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Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB cont.

qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB cont 1/11/17 19:04 Page 1

Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Bob Obee

Translations by: Natalya Mukhamedjianova
Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB cont.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB cont 1/11/17 19:04 Page 2

Published by Express Publishing

Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,

Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363
Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463

© Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Bob Obee, 2017

Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2017

Colour Illustrations: Victor, Kyr, Nathan © Express Publishing, 2017

Music Arrangements by Robin © Express Publishing, 2017

First published 2017

Made in EU

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publishers.

This book is not meant to be changed in any way.

ISBN 978-1-4715-5777-4

Authors’ Acknowledgements
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book.
Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Stevens and
Sean Todd (senior editors); Steve Miller (editorial assistant); Peter Moghan (senior production controller); the
Express design team; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We
would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and
feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.

The authors and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission for the use of copyright

Special thanks to LLP “Edu Stream” for providing images of Kazakhstan.

Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the
publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB cont.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB cont 1/11/17 19:04 Page 3

Module 1 – Home & Away Module 7 – Fantasy world
1a ........................................ pp. 4-5 7a ........................................ pp. 50-51
1b ........................................ pp. 6-7 7b ........................................ pp. 52-53
1c ........................................ pp. 8-9 7c ........................................ pp. 54-55
1d, e, f ................................. p. 10 7d, e, f ................................. p. 56
1g ........................................ p. 11 7g ........................................ p. 57

Module 2 – Living Things Module 8 – Sports

2a ........................................ pp. 12-13 8a ........................................ pp. 58-59
2b ........................................ pp. 14-15 8b ........................................ pp. 60-61
2c ........................................ pp. 16-17 8c ........................................ pp. 62-63
2d, e, f ................................. p. 18 8d, e, f ................................. p. 64
2g ........................................ p. 19 8g ........................................ p. 65

Module 3 – Values Module 9 – Holidays

3a ........................................ pp. 20-21 9a ........................................ pp. 66-67
3b ........................................ pp. 22-23 9b ........................................ pp. 68-69
3c ........................................ pp. 24-25 9c ........................................ pp. 70-71
3d, e, f ................................. p. 26 9d, e, f ................................. p. 72
3g ........................................ p. 27 9g ........................................ p. 73

Module 4 – Work Use of English 1 ................ pp. 74-75

4a ........................................ pp. 28-29 Use of English 2 ................ pp. 76-77
4b ........................................ pp. 30-31 Use of English 3 ................ pp. 78-79
4c ........................................ pp. 32-33 Use of English 4 ................ pp. 80-81
4d, e, f ................................. p. 34 Use of English 5 ................ pp. 82-83
4g ........................................ p. 35 Use of English 7 ................ pp. 84-85
Use of English 8 ................ pp. 86-87
Module 5 – Creativity Use of English 9 ................ pp. 88-89
5a ........................................ pp. 36-37
5b ........................................ pp. 38-39 Vocabulary Bank 1 ........... pp. 90-91
5c ........................................ p. 40 Vocabulary Bank 2 ........... pp. 92-93
5d ........................................ p. 41 Vocabulary Bank 3 ........... pp. 94-96
5e ........................................ p. 42 Vocabulary Bank 4 ........... p. 97
5f ....................................... p. 43 Vocabulary Bank 5 ........... pp. 98-101
5g, h, i ................................. p. 44 Vocabulary Bank 7 ........... pp. 102-103
5j ........................................ p. 45 Vocabulary Bank 8 ........... p. 104
Vocabulary Bank 9 ........... pp. 105-107
Module 6 – Reading for pleasure
6a ........................................ p. 46 Translator’s Corner .......... pp. 108-113
6b ........................................ p. 47 Prepositions ...................... pp. 114-115
6c ........................................ p. 48 Presentation Skills ........... pp. 116-128
6d ........................................ p. 49 Irregular Verbs
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Vocabulary ★ Read the text and write the words.
• Rooms, furniture &
★ Write the words under the correct
1 headings.

• bedroom • bathroom • lamp

• table • desk • bed • hall • kitchen
• fridge • chair • wardrobe • cooker
A Famous House: The White House
The White House in Washington D.C., USA, is a very
• living room • bedside cabinet
famous house. This house is not small. In fact, it is
Rooms Furniture Appliances huge. It has 132 rooms!

The White House has six floors and three lifts.

........................ ........................ ........................
........................ ........................ ........................
........................ ........................ ........................ There are 35 1) ......................,
........................ ........................ ........................
........................ ........................ ........................
412 2) ......................, 147
........................ ........................ ........................
........................ ........................ ........................
3) ....................... and 28

★ Complete the crossword.

2 4) ..................... . There are also over 400 original

5) ......................... . The most

famous room is the Oval Office, where the
1 4
president works. Behind the president’s

6) ........................., there are three large windows

7 with lovely 7) ...................... . It


has also got an oval-shaped


8) ..................... and the


9) ............................... has a beautiful pattern.


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★ Look at the picture. Use words from the list to write what there is/isn’t or there are/aren’t.
• fridge • mirror • painting • sofa • armchair • stairs • curtains • bookcase • cushions
• carpet • cupboards • pillows

1 There is a fridge. 7 ...............................................................

2 ............................................................... 8 ...............................................................
3 ............................................................... 9 ...............................................................
4 ............................................................... 10 ...............................................................
5 ............................................................... 11 ...............................................................
6 ............................................................... 12 ...............................................................

• Phrases ★★ Write what furniture/

★ a) Match the words to form phrases.
6 appliances there is/are in
5 your kitchen.

1 dream a fans ..............................................

2 next b home ..............................................
unusual c room ..............................................
d building ..............................................
4 music
e floor ..............................................
5 living
★ b) Use phrases to complete the sentences.
1 Would you like to live in a(n) .........................................
that looks like a football?
2 In my ..................................... there are four bedrooms,
a big living room and two bathrooms.
3 The lift can take people up to the ................................ .


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Use of English • Prepositions of place
• There is/There are ★ Circle the correct prepositions.
★ Fill in there is, there isn’t, there are,
1 there aren’t.
There’s a garden in / behind / on the house.
There’s a poster in / in front of / on the wall.
3 My bedroom is next to / under / between
the bathroom.
4 The cat is between / under / in the table.
5 The books are under / between / on the vase
and the lamp.

★ Look at the picture and correct the

5 sentences.

1 ................................................ some sofas.

2 ........................................ some armchairs.
3 ....................................................... a desk.
4 .............................................. some chairs.
5 ........................................................ a bed.
6 ............................................ any paintings. 1 There is a pair of shoes next to the bed.
No, there isn’t. There’s a pair of shoes under
★ Look at the picture again. Complete the bed.
2 the questions. Answer them. 2 There are magazines on the bed.
1 ................ any cushions? Yes, ................. .
3 There is a chair near the desk.
2 ................ a painting? No, ...................... .
3 ................ a fridge? No, .......................... .
4 There is a lamp behind the desk.
4 ................ any flowers? No, .................... .
5 There is a wardrobe next to the desk.
★ Complete the sentences so they are ..................................................................
3 true about you. 6 There are two balls under the bed.
1 ............................. a desk in my bedroom.
2 ................................... posters on the wall. ★★ What is there in your bedroom?
3 .............................. a bed in my bedroom. 6 Write sentences.
4 ...................... three windows in my room.
There is a lamp on my desk.
5 ...................... a wardrobe in my bedroom.
6 ................................ a carpet on the floor.
7 ............................. four chairs in my room.
8 ............................ a bookcase in my room.


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• A/An – Some – Any • Ordinals
★ Complete with a/an, some or any. ★
7 9 Write the ordinal numbers.

1 A: Are there .............. flowers in the garden,

Mum? 1 13th – thirteenth 7 12th – ...............
B: No, there aren’t ............ . 2 9th – ................. 8 2nd – .................
3 3rd – ................. 9 11th – ...............
2 A: Have you got .............. pen?
4 19th – ............... 10 17th – ...............
B: I haven’t got one in my pencil case, but
5 5th – ................. 11 4th – .................
there are .............. on my desk. Take one.
6 20th – ............... 12 18th – ...............
A: Thank you. Have you got ............ eraser?
B: No, I haven’t. • Use of English revision
3 A: Are there .......... pencils on your desk?
B: Yes, there are .............. . Why? 10 ★ Choose the correct answer.
A: Can I have ............ red one, please? 1 There are ........ books on the table.
B: Sure. Here you are. A some B any C a
2 The sofa is ........ the window.
• The imperative A between B in front of C behind
★ Fill in: do, talk, close, be, clean, eat.
8 3 Are there any pillows? Yes, ........ are.
A they B them C there
4 The garden hasn’t got ........ trees.
A any B some C a
5 ........ there a fridge in the kitchen?
✓ ✗ A Are B Is C Has

1 Clean your 2 Please ............... 6 Please ........ run in the classroom.

bedroom, please! ............ in here. A not B do C don’t
7 There is ........ carpet on the floor, but
there aren’t any curtains in the bedroom.
A a B some C any
8 There is a small table ........ the two chairs.
✗ ✓ A under B between C in front
3 ......................... 4 ................... the 9 Where is my watch? It’s ........ to the lamp.
in class! window, please. A next B in front C between
10 ........ there any apples?
A Is B Are C Have
11 There is ........ mouse in the kitchen!
A some B any C a
✓ ✗
12 ........ are some flowers in the vase.
5 ......................... 6 ......................... A They B Their C There
your homework! late for school!

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Reading ★ Read the email and answer the
1 questions.

1 Where is the house?

2 What shape is it?
3 How many floors are there?
4 How many rooms has it got?
5 What is there outside the house?
6 What is the house made of?
An unusual home!!
7 Is it a home now?
8 What can you do there now?
Hi Chloe,
I have to write to you about this! In
Pennsylvania, there is a very unusual
★★ Imagine the shoe house is for sale.
home. It is a house in the shape of a 2 Complete the advert.
shoe. Yes, a shoe! The shoe house is a
five-storey house. It has three bedrooms
and two bathrooms. There is also a
kitchen and a living room. Outside,
there is a beautiful garden with many
trees and plants. The house is made of
wood and metal. It isn’t a home any
Unusual shoe house made of
more. You can buy ice-cream there 1) ......................................... .
now. You should see it. It is very strange, 2) ..................................... floors, 3
but I like it. 3) .................. and 2 4) .................... .
Bye! Modern 5) ......................., large living
room and spacious front and back
6) .................................. with many
trees and plants.


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★ Read and write A or B. • Bugs
★ Look at the pictures and complete
A 5 the crossword.

Large family home with three

floors, four double bedrooms 3
and two bathrooms. Garage,
garden, spacious living room 2
with fireplace and large, 1 3
modern kitchen. 3
Tel.: 020 8981 9944 (9 to 5) 4 1 2

B 6

Small flat, close to city 4

centre. Kitchen area with 5
cooker and fridge. Small 6
garden. Near to train station.
Tel.: 020 7659 7218
1 It is great for a family. ........
2 It is near to the shops. ........
3 It is near to a train station. ........
4 It has got eight rooms. ........
★ Fill in: tidy, creepy, hiding, alone, view.
is a good place for a student.
has got a place for a car.
1 My little brother has a(n) ................. place
Listening where nobody can find him.
2 John doesn’t like .......................... crawlies
★ Listen and complete the gaps (1-5).
4 like spiders and cockroaches.
3 There isn’t anyone else in the house. He’s
House 200 m2 ..................... .
4 There’s a great ................ of the park from
Has: 1 my bedroom window.
bedrooms, two modern 5 There aren’t any bugs in clean and ..............
2 places.

Outside: big 3 and


Contact: 5
Tel: 202 463 789


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1d, e, f
★ Use the sentences to complete the
3 dialogue.

• Whose is this guitar? • You’re very lucky.

• Your room is great! • Is Mark here?

Steve: Hello, Mrs Brown. 1) .......................

London Eye Mrs Brown: Yes, he’s in his room.
Steve: Thanks. … Hi, Mark!
Vocabulary 2) .........................................
Mark: Hi, Steve. Yes, it’s really big.
★ Fill in: attraction, view, wheel, bottom,
1 landmark.
Steve: You’ve got a TV, a DVD player and
a computer. 3) ...............................
Mark: It’s my brother’s.
1 The London Eye is a huge steel and glass
Steve: 4) ...................................... . You’ve
...................... .
got everything in your room!
2 We have a great ...................... from our
3 The Eiffel Tower is a famous .................... .
★★ Write a new dialogue about your
4 The building is 100 metres from top to
...................... .
4 bedroom. Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a
5 The British Museum is a popular tourist
...................... in London.
Everyday English
★★ Listen and fill in the furniture/
★ Choose the correct response. 5
2 parts of a room.

1 A: Where’s the bedroom?

B: a It’s really big. The bed is next to the ............................
b It’s upstairs. ............................................................ .
2 A: Is Anna here? The ........................................................
B: a Yes, she’s in her room. is behind the door.
b She’s in the school band. The chair is in front of the ......................
......................... .
3 A: Your room is great.
There is a ...............................................
B: a Yes, it’s my brother’s.
on the desk.
b Yes, it’s big.
The ........................................................
4 A: You’ve got a computer in your room. is opposite the door.
B: a Yes, you’re lucky. The ........................................................
b Yes, and a TV. is next to the wardrobe.
5 A: That’s my guitar. I love my room.
B: a Fantastic!
b Where’s that?


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Writing ★ Answer the questions so they are true
2 about you.
• An article describing your
dream home 1 Where is your dream house?
★ Read the article and match the
1 paragraphs to the headings below.
2 How many floors has it got?
A A description of Sarah’s dream bedroom. 3 What is there outside?
B A description of Sarah’s dream home. ..................................................................
C Why she likes her dream home. 4 What rooms has it got?
5 What colour is your bedroom?
6 What have you got in your bedroom?
By Sarah Hargreaves ..................................................................
r 7 Why do you like your home?
1 My dream home is in Australia nea
the sea. It has got three floors and
outside there is a swimming pool!
★★ Guided Use your notes in Ex. 2
Inside, it has got a huge living room
, four
3 to complete the article about your
with a fireplace, a modern kitchen
dream home.
bedrooms and three bathrooms. My
favourite room is the TV room on the
second floor. It has got a sofa, a hug My dream home is in .................................................
TV and a DVD player. It’s very cos .............................................. . It has got ...................
floors and outside there is .........................................
2 My dream bedroom is very cool. .......................................... . Inside, it has got ............
Everything is black, white and silver.
,a ................................................................................... .
I’ve got a bed with lots of big pillows
My room is cool! Everything is ...................................
wardrobe, a bookcase, a comfortable
er. .................................... . I’ve got .................................
armchair for reading and a comput
m .....................................................................................
Also, my bedroom has got a bathroo
......................... .
just for me!
I like my dream home because ..................................
3 I like my dream home because it’s
of ................................................................................... .
beautiful and there is a great view It’s fantastic!
the sea. It’s a fantastic home!


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 2.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 2 1/11/17 19:08 Page 12

• Living/Non-living things
★ Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.


• Parts of the body • Appearance

★ Label the parts of the body. ★ Match the opposites.
2 3
1) head 2) ................... 1 young a small
2 short b fat
3) ................... 4) ................... 3 thin c long
4 big d short
6) ...................
5) ................... 5 tall e old
8) ...................
★★ Complete the sentences so they
4 are true about you. Use words from Exs
2 and 3.

1 I’m ............................................................
7) ................... 2 I’ve got .....................................................
10) ...................
3 I’m not ......................................................
9) ................... 4 I haven’t got .............................................
5 My friends are ...........................................
11) ................... 12) ...................
6 My friends aren’t .......................................


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★ Correct the sentences.
1 2
1 Mr Harris is short. 3
No, he isn’t. He’s tall.
2 She’s plump.
3 The children are tall.
4 He’s thin. 4 5 6
5 They are young.
6 Her hair is short.

★ Look at the pictures

6 ★ Choose the correct word
and complete the sentences.
7 to complete the sentences.
1 Is Tony Stark a computer
1 engineer / secretary?
2 My cat, Fluffy, is thin /
plump because he eats a lot.
3 Is Maths your loyal / favourite
4 5 subject?
4 Katie’s granddad has got a
white moustache / hair on
his face.

★★ Describe your favourite

8 film stars.

1 Prince Charming is y _ _ _ _ with s _ _ _ _ fair hair.

2 Princess Fiona is short and p _ _ _ _ with red h _ _ _ . .............’s from .......................... .
3 Merlin has got a long b _ _ _ _ and a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .............. is .......................... years
4 Rapunzel is tall and t _ _ _ with l _ _ _ fair hair. old. .............. is (tall/short) and
5 Shrek is big and f _ _ with a big n _ _ _ and a big m _ _ _ _. (thin/plump) with ..........................
hair and .......................... .


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Use of English ★ Fill in: have or has. Then answer the
• Present simple (have got)
2 questions.

★ Look at the table. Then, write 1 Have you got sunglasses?

1 sentences, as in the example. Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
2 ................. your friend got a guitar?
3 ................. your parents got a digital camera?
4 ................. your mother got a handbag?
✗ ✓ ..................................................................
✓ ✓
5 ................. your friend got a skateboard?
6 ................. you got a bicycle?
✓ ✓ ✓ ✗

• Possessive adjectives/
★ Circle the correct possessive
✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ 3 adjective/pronoun.

1 This handbag belongs to my mother. It’s his /

her / your handbag. It’s her / hers.
✓ 2 This T-shirt belongs to me. It’s my / your /
✗ ✓ ✓
her T-shirt. It’s I / mine.
3 These trainers belong to my brother. They’re
them / their / his trainers. They are his / he.
1 Laura has got a guitar, a cap and trainers. She 4 That scarf belongs to my grandfather. It’s
hasn’t got a basketball. his / him / its.
2 ................................................................... 5 That digital camera belongs to Aidar and
................................................................... Kanat. It’s his / ours / theirs.
................................................................... 6 Those video games belong to Damir and
................................................................... me. They’re their / ours / my.
3 ................................................................... 7 These books belong to you. They’re our /
................................................................... your / their books.
................................................................... 8 This helmet belongs to Gulnaz. It’s my /
................................................................... hers / your.
4 ...................................................................


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• This – These/That – Those • Use of English revision
★ Complete the sentences, as in the ★ Choose the correct answer.
4 example.
1 Fiona has got five ............ .
A scarf B scarves C scarfs
☞ ☞ 2 The ............ aren’t here. They’re at the park.
A childs B child C children
1 This is a mug and that is a toy.
3 That skateboard belongs to Tim and Dan.
It’s ............ skateboard.
☞ ☞ A our B your C their

4 Bears have got big ............ .

2 ................ an apple and ................ a pencil. A tooths B teeth C tooth

5 ............ are my friends Bob and Ann. They

are from Manchester.
☞ ☞ A They B Their C These

3 ................. tomatoes and .................. pens. 6 ............ Jean got blonde hair?
A Have B Has C Is

7 A: Have you got a guitar? B: Yes, I .......... .

☞ ☞
A is B have C am

4 ............. a helmet and ............. an elephant. 8 ............ pencils are mine.

A These B This C That

9 Look at that boy over there. That’s ............

☞ ☞ friend, Bob.
A his B your C my
5 ..................... leaves and ..................... cats.
10 ............ school is very big.
A We B Our C They
• Plurals
11 I ........... a bicycle, but I’ve got a skateboard.
★ Write in the plural.
5 A ‘ve got B am not C haven’t got

12 ............ are Mike’s sunglasses.

1 This is a doll. These are dolls.
A That B This C Those
2 That is a bus. .............................................
3 This is a fox. ..............................................
4 That is a leaf. .............................................
5 That is a brush. .......................................... ★★ Write what you/your friends have
6 This is a man. ............................................ 7 got/haven’t got.
7 This is a toy. ..............................................
• guitar • trainers • basketball • cap
8 This is a mouse. .........................................
• car • cat • skateboard • sunglasses


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Reading ★ a) Read the text. Choose a word
★ a) Read and match the texts (1-3)
2 from the box. Write the correct word
1 to the people (A-C). next to the numbers 1-6. There are
two extra words.
Steven Gerrard Celine Dion Emma Watson
Salvatore is 0) 10 years old. He is a high
school 1) .................... . Salvatore and his
family are from 2) .......................... . His
favourite sport is 3) ........................... .
Salvatore’s parents are 4) .................... at
A B C his school. His favourite number is
5) .................... .
1 She is from Quebec, Canada. She is a famous Salvatore’s nickname is Sky because his
singer. She was married. Her favourite colours favourite colour is 6) .................... !
are black, white and red. Her nickname is Queen

2 She is from England. She is an actress. She is

famous for playing Hermione Granger in the Harry
Potter films. Her favourite colour is blue. Her
nickname is Em.
student blue football
3 He is from Whiston, England. He is a football
player. His nickname is Captain Fantastic. His
football shirt number is 8.

b) Correct the statements.

1 Celine Dion is from England. Italy five English

2 Emma Watson’s favourite colour is red.
3 Steven Gerrard is a singer.
4 Emma Watson’s nickname is Queen Em.
.................................................................. ten pilot teachers

★★ b) Now choose the best name for

the text.
A Italian People
B My Best Friend
C A famous person


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Dictation Listening
★★ Listen and write the countries. ★ Listen and tick (✓) the correct
3 5 answer.
................................................................. 1 Where is Maria?
................................................................. A B C
2 How much does the stuffed toy cost?

★ Write the correct nationality.

1 He’s from Spain. A B C
He’s S ................................ .
2 She’s from the UK. 3 What is Ann’s collection?
She’s B .............................. .
3 He’s from the USA.
He’s A................................ .
4 She’s from Portugal.
She’s P............................... . A B C
5 He’s from Greece.
He’s G ............................... .
4 What has Tony got?
6 She’s from Russia.
She’s R .............................. .
7 He’s from Kazakhstan.
He’s K................................ .
8 She’s from France.
She’s F............................... . A B C
9 He’s from China.
He’s C ............................... . 5 How old is Helen?
10 She’s from Turkey.
She’s T .............................. .
11 He’s from Mexico.
He’s M............................... .
12 She’s from Italy. A B C
She’s I ............................... .


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2d, e, f
★ Label the pictures. Use these words: dragon, cross, ornamental pattern, golden steppe
1 eagle, golden sun.
2) ...............

1) ............... 3) ............... 4) ............... 5) ...............

Everyday English ★ Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.

★ Choose the correct
2 response.
• How old are you? • How are you? • Nice to meet
you. • How about you? • I’m fine, thanks.
1 A: Good morning, Anna!
Simon: Good morning, Jason. 1) ........................................
B: a Nice to meet you.
Jason:Not bad. And you?
b Hi, Sandra.
Simon: 2) ...........................................................................
2 A: Where are you from?
Jason:This is Ben. He’s new to the school.
B: a I’m Spanish.
Simon: 3) ........................................ . Where are you from?
b I’m from Madrid.
Ben:I’m from Toronto. I’m Canadian.
3 A: How old are you?
4) ...........................................................................
B: a I’m twelve.
Simon: I’m from Manchester. 5) .........................................
b English.
Ben: I’m twelve.
4 A: How are you?
Simon: Me too.
B: a I’m fine, thanks.
b Me too.
★★ Write a new dialogue. Use the phrases in Ex. 3
5 A: Nice to meet you.
B: a Nice to meet you, too.
4 and the information from the cards.
b Not bad.
6 A: What’s your favourite
B: a Russia. London –
Almaty – British – 10
b Science.
Kazakhstani – 10


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 2.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 2 1/11/17 19:08 Page 19

Writing ★★ Read again and answer the
2 questions.
• A homepage about you &
your school 1 How old is Sanjar?
★ Read the homepage and match the
1 headings to the paragraphs. Then put
2 Where is Sanjar from?
capital letters in the correct places. 3 What class is he in?
A About School B My Best Friend 4 What are his favourite school subjects?
C About Me 5 What is he not very good at?
6 What is his best friend’s name?
7 Where is Askar from?
8 What are his favourite school subjects?

★★ Guided Complete the homepage

3 about you and your school.

Stick a
of yourself

1 hi, my name is sanjar and I’m ten. I’m Hi, my name’s

from almaty, kazakhstan. I am a student at .................................
secondary school. I’m in Class 2C. and I’m ......................................... . I’m from
2 ....................................................... and I’m a
My favourite school subjects are english
and history, but I’m not very good at maths and
art. My favourite school subjects are ...............
......................................, but .........................
3 My best friend is askar. He is ten and he ....................................................................... .
is kazakhstani, too. We are in the same class at My best friend is ........................... . He/She
school. His favourite subjects are music and is ................................................................... .
His/Her favourite subjects are ..................
....................................................................... .


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 20

Vocabulary ★★ Look at the family
• Family
2 tree in Ex. 1. Complete the
★ Look at Bob’s family tree and choose the
1 correct word. 1 John is Bob’s dad.

2 Laura is Stella’s .................. .

3 Sue is Stella’s .................... .

4 Chris is Stella’s .................. .

Sam Anna 5 Chris is Bob’s .................... .

6 Sam is Laura’s ................... .

7 Anna is Stella’s .................. .

8 John is Stella’s ................... .

9 Laura is Stella’s ................. .

John Laura Mark Sue
10 Stella is John’s ................... .

