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Spring 1986, Vol. 4, No.2

Russian Navy: How Great A Threat? by Dr. Allan D. Belovarac 7 3 2 The Return of Halley's Comet by Sr. Mary Matthew Baltus '50 Erie's Cross-Town Rivals: An Historical Perspective on the Mercyhurst-Gannon Game by Joe Mattis and Bob Shreve K104 You Got It! by Karen Merkle '84 7 11 13


Chairman of the Board of Trustees William C. Sennett, Esq. President Dr. William P. Garvey Editor Mary Daly '66 Assistant to the President for External Affairs Assistant Issue Editor Carla J. Anderson '84 Alumni Editors Gary L. Bukowski '73 Bonnie M. Clark '84 Editorial Board Dr. Allan D. Belovarac 7 3 Dr. Ludlow L. Brown Dr. Marilynn Miller Jewell '48 P. Barry McAndrew Dr. VivettaG.Petronio'48 Sr. M. Eustace Taylor '29 Editorial Assistant Almitra Clerkin Contributing Writers Christopher V.Alessi'87 Sr. Mary Matthew Baltus '50 Dr. Allan D. Belovarac 7 3 Joseph Mattis Karen Merkle '84 Robert Shreve Sr. Mary Charles Weschler Photography Louis Caravaglia Center for Defense Information Department of the Navy Erie Historical Museum & Planetarium Richard P. Forsgren '84 Erie Times-News Sun Line Printing Dispatch 2000 Printing System

Faculty Focus On the Hill Alumni News Class Notes 10 14 15 16

Alumni Association Officers Michael E. Heller '79, President Joyce Metzler McChesney '69, Vice President Regina O'Connor '80, Secretary Directors Allan D. Belovarac '73, Erie, PA Dario Cipriani '74, Erie, PA Deborah S. Duda '77, Palo Alto, CA Margaret A. Emling '37, Erie, PA Claudia M. Englert '82, Erie, PA Joan Kostolansky Evans '60, Erie, PA Sr. Mary Lawrence Franklin '41, Erie, PA Thomas D. Heberle, Esq. '74, Erie, PA Lance J. Lavrinc '83, Pittsburgh, PA Patricia J. Liebel'53, Erie, PA Kevin J. Rozich, Esq. '79, Johnstown, PA SPRING, 1986

bout the cover; Much has been made over the remarkable growth shown by the Soviet Navy the past several decades. Its warships are larger and better equipped today than before and the Soviet submarine force has dramatically increased in size and strategic and tactical capability. Analysts agree, however, that in spite of these advances, the U.S. Navy is still significantly stronger than its Soviet counterpart. Dr. Allan Belovarac '73 analyzes this international topic in his feature article on the "Russian Navy: How Great A Threat?" See page 2.

Cover photography courtesy of the United States Navy. USS Nimitz nuclear powered multi-purpose aircraft carrier.

The Mercyhurst Magazine is published by.the Office of External Affairs of Mercyhurst College, Glenwood Hills, Erie, PA 16546. Copyright 1986. News items and letters to the editor should be sent to the Editor c/o External Affairs Office. Send change of address to Mercyhurst Magazine, Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA 16546. External Affairs Office 814/825-0285 Alumni Relations Office 814/825-0246




n a world where oceans cover 70 per cent of the surface and where 95 per cent of all international trade moves by sea, there can be little question that the power of a nation's navy is a critical factor in international politics. At any given moment there are over 2,000 merchant ships plying the Atlantic Ocean alone, and the total value of exports and imports in just the U.S.Europe Atlantic route annually amounts to more than 50 billion dollars. Little wonder that the fundamental geopolitical principle of American foreign policy since 1890 has been that free and unimpeded use of the sea is vital to the interests of the Western World. In the last decade, however, freedom of the seas has been increasingly threatened by a Soviet naval build-up that has left NATO nations feeling uneasy, even inferior to a Russian bear that has suddenly learned how to swim. As late as the 1960s, the Soviet Navy was not except for its submarine fleet considered as one of the world's major naval powers. Yet today, the Soviet Union can boast of one of the world's largest surface navies, with warships operating regularly in the Mediterranean and Carribean Seas, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. In addition, Soviet submarines, armed with strategic nuclear missiles, regularly operate off the coasts of the United States. This Russian buildup has led to an intense examination by the United States into the strength of its own navy. An emerging perception of an 'American Navy in decline" has been developed in the press, fueled by expositions of navy purchases of $300 hammers and $600 toilet seats. In addition,

"... today, the Soviet Union can boast of one of the world's largest surface navies, with warships operating regularly in the Mediterranean and Carribean Seas, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans!'
the press has been fond of playing a numbers game comparing the growing Soviet naval armada with declining numbers in the American flotilla. The former Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Thomas Hayward, added to this concern as he noted, "The U.S. Navy is a one and a half ocean Navy with a three ocean commitment."1 Responding to these fears, Navy Secretary John Lehman has promoted the idea of a "600 ship Navy" into a basic premise of Reagan's defense policy. Amidst all this hype and hysteria associated with the rise of Soviet sea power, it seems time to objectively determine whether the Russian Navy is indeed a real threat to the safety of the free world or whether it is just a "paper tiger." What is paradoxical about this Soviet ascendancy at sea is its lack of precedent in Russian history. Although Tsar Peter the Great (1672-1725), honored as the founder of the Russian Navy, once stated, "I am not looking for land. I am looking for water!" his successors rarely understood or used the sea as an instrument of national policy. Despite historians who often characterized Russian national strategy as a drive for "warm water ports" because Russia was a land and ice-locked nation, Russian leaders usually ignored the Navy in pursuit of national goals. In the 1890s, this began to change as Russian naval thinking changed from a defensive orientation to more of an

emphasis on "blue water" battleships. Most of these battleships, however, were destroyed by the Japanese in the battle of Tsushima during the RussoJapanese War. Although the Russian Navy ceased to be an international factor after the Japanese War, the role of the Russian Navy in the revolution was unique. It was the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet who forced Admiral Kolchak to surrender to the Germans that marked the beginning of the end of Russia in World War I. In the Baltic, the sailors at Kronstadt were also instrumental in seizing the Winter Palace at Petersburg, and later served as elite revolutionary guards under the Bolsheviks. Within three years, however, these same sailors mutinied which resulted in the Soviet Navy becoming the victim of the first widespread Bolshevik purge, reducing naval strength by 75 per cent.

" . . . the Soviet Navy has begun working toward closing the existinggaps in the final two categories of U.S. superiority aircraft carriers and amphibious assault forces."
Between 1920-1940, the Russian Navy was in a moribund state. Also during this time, Admiral Mahan's ideas on the use of navies to acquire overseas possessions were viewed by Marxist-Leninists as characteristic of capitalistic states. Thus, blue water navies were seen as imperialistic and therefore evil, which kept the Soviet Navy essentially a coastal, defensive navy for several decades. After World War II, a decisive shift took place in Soviet Naval strategy. In 1956, at age forty-six, Admiral Sergei G. Gorshkov became the CommanMERCYHURST MAGAZINE

along the coasts of der-in-Chief of the the Sea of Japan in Soviet Navy, and the east and the broke the shackles Barents, Baltic, and of Marxist ideoloBlack Seas in the gy by suggesting west. Each of these that the way to seas is isolated and break the "imperirelatively inaccessalist chain" formable to the other. ing around the This has forced the U.S.S.R. was to Soviets to divide build a strong navy their navy into four to keep these forcseparate fleets: es away from SoviThe Northern et shores. Fleet, based at It was under AdSeveromorsk; the miral Gorshkov Baltic Fleet, based that the Soviet Naat Kaliningrad; the vy began a specBlack Sea Fleet, tacular expansion based at Sevastointo a global maripol; and the Pacific time power which Fleet, based at today outnumbers Vladivostok. the U.S. Navy in In order to projtotal vessels. ect their forces into In addition, the the open ocean Soviet Navy has g-from these bases, begun working to2: _. most Soviet naval _ ward closing the ^ forces must pass existing gaps in the I through stratefinal two catego!gic "chokepoints" ries of U.S. superi^ which are conority aircraft I trolled by U.S. Alcarriers and am| lies on the Baltic, phibious assault i Black Sea, and Paforces. These de5 cific Ports. velopments sugKashin-class destroyer, one of the world's first major warships with all-gas The Baltic Fleet gest that Gorshturbine propulsion. is hostage to the kov's ultimate goal signed to perform rather limited tasks, West's control of the Danish Straits. is a Soviet Navy based on the Ameriat least by U.S. standards. These tasks Similarly, the Black Sea's ports can supcan model, one capable of projecting include the maintenance of the Soviet port ocean operations only with the acpower to any spot in and along the peballistic missile submarine (SSBN) ceptance of the Turks, who control the riphery of the world's oceans, in peacefleet; the protection of those SSBNs Bosporus, connecting the Mediterratime or in wartime. from Western anti-submarine forces; nean and Black Seas. From the MediLast year, Admiral John L. Butts, Diand the protection of the Soviet coast terranean, the oceans can be reached rector of Naval Intelligence, supported from carrier-based aircraft strikes and only through the Strait of Gibraltar or that belief when he testified that amphibious invasion.3 The Center ar- the Suez Canal, both of which can easi"Moscow's commitment to achieving a gues that even with superior numbers, ly be restricted. On the Pacific coast of true, blue water, balanced fleet, capathe Soviet Navy has limited capabili- Russia, Vladivostok has only limited ble of challenging U.S. maritime suties for operating in the open ocean. access to the open Pacific because of premacy anywhere in the world Those Soviet ships that are capable the narrow straits of the Sea of Japan. remains firm . . . The challenge it will of extended operations lack the neces- In wartime, these "chokepoints" would present to our world position is sary logistical support to conduct oper- be mined and heavily patrolled by clear."2 ations far from home over long periods Western naval forces, effectively botHowever, the Center for Defense Inof time. Futhermore, because of Soviet tling up the bulk of three of the four Soformation in a recent study contended geography, ships from three of the So- viet fleets. that the U.S. Navy is still significantly viets' four fleets must pass through Only the Northern Fleet and that stronger than its Soviet counterparts. narrow channels controlled by the part of the Pacific Fleet stationed at Its main thesis is that the Soviet Navy, U.S. Allies, in order to enter the open Petropavlovsk are not required to pass even with its remarkable growth over ocean. Its major ports are situated through narrow channels to reach the the past several decades, is still deSPRING, 1986

open sea. In order to move into the Atlantic, ships from the Northern Fleet would have to cross the Norwegian Sea and pass through the GreenlandIceland-United Kingdom (GIUK) Gap in the face of NATO naval forces and land-based air forces. Over on the Pacific side, ships intended for the open sea from Petropavlovsk are restrained both by the isolation of that port, which limits its ability to support large fleet deployments, and the simple fact that it is iced-in for at least six months a year. A second major limiting factor on the Soviets' ability to control the high seas is that their Navy continues to lack the surface forces necessary to challenge Western dominance. While much has been made of the Soviets' superiority in total number of vessels, when comparing the numbers and quality of oceangoing surface vessels, the West clearly retains a decisive advantage. This fleet as it exists today bears little resemblance to its American counter-

