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Connection between continuous and discrete

Riccati equations with applications to Kalman

DOI: 10.1049/ip-d.1988.0004 · Source: IEEE Xplore


48 157


Mario E. Salgado R.H. Middleton

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María University of Newcastle


Available from: R.H. Middleton

Retrieved on: 27 February 2016
Connection between continuous and discrete
Riccati equations with applications to Kalman

M. Salgado, BSc, MSc, DIC

R. Middleton, BSc, BE, PhD
Prof. G.C. Goodwin, BSc, BE, PhD

Indexing terms: Filters andfiltering, Algorithms, Matrix algebra, Mathematical techniques

and the corresponding discrete results obtained with

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to explore the rapid sampling. Moreover, it has recently been shown [l.
relationship between the continuous-time Riccati 21 that the delta operator offers advantages, in terms of
equation and the corresponding discrete-time numerical robustness, over the more usual shift operator,
equation with fast sampling. The interconnection in the context of linear estimation and control. We show,
is established by formulating the discrete case in this paper, that these advantages carry over to the
using delta operators. The application of these nonlinear Riccati equation.
results to the Kalman filtering problem highlights First-order differences, which resemble the delta oper-
the importance of analogue prefiltering in the ator, have been used by other authors (e.g. Reference 3)
sampling process. A secondary benefit arising as a way of approximating derivatives in the derivation
from the use of the delta operator is that of the continuous-time Riccati equation. However, our
improved numerical behaviour is obtained for sol- point of view is different in that we do not propose the
ution algorithms, compared with that obtainable delta operator as an approximation, but, instead, suggest
with the usual shift operator. that it is the preferred way of exactly implementing the
discrete Riccati equation. Our reasons for preferring the
Delta operator are that, as follows: (a) with rapid sam-
1 Introduction pling (relative to the system bandwidth), the delta oper-
ator offers greater insight into the discrete case, because
The term ‘Riccati equation’ refers to a class of nonlinear of the similarity of the discrete results to the correspon-
second-order matrix differential (continuous time dent continuous case, and (b) the delta operator leads to
domain) or difference (discrete time domain) equations. improved numerical properties compared with those
These equations arise in the solution of many problems obtainable with the usual shift operator.
in systems theory. Some previous authors have addressed numerical and
A great deal of effort has been devoted to the study of computational issues relating to the general area of
this class of equation, including existence and uniqueness Riccati equations. For example, results have been report-
of solutions, properties of the solutions, methods for ed [4, 5 , 61 on numerically stable algorithms for solving
solving the equations, and transient and steady-state algebraic Riccati equations. These results apply equally
behaviour. well to the delta formulation and, in fact, are further
In this paper, we explore one specific issue relating to enhanced relative to the shift formulation.
Riccati equations; namely the connection between the In Reference 7, the roundoff noise due to state quanti-
continuous equation and the corresponding discrete sation is accounted for in the design of a fixed-point
equation with rapid sampling. This connection is made finite-word-length steady-state Kalman filter.
particularly transparent by formulating the discrete case In Reference 8, the problem of rounding errors, in the
using the delta operator. This operator is defined as digital implementation of Kalman filters, is addressed by
using a similarity transformation on the filter state equa-
tion. The result turns out to be equivalent to that
obtained by substituting the usual shift operator q by
where q is the forward shift operator and A is the sam- q - 1. This is clearly related to the delta formulation.
pling period. It is clear that the relationship between q Similar results on filter implementation are given in Ref-
and 6 is a simple linear transformation, and, thus, the erence 2, where the delta form is used explicitly.
delta operator offers the same flexibility in the descrip- However, References 2, 7 and 8 do not address, either the
tion of discrete systems as does the shift operator. connection between continuous and discrete Riccati
However, the delta operator has the advantage that it equations, or the comparative numerical properties of
reveals the close connection between continuous results these equations when implemented in delta or shift form.
The focus of our numerical studies will be on the inter-
nal computer accuracy, as distinct from errors introduced
Paper 5755D (C8), first received 24th September 1986 and in revised by the A/D and D/A convertors. These latter errors are,
form 6th March 1987 in any case, common to whatever internal computer rep-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engin- resentation is used. Moreover, it has recently been shown
eering, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia [7] that these errors can be modelled as additional noise
28 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. I35, Pt. D , No. I , J A N U A R Y 1988
processes. Within this formulation, the question of how where P(t) satisfies the following continuous Riccati dif-
to solve best the resulting Riccati equation remains. ferential equation (CRDE):
A basic aim of this paper is to clarify the role of sam-
pling in the discrete Kalman filter. A fundamental diffi- p(t) = P(t)AT + AP(t) - P ( t ) C T R - ' C P ( t )+ Q (8)
culty is that it is not sensible to directly sample with P(0) = P o .
continuous-time Wiener processes. We show that these It is also known [12] that the transient and steady-
difficulties are neatly resolved when the effect of analogue state solutions of this equation are related to the follow-
prefiltering is included in the sampling process. This is ing Hamiltonian matrix:
shown to unify the discrete and continuous Kalman filter
Some previous authors [13, 161 have shown that, for
every continuous-time problem, there exists a hypotheti-
The eigenvalues of this matrix can be grouped into two
cal discrete-time system such that the solution for the
continuous Riccati equation is the same as that of the disjoint subsets A I and A2 such that if Aa E A1, there
exists Ab E A2 such that Ra = - A b ; hence we can choose
corresponding discrete Riccati equation. For example, in
either AI or A2 to contain only the stable eigenvalues.
Reference 15, the discrete-time system is determined by a
Subject to certain mild conditions [ll], the solutions
bilinear transformation.
Here, however, we fix the underlying continuous-time of the CRDE converge to a unique limiting solution.
system and study the differences that exist between the From eqn. 8, this limiting solution must satisfy the fol-
continuous-time problem and the discrete-time problem lowing continuous algebraic Riccati equation (CARE) :
arising from sampling of the original system. We also 0 = PAT + A P - P C T R - ' C P + Q (10)
explore the convergence of the discrete solution to the
continuous solution, as the sampling period A Many solution techniques exist for this equation, includ-
approaches zero. ing the Schur decomposition method [4]. In this method,
The layout of the paper is as follows: in Section 2, we a Schur decomposition of the eigenspace of M , is made
give a brief review of the continuous and discrete Kalman such that, if
filter, Section 3 examines the realtionship between the
continuous and discrete cases using the delta formula-
tion, and Section 4 addresses the numerical properties of
[;;I E R2"""

