Updated Initial Condition Report Pgk-12

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province

(Kalomo, Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021

Improved Rural Connectivity

Project (P159330)




DATE : MAY 2022





Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report


Prepared for Prepared by



Plot SS 111-13 Mindolo Mine Road, Bari Crossroads House

Twibukishe No 9037 Buluwe Road
Kitwe, ZAMBIA.
Tel/fax: +260 Tel/fax: +260 211 237652
Mobile: +260 970789493 Mobile: +260 966 600149
Email:tonymwamba80@gmail.com Email: inquiries@barizambia.com
Contract Manager: Tony Mwamba Managing Director: Elliot B. Phiri

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd i

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

Title: Contractor’s Environmental & Social Management Plan


Revision Date Signature





Function Representative Company

Project Executive Bari Zambia Limited

Approved for distribution by:



This document is confidential and proprietary to Bari Zambia Limited and should not be disclosed in whole or in part to
any third party, contractors or agents without the express written authorization. It should not be duplicated in whole or in
part, for any other purpose other than the valuation of this report and shall be returned upon request.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying is strictly prohibited.

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd ii

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report


Initial Report
GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................... VII
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... IX
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 The Contracting Entity ................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Purpose of the Inception Report ................................................................................... 1-4
1.4 Project Description, Location and Coverage ................................................................ 1-5
2 PROJECT START-UP AND MOBILISATION .................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Mobilisation .................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Site Office Establishment .............................................................................................. 2-1
2.3 Contact Details ............................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Staffing and Organisation .............................................................................................. 2-2
2.4.1 Organisation ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4.2 Backstopping staff ............................................................................................................ 2-5
2.4.3 Main equipment and plant ................................................................................................ 2-5
2.4.4 Laboratory facilities ........................................................................................................... 2-5
2.4.5 Facilities for the Engineer ................................................................................................. 2-6
3 PROGRESS OF ASSIGNMENT ....................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Contact meetings ........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Reconnaissance survey ................................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Data collection ................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.4 Field investigations and Material testing ...................................................................... 3-2
3.5 Topographical surveys .................................................................................................. 3-2
4 PHYSIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Topography and Drainage ............................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Road U4K ZIMBA (T1)- NYAWA ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1.2 Road R207 KALOMO- SIASUNGULA (U5K) VIA KAUWE TO NYAWA .... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
4.1.3 Road U5K KALOMO(T1) - KATANDA..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2 Climate ............................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.3 Geology ........................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Landforms ....................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.5 Soils................................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.6 Vegetation and Land Use ............................................................................................... 4-2
5.1 Roads Start and End Points........................................................................................... 5-1

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd iii

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

5.2 Road and Pavement Width, Condition, Alignment and Structure ............................... 5-2
5.3 Drainage and Drainage Structures ................................................................................ 5-3
5.3.1 Culverts ............................................................................................................................ 5-3
5.3.2 Surface Drainage and Run-Off ......................................................................................... 5-4
5.3.3 Drifts ................................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.3.4 Bridges ............................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.4 Road Furniture and Services ......................................................................................... 5-4
6 WORK PLAN AND METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. 6-1
6.1 Assignment Approach and Methodology ..................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 General Approach ............................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Detailed Engineering Design ......................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.1 General approach ............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Proposed Design Criteria and Design Standards .............................................................. 6-3
6.2.3 Proposed Work Plan ......................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3 Detailed Design Methodology........................................................................................ 6-9
6.3.1 Detailed field inventory ..................................................................................................... 6-9
6.3.2 Control (Reference) Surveys ............................................................................................ 6-9
6.3.3 Topographical Surveys ................................................................................................... 6-11
6.3.4 Traffic Studies and Evaluation ........................................................................................ 6-12
6.3.5 Soils and Materials Investigations ................................................................................... 6-13
6.4 Geometric Design ......................................................................................................... 6-16
6.5 Pavement Design.......................................................................................................... 6-20
6.5.1 Pavement design criteria ................................................................................................ 6-20
6.5.2 Interlocking Pavements .................................................................................................. 6-20
6.5.3 Gravel Pavement Design ................................................................................................ 6-20
6.5.4 Minimum Thickness for Subgrade Protection (t) ............................................................. 6-21
6.5.5 Traffic Inducted Compaction (Ct) .................................................................................... 6-21
6.5.6 Predicted Annual Gravel Loss (GLp) .............................................................................. 6-21
6.6 Processing and Control of Wearing Course Gravels ................................................. 6-22
6.6.1 Criteria for wearing course gravel ................................................................................... 6-22
6.6.2 Dealing with oversized materials .................................................................................... 6-24
6.6.3 Dealing with fines ........................................................................................................... 6-24
6.7 Hydrology, Hydraulics and Drainage Design.............................................................. 6-26
6.7.1 Design Standards ........................................................................................................... 6-26
6.7.2 Design Storm/Flood ........................................................................................................ 6-26
6.7.3 Hydrological study .......................................................................................................... 6-26
6.7.4 Hydraulic Design ............................................................................................................ 6-27
6.7.5 Design Flood Frequency................................................................................................. 6-31
6.7.6 Design Flood Level ......................................................................................................... 6-31
6.7.7 Bridge Siting ................................................................................................................... 6-31
6.7.8 Minimum Opening Width ................................................................................................ 6-32
6.7.9 Freeboard ....................................................................................................................... 6-35
6.7.10 Bridge Design ................................................................................................................. 6-36
6.8 Road Furniture and Signage ........................................................................................ 6-43
6.9 Road Safety Audit ......................................................................................................... 6-43
7 WORKS PROGRAMME ................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Activity Schedule............................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Reporting Requirements ................................................................................................ 7-2
8 MAINTENANCE STRATEGY ........................................................................................... 8-1

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd iv

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

8.1 Applied Surface Maintenance Strategies ...................................................................... 8-1

8.1.1 Light Blading ..................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Sand Cushioning .............................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.3 Heavy Blading or Grading ................................................................................................. 8-2
8.1.4 Reshaping ........................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.1.5 Reworking ........................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.1.6 Spot gravelling .................................................................................................................. 8-3
8.1.7 Patching ........................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.1.8 Regravelling/ Resheeting .................................................................................................. 8-3
8.1.9 Routine maintenance ........................................................................................................ 8-3
8.1.10 Scheduled / Periodic maintenance.................................................................................... 8-3
10 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN...................................................................................... 10-1
11 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................... 11-1
12 PROJECT RISKS........................................................................................................... 12-1
12.1 Geometric Design ......................................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Design Versus Cost ...................................................................................................... 12-1
12.3 Scheduling Risks.......................................................................................................... 12-2
13 INVENTORY DATA MANAGEMENT REPORT ............................................................. 13-1
14 STATEMENT ON THE CONDITION OF THE CONTRACT ASSETS............................. 14-1
15 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................... 15-1
16 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 16-1
16.1 APPENDIX I – CE’S WORKS PROGRAMME ................................................................ 16-2
16.2 APPENDIX II – INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN .......................................... 16-4
16.3 APPENDIX III– TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................ 16-13


Table 1-1: Contract Details .......................................................................................................... 1-3

Table 1-2: OPRC Package 12(Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba) Project Roads ............................ 1-5
Table 2-1: List Key Staff ............................................................................................................... 2-5
Table 5-1: Schedule of Existing Major Structures ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 6-1: Work Plan ................................................................................................................... 6-5
Table 6-2: National Trig Stations Used......................................................................................... 6-9
Table 6-3: Summary of Material Tests ....................................................................................... 6-16
Table 6-4: Proposed Geometrical Design Parameters ............................................................... 6-17
Table 6-5: Standard Cross Section Dimensions ......................................................................... 6-17
Table 6-6: Estimation of Potential Traffic Compaction ................................................................ 6-21
Table 6-7: Requirements for Gravel Wearing Course ................................................................. 6-22
Table 6-8: Typical Manning Roughness Coefficients.................................................................. 6-28
Table 6-9: Maximum Floor Velocity ............................................................................................ 6-28
Table 6-10: Freeboard ............................................................................................................... 6-35
Table 6-11: Bridge Cross Section Elements ............................................................................... 6-40
Table 6-12: Road Safety Findings .............................................................................................. 6-44
Table 7-1: Summary of Project Activities ...................................................................................... 7-1

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

Figure 1-1: Project Location Map 1-6

Figure 2-1:Contractor’s Organisation Structure Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2-2 : Designer’s Organisation Structure 2-4
Figure 4-1: Road U4K ZIMBA (T1)- NYAWA Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4-3: Road U5K KALOMO(T1) - KATANDA Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5-1: Standard Cross Section - Rural Road 6-18
Figure 5-2: Standard Cross Section – Urban Road 6-19
Figure 6-1: Performance Requirements of Gravel Materials 6-23
Figure 6-2: Processing Oversized Materials 6-24
Figure 6-3: Mixing on the Road 6-25
Figure 6-5: Pipe Minimum Gradients 6-30
Figure 6-7: Scour Assessment Procedure 6-33
Figure 6-8: Design Process of Energy Dissipaters 6-34
Figure 6-9: Safety Factors for Different Types of Action 6-42
Figure 8-1: Sand Cushioning Operation Error! Bookmark not defined.

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd vi

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report


AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

CAD Computer Aided Design

CBR California Benefit Ratio

CD Compact Disc

CE Contracting Entity

DCP Dynamic Cone Penetration

DTM Digital Terrain Model

EMP Environmental Management Plan

FDD Final Design Drawings FDR Final Design Report

FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers

GPS Global Positioning System

GRZ Government of the Republic of Zambia

IS Information System

ISO International Standards Organisation

Km Kilometre

Km2 Square Kilometre

MC Monitoring Consultant

MIS Management Information Systems

MS Microsoft

m2 Square Meter

NRFA National Road Fund Agency

No. Number

OPRC Output and Performance-Based Roads Contract

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd vii

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

O&M Operation and Maintenance

QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control

QAS Quality Assurance System

QMS Quality Management System

RDA Road Development Agency

ROW Right of Way

SADC Southern African Development Community

SATCC Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission

SNDP Sixth National Development Plan

ToR Terms of Reference

VO Variation Order

ZMK Zambian Kwacha (old currency)

ZMW Zambian Kwacha (rebased currency)

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd viii

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report


The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Roads Development Agency
(RDA) is implementing Improved Rural Connectivity Project (IRCP) in Six Provinces of
Zambia. This project is financed by the World Bank. The IRCP is aimed at supporting
agricultural productivity through improvement of accessibility by construction and
rehabilitation of feeder roads in the target project areas. The projects will be executed through
the Output and Performance-Based Roads Contract (OPRC) type of contract.

The contract for which this Inception Report has been prepared is the Design,
Rehabilitation, improvement, community infrastructure, network performance works
for Package 12-Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba Districts).

The RDA contracted M and N Industrial Merchants Limited, the Contracting Entity (CE),
to carry out detailed designs, rehabilitation and maintenance works through an OPRC
contract signed on 28th January 2022. The anticipated duration of the design services is 9
months while rehabilitation will be for 2 years and a further 3 years for maintenance. The total
contract duration is 5 years.

The Works Contract was established from the Conceptual Designs which were issued by the
RDA during the tender process. The Conceptual Designs were undertaken by others, and
they established the anticipated scope of work and proposed intervention measures and
hence the contract sum. The CE’s detailed designs will, in as much as possible, therefore
use the Conceptual designs as a starting point.

This Inception Report, also called Initial Contract Condition Report, is the first deliverable
under the Contract. Other deliverables are indicated in Section 7.2. The main aim of this
report is to report back to the Client on progress made to date, findings, recommendations
and envisaged activities for the remainder of the assignment including work plan adjustments
(if any). The report also confirms the Contracting Entity’s (CE) organization and staffing,
program of work, approach and methodology. The methodology that has been presented
takes note of the fact that the CE’s design and construction activities will run in parallel with
designs being done in sections of minimum of 50Km. This will allow for the Contractor to
continue working whilst designs are in progress.

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd ix

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

The project roads are shown in Figure 1-1. The RDA will be the implementing agency and
will be responsible for planning and implementation of the works. The RDA will also
collaborate with the Local Authorities under Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba Districts.

The CE started mobilising and have commenced with executing some activities such as
establishment and identification of construction camp sites and preparation of the official
project launch. Other activities leading to the preparation of this report include visits to the
project area and appreciation of the status of the project roads and their extents. The CE has
also taken note of the existing constraints on the project road. The CE has also started data
collection, and field investigations including topographical surveys, soils and materials
investigations for use in detailed designs. Initial investigations have reviewed that good
quality road construction materials are available along the project roads. The materials will
be subjected to various tests as summarised in Table 6-3.

This Inception Report has been prepared with a fair understanding of the project roads by
the CE resulting from initial site visits, literature review, consultation with the Client and
Monitoring Consultant (MC). From the road inspections conducted, the CE has observed that
the contract assets are not consistent with the requirements on site. The major discrepancy
is on the requirements for drainage works and the level of grading. The road pavements have
extensively deteriorated in selected sections and would require heavy grading and a lot of
fills as opposed to the recommended light grading.

This report further proposes the approach for the execution of the contract and recommends
that the Client approves the Inception Report as the basis for executing the Project.

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd x

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report


1.1 Background

Zambia has achieved notable success in maintaining the Trunk, Main, and District (TMD)
roads, a large proportion of which is generally in good and fair condition. The proportion of
paved roads (TMD) in good or fair condition, based on RDA’s 2015 road condition survey,
stood at 95 percent.

However, the road condition of unpaved road network has been poor and rapidly deteriorating
in the last few years. The proportion of the Primary Feeder Roads (PFR) in poor condition rose
from 76 percent in 2013 to 82 percent in 2015. Less than 50 km of the PFRs is paved, the rest
is of earth and gravel wearing course standards. The Rural Access Index, which measures
the proportion of the rural population who live within 2km of a good road, is currently estimated
at 17.0 percent, leaving about 6.9 million rural residents unconnected to the road network.