"Despite historians who often characterized Russian national strategy as a drive for 'warm water ports' because Russia was a land and ice-locked nation, Russian leaders usually ignored the Navy in pursuit of national goals,f
part. The U.S. Fleet is primarily designed as a blue water fleet which can operate far from its home bases for extended periods of time. It is built around the large-deck "super carriers" capable of attacking enemy surface ships, submarines, and targets on land. The Soviet surface fleet, on the other hand, is designed primarily for antisubmarine warfare (ASW) in waters close to the Soviet Union. Its ability to operate on the open ocean and combat enemy surface ships is limited. One of these limitations is that less than half of their major surface vessels can operate safely and effectively on the open ocean. With displacements of well under 2,000 tons, 145 of the Soviet Navy's frigates are simply too small to be used far beyond coastal water. On very rough seas, which are not unusual in the northern latitudes, the effective-

ness of these ships' sonar and other electronic gear would be significantly diminished. While the Soviet Navy's cruisers and destroyers, as well as their newest frigates are over the 2,000 ton mark, the Soviets can put to sea only 138 such ships. The United States and its Allies, however, together have a much larger ocean fleet, with 475 Allied surface warships displacing over 2,000 tons. Even those Soviet vessels over the 2,000 ton mark are limited from traveling too far from home waters because of the Navy's limitations on supplying and provisioning far out to sea. Major combat vessels consume a tremendous amount of supplies at sea. The United States Navy operates 53 replenishment ships with displacement totaling 1,413,000 tons. While the Soviet Union has 85 such ships, they are much less capable, displacing a total of only 570,000 tons. Of course, deficiencies in a support fleet can easily be overcome by developing major bases overseas. Yet, in this area, the Soviets do not match the United States either. The U.S. operates 57 naval facilities in 17 countries and dependencies throughout the world. While the Soviets have access to a variety of ports along the essentially landlocked waters of the Baltic and Black Sea coasts, their facilities on the open ocean are limited to Cuba, Angola, South Yemen, Syria, Ethiopia and Vietnam. The third major limiting factor of the Soviet Navy is its lack of sea-based aircraft. It is an inescapable truth that air power will play a decisive role in any future war at sea. Surface ships are sitting ducks for enemy aircraft unless they have air cover of their own, which can be provided by aircraft based on either land or sea. It is in the area of sea-based aircraft that the Soviets suffer a critical disadvantage. Their three Kiev-class carriers are each equipped with only 20 helicopters and 12 YAK-36 vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft. These are limited capability, low performance fighters. In contrast, the U.S. Navy has 14 large deck carriers each capable of carrying 60 high performance fighter and attack aircraft and 25 early warning and anti-submarine aircraft and helicopters intended to pro-

"While much has been made of the Soviets' superiority in total number of vessels, when comparing the numbers and quality of oceangoing surface vessels, the West clearly retains a decisive advantage."
tect the carrier. In sum total, the U.S. sea-based air wings amount to about 1,100 aircraft and helicopters. Of particular interest recently has been the Soviet launching of its first full-scale aircraft carrier capable of launching jet fighters and bombers. This new, 65,000 ton ship is two-thirds the size of its U.S. counterparts, but still significantly larger than the Soviet helicopter carriers now at sea. The new 1,000 foot carrier has a ramp on its bow similar to a ski jump that could be used for launching some types of fighter planes. The carrier also has a long, angled flight deck similar to American carriers. Admiral James D. Watkins, Chief of Naval Operations, noted that the Russians "lack experience in operating fixed-wing aircraft at sea. Consequently, it could be about 10 years before the new carrier and its air group are capable of operating proficiently."4 One experienced Navy pilot noted the difficulties the Soviets are likely to face if they move from the vertical take off aircraft, which land at slow speeds on a short stretch of deck, to conventional planes that must be caught at high speed just at the right second: "They're going to lose an awful lot of pilots learning how to do this thing."5 Although much attention has been focused on this carrier in the media, its existence, compared to the U.S. Navy's 14 large carriers, will not seriously diminish our advantage in sea-based air power. Because this sea-based air power deficiency will continue for some time, the Soviet fleet must depend almost exclusively on land-based aircraft to provide protection in wartime. Also, since it has access to so few overseas bases (which could be easily isolated in wartime), the Soviet Navy can operate safely only within several hundred miles of the Russian coastline. It is true, however, that this coastline would be well protected. Western naMI-RCYI1URST MAGAZINE

The Soviet Navy: Ships in Bottles



Maps prepared by Center for Defense Information.

Soviet Union and Allies U.S. Allies = tZZl

Main Soviet Naval Bases = Soviet SSBN Patrol Areas -

Western Barriers = Scale of Miles = | *


vies that might try to penetrate the Soviet defensive ring would come under progressively more concentrated air strikes as they moved across this perimeter. For all these reasons then, it seems clear that the Soviet surface fleet is still essentially defensive in character and is not yet capable of mounting a major offensive threat on the high seas to the U.S. Navy. This discussion of the limitations facing the Soviet surface fleet certainly should not be taken to mean that their navy should be disregarded, for Russian naval weaknesses are being bolstered by a powerful submarine fleet which is becoming the real strength of the Russian Navy and a serious threat to the West. Thus, a major role of the Soviet Navy today is that of maintaining and protecting the submarine component of its strategic nuclear arsenal. The Soviet SSBN fleet is equipped with 924 missiles carrying about 2,200 individual nuclear warheads. These strategic submarines generally stay close to home where the Soviet surface fleet and land-based aircraft protect them from Western ASW forces. Their armament includes long-range ballisSPR1NG, 1986

tic missiles with ranges over 4,000 miles, making it unnecessary for them to leave their protected 'sanctuaries' It is now quite clear that in wartime, the Soviets would seek to offset their naval disadvantages in the surface fleet through the use of 283 attack submarines. Unlike SSBNs, these attack submarines are designed to combat either enemy surface ships or submarines, and are ideally suited for operations against Western navies since they are much less vulnerable to air strikes tHan surface vessels. The Western Allies' major fear is that these attack submarines in time of war might be able to cut the sea lanes, particularly those across the Atlantic, which would bear 90 per cent of our reinforcement and supplies. This threat may not be as ominous as it seems, when one realizes that over 2,000 miles separate the Atlantic shipping lanes from the home waters of the Soviet Northern Fleet. Those subs threatening our sea-lanes would have to travel this distance and get through the NATO ASW forces stationed in the GIUK. In addition, Soviet submarines in the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets could easily be bottled up at the "choke-

points" controlled by NATO forces. Of the 283 Soviet attack submarines, it must also be noted that 163 are diesel-electric and could not be used effectively even if they were all stationed in the Atlantic. They are so slow that a good part of each patrol would be spent traversing the 2,000 miles to the shipping lanes and back again. Some of the oldest, dating back to the early 1950s, are so slow that only about 25 per cent of their time at sea could actually be used to attack allied shipping. The Soviets' 120 nuclear-powered attack subs, however, are not limited by range and can attain very high submerged speeds, some capable of reaching 40 knots. Yet there is a major shortcoming of these submarines, which is their high operating noise. In a period of crisis, NATO navies would use a combination of P-3 patrol planes and their own attack submarines to guard the access routes into the Atlantic. These P-3s utilize airdropped sensors for acoustic detection, and attack submarines rely on both towed sensors and internal devices to "hear" Soviet subs. These systems are complimented by a network of hy-

drophones set up on the ocean floor which can detect submarines operating hundreds of miles away. With all these limitations, it seems unlikely that the primary attention of the Soviet attack submarines would be Allied shipping lanes in the event of war. Instead it seems obvious that their primary task would be to protect Soviet SSBNs from Western attack submarines and surface battle groups, a role they are especially well-equipped to fulfill. The range limitations affecting diesel-electric submarines would not

" . . . today, the Soviet Union can boast of one of the world's largest surface navies, with warships operating regularly in the Mediterranean and Carribean Seas, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans!'

be a liability when operating close to home. The diesel-electric submarines also have an important advantage in anti-ship warfare since they run very smoothly and quietly on their batteries, making them difficult for ASW forces to detect. Furthermore, Soviet nuclear-powered attack submarines would also be more effective in home waters since they would not have to cross NATO ASW barriers. All that both types of Soviet submarines would have to do is simply wait for enemy carriers and other surface and subsurface vessels to approach within range of their torpedoes, cruise missiles, and anti-submarine weapons. Clearly these attack submarines would serve as an extremely lethal barrier within each Soviet SSBN sanctuary. To sum it all up, there can be no doubt as to the increased capability of the Soviet Navy over the past several decades. Soviet warships are in general

"... the Soviet Navy has begun working toward closing the existinggaps in the final two categories of U.S. superiority aircraft carriers and amphibious assault forces!'
larger and better equipped than before. Their submarine force has increased dramatically in both size as well as in its strategic and tactical capabilities. While there are claims that the Soviets are building a Navy to challenge Western domination of the high seas, the evidence seems to indicate otherwise. The Soviet Navy is actually inferior to the naval forces of the U.S. and its allies both in numbers and the capabilities of its ocean-going ships. The Soviet Navy is also weak on supply capabilities and sea-based air power. These factors, along with the geographic barriers to reaching the open seas, would force the Soviet Navy to stay close to home in a period of war. With these limitations in mind, it seems quite clear that the actual mission of the Soviet Navy is to protect Soviet ballistic missile submarines in ocean sanctuaries adjacent to the Soviet Union. Moreover, with the aid of land-based aircraft and small coastal vessels, the Soviet Navy can pose a deadly threat to those intent on penetrating their defensive perimeters. Thus, even though the Russian bear has learned to swim, he does not seem intent on venturing far from his protected shores. On the world's waterways, Teddy Roosevelt's belief that the "United States Navy should be second to none" is still the case at least for now! Dr. Allan D. Belovarac 73 is assistant professor of history atMercyhurst, where he is also director of the history department.

