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Day 1 | 7 September 2022 | Wednesday

Venue: Senate Room

Independent Council of Road Safety International (ICoRSI) and Transportation Research
and Injury Prevention Centre (TRIP Centre) in collaboration with Campbell Collaboration
have developed an Evidence and Gap Map, highlighting the important gaps in scientific
evidence on various road safety interventions.

0900 - 0930 Registration

ICoRSI Introduction
Dr. Mathew Varghese, Director (ICORSI)
0945 - 1015

About Campbell Foundation and ICoRSI-EGM

Howard White, Campbell Foundation
Post-crash and Pre-hospital Care
10.15 - 11.00 Chair: Dr. Amit Gupta
Speaker: Dr. Mathew Varghese
11.00-11.30 TEA BREAK
Road Design, Infrastructure and Traffic Control
11.30 - 12.15 Chair: Manoranjan Parida (Director, CRRI)
Speaker: Geetam Tiwari

Vehicle Factors and Protective Devices

12.15 - 13.00
Speaker: Kavi Bhalla

13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH

Human Factors
14.00 - 14.45 Chair: B.S.Jaiswal, IPS, Delhi Police
Speaker: Rahul Goel
Legal and Institutional Framework
14.45 - 15.30
Speaker: Girish Agarwal
Questions & Closing Remarks
15.30 - 16.00
Barry Sheerman, Chairperson ICORSI, MP, UK
16.00 - 16.30 TEA BREAK


Dinesh Mohan Memorial Symposium

Chair : Prof. Rangan Banerjee, Director IITD
17.00 - 18.30 Introductory Remarks : Jane Summerton & Henrik Nolmark, VREF

Dinesh Mohan Memorial Lecture 2022

Speaker: V. Sumantran
Discussants: Vinay Piparsania, Anil Kumar
18.30 - 19.00 HIGH TEA
Day 2 | 8 September 2022 | Thursday
Venue: Senate Room

09.30 - 11.00 | Road Traffic Injuries and Unintentional Injuries

Chair: Ramashankar Pandey

Moderator: Yves Page
Panelists: Brian O Neill, Karin Brolin, Sudipto Mukherjee, Sunil Kale, Adarsh Kumar
Convenor : Saichand

Unintentional injuries, among which road traffic injuries are particularly important, are a
leading cause of death in most countries globally. Although a large amount of attention is
focused on trying to change risky behaviors through education or punishment (enforcement),
many high-income countries have successfully implemented structural interventions that
improved the design of roads, cars, and trauma systems in addition to improving behaviors.
This philosophy of “safety by design” was core to Professor Mohan’s lifelong work on this
topic, which he applied to many areas of unintentional injuries, including traffic injuries,
agricultural injuries, burns, among others.

11.00 - 11.30 | TEA BREAK

Venue: Seminar Hall

11.30 - 13.00 | Human Rights

Chair: Ravish Kumar

Moderator: Achin Vanaik
Panelists: Tapan Bose, Harsh Mander, Navsharan Singh, Nitya Ramakrishnan
Convenor: Ruchi Varma

The concept of human rights is relatively new. It came into everyday parlance only since the
Second World War, the founding of the United Nations in 1945, and the adoption by the UN
General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The theoretical
justification of human rights is based on a wide range of values that enhance human agency
and protect human interests. Human rights are quintessentially universal in character, and is
possessed by all human beings everywhere, including in certain instances even the unborn.
It should be noted that the three generations of rights have not been equally accepted by
everyone. The debate reflects the struggle for power between economic and social classes
on the conceptions of the “good society.

13.00 - 14.00 | LUNCH

14.00 - 15.30 | Sustainable Urban Areas

Chair: Tikender Panwar

Moderator: KT Ravindran
Panelists : Herman Knoflacher, Gautam Bhan, Darshini Mahadevia, Mark Stevenson
Dunu Roy
Convenor : Sandeep Gandhi

Most cities in the world are grappling with issues concerning sustainable urban systems
including transportation and safety on the streets. In nature, stable and sustainable systems
have two characteristics: all species, including humans beings, grow to maturity and then
stop growth, and all have negative feedback systems to maintain homeostasis. At present, no
nation is contemplating limiting its economic growth, no matter how rich it is. Unless our
urban systems build in negative feedback loops against excess consumption and positive
feedback for less travel, we are unlikely to see much progress. Most Indian cities have
evolved organically mostly by defying formal plans and growing around informal sector-
housing, business and work. How does this address the 21st century challenges for ensuring
sustainable urban patterns? .