The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Roads Development Agency
(RDA) wishes to improve farmers’ accessibility and supporting agricultural development in the
country and has rolled out an Output and Performance-Based Roads Contract (OPRC)
program aimed at constructing and rehabilitating about 8,000km of the feeder roads network
at an estimated cost of US$400 million over two phases.

During the first five-year phase, World Bank’s support of US$180.00 million will improve about
3,600km of the road network or 25% of the PFRs in a project called Improved Rural
Connectivity Project (IRCP). In total, the Project could support more than 32 PFRs in six

The RDA contracted M and N Industrial Merchants Limited as the Contracting Entity to carry
out detailed designs, rehabilitation and maintenance of 155Km under Package 12 in Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts in Southern Province under the OPRC mode of contract,
signed on 28th January 2022. The contract duration will be for 5 years, including two years of
rehabilitation works and three years of maintenance. This is the 12th contract under the
IRCP. The project roads are shown in Figure 1-1 below.

The Works Contract was established from the Conceptual Designs which were issued by the
RDA during the tender process. The Conceptual Designs were undertaken by others, and they
established the anticipated scope of work and proposed intervention measures and hence the

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd 1-1

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

contract sum. The CE’s detailed designs will, in as much as possible, therefore use the
Conceptual designs as a starting point.

The OPRC contract entails that the CE will be required to construct and maintain the project
roads in compliance with the Service Levels and other output and performance criteria
indicated under the contract, or with any other requirements of the contract. The proposed
scope for civil works will generally include among other work items the following activities:

Rehabilitation and Improvement Works:

i) Rehabilitation - Pavement reconstruction works on the existing pavement to bring the

pavement to the desired design life described in the Specifications;
ii) Improvement – Undertaking specific improvements to add new characteristics to the
Roads in response to existing or new traffic, environmental, social and safety or other
considerations and drainage requirements;
iii) Upgrading Works: This will typically involve the widening of selected sections of the road
e.g., areas within an urban area, town or village area and upgrading the gravel roads to
paved standard (Cape Seal or Concrete Block Paving)
iv) Community Infrastructure Works – This will consist the construction of selected public
infrastructure such as Bus-stop Shelters, Storage Sheds, Market Stalls, Boreholes and
Water Storage.

Road Maintenance

The activities under road maintenance include:

• Routine Maintenance Works – This will involve continuous maintenance of the roads
to the required Service Levels and all activities related to the management and auditing
of the road contract performance measures.

• Periodic Maintenance Works - Consisting of specific pavement re-graveling


• Emergency Works: These are ad hoc activities consisting of activities that are
required to reinstate the roads and related structures that may be damaged by storms,
flooding, and earthquakes, or traffic accidents.

The above OPRC concept will be attained by the CE through:

1. Maintaining the project area;

2. Fulfilling the CE’s obligation under the contract, such as reporting and ESHS

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

3. Proactively compliance of conformance measurement and performance systems,

and achieving the performance requirements;
4. CE’s self-monitoring and reporting the contract conformance requirements and
performance; and
5. Management tasks and physical works associated with the following road-related
assets and items:

• Road surface (paved and unpaved roads)

• Signaling and road safety furniture;
• Drain and drainage structures;
• Vegetation control;
• Slopes (cuts and embankments)
• Traffic Management; and
• Data collection.

1.2 The Contracting Entity

The Contracting Entity is made up on the M and N Industrial Merchant (Contractor) and Bari
Zambia Limited (Designer). M and N Industrial Merchant Limited is the Lead in the CE and will
be responsible for construction and maintenance of the Works. Bari Zambia Limited will be
responsible for the design of the Works. Both entities will on the other hand form the Self
Control Unit. The Contract data is presented in Table 1-1 below.

Table 1-1: Contract Details


Output and Performance-Based Road Contract (OPRC,

Asset Management Contract) For Design,
Name of Project
Rehabilitation/improvement, Routine and Periodic
maintenance works of: Package 12 Southern Province
(Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba Districts)

Project Location Located in Southern Province of Zambia

Total Length Approximately 155km

Funding Agency World Bank

Contractor M and N industrial Merchant Limited

Initial Contract Sum ZMW 115,494,706.94.

Revised Contract Sum ZMW 115,494,706.94

Advance Payment made None

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd 1-3

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

Amount Certified to date None

Contract Signing Date 28th January, 2022

Contract Start Date 25nd March, 2022

Expected Completion Date 1st March, 2027

Duration 60 months

Extension of Time None

1.3 Purpose of the Inception Report

This Inception Report provides a first report on the project. The Inception Report outlines the

• Mobilization Plan,
• Organization and staffing,
• Design approach and methodology,
• Maintenance Strategy,
• Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP),
• Program of work,
• Quality Control and Assurance Plan,
• Traffic Management Plan (also submitted in the CESMP) and,
• Inventory Data Management.

The Inception Report also includes an Initial Project Area Condition Report that highlights;

• Confirmation of the Start and ending points of the road sections included in the contract.
• Any inconsistences observed by the Contracting Entity (CE) between the information
provided in the contract document and the actual situation on the ground.
• Any areas where significant deterioration has occurred as a direct result of the defined
unforeseen Natural Phenomena occurring between the time of contract award and
possession of site. This would include a detailed summary of the damage and a Lump
Sum quotation for its repair is to be provided for the Employer’s consideration.
• Any other obstruction to the CE’s program being achieved as a result of encroachment,
the action of other CEs, social or environmental issues or grievances and requiring the
Employer’s intervention.
• A Statement otherwise confirming the CE’s acceptance of the initial condition of the
contract assets.

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

Note: The Construction Method Statements are detailed in the Contract Documents and are
not repeated in this document.

1.4 Project Description, Location and Coverage

OPRC is a type of contract in which payments for the management and maintenance of road
assets are explicitly linked to the contractor successfully meeting or exceeding certain clearly
defined minimum performance indicators. The works under this contract include a network of
roads covering a total distance of 155km. The roads are in Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba
Districts of the Southern Province of Zambia as shown in Table 1-2 and Figure 1-1.

Table 1-2: OPRC Package 12 (Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba) Project Roads

Road Distance Start Point End Point

S/N District Road Name
Code (km) (Latitude, Longitude) (Latitude, Longitude)
1 U4K Zimba Zimba(T1) to Nyawa 45.70 (8084903.mS/414642.89mE) (8099825.02mS/382590.33mE)

Kalomo-Siasungula(U5K) via (8136696.00mS/400680.00mE) (8099825.02mS/382590.33mE)

2 R207 Kalomo
Kauwe to Nyawa

3 U5K Kalomo Kalomo(T1) to Katanda 57.50 (8116793.48mS/442651.24mE) (8136696.00mS/400680.00mE)


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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

Figure 1-1: Project Location Map

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report


This section discusses the status of mobilisation CE.

2.1 Mobilisation

The CE has started mobilisation which includes the following activities:

• Identification of locations for the establishment of construction camps (Main Camp,

Satellite Camps, Engineers’ facilities);
• Establishment of Laboratory;
• Mobilization and placement of advance staff and equipment and;
• Site investigations, topographical surveys and materials investigations by the

The CE has held several formal and informal meetings with the RDA and the Monitoring

The CE’s mobilisation plan is included in the Work Programme in Section 16.1.

2.2 Site Office Establishment

The CE’s main project offices will be established in kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba. The CE
is currently operating from a temporal office within Kalomo and has established one site camp.
The first camp will be along road R207 in Kalomo.

The Contractor’s registered office for management purposes is situated on:

Plot SS 11-13
Mindolo Mine Road

Design activities by Bari Zambia Limited will be undertaken at Bari’s Lusaka Office:

Bari Crossroads House

No 9037 Buluwe Road

2.3 Contact Details

M and N Industrial merchants Limited

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd 2-1

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

• Contact Person: Mr. Tony Mwamba

• Mobile: +260 970 789 493
• Email: tonymwamba80@gmail.com

Bari Zambia Limited

• Contact Person: Eng. Elliot B. Phiri

• Tel/fax: +260 211 237652
• Mobile: +260 966 600149
• Email: inquiries@barizambia.com

2.4 Staffing and Organisation

2.4.1 Organisation

As earlier stated above, the CE consists of the Contractor (M and N) and Designer (Bari
Zambia Limited). The CE is organised as per Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2. The CE’s Key Staff
(see Table 2-1) are in place and have started providing their services as required. Other staff
are on standby and will be mobilised as required.

M and N/Bari Zambia Ltd 2-2

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

Figure 2 1: Contractor’s Organisation Structure

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Initial Report

Figure 2-1 : Designer’s Organisation Structure

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Initial Report

Table 2-1: List Key Staff

No. Position Name of Staff

1 Contract Manager Osbert Chota Chanda
2 Quality Control Engineer Haggai Mwape Chewe
3 Roads Management Samasaka Kayoya
4 Road Maintenance Engineer Nahum Stackson Jere
5 Senior Earthworks Foreman Richard John Ndhlovu
6 Senior Structural Foreman Brian Mutale
7 Road Design Engineer Zohurul Islam
8 Material Engineer Md. Moqbul Hossain
9 Roads Safety Engineer Monjit Kumar Saha
10 Environmental, Social Safeguards and Shalla Mulenga Mwakazanga
Community Liaison Specialist

2.4.2 Backstopping staff

Bari Zambia Limited is ISO9001 certified and will therefore employ the ISO9001:2001
principles of quality control management as part of their quality assurance and quality control
system. To this end, Bari Zambia Limited will make use of other specialists for backstopping
roles as shown below.

• Sattar Sheikh Pavement Design

• Pawan Siddartha Bridge/Structural Engineering
• Pawan Siddartha Hydrologist
• Selamawit Mohamede Geometric Design

2.4.3 Main equipment and plant

The Contractor is yet to mobilise all main earthmoving equipment including dozers, graders,
dump trucks and excavators and is ready to start with the clearing and grubbing works. The
other major equipment will be mobilised as soon as the works commence.

2.4.4 Laboratory facilities

The Contractor is yet to establish a soils laboratory at Kalomo Site Office to undertake
advance material testing for design requirements. A fully-fledged laboratory will be
established at the Main Camp and will be equipped with materials testing equipment for
borrow-pit materials; aggregates, concrete and soils.

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Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

2.4.5 Facilities for the Engineer

Several facilities for the Engineer will be provided for under the works contract including:

• Transport
• Housing
• Offices
• Communication facilities including internet and Mobile Smart Phones

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Initial Report


The ensuing sections discuss the activities that the CE has so far undertaken.

3.1 Contact meetings

The CE has had contact meetings with the RDA, Local Authority and MC as follows:

• Contact Meeting Local Authority

• Site Visit with Local Authority
• Site Visit with RDA
• Kick-off meeting with RDA and MC (virtual)

3.2 Reconnaissance survey

The CE has carried out initial reconnaissance survey of the project roads and has been
shown the start and end points for all the roads by RDA. The CE has a fair understanding of
the project environment.

3.3 Data collection

The CE has continued collecting and reviewing all relevant existing data and background
project information. The collected data being reviewed that will be of importance include:

• 1:50 000 Ordinance Survey mapping from Ministry of Lands;

• Aerial Photographs from the National Remote Sensing Centre and the Google Earth;
• Coordinates/location of National grid trigonometric beacons from the Survey
Department of the Ministry of Lands;
• Rainfall and temperature statistics from the Meteorological Department;
• Concept Design Report from RDA prepared by IMC and Kiran Musonda Associates;
• Topography and Drainage data by visual inspection and interviews with residents
along the project roads;
• Landforms and Soils data from previous reports, internet and Geological Survey
• Geological mapping with coverage along the road from previous reports, internet and
Geological Survey Department
• Data on available material sources along the project road from the and RDA and Local
• Any other background reports related to the roads.

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Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

3.4 Field investigations and Material testing

The CE has procured new DCP kits in readiness for investigations of in-situ CBR along
project roads. The CE has additionally commenced confirmation of materials sources. The
materials found will be subjected to required tests as discussed in Section 6.3.5.

3.5 Topographical surveys

The CE has commenced with topographical surveys and has since searched and located the
National Trigonometrical points to be used.

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Initial Report


This section concisely discusses the physiography of the project area.

4.1 Topography and Drainage

4.1.1 Road U4K starts from Zimba (T1) to Nyawa. 45.70km the road has several river
crossing which will require culvert installations of different sizes refer to details in
the full survey report.

4.1.2 Kalomo road R207 starts from Siasungula (U5K) via Kauwe to Nyawa 51.80km. The
road generally has multiple river crossings which will require culvert and bridge
installations as in full survey report.

4.1.3 Road U5K, The road start from kalomo (T1) to Katanda 57.5km the road has several
river crossing which will require culvert installations of different sizes refer to details
in the full survey report.

4.2 Climate
Site basic climatic data and rainfall information is based on the concept design report and
from our physical examination on site we will need more climatic and rainfall interventions
such as hydraulic structures and road protection like high fill area in case of ponding. The
rainfall quantities and patterns we refer to the data retained by Zambia Metrological Services.
And the geology and soil information the source is Ministry of lands, Survey Department,
geological department as shown in the concept design.

Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba districts are located in the Southern Province of Zambia, the
project area for the proposed roads has a high altitude as compared to mean sea level. The
area has two climatic conditions, the two distinct periods being the rainy season from
November to April, and the dry season from May to October. These periods can be further
sub-divided as follows:

• Winter season – June to August

• Pre-rainy season – September to October
• Rainy season – November to March
• Post-rainy season – April to MayGeology

4.3 Geology

The sub-Sahara block up the geology of the area. The Bangweulu Block is a cratonic unit
underlying most of Southern Zambia and adjacent parts of Namibia and Zimbabwe. Its
geodynamic evolution is shown to be entirely Proterozoic except for Cainozoic rifting and
related sedimentation

The Block has a crystalline basement of schists, acid metavolcanics and granitoids, which
formed during a deformational and magmatic event of Eburnian age between 2000 and 1800
Ma ago. The metavolcanics have affinities with high-K calc-alkaline suites from modern

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Initial Report

subduction-controlled tectonic regimes suggesting an Eburnian plate margin to the northwest

of the Block.

4.4 Landforms

The landforms of the project area can broadly be classified under two distinct types namely
high plateau and the wetlands.