Naval Battle Forces Comparison

U.S.S.R Large-Deck Aircraft Carriers: Helicopter and VTOL Ships: Major Surface Combatants Over 2,000 tons: Under 2,000 tons: New Attack Submarines Nuclear-powered: Diesel-Electric: Old Attack Submarines Nuclear-powered: Diesel-Electric: Amphibious ships:* (thousands of tons) Replenishment ships: (thousands of tons) 0 5 138 145 73 23 47 140 78 (204) 85 (570) U.S.S.R. & Allies 0 5 145 155 73 23 47 149 102 (248) 95 (585) U.S. 14** 12* 198 0 69 0 25 4 60 * (956) 53 (1,413) U.S.& Allies 16 18 479 82 79 86 30 69 163 (1,371) 93 (2,022)

Allies: U.S. allies include the NATO countries plus Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand. Soviet allies include the Warsaw Pact countries plus Vietnam and Cuba. Major Surface Combatants: These include all cruisers, destroyers and frigates currently in service. Those displacing 2,000 tons or more include cruisers, destroyers and some frigates. All of those displacing under 2,000 tons are frigates. Attack Submarines: For purposes of this table, a submarine is considered new if the first submarine of its class was launched in 1965 or later and old if the first submarine of its class was launched before 1965. * * One carrier is currently being modernized through the Service Life Extension Program and is not immediately deployable. *The U.S. Navy's 12 amphibious assault ships can function as VTOL and Helicopter ships as well, and thus are counted in both categories.
Chart prepared by Center for Defense Information

'Harry D. Train, "The Growing Soviet Naval Menace," Atlantic Community Quarterly, Spring, 1981, p. 54. 2 "The Soviet Navy: Still Second Best," The Defense Monitor, Vol. XIV, No. 7,1985, p. 1. 3 "The Soviet Navy: Still Second Best", p.l. 4 The New York Times, January 16,1986, p. 11. 5 The Washington Post, January 14, 1986, p. 6. MERCYHURST MAGAZINE

eldom in this century has an astronomical event evoked as much media coverage as Comet Hailey Headlines in newspapers, special hour-long programs on TV, cover stories in news magazines, books and pamphlets, advertisements for telescopes, binoculars, and comet T-shirts have all bombarded the public to the saturation point. What would warrant such attention for a comet barely visible to the unaided eye? To answer this question adequately, a brief description of those celestial visitors called comets would be in order. Comets appear among the stars and move with them in the general east to west motion known as diurnal motion. This 15 degree per hour motion is caused by the earth's rotation. Comets do not streak across the sky like meteors or shooting stars, but rather change position among the stars in a very gradual motion detectable only by careful observation from night to night. Ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia used cuneiform writing on clay tablets to record the motion of the moon, stars, and planets. These tablets, now called "Astronomical Diaries," recorded phenomena called sallammu as early as 750 B.C. It is not clear whether these sallammu referred to meteors or comets on the earliest tablets, but by 235 B.C. definite recordings of comets appear. The Chinese called comets HUI or broom stars. Comets received a great deal of attention since the Chinese re-

garded anything that changed in the sky as an evil omen. They recognized that comets shine by reflected light from the sun and that a comet's tail always points away from the sun. Most important by far, they accu-

"...In 168 2, Hailey observed it but could not be given the credit for discovering the comet which a century later was to bear his name.
/ /

rately recorded dates and positions of comets so that we are now able to use their information to determine the orbital paths and periods of periodic comets. In 1456 a comet appeared (which we now know to be Halley's). George Purbach, a Viennese mathematician, attempted to measure the comet's parallax, the apparent shift against background stars as viewed from two separated places. Parallax is a clue to distance. Purbach's attempt was not enough to convince the world that comets are really farther away than the atmosphere. A great surge in astronomical thought came with the Renaissance starting with the publication in 1543 of "De Revolutionibus," in which Copernicus outlined the heliocentric theory

of the universe. Our hero, Edmund Hailey, was born in a suburb of London in 1656. After achieving his education at St. Paul's School and Queen's College, Oxford, he worked for John Flamsteed, Astronomer Royal of England. They compiled an accurate star catalogue which was essential for the growing maritime fleet to determine longitude at sea. From Greenwich, only stars of the northern hemisphere could be observed and catalogued. In 1676, Hailey volunteered to sail south on a ship of the East India Company to the island of St. Helena in the midst of the South Atlantic. A high point on the island still bears the name Halley's Mount, and some ruins of his observatory can be found there. Along with mapping 341 southern stars, Hailey also discovered the globular cluster in Centauri, observed the solar and lunar eclipses of 1677, and the transit of Mercury across the face of the sun. Upon his return to England, the first comet that Hailey observed and studied was the brilliant one of 1680. Both Hailey and Issac Newton calculated the orbit of this comet. It was later determined that this comet has a period of thousands of years, and thus, is not the now famous 76-year comet. Another bright comet appeared in 1682 and was observed in France, America, and Germany in August of that year. Hailey observed it in early September, but could not be given the credit for discovering the comet which a century later was to bear his name.

SPRING, 1986

"Orbits are expressed as numbers, specifying their shape, size, inclination, and orientation!'
He recorded his observations in Latin in an old college notebook using various available spaces and even writing over previous notes. This notebook, along with eight others in which Halley recorded his observations and calculations, is preserved in the Greenwich Observatory. Halley often met with two other great men of his day Robert Hooke and Christopher Wren. The three men often discussed the rules governing orbiting bodies, but were unable to explain why these laws worked. In order to get help with the problem, Halley visited Isaac Newton at Cambridge. Newton had calculated the force that holds the moon in orbit about the earth and the planets in Keplerian orbits about the sun, but he had misplaced his notes and could not find them. With Halley's constant urging, Newton re-did the work in a year and a half, and the famous "Principia" was published in 1687, outlining the universal law of gravity. Many have called Newton's work the greatest mental effort ever made by one person. "If I have seen farther than other men," said Newton, "it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants." It might be added, "and with prodding from another giant, Edmund Halley" In 1695, more than a decade after witnessing comets in 1680 and 1682, Edmund Halley again turned his attention to cometary orbits. There were 24 comets of the past with sufficiently numerous and precise observations that he could fit orbits to them with reasonable certainty. Orbits are expressed as numbers, specifying their shape, size, inclination, and orientation. There were three comets, evenly spaced in time, for which the elements were essentially the same. They were the comets of 1682, 1607, and 1531. Halley proposed that these three were not three different comets, rather, they

were the same comet. He concluded that the orbits were not parabolic but elliptical with high eccentricity. The comet of 1456 seemed to be another candidate for the returning comet; however, the data available to Halley at the time was not sufficient for positive identification. Those three, or possibly four comets, had been one comet returning along the same path at intervals of about 76 years. From this followed the prediction that it would return about 1758. Halley would then be either 102 years old or, more likely, dead. Halley must have had a premonition that he would not witness the return of the comet when he wrote: "Wherefore, if according to what we have already said it should return again about the year 1758, candid posterity will not refuse to acknowl-

edge that this was first discovered by an Englishman." His cometary work received strangely little attention at first. When he died in 1742, obituaries hardly mentioned it. His contemporaries

"Most of the great comets display broad tails ... and the narrower gas or ion dust tails that streams almost straight behind the head in a direction opposite the sun."


were more impressed with his other scientific contributions. When the comet was recovered on Christmas night, 1758, by a Dresden amateur, attention was turned to Halley's prediction. A few months later at a session of the French Academy of Sciences, the comet was referred to as Halley's Comet, so candid posterity at last acknowledged the Englishman. What then are these celestial visitors and what brings them on their elliptical journey into our neighborhood? The nuclei of comets are generally believed to be icy conglomerates or "dirty snowballs" composed of water ice and frozen gases such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, and methane with minute dust particles imbedded in the ice. Nuclei range in size from a few hundred feet to possibly ten miles in diameter. It is this relatively small size that makes them difficult to detect until they move into the inner solar system. The radiant energy of the sun and the solar wind cause a cloud of gases, the coma, to form around the nucleus and eventually a tail to extend out from the comet away from the sun. There are various components in the coma dust, ice coated grains, neutral gases, ionized gases and they spread outward in an approximate sphere to a size much larger than the earth. Scientists recently discovered an outer coma or hydrogen cloud spreading outward millions of miles around the comet head. Most of the great comets display tails with two components: the broad dust tail which curves backward from the head and the narrower gas or ion tail that streams almost straight behind the head in a direction opposite the sun. Comet tails can reach lengths of hundreds of millions of miles and streak half way across the night sky. Although the tails are the most spectacular aspect of a comet, they are actually very diffuse and contain less than 1/500 the mass of the nucleus. During the appearance of Halley's comet in 1910, the earth passed through the tail. Many people had been frightened that the tail would somehow damage the earth or its atmosphere, but there were no noticeable effects. From all the publicity and media coverage during 1985-86, one gets the impression that Halley's is by far the brightest comet ever observed. This is
SPRING, 1986





'E o

"Halley is the brightest of the periodic comets. It is the only comet that repeatedly becomes conspicuous to the naked eye."

far from true. Many of the nonperiodic comets are real dazzlers far brighter than Halley's. They are ones that have not been seen before and will not be seen again. In any person's lifetime there may be several of these unpredictable dazzlers. Halley's is, however, the brightest of the periodic comets. It is the only comet that repeatedly becomes conspicuous to the naked eye. Halley's comet has several advantages over other periodic comets. Its period of 76 years makes it a once-in-alifetime event, a spectacle visible only once in the average person's lifetime. The orbital inclination is 18 degrees so the comet comes in above the orbit of the earth and goes out south of it, giving most inhabitants of the earth the opportunity to view it. Another adSister Mary Matthew, is a professor of vantage of the comet is its retrograde earth science at Mercyhurst College. Sismotion, the reverse of the earth's orbit- ter led a tour of twenty-three Erie resial motion. Only a retrograde comet can dents to Cancun, Mexico on April 6-13 to have a second fairly close approach to observe Halley.

earth as Halley's does in the 1985-86 double visit. Halley's perihelion distance (closest approach to the sun) is approximately 50 million miles. Comets whose orbits bring them closer to the sun are subjected to the sun's strong gravitational force and either fall into the sun or break up as they pass by. Those comets that have greater perihelion distances do not receive the full impact of the solar radiation and wind, and thus do not shine as brightly. All in all, Halley's is the perfect comet. So if Halley's is the perfect comet, why then has it been far from spectacular in this apparition? Actually, Halley has performed quite well. The fact that the 1985-86 appearance has been the poorest of all thirty recorded returns of the comet is due to the position of the earth when the comet is putting on its best show. At its first close approach in November of 1985, the tail of the comet as viewed from the earth was approximately on the earth-comet line thus foreshortening its appearance. On February 9, 1986, when the comet reached perihelion and was at its brightest, the earth was on the opposite side of the sun. The comet, therefore, was not visible at that time. Early in 1986, the orbit dipped far below the equator, so at the time of the comet's closest approach to the earth on April 10 and 11, it was at 47 degrees south latitude, making it impossible to view from areas north of 40 degrees. Many tours to southern latitudes were planned in order to provide a better view of the comet during this close approach. In this era of high-tech sophistication, we still stand in awe of the celestial visitor known as Halley's comet. This sense of awe arises not so much from the appearance of the comet, since it has been less than spectacular, but rather from the realization of mankind's struggle through the centuries to comprehend the splendor, the immensity, and the grandeur of God's universe. Halley's comet is a symbol of this unending struggle.


Daniel V. Burke
CHRISTOPHER V. ALESSI '87 ears of experience have paid off more than once for Daniel Burke. Professor of art at Mercyhurst College for the past 17 years and director of the College's art department, Dan Burke's advances in the field of art over the years have brought him to the top of his profession. Having participated in numerous regional, national, and international juried shows, Burke's excellence in the field of painting has won him over 35 awards, notably, the Chautauqua Art Association Award, Mainstreams Award of Excellence, and honors at the Greater New Orleans International Exhibition. Most recently, Burke was awarded a $5,000 fellowship from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) and as such, he was one of only six painters statewide to receive this honor. Five hundred applications were submitted to the council for the fellowship program funded by the National Endowment for the Arts. "I will use the fellowship to increase my scale. I plan to do a half dozen large museum size pieces. Works that are 10 to 12 feet tall," Dan explained. Born and raised in Erie, he began his formal study of art at Erie Technical Memorial High School under the late Joseph Plavcan, and received his bachelor's degree from Mercyhurst in 1969, becoming the first male graduate of the College. Following graduation, he began his teaching career at Mercyhurst as an art instructor and later earned a master's degree from Edinboro University. Approaching 20 years at Mercyhurst as a faculty member, Burke has held a philosophy that has made his teaching profession a success. "A good teacher doesn't impose his personal views on the student. I see teaching as the development of the student to become the person-artist he or she wants to be not the product of what the teacher thinks the young professional could or should become."

