMs in every case because it has a
noticeable influence on overall performance. Often, it is sufficient to only
monitor VMs that are critical for your network. If a VM reaches its
capacity limits, PRTG can alert you so that you can take the respective
steps to solve the issue.

Layer Description

Indicators for a healthy VM that you can monitor with PRTG are:
§ VMware: CPU and memory usage, disk read and write speed, read and
write latency, and network usage
§ Hyper-V: CPU usage, disk read and write speed

§ Citrix XenServer: CPU usage and free memory

Operating Systems of You can monitor, for example, the Windows operating system of a single
VMs VM with the standard WMI sensors 3626 . With this technology 3360 , you can
access data of various Windows parameters. Other operating systems
like Linux/macOS can make data available via SSH 3363 and SNMP.
The status of the operating systems on your VMs can indicate potential
issues. You can monitor these but be careful with regard to performance
considerations. This is because sensors using the WMI protocol have a
high impact on system performance, so you should only monitor operating
systems that are critical for your infrastructure. Furthermore, you do not
need to monitor every item multiple times. For example, it might be
sufficient to monitor free disk space only as a needed resource of the
actual VM, not for the VM's operating system itself.

Monitoring the Virtual Infrastructure

To monitor your IT infrastructure, best practice is to first set up the monitoring of your data center's
hardware layer in PRTG. This way, you can detect potential bottlenecks that might have an impact on
your virtual servers. Then, you can prepare to start monitoring your virtual environment. If you use several
solutions for virtual hosting, it is also a good idea to group related host servers, their VMs, and the
operating systems. The screenshot below shows a possible structure of monitoring a virtual environment
with PRTG.

Grouped Virtual Components

At the top level, you can see the Virtual Hosting group. This group contains several subgroups for the
virtualization solutions Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, and VMware vSphere. The vSphere group, for
example, has three subgroups: we monitor the vCenter VMs and the vCenter Windows operating system
(vCenter group), the performance of the host server (Host Performance group), and the storage system of
the host (Host Storage group).

Devices for Physical Hosts

In PRTG, set up devices that represent the physical hosts of your VMs. For example, for your VMware
hosts, add devices that represent the ESXi servers. For Hyper-V, add devices that represent your Hyper-
V host servers. For Citrix, add devices that represent your XenServers.

Then you can add suitable sensors to the host server devices. If you run the auto-discovery 269 , many
sensors are automatically created. Several preconfigured host hardware sensors are available:

§ VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor 2656 : monitors an ESXi server via WBEM
§ VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663 : monitors a VMware host server via SOAP
§ VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671 : monitors a VMware host server via SOAP
§ Hyper-V Host Server sensor : monitors a Microsoft Hyper-V host server via Windows Management

Instrumentation (WMI) or Windows performance counters, as configured in the Windows Compatibility

Options 569 of the parent device
§ Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707 : monitors a Xen host server via HTTP

These sensors monitor hardware-specific counters to ensure that no hardware issues affect your actual
VMs. Additional sensors can monitor the host hardware via the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) (for example, traffic and custom requests), and the data storage on ESXi servers via SOAP.
There are also sensors for network adapters and storage devices that are connected to a Hyper-V host

Devices for Virtual Machines

To monitor your actual VMs, add them to your host servers in PRTG. For a better overview, you might
want to add a device to PRTG that represents your host server and add sensors for your VM there. The
respective sensors for VMs show you the performance of single VMs as well as their resource usage.
This identifies VMs with low performance so that you can react before there is an issue with one or more
of your VMs. As mentioned before, you can additionally monitor the operating systems of your VMs, if
necessary. See the following sections for details about particular virtualization solutions.

VMware Virtual Machine

The VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679 monitors VMs on a VMware host server via SOAP. The
general idea is to add a vCenter server as a device to your vCenter group and use it as a parent device to
which you add the sensors for your VMs. This way, in the case of vMotion, when your VMs change their
host server, PRTG can follow these movements and does not lose the monitored VMs.

For this sensor, .NET 4.7.2 or later must be installed on the probe system. If you use many VMware
sensors, we also recommend that you adjust the settings on your VMware host server to accept more
incoming connections.

vSphere Group

This screenshot shows an example of a vSphere group. As recommended, the sensors for the VMware
virtual machines are added to the vCenter 1 device. There is also a dedicated vCenter 2 device for the
vCenter Windows operating system with common WMI sensors for CPU, memory, disk, and network
usage. The ESXi host servers are organized in their own groups regarding performance and storage. In
this example, PRTG monitors the hosts with the standard SNMP hardware sensors as well as with the
specific VMware ESXi host sensors.

Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine

The Hyper-V Virtual Machine sensor 1191 monitors VMs via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
or Windows performance counters, as configured in the Windows Compatibility Options 569 of the parent
device. With this hybrid approach, the sensor first tries to query data via performance counters and uses
WMI as a fallback if no performance counters are available. Performance counters generally need less
system resources than WMI. The parent device of this sensor must be a Windows server running Hyper-
V. You should also disable the User Account Control (UAC) in the Windows operating system of the VM.
Otherwise, the sensor might change to the Down status with the error message The virtual machine is
not running or is powered off. Also, this sensor does not support Live Migration.

Hyper-V Group

This screenshot shows an example of a Hyper-V group. There is a dedicated group for failover clusters
where two cluster nodes are monitored with several SNMP and WMI sensors, as well as Hyper-V Host
Server sensors and sensors for the Hyper-V virtual machines. This ensures that Hyper-V and failover
clusters work without any issues. The Hyper-V hosts are monitored the same way, organized in a
dedicated group for hosts.

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine

The Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714 monitors VMs via HTTP. For this sensor, you must add
a device that represents a Citrix XenServer with version 5.0 or later. Another requirement is the Microsoft
.NET Framework. You must install .NET 4.7.2 or later on the probe system.

In a XenServer pool, each host knows each running VM. Because of this, there is no central instance
that provides all available data, so it does not matter on which host you query your VMs. All queries on
any host are automatically forwarded to the pool master that manages the XenServer pool. Therefore, it is
sufficient to create the desired sensors for your XenServer VMs on a device that represents one host
server of your pool. The XenServer sensors find out which host is running and retrieve the respective data.

XenServer Group

This screenshot shows an example of a XenServer group. There are two devices for XenServer hosts, Xen
1 and Xen 2, that each have a Citrix XenServer Host sensor and several Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine
for the particular VMs on this host. Furthermore, the Windows operating system is represented as a
dedicated virtualcontrol device that PRTG monitors with several WMI sensors regarding CPU, disk,
memory, and network usage.

Performance Considerations
For best performance when monitoring virtual environments, we strongly recommend that you use a
computer with Windows Server 2012 R2 or later installed on the probe system. For example, you can run
up to 300 VMware sensors with a 60-second scanning interval on Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, while
you can only use 30 VMware sensors with the same scanning interval on Windows Server 2008 R2.

12.11 Monitoring Databases

Monitoring your databases lets you ensure that database queries are processed in time, and that the
database itself performs within the defined parameters. Furthermore, database monitoring with PRTG can
alert you via a corresponding sensor status if database queries return unexpected result values.

PRTG comes with built-in native sensors for the most common databases:

§ Microsoft SQL servers

§ MySQL servers

§ PostgreSQL servers

§ Oracle SQL servers

It is also possible to monitor many other database servers. For this case, PRTG uses the ActiveX Data
Objects (ADO) interface.

There are two types of database sensors:

§ Sensors that monitor databases directly 3386 : Monitor databases from the user perspective. These

sensors send a request to the database server and receive corresponding values. You can optionally
process data tables and show values in individual channels or monitor transactions.
§ Sensors that monitor database performance 3389 : Monitor databases with a more abstract view on the

servers. Usually, these sensors monitor performance counters via Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI).

Sensors Monitoring Databases Directly

PRTG provides several sensors that can monitor the content of databases. Sensors of this type connect
to the database server, execute a defined query, and show the execution time of the whole request and
the query. You can use these sensors to process the data table and show requested values in individual

The following sensors are available for this kind of monitoring:

§ Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367 : Monitor your Microsoft SQL server 2005 or later.
§ MySQL v2 sensor 1425 : Monitor your MySQL server version 5.0 or later.
§ Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634 : Monitor your Oracle database server version 10.2 or later.
§ PostgreSQL sensor 1728 : Monitor your PostgreSQL database version 7.x or later.

For these sensors, you can define valid Structured Query Language (SQL) statements that the sensors
send to the database server. Define the queries in an SQL script file and store it in the respective
\Custom Sensors\sql subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 .

You can select this SQL script when you add the sensor. With every scanning interval 418 , the sensor
executes this script with the defined query against the database and the database returns corresponding
values in individual channels (see the example 3387 below for sample channel value selections). Use the
channel settings 3053 to define limits for specific values.

These sensors need .NET 4.7.2 or later installed on the probe system.

Alternatively, you can monitor almost all available database servers with the ADO SQL v2 sensor 595 via
an ADO connection.

Example: SQL Channel Value Selection

The SQL (v2) sensors determine their channel values by using column numbers, column names, row
numbers, or key value pairs. This section shows which option you can choose to get the desired value
from an SQL data table.

Consider the following data table that an SQL query might return from a database:

article_id articles_av first_listing orders


00 12 2001 4

01 345 2005 56

02 678 2008 290

03 90 2012 32

This data table has four columns with the following numbering:

§ Column 0 has the name "article_id"

§ Column 1 has the name "articles_available"

§ Column 2 has the name "first_listing"

§ Column 3 has the name "orders"

The numbering of columns starts with 0, as well as the numbering for rows starts with 0. The table has
four rows, each row contains the properties of one "article". The "articles" have the IDs 00, 01, 02, 03.
This also illustrates the proper row numbering (0, 1, 2, 3).

With the options for channel value selection in SQL sensors, you can read out the following values:

§ All values that are in row 0 (here: 00, 12, 2001, 4)

§ All values that are in column 0 (here: 00, 01, 02, 03)

§ All values that are in column 1 (here: 12, 345, 678, 90)

It is not possible to get values from any other cell in a data table. If you need this, you must reconstruct
your data table.

The following samples show possible results for channel value selections regarding this data table:

Sample Channel Value Description

Channel Value Selection This channel shows the value in row 0 of the column you specify. Consider
by Column Number you define "1" as column number. Then the channel value is "12" because
it is the cell in column 1 and row 0.
Possible return values for this option are:

§ Column number "0" returns "00"

§ Column number "1" returns "12"

§ Column number "2" returns "2001"

§ Column number "3" returns "4"

Channel Value Selection This channel shows the value in row 0 of the column you specify. Consider
by Column Name you define "orders" as column name. Then the channel value is "4"
because it is the cell in column "orders" and row 0.
Possible return values for this option are:
§ Column name "article_id" returns "00"

§ Column name "articles_available" returns "12"

§ Column name "first_listing" returns "2001"

§ Column name "orders" returns "4"

Channel Value Selection This channel shows the value in column 0 of the row you specify. Consider
by Row Number you define "1" as row number. Then the channel value is "01" because it is
the cell in row 1 and column 0.
Possible return values for this option are:

§ Row number "0" returns "00"

§ Row number "1" returns "01"

§ Row number "2" returns "02"

§ Row number "3" returns "03"

Channel Value Selection This channel shows the value in column 1 of the same row where the key
by Key Value Pair in column 0 was found. Consider you define "02" as key. Then the channel
value is "678" because it is the cell in the same row in column 1 as the
key in column 0.
Possible return values for this option are:
§ Key "00" returns "12"

§ Key "01" returns "345"

§ Key "02" returns "678"

§ Key "03" returns "90"

This sample channel value selection illustrates how to choose the correct option to get needed values
from an SQL data table and shows which cells the SQL sensors can address.

UDF: Counting Returned Rows

If you execute a User-defined Function (UDF) on the SQL server and want to know how many rows this
UDF returns, follow these steps:

§ A command to execute your UDF on the SQL server might look like this, for example:
exec myUDF

§ To get the information how many rows this UDF returns, extend the query in your SQL script:
exec myUDF;
select @@rowcount as row_count

§ Create a new SQL v2 sensor and select Data Processing during sensor creation.

§ In the settings of your SQL sensor, select Column name under Select Channel Value by.

§ Enter row_count into the Channel #x Column Name field of the channel to show the value from this
column in the channel.
§ To count table rows returned by a SELECT statement, choose the option Count table rows in the
sensor settings section Data Processing.

Sensors Monitoring Database Performance

Performance sensors for database servers have a more abstract view on databases and observe
performance externally. They do not read out any values of the database, neither do they send SQL
queries to databases. This sensor is only available for Microsoft SQL.

The Microsoft SQL server sensors monitor performance via WMI. You can manually set up different
performance counters for your server instances, for example, general statistics, access methods, buffer
and memory manager, locks, and SQL statistics.

Microsoft SQL Server performance sensors are available for Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014,
2016, 2017, and 2019:

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor 2899

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor 2908

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor 2917

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor 2926

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor 2935

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor 2944

12.12 Monitoring Syslogs and SNMP Traps

PRTG is utilizable as a full-scale syslog server and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap
receiver without having to install additional software. This section describes a sample configuration for the
syslog and SNMP trap receiver and gives you an idea about how to use these features.

Syslog is a well-established standard for computer message logging. Many network devices support
sending syslogs to communicate informational, analysis, and debugging messages that are intended for
network management and security auditing. SNMP traps are asynchronous notifications from SNMP-
enabled devices and can be used to report important incidents and data, just like syslog messages.
Devices trigger these messages for various reasons, such as system events, outages, critical
conditions, and many more.

PRTG provides two dedicated sensors that work as full-scale syslog and SNMP trap receivers:

§ SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454

§ Syslog Receiver sensor 2605

Because both the Syslog Receiver and the SNMP Trap Receiver are implemented as common sensors,
you do not need to install additional software (for example, you do not need an extra syslog server but
only the PRTG web server). You can create the Syslog Receiver sensors as well as the SNMP Trap
Receiver sensors in the usual way via the Add Sensor 391 dialog. Then configure your syslog or SNMP
trap–enabled devices to send messages to PRTG.

Under lab conditions, PRTG could handle about 10,000 syslog and trap messages per second on a quad
core desktop machine when using a single sensor without filters.

The number of messages PRTG can process actually depends on your configuration and system
setup. It might be significantly fewer messages.

You can filter the incoming messages by various parameters so that PRTG only processes specific
messages and deletes other data right away. Processed messages are stored in an internal, high-
performance database on the probe system and are available for review and analysis via the PRTG web
interface. The main limiting factor for storing syslog and trap messages is the hard disk space on the
probe system.

Sample Configuration
Follow the steps below for a sample configuration of Syslog Receiver and SNMP Trap Receiver sensors.
You can apply these instructions to both the SNMP Trap Receiver as well as the Syslog Receiver
because the setup works in a similar way for both.

1. Adding the Receivers 3390

2. Configure the Source Devices 3391

3. Collect Messages 3392

4. Review and Analyze Messages 3393

5. Refine the Filters 3394

6. Create Notification Triggers 3395

Step 1: Add a Syslog Receiver or SNMP Trap Receiver sensor

Both sensors inherit an implicit filter from the IP address of the parent device. So it is possible to add
these sensors to a probe device 142 . Then you receive all messages from the probe system and can
optionally filter for specific sources later. You can also add these sensors directly to the source device.
Then only messages from this device are processed.

Add the receiver sensors to the desired device in the usual way, for example, via the device's context
menu 240 . We recommend that you leave the sensor's default settings unchanged for the first
configuration (port, include and exclude filter, warning and error filter) to see what data actually comes in.

Adding the sensor directly to a network device increases its speed in comparison to a filter definition
in the sensor settings. Distributing Syslog Receiver and SNMP Trap Receiver sensors over different
probes makes the overall performance scalable and gives you flexibility with the data storage 3579

If you do not add the sensor to a probe device but to a different device, be careful with the
configuration: Ensure that the IP address or Domain Name System (DNS) name of the parent device
matches the proper sender. For example, if you want to receive syslog or trap messages from a storage
area network (SAN), you might need to add a device using the IP address of a specific array member
that sends the messages. Providing a DNS name that points to the IP address of a whole group might
not work for SANs.

Syslog Receiver Sensor in the Add Sensor Dialog

Step 2: Appropriately configure your network devices that support sending syslogs or SNMP traps

Configure your syslog or SNMP trap ready devices to send syslogs or traps (see the documentation of
the respective device vendors). They must address the probe system where your Syslog Receiver or
SNMP Trap Receiver sensor runs. So specify the IP address of the probe system. If you keep your
syslog or trap receiver's default settings, use port 514.

The protocol is User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

The SNMP Trap Receiver does not support SNMP v3 traps. Use SNMP v1 or v2c instead.

Default Sensor Settings: Sufficient for the First Configuration

Step 3: Start collecting syslog or SNMP trap messages from your devices

You do not need to complete any further configuration steps to use PRTG as a syslog server or SNMP
trap receiver. When your devices send syslogs or SNMP traps to the specified probe system, the
messages appear automatically in the PRTG web interface. After each sensor scan (by default, the
scanning interval is inherited from the parent device), PRTG counts the received syslogs or traps in the
according channels (total number of messages during the last interval, error and warning messages, or
dropped packets).

Let the syslog receiver or the SNMP trap receiver collect data for a while to see what comes in. By
default, the respective sensor shows the Warning status if there was at least one message with severity
4 and the Down status if there was at least one message with severity 3 or lower during the last sensor

Incoming messages are counted per scanning interval, so it might take a few moments to see the
received syslogs and traps, depending on the remaining time until the next sensor scan. Of course,
you can use Scan Now via the sensor's context buttons 176 to perform an immediate scan and see
corresponding data. The sensor states are also defined per scan.
So, for example, a message that is classified as an error counts for the error channel only for one
scanning interval. If there is no new error message in the following scanning interval, no message is
shown in the error channel and the Down status disappears after the next sensor scan. The syslog or
trap itself is still available on the Messages tab.

Syslog Receiver Sensor w ith Error Messages

Step 4: Review and analyze the collected data

All incoming messages that match the include filter are processed and stored in the internal high-
performance database of PRTG. Review and analyze the received syslogs and traps via the PRTG web
interface. Then you can decide about further filtering of the incoming messages.

The received data is also available in the PRTG data directory 3579 as common files. One data file is
created per hour.

In PRTG Network Monitor, you can add the Management Information Base (MIB) files of your
devices to the \MIB subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 to use them with the SNMP Trap
Receiver sensor. This results in object identifier (OID) resolution and makes trap messages more
comprehensible. For example, instead of the OID you would see SNMPv2-SMI-
v1::enterprises.32446.1.1.2 = 0 (example from the PRTG MIB file).

Received Syslogs on the Messages Tab

Step 5: (Optionally) refine the filters

To increase productivity with your PRTG syslog servers and trap receivers, you can adjust the default
filter settings. PRTG provides a comprehensible formula system that you can use to describe what kind
of messages you want to process and which of them count as error or warning messages. You can
configure the following filters for received messages in the settings of the respective receiver:

§ Include filter: Process and store specific types of messages only.

§ Exclude filter: Do not process specific types of messages and discard them.

§ Warning filter: Define rules to categorize received messages as warnings.

§ Error filter: Define rules to categorize received messages as errors.

Use the syntax that is provided in the corresponding sections to define your individual filter rules: SNMP
Trap Receiver sensor 2461 and Syslog Receiver sensor 2612 .

You can create filter rules with a few mouse clicks in the Advanced Filter on the Messages tab of a
specific sensor and copy these rules into the sensor settings to apply them.

Advanced Filters on the Messages Tab

Step 6: (Optionally) create notification triggers

By default, the warning and error channels of the Syslog Receiver and SNMP Trap Receiver sensors have
a very low upper warning or error limit (0.00000001). The reason for this is that even when only one
syslog or trap has been counted in the respective channel during a scanning interval, the overall status of
the sensor shows this with the corresponding status. This way, you always recognize if there is
something wrong on the monitored system.

Because of this sensor behavior, best practice is to add a state trigger 3064 on the Notification Triggers
tab 3104 of the sensor if you want to get a notification 150 when a warning or error message type comes in.
Define 0 seconds Down or Warning time condition to not miss any warnings, errors, or any other
messages. Alternatively, you could use a speed trigger 3066 for notifications regarding messages per

For more information, see the Knowledge Base: How can I configure sensors using speed limits to
keep the status for more than one interval?

You can use syslog and trap specific placeholders in notification templates to see the messages
when you receive a notification. See the More 3396 section for further information.

State Trigger for a Syslog Receiver Sensor

Knowledge Base

How can I configure sensors using speed limits to keep the status for more than one interval?


12.13 Monitoring via Push

PRTG provides the option to monitor passively received data. For this purpose, you can set up a device
in a way that it automatically sends the data to PRTG. Specific sensors can receive this data and alert
you based on your individual settings. For example, all Linux/Unix and most network devices support
remote devices generating data, which has to be configured on each device, and sending the messages
to a probe system. Usually, only the destination IP and port are required.

Push monitoring enables you to use webhooks to push messages to PRTG using HTTP. Wikipedia
describes a webhook as a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page or application
with custom callbacks.

PRTG comes with sensors for push monitoring:

§ HTTP Push Count sensor 1126 : counts the number of received messages.
§ HTTP Push Data sensor 1134 : displays numeric values from received messages.
§ HTTP Push Data Advanced sensor : shows received values and messages encoded in valid

Extensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

§ HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor : displays data from messages that are received from

Internet of Things (IoT) capable devices (for example, Sigfox devices) and that are pushed via an
HTTPS request to PRTG.

Use Cases
The push technology can be useful for monitoring in different cases, for example, when target devices do
not allow requests via the usual technologies. The following scenarios are good examples of where to
use HTTP Push sensors.

§ Devices that cannot run a probe

§ Appliances that are not accessible via Secure Shell (SSH) or the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP)

§ Web servers that can periodically run certain scripts or PHP

§ Migrating a lot of EXE sensors into one EXE script that manages the HTTP Push sensors and sends
data to them. Some coding is required, see the Knowledge Base article: How can I monitor SCVMM
hosts and VMs with PRTG?
§ When monitoring Linux services, see the Knowledge Base: How can I monitor and automatically
restart a service on a Linux host?
§ If you need to push a lot of data to PRTG in short periods of time: the sensors have been tested with
about 10,000 values pushed within one minute.

How to Use
Webhooks basically work like push messages. These are triggered by an event (for example, a new
comment to a blog post) and send according information to a specified URL in real time. You can use
this technology to push messages to the probe, and monitor count and content with HTTP Push
sensors. Because webhooks use HTTP, you can integrate them without having to add new infrastructure
to your network.

Recommended Configuration
Follow the steps below for a sample configuration of the HTTP Push sensors.

1. Add the sensors.

2. Define the URLs.

Step 1: Add the HTTP Push Count, HTTP Push Data, HTTP Push Data Advanced, and HTTP IoT Push
Data Advanced sensors.

You can use the standard method to add sensors to your configuration.

1. Select the probe device or a device of your own.

A device of your own has no practical advantage with HTTP Push sensors but it might be good
for organizational purposes.
2. Click Add Sensor and filter for Push Message Receiver under Technology Used?
3. Select one of the HTTP Push sensors that fits best to your intended usage.

For more details, see section Add a Sensor 391 .

Step 2: Define the corresponding URL to send HTTP requests to PRTG.

For the desired configuration to be properly sent to and received by PRTG, use the following URL

HTTP Push Count Sensor

The HTTP Push Count sensor uses the following URL:


Replace the parameters <probe_ip>, <port_number>, and <token> with the corresponding values.

§ The <probe_ip> is the IP address of the probe system with the sensor.

§ The <port_number> is where the sensor listens for incoming HTTP calls.

§ The <token> is used to define the matching sensor.


You can use several sensors with the same port and identification token. In this case, the number of
push messages is shown in each of these sensors.

HTTP Push Data Sensor

The HTTP Push Data sensor uses the following URL:

http://<probe_ip>:<port_number>/<token>?value=<integer_or_float>&text=<text message>

Replace the parameters <probe_ip>, <port_number>, <token>, and <integer_or_float> with the
corresponding values. The &text parameter is optional: You can omit it.

§ You can define the port number and identification token in the sensor settings.

§ The probe IP is the IP address of the probe system with this sensor.

§ The value can be an integer or a float value depending on the data of your application. You must set
the value type accordingly in the sensor settings. This parameter is the sensor value.
If this parameter is missing, the sensor shows a Down status 186 .

§ You can optionally add a custom text message by replacing the parameter <text message> with your
custom text. The text is shown as the sensor message. If there is no value but only a text, the text is
shown as an error message.
This text message has to be URL encoded (for example, the whitespaces in the sample URL
below). Most browsers do URL-encoding automatically.


You can use several sensors with the same port and identification token. In this case, the data of
push messages is shown in each of these sensors.

HTTP Push Data Advanced Sensor

The HTTP Push Data Advanced sensor uses the following URLs depending on the type of HTTP request.

§ GET requests: http://<probe_ip>:<port_number>/<token>?content=<valid XML_or_JSON>

The XML encoded value of the content parameter has to match the format as defined in section
Custom Sensors 3499 .
§ POST requests: http://<probe_ip>:<port_number>/<token>

This HTTP request method sends the XML or JSON encoded HTTP body as POST data. The body has
to match the format as defined in section Custom Sensors 3499 . For POST requests, use an HTTP
content type other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded. We strongly recommend the HTTP
content type application/xml or application/json.

Replace the parameters <probe_ip>, <port_number>, <token>, and <valid XML_or_JSON> (for GET
requests) with the corresponding values:

§ You can define port number and identification token in the sensor settings.

§ The probe IP is the IP address of the probe system with this sensor.

§ The content of GET requests has to be valid XML or JSON in the PRTG API format.
The content has to be URL encoded (for example, the whitespaces in the sample URL below).
Most browsers do URL-encoding automatically.

Minimum example for the GET method that returns one static channel value:

By default, values within the <value> tags in the returned XML or JSON must be integers to be
processed. If float values are returned, you must explicitly define this value type as defined in
section Custom Sensors 3501 with <float> tags, otherwise the sensor shows 0 values in affected
channels. Example:

You can use several sensors with the same port and identification token. In this case, the data of
push messages is shown in each of these sensors.

HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced Sensor

For examples for the deployment of the HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor, see More 3400 below.

Knowledge Base

How can I monitor SCVMM hosts and VMs with PRTG?


How can I monitor and automatically restart a service on a Linux host?


How can I monitor IoT and IIoT environments with PRTG and Node-RED?

How can I monitor Sigfox callbacks with PRTG?


How can I monitor Sigfox geolocation with PRTG?


12.14 Monitoring via HTTP

HTTP is a standard application layer protocol and the basis for data communication on the internet. It is
a request-response method for client-server architectures, where the client sends a request and the
server processes and responds to the request.

Monitoring via HTTP is useful if you want to monitor websites or web servers. It enables you to keep an
eye on the availability and download times of a website or the performance statistics of a web server.
There are also a lot of other possible use cases for HTTP sensors. For example, you can request any
application programming interface (API) that is reachable via HTTP and monitor returned values. This
approach lets you include almost any type of device or application into your monitoring.

PRTG comes with sensors for HTTP monitoring:

§ Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721

§ Common SaaS sensor 745

§ HTTP sensor 1049

§ HTTP Advanced sensor 1057

§ HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats sensor 1072

§ HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensor 1080

§ HTTP Content sensor 1088

§ HTTP Data Advanced sensor 1097

§ HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108

§ HTTP Push Count sensor 1126

§ HTTP Push Data sensor 1134

§ HTTP Push Data Advanced sensor 1143

§ HTTP Transaction sensor 1152

§ HTTP XML/REST Value sensor 1164

§ REST Custom sensor 1819

Use Cases
§ Monitor the availability and loading times of a website

§ Monitor the source code and specific content of a website

§ Test the login, purchasing, and shipping processes of a web shop

§ Monitor performance statistics and activity of Apache web servers

Types of HTTP Monitoring

Availability Monitoring

This type monitors the availability of a website or a specific website element. For example, the HTTP
sensor shows how long the HTML code of a website takes to load. If the sensor shows a loading time
that is much longer than expected, the website might not be responding or might be unavailable.

Cloud HTTP Monitoring Provides Better Performance Statistics

The HTTP sensor uses different HTTP requests to request the specified URL.

§ GET: requests the website directly

§ POST: sends post form data to the URL

§ HEAD: requests the HTTP header only, without the actual web page body, saving bandwidth

The HTTP Advanced sensor also monitors the availability of a website, along with other parameters such
as bytes received, download bandwidth (speed), and time to first byte, which shows you how fast your
web server responds. This sensor lets you use a (custom) user agent when connecting to the target URL
and lets you send custom HTTP headers to the target URL.

The Cloud HTTP v2 sensor monitors a web server from various locations across the globe. For example,
the URL of a website to measure the loading time of a page’s source code or the URL of a page asset to
measure its availability and loading time. The sensor also shows the global average response time.

The Common SaaS monitors the availability of your cloud services and is an important pillar for unified

Content Monitoring

This type monitors internal values of a web server based application or changes to specific content on a
website. The HTTP Full Web Page sensor measures the time it takes to download a web page including
all embedded page elements, for example Flash content or images.

This monitoring option can create a lot of bandwidth traffic, depending on the page size and the
scanning interval.

Additionally, the HTTP Content sensor monitors a numeric value returned by an HTTP request. It can
also optionally trigger a ‘change’ notification to notify you of changes to the content.

Example: Content Monitoring

For example, consider a URL that returns a PHP script with
the current system status in a simple HTML page.
Description: Script gives back current status of disk free (%) and CPU usage (%).

You would configure the HTTP Content sensor using

§ the script URL from above,

§ value type Float,

§ and number of channels 2.

The sensor calls the URL with every scanning interval and only regards the two values in brackets [ ],
handling each of them in one channel. The additional description text and HTML tags are not necessary.
In this example, they are added in case a human calls the URL.

If you define the number of channels as 1, the sensor only reads the first value. The second value is
ignored. Using 3 as number of channels results in a sensor error message.

To be notified when the website content changes, you first need to configure a Trigger 'change'
notification in the sensor's settings and then the notification itself.

For more information, see section Notification Triggers Settings 3072 .

Performance Monitoring

The HTTP Transaction sensor checks if a web shop is working as expected: with a series of requests, for
example, you can simulate the login, purchasing, and shipping processes. Only if all actions can be
completed successfully in a row, the check returns an "OK" message. If anything goes wrong, you are
immediately alerted and can react instantly to avoid loss of earnings for your company because the web
shop is unavailable or very slow.

Apache Web Server Monitoring

The HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats and HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensors monitor
performance statistics and the activity of an Apache web server using mod_status over HTTP. Among
other HTTP sensors, these sensors let you enter credentials for web pages that need authentication and
let you choose the necessary authentication method.

Security Monitoring

PRTG also provides the option to monitor the security of your website by checking the status of Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates and the security of a connection.

§ SSL Certificate sensor : monitors the certificate of an SSL/TLS-secured connection. For example, it

displays whether a certificate has been revoked, or is trusted as root authority, or is self-signed.
§ SSL Security Check sensor : monitors the SSL connectivity to the port of a device. It tries to

connect to the specified TCP/IP port number of a device with different SSL/TLS versions and shows if a
specific protocol is supported.

Push Monitoring

PRTG provides the option to monitor passively received data. For this purpose, you can set up a device
in a way that it automatically sends the data to PRTG. Specific sensors can receive this data and alert
you based on your individual settings. For example, all Linux/Unix and most network devices support
remote devices generating data, which has to be configured on each device, and sending the messages
to a probe system. Usually, only the destination IP and port are required.

For more information, see section Monitoring via Push 3397 .

Other Data

You can also monitor other types of data from your website, for example the number of website visitors
via the HTTP XML/REST Value sensor. The sensor lets you monitor values within the returned Extensible
Markup Language (XML) code, provided your web analytics tool has an XML export option. The HTTP
Data Advanced sensor accesses a web server and retrieves XML or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
encoded data.

The REST Custom sensor queries a Representational State Transfer (REST) application programming
interface (API) endpoint and maps the JSON or XML result to sensor values. The mapping rule has to be
available as a REST configuration file in JSON template (*.template) format according to the PRTG API

For details about the return value format, see section Custom Sensors 3499 .

HTTP Status Codes

The HTTP sensors show their status depending on the HTTP status codes that they receive. By default,
the sensor states are the following:

HTTP Status Code HTTP Sensor Status

2xx Success Up (Green)

3xx Redirection Warning (Yellow), Down (Red) for too many redirects)

4xx Client Error Down (Red)

HTTP Status Code HTTP Sensor Status

5xx Server Error Down (Red)

You need to configure your HTTP sensors manually only if you want to change these default
reactions. In this case, you can change the sensor status based on limits and/or keyword checks.

Other HTTP Sensor Settings

§ Server Name Indication: You can configure SNI, which has to be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
and must match the configuration of the target server. For details, see the Knowledge Base: My HTTP
sensors fail to monitor websites which use SNI. What can I do?
§ HTTP Version: You can choose the HTTP version that the sensor uses when connecting to the target
§ Authentication Method: You can define if the configured URL needs authentication, enter credentials,
and choose an authentication method.
§ Custom User Agent: You can enter a string to be used as user agent when connecting to the target
§ Custom HTTP Headers: You can send custom HTTP headers to the target URL.

HTTP Sensor Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting and other tips for monitoring with HTTP sensors, see More 3405 below.

Knowledge Base

My HTTP sensors fail to monitor websites which use SNI. What can I do?

Which user agent should I use in the HTTP Advanced sensor's settings?

HTTP Full Web Page sensor is unable to navigate. What can I do?

What to do when I see a CreateUniqueTempDir() error message for my HTTP Full Web Page sensor?

Where can I find more information about the HTTP XML/REST Value sensor?

Why does my HTTP XML/REST Value sensor return a 404 error?


Part 13
PRTG Administration Tool

3406 4/20/2022
13 PRTG Administration Tool
The PRTG Administration Tool is part of every PRTG installation. You can use it to edit the administrative
settings of local probe and remote probe installations.

You can start the PRTG Administration Tool from the Windows Start menu on the PRTG core server
system or on the remote probe system. If you start the PRTG Administration Tool on the PRTG core
server system, you can change settings that affect the entire installation and the local probe. If you run
the PRTG Administration Tool on a remote probe system, you can only change settings that are related
to the remote probe.

Any settings that you change require a restart of the affected PRTG core server service and PRTG probe
service to apply any changes to the configuration.

You can also change many administrative settings via the Setup 3166 in the PRTG web interface. For
probes, administrative settings are also available on the Settings tab 474 in the PRTG web interface.

You can review the history of all changes to the settings of the PRTG Administration Tool in the
\Logs\serveradmin subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 . The name of the corresponding log
file is ServerAdmin.log.

PRTG Administration Tool

§ PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems 3408

§ PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432

13.1 PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Core Server Systems

With the PRTG Administration Tool, you can define various system settings regarding the PRTG core
server installation, restart services, and view log information. You can also change many of these
settings via the system administration 3219 in the PRTG web interface.

The PRTG Administration Tool has the following tabs:

§ PRTG Web Server 3408

§ PRTG Core Server 3412

§ Cluster 3414

§ Administrator 3421

§ Probe Settings for Core Connection 3422

§ Probe Settings for Monitoring 3424

§ Service Start/Stop 3425

§ Logs and Info 3428

This section describes the settings that are available in the PRTG Administration Tool when you
open it on the PRTG core server system. This means that you can edit settings for the PRTG core
server or PRTG web server and the local probe.

Settings that you define are only valid for the PRTG core server system on which you start the
PRTG Administration Tool. Make sure that you log in to the system that you want to make changes
to and open the PRTG Administration Tool there.

This feature is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Start the PRTG Administration Tool

§ From the Windows Start menu, select the PRTG Network Monitor folder and click PRTG
Administration Tool to open the application.

§ Confirm the question of the Windows User Account Control with Yes to allow the PRTG Administration
Tool to start.

PRTG Web Server

Edit IP addresses, ports, access methods, and language for the PRTG web interface.

You can also change these settings under Setup | System Administration | User Interface in the
PRTG web interface. For more information, see section User Interface 3224 .

PRTG Web Server Tab

Setting Description

TCP Port for PRTG Web Specify how the PRTG web server accepts incoming web page requests:

Setting Description

§ Secure HTTPS server (default port 443, recommended, mandatory for

internet access): Use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer
Security (TLS) secured HTTPS connection on port 443.
This setting is required if you want to access the PRTG web
interface via the internet.

Although the connection is secure, you see an SSL certificate

warning in your browser when you log in to the PRTG web interface
because the default certificate is unknown to your browser. For more
information, see Knowledge Base: Why does my browser show an SSL
certificate warning when I open the PRTG web interface?. You can
install a different SSL certificate for PRTG. For more information, see
section Using Your Own SSL Certificate with the PRTG Web Server 3583 .

If port 80 is available, PRTG reserves it as well. If port 80 is not

available, PRTG tries port 8080 as fallback. If this port is also not
available, PRTG searches from port 8081 upwards for a free port. PRTG
sends a ticket 217 that shows you the currently used port number and
switches back to port 80 as soon as it is available again. When users
try to connect on port 80 via HTTP, they are redirected to port 443 via
HTTPS. You can change this behavior via a registry setting. If port 443
is not available, PRTG tries port 8443 as fallback. If this port is also not
available, PRTG searches from port 8444 upwards for a free port. PRTG
sends a ticket that shows you the currently used port number and
switches back to port 443 as soon as it is available again.
§ Unsecure HTTP server (default port 80, not recommended): Use the
PRTG web server without SSL/TLS on port 80.
This setting is not recommended for WAN connections.

If you use the PRTG web server via the internet without connection
security, attackers could potentially spy on credentials that you
enter in PRTG. We strongly recommend that you use this option only in
a LAN.
§ Custom configuration: Specify a custom port for the PRTG web server
and the security of the connection. This option is intended for systems
that already have a web server on the standard port.
If PRTG always uses a fallback port after a server restart, check for
other programs that use the same port as PRTG. For example, the
Microsoft Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server also
uses port 80 (port 443 for secure connections) by default and blocks it.
We recommend that you disable such programs and services on

Custom configuration: This setting is only visible if you select Custom configuration above.
Connection security Specify if you want to use connection security:

Setting Description

§ Use HTTPS (secured with SSL/TLS): Use an SSL/TLS secured HTTPS

connection on the port that you define as PRTG Web Server Port.
Although the connection is secure, you see an SSL certificate
warning in your browser when you log in to the PRTG web interface,
because the default certificate is unknown to your browser. You can
install a different SSL certificate for PRTG later. For more information,
see Using Your Own SSL Certificate with the PRTG Web Server 3583 .
§ Do not use connection security (not recommended): Use the PRTG web
server without SSL/TLS on the port that you define as PRTG Web
Server Port.
We recommend that you do not use this setting for WAN

If you use the PRTG web server without connection security on the
internet, attackers could potentially spy on credentials that you
enter in PRTG. We strongly recommend that you use this setting in a
LAN only.

Custom configuration: This setting is only visible if you select Custom configuration above. Enter
Web server port the TCP port number (between 1 and 65535) that you want the PRTG web
server to run on. Enter an integer.
If you use a secure connection and port 80 is free, PRTG also
reserves it. When users try to connect on port 80 via HTTP, they are
redirected to the custom port via HTTPS. You can change this behavior via
a registry setting.
If the port that you define for secure connections is not available,
PRTG tries port 8443 as fallback. If this port is also not available,
PRTG searches from port 8444 upwards for a free port. PRTG sends a
ticket 217 that shows you the currently used port and switches back to the
original port as soon as it is available again.

IP Address for PRTG The PRTG web server provides access via the PRTG web interface and
Web Server PRTG Desktop 3338 . Specify on which IP address the PRTG web server
runs. Later, you can log in to the PRTG web interface in your browser via
this IP address. Choose from:
§ Localhost, (PRTG is not accessible from other computers):
Use only. The PRTG web interface and PRTG Desktop are
only accessible from the PRTG core server system.
Either the selected port or at least one port in the range from 8080
to 8089 must be available on

If you run PRTG on localhost, do not use the DNS name

http://localhost to log in to the PRTG web server. This may
considerably slow down the PRTG web interface. Use your local IP
address or instead.

Setting Description

§ All IP addresses available on this computer (recommended): Use all IP

addresses that are available on the PRTG core server system and
enable access to the PRTG web server for all of these IP addresses.
The selected Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port for the
PRTG web server must be available on all selected IP addresses.

§ Specify IP addresses: Select specific IP addresses on which the PRTG

web server runs. The list is specific to your setup. Enable check boxes
in front of every IP address that you want the PRTG web server to be
available at. You can also select all IP addresses by clicking the Select
all IP addresses button or deselect all addresses by clicking the
Deselect all IP addresses button.
Either the selected port or at least one port in the range from 8080
to 8089 must be available on the specified IP address.
Regardless of the setting that you select, one port in the range from
8080 to 8180 must be available on the specified IP address so that
PRTG can create reports. The report engine tries to connect to the PRTG
core server on one of these ports.
If PRTG does not find a network card on startup, it switches this
setting to Localhost, (PRTG is not accessible from other
computers). This setting remains even if a network card is available later
on. If you disable or remove the network card on the PRTG core server
system, check this setting.

Select System Language Select the language. The default is English.

This setting defines the language of the PRTG web interface and the
PRTG Administration Tool 3407 .

List of available languages:

§ Deutsch (German)

§ English

§ Español (Spanish)

§ Français (French)

§ Nederlands (Dutch)

§ Português (Portuguese)

§ Pyсский (Russian)

§ (Japanese)
§ (Simplified Chinese)

PRTG Core Server

Define settings for the PRTG core server.

PRTG Core Server Tab

Setting Description

Probe Connection Define how PRTG handles incoming connections from probes:
§ Accept connections from the local probe only (default, does not allow
remote probes): Only accept connections from the local probe. If you
select this option, you cannot use remote probes 3557 .
§ Accept connections from remote probes on all IP addresses: Accept
incoming connections from remote probes, no matter on which IP
address of the PRTG core server they come in.
§ Accept connections from remote probes on selected IP addresses only:
Accept incoming connections from remote probes on the selected IP
address(es) of the PRTG core server. In the list, select the IP addresses
by enabling a check box in front of the desired IP addresses.

Setting Description

You can also change this setting under Setup | System

Administration | Core & Probes 3252 in the PRTG web interface.

Local Storage of Data Select the directory where PRTG stores configuration and monitoring data.
Files and Monitoring Click to choose a different folder on the system.
Before you change the path, make sure you stop both the PRTG core
server service and the PRTG probe service and copy all data to the
new location.
Click Revert to default folder to reset this setting to default.

On the Cluster tab, you can change how the PRTG core server behaves in a cluster. Before you change
settings here, see section Failover Cluster Configuration 3567 .

Cluster Tab

Setting Description

Cluster Settings Depending on the cluster settings, different options are available.
§ Cluster Mode: Shows the cluster mode of the PRTG core server.
Possible values are Standalone (no cluster mode), Cluster Mode:
Master Node, or Cluster Mode: Failover Node.

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

§ Cluster Port: This setting is only visible if PRTG runs in cluster mode.

§ Cluster Access Key: This setting is only visible if PRTG runs in cluster
§ Cluster Node ID: This setting is only visible if PRTG runs in cluster

Setting Description

This setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

Cluster Mode Actions Depending on the cluster settings, you see different active buttons.
§ Create a Cluster

§ Join a Cluster

§ Change Cluster Settings

§ Revert to Standalone

For details on these options, see section Cluster Mode Actions 3416 .

Master Heartbeat This section is only visible if PRTG runs in cluster mode. The current
master node can execute an external executable file on a regular basis.
We call this a heartbeat.
You can use this, for example, to report the IP address of the current
master node to a dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) provider, so that
a DNS name is always redirected to the current master node in case the
primary master node fails and a failover node (with a different IP address)
becomes the current master node.
Choose between:
§ No heartbeat: Do not execute a file on a regular basis.

§ Run an external executable file every 5 minutes: Click to browse for

the file that you want to execute. This can be, for example, a command-
line tool or a batch file. PRTG executes it on the current master node
only, in a fixed interval of five minutes. You cannot change the interval.

Make sure that the selected file is available under the same (local)
path on all failover nodes. In case one of your failover nodes becomes
the current master node, PRTG can only execute the heartbeat reliably if
the executable file exists on all of your failover nodes.

Cluster Mode Actions

Follow these instructions to create or to join a cluster, to change a cluster's settings, or to revert a
cluster node to standalone mode:

Create a Cluster

§ Click Create a Cluster to create a cluster. The current PRTG core server is then the master node of the
§ Click Yes to convert this installation to a master node.

Converting an Installation to a Master Node

§ A dialog box appears.

Creating a Master Node

§ Enter a Cluster Port. This is the port on which PRTG sends the internal communication between the
cluster nodes. Make sure that connections between the cluster nodes are possible on the port that
you select.

§ Enter or paste a Cluster Access Key. This is a unique access key. All cluster nodes must use the
same cluster access key to join the cluster. Connection attempts with a different access key are not
We recommend that you use the default value.
§ Save the Cluster Access Key so that you have it at hand when you configure the failover nodes.

§ After confirming your settings, you are asked to restart Windows services. Click OK to restart the
Windows services so that your changes take effect.

Restart Services to Apply Changes

Join a Cluster

§ Click Join a Cluster to add this installation to a cluster that already has a master node. The current
PRTG core server is then a failover node.

§ This button is also available if the PRTG core server is in Cluster Mode: Master Node. This option then
changes the master node to a failover node.
§ Click Yes to convert this installation into a failover node.

Converting an Installation to a Failover Node

§ A dialog box appears.

Cluster Connection Setup

§ Enter a Master Node (IP address/DNS name) for the cluster. It must be reachable from the machine
that runs the failover node.
§ Enter the other settings as defined in the settings of the master node. Make sure that you use the
same settings on all cluster nodes.
§ Enter a Cluster Port. This is the port on which PRTG sends the internal communication between the
cluster nodes. Make sure that connections between the cluster nodes are possible on the port that
you select.
§ Enter or paste a Cluster Access Key. This is a unique access key. All cluster nodes must use the
same cluster access key to join the cluster. Connection attempts with a different access key are not
We recommend that you use the default value.