4.5 Soils

The soils around Kalomo and Kazungula and Zimba (Southern Province) are characterized
by a dark colour in the top 0 - 30 cm of the soil profile. In the majority of cases the soil profile
is characterized by silt loams underlain by silt clay loams or clay soils in the deeper horizons.
Generally, the exchangeable bases were found to be low with CEC m.e. % in the range of 5
- 15 and pH averaging 4.5. Organic carbon of the topsoil was in the range of 0.5 to 2.0 and
phosphorus ranging from 3 - 15 ppm. In a few cases Aluminium saturation percentage
(>50%), Fe (>100), Cu (>4) Mn (14-56) and Zn (>3) were found to be in toxic levels.

4.6 Vegetation and Land Use

The Central Zambezian Miombo Woodlands covers almost the entire Kalomo, kazungula
and Zimba road project. The central Zambezian Miombo Woodlands are the most extensive
ecoregion covering about 50% of the country, characterised by Miombo trees (Brachystegia
sp.). This ecoregion predominates in the wettest part of the country, across the Southern part
of both 'lobes’ of the country. On the flat central African plateau the woodland is interspersed
with dambos, grassy wetlands forming the headwaters and margins of rivers which may make
up to 30% of the ecoregion and which increase biodiversity of the ecoregion. The ecoregion
has suffered extensive deforestation, especially in the highly urbanised Copperbelt Province
due to charcoal production and clearing for farming in the centre of Southern Province (for
farming and ranching).

The project roads pass through gazetted farmlands and un-gazetted forests. Birds and small
animals can be observed, but other wildlife that, however, existed some years ago has been
decimated by poaching and over hunting according to information from local people.

Agriculture is the main land use along the road corridors and accounts for more than 50% of
the land area and consists of hoe and ox plough cultivation, and semi-commercial ox and
tractor plough. Cultivation of wheat, maize, groundnuts, beans, cotton and animal farming is
very prevalent.

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Initial Report


CE visited the site and went through all the roads and all hydraulic structures inspected and
the recommended interventions as highlighted below.

The CE has conducted a preliminary road reconnaissance survey to:

• Confirm the starting points of the road sections included in the contract. All starting
point have been clearly marked. MC was actually taken to site by CE and field
investigations were conducted, samples collected and analyzed here in Lusaka.
• Confirm the road and pavement condition and structure of the existing road. The
pavement conditions have drastically changed over time. What was graded as light
grading and medium has changed because more grass and trees have grown. We
can confirm pavement layer conditions are in very bad state and cannot be
classified as light grading.
• Inspect existing drainage, drainage structures and their hydraulic sufficiency.
Existing drainage structures have also not been spared. They have deteriorated and
from our observations, more hydraulic structures should be installed and where
possible some culverts and Drifts may require more than just maintenance but total
• Explore Known sources of road construction materials; and this issue will be
highlighted more on our Environmental Project Brief( borrow pits) the document to
be submitted together with the first design section.
• Review the existing road safety.

5.1 Roads Start and End Points

The CE was shown the start points and end points. The locations of these points match the
photographic records included in the Road Concept Designs and Standard Drawings. During
the reconnaissance survey, the CE was able to track the project routes and recorded on a
handheld GPS that was positioned in the vehicle. The mileage for the road were also
recorded using the vehicle mileages. Vehicle mileages were recorded at the start of the road
and at the end.

Zimba road U4K starts at Zimba(T1) to Nyawa. This was confirmed on site and the total
travelled distance provided in the contract, of 45.70km, marched what was obtained on the
vehicle mileage and the GPS.

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Initial Report

Kalomo road R207. Siasungula (U5K) via Kauwe to nyawa.The start and end points were
confirmed on site. The total distance provided in the contract of 51.80km matched that
obtained on the GPS.

Kalomo U5K starts at Kalomo(T1) to katanda This was confirmed on site and the total
travelled distance provided in the contract, of 57.80km, matched that which was obtained on
the vehicle mileage and the GPS.

5.2 Road and Pavement Width, Condition, Alignment and Structure

The existing roads are mostly of earth and gravel with carriageway width that varies between
2.0m and 7.5m. The roads have generally deteriorated due to lack of maintenance. There
are a lot of sections with evidence of water ponding in the rainy season. These areas will be
identified marked and proper engineering solutions proposed to mitigate the effects of the
water on the road pavement. The condition of the Project roads varies considerably from one
section to the other, ranging from fair to almost impassable.

The existing geometric standards in some sections do not conform to the minimum required
standards. No historical road design information could be obtained for the project road. The
assessment of the current geometric design standards is therefore based on visual
inspections during the reconnaissance survey. The radii of horizontal curves, the sight
distances for the vertical curves and the super elevation over large sections of the project
roads will be improved upon to meet the new standards of a low volume gravel road.

The current condition of the project roads is not consistent with the road rehabilitation works
proposed in the concept designs. The amount and type of clearing and grubbing as well as
the reshaping could change a great deal when minor road realignments are made in order to
achieve requirements for curves and straights as required in the geometric standards. The
vertical sag curves may require more gravel fills than those initially provided for in order to
meet standards. The vertical crest curves may need more cuts therefore changing the
reshaping to heavy re-sharping. The cost implications for all such changes can only be known
when the final designs are completed. The designs in geometrics will adopt standards that
do not necessarily increase the cost of rehabilitation without adding any safety benefits for
the road.

The borrow pits will be sampled and the materials tested in the laboratory for suitability to
use as gravel wearing course. The amount of gravel in the borrow pits will also be established
to ascertain whether the quantities could cover the project roads. The concept design also

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Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report

provided for 150mm thick gravel wearing course throughout the road section. However, the
correct gravel thickness will only be established after the pavement design have been done.
Factors that affect the thickness of the wearing course in the pavement design include the
average daily traffic amounts, quality of gravel and the characteristics of in-situ subgrade
material. Investigations are currently underway to establish all these factors and the results
as well as the pavement design will be presented in the Detailed Designs for the roads.

Should the amount of gravel in the borrow pits not be enough, or the quality of gravel not
meet the required standards, the CE will have to look for other sources of material. These
sources could be far away from the project, thereby increasing the cost of rehabilitation and
maintenance. Sub-section 3402 of Section VII-Specifications; Part B: General Specifications
for Roadworks provides for a free-haulage distance of 10km. Therefore, the CE will be
proactive and identify more borrow pits to keep the haulage distance within allowable free-
haul distances. This will caution the project from incurring extra cost implication on the

5.3 Drainage and Drainage Structures

The drainage structures were investigated during the initial site visit. The objective of this
visit (with respect to drainage structures) was to get a general impression of the condition of
the existing drainage structures and to brief and mobilize the team for the detailed
investigation stage. See Table 5-1 below.

The existing drainage structures (pipe and box culverts) will be examined for their
hydraulic, strength and highway adequacy. Existing structures that will be found
adequate in these respects will be retained while the structures that will be found
inadequate will be replaced.

5.3.1 Culverts

U4K Zimba (T1) to Nyawa

A good number of existing drainage culverts are mainly 850mm, 900mm and
1200mmconcrete pipe culverts. Almost all the existing concrete pipe culverts are in poor
state and not functioning due to the lack of maintenance and few have no head- or wing
walls. However, most of the existing head- and wing walls are in a poor condition.

R207 Kalomo Siansungula (U5K) via Kauwe to Nyawa

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Initial Report

All of the existing drainage culverts are 600mm. Almost all the existing 600mm concrete pipe
culverts are not functioning properly due to silting and narrowing. Existing head- and wing
walls that are in a poor condition, will have to be replaced.

Kalomo(T1) U5K Kalomo to katanda

Most of the existing drainage culverts are 760mm – 900mm or bigger pipe culverts. Most
existing cross culverts that are 900mm or less in size are in poor condition and are proposed
to be replaced. Almost all the existing 760mm concrete pipe culverts are in fair condition,
maintenance and repairs will have to be done.

5.3.2 Surface Drainage and Run-Off

There are no well-defined side drains on all project roads. The discharging drains on culvert
positions were poorly constructed and are overgrown with vegetation, silted up or heavily
eroded due to a lack of maintenance. The problem of erosion is very imminent mainly due to
the rolling nature of some sections of the project roads and the soil types. The necessity and
positions of lined side drains at selected sections of the road will therefore be evaluated
during the detailed design stage.

5.3.3 Drifts
The existing concrete drifts will be evaluated if they can be maintained or not.

5.3.4 Bridges

Subject to the final hydraulic requirements, the focus of the final structural design will be to
retain or upgrade the existing bridges and/or major drainage structures at/to the required
level of service. New bridges and major drainage structures will be provided where required
in the concept design and as confirmed by the hydraulic requirements.

5.4 Road Furniture and Services

Road furniture such as guardrails and road signs are currently sub-standard or not present
at all. The necessary road furniture will be designed and provided for during the detail design

Existing overhead services e.g., power lines are present along and across certain sections
of the project roads. These should possibly not be affected by the road construction.
However, the vertical clearances of the existing power lines across the road will be verified
on site and adjusted where necessary.

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Initial Report

No underground services are evident or are likely to be encountered on the project roads.

There are only a few road signs and posters encroaching the road reserve that may need the
intervention from the environmental and social specialist. However, these should not hinder
the CEs from achieving notable progress on the roads.

Other than the issues raised in this section, the CE hereby accept the initial condition of the
Contract Assets.

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Initial Report


6.1 Assignment Approach and Methodology

In this section, the CE presents in a logical manner the approach, the work plan and
methodology to be adopted in the design of the project roads.

To satisfactorily meet the Client’s project goals and as presented in this section, the
methodology to execute this task was strategically devised to provide, as a minimum,
information on the sequence of activities, activity milestones, analysis, design procedures,
and techniques.

6.1.1 General Approach

For the successful and efficient provision of the services, the CE will take a sound economic
and engineering approach based on a clear understanding and interpretation of the ToRs
and the relevant planning and systems approach. The essential elements of the general
approach are described below. The Team

The CE has drawn professionals from its pool of engineers with extensive technical
experience and proven track record in the field of planning, field studies, and investigations,
design, topographic surveys, geometric designs, pavement designs, and drainage designs
for roads projects. While selecting the personnel, due consideration has been given not
only to the tasks to be carried out during the proposed assignment of experts but also to
the desirability of the expert being fully familiar with the ground situations in the project area.
The selected personnel have international work exposure thereby, bringing their global
experience and knowledge into the project. Communication

The CE through the Contractor’s Contract Manager and Bari Zambia’s Team Leader and
Project Executive will maintain close and efficient communication with the Client (RDA), the
Monitoring Consultant and the other concerned departments, agencies, and stakeholders;
and work as an integral part of the whole system responsible for the successful and timely
implementation of the project. Existing Data and Information

The CE will make use of any available information on the project such as traffic data from
RDA, district development plans, climatic, and hydrological data from relevant government

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract for Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula and Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report Back Stopping

As earlier stated, backstopping is one of the core elements of Quality Management System
(QMS) of Bari Zambia Limited, an ISO9001 certified company. Expert support in all
aspects of the assignment will be provided. Environmental Issues

The CE is expected to prepare an Environmental Management Plan to guide the CE on

environmental and social matters throughout the project. All issues to do with Policy and
regulations on the project is covered in the other safeguard documents like Code of Conduct,
C-ESMP, EPB’s and TMP these documents some of them already approved have
substantially covered all Policy and regulatory frame works.

6.2 Detailed Engineering Design

As earlier stated, the works contract was prepared on the basis of the Concept Designs
issued by the RDA during the tender process, using the estimated quantities as per A6.3 of
the Specifications: Part A Performance Specifications. The Concept Design was prepared by
Messrs. IMC Worldwide and Kiran Musonda & Associates in 2017.

The CE will therefore use the concept designs as a point of departure.

6.2.1 General approach

The detailed designs for roads (both geometric and pavement designs), associated drainage
structures (bridges/culverts) and safety designs will include the following main activities will

• Desk studies and collection of data including location of national trigonometric

points, traffic surveys, climatic, hydrological data, geological maps, aerial
photographs, and other relevant reports;
• Control surveys and topographic surveys to establish the road corridor and
geometric design/alignments;
• Geotechnical, soils, and materials investigation to determine in-situ material and
construction material sources;
• Traffic surveys (anticipated) for establishment of traffic design data (volumes,
vehicle speed, load spectrum (ESALs) for capacity, structural, and geometrical
• Gather climatic data (i.e., rainfall, temperature, etc.) that are required as design
inputs for the pavement structure, materials, drainage, etc. Hydrological data such
as precipitation, stormwater run-offs, and perennial flood water levels will also be
critical in the embankment, culvert, and geometrical designs.
• Hydrology and hydraulic analysis for sizing of drainage structures with design flows
based on topography, hydrological, and climatic data;

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Initial Report

• Geometric design of the road (curves, vertical, and horizontal alignments) with
optimisation arising from the ESMP;
• Pavement structural design including option analysis based on soil investigations,
traffic projections, design loads, and climatic considerations;
• Structural design and analysis of drainage structures (bridges and culverts) based
on the traffic loading, precipitation data, storm water run-offs, and perennial flood
water levels;
• Optimisation of road alignment to minimise earthworks and environmental
• Road safety design, signage, markings, crossings, and road furniture;
• Preparation of construction drawings on the basis of the final road alignment and
geometry, capacity needs, road pavement structure design, drainage structures,
and road safety design,

6.2.2 Proposed Design Criteria and Design Standards

The methodologies to be used in the design of pavement, earthworks, drainage and related
road structures shall conform to the latest techniques and standards whilst ensuring the
efficient use of available materials and economic solutions.

The design will be undertaken using the following standards and guidelines in line with A6.5.1
read together with A7.2 of Section VII – Specification: Part A Performance Specification.