the delta form relative to the shift form in solving Riccati span the nth-order stable invariant subspace, then the
equations. stabilising solution for eqn. 10 is

2 The Kalman filter

P, = x21x;,' (1 1 )
This is a particular case of a more general approach [SI
Riccati equations arise in such problems as the linear based on a generalised Schur decomposition, which deals
quadratic regulator and the Kalman filter. It is known with a pencil of the form RL - M , .
that these problems are duals of each other [ l o ] . We will,
therefore, use the Kalman filtering problem to present
our results, and invoke duality for the corresponding 2.2 The discrete-time case
optimal control results. A key aspect of the discrete case is the specification of the
sampling process. For example, it makes no sense to
2.1 The continuous-time case directly sample the output dzldt in eqn. 3, because this
Consider a continuous-time, lumped, linear, time- would lead to a discrete system having output noise of
invariant stochastic system given by infinite variance ! This problem is resolved by replacing
the impractical ideal sampler by a practical form of sam-
dx = AX dt + do (2) pling in which the signal is passed through an anti-
dz = C x dt + dw with x(0) = xo aliasing low-pass filter prior to sampling. We shall denote
(3) the impulse response of this low-pass filter by h(z) and,
where x E R", z E R', A E R""", C E Rlxn, E [ x o ] = ?o, for simplicity, assume h(z) = 0, T 2 A.
Cov [ x o ] = P o ; u(t) E R" is a vector Wiener process with
incremental covariance Q d t ; w(t) E R' is a vector Wiener Lemma 2.1: If the system of eqns. 2 and 3 is sampled at
process with incremental covariance R d t ; x(O), u(t) and interval A using a presampling filter of impulse response
w(t) are independent; Q and Po are symmetric positive h(z),then the sampled output response is described by the
semidefinite matrices; and R is a symmetric positive- following stationary discrete-time linear system
definite matrix. (expressed in the usual shift operator form):
The Kalman filter is a full-order state observer, which
minimises the following cost function: x(k + 1) = A,x(k) + ~ , ( k ) (12)