15.30 - 16.00 | TEA BREAK

16.00 - 17.30 | Pre Hospital Care

Chair: Dr.Atul Goel

Moderator: Dr. Mathew Varghese
Panelists : Dr. Ian Roberts, Dr. Amit Gupta, Dr. H.S.Chabbra, Dr. Sumit Sural
Convenor : Rahul Goel

The processes and the science of emergency care of the injured are still evolving. The lack
of empirical data on the benefit of many pre-hospital care interventions remains a serious
problem. Patient transfer to a definitive care facility has been a widely discussed area for pre
hospital care. Different kinds of ambulances have been designed for transporting patients. In
high income countries over 90% of patients are transported by ambulances, whereas in low-
income countries like India and Africa most patients are transported in taxies, private cars
and police vehicles. One of the dilemmas of pre-hospital care has been ‘are we doing too
little for a damage which seems too much?’

19.30 onwards | SYMPOSIUM DINNER, Silver Oak Lawn, India Habitat Centre
Day 3 | 9 September 2022 | Friday
Venue: Senate Room

09.30 - 11.00 | Environment Pollution

Chair: Divya Datt

Moderator: Carlos Dora
Panelists: Sarath Guttikunda, Leo Saldhna, Shreekant Gupta,
Anumita Roychowdhary, D Prabhakaran
Convenor: Leeza Malik

In low-income and middle-income countries, urbanisation is associated with an increased

health burden from non-communicable diseases. Recent studies have reported that more
than three-quarters of the people in India are exposed to pollution levels higher than the limits
recommended by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in India and significantly higher
than those recommended by the World Health Organization. Increase in the distances walked
and cycled also lead to large health benefits. Largest health gains would be from reductions
in the prevalence of ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, depression, dementia,
and diabetes. Are the current policies addressing these issues? Do we have enough data
and evidence to support the current policies?

11.00 - 11.30 | TEA BREAK

Venue: Seminar Hall

11.30 - 13.00 | Active Transport (walking / bicycling)

Chair: OP Agrawal
Moderator: Ranjit Gadgil
Panelists: Shrikant Bangdiwala, Andres Villaveces, Francesca Racioppi, Ralph
Buelher, Winnie Mitullah, Shefalika Goenka
Convenor: Himani Jain

Increasing use of walking and cycling is now recognised as an important behavioral

intervention to mitigate climate change. Active travel also contributes to population health
through physical activity. Cities in India, however, are experiencing a decline in walking and
cycling levels. Danger from traffic is a major deterrent for uptake of active travel. In the
context of high income inequality, such as in India, it is often those without any other
alternative that continue to walk or cycle despite the risks involved. There is a need for cities
to adopt a health-centric approach to transport planning that gives priority to walking, cycling
and public transport. This session will focus on these issues as they relate to India and other

13.00 - 14.00 | LUNCH

14.00 - 15.30 | Public Transport

Chair: Ram Manohar Reddy

Moderator: Sanjeev Sahai
Panelists: Jason Chang, P.S.Kharola, Partho Mukhopadhyay, Mukund Sinha
Convenor: Richa Ahuja

Bus based public transport continues to be the backbone of a sustainable city. Bus ridership
has been in the decline in Indian cities for various reasons. An easy and inexpensive access
to motorised two-wheeler poses a major challenge, which is seen as a convenient, and fuel
efficient option by a large number of urban commuters. Safety of bus users inside and
outside the vehicles remains one of the most important aspects, which influences the
decision to use or not use the bus system. All public transport systems are dependent on
access and egress trips, primarily walking trips. What are the challenges and opportunities for
ensuring a vibrant, inclusive and clean bus system in Indian cities?

15.30 - 16.00 | TEA BREAK

16.00 - 17.30 | Institutions, Organizations and Governance

Chair: Ravi Srinivasan

Moderator: Maria Segui Gomez
Panelists : Rakesh Mohan, Tony Bliss, Melecki Khayesi, Sanjay Mitra
Convenor: Mukti Advani

Institutions have a played a very important role in promoting traffic safety as a science in
most high-income countries. During the decade of road safety promoted by the WHO in
2011, many LMICs established different institutional set up to address road safety. However,
the impact of these institutions is not very visible in the road safety outcomes. An institution
once established in a country continue to function for a long time. There are also
methodological challenges in evaluating the impact of institutions. Just as a legislation works
through its enforcement, institutions do not have a direct impact on safety. They improve
road safety through formulation of multiple interventions, and it’s the latter that are evaluated
in road safety studies.

17.30 - 18.30 | Valedictory /Launch of WHO Manual on Pedestrian Safety & Helmets
Professor Dinesh Mohan passed away due to COVID-19 on 21st May 2021. He was a
bioengineer who specialized in road safety and injury prevention and human rights.

Dinesh had a long illustrious academic career at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi
from 1977 to 2021. He contributed to a wide range of fields, ranging from traffic safety,
biomechanics to sustainable transport, public transport, and human rights issues.

His writings on traffic safety in low- and middle- income countries reflect the best principles of
injury prevention. After his retirement from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, he founded
ICoRSI (Independent Council for Road Safety International) to provide rapid, independent,
and evidence-based information on road safety policy and practice to policy makers and the

Dinesh Mohan memorial symposium is to honour his contribution to various fields. The
symposium will result in a Festschrift in memory of Dinesh Mohan.
registration link

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