• Concrete Block Paving Book 2 – Design Aspects, Concrete Manufacturers

Association South Africa;
• Guideline of Low-Volume Sealed Roads (SATCC, 2003)
• SATCC Code of Practice for the Rehabilitation of Road Pavement, September
• SATCC Code of Practice for the Design of Road Pavements, September 1998;
• SATCC Code of Practice for the Geometric Design of Truck Roads, September
• SATCC Code of Practice for the Design of Road Bridges and Culverts, September
• SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual 3rd Edition
• Zambia Ministry of Transport and Communication’s Guidelines for Road Traffic
• Recommendation on Road Design Standards of December 1994
• TRH 20 “The Structural Design, Construction and Maintenance of Unpaved roads”-
Division of Roads & Transport Technology, CSRA (1990).

However, the CE may consider application of other regional and international standards that
will ensure substantial equivalence to SATCC codes and TRH20 as well as bringing
innovation into the design, in which case the CE will seek written approval from the Project
Manager and Employer as specified under A6.6.10.

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Initial Report

Some of the standards that the CE considers of relevance to this project are as follows:

• Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local Roads (ADT≤400),

AASHTO, 2001;
• A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO, 2001;
• Zambian Ministry of Works and Supply “Culvert Manual: An Introduction to
Hydraulics, Design and Construction, May 2000”.
• BS 5400 – 2006 or respective Euro Codes;
• ISO9001 – Quality management principles.

6.2.3 Proposed Work Plan

This section details our proposed work plan. The work plan is aimed at translating the scope
of design work as given in the Contract into results that meet the project objectives. The work
plan structure is summarised in Table 6-1 detailing the various individual work tasks that will
be undertaken, their respective inputs, outputs, and extent of detail to which the tasks will be
executed. The activities correlate directly to the specifications and scope of assignment.

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RDA/CE/ICB/001/02 Inception Report
Table 6-1: Work Plan

Activity Input information Output

• Kick-off meeting • ToR and Technical Proposal Available • Selected data

• Data collection and desk • Relevant data (hydrological and Climatic Data) to • Projection organisation and communication lines
study. Establishment of be provided by the Client/relevant agencies.
project contacts & • General understanding of project area and local
communication procedures. • Extent of project – contacts.

• Site appraisal • Existing road condition - Visual inspections • Control (Reference) Survey Points
• Site Visits • Understanding of traffic requirements
• National Trigonometric stations. • Detailed Road Reconnaissance
• Environmental Impacts
• Identification of drainage & Materials problem areas;
• Initial assessment of on-site materials
• Initial Contract Condition Report/Inception Report (This

Control and Topographic survey. • Requirements for Topographical survey • Identification of existing natural features.
• National Trigonometrical beacons. • Collection, review, and correction of existing survey
• Establishment of control points.
• Topographical survey and road alignments

Material sources investigation • Available relevant data • Location of borrow pits

• Local knowledge and information from previous • Estimated yield of borrow pits (by type of material);
• Sub grade CBR indicators.
• Supplementary Materials investigations.
• Water sources

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Geometric design - Vertical and • Topographical maps; • Road geometric design - horizontal and vertical
horizontal Optimisation of alignments alignment, including possible alternatives.
• Topographic surveys;
Determine cross sectional • Location of drainage structures.
parameters • Geometric design parameters;
• Design of approach roads.
Cross drainage design flows • Design Manuals;
• Drainage features;
• Flood lines.
• Material problem areas;
• Culvert levels and setting out.
• Traffic design loading;
• Historical rainfall intensity, Hydrology & drainage
design parameters

Soils and Materials Investigation. • Field & lab test specifications • Sub-grade classification:
Geotechnical Investigation
• Design Manuals • Soil bearing capacity for bridge design
• Bridge locations • Materials property characterization & strength

Determine upgrade options • Road geometry and alignments; • Alignment improvements

• Location of materials sources/yield of borrow • Pavement design options.
• Construction methods
• Climatic data

Drainage design • Climatic and Hydraulic data • Flood lines.

Hydraulic Analysis and Design – • Detailed geotechnical investigations results • Bridge/Culvert levels and setting out.
Sizing of culverts.
• Traffic Study Results • Final cross drainage design
Structural design of bridges/culverts
• Locations and magnitudes of cross • Design of approach to bridges/culverts and erosion
• Drainage design flows;
• Sizing of drainage structures
• Inventory of existing drainage
• Structures;
• Geotechnical results

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• Vertical alignment;
• Hydrology & drainage design
• Design Parameters.

Optimise design to minimize • Earthworks volumes; • Design optimisation - vertical and/or horizontal
earthworks and optimize materials alignment;
utilization, cross drainage and road • cross drainage design
drainage. • Drainage structures
Minimise resettlement • Materials utilization.

Pavement layer works design • Pavement design Option; Design horizontal and • Pavement design;
vertical alignments.
• Materials’ utilization.
• Climatic data
• Traffic data (ADT, ESALs, etc)
• Materials sources

Determine pavement layer volumes. • Revised horizontal alignments; Layer works volumes
• Pavement design;
• Materials utilization.
• Earthworks volumes; Borrow-pit localities;
• Spoil-site localities;

Design of signage & road markings. • Final vertical and/or horizontal. • Road safety features
• Traffic surveys • Road furniture and road markings
• Road safety and road furniture design
• Design Manuals

Preparation of Construction Drawings • Final Design – Capacity, geometric, and Construction Drawings
pavement structure

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RDA/CE/ICB/001/02 Inception Report
• Final design – Drainage structures
• Final Design - Materials
• Final Design – Road Safety Features, Road

Construction Environmental • Project EPB • Construction Environmental, and Social Management

Management Plan (CESMP) Plan (CESMP)
• Contract Document and Designs
• ZEMA requirements

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6.3 Detailed Design Methodology

6.3.1 Detailed field inventory

One of the initial engineering activities to be undertaken will be a through road inspection and
inventory of the existing road condition and features. For this exercise, the entire length of
the project road will be inspected.

The main items of information to be recorded during the investigation will cover:

• Topography
• Assessment of existing horizontal and vertical alignments
• The road and shoulder cross-section widths and camber
• The road and shoulder surface condition as at the time of study
• Longitudinal side drainage condition and effectiveness
• Cross-drainage facilities condition and effectiveness
• Extent of swampland
• Water course crossing locations
• Existing and potential materials sources
• A road safety audit (including road furniture and traffic barriers)
• Trading centers
• Junctions and accesses
• Significant roadside land-use impacting on non-motorized road use

6.3.2 Control (Reference) Surveys

Control and topographical surveys shall be conducted using the UTM Coordinate system and
the ARC 1950 Datum consistent with Zambia National Mapping. The Coordinate System is
UTM 27 Zone 35S and the following national trigs and reference marks have been identified
and being used to tie the survey to the national grid.

Table 6-2: National Trig Stations Used

Name /ID Easting Northing Elevation Nature

MK35 758075.178 8492976.882 1266.893 Reference Mark
MK27 759070.685 8492785.848 1266.115 Reference Mark
Trig “A” 762420.190 8490823.500 1461.700 National Trig
MK32 759538.012 8493964.863 1258.655 Reference Mark

The Reference (Control) Surveys shall be carried out ahead of topographic surveys in order

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• Establish a Primary Control traverse and points along the proposed project roads
alignment, tied into the Zambia National Grid, while re-computing the existing road
centreline or re-establishing the points of intersections at horizontal curves.

• Establish inter-visible control points at 500m intervals for conventional Theodolite


• Establish vertical (elevation) control benchmarks and determine the existing road’s
vertical alignment.

The survey reference points and benchmarks shall be permanently set in appropriate marked,
properly protected, reinforced concrete monuments. The data collected shall be in a structure
and format compatible with highway management system (HMS) in use at RDA.

Survey control or closed traverse points will be established at intervals of approximately 2km
in the vicinity of the existing alignments. This control will be established using Real Time
Kinematic GPS positioning techniques, yielding a relative positional accuracy between
adjacent points of + (20 ppm x Base line Length) or Differential GPS. Where possible, these
points will be positioned on elevated areas to increase the range of the broadcast base-radio
signals. The survey control points will be established with a view to providing initial position
and orientation for subsequent conventional minor traversing and detail surveys. Each base
station will be marked with a permanent ground marker and shall be shown on the plan and
profile drawings in order to provide re-location survey control along the route.

The Designer shall carry out a detailed ground survey along the length of the project roads,
to examine the road alignment and cross-section and any bridge site and culvert sites that
are necessary to complete the design and the estimation of quantities for the required
construction work. The vertical and horizontal geometric characteristic of road centreline shall
be computed, and strip surveys taken at maximum 50 m intervals with increasing shorter
intervals in steeper terrain.

The coordinates of all the intersection points will be tied into the National Grid and all levels
will be related to the National Benchmarks.

Co-ordinate feature data will be processed using Civil 3D design and mapping software to
produce a digital terrain model (DTM), which can then be interrogated to provide mapping at
any scale. The survey data shall be provided to the RDA in excel format.

The position of features on or adjacent to the road including buildings, settlements, markets,
access roads, utilities and services shall be located and feature coded, for subsequent

The output of this activity will include identification of national beacons and placement
of control points along the project corridor in the XYZ format, placement of road
alignments, and establishment of a road corridor that will be used for geometric
design and generation of earth-works volumes (DTM). The survey will also be used in
optimising the vertical and horizontal alignments and placing the road on a plan
locating all the rivers, streams, swamps, dambos, hills, etc.

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6.3.3 Topographical Surveys

Topographic surveys will follow Control Surveys. The survey datum to be used shall be UTM
Arc 1950. We shall carry out a detailed topographic survey of the road alignment using
established reference benchmarks to establish centre lines of the road and locate all drainage

The benchmarks along all project roads shall be established and are iron steel pegs in
concrete monuments as follows:

• At offsets of 30m from road centerlines,

• Primary benchmarks – 500m intervals,
• Secondary benchmarks – 250m to 300m.

The position of any prominent features in the corridor shall be located and feature coded, for
subsequent downloading.

The surveys will eventually be tied to the National Grid and all levels will be related to the
National Benchmarks to serve the needs of the preliminary engineering design. The
benchmarks shall be marked and properly protected in reinforced concrete monuments. The
survey would also provide permanently marked and accurately fixed survey stations to be
used for any future setting out, control of construction, and subsequent monitoring.

The data collected shall be in a structure and format compatible with highway management
system (HMS) in use at RDA.

This survey will be established by the use of Real Time Kinematic GPS positioning
techniques, yielding a relative positional accuracy between adjacent points of + (20 ppm x
Base line Length) or Differential GPS.

The survey data shall be captured in a manner suitable for the creation of a three-dimensional
digital ground model in an appropriate modeling system. The model so produced shall
accurately represent the existing features at the site when a cross section is generated from
the data and the start- end of all linear features (road edge drainage, riverbanks, etc.) must
be recorded as well as their cross-sectional shape.

The survey data would contain the following information

 Spot heights at the stipulated intervals

 Cadastral information i.e., locations of buildings, rivers, rock-outcrops, etc.,
color-coded for easy-recognition,
 Major contours at 10 m interval and minor contours at 2m interval,
 Project site boundary,
 Ground model in a suitable format (i.e., 30 lines or triangles), showing
coordinates and levels.
 Schedule of benchmarks, with reference numbers, coordinates and heights.
 Description and location of benchmarks shall also be submitted.

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 Schedule of the Right of Way (ROW coordinates, with reference numbers and

At the end of the project, topographical and design data will be supplied to the Road
Development Agency in a suitable format.

6.3.4 Traffic Studies and Evaluation

Traffic Count Report
All the three roads had traffic count conducted prior to design of the roads. Records are available on
request showing all stations on all roads. We had Numerators posted 24hours a day on each road
start chainages and end chainages. The data was analysed and is now being used for design

The historical, current as well as expected future traffic volumes of the Project Roads need
to be evaluated. Assumptions will therefore be made based on historical data obtained
together with information obtained from other studies conducted in the area (if available).

Due to the poor existing condition of the roads, certain sections being impassable, very low
traffic volumes exist on the project roads. The existing traffic volumes as well as expected
future traffic volumes on the project roads will thus need to be determined by conducting
manual traffic surveys at selected intersections with possible alternative roads. In addition to
these surveys, all available historic traffic data will be obtained to help in the calculation of
annual growth rates.

A traffic survey will be conducted in the study area, taking cognisance of the existing road
network together with the potential for macro-economic development in the area. These
traffic surveys will be conducted in the project area at the following locations:

• All major intersections

• In between all major settlements and villages

The traffic count stations will be communicated to the MC and/or Client (RDA) for approval.
The surveys will be 7-day 2-way counts inclusive of five weekdays, a Saturday and Sunday,
from 06hr00 to 18hr00 as per A4.7.1 of Performance Specifications and in line with RDA
HMS Standards. This traffic data collected will be the initial base data.

Further traffic counts will be carried out in May and November of each year.

During the execution of the traffic volume surveys, traffic will be classified as light vehicles,
pick-ups, heavy vehicles etc. In line with the contract, traffic counts will be carried out bi-
annually at the established counting stations.

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The above-mentioned traffic surveys will enable the accurate calculation of the existing and
future traffic volumes, which will be required for the pavement design. It should be noted that
no axle load surveys will be conducted; assumptions will be made in this regard. All available
information will be evaluated and based on the information gathered during the surveys.

The Designer will describe and quantify existing and potential traffic, including an analysis of
anticipated increase in economic and social activities and generation factors in the area
served by the road based on the economic development of the region and the future needs
of road that will result from:

• Population growth and changes in project area;

• National and regional growth;
• Development of industry, agriculture, timber production and tourism within the
project area;
• Development of animal husbandry and;
• Effect of the improvement of the road on social services, medical facilities and

The results of the traffic surveys, together with traffic volume projection will determine the
required pavement strength. Traffic volumes (present and projected) and traffic classification
will be presented in the Detailed Design Report of each road.

6.3.5 Soils and Materials Investigations

Comprehensive soil and materials investigations will be carried out. The extent of the
investigation is discussed below. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Investigations

Field DCP Investigations will be carried out at 500m intervals to determine variations of the
penetration resistance with depth in order to assess the thickness of the different layers and
the stiffness of the subgrade. These DCPs will also be used to divide the road into different
homogenous representative sections.