11 Chris is Mark and Sue’s ..... .

12 Anna is John’s ................... .

13 Sam is John’s .................... .

Bob Stella Chris

14 Sue is Mark’s .................... .

15 John is Laura’s .................. .

1 Sam’s Bob’s granddad / cousin.
2 Laura’s John’s sister / wife.
★ Complete the pairs.
Mark is Laura’s uncle / brother.
Stella is Bob’s cousin / sister.
5 Sue is Bob’s aunt / mum. 1 dad – ....................................
6 John is Stella’s dad / uncle. 2 son – .....................................
7 Anna is Bob’s mum / grandma. 3 cousin – ................................
8 Sam is Mark’s dad / uncle. 4 brother – ...............................
5 uncle – ..................................
6 granddad – ...........................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 21

★ a) Read about Saule. Use the words • Character adjectives
4 below to complete the letter.
★ Choose the correct word.
• husband • cousin • daughter • mum 5
• granddad • brother • dad • aunt 1 Karen is very ......... . She makes everyone
• grandma • family laugh!
A serious B funny C rude
Dear Mary,
2 Paul never says please and thank you. He is
I am Saule and I am 11 years old. I have a big
so ......... .
1) ............................. . My 2) ........................... is
A rude B polite C noisy
Aisha. She is 40 years old and very friendly and
kind. She can speak three languages, English, Russian 3 My grandma is very ......... . She always says
and French. Azamat is my 3) .................... . hello to her neighbours.
He is 45 and a lovely person. My A weak B serious C polite
4) .............................. is Nurlan. He is 78
and very funny. He is my mother’s 4 Mark is very ......... . He cannot carry heavy
father. Zere is my 5) ............................. . things.
She’s 76 and she is a wonderful lady. A strong B weak C clever
Askar is my little 6) ............................... .
5 Philippa is very ………. . She is the best
He is 5 years old and very clever. My
7) ................................, Dina, is my father’s student in my class.
sister. Her 8) ............................., Alisher, is a A funny B quiet C clever
famous pianist. Their 9) ..........................., Gul, 6 Maria is so ………. sometimes. She acts like
is six years old and she is my favourite
a child!
10) ...................................... . Have you got a big
A silly B rude C weak
family? Please send me a picture!
Take care, 7 Little Joseph is such a ………. baby. He
Inkar never cries.
A noisy B weak C quiet

8 Why are you always so ……….? You never

★★ b) Read the letter again and laugh or smile!
answer the questions.
A quiet B serious C strong
1 Who’s Saule?
9 George can carry your suitcase. He is very …
She’s Dina’s ............................................ .
……. .
2 Who’s Nurlan?
A strong B serious C weak
He’s Azamat’s .......................................... .
3 Who’s Zere? 10 My sister is very ………. . She plays loud
She’s Azamat’s ........................................ . music and talks on the phone all day!
4 Who’s Aisha? A rude B noisy C funny
She’s Azamat’s ........................................ .
★★ What’s your best friend like?
5 Who’s Alisher?
He’s Saule’s ............................................. .
6 Who’s Askar? ..................................................................
He is Alisher and Dina’s ........................... . ..................................................................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 22

Use of English ★ Fill in with the appropriate verb
3 from the list: go (x2), get, have (x3), do,
• Present simple meet, watch, play .
★ Put the verbs into the correct box.
1 1
I usually ......................... breakfast at 7:00.
Dana ............. her friends in the afternoon.
• start • finish • tidy • like • watch
• carry • play • study • do • teach 3 Berik ............................. to school at 9:00.
• give • use • work • visit • walk • get 4 I ................... my homework in the library.
• wash • say • try • talk • kiss 5 Assel .................. to the gym three times a
starts, ..................................................... 6 I ................. computer games on Sundays.
-s ............................................................... 7 Aizhan ............................... dinner at 7:00.
............................................................... 8 On Mondays, Kairat .......... lunch at school.
finishes, ................................................... 9 My parents ................... TV in the evening.
-es ............................................................... 10 He ...................... up early in the morning.
★ Complete the sentences so they are
tidies, ......................................................
-ies ...............................................................
4 true about you.
............................................................... 1 I don’t like (like) fish.
2 My mum ................. (go) to work on foot.
★ Put the verbs in brackets into the
2 correct form.
My dad ................................. (cook) well.
My school lessons .......................... (start)
at 8:45.
Jennifer 1) gets up (get up) at 7 o’clock in 5 I ..................................... (catch) the train
the morning. She 2) ................. (start) her day to school.
with a big breakfast. She and her brother 6 My parents ..................................... (play)
3) ................... (catch) the bus to school at 7:45. computer games.
Their journey to school 4) ............................... 7 We ......................... (have) dinner at 8:00.
(take) half an hour. Lessons 5) ...........................
★ Write questions. Answer them.
(start) at 8:30. Jennifer 6) ..........................
(have) lunch at 12:30, then she
7) .................................. (continue) lessons 1 you/like/classical music?
until 3 o’clock. Jennifer 8) ................................. Do you like classical music? Yes, I do.
(go) back home at around 3:45. She 2 your friends/play/football? ........................
9) .......................... (have) a snack, then she .................................................................
10) ................................ (do) her homework. In 3 your parents/get up/early/in the morning?
the evenings, she 11) .................................... .................................................................
(watch) TV or 12) ......................... (play) 4 you/watch/TV/in the evenings? ................
computer games with her brother. They .................................................................
13) ....................... (like) action games. Jennifer 5 your friend/speak/French? ........................
14) ................. (go) to bed at around 9:30. .................................................................
6 your dad/play/a musical instrument?

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 23

★★ Write questions and answers so • Use of English revision
6 they are true about you.

1 When/you/finish/school?
10 ★ Choose the correct answer.
When do you finish school? 1 ............ you like my dress?
I finish school in July. A Do B Is C Does
2 What/you/do/on Saturdays? 2 ………. ruler is this? It’s mine.
................................................................. A Whose B Who’s C Who
3 What/you/have/for/dinner on Sundays? 3 Mrs Green doesn’t teach French. She …….
................................................................. Science.
................................................................. A teach B teaching C teaches
4 How often/you/see/your friends? 4 Does he work in a shop? No, he ………. .
................................................................. A don’t B doesn’t C isn’t
5 Daniya ………. basketball.
• Possessive case
A doesn’t like B isn’t like C don’t like
★ Circle the correct word.
7 6 ………. Ulan? He’s my cousin.
1 This is Dan’s / Dans’ book. A Whose B Who C Who’s
2 These are the girls / girls’ toys.
7 Do you like ………. films on TV? Yes, I do.
3 Look at that bike. Is it Ann’s / Anns bike?
A watching B watch C watches
4 Mr Smith is the boys / boys’ granddad.
5 Mark and James are Sues’ / Sue’s brothers. 8 Those are ………. pens.
A Sultan’s B Sultans C Sultans’
★ Fill in: Who’s or Whose.
8 9 Lilly always ………. an umbrella.
1 Who’s Maira? She’s Janna’s mother. A carry B carries C carrys
2 .................. car is this? It’s Erke’s.
10 Do you go jogging in the morning? Yes, …
3 .................. she? She’s my sister.
……. .
4 .................. caps are these? They’re Aida’s.
A I am B we are C we do
5 .................. brother is Kanat? Nurlan’s.
6 .................. Asil? She’s my cousin. 11 Miras loves ………. badminton.
A plays B play C playing
• like, love, hate + -ing form
★ Use like, love, hate + -ing form to write 12 Nurislam ……….. walk to school.
9 sentences about yourself, your friends A don’t B isn’t C doesn’t
and your family. Use the ideas below.

• sleep late on Saturdays • wash the dishes

★★ Write five sentences about what a
• write emails • drink coffee • speak English
• read magazines • eat chocolate
11 typical Monday is like for you.

• go to the cinema • go to bed late I get up at 6:30.

I love sleeping late on Saturdays.

My brother doesn’t like washing the dishes.

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 24

★ Read and complete Jenny’s diary.

Jenny Mackenzie, age 15

walks the dogs and loo
She also cleans cages,
isn’t a typical teenager.
Fifteen-year-old Jenny e after sick animals.
reds of animals in her fre er at about 7 o’clock.
She finds homes for hund Jenny leaves the shelt h
kitten home. She plays wit
time! Sometimes, she takes a
routine. She always gets eats dinner and does he r
Jenny has a very busy y, it and feeds it, then she
lock. She takes her pupp about 9:30, she watches
up early, at about 7 o’c homework. After that, at
e has breakfast and goes on the phone. She goes
Flash, for a walk, then sh DVD or chats to a friend
to school, at about 8:30. . She usually feels really
bed late, at about 11:30
t 3:30, on Mondays,
After school, at abou ys, Jenny tired in the morning!
Wednesdays and Frida nny says. “I love helping
She “I’m busy, but it’s OK,” Je
goes to an animal shelter.
and animals.”
speaks to families
chooses animals for
★★ Read the text again and answer
2 the questions.

1 What does Jenny do in her free time?

Wednesday 4th October 2 Does Jenny get up at eight o’clock?
3 When does Jenny go to the animal shelter?
1) .......... am - get up and take Flash for 4 What does she do there?
2) ...................... ..................................................................
8:30 am - go to 3) ...................... ..................................................................
9:00 am - lessons ..................................................................
12:30 pm - lunch 5 What time does Jenny go home?
1:30 pm - lessons ..................................................................
4) .......... pm - animal shelter 6 What does she do after dinner?
7 pm - go 5) ...................... ..................................................................
7:30 pm - dinner & homework ..................................................................
6) .......... pm - phone Angela 7 Does she go to bed early?
7) .......... pm - go to bed
8 How does she feel in the morning?
WORKBOOK ..................................................................
Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 25

★ Read the text and mark the Vocabulary
3 sentences T (true) or F (false).
• Qualities in a friend
★ Fill in: fun, friendly, helpful, honest,
My name is 5 kind, loyal.
Leela Jaffray
and I’m 1 He always tells the truth. He’s .................. .
seventeen. I’m 2 She makes me laugh with her jokes. She’s
from Mumbai,
............................ to be with.
India. There
3 She always brings me presents. She’s .........
are five people in my family: my father, mother,
two brothers and me. My parents are called Anand ............................ .
and Ramya. My father has got a restaurant. My 4 He likes to be with other people. He’s .......
brothers, Ravi and Vijay, are teachers. And me? ............................ .
Well, I’m a student at Vijay’s school – and I love 5 He keeps all my secrets. He’s very ............ .
playing cricket! In fact, we all love sports in my 6 She’s always there when you need her
family! Our favourite food is vegetables, especially
help; she’s ............................ .
Baingan Bhartha! My family and I would love to
welcome you into our home!

1 Leela is seventeen years old. ....... ★★ Listen and write the activities.
2 There are five children in the 6
Jaffray family. .......
3 Leela’s father owns a restaurant. .......
4 Leela’s favourite sport is football. .......
5 The Jaffray family loves eating
vegetables. ....... Morning
Listening .............................
★★ Listen to Sally talking about
4 her friends’ favourite activities and
match the people to the activities. .............................
People Activities ....................................
1 Debbie A go jogging
B play the piano ....................................
2 Henry C surf the Net ....................................
D go to the cinema ....................................
3 Georgia
E take the dog for a walk
4 William F read a book
G go to the gym
5 Lucy H paint


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 26

3d, e, f
• Telling the time
★ Look at the clock faces and write the time, as in the example.

1 It’s half past 2 .................... 3 4 5

four. .................... .................... .................... ....................

6 .................... 7 8 9
.................... .................... .................... ....................

• Phrases Everyday English

★ a) Match the words to ★
2 form phrases. 3 Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.
One sentence isn’t necessary.

1 special a respect • What time does the film start? • When is it open?
2 show b members • Let’s meet outside the cinema at 5:30.
3 give c cards/gifts • What time does it finish? • Are you free tonight?
4 family d door Tony: Hello, Bill.
5 live next e days Bill: Hi, Tony. 1) ......................................................
Tony: Yes, I am.
★★ b) Use the phrases to Bill: Do you want to go to the cinema?
write sentences below. Tony: 2) .....................................................................
Bill: At 6:00.
1 ..............................................
Tony: 3) .....................................................................
Bill: At 8:30.
2 ..............................................
Tony: That’s OK with me.
Bill: 4) .....................................................................
3 ..............................................
Tony: OK! See you there.
4 ..............................................
★★ Write a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3.
.............................................. 4 Use these ideas.
5 ..............................................
.............................................. go to the swimming pool 5:00 ✓ 9:00 ✗


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 3 1/11/17 19:07 Page 27

Writing ★ Think about your favourite day.
3 Write times and activities under the
• A short article about a headings.
typical day
★ Read the text below and put the Day: .......................................
1 paragraphs in the correct order.
10 am – get up


A At noon,
I return home and Evening
have lunch. After
lunch, I read a book
or listen to music.
B In the afternoon,
I meet up with my friends. We usually go to the
★★ Guided Use your notes in Ex. 3
cinema or we stay at home and watch DVDs. I have 4 to complete the article below.
dinner at around 8:30. After dinner, I practise the
guitar. I usually go to bed at 11:00. Saturdays are fun.
C On Saturdays, I get up at 10:00 in the
morning. I have a cup of tea, toasted bread and a slice On ..................., I get up at ..................... .
of cake. Then, I go cycling in the park. I cycle for I ...............................................................................................................
about an hour. ..................................................................................................................
Damir (10) .................................................................................................................,
then I ...................................................................................................
• Word order ................................................................................................................ .

★ Put the words in the correct order At ..............., I .............................. . After lunch, I .....................
2 to make sentences. ................................................................................................................ .
In the ........................., I .....................................................................
1 go/to/I/bed/late ......................................... ..................................................................................................................
.................................................................. ......................................................................... . I have dinner at
2 he/does/live/in/London? ............................ ................................................................................................................ .
.................................................................. After dinner, ............................................................................... .
3 my/parents/English/speak/don’t ................. I go to bed at ............................................................................... .
.................................................................. ................................ are fun!
4 you/have/got/any/brothers/or/sisters? .........
5 James/like/doesn’t/early/getting/up .............

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 28

Vocabulary ★★ b) Match the sentences (A-F) to
the correct job in Ex. 1a.
• Jobs
A 1 He looks after sick people.
★ a) Look at the pictures. Complete
1 with the name of the job.
He protects people.
She takes money and gives people
D He checks financial records.
E He grows flowers and trees.
F He makes bread and cakes.

★ a) Fill in the missing words.

1 A nurse works shifts at a hospital.
2 We work f................ - t................ from 9-5
every weekday.
1 d................ 2 g................
3 Aiday works o................ because she is a
4 Lawyers sometimes work l................ hours.
5 Librarians work i................ in a library.
6 Talgat works p................ - t ................ as a
pizza delivery boy.

★★ b) Complete the crossword with

your answers from Ex. 2a.

3 a................ 4 b................ 3



5 p................ 6 c................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 29

• Job qualities ★★ b) Use the words from Ex. 3a to
complete the sentences.
★ a) What job qualities do the
3 pictures show? Label them: calm, brave, 1 Doctors need to be calm in an emergency.
creative, polite, fit, patient. 2 Artists need to be ...................... because
they have to think of new ideas.
3 Cashiers need to be ...................... to
4 Firefighters need to be ......................
because they have got a dangerous job.
5 Teachers need to be ...................... because
they have to explain things to their
1 calm 2 ........................... 6 Aerobics teachers need to be ......................
because they do exercise every day.

★★ c) What qualities does a teacher

need to have?

3 ........................... 4 ...........................

5 ...........................

6 ...........................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 30

Use of English ★ Fill in the correct object pronoun.
• Subject & object pronouns 1 Tom is a nice boy. Let's talk to him.
★ Write the correct subject pronoun. 2 I've got a red pencil, but I can't find
1 ........... .
3 We can't catch the bus to the basketball
1 2 game. Can your dad drive ........... there?
4 Dana is beautiful. Look at ........... .
5 Arman and Serik are in Grade 6. Let's ask
........... about our homework.

★ Read the text and choose the

he ................................ 3 correct subject/object pronoun.

3 4
My name is Inzhu and 1) I/me am ten years old.
This is my family. I live with 2) they/them in
Astana in Kazakhstan. My dad is an accountant.
3) He/Him works long hours, so I only see
4) he/him in the evenings. My mum works
part-time. 5) She/Her is an English teacher.
................................ ................................
6) She/Her is from Kazakhstan, but 7) she/her
favourite language is English. My brother's
5 6 name is Temir. 8) He/Him is six years old. I love
9) he/him very much and I always look after
10) he/him. Look at 11) we/us! 12) We/Us are
a very happy family!

................................ ................................

7 8

................................ ................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 31

• Question words ★ Gulnar is a cashier. Look at the list
7 and write what she has to do (✓) or
★ Match the questions to the answers.
4 doesn’t have to do (✗).

1 What is that? A He's a pizza delivery

2 How old are boy. • get up 7:30 am ✓
you? B She's from Almaty. • be creative ✗
3 Who is he? C It's Sukhrab's • take money and give
4 When is your costume. He works change ✓
birthday? as a mascot for Barys • be friendly and
5 What kind of job Astana. enthusiastic ✓
does your D I'm eleven years old. • be brave ✗
brother do? E His name is Nurasyl. • work long hours ✗
6 Where is she F My birthday is in • work 9-5 ✓
from? October. • be polite to customers ✓
• check financial records ✗
• work on Saturdays ✗
★ Fill in the gaps with: what (x2),
5 where (x2), how.
1 Gulnar has to get up at 7:30 am.
A: Hello. 1) What is your name? 2 .................................................................
B: My name is Aiday. 3 ..................................................................
A: Nice to meet you, Aiday. 2) .............. are 4 .................................................................
you from? 5 .................................................................
B: I'm from Kokshetau. 6 .................................................................
A: 3) .............. old are you? 7 .................................................................
B: I'm 21. 8 .................................................................
A: 4) .............. kind of work do you do? 9 .................................................................
B: I'm a chef. 10 .................................................................
A: 5) .............. do you work?
B: At a restaurant in Astana.
★ Think of someone you know. Write
• have to/don't have to (rules) 8 five things they have to/don't have to do
★ Complete the sentences with the
6 correct form of have to/don't have to.
at work.

1 Do we have to pose for pictures? .................................................................
2 Firefighters ............ be careful at work. .................................................................
3 Saule ............ work shifts. She is a .................................................................
hairdresser. .................................................................
4 .......... you ......... wear a costume at work? .................................................................
5 Police officers sometimes ......... work shifts. .................................................................
6 Kanat ............ wear a suit and tie. He .................................................................
never wears jeans.
7 ............ Azat ............ start work at 6 am?
8 ............ they ............ work full-time?


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 32

Reading ★ Read the text and mark the
2 sentences T (true), F (false) or DS
★★ Read the text and answer the
1 questions.
(doesn’t say).

1 Dmitri plays football for two different

teams. .......

T his is Dmitri Shomko. He is a very busy man,

but he hasn't got an ordinary job. Dmitri is
a professional footballer! Dmitri is from
He wears a yellow shirt.
His number is 77.
4 Dmitri only plays football matches in
Ekibastuz in Kazakhstan and he plays football
Kazakhstan. .......
for FC Astana. He wears a yellow shirt with blue
5 Dmitri works part-time. .......
stripes and his number is 77. He plays in
6 He does extra training when he has
matches all over Europe and he also plays for
to play in a match. .......
the national football team of Kazakhstan. For
7 He doesn't train in winter. .......
these matches, he wears a blue and white shirt.
8 Dmitri enjoys making his fans happy. .......
Some people think professional footballers work
part-time, but for Dmitri football is a full-time
job! He has to keep fit and he practises with his
team at their home ground, Astana Arena. Speaking
Dmitri is hardworking
★ In pairs, take turns asking and
and he trains for many 3 answering the questions below.
hours every day, even when
Pretend you are Dmitri Shomko. Use
he doesn't have to play in a
the text in Ex. 1 to answer the
match. The weather in
Astana is sometimes very
cold, so winter training
What is your name?
sessions are tiring and difficult,
Where are you from?
but Dmitri doesn't mind. He loves
What kind of job do you do?
his job and he loves seeing the faces
What teams do you play for?
of his fans when he scores a goal.
What do you wear?
Where do you practise?
What do you like about your job?

A: What is your name?

B: My name is Dmitri Shomko. Where are
1 What is Dmitri Shomko's job? you from?
2 Where is Dmitri from?
3 What teams does Dmitri play for?
4 Where does Dimitri practise football?


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 33

• Jobs
★ Complete the crossword. Which of the jobs can you see in the pictures? Label the
4 pictures. 1

3 2


............................... ...............................

Across Down C D
2 This person works at a 1 This person
school. does people’s
5 This person takes hair.
photographs. 3 This person
6 This person repairs cars. plays football.
7 This person looks after 4 This person flies
sick people. planes.
9 This person looks after 8 This person
............................... ...............................
sick animals. types letters.

Listening Dictation
★★ Listen and write the activities.
5 ★★ Listen to an ad about a
photography company and complete
the gaps (1-5).
Ayaulym’s Diary
Family Photo Album 9:00 – 12:30 ................
12:30 ............................
Job: professional 1) ............. ..............................
1:00 – 3:30 ................
Description: take photographs at weddings, .................................
2) ............. and other family 3:30 – 5:00 ................
Job qualities: calm,
3) ............. and creative
Working hours: a 4) .............
Call: 032 657 896 and
ask for 5) .............

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 34

4d, e, f
• Asking for personal Everyday English
★ Use the sentences to complete the
★ Look at Anara's ID card. Imagine
3 dialogue. One sentence isn’t necessary.
1 your are Anara. Answer the questions.
• What do you do?
• What qualities have you got for this job?
Name: Anara Nurbayev
• Please have a seat • When can you start?
Age: 22 years old
• Are you fit and hardworking?
Address: 221 Old Kent Road, London
• You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays.
Phone number: 07965346897
Job: Student (works part-time A: Hi, thanks for coming. 1) .....................
at a supermarket) B: Thank you.
A: What's your name?
B: Abigail.
1 What's your full name? A: How old are you, Abigail?
.................................................................. B: I'm 16.
2 How old are you? A: 2) ........................................................
.................................................................. B: I'm at school, but I want to get a part-
3 Where do you live? time job to save some money.
.................................................................. A: That's great. 3) .....................................
4 What's your phone number? B: I'm calm and patient, but I'm also
.................................................................. creative and enthusiastic. Oh, and I love
5 What do you do? kids! I've got three little sisters and I
.................................................................. always look after them.
A: Good. 4) ............................. Is that OK?
• Phrases B: Yes, that's fine. I can work evenings, too.
A: 5) ........................................................
★ a) Match the words to form phrases.
2 B: This weekend.
A: Brilliant! Come over at seven o'clock.
1 save a permission You can meet the children then.
2 school b a day ★ Imagine you want a job at The
3 light c money 4 Paper Shop. Use the information in the
4 get d holidays advert below to write a dialogue
5 five hours e work similar to the one in Ex. 3.

★★ b) Use the phrases to write The Paper Shop

sentences below.
Are you fit and hardworking?
1 .................................................................. Have you got a bike?
Help us deliver newspapers to houses
2 ..................................................................
around town!
3 ..................................................................
Every morning Mon-Fri 6 am
4 ..................................................................
Ask inside the shop
5 ..................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 4 1/11/17 19:11 Page 35

Writing ★ Collect information about your
3 favourite actor or actress. Find out:
• A blog entry describing a • where he/she is from • what he/she can
famous person do • about his/her family.
★ Read the text and use the Fill in the spidergram.
1 information to fill in the spidergram.
my favourite name
My Blog
My favourite
My favourite actor is Berik Aitzhanov. He's from
Almaty in Kazakhstan. He's an amazing actor and he actor/actress
can speak Kazakh and Russian. His mum is a
family where he/she
teacher and his dad is a police
officer. My favourite film is A is from
what he/she
Thousand Brave Men (Myn Bala
can do
Zhauzhurek in Kazakh).
Berik is a big star in theatres and
films in Kazakhstan. Do you like
★★ Guided Use your notes on Ex. 3
4 to complete the blog entry below.

my favourite name My favourite actor/actress is ...............................

film ...................................... . He/She is from ..........
My favourite ...................................... . He/She is an amazing
person job
actor and he/she can ..........................................
................................... . His/her ........................
family ................................................................. and
where he/she
what he/she is from ................................................................. . My
can do favourite film is ..................................................
................................ . .......................................
........................................ is a big star in .........
• Word order ............................................................. . Do you
like him/her?
★ Put the words in the correct order
2 to make sentences.

1 from/Astana/he/is .....................................
2 Russian/she/can/speak? .............................
3 your/what/film/favourite/is? ......................
4 play/he/basketball/can ..............................
5 he/British/is? .............................................
6 is/mum/a/her/doctor ................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5 1/11/17 19:09 Page 36

Vocabulary ★★ Complete
• Mythical creatures 3 the crossword.
1 2 3

★ Complete the crossword.

1 4
A 5 6

2 The A
1 1 2 9
2 had three ...... W
from three different animals.
4 The Phoenix had long ...... .
3 8 A dragon had a long ...... like a lion.
4 9 A unicorn had a thick ...... on its neck.

1 A(n) ...... from a Phoenix could save a
4 person’s life.
3 The Cyclops was a giant creature with a
single ...... .
5 5 A unicorn had a(n) ...... on its forehead.
6 The tail of the Chimera was a(n) ...... .
5 7 A dragon had sharp ...... .

• Types of films
• Phrases
★ What type of film does each picture
★ a) Match the words to form phrases. 4
2 show? Circle the correct word.

1 wild a fire
1 animated
2 breathe b into flames
cartoon /
3 mythical c beasts
4 burst d creatures
5 sharp e claws 2 western / action

★ b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to

complete the sentences.

1 The Phoenix, the unicorn and the Chimera 3 horror / comedy

are all ..................................................... .
2 The Centaurs were .................................. . 4 historical / detective
3 The hippogriff had .................................. .
4 The Phoenix was a bird that could ............
............................ and then be born again
from the ashes. 5 romance / adventure
5 The Chimera could ...................................
6 fantasy / musical
like a dragon.

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5 1/11/17 19:09 Page 37

★ What type of film does each sentence ★
5 describe? Write sentences, as in the 7 Match the sentences in column A
with the ones in column B to form
example. exchanges.

• action • animated cartoon • comedy B

• historical • horror • musical • fantasy Do you like a Yes, I couldn’t
• romance • science-fiction • western horror films? stop laughing.
1 This film is very scary and makes you scream. 2 What was the b It was an action
It’s a horror film. film like? film.
2 This film is about my country’s history. 3 What type of c Really? I do.
.................................................................. film was it? d It was exciting.
3 This film is about a magical country with 4 Was the film e No, I like
talking animals. funny? westerns.
.................................................................. 5 I don’t like
4 In this film, the actors sing and dance. musicals.
5 This film is about cowboys. • Adjectives describing films
★ Look at the pictures and write the
6 This film is about space travel in the future. 8 correct adjectives.
7 In this film, a couple falls in love.
1 2 3
8 In this film, the hero does dangerous and
exciting things.
f____ b_____ e_______
9 This film is very funny and makes you laugh. 4 5 6
10 In this film, the characters are drawings.
.................................................................. f__________ i__________ s__

★ Use the words from Ex. 8 to

6 ★ Complete the sentences so they are 9 complete the sentences.
true about you.
1 The horror film was ................................. .
1 My favourite types of films are ...................
Everyone was scared.
......................................................... films.
2 I cried at the end of the film. It was ........ .
2 I don’t like ........................................ films.
3 The comedy was very .............................. .
They’re .................................................... .
I couldn’t stop laughing.
3 The last film I watched was a/an ................
4 The film was very .................................... .
................................................. film. It was
I learnt a lot about the life of Elizabeth I.
................................................................ .
5 I didn’t like the film. It was slow and ............ .
6 That action film was so ............................!