J , = E{eT(t)W(t)e(t)} (4) y(k) = C,x(k) + w,(k) with x(0) = xo (13)

where W(t)E R" " is any positive-definite symmetric where
weighting matrix and e(t) is the estimation error: A, = +(kA + A, A ) = eAA (14)
e(t) = x(t) - 2(t) (5)
The solution to this problem is well known [ l o ] and is
C, = S_:h(kA +A - T)C+(T,kA) dT (15)
given by
d?(t) = A?(t) dt
H ( t ) = P(t)CTR-'
+ H(t)[dz(t)- C2(t)dt]
with ?(O) = To
COV{ u,} =
L +(A, z)Q+(A, T

COV{ w , } = R l ( A ) + RJA)

dz~ 4 Q , (16)

I E E PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D,N o . 1, J A N U A R Y 1988 29
with The corresponding steady state solution satisfies the
following discrete algebraic Riccati equation (DARE):
R,(t) 4 :m
j j:mh(t - z')R,(z' - 2") P, = Q, + A,P,A,T - [A,P,CJ + S,]
x h(t - T " ) ~d.r' dz" (18) x [ R , + C,P,C,']-'[C,P,A: + S]: (34)
Solution techniques for the DARE are very similar to
those described earlier for the CARE; particularly the
generalised Schur decomposition technique is also applic-
able to the discrete case [6] including cases where A , is
singular [6, 141. In particular, the following Hamiltonian
matrix arises in conjunction with these problems:

c o v (u,, w,) 4 E{u, w,'}

where A, = A , - S , Rq- ' C , and Q, = Q, - S, R; 'S:.
= [ jIm+(A,r)Q+(u, ?lTCT This matrix has analogous properties to those of
matrix M , defined in eqn. 9, i.e. the eigenvalues of M , can
x h(A - u ) T d u d z 4 S , be grouped into two disjoint subsets rl and r2,such
(21) that for every A, E rl there exists Ad E T2 such that
Proof: The output of the presampling filter for t 2 kA is A, . A,, = 1, again we can choose either rl or r2 to
contain only the stable eigenvalues.
To gain insight into the above results, we consider two
representative low-pass filters :
L P F I : An ideal low-pass filter with bandwidth equal
to the folding frequency 1/2A(Hz)
LPFZ: An 'average' signal obtained from a reset and
integrate circuit, specifically:

The corresponding impulse response, h(t) for LPF2, is

given by
h(t)=- O,<t,<A
=0 otherwise (37)
From eqn. 16, it can be seen that, for small A:
Q, = QA (38)
Also, for typical presampling filters (including LPFl and
LPF2), it is readily seen that for small A:
R,=-R (39)
c, = c (40)
s, = 0 (41)
Finally, the appropriate discrete-time system is given in However, these equations conceal the close connection
eqns. 12 and 13. that exists between the continuous and discrete equa-
tions. For example, as the sampling rate increases, we
The optimal discrete-time filter for the system of eqns. 12 obtain the following paradoxical results, which hold irre-
and 13 is then given by spective of the underlying continuous-time system :
lim Q, =0
+ +
R(k 1) = A,R(k) H,(k)[y(k) - C,R(k)] (31) A-0

H,(k) = [A,P(k)C: S,](C,P(k)C: + R J ' ; lim R , = co (43)
with R(0) = i o (32)
lim A , =I (44)
where P(k) satisfies the following discrete Riccati differ- A-0
ence equation (DRDE):
lirn H , =0 (45)
P,(k + 1) = Q, + A , P,(k)A,' - [ A , P,(k)C,' + S,] A-0

