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Commission payment to Mr.

Description net payment payment

period of payment (2): from:02/02/2022 to:31/06/2021

works captured 1.hire of reach truck at Bidco 19,307,600
2.hire of forklift at shares 1,000,000
3.Hire of forklift at mityana 250,000
4.generator hiring at fly over 3,300,000

expenditures Expenditures
(1) fork lift hired at shares
transport 400,000
operator 100,000
total 500,000
(2) Generator
Unique truck 50,000
helper 30,000
transport 10,000
battery (used on gerator) 280,000
helper(used on generator) 5,000
Mohamed (repairs) 40,000
total 415,000
(3) Reach truck
Yaka (for charging battery) 30,000
cleaning 10,000
to Edward to check for assessment
welding 200,000
repair of components 2,500,000
hydric pipe 60,000
pins fabrication 200,000
WD40 20,000
cleaning machine 10,000
buying machine parts in jinja 200,000
transport of reach truck to bidco 1,500,000
for field use to magola 50,000
for tires on reach truck 2,500,000
for transport fuel 150,000
hydric oil and helper 120,000
Mohamed transport(repairs) 25,000
Andrew transport and repair 20,000
transport to magola to check invoice 50,000
connector for bendi 70,000
labor to Muhamad 600,000
transport to magola to check invoice 50,000
total 8,365,000
profits on forklift 750,000
profits on reach truck and battery 10,942,600
profits on generator 2,885,000

Total commission on forklift profit(20%) 150,000
Total commission on reach truck and battery profit(20%) 2,188,520
commission on generator profits(10%) 288,500
input thanks on other works 500,000
total commission to be paid 3,127,020
commission advance payment on forklift at shares 215,000
on forklift at mityana 50,000

Net payment for commission 2,862,020

Checked and accepted by : KIRUNDA AHAMED …..............................................................................

BIDDA SAMUEL (MD)….........................................................................

NB: Commission value has been increased from 15% to 20% for direct works and 5% to 10% for indirect works

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