Results of the DCP tests will be analysed together with the test pit materials’ results to
determine the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the subgrade. Centreline sampling

After dividing the road into homogeneous representative sections, sufficient number of test
pits will be excavated in each of the identified homogenous sections. Depending on
variability of subgrade conditions, it is expected that the test pits shall be spaced on average
in the order of 5 km. Samples from the trial pits will be tested for;

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• Sieve Analysis;
• Atterberg limits;
• Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR); and
• Maximum dry and Optimum moisture content. Gravel borrow pits

Potential and existing gravel borrow pits will be identified along the project routes, spaced
on average between 10 to 20km with at least 4 test pits per borrow pit. Borrow pit plans
shall be prepared showing the exact location of all borrow pits with an indication of their
approximate quantities. The following laboratory tests shall be carried out on samples of
representative materials:

• Atterberg limits;
• Sieve analysis;
• Natural moisture content;
• Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content;
• CBR;
• Unconfined Compressive Strength; and
• Others as required. Crushed Rock

The crushed stone will be sampled for laboratory testing for:

• Flakiness Index (FI);

• Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV);
• 10% Fines;
• CBR;
• Soundness
• Aggregate Abrasion Value (AAV)
• Polished Stone Value;
• Water Absorption; and Fill Materials

Fill material will originate from cut in the existing road prism where the new road level will
be lower than the existing road as well as from cut in the existing road prism where existing
cuts need to be widened due to the new width of the project roads. Sand

The requirement for natural sand for the Project will be relatively small, mainly for blinding
material, mortar and some concrete. Streams crossing the roads at vented drift also
produce some sands that could be used in works.

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Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Initial Report Cement

Cement is manufactured in Zambia and is available from Zambezi Portland and Dangote
Cement in Ndola and Lafarge in Chilanga and Ndola. Reinforcing Steel

Reinforcing steel will be required for prefabricated reinforced concrete pipe culverts and
appurtenant (inlet/outlet) structures which the contractor may manufacture himself or
purchase from a supplier. More steel would be required if location for Bridges are identified
during the Detailed investigation surveys.

Table 6-3 shows the summary of tests to be carried on various materials.

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Table 6-3: Summary of Material Tests

Base/Subgrade/Wearing Course Aggregates

− Particle size distribution − Aggregate crushing value (ACV)

− Sieve analysis − 10% Fines
− Atterberg limits − Sodium sulphate soundness (SSS)
− Linear shrinkage − Flakiness index (FI)
− MD curves − Specific gravity (SG)
− CBR and swell potential (AASHTO). − LA abrasion values
− Chemical stabilization − Accelerated weathering test.
− Sulfate and organic content; UCS and − Water absorption capacity
resilient modulus. Water sources

Water for road construction is generally available from some rivers and Lakes in most
sections of the roads. It is however observed that in a certain section of the road do not
have nearby surface water sources. The issue of water rights, permits, river locations,
names and coordinates are thoroughly dealt with in the recently approved C-ESMP and
was mentioned here just for records.

6.4 Geometric Design

The project roads will most likely follow the existing alignments. However, the alignments
may change on account of optimisation of the vertical and horizontal curves. Geometric
designs will be carried out using Civil Designer 3D.

The proforma geometric design guideline is the SATCC Code of Practice for Geometric
Design of Trunk Roads, 1998, reprinted 2001. The CE is of the view that this code may not
be suitable for rural unpaved low volume roads under this project.

In view of the above, the CE would propose to use other international standards. The CE will
follow the procedure outlined in A6.6.10 of Part A Performance Specifications to request
the use of others standards.

Table 6-4 shows the proposed geometric design standards for the different speeds.

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Table 6-4: Proposed Geometrical Design Parameters

Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountainous

Design Speed km/h 80 60 40

Minimum Stopping Sight Distance M 95 60 35

Maximum Side Friction Factor 0.150 0.165 0.170

Minimum Horizontal Curve radius M 135 70 30

Max. Gradient (Desirable) % 6 8 11

Critical Length of Grades M 230 160 -

Minimum Radii of Curvature M 2,500 1,530 800

Maximum Superelevation % 6 6 6

Stopping Sight Distance (Vertical

Curve) M 95 60 35

Normal Cross-Fall % 5 5 5

Shoulder Cross-Fall % 5 5 5

(Source: Adapted from SATCC Code of Practice for the Design of Geometric Design of Trunk Road,
Sept 1998 and OPRC Contract Specifications -Part A)

The standard cross sections for the project roads as specified in the contract document are
presented in Table 6-5, Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2.

Table 6-5: Standard Cross Section Dimensions

Road No. of Lane Carriageway Shoulder Formation Road Reserve

Type Lanes Width (m) Width (m) Width (m) Width (m) Width (m)

Rural 2 2.25 5.5 0 5.7 36

Urban 2 3.25 6.5 2.0 10.5 36

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Figure 6-1: Standard Cross Section - Rural Road

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Figure 6-2: Standard Cross Section – Urban Road

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6.5 Pavement Design

6.5.1 Pavement design criteria

Two pavement types are envisaged, namely the gravel pavement and interlocking block
paving block pavement. The paving block pavements will be applied in settlement sections
of the project roads while gravel pavements will be applied in all other rural roads.
The design life for gravel pavements and interlocking paving pavements will be 5 years and
10 years respectively.

6.5.2 Interlocking Pavements

The following design criteria will be complied to with respect to Interlocking Paving bricks.
of this document. Further, the technical specification should have the following minimum
• The pavers shall be manufactured to BS1881, Part 116 – average compressive
strength 30MPa at 28 days.
• The surface receiving the pavers shall be treated to the level of base;
• The surface should be of anti-skid and anti-glare type and made from concrete (grey
in colour)
• Pavers shall be placed in a single layer to ensure an even surface on top and to
• The Average Water Absorption of the Paving Bricks shall be Maximum 6% by mass.

6.5.3 Gravel Pavement Design

The primary design manual to be used will be the TRH20 Standard. From TRH20 the design
thickness, T, for a gravel wearing course is given by the following formula:

T = t + [(1 + Ct ÷ 100) x (GLp x Ld)]

Where t = minimum thickness for subgrade protection (mm)

Ct= traffic induced compaction (%)

GLp= predicted annual gravel loss (mm)
Ld= design life/regravelling frequency (years)

The determination of the parameters of the above equation is discussed in the following sub-

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6.5.4 Minimum Thickness for Subgrade Protection (t)

As in the design of a paved road, there is a requirement for a minimum gravel thickness to
protect the subgrade from moisture and excessive loading. It is generally recommended by
TRH20 that for subgrades with a CBR greater than 5% that no subgrade protection is
required. For subgrades with a CBR of less than 5% it is generally recommended that a
nominal 50 mm of wearing course gravel, in addition to that required by the other design
parameters is provided.

The subgrade protection thickness is the minimum that should be maintained during the
pavement service life to avoid subgrade failure and loss of the facility.

6.5.5 Traffic Inducted Compaction (Ct)

Gravel wearing courses, although compacted during construction, can lose up to 30% of the
original thickness within a short period due to traffic compaction. It is therefore important to
ensure adequate compaction during construction or allow for the loss in wearing course
thickness, caused by traffic compaction, in the design process. This is of particular relevance
when the materials are relatively dry of the optimum moisture content during construction
compaction, as the air voids are high and traffic compaction will rapidly occur.

TRH 20 gives the following approximate estimates of potential traffic compaction based on
the construction compactive effort and moisture content during construction.

Table 6-6: Estimation of Potential Traffic Compaction

Table 3.1: Estimate of Potential Traffic Moisture Content During Potential Loss of
Compaction during Construction Construction Gravel Thickness

3 passes of a grid roller about OMC 10%

3 passes of a grid roller dry of OMC 20%

3 passes of a pneumatic tyred roller about OMC 5%

6.5.6 Predicted Annual Gravel Loss (GLp)

The annual gravel loss (GLp expressed in mm) may be determined to within 10 mm per year
by the following formula:

GLp = 3.65 [ADT (0.059 + 0.0027N - 0.0006 P26)- 0.367N - 0.0041PF + 0.0474 P26.]

where ADT = Average daily traffic

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N = Weinert N - value (dimensionless value)

P26 = Percentage passing the 26.5 mm sieve
PF = Product of plastic limit and percentage passing 0.075mm sieve.

The product of the annual gravel loss (GLp) and the design life (Ld) will indicate the material
which will be lost due to erosion (wind and surface water) and traffic over the design life of
the road. Alternatively, the regravelling frequency may be determined to ensure that the
wearing course thickness does not reduce below the minimum required for subgrade
protection. It is important that regravelling occurs before this minimum thickness is reach and
the subgrade is exposed to excess loading, in order to avoid unnecessary maintenance
problems. Below the minimum thickness potholes and rutting rapidly occur in the remaining
gravel wearing course.

The actual composition of the pavement layers will largely be determined during the detailed
design phase.

6.6 Processing and Control of Wearing Course Gravels

Often gravel materials for unpaved roads require some form of processing to improve their
quality. The common defects include the presence of oversize particles and too much or too
little fine grained “binder” material. The selection of the appropriate treatment will be strongly
influenced by the severity of the problem and is usually a balance of economic considerations.

6.6.1 Criteria for wearing course gravel

The target material criteria for the wearing course as specified under B3402/2 of Part B:
General Specifications for Roadwork are tabulated in Table 6-7. The material performance
requirements are presented in Figure 6-3.

Table 6-7: Requirements for Gravel Wearing Course

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Figure 6-3: Performance Requirements of Gravel Materials

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6.6.2 Dealing with oversized materials

The maximum size of gravel material is

37.5mm. Any materials bigger than this will be
reduced in size. Several methods will be used
as per Figure 6-4. The methods include:

In the pit/quarry
• Screening
• Manual removal (Do not rip too deep,
“Shave” with dozer blades, Track
oversize with dozer)
• Treat with mobile hammer
• Crushing

On the road

• Manual removal (Do not rip too deep,

“Shave” with dozer blades, Track
oversize with dozer)
• Treat with grid roller (Suitable for 5-
30%, oversize, Maximum particle
size about 300mm)
• Treatment with mobile hammermill

Figure 6-4: Processing Oversized Materials

6.6.3 Dealing with fines

An essential component of any good quality gravel road surfacing material is the presence
of a small quantity of plastic fines material to act as “binder”. The presence of excess
fines will result in roads that are slippery in wet weather and dusty in dry weather. Roads that
lack plastic fines are prone to ravelling; they easily wear away under traffic and when
subjected to scour from surface water. Lack of Plastic Binder

The most effective method of dealing with a lack of plastic fines content is usually to mix
together two different materials, one which has a high binder content with one that lacks
plastic fines (See Figure 6-5). Such mixing may be referred to as “mechanical

The proportions of each material that need to be mixed together should be determined from
the results of laboratory tests made to establish the particle size of each material. Other
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methods include experimentation (trial and error) in the field. Mixing will be done in the pit
or on the road.

The binder content of wearing course

gravels may be improved during
regrading by bringing some plastic
subgrade soil from the side of the road.

Figure 6-5: Mixing on the Road Too Much Fines

Materials containing an excess of plastic fines are typically best treated by mixing with a
non-plastic well graded sand or sandy gravel. Suitable blending materials are usually river,
lake or beach deposits (either recent deposits or ancient terrace deposits). Stabilisation
may also treat materials with an excess of clayey fines (or a lack of plastic (fines). Correcting Materials Defects During Road Maintenance

Regrading and regravelling operations will be used to improve the grading and plasticity
characteristics of existing gravel surfacing materials.

The following activities will be considered:

• Grading some plastic subgrade materials from the side of the road onto the
pavement prior to scarifying and reshaping. The plasticity characteristics of such
binder sources will be confirmed before implementing this procedure.

• Where “heavy grading” and patching is necessary, the principle would be to use
new materials with properties which would improve the characteristics of the
existing materials.

• Road surfaces that have become rough due to exposure of oversize particles would
greatly be improved by treatment with a mobile hammer mill as part of a heavy
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grading operation. The large particles that have collected at the side of the road
(and would normally be graded to waste) would be graded back onto the road,
broken down and reincorporated in the pavement.

• Whenever regravelling is required, the characteristics of the existing materials and

their origin will be evaluated. If poor particle size grading properties or binder
problems are apparent, then investigation on the possibility of producing a better-
quality material by mixing material from more than one borrow source will be

6.7 Hydrology, Hydraulics and Drainage Design

The Designer’s approach will be based on visual inspections for natural drainage lines and
establishment of catchment areas from DTM. Existing drainage structures (both minor and
major structures) will be assessed for hydraulic and highway adequacy and structural
integrity. New structures proposed in the Concept Design will also be evaluated for the above

6.7.1 Design Standards

Reference will be made to various standards including;

 “Code of Practice for the Design of Road Bridges and Culvert”, September 1998,
SATCC (primary code);
 “Culvert Manual: An Introduction to Hydraulics, Design and Construction” May 2000,
Ministry of Works and Supply, Republic of Zambia;
 “TRH 25 Guidelines for the Hydraulic Design and Maintenance of River Crossings”,
1994, Committee of State Road Authorities;
 Overseas Road Note 9, International Division, Transport Research Laboratory.

6.7.2 Design Storm/Flood

The design frequency will be selected in relation to the cost of a facility relative to budget
constraints, amount of traffic and expected Level of Service, potential flood hazard to property
and the magnitude and risk associated with damages from larger flood events.

6.7.3 Hydrological study Methods of Flood Estimation

There are three broad divisions of flood estimation methods. These are:

 Deterministic;
 Empirical; and
 Statistical.
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The Deterministic Methods include the Rational Method, The Unit graph Method and the
Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Method.

The Empirical Method is the Regional Maximum Flood method and the Statistical Methods
include the Run-hydrograph Method.

The method or battery of methods to choose will depend on whether the site is gauged
(Fully or partially) or completely un-gauged. The choice of the method to use will also
depend on whether a full or peak hydrograph is required, the Catchment Size (small or
Large) and also on the flood probability.