§ After confirming your settings, you are asked to restart Windows services. Click OK to restart the
Windows services so that your changes take effect.

Restart Services to Apply Changes

Change Cluster Settings

§ If you run PRTG in cluster mode, you can change the settings. Click Change Cluster Settings to do
§ A dialog box appears.

Edit Cluster Node Settings

§ Enter a Cluster Port. This is the port on which PRTG sends the internal communication between the
cluster nodes. Make sure that connections between the cluster nodes are possible on the port that
you select.
§ Enter or paste a Cluster Access Key. This is a unique access key. All cluster nodes must use the
same cluster access key to join the cluster. Connection attempts with a different access key are not
We recommend that you use the default value.
§ Make sure that you use the same settings on all cluster nodes.

§ After confirming your settings, you are asked to restart Windows services. Click OK to restart the
Windows services so that your changes take effect.

Restart Services to Apply Changes

Revert to Standalone

§ Click Revert to Standalone to revert this cluster node to a standalone installation.

§ A dialog box appears.

Revert Cluster to Standalone Installation

§ Click Yes to convert this cluster node to a standalone installation.

§ A dialog box appears where PRTG asks you to agree to restart the PRTG core server service. Click
OK to proceed.

Restart Services

When you revert a cluster node to Standalone mode, the cluster probe remains in the device tree to
keep your device and sensor setup. If you want to completely remove the cluster probe from the
device tree, you need to delete it manually.

On the Administrator tab, you can change settings for the PRTG System Administrator user.

You can also change the password for the PRTG System Administrator user account under Setup |
Account Settings | My Account 3169 in the PRTG web interface.

Administrator Tab

Setting Description

Email Address Enter a valid email address for the PRTG System Administrator user
account. By default, PRTG sends notifications and important messages to
this address.

Login Name Enter a login name for the PRTG System Administrator user account. You
use it when you log in to the PRTG web interface or PRTG Desktop.

Setting Description

The default login name is prtgadmin.

Password Click Generate new password and confirm to generate a new password for
the PRTG System Administrator user account. Click Save & Close to set
the new password. You use it when you log in to the PRTG web interface
or PRTG Desktop.
The default password is prtgadmin.

Probe Settings for Core Connection

Define general settings regarding the local probe and connections.

Probe Settings for Core Connection Tab

Probe Settings

Setting Description

Probe Name Enter a meaningful name to identify the local probe. PRTG shows this
name, for example, in the device tree, and in all alarms by default. Enter a

If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Reconnect Time Define the time that PRTG waits for the local probe to reconnect to the
PRTG core server if the connection fails. Enter an integer.

Connection to PRTG Core Server

These settings affect the way that the local probe connects to the PRTG core server.

Setting Description

Server (IPv4 Address or The local probe connects to the PRTG core server via You
DNS Name) cannot change this.

GID The probe GID is a unique identifier for the local probe. You cannot change
the GID on the PRTG core server system.
Edit GID and Generate new GID are only available on the remote
probe system. For more information, see section PRTG
Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3432 .
You can deny GIDs under Setup | System Administration | Core &
Probes 3252 in the PRTG web interface.

Access Key Access Key is only available on the remote probe system.
For more information, see section PRTG Administration Tool on
Remote Probe Systems 3432 .

Confirm Access Key Confirm Access Key is only available on the remote probe system.
For more information, see section PRTG Administration Tool on
Remote Probe Systems 3432 .

Path for the PRTG Data Directory on the Probe System

Setting Description

Path This setting is not available on the PRTG core server system. Please use
Local Storage of Data Files and Monitoring Database on the PRTG Core
Server 3412 tab instead.

Probe Settings for Monitoring

Probe Settings for Monitoring Tab

Define the IP address to use for outgoing monitoring requests.

§ If more than one IP is available on the system, you can specify the IP address that PRTG uses for the
outgoing monitoring requests of certain sensors.
§ This setting is for sensors that use the following connection types: HTTP, Domain Name System
(DNS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), Post Office Protocol
version 3 (POP3), port, remote desktop, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).

§ The setting is valid for all monitoring requests that this probe sends.

§ This setting is useful for devices that expect a certain IP address when they are queried.

§ The default setting is auto. PRTG automatically selects an IP address.

This feature does not support all sensors for technical reasons.
If you change this setting, some sensors might stop working. For example, sensors might show the
Down status if the selected IP address is blocked on the way to or directly on the target device.

Setting Description

IPv4: Outgoing IP for Define the IP address for outgoing requests that use the IPv4 protocol. The
Monitoring Requests list shows all available IP addresses on the system. Choose a specific IP
address or select auto.

IPv6: Outgoing IP for Define the IP address for outgoing requests that use the IPv6 protocol. The
Monitoring Requests list shows all available IP addresses on the system. Choose a specific IP
address or select auto.
For more information, see section IPv6 Support 158 .

Service Start/Stop
You can manually start and stop the PRTG core server service and PRTG probe service. Click the
respective buttons to start or stop the respective service. Both actions usually take from a few seconds
up to several minutes. You can also restart the PRTG core server service and PRTG probe service under
Setup | System Administration | Administrative Tools 3276 in the PRTG web interface.

We recommend that you schedule automatic system restarts.

Service Start/Stop Tab

Restart Options

Setting Description

Restart Options Define if you want to schedule an automatic restart:

§ No scheduled restart of the system or PRTG services: Do not
automatically perform a scheduled restart of services. We recommend
that you manually restart the PRTG core server system every few
weeks. You can also restart the PRTG core server service and PRTG
probe service under Administrative Tools 3276 in the PRTG web interface.
§ Scheduled restart of PRTG services: Restart the PRTG core server
service on the PRTG core server system. If you select this option, the
PRTG probe service restarts as well. Define a schedule under Restart

Setting Description

This setting is not available on the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted

Monitor instance.

§ Scheduled system restart (recommended): Define a schedule under

Restart Schedule. We recommend that you restart every PRTG core
server system once a month for best performance.

Restart Schedule This setting is only visible if you select Scheduled restart of PRTG
services or Scheduled system restart (recommended) above. Choose how
often you want to restart the PRTG core server service, PRTG probe
service, or the PRTG core server system:
§ Once per week: Select a day and a time below.

§ Once per month (recommended): Select a day of the month and a time

Day This setting is only visible if you select a schedule option above. Select a
day of the week (Monday to Sunday) or month (1st to 30th or Last). If you
select Last, PRTG restarts the PRTG core server system on the last day
of the month, regardless of how many days the month has.
If you select a date that does not exist in every month (for example,
the 30th day in February), PRTG automatically restarts the PRTG
core server system on the last day of this month.

[time] This setting is only visible if you select Scheduled restart of PRTG
services or Scheduled system restart (recommended) above. Select the
time of the day when PRTG restarts the PRTG core server system.
You get a Windows warning message 10 minutes before the restart to
inform you about the restart if you are logged in to PRTG. The actual
restart time can differ by up to 30 minutes from the time you enter here.

You can also define a restart schedule on the Settings tab 476 of a remote probe in the PRTG web

Logs and Info

Logs and Info Tab


Button Description

Open Log Folder Open the PRTG data directory 3579 to access all logs that PRTG creates.

Send Logs to Paessler Open an assistant to send logs to the Paessler support team. See Send
Logs to Paessler 3429 for details.
You can also send logs with the support bundle via Contact
Support 3335 in the PRTG web interface.

Open Support Ticket Open the support form on the Paessler website in a browser window.

Button Description

If you need help, we recommend that you use the Contact Support
option in the PRTG web interface instead.


The About section shows information about the version of installed PRTG programs and copyright

Send Logs to Paessler

You can also send logs with the support bundle via Contact Support in the PRTG web interface.

Send Logs to Paessler

If you open a support ticket, the Paessler support team might ask you to send logs for further analysis.

Field Description

Name Enter your name.

Email Enter a valid email address. You can provide any email address but we
recommend that you use the email address of your user account, which
PRTG enters by default.

Ticket # This field is optional. If you have already opened a ticket with the Paessler
support team, provide the ticket number you received. Your files are then
automatically associated with your ticket.
Enter the ticket number starting with PAE followed by four or more digits,
for example, PAE12345. If you do not have a ticket number, leave this field

Configuration Define if you want to include the configuration file. PRTG removes all
passwords from the configuration file before sending it to the Paessler
support team.

Click Send to start the data upload. PRTG then automatically collects, compresses, and sends your
logs to our FTP over SSL (FTPS) server. Ensure that FTPS and HTTP connections are allowed on the
remote probe system.

Activate Changed Settings

After you change settings, click Save & Close. A new dialog box appears where PRTG asks you to
agree to restart the PRTG core server service. Click OK to proceed.

Restart Services

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


Why does my browser show an SSL certificate warning when I open the PRTG web interface?

Which ports does PRTG use on my system?


13.2 PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems

If you start the PRTG Administration Tool on a remote probe system, you can define various probe-
related settings, restart services, and view log information. You can also change many of these settings
via the system administration 3219 and the probe settings 474 in the PRTG web interface.

The PRTG Administration Tool has the following tabs:

§ Probe Settings for Core Connection 3432

§ Probe Settings for Monitoring 3436

§ Service Start/Stop 3437

§ Logs and Info 3440

This section describes the available settings in the PRTG Administration Tool when you open it on a
remote probe system. This is not the complete set of available settings. If you need access to all
settings regarding the entire PRTG installation, open the PRTG Administration Tool on the PRTG core
server system.

Settings you make here are only valid for the remote probe system on which you open the PRTG
Administration Tool. Make sure that you log in to the system that you want to make changes to and
open the PRTG Administration Tool there.

Start the PRTG Administration Tool

§ From the Windows Start menu, select the PRTG Network Monitor folder and click PRTG
Administration Tool to open the application.

§ Confirm the question of the Windows User Account Control with Yes to allow the PRTG Administration
Tool to start.

Probe Settings for Core Connection

Define general settings regarding the remote probe and connections.

Probe Settings for Core Connection Tab

Probe Settings

Setting Description

Probe Name Enter a meaningful name to identify the remote probe. PRTG shows this
name, for example, in the device tree, and in all alarms by default. Enter a
If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with
braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the
Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

Setting Description

Reconnect Time Define the time that PRTG waits for the remote probe to reconnect to the
PRTG core server if the connection fails. Enter an integer.

Connection to PRTG Core Server

These settings affect the way the remote probe connects to the PRTG core server.

Setting Description

Server (IPv4 Address or Enter the IP address or Domain Name System (DNS) name of the PRTG
DNS Name) core server.

GID The probe GID (global ID (GID)) is a unique identifier for the remote probe.
We recommend that you do not change it.
Exceptions: If you substitute a remote probe from a different computer,
you must copy the GID from the old probe to the new probe. To do so,
click Edit GID and confirm the warning with Yes. You can then change the
GID. PRTG checks if the GID is valid. You can also generate a new GID if
necessary. To do so, click Generate new GID and confirm the warning
with Yes.
You can deny GIDs under Setup | System Administration | Core &
Probes 3252 in the PRTG web interface. If you remove a remote probe
from the device tree or if you deny a remote probe after installation 115 ,
PRTG automatically enters its GID in the Deny GIDs list.

Access Key The probe access key must match one of the access keys in the PRTG
core server installation. If it does not match, the remote probe is not able
to connect to the PRTG core server.
For more information, see section Core & Probes 3252 .
Also check the allowed and denied IPs in the Core & Probes 3252
settings to ensure that the PRTG core server accepts the IP address
of the remote probe.

Confirm Access Key If you enter an access key for a remote probe, enter it in this field again to
confirm it.

Path for the PRTG Data Directory on the Probe System

Setting Description

Path Select the directory where PRTG stores configuration and monitoring data.
Click to choose a different folder on the system.
Before you change the path, make sure you stop both the PRTG core
server service and the PRTG probe service and copy all data to the
new location.

Language for the PRTG Administration Tool for Remote Probes

Setting Description

[your language] Choose the language for the PRTG Administration Tool on the remote
probe. The default language is English.

List of available languages:

§ Deutsch (German)

§ English

§ Español (Spanish)

§ Français (French)

§ Nederlands (Dutch)

§ Português (Portuguese)

§ Pyсский (Russian)

§ (Japanese)
§ (Simplified Chinese)

Probe Settings for Monitoring

Probe Settings for Monitoring Tab

Define the IP address to use for outgoing monitoring requests.

§ If more than one IP is available on the system, you can specify the IP address that PRTG uses for the
outgoing monitoring requests of certain sensors.
§ This setting is for sensors that use the following connection types: HTTP, Domain Name System
(DNS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), Post Office Protocol
version 3 (POP3), port, remote desktop, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
§ The setting is valid for all monitoring requests that this probe sends.

§ This setting is useful for devices that expect a certain IP address when they are queried.

§ The default setting is auto. PRTG automatically selects an IP address.

This feature does not support all sensors for technical reasons.

If you change this setting, some sensors might stop working. For example, sensors might show the
Down status if the selected IP address is blocked on the way to or directly on the target device.

Setting Description

IPv4: Outgoing IP for Define the IP address for outgoing requests that use the IPv4 protocol. The
Monitoring Requests list shows all available IP addresses on the system. Choose a specific IP
address or select auto.

IPv6: Outgoing IP for Define the IP address for outgoing requests that use the IPv6 protocol. The
Monitoring Requests list shows all available IP addresses on the system. Choose a specific IP
address or select auto.
For more information, see section IPv6 Support 158 .

Service Start/Stop
You can manually start and stop the PRTG probe service. Click Start Service to start the service or Stop
Service to stop it. Both actions usually take from a few seconds up to several minutes. You can also
restart the PRTG probe service under Setup | System Administration | Administrative Tools 3276 in the
PRTG web interface.

We recommend that you schedule automatic service restarts.

Service Start/Stop Tab

Scheduled Restart Settings

This setting is not available on the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance.

Setting Description

Restart Options Define if you want to schedule an automatic restart:

§ No scheduled system or service restart: Do not automatically perform a
scheduled restart of services. We recommend that you manually restart
the PRTG core server system every few weeks. You can initiate a
restart of the PRTG probe service in the Administrative Tools 3276 in the
PRTG web interface.

Setting Description

§ Scheduled restart of PRTG services: Restart the PRTG probe service on

the probe system. If you select this option on the local probe, the PRTG
core server service restarts as well. Define a schedule under Restart
§ Scheduled system restart (recommended): Define a schedule under
Restart Schedule. We recommend that you restart probe systems once
a month for best performance.

Restart Schedule This setting is only visible if you select a schedule option above. Choose
how often you want to restart the PRTG probe service or the probe
§ Once per week: Select a day and a time below.

§ Once per month (recommended): Select a day of the month and a time

Day This setting is only visible if you select a schedule option above. Select a
day of the week (Monday to Sunday) or month (1st to 30th or Last). If you
select Last, PRTG restarts the PRTG core server system on the last day
of the month, regardless of how many days the month has.
If you select a date that does not exist in every month (for example,
the 30th day of February), PRTG automatically initiates the restart on
the last day of this month.

Time This setting is only visible if you select Scheduled restart of PRTG
services or Scheduled system restart (recommended) above. Select the
time of day when PRTG performs the restart.

You get a Windows warning message 10 minutes before the restart to

inform you about the restart if you are logged in to PRTG. The actual
restart time can differ by up to 30 minutes from the time you enter here.

You can also define a restart schedule on the Settings tab 476 of a remote probe in the PRTG web

Logs and Info

Logs and Info Tab


Button Description

Open Log Folder Open the PRTG data directory 3579 to access all logs that PRTG creates.

Send Logs to Paessler Open an assistant to send logs to the Paessler support team. See Send
Logs to Paessler 3441 for details.
You can also send logs with the support bundle via Contact
Support 3335 in the PRTG web interface.

Open Support Ticket Open the support form on the Paessler website in a browser window.

Button Description

If you need help, we recommend that you use the Contact Support
option in the PRTG web interface instead.


The About section shows information about the version of installed PRTG programs and copyright

Send Logs to Paessler

You can also send logs with the support bundle via Contact Support in the PRTG web interface.

Send Logs to Paessler

If you open a support ticket, the Paessler support team might ask you to send logs for further analysis.

Field Description

Name Enter your name.

Email Enter a valid email address. You can provide any email address but we
recommend that you use the email address of your user account, which
PRTG enters by default.

Ticket # This field is optional. If you have already opened a ticket with the Paessler
support team, provide the ticket number you received. Your files are then
automatically associated with your ticket.
Enter the ticket number starting with PAE followed by four or more digits,
for example, PAE12345. If you do not have a ticket number, leave this field

Click Send to start the data upload. PRTG then automatically collects, compresses, and sends your
logs to our FTP over SSL (FTPS) server. Ensure that FTPS and HTTP connections are allowed on the
remote probe system.

Activate Changed Settings

After you change settings, click Save & Close. A new window opens where PRTG asks you to agree to
restart the PRTG probe service. Click OK to proceed.

Restart Services

Knowledge Base

What security features does PRTG include?


Which ports does PRTG use on my system?


Part 14
Advanced Topics

3444 6/15/2022
14 Advanced Topics
In this section, we cover more advanced topics. If you already have some experience with PRTG, you
might want to learn more about the following topics.

Advanced Topics
§ Active Directory Integration 3446

§ Application Programming Interface (API) Definition 3449

§ Filter Rules for Flow, IPFIX, and Packet Sniffer Sensors 3533

§ Channel Definitions for Flow, IPFIX, and Packet Sniffer Sensors 3538

§ Define IP Address Ranges 3540

§ Define Lookups 3541

§ Regular Expressions 3552

§ Calculating Percentiles 3554

§ Add Remote Probe 3555

§ Failover Cluster Configuration 3567

§ Data Storage 3579

§ Using Your Own SSL Certificate 3583

14.1 Active Directory Integration

You can add PRTG user groups to PRTG, or you can add user groups from an Active Directory (AD).
When you integrate the AD into PRTG, you map a user group from the AD to a user group in PRTG. All
members of the AD group can then log in to PRTG with their AD domain credentials.

You cannot add single AD users to PRTG. You can only allow access for entire AD groups. PRTG
automatically creates a user account for each AD user that successfully logs in to PRTG.

This feature is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Step 1: Prepare the AD

§ In the AD, make sure that the users that you want to give access to PRTG are members of the same
user group in the AD.
§ You can also organize users into different user groups, for example, one user group whose members
have administrative rights in PRTG, and one user group whose members only have read access in

Step 2: Prepare the PRTG Core Server

§ Make sure that the PRTG core server system is a member of the domain that you want to integrate it
into. To check this setting, open the Windows Control Panel and click the Change settings link under
System, section Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

Step 3: Add AD Domain and Credentials (optional) to System Settings

§ In the PRTG web interface 133 , select Setup | System Administration | Core & Probes from the main
§ In section Active Directory Integration, enter the name of the local AD domain in the Domain Name
You can only integrate one AD domain into PRTG.

§ The following process is optional. PRTG uses the same Windows user account from which a user runs
the PRTG core server service. By default, this is the local system Windows user account. If this user
does not have sufficient rights to query a list of all user groups from the AD, provide the credentials of a
user account that has full AD access by using the Use explicit credentials option as Access Type.
If you cannot save changes to the Core & Probes settings because you get an Error (Bad
Request) with the message Active Directory Domain not accessible, select Use explicit
credentials as Access Type and provide the correct credentials for your AD domain.
§ Save your settings.

Step 4: Add a New User Group

§ Go to the User Groups tab 3270 .

§ Hover over and click Add User Group to add a new user group.
§ Enter a meaningful User Group Name and select Use Active Directory integration under Active
Directory or Single Sign-On Integration.

§ From the Active Directory Group dropdown menu, select the group in the AD whose members have
access to PRTG. If you have a very large AD with more than 1,000 entries, you see an input field
instead of a dropdown menu. In this case, you can only enter the name of the user group in the AD.
PRTG automatically adds the domain name prefix.
§ For User Type, define the access rights 153 that a user from the selected AD group has when they log

in to PRTG for the first time. You can choose between Read/write user and Read-only user. Read-only
access is useful to only show data to a large group of users.
§ Click Create.

All users in this newly created AD group can now log in to PRTG with their AD domain credentials. Their
user accounts have the group access rights 153 of the user group that you just created.

Notes and Restrictions

§ AD users can log in to 161 the PRTG web interface with their Windows user name and password. Do

not enter any domain information in the Login Name field. When an AD user logs in, PRTG
automatically creates a corresponding local account on the PRTG core server. PRTG synchronizes
credentials every hour.
§ Do not change the Login Name in PRTG for AD users unless the name changes in the AD. If you
change the Login Name in PRTG, it has no effect on the name in the AD.
§ AD queries are in read-only mode and are compatible with Read-only Domain Controllers (RODC).

§ For performance reasons, PRTG caches all requests to AD servers for one hour. If a password
changes, if you add a new user group in the AD, or if you change the group membership of an AD
user, you must either wait one hour or manually clear the cache by selecting Setup | System
Administration | Administrative Tools from the main menu and clicking Go! in the Clear Caches
§ By default, no access rights for monitoring objects, libraries, maps, or reports are set for the new user
group in PRTG. This is why, initially, users in this user group do not see monitoring objects, libraries,
maps, or reports. This does not apply if the new user group has administrative rights. Edit the
monitoring object's settings 204 and the settings of libraries, maps, and reports, and set access rights
for the newly created user group in the respective Access Rights section.
We recommend that you set these access rights in the root group settings 421 and use the
inheritance of settings 144 .
§ PRTG only supports explicit user group rights. If the AD uses groups that are members of other user
groups, PRTG does not regard the inherited implicit rights of the parent group and therefore refuses
login for members of these user groups.
§ PRTG ignores AD information about organization units (OU). PRTG cannot read these values.
However, if you use the AD in an auto-discovery group 277 , you can restrict the auto-discovery to
machines that are part of an OU.
§ You can integrate only one AD domain into PRTG.

§ PRTG does not support trusted domains or AD subdomains.

§ If you have a very large AD with more than 1,000 entries, you see an input field instead of a dropdown
menu. In this case, you can only enter the name of the user group in the AD. PRTG automatically
adds the domain name prefix.
§ A local user account for an AD user is only created if this AD user has successfully logged in to
PRTG. If you want to send email notifications 3182 to an AD group in PRTG using the option Send to
User Group in the notification settings, a member of this AD group has to log in to PRTG at least once
to receive email notifications. To avoid this, enter the email address of the AD group in the Send to
Email Address field in the notification settings and select None for the Send to User Group option.

§ If you want to delete an AD group from PRTG because of some changes to the AD, for example, you
must delete all users that are in this user group first. This is because AD users always have this user
group set as their primary group, and user accounts must have a primary group.
§ If you change the group membership of an AD user, this change is only reflected in the respective user
groups in PRTG if this AD user has logged in to PRTG again.
§ If you delete an AD user from all user groups in the AD that are related to PRTG access, this user
cannot log in to PRTG anymore. However, you still see the user in the user account list in PRTG.

Knowledge Base

How to integrate Azure Active Directory into PRTG?


14.2 Application Programming Interface (API) Definition

The PRTG API enables you to access monitoring data and manipulate objects using HTTP requests, run
your own written sensors and notifications, and implement mini probes.

The following sections introduce the available options within the PRTG API:

§ HTTP API 3450

§ Live Data 3453

§ Live Graphs 3483

§ Historic Data 3486

§ Object Manipulation 3489

§ Custom Sensors 3496

§ Custom Notifications 3511

§ Mini Probe API 3513

Knowledge Base

How can I share my self-written PRTG script/program with other PRTG users?

Where can I find PRTG mini probes which are ready to use?

14.2.1 HTTP API
All calls to the PRTG API are performed by HTTP GET requests. The URLs consist of a path to the API
function and some parameters.

§ If you are accessing the PRTG API inside your secure LAN, you can use HTTP. In environments that
are not secure (for example, when accessing your PRTG core server via the internet), you should use
HTTPS requests to make sure that your parameters and passwords are encrypted. This way, all
communication between the PRTG core server and your client is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
§ For every API call, the default limit of items is 500. If you want to receive more items per call, add a
count=xxx parameter with enough room for all sensors.
§ You must include authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) in
each request.
See section Authentication 3451 for more information.
§ All data in the GET parameters must be UTF-8-encoded and URL encoded.

Output Formats
Most data that you can request from the PRTG API is available in data tables in the Extensible Markup
Language (XML), the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, and the comma-separated values (CSV)
format (using the XML format is recommended). Here are some sample calls with different output





The example URLs consist of the following elements.

Element Description

yourserver The name of your PRTG server.

/api/table.xml Addresses an API function. Here, the function renders a table in the XML
or format or in the JSON format.

content=sensors Parameter for additional control. In this case, it includes all sensors in the

Element Description

columns=sensor Parameter for additional control. In this case, only the names of all
sensors are shown in the table.

output=csvtable (optional) Renders a table in the CSV format.

All requests to the PRTG API are stateless, which means that there is no multi-step login process of any
kind. You must include the authentication with a user name and a passhash (or a user name and a
password) in each request by using the user name and passhash (or user name and password)

user name and passhash (or user name and password) parameters

§ username=myuser&passhash=hash (or password=mypassword)

You can request the passhash for an account with the following API call:
Make sure that user name and password are URL-encoded.



Most XML replies from the PRTG API contain a <version> field that contains the program version and
buildnumber of the server's PRTG installation. Your client must look at this version number and compare
it to the version number that was used to develop the client. Do not accept version numbers older
(smaller) than this one. You should display a warning to the user (or stop processing) if the version
number differs by 0.1 or more (for example, version 18.1 vs. 18.2, or version 17.x vs. 18.x). PRTG API
conventions or parameters might have changed between versions.

Newer versions of the same major version of PRTG reply to API calls just like previous versions did.

Error Handling
Depending on whether an API call was successfully processed or not, the PRTG core server replies with
the following HTTP status codes:

HTTP Status Code Meaning Comments

200 OK The API call was successfully completed , the XML

response contains the result data.

302 Found The API call was successfully completed and a new
object was created (the redirection URL contains the
new object ID).

400 Bad Request The API call could not be successfully completed. The
XML response contains the error message.

401 Unauthorized The username/password credentials cannot be


For 400 error codes, the error .xml document includes the error message as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<error>Sorry, there is no object with the specified id.</error>

Knowledge Base

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


14.2.2 Live Data
You can access live data and live status data of objects using the PRTG API.

Getting Single Object Property

You can get the properties or settings of a single object such as name, hostname, or URL using the

See section Single Object Property 3454 for more information.

Getting Single Object Status

You can get the status of a single object such as last value or downtime using the PRTG APII.

See section Single Object Status 3457 for more information.

Getting Multiple Object Property or Status

You can get the property or status of multiple objects and use sorting and advanced filtering using the

See section Multiple Object Property or Status 3464 for more information.

Getting System Information

You can get system information from the system information 208 tables using the PRTG API.

See section System Information 3480 for more information.

Getting PRTG System Status

You can also get the PRTG system status such as the number of alarms or messages using the
following API calls.


Live system status in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format:


Live system status in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format:


All sensors in use in the JSON format:


Number of all sensor states:


Getting PRTG Health Status
You can also get the overall PRTG system health status such as probe connection status and if login is
possible using the following API calls:


Live overall system status of PRTG in the JSON format:


Live overall system status of PRTG Hosted Monitor in the JSON format:

Getting PRTG Health Data

You can also get the PRTG health data such as system CPU used (%), system memory used (%), disk
space used (%), disk space used (GB), health (%), total number of probes, disconnected probes, total
sensors, and sensor in the Unknown status using the following API calls:


Live health data of PRTG in the JSON format using maxage:


maxage is the age in seconds for data to be considered "old". For example, if data is older than 4
minutes and maxage=120, the data will be refreshed and then sent to the client.
Live health data of PRTG in the JSON format using refreshnow:

If refreshnow=1, the data will be refreshed before the API call is returned. Also, if refreshnow=1 is
present in the API call, maxage will not be considered.

Knowledge Base

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?

§ Single Object Property

You can access live data and live status data of single objects using the PRTG API.

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.

In this section:

§ Property/Setting of an Object 3455

§ Supported Object Types 3455

§ Available Channel Parameters 3456

§ Property of a Channel 3456

Property/Setting of an Object
You can get the properties or settings of an object (name, hostname, url) using the following API calls.

Because properties might contain HTML content, we recommend that you include
&show=nohtmlencode in all getobjectproperty API calls.


Get an object property/setting:


For propertyname, look at the name of the INPUT fields while editing an object. You can discern
the propertyname parameter by opening the Settings tab of an object and looking at the HTML
source of the INPUT fields. For example, the INPUT field for the tags of an object has the name tags_.
Leave away the underscore _ and use tags as a value for the propertyname parameter.

Get a list of all tags for object ID 1003


The Extensible Markup Language (XML) result looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Supported Object Types

getobjectproperty.htm supports the following object types:

§ probe

§ group

§ device

§ sensor

§ channel

§ library

§ map

§ notification

§ report

§ schedule

§ user account

getobjectproperty.htm does not support the object types ticket and user group.

Available Channel Parameters

Name of Input Field Setting Name (as displayed in the PRTG web interface)

name Name

limitmode Limit disabled or enabled (0 or 1)

limitmaxerror Upper Error Limit

limitmaxwarning Upper Warning Limit

limitminwarning Lower Warning Limit

limitminerror Lower Error Limit

limiterrormsg Error Limit Message

limitwarningmsg Warning Limit Message

Property of a Channel
With this API call, you can get a sensor's channels settings 3052 , for example channel limits. In general,
this works like getting properties of any other object. To get channel properties via the PRTG API, you
need to provide

§ the ID of a sensor (parameter id),

§ a subtype (channel for channels), and

§ a subid (ID of the channel that you want to edit)

Because properties might contain HTML content, we recommend that you include
&show=nohtmlencode in all getobjectproperty API calls.


Get a channel limit


For example, the following API call gets the upper warning limit of a channel with the ID 0 of a sensor
with the ID 1003

The XML result looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Knowledge Base

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?

§ Single Object Status

You can access live data and live status data of single objects using the PRTG API.

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.

In this section:

§ Status of an Object 3453

§ Supported Object Types 3458

§ Supported getobjectstatus Output Columns ("Name=" Parameter) 3458

§ Sensor Details 3463

§ Ticket Status and Message 3464

Status of an Object
You can get the status information (lastvalue, downtime) of an object using the following API calls:


Get object status:


The Extensible Markup Language (XML) result looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


In some cases, the result can contain HTML formatting elements.

Supported Object Types

getobjectstatus.htm supports the following object types:

§ probe

§ group

§ device

§ sensor

Supported getobjectstatus Output Columns ("Name=" Parameter)

With getobjectstatus.htm, you can use the following column names for the name parameter.

Only one column name is allowed in the API call.

If you want to use combinations of column names or more than one object in a single API call, use a
table API call instead. For more information, see section Multiple Object Property or Status 3464 .

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

objid ID of the object probes, groups, devices, sensors

type Object type or sensor type probes, groups, devices, sensors

name Name of the object probes, groups, devices, sensors

tags List of all tags. This includes tags from probes, groups, devices, sensors
the object itself plus tags that are
inherited from parent objects.

active True/false depending on whether an probes, groups, devices, sensors

object is set to paused by a user

downtime Cumulated downtime of the sensor sensors

(displayed as percentage of

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

downtimetime Cumulated downtime of the sensor (in sensors


downtimesince Elapsed time since the last Up status sensors

of the sensor

uptime Cumulated uptime of the sensor sensors

(displayed as percentage of

uptimetime Cumulated uptime of the sensor (in sensors


uptimesince Elapsed time since the last Down sensors

status of a sensor

knowntime Sum of cumulated uptime and sensors

downtime of the sensor
The output contains HTML.

cumsince Time stamp when accumulation of sensors

uptimes/downtimes began

sensor Name of the sensor sensors

interval Effective interval setting for the sensor sensors

lastcheck Time stamp of the last sensor result sensors

The output contains HTML.

lastup Time stamp of the most recent Up sensors

status of the sensor
The output contains HTML.

lastdown Time stamp of the most recent Down sensors

status of the sensor
The output contains HTML.

device For sensors: ID of the associated devices, sensors

For devices: name of the associated

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

group For sensors: ID of the associated groups, devices, sensors

For devices: name of the associated

probe Name of the associated probe probes, groups, devices, sensors

grpdev Name of the associated device and sensors

associated group, separated by slash

notifiesx Returns a string containing the probes, groups, devices, sensors

number of each trigger type defined for
this object. If trigger inheritance is
active, it displays Inherited.

intervalx Either Inherited or the current interval probes, groups, devices, sensors
setting of the object

dependency Name of an associated dependency or probes, groups, devices, sensors

The output contains HTML.

probegroupdevice Complete object hierarchy with names probes, groups, devices, sensors
of associated device, group, and probe
separated by angle brackets (>). If
more than one group is in the object
hierarchy, these are displayed with
dots (..).
The output contains HTML.

status Integer of the status of the object probes, groups, devices, sensors
(0=None, 1=Unknown, 2=Scanning,
3=Up, 4=Warning, 5=Down, 6=No
Probe, 7=Paused by User, 8=Paused
by Dependency, 9=Paused by
Schedule, 10=Unusual, 11=Not
Licensed, 12=Paused Until, 13=Down
Acknowledged, 14=Down Partial)

message Detailed message of the object probes, groups, devices, sensors

The output contains HTML.

priority Priority setting of the object probes, groups, devices, sensors

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

The output contains HTML.

lastvalue Last sensor result value sensors

upsens Number of sensors in the Up status probes, groups, devices, sensors

PRTG only counts the sensor

itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

downsens Number of sensors in the Down status probes, groups, devices, sensors
PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

downacksens Number of sensors in the Down probes, groups, devices, sensors

(Acknowledged) status
PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

partialdownsens Number of sensors in the Down probes, groups, devices, sensors

(Partial) status
PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

warnsens Number of sensors in the Warning probes, groups, devices, sensors

PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

pausedsens Number of sensors in the Paused probes, groups, devices, sensors

PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.

If the count is <1 PRTG returns


unusualsens Number of sensors in the Unusual probes, groups, devices, sensors

PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

undefinedsens Number of sensors in an undefined probes, groups, devices, sensors

status, like None, Unknown, No Probe
PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

totalsens Number of all sensors probes, groups, devices, sensors

PRTG only counts the sensor
itself or sensors below the object
in the hierarchy.
If the count is <1 PRTG returns

favorite An exclamation mark (!) if the object is groups, devices, sensors

marked as favorite
The output contains HTML.

schedule Name of the associated schedule probes, groups, devices, sensors

minigraph Numeric data for the minigraphs. sensors

Numbers are 5-minute averages for the
last 24 hours (must be scaled to the
maximum of the series). There are two
datasets: "|" separates measured
value series and error series.

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

The output contains HTML.

comments Object comments probes, groups, devices, sensors

host Hostname or IP address devices

condition For probes: If the probe is connected probes, groups

or disconnected (0=Disconnected,
1=Unauthorized, 2=Connected,
3=Banned, 4=Init)
For groups: The auto-discovery status

basetype Object type (string) probes, groups, devices, sensors

baselink URL of the object probes, groups, devices, sensors

icon URL of the device icon devices

parentid ID of the parent object probes, groups, devices, sensors

location Location property (used in Geo Maps) devices

The output contains HTML.

groupnum Number of groups or devices in the probes, groups

devicenum probe or group

Sensor Details
You can get details about a sensor (sensortype, interval, uptime) using the following API calls:

You need the sensor ID to get details about a sensor. You can find the ID on the sensor's Overview
tab or by hovering over a sensor in the device tree, for example.For more information about the
Overview tab, see the Knowledge Base: What options do I have to review my monitoring data in


Get details about a sensor in the XML format:


Get details about a sensor in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format:

Ticket Status and Message
The following API calls return status and message of a ticket.


The status of a ticket:


The subject and assignee of a ticket:


Knowledge Base

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?

§ Multiple Object Property or Status

You can access live data and live status data of multiple objects using the PRTG API.

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.

In this section:

§ Property or Status of Multiple Objects 3465

§ Table Query Builder 3465

§ Output Data Format 3465

§ RAW Date/Time Format 3466

§ Common Data Table Parameters 3466

§ Filtering by Object ID 3467

§ Sorting and Advanced Filtering 3468

§ Supported Output Columns ("columns=" Parameter) 3471

Property or Status of Multiple Objects
Most data that you can request from the PRTG API is available in data tables in the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) format, the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, and the comma-separated values
(CSV) format (using the XML format is recommended). The API function /api/table.xml is used to access
data in tables. Here are some sample calls (URLs are shown without authentication parameters to
enhance readability).

The example URLs only show the XML URLs. Use the API function /api/table.csv or the
output=constable parameter to select the CSV format, or /api/table.json to return the JSON format.


A hierarchical list of all groups, devices, and sensors with their status information:

sensortree does not support JSON output.

All sensors (with status information):

All recent log entries:


You have the easiest start if you use the table query builder 3465 or click , which most data tables have
in the PRTG web interface. Navigate to the information that you want to use, click , and you are taken
to a URL that renders the content of the table in XML format. You can now use the URL as it is or
change various parameters to suit your needs.

For more information on possible raw message status values returned by table-based API calls, see
the Knowledge Base: Is there a list of log status values for the PRTG API?

Table Query Builder

You can use the query builder tool to experiment with the PRTG API and to fine-tune your queries. You
can find it in the PRTG web interface under Setup | PRTG API, section Live Data.

Output Data Format

XML data from the PRTG API contains the fields that you requested in the columns parameter. In most
cases, numeric values are included twice: One field contains the value in human-readable format and an
additional _RAW field contains the value as a number, which is better suited for further processing and


<lastvalue>98 %</lastvalue>

§ The status field shows the value Up (the according RAW value is 3).

§ The lastvalue field shows the value 98% (the according RAW value is 97.7583).

§ The message field shows the text Created.<br/> (the according RAW value is Created.
Strings returned from _RAW columns are surrounded by double quotes (") in JSON output.

RAW Date/Time Format

For columns with date/time value, the RAW value is defined as follows: The integral part of a value is the
number of days that have passed since Dec 30th, 1899. The fractional part of a value is a fraction of a 24-
hour day that has elapsed. To find the fractional number of days between two dates, subtract the two
values. Similarly, to increment a date and time value by a certain fractional number of days, add the
fractional number to the date and time value.

Here are some examples of date/time RAW values and their corresponding dates and times:

RAW Date/Time Value Description

0 12/30/1899 00h00m (12:00 midnight)

2.75 1/1/1900 18h00m (6:00 pm)

35065 1/1/1996 00h00m (12:00 midnight)

Common Data Table Parameters

The following parameters are common to all data table API calls:

Parameter Description Possible Values

content Select the objects that you sensortree (JSON output not supported)
want to have in your table.

Parameter Description Possible Values


sysinfo (only JSON output supported)

columns Comma-separated list of see Supported Output Columns ("columns="

columns per record Parameter) 3471

output Control the output format xml: default format (recommended)

xmltable: an HTML table in the XML format
csvtable: CSV format
html: HTML table
json: JSON format
jsontable: a table in the JSON format

count Maximum number of items 1-50000

(default 500)

start Start with this entry number any

(can be used with "count" to
request the data page by

Filtering by Object ID
Add an ID parameter (for example, id=1) to the API URL to select a subset of items for the data table, for
example, to reduce the amount of data transferred for each data table API call. The data table only
contains information for this object ID and its child objects.

Some table types require an ID. If you omit the ID parameter or if it has the value zero (0), all
available objects are used.

Table Type ID Required or Description Object Types
(content=) Optional Allowed for the ID

sensortree optional You only get a part of the tree Probe

(the object with the specified ID
and all child objects below it). Group

JSON output is not


sensors optional You only get the object with the Probe
devices specified ID and all child objects
below it. Group

tickets optional You only get tickets or log file Any object
messages entries that are related to the
object with the specified ID or
any child objects below it.

values required You get the data values (or Sensor

channels channels) of the sensor with the
specified ID.

reports not used This data table always includes n/a

all reports.

storedreports required You get a list of stored .pdf files Report

of the report selected by the ID.

ticketdata required You get the history of the ticket Ticket

selected by the ID.

sysinfo required You get system information of Device

the object with the specified ID.

Sorting and Advanced Filtering

There are various options to further filter and to sort the data for each data table API call:

Parameter Description Possible Values

filter_drel Only include records today

younger than this setting

Parameter Description Possible Values

For content=messages 30days

and content=tickets
only. 12months

filter_status Only include sensors with a Unknown=1

specific status. Using
multiple filter_status fields Collecting=2
performs a logical OR. Up=3
For content=sensors Warning=4

filter_tags Only include sensors with a @tag(tagname)

specific tag. Using multiple
filter_tag fields performs a
logical OR.
For content=sensors

filter_xyz Filter the data. (Samples: filter_xyz where xyz is any column name
filter_type=ping, used in the columns parameter
filter_favorite=1). Using Substrings: use
multiple filter_xyz fields filter_xyz=@sub(substring1,substring2)
performs a logical OR. Values not equal/above/below: use

Parameter Description Possible Values

Filtering using columns is

only possible for tree
objects. You cannot use
columns to filter objects like
messages or tickets, for
example. For
content=tickets, you can
use the special filter terms
filter_user, and
filter_type (this corresponds
to column tickettype).
Like for messages, you can
also use
and filter_dend.
Multiple filters are not
available for tickets.

sortby Sort the data. If this Any column name used in the columns
parameter is omitted, the parameter.
table is sorted based on the
first column. Add a leading Log tables with content=messages are
"-" to reverse sort order. always sorted by descending date.
(Samples: sortby=name,
sortby=lastvalue, sortby=-
lastvalue, sortby=uptime)


Here are some samples for filtered API calls:

All sensors that are not in the Up status 186 (with their status and downtime information):

Fastest Ping sensors:


Log entries of the last 7 days for object id 2003:


Supported Output Columns ("columns=" Parameter)

You can use the following column names for the columns parameter (separated by comma, for example,

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

objid ID of the object all object tables

type Object type (group, device, all object tables

report, etc.), or the sensor type
(ping, http, etc.), or event type
for tickets (relevant for ToDo

name Name of the object or channel. all object tables

For log messages/tickets: the channels
name of the related object.
For stored reports: the name of
the report file. storedreports

tags List of all tags (for tickets: tags all object tables (except for user)
for the related object). This
includes tags from the object
itself plus tags that are inherited
from parent objects.

active True/false depending on whether all object tables

an object is set to paused by a
user (for tickets: related object).
For notifications that are paused
by schedule, it also displays the
end of the schedule.

downtime Cumulated downtime of the sensors

sensor (displayed as percentage
of uptime+downtime)

downtimetime Cumulated downtime of the sensors

sensor (in minutes/hours)

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

downtimesince Elapsed time since last Up sensors

status of the sensor

uptime Cumulated uptime of the sensor sensors

(displayed as percentage of

uptimetime Cumulated uptime of the sensor sensors

(in minutes/hours)

uptimesince Elapsed time since the last sensors

Down status of the sensor

knowntime Sum of cumulated uptime and sensors

downtime of the sensor

cumsince Time stamp when accumulation sensors

of uptimes/downtimes began

sensor Name of the sensor sensors


interval Effective interval setting for the sensors


lastcheck Time stamp of the last sensor sensors


lastup Time stamp of the most recent sensors

Up status of the sensor

lastdown Time stamp of the most recent sensors

Down status of the sensor

device Name of the associated device sensors


group Name of the associated group sensors


probe Name of the associated probe sensors


Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for


grpdev Name of the associated device sensors

and the associated group
separated by a forward slash (/) devices

notifiesx Number of each trigger type probes

defined for the object

intervalx Either Inherited or the current probes

interval setting of the object

accessrights Access rights of the current user all objects (except for user), for example:
for the sensor tree object

dependency Name of an associated probes

dependency or Parent

probegroupdevice Complete object hierarchy with sensor

names of associated device,
group, and probe separated by a device
forward slash (/). If more than group
one group is in the object
hierarchy, these are displayed probe
with '..'.

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

status For sensor tree objects: status sensors

of the object (0=None,
1=Unknown, 2=Scanning, 3=Up, devices
4=Warning, 5=Down, 6=No groups
Probe, 7=Paused by User,
8=Paused by Dependency, probes
9=Paused by Schedule,
10=Unusual, 11=Not Licensed,
12=Paused Until, 13=Down tickets
Acknowledged, 14=Down
For messages: category of the
log message
For tickets: status of ticket
(open, resolved, closed)

message Detailed message of the sensor sensors

tree object (for example, last
error of the sensor) or the history devices
entry, log entry, ticket subject groups

priority Priority setting of the sensor tree sensors

object or the priority of the log
entry/ticket devices
tickets (not supported: schedule,
notification, user)

lastvalue Last sensor result value or sensors

channel values
When used with channels, you
must use lastvalue_ to
automatically display volumes
and speed.