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Use of English • There was/There were
• Was/Were ★ Fill in: there was or there were.
★ Fill in: was or were, wasn’t or weren’t.
1 1 ..................... a good film on TV last night.
2 .................... some good actors in the film.
1 A: Was Leonardo da Vinci from Spain?
3 ............... many great composers in the past.
B: No, he wasn’t. He ................ from Italy.
4 ................... a concert at school yesterday.
2 A: .............. Bach and Brahms composers? 5 ................................ a football match after
B: Yes, they ............................................ . school yesterday.
3 A: ................................ they from France?
B: No, they ...... . They ...... from Germany.
★ Look at the picture. Fill in: was there
4 A: ......................... Shakespeare a painter? 5 or were there. Then answer the questions.
B: No, he ............... . He .............. a writer.

5 A: ................... Picasso and Goya painters? flag

B: Yes, they ............................................ .

★ Match the questions with the answers.

1 What was the film a Yes, I was. tree
like? b It was garden

2 Was Mary with wonderful!

them? c Yes, his voice
3 When were you in was fantastic.
Milan? d Last month.
4 Was he a great e No, she
singer? wasn’t. She
horse statue
5 Were you at work was at school.
yesterday morning?
1 Were there three statues outside the castle in
★ Use the words to make sentences.
3 1525?
No, there weren’t. There were two statues.
1 Centaurs / half human and half horse (✓) 2 ....................... a garden outside the castle?
Centaurs were half human and half horse. ..................................................................
2 The Phoenix / from India (✓) 3 .................... two flags on top of the castle?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
3 A Centaur / friendly beast (✗) 4 ....................... two fountains outside?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
4 The Chimera / a bird (✗) 5 ....................... any horses there?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
5 Centaurs / from Egypt (✗)

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5 1/11/17 19:09 Page 39

• Had ★★ Put the words in the correct order
9 to make sentences.
★ Write what Nurlan had/didn’t have
6 when he was ten. 1 long/had/the Phoenix/a/tail.
3 ..................................................................
1 2
2 didn’t/the Chimera/two heads/have.
(✓) 3 the Chimera/did/a lion’s/have/head?
(✗) ..................................................................
(✗) 6
4 4 a/had/horn/unicorn/the.
5 ..................................................................

(✓) • Could
1 Nurlan ........................................ a laptop. ★ What could/couldn’t these people do
2 Nurlan ........................................ a bicycle. 10 when they were 8 years old? Write
3 Nurlan ............................................ a dog. sentences, as in the example.
4 Nurlan .......................................... trainers.
5 Nurlan ................................... a basketball. 1 Berik: swim (✓), dive (✗)
6 Nurlan ........................................... gloves. Berik could swim but he couldn’t dive.
2 Kanat: read (✓), sing (✗)
★★ Fill in: had or didn’t have. ..................................................................
7 ..................................................................
3 Damira: ride a bicycle (✓), skateboard (✗)
I 1) .................... a really fantastic day out with
my family last Sunday. We 2) .................... a
picnic at an old castle. We 3) .................... nice
4 Aidar: draw (✓), cook (✗)
weather, it was cold. We still 4) ....................
fun. We 5) .................... sandwiches and
lemonade. Then we 6) .................... a game of
football. We 7) .................... enough players so
we joined teams with another family! It was fun.
11 ★★ Answer the questions so they are
true about you.

1 Could you read at the age of three?

★ Answer the questions.
8 ..................................................................
2 Could you write at the age of seven?
1 Did you have long hair when you were 10?
3 Could you speak English at the age of nine?
2 Did you have a bike when you were 6?
3 Did you have a dog when you were 8?
4 Did you have a computer when you were 11?

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★ Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

Entertainment was very different in 19th century England. People

didn’t have TVs or radios and they couldn’t go to the cinema to see
a film. Instead, people went to the theatre. It was not very
expensive, so rich and poor people could go there. They could see
a different play every week. Oscar Wilde was a very popular
playwright. Sometimes, the theatre had special performances with
magicians and jugglers too.
People also had books. Some writers, like Charles Dickens and
Arthur Conan Doyle, were very famous. Many people were poor.
They couldn’t read, but they could listen to other people read.
These people could enjoy the theatre and books and forget their
difficult lives for a little while.

1 People could go to the cinema in 5 The theatre never had any

19th century England. ........ performances by magicians. ........
2 Only rich people could go to the 6 Charles Dickens and Arthur Conan
theatre. ........ Doyle were friends. ........
3 There was a different play every 7 Not everybody could read in 19th
week in the theatre. ........ century England. ........
4 Oscar Wilde was a famous painter. ........ 8 Some people had easy lives in 19th
century England. ........

★ Write the years. ★ Fill in: crawl, huge, difficult, golden,

2 3 branches, tell.
1 1852 eighteen fifty-two
1 ......................... egg
2 2012 .........................................................
2 ......................... dragon
3 1964 .........................................................
3 ......................... a story
4 1732 .........................................................
4 ......................... times
5 1991 .........................................................
5 ......................... back down
6 1328 .........................................................
6 ......................... of a tree
7 2001 .........................................................
8 1247 .........................................................


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Use of English ★ Use the words in brackets to correct
3 the statements, as in the example.
• Past simple (regular verbs)
1 Tom watched TV last night. (listened to music)
★ Put the past simple form of the verbs
1 into the correct box.
Tom didn’t watch TV last night. He listened
to music.
• create • tidy • arrest • decide 2 Lucy arrived home at 6:00. (8:00)
• destroy • stop • sail • face • enjoy ..................................................................
• travel • play • carry • listen • walk ..................................................................
• reply • try • wait • drop • live 3 We visited an old castle last weekend. (an
• watch • visit • want old theatre)
............................................................... ..................................................................
/t/ ............................................................... 4 Sam and Amy visited Paris last year. (Lisbon)
............................................................... ..................................................................
............................................................... ..................................................................
/d/ ............................................................... 5 Tim watched a good film yesterday. (read a
............................................................... good book)
created ...................................................
/Id/ ...............................................................
★ Write questions. Answer them.
★ Complete the gaps with the past
2 simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 Isabella and Julia/watch a comedy (✓)
Did Isabella and Julia watch a comedy?
Yes, they did.
2 they/drink soda? (✗) ..................................
3 they/eat popcorn? (✗) ...............................
Anna Pavlova was born in
St Petersburg, Russia, in ..................................................................
1881. 4 the film/finish at 10 pm? (✓) .....................
She 1) ............................... ..................................................................
(decide) to be a dancer after
she 2) ..................... (visit) the
ballet one day as a child. At age 10, ★★ Choose five verbs from Ex. 1 and
she 3) ............................ (enter) the Imperial Ballet 5 write sentences so they are true about
School. She 4) ............................ (work) very hard
you, as in the example.
there and in 1910, she 5) ............. (start) performing
at the Metropolitan Opera House in America.
1 I tidied my room yesterday.
Afterwards, she 6) ........................... (travel) around
the world performing. When she 7) ........................... 2 ..................................................................
(not/be) on tour, she 8) ................................. (live) 3 ..................................................................
in England with her many exotic pets! Anna 4 ..................................................................
9) ............................ (perform) in many famous
ballets, such as Swan Lake. She 10) .......................... 5 ..................................................................
(die) in the Netherlands in 1931. 6 ..................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5 1/11/17 19:09 Page 42

Vocabulary Listening
• Verbs ★ Listen to Henry
3 talking to Susan about a
★ Use the verbs from the list in the past simple to
1 complete the gaps in the sentences.
film he saw and choose the
correct answer A, B or C.
• disappear • sink • destroy • survive • protect
• rule • travel • raise • dedicate

1 The god Poseidon .......................................... Atlantis.

2 The kings who .............................. Atlantis lived in big
3 An earthquake ....................................... Santorini and
the island of Atlantis ............................ into the ocean.
4 Not many people .................................................. the
earthquake on Santorini.
5 Marco Polo ............................................... to Asia with
his father and uncle.
6 Farmers .......................................... cows and sheep in 1 Henry was at the cinema on
their fields. ......... .
7 People say the ship ..................................... from sight A Monday
and no one saw it again. B Saturday
8 People ................................... the temple to Poseidon. C Tuesday

2 What type of film was it?

A comedy
B action
Dictation C horror
★★ Listen and complete the email.
2 3 The main character was very
......... .
A boring
B exciting
Hi Danny! C interesting
How are you? I went to the 1) .......................... last
weekend with my 2) .......................... . I saw a great 4 Robert Down is ......... .
3) .......................... called Macbeth. It’s by William A a famous actor
Shakespeare and it’s very 4) ............................ . The B Suzie’s cousin
5) ............................ were fantastic! The plot is very C Jane’s brother
6) ...................... but the ending is 7) ...................... . 5 What musical instrument does
What did you do last weekend? Robert Down play?
Write soon, A the drums
Lucy B the synthesiser
C the electric guitar


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5 1/11/17 19:09 Page 43

Use of English 2 A: What ................................... (you/get)
for your birthday?
• Past simple (irregular B: Lots of nice things! My best friend .......
verbs) .............. (give) me The Lion, The Witch
★ Write the past forms of the verbs. and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.
1 3 A: Paul and I ................................. (spend)
1 have ................... 7 do .......................
last weekend at our grandparents’ house.
2 come .................. 8 go .......................
B: Really? What ........................................
3 wear ................... 9 eat ......................
(you/do) there?
4 drink .................. 10 spend ..................
A: Well, on Sunday we ................... (take)
5 take .................... 11 buy .....................
a picnic to the river. We .......................
6 write .................. 12 sing .....................
(swim) in the river, too!
★ Look at what Alma B: It sounds like you ...................... (have)
2 did/ didn’t do last a great time!
weekend and make 4 A: .................................. (you/know) that
sentences. J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of The Lord of
• meet her friends (✓) the Rings, ................................. (know)
• see an action film (✓) many languages?
• read a good book (✗) B: Yes. He also .........................................
• eat pizza (✗) (create) some of his own languages.
• go shopping with her mum (✓) A: How interesting!
• buy a pair of jeans (✓)
• Use of English revision
1 Alma met her friends.
Choose the correct answer.
4 .................................................................. 1 ........ Da Vinci an architect?
5 .................................................................. A Was B Were C Did
6 .................................................................. 2 What did you ........ for lunch yesterday?
A ate B eat C eats
★ Use the verbs in brackets in the past 3 Did William Wallace die in the fifteenth
3 simple to complete the sentences. century? No, he ........ .
A didn’t B hadn’t C did
1 A: ............................................ (you/see)
any films last weekend? 4 Could you play the guitar when you were
B: No, I ........................... (go) to a music ten? Yes, ........ .
festival instead. A I did B you can C I could
A: What ................................. (be) it like? 5 Did you ........ to the cinema on Friday
B: Actually, it ............................. (not/be) night? Yes, I did.
very good. I ......................................... A go B went C goes
(not/like) the bands.
6 Were they painters? No, they ........ .
A wasn’t B didn’t C weren’t


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5g, h, i
• Musical instruments Everyday English
★ Label the pictures. ★
1 3 Choose the correct response.

1 A: How are you today?

B: a Much better, thanks.
b It’s OK, thanks.

2 A: How was Andy’s party?

B: a It’s a pity. b It was great.

1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 A: Was Jason there?

B: a No, I’m sorry. b No, he wasn’t.

4 A: Did you have a nice time?

B: a Yes, we did. b I think so.

5 A: Dan’s costume was fantastic!

B: a Really? What was he?
b I don’t think so.
3 .......................... 4 ..........................

★★ Answer the questions so they are

4 true about you.

1 A: How are you today?

B: .............................................................

5 ...................... 6 ....................... 2 A: Did you have a nice time last weekend?

B: .............................................................

★ Complete the crossword. 3 A: What did you do yesterday afternoon?

2 B: .............................................................

4 A: Could you dance when you were six?

B: .............................................................

5 A: Did you go to a party last Saturday?

B: .............................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 5 1/11/17 19:09 Page 45

Writing ★ Fill in the gaps with the adjectives
3 in the list.
• An email about an event
you attended • delicious • amazing • terrible • great
• disappointing
★ Read the email and put the
1 paragraphs in the correct order. 1 The performance was .............................. .
It was like a big party!
2 The chocolate cake was ............................ .
3 I didn’t really like the music. I found it .......
From: Harry ........................... .
To: Kairat 4 We had a .................... time at the festival.
Subject: A musical festival 5 The concert was ............................ . There
were so many people and the music was
Hi Kairat! awful.
A The weather was perfect and there
were so many people there. Everyone had a
★★ Guided Complete the email
fantastic time. It was amazing. Some great
bands performed at the festival. My
4 below about an event you attended.

favourite was Coldplay. They were excellent. Use Harry’s email in Ex.1 as a model.

There were also a lot of entertainers at the

festival like jugglers and fire eaters. It was
really like a big party. I didn’t like the food, From: ...................................................
though. It was awful! There wasn’t To: ...................................................
anything good to eat just hot dogs and Subject: ...................................................
Hi ……....….!
B Anyway, we had a great time and it’s I hope you’re well. Guess where I went ....
a pity you didn’t come. Write to me and let ........................ ! I went to ………………..
me know how you are. with ............................ . The weather was
C I hope you’re well. Guess where I ..................... and there were ....................
went last weekend! I went to a music .......................................... . Everyone had
festival with my parents. My sister, Jill, had ............................................ . There were
the flu so she stayed at home in bed. She ....................................... . It was really like
was so upset. ............................................................... .
Yours, I didn’t like ............................................. .
Harry Anyway, we had ......................................
..................... and it’s a pity .....................
........................ . Write to me and let me
know how you are.
★ Underline the sentences where Harry
2 describes the weather, food, music and



Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 6.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 6 1/11/17 19:16 Page 46

Vocabulary ★★ b) Use the adjectives from Ex. 3a
to make sentences.
• Types of literature
1 I've got a new science fiction book.
★ Write the types of literature in the
1 correct column.
2 ..................................................................
3 ..................................................................
• fairy tale • biography • fables 4 ..................................................................
• mystery & suspense • science fiction
• articles in newspapers/magazines
★ Label the pictures.
• horror • action & adventure • legends 4
• stormy sea • poor • rich • servants
Fiction Non-fiction
• clouds in the sky • calm sea
fairy tale

• The Fisherman and the Fish

★ Complete the sentences. Use: catch,
2 let, swam, shout, grant.

1 Some people shout when they are angry.

1 ......................... 2 .........................
2 We ..................... a lot of fish when we go
fishing in the river.
3 The story is about a magic golden fish. It
can ..................... wishes.
4 The fisherman decided to ..................... the
fish go.
5 We watched as the dolphins .....................

3 ......................... 4 .........................
★ a) Match the adjectives to their
3 opposites.

1 new a rude
2 small b poor
3 kind c old
4 rich d huge

5 ......................... 6 queen & ...........


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• Robin Hood ★ Complete the sentences.
2 Use: arrest, escapes, gathered, recognised,
★ Label the pictures.
1 cheered, order.

1 The king can order his guards to do

anything he wants.
2 Police officers ............... criminals and put
them in prison.
3 In the story, Robin Hood always ...............
from his enemies.
4 The students all ............... around their
5 The secretary ................ the actor quickly.
1 prison 2 k........................ 6 We all ............... loudly when our team won
the football match.

★ a) Match the two columns.

1 present a away
2 got b open
3 rode c with
4 burst d off

3 g ....................... 4 c........................
★★ b) Complete the sentences with
the phrases from Ex. 3a.

1 At the end of the year, the teachers present

the best student with a medal.
2 After they got married, Rustam and Sezim
................................... on a horse.
3 We thought Dad was at work, but then the
door .................................. and he walked
4 We asked a horse rider for help, and he
5 f ........................ 6 b.................... & stopped and ................................... his
a........................ horse.


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• The Pearl of Kazakhstan ★ Complete the sentences. Use:
2 stretches, watched, keeps, made, lands, fall.
★ Look at the pictures and complete
1 the crossword. 1 My brother has got a lot of stories about
Aldar-Kosse. He keeps them in his bedroom.
2 Close your bag or your books might ............
1 3 I ............ the man carefully as he entered
the room.
4 The steppe ............ across the country of
5 The flight from Astana ............ in Almaty at
6 She ............ a hole in her new trousers when
she fell over.

★ Look at the adjectives. Which
3 3 describe people? Which describe
places? Put them in the correct
column. You can use some words twice.

• high • miserable • clear • huge

4 • beautiful • cheeky • empty • wise
• happy • kind

Places People

★★ Use the adjectives from Ex. 3 to

4 write sentences.

1 There are high mountains in my country.

2 ..................................................................
3 ..................................................................
4 ..................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 6.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 6 1/11/17 19:16 Page 49

• The Two Giants ★★ b) Use the adjectives from Ex. 2a
to make sentences.
★ Label the pictures.
1 1 There are a lot of heavy stones on the beach.
• strings • bridge • musical instrument
2 ..................................................................
• rock • neck • giant
3 ..................................................................
4 ..................................................................

★ Complete the sentences. Use: play,

3 make, carry, smashed, snatched.

1 People usually make instruments out of

wood or metal.
2 Alisher is strong and he can .............. heavy
1 musical 2 r ........................
3 The man ............... the woman’s bag from
her hands.
4 The giant was angry and ............... his
brother’s instrument against the rock.
5 Saltanat can .............. beautiful music on
the dombra.

3 n ....................... 4 b ....................... • Linkers

★★ Join the sentences using the
4 linkers and, but, so or because.

1 I bought this book. I enjoy reading about

myths. I bought this book because I enjoy
reading about myths.
2 Gulnaz plays the piano. She doesn't play the
dombra. .....................................................
5 s ........................ 6 g .......................
3 I like music. I like dancing. .........................
4 I enjoy traditional music. I decided to learn
★ a) Match the columns.
2 to play the dombra. ...................................
1 heavy a brother ...................................................................
2 fast b river 5 Makhmud is staying at school until 4 o'clock
3 stone c stones today. He has got a music lesson. ..............
4 younger d bridge ...................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:14 Page 50

• Animals
★ Complete the crossword.

1 2 3


• Phrases
★ Choose the correct word.
1 Snow leopards have got big/thick fur. 4 They rarely survive/attack humans.
2 Their fur hides/protects them from the cold. 5 They leave/jump tracks in the snow.
3 Snow leopards usually come/walk out at 6 The snow leopard is a(n) ghost/endangered
night. species.

• Parts of animals
★ Match the words to the pictures.
• tail • scales • beak • horn • feathers • hoof • fin • wing • mouth • eye

3) ............... 6) ...............
8) ...............
buffalo fish 4) ............... eagle

1) ...............

7) ...............
9) ..............
2) ............... 5) ...............
10) ..............

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:14 Page 51

• Describing animals ★★ Correct the description.
★ Use the adjectives below to describe
4 the animals in the sentences.

small sharp big thick long thin

1 Bears have got ................. bodies and

................. fur.
2 Giraffes have got ................. tails and 1 A canary has got a long beak.
necks. Wrong! A canary hasn’t got a long beak. It’s
3 Eagles have got ................. claws.
got a short beak.
4 Seagulls have got ................. legs.
2 A canary has got long wings.
5 Parrots have got ................. bodies.
3 A canary has got hooves.
★ Choose the correct word. ..................................................................
5 4 A canary has got fur.
1 Eagles have got feathers/scales. ..................................................................
2 Bears have got wide/sharp mouths. 5 A canary has got a huge head.
3 Parrots have got tall/sharp claws. ..................................................................
4 Trout have got hooves/fins. 6 A canary has got a long neck.
5 Monkeys have got thin/small ears. ..................................................................
6 Goats have got horns/wings.
7 Giraffes have got long/wide legs.
★★ Choose an animal. Draw a picture,
8 Seagulls have got mouths/beaks. 8 then describe it.

★ Complete the
6 description. Use:
claws , wings ,
feathers , head ,
neck .

1 An eagle has got very big .......................

to fly.
2 An eagle has got sharp ....................... .
3 An eagle has got thick ....................... .
4 An eagle has got a small .......................
with a beak.
5 An eagle has got a short ....................... .


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:14 Page 52

Use of English ★ Complete the table with: Monday,
4 4th January, Friday, night, July, noon,
• Adverbs of frequency the weekend, 2009, the morning, 4 o’clock,
★ Put the words in the correct order to 7pm, the spring, midnight, the afternoon,
1 make sentences. Sunday, the evening, September.

1 plays/afternoon/Stella/always/with her cat/ night, .....................................................

in/the ........................................................ ...............................................................
.................................................................. Monday, .................................................
2 after/sometimes/Ben/his/meets/school/ ...............................................................
friends ....................................................... July, ........................................................
.................................................................. in

3 we/our dog/give/never/chocolate .............. • Comparative/Superlative

.................................................................. adjectives
★ Put the adjectives in the comparative
4 Paula and Rachel/for/late/often/are/work
5 or superlative forms.

5 in/the/Simon/usually/walks/evening/his dog 1 Dogs are ................... (friendly) than cats.

.................................................................. 2 Dolphins are ..............................................
(intelligent) animals of all.
★ Complete the gaps with adverbs of 3 Giraffes have got ............................ (long)
2 frequency to make sentences that are legs than elephants.
true about you. 4 Parrots are ............. (colourful) birds of all.
5 Cheetahs are ................................ (fast) of
1 I ....................... get up early on weekdays.
all land animals.
2 My dad ..................... drives me to school.
6 Horses are ...................... (big) than goats.
3 My best friend ...................... surfs the Net
7 Dogs make ...................... (good) pets of all.
in the evenings.
8 Elephants are ................. (heavy) than goats.
4 I ............................. eat eggs for breakfast.
5 We ............................ eat out on Sundays.
★ Use the words to make sentences.
6 I .................. meet my friends on Sundays. 6
1 Alligators/be/dangerous/iguanas – polar bears
• Prepositions of time Alligators are more dangerous than iguanas.
★ Fill in: in , at , on . Polar bears are the most dangerous of all.
3 2 Cats/have/long tails/dogs – giraffes ............
1 Some animals sleep ............ the morning. ..................................................................
2 My cat has his birthday ............ 5th July. 3 Pigeons/have/small bodies/eagles –
3 I usually take my dog for a walk ............ 5pm. canaries .....................................................
4 Some birds come out ............ night. ..................................................................
5 Pink dolphins never have babies ............ the 4 horses/have/long necks/lions – giraffes .......
summer. ..................................................................
6 There is a good nature program on TV 5 dogs/have/many legs/chickens – spiders .....
............ Wednesday. ..................................................................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:14 Page 53

★★ Compare the animals. Use:
• Use of English revision
7 short, tall, heavy, thin, fast, slow.

10 ★ Choose the correct answer.
1 Bears sleep ……….. the winter.
Height: about 5.5 m
A at B on C in
Weight: 500-1200 kg
Can run: up to 48 km/h 2 ……….. cats have you got? Two.
A How B How many C How much
Lions 3 Henry ……….. plays football, but he likes
Height: about 1 m
watching it on TV.
Weight: 125-190 kg
Can run: up to 80 km/h A always B never C usually
4 ……….. is your father? He’s 1.8 m.
Squirrels A How tall B How much C How long
Height: 15-27 cm
5 Tigers run ……….. fast.
Weight: 0.35-0.95 kg
Can run: 13-16 km/h A much B a lot C very
6 ……….. do you go out? Every Sunday.
Lions are shorter than giraffes, but squirrels are the A How much B How many
shortest of all. C How often

• Adverbs of degree/manner 7 Snakes have got ……….. long bodies.

A extremely B not very C much
★★ Use the key to write sentences
8 8 Dave is ……….. than Andrew.
not very (✗) quite (✓) very (✓✓) A funny B funnier C funniest
extremely (✓✓✓) 9 Her birthday is ……….. 2nd January.
1 Dogs are friendly. (✓✓) A at B on C in
.................................................................. 10 He is the ……….. of all.
2 Mice are small. (✓✓✓) A tall B tallest C taller
.................................................................. 11 Snow leopards are ……….. than apes.
3 Rabbits have got long ears. (✓) A beautiful B the most beautiful
.................................................................. C more beautiful
4 Bears have got a big mouth. (✓)
12 School starts ……….. 8:30 am.
A in B on C at
5 Squirrels are strong animals. (✗)
★★ Use these adjectives to compare
11 yourself to your family members or
★ Put the words in the correct order.
9 friends.
1 lions/well/swim/very
• tall • short • young • long
2 kangaroos/jump/high/can
• old • big
3 lions/run/fast
4 koala bears/very/move/slowly My mum’s …


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:14 Page 54

★ Read the text. Which creature has: the wings of an eagle? a horn on its
1 head? the body of a horse and the head of a man?

Harry Potter’s World

People all over the world know the name Harry Potter. He's a famous character from a series of fantasy books by J.K.
Rowling. Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy, until he gets a special letter. The letter tells him that he is a wizard and
he has to go to Hogwarts School to learn magic! While he is at Hogwarts, Harry meets some very unusual creatures with
magical powers.
In the woods behind Harry's school, many centaurs live. They are half man and half horse. They are very wise and
know all about the stars and planets. One of them, Firenze, is Harry's teacher. There are also unicorns in the
forest. They are beautiful white horses with a single horn on their heads. The horn has got magical powers.
The headteacher of Hogwart's School, Professor Dumbledore, has got a very special pet. It's a phoenix called
Fawkes. Phoenixes are beautiful birds with colourful feathers. They live for 100 years, then they catch fire and
turn back into baby birds. The tears of the phoenix are magical and can help people when
they get hurt.
Hippogriffs are magnificent creatures. They have got the head, front legs and wings
of an eagle, and the body and back legs of a horse. They have got sharp beaks
and orange eyes. Hippogriffs are very dangerous when they are angry, but
the Hippogriff called Buckbeak is Harry's loyal friend.
Some of the mythical creatures in Harry's world are good and kind and
some are very dangerous, but all of them are fascinating. If you're
ready to enter a world of adventure, mystery and magic, start
reading the Harry Potter books today!

★ Read the text and mark the

2 sentences T (true), F (false) or
DS (doesn’t say). 2 What is the name of Harry Potter's school?
1 One of Harry's teachers is a centaur. ....... 3 What do centaurs look like?
2 Centaurs and unicorns live in the ..................................................................
forest behind Hogwart's School. ....... 4 What is special about the unicorn's horn?
3 Professor Dumbledore's phoenix, ..................................................................
Fawkes, is very old. ....... 5 How long do phoenixes live?
4 Hippogriffs are magnificent eagles. ....... ..................................................................
5 Hippogriffs can be dangerous. ....... 6 What can phoenix tears do?
★ Answer the questions.
3 7 What do hippogriffs look like?
1 How did Harry find out he was a wizard? 8 Who is Buckbeak?
.................................................................. ..................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:14 Page 55

Listening • Questions with how
★★ ★ Put the words in the correct order to make
4 Listen to Amy and
Chris talking about a mythical
6 sentences.
creature. For questions 1-5
1 you/got/have/brothers/how many?
choose the correct answer
2 are/how tall/giraffes?
1 Where is Amy? .....................................................................................
A In England. B In Spain. 3 do/how much/weigh/camels?
C In Scotland. .....................................................................................
2 What does she say about the 4 how fast/do/run/tigers?
place? .....................................................................................
A It’s hot. B It’s beautiful. 5 eat/hamburgers/you/how often/do?
C It’s the best place in Britain. .....................................................................................