Daniel Burke Burke has held the position as director of the College's art department for seven years, following in the footsteps of his mentor, Sister Angelica Cummings. "Sister Angelica focused my direction and life," he explained. "She was a lady who knew order and balance, the lofty from the real, the place of knowledge, the role of discipline, the importance of care, and how to make time grow." Burke's paintings are of particular interest because of his intense desire to experiment. Throughout the years, his art has been noted by change and progress. From the meticulous hard edge paintings of automobile parts in the 70s, he returned to the figure in the 80s. From using only acrylic paints, he has come to use any and all media. His current works make use of unusual materials such as zippers, old umbrella struts, mosaics, leather, and velvet which are glued, riveted, stapled, nailed, or sewn onto canvas and wood. Burke's paintings and drawings are in several permanent collections notably the Lacuna Gloria Art Museum, North Carolina National Bank, IBM Corporation, Southern Utah State

College, as well as many other private and corporate collections. During the past five years, the artist has had seven one-man shows in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. While at the Hurst he has represented the College and the area in over a hundred competitions and invitational exhibitions throughout the United States. In addition, he has been affiliated with the Northwestern Pennsylvania Artists Association since its inception in 1975, and serves as its coexecutive chairman. Married for almost 16 years to 1970 Mercyhurst graduate Jane Craig, Dan and his wife are the parents of four children Kate 11, Ellen 8, Timothy 6, and Matthew 4. Burke noted, "Each of us has his or her own philosophy of life and measure of happiness. For me, the most satisfying times in my life come when I achieve a balance with my family, my teaching profession, and my career as an artist." Christopher V. Alessi is a junior communications major from Bemus Point, New York.





JOE MATTIS AND BOB SHREVE asketball fans jammed the Tullio Convention Center to watch Mercyhurst and Gannon do battle on February 12. And jam they did all 5,689 of them. Gannon's 90-75 victory over the Lakers wasn't the big story of the night. That so many fans turned out was. This year's showdown drew the largest crowd ever to watch a basketball game in the City of Erie. "The series has become a credit to the City of Erie; said Dr. William P. Garvey, President of Mercyhurst College. "It's a fun game, the kind of series that makes the sport what it is an intense rivalry yet well behaved." Garvey noted that in its 11 year history, the game has been without incident. How it all began Ever since Mercyhurst began its athletic program 14 years ago, the College wanted Gannon on its schedule. But why? Back in 1971, when the announcement was made that Mercyhurst
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would enter the realm of intercollegiate sports, much talk among sports fans centered around the fact that Gannon and Mercyhurst would eventually meet on the basketball court. And as the record shows, it was Mercyhurst's Bill Garvey who started the talk. It was that year at a news conference held to announce the beginning of Laker basketball that Garvey was quoted as saying, "We at Mercyhurst are hopeful that a natural rivalry will develop between us and Gannon College in intercollegiate sports. We . . . certainly want to meet Gannon on the basketball court . . . because to establish a program of high quality, which we intend to do, we must play the best." That, indeed, was a bold statement for a college that had just two years previously gone coeducational. The dean of Mercyhurst when the series began, Garvey sees differences in the basketball programs. "With only 14 seasons behind us, we don't have the tradition that Gannon

has. There is a distinct difference in the maturation of the programs and the loyalty of the fans. But the record over the years shows that the programs have caught each other in player quality? Garvey added. "Erie fans want this game," commented Dr. Garvey. "It's our city's answer to the Canisius-Niagara, PittDuquesne, Villanova-St. Joseph, Temple-LaSalle, and many other incity rivalries." Getting together took three years The Mercyhurst-Gannon game, now the showpiece of Erie collegiate sports, struggled for several years before its first tip-off. And it was only because of the intercession of local businessman Lou Porreco, that the two teams ever met. Porreco, an Erie automobile dealer, entrepreneur, and sports enthusiast, assumed sponsorship of Gannon's Gem City Bowl holiday basketball tournament in February of 1974 and renamed it the Porreco Cup. The first

thing that Porreco did was expand the tourney from four teams to six with both Mercyhurst and Edinboro receiving invitations to participate in the December, 1974 affair. Of course, this was the opportunity Mercyhurst had been awaiting for several years, and Laker athletic director Dick Fox immediately accepted the invitation. The athletic committee at Edinboro, however, opted for a homeand-home series with the Knights and declined the invitation. So the initial field for the Porreco Cup included five teams. Two months later, St. Francis College of Loretto, one of the original entrants, withdrew and the field was back down to four teams Gannon, Mercyhurst, the University of Delaware and New Hampshire University. When the first round pairings were announced, it came as no surprise that the Lakers were matched up with Delaware in the opener, with the Knights hosting New Hampshire in the nightcap. This meant that both local teams would have to win or lose their opening games in order to meet each other on the second night of the tourney. Mercyhurst, then ranked 15th in the Associated Press college division rankings with a 6-1 record, scored an 80-64 victory over the Blue Hens to advance to the championship game. All Laker fans were rooting for the Knights in the next game and they came through with a 74-55 win over the Wildcats to set up the long-awaited showdown. The big night An overflow crowd and a live television audience witnessed that first clash between the cross-town rivals at the Gannon Audi (now the Hammermill Center) on December 29, 1974. In a contest that wasn't decided until the final seconds, Gannon ran its record to 7-0 with a 70-67 victory. Sportswriter Jim Richards of the "Erie Daily Times" had this to say the following day. "Winning coach Ed Sparling said, Tt was a great game.7 Losing coach Dick Fox said, Tt was a great game.' A crowd of over 3,300 fans left the Gannon Auditorium saying, Tt was a great game.' "It wasn't a knockout. It wasn't a decisive win," wrote Jack Polancy, sports editor of the "Morning News," "it was just what it had been billed . . . an

emotion-filled and close battle between two small college cage powers." A player looks back As a freshman in 1971, Mike Emick, production control router at Struthers Wells Corporation in Warren, PA, was a forward on the Lakers original basketball squad. As a senior, Emick played in the first Mercyhurst-Gannon game in 1974. "It was exciting to be part of the first basketball game at Mercyhurst," said Emick, "but is was truly something special to be part of that first game between the two rival colleges. It gave the team and the College the opportunity to gain credibility in the eyes of the fans in town," recalls Emick. "Even though we lost, we were able to hold our own and play on that level of competition. In retrospect and I think I can say this for all of those who played at the time I don't think we realized that we were playing out a chapter of basketball history for the city of Erie and for our alma mater," Emick added.

A taste of victory Mercyhurst got its first chance to host the Knights the following season, and made the most of the opportunity. The Lakers rolled to an 80-66 triumph at the Erie County Fieldhouse with an estimated throng of 5,000 in attendance. That game represented both the largest crowd in Erie and the largest margin of victory prior to this year's contest. The series continues on an annual basis, and while Gannon holds an 8-3 edge in the matchup, each game has provided Erie basketball fans with the very best entertainment possible during the cold winter months. The series has produced the following results: Year Knights Lakers Crowd 74 67 3300 70 '76 77/OT 3300 81/OT '77 80 5000 66 '78 73 67 3300 79 65 64 2400 '80 58 59 2600 '81 86 84 1950 '82 100/OT 89/OT 3200 '83 66 64 2000 '84 76 89 3339 '85 90 75 5689

Rivalry renewal As great as that first meeting was for the fans, they would not see the two teams meet again the following year. It wasn't until the 1976-77 season that Joe Matt is, now a sports writer for the the rivalry was renewed on an annual "Morning News" in Erie, PA, was the Colbasis. Gannon again posted a win at lege's sports information director (SID) the Audi, 81 -77 in overtime, before an- from 1971 to 1975. Bob Shreve is completother capacity crowd. ing his second year at Mercyhurst as SID.

Bill Shannon

You Got It!




ne dreamed of being in radio all his life; for the other, a career in broadcasting was an accident. One is a hockey fanatic who took up skating at age 32 just so he could be a player, as well as being an avid follower of the Toronto Maple Leafs; the other spent his youth practicing to make it in professional baseball, but injuries forced him to settle for rooting from the sidelines for his beloved Yankees. Differences aside, Bill Shannon and Howard Nemenz have at least two very important characteristics in common: they are two of the major forces behind the success of Erie's top-rated radio stations, K104 and WEYZ, and both are proud to call themselves alumni of Mercyhurst College. Born and raised in North East, Shannon would stay up nights listening to WABC-AM from New York City and dream of reaching out into the darkness with his own all-night program. At 14, he was already the entrepreneur of his own tiny tenth-of-a-watt radio station, which covered an entire block and was staffed by 30 neighborhood children. Hanging around Erie stations at the same time paid off, and he landed his first job at WJET spinning platters but never getting on the air. Following a stint in the army where he worked for the Armed Forces Network in Nuremberg he was hired by WCCK-WWGO in 1971 as an announcer, a position that led to his appointment as program director in 19 75. That year, Bill enrolled at Mercyhurst as a communications major, a few months after Howard graduated from the hilltop college with his business administration degree.

"They are two of the major forces behind the success of Erie's top-rated radio stations, K104 and WEYZ, and both are proud to call themselves alumni of Mercyhurst College!'
Laker scholarship. A concentration in marketing was to prepare him for a career in advertising, but an internship at WJET gave him his first dose of radio. After graduation he worked in sales at WMDI in McKean before accepting a position with a production house in Beaver Falls, where he produced commercials, industrial films, and radio jingles. In March of 1978, he became a salesman at the station that had come to be known as K104. Both agree that it's been an extremely quick climb to the top. In 1980, Howard became local sales manager. He was appointed vice president of marketing for the nine-station Burbach Broadcasting Company, parent organization of the two Erie stations, in 1983 the same year Bill was promoted to vice president of operations for the company. Howard credits his Mercyhurst internship experience with getting radio into his blood. He began college at the usual age, and admits his attitude toward education needed altering. Mercyhurst did that. "It was a good atmosphere for accomplishment. My marketing and business law courses really whetted my appetite to become more proficient in my major." Bill, on

the other hand, entered Mercyhurst's communications program when he was 27, having already experienced the work force. He was careful to balance his education, building himself a solid foundation in business and the liberal arts. "Jean Lavin probably taught me more about how to handle myself than anyone else," Bill recalls. What do Shannon and Nemenz suggest to others considering a career in radio?" Bill: "Take communication courses, but don't ignore everything else. If you want to learn about the business and radio is a business take business courses. You must be concerned with the legalities of broadcasting as well. You have to learn that, as a broadcaster, you have a great responsibility to the community." Howard: "I am a firm believer in aggressive behavior a 'give me the opportunity' attitude. It's discouraging that recent graduates join the workforce expecting a certain level of pay. You've got to earn your stripes. Lower your expectations, and get the entry level position. Coming out of the chute, you don't have experience you have learning." Both say the future of radio looks bright; their futures do as well. Bill's goal is to someday own a station here, one with far more than one-tenth of a watt of power behind it. And Howard, while content with his job and his life in Erie, hasn't ruled out the possibility of perhaps one day moving on to something that may be bigger, but would be hard pressed to be better. "If someone offers the gold ring," he muses, "I'll try it on."