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

upsens Number of sensors in the Up all sensors

PRTG only counts the
sensor itself or sensors groups
below the object in the probes

downsens Number of sensors in the Down all sensors

PRTG only counts the
sensor itself or sensors groups
below the object in the probes

downacksens Number of sensors in the Down all sensors

(Acknowledged) status
PRTG only counts the
sensor itself or sensors groups
below the object in the probes

partialdownsens Number of sensors in the Down all sensors

(Partial) status
PRTG only counts the
sensor itself or sensors groups
below the object in the probes

warnsens Number of sensors in the all sensors

Warning status
PRTG only counts the
sensor itself or sensors groups
below the object in the probes

pausedsens Number of sensors in the all sensors

Paused status. This includes all
Paused states ('paused by user', devices
'paused by dependency, 'paused groups
by schedule', etc.).

unusualsens Number of sensors in the all sensors

Unusual status

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

PRTG only counts the probes

sensor itself or sensors
below the object in the

undefinedsens Number of sensors in an all sensors

undefined status, like None,
Unknown, No Probe devices

PRTG only counts the groups

sensor itself or sensors probes
below the object in the

totalsens Number of all sensors all sensors

PRTG only counts the devices
sensor itself or sensors
below the object in the groups
hierarchy. probes

size Performance impact of the sensors

sensor (1=Very Low, 2=Low,
3=Medium, 4=High, 5=Very

value The channel value or the Toplist values

Should only be used as value_,
because then it is expanded for
all visible channels/toplist

coverage Sensor coverage of the time values

span in a value table.

favorite An exclamation mark (!) if the sensors

sensor tree object is marked as
favorite devices

user User responsible for a history history

entry or the user (or user group)
a ticket is assigned to. tickets

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

parent Name of the parent object of the messages

associated object of a log

datetime Time stamp or time span of the messages

object (for tickets: last
modification) tickets

dateonly Like datetime but only the date messages


timeonly Like datetime but only the time messages


schedule For sensor tree objects: Name probes

of the associated schedule
For reports: Report generation
schedule devices

period Period of the report (day, week, reports


email Email address of the report reports

template Template used by the report reports

lastrun Time stamp of the last reports

generation of a report

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

nextrun Time stamp of the next reports

generation of a report

size Size of a stored report size of a stored report

minigraph Numeric data for the minigraphs. sensors

Numbers are 5-minute averages
for the last 24 hours (must be
scaled to the maximum of the
series). There are two datasets:
"|" separates measured value
series and error series.

deviceicon Device icon devices

comments Object comments all objects

For tickets: related object

host Hostname or IP address devices

devices For probes: probe status probes

1=Unauthorized, 2=Connected, groups
3=Banned, 4=Init)
For groups: auto-discovery

basetype Object type (string) all tree objects

baselink URL of the object all tree objects

icon URL of the device icon devices

parentid ID of the parent object or ID of a all tree objects


location Location property (used in Geo devices


fold Subobjects are folded up (true) probes

or down (false)
For tickets: user (or user group)
to which a ticket is assigned tickets
read it since last change

Column Name What It Displays Can Be Used for

groupnum Number of groups or devices in probes

devicenum the probe or group

tickettype Type of ticket: user, notification, tickets


modifiedby User who edited the ticket most tickets


actions Types of all ticket edits ticketdata

content Text of the ticket that was added ticketdata

with the last edit

channel Number of channels with an ID sensors

greater than or equal to 0

_key, _value Key value pair from the system sysinfo (category: system)

_displayname, _class, Display name, class, and sysinfo (category: hardware)

_caption caption from the system table

_user, _domain User and domain pair from the sysinfo (category: loggedonusers)
system table

_displayname, Display name, creation date, sysinfo (category: processes)

_creationdate, and process id from the system
_processid table

_displayname, _state, Display name, state, and start sysinfo (category: services)
_startmode mode from the system table

_displayname, Display name and version pair sysinfo (category: software)

_version from the system table

Knowledge Base

Is there a list of log status values for the PRTG API?


How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


3479 System Information

You can access live data and live status data for system information using the PRTG API.

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.

To retrieve system information using API calls, we recommend that you use the following order:

1. Refresh the system information so that it is up to date, if necessary.

For details, see Scan Now 3480 .

2. Retrieve generic system information to ensure that the last scan (step 1) was successful and that
there are no errors.
For details, see Generic Data 3481 .
3. Retrieve system information in the form of data tables.
For details, see Data Tables 3481 .

System information API calls only support the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) output.

Scan Now
The following API calls to retrieve new information for a system information 208 category. To refresh
system information via the API, you need to provide

§ the ID of a device (parameter id), and

§ a kind (system information category 3480 ).

We recommend that you only refresh system information if absolutely necessary because the
refresh triggers a rescan of all system information tables.


Refresh process information


Refresh hardware information


sysinfochecknow only supports JSON output.

Supported Output Columns ("kind=" Parameter)

Column Name Category (as displayed in the PRTG web interface)

system System

hardware Hardware

Column Name Category (as displayed in the PRTG web interface)

processes Processes

Services Services

software Software

loggedonusers Users

Generic Data
The following API calls retrieve generic data about the system information category since the last scan,
for example time stamps and if the last scan was successful. To retrieve this information via the PRTG
API, you need to provide

§ the ID of a device (parameter id), and

§ a kind (system information category).




sysinfo only supports JSON output.

Data Tables
The following API calls retrieve all information from a system information category table. To retrieve this
information via the PRTG API, you need to provide

§ the content type (always sysinfo),

§ the category (as displayed in the PRTG web interface),

§ columns (see Supported Output Columns ("columns=" Parameter) 3482 ), and

§ the ID of a device (parameter id).





Data tables for system information only support JSON output.

Supported Output Columns ("columns=" Parameter)

You can use the following sysinfo-specific column names for the columns parameter (separated by
comma, for example, columns=_key,_value).

For a list of all supported column names, see section Multiple Object Property or Status 3471 .

Column Name Description Can Be Used for

_key, _value Key value pair from the system sysinfo (category: system)

_displayname, _class, Display name, class, and sysinfo (category: hardware)

_caption caption from the system table

_user, _domain User and domain pair from the sysinfo (category: loggedonusers)
system table

_displayname, Display name, creation date, and sysinfo (category: processes)

_creationdate, _processid process id from the system table

_displayname, _state, Display name, state, and start sysinfo (category: services)
_startmode mode from the system table

_displayname, _version Display name and version pair sysinfo (category: software)
from the system table

Knowledge Base

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


14.2.3 Live Graphs
You can use live sensor graphs from PRTG in other web pages using the PRTG API. PRTG renders
graphs as .png or .svg files. You can include them in other web pages.

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.


Live graph as a .png file:


Live graph as an .svg file:


To switch between PNG and SVG images, change the file extension of /chart to .png or .svg.

The URL does not start with /api. When placing these URLs on web pages, keep in mind that the
URLs contain the account user name and password/passhash. This can imply security issues. We
recommend that you set up a dedicated read-only 153 user account in PRTG that is member of a
dedicated user group, for example, that only has read access to the root group and all underlying entries
or, even better, only for the object IDs that are used for graph URLs.

Parameters for Live Graph URLs (chart.png or chart.svg)

Parameter Description

type Must be graph

graphid Select time span of the graph:

§ 0=live

§ 1=last 48 hours

§ 2=30 days

§ 3=365 days

width Width of the image in pixels

height Height of the image in pixels

id The object ID of the desired graph object. This is usually the ID of a sensor.

clgid The node ID of the cluster node of the desired graph object

Parameter Description


7D. You can also use clgid=%7B00000000-0000-0000-0000-
000000000000%7D to return a graph that has data from all cluster nodes.

graphstyling Allow control of some graph styles:

§ Display legend: graphstyling=showLegend%3D%271%27

§ Hide legend: graphstyling=showLegend%3D%270%27

§ Control font size: graphstyling=baseFontSize%3D%27XX%27 (XX is the

font size)
§ Control legend and font size at the same time: graphstyling=showLegend

bgcolor Background color of the PNG image, for example, #fffff. This affects the area
that surrounds the graph.
The value must be URL encoded, for example, %23fffff.

plotcolor Color of the graph's plot area, for example, #fffff. This affects the whole area
within the graph box.
The value must be URL encoded, for example, %23fffff.

plotcolor1 Alternating color of the graph's plot area, for example, #fffff. This affects the
tiles within the graph box alternating with plotcolor2. The result is a striped
graph box.
The value must be URL encoded, for example, %23fffff.

This parameter is overwritten when using the parameter plotcolor.

plotcolor2 Alternating color of the graph's plot area, for example, #fffff. This affects the
tiles within the graph box alternating with plotcolor1. The result is a striped
graph box.
The value must be URL encoded, for example, %23fffff.
This parameter is overwritten when using the parameter plotcolor.

gridcolor Color of grid lines in the graph's plot area, for example, #fffff. This affects the
horizontal and vertical lines within the graph box.
The value must be URL encoded, for example, %23fffff.

Parameter Description

hide Do not show defined channels in the graph. Use the ID of a channel to hide
it. For example, use hide=-4 to not show the Downtime channel in the
graph. To hide more than one channel, use commas to separate the IDs.

Retrieving Chart Legends (JSON)

You can show the legend of a sensor graph (channel IDs, colors, units, channel names) in the JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON) format.


Chart legend in the JSON format:


Knowledge Base

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


14.2.4 Historic Data
You can download the historic monitoring data for one sensor in the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
format or the comma-separated values (CSV) format using the following API calls. You can either request
the results of each single monitoring request (called raw data) or you can let PRTG calculate averages of
the data (for example, hourly or daily averages).

To avoid potential server overload, the number of requestable values per API call is limited by means of
automatic averaging as follows:

Minimum Level of Detail (Average Interval) Maximum Timeframe per API Call

Raw data (all single monitoring requests) For up to 40 days per API request

60 minutes/1 hour averages 40 to 500 days per API request

If you try to use a larger time span than 500
days, PRTG automatically reduces it to 365

API calls for historic data are limited to 5 requests per minute.

API Calls for Historic Data

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.

The API calls for historic data tables look like this:




JavaScript Object Notation (JSON):


You must supply the object ID of a sensor as well as a start date/time sdate and end date/time

If you use the JSON call, additionally provide the parameter usecaption=1 to get more information
than just the raw data table.

API Call for Historic Graphs
Historic graphs are also available (in the PNG format):



Common Parameters for Historic Data API Calls

You can use the following parameters for the graphs and the data tables:

Parameter Description Possible Values

id ID of the specific sensor integer

sdate Start of the time span (date and time) yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss

edate End of the time span (date and time) yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss

avg Average interval in seconds; use 0 to integer

download raw data (= results of all single
monitoring requests)

width/height Width and height of the graph in pixels integer

graphstyling baseFontSize='x' sets the size of the font baseFontSize='x'%

showLegend='x' enables (1) or disables (0) 20showLegend='x'
the graph legend

Historic Data Query Builder

You can also use the historic data reports 189 to manually generate and analyze historic sensor data via
the PRTG web interface.

Knowledge Base

How can I export historic data from the PRTG API?


How can I export raw sensor data automatically from PRTG?


14.2.5 Object Manipulation
You can use the following functions to manipulate objects (URLs are shown without user name or
passhash to enhance readability).

In this section:

§ Changing Object Settings 3489

§ Supported Object Types for rename.htm 3490

§ Switch Inheritance Off/On 3490

§ Changing Properties of Channels 3490

§ Pausing/Resuming 3491

§ Supported Object Types for pause.htm 3491

§ Error Handling, Rescanning 3492

§ Rescanning, Triggering Auto-Discovery 3492

§ Reordering Objects in the Sensor Tree 3492

§ Report-related 3492

§ Notification-related 3493

§ Adding/Deleting Objects 3493

§ Supported Object Types for duplicateobject.htm 3493

§ Duplicating Sensors and Changing Clone Settings 3494

§ Setting Geo Location 3495

Changing Object Settings

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.


Rename an object:

Set priority of an object (valid values for x are 1 to 5):


Change properties of objects:


This function can change most string and number properties of objects (names, numeric values,
object identifiers (OID), etc.). Use it with caution. You can discern the property_name parameter
by opening the Settings page of an object and looking at the HTML source of the INPUT fields. For
example, the INPUT field for the tags of an object has the name tags_. Leave away the underscore _
and use tags as a value for the property_name parameter.

Supported Object Types for rename.htm
rename.htm supports the following object types:

§ group

§ device

§ sensor

§ map

§ report

§ library

§ notification template

§ schedule

§ user

§ user group

rename.htm does not support other object types.

Switch Inheritance Off/On

This API call sets the inherit setting of objects (location, credentials, compatibility options, proxy
settings, scanning interval, access rights, channel unit). In general, this works like changing properties
for any other object.


Replace the parameter inheritType with the name of the inheritance type:

This internal name must be followed by an underscore (_), in contrast to changing properties
above. Use the value 0 for switching off inheritance, and 1 for switching on inheritance. For
example, the inheritance type for the scanning interval setting has the name intervalgroup_. Thus, this
specific part in the URL is &name=intervalgroup_&value=0 (switches off inheritance for scanning
This call does not work with the Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window settings.

Changing Properties of Channels

With this API call, you can change a sensor's channel settings 3052 . In general, this works like changing
properties of any other object. To set channel properties via the PRTG API, you need to provide

§ the ID of a sensor (parameter id),

§ a subtype (channel for channels), and

§ a subid (ID of the channel that you want to edit).

Example: Enabling and Setting Limits for Channels

Set limits for channels:


You must set the limits for a channel before you can enable limits.
Enable limits for channels:

For example, the following API call sets the upper error limit of a channel with the ID 0 of a sensor
with the ID 2970 to the value 25.

For Toplists, you can use the subtype toplist to change the properties. When using this subtype,
subid is the ID of a Toplist.

For a list of available channel parameters, see section Single Object Property 3456 .



Pause a sensor or object indefinitely:


Pause a sensor or object for x minutes:


The pause message is optional. You can leave out the parameter &pausemsg=yourmessage if
you do not want to display a message.
Simulate an error for a sensor:

simulate.htm only works for sensors in the Up, Warning, Unusual, or Unknown status 186 .
Resume monitoring of a sensor or object:

Supported Object Types for pause.htm

pause.htm supports the following object types:

§ probe

§ group

§ device

§ sensor

§ notification

§ user account

pause.htm does not support other object types.

Error Handling (Acknowledge Alarm)


Acknowledge the Down status:


Rescanning, Triggering Auto-Discovery


Scan a sensor now:


Run an auto-discovery for a group or device:


Providing a device template 3093 for auto-discovery is optional. You can leave out the parameter
&template=filename to run the auto-discovery with the options defined in the object's settings. If
you use a template, provide the whole file name including file extension surrounded by double quotes
and encode whitespaces, if necessary. Example: &template="Linux%20SNMP.odt"
discovernow.htm overrides the Auto-Discovery setting of the target group or device. If it is set to
No auto-discovery, it automatically changes to Standard auto-discovery (recommended).

Reordering Objects in the Sensor Tree


Move an object in the sensor tree (x can be up, down, top, bottom):



Add a group, device, or sensor to a report:




Trigger a notification immediately for testing purposes:


objectid is the ID of the notification template.

Adding/Deleting Objects
Adding and deleting objects in your configuration is the most complex and potentially most critical
process when using the PRTG API. Keep in mind that adding or deleting objects is much better guided
in the normal PRTG web interface with more warnings and alerts.

We recommend that you use the PRTG web interface for adding and deleting objects, if possible.

Deleting Objects

API calls to the delete function immediately delete the referenced object including all subobjects, if
there are any. For example, deleting a group deletes all its devices and sensors. There is no way to
undo a deletion, so use this function with care.


Delete an object:

Adding Objects

Adding completely new objects from scratch is not supported via the PRTG API because of the
complexity of object creation and its parameters. To add new objects to PRTG, create a "master" object
that is cloned into new objects.

Supported Object Types for duplicateobject.htm

duplicateobject.htm supports the following object types:

§ group

§ device

§ sensor

§ report

§ library

§ map

§ notification template

duplicateobject.htm does not support other object types.


Duplicate a group:

Duplicate a device:

Duplicate a sensor:

Duplicate a library:

Duplicate a notification template:


If duplicateobject succeeds, the PRTG core server replies with a redirect to the URL of the new
object (for example, /sensor.htm?id=1234), so your application should parse the new object ID
from this URL.
When a group, device, or sensor is cloned, it is initially set to Paused so you have the chance to
edit parameters as desired. You must resume it with an API call afterward.
The API calls for duplicating reports, maps, libraries, and notification templates do not require a

Duplicating Sensors and Changing Clone Settings

The following process duplicates a sensor, changes some settings, and then starts monitoring:


Duplicate the sensor (the server replies with a redirect to the new object's web page, for
example /sensor.htm?id=10214, parse id 10214 from the URL):

Rename the new sensor:


Change the OID (in this example for an SNMP Custom sensor 2035 ):

Resume monitoring for the new sensor:

Setting Geo Location

You can set the location of any object via an API call. Provide the object ID together with parameters for
location and/or longitude and latitude.

If only the location parameter is specified, the PRTG core server executes the geo location lookup (this
can take up to three minutes). Provide the name of the location, for example, New York. It is shown in
the Location settings, no matter the longitude or latitude.

If the longitude and latitude parameter is specified, the marker in the map is set to this position, no
matter of the location parameter. Provide longitude and latitude separated by a comma, for example -


Set the geo location of an object:


Knowledge Base

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?


14.2.6 Custom Sensors
Custom sensors can perform a number of monitoring tasks that extend the standard sensor set. Apart
from parameterized versions of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Packet Sniffer, and
NetFlow sensors, you can create your own sensors using Windows Management Instrumentation Query
Language (WQL) or Python, by compiling an .exe file, using any Windows software development tool,
and you can request any Representational State Transfer (REST) application programming interface
(API) that returns JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or Extensible Markup Language (XML) and map the
results to channels.

The following documentation describes the custom EXE/Script 941 , Python Script 1749 , and SSH Script 2567
sensors. The defined XML and JSON formats for the advanced sensors are also used for advanced HTTP
data sensors and the REST Custom 1819 sensor.

For more information about custom sensors based on SNMP, Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI), Packet Sniffing, and Flow (NetFlow, jFlow, sFlow, IPFIX), see the respective
custom sensors 3047 .

For each sensor interval, PRTG can run an external process. The process can be a Windows .exe
file, or a .dll, .bat, .cmd, .vbs, or PowerShell file, as well as a Python or Secure Shell (SSH) script.

In this section:

§ Standard and Advanced EXE/Script Sensor 3496

§ Standard and Advanced SSH Script Sensor 3497

§ Interface Definition for EXE/BAT/CMD/VBS/PowerShell/SSH Sensors 3497

§ Return Values for EXE/BAT/CMD/VBS/PowerShell/SSH Sensors 3498

§ Standard EXE/Script Sensor 3498

§ SSH Script Sensor 3499

§ Advanced Script, HTTP Data, and REST Custom Sensors 3499

§ Advanced Script, HTTP Data, and REST Custom Sensors: Elements 3501

§ Interface Definition for DLL Sensors 3507

§ Command-line Parameters 3508

§ Escape Special Characters and Whitespaces in Parameters 3509

§ Environment Values 3509

Standard and Advanced EXE/Script Sensor

You must create the sensor as a file and store it in a specific subfolder on the probe system. In a
cluster, you must store it on each cluster node.

Place executables (.exe, .dll), batch files (.cmd, .bat), VBS scripts (.vbs), or PowerShell scripts (.ps1)
into a subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 . For the standard EXE/Script sensor 941 , this is the
following subfolder of the PRTG program directory:
Custom Sensors\EXE

If your executable or script returns XML or JSON, you use it with the EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951 . In
this case, store your file in the following subfolder of the PRTG program directory:
Custom Sensors\EXEXML

You find a sample set of demo sensors in these subfolders, too. As soon as a file is placed into the
subfolders mentioned above, you can create your own custom EXE sensor and select the new file from
the list of files.

The probe then executes the file on the probe system using the account configured for the PRTG probe
service (system is the default). The local probe runs the file on the local PRTG core server system. For
remote probes, the file actually runs on the remote probe system.

If you use a PowerShell script (.ps1) and if the PowerShell Security Enhancement experimental
feature 3239 is enabled, scripts that use the write-host cmdlet to provide their output to PRTG do not
work. Use the write-output cmdlet instead.

We recommend that you not edit the demo files. Create your own new files and make sure to give
them unique names that do not start with Demo, for example.

If your custom sensor code relies on other files (for example, .dll files, .NET framework, Windows
PowerShell) you must manually copy or install these files on the probe system.

EXE sensors fail if they attempt to open any graphical user interface windows using the Win32 APIs.
This is not allowed for processes that are started by a system service.

Standard and Advanced SSH Script Sensor

You must create the sensor as an SSH script and place it in a specific directory on the target
system running your Linux/Unix installation where the script is executed.

Place your SSH script files for the standard SSH Script sensor 2567 in the following directory of the target

If your SSH script returns XML or JSON, you use it with the SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578 . In this
case, store your file in the following directory of the target system:

As soon as a file is placed into the respective directory, you can create your own SSH script sensor and
select the new script file from the list of scripts.

With each scanning interval, PRTG executes the script on the target system and receives the result
as a sensor result.

Interface Definition for EXE/BAT/CMD/VBS/PowerShell/SSH Sensors

Every time the sensor is run, the selected file is executed. The string entered in the Parameters field of
the sensor's settings is used as command line (you can use placeholders, see Command-line
Parameters 3508 ). The executable file must send the results to the Standard OUT. For the format of
returned data, see below.

If the executable file does not return control to the PRTG process, it is killed as soon as the timeout
value set for this sensor is reached.

You can test the .exe file that you want to use for the sensor via the command line (cmd.exe). To do so,
start the .exe file and pipe the results into a file.

sensorexe parameter > result.txt

The results are written into the file result.txt and you can check the results with notepad or any other
text editor.


§ For PowerShell scripts, make sure that they are executed by either signing the files or changing the
security policy for Powershell.exe accordingly.
§ In SSH scripts, you can use alphanumeric characters and the special characters ".", "_", "-", "=", and
"/" outside of quoted strings in the Parameters field of the sensor's settings.
§ The API interface for custom EXE sensors is compatible with the custom EXE sensors provided by

Return Values for EXE/BAT/CMD/VBS/PowerShell/SSH Sensors

The expected return values are different, depending on the type of EXE/Script sensor used. The standard
sensor needs a simple value:message pair. The EXE/Script Advanced sensor processes an XML or
JSON return value. When using the standard SSH Script sensor, it expects returncode:value:message
as result. See details below.

Standard EXE/Script Sensor

The returned data for standard EXE/Script sensors must be in the following format:

Value has to be a 64-bit integer or float. It is used as the resulting value for this sensor (for example,
bytes, milliseconds) and stored in the database. The message can be any string (maximum length:
2000 characters).

The exit code of the executable file has to be one of the following values:

Value Description

0 OK


2 System Error (for example, a network/socket error)

Value Description

3 Protocol Error (for example, web server returns a 404)

4 Content Error (for example, a web page does not contain a required word)

SSH Script Sensor

The returned data for standard SSH Script sensors must be in the following format:

Value has to be a 64-bit integer or float. It is used as the resulting value for this sensor (for example,
bytes, milliseconds) and stored in the database. The message can be any string (maximum length:
2000 characters).

The SSH script returncode has to be one of the following values:

Value Description

0 OK


2 System Error (for example, a network/socket error)

3 Protocol Error (for example, web server returns a 404)

4 Content Error (for example, a web page does not contain a required word)

Advanced Script, HTTP Data, and REST Custom Sensors

The returned data for the EXE/Script Advanced 951 , Python Script Advanced 1749 , SSH Script
Advanced 2578 , HTTP Push Data Advanced 1143 , HTTP Data Advanced 1097 , and HTTP IoT Push Data
Advanced 1117 sensors must be in XML or JSON format, the REST configuration file for the REST Custom
sensor 1819 must be available as JSON template.

Most parameters have a default value and are not required. The following minimum examples leave most
parameters to their default values and return two static channel values.


XML Return Format: Minimum Example:
<channel>First channel</channel>
<channel>Second channel</channel>

To return an error, the XML format is:

<text>Your error message</text>

JSON Return Format: Minimum Example

"prtg": {
"result": [
"channel": "First channel",
"value": 10
"channel": "Second channel",
"value": 20

To return an error, the JSON format is:

"prtg": {
"error": 1,
"text": "Your error message"

You can find a more detailed demo script for the EXE/Script Advanced sensor in the \Custom
Sensors\EXEXML subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 . You find demo files for other
sensors in the \Custom Sensors folder as well.

Advanced Script, HTTP Data, and REST Custom Sensors: Elements

You can optionally define the encoding of your .xml file at the beginning of the document. For example,
to define UTF-8, you would use:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

You can use the following elements in the section between <result> and </result>. In each section, you
can return one channel. You can define a maximum of 50 channels.

If you exceed this limit, PRTG tries to display all channels. However, be aware that this is an
unsupported procedure and you experience limited usability and performance.

For XML output, the tag names are not case-sensitive. For example, you can use both "VALUE" and
"value". For JSON output, the tag names are case-sensitive but you can also use lowercase. For
example, you can use both "CustomUnit" and "customunit".

Tag Mandatory Description Possible Content

<Channel> Yes Name of the channel as displayed in Any string

user interfaces.
This parameter is required and
must be unique for the sensor.

<Value> Yes The value as integer or float. Integer or float value

Make sure the <Float> setting
matches the kind of value
provided. Otherwise PRTG shows 0

<Unit> No The unit of the value. The default is BytesBandwidth

Custom. This is useful for PRTG to
convert volumes and times. BytesDisk

Tag Mandatory Description Possible Content

CPU: This is a %
unit that is
accounted to the
CPU load in index


<CustomUnit> No If Custom is used as unit, this is the Any string (keep it

text displayed behind the value. short)

<SpeedSize> No Size used for the display value. For One

<VolumeSize> example, if you have a value of 50000
and use Kilo as size, the display is 50 Kilo
kilo #. Mega
The default is One (value used as Giga
returned). For the Bytes and Speed
units, this is overridden by the setting Tera
in the user interface.


<SpeedTime> No See above, used when displaying the Second

speed. The default is Second.

<Mode> No Select if the value is an absolute value Absolute

or counter. The default is Absolute.

Tag Mandatory Description Possible Content

<Float> No Define if the value is a float. The 0 (= no, integer)

default is 0 (no). If set to 1 (yes), use a
dot as decimal separator in values. 1 (= yes, float)

Define decimal places with the

<DecimalMode> element.

<DecimalMode> No Init value for the Decimal Places Auto

option. If 0 is used in the <Float>
element (use integer), the default is All
Auto. Otherwise (for float) the default
is All.
You can change this initial setting
later in the sensor's channel
settings 3052 .

<Warning> No If enabled for at least one channel, the 0 (= no)

entire sensor is set to the Warning
status. The default is 0 (no). 1 (= yes)

<ShowChart> No Init value for the Show in graphs 0 (= no)

option. The default is 1 (yes).
1 (= yes)
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<ShowTable> No Init value for the Show in tables option. 0 (= no)

The default is 1 (yes).
1 (= yes)
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<LimitMaxError No Define an upper error limit for the String with numbers,
> channel. If enabled, the sensor is set surrounded by
to the Down status if this value is quotation marks (")
exceeded and the LimitMode is

Tag Mandatory Description Possible Content

Provide the value for the limit in

the unit of the base data type as it
is used in the <Value> element of this
section. When a sensor shows the
Down status triggered by a limit, it still
receives data in its channels.

The values defined with this

element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<LimitMaxWarni No Define an upper warning limit for the String with numbers,
ng> channel. If enabled, the sensor is set surrounded by
to the Warning status if this value is quotation marks (")
exceeded and the LimitMode is
Provide the value for the limit in
the unit of the base data type as it
is used in the <Value> element of this
section. When a sensor shows the
Down status triggered by a limit, it still
receives data in its channels.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<LimitMinWarni No Define a lower warning limit for the String with numbers,
ng> channel. If enabled, the sensor is set surrounded by
to the Warning status if this value falls quotation marks (")
below the defined limit and the
LimitMode is activated.
Provide the value for the limit in
the unit of the base data type as it
is used in the <Value> element of this
section. When a sensor shows the
Down status triggered by a limit, it still
receives data in its channels.

Tag Mandatory Description Possible Content

The values defined with this

element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<LimitMinError> No Define a lower error limit for the String with numbers,
channel. If enabled, the sensor is set surrounded by
to the Down status if this value falls quotation marks (")
below the defined limit and the
LimitMode is activated.
Provide the value for the limit in
the unit of the base data type as it
is used in the <Value> element of this
section. When a sensor shows the
Down status triggered by a limit, it still
receives data in its channels.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<LimitErrorMsg No Define an additional message. It is Any string

> added to the sensor's message when
entering the Down status that is
triggered by a limit.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<LimitWarningM No Define an additional message. It is Any string

sg> added to the sensor's message when
entering the Warning status that is
triggered by a limit.

Tag Mandatory Description Possible Content

The values defined with this

element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<LimitMode> No Define if the limit settings defined 0 (= no)

above are active. The default is 0 (no;
limits inactive). If 0 is used, the limits 1 (= yes)
are written to the channel settings as
predefined values, but limits are
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<ValueLookup> No Define if you want to use a lookup file Any string

(for example, to view integers as
status texts). Enter the ID of the
lookup file that you want to use, or
omit this element to not use lookups.

The values defined with this

element are only considered
during the first sensor scan when the
channel is newly created. They are
ignored on all further sensor scans
(and may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

<NotifyChanged No If a returned channel contains this tag, No content required

> it triggers a change notification that
you can use with the change
trigger 3182 to send a notification.

You can use the following elements in the section between <prtg> and </prtg>, outside the <result>

For XML output, the tag names are not case-sensitive. For example, you can use both "TEXT" and
"text". For JSON output, the tag names are case-sensitive but you can also use lowercase. For
example, you can use both "Text" and "text".

Tag (Case Mandatory Description Possible Content


<Text> No Text the sensor returns in the Any string

Message field with every
scanning interval. There can Maximum length: 2000
be one message per sensor, characters
regardless of the number of The number sign (#) is
channels. The default is OK. not supported in sensor
This element has to be messages. If a message
provided outside of the contains a number sign, the
<result> element. message is clipped at this

<Error> No If enabled, the sensor returns 0 (= no)

an error status. This element
can be combined with the 1 (= yes, set sensor to error;
<Text> element to show an ignore <result> section)
error message. The default is
This element has to be
provided outside of the
<result> element. A sensor in
this error status cannot return
any data in its channels. If
used, all channel values in
the <result> section are

Each run (sensor scan) might return either any number of channels (<result>...</result>) or one
error response. It is not possible to mix result and error entries.

You can either write the XML output to standard OUT line by line, or give back the entire expression
in one line without breaks.

Interface Definition for DLL Sensors

Every time the sensor is to be checked, a function in the selected .dll file is called. The .dll file must
export one function:
function perform(para,msg:pchar):integer; stdcall;

para and msg are zero-terminated strings. The allocated buffer for msg is 255 bytes, the .dll file must
make sure that fewer bytes are returned. msg must be in the following format:

Value has to be an 32-bit integer and is used as the resulting value for this sensor (for example, bytes,
milliseconds, etc.), message can be any string and is stored in the database.

The integer return value of the perform function has to conform to the same rules as the EXE exit
code mentioned above.

If the function call in the .dll file does not return control, it could block the whole PRTG system.
Make sure to handle your own timeouts and build in a reliable error management. For this reason,
EXE sensors are recommended.

Command-line Parameters
In the parameter field, you can use the following placeholders:

Placeholder Description

%sensorid The ID of the EXE/Script sensor.

%deviceid The ID of the device the sensor is created on.

%groupid The ID of the group the sensor is created in.

%probeid The ID of the probe the sensor is created on.

%host The IP address/DNS name of the device the sensor is created on.

%device The name of the device the sensor is created on.

%group The name of the group the sensor is created in.

%probe The name of the probe the sensor is created on.

%name The name of the EXE/Script sensor.

%windowsdomain The domain for Windows access (may be inherited from parent).

%windowsuser The user name for Windows access (may be inherited from parent).

%windowspassword The password for Windows access (may be inherited from parent).

%linuxuser The user name for Linux access (may be inherited from parent).

%linuxpassword The password for Linux access (may be inherited from parent).

%snmpcommunity The community string for SNMP v1 or v2 (may be inherited from


You need to escape placeholders that you use in the parameter field with quotes so that they can
be correctly resolved from the command line.

You need to escape special characters and whitespaces in your parameters and surround them with
double quotes. See section Escape Special Characters and Whitespaces in Parameters 3509 for

In SSH scripts, you can use alphanumeric characters and the special characters ".", "_", "-", "=",
and "/" outside of quoted strings.

See section Inheritance of Settings 144 for more information on inherited settings.

Escape Special Characters and Whitespaces in Parameters

You need to escape special characters in parameters that you pass to an executable or script and
surround them with quotation marks to make sure that the characters are correctly interpreted.
PowerShell scripts in particular require adequate escaping so that the parameters are passed in a valid
PowerShell syntax. PRTG automatically does most of the escaping for you.

Follow these rules to escape special characters and whitespaces in the parameters fields:

§ Use quotes for parameters that contain whitespaces.

-name "Mr John Q Public"
-name 'Mr John Q Public'

§ Use double quotes for parameters that contain single quotes.

-name "Mr 'John Q' Public"

§ Use single quotes for parameters that contain double quotes.

-name 'Mr "John Q" Public'

§ Use a backslash (\) to escape and pass a literal double quote.

-name pub\"lic

§ Use double quotes for parameters that contain double and single quotes and escape double quotes.
-name "pu'b\"lic"

In SSH scripts, you can use alphanumeric characters and the special characters ".", "_", "-", "=",
and "/" outside of quoted strings.

We recommend that you do not pass passwords in parameters. Use placeholders instead. See
section Custom Sensors 3509 for details.

Environment Values
If the Set placeholders as environment values option is enabled in the sensor's settings, the values of all
placeholders available for command-line parameters 3508 are additionally provided as "Environment
Variables" during run time, so you can use them in your executable or script file. The variables' names
are the same as for placeholders mentioned above, with the prefix prtg_ and without the % character. For
example, refer to the sensor's own name by using the variable prtg_name.

Additionally, the following variables are available:

Variable Description

prtg_version The version number of your PRTG installation.

prtg_url The IP address/DNS name of your PRTG installation.

prtg_primarychannel The ID of the sensor's primary channel (1 if not set).

You can find sample projects for these custom sensors and more information about custom scripts here:
§ \Custom Sensors\EXE subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 .

Knowledge Base

Custom sensors

Guide for PowerShell-based custom sensors



You can find scripts for custom sensors that were written by dedicated PRTG customers in the PRTG
Sensor Hub.

14.2.7 Custom Notifications
In addition to the various standard methods for notifications, you can define your own notifications that
can trigger desired actions. The following documentation describes these custom notifications. You can
also combine different notification methods in one notification.

For more general information about notifications based on email, messaging, and others, see
section Notifications 3104 .

Execute HTTP Action

This notification method executes a GET request or sends any POST, PUT, or PATCH data to a custom
URL. You can execute specific actions on a web server or control any web service that accepts
commands via one-time HTTP requests. Whenever a notification of this kind is triggered, the HTTP action
is sent.

With this method, you can also call any application programming interface (API) function of the PRTG
web interface. For example, you can automatically pause a sensor or acknowledge an alarm.

Authentication with user name and passhash 3170 (or user name and password) must always be
included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API 3451 for more information.


To automatically pause the sensor that triggers the notification, enter the following HTTP action:

To use the notification to automatically acknowledge the alarm that triggered it, enter this HTTP

For more information about authentication within the URL and for other possible actions you can
configure, see sections HTTP API 3450 and Object Manipulation 3489 .

Execute Program
With this notification method, you can execute a script or a program as an external process. It can be a
Windows executable file or a .bat, .cmd, or PowerShell file. You can use .exe, .com, .bat, .cmd, .vbs, or
.ps1 files.

You must create the notification as a file and place it in a specific subfolder on the PRTG core server
system (in a cluster, copy the files to every cluster node).

Place executables (.exe, .com), batch files (.cmd, .bat), VBS scripts (.vbs), or PowerShell scripts (.ps1)
into the folder:

As soon as a file is placed into the subfolder, you can create or edit your own custom execute program
notification and select the new file from the list of files. You can also enter start parameters and use
PRTG placeholders for this.


§ PRTG executes the file on the local PRTG core server system using the account configured for the
PRTG core server service (system is default).
§ If your custom notification's code relies on other files (for example, .dll, .NET framework, or Windows
PowerShell), you must copy/install these files on the PRTG core server system manually.
§ Make sure the return code of the executable is 0 (zero). Otherwise PRTG assumes something went
wrong with the notification and tries to send it up to 3 times.
§ If you run PRTG in a cluster, copy the respective files to every cluster node to make sure the
notification also works when the primary master node is not reachable.
§ EXE notifications fail if they attempt to open any graphical user interface windows using the Win32
APIs (this is not allowed for processes that are started by a system service).
§ To remotely run PowerShell scripts, make sure that you set the according Execution Policy. For more
information, see the Knowledge Base: PowerShell 32 bit and 64 bit and Execution Policy.

For more information about the placeholders you can use, see section List of Placeholders for
Notifications 3704 .

PRTG Sensor Hub

You can find scripts for custom sensors that were written by dedicated PRTG customers in the PRTG
Sensor Hub.

Knowledge Base

Custom notifications

PowerShell 32 bit and 64 bit and Execution Policy


14.2.8 Mini Probe API

Important Notice

We do not further develop the Mini Probe API because we plan major changes to the underlying PRTG
Application Programming Interface (PRTG API). You can still use the Mini Probe API "as is" but note
that it may be deprecated at any time.
Knowledge Base: Where can I find PRTG mini probes which are ready to use?

Mini probes allow users to create small probes on any device to meet specific needs. In general, probes
are the part of PRTG that run monitoring processes and deliver monitoring results back to the PRTG core
server. Mini probes gather monitoring data from platforms where it is not possible or is inapplicable to
use the common local and remote probes of PRTG. Mini probes have a less complex implementation
than standard probes so that you can create them on any platform. The only requirement is HTTPS
connectivity to send monitoring data to your PRTG core server.

With the current version of PRTG, you can use the mini probe interface with your custom code to
implement solutions to special scenarios that you might have in your network. Note that there are
major changes planned to the underlying PRTG API. Therefore, any code you write now likely needs to
be changed later, so it can be used for future versions of PRTG. For example, if the available HTTP Push
sensors are not sufficient for your needs, you can still use the Mini Probe API.

Because the mini probe requires a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) secured connection to the PRTG
core server, it is not possible by default to connect if SSL is deactivated for PRTG. This is
necessary because probably unencrypted passwords are transferred between the probe and the PRTG
core server. So it is important to encrypt the connection even on internal routes. If your network setup
ensures security in a different way (for example, a VPN), you can use a registry key option for disabling
SSL to get a connection to your mini probe.
For more details, see the Knowledge Base: How can I disable SSL for Mini Probes?

The Mini Probe API is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor

In this section:

§ Differences Between Probe Types 3514

§ The PRTG Mobile Probe Protocol 3515

ú Communication and Security 3515

ú Authentication 3515

ú HTTP Requests 3515

§ JSON Definition 3517

ú Sensor Definition 3517

ú Tasks Definition 3522

ú Data Definition 3524

Differences Between Probe Types
The following table shows technical specifications of the two probe types in PRTG.

Functionality Local and Remote Probes Mini Probe

Connection Protocol from Probe Protocol from PRTG HTTPS

to PRTG Core Server

Security Data is secured with SSL and The same security level as for
an access key. New probe local and remote probes.
connections must be approved
by an administrator. IP address
and globally unique identifier
(GUID) filtering is possible.

Estimated Limit for Sensors per Several thousand sensors Fewer than 100 sensors

Estimated Limit for Probes per Hundreds of probes Fewer than 100 probes

Estimated Minimum Scanning Some seconds At least 60 seconds


Estimated Number of Sensors More than 200 A few

Updates to New PRTG Versions Yes No

by the PRTG Core Server

Complexity High Very low

Documented API No Yes

Supported Platforms Windows 7 or later (32-bit/64-bit) Any platform

Scheduling of Sensor Requests Probe Probe

Performed by

Code Managed by Paessler AG Writer of the probe

Probe Scans for Available Yes No

Measurements Beforehand

Sensors Support Inheritance of Yes No

Settings 144

Functionality Local and Remote Probes Mini Probe

Limitations by Administrator for Yes No

Allowed Sensors that a User
Can Create

The PRTG Mobile Probe Protocol

The PRTG Mini Probe Protocol (PMPP) is a simple, lightweight protocol that extends PRTG with custom
remote probes. It can be implemented in a variety of programming languages and runs on any kind of
platform. These include, for example, Linux, Android, macOS, and iOS.

Mini probes are not intended for high performance monitoring and support only the sensors that you

Communication and Security

The PMPP uses GET and POST requests via HTTPS to communicate with the PRTG core server. All
requests are sent to the defined Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port for the common PRTG web
server (the default is 443 for SSL), or you specify an extra port explicitly for mini probe connections in the
Core & Probes 3251 settings. Mini probes use the GET method to receive tasks, and the POST method to
send information about the probe and the monitoring results to the PRTG core server.

The data format of some HTTP fields has to be JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) encoded. See
JSON Definition 3517 for data definitions that require JSON. All exchanged data is secured with SSL.

The PMPP uses the same authentication methods as the common remote probes in PRTG. The
authentication includes the following steps:

§ Allow and deny IPs filter

§ Deny global ID (GID) filter

§ Access key

§ Unique GID that must be approved in the PRTG web interface

§ In addition, mini probes must be allowed to connect in the probe connection settings in PRTG.
Additionally, you must provide the mini probe's IP address in the Allow IP Addresses field (or enter

There are no sessions on the server: Every request must contain the required authentication information.

For more details, see section Core & Probes 3250 .

HTTP Requests
The PMPP includes three different HTTP requests that are sent to the PRTG web server:

§ announce: An announce request is sent once when the probe starts. Afterward, the task and data
commands are run in a scheduled manner.

§ tasks: With a tasks request, the probe requests a list of tasks to perform.

§ data: The data request sends the monitoring results to the core.

All requests of the mini probe to the PRTG core server must contain the following HTTP fields:

§ gid: The unique GID of the probe. We recommend a GUID that is generated by the operating system.
This identifier must stay the same for as long as the probe installation exists. You can use any string.
If you clone a probe, you must update this field to a new value.
§ key: An access key as defined in the probe settings of the PRTG core server. The key has to be
encoded in SHA1 hash (for example, key=a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3).
§ protocol: The version of the protocol you use. Currently, this value is "1"

All requests return common HTTP response codes.

For more information, see section HTTP API 3450 .

Announce Request

The announce request uses the POST method and provides all required information about the capabilities
of the mini probe for the PRTG core server. The target URL is

This HTTP request must be sent at least once to be able to add sensors. We recommend you send
this request every time the probe starts. You should NOT send it with every scanning interval.

The announce request must contain the following HTTP fields:

§ name: The name of the mini probe. PRTG uses this name to create a corresponding node in the device

§ version: The version number of the mini probe you have implemented. This is a single integer, for
example, 1.
§ baseinterval: The number of seconds between two calls of the task/data requests. We recommend 60
or 300 seconds. Depending on the usage, higher or lower values are possible.
§ sensors: The definition of supported sensors in JSON format.
See Sensor Definition 3517 for more information.
§ icon (optional): You can optionally send the file name of a device icon to show it for the mini probe
device in the PRTG web interface.

If you change the definition of a sensor that has already been announced, these changes are only
active after the next start of PRTG. A definition never changes while PRTG is running. However,
there is one exception: Setting the "deprecated" flag works without any restart. Because of this, you can
replace a sensor with a new one that uses a different definition.

Tasks Request

The tasks request uses the GET method and is sent from your mini probe in the defined scheduler
interval to the PRTG core server (for example, every 5 minutes). The target URL is


This HTTP request returns a list of tasks in JSON format that need to be run by the mini probe.

See Tasks Definition 3522 for more information.

Data Request

The data request uses the POST method and contains the HTTP field data. This HTTP field contains any
number of sensor results in JSON format. The target URL is

You can split the results of one tasks list into several result requests (for example, if some sensors are
faster than others). The mini probe should combine as many results as possible into one request but
keep the time between measurement and reporting of the value at a low level.

See Data Definition 3524 for more information.

JSON Definition
All data definitions of sensors, tasks, and result data of mini probes are JSON encoded. JSON is a
language-independent data format that is used to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs
between a server and an application. Refer to the JSON documentation for a general overview of this data

Sensor Definition
This section shows how you can define the available sensors for your mini probe. Sensor definitions are
specified in the HTTP field "sensors" of the announce request. The sensor types definition is a JSON
array where each sensor type is defined in one array element as a JSON object. A JSON object denoting
a sensor definition consists of the following JSON name/value pairs:

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

kind X Unique identifier for the sensor Any string

type in the mini probe. Used in
the tasks definition to identify the
sensor type.
Underscore "_" is not
allowed here.

name X The display name of the sensor. Any string

deprecated — You can flag the sensor to 1 (= deprecated)

status deprecated. A flagged
sensor can still run but this kind 0 (= not deprecated)
of sensor is not shown when you
add new sensors to the probe.

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

description — A short description of the sensor Any string

that is shown in the Add
Sensor 391 dialog in the PRTG
web interface.

help — A help text that is shown in a Any string

popup in the Add Sensor dialog
in the PRTG web interface.

tag — A default tag for the sensor that Any string

is automatically added to the

default — A sensor of this type is (= set to default)

automatically created with the
probe if set to "default". 0 (= not default)

groups — In the "groups" array, available An array of grouped settings

settings for this sensor type are JSON objects.
See Definition of Setting
Groups Objects 3518 for
more information.

Definition of Setting Groups Objects

One settings group definition (one element of the "groups" array) consists of three elements:

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

name X The internal name of the settings Any unique string


caption X The label of the settings group Any string

as shown in the PRTG web

fields X The available settings of the An array of field definition

settings group. objects.
See Parameters for
Setting Fields 3518 for more

Parameters for Setting Fields

The following table shows available JSON name/value pairs for setting fields:

Name Mandatory Description Available in Possible Value


type X Type of the field. This All Edit

defines the possible
content. Password

See Definition
of Setting
Fields: Field
Types 3520 for more

name X The internal name of the All Any unique string

field. The name has to
be unique per sensor. It
is sent with the settings
of the probe in the task

caption X The label of the field. It All Any string

is displayed left of the

required — If a field is defined as All 0 (= not required)

required, this field has to
be set when adding or 1 (= required)
editing the sensor
settings. The default is
not required.

default — The default value of the All Any string or integer

field. (depending on the
field type)

help — A help text that is All Any string

displayed right of the
You can use limited
BBCode: "[b]" and
"[/b]" for bold, "[i]" and
"[/i]" for italics, and "[br]"
for line break.