★★ Look at the
3 Where does the monster live?
A In the lake. B In the sea.
7 answers and write
C In the mountains. questions.

4 Chris believes in the Loch Ness

A: 1) How many humps
Monster because of
does this camel have?
A the scientists. B the legend.
B: It has one hump.
C the photographs.
A: 2) ...........................................................?
5 What is Amy doing later? B: It can run up to 65 km/h.
A She’s going swimming. A: 3) ...........................................................?
B She’s going on a boat trip. B: It’s about 2.15 metres tall.
C She’s going for a walk. A: 4) ...........................................................?
B: It weighs up to 700 kilos.
★ Fill in: followers , enemies ,
5 best-selling , magical ,
A: 5) ...........................................................?
B: It can live for about forty to fifty years.
mythical , pick .

1 Some people in stories have Dictation

got .................. powers.
★★ Listen and complete the fact file.
2 The Twilight Saga is a(n) 8
.................. series of books. Name: ............................
3 When I'm bored, I always Where from: .................................................................
.................. up a good book. Has got: .......................................................................
4 In the story, the king has lots of .....................................................................................
loyal .................. . .....................................................................................
5 They have to fight against their Length: ........................................................................
.................. . Weight: ........................................................................
6 A centaur is a(n) .................. Can: .............................................................................
creature. Lives: ............................................................................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:15 Page 56

7d, e, f
★ Where do the animals live? Write • Phrases
1 them under the correct headings.
★ a) Match the words to form
• seagull • monkey • trout • penguin • cat 3 phrases.
• wolf • bear • swan • snow leopard • dog
1 under a myth
in the forest 2 keeps b fast
in the city 3 Aboriginal c control
in the mountains 4 national d horse
5 fly e emblem
on the coast
6 magical f busy
at a lake

★ b) Use phrases to complete the

★ Label the pictures.
2 1 The Tulpar is a(n) .................. in stories
from Kazakhstan.
2 Birds keep insects .................. .
3 The story of the Bunyip is a(n) .................. .
4 My grandmother .............. herself ..............
in the garden.
5 There is a golden steppe eagle on the
.................. of Kazakhstan.
6 Golden eagles can ................. – over 50 km
1 .......................... 2 ..........................
per hour!

Everyday English
★ Choose the correct response.
1 A: Would you like to see my new pet?
B: a Sure. b Yes, it’s OK.
3 .......................... 4 .......................... 2 A: What is it?
B: a It’s a baby spider. b It’s really cute.

3 A: Oh my goodness!
B: a Oh no! b What’s wrong?

4 A: I’m afraid of spiders.

B: a Don’t be silly. b No problem.

5 A: Are you sure it’s safe?

B: a What is it? b Of course.
5 .......................... 6 ..........................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 7 1/11/17 19:15 Page 57

Writing • Word order (adjectives)
• A review of a film ★ Put the words in the correct order
2 to make sentences.
★ Read the film review and fill in the
1 missing information on the film poster. 1 really/the/is/funny/film
2 about/animals/it/is
Zootopia 3
Zootopia is an adventure film. The 4 great/is/it/film/a
directors are Byron Howard, Rich ..................................................................
Moore and Jared Bush. It features 5 famous/features/it/actors
the voices of famous actors Ginnifer ..................................................................
Goodwin, Jason Bateman and
Idris Elba. ★ Find out information about your
It is the story of two animals – Judy 3 favourite film. Make notes about it in
Hopps, a little rabbit police officer, the fact file below.
and Nick Wilde, a clever fox. They
live in Zootopia, a city full of animals.
recommendation name of film
At first, they don't like each other, but
they become friends when they try to
solve a big mystery.
story Film Review director(s)
Zootopia is an exciting and funny
film. Don't miss it!
main actors
This year, visit Zootopia, a city full of
1) .......................! ★★ Guided Use your notes in Ex. 3
4 to complete the film review.
Join Judy Hopps and 2) ....................... as
these two little animals try to solve a big
......................... is a/an ......................... film.
It's an exciting and 3) ....................... film The director(s) is/are ......................... . It
for all the family! .................................................................... .

Directors: 4) .....................................
It is the story of ......................................... .
Featuring the voices of:
.................................................................... .
5) ........................................

......................... is ......................... . Don't

miss it!


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:17 Page 58

Vocabulary ★ Berik enjoys sports. Look at the
• Sports/Activities
2 table and complete the sentences with
the correct adverb of frequency.
★ Look at the pictures and write the
1 names of the sports.

1 t ........................ 2 c........................
never ✩
sometimes ★
often ★★
usually ★★★
always ★★★★

1 Berik ................... plays football with his

friends after school. ★★
3 b ....................... 4 r ........................ 2 He ................... plays water polo. ✩
3 He ................... plays hockey at the
weekend. ★
4 He ................... has a tennis lesson on
Fridays. ★★★★
5 He ................... plays badminton with his
sister on Sunday mornings. ★★★

★ Complete the sentences. Use: do,

5 w.......... p.......... 6 f ........................ 3 play or go.

1 We often ................... bowling on a Friday

2 Do you know how to ................... baseball?
3 Serik and Talgat ................... karate.
4 Let's ................... cycling at the weekend.
5 Can you ................... golf?
6 Where can I learn to ................... judo?
7 b ....................... 8 h .......................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:17 Page 59

• Phrases
★ a) Match the words to form phrases.
1 choose a medal
2 win b part
3 take c competitions
3 ......................... 4 .........................
4 competitive d games
5 school e from
6 silver f subjects

★ b) Use phrases to complete the


1 They are a good team. They always

.................................. .
2 Aidar has got a ................................... for 5 ......................... 6 .........................
3 In our PE lessons, we can ............................
basketball, football or tennis.
4 The best students .................................. in
competitions around the world.
5 Gulsara’s favourite ........................... are
Maths and Science.
7 ......................... 8 .........................
6 In ...................................... like football
and basketball, teams want to always win.
★ b) Which of the above do you need
to: play tennis? go skiing? play cricket?
★ a) Label the pictures with the
5 names of the equipment.
Write sentences.

1 We need ....................................................
• racquet • goggles • hoop • helmet
to play ......................................................
• poles • bat • ball • skis
2 ..................................................................
3 ..................................................................
1 ......................... 2 ......................... ..................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:17 Page 60

Use of English ★ Complete the description. Use: a/an,
• a/an/some/any 3 some or any.

★ Fill in a/an or some.

1 Robert Gesink is 1) ........... amazing cyclist.
He rides for 2) ........... team called Rabobank.
He has got 3) ........... special bike and he
always wears 4) ........... helmet, 5) ...........
glasses and 6) ........... gloves when he goes
cycling. Robert wins a lot of races, but he
1 .......... trainers 2 .......... hasn't got 7) ........... medals from the
swimming pool Olympics yet. He hopes to win 8) ...........
medal at the next Olympic Games.

• much/many – a lot of
★ Choose the correct item.
3 .......... medal 4 .......... ice skater 1 It's important to drink much/a lot of water
when you play sport.
2 Alisher doesn't watch many/much sport
games on TV.
3 There are a lot of/much students in my
judo class.
4 Not many/much people go bowling these
5 .......... tennis 6 .......... orange
5 The tickets for the game cost many/a lot of
balls basketball

★ Complete the sentences. Use: a/an,

2 some or any. 5 ★ Complete the sentences with (how)
much or (how) many.
1 There's ................ basketball match at the 1 ...................... water do athletes need to
school tonight. Let's go! drink every day?
2 Timur has got ................ important judo 2 He doesn't do ...................... training, but
competition today. he's still very fast.
3 I've got ................ helmet and ................ 3 There aren't ...................... students in the
skis, but I haven't got ................ goggles. competition.
4 We've got a lot of cricket balls, but we need 4 ...................... athletes take part in the
................ new bats. games every year?
5 Are there ................ tennis racquets in the 5 Come on! We haven't got ......................
school sports cupboard? time!


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:17 Page 61

• the -ing form • can (ability)
★ Choose the correct item. ★ Choose the correct word.
6 8
1 Arman can swim/swimming 1,000 metres.
2 Jog/Jogging every day helps you keep fit.
Hi, I’m Paul. I’m twelve years old and I live in
3 You have to be 18 to drive/driving in
4 Drink/Drinking lots of water is important London with my family. I’ve got a lot of hobbies
when you do exercise.
5 Dance/Dancing is fun!
and I can do many different things.
6 She has to jump/jumping over three
metres to win the competition.
• the – zero article I can 1) jump / dance very well and

★ Read the blog post and fill in a, the

7 or zero article. I can also 2) run / jump fast.

My favourite sport is basketball.

Hi, guys! I'm 1) ........... Aiman and I love I can even 3) spin / balance a ball!
2) ........... football. My favourite team is
3) ........... Kazakh team, FC Astana. They are
from 4) ........... Astana, the capital city of my I love snow because I can 4) play / ski.
country. My favourite player is 5) ...........
Maksimovic . He is from 6) ........... Serbia and he
is 7) ........... brilliant player. Unfortunately, I can’t 5) ski / swim
I'm in 8) ........... football team, too. We wear T-
shirts, shorts and football socks. 9) ........... T-
yet. What about you?
shirts and shorts are blue and 10) ........... socks
are white. We play games with other football
teams in my city, 11) ........... Taraz. Sometimes,
Can you 6) climb / jump a tree or
we play games with teams from other
countries, like 12) ........... Russia or
13) ........... UK. We have a lot of fun! 7) play / drive the guitar?
What about you? Have you got 14) ...........
favourite sport?
What hobbies have you got?

Write back soon!



Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:17 Page 62

★ Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

sack race

three-legged race In the UK, there is one day that all the students look forward to
– Sports Day! It always happens in summer and everyone takes
In British schools, the students are in teams called 'houses'. You can
win points for your house all year round with good work and good
behaviour, but you can also win points on Sports Day. Everyone wears
a T-shirt that is the colour of their 'house'. They also wear trainers and
shorts or trousers.
There are lots of competitions on Sports Day. There are athletics events
and other games, too. Some of these are only for Sports Day and, unless
you go to a British school, you probably don't know about them. For example,
the sack race is like a running race – except the athletes have got their legs inside sacks and
they have to jump towards the finish line! The egg and spoon race is also like a running race
– but everybody has to carry a spoon and balance an egg on it. If you drop your egg, you
lose the race!
Everyone's favourite competition is the three-legged race. Two students are in each team.
They stand next to each other and tie two of their legs together. Then, they have to run!
It's really funny and you're lucky if you reach the finish line without falling over!
egg and spoon race It's great to win a medal on Sports Day, but the real reason everyone loves this day is that
it's so much fun to play sports with all your friends. As the British say, 'It's not the winning,
it's the taking part.'

1 The students are in 'houses' only on

★★ Complete the sentences.
Sports Day. ......... 2
2 Everyone wears trainers. .........
1 Sports Day always happens in .................. .
3 Students take part in athletics
2 Students wear T-shirts that are the colour of
events. .........
............................................... .
4 There are three people in each team
3 The sack race is like .................................. .
in the three-legged race. .........
4 If you drop your egg in the egg and spoon
5 People often fall over in the
race, .......................................... .
three-legged race. .........
5 Everyone loves Sports Day because ........... .
6 Winning a medal is the most
important part of Sports Day. .........


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:17 Page 63

Listening Vocabulary
★ Choose the correct answer. • Sports
★ Complete the sentences with the
1 What is Alan's favourite sport? 4 correct sport (1-4). Then answer
question 5 about yourself.
A B C 1 Hello! My name’s Jeff and I’m 14. My

favourite sports are ......................

and ...................... .

2 Hi! I’m Tonia and I’m 12. My favourite

2 What colour T-shirt must Becky wear? sport is ...................... .

A the colour red
B the colour yellow 3 Hello! We’re Nadia and Eva and we’re 15.
C the colour blue Our favourite sports are ................,

3 What time does hockey practice start on ...................... and

................... .
A 6:00
B 4:00 4 Hello! My name’s Greg. I’m 13 years old.
C 5:00
My favourite sport is ...................... .

4 What does Julie always win a medal for? 5 What is your favourite sport?
A B C ..................................................................

★★ Listen and complete the note.
Dear parents,

It's time for the school Sports Day! Please join us

5 Where is Richard's favourite player from? for this fun and exciting event!
A Spain
Date & time: ............................................................
B the UK
Place: ......................................................................
C Italy
Students must wear ................................................
Students must bring ................................................

Many thanks,
Mrs J. Greenwood (Headteacher)


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:18 Page 64

8d, e, f
Vocabulary 1 You ................. use your hands to show
where you want to go.
• Phrases
2 You ................. ride your bike here.
★ Fill in: picnic, shops, place,
1 competition, safe.
You ................. wear a helmet.
You ................. have lights on your bike
when you ride at night.
The Australian Open is a very famous tennis 5 You ................. ride your bike when the
1) ................ . It takes 2) ........................ in light is red.
Melbourne, Australia, every year in January. It's 6 You ................. take water with you on a
very hot there, so players and visitors all wear long bike ride.
sunscreen and hats to stay 3) .......................... in
the sun. All the best players in the world go to the
★ Rewrite the sentences using
Australian Open. The matches are very exciting!
You can stay all day and even have lunch at a
3 must/mustn't, as in the example.
restaurant, or buy a takeaway 4) ..................... to
1 Don't eat before swimming.
eat outside. There are also coffee 5) .....................
around the courts so visitors can enjoy a drink You mustn't eat before swimming.
when they're not watching the tennis. 2 Wear trainers when you go running.
3 Don't kick the ball in basketball.
Use of English ..................................................................
• must/mustn’t 4 Don't dive into the pool.
★ Look at the pictures and fill in the ..................................................................
2 gaps with must/mustn't. 5 Drink lots of water when you do sports.

Rules for Cycling 6 Bring your gloves to boxing practice.

1 2
Everyday English
★ Complete the dialogue. Use:
✓ ✗
• It starts at 7:30. • Have you got any
plans for Friday afternoon? • See you
3 4 then! • Do you want to come with me?

Toni: Hi, Sam!

✓ ✓
Sam: Hello, Toni! 1) .....................................
Toni: I've got a karate class after school.
5 6
Sam: There's a boxing match at the stadium.
2) .......................................................
Toni: When is it?

✗ ✓
Sam: 3) .......................................................
Toni: OK! I can meet you outside at 7:15.
Sam: 4) .......................................................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 8 1/11/17 19:18 Page 65

Writing • Joining sentences
• An article about your ★ Choose the correct word.
favourite sport on TV
1 Let's go to the park and/but play football.
★ Read the article and complete the
1 spidergram.
2 We can watch the football match but/or the
tennis competition.
3 I like ice skating and/but I don't like ice
4 What do you want to play – tennis and/or
5 He's not good at sports but/and he can run
really fast.
I watch a lot of sport on TV. My favourite 6 You need goggles and/or a helmet to go
sport to watch is Formula 1. skiing.
The Formula 1 races take place at the
weekends from March until November.
They happen at race tracks all over the
★ What is your favourite sport on TV?
world. Drivers from 11 teams race their
cars around a track. Formula 1 has got
3 Complete a spidergram like the one in
really fast cars. The drivers wear special Ex. 1.
clothes, gloves and a helmet when they
are racing.
★★ Guided Complete the article
I enjoy Formula 1 on TV because it's fast,
fun and exciting.
4 below about your favourite sport on
TV. Use your notes from Ex. 3.

I enjoy sport on TV. My favourite sport

to watch is ......................................... .
It take(s) place at/on/in ........................
............................. . .............................
................................................ have to
hit/ throw/catch/run etc ......................
......................................... . They need
........................................................ to
do/go/play ........................................ .
I enjoy .................................................
why you enjoy it where
on TV because .....................................
........................................... .
Kairat’s favourite
sport on TV

equipment what happens


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:18 Page 66

• Seasons/Months ber,


★ ..,
.. ...
Write the missing months.

..., April,


r, .



................, June, ..........



., S


ry, Which is your favourite month?


, ..

• Weather ★ Complete the sentences with the

★ Fill in the correct weather word.

3 correct word.
2 • foggy • sunny • boiling hot • raining
• warm • snowing • chilly
1 It’s r.................... in London.
1 It’s 40ºC outside. It’s .............................. .
2 It’s ................................... now. Take your
2 It’s s.................... in Denmark.
3 It’s so ......................... outside that I can’t
3 It’s f.................... in Paris. see!
4 Look! It’s .............................! Let’s make a
4 It’s c.................... in Edinburgh.
5 It’s hot and ............................ today. Let’s
go to the beach.
5 It’s c.................... in Warsaw. 6 John is wearing a jacket because it’s
............................. outside.
6 It’s w.................... in Madrid. 7 We aren’t going swimming today because it
isn’t very ............................. .

7 It’s s.................... in Ankara.

★ Match the opposites.
8 It’s w.................... in Sofia.
1 hot a freezing cold
2 warm b cloudy
9 It’s f.................... in Moscow.
3 sunny c cool
4 boiling hot d cold
10 It’s h.................... in Astana.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:18 Page 67

★ Circle the odd word out. ★ Complete the text with the correct
5 8 word.
1 May winter June April
2 warm hot sunny cold
3 autumn spring summer freezing My favourite season is 1)
4 spring December January February
5 snowing freezing cold warm ................... . It’s very 2)

★ What’s the weather like in these

6 cities? Look and write.
................... here in Brazil and people spend

most mornings at the beach. They go

3) ................... or 4)

water ................... . I like 5)

1 It’s .................... 2 It’s ....................
in Almaty. in London.
................... but my brother prefers

6) ................... . At weekends,

we usually go 7) ................... .

3 It’s .................... 4 It’s .................... Summers are fun.

in Berlin. in Madrid.

★ Fill in the gaps with the correct

9 word.

• floating • sail • sunbathing • snowmen

• sandcastle
5 It’s .................... 6 It’s ....................
1 The children are making a .........................
in Oslo. in Paris.
• Activities 2 My sister is .............................. at the beach
right now.
★ Fill in: have, play, go, make.
7 3
Children often make .................. in winter.
There’s a ..................... market in Thailand.
1 ....................... windsurfing, surfing
5 Can you ......................... a boat?
2 ....................... fun, lunch, a wonderful
time ★★ Write a short text about your
3 ....................... beach volleyball, basketball 10 favourite season. Write about the
4 ....................... a sandcastle, a snowman weather and what you do.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:18 Page 68

Use of English ★ Put the words in the correct order
3 to make sentences.
• Present continuous
1 she/making/dinner/isn’t .............................
★ Put each verb into the correct box.
1 ..................................................................
• cut • play • run • listen • walk • shop 2 is/your/shopping/mother/now? .................
• write • make • talk • swim • have ..................................................................
• create • sit • take • eat 3 the/going/are/boys/this weekend/camping
4 wearing/James/a suit/is/and/tie ..................
+ -ing ............................................
5 is/Peter/a/making/sandcastle? ....................
............................................ ..................................................................
-e + -ing
............................................ 6 you/your homework/doing/aren’t ..............
double ............................................
consonant + -ing ............................................ ★ Look at Sally’s timetable. Write
4 questions. Answer them.
★ Look at the pictures. Correct the
2 sentences.

• listen to music • read a book shopping with mum

• talk on the phone • ride her scooter ballet lesson
• work on the computer supermarket
Tom Mary visit grandparents
cinema with Ann
Jane’s party
Jane lunch with aunt

1 Sally/go to the cinema/Saturday?

Sam Is Sally going to the cinema on Saturday?
No, she isn’t.
2 Sally and Ann/go to cinema/Friday?
1 Sam is typing a letter. ..................................................................
Sam isn’t typing a letter. He’s listening to ..................................................................
music. 3 she/have a ballet lesson/Tuesday?
2 Tom is watching TV. ................................ ..................................................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................
3 Jane is driving a car. ............................... 4 she/have lunch with her aunt/Thursday?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
4 Joe is sending an email. .......................... ..................................................................
.................................................................. 5 Sally and her mum/go shopping/Monday?
5 Mary is eating a sandwich. ....................... ..................................................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:18 Page 69

• Present simple or • Use of English revision
Present continuous ★ Choose the correct answer.
★ Underline the correct form of the
5 verb. 1 John ........ a snowman now.
A making B is making C makes
1 My father wears/is wearing a suit to work.
2 We are watching/watch TV now. 2 Emma walks to school every morning but
3 The children are having/have swimming today she ........ the bus.
lessons every week. A catches B catching
4 She isn’t sleeping/doesn’t sleep in on C is catching
Fridays. 3 Tom often ........ shorts in the summer.
5 Do they sunbathe/Are they sunbathing A wears B is wearing C wear
now? 4 Brian ........ to his grandma’s last Saturday.
6 Jake is studying/studies for an exam at the A goes B went C is going
5 Cindy usually ........ to work.
7 Fran is visiting/visits her grandparents once
A drives B drive C is driving
a week.
8 Is she talking/Does she talk on the phone 6 We ........ going to school today. It’s
now? Saturday.
9 They don’t work/aren’t working on A not B don’t C aren’t
Saturdays. 7 We can’t go to the beach now. It ........ .
10 They are playing/play basketball every A rains B rain C is raining
afternoon. 8 Danny and John ........ tennis at the moment.
A play B are playing C is playing
★ Put the verbs in brackets into the
6 present simple or the present continuous.
9 Are you and Tom going swimming now?
Yes, ........ .
A they are B you are C we are
Hi, Janet!
Greetings from Australia! Christmas is so different here! 10 What is James doing? He ........ TV.
In Toronto, it always 1) ................................... (snow) on A is watching B watches
Christmas Day, but right now the sun 2) .......................... C watch
(shine) in Sydney and it 3) ............................... (be) very
11 ........ Jane eating her dinner now?
hot! We usually 4) ..................................... (wear) warm
clothes in Canada, but today we 5) .................................. A Does B Is C Has
(wear) T-shirts and shorts! Tina always 6) ....................... 12 David ........ today.
................ (make) a snowman or 7) ............................... A doesn’t work B isn’t working
(have) snowball fights with her friends back home, but
C not working
now she 8) ............................................... (swim) and
9) ....................... ★★ Use the verbs to write sentences
.............. (make) 8 about what you/your friends are/aren’t
a sandcastle! It’s
doing now.
really cool!
Love, • sleep • play • read • sit
Joanna • watch • write


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:18 Page 70

★ Look at the text. Is it a postcard or an email? ............................
★ Read and fill in the words below.
• funny • great • before • and • every • garden • in

Greetings from Colorado!

Hi Cathy!

We’re having a 1) ........................................... time here in Colorado! It’s warm and

sunny and we’re staying with my Aunt Samantha and Uncle George. They’ve got a huge
swimming pool in their 2) ........................................... . We go swimming every
morning 3) ........................................... breakfast. It’s amazing!
Today, my aunt is taking us to the annual Summer Kids’ Festival 4) .............................
Lakewood. 5) ...................................... year the festival has a different theme, and this
year it’s pirates! There are lots of games with prizes 6) ..................................... a
costume contest. My brothers, Doug and Clint, are wearing their pirate costumes. They
look very 7) ...........................................! I’m taking my camera with me so I can show
you the photos when we get back!
See you next week.

★★ Read again and answer the questions.

1 Where is Anne? 5 What is the theme of the festival this year?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................
2 What’s the weather like? 6 Who’s with her?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................
3 What does Anne do every morning? 7 What are Anne’s brothers wearing?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................
4 What is she doing today? 8 What has Anne got with her?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:19 Page 71

Listening Vocabulary
★ Listen to Ben asking for some
4 information. For each question, choose 5 ★ Label the pictures.

the correct answer.

1 The museum is closed on ..... .

A Monday morning 1 l ......................... 2 m .......................
B Saturday morning
C Sunday morning

2 Entrance for children under 16 is ..... .

A £5 B £2 C free

3 The museum has real ..... .

A buses B planes C trains 3 f ......................... 4 d ........................

4 The gift shop does not sell ..... .

A books B posters C model planes

5 The museum is on ..... .

A Greave Road
B Walton Street
C Station Road
5 f ......................... 6 w........................
6 The last bus from the museum is at ..... . b ........................
A 4 o’clock B 6 o’clock C 8 o’clock

★ Listen and complete the postcard.
Hi Kim!
Greetings from 1) .................................!
2) ......................................... is wonderful.
I’m having a great time. The weather is
3) ................................................. . The
4) ......................................... is next to the
5) ............................ and there is a great view
of the 6) .............................. from my room.
There are a lot of 7) ........................
and beautiful 8) .............................. to see.
See you soon,


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:19 Page 72

9d, e, f
Vocabulary ★ Fill in: shop, teddy, souvenir,
3 stuffed, tartan, leather.
★ Label the pictures.
1 1 ................................ assistant
2 ..................................... cloth
3 ...................................... bear
4 ...................................... shop
5 ........................................ toy
6 ....................................... box

1 m............ 2 k.......... c.......... Everyday English

• Buying a souvenir
★ Choose the correct
4 response.

1 A: How can I help you?

B: a I want to buy a souvenir.
b Yes, please.
3 T............ 4 s.................... 2 A: How about this bag?
B: a That’s a good idea.
b Of course.
3 A: How much is it?
B: a It’s OK.
b It’s £12.
4 A: Can I have two, please?
B: a Sure.
b No, thank you.
6 p............ 5 A: That’s £24.
5 t.......... b..........
B: a There it is.
b Here you are.
★ Underline the correct word to complete the
2 sentences.

1 My friend has got lots of toy/key dolls. ★★ Write a new dialogue.

2 These dolls/teddy bear are souvenirs from Russia. 5 Use the exchanges in Ex. 4
3 This key ring/hat is beautiful. as a model and the
4 The US flag has got stars/bags and stripes. information below.
5 Big Ben is a clock/pen tower.
6 Sombreros are popular/different Mexican souvenirs.
7 This is a very nice mug/leather box.
8 The wind is pottering/blowing.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Mod 9 1/11/17 19:19 Page 73

Writing ★ Imagine you are on holiday
3 and answer the questions.
• A letter about your holiday
1 Where are you?
★ Read the letter and put the paragraphs in the
1 correct order (1-4). 2
Who are you with?
16th January
Dear Samantha, 3 What’s the weather like?
A In the afternoons, my parents usually go out for coffee. My ..............................................
sister and I prefer to walk around the city and explore the different 4 What do you do every
shops, museums or restaurants. Right now, I’m sitting in a café morning?
drinking a delicious hot chocolate!
B Well, that’s all for now. I'm going shopping in a bit so 5 What do you do in the
I can buy some more souvenirs. See you in a few days.
C How are you? I'm here in Switzerland with my family. ..............................................
We’re all having a great time. It’s very cold here. It’s snowing
6 What are you doing right now?
right now!
D Every morning, I wake up, get dressed and go to the
hotel restaurant to eat breakfast. Then, we go skiing in the
★★ Guided Use your
Swiss mountains. At one o’clock, we go
back to the hotel for lunch. 4 answers in Ex. 3 to
Yours, complete your letter to
Tanya your English pen-friend.

