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to try to fill the void just block life more.

The more people run towards what they think they want, the more they
miss it.

Something missing: People feel that something is missing, because something is missing; true life is missing.

The door: Your mind is like a door, and for most, it is currently closed. You have to have a truly open mind to
learn the truth and experience true life (the present).

That which is: The literal meaning of the word “truth” is “that which is.” The living truth = that which is. That
which is = the present.

The truth of the past = that which was. The truth of the future = that which will be. You can only truly know “that
which is,” because now is the only thing that exists. The past is a memory or a story. The future is just an
educated guess.

You can only know the true past and what the true future will be by knowing “that which is possible.” If you know
how life works, you will know everything.

Definition of ultimate truth: It is knowing the truth of life. It is knowing the fundamental, eternal laws of nature,
and the nature of the mind which distorts and hides the truth. It is an accurate and complete understanding of
“that which is.”

You do not and cannot understand every detail of life and do not have to. You just have to understand the big
picture, the fundamental nature of life.

This truth never changes, because “that which is” can never change. It cannot change and exist. When you
know life completely, you become life completely.

Self-evident: There is nothing easier to know than the truth, because it is life itself. It is nothing more and
nothing less. The truth is the present, THE NOW.


It is all true: The truth is simply everything there is, everything that truly exists. If it does not exist, it is not the
truth; if it does, it is. “That which is” is everything except for the deceptions created by the mind.

The truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Winston

2 + 2 = 4: It does not equal anything else. The truth is, there is only one truth. Believing 2 + 2 = 5 or 6 or
anything else does not make it true. There is an infinite amount of wrong answers, but only one true answer.

Hope/belief: Believing and hoping something is true or going to be true does not make it true, if you do not start
with the real truth. It is the truth, or it is not. There is no way to make something that is not true, true. There is
only one truth.
Faith in faith: In and of itself, belief, faith, hope, wishing, good luck charms, holy relics, symbols, positive
thinking, good intentions, praying, curses, voodoo, magic spells, fortune tellers, psychics, etc. do not do
anything except make people feel like they have some control over life. They are just coping strategies.

If you believe a fairy tale or myth is true, you will not live happily ever after.

People that currently have faith/belief in a myth are a force against the truth.

Believing in things that do not exist is the worst thing you can do.

Religious people want to believe so badly, they will ignore scientific evidence, reason, common sense and their
own better judgment. Religions have perverted the meaning of the word "truth". The Webster's Dictionary
definition says what the word means — truth: being in accord with fact or reality

Many things religious people say they believe are not in accord with fact or reality. They are myths, superstition,
hope, not truth. To say it is truth is a lie. True or false?

In other words, most of the world's traditional religions are spreading lies and many know it, which in addition to
being liars makes them dishonest hypocrites.

The ones that do not know they are lying think they are doing the will of their god, when in truth, they are doing
the will of the enemy of their god, Satan, who is defined in their holy books as the great deceiver, the king of all


The real truth unites people; it does not divide them. It makes sense, and it applies to everyone, everywhere, all
of the time. It creates clarity, not confusion. The truth leads to real equality, freedom, peace, love and
understanding. The real truth only asks you to believe in something you can check for yourself.

Anyone who cares about the truth enough to check what it is will know the truth. Those who do not care enough
will not learn the truth and will be lost and deserve to be lost.

Monkey see, monkey do: Most people just tell people what they have been told the truth is. They just accept
what others say the truth is, especially if it is what people have been accepting as the truth for thousands of
years. It is monkey see, monkey do.

Second-hand truth should not be believed or repeated without checking it out for yourself. The age of playing
follow the leader is ending now. Second-hand truth is called hearsay in a court of law, and it is not admissible for
an important reason; it has proven not to be a dependable source of the truth.

What could be more irresponsible than saying something is true without knowing beyond a reasonable doubt
that it is true? Billions of people are doing it.

Do not believe what anyone says, including me; check things for yourself. You have to see the truth yourself in
life itself to know it.

You are at what could be the end of a very long and difficult quest. You now have the opportunity to complete
the quest and leave the animal realm forever.

The only real difference between mankind and other animals is our ability to reason and think. Thus, reason has
to be what we have to use to evolve further. We have to use what sets us apart from other animals.

The truth: You now know “the truth” part of the truth and life. There are only five fundamental things you need to
know, and they are the following:

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