Name Mandatory Description Available in Possible Value

maximum — The maximum value that Integer Integer

is allowed for this field.

minimum — The minimum value that Integer Integer

is allowed for this field.

options — A JSON array that Radio "name":"value"

provides several radio pairs. See
buttons to choose a Example 3520 below.
desired option.


"name":"value" pairs that define radio button options:

"1":"This is option 1",
"2":"This is option 2",
"XYZ":"Another option"

Definition of Setting Fields: Field Types

A sensor type can have any number of setting fields that are organized in groups of settings. One field is
one element in the "fields" array of a settings group. Currently, mini probes support four different field
types for settings:

§ edit: One line edit field.

§ password: An edit field with masked characters.

§ integer: A number field with optional minimum/maximum selection.

§ radio: A selection of multiple options with radio buttons.


The following is a detailed example that shows the JSON object definition of a sensor type that is
used in the HTTP field sensors of the announce request.
This sensor type is called Sample Sensor and is from the type Sample. It has a description, a help
text, and a default tag. There are two setting groups, Group and group2, with several setting fields (six
in the first group, one in the second group). The example also shows how you can use the available
JSON name/value pairs in the fields array object.

"name":"Sample Sensor",
"description":"This is a sample demo sensor",
"help":"This is the help text of the demo sensors",
"caption":"Edit Field",
"caption":"Edit Field 2",
"default":"Default Value",
"help":"Help text displayed to the right of the field"
"caption":"Number 2",
"help":"Number field with limit 23-99"

"help":"This is a password field"
"caption":"Radio test",
"help":"This is a radio selection field",
"1":"This is option 1",
"2":"This is option 2",
"3":"This is option 3"
"caption":"Group 2",

Tasks Definition
A tasks definition is a JSON array where each task is one object. Tasks contain all name/value pairs as
defined in the sensor settings definition, which are filled with the values you have provided. Additionally,
the following information is included:

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

kind X The type of the sensor. String

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

sensorid X The ID of the sensor. Integer

host X The IP address/DNS name of the IP address/DNS name

parent device as specified for
this device. For the probe device,
it is by default.

all defined fields X All fields that are defined in the name/value pairs
sensor setting group objects are
included in the tasks definition
as name/value pairs.

This data comes from PRTG, so the mandatory JSON objects are included automatically.


Definition of two tasks, the first one is the simplest possible one without any values, and the second
one uses the sensor settings objects as defined above:
"extendededit":"Extended Test",
"password":"masked text",
"testfield2":"This is test 3"

Data Definition
A data definition is a JSON array where each result of a task is one object. Every array element contains
the following name/value pairs:

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

sensorid X The ID of a specific sensor. Integer

time — The time of measurement in JSON number defining Unix

Coordinated Universal Time time
(UTC)/GMT time zone as a JSON
number in the Unix time format (in
milliseconds since Unix epoch,
which is 00:00:00 UTC on January
1, 1970). Time values must be
strictly chronological, so the Unix
time of each measurement must
be greater than the one before.
The time values should be close to
the current time (which is now) to
prevent sensors in the Unknown
status 186 .
If no time value is provided,
the current time (now) is

message — An optional text message. Any string

channel X The channel result values. An array of name/value pairs.

See Parameters for Data

Definitions: Channel
Result Values 3525 for more


Data definition object with sensor status OK:

"message":"Optional Message",

Data definition object with sensor status error:

"message":"Error Message"

Parameters for Data Definitions: Channel Result Values

The following table shows name/value pairs that can be used in the "channel" array objects of data
definition objects:

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

Name X The name of the channel as Any string

displayed in user interfaces.

Value X Any number without quotation An integer, float, or counter

marks. value

Mode — The type of the value. Integer, float, or counter

Make sure that it matches
the provided value,
otherwise PRTG shows 0

Unit — The unit of the value. BytesBandwidth

If you set the correct unit BytesMemory
type instead of using
custom units, PRTG can display BytesDisk
received values better. BytesFile
CPU: This is a % unit that is
accounted to the CPU load in
index graphs.
Custom (define the name of
the unit using the additional
field customunit)

ShowChart — Init value for the Show in graphs 0 (= do not show graph)
1 (= show graph)
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

ShowTable — Init value for the Show in graphs 0 (= do not show table)
1 (= show table)
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

SpeedSize — Size used for the display value. One

VolumeSize For example, if you have a value
of 50000 and use Kilo as size, Kilo
the display is 50 kilo #. The Mega
default is One (value used as
returned). Giga

For the Bytes and Speed Tera

units, this is overridden by
the setting in the user interface.


SpeedTime — See above, used when Second

displaying the speed. The
default is Second. Minute

decimalMode — Init value for the Decimal Places Automatic

option. If 0 is used in the float
mode (use integer), the default All
is Automatic. Otherwise (for Custom
float), the default is All.

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

You can change this initial

setting later in the sensor's
channel settings 3052 .

decimalDigits — If you define Custom as Integer

decimalMode, specify the
number of digits after the

ValueLookup — Define if you want to use a Any string

lookup file (for example, to view
integers as status texts). Enter
the ID of the lookup file that you
want to use, or omit this
element to not use lookups.
See section Define
Lookups 3541 for more
This setting is only
considered on the first
sensor scan, when the channel
is newly created. It is ignored on
all further sensor scans (and
may be omitted). You can
change this initial setting later in
the sensor's channel settings.

LimitMaxError — Define an upper error limit for the Integer

channel. If enabled, the sensor
is set to the Down status if this
value is exceeded and the
LimitMode is activated.
Provide the value for the
limit in the unit of the base
data type as it is used in the
<Value> element of this section.
When a sensor shows the Down
status triggered by a limit, it still
receives data in its channels.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

LimitMaxWarni — Define an upper warning limit for Integer

ng the channel. If enabled, the
sensor is set to the Warning
status if this value is exceeded
and the LimitMode is activated.

Provide the value for the

limit in the unit of the base
data type as it is used in the
<Value> element of this section.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

LimitMinWarnin — Define a lower warning limit for Integer

g the channel. If enabled, the
sensor is set to the Warning
status if this value falls below
the defined limit and the
LimitMode is activated.
Provide the value for the
limit in the unit of the base
data type as it is used in the
<Value> element of this section.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

LimitMinError — Define a lower error limit for the Integer

channel. If enabled, the sensor
is set to the Down status if this
value falls below the defined limit
and the LimitMode is activated.

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

Provide the value for the

limit in the unit of the base
data type as it is used in the
<Value> element of this section.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

LimitErrorMsg — Define an additional message. It Any string

is added to the sensor's
message when entering the
Down status that is triggered by
a limit.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

LimitWarningM — Define an additional message. It Any string

sg is added to the sensor's
message when entering the
Warning status that is triggered
by a limit.
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

Name Mandatory Description Possible Value

LimitMode — Define if the limit settings 0 (= no)

defined above are active. The
default is 0 (no; limits inactive). If 1 (= yes)
0 is used, the limits are written
to the channel settings as
predefined values, but limits are
The values defined with this
element are only considered
during the first sensor scan
when the channel is newly
created. They are ignored on all
further sensor scans (and may
be omitted). You can change
this initial setting later in the
sensor's channel settings.

Warning — If enabled for at least one 0 (= no)

channel, the entire sensor is set
to the Warning status. The 1 (= yes)
default is 0 (no).

Message — Text the sensor returns in the Any string

Message field with every
scanning interval. There can be
one message per sensor,
regardless of the number of
channels. The default is OK.

Error — The type of error. Data: The monitored device

returned a value but the
The type is not necessarily sensor could not process it.
shown in PRTG.
Response: The monitored
device reported an error. This
includes timeouts, HTTP
response codes, etc.
Exception: Error in sensor
Socket: Socket error.

Code — The error code that is stored in Integer

the database.

Knowledge Base

How can I disable SSL for Mini Probes?


Where can I find PRTG mini probes which are ready to use?

14.3 Filter Rules for Flow, IPFIX, and Packet Sniffer Sensors

You can use filter rules for the Include Filter, Exclude Filter, and Channel Definition fields of Packet
Sniffer 3365 , Flow, and IPFIX 3367 sensors. The filter rules are based on the following format:

In this section:

§ Valid Fields for All Sensors 3533

§ Additional Fields for Packet Sniffer Sensors Only 3534

§ Additional Fields for NetFlow v5 and jFlow v5 Sensors Only 3534

§ Additional Fields for NetFlow v9 and IPFIX Sensors Only 3535

§ Additional Fields for sFlow Sensors Only 3536

§ Valid Data Formats 3536

§ Examples 3536

Valid Fields for All Sensors

Field Possible Filter Values

IP IP address or Domain Name System (DNS) name

For more information, see section Valid Data Formats 3536 .

Port Any number

SourceIP IP address or DNS name

SourcePort Any number

DestinationIP IP address or DNS name

DestinationPort Any number

Protocol Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP),

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF), any number

ToS Type of Service (ToS): any number

DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP): any number

Additional Fields for Packet Sniffer Sensors Only

Field Possible Filter Values

MAC Physical address

For more information, see section Examples 3536 .

SourceMAC Physical address

DestinationMAC Physical address

EtherType IPV4, ARP, RARP, APPLE, AARP, IPV6, IPXold, IPX, any number

VlanPCP IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Priority Code Point

VlanID IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Identifier

TrafficClass IPv6 Traffic Class: corresponds to TOS used with IPv4

FlowLabel IPv6 Flow Label

Additional Fields for NetFlow v5 and jFlow v5 Sensors Only

Field Possible Filter Values

Interface Any number

ASI Any number

InboundInterface Any number

OutboundInterface Any number

SenderIP IP address of the sending device. Use this if you have several devices that
send flow data on the same port, and you want to divide the traffic of each
device into a different channel.
Possible values: IP address or DNS name
For more information, see section Valid Data Formats 3536 .

SourceASI Any number

Field Possible Filter Values

DestinationASI Any number

Additional Fields for NetFlow v9 and IPFIX Sensors Only

Field Possible Filter Values

Interface Any number

ASI Any number

InboundInterface Any number

OutboundInterface Any number

SenderIP IP address of the sending device. Use this if you have several devices that
send flow data on the same port, and you want to divide the traffic of each
device into a different channel.
Possible values: IP address or DNS name
For more information, see section Valid Data Formats 3536 .

SourceASI Any number

DestinationASI Any number

MAC Physical address

SourceMAC Physical address

DestinationMAC Physical address

Mask Mask values represent subnet masks in the form of a single number
(number of contiguous bits).

DestinationMask Mask values represent subnet masks in the form of a single number
(number of contiguous bits).

NextHop IP address or DNS name

VLAN VLAN values represent a VLAN identifier (any number).

SourceVLAN VLAN values represent a VLAN identifier (any number).

Field Possible Filter Values

DestinationVLAN VLAN values represent a VLAN identifier (any number).

Additional Fields for sFlow Sensors Only

Field Possible Filter Values

Interface Any number

InboundInterface Any number

OutboundInterface Any number

SenderIP IP address of the sending device. Use this if you have several devices that
send flow data on the same port, and you want to divide the traffic of each
device into a different channel.
Possible values: IP address or DNS name
For more information, see section Valid Data Formats 3536 .

MAC Physical address

SourceMAC Physical address

DestinationMAC Physical address

Valid Data Formats

§ IP fields support wildcards (*), range (10-20) and hostmask ( /10, / syntax, as well as DNS
IP fields do not support IPv6 wildcards, IPv6 ranges, and IPv6 hostmasks.
§ Number fields support range (80-88) syntax.

§ Protocol and EtherType fields support numbers and a list of predefined constants.

For detailed information on IP address ranges, see section Define IP Address Ranges 3540 .

All of the following filter rules are valid examples:


You can create more complex expressions by using parentheses ( ) and the words and, or, or and not.
For example, these are valid filter rules:
Protocol[TCP] and DestinationIP[]

This rule filters for all TCP traffic with the destination IP address
Protocol[TCP] or DestinationIP[]

This rule filters for all TCP traffic and all traffic with the destination IP address
Protocol[TCP] and (DestinationIP[] or SourceIP[])

This rule filters for all TCP traffic with either the destination IP address or the source IP address
Protocol[TCP] and not (DestinationIP[] or SourceIP[])

This rule filters for all TCP traffic that does not have the destination IP address and the source IP
address range

Knowledge Base

How can I change the default groups and channels for flow and Packet Sniffer sensors?

14.4 Channel Definitions for Flow, IPFIX, and Packet Sniffer Sensors

With custom Flow sensors, custom IPFIX 3367 , or custom Packet Sniffer sensors 3365 , you have the option
to provide a Channel Definition with the following syntax, one entry per channel:

§ The <id> must be 1 or a higher number, and it must be unique for the sensor. This means that each
channel definition must have a unique ID.
The maximum channel ID that you can use is 2147483648 (2^31). PRTG does not support higher
IDs. We recommend that you use channel IDs like 1, 2, or 3.
§ The <id> is linked to the historic data.
As soon as you change the ID, you lose the history for the channel that the ID was linked to.
§ One rule can span multiple lines.

§ The next rule starts with a # as the first character in a line.

§ The <name> is the display name of the channel.

§ PRTG processes the rules from top to bottom (the number does not matter) and accounts the data to
the first match.
§ PRTG automatically adds one channel named Other. This channel counts all traffic for which you do
not define a specific channel.
§ After the name, you can use an optional [<unit>] to override the automatic unit, which is based on the
source sensor.

The <Rule> syntax is identical to the one described in section Filter Rules for Flow, IPFIX, and Packet
Sniffer Sensors 3533 . Because PRTG accounts data to the first match, make sure that you start with the
most specific rule at the top and get less specific towards the bottom.

We recommend that you write the rules list in an external editor first and then paste it into the
Channel Definition field of the sensor. If the rules contain an error, PRTG removes the entries after
you add them.

You cannot delete channels even if you remove a channel from the channel definition. You also
cannot change the display name of channels using the channel definition of custom flow sensors.
You can only rename channels in the channel settings 3052 .

General example:
Protocol[TCP] and
(SourcePort[80] or DestinationPort[80] or SourcePort[8080] or

Channel definition example for differentiating by protocol:




Knowledge Base

How can I change the default groups and channels for flow and Packet Sniffer sensors?

14.5 Define IP Address Ranges

In some setting fields, you can either enter a host name or a single IP address, or you can define IP
address ranges. These are available, for example, for Flow and Packet Sniffer sensors 3626 and for probe
connection settings 3252 . PRTG follows a common syntax for IP address ranges.

For the supported syntax of the automatic network discovery feature in PRTG, see section Add an
Auto-Discovery Group 282 .

Available Options

Option Description Syntax Examples

Simple Enter a fixed IP address. a.b.c.d

Hostname Enter a hostname. PRTG resolves it to

hostname device-xyz
an IP address in your network.

Hostmask Enter a hostmask. A hostmask defines

the relevant bits of the IP address. a.b.c.d/h or
Valid hostmasks are /0 - /32 for a.b.c.d/e.f.g.h
IPv4 and /0 - /128 for IPv6.

Range Enter an IP address range. Replace

each letter of a, b, c, d with either
§ * (asterisk) for any value; or 10.*.0.*
corresponds to 0-255 a.b.c.d
or 10.0.0-50.*
§ x-y for any range between 0 and

14.6 Define Lookups

PRTG uses lookups for some sensors and for other sensors that have custom channels. In general,
lookups map status values as returned by a device (usually integers) to more informative expressions in
words. Additionally, lookups can define a sensor status 186 based on the status value returned by a
device, just like channel limits 3053 can define a sensor status. For a printer that returns the status value
1, for example, PRTG can show a sensor in the Warning status with the text message Toner Low
instead of only displaying the status value 1.

You can customize lookups by defining your own text messages that a channel shows and by mapping
them to a certain sensor status. See section Customizing Lookups 3547 .

If a channel uses lookups, you can individually define how to control the status of the sensor, either by
using the lookup definition or by using limits for numeric values returned by the device. For details, see
section Channel Settings 3053 . It is not possible to use both definitions at the same time.

Lookups do not change data in the PRTG database, they merely change the way a sensor shows a
channel. Any change to lookup definition files applies to historic data as well as to live data.

Some exceptions apply to the SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060 that basically does an
inverse lookup. It does not map an integer to a text message but only looks for matching strings in
the lookup definition and shows a status based on this text value.

To upload customized lookups to PRTG Hosted Monitor, see section Manage a PRTG Hosted
Monitor Subscription 82 .

In this section:

§ Requirement: Channel Unit "Custom" 3541

§ Visualization of Lookup Channels 3542

§ Lookups Directory and Format 3544

§ The XML Schema 3545

§ Customizing Lookups 3547

§ desiredValue Attribute 3549

§ Lookup Types: SingleInt, Boolean, BitField, Range 3549

§ Define Lookup Files in Channel Settings 3550

§ Loading Lookups 3550

§ Debugging 3551

Requirement: Channel Unit "Custom"

All channels with an enabled Lookup need to use the Channel Unit "Custom". For details, see section
Channel Settings 3053 .

There are sensors that provide the Channel Unit "Lookup" in their settings. Do not use the Channel
Unit "Custom" for channels of these sensors if you want to use lookups. This results in
malfunctioning lookup definitions. For the following sensors, select the Channel Unit "Lookup" in the
settings and select the lookup file directly under Channel Lookup during sensor creation:

§ Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367

§ MySQL v2 sensor 1425

§ Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634

§ PostgreSQL sensor 1728

§ SNMP Custom Advanced sensor 2042

§ SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068

Visualization of Lookup Channels

PRTG can display channels that use lookups as follows.

Lookup Type Visualization Example

SingleInt, Range Gauge

A Gauge Show ing the Status of a Lookup Channel

Boolean Switch

A Sw itch Show ing the Status

of a Boolean Lookup Channel

Lookup Type Visualization Example

BitField Toggles

Toggles Show ing the Status of a BitField Lookup Channel

You can view the text messages for the different lookup values by hovering over the respective section.

Gauge Show ing the Respective Lookup Message w hen

Hovering over a Color Section

To see which lookup value in which channel shows the Warning or Down status, check the sensor
message on a sensor's Overview tab:

Sensor Message on the Overview Tab

We recommend that you stay below 120 lookup values to display visually informative gauges for
primary channels. Non-primary channels have an upper limit of around 40 lookup values for gauges.

Gauge Show ing 120 Lookup Values

The various sensor states that are displayed in gauges always follow the clockwise order Up (green)
< Warning (yellow) < Down (red) < Unknown (gray). This order stays the same, no matter which
numeric value you map to which sensor status in the lookup definition. See the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ValueLookup id="example.lookups" desiredValue="1" undefinedState="olsWarning"
<SingleInt state="Ok" value="1">
<SingleInt state="Ok" value="2">
Works a bit
<SingleInt state="Warning" value="4">
Is slow
<SingleInt state="Error" value="8">
Does not work
<SingleInt state="Ok" value="16">
Works sometimes

Even though the value 8 comes before the value 16, PRTG displays the state OK (shown as the Up
status) before the state Error (shown as the Down status).

See Lookups Directory and Format 3544 and The XML Schema 3545 for more information about the
lookup code and format.

Lookups Directory and Format

Lookups are defined in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format in files that end with .ovl. PRTG
standard lookup files are located in the \lookups subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 . PRTG
maintains these files. In each of the files, lookups for one or more sensors are defined. Furthermore, the
\lookups subfolder contains the \custom subfolder to store your customized lookups.

For a list of all standard lookup files, see section List of Standard Lookup Files 3742 .

The files follow a basic principle. For each numeric value, you can define:

§ A message that the sensor looks up and shows instead of the numeric value.

§ The status that the sensor shows.

Use the SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060 to map a string to a corresponding status. For this
purpose, use the lookup type 3549 SingleInt.

You cannot access this directory on PRTG Hosted Monitor instances.

The XML Schema

An exemplary schema of the .xml files that contain the lookup definitions can look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ValueLookup id="..." desiredValue="..." undefinedState="..." xmlns="..." xsi="...">
<SingleInt state="..." value="...">status text</SingleInt>
<SingleInt state="..." value="...">status text</SingleInt>
<SingleInt state="..." value="...">status text</SingleInt>

Element Description Attributes, Value Assignment,

and Content

<?xml> This is the XML declaration that § version and encoding are 1.0 and
content every .xml file begins with. UTF-8 respectively
§ content:

<ValueLookup> Defines the ID of the channel, § id: Specifies how the name of the
contentValueLookup which desiredValue is used, the lookup file is shown in the channel
</ValueLookup> status for undefined values settings 3052 .
(undefinedState), and links to the PRTG parses the id as a
predefined schema definitions in lowercase string.
PRTG that allow you to edit
§ desiredValue 3549 : Contains the
lookup files with supported
editors. value that PRTG uses for the
calculation of the Coverage.
§ undefinedState: Optionally define
a status for values that are not
defined in the lookup file. If the
target device returns a value that
is not included in the lookup
definition, the sensor shows this
status (Ok, Warning, Error, or
None) with an according
message. Without a definition of
undefinedState, the sensor only
shows the returned value.

Element Description Attributes, Value Assignment,
and Content

§ xmlns:xsi/xsi: Refers to
predefined XML schema
definitions in PRTG that allow you
to edit lookup files with supported

§ contentValueLookup: Lookup

<Lookups> Defines the particular lookups for · contentLookups: One or more

contentLookups the sensor data. lookup entries, see below.

<SingleInt> Each element defines one lookup § state: Defines the status that the
status text entry. There can be one or more sensor shows. Allowed values are
</SingleInt> lookup entries from the same Ok, Warning, Error, and None.
lookup type 3549 . None does not trigger a status
<Boolean> You can use only one kind of State values must be
status text lookup type in one lookup file. capitalized for the sensor to
</Boolean> This means only SingleInt, only work properly.
Boolean, only BitField, or only
<BitField> Range. Different lookup types in § value: Defines the value that
status text one file are not allowed. triggers the lookup. Enter an
</BitField> integer.
The notation for the different Range always needs both
lookup types can vary: values "from" and "to".
status text § <SingleInt state="..."
§ status text: Defines a status text
</Range> value="...">status that PRTG uses as substitution
text</SingleInt> text and shows instead of the
§ <Boolean state="..." integer, for example, a status
value="...">status message.
text</Boolean> The SNMP Custom String
§ <BitField state="..." Lookup sensor maps the status
value="...">status text to one of the specified states.
text</BitField> For this sensor, use SingleInt.

§ <Range state="..." from="..."

to="...">status text</Range>

Because all .xml files that contain lookup definitions are delivered in a previously specified schema as
indicated above, you can customize lookups 3547 accordingly.

The following code illustrates the lookup definition for the toner status of the SNMP HP LaserJet
Hardware 2147 sensor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ValueLookup id="oid.paessler.hplaserjet.tonerstatus" desiredValue="1"
<SingleInt state="Ok" value="0">Toner Okay</SingleInt>
<SingleInt state="Warning" value="1">Toner Low</SingleInt>
<SingleInt state="Error" value="2">No Toner Cartridge Loaded</SingleInt>

In our example, the lookup file has the following effect:

Value as Reported from HP Text Shown in PRTG Sensor Status Shown in

Printer (Channel) PRTG

0 Toner Okay Up

1 Toner Low Warning

2 No Toner Cartridge Loaded Down

Customizing Lookups
To upload customized lookups to PRTG Hosted Monitor, see section Manage a PRTG Hosted
Monitor Subscription 82 .

If you want to change the status definitions of a channel, follow these steps:

1. Find out the (file) name of the default lookup file in the settings of the channel that you want to
change the status definitions for.
2. From the \lookups subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 , copy this file into the
\lookups\custom subfolder. Make sure that you do not change the file name.
create a new .ovl file there.
If you use the same ID in the ValueLookup tag, the files in the \lookups\custom subfolder have a
higher priority than the original files in the \lookups folder. This way, PRTG prefers your
customizations to the original lookup settings. If you want to use custom lookup definitions in
addition to the standard lookups, define a new ID in the lookup file that is not used by any other
lookup file. PRTG identifies lookup definitions via this ID, it does not use the file name.

3. Open the file with an XML or text editor and customize the lookups as you like. You can define your
own text messages or customize sensor states for specific return values. For example, if you do not
want a sensor to show the Down status for the return value 2 but only the Warning status, replace the
state Error with Warning.

All possible states are specified in the LookupState.xsd file in the custom directory. Follow the
schema of the .xml files that are delivered with PRTG to ensure that you safely edit lookups.

If you import an .oidlib file 2265 that contains lookups (you can see this in section Lookup in MIB
Importer), you can define your own sensor states for the returned values. If you add an SNMP
Library sensor 2258 and use this .oidlib file, PRTG creates a lookup definition file that uses the
lookupname of the chosen library as id parameter. Override this lookup definition with your own custom
lookup as described in this section. This is important because lookups that you add via an .oidlib file do
not contain any status definitions and result in the Warning status of the sensor by default because of
the entry undefinedState="Warning".

If you use an SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor, you can create a new custom lookup definition
in the \lookups\custom subfolder with the expected return values. In this case, use the lookupname
of the chosen library as id parameter to override the lookups from the .oidlib file.

When you save an edited lookup, make sure that you save it as an .ovl file. Otherwise, the lookup
might accidentally be saved as a .txt file and might not be loaded.

Example for Lookups Customization

For example (for illustration purposes only), imagine you want

§ the sensor to show the Warning status for all undefined values that the target device might return,

§ to change the shown status for the return value 2 from the Down to the Warning status, and

§ to add the state None (shown as the Unknown status) to the example 3547 above.

Then take the following steps:

1. Copy the file oid.paessler.hplaserjet.tonerstatus to the \lookups\custom subfolder of the PRTG

program directory.
2. Open this file with a text editor.
3. Leave the id value unchanged to prioritize the customized lookup file.
4. Insert the status definition for undefined values into the ValueLookup element:
5. Replace the state Error with Warning for value 2.
6. Add a SingleInt element with the state None for the (hypothetical) return value 3.
7. Save the file and reload 3550 the custom lookup folder in PRTG.

The customized lookup file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ValueLookup id="oid.paessler.hplaserjet.tonerstatus" desiredValue="1"
undefinedState="Warning" xmlns:xsi=""
<SingleInt state="Ok" value="0">Toner Okay</SingleInt>
<SingleInt state="Warning" value="1">Toner Low</SingleInt>
<SingleInt state="Warning" value="2">No Toner Cartridge
<SingleInt state="None" value="3">Unknown Status of Toner</SingleInt>

See also the SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2065 for a lookup definition that maps a string value
to a sensor status.

desiredValue Attribute
It is necessary to define a desiredValue in the lookup files. The desiredValue corresponds to a status
value that triggers a lookup. PRTG calculates the percentage of time this specific status was monitored.
PRTG displays the result for all data tables and graphs that show averaged values.

Considering the example above where the desiredValue is 1, PRTG calculates the percentage of time
that the toner status showed the Warning status. If, during a time span of five minutes, four of five sensor
scans returned Warning, PRTG shows an average of 80% for this time span because 80% of the time,
the sensor showed the Warning status.

The desiredValue attribute always has to be an integer. For the lookup type Range, use an integer
that you defined for one of your "from" or "to" parameters in the lookup file.

For more information, see also the Knowledge Base: Can I graph text values?

Lookup Types: SingleInt, Boolean, BitField, Range

Besides the lookup type SingleInt as seen above, there are three other lookup types: Boolean, BitField,
and Range. Using these types, you can define lookup values beyond simple integers.

Lookup Description Syntax


SingleInt Use an integer to define a lookup value="int"

for one status value.
PRTG supports the full 32-bit integer range.

Boolean Use 0 or 1 to define a lookup for value="0"

two different status values. value="1"

Lookup Description Syntax

BitField Use a bitfield for multiple status Only use this lookup type if you have some basic
values. knowledge of bitmasks. See section More 3551 for a
general introduction.
Every value has to be zero (0) or has to equal
a power of two (for example, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
64, etc.).
The SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor does
not support BitFields.

Range Use an inter range from-to to from="int" to="int"

define a lookup for several status
values. Using ranges, the parameters "from" and "to"
must always be defined. If you want to query
only one single value in a range file, this value must
be set as a parameter for "from" and "to" (for
example, from="2" to="2"). See also the
Knowledge Base: Custom lookup range.
The SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor does
not support ranges.
The full 32-bit integer range is supported.

You can use only one kind of lookup type in one lookup file. This means, only SingleInt, only
Boolean, only BitField, or only Range. Different lookup types in one file are not allowed.

Define Lookup Files in Channel Settings

For each sensor with a custom channel, you can define a lookup file to use with the option Lookup in the
channel settings. This option is visible for many SNMP sensors, some application sensors, and always
for the following sensors:

§ EXE/Script sensor 941

§ EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951 (if you define a Custom unit)

§ SNMP Custom sensor 2035

For details, see section Channel Settings 3052 .

Loading Lookups
You can (re)load the lookups in the custom folder by going to Setup | System Administration |
Administrative Tools 3276 in the PRTG web interface and clicking Go! under Load Lookups and File Lists.

A sensor whose lookup file you have modified and reloaded does not re-evaluate this lookup before
the next sensor scan. For sensors with long scanning intervals, use the Scan Now option from the
context menu 246 to immediately apply the new lookup definition and to avoid an incorrect sensor status.

What happens if...

§ a return value is defined in the lookups that is never returned by a device because the value is not
assigned? The value is never triggered, so PRTG ignores this entry.
§ PRTG receives a return value that is not defined for lookups? No substitution message can be found.
PRTG only shows the return value. You can optionally define a status for unknown values with a
definition of undefinedState in the ValueLookup element (see section The XML Schema 3545 ).

§ different lookup types are in one lookup file? This is not allowed and PRTG discards this lookup
definition. If you use miscellaneous lookup types in one file, for example, ranges and SingleInts
together, PRTG creates a ticket when loading lookups or restarting the PRTG core server with the
following error message: Lookup file "[...]" could not be loaded ("" is not a valid integer).
§ XML code is incorrect? PRTG creates a new ticket when it loads lookups or restarts the PRTG core
server with a corresponding error message and discards this lookup definition.
§ a lookup file has a file extension other than .ovl? The file is not loaded.

§ alerting is disabled or based on limits? Error and Warning states that are defined in the lookup do not
apply. Make sure that you select the option Enable alerting based on lookups in the channel settings if
you want to use lookup definitions to control the sensor status.
§ you define a scaling factor in channel settings? This does not modify the values that are defined by
lookups. Any applied lookup always uses the raw value as retrieved from the target device. If you use a
scaling factor for such a channel, you notice the scaling in data graphs but the channel value appears
unmodified in data tables.

Knowledge Base

Custom lookup range


Can I graph text values?



How to configure lookups in PRTG



MIB Importer

14.7 Regular Expressions

For some sensors, you can use regular expressions (regex) to match a search pattern. PRTG supports
Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE).

The following sensors support regex:

§ DHCP sensor 826

§ File Content sensor 969

§ HTTP Advanced sensor 1057

§ IMAP sensor 1214

§ Port sensor 1713

§ SNMP Custom String sensor 2050

§ WMI Custom String sensor 2804

You can only use regex for the respective sensors if you explicitly enable regex in the sensors'

PRTG supports regex options in the form (?isgmxUJ) and their negations, for example, (?-i). PRTG
does not support regex flags like /g (global), /s (single line), or /gs, and does not correctly search for
the target string if you try to set flags.

Common Search Patterns

Find matches that contain the word error or alarm:

Find matches that contain the word ERROR, not error, using case sensitivity:

Find matches that contain the words error and alarm, in any order:

Find matches that contain all of the words tree, flower, leaf, and bug, in any order:

It is not possible to match an empty string with the regex search with sensors.

The search pattern

matches the following expressions:

§ Alarm error

§ Error alarm

§ I am an error and I trigger an alarm.

§ I am an alarm and I indicate an error.

§ An alarm combined with an error indeed!

§ An error combined with an alarm, too!

14.8 Calculating Percentiles

PRTG not only monitors your network and informs you in the case of issues that are worth a closer look,
it also stores a lot of historic data that it gathers from your sensors. This means that you have a base for
the statistical analysis and evaluation of what is and was happening in your network. When you create a
report 3123 or a historic data report 189 , you get raw data, sums, averages, and percentages of your
monitoring data.

Additionally, PRTG also offers percentile calculation. This statistical method arranges your data, for
example, from the lowest value to the highest value, and calculates the percentile that you want,
optimally informing you about the distribution of your network-relevant data.

For example, if you request the 95th percentile, you know that 95 percent of the measured data is
below a certain value and PRTG can tell you what this certain value is.

If applied to bandwidth, for example, you know which values you have when talking about the 5 percent of
unusually high bandwidth consumption, and which value your users do not exceed 95 percent of the
time. Service providers often use percentiles to offer billing that excludes infrequent usage peaks.

If you want to know more about the formula that PRTG uses for percentile calculation, see the
Knowledge Base: What are percentiles and what differences do they make in PRTG reports?

Knowledge Base

What are percentiles and what differences do they make in PRTG reports?

14.9 Add Remote Probe

Remote probes can extend your monitoring with PRTG.

§ With remote probes, you can monitor different subnetworks that are separated from your PRTG core
server by a firewall, and you can keep an eye on remote locations. You can install one or more remote
probes 3557 .
§ Remote probes are useful if you want to distribute monitoring load by taking it from the PRTG core
server system and putting it on one or more remote probe systems.
§ You need a remote probe if you want to monitor your local network with a PRTG Hosted Monitor

Monitoring Remote Locations via Remote Probes

For instructions on how to add a remote probe, see the following sections:

§ Background information: Remote Probes and Multiple Probes 3557

§ Step-by-step installation: Install a Remote Probe 115

§ Partially automatic installation: Remote Probe Setup via Device Tools 3561

§ Quick installation guide on the Paessler website: How to install a PRTG remote probe in 4 steps


How to install a PRTG remote probe in 4 steps


How to connect PRTG through a firewall in 4 steps



Distributed monitoring with PRTG


14.9.1 Remote Probes and Multiple Probes
Upon installation, PRTG automatically creates the first probe, namely the local probe in PRTG Network
Monitor, and the hosted probe in PRTG Hosted Monitor. They run on the PRTG core server system and
monitor all reachable devices, servers, and services from the system, using the sensors you configure.

Working only with a local probe should suffice for LAN monitoring with PRTG Network Monitor and if you
want to monitor one location only. For LAN monitoring with PRTG Hosted Monitor, at least one remote
probe is required because the hosted probe can only reach targets that are publicly available via the

Scenarios That Require Remote Probes

There are several situations that make it necessary to work with remote probes in the same LAN or in
remote locations. Among these situations are the following:

§ You use PRTG Hosted Monitor and want to monitor your local network.

§ You have more than one location and you need to make sure that services are available from all
§ Your network is divided into several LANs that are separated by firewalls, and the local probe cannot
monitor specific services across these firewalls.
§ You want to monitor systems in a secure network and you need a secure connection between the
PRTG core server and that network.
§ You want to sniff packets on a different computer.

§ You want to monitor NetFlow data on a different computer.

§ You experience performance issues with CPU-intensive sensors like Packet Sniffer or NetFlow
sensors and need to distribute the load among more than one computer.

The following chart shows an example for a remote probe scenario.

Monitoring a Distributed Netw ork w ith PRTG

The PRTG core server inside the corporate LAN (top left) can monitor:

§ Services that are inside the corporate LAN using the local probe.

§ Services that are behind a firewall in the corporate LAN using remote probe 1.

§ Secured services that are inside the branch office (bottom right) using remote probe 2.

§ Secured services on mail server and web server using remote probe 3 and remote probe 4 installed
directly on these servers.
§ Public services on the internet using any of the probes.

How Probes Work

As soon as a probe starts, it automatically connects to the PRTG core server 134 , downloads the sensor
configuration, and begins its monitoring tasks. The PRTG core server sends new configuration data to a
probe as soon as the user changes the monitoring configuration. Probes monitor autonomously and send
the monitoring results back to the PRTG core server for each check that they perform.

If the connections between the PRTG core server and a probe fail for any reason (for example, restarting
the PRTG core server system), the probe continues to monitor and stores the results. During a
connection loss, a buffer stores a maximum of 500,000 sensor results in the RAM of the remote probe
system (up to 50 - 200 MB). This means that for 100 sensors with a 1-minute scanning interval, the
probe can buffer the monitoring results of up to 3 days (or 52 minutes for 10,000 sensors with a 1-minute
scanning interval). The probe automatically reconnects to the PRTG core server as soon as it is available
again and transmits all monitoring results that it gathered during the connection loss.

The connection between a probe and the PRTG core server is initiated by the probe and is secured with
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS). This means that the data that is sent back
and forth between the PRTG core server and the probe is not visible to someone that is capturing data
packets. The PRTG core server provides an open TCP/IP port and waits for connection attempts from
probes. If a new probe connects for the first time, you receive a ToDo ticket 217 and then you see the new
probe in the device tree.

As a security precaution, you must manually approve the probe in the device tree before you can create
any sensors. You can also deny a probe. PRTG then disconnects it. PRTG accepts no further
connection attempts and it adds the probe IP address to the Deny IP Addresses list in the probe's
system settings 3250 . This ensures that unauthorized probes cannot connect to a PRTG core server.

Because the probe initiates the connection, you must ensure that a connection to your PRTG core
server from the outside can be established. The process is the same as if you wanted to allow access to
the PRTG web server provided by the PRTG core server via port 80 or 443. In most cases, this means
that you will require an allow or allow-nat network address translation (NAT) rule that enables the probe
to reach the PRTG core server via the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 23560. Then, the probe
uses a dynamic port from the high port range (49152 - 65535) for outgoing connections.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, remote probes also connect to all cluster nodes and send monitoring data.
This works as described above for a single PRTG core server. If the master node fails, you can still see
monitoring data on the failover nodes. You can define the Cluster Connectivity of each probe in the
probe's settings 474 , section Administrative Probe Settings.

Automatic Probe Update

Whenever you install a new version of PRTG on the PRTG core server, all remote probes automatically
download and install the updated version as soon as they reconnect to the updated PRTG core server.

PRTG updates the local probe when you update the PRTG core server. All remote probes automatically
download the new binaries via the SSL/TLS-secured probe connection or PRTG core server connection.
Downloading the 4-MB file takes anywhere from a few seconds (in LANs) up to a few minutes (via
internet connections), depending on the available bandwidth. As soon as the update is downloaded, the
remote probe disconnects, installs the update, and reconnects to the PRTG core server. This takes
between 20 and 100 seconds. Note that during the update phase, monitoring by the local probe can be
affected because of the bandwidth that is required for the downloads.

If a remote probe keeps disconnecting after an update, check if the server with the remote probe has
two network connections with different IP addresses. Make sure that these addresses are in the list
of allowed IP addresses in the Core & Probes 3252 settings.

Delete Remote Probe

If you delete a connected remote probe via the device tree, it stops the PRTG probe service on the
remote probe system and sets the startup type to manual. We recommend that you additionally uninstall
the remote probe on the remote probe system.

If you delete a disconnected remote probe, it does not stop the PRTG probe service on the remote probe
system and does not affect the startup type. The remote probe will continue to try to reconnect to the
PRTG core server until you manually stop the PRTG probe service or uninstall the remote probe on the
remote probe system.


How to connect PRTG through a firewall in 4 steps



Distributed monitoring with PRTG


14.9.2 Remote Probe Setup via Device Tools
You can directly install a remote probe via the context menu 240 of a device in the device tree. This
partially automatic installation mechanism is an alternative to the Remote Probe Installer 115 . For a quick
installation guide, see the Paessler Website: How to install a PRTG remote probe in 4 steps.

This is an experimental feature. It might not work in all situations. In this case, see section
Debugging 3565 .

This feature is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

You cannot install a remote probe on the local probe device or hosted probe device. The Remote
Probe Setup via Device Tools is also not available for devices on remote probes. In this case, use
the Remote Probe Installer.

If you run PRTG in a cluster, see Cluster and Remote Probes Outside the LAN 3563 .

Steps to Take
To install a remote probe directly from the device tree in the PRTG web interface, follow these steps:

§ Step 1: Meet the Requirements 3561

§ Step 2: Prepare the PRTG Core Server 3562

§ Step 3: Configure the Failover Node 3563

§ Step 4: Confirm the Failover Node 3564

§ Step 5: Approve the New Remote Probe 3565

Step 1: Meet the Requirements

To install a remote probe on a target system, make sure that you meet the following requirements.

§ The target system runs the operating system Windows 7 or later.

§ The target system is accessible via remote procedure call (RPC). This is usually the case when your
PRTG core server and the target system are located in the same LAN segment. Otherwise, open
Windows services.msc on the target system and start the RPC service.
§ Programs are allowed to communicate through your Windows Firewall. Open the settings of your
firewall and select Allow an app through firewall. Mark the check box for Remote Service Management,
and the check box Public in the corresponding line.
§ Because the probe initiates the connection, you must ensure that a connection to your PRTG core
server from the outside can be established. The process is the same as if you wanted to allow access
to the PRTG web server provided by the PRTG core server via port 80 or 443. In most cases, this
means that you will require an allow or allow-nat network address translation (NAT) rule that enables
the probe to reach the PRTG core server via the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 23560.
Then, the probe uses a dynamic port from the high port range (49152 - 65535) for outgoing
If you need to set a different port, which we do not recommend, see the Knowledge Base: How
can I customize ports for core-probe connections used by PRTG?

PRTG Network Monitor and PRTG Hosted Monitor already include a local probe or hosted probe on
the PRTG core server. This is why you cannot additionally install a remote probe on your PRTG core
server system.

For more information on the requirements for remote probes, see section System Requirements 24 .

Step 2: Prepare the PRTG Core Server

Because your remote probe needs to connect to your PRTG core server, PRTG needs to accept
incoming remote probe connections. So, with PRTG Network Monitor, first prepare your PRTG core
server before you install the remote probe.

Edit the relevant settings in section Core & Probes 3250 . From the main menu in the PRTG web
interface 133 , select Setup | System Administration | Core & Probes to access the probe settings and go
to the Probe Connection Settings.

Probe Connection Settings in System Administration

Step 2.1: Probe Connection IP Addresses

By default, a PRTG core server accepts connections from the local probe only (IP address
This setting is the most secure setting, but it does not allow any remote probes to connect to your
PRTG core server.

To accept remote probes, select one of the following settings:

§ All IP addresses available on this computer: Any IP address on your PRTG core server system
accepts incoming probe connections.

§ Specify IP addresses: Specify IP addresses that accept incoming connections.

Step 2.2: Allow IP Addresses

In the Allow IP Addresses field, you can enter the IP address of the target system on which you want to
install a remote probe. You can also enter the word any. This sets the PRTG core server to accept
remote probe connections from any IP address.

If you use any, make sure that you only write the word in lower case. Other variations are not valid.

Other settings are not required. For details about the fields for Access Keys, Deny IP Addresses, and
Deny GIDs, see section Core & Probes 3252 .

When you are done, click Save to save your settings.

If you change this setting, PRTG needs to restart the PRTG core server to apply your changes. After
you click Save, a dialog box appears that asks you to confirm the restart. Click OK to trigger the
restart. During the restart, all users of the PRTG web interface, of PRTG Desktop 3338 , or of PRTG Apps
for Mobile Network Monitoring 3341 are disconnected and reconnected.

To edit the core–probe connection settings, you can also use the PRTG Administration Tool 3408 on
your PRTG core server.

Cluster and Remote Probes Outside the LAN

If you run PRTG as a cluster and you want to run remote probes outside your local network, you
must make sure that your cluster nodes and the addresses that they use are reachable from the
outside. Check your cluster node settings under Cluster 3280 before you install a remote probe outside
your local network. Enter valid Domain Name System (DNS) names or IP addresses for both cluster
nodes to reach each other and for remote probes to individually reach all cluster nodes. Remote probes
outside your LAN cannot connect to your cluster nodes if they use local addresses.

If you already have a remote probe installed outside your LAN and the remote probe is disconnected
because of this, follow these steps:

1. Uninstall the remote probe.

2. Update the cluster node settings 3280 with addresses that are reachable from outside your LAN.
3. Restart the PRTG core servers.
4. Install the remote probe again. It then obtains the IP address or DNS name entries that it can reach.

See also section Failover Cluster Configuration 3569 , section Remote Probes in a Cluster.

Step 3: Configure the Failover Node

If you have not yet done so, add a device 352 that represents the target system on which you want to
install the remote probe. Set the correct Windows credentials for this device.

1. Open the device settings 535 .

2. In the Credentials for Windows Systems section, provide Domain or Computer Name, User Name,
and Password for the target system. You can also inherit 144 the credentials from the settings of a
parent object in the device tree.

Make sure that this user account has administration rights on the target system.

Step 4: Confirm the Failover Node

1. In the device tree, open the context menu 240 of the target device.

2. Select Device Tools | Install Remote Probe to open the install dialog in a new window.

This option is only available for devices on the local probe of PRTG Network Monitor.

Remote Probe Installation Dialog

The install dialog includes four sections:

§ Experimental feature notice and short introduction

§ Details: Overview of the device like Device Name, Status, Priority, Parent Probe, Parent Group, and
Sensors by State.
§ Prerequisites: Make sure that you meet the requirements listed here. If not, PRTG cannot start the
installation process. Open requirements are highlighted in red.

Installation Unable to Start Because Prerequisites Are Not Met

§ Start Probe Installation: Time estimation for the installation and installation start button

If all prerequisites are met, you can install the remote probe on the target system by clicking Install
Remote Probe on "[device name]". Wait until the process has ended. If the installation is successful, the
following message appears in the Start Probe Installation section: Done. Result is: OK.

Every time you start an installation, PRTG automatically adds a new key to the field Access Keys in
the Core & Probes 3251 settings, no matter if the installation is successful or not.

Step 5: Approve the New Remote Probe

If the installation is successful, you receive further instructions after the result message. You also receive
a new ToDo ticket 217 .

Click Approve and auto-discover to acknowledge the new remote probe and to instantly start an auto-
discovery 269 in this network. Click Approve new probe to acknowledge the new remote probe without
running an auto-discovery. You can also discard the remote probe by clicking Deny.

