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Conditionals and Wish Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 3

5. If you give me your tape recorder and a cassette in

1. If I were you, I ____ a new car instead of struggling plenty of time, then, of course, I ____ the lecture for
with this old one. you on the day of your Aunt’s funeral.

A) have bought A) recorded

B) was buying B) had recorded
C) had bought C) would have recorded
D) would buy D) have recorded
E) bought E) will record

2. It’s not long now before I start my new job in Melissa. 6. If I ____ you would be on your own all weekend, I ____
I wish we ____ a suitable house for sale there, but it you over to our house.
seems that we may have to hire one temporarily.
A) know / have invited
A) have found B) have known / was going to invite
B) could find C) had known / would have invited
C) can find D) knew / will have invited
D) will find E) will know / must have invited
E) find

7. I wish you ____ me from the station to inform me that

3. I’m sorry that I sent our driver for you. I wish I ____ you were on your way – I ____ the dinner ready for
you at the airport myself, but I had a meeting with your arrival home.
the production team.
A) phone / can prepare
A) can meet B) have phoned / will have prepared
B) could have met C) phoned / will be preparing
C) have met D) would phone / have prepared
D) would meet E) had phoned / could have prepared
E) meet

8. I wish a flight to Istanbul ____ less than two hundred

4. Take a couple of extra traditional Turkish gifts with pounds, then we would fly there a lot more often.
you in case you ____ any other members of the
Scholz family during your Aunt’s funeral. A) costs
B) could have cost
A) meet
C) has cost
B) have met
D) cost
C) were meeting
E) will cost
D) met
E) will meet

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Conditionals and Wish Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 3

9. I wish I ____ to my friends in Germany every day

without getting a huge telephone bill.

A) have been talking 14. You ____ determined if you ____ to give up smoking
B) would talk
C) will talk A) have been / wanted
D) could talk B) have to be / want
E) can talk C) could be / will have wanted
D) had been / would have wanted
E) were to be / would want

10. I’m sure my daughter ____ university life if she ____

but she is so shy.

A) had enjoyed / was socialising 15. My uncle keeps his share certificates and property
deeds in a fireproof box in case a fire ____ out at his
B) enjoys / will have socialised
C) would enjoy / socialised
D) enjoyed / had been socialising A) had broken
E) could have enjoyed / has socialised B) breaks
C) was breaking
D) will have broken
E) broke
11. If our caravan ____ with a shower, it ____ more
practical for longer holidays.

A) is to equip / can be
B) were equipped / would be 16. New strict laws to combat illegal immigration into the
UK mean that if a lorry driver ____ an illegal
C) had been equipped / will be immigrant into the country, he personally ____ a
D) equipped / could be £2000 fine.
E) would be equipped / has been
A) brings / faces
B) would bring / had faced
C) had brought / is facing
D) can bring / could have faced
12. Had the Millennium Dome not been built, 750 million E) has brought / has faced
pounds ____ on health and education.

A) can be spent
B) must have been spent
C) could have been spent
17. If ways of identifying criminals using DNA samples
D) will have spent ____, the person who killed these two young
E) had been spending teenagers five years ago would still be a free man.

A) aren’t developing
B) wouldn’t develop
C) hadn’t been developed
13. Apparently, a customer wanted to buy something in D) couldn’t develop
the window, but she had left by the time I arrived to
E) won’t have been developed
open the shop. How I wish I ____ the bus.

A) hadn’t missed
B) aren’t missing
C) wouldn’t have missed
D) don’t miss
E) haven’t missed

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Conditionals and Wish Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 3

18. I don’t know why you waste your money on sports 22. I really wish my older sister ____ so good at
centre membership. If you ____ along the coastal path everything. Now the teacher expects a lot from me
every morning, you ____ fit without spending a penny. too.

A) had run / will get A) weren’t

B) run / would have got B) won’t be
C) were running / got C) can’t be
D) ran / would get D) hasn’t been
E) had been running / had got E) isn’t

19. You had better complain to the manager if you think 23. You’re so wasteful! I wish you ____ so much potato off
you ____ an unfair proportion of the work. with the skin. Haven’t you heard the saying “waste
not, want not”?
A) would be given
B) will have been giving A) haven’t cut
C) had given B) wouldn’t cut
D) would have given C) won’t cut
E) have been given D) aren’t cutting
E) don’t cut

20. Tiger Woods is one of the most successful golfers

ever, but he ____ into many clubs in the southern US 24. If our health service were indeed excellent, Mrs Beard
because of his colour had he been playing 50 years ____ two years for a hip replacement operation,
ago. during which time she has been hardly able to move.