Nemenz's path to the broadcasting business was much less direct. He is the first to admit that baseball was his life when he enrolled at Mercyhurst on a
SPRING, 1986

Karen Merkle is a 1984 communications graduate of Mercyhurst College. She is a free-lance writer in the Erie area.

Two earn ROTC honors
Competing with 3,700 United States Army cadets from the eastern coast, two seniors from Mercyhurst enrolled in the Gannon ROTC program were the only students from Erie area colleges to receive a regular army commission based on their superior performance during summer camp at Ft. Bragg. Ken Dyer of Cleveland, a hotelrestaurant management and computer science major, ranked second out of 3,700 cadets and Christine Hoffman of Erie ranked 900th. Grading during the six-week summer camp in such areas as physical training, land navigation, M-16 rifle qualification, and tactical maneuvers determined their overall ranking. There are three types of commissions a reserve army commission, an active duty commission, or the highest and most coveted, a regular army commission which both Dyer and Hoffman received. In addition to summer camp, both students attended Airborne School, and both are on two-year full tuition scholarships which commit them to four years of active duty in the U.S. Army and at least two years in the reserves.

Sisters to build Mercy Terrace Apartments

Responding to an intergenerational mission which provides educational and social services to pre-school age students through senior citizens, the Sisters of Mercy celebrated the breaking of ground for their estimated $3.2 million Mercy Terrace Apartment complex on April 11. The three-story complex, intended for middle income residents who do not qualify for subsidized housing, will be built to the west of the Sisters of Mercy Motherhouse at 444 East Grandview Boulevard. The Mercy Terrace will be privately financed by the Sisters of Mercy as sole developers. The proposed structure has been designed with an enclosed bridge at the second floor level, providing a sheltered connection and easy access to the Mercy Motherhouse, where the Center on Aging and Mother of Mercy Chapel are located. The 60,000 square foot facility will house 52 one-bedroom and 12-two bedroom apartments, including four apartments for the physically handicapped. Each unit will have a living room-dining room area, kitchen, bathroom, and four to five closets. Porches at the north end of the building will allow all tenants to share the view of Lake Erie from the city's highest point. A common room, laundry and storage areas will also be provided. Residents will have the opportunity to participate in intergenerational academic and cultural programming with Mercyhurst College, Mercyhurst Preparatory School, the Mercy Center of the Arts, and St. Luke School all located on the original 75-acre tract purchased by the Sisters in 1922. The building was designed by architect Richard Weibel, husband of Mercyhurst alumna Marguerite McLaughlin Weibel.

General contractor for the Mercy Terrace will be H. Piatt Company of Erie. Sister M. Gabriel Koch, former treasurer and faculty member at Mercyhurst College, has been named director of the housing complex. Sister is the founding director of the Mercy Center on Aging and prior to accepting this newest position with the Community, she was the Senior Citizen Advocate for Erie County. To receive more information on the apartments as they become ready for occupancy, write to Sr. Gabriel at the Motherhouse or call 825-0481. Target date for completion of the facility is April of 1987. Sr. Mary Charles, treasurer of the Sisters of Mercy, is a former professor of chemistry and physics at Mercyhurst College.

Ken Dyer, Chris Hoffman.

Learning disabilities program established

A full-service program for the learning disabled college-aged student will be inaugurated at Mercyhurst College in the fall. The range of services to be offered by the new program will include diagnostic testing, individualized educational programming, special academic advisement, faculty mentoring, tutoring, career and social counseling, and specialized instructional equipment and materials. The College will implement the new program as a result of numerous requests from various persons in the Erie County community, who believe that learning disabled students should not have to leave the area to attend college. In year one, 15 students will be accepted with first preference given to Erie County residents.

Hoffman, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C Hoffman of 541 West Gore Road, Erie, is a geology major at Mercyhurst. She will be assigned to the air defense artillery branch following Officers Basic Course training at Ft. Bliss, Texas. "The competition was unbelievable," explained Hoffman. 'That Ken ranked second is a real credit to him. Not only were we graded with 3,700 ROTC cadets, but many of them were from military schools such as North Georgia, Virginia Military, and the Citadel. This honor gives us a real opportunity to excel in the Armyf she added. Dyer will be assigned to supply management at Ft. Lee, Virginia following May commissioning. Ken is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dyer, 3471 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland.


Alumni support alma mater

recent survey conducted by "USA ors as phonathon team champions. Today" revealed that the greatest . "By involving our graduates in this annusingle reason for contributing to al fund raising program, we have found higher education is loyalty to one's alma that a tremendously competitive tone is set mater. which carries over each night of the two That being the case, Mercyhurst alums week campaign," Bukowski said. "As the are being counted on for their annual con- pace setters of the drive, our alumni crew tribution to the College in the 20th year of again this year broke every record in alumni giving at Mercyhurst. Mercyhurst alumni giving, and better yet, Goal of the 20th Fund has been set at they had a great time doing it!" Contributions to the 20th Alumni Fund $100,000 of which almost one-half or $42,000 was pledged in the College's Feb- must be received by the Alumni Office by June 30, 1986 to be counted toward this ruary Phonathon. Heading up the 20th year annual giving year's goal. are co-chairmen Audrey Sitter Hirt '49 and Steve Gutting '72. They were assisted in the phonathon effort by alumni association president Michael Heller '79, and alumni phonathon captain Dario Cipriani '74. According to Gary L. Bukowski '73, director of development and alumni relations, "Most of the money raised in the phonathon will be used for annual fund scholarships to aid Mercyhurst students in financing their education at the College." Bukowski said that 1,124 Mercyhurst alumni pledged during this year's phonathon, representing an 8 per cent increase over 1985 totals. Thirty alumni callers were used in the opening night of the Phonathon to set the pace for the student callers to follow. And pace setters they were, bringing in $15,672 night one, that earned them first place hon- Dario Cipriani

Matthew Whelan

Senior service award presented

The 1986 Sister Carolyn Herrmann Senior Service Award was presented to Matthew Whelan, a criminal justice major at the College. The award is presented annually to a graduating senior in recognition of his or her outstanding service to the College or Erie community. Nominated by vote of the faculty, administration, staff and senior class, the award recipient is chosen bv vote of the National Alumni Board. Matt, whose career plans include law school, is the vice president and special projects coordinator of the Mercyhurst Student Government, assistant to the director of the College's student union, and captain of the Laker soccer team. Whelan is a member of Alpha Phi Sigma national criminal justice honor society and the recipient of the 1984 Student Government Service Award. He is a volunteersoccer coach for the YMCA, St. James School, and a volunteer for Erie Special Olympics. He was also the recipient of the 1985 Project Identification for Pre-School Children service award. Matt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whelan, 2 Lamar Drive, Denville, New Jersey. Dates to remember Homecoming/ Alumni College September 26-28 Parents Weekend October 17-19

Classes to celebrate
Members of anniversary classes ending in a 6 or a 1 will be celebrating Homecoming/Alumni College planned for the last weekend of September '86 at Mercyhurst. It'll be a special reunion for Golden Anniversary class members from 1936, twenty-fifth year celebrants from the Class of '61, and tenth anniversary year members from the Class of '76. Persons from any of the anniversary classes who are interested in writing reunion letters to their classmates, should contact the Alumni Relations Office at (814) 825^0246.

Strength in numbers
The record shows that there are 5,682 alumni of Mercyhurst College, and our alumni office has a current address for 4,507 of us. We hail from all 50 states and 12 foreign countries. So no matter where you live, there's a Mercyhurst alum nearby. You can find out where your classmates are and what they are doing by looking them up in the new Mercyhurst Alumni Directory. It's a great little publication and you can still buy one by contacting the Customer Service Department, Bernard C. Harris Publishing Company, 3 Barker Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601. (Area code 914) 946-7500.

SPRING, 1986



Five new directors have been added to the Mercyhurst College Alumni Association board. They are (left to right) Dr. Allan D. Belovarac '73, Mrs. Margaret Mooney Emling '37, and Claudia Englert '82, from Erie; Atty. Kevin J. Rozich '79, Johnstown, PA; and Lance J. Lavrinc '83 Pittsburgh.


33 CAROLINE SIBBY theNEUBURGER WALKER has retired from Los Angeles

School District where she taught for 20 years at Chase Street School in Panorama City, CA. She now owns a custom ceramics business and is active on the executive board of the California Retired Teachers, San Fernando Valley Division. She resides at 1079 E. Walnut Avenue, Burbank, CA 91501. O / MARGARET J. MC MAHON is retired after being a teacher in Erie, PA for many years. She is president of the Altar-Rosary at St. John's Church. She resides at 20 East 31 Street, Erie, PA 16504.

tired from DuPont where he had managed energy operations. The couple is enjoying retirement in Chadds Ford, PA, where they reside at R. D. #2, Box 68 (Old Orchard Lane), Chadds Ford, PA 19317.

64 RITA the Erie Airport Authority. She reCAPPELLO was recently named president of
sides at 1127 West 21 Street, Erie, PA 16502.

53 PAULAAlpine Manor Nursing HomesoBRUGGER GUERREIN is a cial worker at in

Erie. She resides at R.D. 1, Arneman Road, Edinboro, PA 16412.

66 in the Lockport, NY MINUNNIis currentMARIE MELONI teaches music area. She

ly New York state president for Alpha Delta Kappa International Sorority for Women Educators. At a recent convention in Las Vegas, she was elected to the position of secretary for the International Council of ADK presidents. She resides at 6399 Erna Drive, Lockport, NY 14094.

54inPAULINEcontest sponsored bywon first SOLIDA TIBERI place a photo WQEDFM radio in Pittsburgh. Her winning entry was featured in the October "Pittsburgh Magazine." Pauline resides at P.O. Box 614, Ligonier, PA 15658.

45Harvard REAGLE BROWN iswhich helps JULIA a volunteer with Neighbors, a group
foreign professors get settled when they move to the United States. She is also the proud grandmother to five grandchildren. Julia resides at 21 South wick Road, Waban, MA. PEGGY SULLIVAN POLITO is proud to report that her daughter, KATHLEEN POLITO WIRTZ '70 recently gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The twins are the 9th and 10th children for Kathleen and the 20th and 21st grandchildren for Peggy! Polito resides at 16616 Claire Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44111.

67 MONICA LOPUSHANSKYYorkBOSCARINO is a teacher with the New City

Board of Education. In addition to teaching Spanish, she is also Dean of Students at an intermediate school in Staten Island, New York. She and husband, George, reside at 35 Elizabeth Drive, Oceanport, NJ 07757.

