Uts Act - 1

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Hello, it's enchanting to meet you all!

All About Xander

A presentation to introduce
quick fun facts about ME

Personal Core

Today's Learning

Agenda Family History



Tip: Use links to go to a different page
inside your presentation. Hopes for the Future

How: Highlight text, click on the link symbol

on the toolbar, and select the page in your
presentation you want to connect.
Roles in life
What are my roles and
responsibilites in life?.

My roles in life as a eldest son is to take care of my siblings and

guide them in good way help them in the things that they dont
know about. , And as a student my responsibilities is to study well
to help my parents and to repay them by giving them a better life
when they grow old.

How could you describe yourself?

Isee my self as a hardworking and a goal oriented peson

if i want something i work hard for it ,Im also a family orien
person and i tresure them like a precious gold. Im someti
a lazy person and silly i like to spend my time on pla
games instead of studying although i priorities my stu
now for my future.

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Before i didnt actually thought about it, but when i grew i kinda understand what it means
i learned that life is not always fun and happy there are some problems and challenges to
conquer and every year is a steping stone from being successful. What i hope to learn is to
be a responsible person one day and also to be a good father someday if i can have my
own family.

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My Family
Introducing the Navarez Clan
I love them so very much!

My family surename came all the way from

the city of Calamaba Laguna this is my
familly in my fathers side and we are as
close as ever.My family from my mothers
side came all the way from Dipolog city in
Mindoro my grandma on mothers side live
with us here in pasig although my aunt and
uncles and my cousins i didnt get to meet
them unitl now
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What is really important to you?

Theres a few things that are important to me

first is my family second is my dream for them
third my dream for my future and my freinds
that i cherished along the way.

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My sthregnts are a goal oriented i am

good on socializing wtith people i am a
critical thinker i think before i act and i
value freindship more than personal

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My Hobby
To-Do List
Learning my hobby of choice - one task at a time
opes for future
My hopes for future is to became a sucessful
international flight attendant where i can travel the world
as a job.
I also plan to give buisnnessto my parents so that they
dont have to work anymore, And also i plan to have my
own house.

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