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Origin of the Church day declined, were burned to serve for

nocturnal lights.” Tacitus, The Annals

Origin of the word “Church” Perpetua & Felicity (Early 3rd C)
1. From the Old Testament: • Refusing to give up their Christianity, they
“Qahal Yahweh” – Hebrew word which and three companions were led into the
means “the People of God called together” amphitheater
or “an assembly convoked by God” • The mob wanted blood; the five were
“Qahal” – People whipped; then were set upon by wild
“Yahweh” – God animals
2. From the New Testament • Wounded by the wild animals, they were
“Ekklesia” – Greek word defined as “a then finished off by the sword
called-out assembly or congregation.” • Both Perpetua and Felicity were young
“Called-out assembly” – a congregation of mothers
believers whom God has called-out of the • Renaissance representation of the
world and into His wonderful light. martyrdom of St. Felicity
1. Church (capital-C) – Refers to the people
belonging to God or the body of Christ.
2. church (small-c) – Refers to the building
used for public Christian worship.

Persecution of Christians
Ancient and Modern
• Persecution may begin as ridicule

• AD 64, Nero – first official persecution of
Christians by Rome Further outbreaks
• Scapegoats because of a fire that destroyed • Persecution of Christians continued on and
parts of Rome off for the next 240 years
• Thrown to lions, burnt alive to provide lights • The emperor Diocletian began the last
in his public gardens, made to fight fierce assault on Christianity in 303 AD
gladiatorial combat
Secret Places and Signs
• In Rome, it became common for Christians
to meet in the burial places – the catacombs
• Romans weren’t so keen on following them
• The secret sign of the fish – ICHTHUS –
was used by Christians
• It’s a Greek acrostic for Jesus Christ Son of
God Savior
• ...a vast multitude, were convicted... And
their deaths they were made the subjects of

sport; for they were wrapped in the hides of
wild beasts and torn to pieces by dogs, or Modern? ... Fr Jerzy Popieluszko
nailed to crosses, or set on fire, and when
• During the period of martial law in
communist Poland Marks of the Church
• Fr Jerzky Popieluszko was associated with
workers and trade unionists from the
• an impression (such as a scratch, scar, or
Solidarity movement
stain) made on something
• The priest was beaten and murdered by
• a distinguishing trait of quality,
three Security Police Officers. Then his
body dumped
• a symbol used for identification or indication
• It was recovered on October 30, 1984
of ownership
Moderm? ... Bishop Romero
• As an archbishop, he witnessed numerous Four Marks of the Church
violations of human rights in El Salvador, 1. Church as One
Central America
Bonds of Unity:
• He began a ministry speaking out on behalf
• Profession of one’s faith received
of the poor and victims of the country’s civil
from the apostles
• Common celebration of divine
• He began a ministry speaking out on behalf
worship, especially of the
of the poor and victims of country’s civil war
• The government of El Salvador denounced
• Apostolic succession through the
sacrament of Holy Orders,
• In 1980, he was assassinated by gunshot
maintaining the fraternal concord of
while consecrating the Eucharist during
God’s family (CCC #815)
Jesus Christ as the founder of the church
Jean Donovan & Companions
affirms the unity envisioned by the Father
• El Salvador had been ruled by the military,
when He came to redeem and unify the
which protected the wealthy landowners
whole human race. The salvation brought
• In the 1980s, the country was in the midst of by Jesus is meant not only for a chosen few
civil war but for all humankind.
• As people demanded their rights, the
military responded brutally... Reasons why the Church is one with her
• The church began to speak up for the poor Founder
• The missionary women, who transported • Came to redeem and unify the whole
refugees and distributed food and medicine human race
to the poor • Prayed to His Father “that all may be
• They were all found in a shallow grave one even as You, Father, are in me
and I in You” (Jn. 17:21)
• Institutes the Eucharist which both
signifies and effects the unity of the
• United all by His new commandment
of mutual love
• Poured forth Hist spirit through
whom He calls the people of the
New Covenant into a unity of faith,
hope, and charity
The unity of the Church is seen in her confession of
one, in her common celebration of divine worship
and in the fraternal union of her members.
Ecumenism • A person who is officially
• the principle or aim of promoting unity recognized by the Christian
among the world’s Christian churches. Churches as being very holy
These are Visible Sign of Communion LIVED.
• Gospel Christian Churches who do have saints
o We are a people • Roman Catholic
gathered together by the • Apostolic Catholic Church
word of God. We must • Greek Orthodox
begin everything with the • Anglican Church
word of God. What are saints for?
• Sacramental Celebrations • Veneration
o We are people gathered o Respect or inspired by the
together and we dignity, wisdom, dedication, or
celebrate as a big family talent of a person.
the celebration of the o Dulia (Veneration) (family
Eucharist members, loved ones, saints;
• Bishop one we ask for prayers)
o We have the college of o Hyperdulia (Super Veneration)
bishops in taking care of (Virgin Mary)
the laity and molding us o Latria (Adoration) (Holy Trinity)
to teaching of Christ Steps to become a saint
• Servant of God
2. The Church is Holy o Catholic
o Died already
• “Holy” – sacred, the origin of the word o Doctrines of the Church
“saint” which means people who are o Posisyo (2 book)
extraordinary who follow Jesus Christ • Venerable
and live their lives based on his o Incorruptible
• Blessed
The Church is Holy and has two aspects
o Martyr
• own intrinsic holiness o Mystic
• The holiness of its members • Saint/Sainthood
The Church is Holy Relics of the Saints
• It is holy because of her founder • An object that is considered holy
Jesus Christ who love the church as o First Class Relics
his bride. ▪ Body parts of the holy
• The church is holy not because of man/woman
the absence of sin but because God o Second Class Relics
loves us. ▪ Things that are owned by
• The essence of holiness is to unite the holy man/woman
ourselves lovingly with the divine during his/her life here on
will. Earth
• Love is the center of holiness uniting o Third Class Relics
inseparably both worship of God and ▪ Things that are touched
service of our fellow human persons. to the first class or
second class relic of the
holy man/woman
o Memento • Make things, persons, places, and
▪ Something that is kept as events holy today by valuing,
a reminder of a person, respecting, and offering them to the
place, or thing Lord in prayer.