56 America, was recently promoted from ROSARIO MORENO, of Colombia, South

chief of the finance division to general secretary of the CVC, an autonomous regional corporation of the Colombian government for the development of the southwest of the country. Rosario resides at Calle 44 Norte, #3-EN-159, Cali, Colombia, South America. SR. M. DAMIEN MLECHICK is manager of the Communications Center at Mercyhurst College, where she is affectionately referred to as the "voice of Mercyhurst." She has been active in the Alumni Phonathons for the past two years and last year was named Phonathon "Caller of the Year". Sister resides at the Sisters of Mercy Motherhouse, 444 East Grandview, Erie, PA 16504.

68 MARLENE the chairmanship for the DITULLIO MOSCO has recently accepted
WQLN-TV 1986 auction which begins on April 19. As general chairman, she is responsible for major gifts solicitation, coordinating a special volunteer force and directing an auction marketing plan. Marlene is also a member of the Board of Corporators of Hamot Health Systems, Inc., the Board of Associates of Mercyhurst College and the Board of Directors of the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Erie. She resides at 3806 Beech Avenue, Erie, PA 16508. CAMILLE TYCZKOWSKI SCHROECK is the head of the Department of Chemical Research at Lubrizol Corporation and has recently returned to school at Ursuline College to acquire secondary teacher certification in biology and chemistry. She resides at 873 E. 331 Street, Eastlake,"OH 44094. BARBARA KAHL SHUTES was recently named Teacher of the Year for St. Michael School in Greenville, PA. She resides at 57 S. 6th Street, Sharpsville, PA 16150. SUSAN SUTTO was recently installed as president of the Greater Erie Board of Realtors for 1986. Suelivesat3112 Madeira Drive, Erie, PA 16506.

47 HELEN FABIANyears of distinguished MULLEN was recently honored for twenty

service at Robert Morris College in Pittsburgh, PA. She joined the College as a member of the instructional staff of the Department of Administrative Management in 1965. Throughout the years she held the positions of Director of Admissions, Dean of Admissions and, most recently, as Dean of the School of Continuing Education and Extended Studies. She resides at 31 Lenzman Court, Ambridge, PA 15003.

57 MARCIA MEAGHER SHRAMEK completed the master's degree program at Geneseo

SUNY in orientation and mobility and teaching of the visually impaired. She is an instructor of orientation and mobility with the Rochester Citv School District. She resides at 59 Penbrooke Drive, Penfield, NY 14526.

48that her daughter, Molly, who attends CONSTANCE SCHNEIDER DEAN reports
Dickens College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was the first girl to make All-American in swimming at that College. Constance and her family reside at 118 Williams Avenue, McMurray, PA 15317,

60 ELIZABETH DORSOGNAthe U.S. DeKISSEL is a consumer trade specialist with

partment of Commerce in Washington, DC. She works with the Seafood Inspection Program of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Her oldest child, Brian, will graduate from Loyola College in May. Her daughter Cheryl is a sophomore at Old Dominion College and Brett, the youngest, is a senior in high school. Elizabeth resides with her family at 17508 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Olney, MD 20832.

50last May after'PATTI' years asFESSLER rePATRICIA JACK tired many manager of
food operations at the DuPont 4-Star Hotel in Wilmington, DE. Her husband, Bob, also re16


69 THERESH ZUPSIC REESEtohas recently moved from Albuquerque, NM East Liverpool, OH where she is busy putting her home economics skills to use redecorating her new home. She is enjoying being near family and friends again and would like to hear from alumni in the area. She resides at 16213 Parkway Ext., East Liverpool, OH 43920.

ber. He also is serving as chairman for County Council for 1986. Gary resides at 4210 Briggs Avenue, Erie, PA 16504. THOMAS FRANK and wife, Mary Jane, recently welcomed a new son, Patrick John, to their family. They reside at 603 N. Pine Street, Mount Prospect, IL 60056. DAVID HORVATH received a groundbreaking grant from the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum Act, to conduct a survey of historical photographic negatives to study deterioration and preservation. David resides at 1308 Hepburn Avenue, Louisville, KY 40204. DIERDRE KLICK has accepted a new position as travel consultant for North Coast Travel in Erie. She resides at 705 Connecticut Drive, Erie, PA 16505. DENICE MANUS is completing work on a doctorate in education at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She resides in Erie at 4326 Carney Avenue 16510. WANDA ANDERSON SALVIA has passed the oral and written exams to receive her Pennsylvania certification as a school psychologist. She resides at 5304 Heidt Avenue, Erie, PA 16509.

70 John, are SHUTTS ALBERT and Jason CHERYL husband, the proud parents of
Damian Albert, born November 13, 1984. They reside at 11325 Tamarack Road, Waterford, PA 16441. ROSE ANN BERKON CATALDI is a kindergarten teacher in Florida, where her husband is a commander in the U.S. Navy. They have two children, Alina, age 12, and Brian, age 10. They reside at 2045 Sussex Drive, S., Orange Park, FL 32073. MARY ANN D'URSO REEHER is self employed as a sales manager for Princess House products. She has two daughters, Jessica and Annette, and the family resides at 38 Coal Bank Road, Greenville, PA 16125.

LINDA MAZZOTTA RAKVIC is president of the Greater Monroeville Chamber of Commerce. She was recently elected to the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce executives board of directors. In addition, Linda has completed four years of a six-year program in organizational management at the University of Delaware. As if that weren't enough to keep her busy, she also serves on the boards of the Monroeville Visitors and Convention Bureau and the Monroeville Enterprise Corporation. She is also on advisory committees for the Gateway School District equity program and the Allegheny County Health Department and is a board member of Allegheny County Mental Health/Mental Retardation. Linda resides at 170 Woodstone Lane, New Kensington, PA 15068.
GEORGIANA "GIGI" RUDELLA issupervisor of the Computer Graphic Art Department for Accu-Weather, Inc. Accu-Weather serves clients worldwide and is the largest private weather firm in North America. They provide graphics to television stations across the nation, including feeds to the CBS and ABC networks. She resides at 620 Toftrees Avenue, Apt. 258, State College, PA 16503. GEORGETTE URGO SCHRIEFER has been a teacher in the Millcreek School District for twelve years. She is currently teaching first grade. She and husband, Bob, recently became parents of their second son, Brent Michael. They reside at 4809 Wood Street, Erie, PA 16509. MARILYN 11IRT WELSH has been named administrator of Resident Services at Oakmont Presbyterian Home in Oakmont, PA. She is also a member of the Pennsylvania Adult Day Care Organization and is a licensed nursing home administrator.

71 EILEEN GREKA BISHOPcomputer comrecently pleted a technical degree in programming. She owns her own consulting business, Root Directory, which specializes in accounting systems. She resides at 1230 Gardens Avenue, Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742. ELLEN HEINRICH MOONEY was recently made principal of St. Patrick School in Erie, PA. She had previously taught at Our Lady Christian School for 14 years. She resides at 2768 East 31 Street, Erie, PA 16510. RHONDA MAHONEY SCHEMBER and husband, Joe, welcomed twins to their family. Joseph Scott and Jodi Anne join Vk year old Jaime at home. The family resides at 927 West 22 Street, Erie, PA 16502. ROCHELLE GEORGE WOODING completed a master of library science degree in April from Northeastern Illinois University. She resides at 700 W. Bittersweet, Chicago, IL 60613. / L SHEILA SULLIVAN COON recently received a promotion to the position of retail advertising manager of the Ithaca Journal. She resides at 834 South Main Street Extension, Groton, NY 13073. REBECCA PERRY KALISTA teaches Spanish at Villa Maria Academy in Erie. She is also chairman of the language department. Rebecca resides at 114 East 35 Street, Erie, PA 16504. / i ALLAN BELOVARAC has been named director of the history and political science department at Mercyhurst College. He has been named to the board of directors of the Erie Museum Authority and elected treasurer of the Presque Isle Yacht Club. In addition, Allan also serves in the U.S. Naval Reserve as an intelligence analyst at the Naval Air Facility in Detroit, MI. Allan and his wife, Lee Pitonyak Belovarac '74, are the parents of a second son Brendan Joseph born February 9. The Belovaracs reside at 637 East 31 Street, Erie, PA 16504. GARY L. BUKOWSKI was re-elected to his third term on Erie County Council in Novem-

74 ROBERT BECK Steven, to their family. and wife, Kathleen, welcomed a second son,
Bob is the president of R.J. Beck Protective Systems, Inc. He resides at 208 State Rte 61, East, Norwalk, OH 44857. RUSSELL FELIX married Christine Murray in June of 1985. He is employed by the IRS in Pittsburgh. He resides at 839 5th Street, Verona, PA 15147. PATRICIA ZIMMER HOFFMAN teaches home economics at Union City High School in Union City, PA. She and husband, William, are the new parents of a baby daughter, Gabrielle Rhea. They reside at 703 East Street, Waterford, PA 16441. MARIA KANICKI JOHNSON received her master's degree in elementary education from Edinboro Universitv in 1981. She is at home caring for four pre-schoolers, Elizabeth, age 5, Matthew, age 4, and 21 -month-old twins, Daniel and Benjamin. She and husband, Bob, reside at 226 Euclid Ave., Erie, PA 16511. WILLIAM A. KECH and wife, Carla, are the proud parents of a new baby girl, Ashley Rae. Bill has been promoted to national sales manager of Federated-Fry Metals. He resides at 2606 Lark Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602. ART OLIGERI and wife, RUTH GLEISNER OLIGERI '17, have opened a new family shoe store in the West Erie Plaza in Erie. The business, Marshall Shoes, carries a wide variety of brands for the entire family. The Oligeris reside at 4434 Elmwood Avenue, Erie, PA 16509.

75 MARY ROSEtoKALISTA DURKIN was recently promoted chief clinical dietitian at

Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hall, PA. She also instructs weight control classes as part of the wellness program at St. Joseph Hospital in Lancaster, PA, and is a nutrition consultant for Internal Medicine Associates of Lancaster. She resides at 3062 Holbein Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601. BONNIE YOST, registrar at Mercyhurst College, married Gregory Hall on Valentine's Day '86.

76 SALLY husband are celebrating the SCHISMENOS BAUMGARDNER and

birth of their first child, a baby girl, Michelle Ann. Sally resides at 24336 Fordson Highwav, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127. SUSAN CAMPFIELD was married in January to Al Zelinski. She resides at 19 Southwood Drive, Old Bridge, NJ 08857.