6.7.4 Hydraulic Design

The hydraulic design will deal with the determination of flood discharge at a specific point
and the corresponding selection and sizing of appropriate drainage structures, such as side
drains and culverts structures. The following paragraphs discuss each of these separately as
well as some factors relating to the specific flow that will be accommodated. Storm Drainage Facilities

Highway storm drainage facilities collect stormwater runoff and convey it through the
carriageway right-of-way in a manner that adequately drains the carriageway and minimises
the potential for flooding and erosion to properties adjacent to the right-of-way. Storm
drainage facilities consisting of curbs, gutters, storm drains, channels and culverts shall be
designed to take into consideration damage to adjacent property and to secure as low a
degree of risk of traffic interruption by flooding as is consistent with the importance of the
road. Channels and side drains

Channels and side drains will be designed for free surface flow conditions with no
encroachment of flow from side drains onto the road surface. The Manning formula, which
takes cognisance of the in-situ material or lining, is recommended for the determination of
the maximum capacity and velocity of side drains.
Hydraulic design of a channel section will be based on the least wetted perimeter for a given
area, to give the optimum conveyance. These optimum channel cross sections will be
superseded by practical considerations such as safety, lining type, erosion potential,
stability of the road formation and side slopes.
Side drains to the sides of roads will have a V-shaped cross section, 1 vertical to 4 horizontal
and 0,5 m deep in areas of cut. In other side drains the drain will be trapezoidal with a 1m
base width and 0,5m deep with 1 vertical and 2 horizontal side slopes. The lining material
will be grass or from grouted stone pitching dependent on the permissible velocity. In
circumstances where the permissible velocities are greater concrete linings are used. To

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limit velocities and scour in existing drains check structures will be constructed from grouted
The maximum capacity and velocity of side drains will be established for various road
gradients using the following formula:
Q = (1/n) A R2/3 S½ (Manning formula)
in which
Q is the capacity discharge (m3/s)
A is Area (m2)
R is the hydraulic radius (m)
S is the bed slope or hydraulic gradient (m/m)
n is the Manning roughness coefficient

Table 6-8: Typical Manning Roughness Coefficients

Channel type and description Value

Smooth Concrete 0,012 – 0,015
Stone Pitched 0,020 – 0,025
Earth, smooth, no grass 0,02
Firm gravel 0,02
Earth, some stones, grassed 0,025– 0,030
Earth, unmaintained, winding natural streams 0,035
Mountain streams and Rivers 0,04 – 0,05

(Source: Table E.6, Culvert Manual, An Introduction to Hydraulics and Construction adapted from TRL Overseas
Road Note 9 Table 4.1)

The maximum permissible flow velocity for the various types of linings and in situ material
are given in Table 6-9. A minimum permissible flow velocity of 0,6m/s to alleviate siltation
is recommended for all types of lining.

Table 6-9: Maximum Floor Velocity

Channel type and description Maximum velocities (m/s)

Smooth Concrete 6,0

Stone Pitched (Grouted) 4,0

Earth, smooth, no grass (in situ material) 0,6 – 1,2

Firm gravel 1,5 – 2,0

Earth, some stones, grassed 2,0– 2,5

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(Source: Figure E.6, Culvert Manual – Ministry of Works and Supply, Zambia, An Introduction to Hydraulics and
Construction adapted from TRL Overseas Road Note 9) Small drainage structures/Culverts

Small drainage structures will be considered to have an effective span of less than 6m. For
maintenance purposes, new small drainage structures will be sized with a minimum
diameter for pipe culverts of 900mm, or 900mm wide x 900mm high for box culverts. For
optimisation of culvert sizing, a headwater to pipe diameter or box culvert height ratio of 1.2
will be used.

Minimum performance will be assumed by analysing both the inlet and outlet control and
using the highest headwater. The control section is a location where there is a unique
relationship between the flow rate and the upstream water surface elevation. Inlet control
will be governed by the inlet geometry. Outlet control will be governed by a combination of
the culvert inlet geometry, the barrel characteristics, and the tail-water.

Estimation of the outflow velocities will be based on balancing the energy equation between
culvert inlet and outlet, assuming non-submerged conditions at the culvert outlet, and
expressed by the following formula:

H1 + z1 = y2 +v22/2g + hf + hl

in which

H1 depth of flow at point 1 (m)

z1 bed level at outflow point 2 (m)
y1 depth of flow at point 2 (m)
v2 flow velocity at point 2 (m/s)
g is the acceleration of gravity (9,81m/s2)
hf friction losses between point 1 and 2 (m)
hf = [(n*v)/r0,667]2 *L
n = mannings roughness coefficient
v = average velocity (m/s)
r = average hydraulic radius (m)
L = culvert length (m)
hl losses at inlet (m)
hl = k*v22/2g
where the recommended ‘k’ values are:
wingwalls between 30 and 75 degrees (0,25)
wingwalls 15 and 90 degrees (0,5)
culvert face shaped to fill slope (0,7)

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wingwalls at 0 degrees (extension of culvert sides) (0,9)

The outflow velocities will be kept to a minimum by minimizing the culvert gradient.

Figure 6-6: Pipe Minimum Gradients

As can be seen from Figure 6-6 minimum gradients are required to obtain the non-silting
velocities of 0.6m/s. A minimum gradient of 2% for new structures is to be used where
possible, unless in the situation outlet velocities require additional erosion protection
measures, this minimum gradient will be reduced. In those situations where additional
erosion protection is required grouted stone pitching or gabion mattresses will be used
dependant on whether the streambed is stable (unlikely to scour) or unstable (likely to scour)
downstream of the outlet structure. In extreme circumstances check dams will be used to
control erosion.

Some existing culverts may be retained. The culverts will be examined for any possible
scouring and stability problems of the embarkment and surrounding ground. For retained
culverts the following inlet and outlet scour protection actions will be undertaken:

Inlet protection

• Installation of check drains

• Construction of drop inlet as required
• Protection of embarkment walls and floor using stone pitching or riprap.
• Grassing

Outlet protection

• Curtain walling
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• Protection of embarkment walls and floor using stone pitching or riprap.

• Grassing Large drainage structures/ bridges

A large drainage structure will be classified as a structure having an effective span of over
6m. The design approach for large drainage structures will be designed for free flow
conditions with the relevant freeboard below the culvert soffit.

6.7.5 Design Flood Frequency

The design return periods to be used in the hydraulic design for the freeboard requirements
to the deck soffits of bridges and culvert structures, shall be as follows as per A6.5.1 –
Performance Specifications Part A are as follows:

• Side drains: 1 in 5 years

• Pipe Culverts (Q10>20m3/s): 1 in 10 year
• Minor Box Culverts (Q25<20m3/s): 1 in 25 years
• Major Box Culverts (Q50>150m3/s): 1 in 50 years
• Bridges: 1 in 50 years

The storms obtained from the above criteria will be increase by factor of 5% to account for
climate change impacts.

6.7.6 Design Flood Level

For the design of new structures, a normal flow depth will be determined for the river section
at the site and the backwater effect caused by the structure applied.

The design chart in Figure 6-7 below shows the procedures to be followed to assess scour.
The Design Flood Level determined from analysis of water surface flow will help in
determining the cross-section extent of flooding and the location of abutments. This freeboard
allowance will be added to the design flood level to establish the soffits of the bridge deck.
Results of the hydraulic modelling and scour assessment will be presented in the Detailed
Design Report.

Energy dissipaters will be designed to protect downstream areas from erosion by reducing
the velocity of flow to acceptable limits. The procedure to be followed is shown Figure 6-8
below. Results of the calculations for energy dissipaters will be presented in the Detailed
Design report.

6.7.7 Bridge Siting

The proposed location or siting of the bridges will be done during the topographical surveys.
The selection will be done such that the bridge would have little interference with the flow
velocities within the stream.

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6.7.8 Minimum Opening Width

Lateral Scour has been identified as the major cause of serious hydraulic problems at bridges.
In order to provide for lateral scour, additional spans will be provided to the bridge structure
(Reference: TRL Overseas Road Note 9). The total opening width will not be less than the
equilibrium channel width that will be corresponding with the design discharge. Equilibrium
width is given by the Blench relationship as:

B = 14Q0.5 D50 0.25 Fs-0.25

Where B = Equilibrium width (m)

Q= Discharge (m3/s)
D50 = Median particle size (m)
Fs = Empirical coefficient
= 0.1 for sandy loam
= 0.2 for sandy clay loam
= 0.3 for cohesive soils

Alignment of Bridges

Maximum scour depths under extreme flood conditions are mainly determined by the
magnitude of the discharge per unit width. Accordingly, the alignment of bridge piers
influences depth of scour:

•Directly by causing local scour to increase proportionally to the projected pier areas.
•Indirectly by affecting nett flow width between piers and thus unit discharge whereby
the depth of general scour is increased.
The bridge piers will be aligned with the flow direction in order to limit the projected area of
bridge piers.

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Figure 6-7: Scour Assessment Procedure

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Figure 6-8: Design Process of Energy Dissipaters

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6.7.9 Freeboard

Freeboard is defined as the vertical distance from the design water surface level either to the
top of the structure in the case of drains, or the road formation or shoulder break point for
pipe and box culverts. In the case of larger structures which are not designed to flow full such
as bridge structures, the freeboard is taken as the vertical distance from the design water
surface to the underside (soffit) of the bridge deck or beams whichever is the lower. This
distance in whichever circumstance that it is applied should be sufficient to prevent waves or
disturbances in water surface from overtopping the structure, and also allowing for blockages
in the case of bridges.

Table 6-10: Freeboard

Type of structure Freeboard (m) recommended
freeboard (m)
Drains and Culvert Structures 0.15E to 0.20E from design water 0.1
surface to top of structure or road
shoulder (for straight canal
sections with sub-critical flow
Drains and Culvert Structures 0.25y to 0.30y from design water 0.1
surface to top of structure or road
shoulder (for straight canal
sections with super-critical flow
Drifts As above for design recurrence
interval before overtopping.
Bridges =0.3m for flows 0 – 100m3/s 0.3
>0,3<0.55m for flows 100 – 0.55
>0,55<0.8m for flows 200 –
>0,8<1.1m for flows 400 –
F=0,8*log(Q)-1.3 for flows
from design water surface to
underside bridge deck or beams.
(Source: TRL Overseas Road Note 9, Table 4.1)
E = y + v2/2g
y = depth of flow at deepest point
v = average velocity (m/s)
g = acceleration of gravity (9.81m/s2)
Q= design flood peak
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6.7.10 Bridge Design

The concept design has recommended a number of existing bridge structures requiring
further evaluation. We have presented a generic method statement to be employed in bridge
designs. The CE will prepare specific method statements, if so required, for the bridge design
based on the type of proposed bridge structure. Bridge Configurations

Guidelines on the required hydraulic opening, the location of the bridge, channel training
works etc were discussed in the preceding sections. This section deals with components of
the bridge.


Alignment of piers will correspond with the direction of river flow at the maximum design
flow. Supports comprising multiple columns are not recommended as debris collects
between columns, reducing waterway opening and increasing scour and hydrodynamic
forces. Wall type supports will be adopted instead. Increase in pile cap width increases the
scour depth and for this reason width selection will be considered together with scour depth
to arrive at the most economical solution. Hollow piers will not be used because of the
floatation and buoyance forces that arise from their usage. The pier ends will be rounded
to reduce drag forces and reduce tendency for debris to collect.


Wing wall type of abutment will be used instead of return wall.


Bridge decks used for river can either be simply supported or continuous. Continuous decks
offer the following advantages over simply supported decks:

• Superior aesthetics;
• Improved rideability;
• Reduced maintenance of joints;
• Reduced risk during construction; and
• Cost saving.

For the above reasons a continuous deck was selected.

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The deck will be designed to minimise the effect of floatation. Air escape openings (vents)
will be provided to all compartments. The area of the vertical escape openings will not be
less than 0.01% of the plan area of the air trapping compartments. Drainage downspouts
located in air trapping compartments will serve a dual function by allowing air escape as
well. Foundation Investigations

The CE will appoint an independent Geotechnical Engineer to carry out geotechnical

investigations on the site. The purposes of the investigations will be to:

• Establish the founding conditions of the bridge site

• Assist the designer in the selection of foundation types, the preparation of foundation
• Provide guidance to the Contractor for planning and execution of the foundation works.

Information Required by the Designer

The Geotechnical Engineer will provide a report giving clear guidance to the design
engineer, enabling him to select the most appropriate foundation type for the bridge. The
investigation will quantify the parameters required for the design of the proposed
foundations and approach embankments. Important requirements are:

I. General
• Recommendation as to the appropriate foundation type; and
• Any aspect of the site condition requiring special design consideration.

II. Spread Footing

• Expected depth of founding and nature of founding material;
• Nature of overburden and stability of foundation excavations;
• Depth of water table and date measured;
• Allowable bearing pressure at likely alternative levels;
• Compressibility of founding material for calculation of foundation settlement;
• Heaving characteristics;
• Depth of general scour as deduced from material characteristics; and
• Requirements for the inspection and approval of founding material.

III. Piled Foundation

• Recommendation as to the most appropriate pile type(s);
• Depth of water table and date measured.
• Expected pile founding depth, nature of founding material and required
configuration at pile toe i.e. end bearing, socketed or underreamed.
• Design Parameters for the assessment of pile capacity

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• Consistency/compressibility of material through which the piles are installed for

assessment of subgrade reaction.
• Compressibility of founding stratum for assessment of pile group settlement;
• Extent of any expansive material and heave forces likely to be exerted on pile
• Depth of general scour as deduced from material characteristic;
• Presence and type of obstruction;
• Aggressiveness of ground water;
• Requirements for the inspection and approval of founding material; and
• Rock classification.

IV. Approach embankment

• Shear strength of the founding soils for assessment of safe side-slopes;
• Compressibility of founding soils for assessment of settlement embankment and
need for pre-loading.
• Restrictions on rate of construction to allow dissipation of excess pore water
pressure; and
• Magnitude of down drag forces on piles due to settlement of the embankment and
founding soils.

Investigation Techniques

Rotary core drilling shall be carried out at the bridge site to conclusively establish the
foundation conditions. The CE will that a representative of the client witnesses the collection
of samples during rotary core drilling.

