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Graded listening: The Survivor episode 5: You’re awake – level B2 – transcript

Transcript for The Survivor episode 5: You’re awake – level B2

Previously on The Survivor ...

Ambulance driver: There's someone here! Oh my gosh! We've got a survivor here!

Nurse Bryson: She's in a coma, but her brain doesn't show any sign of damage, and her body is healing.

Officer Garner: A couple of months ago a bank truck carrying over two million dollars was robbed on the
side of the highway. It was a professional job by an organised gang. The criminals were never caught, and
the money disappeared.


Buddy: The other guys from the bank job, the robbery. They know about you. They know I've been talking
to you. I've gotta get out of here!


Agent Kowalski: I need you to wake up, Agent Sanders. I need you to wake up and tell me where the
money is.


Buddy: Just shut up and fly the plane where I tell you to.

Pilot: OK, OK. Just stay calm. We're moving now, but it takes a bit of time.

Buddy: Hey, I paid you to fly this thing outta here. Quickly. And we're still on the ground.

Pilot: OK, we're taking off. You know that most crashes happen on take-off, right? I assume you don't want
to crash?

Buddy: Just fly.

Pilot: Hey, there's a door open. In the back … how did that ...

Agent Sanders: Stop right there!

Buddy: What the … ?

Agent Sanders: My name is Agent Sanders. I'm with the FBI. I want you to stop this plane right now.

Buddy: Are you crazy? I told you. I TOLD you they were going to kill me. How did you find me?

Agent Sanders: It wasn't hard, Buddy. I followed you here.

Buddy: Yeah, and jumped on my plane! Well, if you're so smart you know I don't have the money with me.

Agent Sanders: I know. But I also know where you hid it. So how about we turn this plane around, go
back to the city and talk about this.
Buddy: No way. Man, do NOT listen to her. Just take off. Take off now.

Pilot: Listen, I don't want any trouble ...

Buddy: If you aren't gonna take off, then move over!

Agent Sanders: Stop it! What are you doing?

Buddy: I'm not going back! I don't care ...

Pilot: Don't touch that, don't ...


Agent Sanders: Uh ... huh ... hello?

Nurse Bryson: Jane? Oh my gosh, you're awake. You're finally awake! Let me go and get the doctor!

Agent Sanders: Wait … Wait …

Nurse Bryson: What?

Agent Sanders: Help. I need your help. It's very dangerous.

Nurse Bryson: What do you mean?

Agent Sanders: The FBI agent. He isn't ... he's a criminal. Very dangerous.

Nurse Bryson: Oh, Jane. Let me get the doctor.

Agent Sanders: No, wait! Please. There isn't much time.

Nurse Bryson: OK, Jane. Tell me. Tell me what you need to tell me.

Agent Sanders: Monica.

Nurse Bryson: What?

Agent Sanders: It's Monica. Monica Sanders. I'm also with the FBI.

Nurse Bryson: Nice to meet you, Monica Sanders. What can I do to help?

Agent Sanders: I need you to listen very carefully ...

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