Rosario Moreno

Sr. M. Damien

Rita Cappello

Marie Mimtmii 17

SPRING, 1986

JOSEPH COOK was named 1984 Baseball Coach of the Year in Oklahoma by the Oklahoma Baseball Coaches Association. More recently he was named 1986 Coach of Sooner State Games. He resides at 1932 NW 17th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73106. JOSEPH DOLAN and wife are the parents of a new baby boy, Joseph Edward. Joe is still teaching and has also started a deli business on the side. The Dolans reside at 111 S. Sharp Avenue, Glenolden, PA 19036. JOHN DONOFRIO has opened a new office for the private practice of law at 723 Main Street, Suite 911, Houston, TX 77002. He resides at 1224 Barkdull, Houston, TX 77006. MICHAEL P. DOUGAN was married on September 7,1985, to Diane M. Peasley. The wedding took place at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Erie. DAN HILL is now affiliated with the law firm of Quinn, Gent, Buseck& Leemhuis, Inc., 1400 G. Daniel Baldwin Building, Erie, PA 16501. Dan resides at 11441 East Middle Road in North East, PA 16428. DEBRA MATTES-KULIG was recently honored as Young Dietitian of the Year by the Virginia Dietetic Association. She was also elected to the position of treasurer of the Consulting Nutritionists Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association and is president of the Northern District Virginia Dietetic Association. Debra, her husband, and their two-yearold daughter, Allison, moved into a new home in 1985. Thev reside at 5205 Richardson Drive, Fairfax, VA 22032. DEBRA MICHAELS SARDINI was wed last October to Arthur M. Sardini, III. The wedding took place at St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church in Erie. JAY SCALISE was recently promoted to manager of marketing support programs at American Sterilizer Company in Erie. He is responsible for organizing and implementing all convention activities and for equipment in the display area. Jay also does graphics and layout work for AMSCO. Prior to his promotion, Jay served as a buyer/planner for the company. He resides at 3128 Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506. DAVID J. WALACH is working as an entertainer at Chez-Est Lounge in Hartford, CT, and also at Avon Old Farms Inn in Avon, CT He combines both piano and vocal talents in his shows. David has been in the entertainment field since 1980. He resides at 360 Laurel Street, Apt. 102, Hartford, CT 06105.

Susan Sutto

Arthur OUgeri

Rosemary Durkin

Jeffrey Best

football team last year. He now owns the GrinInn, located one-half mile from Cross Creek Resort in Titusville, PA. The Inn features the tri-county's best live rock and roll bands every Friday and Saturday night. Dan resides at R.D. #3, Box 280, Titusville, PA 16354. DANIEL L. HEDLUND, O.D., has begun an optometric practice at 1344 West 38th Street in Erie. He graduated with honors from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in 1982 where he received an Alumni Association award for outstanding scholarship. JUDY MAHONEY STREICH and husband, Dennis, recently welcomed a new daughter, Heather Therese, born November 8, 1985. Judy works as a dental hygienist and Dennis is a dentist in Tempe, AZ. The family will be making a trip to Pennsylvania in May to see Judy's brother, John, graduate from Mercyhurst. (He is the 6th and last Mahoney to graduate from the College!). She resides at 9605 S. 48 Street, Phoenix, AZ 85044. / O CYNTHIA BYHAM-PERFETT and husband recently welcomed a new baby daughter, Amy Elizabeth. Cvnthia resides at R.D. 1, Box 304, Conneaut Lake, PA 16316. ROBERT DUBIK and wife TERESA FIUMARA DUBIK '77, are the parents of a new son, Coy Robert. Bob teaches elementary education/ special education with the Syracuse School District. They reside at 361 Vallev Drive, Syracuse, NY 13206. JOHN B. LICHACZ is working as a law clerk for Judge Richard Nygaard. He resides at 1410 West 11 Street, Erie, PA 16502. LISA MANENDO MOREY was wed on September 2, 1985, to Randall Morey of North East, PA. She is employed as administrative assistant to the president of Vencompass, Inc. Judy and husband reside at 3529 Washington Avenue, Erie, PA 16508. JOSEPH PACINELLI has been appointed human resources manager at Elgin Electronics. He is responsible for all personnel relations for Elgin's plants in Erie and Waterford, PA, and Durham, NC. He resides at 2428 Bird Drive, Erie, PA 16510. M. JEAN BUNDY URASH has been named field representative and government mortgage loan officer at the First National Bank of Pennsylvania. Her responsibilities include developing a new department devoted to FHA/VA government insured mortgage lending. She resides at 1227 Ardmore Avenue, Erie, PA 16505. ROBIN WINDROW was promoted last April to the position of manager of financial planning at Canada Dry International. She resides at 113 Grove Street, Stamford, CT 06902.

79 position as a graphic designer with MariLESLIE ELLER BARRELL has accepted a new
on Bass Securities Corporation in Charlotte, NC. She resides at 639 Crater Street, Charlotte, NC 28205. MARIANNE DRAKE BORRELLI and her husband recently welcomed a baby son, Eric Christopher. Marianne and family live at 111 Roxborough Road, Rochester, NY 14619. RONALD COLEMAN and his wife are the happy new parents of Dustin Jeffreys. Ron and family reside at 1334 West 30 Street, Erie, PA 16508. EILEEN QUINLAN D'AMICO and husband welcomed a new baby boy, Daniel Patrick, to their family. Eileen works for J.C. Penney as an airline reservationist for People Express. She resides at 4223 Dunkeld Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15201. JOANN DE SANTIS has been promoted to corporate loss prevention director for Carlisle Retailers, Inc., of Ashtabula, OH. She is responsible for protection of assets among nine stores and corporate offices. She resides at 5721 Carriage Hill Drive, #5, Erie, PA 16509. ALINE DEYOT FRACASSI and husband, David, added a new member to their family, daughter Kara Marie, born September 22, 1985. They reside at 1440 East 36 Street, Erie, PA 16504. JANET GUBISH GLOVER and husband, Michael, are rejoicing over the birth of their son, Andrew. Janet and familv reside at 364 East 37 Street, Erie, PA 16504. PAUL J. HUBER left his position with the Tampa Police Department to join Allstate Insurance Company as a casualty investigator. In addition, he and wife, Diane, recently welcomed a daughter, Miranda Jean, to their family. They reside at 6903 Spanish Moss Crescent, Tampa, FL 33625. CAROLYN P. KOMO and husband are the parents of a new daughter, Michelle. The family resides at 1151 Western Lane, Erie, PA 16505. SCOTT L. KUNKEL is employed as superintendent of laboratory services at Commercial Testing and Engineering Company in Chicago. He resides at 294 Mohawk Street, Park Forest, IL 60466. MAUREEN MC CAFFERTY is the art director at Chelsea House Publishing Company. She resides at 56 S. Morton Avenue, Morton, PA 19070. JANET ARTUHEVICH MILLER is owner/ operator of Aerobics Unlimited at 2224 West 8th Street in Erie. She is also the owner of Tony Sabella's Pizza & Catering on State Street in Erie. She resides at 2932 Willowood Drive, Erie, PA 16506.

77 The husband and wifeand JEFFREY M. team of ROSEMARY D. DURKIN, ESQ.

BEST has been named to the President's Board of Associates of Mercyhurst College. Rosemary received her Juris Doctorate from Case Western Reserve University School of Law in 1980 and practices with the firm of Knecht, Rees, Meyer, Mekedis & Shumaker in Cleveland, OH. Jeffrey is the President of Jeffrey M. Best Associates, Inc. in Richmond Heights, OH. The couple reside at 440 Richmond Park Estate, #217C, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. DANIEL L. FOLEY was a substitute teacher in the Titusville, Oil City and Cranberry area schools and coached an undefeated Oil City J V 18


ROBERT J. TOBIN and wife, PATTY MARCHWINSKI TOBIN '83, recently welcomed a new son, Robert Daniel. They reside at 127B Waldon Road, Abingdon, MD 21009. O 1 KENNETH B. CHAPIN is a music teacher at the Learning Center Division of the Dr. Gertrude Barber Center in Erie. He resides at 1138 Atkins Street, Erie, PA 16503. CHRISTINE MC CLOSKEY EACHO and her Mercyhurst's 20th Alumni Fund is in hands of husband, Louis, moved to Alexandria, VA, last alumni leaders (left to right) Audrey Sitter Hirt '49May. She recently accepted a position with the and Stephen E. Gutting '72. Alexandria Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. As part of her duties, she will be developing a volunteer program at the court. She reJAMES M. PASKERT and wife, PATRICIA sides at 5442 Taney Avenue, Alexandria, VA SMITH '77 are the parents of Joshua, born De22304. cember 10, 1982. They reside at 4680 BARBARA SMILO MILEWSKI is supervisor of Silverdale Road, North Olmsted, OH 44070. housekeeping departments for both the Best LISA PARLAVECCHIO SALADA was marWestern and El Patio motels in Erie. She is emried in October, 1985, to Donald Salada. She ployed by Inn Services, Inc., which also operworks as a medical assistant/secretary for ates the Avalon Inn, in Warren, OH. She Dennis S. Parlavecchio, M.D. She resides at resides at 110 Hill Road, Erie, PA 16508. Treasure Lake, San Juan Road, Box 654, ROBERT WILLIAMS and BRIDGET A. BECK DuBois, PA 15801. WILLIAMS '80, are the parents of a second PHYLLIS PIEFFER TOMAYKO and her hus- child, Meghan Bridget. They reside at 970 band are the parents of Brian Christopher, Elizabeth Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130. born March 23,1984. They reside at 270 E. 262 Street, Cleveland, OH 44132. SCOTT BARRINGER is a health planner with the Department of Health for the ANGELA MANDO BROOKS was mar- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He resides at ried on October 5, 1985, to Bryan Andrew 660 Boas, Apt. 1421, Harrisburg, PA 17102. Brooks. The wedding took place at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church in Erie. She works as CLAUDIA ENGLERT has been named assistant manager of First National Bank, Kearsarge a gymnastic coordinator at the YWCA. Community Banking Center. She is vice presiCORRINE HALPERIN was recently appoint- dent of marketing for the Erie Chapter of the ed program director for the Erie Area Business American Institute of Banking, first vice presiand Labor Council where she is responsible for dent of the Erie Chapter of the National Assoeducational programs and seminars. She re- ciation of Bank Women, and a member of the sides at 2948 Willowood Drive, Erie, PA Leadership Development Committee of the 16506. Junior League of Erie. She resides at 911 GORDON KARSTEDT and wife, AMY Weschler Avenue, Erie, PA 16502 BLOOD KARSTEDT '80, are the parents of a KELLEY ANN WELSH GLASS was married to new baby daughter, Ellen Elizabeth. The fami- Matthew D. Glass on October 12, 1985, at ly resides at 48 Brendel Avenue, Hamburg, NY Christ the King chapel of Mercyhurst College. 14075. She is an operating room technician at Harriot GREGORY J. KURT was recently married to Medical Center. Remona L. Martin. The wedding took place at DENISE JONES is district sales manager for St. James Catholic Church in Erie. Greg is a the Howard Johnson Company. Her territory sales representative at Consolidated includes western New York and northwestern Freightway in Grand Prairie, TX. Pennsylvania. She is responsible for promoKATHLEEN BOWEN LOPER is a teacher at tion of corporate and group sales. Denise reWestlake Middle School in Millcreek. She re- sides at 1056 West 6 Street, Erie, PA 16507. sides at 3408 Pittsburgh Avenue, Erie, PA CHRISTOPHER J. MEYERS has been promot16508. ed to supervisor, land representative II, in the MARK RICHERT and wife, Janice, are the new Land & Legal Department of National Fuel Gas parents of a baby son, Benjamin Mark. The Distribution Corporation in Erie. He is responRicherts reside at 7829 Hamilton Avenue, sible for lease, right-of-way, and roadway acquisitions for oil and gas exploration and for Pittsburgh, PA 15208. coal exploration throughout Pennsylvania and CYNTHIA E SOPHER has relocated to Char- New York states. He resides at 2510 Cranberrv lotte, NC to work at Electronic Data Systems, Street, Erie, PA 16502. a local company which recently merged with General Motors. Cindy resides at 839 Sealeybark, Apt. 61, Charlotte, NC 28204.