3. The Church is Catholic 4. Church as Apostolic

• Catholic – universal This refers to Christ’s selection of the Twelve
• The term “Catholic” applies to Church in Apostles as the foundation of the Church
two ways: They were entrusted with Christ’s own authority
o Church is world-wide, sent to all to teach, sanctify, and govern his Church until
people Church until Christ’s return.
▪ Being endowed with the The Church is guided by the successors of the
“fullness of the means for apostles, the bishops in union with the Pope.
salvation.” Threefold Sense of the Apostolic Church
o The Church was Catholic on the • Apostolic Foundation
day of Pentecost o She was built and remains on
Pentecost the foundation of the Apostles
• The Christian festival celebrating the • Apostolic Faith
descent of the Holy Spirit on the o She guards and transmits, with
disciples of Jesus after his the help of the Holy Spirit who
Ascension, held on the seventh dwells in her, the teaching of the
Sunday after Easter. apostles
The Church is “Catholic” according to a • Apostolic Successor
Church Fathers because she: o She continues being taught,
• Is spread throughout the world sanctified, and directed by the
• Possesses all sabing truth Apostles’ successors.
• Is sent to all peoples The 12 Apostles
• Can heal all kinds of sins • Simon
• Abounds in every kind of virtue and o Known as Peter, generally
spiritual gift the first and well known
Vatican II explains the universality of God’s disciple of Jesus.
call to the whole world. All of us are called o Nero, he was condemned to
to belong to the new People of God. death (Peter requested to be
Therefore, these people, while remaining crucified upside down)
one and unique, are to be spread • Andrew
throughout the whole world to all ages. o Peter’s Brother
o The First Apostle Called by
The Church’s “Catholicity” is both a gift and
a task which involves mission and
o Lived as a fisherman
o Believed to be hung on an
Inculturation “X” shaped cross
Insertion of the gospel to our culture • James (son of Zebedee) of Galilee
How do we practice Catholicity? o Older brother of John
• First, we must accept ourselves o “Son of thunder” – hot-
• We must preach the good news tempered
• Recognize christ in everything that o Was slain by a sword that
we see, and in everything we do cause his death
o Symbol: Scallop’s Shell
• John (James’ Brother) the people in the community where
o The Apostle who wrote Five the Apostle lives.
books of the Bible 4. He/she is ready to suffer. A true
o Not martyr apostle is always ready to sacrifice
o Symbol: Eagle one’s life for the sake of the good
• Philip the Apostle news who is Jesus, the reign in God
o Slow to recognize Jesus in person.
o Believed to be martyr 5. Lastly, a true apostle can perform
o Friend of Nathanael signs and wonders.
Bartholomew Successor of the Apostles
• Bartholomew • Apostolicum
o Friend of Philip o College bishops (Church is
o Known for being an honest headed by)
o Skinned alive
• Matthew the Tax Collector
o Known for being a tax
o First writer of the first Gospel
(Gospel of Matthew)
• Thomas
o “Doubting Thomas”
o Gloomy and easily
• James (son of Alphaeus)
o “James the Less”
• Simon (the Canaanite)
o Never mentioned throughout
the Bible
• Thaddeus (Judas)
o Known as Thaddeus, Judas,
and Lebbaeus
• Judas Iscariot
o The betrayer (30 pcs of
• Matthias
o Replacement of Judas
• Paul of Tarsus
o Self-proclaimed apostle
Qualifications according to Bishop
1. An apostle is somebody who has
seen the risen Jesus
2. The person is “commissioned” by
the risen Lord. He/she is sent, given
a mission.
3. We can guarantee the authencity of
the Apostles calling on his or her
community by the quality of “faith” of

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