At least one bore hole shall be drilled where each anticipated substructure footing is likely
to be positioned, but where the terrain at the site is steeply sloping or very changeable, two
bore holes shall be drilled – one at each end (i.e. upstream and downstream) of every
anticipated foundation position.

Boreholes shall be drilled to proven bedrock levels.

Field and Laboratory Testing

I. General
The most important design parameters are the shear strength and compressibility of
the founding material. These two parameters facilitate the computation of bearing
capacity and settlement respectively.

II. Shear Strength

Direct determination of shear strength tests will be carried out in the lab except for a
few exceptions.

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Where the material being tested is rock, tests will include unconfined compressive
strength (UCS) or point load tests conducted on intact specimens of rock core.
Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) and dynamic or static cone penetration tests
(CPT’s) will be used to test shear strength or bearing capacity of the in-situ material
based on empirical correlation

In the case of soils, triaxial tests will be used to determine shear strength. Effective
(drained) strength parameters will be used in the determination of bearing capacity.
In the case of soft clays, the undrained unconsolidated shear strength will govern the
stability of fills.

The shear vane test will be used for the direct determination of shear strength of
mainly soft cohesive soils.

III. Compressibility Tests.

Compressibility tests will be determined in the laboratory. Tests on rocks will be

unconfined compressive strength (UCS). Laboratory tests on soils will be the one-
dimension consolidation testing in a triaxial consolidation.

Where expansive soils will be encountered, grading and indicator tests will be

Frequency of testing and documentation

Standard Penetration tests shall be conducted out at appropriate intervals and the results
shall be included on each borehole logging sheet.

Each extracted core sample shall be stored in individually labelled wooden boxes – typically
2,0m long and 0,5m wide, each fitted with thin wooden dividing walls spaced crosswise at
100mm centres to keep the core lengths apart from each other. The box label shall include
such information as the borehole number, its position co-ordinates, the natural ground level
at the top of the hole and the date it was completed.

The depths of the cores taken shall be indicated at regular intervals against the samples in
the core box and especially at the interfaces of one stratum to another.

For reporting purposes, a photograph shall be taken of each full core box with its label and
depth indicators clearly visible.

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Initial Report Foundation Design Method

The foundation design method will be based on the following standards:

• British Standard BS 8004, which is based on the working load concept, will be
used as a guide for design of foundations.
• SATCC “Draft Code of Practice for the Design of Road Bridges and Culverts”,
2001. Cross Section Elements

The bridge width will cover the entire road carriageway plus shoulders. Since walkways are
not provided on the road, pedestrians are expected to use the shoulders as a walkway or
bicycle lane. The bridge width will also contain an extra 800mm on either side of the road
as provision for installation of guardrails. The cross-section elements are shown in Table
6-11 below. The total deck width therefore is 11.1 meters.

Table 6-11: Bridge Cross Section Elements

Guardrail (m) Shoulder(m) Lane (m) Lane (m) Shoulder (m) Guardrail (m)
0.8 1.5 3.25 3.25 1.5 0.8 Design Loads

The reference specifications for roads will be the SATCC “Draft Code of Practice for the
Design of Roads, Bridges and Culverts”, 2001. This code is based on the Limit State Design
method which has two states as follows:

• Ultimate Limit state (ULS)- corresponds to the maximum load carrying capacity; and
Serviceability Limit State (SLS) – related to the criteria governing normal use and

The actions acting on the bridge can either be direct (concentrated or distributed force) or
indirect (imposed or constrained deformation). These actions can further be divided into
permanent, variable or accidental actions.

The nominal actions Fk are multiplied by safety factors YfL to give design actions F*. The values of
the safety factors together with the different types of action are shown in (Source: SATCC “Draft
Code of Practice for the Design of Road Bridges and Culverts”, 2001)

Figure 6-9.

The Traffic loading will be designed for NA Loading and NB Loading (Type36).

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(Source: SATCC “Draft Code of Practice for the Design of Road Bridges and Culverts”, 2001)

Figure 6-9: Safety Factors for Different Types of Action

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6.8 Road Furniture and Signage

Adequate road signs will be provided as part of the detailed designs in accordance with the
SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual and the Zambia Ministry of Transport and Communications
Road Signs Manual.

Regulating, warning and guidance/information road signs in accordance with the details of
the SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual will be specified with galvanised steel boards and high
intensity (high intensity grade micro prismatic) laminated retro-reflective foil on the sign face,
which provides a long service life with hardly fading colours as well as an optimum
signalisation and orientation for road users during both day and night.

6.9 Road Safety Audit

The CE’s team has undertaken initial road safety inspections and it has been observed that
the issues pertaining to road safety to a large extent exhibit commonality and the same are
listed in Table 6-12 below. These road safety recommended interventions will be cross
checked with the contract provisions and approved design.

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Table 6-12: Road Safety Findings

Road Safety Element Findings Recommendations

Road surface The road surfaces are generally poor, with potholes and evidence of water The road surfaces will be made good through the
ponding rehabilitation project.

Pavement width The road widths are narrow: 2m to 5m. This is as a result of grass growth The correct pavement widths will be designed and
over time. The actual road width will be measured and recorded on site constructed.
and the finished road width will as per contract specification.

Traffic signs Traffic signs (Information and Warning Signs) are largely missing. If they Adequate and correct traffic signs will be installed as
exist, they are of poor quality required

Road markings Road markings (Junctions) with R207 and T(1) are faded. Road markings will be marked where required

Encroachment of the RoW Structures are constructed with the RoW. This is especially evident in Structures will be removed from the RoW through
settlements along U4K Zimba(T1), Kalomo (T1) to Nyawa and U5K administrative means.
Kalomo (T1) to Katanda

Pedestrian crossings There are no dedicated pedestrian crossings Pedestrian crossings will be provided as required.
Signage will be installed as required.

Road Shoulders There is a general lack of proper /well defined earthen shoulders. The Road shoulders will be constructed as part of the
shoulders are covered with vegetation, embankment slope starts at edge roadway.
of carriageway.

Guard rails There are no crash barriers in high embankment portions. Guard rails will be installed as required

Bus Stops There are no bus stops. Buses often stop off the road. On street parking Bus bays will be design and constructed
mainly consists of private taxis, motorcycle, taxis and LCVs is prevalent.

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Animal crossing points There are no dedicated animal crossing points. The traffic signs are of Animal crossing points to be constructed in areas
poor quality too. where there are a lot of animals crossing the road
otherwise adequate signage will be installed

Road User Behaviour The road user behaviour (drivers and pedestrian is very bad). The RDA and LA to carryout road user educational

Truck stops There are no truck stops. Trucks, park on the sides of the road or at Lay-byes will be designed and constructed including
business centres signage

Commercial Activities and There are commercial activities on both sides of the road at commercial The road designs at settlements will provide for
Settlements centres such as Zimba, Siasungula, Kauwe and Katanda walkways

Provision for NMT There is no provision for NMT. Pedestrians and cyclists use the Shoulders will be constructed. Walkways will be
carriageway constructed in selected populated settlements

Road alignment (vertical and Generally, the road geometric is substandard with sharp curves and steep The road geometry will be optimised to avoid very
horizontal) slopes in certain cases. sharp curves

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7.1 Activity Schedule

A detailed work plan/activity schedule has been developed to carry out the design assignment
and is provided in Table 7-1 below and is in conformance with the key deliverable and
milestones in Section 7.2. The updated programme of works is attached in APPENDIX I –

Table 7-1: Summary of Project Activities

Activity Description

1 Mobilisation
 Task 1-0: mobilisation of the CE

2 Assignment Inception Activities

 Task 2.1: Initial Meeting with All Stakeholders
 Task 2.2: Collect & Review all Available Reports/Information
 Task 2.3: Detailed Site Reconnaissance
 Task 2.4: Compile/Submit Inception Report

3 Engineering Field Surveys & Investigations

 Task 3.1: Establish Road Centreline and Cross-sections
 Task 3.2: Traffic Counts
 Task 3.3: Existing Road Condition Survey
 Task 3.4: DCP & Trial Pits
 Task 3.5: Borrow Area/ Quarry Investigations
 Task 3.6: Bridge Site Inspections & Investigations

4 Preliminary Engineering Designs & Cost estimates

 Task 4.1: Traffic Studies & Analysis
 Task 4.2: Geometric Design & Safety Audits
 Task 4.3: Hydrological/Hydraulic Studies
 Task 4.4: Preliminary Pavement Design Options
 Task 4.5: Preliminary Costing of upgrade Options/ Compare with Works
 Task 4.6: Compile and Submit Detailed Designs Report
5 Construction
 Task 5.1: Construction and rehabilitation of the Works
 Task 5.2: Asset M

6 Maintenance
 Task 6.1: Maintenance of the Works
 Task 6.2: Asset Management of the Works

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Inception Report

7.2 Reporting Requirements

The following reports are anticipated as per (A13 – Part A, Performance Specification):

Report Report Title Report Content When

1. Initial Contract • CE Mobilisation Plan 28 days from Contract
Condition Report • Work Programming Signing
(Inception Report) • Maintenance Strategy
• Any major discrepancies between the concept
design and situation on the ground
2. Safety Audit Report • Initial Safety Audit 28 days from Contract
• Safety Audit Report included as section in Signing
this Report (See Section 6.9)
3. Monthly Progress • Monthly progress – construction or Monthly
Reports maintenance
• ESHS-MSIP Compliance Report
• Report of Asset Management and Emergency
4. Section Design Detailed Designs for selected road sections for As per schedule but
Reports both paved and unpaved roads two months before
start of planned
5. Completion Reports • Completion Report (A13.5.1): Rehabilitation • Completion of
Improvement – All aspects of the Works
rehabilitation/improvement implementation.
• Road Asset Damage Report (A13.5.2) • Monthly
(Annexed to the Monthly Report): Report on
damage to the works, accidents, theft etc.
6. Emergency Report on any Emergency Per occurrence
7. Structure Report on inspection, rehabilitation and 8 weeks of completion
Inspections and construction of major structures and acceptance of the
Report different structures
8. Traffic Counts Report on bi-annual traffic counts conducted by 4 weeks from last day
Reports CE. of counting
9. Inventory Data Update of RDA Asset Data base including: Every 3 months
Base Management • Schedule of roads and IDs and classes
Report • Road condition surveys
• Traffic counts Major & Minor structures
• Traffic Accident Data Base
• Social Amenities Served
• As Built Drawings

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


The purpose of maintenance is to optimise the performance of the road within the constraints
of funding and resources. The roads must be maintained in an acceptable condition,
providing at least minimum standards to ensure accessibility, safety and mobility, even when
traffic volumes are low.

The following basic principles for optimum unsurfaced road performance will be adopted:

• Maintenance of drainage both from the surface (shape) and on the side of the road
(road level, cross drainage structures, table drains and miter drains);
• Maintaining sufficient bearing capacity (pavement structure incorporating suitable
materials, compaction and depth);
• Maintaining a hard crust on the road surface.

The above performance requirements would be achieved through the following activities:

• Applied surface maintenance strategies

• Periodic maintenance

8.1 Applied Surface Maintenance Strategies

8.1.1 Light Blading

Light blading refers to blading with a motor grader without disturbance to the existing hard
crust of the road surface and could include the following actions:

• Removing loose cohesionless (often coarse) material from the road surface
• Distributing slightly plastic fine, preferably moist material over the width of the surface
to replace raveled material. The source of spare material for this purpose could vary
o During regravelling the surface width is increased slightly to “stock” maintenance
o Additional maintenance material is kept in windrows on the side of the road after
regravelling for this particular purpose
o In-situ material is brought in from side drains for this purpose

Notes - A water bowser and/or a pneumatic roller could form part of the “Light Blading
“operation depending on the climate and traffic at time of the activity.

8.1.2 Sand Cushioning

Sand cushioning is a process whereby a thin layer of sand is spread onto a road surface in
order to reduce gravel loss, to minimise the transmission of the underlying roughness of the
road surface to traffic and to limit base deterioration. The process is generally only suited to
areas where there is an abundance of sandy material adjacent to the road.

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report

A layer of fine sand (preferably 100 per cent passing 2.0 mm) is spread to a thickness of
approximately 40mm and maintained through regular light blading or dragging a set of 5 truck

8.1.3 Heavy Blading or Grading

Heavy blading will be done when defects are deeper than 25 mm (typically up to 50mm)
and/or no external maintenance material is available to repair the road surface. This activity
is the most appropriate to remove hard corrugations and will consist of:

• Deep cut to loosen an appropriate volume of material preferably after moistening

• Blading off coarse material
• Shaping of the road surface (4% - 6%)

Dependent on the climate during heavy blading, a water bowser and a pneumatic roller
should form part of the “Heavy Blading” operation.

8.1.4 Reshaping

Reshaping is an essential activity to optimise performance of the road surface between

regravelling operations. The activity is carried out when defects are typically more than 50
mm in depth and only when:

• Sufficient material thickness of appropriate quality exists

• The road level is still adequate relative to the adjacent ground level and/or side
drainage is adequate

The main purpose is to obtain a proper crossfall and a hard, smooth crust. Reshaping
generally consists of:

• Loosening material to a depth of 50 mm – 100mm

• Removal of oversize material
• Moistening
• Reshaping of the road surface
• Compaction using grid rollers/ vibratory rollers and pneumatic rollers.

8.1.5 Reworking

Reworking is the activity to break down oversize material in an existing layer of adequate
thickness, reshaping and compaction. Breaking down the existing layer material could be
done by:

• Loosening the layer to full depth and windrow

• Extensive grid rolling or
• Using specialized equipment e.g., “Rock buster”

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report

8.1.6 Spot gravelling

Spot gravelling refers to regravelling of short sections on a road, typically only on curves,
steep gradients, isolate rock outcrops etc. where extensive gravel loss occurred or areas
damaged due to washaways.

8.1.7 Patching

Patching on unsurfaced roads is done by filling potholes with suitable wearing course material.
Patching can only be effective if the pothole is properly prepared and the material is
moistened and properly compacted.