In the following Section, we show that these anomalies

x CR, + C, P,(k)C:I '[C, P,(k)A,' + S,']
- (33) are resolved in the discrete-time case if reformulated
with Pq(0) = P o . using the delta operator.
30 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, P t . D, N o . I , J A N U A R Y 1988
3 Relationship between the continuous and where
discrete cases
y(A) 4 AA,P(k)AI
Using the delta operator in eqn. 2 the discrete system
description of eqns. 12 and 13 becomes -AA,P,(k)C,T(AC,P,(k)C,T + Ra)-lCsP,(k)
6x(k) = Adx(k) V6(k) + (46)
+ RJ'C,Pa(k)A,T
-A2A,P,(k)Cf(AC,P,(k)Cf + R,)-
Y(k) = C,x(k) + (47)
x C,Ps(k)A,T
-SdAC,P,(k)C,T + RJ1(C8Pa(k)
A, =
e,=c, x [AA, + 1IT + Sf)
-(CAAa + IIP,(k)C,T + S,)
and where
x (AaCdPa(k)C,T + R,)-'S,T
1 (60)
0, = u,, w, = w,.
Proof: Immediate on substituting eqns. 48 to 55 into
Hence eqns. 31 and 32.

1 We now have the following result connecting continuous

COV{u,) = - Q, (49) and discrete cases :
COV{w,} = R, (50) Lemma 3.2: The quantities appearing in the delta form of
the discrete filter (eqn. 56) converge to the corresponding
cov (0, , w,} = - s, continuous quantities; i.e.
(i) lim A, =A
Substituting eqns. 38 and 39 into eqns. 49 and 50, we see A-0
that, for small A, (ii) lim C , = C
1 1
Cov {u,) N - Q and Cov {w,) N - R (52) (iii) lim H , =H
A A A-0

Hence, to achieve sampling rate 'independence', it is where H is as in eqn. 7.

natural to define Q , ,R , and S , as follows: Also, the DRDE, the discrete Hamiltonian and the dis-
crete spectral densities converge to the corresponding
1 continuous variants, i.e.
Qa4 A COV{u,) = - Q, (53)
A (iv) 6P,(k) = Q + P,(k)AT + AP,(k)
R, 4 A COV(0,)
= AR, (54) - P,(k)CTR-'CP,(k) + O(A) (64)
S , 4 A COV{ v, , w,} = S , (55) (VI M , = M , + o(A) (65)
Remark 3.1: Note that Q , and R, (as defined above) are (vi) lim R, = R ; lim Q, = Q; lim S, =0 (66)
A-0 A-0 A-0
actually the noise spectral densities, rather than the noise
variances! We shall see below that the solution of the Proof: Immediate from eqns. 56 to 60.
discrete filtering problem is more conveniently expressed
in terms of Q , and R,, rather than the noise variances. Remark 3.2: The above result shows that the delta oper-
Note that the continuous-time quantities Q and R are ator makes the connection between the continuous and
also spectral densities and not variances. We then have discrete cases particularly transparent, whereas these con-
the following result: nections are not obvious using the shift form. Also, note
that the analogue presample filter plays a key role in the
Lemma 3.1: When expressed in terms of the delta oper- discrete-time case.
ator, the optimal filter, of eqns. 31 and 32, has the form:
Remark 3.3: In the above analysis, we have used the delta
62(k + 1) = A,jZ(k) + H,(k)[y(k)- C,jZ(k)] (56) operator to highlight the convergence of the discrete sol-
utions to the corresponding solution of the underlying
where continuous-time problem. However, it should also be
noted that the delta formulation can be used as an exact
(57) description, for any discrete-time problem, irrespective of
whether it arises from sampling a continuous process or
not. In particular, if the shift domain eigenvalues of any
transition matrix approach 1, then, by recasting the
problem in delta form, one can benefit from intuitions
coming from the continuous case.

