Introduction To Esports Research Task 2

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Introduction to Esports: Task 2 – Structure.

In this research task you will explore how esports is organized and structured
in the UK. 

Students must fill out each box below to the expected minimum word count, all research
sources should be link at the bottom of each box, Wikipedia does not count as a research
source. Source links do not make up total word count of a question box.

What role does the government play?

50 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.
The Government are key to the profession of esports because the players needed to be recognized as professional
athletes. If they were not, it would be hard to class a esports player as someone who is employed causing issues with
housing because it nis very difficult to obtain a house while being unemployed.

Source of research: Government support is essential for esports growth

How is esports defined under UK law?

50 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

Under UK law Esports is not defined as a sport but instead a ‘Credible Activity’. This means that Esports players are not
under the same category as actual sport players such as footballers. Instead Esports is put under the same category as
chess. The government does realise that Esports can have a positive impact as they have ‘cognitive, social and
communitive benefits.

British Esports Association: ‘Esports Is Not A Sport, But A Credible Activity’

Source if research:

What role do the British Esports Association play?

50 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

The British Esports Association has helped the profession of esports to branch out allowing it to reach younger people
who will have much more experience in this profession as they grew up with video games allowing them to become
much more well-respected players. The British Esports Association also managed to get collage courses in place for
people to learn how to become a professional player and teach young adults how to build a brand allowing young adults
to do what they love as a carrier whilst also being in full time education.

Source of research: Education - British Esports Federation

How does esports fit within the wider video game industry?
50 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

Esports is a way for people to do what they are best at professionally. Anyone can play a video game but to do It
professionally is a whole different story as to become a professional it takes a whole lot of practice meaning an esports
player has to put in a whole lot of time and effort into learning tactics and learning how other players tactics work. The
industry is very well respected as it is worth a lot of money as to this date the esports industry is worth over £1 Billion
meaning that the industry is slowly straying away from just being a profession where you just play video games but will
soon enough be a very wide and popular individual industry and wont be known as a job where you just play

Statistic found at: What Is the Value of the Esports Industry in 2021? - TalkEsport

What tournaments take place in the UK? 

50 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

In August, there was an event that took place in Birmingham called the common wealth Esports Championships. This
event took place on the 6th to the 7th of august and this was where people came from all over the world to represent
their country for this tournament. The two main games in this event were Rocket League and Dota 2. This shows that
Esports is slowly becoming more recognised as a good profession and worth people’s time. This event didn’t carry any
cash prizes but gold, bronze and silver medals which made this seem like an actual sport rather than a cash grab.

Sources used: Commonwealth Games 2022: England esports team 'at top of their game' for
historic trial - BBC Sport CEC 2022 - British Esports Federation The Biggest
Esports Tournaments UK - Esports Maps

Your lecturer will inform you of how to hand in on Moodle ready for the work to be
checked, this will also need to be uploaded to the Unit 1 page on your WIX website.

Organisation and structure of esports 
Contains lots of information and resources about esports in the UK and beyond 
Home of the Global Esports Federation 
Home of the European Esports Federation 

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