8.1.8 Regravelling/ Resheeting

Regravelling will involve the addition of a suitable wearing course layer, typically 100 mm to
150 mm in thickness. This is an expensive exercise as it requires availability of construction
equipment. Special effort will therefore be made to:

• Improve drainage through forming and/or installation of culverts

• Reduce accident risks through small changes in the alignment and camber
• Obtain sufficient pavement strength through proper roadbed preparation, suitable
materials and sufficient thickness.

8.1.9 Routine maintenance

Routine maintenance will include to the day-to-day activities carried out on an unsurfaced
road and includes:

• Light and heavy blading

• Maintaining drainage systems
• Vegetation control
• Fence repair
• Signage maintenance
• Patching

8.1.10 Scheduled / Periodic maintenance

The need for periodic maintenance will be generally identified through formalised annual
inspections, analysis and prioritisation would incorporate:

• Regravelling and/or spot regravelling

• Forming
• Reshape
• Rework

These activities normally require larger construction teams working according to scheduled
programmes, planning for the activities will be at least a year in advance.

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


The CE has submitted a separate CESMP. The purpose of the CESMP is to provide guidance
and commits the CE to carry out the works with due consideration of environmental and social
safeguard requirements.

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Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


The QAP covers design and construction activities. The Internal Quality Plan for design
activities is presented in Section 16.2.

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


The Contractor’s Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is aimed at providing safe work
environments and minimising traffic disruptions for road users. This will be achieved
through coordinated actions of traffic control at work sites. A generic detailed TMP is
provided in Section 16.3. This TMP will be revised continuously to address specific site
conditions and requirements.

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


There are some inherent risks and challenges that can affect the successful implementation
of this project. The cause for delay or incomplete works may be within or outside the
responsibility of the Project. The CE has identified some of these risks. The following sections
summarize the risks and preventive actions necessary to ensure that the project activities
are completed as projected. Other risks likely to affect the project are inadequate material
sources within the project site, key materials like cement, block, and steel will have to be
sourced from as far as Lusaka. Lack of machinery and manpower, in case of urgent need
for hire of equipment, we may not find the machinery within the project area and this is the
same for operators and other set of skills required for quality works. Delay in decision making
both on the client, MC and CE. The project requires proper project rucking and decision
should be made on time all the time. Any delay in decision making will impact negatively on
the project. Last but not least is Design shortfalls, lead time to have the design approved,
knowing that we are working with very limited time. Timelines in which documents are acted
upon should be emphasized. The payments also should be on time and the client has to
ensure all payments are made within allowed time.

12.1 Geometric Design

Identified Risk – The proforma design standard for geometric design given by the RDA is
the SATCC Code. This standard is applicable for trunk paved roads and may therefore not
be suitable for low volume unpaved roads. The use of this standard will result into
realignments and huge earthworks. Realignments may cause displacement of people and
property. Additionally, the adopted high design speeds may be unsafe for gravel roads with
little skid resistance.

Mitigation Strategy – The CE will propose to use alternative standards consistent for
application to gravel roads. Proposal for change of standards follow procedure in the contract
in A6.6.10 of Part A Performance Specifications.

12.2 Design Versus Cost

Identified Risk - The works contract was tendered and established on the basis of Concept
Designs that were undertaken in 2017. There is a risk that the road condition has changed
resulting in increased scope of work than what is in the Concept Design and the Contract.
This will inherently increase the construction cost.

Mitigation Strategy – The CE has undertaken the Initial Condition Report as reported herein.
The assets that are very different are drainage structures and road pavement. The Contract
allows for confirmation of such additional works. The CE will also strive to optimise the
designs to reduce costs.

M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 12-1

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report

12.3 Scheduling Risks

These risks relate to the work program described in Section 7. Essentially the risks stem from
the impacts that include slippages, if any, in executing (I) investigations & surveys (II) detailed
designs and (III) approvals would have impacts on the overall project.

Mitigation Strategy – (I) Material investigations and surveys are very critical to the project.
The CE has therefore commenced these activities and mobilized three teams for materials
investigations and two teams for topographical surveys. This is furnished as part of this
Inception Report with an objective of getting an early approval from the RDA to proceed with
the works. A dedicated engineer will be tasked with constant monitoring of the progress of
field activities and liaison with the design engineers as well as the MC & RDA for necessary
feedback and approval.

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


The management of the assets under the contract will be executed in line with A13.9 of the
Section VIII – Specifications: Part A Performance Specifications. The CE will update the
following RDA data base every 3 months.
 Schedule of roads with identification numbers
 Road condition surveys
 Traffic counts in the RDA’s HMS format
 Major and minor Structures Data Base
 Traffic Accident data in accordance with agreed format
 Social amenities served by the roads
 As-built drawings – Including GPS and/or linear measurements of the new and
replaced assets.
The above information will be made available to RDA in both electronic and hard copies.

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


The initial condition assessment of the contract assets has revealed the following:

• The start and end points of the project roads are consistent with the contract;

• The contract scope of work related to drainage works is not consistent with the current
situation on the ground. Our findings show more drainage structures are required than
indicated in the concept design, tender documents and hence the signed contract;

• The contract scope of work related to earthworks is not consistent with the current
situation on the ground. Our findings show that a lot more roads sections will require
heavy grading and filling that is presented in the concept design, tender documents
and hence the signed contract;

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo,
Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021
Inception Report


Following the signing of the Contract, the CE has visited the project area and held useful
discussions with the RDA and the Monitoring Consultant (MC). The CE has fully appreciated
the extent of the project and situation on the ground. This inception report detailing the CE’s
appreciation of the project area, staff mobilisation, technical approach & methodology and
quality assurance is thus prepared with the Consultant’s knowledge of the extent of the
project and area.

The CE has identified some risks that may affect the project. These risks have been brought
to the attention of the Client in this Inception Report. The CE has also issued a statement on
the condition of contract assets.

The CE recommends that the RDA approves this Inception Report as the basis for the
execution of the Package 12– Kalomo kazungula and Zimba OPRC project going forward.

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Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report


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Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report


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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/02
Inception Report

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report


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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

Quality Plan

Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/021

Project: Output and Performance-Based Road Contract (OPRC, Asset Management Contract) For
Design, Rehabilitation/Improvement, Routine and Periodic Maintenance Works of: Package 12
Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula and Zimba Districts)

Client: Road Development Agency Date: 22.02.22

Prepared by: ES Review by: EBP
Project start (date): 2nd March 2022 Project completion (date): 1st March, 2027

Project description
Design, Rehabilitation/Improvement, Routine and Periodic Maintenance Works of: Package 12
Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula and ZimbaDistricts)

Project objectives

The main objective of the Consultancy Services is:

To Provide Designs Services.

Initial Surveys
1. To carry out Initial Field Investigations, surveys and data collection.

Environmental Activities
1. To prepare the Environmental and Social Management Plan.

Preliminary Engineering Design

1. To carry out the necessary data analyses and preliminary engineering design, including design and
costing of the options.

Detailed Engineering Design

1. To carry out additional detailed surveys
2. Prepare detailed design and Drawings
3. Review Contract documents and cost estimate

M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 16-5

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

1. Organisation

Functions Name/Initials Discipline/Roles

Key Staff:
Elliot B. Phiri (EBP) Project Management. Reviewer.
Project Director Backstopping. Resources
planning. Client liaison
Team Leader/Highway MD. Abul Hossain Team Leader. Highway design and
Engineer (MDAH) contract documents
Materials/Pavement Engineer Mohammed Abdul Majid
(MAM) Materials and pavement design

Pawan Siddartha (PS) Highway design, drainage and

Drainage Engineer
Selamawit Mohamede Surveying. Geometric design.
(SM) Alignment. Relocations. Quantities
Environmentalist/EIA Specialist/ Gentile Chasaya (GC)
Social Scientist/Socio Economic ESMP
Road Safety Engineer Abdur Rashid (AR) Road Safety. Road Safety Audits
Support Staff:
QA/QC Expert
Sattar Abdus Sheik (SAS) Highway Design & Drawings.
Design Engineer
CAD Design and Drawings

Hydrologist Hydrology
Back Up Staff: Head Office
Evaristo Katongo (EMK) Team coordination. Quality control.
Head Office Project Leader
Engineering designs reviews

2. Interfaces

Interface party Interface description Interface control method

RDA Ad Hoc Tests. Meetings. Contract document.

Specifications. Reports

ZEMA Ad Hoc Meetings. Correspondence. Reports

RTSA Ad Hoc Meetings. Correspondence.

ZESCO Ad Hoc Meetings. Correspondence.

M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 16-6

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

Kalomo, Kazungula Ad Hoc Meetings. Correspondence.

and Zimba Districts

3. Meetings

Type of meeting Time/frequency Place Minutes by

Internal kick-off meeting* Once virtual RDA

External Inception meeting Once site -

Internal project meetings Ad Hoc Project Office

* Mandatory for large projects

4. Project control (put a mark)

Specified in Specified in Specified in

Contract Document document control enclosure no.

Project basis*

Activity Schedule X

Staff Schedule X

Project documentation X

Document and Data

* “Project basis” form to be filled in

5. Risk assessment
Description of risk Risk size* Activities to be carried out in order to eliminate or
(Minor, reduce risk
or Major)
Delays in topographical Medium Full time supervision by the highway engineer and the
survey for design senior surveyor of planning and progress.
Delays in alignment soils Low The pavement engineer is supervising the activities
survey and work in progress.

Delays in soils testing Low Efficient operation of laboratory and testing, full time
supervised by the materials engineer from the
Delays in environmental Low The Environmentalist to start early with support from
survey local stakeholders.

M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 16-7

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

Delays in sociological Low The Sociologist to start early with support from local
surveys stakeholders.
Delays in the Client’s Medium Early start of the preliminary studies, analyses and
approval of the submission of the report. Close liaison between
rehabilitation/reconstruction Engineer and Client.

* The risk size is determined on basis of an evaluation of the risk likelihood and consequence

6. Sub-Consultants

Company Service or supply Control activities*

Geotechnical investigations Geotechnical investigation brief to relevant

for bridge/major structures codes
• SAICE “Site Investigation Code of
Practice” , South Africa, African
Institution of Civil Engineers:
Geotechnical Division , 2010.(7)
• BS 5930: 1999, “Code of Practice for
Site Investigation” , British Standard
Institute, 1999.
• Vetting of Geotechnical Lead Engineer
* The activities to be carried out in order to control the sub consultant or supplier e.g. receiving inspection or audit

Project Review
Review area Review basis Reviewer Date
Geometric Design Design Drawings and SM
Standards Report

Earthwork and Pavement Engineering Report SAS


Traffic Survey Traffic Analysis Report EMK

Drainage Structures, Drainage Structures Report PS
hydrology and hydraulics

Topo Survey Survey Report PC

Soils and Material Soils and Materials Report MAM


Internal project audit * (copy of quality plan to be forwarded to Quality Manager)

Audit subject or auditee Audit time Auditor

M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 16-8

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

• * If deemed relevant or required by client

M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 16-9

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

Technical aids
Category Specification Equipment
(e.g. equipment type or software title) Calibrated (yes/no)

CAD Civil3D, Model Maker, Road Maker and AutoCAD

Calculation software Excel
Measuring equipment* Total Stations and GPS equipment, DCP Kit Yes

Document control Normal

Project management MS Project, Excel
• Equipment to be used for qualifying measurements must be calibrated

Deviations from and additions to Quality Manual (Deviations to be approved by Quality Manager)

Deviations and additions Deviations and additions initiated by Client

No. Project basis (document title) * Date/ Filing Receiving check

Revision place carried out

1 Works Contract - OPRC

2 Terms of Reference. Ref.: Inception

3 RDA specifications.
4 Geological Maps, 1:125,000

5 Topographical Maps 1:50,000 and

6 Existing Data: Inception Report
7 Road Design Standards, Codes of
Practice and Specification for Road Works

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

Document Control Plan

No. Document, data or service Preparation and Checker Type of Time Comments OK
initial check check
Initials: Initials: No/N/I/R/IF Date

Preliminary Engineering Design

1 Inception Report ES EBP N
5 Final ESMP Report GC EBP N
Documents, IT and CAD Standards
7 Design Standards Report PS EBP N
Topographical Survey Report with
existing geometry
10 Detailed Design Report SAS EBP N

Draft Detailed Design and Review

Contract Documents

1 Draft Soils and Materials Report MAM EBP N

2 Drainage/Structural Report PS EBP N
3 Preliminary Cost Estimate MDAH EBP N
4 Factual Soils and Materials Report MAM EBP N
5 Engineering Cost Estimate MDAH EBP N
6 Final Design Report PS EBP N

Drawings (Detailed Design)

DWG 001 Drawing List EMK PS N

Location and Layout Plan


M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 16-11

Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

No. Document, data or service Preparation and Checker Type of Time Comments OK
initial check check
Initials: Initials: No/N/I/R/IF Date
General Notes


- - - -

Plan/Profile Drawings
Detailed Engineering Design
1:1000/1:100 (A1)
Plan and Longitudinal Profile km
0+000 to km 0+750

Typical and Standard Drawings

DWG 401 Typical Cross Section EMK PS N
- - - - -

DWG 411 Typical Junctions EMK PS N

DWG 412 Typical Junctions EMK PS N
- - - - -

DWG 421 Standard Details EMK PS N

DWG 422 Road Furniture EMK PS N
DWG 423 Road Marking EMK PS N
- - - - -

DWG 501 Bridge Construction details EMK PS N

Standard Box Culvert layout and


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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula And Zimba Districts) Contract No.
Inception Report

No. Document, data or service Preparation and Checker Type of Time Comments OK
initial check check
Initials: Initials: No/N/I/R/IF Date
DWG 521 Standard Pipe Culvert layout and
- - - - - - -

Note: No= No check, N= Normal check, I= Intensified check, R= Receiving check, IF= Interface check

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Output And Performance-Based Road Contract For Package 12 In Southern Province (Kalomo, Kazungula
And Zimba Districts) Contract No. RDA/CE/ICB/001/02
Inception Report


Submitted separately.

M and N / Bari Zambia Limited 16-14

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