Remark 3.4: We have treated only the Kalman filtering

problem. However, the same results apply, mutatis
mutandis, to the linear quadratic regulator problem.
4 Numerical questions in the solution of the the Jordan canonical form, then the comparison relies on
Riccati equation the errors in representing the diagonal terms of A , and
Owing to the inherent nonlinearity of the Riccati equa- A , - I , which correspond to the eigenvalues in this case.
tion, it is very diffcuit, in general, to obtain a single Clearly, whenever the eigenvalues of A , are closer to
measure of numerical robustness [ 4 ] . Thus, we will con- unity than zero, then the eigenvalues are better represent-
centrate on the comparison between shift and delta ed in the delta form. Thus, whenever rapid sampling is
implementations of the equations at fast sampling. used, the delta form is irrefutably superior for the Jordan
We assume that, in solving the Riccati equation, we structure. As an exampje of more general structures we
will not face either overflow or underflow problems, we consider the following example:
will be only concerned with the finite-word-length (FWL)
representation of numbers. Furthermore, we assume that Example 4.1 : Consider a system having transfer function
numbers are represented in a normalised floating point H(s) = l / { s ( s + l ) } with continuous state-space model in
format, i.e. the mantissa is always expressed as a number companion form. The Riccati equation was solved using
between 0.5 and 1 . This means that, for a ( b - 1) bit man- 5 mantissa bits to represent A , and A , . The following
tissa, we will have a rounding error ranging between constants were also used: R = 1 , Q = I , A = 0.075 and
- 2 - " and + 2 - " . Po = 1.
Fig. 1 shows the propagation of the relative error
4.1 The discrete Riccati difference equation ( DRD E ) defined as
We shall consider the DRDE in two forms: shift operator
and delta operator. The key difference between these two (74)
forms of the DRDE is the way in which the transition
matrix is expressed. There are changes in the other
matrices, but these amount to scaling by A, which do not
significantly affect the floating-point representation. We
shall thus concentrate on the merits, or otherwise, of
replacing A, by AA, + I in the solution of the DRDE.
We shall describe the floating-point implementation
matrix X = { x i j } (which can denote either A , or A,) as
O O l L
[XlFP, where ," 0009
,o 0008
CXIFP {xi](1 + & i j ) )
= (67) 0007
We then have the following result :

Lemma 4.1
0003(i , I I , I I , , I I
0 3 6 9 I2 15 I8 21 24 27 30
iteration number

where Fig. 1 Comparison oferrors for the dynamic Riccati equation (DRDE)
using delta (6) and shft (4) operators with A = 0.075
E = max I cij I G 2-"
i, j
where [P(I)]Fp and P([) denote the floating point and
and where 11. IIF denotes the Frobenius norm. 'infinite' precision solution of the Riccati equation, and
Proof: The result is immediate on noting that, from eqn.
11. ( I F denotes the Frobenius norm.
It can be seen from the Figure that the delta formula-
67, we have tion leads to a significant improvement in the relative
IICXIFP - XII, d max IEijI IlXllF (71) error in the computation of the DRDE.
i, j

To compare the results in lemma 4.1, we will use the 4.2 The algebraic Riccati equation
spectral radius as a lower bound for the norm of A, and Most methods for solving the algebraic Riccati equation
A , because the spectral radius is less than or equal to any (ARE) start from the Hamiltonian matrix. We will use the
consistent norm [ 1 7 ] ; i.e. well known [13] solution method based on eigenvectors.
For simplicity, we will assume that the eigenvalues of the
L, B / E~ ~ [ A ,=] E
=EI/A,~ max I e"lAI (72) Hamiltonian matrices are distinct.
Let us assume that M E R2" is a Hamiltonian matrix
L, = E A J I A ,2
~ JE~A ~ C A ,=
] E max le"" - 1 1 (73) with different eigenvalues; then there exists a nonsingular
matrix X such that
where p [ . ] denotes spectral radius and { o i } denotes the
eigenvalues of the continuous time 'A' matrix.
For fast sampling (relative to the time constants of the
system), we have I eUiAI N 1 for i = 1 , . . . , n. In which case, where A , , A 2 E R" are diagonal matrices and where AI
the lower bound on L, given in eqn. 7 2 is much greater contains only the stable eigenvalues.
than the lower bound on L , given in eqn. 73. Inspection
of eqns. 68 and 69 then suggests that the delta form leads If
to a smaller error than the shift form. To be more precise
about this comparison, we need to consider specific struc-
tures for the matrices A , and A , . For example, if we use LA21 I "22A