Date: .....................
Dear ...................... ,
How are you? I’m having a great
time here in .......................... with
............................................ . The
• Informal style weather is .................................. .
★★ Rewrite the sentences in informal style, as in There’s so much to do here. Every
2 the example. Use short verb forms or omit subject morning, .....................................
pronouns. ......................................... . Then,
1 We are going for lunch now. .......................... . In the evenings,
We’re going for lunch now. ....................................................
2 I will see you next week. .................................................. .
...................................................................................... Right now, I’m .............................
3 That is all for now. .................................................. .
...................................................................................... Well, that’s all for now.
4 I miss you a lot. See you in ........................... .
...................................................................................... Your friend,
5 I do not wake up late. ......................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank 1/11/17 19:06 Page 74

Use of English 1
Note: We can use some in interrogative sentences to
There is/There are make offers or requests.
Would you like some pears? (offer)
Singular Plural Can I have some chips? (request)
There is a crayon./ There are
There’s a crayon. crayons. Prepositions of place
There isn’t a There aren’t any
crayon. crayons.
Are there any
Interrogative Is there a crayon?

• We use there is before nouns in the singular. There in on under behind

is a vase on the table. There’s a book on the desk.
(NOT: There are a book, a ruler and an eraser on the
• We use there are before nouns in the plural. There
are hasn’t got a short form. next to between in front of
(NOT: There’re three books on my desk)
• We use prepositions of place to say where
Short Yes, there is. Yes, there are. somebody or something is.
Answers No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t
The imperative/Let’s
• In short answers we use Yes, there is/are. or No,
there isn’t/aren’t. We do not repeat the whole AFFIRMATIVE
question. Is there a vase on the table? Yes, there is.
Open the window, please!
(NOT: Yes, there is a vase on the table.)
a/an – some – any Don’t close the door!

COUNTABLE NOUNS UNCOUNTABLE • We use the imperative to tell someone what to do

or not to do.
Singular Plural NOUNS Be quiet! Don’t shout!
Affirmative There There are There is • To sound polite, we add the word please at the
is a some some beginning or end of the sentence.
chair. chairs. milk. Don’t use your camera, please.
Please don’t use your camera.
Negative There There There isn’t • We use let’s to make a suggestion.
isn’t a aren’t any any milk. Let’s go to the park.
chair. chairs. Let’s play tennis.
Interrogative Is there Are there Is there any
a chair? any chairs? milk?

• A/An is used in affirmative, negative and

interrogative sentences with countable nouns in the
singular. There is a sofa. There isn’t an armchair. Is
there a lamp?
• Some is used in affirmative sentences with plural
countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.
We need some carrots and some butter.
• Any is used in negative and interrogative sentences
with both countable nouns in the plural, and
uncountable nouns. There aren’t any oranges. Is there
any coffee?


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank 1/11/17 19:06 Page 75

Use of English 1
There is/ Prepositions of place
There are Look at the picture and fill in the gaps
Complete the gaps
4 with the correct preposition.
1 with there is/there
are. Then answer
the questions.
1 A: Is there a sink in the kitchen?
B: Yes, there is.
2 A: ............................ chairs in the kitchen?
B: ............................................................
3 A: ........................ a cooker in the kitchen?
B: ............................................................
4 A: ....................... a bedside cabinet in the
There is a coffee table 1) in the living
B: ............................................................
room. There is a vase 2) .............................
5 A: ........................ a mirror in the kitchen?
the coffee table. The coffee table is
B: ............................................................
3) ............................. two large sofas.
Change the sentences to singular or The table is 4) ............................. the
2 plural. fireplace. There is an armchair
5) ............................. the fireplace. There
1 There is an armchair in the living room.
is a lamp 6) ............................. the
There are armchairs in the living room.
armchair. There is a carpet
2 There are two beds in my bedroom.
7) ............................. the coffee table.
3 Are there pencils on the desk?
The imperative
4 Is there a chair in the kitchen?
.................................................................. Put the words in the correct order, as
5 in the example.
A/An – Some – Any
1 on/walk/the/grass/don’t
Choose the correct word.
3 2
Don’t walk on the grass.
1 There are any/some/an books on the desk.
2 There isn’t some/a/an armchair in the hall. ..................................................................
3 Are there any/some/a notebooks in the 3 eat/don’t/class/in
schoolbag? ..................................................................
4 Have you got an/a/some apple? 4 teeth/brush/your
5 John has got any/a/some pens on his desk. ..................................................................
6 Is there some/a/an window in the room? 5 don’t/please/talk
7 There aren’t an/some/any cushions on the ..................................................................
sofa. 6 speak/don’t/your/with/full/mouth
8 Can I have some/any/a biscuit, please? ..................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank 1/11/17 19:06 Page 76

Use of English 2
have got
Plurals/Irregular plurals
We use the verb have got to:
a) show that something belongs to somebody. • Nouns usually take -s in the plural.
Ann has got a red car. hat ➝ hats, book ➝ books
b) describe the characteristics of people, animals or • Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, take -es in
things. Chris has got short brown hair and blue eyes. the plural. bus ➝ buses, class ➝ classes,
c) talk about relationships. They have got two children. toothbrush ➝ toothbrushes, match ➝ matches,
box ➝ boxes, tomato ➝ tomatoes
AFFIRMATIVE • Nouns ending in a vowel + -y take -s in the plural.
toy ➝ toys, boy ➝ boys
Long Form Short Form
• Nouns ending in a consonant + -y drop the -y and
I/you have got I/you’ve got take -ies in the plural.
he/she/it has got he/she/it’s got city ➝ cities, strawberry ➝ strawberries
we/you/they have got we/you/they’ve got
• Nouns ending in -f or -fe drop the -f or -fe and take
-ves in the plural. leaf ➝ leaves, wife ➝ wives


Long Form Short Form Singular ➝ Plural
I/you have not got I/you haven’t got man ➝ men, woman ➝ women, child ➝ children,
he/she/it has not got he/she/it hasn’t got foot ➝ feet, tooth ➝ teeth, mouse ➝ mice,
person ➝ people
we/you/they have not we/you/they haven’t got
This/These – That/Those
• We use this/these to point to people, animals or
things near us.
Have I/you/we/they got? Has he/she/it got? This is an These are
☛ apple. ☛ apples.
• We use this/these to introduce people.
Yes, I/you/we/they have. No, I/you/we/they haven’t. This is my teacher. These are my friends Pat and Joe.
Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.
• We use that/those to point to people, animals or
things far away from us. That is
• Note: In short answers we do not use got.
Have you got a book? Yes. I have (got).
☛ an apple.
Those are
Possessive adjectives/pronouns ☛ apples.
• We use possessive adjectives before nouns to show: • We use this/these and that/those in questions. We
a) that something belongs to somebody. answer these questions with it or they.
This is my schoolbag. A: What’s this/that?
b) the relationship between two or more people. B: It’s a book. (NOT: This/That is a book.)
She is our teacher. A: What are these/those?
• We use possessive pronouns to show ownership. B: They are books. (NOT: These/Those are books.)
They don’t go before nouns.
This is Jake’s football. It’s his.

Possessive mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/yours/
pronouns theirs


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank 1/11/17 19:06 Page 77

Use of English 2
Present simple (have got) Possessive adjectives/pronouns
Put the words in the correct order.
1 4 Write sentences, as in the example.

1 got/not/I/blue/eyes/have 1 friend/James
I have not got blue eyes. That’s my friend. His name is James.
2 have/you/camera/got/a/digital? 2 brother/Billy ..............................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................
3 not/have/frogs/got/tails 3 mother/Anna .............................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................
4 she/got/small/ears/has 4 teacher/Miss Jones .....................................
.................................................................. ..................................................................
5 they/got/sunglasses/have?
.................................................................. Plurals
Write the plurals.
Correct the mistakes.
2 1 camera – cameras 6 child – ................
2 tomato – ............ 7 toy – ..................
1 Tom hasn’t got a skateboard.
3 box – ................. 8 tooth – ...............
4 baby – ................ 9 knife – ................
2 Has your parents got a car?
5 brush – ............... 10 mouse – .............
3 Suzy have got two brothers. This/These – That/Those
Complete the sentences with this, these,
4 My grandparents hasn’t got a big house. 6 that or those and is or are.

☞ ☞
Choose the correct word.
3 1 These are trainers. 2 ............... a cap.

1 This is Mary’s scarf. It’s her/hers.

2 This isn’t your bag. It’s my/mine. ☞ ☞
3 Our/Ours cat is brown. It/Its tail is long.
4 These trainers are their/theirs. 3 ............... gloves. 4 ............... a scarf.
5 Is this your/yours cap?
6 They/Their haven’t got a camera. Circle the correct answer.
1 That/Those pens are mine.
2 This/These bike is my brother’s.
3 These/This tomatoes are big.
4 That/Those girls are in my class.
5 These/This are Jack’s CDs.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank 1/11/17 19:06 Page 78

Use of English 3
Present simple (affirmative) Present simple (interrogative & short
I/you sleep we/you/they sleep INTERROGATIVE
he/she/it sleeps Do I/you dance? Do we/you/they
Does he/she/it dance? dance?
• We form the affirmative of the present simple with
the subject pronoun (I/you/he/she/it/we/you/ they) or
noun and the base form of the verb (speak, walk,
etc.). Yes, I/you do. No, I/you don’t.
• We use the present simple to describe permanent Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t.
states, repeated actions, habits, daily routines Yes, we/you/they do. No, we/you/they don’t.
and timetables.
I live in Rome. (permanent state) • We form the third person singular in the
He plays tennis everyday. (repeated action) interrogative with does + subject + main verb
She walks to work. (habit) (without -s). Does she like fish?
They finish work at 5 o’clock. (daily routine) • We form all the other persons with do + subject +
The movie starts at 8 o’clock. (timetable) main verb. Do they like football?

Spelling (3rd person singular) Possessive case

• We form the third person singular (he/she/it) by To show possession:
adding -s to the end of most verbs. a) We add ’s to names and singular nouns.
I like – he likes, I eat – he eats This is Tom’s ball. This is the dog’s toy.
• We add -es to verbs that end in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or - b) We add ’ to plural nouns ending in -s.
o. This is the boys’ football.
I miss – he misses, I brush – he brushes, I teach – he c) We add ’s to irregular plural nouns.
teaches, I fix – he fixes, I do – he does This is the women’s room.
• Verbs ending in a consonant + -y, drop the -y and In general, the possessive case is used for people or
take -ies. animals. In order to talk about things, we use the
I study – he studies, I cry – he cries preposition of. Compare the examples.
• Verbs ending in a vowel + -y, take -s. John’s brother BUT the legs of the table
I play – he plays, I stay – he stays • We use who’s to ask about a person.
Who’s Petra? She is my friend.
Time expressions used with the present simple: • We use whose to ask about possession.
usually, often, every day/week/month, sometimes, etc. Whose bike is this? It’s Jonathan’s.

Present simple (negative) like, love, hate + -ing form

We use the -ing form after verbs which express
preference such as like, love and hate.
Long Form Short Form He likes playing football.
I/you do not dance I/you don’t dance She doesn’t like swimming.
he/she/it does not he/she/it doesn’t My brother hates tidying his room.
dance dance
we/you/they do not we/you/they don’t
dance dance

• We form the negative of present simple in the third

person singular with subject (personal pronouns,
nouns or names) + does not/doesn’t + main verb
(without -s).
She doesn’t like tennis.
• We form all the other persons in the negative with
subject + do not/don’t + main verb.
I don’t like football.


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Use of English 3
Present simple (affirmative) Present simple (interrogative &
short answers)
Fill in the 3rd person singular.
1 Fill in: do or does. Answer the questions.
1 I watch – he .............................................. 4
2 I miss – she ............................................... 1 Do you study English?
3 I cry – he ................................................... Yes, I do.
4 I go – she .................................................. 2 ............. your father work as a teacher?
5 I brush – he ............................................... ..................................................................
6 I play – she ................................................ 3 ............. you walk to school?
Use the verbs in brackets to complete 4 ............. your parents go to the gym?
2 the sentences, as in the example. ..................................................................
5 ............. your friend play the guitar?
1 I live (live) in Almaty.
2 Martin ............................... (wash) his hair
every day.
Possessive case
3 Mark is a teacher. He .................................
(work) at St Paul’s School. Choose the correct item.
4 Jane and Sophie ............................ (study)
1 This is ......... notebook.
A Kanat’s B Kanat C Kanats’
5 They ....................... (have) a cup of tea in
the afternoon. 2 These are the ......... suitcases.
6 In the mornings, Mrs Galloway .................. A boys B boy C boys’
(take) her daughter to school. 3 ......... Nurlan? He’s my brother.
7 We .............. (go) to the park at weekends. A Whose B Who’s C Who
8 Every Sunday, I .............................. (meet) 4 This is the ......... car.
my friends. A woman’s B women C woman

Present simple (negative) 5 ………. skateboard is that?

A Who’s B Who C Whose
Fill in: don’t or doesn’t.
like, love, hate + -ing form
1 Assel speaks Russian, but she doesn’t speak
Write sentences, as in the example.
Spanish. 6
2 Philip .................................... live in Berlin. 1 Berik/not like/play basketball
3 I ...................... go to school on Saturdays. Berik doesn’t like playing basketball.
4 Dana ........................ have breakfast in the 2 I/not like/get up early
morning. ..................................................................
5 We ....................... take the train to school. 3 My friends and I/love/go shopping together
6 They ............................. go out very often. ..................................................................
7 Akbota and Kanat ............................. wake 4 My brother/hate/tidy his room
up early at the weekend. ..................................................................
8 I ................................. know how to do it.

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Use of English 4
Subject & object pronouns AFFIRMATIVE
• We use subject pronouns before verbs instead of I/You/We/They have to send an email.
nouns or names. He/She/It has to work long hours.
Peter is a doctor. He is from England.
SUBJECT PRONOUNS I/You/We/They don’t have to send an email.
He/She/It doesn’t have to work long hours.
Singular Plural
I we
you you
he/she/it they Do I/you/we/they have to send an email?
Does he/she/it have to work long hours?
I ➝ always with a capital letter
you ➝ in the singular and plural
he ➝ for a man or a boy SHORT ANSWERS
she ➝ for a woman or a girl Yes, I/you/we/they do. / No, I/you/we/they don’t.
it ➝ for an animal or a thing Yes, he/she/it does. / No, he/she/it doesn’t.
we ➝ for people
they ➝ for people, animals or things

• We use object pronouns after verbs.

Peter is a doctor. Look at him!

Singular Plural
me us
you you
him/her/it them

wh- questions – Question words

• We use who to ask about people.
Who’s she? This is my friend, Moira.
• We use what to ask about objects.
What’s this? It’s a book.
• We use where to ask about places.
Where’s John? He’s at school.
• We use how old to ask about age.
How old are you? I’m twelve years old.
• We use when to ask about time.
When’s your party? On Saturday.
• We use what kind of to ask about description/type.
What kind of job does your mum do? She’s a teacher.

have to/don’t have to

• We use have/has to to show obligation.
I have to wear a tie at work. She has to start work at
9:00 am. (It’s the rule.)
• We use don’t/doesn’t have to to show lack of
You don’t have to finish the report today. (It’s not


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Use of English 4
Subject & object pronouns Question words
Rewrite the sentences. Replace the
1 underlined words with the correct 4 Look at the notes. Then complete the
questions and answers.
subject or object pronoun.

1 Mary and I are friends with Frank.

We are friends with him.
2 Danny and you are Italian.
Name: Raisa
3 Victor is from England.
Age: 10
.................................................................. akhstan
Country: Kaz
4 Jenny is beautiful. Look at Jenny. ur: blue
Favourite colo
.................................................................. c: pop
Kind of musi
5 The dogs are in the house.
6 My father is a doctor. I love my father.

Fill in: he, she, it or they.

1 A: Who is she?
2 B: She’s Raisa.
2 A: ................................................ is she?
B: ...................................................... 14.
3 A: ........................................... she from?
B: ......................................................... .
4 A: ............................................... colour?
B: ......................................................... .
5 A: ............................ music does she like?
1 they 2 .............. 3 ..............
B: ......................................................... .

have to/don’t have to

Fill in have to/don’t have to in the correct
5 form.
4 .............. 5 .............. 6 ..............
1 Kim is a nurse; she has to wear a uniform at
Fill in with the correct object pronoun.
3 2 I ........................... go now. I have a karate
1 Carl is a good dancer. Look at him. (he) lesson in 10 minutes.
2 Give that ball to ........................... . (they) 3 Ulan ..................................... go to football
3 Play football with ............................ . (we) practice this afternoon because it’s too cold.
4 This is Ann’s book. It belongs to ..... . (she) 4 Ed is sick; he ......................... see a doctor.
5 Help ........................................, please. (I) 5 It’s late; we .............................. go to bed.


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Use of English 5
When she was young, she could ride a bike very fast.
was/were (past simple of the verb to be) (= was able to ride a bike very fast)
Affirmative Negative
Past simple (regular/irregular verbs)
I was I was not/wasn’t
you were you were not/weren’t Affirmative Negative
he/she/it was he/she/it was not/wasn’t
we/you/they were we/you/they were not/weren’t I/you/he/she/, etc. I/you/he/she/, etc. did not/
played/ate. didn’t play/eat.
Interrogative Short Answers
Interrogative Short Answers
Was I...? Yes, I/he/she/it was.
Were you...? No, I/he/she/it wasn’t. Did I/you/, etc. Yes, I/you/, etc. did.
Was he/she/it...? Yes, we/you/they were. play/eat? No, I/you/, etc. didn’t.
Were we/you/they...? No, we/you/they weren’t.
• The past simple affirmative of regular verbs is
The past simple of the verb to be is was/were. formed by adding -ed to the verb. I clean – I cleaned
We use was/was not (wasn’t) with I, he, she, it. Spelling
We use were/were not (weren’t) with we, you, they. – Verbs ending in -e take only -d. I hate – I hated
We form the interrogative with was/were + subject – Verbs ending in a consonant + -y drop the -y and
pronoun/noun. Jane was at work this morning. Bob take -ied. I try – I tried, I cry – I cried
wasn’t at the park yesterday. Where was Tracy last night? – Verbs ending in a vowel + -y retain the -y and take
-ed. I stay – I stayed
had (past simple of the verb have got) – Verbs ending in a stressed vowel between
two consonants double the last consonant and
Affirmative Negative take -ed. I shop – I shopped
I/you/he/she/it/ I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they did – Verbs ending in -l double the -l and take -ed.
we/you/they had not/didn’t have I travel – I travelled
• For irregular verbs see list of Irregular Verbs.
Interrogative Short Answers
Yes, I/you/he/she/it/ The past simple is used to talk about completed
Did I/you/he/she/it we/you/they did. actions in the past which took place at a particular time.
we/you/they have...? No, I/you/he/she/it/ They arrived in Madrid last Saturday. (When? Last
we/you/they didn’t. Saturday. – The time is stated.) They travelled by train.
• Had is the past simple of the verb have (got). It is (When? Last Saturday. – The time is implied.)
the same in all persons in the singular and plural. Time expressions used with the past simple:
• We form questions with did + subject + have. yesterday afternoon/morning, last week/month/year,
Did he have a cat when he was a child? two days/weeks/months/years ago, in 1957, etc.
• We form the negative with did not/didn’t + have.
We did not/didn’t have a car ten years ago. there was/there were (past simple of
NOTE: We don’t use got in the past simple. there is/there are)
He had a dog. (NOT: He had got a dog.)
could (past simple of can)
There was a There were
Affirmative Negative Affirmative statue in the some paintings
palace. on the walls.
I/you/he/she/it/we I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they There wasn’t There weren’t
/you/they could could not/couldn’t dance. Negative a concert last any apples in the
dance. night. fridge.
Interrogative Short Answers Was there a Were there any
Interrogative book on the people in the
Yes, I/you/he/she/it/ chair? room?
Could I/you/he/she/it/
we/you/they could. Yes, there was. Yes, there were.
No, I/you/, etc. couldn’t. Short Answers No, there No, there
• Could is the past simple of can. Could (was able to) wasn’t. weren’t.
is used with all persons, singular and plural. We use
could to talk about ability in the past.

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Use of English 5
Was/Were/There was/ Write questions and answers, as in the
There were
4 example.

Fill in: was(n’t)/were(n’t)/there 1 Sue/paint the kitchen/yesterday? (the living

1 was(n’t)/there were(n’t). room)
Did Sue paint the kitchen yesterday?
1 ..................... they at the theatre last night? No, she didn’t. She painted the living room.
2 ..................... Anna Pavlova a painter? No. 2 Sam and Julie/cook dinner/last night?
3 We ......................... at school yesterday. (order a takeaway)
It was Saturday! ..................................................................
4 ......................... an action film on TV last ..................................................................
night, but it ......................... very good. 3 you and Ben/watch a horror film/at the
5 Gary ......................... very short when he cinema? (comedy)
......................... a child. ..................................................................
6 ............... there a lot of people at the cinema? ..................................................................
No, ................... . 4 Sally/visit/her aunt/on Saturday? (her
Had/Could ..................................................................
Write what Assel could/couldn’t or had/ ..................................................................
2 didn’t have when she was ten years old.
Past simple (irregular verbs)
1 take photographs ✓ Assel could take
Write the past simple forms of the
photographs when she was ten.
a mobile phone ✗ .....................................
5 verbs.
1 come ................ 6 wear ................
2 go ................ 7 buy ................
3 play the guitar ✗ .......................................
3 see ................ 8 have ................
4 do ................ 9 take ................
4 a bike ✓ .....................................................
5 write ................ 10 read ................

Fill in the gaps with the past simple. Use

Past simple (regular verbs)
6 verbs from Ex. 5.
Fill in the gaps with the past simple
3 forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Emily ......................... shopping yesterday.
She ........................................ three DVDs.
1 The film ............................. (start) at 8:00. 2 Pete ................................. a pet dog when
2 Shakespeare ................................. (marry) he was a child. He only ..............................
Anne Hathaway in 1582. a goldfish.
3 Monet .................. (not/paint) ‘Guernica’. 3 I ...................................... my new dress to
Picasso ...................................... (paint) it. Ann’s party.
4 Beethoven ................................ (live) from 4 Tim .............................. his homework this
1770 to 1827. afternoon. Now he’s going out with his
5 We ............................ (not/watch) TV last friends.
night. We ....................... (listen) to music. 5 ............... you ........... Brian at the theatre?


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Use of English 7
Adverbs of frequency • We use the superlative to compare one person,
• Adverbs of frequency can be used with the present animal or thing, etc., with the entire group. He’s the
simple to tell us how often something happens. tallest in his class. We use the ... of/in with the
He usually walks to school. (How often? Usually.) superlative. We use in with the superlative when
Some of these are: we talk about places. He’s the tallest of all. The Nile is
the longest river in the world. (NOT: of the world)
always (100%) often (50%) never (0%)
usually (75%) sometimes (25%) Form
• Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb • With adjectives of one or two syllables, we form the
but after the verb to be. comparative by adding -er, and the superlative by
He usually goes to bed late. adding -est. big – bigger – biggest
She sometimes gets up early. • With adjectives of more than two syllables, we form the
She is always early. comparative with more and the superlative with the
most. expensive – more expensive – the most expensive
• With some adjectives of two syllables, like clever,
Prepositions of time (at, on, in) narrow, gentle, friendly, etc., we form the
comparative and superlative with -er/-est or with
AT ON more/most. friendly – friendlier – friendliest or friendly
the time: at 7 o’clock days: on Monday, on – more friendly – most friendly
holidays: at Christmas, New Year’s Day Spelling
at Easter, at the weekend dates: on May 6th • Adjectives of one syllable that end in -e, add -r in the
in the expressions: part of a particular comparative and -st in the superlative.
at the moment, at noon, day: on Tuesday evening simple – simpler – simplest
at night, at midnight • Adjectives of one syllable that end in vowel +
consonant, double the final consonant and add
-er/-est. fat – fatter – fattest
months: in September • Adjectives of two syllables that end in -ly or -y, change
seasons: in the winter/spring/summer/autumn y to i and add -er/-est. happy – happier – happiest
in the expressions: in the morning/afternoon/
evening, in an hour, in a minute, in a week/few Note the examples:
days/month/year very + adjective/adverb – It’s very dark in here.
much + comparative – It’s much colder today than yesterday.
• We do not use prepositions of time with the words
today, tomorrow, tonight or yesterday. Adverbs of degree/manner
Come to my house tomorrow morning.
We use adverbs of degree to make an adjective
stronger or weaker. They go before the adjective.
Comparative/Superlative adjectives Mice are not very big. (✗) Tigers are quite big. (✓) Cows
Use are very big. (✓✓) Elephants are extremely big. (✓✓✓)
Note: We do not use very or extremely with some
ADJECTIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE adjectives. My room is very amazing. This is an extremely
tall taller the tallest amazing book.
Short fast faster the fastest We use adverbs of manner to say how someone or
Adjectives big bigger the biggest something does something. Elephants drink quickly.
short shorter the shortest
-y Questions with how
funny funnier the funniest
Adjectives To form questions with how, we put the auxiliary verb
dangerous more the most before the subject.
Longer dangerous dangerous Question word + auxiliary verb + subject
Adjectives handsome more the most • Time: how often/how long How long do butterflies
handsome handsome live? From a week to nearly one year.
good better the best • Size/speed: how long/how tall/how big/how fast, etc.
bad worse the worst How long is a snake? Up to 9 m.
many/much more the most How fast does a tiger run? About 35 mph.
• Quantities/numbers: how much/how many
• We use the comparative to compare one person, How much does an elephant weigh? Up to 7,000 kg.
animal or thing with another. We normally use than • Age: how old How old are you? I’m 13.
with comparative adjectives. Silvia is taller than

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Use of English 7
Adverbs of frequency Put the adjectives in the superlative
4 form.
Put the adverbs in the correct place.
1 1 Peter is ................................... (short) boy
1 Alistair is late for school. (never) in my class.
Alistair is never late for school. 2 Ann is ...................................... (beautiful)
2 Tigers hunt at night. (usually) girl in my class.
.................................................................. 3 Mrs Smith is .............................. (exciting)
3 They order takeaway food. (sometimes) person I know.
.................................................................. 4 Jenny is ........................................ (funny)
4 Lisa takes the train to work. (often) girl I know.
.................................................................. 5 Mary has got .................................. (long)
5 Ben waters the plants in the morning. (always) hair of all.
Adverbs of degree/manner
Prepositions of time
Put the words in the correct order to
2 Circle the correct words. 5 make sentences.