When you deny or remove a remote probe, this device's global ID (GID) is listed in the Deny GIDs
field in the Core & Probes 3251 settings. Future probe connections from this device are automatically

When you deny the remote probe in the device tree, this does not uninstall the remote probe but
only denies access to the PRTG core server. The remote probe continues to run on the target
system until you uninstall it manually.

Wait while the remote probe connects. Once the remote probe has connected, you can create groups,
devices, and sensors to customize your monitoring via the new remote probe.

§ Note that installing a remote probe directly from the device tree in the PRTG web interface is an
experimental feature. This approach might not be possible in all situations.
§ Make sure you meet all the requirements as described in step 1 3561 such as the Windows Firewall
§ If the quick installation procedure as described in this section does not work with your setup, manually
install the remote probe via the Remote Probe Installer as described in section Install a Remote
Probe 115 .

Knowledge Base

How can I customize ports for core-probe connections used by PRTG?



How to connect PRTG through a firewall in 4 steps


How to install a PRTG remote probe in 4 steps


14.10 Failover Cluster Configuration

A failover cluster consists of two or more PRTG core servers that work together to form a high availability
monitoring system. PRTG offers the single failover cluster (one master node and one failover node) in all
licenses, including the Freeware Edition.

This feature is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

Illustration of a Single Failover Cluster

For more information about clusters in general, see section Failover Cluster 137 .

Before You Start

Consider the following notes about clusters.

§ You need two target systems that run any Windows version (Windows 7 or later). The target systems
can be physical machines or virtual machines (VM). For more information, see section System
Requirements 23 .
§ The machines must be up and running.

§ The machines must be similar in regard to the system performance and speed (like CPU, RAM, etc.).

§ In a cluster, each of the cluster nodes individually monitors the devices that you add to the cluster
probe. This means that the monitoring load increases with every cluster node. Make sure that your
devices and your network can handle these additional requests. Often, a longer scanning interval for
your entire monitoring setup is a good idea. For example, set a scanning interval of five minutes in the
root group's settings 396 .
§ We recommend that you install PRTG on dedicated, physical machines for best performance.

§ Keep in mind that a machine that runs a cluster node might automatically restart without prior notice,
for example, because of special software updates.
§ Both machines must be visible for each other through the network.

§ Communication between the two machines must be possible in both directions. Make sure that no
software or hardware firewall blocks communication. All communication between cluster nodes is
directed through one specific Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port. You define the port during the
cluster setup. By default, it is TCP port 23570.

§ In a cluster, a Domain Name System (DNS) name that you enter under Setup | System Administration
| User Interface in the PRTG web interface is only used in links that point to the master node. You
cannot enter a DNS name for a failover node. This means that any HTTP or HTTPS links that point to a
failover node (for example, in notifications or in maps) always point to the failover node's IP address in
your local network and might therefore not be reachable from external networks or from the internet,
particularly if you use network address translation (NAT) rules.
§ Email notifications for failover: The failover master node sends notifications if the primary master node
is not connected to the cluster. To ensure that PRTG can deliver emails in this case, configure the
notification delivery 3241 settings so that PRTG can use them to deliver emails from your failover node
as well. For example, use the option to set up a secondary Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
email server. This fallback server must be available for the failover master node so that it can send
emails over it independently from the first email server.
§ Make your machines secure. Every cluster node has full access to all stored credentials, other
configuration data, and the monitoring results of the cluster. Also, PRTG software updates can be
deployed from every cluster node. So, make sure you take security precautions to avoid security
attacks like hackers and Trojans. Secure every cluster node as carefully as the master node.
§ Run cluster nodes either on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows versions only. Avoid using both 32-bit and 64-bit
versions in the same cluster. This configuration is not supported and might result in an unstable
system. Also, ZIP compression for the cluster communication is disabled and you might encounter
higher network traffic between your cluster nodes.
§ If you run cluster nodes on Windows systems with different time zone settings and you use
schedules 3213 to pause monitoring of sensors, the schedules apply at the local time of each cluster
node. Because of this, the overall status of a particular sensor is shown as Paused every time the
schedule matches a cluster node's local system time. Use the same time zone setting on each
Windows system with a cluster node to avoid this behavior.
§ The password for the PRTG System Administrator user account is not automatically synchronized on
cluster nodes. The default credentials (prtgadmin) for the PRTG System Administrator user account do
not work on the failover node. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: I cannot log in to my
failover node anymore. What can I do?
§ Stay below 2,500 sensors per cluster for best performance in a single failover. Clusters with more than
5,000 sensors are not officially supported. For each additional failover node, divide the number of
sensors by two.

In cluster mode, you cannot use sensors that wait for data to be received. Because of this, you can use
the following sensors only on a local probe or remote probe 134 :

§ DHCP 826

§ HTTP Push Count 1126

§ HTTP Push Data 1134

§ HTTP Push Data Advanced 1143

§ IPFIX 1235 and IPFIX (Custom) 1248

§ jFlow v5 1268 and jFlow v5 (Custom) 1281

§ NetFlow v5 1555 and NetFlow v5 (Custom) 1568

§ NetFlow v9 1579 and NetFlow v9 (Custom) 1592

§ Packet Sniffer 1658 and Packet Sniffer (Custom) 1669

§ sFlow 1871 and sFlow (Custom) 1884

§ SNMP Trap Receiver 2454

§ Syslog Receiver 2605

Remote Probes in a Cluster

PRTG provides cluster support for remote probes. This means that all of your remote probes can connect
to all of your cluster nodes. Because of this, you can still see the monitoring data of remote probes and
sensor warnings and errors even when your master node fails.

Remote Probes w ith Cluster Connectivity

Consider the following notes about clusters with remote probes:

§ You must allow remote probe connections to your failover nodes. To do so, log in to each system in
your cluster and open the PRTG Administration Tool 3412 . On the PRTG Core Server tab, accept
connections from remote probes on each cluster node.
§ If you use remote probes outside your local network: You must use IP addresses or Domain Name
System (DNS) names for your cluster nodes that are valid for both the cluster nodes to reach each
other and for remote probes to reach all cluster nodes individually. Open the Cluster 3280 settings and
adjust the entries for cluster nodes accordingly so that these addresses are reachable from the
outside. New remote probes try to connect to these addresses but cannot reach cluster nodes that
use private addresses.
§ If you use network address translation (NAT) with remote probes outside the NAT: You must use IP
addresses or DNS names for your cluster nodes that are reachable from the outside. If your cluster
nodes are inside the NAT and the cluster configuration only contains internal addresses, your remote
probes from outside the NAT are not able to connect. The PRTG core server must be reachable under
the same address for both other cluster nodes and remote probes.

§ A remote probe only connects to the PRTG core server with the defined IP address when it starts.
This PRTG core server must be the primary master node.

§ Initially, remote probes are not visible on failover nodes. You need to set their Cluster Connectivity first
in the Administrative Probe Settings 474 for them to be visible and to work with all cluster nodes. Select
Remote probe sends data to all cluster nodes for each remote probe that you want to connect to all
cluster nodes.
§ Newly connected remote probes are visible and work with all cluster nodes immediately after you
acknowledge the probe connection. The connectivity setting Remote probe sends data to all cluster
nodes is default for new remote probes.

§ As soon as you activate a remote probe for all cluster nodes, it automatically connects to the correct
IP addresses and ports of all cluster nodes.
§ Once a remote probe has connection data from the primary master node, it can connect to all other
cluster nodes also when the primary master node fails.
§ Changes that you make in the connection settings of cluster nodes are automatically sent to the
remote probes.
§ If a PRTG core server (cluster node) in your cluster is not running, the remote probes deliver monitoring
data 3558 after the PRTG core server restarts. This happens individually for each PRTG core server in
your cluster.
§ If you enable cluster connectivity for a remote probe, it does not deliver monitoring data from the past
when cluster connectivity was disabled. For sensors that use difference values, the difference between
the current value and the last value is shown with the first new measurement (if the respective sensor
previously sent values to the PRTG core server).
§ Except for this special case, all PRTG core servers show the same values for sensors on devices that
you add to the cluster probe.
§ The PRTG core server that is responsible for the configuration and management of a remote probe is
always the current master node. This means that only the current master node performs all tasks of
the PRTG core server. If you use a split cluster with several master nodes, only the master node that
appears first in the cluster configuration is responsible.

You can use remote probes in a cluster as described above, which is showing monitoring data of all
remote probes on all cluster nodes. However, you cannot cluster a remote probe itself. To ensure
gapless monitoring for a specific remote probe, install a second remote probe on a machine in your
network next to the remote probe. Then create all devices and sensors of the original remote probe on
the second remote probe by cloning 3084 the devices from the original remote probe, for example. The
second remote probe is then a copy of the first remote probe and you can still monitor the desired
devices if the original remote probe fails.

Remote probes that send data to all cluster nodes result in increased bandwidth usage. Select
Remote probe sends data only to primary master node in the probe settings 474 for one or more
remote probes to lower bandwidth usage if necessary.

Explicitly check on each cluster node if a remote probe is connected. PRTG does not notify you if a
remote probe is disconnected from a cluster node. For example, log in to the PRTG web interface on
a cluster node and check in the device tree if your remote probes are connected.

Knowledge Base

What is the clustering feature in PRTG?


What are the bandwidth requirements for running a cluster?


What is a failover master node and how does it behave?


I need help with my cluster configuration. Where do I find step-by-step instructions?


Cluster: How do I convert a (temporary) failover master node to be the primary master node?

Are there alternatives to the cluster when running a large installation?


I cannot log in to my failover node anymore. What can I do?



How to connect PRTG through a firewall in 4 steps


14.10.1 Failover Cluster Step by Step
This section guides you through the step-by-step process to set up a failover cluster. Follow these
instructions carefully to successfully integrate two or more PRTG core servers into one failover cluster.

Before you start, make sure that you consider the information in section Failover Cluster
Configuration 3567 .

This feature is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

In this section:

§ Step 1: Install the PRTG Core Servers 3572

§ Step 2: Configure the Master Node 3572

§ Step 3: Configure the Failover Node 3574

§ Step 4: Confirm the Failover Node 3575

§ Step 5: Check the Cluster Connection 3576

§ Step 6: Troubleshooting 3577

§ Step 7: Move Sensors to the Cluster Probe Now 3577

§ Step 8: Move Custom Content to the Failover Nodes 3577

§ Step 9: Add More Failover Nodes (optional) 3578

Step 1: Install the PRTG Core Servers

First, you need two separate PRTG core server installations. Use the same license key for both PRTG
core server installations.

If you already have a PRTG core server, this is your future master node. In this case, set up an additional
PRTG core server installation.

Before you set up a cluster, make sure that all (future) cluster nodes run the exact same PRTG version
(build number). Install updates if necessary.

Once you establish the cluster, any updates that you install on a cluster node are automatically
deployed to all other cluster nodes.

For details about the installation process, see section Install a PRTG Core Server 103 .

Step 2: Configure the Master Node

Decide which of your PRTG core server installations is your future master node. If you have an
installation of PRTG in your network that has been running for some time, this should be your master
node so that you keep your monitoring configuration.

On the master node, from the Windows Start menu, open the PRTG Administration Tool 3414 . On the
Cluster tab, click the following button:

Create a Cluster

§ Click Create a Cluster to create a cluster. The current PRTG core server is then the master node of the

§ Click Yes to convert this installation to a master node.

Converting an Installation to a Master Node

§ A dialog box appears.

Creating a Master Node

§ Enter a Cluster Port. This is the port on which PRTG sends the internal communication between the
cluster nodes. Make sure that connections between the cluster nodes are possible on the port that
you select.
§ Enter or paste a Cluster Access Key. This is a unique access key. All cluster nodes must use the
same cluster access key to join the cluster. Connection attempts with a different access key are not
We recommend that you use the default value.
§ Save the Cluster Access Key so that you have it at hand when you configure the failover nodes.

§ After confirming your settings, you are asked to restart Windows services. Click OK to restart the
Windows services so that your changes take effect.

Restart Services to Apply Changes

Step 3: Configure the Failover Node

On the failover node, open the PRTG Administration Tool 3414 . On the Cluster tab, click the following

Join a Cluster

§ Click Join a Cluster to add this installation to a cluster that already has a master node. The current
PRTG core server is then a failover node.
§ This button is also available if the PRTG core server is in Cluster Mode: Master Node. This option then
changes the master node to a failover node.
§ Click Yes to convert this installation into a failover node.

Converting an Installation to a Failover Node

§ A dialog box appears.

Cluster Connection Setup

§ Enter a Master Node (IP address/DNS name) for the cluster. It must be reachable from the machine
that runs the failover node.
§ Enter the other settings as defined in the settings of the master node. Make sure that you use the
same settings on all cluster nodes.
§ Enter a Cluster Port. This is the port on which PRTG sends the internal communication between the
cluster nodes. Make sure that connections between the cluster nodes are possible on the port that
you select.
§ Enter or paste a Cluster Access Key. This is a unique access key. All cluster nodes must use the
same cluster access key to join the cluster. Connection attempts with a different access key are not
We recommend that you use the default value.

§ After confirming your settings, you are asked to restart Windows services. Click OK to restart the
Windows services so that your changes take effect.

Restart Services to Apply Changes

Step 4: Confirm the Failover Node

Now you need to confirm the new failover node by setting it to Active in the master node's settings.

In a browser window, log in to 161 the PRTG web interface of the master node.

In the cluster 3280 settings, you see your master node in the first line of the cluster list and your failover
node in the second line.

If you use remote probes 3557 outside of your local network, for each PRTG core server in the cluster,
use a Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address that the remote probes can reach from the
outside. Enter the entries in the Cluster Node Setup 3280 table accordingly. The addresses must be valid
for both cluster nodes to reach each other and for remote probes to individually reach all cluster nodes.
Remote probes outside your LAN cannot reach private IP addresses or DNS names.

System Administration: Cluster Node Setup

For the failover node, set the Node State to Active and Save the changes. The cluster nodes now
connect and exchange configuration data. This might take a few minutes.

Step 5: Check the Cluster Connection

In two browser windows, log in to the PRTG web interface of both of your PRTG core servers. Open the
Cluster Status tab in both windows. You should see the cluster status with the two cluster nodes in a
Connected state after a few minutes.

Cluster Status

Step 6: Troubleshooting
If the cluster nodes cannot connect, see

§ the cluster log entries on the Cluster Status 3315 tab in the PRTG web interface.
§ the PRTG core server log file, a text file in the \Logs subfolder of the PRTG data directory 3579 . 3579

In the latest entries of these logs, you can see messages about any errors that might have occurred.
These give you hints on where to find a solution.

If you have connection issues with the two cluster nodes, make sure that no software or hardware firewall
is blocking communication on the cluster port that you defined during the cluster setup. Communication
between the cluster nodes must be possible in both directions for the cluster to work properly.

Step 7: Move Sensors to the Cluster Probe Now

You have successfully set up your failover cluster. All devices that you create or move under the cluster
probe are monitored by both cluster nodes.

To monitor your configuration via all cluster nodes, on your master node, move your groups, devices,
and sensors from the local probe to the cluster probe. Objects, including their settings, are then
automatically transferred to all cluster nodes.

Step 8: Move Custom Content to the Failover Nodes

On startup of the master node, maps 3145 and custom lookups 3541 are automatically transmitted to the
failover nodes. While PRTG automatically synchronizes changes to maps, you must manually (re)load
lookups 3550 on all cluster nodes. You must also manually copy other custom content from the according
subfolders of the PRTG program directory 3579 on the master node to the same folders on the failover

Custom Content Subfolder of the PRTG Program Directory

Device templates 3093 \devicetemplates

Custom sensors 3047 \Custom Sensors

MIB files 3349 \MIB

SNMP libraries 2259 \snmplibs

Notifications 3175 \notifications

Step 9: Add More Failover Nodes (optional)

If you want to add an additional failover node to your cluster, you need an additional license key to run
two and three failover nodes, and two additional license keys to run four failover nodes.

In a cluster, only PRTG core servers that have the same license 21 type can be combined. To add
an additional failover node to the cluster, set up a new PRTG core server on a new machine and use
an additional license key. Then proceed with step 3 3574 and following. Use a second license key to set
up both the second failover node and third failover node. Use a third license key to set up the fourth
failover node. Each failover cluster is technically limited to five cluster nodes: as a maximum, you can
have one master node and four failover nodes in one cluster.

Stay below 2,500 sensors for best performance in a cluster. Clusters with more than 5,000 sensors
are not supported. For each additional failover node, divide the number of sensors by two.

Knowledge Base

My cluster is messed up. How can I start over?



How to connect PRTG through a firewall in 4 steps


14.11 Data Storage

PRTG stores the monitoring configuration, monitoring data, logs, tickets, and reports, as well as support
and debug data into different subfolders in the PRTG data directory on the probe system. Additionally,
there is data in the PRTG program directory (for example, scripts for your custom sensors 3047 ) and in the
Windows registry.

You cannot access these directories in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

In this section:

§ PRTG Program Directory 3579

§ PRTG Data Directory 3579

§ Files and Subfolders in the PRTG Data Directory 3579

§ Structure of the Logs Folder 3581

§ Windows Registry 3582

§ HTTP Full Web Page Sensor: Cached Files 3582

§ Auto-Update Files 3582

PRTG Program Directory

32-bit systems:
%programfiles%\PRTG Network Monitor

64-bit systems:
%programfiles(x86)%\PRTG Network Monitor

These are the default paths. If you specified a different installation directory, you find your data there.

PRTG Data Directory

On Windows Vista (not officially supported), Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8,
Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, or Windows Server 2019:
%programdata%\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor

These are the default paths, depending on your Windows version. If you specified a custom path for
data storage, you need to look it up in the PRTG Administration Tool 3412 on the PRTG Core Server
tab. You find the path there.

The Windows ProgramData folder is hidden by default. To display it, you need to enable hidden
items in the View options of your Windows system.

Files and Subfolders in the PRTG Data Directory

The following files are stored in the PRTG data directory:

File Description File Format

PRTG Configuration.dat Monitoring configuration (for example probes, groups, Extensible

devices, sensors, users, maps, reports, and more) Markup Language

PRTG Configuration.old Backup of previous version of monitoring configuration XML

PRTG Graph Data Precalculated data for the graphs throughout the PRTG Proprietary
Cache.dat web interface (if missing, this file is automatically
recalculated from the files in the monitoring database)

The following folders are stored in the PRTG data directory:

Folder Description File Format

\Configuration Auto- Backup versions of the file PRTG Configuration.dat ZIP / XML

\Log Database Database with the recent event history for the whole Raw data format
system: menu option Logs in the PRTG web interface (DB)

\debug Text file based logs of the PRTG core server system and TXT
the probe system

\sensors Text file based debug logs of the sensors (files named TXT
after the ID of a sensor; logs are written only if activated
in a sensor's settings)

\core Text file based logs of the PRTG core server system, TXT
the probe system, the cluster system, and result files
for certain sensors

\webserver HTTP server log files of the PRTG web server Standard web
server log format

\Monitoring Database Results of all monitoring requests for all sensors Proprietary
(required for historic reports)

\Report PDFs Older PDF reports 3123 stored in the file system PDF

\reporter Screenshots created for reporting issues to the Paessler PNG

Support team

\Screenshots (Fullpage Screenshots stored by the PhantomJS browser engine JPG (in
Sensor) of the HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108 subfolders)

Folder Description File Format

\StreamLog Data log files for Packet Sniffer and Flow (NetFlow,
jFlow, sFlow, IPFIX) sensors (only available if activated
in the sensor settings)

\Support Data Collected and compressed log file data when sending a LOG / TXT / ZIP
support bundle to the Paessler support team
For more information, see the Knowledge Base:
What is the best way to contact Paessler Support?

\Syslog Database Received Syslog messages Proprietary

\System Information Retrieved system information 208 for the categories Proprietary (in
Database hardware, users (loggedonusers), processes, services, JavaScript Object
software, system (in according subfolders) Notation (JSON)

\ToDo Database Database with all ToDo entries Raw data format
as of PRTG

\Ticket Database Database with all tickets 217 (ticketdata.dat) Raw data format

\Toplist Database Database for historic Toplists for Packet Sniffer and flow Raw data format
sensors (TOP)

\Trap Database Received SNMP Trap messages Proprietary

Structure of the Logs Folder

Folder Description File Format

\appserver Currently not in use N/A

\core Text file based logs of the core system and cluster TXT

\debug Text file based debug logs of the core system and probe TXT
system, and core cache recalculation

\desktopclient Currently not in use N/A

Folder Description File Format

\enterpriseconsole Text file based logs of the deprecated Enterprise TXT


\probe Text file based logs of the probe system TXT

\reporter Text file based logs of creating PDF reports and TXT
screenshots for the Paessler Support team

\sensordeprecation Text file based log of deprecated sensors TXT

\sensors Text file based logs of sensors TXT

\serveradmin Text file based logs of the administration system TXT

\webserver HTTP server log files of the PRTG web server TXT

Windows Registry
System settings on 32-bit systems:

System settings on 64-bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor

HTTP Full Web Page Sensor: Cached Files

If you use the HTTP Full Web Page, files might be cached in this directory:
Internet Files\Content.IE5

Auto-Update Files
PRTG automatically saves downloaded software versions in the \download subfolder of the PRTG
program directory. The compressed file that contains all necessary files is also cached there.

Knowledge Base

What is the best way to contact Paessler Support?


14.12 Using Your Own SSL Certificate with the PRTG Web Server

This section gives you a brief overview of how to use your own trusted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
certificate files with the PRTG web server.

This only applies to PRTG Network Monitor, not to PRTG Hosted Monitor.

What is SSL/TLS?
PRTG supports SSL/TLS to secure all data that you enter and that PRTG shows in the PRTG web
interface 133 , in PRTG Desktop 3338 , or in the PRTG apps for iOS or Android 3341 . This ensures that no
sensitive information can be intercepted when sending data between the PRTG core server and your
client software.

By default, PRTG is delivered with an SSL certificate so you can use secure connections to your PRTG
core server. However, this is a self-signed certificate, which is why browsers show an SSL certificate
warning when you try to access the PRTG web interface. Despite this warning, your connection is still
completely secure. For more information, see Knowledge Base: Why does my browser show an SSL
certificate warning when I open the PRTG web interface?

To remove the browser warning, you can obtain a certificate that is valid for your own domain name and
signed by a valid certificate authority (CA). You must provide the certificate in a suitable format and you
must correctly import it into your PRTG core server.

Importing Trusted SSL Certificates into PRTG

There are many different issuers for certificates, and there are different formats in which certificates are
provided. PRTG needs three different correctly named files that contain data in the expected encoding
and format. This can make manually importing an issued certificate slightly complicated because there
are various certificate files that you must retrieve from a CA. So, to ease the installation of a trusted
certificate, we provide the freeware tool PRTG Certificate Importer.

PRTG Certificate Importer automatically combines and converts all files that a CA bundle contains for
use with PRTG and stores the certificate files under the correct path on your PRTG core server. At best,
you only provide the path to your received CA bundle and let the tool do the rest. We strongly
recommend that you use PRTG Certificate Importer if you want to install a trusted certificate for PRTG.

For more information about this tool and a download link, see the Paessler website: PRTG
Certificate Importer.

Manual Certificate Import

Although we recommend that you use PRTG Certificate Importer, you can still manually import your
trusted certificate. If you do so, note that PRTG requires three different certificate files in a Privacy-
Enhanced Mail (PEM) encoded format, and an unencrypted private key:

§ prtg.crt: This is the certificate for your PRTG core server. It must be stored in PEM-encoded format.

§ prtg.key: This is the private key that matches your server certificate. It must be stored in PEM-
encoded format and must not be encrypted. Make sure that you provide this file in decrypted format.
The best way to check this is to open the file in a text editor. If you find a line containing the word
ENCRYPTED, the file still needs to be decrypted before you can use it with PRTG. Decrypt it using an
SSL tool and your key password.

§ root.pem: This is the public root certificate of your certificate's issuer. It must be stored in PEM-
encoded format and must contain all necessary root certificates of your issuer in one file. If there is
more than one PEM-encoded root certificate, use a text editor to copy all of them into a single file. The
order does not matter.

PEM-encoded files must not contain Unix line breaks. Only Windows line breaks are supported.

Copy these three files to the \cert subfolder of the PRTG program directory 3579 (back up files before) on
the PRTG core server and restart the PRTG core server service (see section PRTG Administration Tool
on PRTG Core Server Systems 3425 ).
The PRTG core server service is not able to start if the files are not provided in the exact format

If you use remote probes, make sure that you copy the same certificates to the \cert subfolder of the
PRTG program directory on each remote probe and restart the PRTG probe service (see section
PRTG Administration Tool on Remote Probe Systems 3437 ).

For detailed instructions and examples, installation descriptions for various certificates (including
Wildcard certificates), as well as links to certificate tools and converters, see section More 3584 .

Knowledge Base

How can I establish a secure web interface connection to PRTG?


How can I use a trusted SSL certificate with the PRTG web interface?

Why does my browser show an SSL certificate warning when I open the PRTG web interface?


PRTG Certificate Importer


Part 15

8/5/2022 3585
15 Appendix
Find further information about PRTG and used terms in the following sections.

§ Differences between PRTG Network Monitor and PRTG Hosted Monitor 3587

§ Glossary 3605

§ Legal Notices 3614

§ List of Abbreviations 3616

§ List of Available Sensor Types 3626

§ List of Default Ports 3676

§ List of Icons 3680

§ List of New Sensors 3681

§ List of Notification Triggers and Supported Sensors 3682

§ List of Placeholders for Notifications 3704

§ List of Sensors by Performance Impact 3713

§ List of Sensors in the Beta Status 3727

§ List of Sensors with IPv4 Support Only 3728

§ List of Sensors with Meta-Scan Feature 3731

§ List of Sensors without Device Template Capability 3739

§ List of Standard Lookup Files 3742

§ List of Supported AWS Regions and Their Codes 3756

§ Support and Troubleshooting 3758

15.1 Differences between PRTG Network Monitor and PRTG Hosted

See below for the differences between the settings and features that PRTG Network Monitor and PRTG
Hosted Monitor have to offer.

Licensing, Payment, Infrastructure

Topic PRTG Network Monitor PRTG Hosted


Trial period 30 days 10 days

Freeware Edition Freeware (100 sensors) available No freeware

available, smallest
edition is Hosted

Payment One-time license fee plus annual Monthly or annual

maintenance subscription

Change of subscription or license License: up only Subscription: up

size and down, anytime

Maximum installation size Unrestricted 10,000 sensors

PRTG update management Done by user Done by Paessler


Feature PRTG Network Monitor PRTG Hosted


Local probe Yes No

Hosted probe No Yes

Cluster Yes No

Freeware Edition (100 sensors) Yes No

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Yes No

access to core server

Feature PRTG Network Monitor PRTG Hosted

Historic data purging (manually Yes No


Active Directory integration Yes No

License/subscription settings via Yes No

PRTG web interface

Recommended sensors on local Yes No

probe/hosted probe

Auto-discovery for groups on local Yes No

probe/hosted probe

Mini probes Yes No

Device tools on local probe/hosted Yes No


Proxy server settings Yes No

System information on local Yes No

probe/hosted probe

PRTG Administration Tool on PRTG Yes No

core server

Notification methods:

§ Send Email Yes Yes

§ Send SMS/Pager Message Yes Yes

§ Execute HTTP Action Yes Yes

§ Send Amazon Simple Notification Yes Yes

Service Message

§ Assign Ticket Yes Yes

§ Send Push Notification Yes Yes

§ Send Microsoft Teams Message Yes Yes

Feature PRTG Network Monitor PRTG Hosted

§ Send Slack Message Yes Yes

§ Send MQTT Publish Notification Yes Yes

§ Send OPC UA Notification Yes Yes

§ Add Entry to Event Log Yes No

§ Send Syslog Message Yes No

§ Send SNMP Trap Yes No

§ Execute Program Yes No

Re-login request on setup pages after Yes No

15 minutes

IPv6 on local probe/hosted probe Yes No

Single sign-on Yes No

Multi-factor authentication No Yes

Sensors on the Hosted Probe of PRTG Hosted Monitor

You can use the following sensors on the hosted probe of PRTG Hosted Monitor:

Supported Sensors

AWS Alarm v2 sensor

AWS Cost sensor

AWS EBS v2 sensor

AWS EC2 v2 sensor

AWS ELB v2 sensor

Beckhoff IPC System Health sensor

Supported Sensors

Business Process sensor

Cisco IP SLA sensor

Citrix XenServer Host sensor

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor

Cloud HTTP v2 sensor

Cloud Ping v2 sensor

Cluster Health sensor

Common SaaS sensor

Core Health sensor

Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health v2 sensor

Dell EMC Unity File System v2 sensor

Dell EMC Unity Storage Capacity v2 sensor

Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2 sensor

Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2 sensor

Dell EMC Unity VMware Datastore v2 sensor

DICOM Bandwidth sensor


DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor

DNS v2 sensor

Docker Container Status sensor

FTP sensor

FTP Server File Count sensor

Supported Sensors

HL7 sensor

HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group sensor

HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor

HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor

HTTP sensor

HTTP sensor

HTTP Advanced sensor

HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats sensor

HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensor

HTTP Content sensor

HTTP Data Advanced sensor

HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor

HTTP Transaction sensor

HTTP XML/REST Value sensor

IMAP sensor

IP on DNS Blacklist sensor

LDAP sensor

Microsoft 365 Service Status sensor

Microsoft 365 Service Status Advanced sensor

Microsoft Azure SQL Database sensor

Microsoft Azure Storage Account sensor

Microsoft Azure Subscription Cost sensor

Supported Sensors

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine sensor

Modbus RTU Custom sensor

Modbus TCP Custom sensor

MQTT Round Trip sensor

MQTT Statistics sensor

MQTT Subscribe Custom sensor

NetApp Aggregate sensor

NetApp I/O sensor

NetApp LIF sensor

NetApp LUN sensor

NetApp NIC sensor

NetApp Physical Disk sensor

NetApp SnapMirror sensor

NetApp System Health sensor

NetApp Volume sensor

OPC UA Certificate sensor

OPC UA Custom sensor

OPC UA Server Status sensor

Ping sensor

Ping Jitter sensor

POP3 sensor

Probe Health sensor

Supported Sensors

RADIUS v2 sensor

RDP (Remote Desktop) sensor

Redfish Power Supply sensor

Redfish System Health sensor

REST Custom sensor

Sensor Factory sensor

SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol sensor

SIP Options Ping sensor

SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor

SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor

SNMP APC Hardware sensor

SNMP Buffalo TS System Health sensor

SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Connections sensor

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users sensor

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor

SNMP Cisco System Health sensor

SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor

SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor

SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor

SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor

Supported Sensors

SNMP CPU Load sensor

SNMP Custom sensor

SNMP Custom Advanced sensor

SNMP Custom String sensor

SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor

SNMP Custom Table sensor

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor

SNMP Dell Hardware sensor

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor

SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health sensor

SNMP Disk Free sensor

SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 sensor

SNMP Hardware Status sensor

SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade sensor

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Enclosure System Health sensor

SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk sensor

SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory Controller sensor

SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor

SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor

Supported Sensors

SNMP HPE ProLiant System Health sensor

SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk sensor

SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor

SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory sensor

SNMP IBM System X System Health sensor

SNMP interSeptor Pro Environment sensor

SNMP Juniper NS System Health sensor

SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor

SNMP LenovoEMC System Health sensor

SNMP Library sensor

SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor

SNMP Linux Load Average sensor

SNMP Linux Meminfo sensor

SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor

SNMP Memory sensor

SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor

SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor

SNMP NetApp I/O sensor

SNMP NetApp License sensor

SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor

SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor

SNMP NetApp System Health sensor

Supported Sensors

SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor

SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor

SNMP Poseidon Environment sensor

SNMP Printer sensor

SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor

SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor

SNMP QNAP System Health sensor

SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware Status sensor

SNMP RMON sensor

SNMP SonicWall System Health sensor

SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor

SNMP Synology Logical Disk sensor

SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor

SNMP Synology System Health sensor

SNMP System Uptime sensor

SNMP Traffic sensor

SNMP Windows Service sensor

SNTP sensor

Soffico Orchestra Channel Health sensor

SSH Disk Free sensor

SSH INodes Free sensor

SSH Load Average sensor

Supported Sensors

SSH Meminfo sensor

SSH Remote Ping sensor

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor

SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor

SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor

SSH SAN System Health sensor

SSH Script sensor

SSH Script Advanced sensor

SSL Certificate sensor

SSL Security Check sensor

System Health sensor

TFTP sensor

Traceroute Hop Count sensor

Veeam Backup Job Status sensor

Veeam Backup Job Status Advanced sensor

VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor

VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor

VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor

VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor

VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor

Zoom Service Status sensor

Sensors on a Remote Probe Device
You can use the following sensors only on a remote probe 3557 device.

For performance reasons, you cannot add these sensors to the hosted probe of PRTG Hosted

Supported Sensors

Active Directory Replication Errors sensor

ADO SQL v2 sensor

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor

Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor

DHCP sensor

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor

Event Log (Windows API) sensor

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor

Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor

Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor

Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor

Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor

EXE/Script sensor

EXE/Script Advanced sensor

File sensor

File Content sensor

Folder sensor

Supported Sensors

HTTP Full Web Page sensor

HTTP Push Count sensor

HTTP Push Data sensor

HTTP Push Data Advanced sensor

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free sensor

Hyper-V Host Server sensor

Hyper-V Virtual Machine sensor

Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter sensor

Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device sensor

IPFIX sensor

IPFIX (Custom) sensor

IPMI System Health sensor

jFlow v5 sensor

jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor

Microsoft SQL v2 sensor

MySQL v2 sensor

NetFlow v5 sensor

NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor

NetFlow v9 sensor

NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor

Oracle SQL v2 sensor

Oracle Tablespace sensor

Supported Sensors

Packet Sniffer sensor

Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor

PerfCounter Custom sensor

PerfCounter IIS Application Pool sensor

Port sensor

Port Range sensor

PostgreSQL sensor

Python Script Advanced sensor

QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor

QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor

sFlow sensor

sFlow (Custom) sensor

Share Disk Free sensor

SMTP sensor

SNMP Trap Receiver sensor

Syslog Receiver sensor

Windows CPU Load sensor

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received sensor

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent sensor

Windows IIS Application sensor

Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor

Windows Network Card sensor

Supported Sensors

Windows Pagefile sensor

Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor

Windows Print Queue sensor

Windows Process sensor

Windows System Uptime sensor

Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor

WMI Battery sensor

WMI Custom sensor

WMI Custom String sensor

WMI Disk Health sensor

WMI Event Log sensor

WMI Exchange Server sensor

WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor

WMI File sensor

WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) sensor

WMI HDD Health sensor

WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor

WMI Memory sensor

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor (Deprecated)

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor

Supported Sensors

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor

WMI Remote Ping sensor

WMI Security Center sensor

WMI Service sensor

WMI Share sensor

WMI SharePoint Process sensor

WMI Storage Pool sensor

WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) sensor

WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003) sensor

WMI UTC Time sensor

WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor

WMI Volume sensor

WSUS Statistics sensor

These settings are only available in PRTG Network Monitor.

Setting Title Setting Name

Auto-Update When a New Version is Available

Installation Time

Release Channel

Setting Title Setting Name

Notification Templates Add Entry to Event Log

Send Syslog Message

Send SNMP Trap

Execute Program

Core & Probes Proxy Configuration

Probe Connection IP Addresses

Mini Probes

Mini Probe Port

Administrative Tools For Probes Restart Probe (local probe)

Scanning Intervals Available Intervals (definition of individual intervals)

Notification Delivery SMTP Delivery (everything but sender email address and

Recommended Sensors Detection Detection Handling

User Interface (PRTG Web Interface) DNS Name

Google Analytics Tracking ID

User Interface (PRTG Web Server) IP Address for PRTG Web Server

TCP Port for PRTG Web Server

PRTG Web Server Port

PRTG Web Server Security

Connection Security

Active IP Address/Port Combinations

User Accounts Login Name

Setting Title Setting Name



Administrative Tools For The PRTG Create Configuration Snapshot

Core Server

Write Core Status File

Clear Caches

Load Lookups and File Lists

Recalculate PRTG Graph Data Cache

Restart PRTG Core Server Service

Reload Logging Configuration

Advanced Network Analysis System Information

Scheduled Restart Settings (Local Restart Options


Restart Schedule

Specify Day

Specify Hour

15.2 Glossary

This section explains PRTG-specific terminology.

The alarms list shows all sensors 3612 that are in the Down, Down (Partial), Down (Acknowledged),
Warning, or Unusual status 3612 . The alarms list shows you all irregularities in your network.

The auto-discovery process uses Ping to scan your network for devices 3606 (for groups 3607 only). It
assesses the device type for all discovered devices, and it creates sensor 3612 sets that match the
discovered device types based on built-in templates or your custom device templates 3606 .

The monitoring data of a sensor 3612 is shown in channels. For example, sensors that measure network
traffic have one channel each for traffic in, traffic out, and traffic total. You can set various triggers 3608 for
each channel to define sensor status 3612 changes or notifications 3608 based on the monitoring data

A cluster consists of two or more PRTG core servers 3610 that work together to form a high availability
monitoring system. A cluster consists of a master node 3608 and one or more failover nodes 3606 . Every
cluster node 3605 can monitor every device 3606 in a network for fail-safe monitoring.

Cluster node
Cluster nodes make up a cluster. Cluster nodes can be master nodes 3608 or failover nodes 3606 .

Cluster probe
When you create or join a cluster 3605 , PRTG automatically creates a cluster probe. All objects 3608 that
you create on the cluster probe (or below in the device tree 3606 ) are monitored by all cluster nodes 3605 .
Create or move objects 3608 there for fail-safe monitoring. If one cluster node fails, the other cluster nodes
continue to monitor all objects. You can add groups 3607 and devices 3606 to the cluster probe. The cluster
probe runs as part of the local probe 3607 .

Cluster probe device

The cluster probe device is an internal system device that PRTG automatically adds to the cluster
probe 3605 . It has access to the cluster node 3605 system and monitors its health parameters using several
sensors 3612 .

A preconfigured sample dashboard is available in the Home menu of the PRTG web interface.
Dashboards provide an overview of the overall status of your monitoring configuration. You can create
custom dashboards using the Maps 3608 feature.

A device represents a physical or virtual component in your network that is reachable via an IP address.
For a clear device tree 3606 structure, you usually create one device for each physical or virtual component
that you want to monitor. You can add one or more sensors 3612 to a device.

Device template
If you want to add a specific device 3606 several times, you can create a device template from a device in
the device tree 3606 . When you create a device template, PRTG saves information for nearly all
sensors 3612 on the device to a template file. You can later use the template file in combination with the
auto-discovery 3605 (restrictions apply for a few sensor types).

Device tree
The configuration of PRTG is represented in a hierarchical tree structure called the device tree, which
contains all monitoring objects 3608 . While building the device tree, you can relate to your network's
topology to make your monitoring setup more understandable.

Failover master node

If the primary master node 3609 of a cluster 3605 fails, a failover node 3606 becomes a failover master node.
The failover master node takes over the role of the primary master node until it reconnects to the cluster.

Failover node
In a cluster 3605 , a failover node monitors all sensors 3612 on the cluster probe 3605 and it provides monitoring
data for the PRTG core server 3610 . Additionally, it serves as a backup in case the master node 3608 fails.

PRTG supports NetFlow v5, NetFlow v9, IPFIX, sFlow v5, and jFlow v5.

A gauge is a type of visual representation of the values of a channel 3605 . The gauge needle points to the
current value of the channel. Other types of visual representations are toggles 3612 and switches 3612 .

Geo Maps
The Geo Maps feature shows the different locations of your devices 3606 on a geographical map using the
location data that you provide in the settings of probes 3609 , groups 3607 , or devices. The status icons on
the geographical maps that represent your devices also show the overall status of a location. This is
useful for monitoring distributed networks.

A group is an organizational unit in the device tree 3606 . You can add devices 3606 or subgroups to groups.
This way, you can model your physical network's topology within the PRTG configuration. You can use
groups to arrange similar objects so that they inherit the same settings.

Hosted probe
The hosted probe in PRTG Hosted Monitor is like the local probe 3607 in PRTG Network Monitor. When
you create a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance, the system automatically adds the hosted probe. The
hosted probe runs on the PRTG core server system 3610 that we host for you and it shows the monitoring
values of your PRTG Hosted Monitor instance. You can use the hosted probe to monitor devices 3606 ,
servers, and services that are publicly available on the internet like, for example, websites. To monitor
your LAN, you need at least one remote probe 3611 installation in your network. The local probe is not
available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

A library enables you to create additional views of your device tree 3606 . These views are updated in the
same scanning interval as your device tree and show the same monitoring data, but arranged the way
you want. This is useful if you want to display data in different ways, like depending on target groups or a
specific use case.

Library node
Libraries 3607 use library nodes to reference objects 3608 in your monitoring setup. Library nodes can show
a subtree of the device tree 3606 or they can show a collection of filtered sensors 3612 .

Limits let you define thresholds for channel 3605 values. When the value of a channel is above or below the
defined limit, the sensor can show the Warning or Down status.

Local probe
When installing PRTG Network Monitor, the local probe is installed together with the PRTG core
server 3610 . All objects 3608 created on the local probe, or underneath it in the device tree 3606 , are monitored
by the local PRTG core server system. You can add groups 3607 and devices 3606 to the local probe. If you
use PRTG Hosted Monitor, the hosted probe 3607 replaces the local probe.

PRTG uses lookups for some sensor 3612 types and for some sensors with custom channels 3605 . In
general, lookups map status values as returned by a device 3606 (usually integers) to more informative
expressions in words.

The Maps feature lets you present monitoring data the way you want it. An editor is available that lets
you create maps (sometimes referred to as dashboards 3606 ) directly in your browser. Using maps, you
can also make overviews of live data publicly available.

Master node
In a cluster 3605 , the master node controls the settings and cluster management. It also takes over
notifications. All changes to the monitoring configuration are made on the master node, which distributes
the changes among all other cluster nodes in real time. There are two types of master nodes: primary
master node 3609 and failover master node 3606 .

Sensors that use the meta-scan feature, for example SNMP sensors, first look at the according
device 3606 to find what they can monitor. This can be tables, object identifiers (OID), or disks, for
example. When the meta-scan is finished, the second step of the Add Sensor 391 dialog shows you the
parameters that you can monitor. Some sensors require basic information before they can perform a
meta-scan. Provide the requested information, such as credentials, in the appearing dialog box. PRTG
then scans and recognizes all parameters that are available for monitoring based on your input.

Mini probe
With a mini probe, you can create small probes 3609 on any device 3606 (not only on Windows systems).

PRTG uses notifications to send you alerts whenever it discovers a defined status, such as slow
sensors 3612 , or when channels 3605 breach threshold values. You can define an unlimited number of
notifications. You can use one or more of several notification methods like email, text messaging, push
notifications to Android and iOS devices, and more.

Notification trigger
PRTG sends a notification 3608 when a defined event triggers it. These events are known as notification
triggers. The following events can trigger notifications: sensor status 3612 changes, sensor 3612 value
threshold breaches, speed threshold breaches, volume threshold breaches, and sensor value changes.

All types of items in the device tree 3606 are generally referred to as objects, or monitoring objects. An
object can be a probe 3609 , a group 3607 , a device 3606 , or a sensor 3612 .

Object hierarchy
All objects 3608 are arranged in a hierarchical order called the object hierarchy. The object hierarchy is
used to define common settings for groups of objects.

Object selector
The object selector lets you browse all objects 3608 in your configuration and lets you select an object.
The left-hand side shows the device tree 3606 . If you have selected a device 3606 , the right-hand side shows
the sensors 3612 on the device.

Primary group
Every user has to be a member of a primary group to make sure there is no user without group
membership. Membership in other user groups is optional.

Primary master node

In a cluster 3605 , the primary master node is the cluster node 3605 that is the master node 3608 by

A probe is where the actual monitoring takes place. There are local probes 3607 , cluster probes 3605 ,
remote probes 3611 , and hosted probes 3607 .

Probe device
The probe device is an internal system device that PRTG automatically adds to the local probe 3607 . It has
access to the probe system 3609 and monitors its health parameters using several sensors 3612 .

Probe system
A probe system is the system, or Windows computer, that runs a probe 3609 . A remote probe 3611 ,a
cluster probe 3605 , and the local probe 3607 run on a probe system.

PRTG Administration Tool

The PRTG Administration Tool is part of your PRTG installation. You can use it to edit the administrative
settings of the local probe 3607 and remote probe 3611 installations. You can start the PRTG Administration
Tool from the Windows Start menu on the PRTG core server system 3610 or on the remote probe
system 3611 .

PRTG Application Programming Interface (PRTG API)

The PRTG API enables you to access monitoring data and to manipulate objects 3608 using HTTP
requests, to run your own written sensors 3612 and notifications 3608 , and to implement mini probes 3608 .

PRTG Cloud
The PRTG Cloud is used by the Cloud HTTP v2 senso 721 and the Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731 to monitor
the loading times of a web server via HTTP or the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ping times to a
parent device from different locations worldwide. PRTG also sends push notifications and securely
transmits support bundles to Paessler via the PRTG Cloud.

PRTG core server

The PRTG core server is the central unit of PRTG. It receives monitoring data from the probe 3609 and
handles reporting and notifications, provides the web server for the user interfaces, and much more. In a
cluster 3605 , one PRTG core server is installed on every cluster node 3605 . The PRTG core server is
configured as a Windows service that is permanently run by the Windows system without requiring a
user that is logged in.

PRTG core server service

The PRTG core server service is responsible for running the PRTG core server 3610 . It is a Windows
service that permanently runs on the PRTG core server system 3610 .

PRTG core server system

The PRTG core server system is the system, or Windows computer, that runs the PRTG core server 3610 .

PRTG data directory

The PRTG data directory is the directory on the PRTG core server system 3610 or remote probe
system 3611 where PRTG stores monitoring data, configuration data, and logs.

PRTG Desktop
PRTG Desktop is an alternative interface that you can use to connect to the PRTG core server 3610 or a
PRTG Hosted Monitor instance to configure your setup, view monitoring results, and keep an eye on
your network. It is a cross-platform application for fast access to data and monitoring management.