32 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D, No. I , J A N U A R Y 1988

then For fast sampling, we have
p(M,) N max I1
+&A/ (87)

P(MA max I Pi A I (88)

will span the stable subspace, and the stabilising solution L

for the ARE can be evaluated as P = X21X;t. where {pi} denotes the eigenvalues of M, .
Clearly, the sensitivity of the solution method depends Thus, for fast sampling (relative to the time constants
on the sensitivity of the eigenvectors. To carry out the of M, which are the regulator or filter time constants),
analysis, we will use the perturbation method proposed IpiAI 6 1 and, hence, the lower bound on U , given in
in Reference 17. inequality 85 is much greater than the lower bound in U ,
We consider a model for the perturbations as in eqn. given in inequality 86. This suggests that the delta form
67. This leads to leads to smaller error than does the shift form. As for the
(76) DRDE, the result can be made more explicitly if specific
canonical forms are used for the matrices.
where [M,IP and [MalP denote the perturbed matrices Remark 4.1 : An alternative expression for the perturbed
and eigenvector is given in [l8] as
/IEqIIF d &IIMqllF (78) 2n yTExi
/lEbllF EIIMdllF (79)
CxiIP = xi + j = 1 (Ai - A,)yTxj xj + qE2) (89)

To state the main result of this Section, we need the fol- where E E F : is the perturbation matrix (E, or E,) with
lowing preliminary result : llFl12= 1, yj: left eigenvector associated with A j , W E 2 ) :
residual of a Taylor expansion around E = 0.
Result 4.1: Hamiltonian matrices M, and M, have the
same eigenvectors. By neglecting W E 2 ) , we obtain
Proof: Immediate from the definition of the matrices.

We then have the following result:

where K is a positive constant, which is the same for
Lemma 4.2. delta and shift forms. 52 is as defined in eqn. 83.
Comparing eqn. 90 with eqns. 80 and 81, we see that
the same conclusion applies. The above analysis is illus-
trated in the following example:

Example 4.2: Consider the same system as in example 4.1

with the following parameters:
where { x i ) denotes the eigenvectors of M, and M,, and R = - =I
1, 0
{[xi,]p} and {[xiJP} denote the perturbed eigenvectors of
Mq and M a , respectively. The steady-state solution of the Riccati equation was
0, and Q, denote a lower bound on the minimum dis- found Using the eigenvector method for two different
tance between the ith eigenvalue and any other eigen- sampling periods; A = 0.075 and A = 0.05 and for man-
value for M, and M, , respectively. tissa lengths ranging from 5 to 24 bits. Fig. 2 compares

Proof: From Reference 17, we have that

/Ixi - {xi)P112
d (82)
where ci is the two norm of the perturbation matrix and
SZ < min { \ A i SI} - j = 1, 2, ..., 2n (83)

The result then follows on using eqns. 78 and 79, and on

noting that [ 171
11 . 11 2 11 .11 F (84)
To compare the results in eqns. 80 and 81, we will use the L
spectral radius as in Section 4.1. We note that mantissa bits
Fig. 2 Comparison oferrors for the algebraic Riccati equation (ARE)
using delta ( 6 )and shft (4) operators with A = 0.075

u, 2 &AP(M,)~ (86) the relative error between Delta and shift for A = 0.075,
0, while Fig. 3 gives the corresponding results for A = 0.05.
where we have used the fact that R, = R,/A, as 1, = AA, It is clear from the Figures that the delta performance is
+1. better.
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, P t . D, No. I , J A N U A R Y 1988 33
~ ~

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6 Acknowledgment Riccati equations’, IEEE Trans., 1986, AC-31, (l), pp. 5G57
17 STEWART, G.W.: ‘Introduction to matrix computations’
The authors acknowledge the support received from the (Academic Press, 1973)
Australian Research Grants Scheme under Program 18 GOLUB, G.H., and VAN LOAN, C.F.: ‘Matrix computations’ (The
Grant A48415 15P. John Hopkins University Press, 1983)

34 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D, No. 1, J A N U A R Y 1988

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