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Our mission: To promote the development of highly moral and intellectual individuals and the education of

responsible and active citizens who are willing to change the world for the better

Lesson Plan

Unit of a long-term School:


Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:

Lesson title: Creating a survey about the hobbies/leisure pursuits of either family and
friends or the whole school

Learning 7.C3 respect different points of view;

objectives(s) 7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse
level on a range of general topics;
7.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of
general topics;
7.UE2 use quantifiers including more, little, few, less, fewer, not as
many, not as much on a growing range of familiar general and
curricular topics;
7.UE5 use questions including questions with whose, how often, how
long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics.
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
 respect different points of view;
 provide basic information about their leisure pursuits and
 ask simple questions to know about classmates’ leisure pursuits
and pastime;
 use simple quantifiers they knew;
 use tag questions to get some information.
Most learners will be able to:
 respect other’s points of view and agree or disagree;
 provide specific information about their leisure pursuits and
 ask different questions to know about classmates’ leisure
pursuits and pastime;
 use quantifiers they learned from the lesson;
 convert any types of questions to tag questions to get some
Some learners will be able to:
 respect other’s points of view expressing agreement or
disagreement successfully;
 provide detailed information with examples about their leisure
pursuits and pastime;
 ask complex questions to know about classmates’ leisure
pursuits and pastime;
 use quantifiers they learned from the lesson accurately;
 use tag questions without any help to get some information.
Assessment criteria Learners have met 7.C3 if they show tolerance to other’s point of view;
Learners have met 7.S1 if they can talk about themselves and their
leisure pursuits, answering at least to 3 questions appropriately;
Learners have met 7.S2 if they can ask simple questions to get
information from their classmates;
Learners have met 7.UE 2 if they use in their speech and report at least
5 quantifiers;
Learners have met 7.UE 5 if they use at least 4 tag questions and if they
are able to convert questions into tag questions.
Values links Respect other’s point of view, cooperation through group work

Cross-curricular links Math, Art

Previous learning Free-time activities


Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
Warm-up – “Pass the Paper”
T greets Ss, checks their hometask and gives feedback. PPT 1
10 min
Then explains rules of the game “Pass the Paper”. “Pass the Paper”
Instruction for the teacher:
Play the music and pass around a piece of paper. Whoever
has the paper when the music stops, must do what the slide
says.... Continue playing.
Then T sets the learning and lesson objectives of the lesson
and presents assessment criteria.
T imposes “Tag questions” and clarifies details of tag
question’s usage: PPT 2
10 min You speak English, don't you?
A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a https://
statement followed by a mini-question. We use tag
questions to ask for confirmation. They mean something grammar/tag-
like: "Is that right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very questions.htm
common in English.
The basic structure of a tag question is:

positive statement negative tag

Snow is white, isn't it?

negative statement positive tag

You don't like me, do you?

Answering Tag Questions

tag question answer notes

Snow is Yes (it is). Answer is But

white, isn't same in notice
it? both cases - change
because of stress 
snow is when
Snow isn't Yes it is!
white! answerer
white, is it?
does not
Snow is No it isn't Answer is with
black, isn't ! same in question
it? both cases - er.
snow is not
Snow isn't No (it
black, is it? isn't).

Ss make notes in their copybooks. Then exercise using tag

question (W).
• The moon goes round the earth, doesn't it? Yes, it does.
5 min
• The earth is bigger than the moon, isn't it? Yes, it is.
• The earth is bigger than the sun, isn't it? No, it isn't!
• Asian people don't like rice, do they? Yes, they do!
• Elephants live in Europe, don't they? No, they don't!
• Men don't have babies, do they? No, they don’t.
• The English alphabet doesn't have 40 letters, does it? No,
it doesn't.
• We aren't late, are we?
• The bus isn't coming, is it?
• Julie isn't an accountant, is she?
• The weather is really bad today, isn’t it?
• I like chocolate very much, don’t I.
Differentiation by support
T presents useful vocabulary (T explains meaning of the
quantifiers giving examples in English, for less-able Ss T
gives quantifiers’ translation in their first language) and
informs Ss that they must use at least 3 of them in their
report, Ss write them in their copybooks:
The majority – большинство
Most - большая часть, наиболее, многие
quite a few - довольно много
5 min
about half of - около половины
hardly any - вряд ли кто либо
Almost no one - почти никто

“Find out whose …”

T presents the theme of the survey “The hobbies/leisure
pursuits of either family and friends” and encourages Ss
to form questions, then to turn them into Tag questions: PPT 2

What is your hobby?

What is your brother’s hobby?
What is your sister’s hobby?
What is your friend’s hobby?

10 min Your brother’s hobby is playing football, isn’t it? T

monitors for correct usage.


After that T splits Ss into 2 or 3 groups to conduct survey.

Then T gives directions:
1. Ask each of your classmate;
2. Put down received information accurately;
3. Use at least 3 topic vocabulary; App 1
4. Report your results in 5-7 sentences;
5. All members should speak.
T distributes handouts and sets a time limit:
Ask each of your classmate and put down received App 2
information accurately – 10 min;
“Speaking cards”
5 min Report your results in 3-5 sentences using at least 3 topic
vocabulary – 5 min.
10 min Ss discuss and tally the results (G). Time limit: 5 min.
They prepare a bar graph to present received information
and protect their poster (G, 6-9 min).
T gives feedback.
“Speaking time”
T gives Ss speaking cards and explains assessment criteria
and descriptors:

15 min Assessment Descripto Mark

criteria rA learner:
Speaking maintain a conversation 1
apply grammar accurately (no 1
more than
express 3 mistakes)
your opinion
supporting App 3
Use tag questions example
it with (s)
(at least 2) 1
10 min intelligible pronunciation 1 “Peer-assessment card”
uses topic related vocabulary 1
Total: (at least five) 6
T deals speaking cards. Ss start doing conversation and
after, they assess their speaking partner.
Reflection PPT 2
Hometask: Conducting survey: “Hobbies/leisure Reflection form
5min pursuits of either family and relatives”
1.Form questions;
2.Ask at least 5 members of your family or relatives; App 4
3.Put down received information accurately;
4.Use at least 3 expressions of quantity from the
5. Report your results in 5-7 sentences;
Make a poster with a bar graph and short report.

Additional information
Differentiation – how Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
do you plan to give planning to check learners’
more support? How learning?
do you plan to
challenge the more
able learners?
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives realistic?
Did all the learners
achieve the lesson
objectives/ learning
objectives? If not, why?
Did my planned
differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I
make from my plan and

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next

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