PRTG Hosted Monitor

PRTG Hosted Monitor is the PRTG cloud solution where we at Paessler run the PRTG core server 3610
and hosted probe 3607 for you. PRTG Hosted Monitor does not require a PRTG core server installation
inside your network.

PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor is a network monitoring application for Windows-based systems with which you
can monitor your entire network. PRTG Network Monitor requires a PRTG core server 3610 installation
inside your network.

PRTG probe service
The PRTG probe service is responsible for running a probe 3609 . It is a Windows service that permanently
runs on the probe system 3609 .

PRTG program directory

The PRTG program directory is the directory on the PRTG core server system 3610 where PRTG stores all
files that are required for it to run.

PRTG web interface

The PRTG web interface is the Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) based web interface of PRTG.
It is the default interface for setting up your monitoring.

Recommended Sensors Detection

The Recommended Sensors Detection feature enables PRTG to analyze devices 3606 in your network and
to suggest sensors that are still missing for a comprehensive monitoring setup. If enabled, the analysis
runs in the background with low priority if you add a new device, if the last analysis was executed more
than 30 days ago, or if you manually start it.

Release channel
PRTG updates are delivered in different release channels. With PRTG Network Monitor, you can choose
between maximum stability (Stable), or most early access to new features (Canary or Preview). PRTG
Hosted Monitor does not have release channels. Instead, we roll out the latest stable version to PRTG
Hosted Monitor instances in stages, so your instance automatically updates to the latest stable version.

Remote probe
A remote probe is a small piece of software that is installed on a computer, or remote probe system 3611 ,
in the local or remote network. It scans the network and sends monitoring results to the PRTG core
server 3610 . Once the connection has been established, the remote probe is shown in the device tree 3606 .
All objects 3608 that you create on the remote probe, or below it in the device tree, are monitored by the
remote probe system. You can add groups 3607 and devices 3606 to the remote probe. In a cluster 3605 ,
remote probes can connect to all cluster nodes so you can view monitoring data of a remote probe on all
cluster nodes 3605 .

Remote probe device

The remote probe device is an internal system device that PRTG automatically adds to the remote
probe 3611 . It has access to the remote probe system 3611 and monitors its health parameters using
several sensors 3612 .

Remote probe system

The remote probe system is the system, or Windows computer, that runs a remote probe 3611 .

Root group
The root group is the topmost instance in the object hierarchy 3609 in the device tree. It contains all
objects 3608 in your monitoring setup. All objects inherit the settings of the root group by default.

You can use schedules to pause monitoring or notifications for certain periods of time or at certain times.
You can also use schedules to define the periods of time that are covered when creating reports.

A sensor monitors one aspect of a device 3606 . For example, one sensor monitors if a device responds to
a ping request. A different sensor monitors the traffic of one Ethernet port of a router, and so on. The data
of sensors is shown in their respective channels 3605 . Each sensor has at least one channel.

Sensor status
The color of a sensor 3612 represents the sensor status. There are 8 different sensor states: Down, Down
(Partial), Down (Acknowledged), Warning, Unusual, Up, Paused, and Unknown.

Similar Sensors Detection

The Similar Sensors Detection feature enables PRTG to analyze sensor 3612 data for similarities. If
enabled, the detection runs in the background with low priority. The recommended setting for the
analysis depth is to let PRTG automatically decide how many channels 3605 it analyzes.

A switch is a type of visual representation of the values of a channel 3605 . Switches represent boolean
values when using lookups 3608 .

Tickets are created by the system or by a user and contain important messages or action steps for the
administrator or other users to take. You should view every ticket 217 to take appropriate action. You can
access the list of tickets from the main menu.

A toggle is a type of visual representation of the values of a channel 3605 . Toggles represent bitfields when
using lookups 3608 .

Packet Sniffer and Flow (NetFlow, jFlow, sFlow, IPFIX) sensor 3612 types can break down traffic by IP
address, port, protocol, and other parameters. The results are shown in graphs that are called Toplists.

Unusual Detection
The Unusual Detection feature can set sensors 3612 to the Unusual status 3612 when it detects values that
are not typical for the time span in which they are measured. If the detection is enabled, PRTG
compares the current average values to the historic monitoring results for this purpose. If the current
values show a big difference to the values that are normally retrieved by a sensor, this sensor indicates
this with the Unusual status.

15.3 Legal Notices
See below for an excerpt of the libraries and licenses that PRTG uses.

§ Build using Indy Internet Direct (

This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (
§ Uses the net-SNMP library, see netsnmp-license.txt

§ Uses the DelphiZip library distributed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
§ Uses Python under the Python Software Foundation License

§ Uses NexusMM (

§ Delphi Chromium Embedded ( under the

Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1, available from
§ Soundfiles from

§ Uses Public Domain regional maps from "The World Factbook 2016-17" Washington, DC: Central
Intelligence Agency, 2016 (
§ Icons from

§ Uses the IPMIUTIL library under the BSD 2.0 license, see ipmi_bsd-2.0.txt

§ Uses PhantomJS, see phantomjs-license.bsd

§ Uses the Npgsql .Net Data Provider for Postgresql library (for license information see ipmi_bsd-2.0.txt)

§ Uses NPcap (

§ Uses GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind (

Code libraries using

§ MIT (

§ MPL 1.1 (

§ MPL 2.0 (

§ APL 2.0 (

§ BSD 2.0 license (

§ BSD 3.0 license (

Licenses used in previous versions of PRTG:

§ FastMM (

§ TPLockBox (

§ "wkhtmltopdf" ( library distributed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC
LICENSE (see wkhtmltopdf_lgpl-3.0.txt)
§ WinPcap (

All product names, company names, and logos referenced to or depicted herein are the trademarks™,
registered® trademarks, or service marks of the respective owners. Use of them, their occurrence, or
references to their occurrence in graphical representations of the PRTG web interface herein is solely for
informational purposes and does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by the respective owners.

Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

Last manual export: Friday, August 5, 2022 12:08:25 PM

15.4 List of Abbreviations

See below for a list of abbreviations used in this documentation.

ACL access control list

AD Active Directory

ADO ActiveX Data Objects

ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line

AES Advanced Encryption Standard

AET Application Entity Title

AIM AOL Instant Messenger

AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

API application programming interface

ARP Address Resolution Protocol

AWS Amazon Web Services

Azure AD Azure Active Directory

BA basic authentication

BMC Baseboard Management Controller

CA certificate authority

CBQoS Class Based Quality of Service

CGI Common Gateway Interface

CIFS Common Internet File System

CLI command-line interface

CLR common language runtime

COM component object model

CPG Common Provisioning Group

CRC cyclic redundancy check

CSP cloud solution provider

CSV comma-separated values

DAE disk-array enclosure

DAG Database Availability Group

DBMS database management system

DC domain controller

DCS domain components

DES Data Encryption Standard

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

DN distinguished name

DNS Domain Name System

DoS denial of service

DPE disk processor enclosure

DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point

DTU Database Transaction Unit


EBS Elastic Block Store

EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud

ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography

eDTU elastic Database Transaction Unit

ELB Elastic Load Balancing

EVA Enterprise Virtual Array

FAT file allocation table

FCP Fibre Channel Protocol

FCS Frame Check Sequence

FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards

Flow Flow (NetFlow, jFlow, sFlow, IPFIX)

FQDN fully qualified domain name

FTP File Transfer Protocol


GID global ID

GUID globally unique identifier

HL7 Health Level 7

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol


I/O input/output

IAM Identity and Access Management

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

ICPIF Impairment Calculated Planning Impairment Factor

IDE integrated development environment

iDRAC Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller

IIS Microsoft Internet Information Services

IKE Internet Key Exchange

iLO HPE Integrated Lights Out

IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol

IMM Integrated Management Module

IOPS input/output operations per second

IoT Internet of Things

IPC Industrial PC

IPFIX Internet Protocol Flow Information Export

IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface

IPsec Internet Protocol Security

IRC Internet Relay Chat

iRMC integrated Remote Management Controller

iSCSI Internet Small Computer System Interface

JSON JavaScript Object Notation



LCU load balancer capacity units

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LIF logical interface

LUN logical unit number

MD5 message-digest algorithm 5

MIB Management Information Base

MOID managed object identifier

MOS mean opinion score

MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport

ms milliseconds

msec milliseconds

MSH message header

MSMQ Microsoft Message Queuing

MSP managed service provider

mutex mutual exclusion

MWL Modality Worklist

NAS network-attached storage

NAT network address translation

NFS network file system

NIC network interface card

Nmap Network Mapper

NSA Network Security Appliance

NTFS New Technology File System


OAuth2 Open Authorization 2

ODBC Open Database Connectivity

OID object identifier

OMSA OpenManage Server Administrator


OPC UA OPC Unified Architecture

OSPF Open Shortest Path First

OU organizational unit

P2P Peer-to-Peer

PACS picture archiving and communication system

PAP Password Authentication Protocol

PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expression

PDV packet delay variation

PEM Privacy-Enhanced Mail

PMPP PRTG Mini Probe Protocol

POP3 Post Office Protocol version 3

PRTG PRTG Network Monitor; Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor

QNAP Quality Network Appliance Provider

QoS Quality of Service

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

RAID redundant array of independent disks

RDP Remote Desktop Protocol

RDS Relational Database Service

Redfish Redfish Scalable Platforms Management API

regex regular expression

REST Representational State Transfer

RMON Remote Monitoring

RODC Read-only Domain Controllers

RPC remote procedure call

RPM revolutions per minute

RST number of reset

RTT round-trip time

RTU Remote Terminal Unit


S.M.A.R.T. Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology

SaaS software as a service

SAN storage area network

SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer

SCSI Small Computer System Interface

SHA Secure Hash Algorithm

SID Oracle System ID

SIP Session Initiation Protocol

SLA service level agreement

SMB server message block

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNI Server Name Indication

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SNR signal-to-noise ratio

SNS Simple Notification Service

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

SPA Single Page Application

SPAN Switched Port Analyzer

SPN Service Principal Name

SQL Structured Query Language

SRP Secure Remote Password

SSD solid-state drive

SSH Secure Shell

SSL Secure Sockets Layer

SSO single sign-on

SVC switched virtual circuit

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol

TLS Transport Layer Security

ToS Type of Service

TOTP Time-based One-time Password algorithm

UAC User Account Control

UCS Unified Computing System

UDF User-defined Function

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UID Unique Identifier

UNC Universal Naming Convention

UPS uninterruptible power supplies

URI uniform resource identifier

UTC Coordinated Universal Time

UUID universally unique identifier


vCore virtual core

VM virtual machine

VNC Virtual Network Computing

VoIP Voice over IP

WBEM Web-based Enterprise Management

WMI Windows Management Instrumentation

WQL Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language

WSAPI Web Services API

WSUS Windows Server Update Services

WWN World Wide Name

XML Extensible Markup Language

XSS cross-site scripting

15.5 List of Available Sensor Types

This chapter lists all available sensors, arranged both into different categories and in alphabetical order.

In the Add a Sensor 391 assistant, you have various options to filter for suitable sensors.

Category Description

All Sensors in Alphabetical Order 3627 A list of all sensors, the PRTG version in which
they were introduced, and their default tags.

General Sensors 3644 Sensors that let you monitor the basic
parameters of your network

Backup and Replication Monitoring Sensors 3645 Sensors that let you monitor backup and
replication jobs

Bandwidth Monitoring Sensors 3645 Sensors that let you analyze your network

Cloud Service Sensors 3647 Sensors that let you get a quick overview of all
cloud services

Custom Sensors 3648 Sensors that let you enhance the monitoring task
far beyond the standard sensor set

Database Server Sensors 3649 Sensors that let you monitor the most common

eHealth Sensors 3650 Sensors that let you monitor medical equipment

EXE Sensors 3650 Sensors that let you carry out a wide range of
different operations. See the EXE sensors 3650 in
the table for more information.

Hardware Parameter Sensors 3653 Sensors that let you monitor the status of
hardware components

IoT and IIoT Sensors 3657 Sensors that let you monitor IoT-capable and IIoT-
capable devices

Linux/Unix/macOS Sensors 3657 Sensors that let you monitor Linux-based


Mail Server Sensors 3659 Sensors that let you monitor different parameters
of mail servers

Category Description

PRTG Internal Sensors 3660 Sensors that let you monitor internal parameters

PRTG Sensor Hub Sensors 3660 Sensors that let you use scripts, plugins, and
add-ons from the PRTG Sensor Hub

SNMP Sensors 3660 Sensors that let you monitor a wide range of
devices via SNMP

Storage and File Server Sensors 3664 Sensors that let you monitor different parameters
of storage and file servers

Various Server Sensors 3669 Sensors that let you monitor a wide range of
server parameters

Virtual Server Sensors 3670 Sensors that let you monitor your virtualized IT

VoIP and QoS Sensors 3671 Sensors that let you monitor the QoS in a
network and all VoIP-relevant network parameters

Web Server (HTTP) Sensors 3671 Sensors that let you monitor server parameters
with HTTP

Windows WMI/Performance Counter Sensors 3673 Sensors that let you monitor Windows systems
via WMI and Windows performance counters

All Sensors in Alphabetical Order

The version numbers show when the respective sensor was originally introduced to PRTG. The default
tags are automatically predefined in a sensor's settings when you add a sensor.

For more information, see section Tags 146 .

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

Active Directory Replication Errors 8.3.0 ptfsensor

sensor 587

ADO SQL v2 sensor 595 16.x.24 sqlsensor

AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610 22.x.76 aws cloudwatch alarm


Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

AWS Cost sensor 618 20.1.56 aws cost awscost

AWS EBS v2 sensor 627 22.x.76 aws cloudwatch

cloudwatchsensor ebs

AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636 22.x.76 aws cloudwatch

cloudwatchsensor ec2

AWS ELB v2 sensor 646 22.x.76 aws cloudwatch elb


Beckhoff IPC System Health 21.x.71 opcua

sensor 666

Business Process sensor 672 15.x.20 factorysensor


Cisco IP SLA sensor 682 7 ipslasensor

Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707 12.x.1 xenhostsensor

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine 8.1.0 xenhostsensor

sensor 714

Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721 20.3.62 cloud cloudhttpsensor http

Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731 20.3.62 cloud cloudpingsensor ping

Cluster Health sensor 740 9.1.0 clusterhealthsensor

Common SaaS sensor 745 15.x.19 commonsaas saas

Core Health sensor 751 9.1.0 corehealthsensor

Core Health (Autonomous) 21.2.67 corehealthsensor autonomous

sensor 758

Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health 20.4.64 dellemc dellemcstorage

v2 sensor 765 dellemcenclosure restsensor

Dell EMC Unity File System v2 20.3.62 dellemc dellemcfilesystem

sensor 773 dellemcstorage
emcsensor restsensor

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

Dell EMC Unity Storage Capacity 20.3.62 dellemc dellemccapacity

v2 sensor 780 dellemcstorage
emccapacitysensor emcsensor

Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2 20.3.61 dellemc dellemclun

sensor 787 dellemcstorage emclunsensor
emcsensor restsensor

Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2 20.3.62 dellemc dellemcpool

sensor 795 dellemcstorage emcpoolsensor
emcsensor restsensor

Dell EMC Unity VMware 20.4.63 dellemc dellemcdatastore

Datastore v2 sensor 803 dellemcvmware emcsensor

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk 12.x.1 powervault

sensor 811

Dell PowerVault MDi Physical 14.x.13 powervault

Disk sensor 818

DHCP sensor 826 8.2.0 dhcpsensor

DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834 18.1.38 dicom bandwidth

DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841 18.1.38 dicom cecho ping

DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848 18.1.38 dicom query retrieve

DNS v2 sensor 856 20.2.59 dns dnssensor

Docker Container Status 16.x.22 docker dockercontainer

sensor 865

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874 13.x.6 eva

Event Log (Windows API) 7 wmiapieventlogsensor

sensor 882

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) 13.x.5 exchange powershell backup

sensor 892

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

Exchange Database (PowerShell) 13.x.5 exchange powershell database

sensor 900

Exchange Database DAG 15.x.18 exchange powershell database

(PowerShell) sensor 909 dag

Exchange Mail Queue 13.x.5 exchange powershell mailqueue

(PowerShell) sensor 918

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) 13.x.5 exchange powershell mailbox

sensor 926

Exchange Public Folder 13.x.5 exchange powershell

(PowerShell) sensor 933 publicfolder

EXE/Script sensor 941 7 exesensor

EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951 7 xmlexesensor

File sensor 961 7 filesensor

File Content sensor 969 7 filesensor

Folder sensor 978 7 foldersensor

FTP sensor 1001 7 ftpsensor

FTP Server File Count sensor 1008 8.3.0 ptfsensor

HL7 sensor 1017 18.1.38 dicom hl7

HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning 21.x.70 cpg hpe hpe3par rest

Group sensor 1025

HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure 22.x.76 hpe hpe3par ssh enclosure

sensor 1033

HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume 22.x.76 hpe hpe3par rest virtualvolume

sensor 1041

HTTP sensor 1049 7 httpsensor

HTTP Advanced sensor 1057 7 httpsensor

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

HTTP Apache ModStatus 12.x.3 httpsensor

PerfStats sensor 1072 httpapachemodstatusperfstatss
ensor apache

HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals 12.x.3 httpsensor

sensor 1080 httpapachemodstatustotalssen
sor apache

HTTP Content sensor 1088 7 httpsensor

HTTP Data Advanced sensor 1097 15.x.16 httpsensor

HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108 7 httpfullsensor

HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced 18.3.43 pushsensor pushdata

sensor 1117 httppushsensor iot sigfox

HTTP Push Count sensor 1126 13.4.8 pushsensor pushcount


HTTP Push Data sensor 1134 14.1.9 pushsensor pushdata


HTTP Push Data Advanced 14.1.10 pushsensor pushdata

sensor 1143 httppushsensor

HTTP Transaction sensor 1152 7 httptransactionsensor

HTTP XML/REST Value 8.3.0 ptfsensor

sensor 1164

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume 12.3.4 hyperv powershell diskfree

Disk Free sensor 1176

Hyper-V Host Server sensor 1184 7 hypervserversensor

Hyper-V Virtual Machine 7 wmihypervsensor

sensor 1191

Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter 9.1.0 wmihypervvirtualnetworkadapter

sensor 1199

Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device 12.4.4 wmihypervvirtualstoragesensor

sensor 1207

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

IMAP sensor 1214 7 imapsensor mailsensor

IP on DNS Blacklist sensor 1228 8.3.0 ptfsensor

IPFIX sensor 1235 13.x.7 bandwidthsensor netflowsensor

IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248 13.x.7 bandwidthsensor netflowsensor

IPMI System Health sensor 1259 14.x.11 ipmi

jFlow v5 sensor 1268 8.2.0 bandwidthsensor jflowsensor

jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281 8.2.0 bandwidthsensor jflowsensor

LDAP sensor 1292 8.1.0 ldapsensor

Microsoft 365 Service Status 20.3.61 microsoft365

sensor 1317 microsoft365sensor

Microsoft 365 Service Status 20.3.61 microsoft365

Advanced sensor 1324 microsoft365sensor

Microsoft Azure SQL Database 21.x.70 microsoftazure

sensor 1332 microsoftazuresqldatabase

Microsoft Azure Storage Account 21.x.70 microsoftazure

sensor 1341 microsoftazurestorageaccount

Microsoft Azure Subscription Cost 20.4.64 microsoftazure

sensor 1349 microsoftazuresubscriptioncost

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine 20.4.63 microsoftazure

sensor 1358 microsoftazurevirtualmachine

Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367 14.x.12 sqlsensor

Modbus RTU Custom sensor 1382 21.x.71 modbus

Modbus TCP Custom sensor 1394 20.4.63 modbus

MQTT Round Trip sensor 1404 20.2.59 mqtt roundtrip mqttroundtrip

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

MQTT Statistics sensor 1411 20.2.59 mqtt mqttstatistics

MQTT Subscribe Custom 20.3.61 mqtt mqttsubscribecustom

sensor 1417

MySQL v2 sensor 1425 14.x.12 sqlsensor

NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp I/O sensor 1450 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp LIF sensor 1461 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp LUN sensor 1471 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp NIC sensor 1482 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502 17.4.35 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp System Health sensor 1513 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetApp Volume sensor 1533 17.3.33 netapp cdot ontap soap

NetFlow v5 sensor 1555 7 bandwidthsensor netflowsensor

NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568 7 bandwidthsensor netflowsensor

NetFlow v9 sensor 1579 7 bandwidthsensor netflowsensor

NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592 7 bandwidthsensor netflowsensor

OPC UA Certificate sensor 1613 21.1.66 opcua opcuacertificate


OPC UA Custom sensor 1619 21.1.66 opcua opcuacustom

OPC UA Server Status sensor 1627 20.4.63 opcua opcuaserverstatus


Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634 14.x.13 sqlsensor

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649 15.x.18 sqlsensor

Packet Sniffer sensor 1658 7 bandwidthsensor sniffersensor

Packet Sniffer (Custom) 7 bandwidthsensor sniffersensor

sensor 1669

PerfCounter Custom sensor 1679 12.x.3 performancecounter


PerfCounter IIS Application Pool 12.x.6 performancecounter

sensor 1686 pciisapppool

Ping sensor 1693 7 pingsensor

Ping Jitter sensor 1700 8.3.0 ptfsensor

POP3 sensor 1706 7 pop3sensor mailsensor

Port sensor 1713 7 portsensor

Port Range sensor 1721 12.x.4 portrangesensor

PostgreSQL sensor 1728 14.x.12 sqlsensor

Probe Health sensor 1742 9.1.0 probehealthsensor

Python Script Advanced 15.x.19 pythonxml python xml json

sensor 1749 script

QoS (Quality of Service) One Way 7 qossensor

sensor 1758

QoS (Quality of Service) Round 9.1.0 qossensor

Trip sensor 1766

RADIUS v2 sensor 1775 14.x.13 radiussensor

RDP (Remote Desktop) 7 rdpsensor

sensor 1813

Redfish Power Supply sensor 1783 22.x.76 redfish powersupply

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

Redfish System Health sensor 1793 22.x.76 redfish restsensor

REST Custom sensor 1819 17.3.33 restcustomsensor restsensor

Sensor Factory sensor 1857 7 factorysensor

sFlow sensor 1871 7 bandwidthsensor sflowsensor

sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884 7 bandwidthsensor sflowsensor

SFTP Secure File Transfer 12.x.6 sftpsensor

Protocol sensor 1895

Share Disk Free sensor 1902 7 diskspacesensor


SIP Options Ping sensor 1908 12.x.1 pingsensor sipsensor

SMTP sensor 1916 7 smtpsensor mailsensor

SMTP&IMAP Round Trip 7 imapsensor roundtrip

sensor 1924 mailsensor

SMTP&POP3 Round Trip 7 pop3sensor roundtrip

sensor 1935 mailsensor

SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946 9.1.0 apcups

SNMP Buffalo TS System Health 17.1.29 snmpbuffalots buffalots

sensor 1953 systemhealth

SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor 1959 12.x.1 snmpciscoadsl

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN 12.x.1 snmpciscoasavpnsensor

Connections sensor 1965 snmpciscoasavpnconnectionss

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic 12.x.1 snmpciscoasavpnsensor

sensor 1971 snmpciscoasavpntrafficsensor

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users 12.x.5 snmpciscoasavpnsensor

sensor 1978 snmpciscoasavpntrafficsensor

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984 13.x.5 cbqossensor

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

SNMP Cisco System Health 12.x.4 snmpciscosystemhealthsensor

sensor 1991 systemhealth

SNMP Cisco UCS Blade 15.x.14 snmpciscosystemhealthsensor

sensor 1998 systemhealth ucssystemhealth
ucs blade

SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis 14.x.8 snmpciscosystemhealthsensor

sensor 2006 systemhealth ucssystemhealth
ucs chassis

SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk 14.2.10 snmpciscophysicaldisksensor

sensor 2014 ucs snmp

SNMP Cisco UCS System Health 14.1.8 snmpciscosystemhealthsensor

sensor 2021 systemhealth ucssystemhealth

SNMP CPU Load sensor 2029 12.x.4 snmp cpu cpuloadsensor

SNMP Custom sensor 2035 7 snmpcustomsensor

SNMP Custom Advanced 15.x.18 snmpcustomsensor

sensor 2042 snmpcustomadvanced

SNMP Custom String sensor 2050 9.1.0 snmpcustomstringsensor

SNMP Custom String Lookup 14.x.14 snmpcustomsensor

sensor 2060

SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068 15.x.18 snmpcustomsensor


SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical 16.x.24 dellequallogic snmpdell dell

Disk sensor 2077

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member 16.x.24 dellequallogic snmpdell dell

Health sensor 2084

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical 16.x.24 dellequallogic snmpdell dell

Disk sensor 2092

SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101 7 dell

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical 12.x.4 snmpdellphysicaldisksensor

Disk sensor 2108 physicaldisk snmpdell dell

SNMP Dell PowerEdge System 12.x.4 snmpdellsystemhealthsensor

Health sensor 2116 systemhealth snmpdell dell

SNMP Disk Free sensor 2125 12.x.4 snmpdiskfreesensor

diskspacesensor diskfree snmp

SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 19.x.53 snmpfujitsusystemhealthsensor

sensor 2132 snmp systemhealth fujitsu irmc

SNMP Hardware Status 13.x.5 hardwarestatus

sensor 2141

SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware 9.1.0 hplaserjet

sensor 2147

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade 15.x.18 snmp hpe blade bladesystem

sensor 2153

SNMP HPE BladeSystem 15.x.18 snmp hpe blade bladesystem

Enclosure System Health systemhealth health
sensor 2160

SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk 12.x.6 snmphpelogicaldisksensor

sensor 2166 logicaldisk snmphpe hpe

SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory 12.x.6 snmphpememorycontrollersens

Controller sensor 2173 or memorycontroller snmphpe

SNMP HPE ProLiant Network 12.x.4 snmphpenetworkinterfacesenso

Interface sensor 2181 r snmphpe hpe

SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical 12.x.6 snmphpephysicaldisksensor

Disk sensor 2189 physicaldisk snmphpe hpe

SNMP HPE ProLiant System 12.x.4 snmphpesystemhealthsensor

Health sensor 2197 systemhealth snmphpe hpe

SNMP IBM System X Logical 13.x.4 snmpibmlogicaldisksensor

Disk sensor 2205 logicaldisk snmpibm ibm

SNMP IBM System X Physical 13.x.4 snmpibmphysicaldisksensor

Disk sensor 2212 physicaldisk snmpibm ibm

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

SNMP IBM System X Physical 13.x.4 snmpibmphysicalmemorysenso

Memory sensor 2219 r memorycontroller snmpibm

SNMP IBM System X System 13.x.4 snmpibmsystemhealthsensor

Health sensor 2226 systemhealth

SNMP interSeptor Pro 14.1.10 interseptor environment

Environment sensor 2234

SNMP Juniper NS System Health 15.2.16 snmpjuniper systemhealth

sensor 2240

SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk 13.x.8 snmplenovoemc lenovoemc

sensor 2246 physicaldisk

SNMP LenovoEMC System 13.x.8 snmplenovoemc lenovoemc

Health sensor 2252 systemhealth

SNMP Library sensor 2258 7 snmplibrarysensor

SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor 2269 8.1.0 snmpdiskfreesensor


SNMP Linux Load Average 8.1.0 snmploadsensor

sensor 2278

SNMP Linux Meminfo sensor 2283 8.1.0 snmpmeminfosensor


SNMP Linux Physical Disk 13.x.5 snmpphysicaldisksensor

sensor 2289 physicaldisk

SNMP Memory sensor 2296 12.x.4 snmpmemorysensor memory

memorysensor snmp

SNMP NetApp Disk Free 12.x.3 snmpdiskfreesensor

sensor 2303 snmpnetappdiskfreesensor
snmpnetapp netapp

SNMP NetApp Enclosure 12.x.4 snmpnetappenclosuresensor

sensor 2310 snmpnetapp netapp

SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318 12.x.3 snmpnetappiosensor

snmpnetapp netapp

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

SNMP NetApp License sensor 2324 12.x.4 snmpnetapplicensesensor

snmpnetapp netapp

SNMP NetApp Logical Unit 13.x.7 snmpdiskfreesensor

senso 2330 r 2330 snmpnetappdiskfreesensor
snmpnetapp netapp

SNMP NetApp Network Interface 12.x.3 snmpnetappnetworkinterfacese

sensor 2337 nsor snmpnetapp netapp

SNMP NetApp System Health 12.x.3 snmpnetappsystemhealthsenso

sensor 2344 r snmpnetapp netapp

SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health 20.1.55 snmpnutanixclusterhealthsenso

sensor 2350 r snmp nutanix

SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor 20.1.55 snmpnutanixhypervisorsensor

sensor 2357 snmp nutanix

SNMP Poseidon Environment 13.x.5 apcups

sensor 2364

SNMP Printer sensor 2370 14.x.11 snmp printer

SNMP QNAP Logical Disk 13.x.4 snmpqnap qnap logicaldisk

sensor 2376

SNMP QNAP Physical Disk 13.x.4 snmpqnap qnap physicaldisk

sensor 2382

SNMP QNAP System Health 13.x.4 snmpqnap qnap systemhealth

sensor 2389

SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware 22.x.76 snmprittal cmc3

Status sensor 2395

SNMP RMON sensor 2400 12.x.1 snmprmon

SNMP SonicWall System Health 13.x.5 snmpsonicwallsystemhealthsen

sensor 2408 sor systemhealth

SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic 13.x.6 snmpsonicwallvpntrafficsensor

sensor 2414 traffic

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

SNMP Synology Logical Disk 13.x.4 snmpsynology synology

sensor 2422 logicaldisk

SNMP Synology Physical Disk 13.x.4 snmpsynology synology

sensor 2428 physicaldisk

SNMP Synology System Health 13.x.4 snmpsynology synology

sensor 2434 systemhealth

SNMP System Uptime sensor 2440 7 snmpuptimesensor

SNMP Traffic sensor 2445 7 bandwidthsensor


SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454 7 snmptrapsensor

SNMP Windows Service 13.x.8 snmpservicesensor

sensor 2465 servicesensor

SNTP sensor 2471 8.1.0 sntpsensor

Soffico Orchestra Channel Health 20.4.63 orchestra

sensor 2476 orchestrachannelhealth soffico

SSH Disk Free sensor 2484 8.1.0 sshdiskfreesensor


SSH INodes Free sensor 2496 8.1.1 sshinodesfreesensor

SSH Load Average sensor 2504 8.1.0 sshloadavgsensor

SSH Meminfo sensor 2512 8.1.0 sshmeminfosensor


SSH Remote Ping sensor 2520 12.x.1 sshremotepingsensor

pingsensor remotepingsensor

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528 14.x.12 sshsanenclosure sshsan


SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537 14.1.9 sshsanlogicaldisk sshsan


Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

SSH SAN Physical Disk 14.1.9 sshsanphysicaldisk sshsan

sensor 2546 physicaldisk

SSH SAN System Health 14.1.9 sshsansystemhealth sshsan

sensor 2556 systemhealth

SSH Script sensor 2567 12.x.1 sshscript

SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578 12.x.6 sshscript

SSL Certificate sensor 2588 15.x.19 sslcertificate ssl certificate

SSL Security Check sensor 2598 14.x.12 sslsensor

Syslog Receiver sensor 2605 7 syslogsensor

System Health sensor 2615 9.1.0 systemhealthsensor

TFTP sensor 2620 8.1.0 trivialftpsensor

Traceroute Hop Count sensor 2626 8.3.0 ptfsensor

Veeam Backup Job Status 20.4.64 veeam veeambackup

sensor 2633 veeamenterprisemanager

Veeam Backup Job Status 21.x.69 veeam veeambackup

Advanced sensor 2640 veeamenterprisemanager

VMware Datastore (SOAP) 15.x.19 vmwaredatastoreexternsensor

sensor 2648

VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) 8.1.0 esxshealthsensor

sensor 2656

VMware Host Hardware Status 12.x.1 esxserverhosthealthsensor

(SOAP) sensor 2663

VMware Host Performance 12.x.1 esxserverhostsensor

(SOAP) sensor 2671

VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) 7 esxservervmsensor

sensor 2679

Windows CPU Load sensor 2688 7 cpuloadsensor


Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received 8.1.0 wmiiissmtpreceivedsensor

sensor 2696

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent 8.1.0 wmiiissmtpsentsensor

sensor 2705

Windows IIS Application 12.x.1 wmiiis

sensor 2714

Windows MSMQ Queue Length 8.3.0 ptfsensor

sensor 2722

Windows Network Card sensor 2730 7 bandwidthsensor


Windows Pagefile sensor 2739 12.x.4 pagefilesensor


Windows Physical Disk I/O 16.x.24 wmiphysicaldisksensor

sensor 2746

Windows Print Queue sensor 2755 8.3.0 ptfsensor

Windows Process sensor 2765 7 wmiprocesssensor

Windows System Uptime 8.1.0 wmiuptimesensor

sensor 2773

Windows Updates Status 13.x.6 windowsupdatesstatus

(PowerShell) sensor 2780

WMI Battery sensor 2789 19.x.52 batterysensor


WMI Custom sensor 2796 7 wmicustomsensor

WMI Custom String sensor 2804 12.x.4 wmicustomsensor

WMI Disk Health sensor 2814 19.4.54 wmidiskhealthsensor


WMI Event Log sensor 2821 7 wmieventlogsensor

WMI Exchange Server sensor 2831 9 wmiexchangeserversensor

Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

WMI Exchange Transport Queue 12.x.1 wmiexchangeservertransportqu

sensor 2839 euesensor

WMI File sensor 2849 7 wmifilesensor

WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) 7 diskspacesensor

sensor 2856 wmidiskspacesensor

WMI HDD Health sensor 2866 12.x.1 smartsensor

WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor 2875 16.x.24 wmilogicalsensor

WMI Memory sensor 2883 7 memorysensor


WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 8.1.0 wmisqlserversensor

sensor 2890

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 8.1.0 wmisqlserversensor

sensor 2899 wmisqlserversensor2008

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 12.x.6 wmisqlserversensor

sensor 2908 wmisqlserversensor2012

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 14.x.13 wmisqlserversensor

sensor 2917 wmisqlserversensor2014

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 16.x.26 wmisqlserversensor

sensor 2926 wmisqlserversensor2016

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 18.x.42 wmisqlserversensor

sensor 2935 wmisqlserversensor2017

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 20.3.62 wmisqlserversensor

sensor 2944 wmisqlserversensor2019

WMI Remote Ping sensor 2953 12.x.1 pingsensor wmisensor


WMI Security Center sensor 2960 9 WMISecurityCenter

WMI Service sensor 2967 7 wmiservicesensor


Sensor Introduced in Version Default Tags

WMI Share sensor 2974 8.1.0 wmisharesensor

WMI SharePoint Process 12.x.1 wmiprocesssensor

sensor 2983 wmisharepointprocesssensor

WMI Storage Pool sensor 2990 19.4.54 wmistoragepoolsensor


WMI Terminal Services (Windows 8.1.0 wmiterminalservicessensor

2008+) sensor 2997

WMI Terminal Services (Windows 8.1.0 wmiterminalservicessensor

XP/Vista/2003) sensor 3003

WMI UTC Time sensor 3009 9.2.0 wmiutctimesensor

WMI Vital System Data v2 7 wmivitalsystemdatasensor

sensor 3015

WMI Volume sensor 3023 7 wmivolumesensor


WSUS Statistics sensor 3030 9.1.0 ptfsensor

Zoom Service Status sensor 3038 20.3.61 zoom zoomsensor

General Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721 Response time and response code of the target
server via HTTP

Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731 Response time of the target server via TCP ping

HTTP sensor 1049 Loading time of a web page or element

Ping sensor 1693 Ping time and packet loss

Port sensor 1713 Time until a request to a port is accepted

Port Range sensor 1721 Network service by connecting to various TCP/IP


Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP Traffic sensor 2445 Traffic on a device via SNMP

SSL Certificate sensor 2588 Certificate of an SSL/TLS connection

SSL Security Check sensor 2598 SSL/TLS connectivity to the port of a device

Windows Network Card sensor 2730 Bandwidth usage and traffic of a network
interface via WMI or Windows performance

Backup and Replication Monitoring Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587 Windows DC for replication errors

File sensor 961 Changes to file content and file time stamp

Folder sensor 978 Folder via SMB

IMAP sensor 1214 Email server via IMAP

Veeam Backup Job Status sensor 2633 Status of all backup job runs on the Veeam
Backup Enterprise Manager in the last 24 hours

Veeam Backup Job Status Advanced sensor 2640 Status of a specific backup job that runs on the
Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager

Bandwidth Monitoring Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

IPFIX sensor 1235 Traffic data from an IPFIX-compatible device

IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248 Traffic data from an IPFIX-compatible device

jFlow v5 sensor 1268 Traffic data from a jFlow v5 compatible device

jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281 Traffic data from a jFlow v5 compatible device

NetFlow v5 sensor 1555 Traffic data from a NetFlow v5 compatible device

Sensor What It Monitors

NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568 Traffic data from a NetFlow v5 compatible device

NetFlow v9 sensor 1579 Traffic data from a NetFlow v9 compatible device

NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1555 Traffic data from a NetFlow v9 compatible device

Packet Sniffer sensor 1658 Headers of data packets that pass a local
network card

Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669 Headers of data packets that pass a local
network card

sFlow sensor 1871 Traffic data from an sFlow v5 compatible device

sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884 Traffic data from an sFlow v5 compatible device

SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor 1959 ADSL statistics of a Cisco router

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor 1971 Traffic of an IPsec VPN connection on a Cisco

SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181 Network interface in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP Library sensor 2258 Device via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337 Network card of a NetApp storage system via

SNMP RMON sensor 2400 Traffic on a device using RMON via SNMP

SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414 Traffic of an IPsec VPN on a SonicWall NSA via

SNMP Traffic sensor 2445 Traffic on a device via SNMP

Windows Network Card sensor 2730 Bandwidth usage and traffic of a network
interface via WMI or Windows performance

Cloud Service Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610 Status of an AWS alarm by reading its data from
Amazon CloudWatch via the AWS API

AWS Cost sensor 618 Cost of an AWS account by reading its data
from the AWS Cost Explorer API

AWS EBS v2 Sensor 627 Performance of an EBS volume by reading its

data from Amazon CloudWatch via the AWS

AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636 Performance of an Amazon EC2 instance by

reading its data from Amazon CloudWatch via

AWS ELB v2 sensor 646 Performance of an ELB load balancer by reading

its data from Amazon CloudWatch via the AWS

Common SaaS sensor 745 Availability of several SaaS providers

Microsoft 365 Service Status sensor 1317 Overall status of all services of a Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Service Status Advanced sensor 1324 Detailed status of all services of a Microsoft 365

Microsoft Azure SQL Database sensor 1332 Metrics of an Azure SQL Database (single
database or elastic pool) in a Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Storage Account sensor 1341 Storage account in a Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Subscription Cost sensor 1349 Cost in a Microsoft Azure subscription

Zoom Service Status sensor 3038 Availability of global Zoom services

Custom Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Business Process sensor 672 Summarized status of entire business

processes while monitoring several process

EXE/Script sensor 941 Value returned by the executable file or script (in
one channel only) and the execution time

EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951 Values returned by the executable file or script
in multiple channels

IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248 Traffic by type according to your needs

jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281 Traffic by type according to your needs

NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568 Traffic by type according to your needs

NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592 Traffic by type according to your needs

Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669 Traffic by type according to your needs

Python Script Advanced sensor 1749 Values returned by the Python script in multiple

REST Custom sensor 1819 Values returned by a REST API in multiple


Sensor Factory sensor 1857 Entire business processes that involve several

sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884 Traffic by type according to your needs

SNMP Custom sensor 2035 Single parameter that is returned by a specific


SNMP Custom Advanced sensor 2042 Numeric values returned for OIDs via SNMP

SNMP Custom String sensor 2050 String returned by a specific OID via SNMP

SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060 String returned by a specific OID via SNMP
directly mapped to a sensor status

SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068 Entries from a table that is provided via SNMP

Sensor What It Monitors

SSH Script sensor 2567 Value returned by the executable file or script (in
one channel only) and the execution time

SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578 Values returned by the script in multiple
channels and the execution time

WMI Custom sensor 2796 Retrieved value of a custom query via WMI

WMI Custom String sensor 2804 Retrieved string value in the sensor message
and the response time

Database Server Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

ADO SQL v2 sensor 595 Database via an ADO connection

Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367 Database on a Microsoft SQL server

MySQL v2 sensor 1425 Database on a MySQL server

Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634 Database on an Oracle server

Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649 Tablespace on an Oracle server

PostgreSQL sensor 1728 Database on a PostgreSQL server

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor 2890 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor 2899 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor 2908 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor 2917 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor 2926 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor 2935 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor 2944 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

eHealth Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834 Bandwidth usage of a C-STORE request to a

DICOM-capable device

DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841 Availability of DICOM-capable systems and

devices by sending C-ECHO requests to the
target system

DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848 C-FIND capability of DICOM-capable systems

and devices

HL7 sensor 1017 Availability of HL7 interfaces

Soffico Orchestra Channel Health sensor 2476 State and overall number of successful or failed
channel calls

EXE Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587 Windows DC for replication errors

ADO SQL v2 sensor 595 Database via an ADO connection

Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707 Xen host server via HTTP

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714 VM on a Citrix XenServer via HTTP

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811 Virtual disk on a Dell PowerVault MD3000i,
MD3420, MD3620i, MD3000f, MD3620f, or

Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor 818 Physical disk on a Dell PowerVault MD3000i,
MD3420, MD3620i, MD3000f, or MD3620f

DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834 Bandwidth usage of a C-STORE request to a

DICOM-capable device

DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841 Availability of DICOM-capable systems and

devices by sending C-ECHO requests to the
target system

Sensor What It Monitors

DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848 C-FIND capability of DICOM-capable systems

and devices

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874 HPE Storage EVA via the sssu.exe from HPE
P6000 Command View Software

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892 Backups of an Exchange server via Remote

Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900 Database information of an Exchange server via
Remote PowerShell

Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909 DAG status of a database on an Exchange
server via Remote PowerShell

Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918 Number of items in the outgoing mail queue of
an Exchange server via Remote PowerShell

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926 Mailboxes of an Exchange server via Remote

Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933 Public folders and subfolders of an Exchange
server via Remote PowerShell

EXE/Script sensor 941 Value returned by the executable file or script (in
one channel only) and the execution time

EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951 Values returned by the executable file or script
in multiple channels

FTP Server File Count sensor 1008 Number of files available in the directory listing

HL7 sensor 1017 Availability of HL7 interfaces

HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108 Full download time of a web page including
assets such as images

HTTP XML/REST Value sensor 1164 .xml file from a specified URL

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free Microsoft Hyper-V cluster shared volume via
sensor 1176 PowerShell

IP on DNS Blacklist sensor 1228 Listing of an IP address on specific blacklist


IPMI System Health sensor 1259 Status of a system via IPMI

Sensor What It Monitors

Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367 Database on a Microsoft SQL server

NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492 Disks of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage
system accessing the API via SOAP

Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634 Database on an Oracle server

Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649 Tablespace on an Oracle server

Ping Jitter sensor 1700 Statistical jitter value and execution time

RADIUS v2 sensor 1775 RADIUS server according to RFC 2865

REST Custom sensor 1819 Values returned by a REST API in multiple


SIP Options Ping sensor 1908 Connectivity for a SIP server using SIP options

Traceroute Hop Count sensor 2626 Number of hops needed from the probe system
that the sensor runs on to the IP Address/DNS
Name defined in the sensor's parent device

VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663 Hardware status of a VMware host server via

VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671 VMware host server via SOAP

VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679 VM on a VMware host server via SOAP

Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor 2722 Number of messages in a message queue of the
parent device

Windows Print Queue sensor 2755 Print queue of the parent device

Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor 2780 Status of Windows updates on a computer,
either from Microsoft or from the local WSUS

WSUS Statistics sensor 3030 Various statistics on a WSUS server via WMI

Hardware Parameter Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811 Virtual disk on a Dell PowerVault MD3000i,
MD3420, MD3620i, MD3000f, MD3620f, or

Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor 818 Physical disk on a Dell PowerVault MD3000i,
MD3420, MD3620i, MD3000f, or MD3620f

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874 HPE Storage EVA via the sssu.exe from HPE
P6000 Command View Software

NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440 Status of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage

aggregate accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp I/O sensor 1450 Input and output operations of a NetApp cDOT or
ONTAP storage system accessing the API via

NetApp LIF sensor 1461 Logical interfaces of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP

cluster accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp LUN sensor 1471 LUN of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage

system accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp NIC sensor 1482 NIC of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP cluster

accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492 Disks of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage
system accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502 SnapMirror relationships of a NetApp cDOT or

ONTAP storage system accessing the API via

NetApp System Health sensor 1513 Health of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage
system accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp Volume sensor 1533 Volumes on a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage

system accessing the API via SOAP

Redfish Power Supply sensor 1783 The power supply of a Redfish-capable server

Redfish System Health sensor 1793 System health of a Redfish-capable server

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946 Performance counters on an APC UPS device
via SNMP

SNMP Buffalo TS System Health sensor 1953 System health of a Buffalo TeraStation NAS via

SNMP Cisco System Health sensor 1991 System health of a Cisco device via SNMP

SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor 1998 Health status of a Cisco UCS blade server via

SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor 2006 Health status of the chassis of a Cisco UCS
device via SNMP

SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor 2014 Physical disk of a Cisco UCS device via SNMP

SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor 2021 System health of a Cisco UCS device via SNMP

SNMP CPU Load sensor 2029 System load via SNMP

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor 2077 Volume of a Dell EqualLogic storage system via

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor 2084 Health of an array member of an EqualLogic
storage system via SNMP

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor 2092 Disk in a Dell EqualLogic storage system via

SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101 Performance counters on a Dell hardware device
via SNMP

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor 2108 Physical disk in a Dell PowerEdge server via

SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health sensor 2116 System health of a Dell PowerEdge server via

SNMP Disk Free sensor 2125 Free disk space on a logical disk via SNMP

SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 sensor 2132 Status of a Fujitsu PRIMERGY server via the

SNMP Hardware Status sensor 2141 Status of a hardware component of a server via

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor 2147 Performance counters on an HP LaserJet

hardware device via SNMP

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade sensor 2153 Status of an HPE BladeSystem via SNMP

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Enclosure System System health of an HPE BladeSystem device
Health sensor 2160 via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory Controller sensor 2173 Memory controller in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181 Network interface in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor 2189 Physical disk in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant System Health sensor 2197 System health of an HPE ProLiant server via

SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor 2212 Physical disk in an IBM server via SNMP

SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory sensor 2219 Memory modules in an IBM server via SNMP

SNMP IBM System X System Health sensor 2226 System health of an IBM device via SNMP

SNMP Juniper NS System Health sensor 2240 System health of a Juniper NetScreen device via

SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor 2246 Physical disk in a LenovoEMC NAS via SNMP

SNMP LenovoEMC System Health sensor 2252 System health of a LenovoEMC NAS via SNMP

SNMP Library sensor 2258 Device via SNMP

SNMP Memory sensor 2296 Memory usage of a system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor 2310 Power supply and cooling of an enclosure that is
part of a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318 IOPS on a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330 IOPS on a logical unit of a NetApp storage
system via SNMP

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337 Network card of a NetApp storage system via

SNMP NetApp System Health sensor 2344 Status of a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor 2382 Physical disk in a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP QNAP System Health sensor 2389 System health of a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP SonicWall System Health sensor 2408 Health values of a SonicWall NSA via SNMP

SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414 Traffic of an IPsec VPN on a SonicWall NSA via

SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor 2428 Physical disk in a Synology NAS via SNMP

SNMP Synology System Health sensor 2434 System health of a Synology NAS via SNMP

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528 SAN enclosure via SSH

SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537 Logical disk on a SAN via SSH

SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546 Physical disk on a SAN via SSH

SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556 System health of a SAN via SSH

Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor 2746 I/O parameters of a hard disk on a Windows
system via WMI

WMI Battery sensor 2789 Available capacity and the state of connected
batteries of a Windows-based device via WMI

WMI Disk Health sensor 2814 Health of a physical disk on a Windows system
via WMI

WMI HDD Health sensor 2866 Health of IDE disk drives on the target system
via S.M.A.R.T.

WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor 3015 Vital system parameters (CPU, thread, memory,
network, pagefile) via WMI

IoT and IIoT Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Beckhoff IPC System Health sensor 666 System health of a Beckhoff IPC via OPC UA

HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor 1117 Messages received from IoT-capable devices
that are pushed via an HTTPS request to PRTG

Modbus RTU Custom sensor 1382 Up to five values returned by a Modbus RTU

Modbus TCP Custom sensor 1394 Up to five values returned by a Modbus TCP

MQTT Round Trip sensor 1404 Availability of an MQTT broker (server)

MQTT Statistics sensor 1411 Received messages and payload from an MQTT

MQTT Subscribe Custom sensor 1417 Up to five numeric values from the received
JSON data

OPC UA Certificate sensor 1613 Certificate of an OPC UA server

OPC UA Custom sensor 1619 Up to ten numeric values returned by specific

OPC UA node IDs

OPC UA Server Status sensor 1627 Server status, uptime, and diagnostic
information of an OPC UA server

SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware Status Sensor 2395 Overall status of a Rittal CMC III processing unit
and the hardware status of every attached
external sensor via SNMP

Linux/Unix/macOS Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Python Script Advanced sensor 1749 Values returned by the Python script in multiple

SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol sensor 1895 FTP servers of a Linux/Unix system using the
SSH File Transfer Protocol (FTP over SSH)

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor 2269 Free space on disks of a Linux/Unix system via

SNMP Linux Load Average sensor 2278 System load average of a Linux/Unix system via

SNMP Linux Meminfo sensor 2283 Memory usage of a Linux/Unix system via

SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289 I/O on disks of a Linux/Unix system via SNMP

SSH Disk Free sensor 2484 Free space on disks of a Linux/Unix system via

SSH INodes Free sensor 2496 Free index nodes on disks of Linux/Unix and
macOS systems via SSH

SSH Load Average sensor 2504 Load average of a Linux/Unix system via SSH

SSH Meminfo sensor 2512 Memory usage of a Linux/Unix system via SSH

SSH Remote Ping sensor 2520 Connectivity between a system running

Linux/macOS X and another device via ICMP
echo requests and SSH

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528 SAN enclosure via SSH

SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537 Logical disk on a SAN via SSH

SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546 Physical disk on a SAN via SSH

SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556 System health of a SAN via SSH

SSH Script sensor 2567 Value returned by the executable file or script (in
one channel only) and the execution time

SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578 Values returned by the script in multiple
channels and the execution time

Mail Server Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892 Backups of an Exchange server via Remote

Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900 Database information of an Exchange server via
Remote PowerShell

Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909 DAG status of a database on an Exchange
server via Remote PowerShell

Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918 Number of items in the outgoing mail queue of
an Exchange server via Remote PowerShell

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926 Mailboxes of an Exchange server via Remote

Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933 Public folders and subfolders of an Exchange
server via Remote PowerShell

IMAP sensor 1214 Email server via IMAP

IP on DNS Blacklist sensor 1228 Listing of an IP address on specific blacklist


POP3 sensor 1706 Email server via POP3

SMTP sensor 1916 Mail server via SMTP

SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor 1924 Time it takes for an email to reach an IMAP
mailbox after being sent via SMTP

SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor 1935 Time it takes for an email to reach a POP3
mailbox after being sent via SMTP

SSL Security Check sensor 2598 SSL/TLS connectivity to the port of a device

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received sensor 2696 Number of received emails for a Microsoft IIS 6.0
SMTP service (Exchange 2003) via WMI or
Windows performance counters

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent sensor 2705 Number of sent emails for a Microsoft IIS 6.0
SMTP service (Exchange 2003) via WMI or
Windows performance counters

WMI Exchange Server sensor 2831 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later via WMI

Sensor What It Monitors

WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor 2839 Length of transport queues of a Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003 or later via WMI

PRTG Internal Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Cluster Health sensor 740 Health of the cluster

Core Health sensor 751 Status of the PRTG core server

Core Health (Autonomous) sensor 758 Status of the PRTG core server

Probe Health sensor 1742 Status of the probe

System Health sensor 2615 Status of the probe system

PRTG Sensor Hub Sensors

In addition to the built-in sensors, you can create your own sensors. You can write a script or a program
and use it with a custom sensor 3510 . There are already many free, useful scripts, plugins, and add-ons for
PRTG in the PRTG Sensor Hub. You can also directly open the PRTG Sensor Hub from the Add
Sensor 391 dialog in the PRTG web interface.

To use the sensors in the PRTG Sensor Hub, go to and follow
the instructions there.

SNMP Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Cisco IP SLA sensor 682 VoIP network parameters using IP SLAs from
Cisco via SNMP

SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946 Performance counters on an APC UPS device
via SNMP

SNMP Buffalo TS System Health sensor 1953 System health of a Buffalo TeraStation NAS via

SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor 1959 ADSL statistics of a Cisco router

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Connections sensor 1965 VPN connections on a Cisco ASA via SNMP

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor 1971 Traffic of an IPsec VPN connection on a Cisco

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users sensor 1978 Account connections to a VPN on a Cisco ASA
via SNMP

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984 Network parameters using Cisco's CBQoS via

SNMP Cisco System Health sensor 1991 System health of a Cisco device via SNMP

SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor 1998 Health status of a Cisco UCS blade server via

SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor 2006 Health status of the chassis of a Cisco UCS
device via SNMP

SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor 2014 Physical disk of a Cisco UCS device via SNMP

SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor 2021 System health of a Cisco UCS device via SNMP

SNMP CPU Load sensor 2029 System load via SNMP

SNMP Custom sensor 2035 Single parameter that is returned by a specific


SNMP Custom Advanced sensor 2042 Numeric values returned for OIDs via SNMP

SNMP Custom String sensor 2050 String returned by a specific OID via SNMP

SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060 String returned by a specific OID via SNMP
directly mapped to a sensor status

SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068 Entries from a table that is provided via SNMP

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor 2077 Volume of a Dell EqualLogic storage system via

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor 2084 Health of an array member of an EqualLogic
storage system via SNMP

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor 2092 Disk in a Dell EqualLogic storage system via

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101 Performance counters on a Dell hardware device
via SNMP

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor 2108 Physical disk in a Dell PowerEdge server via

SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health sensor 2116 System health of a Dell PowerEdge server via

SNMP Disk Free sensor 2125 Free disk space on a logical disk via SNMP

SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 sensor 2132 Status of a Fujitsu PRIMERGY server via the

SNMP Hardware Status sensor 2141 Status of a hardware component of a server via

SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor 2147 Performance counters on an HP LaserJet

hardware device via SNMP

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade sensor 2153 Status of an HPE BladeSystem via SNMP

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Enclosure System System health of an HPE BladeSystem device
Health sensor 2160 via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk sensor 2166 Logical disk in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory Controller sensor 2173 Memory controller in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181 Network interface in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor 2189 Physical disk in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant System Health sensor 2197 System health of an HPE ProLiant server via

SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk sensor 2205 Logical disk in an IBM server via SNMP

SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor 2212 Physical disk in an IBM server via SNMP

SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory sensor 2219 Memory modules in an IBM server via SNMP

SNMP IBM System X System Health sensor 2226 System health of an IBM device via SNMP

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP interSeptor Pro Environment sensor 2234 Data from a Jacarta interSeptor Pro
environmental monitoring system via SNMP

SNMP Juniper NS System Health sensor 2240 System health of a Juniper NetScreen device via

SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor 2246 Physical disk in a LenovoEMC NAS via SNMP

SNMP LenovoEMC System Health sensor 2252 System health of a LenovoEMC NAS via SNMP

SNMP Library sensor 2258 Device via SNMP

SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor 2269 Free space on disks of a Linux/Unix system via

SNMP Linux Load Average sensor 2278 System load average of a Linux/Unix system via

SNMP Linux Meminfo sensor 2283 Memory usage of a Linux/Unix system via

SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289 I/O on disks of a Linux/Unix system via SNMP

SNMP Memory sensor 2296 Memory usage of a system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor 2303 Free space on disks of a NetApp storage
system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor 2310 Power supply and cooling of an enclosure that is
part of a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318 IOPS on a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp License sensor 2324 Licenses for the services of a NetApp storage
system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330 IOPS on a logical unit of a NetApp storage
system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337 Network card of a NetApp storage system via

SNMP NetApp System Health sensor 2344 Status of a NetApp storage system via SNMP

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor 2350 Status and performance of a Nutanix cluster via

SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor 2357 Nutanix hypervisor via SNMP

SNMP Poseidon Environment sensor 2364 Performance counters for environmental

measurements on Poseidon hardware via SNMP

SNMP Printer sensor 2370 Various types of printers via SNMP

SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor 2376 Logical disk in a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor 2382 Physical disk in a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP QNAP System Health sensor 2389 System health of a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP RMON sensor 2400 Traffic on a device using RMON via SNMP

SNMP SonicWall System Health sensor 2408 Health values of a SonicWall NSA via SNMP

SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414 Traffic of an IPsec VPN on a SonicWall NSA via

SNMP Synology Logical Disk sensor 2422 Logical disk in a Synology NAS via SNMP

SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor 2428 Physical disk in a Synology NAS via SNMP

SNMP Synology System Health sensor 2434 System health of a Synology NAS via SNMP

SNMP System Uptime sensor 2440 Uptime of a device via SNMP

SNMP Traffic sensor 2445 Traffic on a device via SNMP

SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454 SNMP traps

SNMP Windows Service sensor 2465 Windows service via SNMP

Storage and File Server Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health v2 sensor 765 Health of an enclosure on a Dell EMC storage
system via the REST API

Sensor What It Monitors

Dell EMC Unity File System v2 sensor 773 File system on a Dell EMC storage system via

Dell EMC Unity Storage Capacity v2 sensor 780 Storage capacity of a Dell EMC storage system
via the REST API

Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2 sensor 787 LUN on a Dell EMC storage system via the

Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2 sensor 795 Storage pool on a Dell EMC storage system via

Dell EMC Unity VMware Datastore v2 sensor 803 VMware datastore on a Dell EMC storage
system via the REST API

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811 Virtual disk on a Dell PowerVault MD3000i,
MD3420, MD3620i, MD3000f, MD3620f, or

Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor 818 Physical disk on a Dell PowerVault MD3000i,
MD3420, MD3620i, MD3000f, or MD3620f

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874 HPE Storage EVA via the sssu.exe from HPE
P6000 Command View Software

File sensor 961 Changes to file content and file time stamp

File Content sensor 969 Text files (for example, log files) for certain

Folder sensor 978 Folder via SMB

FTP sensor 1001 File servers using FTP and FTPS

FTP Server File Count sensor 1008 Number of files available in the directory listing

HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group sensor 1025 Capacity of a CPG on an HPE 3PAR storage

HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor 1033 A drive enclosure of an HPE 3PAR storage

HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor 1041 Capacity of a virtual volume on an HPE 3PAR
storage system

Sensor What It Monitors

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free Microsoft Hyper-V cluster shared volume via
sensor 1176 PowerShell

Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device sensor 1207 Virtual storage device running on a Microsoft
Hyper-V host server via WMI or Windows
Performance Counters

NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440 Status of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage

aggregate accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp I/O sensor 1450 Input and output operations of a NetApp cDOT or
ONTAP storage system accessing the API via

NetApp LIF sensor 1461 Logical interfaces of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP

cluster accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp LUN sensor 1471 LUN of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage

system accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp NIC sensor 1482 NIC of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP cluster

accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492 Disks of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage
system accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502 SnapMirror relationships of a NetApp cDOT or

ONTAP storage system accessing the API via

NetApp System Health sensor 1513 Health of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage
system accessing the API via SOAP

NetApp Volume sensor 1533 Volumes on a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage

system accessing the API via SOAP

SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol sensor 1895 FTP servers of a Linux/Unix system using the
SSH File Transfer Protocol (FTP over SSH)

Share Disk Free sensor 1902 Free disk space of a share (Windows/Samba)
using SMB

SNMP Buffalo TS System Health sensor 1953 System health of a Buffalo TeraStation NAS via

SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor 2014 Physical disk of a Cisco UCS device via SNMP

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor 2077 Volume of a Dell EqualLogic storage system via

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor 2084 Health of an array member of an EqualLogic
storage system via SNMP

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor 2092 Disk in a Dell EqualLogic storage system via

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor 2108 Physical disk in a Dell PowerEdge server via

SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk sensor 2166 Logical disk in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor 2189 Physical disk in an HPE server via SNMP

SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk sensor 2205 Logical disk in an IBM server via SNMP

SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor 2212 Physical disk in an IBM server via SNMP

SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor 2246 Physical disk in a LenovoEMC NAS via SNMP

SNMP LenovoEMC System Health sensor 2252 System health of a LenovoEMC NAS via SNMP

SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor 2269 Free space on disks of a Linux/Unix system via

SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289 I/O on disks of a Linux/Unix system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor 2303 Free space on disks of a NetApp storage
system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor 2310 Power supply and cooling of an enclosure that is
part of a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318 IOPS on a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp License sensor 2324 Licenses for the services of a NetApp storage
system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330 IOPS on a logical unit of a NetApp storage
system via SNMP

SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337 Network card of a NetApp storage system via

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP NetApp System Health sensor 2344 Status of a NetApp storage system via SNMP

SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor 2350 Status and performance of a Nutanix cluster via

SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor 2357 Nutanix hypervisor via SNMP

SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor 2376 Logical disk in a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor 2382 Physical disk in a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP QNAP System Health sensor 2389 System health of a QNAP NAS via SNMP

SNMP Synology Logical Disk sensor 2422 Logical disk in a Synology NAS via SNMP

SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor 2428 Physical disk in a Synology NAS via SNMP

SNMP Synology System Health sensor 2434 System health of a Synology NAS via SNMP

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528 SAN enclosure via SSH

SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537 Logical disk on a SAN via SSH

SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546 Physical disk on a SAN via SSH

SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556 System health of a SAN via SSH

TFTP sensor 2620 TFTP server to check if a certain file is available

for download

VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor 2648 Disk usage of a VMware datastore via SOAP

Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor 2746 I/O parameters of a hard disk on a Windows
system via WMI

WMI Disk Health sensor 2814 Health of a physical disk on a Windows system
via WMI

WMI File sensor 2849 File via WMI

WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) sensor 2856 Free disk space of one or more drives via WMI

WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor 2875 Disk usage of a logical disk or mount point on a
Windows system via WMI

Sensor What It Monitors

WMI Storage Pool sensor 2990 Storage pool via WMI

WMI Volume sensor 3023 Free disk space on a drive, logical volume, or
mount point via WMI

Various Server Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

DHCP sensor 826 DHCP server

DNS v2 sensor 856 DNS server, resolves domain name records, and
compares them to a filter

IPMI System Health sensor 1259 Status of a system via IPMI

LDAP sensor 1292 Directory services via LDAP

OPC UA Certificate sensor 1613 Certificate of an OPC UA server

OPC UA Custom sensor 1619 Up to ten numeric values returned by specific

OPC UA node IDs

OPC UA Server Status sensor 1627 Server status, uptime, and diagnostic
information of an OPC UA server

Ping sensor 1693 Ping time and packet loss

Ping Jitter sensor 1700 Statistical jitter value and execution time

Port sensor 1713 Time until a request to a port is accepted

Port Range sensor 1721 Network service by connecting to various TCP/IP


RADIUS v2 sensor 1775 RADIUS server according to RFC 2865

RDP (Remote Desktop) sensor 1813 Remote desktop services (RDP, Terminal
Services Client)

SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454 SNMP traps

SNTP sensor 2471 SNTP server

Sensor What It Monitors

SSL Security Check sensor 2598 SSL/TLS connectivity to the port of a device

Syslog Receiver sensor 2605 Syslog messages

Traceroute Hop Count sensor 2626 Number of hops needed from the probe system
that the sensor runs on to the IP Address/DNS
Name defined in the sensor's parent device

Virtual Server Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707 Xen host server via HTTP

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714 VM on a Citrix XenServer via HTTP

Dell EMC Unity VMware Datastore v2 sensor 803 VMware datastore on a Dell EMC storage
system via the REST API

Docker Container Status sensor 865 Status of a Docker container

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free Microsoft Hyper-V cluster shared volume via
sensor 1176 PowerShell

Hyper-V Host Server sensor 1184 Microsoft Hyper-V host server via WMI or
Windows performance counters

Hyper-V Virtual Machine sensor 1191 VM running on a Microsoft Hyper-V host server
via WMI or Windows performance counters

Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter sensor 1199 Virtual network adapters running on a Microsoft
Hyper-V host server via WMI or Windows
performance counters

Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device sensor 1207 Virtual storage device running on a Microsoft
Hyper-V host server via WMI or Windows
Performance Counters

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine sensor 1358 Monitors the status of a virtual machine in a
Microsoft Azure subscription.

SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor 2350 Status and performance of a Nutanix cluster via

Sensor What It Monitors

SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor 2357 Nutanix hypervisor via SNMP

VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor 2648 Disk usage of a VMware datastore via SOAP

VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor 2656 Hardware information of an ESXi server via

VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663 Hardware status of a VMware host server via

VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671 VMware host server via SOAP

VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679 VM on a VMware host server via SOAP

VoIP and QoS Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Cisco IP SLA sensor 682 VoIP network parameters using IP SLAs from
Cisco via SNMP

QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor 1758 Parameters regarding the quality of a network
connection between two probes

QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor 1766 Parameters regarding the quality of a network
connection between a probe and a target device
at the endpoint of the connection

SIP Options Ping sensor 1908 Connectivity for a SIP server using SIP options

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984 Network parameters using Cisco's CBQoS via

Web Server (HTTP) Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721 Response time and response code of the target
server via HTTP

Common SaaS sensor 745 Availability of several SaaS providers

Sensor What It Monitors

HTTP sensor 1049 Loading time of a web page or element

HTTP Advanced sensor 1057 Source code of a web page using HTTP

HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats sensor 1072 Performance statistics of an Apache web server
using mod_status over HTTP

HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensor 1080 Activity of an Apache web server using
mod_status over HTTP

HTTP Content sensor 1088 Numeric value returned by an HTTP request

HTTP Data Advanced sensor 1097 Values returned by the web server in multiple

HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108 Full download time of a web page including
assets such as images

HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor 1117 Messages received from IoT-capable devices
that are pushed via an HTTPS request to PRTG

HTTP Push Count sensor 1126 Received messages that are pushed via an
HTTP request to PRTG

HTTP Push Data sensor 1134 Numeric values from received messages that are
pushed via an HTTP request to PRTG

HTTP Push Data Advanced sensor 1143 Data from received messages that are pushed
via an HTTP request to PRTG

HTTP Transaction sensor 1152 Interactive website by performing a transaction

using a set of HTTP URLs

HTTP XML/REST Value sensor 1164 .xml file from a specified URL

REST Custom sensor 1819 Values returned by a REST API in multiple


SSL Certificate sensor 2588 Certificate of an SSL/TLS connection

SSL Security Check sensor 2598 SSL/TLS connectivity to the port of a device

Windows IIS Application sensor 2714 Microsoft IIS server via WMI

Windows WMI/Performance Counter Sensors

Sensor What It Monitors

Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587 Windows DC for replication errors

Event Log (Windows API) sensor 882 Event Log entries using the Windows API

PerfCounter Custom sensor 1679 Configured set of Windows performance


PerfCounter IIS Application Pool sensor 1686 Microsoft IIS application pool using Windows
performance counters

Windows CPU Load sensor 2688 CPU load on a computer via WMI or Windows
performance counters

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received sensor 2696 Number of received emails for a Microsoft IIS 6.0
SMTP service (Exchange 2003) via WMI or
Windows performance counters

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent sensor 2705 Number of sent emails for a Microsoft IIS 6.0
SMTP service (Exchange 2003) via WMI or
Windows performance counters

Windows IIS Application sensor 2714 Microsoft IIS server via WMI

Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor 2722 Number of messages in a message queue of the
parent device

Windows Network Card sensor 2730 Bandwidth usage and traffic of a network
interface via WMI or Windows performance

Windows Pagefile sensor 2739 Windows pagefile usage via WMI or Windows
performance counters

Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor 2746 I/O parameters of a hard disk on a Windows
system via WMI

Windows Print Queue sensor 2755 Print queue of the parent device

Windows Process sensor 2765 Windows process via WMI or Windows

performance counters

Windows System Uptime sensor 2773 Uptime of a Windows system via WMI or
Windows performance counters

Sensor What It Monitors

Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor 2780 Status of Windows updates on a computer,
either from Microsoft or from the local WSUS

WMI Battery sensor 2789 Available capacity and the state of connected
batteries of a Windows-based device via WMI

WMI Custom sensor 2796 Retrieved value of a custom query via WMI

WMI Custom String sensor 2804 Retrieved string value in the sensor message
and the response time

WMI Disk Health sensor 2814 Health of a physical disk on a Windows system
via WMI

WMI Event Log sensor 2821 Specific Windows logfile via WMI

WMI Exchange Server sensor 2831 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later via WMI

WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor 2839 Length of transport queues of a Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003 or later via WMI

WMI File sensor 2849 File via WMI

WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) sensor 2856 Free disk space of one or more drives via WMI

WMI HDD Health sensor 2866 Health of IDE disk drives on the target system
via S.M.A.R.T.

WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor 2875 Disk usage of a logical disk or mount point on a
Windows system via WMI

WMI Memory sensor 2883 Available (free) system memory on Windows

systems via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor 2890 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor 2899 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor 2908 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor 2917 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor 2926 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

Sensor What It Monitors

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor 2935 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor 2944 Performance of a Microsoft SQL Server via WMI

WMI Remote Ping sensor 2953 Ping time from the remote device to the target
device that is being pinged via WMI

WMI Security Center sensor 2960 Security status of a Windows client computer
via WMI

WMI Service sensor 2967 Windows service via WMI

WMI Share sensor 2974 Shared resource on a Windows system via WMI

WMI SharePoint Process sensor 2983 Microsoft SharePoint server via WMI

WMI Storage Pool sensor 2990 Storage pool via WMI

WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) Number of sessions on a Windows Terminal

sensor 2997 Services (Remote Desktop Services) server via

WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003) Number of sessions on a Windows Terminal

sensor 3003 Services (Remote Desktop Services) server via

WMI UTC Time sensor 3009 UTC time of a target device via WMI

WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor 3015 Vital system parameters (CPU, thread, memory,
network, pagefile) via WMI

WMI Volume sensor 3023 Free disk space on a drive, logical volume, or
mount point via WMI

WSUS Statistics sensor 3030 Various statistics on a WSUS server via WMI

15.6 List of Default Ports

Here you can find lists for all default ports used in PRTG:

§ Ports Used by Sensors 3676

§ Ports Used in Other Contexts 3679

Ports Used by Sensors

Sensors Default Port Description


Cloud HTTP and Cloud Ping 443 Port for the communication via the PRTG
sensors Cloud

Cloud Ping sensors 80 Port for the TCP ping

Dell EMC sensors 443 Port for the connection to the Dell EMC

DICOM sensors 104 Port for the connection to the DICOM interface

DNS v2 sensor 856 53 Port for the connection to the device that runs
the DNS service

Docker Container Status 2376 (Docker over Port for the connection to the Docker
sensor 865 TLS) container

FTP sensor 1001 21 Port for the connection to the file server

HL7 sensor 1017 104 Port for the connection to the HL7 interface

HPE 3PAR sensors WSAPI port: WSAPI and SSH port for the connections to
the HPE 3PAR system
§ 8080 (secure)

§ 8008 (unsecure)

SSH port:
§ 22 (secure)

HTTP sensors 8080 Port of the proxy

HTTP IoT Push Data 5051 Port on which the sensor listens for incoming
Advanced sensor 1117 HTTPS requests
This port is fixed. You cannot change it.

Sensors Default Port Description

HTTP Push sensors § 5050 (unsecure) Port on which the sensor listens for incoming
HTTP or HTTPS requests
§ 5051 (secure)

IMAP sensor 1214 § 143 (unsecure) Port for the IMAP connection

§ 993 (secure)

LDAP sensor 1292 § 389 (unsecure) Port for the connection to the LDAP server
§ 636 (secure)

NetApp sensors 443 Port for the NetApp API access

Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367 1433 Port for the connection to the Microsoft SQL

MySQL v2 sensor 1425 3306 Port for the connection to the MySQL

Modbus TCP Custom 502 Port for the connection to the Modbus TCP
sensor 1394 server

MQTT sensors § 1883 (unsecure) Port for the MQTT connection

§ 8883 (secure)

OPC UA sensors 4840 Port for the connection to the OPC UA server

Oracle sensors 1521 Port for the connection to the Oracle SQL

POP3 sensor 1706 § 110 (unsecure) Port for the POP3 connection
§ 995 (secure)

PostgreSQL sensor 1728 5432 Port for the connection to the PostgreSQL

QoS sensors 50000 Port on which the sensor listens for the UDP

RADIUS v2 sensor 1775 1812 Port for the connection to the RADIUS server

RDP (Remote Desktop) 3389 Port for the RDP connection

sensor 1813

Sensors Default Port Description

Redfish sensors 443 Port for the Redfish connection

REST sensors 8080 Port for the proxy

SIP Options Ping sensor 1908 5060 Port for the UDP connection

SMTP sensors § 25 (unsecure) Port used to send an email via SMTP

§ 465 or 587 (secure)

SMTP&IMAP Round Trip § 143 (unsecure) Port for the IMAP connection
sensor 1924
§ 993 (secure)

SMTP&POP3 Round Trip § 110 (unsecure) Port for the POP3 connection
sensor 1935
§ 995 (secure)

SNMP sensors 161 Port for the SNMP connection

SNMP Trap Receiver 162 Port on which the sensor listens for SNMP
sensor 2454 traps and on which trap messages are sent

SSL sensors 443 Port for the Secure Sockets Layer

(SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Syslog Receiver sensor 2605 514 Port on which the sensor listens for Syslog
messages and on which Syslog messages
are sent

TFTP sensor 2620 69 Port of the device on which the TFTP service

Veeam Backup Job Status 9398 Port for the connection to the Veeam Backup
sensors Enterprise Manager

WBEM sensors § 5988 (unsecure) Port for the communication via WBEM
§ 5989 (secure)

Windows Updates Status 5985 Port for the connection to Microsoft or to the
(PowerShell) sensor 2780 local WSUS server

WSUS Statistics sensor 3030 8530 Port for the connection to the device on which
the WSUS server service runs

Ports Used in Other Contexts

Context Default Port Description


Cluster communication 23570 Port for the communication between cluster nodes

Incoming probe 23560 Port on which PRTG listens for incoming remote
connections probe connections

PRTG Cloud 443 Port used by the PRTG Cloud for support tickets,
for example

PRTG web server § 80 (unsecure) Port used by the PRTG web server
§ 443 (secure)

Report generation 8085 Port used for report generation

15.7 List of Icons

See below for a list of icons used in this documentation.

Notes that contain additional information.

Notes that contain critical information on the functioning of PRTG. Pay close attention to this
information to avoid serious consequences for PRTG.

There is more information on this topic in a different section of the PRTG Manual or in the
Knowledge Base.

This feature is in beta status and might not function properly in all situations.

There is a video on this topic.

Examples on how to use a feature.

This information is relevant for PRTG Hosted Monitor.

This information is relevant for PRTG Network Monitor.

There is a Paessler tool that you can use.

There is more information on this topic in the PRTG Manual, the Knowledge Base, the
Paessler Blog, on the Paessler Website, or on other websites. This icon is only used in More

15.8 List of New Sensors

Here you can find a list of sensors that are new.


AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610

AWS EBS v2 Sensor 627

AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636

AWS ELB v2 sensor 646

AWS RDS v2 sensor 656

Beckhoff IPC System Health sensor 666

HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor 1033

HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor 1041

Modbus RTU Custom sensor 1382

Redfish Power Supply sensor 1783

Redfish System Health sensor 1793

SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware Status Sensor 2395

Veeam Backup Job Status Advanced sensor 2640

15.9 List of Notification Triggers and Supported Sensors

Here you can find a list of all notification triggers and the sensors that they support.

§ State trigger 3682

§ Speed trigger 3691

§ Volume trigger 3692

§ Threshold trigger 3693

§ Change trigger 3701

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

State trigger § Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587

§ ADO SQL v2 sensor 595

§ AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610

§ AWS Cost sensor 618

§ AWS EBS v2 sensor 627

§ AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636

§ AWS ELB v2 sensor 646

§ AWS RDS v2 sensor 656

§ Beckhoff IPC System Health sensor 666

§ Business Process sensor 672

§ Cisco IP SLA sensor 682

§ Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707

§ Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714

§ Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721

§ Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731

§ Cluster Health sensor 740

§ Common SaaS sensor 745

§ Core Health sensor 751

§ Core Health (Autonomous) sensor 758

§ Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health v2 sensor 765

§ Dell EMC Unity File System v2 sensor 773

§ Dell EMC Unity Storage Capacity v2 sensor 780

§ Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2 sensor 787

§ Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2 sensor 795

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ Dell EMC Unity VMware Datastore v2 sensor 803

§ Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811

§ Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor 818

§ DHCP sensor 826

§ DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834

§ DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841

§ DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848

§ DNS v2 sensor 856

§ Docker Container Status sensor 865

§ Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874

§ Event Log (Windows API) sensor 882

§ Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892

§ Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900

§ Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909

§ Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918

§ Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926

§ Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933

§ EXE/Script sensor 941

§ EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951

§ File sensor 961

§ File Content sensor 969

§ Folder sensor 978

§ FTP sensor 1001

§ FTP Server File Count sensor 1008

§ HL7 sensor 1017

§ HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group sensor 1025

§ HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor 1033

§ HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor 1041

§ HTTP sensor 1049

§ HTTP Advanced sensor 1057

§ HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats sensor 1072

§ HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensor 1080

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ HTTP Content sensor 1088

§ HTTP Data Advanced sensor 1097

§ HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108

§ HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor 1117

§ HTTP Push Count sensor 1126

§ HTTP Push Data sensor 1134

§ HTTP Push Data Advanced sensor 1143

§ HTTP Transaction sensor 1152

§ HTTP XML/REST Value sensor 1164

§ Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free sensor 1176

§ Hyper-V Host Server sensor 1184

§ Hyper-V Virtual Machine sensor 1191

§ Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter sensor 1199

§ Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device sensor 1207

§ IMAP sensor 1214

§ IP on DNS Blacklist sensor 1228

§ IPFIX sensor 1235

§ IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248

§ IPMI System Health sensor 1259

§ jFlow v5 sensor 1268

§ jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281

§ LDAP sensor 1292

§ Microsoft 365 Service Status sensor 1317

§ Microsoft 365 Service Status Advanced sensor 1324

§ Microsoft Azure SQL Database sensor 1332

§ Microsoft Azure Storage Account sensor 1341

§ Microsoft Azure Subscription Cost sensor 1349

§ Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine sensor 1358

§ Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367

§ Modbus RTU Custom sensor 1382

§ Modbus TCP Custom sensor 1394

§ MQTT Round Trip sensor 1404

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ MQTT Statistics sensor 1411

§ MQTT Subscribe Custom sensor 1417

§ MySQL v2 sensor 1425

§ NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440

§ NetApp I/O sensor 1450

§ NetApp LIF sensor 1461

§ NetApp LUN sensor 1471

§ NetApp NIC sensor 1482

§ NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

§ NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502

§ NetApp System Health sensor 1513

§ NetApp Volume sensor 1533

§ NetFlow v5 sensor 1555

§ NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568

§ NetFlow v9 sensor 1579

§ NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592

§ OPC UA Certificate sensor 1613

§ OPC UA Custom sensor 1619

§ OPC UA Server Status sensor 1627

§ Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634

§ Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649

§ Packet Sniffer sensor 1658

§ Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669

§ PerfCounter Custom sensor 1679

§ PerfCounter IIS Application Pool sensor 1686

§ Ping sensor 1693

§ Ping Jitter sensor 1700

§ POP3 sensor 1706

§ Port sensor 1713

§ Port Range sensor 1721

§ PostgreSQL sensor 1728

§ Probe Health sensor 1742

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ Python Script Advanced sensor 1749

§ QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor 1758

§ QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor 1766

§ RADIUS v2 sensor 1775

§ RDP (Remote Desktop) sensor 1813

§ Redfish Power Supply sensor 1783

§ Redfish System Health sensor 1793

§ REST Custom sensor 1819

§ Sensor Factory sensor 1857

§ sFlow sensor 1871

§ sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884

§ SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol sensor 1895

§ Share Disk Free sensor 1902

§ SIP Options Ping sensor 1908

§ SMTP sensor 1916

§ SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor 1924

§ SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor 1935

§ SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946

§ SNMP Buffalo TS System Health sensor 1953

§ SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor 1959

§ SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Connections sensor 1965

§ SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor 1971

§ SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users sensor 1978

§ SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984

§ SNMP Cisco System Health sensor 1991

§ SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor 1998

§ SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor 2006

§ SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor 2014

§ SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor 2021

§ SNMP CPU Load sensor 2029

§ SNMP Custom sensor 2035

§ SNMP Custom Advanced sensor 2042

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SNMP Custom String sensor 2050

§ SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060

§ SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068

§ SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor 2077

§ SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor 2084

§ SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor 2092

§ SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101

§ SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor 2108

§ SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health sensor 2116

§ SNMP Disk Free sensor 2125

§ SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 sensor 2132

§ SNMP Hardware Status sensor 2141

§ SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor 2147

§ SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade sensor 2153

§ SNMP HPE BladeSystem Enclosure System Health

sensor 2160

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk sensor 2166

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory Controller sensor 2173

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor 2189

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant System Health sensor 2197

§ SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk sensor 2205

§ SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor 2212

§ SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory sensor 2219

§ SNMP IBM System X System Health sensor 2226

§ SNMP interSeptor Pro Environment sensor 2234

§ SNMP Juniper NS System Health sensor 2240

§ SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor 2246

§ SNMP LenovoEMC System Health sensor 2252

§ SNMP Library sensor 2258

§ SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor 2269

§ SNMP Linux Load Average sensor 2278

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SNMP Linux Meminfo sensor 2283

§ SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289

§ SNMP Memory sensor 2296

§ SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor 2303

§ SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor 2310

§ SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318

§ SNMP NetApp License sensor 2324

§ SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330

§ SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337

§ SNMP NetApp System Health sensor 2344

§ SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor 2350

§ SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor 2357

§ SNMP Poseidon Environment sensor 2364

§ SNMP Printer sensor 2370

§ SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor 2376

§ SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor 2382

§ SNMP QNAP System Health sensor 2389

§ SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware Status sensor 2395

§ SNMP RMON sensor 2400

§ SNMP SonicWall System Health sensor 2408

§ SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414

§ SNMP Synology Logical Disk sensor 2422

§ SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor 2428

§ SNMP Synology System Health sensor 2434

§ SNMP System Uptime sensor 2440

§ SNMP Traffic sensor 2445

§ SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454

§ SNMP Windows Service sensor 2465

§ SNTP sensor 2471

§ Soffico Orchestra Channel Health sensor 2476

§ SSH Disk Free sensor 2484

§ SSH INodes Free sensor 2496

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SSH Load Average sensor 2504

§ SSH Meminfo sensor 2512

§ SSH Remote Ping sensor 2520

§ SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528

§ SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537

§ SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546

§ SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556

§ SSH Script sensor 2567

§ SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578

§ SSL Certificate sensor 2588

§ SSL Security Check sensor 2598

§ Syslog Receiver sensor 2605

§ System Health sensor 2615

§ TFTP sensor 2620

§ Traceroute Hop Count sensor 2626

§ Veeam Backup Job Status sensor 2633

§ Veeam Backup Job Status Advanced sensor 2640

§ VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor 2648

§ VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor 2656

§ VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663

§ VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671

§ VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679

§ Windows CPU Load sensor 2688

§ Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received sensor 2696

§ Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent sensor 2705

§ Windows IIS Application sensor 2714

§ Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor 2722

§ Windows Network Card sensor 2730

§ Windows Pagefile sensor 2739

§ Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor 2746

§ Windows Print Queue sensor 2755

§ Windows Process sensor 2765

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ Windows System Uptime sensor 2773

§ Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor 2780

§ WMI Battery sensor 2789

§ WMI Custom sensor 2796

§ WMI Custom String sensor 2804

§ WMI Disk Health sensor 2814

§ WMI Event Log sensor 2821

§ WMI Exchange Server sensor 2831

§ WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor 2839

§ WMI File sensor 2849

§ WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) sensor 2856

§ WMI HDD Health sensor 2866

§ WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor 2875

§ WMI Memory sensor 2883

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor 2890

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor 2899

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor 2908

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor 2917

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor 2926

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor 2935

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor 2944

§ WMI Remote Ping sensor 2953

§ WMI Security Center sensor 2960

§ WMI Service sensor 2967

§ WMI Share sensor 2974

§ WMI SharePoint Process sensor 2983

§ WMI Storage Pool sensor 2990

§ WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) sensor 2997

§ WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003)

sensor 3003

§ WMI UTC Time sensor 3009

§ WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor 3015

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ WMI Volume sensor 3023

§ WSUS Statistics sensor 3030

§ Zoom Service Status sensor 3038

Speed trigger § Event Log (Windows API) sensor 882

§ HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensor 1080

§ HTTP Push Count sensor 1126

§ IPFIX sensor 1235

§ IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248

§ jFlow v5 sensor 1268

§ jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281

§ Modbus RTU Custom sensor 1382

§ NetApp I/O sensor 1450

§ NetApp LIF sensor 1461

§ NetApp NIC sensor 1482

§ NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

§ NetFlow v5 sensor 1555

§ NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568

§ NetFlow v9 sensor 1579

§ NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592

§ Packet Sniffer sensor 1658

§ Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669

§ sFlow sensor 1871

§ sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884

§ SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor 1971

§ SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181

§ SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289

§ SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318

§ SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330

§ SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337

§ SNMP RMON sensor 2400

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414

§ SNMP Traffic sensor 2445

§ SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454

§ Syslog Receiver sensor 2605

§ Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received sensor 2696

§ Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent sensor 2705

§ Windows IIS Application sensor 2714

§ Windows Network Card sensor 2730

§ WMI Event Log sensor 2821

Volume trigger § Event Log (Windows API) sensor 882

§ HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensor 1080

§ IPFIX sensor 1235

§ IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248

§ jFlow v5 sensor 1268

§ jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281

§ Modbus RTU Custom sensor 1382

§ NetApp I/O sensor 1450

§ NetApp LIF sensor 1461

§ NetApp NIC sensor 1482

§ NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

§ NetFlow v5 sensor 1555

§ NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568

§ NetFlow v9 sensor 1579

§ NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592

§ Packet Sniffer sensor 1658

§ Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669

§ sFlow sensor 1871

§ sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884

§ SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor 1971

§ SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289

§ SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318

§ SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330

§ SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337

§ SNMP RMON sensor 2400

§ SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414

§ SNMP Traffic sensor 2445

§ SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454

§ Syslog Receiver sensor 2605

§ Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received sensor 2696

§ Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent sensor 2705

§ Windows IIS Application sensor 2714

§ Windows Network Card sensor 2730

§ WMI Event Log sensor 2821

Threshold trigger § Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587

§ ADO SQL v2 sensor 595

§ AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610

§ AWS Cost sensor 618

§ AWS EBS v2 sensor 627

§ AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636

§ AWS ELB v2 sensor 646

§ AWS RDS v2 sensor 656

§ Beckhoff IPC System Health sensor 666

§ Business Process sensor 672

§ Cisco IP SLA sensor 682

§ Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707

§ Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714

§ Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721

§ Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731

§ Cluster Health sensor 740

§ Common SaaS sensor 745

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ Core Health sensor 751

§ Core Health (Autonomous) sensor 758

§ Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health v2 sensor 765

§ Dell EMC Unity File System v2 sensor 773

§ Dell EMC Unity Storage Capacity v2 sensor 780

§ Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2 sensor 787

§ Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2 sensor 795

§ Dell EMC Unity VMware Datastore v2 sensor 803

§ Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811

§ Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor 818

§ DHCP sensor 826

§ DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834

§ DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841

§ DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848

§ DNS v2 sensor 856

§ Docker Container Status sensor 865

§ Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874

§ Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892

§ Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900

§ Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909

§ Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918

§ Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926

§ Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933

§ EXE/Script sensor 941

§ EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951

§ File sensor 961

§ File Content sensor 969

§ Folder sensor 978

§ FTP sensor 1001

§ FTP Server File Count sensor 1008

§ HL7 sensor 1017

§ HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group sensor 1025

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor 1033

§ HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor 1041

§ HTTP sensor 1049

§ HTTP Advanced sensor 1057

§ HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats sensor 1072

§ HTTP Content sensor 1088

§ HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108

§ HTTP Push Count sensor 1126

§ HTTP Push Data sensor 1134

§ HTTP Transaction sensor 1152

§ HTTP XML/REST Value sensor 1164

§ Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free sensor 1176

§ Hyper-V Host Server sensor 1184

§ Hyper-V Virtual Machine sensor 1191

§ Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter sensor 1199

§ Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device sensor 1207

§ IMAP sensor 1214

§ IP on DNS Blacklist sensor 1228

§ IPMI System Health sensor 1259

§ LDAP sensor 1292

§ Microsoft 365 Service Status sensor 1317

§ Microsoft 365 Service Status Advanced sensor 1324

§ Microsoft Azure SQL Database sensor 1332

§ Microsoft Azure Storage Account sensor 1341

§ Microsoft Azure Subscription Cost sensor 1349

§ Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine sensor 1358

§ Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367

§ Modbus TCP Custom sensor 1394

§ MQTT Round Trip sensor 1404

§ MQTT Statistics sensor 1411

§ MQTT Subscribe Custom sensor 1417

§ MySQL v2 sensor 1425

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440

§ NetApp LUN sensor 1471

§ NetApp NIC sensor 1482

§ NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

§ NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502

§ NetApp System Health sensor 1513

§ NetApp Volume sensor 1533

§ OPC UA Certificate sensor 1613

§ OPC UA Custom sensor 1619

§ OPC UA Server Status sensor 1627

§ Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634

§ Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649

§ PerfCounter Custom sensor 1679

§ PerfCounter IIS Application Pool sensor 1686

§ Ping sensor 1693

§ Ping Jitter sensor 1700

§ POP3 sensor 1706

§ Port sensor 1713

§ Port Range sensor 1721

§ PostgreSQL sensor 1728

§ Probe Health sensor 1742

§ Python Script Advanced sensor 1749

§ QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor 1758

§ QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor 1766

§ RADIUS v2 sensor 1775

§ RDP (Remote Desktop) sensor 1813

§ Redfish Power Supply sensor 1783

§ Redfish System Health sensor 1793

§ REST Custom sensor 1819

§ Sensor Factory sensor 1857

§ SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol sensor 1895

§ Share Disk Free sensor 1902

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SIP Options Ping sensor 1908

§ SMTP sensor 1916

§ SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor 1924

§ SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor 1935

§ SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946

§ SNMP Buffalo TS System Health sensor 1953

§ SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor 1959

§ SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Connections sensor 1965

§ SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users sensor 1978

§ SNMP Cisco System Health sensor 1991

§ SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor 1998

§ SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor 2006

§ SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor 2014

§ SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor 2021

§ SNMP CPU Load sensor 2029

§ SNMP Custom sensor 2035

§ SNMP Custom Advanced sensor 2042

§ SNMP Custom String sensor 2050

§ SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060

§ SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068

§ SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor 2077

§ SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor 2084

§ SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor 2092

§ SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101

§ SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor 2108

§ SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health sensor 2116

§ SNMP Disk Free sensor 2125

§ SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 sensor 2132

§ SNMP Hardware Status sensor 2141

§ SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor 2147

§ SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade sensor 2153

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SNMP HPE BladeSystem Enclosure System Health

sensor 2160

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk sensor 2166

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory Controller sensor 2173

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor 2189

§ SNMP HPE ProLiant System Health sensor 2197

§ SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk sensor 2205

§ SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor 2212

§ SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory sensor 2219

§ SNMP IBM System X System Health sensor 2226

§ SNMP interSeptor Pro Environment sensor 2234

§ SNMP Juniper NS System Health sensor 2240

§ SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor 2246

§ SNMP LenovoEMC System Health sensor 2252

§ SNMP Library sensor 2258

§ SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor 2269

§ SNMP Linux Load Average sensor 2278

§ SNMP Linux Meminfo sensor 2283

§ SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289

§ SNMP Memory sensor 2296

§ SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor 2303

§ SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor 2310

§ SNMP NetApp License sensor 2324

§ SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330

§ SNMP NetApp System Health sensor 2344

§ SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor 2350

§ SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor 2357

§ SNMP Poseidon Environment sensor 2364

§ SNMP Printer sensor 2370

§ SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor 2376

§ SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor 2382

§ SNMP QNAP System Health sensor 2389

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware Status sensor 2395

§ SNMP SonicWall System Health sensor 2408

§ SNMP Synology Logical Disk sensor 2422

§ SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor 2428

§ SNMP Synology System Health sensor 2434

§ SNMP System Uptime sensor 2440

§ SNMP Windows Service sensor 2465

§ SNTP sensor 2471

§ Soffico Orchestra Channel Health sensor 2476

§ SSH Disk Free sensor 2484

§ SSH INodes Free sensor 2496

§ SSH Load Average sensor 2504

§ SSH Meminfo sensor 2512

§ SSH Remote Ping sensor 2520

§ SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528

§ SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537

§ SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546

§ SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556

§ SSH Script sensor 2567

§ SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578

§ SSL Certificate sensor 2588

§ SSL Security Check sensor 2598

§ System Health sensor 2615

§ TFTP sensor 2620

§ Traceroute Hop Count sensor 2626

§ Veeam Backup Job Status sensor 2633

§ Veeam Backup Job Status Advanced sensor 2640

§ VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor 2648

§ VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor 2656

§ VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663

§ VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671

§ VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ Windows CPU Load sensor 2688

§ Windows IIS Application sensor 2714

§ Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor 2722

§ Windows Pagefile sensor 2739

§ Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor 2746

§ Windows Print Queue sensor 2755

§ Windows Process sensor 2765

§ Windows System Uptime sensor 2773

§ Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor 2780

§ WMI Battery sensor 2789

§ WMI Custom sensor 2796

§ WMI Custom String sensor 2804

§ WMI Disk Health sensor 2814

§ WMI Exchange Server sensor 2831

§ WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor 2839

§ WMI File sensor 2849

§ WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) sensor 2856

§ WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor 2875

§ WMI Memory sensor 2883

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor 2890

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor 2899

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor 2908

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor 2917

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor 2926

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor 2935

§ WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor 2944

§ WMI Remote Ping sensor 2953

§ WMI Security Center sensor 2960

§ WMI Service sensor 2967

§ WMI Share sensor 2974

§ WMI SharePoint Process sensor 2983

§ WMI Storage Pool sensor 2990

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) sensor 2997

§ WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003)

sensor 3003

§ WMI UTC Time sensor 3009

§ WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor 3015

§ WMI Volume sensor 3023

Change trigger § Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587

§ ADO SQL v2 sensor 595

§ Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707

§ Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714

§ DHCP sensor 826

§ DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834

§ DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841

§ DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848

§ Event Log (Windows API) sensor 882

§ Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892

§ Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900

§ Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909

§ Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918

§ Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926

§ Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933

§ EXE/Script sensor 941

§ EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951

§ File sensor 961

§ File Content sensor 969

§ Folder sensor 978

§ FTP Server File Count sensor 1008

§ HL7 sensor 1017

§ HTTP Advanced sensor 1057

§ HTTP Content sensor 1088

§ HTTP Data Advanced sensor 1097

§ HTTP XML/REST Value sensor 1164

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free sensor 1176

§ IP on DNS Blacklist sensor 1228

§ IPMI System Health sensor 1259

§ Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367

§ MySQL v2 sensor 1425

§ NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440

§ NetApp I/O sensor 1450

§ NetApp LIF sensor 1461

§ NetApp LUN sensor 1471

§ NetApp NIC sensor 1482

§ NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

§ NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502

§ NetApp System Health sensor 1513

§ NetApp Volume sensor 1533

§ Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634

§ Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649

§ Ping Jitter sensor 1700

§ Port Range sensor 1721

§ PostgreSQL sensor 1728

§ RADIUS v2 sensor 1775

§ SIP Options Ping sensor 1908

§ SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946

§ SNMP Custom sensor 2035

§ SNMP Custom String sensor 2050

§ SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101

§ SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor 2147

§ SNMP Library sensor 2258

§ SSH Script sensor 2567

§ SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578

§ Traceroute Hop Count sensor 2626

§ VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor 2648

§ VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663

Notification Trigger Supported Sensors

§ VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671

§ VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679

§ Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor 2722

§ Windows Print Queue sensor 2755

§ Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor 2780

§ WMI Custom sensor 2796

§ WMI Custom String sensor 2804

§ WMI Event Log sensor 2821

§ WMI File sensor 2849

§ WMI Security Center sensor 2960

§ WMI Service sensor 2967

§ WSUS Statistics sensor 3030

15.10 List of Placeholders for Notifications

Here you can find a list of all placeholders for notifications. You can use placeholders in different settings
fields of a notification when editing notification templates 3175 .