83 BRIAN J. in human resource manageCHURCH will complete his master's degree

ment at LaRoche College, Pittsburgh, PA, in May. He is engaged to marry SALLY ANN LONG '83. A May, 1986 wedding is planned at Christ the King Chapel. He resides at 44 Maple Court, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. ELAINE ZASADA FLICK was married to Richard M. Flick last summer. Thev reside at P.O. Box 249, Hornell, NY 14843. JEFFREY P. KIME received his masters degree in special education from Nazareth College in Rochester last May. He is teaching emotionally handicapped students in the Rochester City School District. He resides at 3 Greenwood Street, Rochester, NY 14608. ROBERT R. MILLER works for Adelphi Village, Evergreen House as a resident counselor for juvenile delinquents in Indiana, PA. He resides at 200 Lawsonham Street, R.D. # 1 , Rimersburg, PA 16248. DEBRA ANN BROWN NEUGEBAUER was married to Timothy Neugebauer on October 19, 1985, at Saint Peter Cathedral. She is a teacher at South Hills Day Care Center. PATRICK PAPARELLI has been promoted to the position of employee benefits consultant at First National Bank of PA. He is responsible for over 250 pension plan and profit sharing accounts, as well as IRA rollover and selfemployed retirement programs. He resides at 1826 Cherry Street, Erie, PA 16502. JAMES STEEN '83 and COLETTE FUSCO STEEN '83 were married on November 16, 1985. Colette is a dietitian at Armstrong County Hospital. They reside at 104'A Brilliant Avenue, Aspinwall, PA 18415. MARY B. TOMICH is a district sales representative covering the tri-state area for Pilot Air Freight in Pittsburgh. She resides at 2336 Cramden Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241.



84 JUDY A. CUSIMANO recently completed a master's degree in mental health and

school counseling at St. Bonaventure University. She resides at 26V2 West Main Street, Allegany, NY 14760. BETH ANNE DOW is working as a social worker in the Department of Aging at Catholic Charities of Buffalo, New York. She was recently inducted into the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Buffalo. Beth resides at 78 Glendale Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150. GARY KEENAN is a second-year law student at the University of Houston Law School. He was recently initiated into Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. He resides at 5993 Allday, Unit D, Houston, TX 77036.

MELANIE R. TITZEL will graduate in May, 1986, from Penn State University with a master's degree in recreation and parks and a concentration in gerontology. She is currently working at Battersby Convalescent Center as recreation director. She resides at 2911 Logan Drive, Erie, PA 16506. Marilyn Welsh

Mary Rose Durkin

Christopher Meyers Conine Halperin


SPRING, 1986

MONICA KLOS has accepted a position as a sales and marketing manager with Para Medical Sales & Rentals, Inc., a home health care company in Pittsburgh, PA. She resides at 110 Valley View Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15215. JOHN KUHL is assistant manager of food service at the University of Rochester. He resides at 225 Alexander Street, Apt. #1, Rochester, NY 14607. JOSEPH IL MARKIEWICZ was recently married to Terri L. Garrity at Sarah Hearn Memorial Presbyterian Church in Erie. He is an investigator with the P. J. Schmitt Co., Inc. WILLIAM NELSON has completed his master's degree in human resource management at La Roche College in Pittsburgh. He is employed by the Department of Education as a personnel management specialist in Washington, DC. He resides at 816 A 3rd St., SW, Washington, DC 20024. MARIA SANTANGELO is a vocational specialist for Centers For Innovative Training and Education of Montgomery County, PA. She resides at 1036 West Lafayette Street, Norristown, PA 19401. Maria will be returning to the Peace Corps in Nepal in March for another two years. BRENT SCARPO is studying at the Acting Academy in California. He would like to hear from Mercyhurst friends. He resides at 1536 N. Dominion Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91104. MICHAEL SCHELLHAMMER was recently promoted to 1st Lt. with the U. S. Army. He is a tow platoon leader with the 3/187th Infantry and is stationed at 101 Airborne Division, Ft. Campbell, KY He and wife, KAREN GENS SCHELLHAMMER '84, reside at 251 Patrick Street, #10, Clarksville, TN 37040. DEBBIE DIXON STEINER was recently married to John Steiner. She is food service director with WTTW Saga Corporation. She resides at 550 Pleasant Run, Apt. C, Wheeling, IL 60090. MARY BETH WALSH is catering manager at the University of Rochester. She resides at 39 W. Squire Drive, Rochester, NY 14623. MARK R. WILLETT recently married Cynthia A. Lucas. After spending a short time on active duty in the U.S. Army, Mark settled in Florida where he became a partner in a real estate appraising company. He is working on his general contractor's license. Mark resides at 4401 S. Hopkins Avenue, Titusville, FL 32780.


Debbie Steiner

Brent Scarpa

Brooke Buzard

Joseph McGraiu

STEVEN BOROWSKI is a sales representative with Nabisco Brands, Inc., Amherst, NY. MICHELE MCINTYRE BOUTWELL is teaching grades 6-8 at St. Thomas School in Corry, PA. BROOKE BUZARD is employed as a facilities planner at Erie Insurance Group in Erie, PA. KATHERINE CLARK is a special education teacher with the Erie School District in Erie, PA. MICHAEL CLARK is a counselor at Perseus House, Inc., in Spartansburg, PA. RODNEY COFFIELD is employed at Bambergers in Baltimore, MD, as an investigator. TERRENCE G. COLVIN is assistant manager at Forest Hills Athletic Club in Erie, PA. NICHOLAS DAVIDSON is a court investigation officer with the Washington County Juvenile Probation Department in Washington, PA. ELAINE FERKO is employed as a master scheduler at General Electric Company, Erie, PA. STEPHEN j . FIEDLER is a staff accountant/ auditor at Arthur Anderson & Company in Cleveland, OH. MARK FISCHER is kitchen manager at Mercyhurst Preparatory School in Erie, PA. THOMAS B. HANNA is a staff geologist at Fred C. Hart & Associates, Pittsburgh, PA. KATHY HEALY is a health inspector at the Bloomingdale Board of Health in Bloomingdale, NJ, and is also attending Montclair College part time studying environmental management. KELLE JOHNSTON is employed at Hamot Medical Center, Erie, PA, as a registered nurse. SUSAN IMBURGIA JONES is banquet coordinator at the Center One Hotel and Conference Center in Cleveland, OH. MARLENE JUDGE is a clinical dietitian at South Chicago Community Hospital in Chicago, IL. DANIEL KELLY is a graduate student at Mercyhurst College in police science/ security. REBECCA KESSLER is a graduate student in clinical psychology at Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA. JOSEPH LENNON is a manager with Marriott Hotels in Chicago, IL. PATTY PRESUTTILEUSCHEN is a caseworker with G.E.C.A.C. in Erie, PA.

THOMAS MARCONI is pursuing his MBA at Gannon University, Erie, PA. ROBERT MARIANO is a restaurant manager with Pizza Time of NY in Rochester, NY MARK MARUCA is a counselor with G.E.C.A.C. in Erie, PA. HEIDI MAY married Todd McLallen. She is employed as a special education teacher with the Fort LeBoeuf School District in Waterford, PA. BARBARA M AZZONE is a social worker at the Mental Health Clinic of Ashtabula, OH. KIMBERLY MC CLEARY is a manager trainee at Fashion Bug in Clarion, PA. JOSEPH MC GRAW is a graduate student at University of Pittsburgh Law School in Pittsburgh, PA. JAMES MOOMAW is a family counselor with the Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth in Rochester, NY. HALLEY MORTON is a school teacher at Blessed Sacrament School in Norfolk, VA. DEBORAH MYERS is a full-time graduate student at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. MAUREEN O'HARA is a sales coordinator at Ramada Inn, Erie, PA. MARY ANN LEOFSKY PCOLAR is a registered nurse at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. SHERRY PUTNAM is a graduate student in athletic training at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI. KENNETH ROHLER married Sandra L. Walburn. He is employed as a manager trainee for Adams Drug Corporation in Erie, PA.

Margaret Hungiville Satterwhite '30 Nora Irene Forquer Bracket '34 Margery Potter Nix '36 Richard Kleindinst, husband of Betty Taylor Kleindist '37 and father of Ann Kleindinst Abbate '65 Althea Roepke DeNicola '46 Elizabeth Naples Dent '61 Eleanor Brown Jablonski, mother of Sister Mary Dolores Jablonski, RSM '63 Lois H. Dahlkemper, mother of Mary Ellen Dahlkemper Razanauskas '73 Francis G. Slater, father of Rosemary Slater '74 Donald E. Lindemann, husband, and Donald Paul Joseph Lindemann, son of Joan Berry Lindemann '45 MERCYHURST MAGAZINE

1985 Grads Making their mark

NAAZ ALIKHAN is employed at Beco Interiors in Erie, PA, as an interior designer. GLEN W. ALLEN, JR., is a case manager with Specialized Treatment Services of Mercer, PA. MICHAEL ALLEN is a 2nd Lt. with the U.S. Army stationed in Honolulu, HI. TINA ANDRAKO recently married Mark Tomczak. She is corporate sales manager of the Lakeside Holiday Inns in Cleveland, OH. WILLIAM G. BALL is attending Duquesne Law School in Pittsburgh, PA. DIANA BARR is a manager trainee with the Marriott Corporation in Chicago, IL.


rivate colleges must develop new ways of raising money in the future, or they will find tuition costs pricing them right out of the ballgame. At Mercyhurst we believe we've found one solution to this dilemma by encouraging alumni, benefactors, and friends of the College to consider investing in Two-fold Charitable Giving. This unique program enables a person to give out of income rather than wealth. It is called Two-Fold Charitable Giving because it can benefit both an institution such a Mercyhurst, as well as the donor's family. Other colleges and universities utilizing this same program concept are Duke University, Clarion State University St. John's College, the University of Alabama School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

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Here's how it works Using a specially leveraged life insurance instrument, you, as the donor, make a maximum of five annual pre-

Some important points to Example remember Donor: Male 40 non-smoker Life insurance, purchased under a tax Policy: $60,000 insurance policy leveraged Two-Fold Charitable Givon donor's life ing program, could become a source Annual of regular donations to Mercyhurst. Premium; $1,570 You pay premiums for a maximum of five years, and then you are finished Results in 20 Years: with them. However, your tax deGIFT TO Mercyhurst: $22,600 ductible gifts go on and on. Total Cost To Donor You provide life insurance protection after taxes: 48,546* for your family. DONOR LIFE INSURANCE Your gift comes from life insurance IN FORCE IN 20 YEARS $63,920 cash values, not your pocket. *This figure represents total premiums Unlike traditional philanthropy paid plus interest on the loans from the through life insurance, the longer you cash value, minus the tax savings generlive, the more you give. ated from gifts to Mercyhurst and loan To obtain an illustration designed esdeducted. pecially for you, complete the form below and return it to our DevelopThis is just an example not a complete ment Office. illustration. An alternate to this plan

Two-Fold Charitable Giving J am interested in receiving a policy illustration. Contact me at: Name Address City Telephone I smoke cigarettes Yes


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