1 I take my dog for a walk on / in Saturday 1 high/eagles/fly

mornings. ..................................................................
2 We usually eat dinner on / at 7 pm. 2 long/necks/pelicans/have got/quite
3 My birthday is on / at 5th December. ..................................................................
4 Many birds fly to warmer places at / in the 3 slowly/walk/tortoises
autumn. ..................................................................
5 I always chat to my friends in / at the evening. 4 panther’s/a/not very/are/big/ears
6 Sam usually eats lunch on / at noon. ..................................................................
7 I always sleep late at / in the weekend.

Comparative/Superlative Questions with how

adjectives Complete the questions
Put the adjectives in brackets into the
6 about llamas. Then,
3 comparative form. match them to the
1 Zebras can run ......................... (fast) than
2 Parrots are often .................... (noisy) than
pigeons. 1 ......... is a llama?
a About 5 kg of
3 A giraffe’s legs are .................. (long) than 2 ......... do they live
grass per day.
a horse’s legs. for?
b About 25 mph.
4 A parrot is ............................... (colourful) 3 ......... do they run?
c 15-25 years.
than an eagle. 4 ......... do they
d About 1-2 m.
5 A mouse’s tail is .............................. (thin) weigh?
e Up to 200 kg.
than a dog’s tail. 5 ......... do they eat?


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Use of English 8
She has got a lot of pictures.
Countable/Uncountable nouns A: Is there any oil?
• Countable nouns are nouns which we can count. B: Yes, there’s a lot.
They have both singular and plural forms. • We use much or many in the negative and
one onion ➝two onions interrogative. We use much with uncountable
• Uncountable nouns are nouns we cannot count. nouns and many with countable nouns in the
some sugar (NOT: one, two sugars, etc.) plural.
• Uncountable nouns usually have only singular forms. I don’t drink much water.
These nouns include: Is there much butter in the fridge?
food: rice, butter, flour, pepper, sugar, salt, etc. I haven’t got many pencils.
liquid: orange juice, milk, coffee, water, etc. Have you got many books?
• We can use both countable and uncountable nouns • We use how much and how many in questions. We
after phrases of quantity such as: a jar/bottle/ use how much with uncountable nouns and how
piece/loaf/cup/bar/glass/carton/slice, etc. + of. many with countable nouns in the plural.
a bottle of ketchup, a slice of pizza, a loaf of bread How much coffee do you drink every day?
How many biscuits are there in the packet?
A/An – Some – Any • We use a few with plural countable nouns.
We’ve got a few apples. We can make an apple pie.
COUNTABLE NOUNS (not many but enough)
There is an orange./ • We use a little with uncountable nouns.
Affirmative We’ve got a little flour. Let’s make a pizza. (not much
There are some oranges.
but enough)
There isn’t an orange./
There aren’t any oranges. Can (ability)
Is there an orange?/
Interrogative • Can is the same in all persons. The negative of can is
Are there any oranges?
cannot or can’t. (NOT: can not)
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS I can speak German.
Affirmative There is some water. Affirmative I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can run.
Negative There isn’t any water. I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they
Interrogative Is there any water? Negative
cannot/can’t run.
Interrogative Can I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they run?
• We use a/an in the affirmative, negative and
interrogative sentences with singular countable Short Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can.
nouns. Answers No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can’t.
There is a banana. There isn’t an egg. Is there a sandwich?
• We use some in the affirmative sentences with either a/an – the – zero article
countable nouns in the plural or uncountable nouns.
We use a/an when we are talking about something in
We need some tomatoes and some salt to make the soup.
general. This is a pen. That is an eraser.
• We use any in the negative and interrogative with
countable nouns in the plural or with uncountable
• We use a before singular countable nouns which
begin with a consonant (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m,
n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y or z). Sogys wants a job.
Are there any strawberries in the basket? No, there
aren’t any strawberries.
• We use an before nouns which begin with a vowel
sound (a, e, i, o, u). Have you got an apple?
Is there any pasta left? No, there isn’t any pasta left.
Note: We use some in the interrogative to make offers
We use the with countable and uncountable nouns
or requests.
when we mention the noun for a second time or the
Would you like some cake? (offer)
noun is already known. I have a dog. The dog’s name
Can I have some water? (request)
is Spike. He likes running in the park.
We don’t use an article (zero article) with nouns in the
a lot of – much/many – how much/ plural and uncountable nouns. I have cats. They drink milk.
how many
the -ing form
• We use a lot of in affirmative sentences with
either countable nouns in the plural or We use the -ing form as a noun. Ice skating is exciting.
uncountable nouns. We omit of when a lot is not
followed by a noun.

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Use of English 8
the -ing form
The or –
Choose the correct item.
We use the with names of families (the Smiths), nouns that are unique
(the Eiffel Tower), rivers (the Seine), nationalities (the Spanish) (We refer
1 My best friend can’t play/
to all the people in Spain.), musical instruments (the guitar).
We don’t use the with first names (Ulan), towns/ cities (Astana), playing tennis very well.
continents (Asia), meals (dinner), countries (Russia) (BUT: the UK, the USA). 2 Cycle/Cycling is fun.
3 Evan can’t swim/swimming,
Countable/Uncountable nouns
but he’s very good at boxing.
Write C for Countable or U for Uncountable. Add
1 a/an or some.
4 Ski/Skiing can be dangerous.

can (ability)
Ask questions. Answer
5 them.
1 a biscuit C 2 ..... tea ..... 3 ..... bread 4 ..... milk
1 she/dance? (✓) Can she dance?
..... .....
Yes, she can.
2 Berik/fly a plane? (✗)
3 your mother/ride a bike? (✓)
5 ..... egg 6 .... pancake 7 ..... 8 ..... butter ..............................................
..... .... sandwich ... ..... 4 you/run fast? (✗)
Choose the correct item.
2 a/an/the
leave for school. I start
I always have a big breakfast before I 6 Fill in: a/an/the or – .
biscuits. After that I have
with 1) some/many orange juice and 1 A: Do you know where the
lot of milk. Sometimes I
2) a/an small sandwich and 3) much/a Gobi Desert is?
. When mum makes
eat 4) a/an apple or 5) a/any banana B: Yes, it’s in – Asia.
want with 7) a/some big
pancakes, I have as 6) any/many as I 2 A: Does this hotel have .........
so 8) much/many food.
glass of milk. My sister says that I eat swimming pool?
B: Yes, it’s got ......... outdoor
Write the questions for the answers below.
3 3
A: ......... Mount Everest is
1 How many oranges are there in the fridge?
over 8,000 metres high.
There are five oranges in the fridge.
B: I know; it’s ......... highest
2 ......................................................................................
mountain in ......... world.
There isn’t much time for the game.
4 A: Rome has got a lot of
3 ......................................................................................
There are a lot of students at school.
B: I know I want to visit .........
4 ......................................................................................
Trevi Fountain.
There isn’t any butter in the cake.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank 1/11/17 19:06 Page 88

Use of English 9
Present continuous
• We use the present continuous for actions
AFFIRMATIVE happening now, at the time of speaking.
Adam is riding his bike now.
Long Form Short Form The children are having lunch at the moment.
I am working I’m working He is living in London at present.
you are working you’re working • We also use the present continuous for fixed
he/she/it is working he’s/she’s/it’s/ working arrangements in the near future.
we/you/they are we’re/you’re/they’re/ She is going swimming this afternoon.
working working Time expressions used with the present continuous:
now, at the moment, at present, etc.
NEGATIVE Note: We use the present simple for daily routines,
habits and permanent states.
Long Form Short Form Sally starts work at 9 o’clock. (daily routine)
I am not working I’m not working He walks to work. (habit)
you are not working you aren’t working He lives in a flat. (permanent state)
he/she/it is not working he/she/it isn’t working
we/you/they are not we/you/they aren’t Note: Some verbs do not usually have a present
working working continuous tense because they describe states rather
than actions: like, love, want, know
I like our new house. (NOT: I’m liking our new house.)
INTERROGATIVE I love cooking. (NOT: I’m loving cooking.)
Am I working ...? Are we/you/they I want an ice cream. (NOT: I’m wanting an ice cream.)
Are you working ...? working ...? I know Maria. (NOT: I’m knowing Maria.)
Is he/she/it working ...?


Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.
Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren’t.

We form the present continuous with the verb to be
and the main verb + -ing.

• Most verbs add -ing. play – playing, climb – climbing,
count – counting
• Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and add -ing.
ride – riding, make – making
• Verbs ending in a stressed vowel between two
consonants double the last consonant and add -ing.
run – running, sit – sitting, swim – swimming
BUT open ➝ opening
• Verbs ending in -l, double the -l and add -ing.
travel – travelling
• Verbs ending in -ie, drop the -ie and add -y + -ing.
lie – lying


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB GramBank 1/11/17 19:06 Page 89

Use of English 9
Present continuous Present simple or
present continuous
Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.
1 Fill in the gaps with the
It’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon... 4 verbs below in the present
1 Aizhan ......................................... (make) a cake now.
simple or the present
2 Dana and Sultan .............................. (eat) sandwiches.
3 Aizhan’s grandparents ............................... (drink) tea.
4 Sanzhar ........................................ (do) his homework. • go • not/ride • wear • like
• rain • cook • Betty/take
Look at the picture. Write questions. Answer them.
2 1 Bring an umbrella! It ................
2 When it’s cold outside, I always
6 .......................... a scarf.
2 4
3 Berik ........................... skiing
every winter.
3 4 ............................ photographs
5 at the moment?
1 5 Nurzhan ............... cooking. He
................................ right now.
1 Jane/read a newspaper? Is Jane reading a newspaper? 6 Aidar ................................ his
No, she isn’t. She’s reading a book. bicycle now.
2 Bill/sleep? ....................................................................
Put the verbs in brackets
3 Jim & John/play football? ............................................. 5 into the present simple or
the present continuous.
4 Grandma/eat cake? .....................................................
.................................................................................... 1 A: What .................................
5 Granddad/drink water? ................................................ (you/do)?
.................................................................................... B: I ............................ (make)
6 Peter & Ann/swim? ...................................................... a sandwich.
.................................................................................... 2 A: I usually .............................
(take) the bus to school.
Present continuous (future meaning) B: Really? We ..........................
What are/aren’t Damir and Saule doing this ................ (walk) every day.
3 weekend? Write sentences. 3 A: Where is Diane? .................
............ (she/have) a bath?
1 not/play/computer 3 have/a party
B: No, she ................ (sleep).
games ..................................
They aren’t playing 4 not go/fishing 4 A: Kairat ........... (skateboard)
computer games. .................................. every afternoon.
2 visit/their cousins 5 swim/in the lake B: Yes, but today he ..............
.................................. .................................. .................. (play) football.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 1-4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 1-4 1/11/17 19:46 Page 90

Vocabulary Bank 1
• Rooms – Furniture – Appliances
Look at the picture below. Then, label the pictures with the correct word.
• pillows • bedside • stairs • bookcase • curtains
• wall cabinet • armchair • cushion • bath
• sink • toilet • wardrobe • cooker • chair
• mirror • washbasin • desk • carpet • table
• bed • ceiling • fridge • poster
• cupboards • door • sofa • painting
1) ...................... 4) ........................
2) .................
3) ........................ 11) .................
10) ..............
5) ....................

13) ..................
12) .............
6) ...................
7) .............

9) ..............
8) ........................ 14) ..............
15) .............. 16) ................... 17) ...................

27) ............
25) ............ 24) .............. 18) ..............
22) ..................

19) ....................
26) ...................... 23) .............. 20) ................
21) ..................

Write the words below under the correct heading.

• bath • bed • sink • cushions • wardrobe • sofa • washbasin • bookcase • fridge • table
• desk • cooker • curtains • pillows • toilet • cupboards • armchair • door • carpet • mirror

......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................
................................. ................................. ................................. .................................
.............................. .............................. .............................. ..............................
..................... ..................... ..................... .....................


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Vocabulary Bank 1
Look at the picture in Ex. 1 again and Circle the odd one out. Then explain
3 write if the sentences below are
6 why, as in the example.
T (true) or F (false).
1 fridge – sink – desk
1 There is one pillow on the bed. F desk is out. The other two are in a kitchen.
2 There is an armchair in the living room. ...... 2 bedside cabinet – bed – cooker
3 There are two chairs in the kitchen. ...... ................... is out. .....................................
4 There is a fridge next to the sink. ...... 3 wardrobe – sofa – armchair
5 There are three cushions on the sofa. ...... ................... is out. .....................................
6 There are two tables in the kitchen. ...... 4 bedroom – bathroom – sofa
7 There is a sofa in the bedroom. ...... ................... is out. .....................................
8 There are seven cupboards in the 5 bookcase – bath – desk
kitchen. ...... ................... is out. .....................................
6 table – sink – bedside cabinet
Read the descriptions below and fill in
4 the gaps with the correct word.
................... is out. .....................................

1 There’s a cooker in there. k _i _t _c h

_ _e n_ Write the ordinal numbers in words or
2 You sleep in there. b______
7 in numerals.
3 There’s a toilet in there. b_______
1 17th seventeenth
4 This keeps your food cold
2 22th ............................
and fresh. f_____
3 fourth ............................
5 Your sofa is in there. l_____ r___
4 tenth ............................
6 You hang your clothes in
5 11th ..............................
there. w_______
6 twentieth ............................
7 You put this on the floor. c_____
7 1st ............................
8 You put flowers in this. v___
8 85th ............................
9 You wash your hands and w________
9 thirteenth ..............................
face there.
10 ninth ............................
10 You sleep in it. b__
11 6th ..............................
12 eighteenth ............................
Can you find the missing letter?
1 cutains curtains Answer the questions about yourself.
2 wasbasin .................................
3 celing ................................. 1 Have you got a big or a small house?
4 armchar ................................. ...................................................................
5 frige ................................. 2 How many rooms are there in your house?
6 pilows ................................. ...................................................................
7 miror ................................. 3 Which is your favourite room?
8 cupbord ................................. ...................................................................
9 wal ................................. 4 What is there in your favourite room?
10 coker ................................. ...................................................................


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Vocabulary Bank 2
• Parts of the body
Write the names of the parts of the body next to the correct number.
• eye • nose • ankle • moustache • head • hair • mouth • leg • arm • hand • lips • knee
• ear • beard • foot

A1 ....................
7 ....................
2 .................... 12 ...................
8 ....................
3 ....................

4 .................... 13 ...................
9 ....................

5 ....................
10 ................... 14 ...................

6 ....................
11 ...................
15 ...................

Complete the crossword. Circle the odd one out.

2 3
1 nose – mouth – eyes – leg
2 arm – moustache – beard –
3 teeth – mouth – knee – lips
1 2
4 leg – hand – ankle – foot
5 eye – face – ear – arm
3 4

Answer the following
6 4 questions.
1 Have you got blue eyes?
2 What colour is your hair?
3 Has your father got a beard?
4 Has your mother got long


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Vocabulary Bank 2
• Possessions/ 1 9 13
Belongings 5

Label the pictures

1 of the objects
d .......................
c ....................... n ....................... g ....................... c .......................
using words from
2 6
the box below.
• guitar • sunglasses
• trainers • notebook v .......................
h ....................... t........................ b ....................... g .......................
• digital camera 3 7
11 15
• basketball • helmet
• handbag • gloves
• watch • bicycle
• comic book • cap b ....................... s........................ w ......................
• skateboard • scarf 4
8 12 16
• video game

h ....................... g ....................... c........... b......... s........................

Match the pictures to their definitions. Look at the pictures. Write sentences
2 Then, write the words.
3 about what they have got.

1 You wear this when you ride a bike. 1 Dana has got a bicycle, a handbag and a
.............................................................. pair of sunglasses.
2 You wear these on your feet. 2 ..................................................................
.............................................................. ..................................................................
3 You use this to play music. 3 ..................................................................
.............................................................. ..................................................................
4 You use this to take photos.
5 You use this to tell the time.
a b

d e


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Vocabulary Bank 3
• Family members Martin Helen

Look at
1 Katie’s family
tree and label
1 g_______ 2 g______
the pictures.

• granddad
• grandma Susan Peter
Bill Louise
• dad • mum
• brother
• sister • uncle
• aunt • niece
• nephew
3 m__ 4 d__ 5 a___ 6 u____
• son
• daughter
• father-in-law Katie Annie
• cousin
• mother-in-law
• husband Ben
• wife
Katie 7 b______ 8 c_____

Now complete the sentences Write the opposites.

2 about Katie’s family with
words from Ex 1. MAN / BOY WOMAN / GIRL
brother ...................................
1 Martin is Helen’s husband.
................................... wife
2 Annie is Bill’s ............... .
nephew ...................................
3 Martin is Peter’s ............... .
................................... daughter
4 Katie is Ben’s ............... .
granddad ...................................
5 Ben is Peter’s ............... .
................................... aunt
6 Helen is Susan’s ............... .
dad ...................................
7 Katie is Annie’s ............... .
................................... mother-in-law
8 Bill is Helen’s ............... .
cousin ...................................
9 Annie is Louise’s ............... .
10 Helen is Martin’s ............... . Answer the questions about yourself.
11 Peter is Annie’s ............... . 4
12 Susan is Bill’s ............... . 1 Have you got a big family?
13 Louise is Bill’s ............... . ......................................................................................
14 Ben is Susan and 2 How many members are there in your family?
Bill’s ............... . ......................................................................................
15 Helen is Katie, 3 Make your family tree.
Ben and Annie’s ............... .


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 1-4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 1-4 1/11/17 19:46 Page 95

Vocabulary Bank 3
• Daily routines
Look at the pictures. What does Mike
1 do in the morning/afternoon/evening?

go to school, play computer games, go to bed,

get up, do homework, have dinner, have breakfast, 2
go to the gym, watch TV, have lunch, meet friends
1 Mike gets up early in the morning. 11 4
2 .................................................................. 3
3 ..................................................................
4 .................................................................. 5
5 ..................................................................
6 ..................................................................
7 ..................................................................
8 ..................................................................
9 ..................................................................
10 ..................................................................
11 .................................................................. 9 8

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct
2 phrase. Use the correct form of the present simple.

• cook dinner • watch TV • get up • play computer games • walk to school

• do her homework • have breakfast • have lunch • go to bed

Akbota 1) .............................. at 7 o’clock every morning. She gets dressed and

2) ............................. . At 8 o’clock, she 3) ............................ . At noon, she

4) .............................. . After school, Akbota goes home and

5) .............................. . In the afternoon, she usually 6) .............................. . At 7 o’clock,

Emma’s mum 7) .............................. . After dinner, she often

8) ................................. and then, she 9) .............................. at about 10 o’clock.

Answer the questions about yourself.

1 What time do you wake up on weekdays? 2 What time do you have breakfast?
.................................................................... ....................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 1-4.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 1-4 1/11/17 19:46 Page 96

Vocabulary Bank 3
• Personality adjectives
Match the adjectives to the pictures.
• funny • rude • noisy • clever • quiet
• weak • silly • serious • strong • polite 1 q ....................... 2 s........................

3 c ....................... 4 f ........................ 5 r ........................ 6 s........................

7 s........................ 8 w ...................... 9 n ....................... 10 p .......................

Match the opposites. Read the questions and answer with the right
2 4 adjective.
1 rude a serious
1 What do you call someone who tells great jokes?
2 strong b silly
3 quiet c polite
2 What do you call someone who speaks loudly?
4 clever d weak
5 funny e noisy
3 What do you call someone who says “Please” and “Thank
Complete the sentences ......................................................................................
3 below with the words 4 What do you call someone who never laughs or smiles?
strong, quiet, clever. ......................................................................................
5 What do you call someone who is the best student in
1 My little brother never shouts.
their class? ....................................................................
He’s as ............... as a mouse.
2 Katie is very good at Maths.
Write about yourself.
She’s as ................... as a fox.
Look! He can carry ten books.
He’s as ................... as an ox. Choose three of the adjectives above that describe your


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Vocabulary Bank 4
• Jobs
4 5
Match the
1 pictures to
the jobs.
1 3
• vet
• teacher
• pilot f...................... n......................
• doctor
• singer 6
• scientist 9 11
• hairdresser
• photographer
• footballer
• nurse 7
• mechanic
m...................... p...................... s......................
• secretary

Match the descriptions to the jobs.
1 He repairs cars. a footballer s......................
2 She looks after sick people. b photographer
3 She teaches children. c hairdresser Answer the following
4 She does people’s hair. d vet 4 questions.
5 He takes photographs. e pilot
f secretary 1 What is your father’s job?
6 He flies planes.
g mechanic ................................................
7 She looks after sick animals.
h singer 2 What do you want to do when
8 He plays football.
i nurse you grow up?
9 She types letters.
j teacher ................................................
10 She sings songs.
3 What does your best friend
Look at the words and correct the mistakes. want to do?
3 ................................................
1 nerse nurse 4 Choose two jobs from Ex. 1 you
2 teecher .................................................. don’t like.
3 heirdresser .................................................. ................................................
4 secretery .................................................. 5 Choose two jobs from Ex. 1 you
5 footboller .................................................. like.
6 meckanic .................................................. ................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:44 Page 98

Vocabulary Bank 5
• Mythical creatures & body parts
Look at the photos of the mythical creatures and label their special features.
Unicorn Cyclops

1 a single e _ _
1 ah___
2 a thick m _ _ _

1 long f _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 big w _ _ _ _ 1 ab___

2 a long t _ _ _

2 sharp c _ _ _ _ 2 sharp t _ _ _ _

Label the pictures with words from the box.

• eye • mouth • mane • teeth • legs
• horns • ear • body • tail • feathers
• claw • head • wing • beak

Eagle 1 w___ Goat

2 f_______ 2 b___

1 h____

3 b___
4 c___
3 l___
Fish Lion 2 h___
2 e__
1 t___ 1 e__
4 t____

3 m____ 3 m___

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:44 Page 99

Vocabulary Bank 5
• Types of films
Label the different types of films.
• action • animated cartoon • comedy • historical • horror • musical • adventure • romance
• detective • western • science-fiction • fantasy

1 ................ 2 ................ 3 ................ 4 ................ 5 ................ 6 ................

7 ................ 8 ................ 9 ................ 10 ................ 11 ................ 12 ................

Fill in the gaps with the Fill in: detective, musicals, action, science-fiction, fantasy,
2 correct type of film.
3 comedies.

1 Star Wars: The Force Awakens is

1 Kanat enjoys ................ with Jim Carrey. He is really funny.
a(n) .........................................
2 I just love ................ films based on the Sherlock Holmes
............. film.
2 The Ranch is a(n) ............. about
3 My brother really likes ................ films about things like
life in the wild west.
aliens and life in the future.
3 Fast & Furious is a(n) ..................
4 I don’t like ................ because there’s too much singing
............. film.
and dancing.
4 Toy Story 4 is a(n) .............. film
5 I love ................ films like The Terminator. You never know
for children.
what’s going to happen next.
5 Gladiator is a(n) .........................
6 I like watching ................ films with magical creatures.
............. film.
6 Resident Evil: Rising is a(n) ..........
Answer the questions about yourself.
film. 4
7 The Notebook is a(n) .................. 1 What is your favourite type of film?
about a couple who fall in love. ....................................................................................
2 Who’s your favourite actor/actress?


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:44 Page 100

Vocabulary Bank 5
• Adjectives describing films
Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective.
• boring • interesting • sad • funny • exciting • frightening

1 He’s watching a(n) 2 He’s watching a(n) 3 He’s watching a(n)

................. film. ................. film. ................. film.

4 He’s watching a(n) 5 He’s watching a(n) 6 He’s watching a(n)

................. film. ................. film. ................. film.

Complete the sentences with adjectives Match the two columns.

2 from Ex. 1.
1 A: What kind of films do you watch? 1 c an interesting a love story
B: Well, I usually watch comedies because 2 a frightening b action film
they make me laugh. Sometimes they’re so 3 a funny c historical film
.......................! 4 a sad d horror film
2 A: Do you like watching horror films? 5 an exciting e comedy
B: Not really. They are too .......................!
Complete the sentences about yourself.
3 A: There was a(n) .................... historical film
about the life of C.S. Lewis on Channel 6
last night. Did you see it? 1 I like ........................................................... .
B: Yes, I did. I really learnt a lot! They are really exciting!
2 ....................................... is the most boring
4 A: Was the fantasy film good?
film I’ve ever seen.
B: No, it was very ....................... . It had no
3 Action films are ............................................
action at all!
....................................... .
5 A: Were you at the cinema last night? 4 The most interesting film I’ve ever seen is .....
B: Yes, I was. I saw The Search. It was a really ....................................... .
.......................... action film with amazing 5 Horror films are ............................................
special effects. ....................................... .
6 A: Was the film good? 6 My best friend likes ......................................
B: Yes, it was, but it was also very ................................ films more than .........
.......................! I couldn’t stop crying! ................................ films.


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Vocabulary Bank 5
• Musical instruments
Use the words from the box below to label the musical instruments.
• electric guitar • cello • piano • synthesiser • bass guitar • saxophone • violin • harp
• harmonica • accordion • drum • flute • acoustic guitar

2 ..................

3 ..................

4 ..................
1 ..................
7 ..................

6 ..................

5 .................. 8 ..................

9 .................. 11 ..................

10 ................. 13 .................

12 .................

Find the types of music in the grid below. Answer the questions about yourself.
2 3
• rock • ethnic • folk • jazz • disco
1 What’s your favourite musical instrument?
• classical • heavy metal • pop
D V M G Y F S O X J ..................................................................
I E T H N I C R C R 2 Do you play a musical instrument? Which
D K F J W M P Q L K one?
I L P O P Z R E A G ..................................................................
S A D Q L L O U S U ..................................................................
C C B Y K K C V S S 3 What kind of music do you listen to?
O S N E H H K B I A ..................................................................
B W X Z O O I Y C P ..................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:44 Page 102

Vocabulary Bank 7
• Animals – Pets
Use the words in the box to name the
1 animals. Then write D (domestic), W
(wild) and P (pet) next to the words.
domestic (living on a farm) 1 ................... 2 ...................
wild (living in the wild)
pet (living in your house/garden)

sheep ..... cow ..... rabbit .....

squirrel ..... eagle ..... elephant .....
horse ..... hamster ..... chimpanzee .....
fox ..... duck .....
bear ..... chicken ..... 3 ................... 4 ...................