§ Notification Settings Fields 3704

§ Placeholders in Summarized Notifications 3705

§ List of Available Placeholders 3705

Notification Settings Fields

Notification Settings field

Send Email § Subject

§ Custom Text if you select the option Custom text

Add Entry to Event Log Message

Send SMS/Pager Message Message

Execute HTTP Action Payload if you select the options POST, PUT, or PATCH

Execute Program Parameters

Send Syslog Message Message

Send SNMP Trap Message

Send Amazon Simple Notification Message

Service Message

Assign Ticket § Subject

§ Content

Send Push Notification Message

Send Microsoft Teams Message § Title

§ Subtitle

Send Slack Message § Sender Name

§ Title

Notification Settings field

§ Subtitle

Send MQTT Publish Notification Message

Placeholders are not case sensitive.

Depending on where you use a placeholder in a notification, PRTG might resolve the placeholder
differently. A resolved placeholder in the body of a notification, for example, can contain more
information compared to when PRTG resolves the same placeholder in the subject of a notification. The
reason for this is to save space in the subject line.

Placeholders in Summarized Notifications

Placeholders in summarized notifications have limited functionality:

§ PRTG does not resolve placeholders in the subject field of summarized notifications if more than one
trigger was evoked during the summarized time span. An exception are the placeholders %sitename
and %summarycount. These are always resolved in summarized notifications.
§ If only one event is triggered during the time span you defined, PRTG does not send a summarized
notification, it only sends a common notification. A summarized notification requires at least two
triggered events.

List of Available Placeholders

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

%colorofstate Color of the current Might not work in older

object status (hex versions.

%company Copyright string of

Paessler AG

%comments Comments entered %commentssensor As of PRTG 15.4.21,

for the sensor resolved placeholders
contain the heading
Sensor Comments.

%commentssensor Comments entered %comments As of PRTG 15.4.21,

for the sensor resolved placeholders
contain the heading
Sensor Comments.

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

%commentsdevice Comments entered As of PRTG 15.4.21,

for the parent device resolved placeholders
contain the heading
Device Comments.

%commentsgroup Comments entered As of PRTG 15.4.21,

for the parent group resolved placeholders
contain the heading
Group Comments.

%commentsprobe Comments entered Available as of PRTG

for the parent probe 12.4.
As of PRTG 15.4.21,
resolved placeholders
contain the heading
Probe Comments.

%coverage Covered time span Might not work in older


%cumsince Since when data has

been accumulated

%date An event's date in

the time zone of the
PRTG core server

%datetime An event's date and

time in the time zone
of the PRTG core
server system

%device Name of the device %server

in which the event
was triggered

%deviceid ID number of the

device in which the
event was triggered

%down Time the item was


%downtime Accumulated

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

%elapsed_lastcheck Elapsed time since Available as of PRTG

the sensor's last 20.1.57.

%elapsed_lastdown Elapsed time since Available as of PRTG

the sensor last 20.1.57.
showed a Down

%elapsed_lastup Elapsed time since Available as of PRTG

the sensor last 20.1.57.
showed an Up status

%group Group in which the

event was triggered

%groupid ID number of the

group in which the
event was triggered

%history History of sensor


%home URL of the PRTG

web server

%host IP or DNS name of As of PRTG 13.x.7, the

the device that placeholder can be used
triggered the event as Agent IP in SNMP
trap notifications sent by

%iconofstate File name including Might not work in older

the extension of the versions.
icon for the current
object status

%lastcheck Point in time of the

sensor's last scan
including time stamp

%lastdown Point in time when

the sensor last
showed a Down
status, including the
time stamp

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

%lastmessage Message that the %message

sensor sent the last

%laststatus Current sensor Available as of PRTG

status 20.1.57.

%lastup Point in time when

the sensor last
showed an Up
status, including the
time stamp

%lastvalue Value that the

sensor sent the last

%linkprobe URL of the probe that Might not work in older

triggered the event versions.

%linkgroup URL of the group that Might not work in older

triggered the event versions.

%linkdevice URL of the device Might not work in older

that triggered the versions.

%linksensor URL of the sensor Might not work in older

that triggered the versions.

%location Location of the

device or server for
which the event was

%message Message that the %lastmessage

sensor sent the last

%name Name of the sensor %sensor

that triggered the
event, including the
sensor type

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

%nodename Name of the node if Might not work in older

PRTG runs in a versions.

%objecttags All tags of a sensor Available as of PRTG


%parenttags All tags of a sensor's Available as of PRTG

parent objects 20.1.56.

%prio A sensor's priority %priority


%priority A sensor's priority %prio


%probe Probe under which

the event was

%probeid ID number of the

probe under which
the event was

%programname Official name of


%programversion Program version of


%sensor Name of the sensor %name

that triggered the
event, including the
sensor type

%sensorid ID number of the

sensor that triggered
the event

%server Name of the device %device

under which the
event was triggered

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

%serviceurl Service URL Available as of PRTG

configured for the 9.1.
device under which
the event was

%settings Miscellaneous
sensor settings,
such as the user
name for Windows,
credentials, and so

%shortname Name of the sensor

that triggered the

%since Point in time since %statesince

the current object
status has been

%sitename Name of the PRTG

web server

%statesince Point in time since %since

the current object
status has been

%status Old sensor status

and current sensor

%summarycount Number of events For summarized

triggered during the notifications only.
defined time span

%syslogerrors Max. last 20 syslog Available as of PRTG

entries before the 14.x.10.
notification trigger
Works only with
Syslog Receiver
sensors 2605 .

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

Can only be used in

the Custom Content
field of Send Email

%syslogmessages Max. last 20 syslog Available as of PRTG

entries before the 14.x.10.
notification trigger
Works only with
Syslog Receiver
sensors 2605 .
Can only be used in
the Custom Content
field of Send Email

%syslogwarnings Max. last 20 syslog Available as of PRTG

entries before the 14.x.10.
notification trigger
Works only with
Syslog Receiver
sensors 2605 .
Can only be used in
the Custom Content
field of Send Email

%systemdatetime Date and time when

the notification was
sent in the time zone
of the PRTG core
server system

%tags All tags of a sensor Available as of PRTG

and its parent 20.1.56.

%time An event's time in

the time zone of the
PRTG core server

%timezone Time zone name of

the PRTG core
server system

%toaddress Address to which the

notification was sent

Placeholder Resolved Content Synonym Comment

%traperrors Max. last 20 SNMP Available as of PRTG

trap entries before 14.x.10.
the notification
trigger Works only with
Receiver sensors 2454 .

Can only be used in

the Custom Content
field of Send Email

%trapmessages Max. last 20 SNMP Available as of PRTG

trap entries before 14.x.10.
the notification
trigger Works only with
Receiver sensors 2454 .
Can only be used in
the Custom Content
field of Send Email

%trapwarnings Max. last 20 SNMP Available as of PRTG

trap entries before 14.x.10.
the notification
trigger Works only with
Receiver sensors 2454 .
Can only be used in
the Custom Content
field of Send Email

%uptime Accumulated uptime

As of PRTG 15.4.21, PRTG uses default content in HTML email notifications. You can still change
the content of emails in plain text in the Send Email notification settings and also use placeholders

As of PRTG 16.x.24, the placeholder %state has been deprecated. You can use the placeholder %
status with the same functionality instead.

For a list of placeholders that are available for EXE/Script and other custom sensors, as well as for
command-line parameters, see section Custom Sensors 3496 .

15.11 List of Sensors by Performance Impact

Here you can find a list of sensors sorted by their performance impact.

You can also see a sensor's performance impact in the Add Sensor dialog or on a sensor's Overview

A sensor can have one of the following types of performance impact:

§ Very Low Performance Impact 3713

§ Low Performance Impact 3717

§ Medium Performance Impact 3720

§ High Performance Impact 3721

§ Very High Performance Impact 3725

Very Low Performance Impact


Cluster Health sensor 740

Common SaaS sensor 745

Core Health sensor 751

Core Health (Autonomous) sensor 758

Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health v2 sensor 765

Dell EMC Unity File System v2 sensor 773

Dell EMC Unity Storage Capacity v2 sensor 780

Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2 sensor 787

Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2 sensor 795

Dell EMC Unity VMware Datastore v2 sensor 803

HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group sensor 1025

HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor 1033

HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor 1041


Microsoft Azure SQL Database sensor 1332

Microsoft Azure Storage Account sensor 1341

Microsoft Azure Subscription Cost sensor 1349

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine sensor 1358

Modbus RTU Custom sensor 1382

Modbus TCP Custom sensor 1394

NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440

NetApp I/O sensor 1450

NetApp LIF sensor 1461

NetApp LUN sensor 1471

NetApp NIC sensor 1482

NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502

NetApp System Health sensor 1513

NetApp Volume sensor 1533

OPC UA Certificate sensor 1613

OPC UA Server Status sensor 1627

Ping sensor 1693

Port sensor 1713

Port Range sensor 1721

Probe Health sensor 1742

Redfish Power Supply sensor 1783


Redfish System Health sensor 1793

SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Connections sensor 1965

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984

SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor 1998

SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor 2006

SNMP Custom sensor 2035

SNMP Custom String sensor 2050

SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060

SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101

SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health sensor 2116

SNMP Hardware Status sensor 2141

SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor 2147

SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk sensor 2166

SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory Controller sensor 2173

SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk sensor 2205

SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor 2212

SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory sensor 2219

SNMP interSeptor Pro Environment sensor 2234

SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor 2246

SNMP LenovoEMC System Health sensor 2252

SNMP Library sensor 2258


SNMP Linux Load Average sensor 2278

SNMP Linux Meminfo sensor 2283

SNMP NetApp I/O sensor 2318

SNMP NetApp System Health sensor 2344

SNMP Poseidon Environment sensor 2364

SNMP Printer sensor 2370

SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor 2376

SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor 2382

SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware Status Sensor 2395

SNMP RMON sensor 2400

SNMP SonicWall System Health sensor 2408

SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414

SNMP Synology Logical Disk sensor 2422

SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor 2428

SNMP Synology System Health sensor 2434

SNMP System Uptime sensor 2440

SNMP Traffic sensor 2445

SNMP Windows Service sensor 2465

SSL Certificate sensor 2588

SSL Security Check sensor 2598

System Health sensor 2615

Veeam Backup Job Status sensor 2633


Veeam Backup Job Status Advanced sensor 2640

VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor 2648

Zoom Service Status sensor 3038

Low Performance Impact


AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610

AWS Cost sensor 618

AWS EBS v2 Sensor 627

AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636

AWS ELB v2 sensor 646

AWS RDS v2 sensor 656

Beckhoff IPC System Health sensor 666

Cisco IP SLA sensor 682

Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721

Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731

DHCP sensor 826

Docker Container Status sensor 865

EXE/Script sensor 941

HTTP sensor 1049

HTTP Apache ModStatus PerfStats sensor 1072

HTTP Apache ModStatus Totals sensor 1080


HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor 1117

HTTP Push Count sensor 1126

HTTP Push Data sensor 1134

HTTP Push Data Advanced sensor 1143

Microsoft 365 Service Status sensor 1317

Microsoft 365 Service Status Advanced sensor 1324

MQTT Round Trip sensor 1404

OPC UA Custom sensor 1619

PerfCounter Custom sensor 1679

PerfCounter IIS Application Pool sensor 1686

POP3 sensor 1706

RDP (Remote Desktop) sensor 1813

SIP Options Ping sensor 1908

SMTP sensor 1916

SNMP Buffalo TS System Health sensor 1953

SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor 1959

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor 1971

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users sensor 1978

SNMP Cisco System Health sensor 1991

SNMP CPU Load sensor 2029

SNMP Custom Advanced sensor 2042

SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068


SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor 2077

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor 2084

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor 2092

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor 2108

SNMP Disk Free sensor 2125

SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 sensor 2132

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade sensor 2153

SNMP HPE BladeSystem Enclosure System Health sensor 2160

SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181

SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor 2189

SNMP HPE ProLiant System Health sensor 2197

SNMP IBM System X System Health sensor 2226

SNMP Juniper NS System Health sensor 2240

SNMP Linux Disk Free sensor 2269

SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289

SNMP Memory sensor 2296

SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor 2303

SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor 2310

SNMP NetApp License sensor 2324

SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330

SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337

SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor 2350


SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor 2357

SNMP QNAP System Health sensor 2389

SNTP sensor 2471

WMI UTC Time sensor 3009

Medium Performance Impact


Business Process sensor 672

DNS v2 sensor 856

EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951

FTP sensor 1001

HL7 sensor 1017

HTTP Advanced sensor 1057

HTTP Content sensor 1088

HTTP Data Advanced sensor 1097

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free sensor 1176

IMAP sensor 1214

IPMI System Health sensor 1259

LDAP sensor 1292

MQTT Statistics sensor 1411

MQTT Subscribe Custom sensor 1417

Ping Jitter sensor 1700


Python Script Advanced sensor 1749

REST Custom sensor 1819

SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol sensor 1895

Share Disk Free sensor 1902

SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor 2014

SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor 2021

Soffico Orchestra Channel Health sensor 2476

SSH Disk Free sensor 2484

SSH INodes Free sensor 2496

SSH Load Average sensor 2504

SSH Meminfo sensor 2512

SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537

SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546

SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556

TFTP sensor 2620

VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663

Windows IIS Application sensor 2714

WMI HDD Health sensor 2866

High Performance Impact


Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587


ADO SQL v2 sensor 595

Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811

Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor 818

DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834

DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841

DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892

Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900

Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909

Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926

Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933

File sensor 961

File Content sensor 969

Folder sensor 978

FTP Server File Count sensor 1008

HTTP Transaction sensor 1152

HTTP XML/REST Value sensor 1164

Hyper-V Host Server sensor 1184


Hyper-V Virtual Machine sensor 1191

Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter sensor 1199

Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device sensor 1207

IP on DNS Blacklist sensor 1228

Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367

MySQL v2 sensor 1425

Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634

Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649

PostgreSQL sensor 1728

QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor 1758

QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor 1766

RADIUS v2 sensor 1775

SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor 1924

SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor 1935

SSH Remote Ping sensor 2520

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528

Traceroute Hop Count sensor 2626

VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor 2656

Windows CPU Load sensor 2688

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Received sensor 2696

Windows IIS 6.0 SMTP Sent sensor 2705

Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor 2722


Windows Network Card sensor 2730

Windows Pagefile sensor 2739

Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor 2746

Windows Print Queue sensor 2755

Windows Process sensor 2765

Windows System Uptime sensor 2773

WMI Battery sensor 2789

WMI Custom sensor 2796

WMI Custom String sensor 2804

WMI Disk Health sensor 2814

WMI Exchange Server sensor 2831

WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor 2839

WMI File sensor 2849

WMI Free Disk Space (Multi Disk) sensor 2856

WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor 2875

WMI Memory sensor 2883

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sensor 2890

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor 2899

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor 2908

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor 2917

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor 2926

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor 2935


WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor 2944

WMI Remote Ping sensor 2953

WMI Security Center sensor 2960

WMI Service sensor 2967

WMI Share sensor 2974

WMI SharePoint Process sensor 2983

WMI Storage Pool sensor 2990

WMI Terminal Services (Windows 2008+) sensor 2997

WMI Terminal Services (Windows XP/Vista/2003) sensor 3003

WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor 3015

WMI Volume sensor 3023

WSUS Statistics sensor 3030

Very High Performance Impact


Event Log (Windows API) sensor 882

HTTP Full Web Page sensor 1108

IPFIX sensor 1235

IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248

jFlow v5 sensor 1268

jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281

NetFlow v5 sensor 1555


NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568

NetFlow v9 sensor 1579

NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592

Packet Sniffer sensor 1658

Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669

Sensor Factory sensor 1857

sFlow sensor 1871

sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884

SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454

SSH Script sensor 2567

SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578

Syslog Receiver sensor 2605

VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671

VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679

Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor 2780

WMI Event Log sensor 2821

15.12 List of Sensors in the Beta Status

Here you can find a list of sensors that are currently in the beta status.

To use beta sensors, enable the Beta Sensors experimental feature of PRTG. For more information,
see the Knowledge Base: What are beta sensors and how can I use them?

Sensor What It Monitors

Cisco Meraki License sensor 690 Meraki licenses of an organization via the Cisco
Meraki Dashboard API

Cisco Meraki Network Health sensor 698 Health of Cisco Meraki network devices via the
Cisco Meraki Dashboard API

FortiGate System Statistics sensor 987 System health of a Fortinet FortiGate firewall via

FortiGate VPN Overview sensor 994

The VPN connections of a Fortinet FortiGate
system via the REST API

Local Folder sensor 1298 A local folder on a probe system

Microsoft 365 Mailbox sensor 1306 A Microsoft 365 mailbox

NetApp System Health v2 sensor 1525 Health of a node of a NetApp storage cluster via
the REST API using ONTAP 9.6 or later

NetApp Volume v2 sensor 1546 Monitors a NetApp storage system via the REST
API using ONTAP 9.6 or later

Network Share sensor 1604 A SMB or CIFS network share

Redfish Virtual Disk sensor 1804 Virtual disk of a Redfish-capable server

REST Custom v2 sensor 1842 A JSON or XML REST API endpoint and maps
the JSON or XML result to sensor values

Knowledge Base

What are beta sensors and how can I use them?


15.13 List of Sensors with IPv4 Support Only

Here you can find a list of sensors that you can use to query devices via the IPv4 protocol only.


Beckhoff IPC System Health sensor 666

Cisco IP SLA sensor 682

Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714

Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811

DHCP sensor 826

Docker Container Status sensor 865

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892

Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900

Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909

Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926

Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933

FTP sensor 1001

IPFIX sensor 1235

IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248

IMAP sensor 1214

jFlow v5 sensor 1268

jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281


LDAP sensor 1292

NetFlow v5 sensor 1555

NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568

NetFlow v9 sensor 1579

NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592

POP3 sensor 1706

QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor 1758

QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor 1766

RADIUS v2 sensor 1775

sFlow sensor 1871

sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884

SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol sensor 1895

SMTP sensor 1916

SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor 1924

SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor 1935

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984

SSH Disk Free sensor 2484

SSH INodes Free sensor 2496

SSH Load Average sensor 2504

SSH Meminfo sensor 2512

SSH Remote Ping sensor 2520

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528


SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537

SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546

SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556

SSH Script sensor 2567

SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578

TFTP sensor 2620

VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor 2656

WMI HDD Health sensor 2866

WMI UTC Time sensor 3009

15.14 List of Sensors with Meta-Scan Functionality

Here you can find a list of sensors that perform a meta-scan before sensor creation to dynamically scan
for available monitoring objects.


Active Directory Replication Errors sensor 587

ADO SQL v2 sensor 595

AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610

AWS EBS v2 Sensor 627

AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636

AWS ELB v2 sensor 646

AWS RDS v2 sensor 656

Cisco IP SLA sensor 682

Citrix XenServer Host sensor 707

Citrix XenServer Virtual Machine sensor 714

Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health v2 sensor 765

Dell EMC Unity File System v2 sensor 773

Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2 sensor 787

Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2 sensor 795

Dell EMC Unity VMware Datastore v2 sensor 803

Dell PowerVault MDi Logical Disk sensor 811

Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk sensor 818

DHCP sensor 826

Docker Container Status sensor 865


Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892

Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900

Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909

Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926

Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933

EXE/Script sensor 941

EXE/Script Advanced sensor 951

HL7 sensor 1017

HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group sensor 1025

HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor 1033

HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor 1041

Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Disk Free sensor 1176

Hyper-V Virtual Machine sensor 1191

Hyper-V Virtual Network Adapter sensor 1199

Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device sensor 1207

IPMI System Health sensor 1259

Microsoft 365 Service Status Advanced sensor 1324

Microsoft Azure SQL Database sensor 1332

Microsoft Azure Storage Account sensor 1341

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine sensor 1358


Microsoft SQL v2 sensor 1367

MySQL v2 sensor 1425

NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440

NetApp I/O sensor 1450

NetApp LIF sensor 1461

NetApp LUN sensor 1471

NetApp NIC sensor 1482

NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502

NetApp System Health sensor 1513

NetApp Volume sensor 1533

Oracle SQL v2 sensor 1634

Oracle Tablespace sensor 1649

PerfCounter IIS Application Pool sensor 1686

PostgreSQL sensor 1728

Python Script Advanced sensor 1749

Redfish Power Supply sensor 1783

Redfish System Health sensor 1793

REST Custom sensor 1819

Share Disk Free sensor 1902

SIP Options Ping sensor 1908

SMTP sensor 1916


SMTP&IMAP Round Trip sensor 1924

SMTP&POP3 Round Trip sensor 1935

SNMP APC Hardware sensor 1946

SNMP Cisco ADSL sensor 1959

SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic sensor 1971

SNMP Cisco CBQoS sensor 1984

SNMP Cisco System Health sensor 1991

SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor 1998

SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor 2006

SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk sensor 2014

SNMP Custom String Lookup sensor 2060

SNMP Custom Table sensor 2068

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk sensor 2077

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member Health sensor 2084

SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical Disk sensor 2092

SNMP Dell Hardware sensor 2101

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk sensor 2108

SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health sensor 2116

SNMP Disk Free sensor 2125

SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2 sensor 2132

SNMP Hardware Status sensor 2141

SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware sensor 2147


SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade sensor 2153

SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk sensor 2166

SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory Controller sensor 2173

SNMP HPE ProLiant Network Interface sensor 2181

SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk sensor 2189

SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk sensor 2205

SNMP IBM System X Physical Disk sensor 2212

SNMP IBM System X Physical Memory sensor 2219

SNMP IBM System X System Health sensor 2226

SNMP interSeptor Pro Environment sensor 2234

SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk sensor 2246

SNMP Library sensor 2258

SNMP Linux Physical Disk sensor 2289

SNMP Memory sensor 2296

SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor 2303

SNMP NetApp Enclosure sensor 2310

SNMP NetApp License sensor 2324

SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor 2330

SNMP NetApp Network Interface sensor 2337

SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health sensor 2350

SNMP Nutanix Hypervisor sensor 2357

SNMP Poseidon Environment sensor 2364


SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor 2376

SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor 2382

SNMP QNAP System Health sensor 2389

SNMP RMON sensor 2400

SNMP SonicWall VPN Traffic sensor 2414

SNMP Synology Logical Disk sensor 2422

SNMP Synology Physical Disk sensor 2428

SNMP Traffic sensor 2445

SNMP Windows Service sensor 2465

Soffico Orchestra Channel Health sensor 2476

SSH Disk Free sensor 2484

SSH SAN Enclosure sensor 2528

SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor 2537

SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor 2546

SSH SAN System Health sensor 2556

SSH Script sensor 2567

SSH Script Advanced sensor 2578

Veeam Backup Job Status Advanced sensor 2640

VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor 2648

VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor 2656

VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP) sensor 2663

VMware Host Performance (SOAP) sensor 2671


VMware Virtual Machine (SOAP) sensor 2679

Windows IIS Application sensor 2714

Windows MSMQ Queue Length sensor 2722

Windows Network Card sensor 2730

Windows Physical Disk I/O sensor 2746

Windows Print Queue sensor 2755

Windows Updates Status (PowerShell) sensor 2780

WMI Battery sensor 2789

WMI Custom sensor 2796

WMI Custom String sensor 2804

WMI Disk Health sensor 2814

WMI Event Log sensor 2821

WMI Exchange Server sensor 2831

WMI Exchange Transport Queue sensor 2839

WMI HDD Health sensor 2866

WMI Logical Disk I/O sensor 2875

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sensor 2899

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sensor 2908

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2014 sensor 2917

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sensor 2926

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2017 sensor 2935

WMI Microsoft SQL Server 2019 sensor 2944


WMI Security Center sensor 2960

WMI Service sensor 2967

WMI Share sensor 2974

WMI SharePoint Process sensor 2983

WMI Storage Pool sensor 2990

WMI Vital System Data v2 sensor 3015

WMI Volume sensor 3023

15.15 List of Sensors without Device Template Capability

Here you can find a list of sensors that are not device template capable and that you can therefore not
save to device templates.

For more information, see section Create Device Template 3093 .


Business Process sensor 672

Cloud HTTP v2 sensor 721

Cloud Ping v2 sensor 731

Cluster Health sensor 740

Core Health sensor 751

Core Health (Autonomous) sensor 758

DHCP sensor 826

DICOM Bandwidth sensor 834

DICOM C-ECHO sensor 841

DICOM Query/Retrieve sensor 848

Docker Container Status sensor 865

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor 874

Exchange Backup (PowerShell) sensor 892

Exchange Database (PowerShell) sensor 900

Exchange Database DAG (PowerShell) sensor 909

Exchange Mail Queue (PowerShell) sensor 918

Exchange Mailbox (PowerShell) sensor 926

Exchange Public Folder (PowerShell) sensor 933

HL7 sensor 1017


IPFIX sensor 1235

IPFIX (Custom) sensor 1248

IPMI System Health sensor 1259

jFlow v5 sensor 1268

jFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1281

NetApp Aggregate sensor 1440

NetApp I/O sensor 1450

NetApp LIF sensor 1461

NetApp LUN sensor 1471

NetApp NIC sensor 1482

NetApp Physical Disk sensor 1492

NetApp SnapMirror sensor 1502

NetApp System Health sensor 1513

NetApp Volume sensor 1533

NetFlow v5 sensor 1555

NetFlow v5 (Custom) sensor 1568

NetFlow v9 sensor 1579

NetFlow v9 (Custom) sensor 1592

Packet Sniffer sensor 1658

Packet Sniffer (Custom) sensor 1669

Probe Health sensor 1742

QoS (Quality of Service) One Way sensor 1758


QoS (Quality of Service) Round Trip sensor 1766

Redfish System Health sensor 1793

Redfish Virtual Disk sensor 1804

REST Custom sensor 1819

Sensor Factory sensor 1857

sFlow sensor 1871

sFlow (Custom) sensor 1884

SNMP Trap Receiver sensor 2454

Soffico Orchestra Channel Health sensor 2476

Syslog Receiver sensor 2605

System Health sensor 2615

15.16 List of Standard Lookup Files

Here you can find a list of all PRTG standard lookup files that are located in the \lookups subfolder of the
PRTG program directory 3579 .

The actual number of standard lookup files in the \lookups subfolder of your PRTG installation
depends on your system configuration and might differ from this list.

For more information, see section Define Lookups 3541 .

Standard Lookup Used by

oid.paessler.hplaserjet.jamstatus.ovl SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware


oid.paessler.hplaserjet.paperstatus.ovl SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware


oid.paessler.hplaserjet.tonerstatus.ovl SNMP HP LaserJet Hardware


prtg.standardlookups.access.status.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.activeinactive.stateactiveok.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.activeinactive.stateless.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.apc- Device template for APC UPS


prtg.standardlookups.boolean.statefalseok.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.boolean.statetrueok.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.buffalo.ts.nasarraystatus.ovl Device template for Buffalo


prtg.standardlookups.buffalo.ts.nasdisksmartstatus.ovl Device template for Buffalo


prtg.standardlookups.buffalo.ts.nasdiskstatus.ovl Device template for Buffalo


prtg.standardlookups.buffalo.ts.nasfailoverstatus.ovl SNMP Buffalo TS System Health


Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.buffalo.ts.nasiscsistatus.ovl Device template for Buffalo


prtg.standardlookups.buffalo.ts.nasisfwupdateavailable.ovl SNMP Buffalo TS System Health


prtg.standardlookups.buffalo.ts.nasrpsustatus.ovl SNMP Buffalo TS System Health


prtg.standardlookups.businessprocess.state.ovl Business Process sensor SNMP Cisco System Health

sensor SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor

ate.ovl SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor

perstate.ovl SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor

SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor
SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk
sensor SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor SNMP Cisco UCS Physical Disk

sensor SNMP Cisco UCS Chassis sensor

SNMP Cisco UCS System Health
sensor SNMP Cisco UCS Blade sensor Cisco IP SLA sensor SNMP Cisco System Health

sensor N/A

Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.connectionstate.bothok.ovl SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Users


prtg.standardlookups.connectionstate.stateonlineok.ovl SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor SNMP Dell Hardware sensor

SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical
Disk sensor
SNMP Dell PowerEdge System
Health sensor SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical

Disk sensor SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical

Disk sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk

sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical

Disk sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Physical

Disk sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member

Health sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member

Health sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Logical Disk

sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member

Health sensor SNMP Dell EqualLogic Member

Health sensor Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk


Standard Lookup Used by Dell PowerVault MDi Physical Disk


prtg.standardlookups.disabledenabled.stateenabledok.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.disabledenabled.stateless.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.docker.containerstatus.ovl Docker Container Status sensor REST Dell EMC File System

sensor (deprecated)
REST Dell EMC LUN sensor
REST Dell EMC Pool sensor
REST Dell EMC System Health
sensor (deprecated)

prtg.standardlookups.emc.lenovo.diskstatus.ovl SNMP LenovoEMC Physical Disk


prtg.standardlookups.emc.lenovo.raidstatus.ovl SNMP LenovoEMC System Health


prtg.standardlookups.esxelementhealthsensor.healthstate.ovl VMware Host Hardware (WBEM)


prtg.standardlookups.exampledevice.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.exchangedag.activationstatus.ovl Exchange Database DAG

(PowerShell) sensor

prtg.standardlookups.exchangedag.contentindexstate.ovl Exchange Database DAG

(PowerShell) sensor

prtg.standardlookups.exchangedag.status.ovl Exchange Database DAG

(PowerShell) sensor

prtg.standardlookups.exchangedag.yesno.allstatesok.ovl Exchange Backup (PowerShell)


prtg.standardlookups.exchangedag.yesno.statenook.ovl N/A

Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.exchangedag.yesno.stateyesok.ovl Exchange Database (PowerShell)


prtg.standardlookups.exchangedag.yesno.stateyeswarning.ovl Exchange Database DAG

(PowerShell) sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrctrl.svrctrlbbustatusex.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrlogicaldrive.svrlogicaldriveinitstatus.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrlogicaldrive.svrlogicaldrivestatusex.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrphysicaldevice.svrphysicaldeviceconfigureddisk.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrphysicaldevice.svrphysicaldeviceforeignconfig.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrphysicaldevice.svrphysicaldevicepowerstatus.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrphysicaldevice.svrphysicaldevicesmartstatus.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrphysicaldevice.svrphysicaldevicestatusex.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.svrstatus.svrstatusoverall.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2cpu.sc2cpustatus.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2managementprocessor.sc2spbatterystatus.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2memorymodule.sc2memmoduleapproved.ovl sensor

Standard Lookup Used by SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2memorymodule.sc2memmoduleconfiguration.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2memorymodule.sc2memmodulestatus.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2powersupply.sc2powersupplystatus.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2powersupplyredundancyconfiguration.sc2psredundancy sensor
modeconfig.ovl SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2powersupplyredundancyconfiguration.sc2psredundancy sensor
status.ovl SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2psredundancymode.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.sc2statuscomponent.ovl sensor SNMP Fujitsu System Health v2

mib.siestsubsystem.siestsubsystemstatusvalue.ovl sensor

prtg.standardlookups.Google.Gsa.Health.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.hl7.ackcode.ovl HL7 sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.blade.enclosure.condition.ovl SNMP HPE BladeSystem

Enclosure System Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.blade.power.ovl SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade


prtg.standardlookups.hp.blade.status.ovl SNMP HPE BladeSystem Blade


prtg.standardlookups.hp.condition.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory

Controller sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.diskstatus.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk


Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.hp.eva.state.ovl Enterprise Virtual Array sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.logicaldiskstatus.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant Logical Disk


prtg.standardlookups.hp.memorycontrollererrorstatus.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory

Controller sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.memorymodulestatus.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant Memory

Controller sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.powersupplystatus.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant System

Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.smartstatus.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk


prtg.standardlookups.hp.status.ovl SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk

SNMP HPE ProLiant System
Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.hp.statuswarning.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.http.statuscodedetailed.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.hyperv.clusternodestatus.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.hyperv.communicationstate.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.hyperv.computerstate.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.hyperv.hoststatus.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.hyperv.virtualserverstate.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.hyperv.vmstatus.ovl N/A SNMP IBM System X Logical Disk

SNMP IBM System X Physical
Disk sensor
SNMP IBM System X Physical
Memory sensor

Standard Lookup Used by SNMP IBM System X System

Health sensor SNMP IBM System X System

Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.ipmi.powersupply.ovl N/A SNMP Juniper NS System Health

sensor SNMP Juniper NS System Health


prtg.standardlookups.lanmanager.servicestate.ovl SNMP Windows Service sensor

prtg.standardlookups.liebert.lgppwrbattery.lgppwrbatterycharges Device template for Liebert UPS


prtg.standardlookups.liebert.lgppwrbatterycapacitystatus.ovl Device template for Liebert UPS

prtg.standardlookups.liebert.lgpsysstatus.lgpsysselftestresult.ov Device template for Liebert UPS

l PerfCounter IIS Application Pool


prtg.standardlookups.mqtt.rttstate.ovl MQTT Round Trip v1 sensor


prtg.standardlookups.netapp.aggrstate.ovl NetApp Aggregate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.batterystate.ovl NetApp System Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.dfstatus.ovl SNMP NetApp Disk Free sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.fsstatus.ovl SNMP NetApp System Health


prtg.standardlookups.netapp.healtstate.ovl NetApp System Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.lunalignment.ovl SNMP NetApp Logical Unit sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.lunstate.ovl NetApp LUN sensor

Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.mirrorstate.ovl NetApp SnapMirror sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.nichealth.ovl NetApp NIC sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.nodestorageconfiguration.ovl NetApp System Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.notavailable.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.relationshipstate.ovl NetApp SnapMirror sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.relationshipstatus.ovl NetApp SnapMirror sensor

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.sparestate.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.netapp.takeoverstatus.ovl SNMP NetApp System Health


prtg.standardlookups.netapp.tempstate.ovl NetApp System Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.nutanix-mib.clusterstaus.ovl SNMP Nutanix Cluster Health


prtg.standardlookups.offon.stateless.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.offon.stateonok.ovl SNMP IBM System X Physical

Memory sensor Oracle Tablespace sensor Oracle Tablespace sensor AWS Alarm v2 sensor AWS EC2 v2 sensor AWS EBS v2 sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.dellemc.lookup_health_status.ovl Dell EMC Unity Enclosure Health

v2 sensor
Dell EMC Unity Storage LUN v2
Dell EMC Unity Storage Pool v2

Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.hpe3par.lookup_state HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning

Group sensor
HPE 3PAR Drive Enclosure sensor
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.microsoft365.overall_component_ Microsoft 365 Service Status

state.ovl Advanced sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.microsoft365.service_component Microsoft 365 Service Status

_state.ovl Advanced sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.microsoftazure.virtual_machine_s Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine

tatus.ovl sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.modbus.lookup_boolean.ovl Modbus RTU Custom sensor

Modbus TCP Custom sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.momodns.lookup_records_found. DNS v2 sensor


prtg.standardlookups.paessler.momooffice365.overall_compone N/N (deprecated)


prtg.standardlookups.paessler.momooffice365.service_compone N/N (deprecated)


prtg.standardlookups.paessler.momozoom.lookup_service_stat Zoom Service Status sensor


prtg.standardlookups.paessler.mqtt.rttstate.ovl MQTT Round Trip sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.opcua.negative_boolean_lookup. OPC UA Custom sensor


prtg.standardlookups.paessler.opcua.positive_boolean_lookup.o OPC UA Custom sensor


prtg.standardlookups.paessler.opcua.raid_controller_state Beckhoff IPC System Health


prtg.standardlookups.paessler.opcua.self_signed_certificate.ovl OPC UA Certificate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.opcua.server_state.ovl OPC UA Server Status sensor

Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.orchestra.lookup_adapter_state. Soffico Orchestra Channel Health

ovl sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.paecloud.cloud_status.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.paecloud.status_code.ovl Cloud HTTP v2 sensor

Cloud Ping v2 sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.redfish.lookup_health Redfish Power Supply sensor

Redfish System Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.veeam.lookup_advanced_status. Veeam Backup Job Status

ovl Advanced sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.veeam.yesno_no_is_error.ovl Veeam Backup Job Status

Advanced sensor

prtg.standardlookups.paessler.veeam.yesno_no_is_ok.ovl Veeam Backup Job Status

Advanced sensor

prtg.standardlookups.QNAP.HDStatus.ovl SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor

prtg.standardlookups.QNAP.SMARTStatus.ovl SNMP QNAP Physical Disk sensor

prtg.standardlookups.QNAP.VolStatus.ovl SNMP QNAP Logical Disk sensor

prtg.standardlookups.radius.status.ovl RADIUS v2 sensor

prtg.standardlookups.rfc.hardwarestatus.ovl SNMP Dell Hardware sensor

SNMP Hardware Status sensor

prtg.standardlookups.rittal.cmc3.devicestatus.ovl SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware

Status sensor

prtg.standardlookups.rittal.cmc3.overallstatus.ovl SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware

Status sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sigfox.device.state.ovl Device template for Sigfox

prtg.standardlookups.sigfox.device.token.state.ovl Device template for Sigfox

prtg.standardlookups.sigfox.keepalive.ovl REST Custom sensor template for


Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.sip.statuscode.ovl SIP Options Ping sensor

prtg.standardlookups.snmpprinter.cartridgelevel.ovl SNMP Printer sensor

prtg.standardlookups.snmpprinter.coverstate.ovl SNMP Printer sensor SSH SAN Enclosure sensor

SSH SAN Logical Disk sensor
SSH SAN Physical Disk sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sshsan.status.ovl SSH SAN System Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslcertificatesensor.cncheck.ovl SSL Certificate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslcertificatesensor.publickey.ovl SSL Certificate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslcertificatesensor.publickeyecc.ovl SSL Certificate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslcertificatesensor.revoked.ovl SSL Certificate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslcertificatesensor.selfsigned.ovl SSL Certificate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslcertificatesensor.trustedroot.ovl SSL Certificate sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslsensor.acceptokdeniednone.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.sslsensor.acceptwarndeniedok.ovl N/A N/A SSL Security Check sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslsensor.ssl.ovl SSL Security Check sensor

prtg.standardlookups.sslsensor.tls.ovl SSL Security Check sensor

prtg.standardlookups.Synology.DiskStatus.ovl SNMP Synology Physical Disk


prtg.standardlookups.Synology.RaidStatus.ovl SNMP Synology Logical Disk


Standard Lookup Used by

prtg.standardlookups.Synology.Status.ovl SNMP Synology System Health

sensor Device template for Liebert UPS

Device template for generic UPS Device template for generic UPS Device template for generic UPS


prtg.standardlookups.wmi.antivir.ovl WMI Security Center sensor

prtg.standardlookups.wmi.battery.ovl WMI Battery sensor N/A WMI Disk Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.wmi.diskhealth.operationalstatus.ovl WMI Disk Health sensor

prtg.standardlookups.wmi.service.staterunningok.ovl Windows IIS Application sensor WMI Storage Pool sensor

prtg.standardlookups.wmi.storagepool.operationalstatus.ovl WMI Storage Pool sensor

prtg.standardlookups.yesno.statenook.ovl Active Directory Replication Errors

Enterprise Virtual Array sensor
NetApp System Health sensor
SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical
Disk sensor
SNMP HPE ProLiant Physical Disk
SNMP NetApp System Health

prtg.standardlookups.yesno.statenookna.ovl N/A

prtg.standardlookups.yesno.stateyesok.ovl Enterprise Virtual Array sensor

HL7 sensor

Standard Lookup Used by

NetApp LIF sensor

NetApp LUN sensor
NetApp NIC sensor
NetApp SnapMirror sensor

VMware Datastore (SOAP) sensor

15.17 List of Supported AWS Regions and their Codes

Here you can find a list of all supported Amazon Web Services (AWS) regions and their codes. The
following sensors support these AWS regions:

§ AWS Alarm v2 sensor 610

§ AWS EBS v2 sensor 627

§ AWS EC2 v2 sensor 636

§ AWS ELB v2 sensor 646

§ AWS RDS v2 sensor 656

Region Code

Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1

Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1

Asia Pacific (Osaka) ap-northeast-3

Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2

Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1

Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2

Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1

Canada (Central) ca-central-1

Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1

Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1

Europe (London) eu-west-2

Europe (Milan) eu-south-1

Europe (Paris) eu-west-3

Europe (Stockholm) eu-north-1

Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1

Region Code

South America (São sa-east-1


US East (Northern us-east-1


US East (Ohio) us-east-2

US West (Northern us-west-1


US West (Oregon) us-west-2

15.18 Support and Troubleshooting

If you need help with PRTG, there are several ways to get support and to troubleshoot issues that might
come up.

Video Tutorials
Watch tutorials for PRTG from Paessler and other users.

Paessler Knowledge Base

Search for information about PRTG in thousands of articles. You can also post your own questions and

Open a Support Ticket

Users that purchased a license can open support tickets, which are usually answered by the Paessler
support team in fewer than 24 hours on business days. Use the support form 3330 that is available in
PRTG to contact our the Paessler support team. This is the best way to quickly get detailed help. If you
cannot use this form, contact us via our web page.

Last change to this manual: 8/5/2022

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