A) weren’t going to allow A) won’t have waited

B) might not have allowed B) hasn’t been waiting
C) hadn’t been allowed C) wouldn’t have been waiting
D) wouldn’t have been allowed D) isn’t going to wait
E) weren’t allowed E) weren’t waiting

21. I wish I ____ for dinner as it looks delicious, but 25. I wish Turkish courses ____ at a college or university
unfortunately, I have to collect my mother for her near my home, as I would like to continue my study
sister’s house now. of the language here in Shrewsbury.

A) will stay A) had offered

B) would stay B) would be offering
C) can stay C) could have offered
D) had stayed D) have been offered
E) could stay E) were offered

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Conditionals and Wish Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 3

26. If we were to buy a boat, we ____ down the river at

the weekends.

A) are going to sail 31. I wish you ____ a camera already as my cousin works
in a camera shop and can get up to twenty-five per
B) had been sailing
cent staff discount.
C) have sailed
D) could sail A) aren’t buying
E) may have sailed B) wouldn’t buy
C) hadn’t bought
D) haven’t bought
E) won’t bu
27. If Atatürk ____ alive today, do you think he ____
flattered by the number of plaques, quotations and
photographs displayed in his honour?

A) were / would be 32. Nobody would have been killed in the fight if one of
the teenagers ____ a knife at the time.
B) has been / was
C) had been / has been A) wouldn’t be carrying
D) will be / were B) hasn’t been carrying
E) would be / had been C) isn’t carrying
D) must not have carried
E) hadn’t been carrying

28. The ordinary people who live in the area ____ if a

solution isn’t found.

A) must have suffered 33. I’m sitting here in my car wishing the breakdown
truck ____ .
B) have been suffering
C) will suffer A) arrives
D) would suffer B) will arrive
E) had suffered C) has arrived
D) would arrive
E) is arriving

29. I wish I ____ to the shop for mint. If I had, my lentil

soup ____ nice.

A) would run / tastes 34. I think Jake wishes he ____ to keep the family home,
but such a big house with land costs a lot to
B) ran / tasted
C) had run / would have tasted
D) were running / would taste A) would afford
E) have run / could be tasting B) will be affording
C) would have afforded
D) could afford
E) has afforded
30. If only you ____ this Japanese lacquered table with a
harmful liquid, we ____ it for more than 1000 pounds,
but now it won’t be worth anything.

A) wouldn’t clean / are selling

B) hadn’t cleaned / could sell
C) aren’t cleaning / must have sold
D) wouldn’t be cleaning / had sold
E) don’t clean / were selling

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Conditionals and Wish Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 3

35. I ____ to go the Antique Auctions in town on Friday if I 40. I wouldn’t be able to afford an Armani suit ____ I ate
can get the day off. bread and water for a month.

A) have liked A) as long as

B) would like B) because
C) had liked C) only if
D) liked D) in order that
E) were to like E) even if

36. I’ll allow you to go to the park ____ you come home 41. ____ you are as bored at work as you say, why don’t
before it gets dark. you look for a more interesting job?

A) even if A) As though
B) in case B) If
C) as long as C) Even if
D) so that D) In case
E) unless E) Whether

37. ____ they improve the quality of their products will we 42. A lot of people bought shares in the company ____
order any more handbags from them. the newspaper predicted it would be successful.

A) Even if A) if
B) Only if B) in case
C) Unless C) because
D) Whether D) only if
E) In case E) unless

38. You shouldn’t wash your car with washing up liquid; 43. I’m afraid we won’t be able to come to Devon ____
____, you’ll damage the paintwork. the repairs to our car can be completed in time. The
garage is waiting for parts at the moment.
A) otherwise
B) in case A) unless
C) only if B) if
D) unless C) in case
E) as long as D) because
E) so that

39. Your advertisement might look more attractive ____ it

were printed in colour. 44. She described her holiday job at the factory ____ it
were torture.
A) if
B) even if A) even if
C) until B) only if
D) whether C) because
E) in case D) as though
E) unless

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Conditionals and Wish Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 3

45. He has been busy most weekends ____ he started

voluntary work for the hospital radio station.

A) if
B) until
C) since
D) as if
E) unless

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Conditionals and Wish Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 3

Answer Key:

1: D 24: C
2: B 25: E
3: B 26: D
4: A 27: A
5: E 28: C
6: C 29: C
7: E 30: B
8: D 31: C
9: D 32: E
10: C 33: D
11: B 34: D
12: C 35: B
13: A 36: C
14: B 37: B
15: B 38: A
16: A 39: A
17: C 40: E
18: D 41: B
19: E 42: C
20: D 43: A
21: E 44: D
22: A 45: C
23: B

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