5 ................... 6 ................... 7 ................... 8 ...................

9 ................... 10 ................... 11 ................... 12 ................... 13 ...................

Use the words in the box to fill in the

2 blanks.
1 .............. 2 ..............
eyes tail fur beak
mouth horns hooves feathers 5 ..............
fin ears legs claws
scales body head wings 4 .............. 3 ..............

2 .............. bull parrot

1 ..............
2 ..............
3 .............. 1 ..............

4 ..............
5 ..............

4 .............. 3 ..............
6 .............. 5 ..............

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:45 Page 103

Vocabulary Bank 7
Read the statements and mark them as Read the text and answer the
3 T (true) or F (false).
6 questions.

1 Elephants are domestic animals. .........

2 Chimpanzees live in the wild. .........
3 Bears sleep in the summer. .........
4 Seagulls have got fins and scales. .........
The Blue Peacock comes from India and Sri
5 Rabbits run very fast. .........
Lanka. It has got a big body, long legs, a
6 Fish have got fur. .........
long neck and a small head. Its tail
feathers are very long and
Match the descriptions to the animals.
4 beautiful. It has got
wings but it can’t
1 This animal has got a big body, thick fur fly. It can run
and sharp teeth. It eats fish and sleeps in fast.
the winter.
2 This animal has got a very long neck, a
small head and very thin legs.
3 This is a domestic animal. It has got a big
head and a long tail. We drink its milk.
1 Where is the Blue Peacock from?
4 This animal is a bird. It has got a yellow
beak, big wings and sharp claws. It flies
2 Has it got a short neck?
very high.
5 This animal has got short legs and small
3 Has it got wings?
ears. It has also got long horns and hooves.
a eagle c giraffe e cow 4 Can it fly?
b goat d bear .................................................................
5 Can it run?
Cross the odd one out.
1 elephant: very big body / big ears / big Answer the questions about yourself.
fins / long trunk 7
2 parrot: small body / long tail / sharp 1 Have you got a pet?
beak / big hooves ..................................................................
3 bear: thick neck / big horns / sharp ..................................................................
teeth / thick fur 2 Which is your favourite animal?
4 giraffe: short legs / long neck / small ears / ..................................................................
small mouth ..................................................................
5 chicken: short legs / small body / short 3 Describe your favourite animal.
beak / big eyes ..................................................................
6 squirrel: long tail / short feet / big wings / ..................................................................
thin fur


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Vocabulary Bank 8
• Sports
Label the pictures.
• athletics • badminton
• gymnastics • swimming
• football • tennis
1 .................... 2 .................... 3 ....................
• hockey • basketball

4 .................... 5 .................... 6 .................... 7 .................... 8 ....................

Follow the lines. What’s each person’s favourite sport?


Aizhan Berik Daniya Damir Zhaniya Aidar

athletics hockey gymnastics tennis basketball swimming

1 Aizhan’s favourite sport is gymnastics. 4 .....................................................................

2 ..................................................................... 5 .....................................................................
3 ..................................................................... 6 .....................................................................

Answer the questions about yourself.

1 Which is your favourite sport? 2 Who’s your favourite sportsperson?
.................................................................... ....................................................................
.................................................................... ....................................................................
.................................................................... ....................................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:45 Page 105

Vocabulary Bank 9
• Seasons – Months
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.
• November • August • December • June • February • April • September

Winter Spring Summer Autumn

1 ........................ March 4 ........................ 6 ........................

January 3 ........................ July October
2 ........................ May 5 ........................ 7 ........................

Label the pictures.

Winter Spring Summer Autumn

3 .........................

1 .........................
2 .........................
4 .........................

Fill in the gaps with the Answer the questions about yourself.
3 next month or season.
1 Which is your favourite season?
1 August .........................
2 February .........................
2 What month is your birthday in?
3 summer .........................
4 December .........................
3 Which is your favourite month?
5 winter .........................
6 May .........................
4 Which is the hottest month of the year in your country?
7 spring .........................
8 April .........................
5 Which are the winter months in your country?
9 autumn .........................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:45 Page 106

Vocabulary Bank 9
• Weather
Match the words to the pictures.
1 raining 3 foggy 5 cold 7 sunny 9 windy
2 snowing 4 hot 6 cloudy 8 warm 10 freezing

a b c d e

f g h i j

Complete the sentences with words Answer the questions about yourself.
2 from Ex. 1.
1 What’s the weather like in your country in
1 Wow! It’s ................ outside! Let’s make a
2 Don’t forget your jacket! It’s very ................
2 What’s the weather like in your country in
3 It’s really .............. today! It’s 40oC outside!
4 I can’t see anything! It’s so ........................!
5 Oh, no! It’s ................ and I haven’t got my
3 What’s the weather like in your country in
6 We can go swimming today! It’s hot and
................ outside!
7 Look at how the trees are moving! I like it
when it’s ................!
4 What’s the weather like in your country in
8 It’s ................ cold in Russia in winter. It can
be -20oC!
9 Look at the sky! It’s ................ . Rain is
5 What’s your favourite type of weather?
10 I like ................ weather! I don’t like it when
it’s too hot or too cold.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB VBank 5-9 1/11/17 19:45 Page 107

Vocabulary Bank 9
• Activities 1

Write the correct verb go, play,

1 make or do next to the activities. 2

3 4 ........... skiing
........... basketball
........... kitesurfing 5

........... swimming

........... windsurfing ........... a snowman


........... computer games

........... exercises ........... bowling ........... camping

Answer the following

2 Circle the correct answer.
3 questions.
2 It’s snowing outside! Let’s ...... a snowman.
A go B play C do D make 1 What’s your favourite activity?
2 My brother ...... computer games every weekend. ..............................................
A goes B does C plays D makes ..............................................
3 Every summer I ...... windsurfing. I love it!
2 Write the activity that you
A make B play C go D do
don’t like.
4 Basketball is my favourite sport. I ...... every Saturday. ..............................................
A do B go C make D play ..............................................
5 I don’t like hotels. I always ...... camping in the summer. ..............................................
A go B play C do D make 3 What’s your best friend’s
6 She loves gymnastics! She ...... exercises every morning favourite activity?
before school. ..............................................
A does B plays C makes D goes ..............................................
7 I ...... swimming every day at my local swimming pool.
4 Which activities from Ex. 1 do
A play B do C make D go
you do at school?
8 I ...... bowling with my friends every Sunday. We like it ..............................................
very much! ..............................................
A do B go C play D make ..............................................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner 1/11/17 19:43 Page 108

Translator’s Corner
Translate these words/phrases into your language.

6th (= sixth) .......................................

MODULE 1 7th (= seventh)
8th (= eighth)
Rooms 9th (= ninth) .......................................
(Student’s Book p. 9) 10th (= tenth) .......................................
bedroom ................................................... 11th (= eleventh) .......................................
bathroom ................................................... 12th (= twelfth) .......................................
living room ................................................... 13th (= thirteenth) .......................................
kitchen ................................................... 14th (= fourteenth) .......................................
hall ................................................... 15th (= fifteenth) .......................................
16th (= sixteenth) .......................................
Furniture & appliances 17th (= seventeenth) .......................................
(Student’s Book pp. 9-11) 18th (= eighteenth) .......................................
ceiling ................................................... 19th (= nineteenth) .......................................
wardrobe ................................................... 20th (= twentieth) .......................................
pillow ................................................... 21st (= twenty-first) .......................................
bedside cabinet ................................................... 22nd (= twenty-second) .......................................
desk ................................................... 23rd (= twenty-third) .......................................
poster ................................................... 30th (= thirtieth) .......................................
wall ................................................... 100th (= a hundredth) .......................................
bookcase ...................................................
carpet ................................................... Bugs
mirror ................................................... (Student’s Book p. 14)
washbasin ................................................... ant ......................................
toilet ................................................... flea ......................................
bath ................................................... beetle ......................................
stairs ................................................... fly ......................................
floor ................................................... scorpion ......................................
sink ................................................... spider ......................................
cooker ................................................... moth ......................................
cupboard ................................................... cockroach ......................................
fridge ................................................... bedbugs ......................................
chair ................................................... woodworm beetle ......................................
painting ...................................................
armchair ...................................................
curtains ................................................... Useful phrases
(Student’s Book p. 16)
cushions ...................................................
sofa ................................................... Is Jim here? ...................................
fireplace ................................................... He’s in his room. ...................................
Where’s that? ...................................
Your room is great. ...................................
1st Ordinal numbers Hey, whose is this guitar? ...................................
(Student’s Book p. 13)
You’re very lucky. ...................................
1st (= first) ................................................... You’ve got everything. ...................................
2nd (= second) ...................................................
3rd (= third) ...................................................
4th (= fourth) ...................................................
5th (= fifth) ...................................................


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Translator’s Corner
Write the sentences in your language. France/French ............................................
Russia/Russian ............................................
1 Is there a fireplace in the living room?
Italy/Italian ............................................
Portugal/Portuguese ............................................
2 What’s your house like?
Greece/Greek ............................................
Mexico/Mexican ............................................
3 Have you got a big garden?
China/Chinese ............................................
4 My desk is in front of the window.
..................................................................... Useful phrases
(Student’s Book p. 28)
5 My favourite room is my bedroom.
..................................................................... I’m fine, thanks. ...............................................
This is Ben. ...............................................

MODULE 2 Nice to meet you.

How about you?

Appearance Write the sentences in your language.

(Student’s Book p. 23)
1 I’m Spanish.
young ≠ old .................................................
short ≠ tall .................................................
2 Anna and Stella are from Mexico.
big ≠ small .................................................
plump ≠ thin .................................................
3 Nice to meet you.
thin ≠ fat .................................................
long ≠ short .................................................
4 She’s 12 years old.
Parts of the body .....................................................................
(Student’s Book p. 23)
5 My name’s Sergio and I’m from Portugal.
eye .................................................
head .................................................
nose ................................................. The family
mouth ................................................. (Student’s Book p. 33)
lips ................................................. granddad/grandma ............................................
teeth ................................................. dad/mum ............................................
moustache ......………………………………. brother/sister ............................................
beard ................................................. uncle/aunt ............................................
arm ................................................. niece/nephew ............................................
leg ................................................. son/daughter ............................................
knee ................................................. father-in-law/ ............................................
ankle ................................................. mother-in-law ............................................
hand ................................................. husband/wife ............................................
foot ................................................. cousin ............................................

Countries & nationalities Character adjectives

(Student’s Book p. 27) (Student’s Book p. 35)

Spain/Spanish ............................................ funny ...................... quiet ......................

the UK/British ............................................ clever ...................... serious ......................
the USA/American ............................................ silly ...................... polite ......................
Turkey/Turkish ............................................ strong ...................... noisy ......................
rude ...................... weak ......................

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner 1/11/17 19:43 Page 110

Translator’s Corner
Daily routines
(Student’s Book p. 36)
have dinner ............................................
watch TV ............................................
(Student’s Book p. 45)
have lunch ............................................
get up early ............................................ doctor ............................................
play computer games ............................................ gardener ............................................
have breakfast ............................................ theme park mascot ............................................
go to bed ............................................ baker ............................................
do my homework ............................................ accountant ............................................
go to the gym ............................................ pizza delivery boy ............................................
go to school ............................................ police officer ............................................
meet friends ............................................ cashier ............................................

Useful phrases Job Qualities

(Student’s Book p. 47)
(Student’s Book p. 40)
What’s the time, please? ..................................... friendly ............................................
Have you got the time, brave ............................................
please? ..................................... enthusiastic ............................................
What time is it, please? ..................................... hardworking ............................................
It’s five o’clock. ..................................... fit ............................................
It’s half past two. ..................................... careful ............................................
It’s ten past three. ..................................... polite ............................................
It’s twenty to ten. ..................................... calm ............................................
Are you free this patient ............................................
afternoon? ..................................... creative ............................................
I think so. .....................................
What time does the ..................................... Jobs
tennis court open? ..................................... (Student’s Book p. 51)
Is 4:30 OK with you? ..................................... hairdresser ............................................
See you there. ..................................... footballer ............................................
mechanic ............................................
photographer ............................................
Write the sentences in your language.
nurse ............................................
1 What time do you get up? secretary ............................................
..................................................................... teacher ............................................
2 The film starts at 6 o’clock. pilot ............................................
..................................................................... vet ............................................
3 What is your friend like?
..................................................................... Write the sentences in your language.
4 I don’t go to the gym.
1 What’s your full name?
5 Amy’s a clever girl.
2 Where do you live?
3 What’s your phone number?
4 What qualities do you have for this job?


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner 1/11/17 19:43 Page 111

Translator’s Corner
Did you have a nice time? ......................................
MODULE 5 I don’t believe it. ......................................
Write the sentences in your language.
Mythical creatures
(Student’s Book pp. 57-58) 1 Did you go to the cinema last night?
Cyclops ......................................................... .....................................................................
Dragon ......................................................... 2 Who was in the film?
Unicorn ......................................................... .....................................................................
Phoenix ......................................................... 3 Do you like horror films?
Hippogriff ......................................................... .....................................................................
Centaur ......................................................... 4 I didn’t like the film. It was boring.
Chimera ......................................................... .....................................................................
the Samruk ......................................................... 5 I read a good book last weekend.
Types of films

(Student’s Book p. 59)
............................................... Animals
animated cartoon ............................................... (Student’s Book pp. 85-86)
comedy ............................................... snake ........................................................
historical ............................................... ape ........................................................
horror ............................................... monkey ........................................................
musical ............................................... panther ........................................................
adventure ............................................... bear ........................................................
romance ............................................... tiger ........................................................
detective ............................................... wolf ........................................................
western ............................................... horse ........................................................
science-fiction ............................................... elephant ........................................................
fantasy ............................................... eagle ........................................................
leopard ........................................................
Adjectives describing films goat ........................................................
(Student’s Book p. 59)

boring .................................................... Parts of animals

interesting .................................................... (Student’s Book p. 87)
sad .................................................... mouth ........................................................
funny .................................................... eyes ........................................................
exciting .................................................... tail ........................................................
frightening .................................................... scales ........................................................
fin ........................................................
horns ........................................................
Useful phrases ears ........................................................
(Student’s Book p. 70)
body ........................................................
How are you today? ........................................ fur ........................................................
Much better, thanks. ........................................ hooves ........................................................
How was Mark’s party? ........................................ legs ........................................................
It was great. ........................................ head ........................................................
It’s a pity you couldn’t ........................................ beak ........................................................
make it. ........................................ feathers ........................................................
Who else was there? ........................................ tail ........................................................
Was James there? ........................................ wings ........................................................


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Translator’s Corner
Describing animals
(Student’s Book p. 87)
sharp beak/claws/ .......................................
teeth ....................................... (Student’s Book p. 97)
short/long tail/neck ....................................... football ...........................................................
legs ....................................... basketball ...........................................................
big/small body/mouth/ ....................................... water polo ...........................................................
ears/nose/head ....................................... hockey ...........................................................
thick fur ....................................... badminton ...........................................................
thin legs/tail/neck ....................................... rugby ...........................................................
cricket ...........................................................
tennis ...........................................................
Useful phrases swimming ...........................................................
(Student’s Book p. 92) cycling ...........................................................
Would you like to .....................................
see my new pet? ..................................... Sports & Equipment
What is it? ..................................... (Student’s Book p. 99)
Oh my goodness! .....................................
cricket ...........................................................
What’s wrong? .....................................
karate ...........................................................
I’m afraid of spiders. .....................................
wrestling ...........................................................
Get it away from me! .....................................
judo ...........................................................
Don’t be silly. .....................................
ice skating ...........................................................
Are you sure it’s safe? .....................................
cycling ...........................................................
Would you like to try? .....................................
baseball ...........................................................
bowling ...........................................................
Birds golf ...........................................................
(Student’s Book p. 94) trainers ...........................................................
parrot ............................................................. ball ...........................................................
owl ............................................................. hoop ...........................................................
hawk ............................................................. racquet ...........................................................
swan ............................................................. helmet ...........................................................
pelican ............................................................. bat ...........................................................
pigeon ............................................................. pole ...........................................................
bluebird ............................................................. goggles ...........................................................
skis ...........................................................
Write the sentences in your language.

1 How much does it weigh? Abilities

..................................................................... (Student’s Book pp. 101-103)
2 How often do you feed your cat? ride a bike ................................................
..................................................................... drive a car ................................................
3 Kangaroos eat plants. run fast ................................................
..................................................................... dive ................................................
4 Cheetahs have got strong legs. climb a mountain ................................................
..................................................................... fly a plane ................................................
5 Fish have got scales. balance on a ball ................................................
..................................................................... spin a ball ................................................
6 What does it look like? do gymnastics ................................................
..................................................................... play volleyball ................................................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB TranslCorner 1/11/17 19:43 Page 113

Translator’s Corner
Useful phrases Weather
(Student’s Book p. 104) (Student’s Book p. 109)
Have you got any plans It’s raining. ......................................................
for Friday? .................................... It’s snowing. ......................................................
Do you want to come It’s foggy. ......................................................
with me? .................................. It’s hot. ......................................................
When is it? .................................. It’s (very) cold. ......................................................
It starts at 5:00. .................................... It’s cloudy. ......................................................
I can meet you at the It’s sunny. ......................................................
train station. .................................... It’s warm. ......................................................
See you then. .................................... It’s windy. ......................................................
It’s freezing. ......................................................

Write the sentences in your language.

1 I sometimes play football. (Student’s Book p. 111)
..................................................................... go skiing ..........................................
2 I like going ice skating. play computer games ..........................................
..................................................................... go camping ..........................................
3 We need a bat and a helmet to play cricket. go kitesurfing/ ..........................................
..................................................................... windsurfing ..........................................
4 Can you fly a plane? go bowling ..........................................
..................................................................... do exercises ..........................................
5 The tournament takes place every year. go swimming ..........................................
..................................................................... make a snowman ..........................................
play basketball ..........................................

98 Write the sentences in your language.

Seasons/Months 1 What’s the weather like today?

(Student’s Book p. 109) .....................................................................
2 Let’s go skiing.
Winter ................... May ...................
Spring ................... June ...................
3 Shall we play tennis?
Autumn ................... July ...................
Summer ................... August ...................
4 We’re having a fantastic time here.
January ................... September ...................
February ................... October ...................
5 It’s warm and sunny today.
March ................... November ...................
April ................... December ...................


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Prepositions.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB Prepositions 1/11/17 19:43 Page 114

Choose the correct preposition.

Module 1 4 Gabriel looks similar with/to a famous singer.

1 The house is on/in the shape of a shoe. 5 I get up at 7:00 am on/in school days.
2 There’s a bad smell coming from/out the 6 He works four hours at/on Saturdays.
fridge. 7 Through/During the holidays, I don’t work.
3 The Eiffel Tower gives visitors a great view 8 We have got permission for/from our parents.
at/of Paris. 9 There are thousands to/of insects in the nest.
4 There is a restaurant in/on the top level of the 10 Some ants can live for out/up to 30 years.
skyscraper. 11 The drones fly away to mate in/at summer.
5 The theatre is next to/by the River Thames. 12 Ants cannot live for/on their own.
6 From/To the top of the London Eye, you can 13 Aykin can sing in/with different languages.
see Windsor Castle. Module 5
7 The tower is made in/of steel. 1 The centaurs were wild, except from/for
Module 2 Chiron.
1 Superheroes try to protect the world from/ 2 The school has many teachers in/of Maths.
for bad people. 3 Phoenix could burst onto/into flames.
2 Lydia’s new at/to our school. 4 The lion’s head at/on the front of a chimera
3 The sun is on/in the centre of the Kazakhstan can’t breathe fire.
flag. 5 At/In the middle of its body, the chimera had
4 The classroom is full of/up children. a goat’s head.
6 The dragon returned to/in the nest to
Module 3 swallow the Samruk’s egg.
1 He cleans the house by/with a vacuum 7 Let’s take a photo at/on the foot of the
cleaner. Baiterek Tower.
2 She doesn’t like him in/at all. 8 The temple is dedicated to/for Poseidon.
3 I hang out/on with my friends at the mall. 9 Inside the temple stood a statue to/of a horse.
4 Evan listens through/to his friends’ problems. 10 My brother is a farmer. He works at/in the
5 Inkar wrote a comment on the blog around/ fields.
about friendship. 11 Please tell me the story by/of Atlantis!
6 They are in the same class to/at school. 12 The trader sailed close/around the world.
7 We always make down/up after an argument. 13 The island of Malta is at/in the Mediterranean
8 Kathy never gossips about/for me. Sea.
9 ‘Earth Day’ is in/on 22nd April. 14 Atlantis sank in/at the same time as an
10 In the USA, Mother’s Day is on/in May. earthquake struck Santorini.
11 On Father’s Day, children show love and 15 Picasso is best known for/of his paintings.
respect at/for their father. 16 C.S. Lewis was born on/in 1898.
Module 4 17 By/With the time the film came out, I had
read the book.
1 ‘Creativity’ means to think out/of new ideas.
18 J.R.R. Tolkien was a university professor but is
2 Mascots must work on/in silence.
famous for/from writing The Lord of the Rings.
3 There’s a crowd of/from people at the match.


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Module 6 Module 8
1 You should go and ask for/to some help. 1 It’s an honour to take part in/for the Olympics.
2 She sent him behind/back to talk to the 2 Kazakhstan is famous for/of its horse-riding
Queen. sports.
3 There are stormclouds up/in the sky. 3 Cyclists with/from all over the world come to
4 He let the fish swim outside/away. race in the Tour de France.
5 In before/front of her was the fishing boat. 4 A league allows teams to compete with/to
6 Robin Hood got down/off the horse. each other.
7 Aldar-Kosse crept up/to the sack and made a 5 Gennady Golovkin was born in/at 1982.
hole in it. 6 Lucy is the captain to/of our football team.
8 Treasure fell out/from of the sack. 7 Apart/Away from the matches, there are
9 The spacecraft landed in/on Kazakhstan. other reasons to go to Wimbledon.
10 It’s useful to have everything on/in one place. 8 I love drinking a cup in/of tea in the evenings.
11 They built a bridge to/across the river. 9 The competition takes place every year on/in
12 Is there a shape at/on the surface of the rock? June.
10 Before you dive into the pool, look for/out
Module 7
any signs.
1 Wolves live high on/up in the mountains.
2 It hides under/in the forests. Module 9
3 Some animals only come up/out at night. 1 Greetings for/from Madrid!
4 Fur protects animals for/from the freezing 2 We are to/at the beach sunbathing.
cold. 3 For/At the moment, we are skiing in
5 Most animals try to hide away/from the snow Shymbulak.
leopard. 4 The Park is up/in the north of the country.
6 It’s difficult to walk along/on the snow. 5 After a day rock-climbing, it’s good to have
7 The animal can jump down/up to 50 feet. my feet at/on the ground again!
8 Welcome in/to my country: Kazakhstan! 6 At/In the mornings we go swimming.
9 Some of/for the creatures in Narnia are 7 We don’t stay indoors; we camp for/at night.
frightening. 8 Here’s where we set up/down our tent.
10 Aslan is the King of/for Narnia. 9 I like to walk in/on the shore of the lake.
11 Gryphons fly high to/in the sky. 10 We’re thinking about/around going for a hike.
12 Maugrim is one of the enemies to/of Aslan. 11 Megan takes a dip in/by the lake every
13 What do you know around/about the myth evening.
of Tulpar? 12 The National Park of Borovoe is the best place
14 Owls live with/in forests. to go to/on holiday.
15 Eagles live at/by the top of mountains. 13 A ‘matryoshka’ is a set with/of dolls from
16 Along/During the day, they come out to feed. Russia.
17 Nature keeps animals’ numbers under/down 14 Leather products are popular souvenirs in/for
control. many countries.
18 There are real-life stories of children growing
up with a family for/of wolves.


Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB PresSkills.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB PresSkills 1/11/17 19:41 Page 116

Presentation Skills
Types of presentation Persuasive

Body language Narrate

Dos & Don’ts Presentation Why we give
Skills presentations
Necessary skills for Persuade
professional and
personal Communicate
Prepare development
How to
Invite questions & structure
Rehearse Read thank the audience
Main body Introduction
Get feedback

What is a presentation?
Presentations describe, narrate, persuade or communicate ideas. Presentation skills are necessary for personal
and professional development.

Types of presentations thank the audience for listening to us. We can

There are different types of presentations: sometimes get feedback from the audience.
• Informative e.g. school presentations, technology &
Opening/Closing techniques
science conferences, business seminars
To start a presentation we can:
• Persuasive e.g. in sales, debates, to a group of
1 address the audience by asking a question e.g.
peers, politicians’ speeches
Do you enjoy travelling to new places?
• Ceremonial e.g. graduation, wedding toast etc.
2 use a quotation e.g. As Mother Teresa said, “Love
Presentation skills are also needed in interviews (job &
begins at home.”
TV), project reports at a meeting, social events, toasts
3 ask a rhetorical question e.g. We can all do more
at an event with family or friends, colleagues etc.
to help the planet, can’t we?
Why we give presentations 4 make a statement e.g. Every person is special and
We give presentations to: extraordinary.
A describe a product, an invention, a place, people 5 narrate a personal or general story e.g. Millions
(e.g. myself, a famous person). of years ago, dinosaurs walked the Earth. Some
B narrate an experience, a story, a myth, a fable, an were big, some were small, some ate meat and
event (e.g. natural disaster). some ate plants. But suddenly they disappeared …
C persuade by presenting arguments for & against 6 set the scene and stimulate emotions e.g.
an issue, expressing our opinion on an issue, Imagine a place where all you can see is snow. It’s
stating a problem & suggesting solutions, political really cold. No one is around. You are all alone.
discussions, campaigns etc. 7 use visuals (photos, charts, films, pictures etc)
D communicate in panels, debates, conferences etc. e.g. Look at this painting. It shows... .
8 use music (a song, soundtrack etc) e.g. Listen to
How to structure a presentation this piece of music. What does it bring to mind?
A presentation consists of a(n): 9 use humour (a joke, a riddle etc) e.g. If an apple a
• Introduction, in which we greet the audience, day keeps the doctor away, what does an onion do?
present ourselves and the topic. It keeps everyone away! It’s true that onions smell
• Main body, in which we present the main points. bad, but they’re very healthy.
• Conclusion, in which we summarise the main 10 use a rhyme or short poem e.g. Make new friends
points, invite questions from the audience and but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.

Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB PresSkills.qxp_Excel Gr 5 KAZ WB PresSkills 1/11/17 19:41 Page 117

Presentation Skills
To end a presentation we can: 6 Make a list: Summarise the most important points
1 address the audience by asking a question e.g. of your presentation. Write the initial letter of each
Can you imagine life without friends? word/phrase on a PP slide/a flipchart/the whiteboard.
2 use a quotation e.g. As Ernest Hemingway, the famous
writer, said: “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” Recycle
Ask the audience to find the correct
3 ask a rhetorical question e.g. Who doesn’t like Reuse
word. e.g. What can we do to protect the
spring after all? S...
environment? Recycle/Reuse/Save water/
4 make a statement e.g. We all need to do more to Plant trees/Ride a bike to school, etc.
help save these animals.
5 narrate a personal or general story e.g. I’ll never Prepare
forget the day I got my puppy, Max. He’s my best friend Steps to follow
and now I know that dogs are a man’s best friend. 1 Read, brainstorm & prepare a spidergram to
6 stimulate emotions e.g. Imagine there are no more organise your notes.
beautiful, exotic fish in our seas. This would be a tragedy. 2 Research resources from videos, texts within the
7 use humour (a joke, a riddle etc) e.g. So, now that module, the Internet, encyclopaedias etc.
we know all about lions let me ask you a question. 3 Prepare your presentation. Decide which points to
What time is it when you see a lion? Time to run! include and how to present them.
8 ask a “what if” question e.g. What if we never see 4 Rehearse your presentation in front of a mirror or
a white tiger again? friends, videotape or record yourself.
9 use a rhyme or short poem e.g. Family always
makes you glad, when times are good or times are bad. Present
Dos & Don’ts while giving a presentation
Ways to get feedback from the audience Dos
(optional) • Be prepared & know your material.
After you have presented your points you can check if • Make sure your equipment works (check connectivity,
your audience have understood your topic. There are program versions, hyperlinks etc).
several ways to get feedback and check understanding. • Look confident & professional.
These are: • Have positive energy & smile.
1 Pop quiz style questions in teams: Split the audience • Keep eye contact with your audience.
into two teams (A and B) and ask questions about the • Use positive body language (stand up straight, use
presentation topic. e.g. It’s time for a quiz in teams! The gestures and facial expressions to convey meaning,
team that gets the most answers correct wins! e.g. Team etc).
A: When was … built? Correct! Team B: How old is …? • Keep your presentation simple & clear.
2 Open discussion: Invite the audience to share their • Keep slides short & clear.
own similar experiences. e.g. Now I’d like to hear • Use clear text & diagrams for slides.
about your…/Would anyone like to share his/her own • Attract the audience’s attention with an interesting
similar experience? beginning (a story, a joke, a video etc).
3 Polling questions: Ask the audience a question. • End your presentation by summarising the topic or
The audience can answer by raising their hands or by making a closing statement.
standing up. e.g. How many of you recycle on a
regular basis? Raise your hands. Don’ts
4 Focus groups: Divide the audience into groups of • Don’t read directly from the screen or your notes.
3-4 people and give questions for them to discuss • Don’t stand with your back to the audience.
and report back to the audience. (e.g. Which • Don’t fold your arms.
superhero would you like to be?/What do you think • Don’t speak in a monotonous voice.
was the most interesting idea? • Don’t rush.
5 Game: Prepare a Y/N or T/F quiz with questions/ • Don’t break the flow of the presentation by using
statements based on the presentation. e.g. Is the fillers while speaking (e.g. um, er, ah).
Gherkin made of glass and iron?/Do its windows look • Don’t use confusing graphics (e.g. dark fonts on
like diamonds? If the answer is YES/TRUE, the dark backgrounds).
participants stand up, if the answer is NO/FALSE, • Don’t carry a lot of items with you.
they remain seated. • Don’t wear casual clothes (e.g. shorts, flip flops).

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Presentation Skills
Body Language
Body language is very important when you give a presentation. It is part of communication and helps you
maintain your audience's attention and interest.

Dos ✓ Don’ts

Remember to be polite and smile. Don’t read directly from your notes.

Stand up straight and maintain eye contact with Don’t stand with your back to the audience.
your audience.

Use appropriate facial expressions and gestures to Don’t fold your arms.
make your presentation clear.

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Presentation Skills
Using Presentation Software
To engage your audience's attention, you can use presentation software, like PowerPoint or Keynote. This way
you can support and highlight your points, and make your whole presentation more interesting.

1 Use a simple layout 4 Use dark fonts on light backgrounds or

This will help the audience to follow your light fonts on dark backgrounds
presentation easily. This will make your slides easier to read.

2 Use a title 5 Use clear and easy-to-read fonts

This will let your audience know what you are Members of the audience will lose interest if they
speaking about. cannot read your slides easily.

6 Use notes rather than long sentences

3 Use visuals This will ensure that your audience can understand
Visuals capture the attention of the audience and your points and focus on listening to the
make your presentation more interesting. presentation rather than reading long sentences.

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Presentation Skills 1
Model analysis Plan & Useful Language
Landmarks Introduction
Imagine it’s Culture Day at your school. Present a famous
landmark at a school assembly. • Greeting: Hello!/Good afternoon.
• Introducing yourself: My name is ... .
Read the model and talk about Buckingham Palace • Introducing the topic/Opening technique
1 using the points in the spidergram. Then, copy and
(making a statement): Everyone loves
learning about landmarks, and Baiterek is
complete the spidergram in your notebook. one of the most famous landmarks in
Kazakhstan. Let me tell you about it!
Good morning. I’m Anthony Clarke. When I say the word ‘England’, (asking rhetorical questions): We all enjoy
what do you think of? London Bridge? Big Ben? Well, today I’m going travelling to new places, right? Well how
to present another famous landmark in England: Buckingham about Kazakhstan? It has some world-
famous landmarks like Baiterek.
Main body
Buckingham Palace is in the city of London, England, and the Queen
• Location: Baiterek is in the city of … in … .
of England lives there. It is a very big palace. It’s 108 metres long and • Description: It is a really tall ... . In fact, it
24 metres high! One of the many interesting facts about this palace is is … metres tall! The … of Baiterek has got
that it has got 775 rooms. … where tourists can … .
• Interesting facts: One of the most
In summary, Buckingham Palace is a huge palace that has lots of interesting facts about Baiterek is that on
rooms to explore. Why not visit it for yourself? As Saint Augustine said, the … , there is a … of the right hand of
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” … , the first President of … .
So, what do you like about Buckingham Palace? … Conclusion

Now, does anyone have a question? … Thank you. • Summarising: All in all/To sum up, Baiterek
is a great landmark that is worth seeing!
name • Closing technique: (asking a ‘what if’
location question) What if you can visit Baiterek
someday? You are sure to have a great time!
Place (using a rhyme) After all, Baiterek is a great
place to be; it’s fun for all the family!
interesting facts • Getting feedback (optional – polling
description question): Who would like to visit
Baiterek? … Great!
Read the underlined parts in Anthony’s presentation. • Inviting questions: Are there any questions?
2 Which opening/closing techniques does he use? • Ending: Thank you very much.

Your turn
• Organising ideas Checklist
Copy the spidergram in Ex. 1 into your notebook and
3 talk about Baiterek using the points in the
When you finish writing your
presentation, make sure you:
spidergram. Then complete the spidergram using the • introduce yourself and the topic
information you talked about. • mention all the points from the
• Preparing & Presenting • use appropriate opening/closing/
feedback techniques
Follow the plan. Use your notes from Ex. 3 to
4 prepare your presentation. You can use ideas from
• use appropriate visuals
Rehearse and give your presentation.
the Useful Language box.

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Presentation Skills 2
Model analysis Plan & Useful Language
Flags of the World
Present your country’s flag to the class. Introduction
• Greeting: Hi/Hello!
Read the model and talk about the UK flag using
1 the points in the spidergram. Then, copy and
• Introducing yourself: I’m ... .
• Introducing the topic/Opening
complete the spidergram in your notebook. technique (making a statement): Every
country has a flag, and every country’s
Hello. My name is Emily Jenkins. What flag is different. Today I want to tell you
is red, white and blue, and represents about the flag of my country, Kazakhstan.
the UK, too? … It’s the UK flag! Let’s Main body
find out more about it, shall we? • Colours: The flag of Kazakhstan is … and
The UK flag, or the Union Jack, is ….
• Design: It has a really … design: there’s a
actually three flags in one. The flag of England, which has got a red
… background with a … at the … and … .
cross on a white background; the flag of Scotland, which has got a There’s also a … down … side.
white x on a blue background, and the flag of Northern Ireland, which • Nationality: I’m from … so I’m … ./My
has got a red x on a white background. Together, they make the UK nationality is ... .
• Interesting facts: Something that a lot of
flag. An interesting fact about the UK flag is that each of these crosses
people don’t know about the flag of
represent a patron saint: Saint George of England, Saint Andrew of Kazakhstan is that the picture of … at the
Scotland and Saint Patrick of Ireland. centre has … coming out of it. I think it’s
To sum up, the UK flag is made from the flags of England, Scotland a really … flag!

and Northern Ireland. In this way, the Union Jack not only represents Conclusion
the UK, but the different groups of people that live there. • Summarising: In summary, the flag of
Kazakhstan is very special and beautiful.
Have you got any questions? … Thanks for listening.
• Closing technique: (using a quotation) In
the words of John Thune, “Our flag is
colours more than just cloth and ink. It’s a symbol
that stands for freedom.”
interesting facts Flag • Inviting questions: Do you have any
• Ending: Thank you, everyone!
Read the underlined parts in Emily’s presentation.
2 Which opening/closing techniques does she use?

Your turn Checklist

• Organising ideas
When you finish writing your
Copy the spidergram in Ex. 1 into your notebook and
3 talk about the flag of Kazakhstan using the points in
presentation, make sure you:
• introduce yourself and the topic
the spidergram. Then complete the spidergram using • mention all the points from the
the information you talked about.
• use appropriate opening/closing
• Preparing & Presenting • use appropriate visuals
Follow the plan. Use your notes from Ex. 3 to Rehearse and give your presentation.
4 prepare your presentation. You can use ideas from
the Useful Language box.

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Presentation Skills 3
Model analysis
My family
Imagine you are a new student at school. Present
your family to your new classmates and teacher.
Dad Mum
Name: Frank
Read Mary’s presentation about her Age: 42 years old Name: Sally
1 family and talk about it using the points Appearance: tall, slim, short Age: ...
Appearance: ...
brown hair, wears glasses
in the family tree. Then, fill in the Character: calm, clever Character: ...
missing information in the family tree.

Good afternoon! I’m Mary Oates. Today, I want you to

meet some very special people – my family! My family
members are caring and fun. They’re different and
Sister Me Brother
special, every one.
Name: ... Name: ...
Look at my family tree. This is my dad, Frank. He’s 42 Age: 16 years old Age: 7 years old
Appearance: short, Appearance: short,
years old. He’s tall and slim with short brown hair and slim, ... fair hair, ...
he wears glasses. He’s calm and clever. Character: ... Character: ...

Here is my mum. Her name’s Sally and she’s 38. She’s

beautiful with fair hair and green eyes. She’s quiet and Read the underlined parts in Mary’s
polite. 2 presentation. Which opening/closing
And this is my sister, Susan. She’s 16 years old. She’s techniques does she use?
short and very slim with long brown hair. She’s a good
student and very clever!
Your turn
This is my brother, Tom. He’s 7
years old and he’s short with fair • Organising ideas
hair and blue eyes. He’s very Create your family tree in your
funny but noisy! 3 notebook (like the one in Ex. 1) and in
To sum up, my family is great pairs talk about it using the points in
and I can’t imagine life the family tree. Then write notes about
without them. As Princess each person in your family.
Diana said, "Family is the
Name: ... Name: ...
most important thing in the Age: ... Age: ...
world.” Appearance: ... Appearance: ...
Character: ... Character: ...
Are there any Dad Mum

questions? …
Name: ... Name: ...
Thank you for Age: ... Age: ...
Appearance: ... Appearance: ...
Character: ... Character: ...
Me Sister/Brother

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Presentation Skills 3
• Opening/Closing techniques Plan & Useful Language
a) Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the
4 introduction of a presentation? Which is from the
• Greeting: Hello!/Good morning.
conclusion? • Introducing yourself: I’m .../My name is ... .
• Introducing the topic/Opening
A That’s my family. They are great and I can’t imagine technique (making a statement): There
are some people I’d like you to meet
life without them. They make me happy when I am sad.
today – my family!/ (addressing the
They help me when I have a problem. They are always there audience): Who are the most important
for me day and night. That’s why I love them all. people in your life? Well, for me it’s my
B When you are sad, who do you go to? When you have
Main body
a problem, who do you talk to? Mum, Dad, your family!
• Relationship: This is my .../Here is my
1 addressing the audience 2 stimulating emotions mum/dad/sister/brother.
• Name: My dad’s/mum’s etc./His/Her
name is … .
• Age: He/She is … years old.
b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening/closing
• Appearance: He/She is short/tall/of
techniques (1-2). medium height/slim/plump etc. He/She
has got … hair and … eyes.
• Finding quotations/rhymes • Character: My ... is very/a bit serious/noisy/
Find quotations or rhymes for the introduction or
5 conclusion of your presentation. You can use one Conclusion
of the quotations and/or rhymes below. • Summarising: To sum up, that’s my
family!/My family are all great./To sum
Quotations: up, there are … people in my family.
• Closing techniques: (asking a rhetorical
• In the words of actor Michael J. Fox, “Family is not an question) After all, what’s more important
important thing. It’s everything!” than family? (making a statement): They
are the most important people in my life.
• As the American singer Bobby Darin said, “My family comes
I can’t live without them!
first.” • Inviting questions: Have you got any
questions for me?
Rhymes: • Ending: Thank you.

“A family always makes you glad, “I love my family forever,

when times are good or times are bad.” we’ll always be together.”
When you finish writing your
• Preparing & Presenting presentation, make sure you:
Follow the plan. Use your completed family tree from • introduce yourself and the topic
6 Ex. 3 to prepare your presentation. You can use
• mention all the points from the
phrases and the opening/closing techniques from • use appropriate opening/closing
the Plan & Useful Language box, and/or Exs 4 & 5. techniques
You can use visuals to make your presentation more • use appropriate visuals
Rehearse and give your presentation.

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Presentation Skills 4
Friends Plan & Useful Language
Present how to be a good friend to the class.
• Organising ideas • Greeting: Good morning/afternoon.
Watch the video, then read and listen to the texts • Introducing yourself: I’m … .
1 about friends on p. 38 & 44 in the Student’s book.
• Introducing the topic/Opening technique:
(addressing the audience) Everyone loves
Then talk about the information in the text using their friends, but do you ever wonder
the points in the spidergram. Finally, copy the what makes someone a good friend?
spidergram into your notebook and complete it Well, today I want to tell you how you can
be a great friend!
with information about how to be a good friend.
Main body
communication • Communication: A good friend is someone
loyalty who can … . When you … and agree to … ,
you show your friends that … . After all,
How to be nobody is … !
• Listening: A good friend is also a good … .
a good friend
honesty listening Good friends don’t … about a friend’s
problems, they just … . Good friends also
help … and make each other feel … .
• Opening/Closing techniques • Honestly: What’s more, a good friend
needs to be … . Good friends don’t … ,
a) Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the
2 introduction of a presentation? Which is from the
and they talk to … if they feel … . A true
friend won’t be … , but will … .
conclusion? • Loyalty: Also, you need to be … to be a
good friend. If you are loyal, you will trust
and support … , and if you are there for
A When I’m feeling sad, my friend always helps me feel them, they will always … !
better and when I have a problem, he listens to me. He’s a Conclusion
good friend, and I want to tell you more about how you can • Summarising: In summary, a good friend
be a good friend, too! is loyal, honest, a good listener and a good
B All in all, a good friend can help you when you’re sad, • Closing technique: (using a quotation) In
listen to you, be honest when you’re wrong and is always the words of the American writer Helen
Keller, “Walking with a friend in the dark is
loyal. Who can ask for more?
better than walking alone in the light.”
1 making a statement 2 asking a rhetorical question • Inviting questions: Any questions?
• Ending: Thank you very much.

b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening/closing

techniques (1-2).
When you finish writing your
• Preparing & Presenting presentation, make sure you:
• introduce yourself and the topic
Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram from
3 Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can use
• mention all the points from the
phrases and the opening/closing techniques from • use appropriate opening/closing
the Plan & Useful Language box. You can use visuals techniques
• use appropriate visuals
to make your presentation more interesting.
Rehearse and give your presentation.

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Presentation Skills 5
The lost island of Atlantis Plan & Useful Language
Imagine you are a historian. Present the lost island of
Atlantis to a group of students.
• Organising ideas • Greeting: Hello!/Good afternoon.
• Introducing yourself: I’m .../My name is ... .
Watch the video, then read and listen to the text on
1 p. 66 in your Student’s Book about Atlantis and talk
• Introducing the topic/Opening techniques:
(addressing the audience) What do you know
about it using the points in the spidergram. Finally, about Atlantis? Not much? Well, a long time
copy the spidergram below into your notebook and ago somewhere in the middle of the sea,
there was a mysterious island. Let me tell you
complete it with information about Atlantis.
all about it!
the capital city Main body
• The temple: The capital city of Atlantis was
location incredible. In the city centre, there was a …
The Lost Island
dedicated to … . Inside the … there was a
of Atlantis the people
… statue of … driving … .
what • The people: The people of Atlantis were
destroyed it the kings & … . Most people worked as … . Other
palaces people were … who ... and ... .
• The kings & palaces: The … ruled the
• Opening/Closing techniques island and lived in … . … covered the …
and there were … everywhere.
a) Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the
2 introduction of a presentation? Which is from the
• What destroyed it: So how did Atlantis
disappear? There was a … and the island … .
conclusion? • Location: There are lots of theories about
… . Some people believe … .
A What makes the myth of Atlantis special? The story Conclusion
behind it? The earthquake that destroyed it? Well, today I’m • Summarising: To conclude, Atlantis was a
going to tell you all about Atlantis. wonderful place that disappeared because
of a natural disaster.
B Atlantis was a wonderful place that disappeared from • Closing technique: (asking a rhetorial
the face of the earth because of a natural disaster but its question) Who knows if we ever learn what
really happened to this mysterious city?
mystery will continue to interest people for years to come.
• Getting feedback: (optional – polling
1 making a statement 2 asking a rhetorical question questions) How many of you believe that
Atlantis really existed? … And how many of
you believe it’s just a myth? …
b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening/closing • Inviting questions: Are there any questions?
techniques (1-2). • Ending: Thank you all for listening.

• Preparing & Presenting

Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram
3 from Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can
When you finish writing your
presentation, make sure you:
use phrases and the opening/closing techniques • introduce yourself and the topic
from the Plan & Useful Language box, and/or Ex. 2. • mention all the points from the
You can get feedback and use visuals to make your
• use appropriate opening/closing/
presentation more interesting. feedback techniques
• use appropriate visuals
Rehearse and give your presentation.

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Presentation Skills 6
The Pearl of Kazakhstan Plan & Useful Language
Present a myth or legend from your country to the class.
• Organising ideas
• Greeting: Hello/Hi!
Watch the video, then read and listen to the text
1 about the Pearl of Kazakhstan on p. 80 in the
• Introducing yourself: I’m/My name’s … .
• Introducing the topic/Opening technique:
(using a quotation) The American writer
Student’s book and talk about it using the points
Patrick Ness once said that we tell myths
in the spidergram. Then complete the spidergram “over and over because we keep finding
in your notebook. truths in them, and we keep finding life in
name them.” Today I want to tell you about a myth
how the
story ends that the Kazakh people tell over and over.
Main body
events in the order
they happened • Name: The myth is called ... .
• Characters: It’s a story about … .
characters • Events: When the Creator made … , the
events leading to Kazakh people … . But they wanted …
the main event too, even though … . Aldar-Kosse didn’t
want … , so he went to … . He asked …
• Opening/Closing techniques to give the Kazakh people … . The Creator
took … out of a … and gave them to … .
a) Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the
2 introduction of a presentation? Which is from the
Aldar-Kosse put a … in the sack. … fell out
of the sack. They all landed in … . This
conclusion? made the Kazakh people … . This place is
now Borovoe National Park, the ‘… ‘.
A And we all love stories that teach us about the world Conclusion

too, don’t we? • Summarising: The Pearl of Kazakhstan is a

myth that not only entertains us, it also
B I remember when I was very little, my mother read me explains how an area of Kazakhstan came
to be.
stories before I went to sleep. Fairy tales, legends and myths • Closing technique: (stimulating emotions)
were my favourites. Today I want to tell you one of these It’s a story that gives the Kazakh people pride
stories which is a special myth from Kazakhstan. in the beauty of Borovoe National Park.
• Getting feedback: (open discussion) What
1 narrating a personal 2 asking a rhetorical question did you like best about the story? Did it make
story you want to visit Borovoe National Park?
• Inviting questions: Has anyone got a
b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening/closing question?
• Ending: Thank you very much.
techniques (1-2).

• Preparing & Presenting Checklist

Follow the Plan. Use the completed spidergram
3 from Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can
When you finish writing your
presentation, make sure you:
use phrases and the opening/closing techniques • introduce yourself and the topic
from the Useful Language box and/or Ex. 2. You • mention all the points from the
can use visuals and/or get feedback to make your spidergram
• use appropriate opening/closing/
presentation more interesting. feedback techniques
• use appropriate visuals
Rehearse and give your presentation.

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Presentation Skills 7
Tulpar Plan & Useful Language
Present a mythical creature to the class.

• Organising ideas
• Greeting: Hello!/Good morning.
Watch the video, then read and listen to the texts
1 about mythical creatures on p. 93 in the Student’s
• Introducing yourself: I’m .../My name is ... .
• Introducing the topic/Opening
book and talk about the Tulpar using the points in techniques: (making a statement): All
around the world, children read about
the spidergram. Finally, copy the spidergram into
mythical places where mythical creatures
your notebook and complete it with the live. Well, today I’d like to present to you
information about the Tulpar. one of these creatures ... .

interesting facts where it came from Main body

Tulpar • Where it comes from: The Tulpar is a
mythological creature from … .
what it looks like • What it looks like: It looks like a … with
what it can do
the … of a … .
• Opening/Closing techniques • What it can do: Tulpars are very … and
they can … really … . They are good
a) Which extract (A, B) is from the introduction/
2 conclusion of a presentation?
friends to … and often … .
• Interesting fact: They are special because
there are … Tulpars on the … of … . Isn’t
A As the writer Roald Dahl once said, “A little magic can that …?
take you a long way.” This is what mythical creatures do for Conclusion
most of us: they take us to a place of magic. • Summarising: To conclude, the Tulpar is
B Do you love reading fairytales and stories? What is an important mythological creature in
your favourite mythical creature? ... Today, I’d like to present the myths and legends of Kazakhstan.
• Closing technique: (asking a ‘what if’
to you a wonderful, weird creature from mythology.
question) What if you could see a Tulpar in
1 addressing the 2 using a quotation & real life? It would be an amazing experience!
• Getting feedback: (optional – a T/F
audience making a statement
game) Let’s play a game, shall we? If the
answer is true, stand up, but if the answer
b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the opening/closing is false, stay seated. Is the Tulpar smaller
techniques (1-2). than a bird? …
• Inviting questions: Any questions?
• Getting feedback • Ending: Thanks, everyone!
Read the extract. Which technique does the speaker
3 use to get feedback from the audience?

Do you believe in mythical creatures? Do you love watching

When you finish writing your
films about mythical creatures?
presentation, make sure you:
• introduce yourself and the topic
• Preparing & Presenting • mention all the points from the
Follow the plan. Use the completed spidergram spidergram
4 from Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can • use appropriate opening/closing/
feedback techniques
use phrases and the opening/closing techniques • use appropriate visuals
from the Plan & Useful Language box, and/or Ex. 2. Rehearse and give your presentation.
You can use visuals and/or get feedback to make
your presentation more interesting.

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Presentation Skills 8
Souvenirs Plan & Useful Language
Present souvenirs from various countries to the class.
• Organising ideas • Greeting: Hello! Good morning/afternoon
• Introducing yourself: I’m/My name’s ... .
Watch the video, then read and listen to the text
1 about souvenirs on p. 117 in the Student’s book
• Introducing the topic/Opening technique:
(addressing the audience) When you go on a
and talk about them using the points in the holiday, do you like to take back something
spidergram. Finally, copy the spidergram into your nice with you for family or friends? Of course!
Well, today let me tell you about some great
notebook and complete it with information about
souvenirs from countries around the world.
a souvenir from each country.
Main body
• Russia: In Russia, you can buy ... . They are
called ... and they are ... .
Scotland • Scotland: ... is very popular in Scotland, so if
Souvenirs around you go on holiday there you could buy ... .
the World For instance, look at this ... . It is wearing ... !
• Kazakhstan: In Kazakhstan, a popular
the USA souvenir is ... . They are made of ... and they
the UK look like ... . Aren’t they ... ?
• The UK: In the UK, you can buy ..., the ... .
The real ... is in ... !
• Opening/Closing techniques • The USA: The ..., which is covered in ..., is
a) Read the extracts (A-B). Which is from the often printed on souvenirs. For instance,
2 introduction/conclusion of a presentation?
we can see it on ... .
• Mexico: Finally, the ... is a common type of
... in Mexico. Many visitors buy a ... as a
A You can buy many great souvenirs around the world. souvenir!
A souvenir is also a great gift idea for your friends and family. Conclusion
Imagine their happy faces when they receive it. • Summarising: To sum up, these souvenirs
are great because they represent each of
B After all, doesn’t everyone want to find the perfect the countries they are from.
souvenir on a holiday? • Closing technique: (asking a ‘what if’
question) What if you visit one of these
1 stimulating 2 asking a rhetorical
countries on your next holiday? I hope you
emotions question
bring lots of souvenirs home for all your
b) Match the extracts (A-B) to the techniques (1, 2). • Inviting questions: Are there any questions?
• Ending: Thank you for listening.
• Finding visuals

3 Find appropriate visuals for your presentation. Checklist

When you finish writing your
• Preparing & Presenting
presentation, make sure you:
Follow the Plan. Use the completed spidergram from
4 Ex. 1 to prepare your presentation. You can use
• introduce yourself and the topic
• mention all the points from the
phrases and the opening/closing techniques from the spidergram
• use appropriate opening/closing
Useful Language box and/or Ex. 2. You can use visuals
to make your presentation more interesting. • use appropriate visuals
Rehearse and give your presentation.


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