So Why Bother Making Plans in The First Place?

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Семеніхіна Марія УВ-11

p.32 ex.1C

1. not pay attention to the things you are supposed to be doing – waste time
2. delay (a job) – leave things until the last minute; put off
3. spend time doing things that aren't important – get distracted
4. put jobs in order of which is most important – prioritise tasks
5. do lots of different jobs at the same time – multitask
6. complete tasks – get things done
7. do jobs just before the time they need to be – meet a deadline
8. do things in advance – do things ahead of time
9. be careful with your time – use your time wisely
10. begin a job – get started

p.32 ex.3A

1. You generally like to do things ahead of time.

2. It's the only way to get everything.
3. You might need to change your plans, so why bother making plans in the first place?
4. I much prefer to wait.
5. This evening a friend of mine's coming over.
6. I'm going to try out a new pasta recipe.
7. I'll see how I feel. I might go out, or I might just stay at home and relax.
8. I do get jobs done, but I never get started straight away.

p.150 ex.3.1

1. He gets money by selling furniture on the internet. – get + noun = receive

2. I don't know when I'll get around to finishing that book. – get in phrasal verbs
3. We need to get permission to use the room. – get + noun = obtain
4. I'm getting tired. Shall we finish there? – get + adjective
5. Did you manage to get some new trousers? – get + noun = buy
6. What time does the train get to Budapest? – get somewhere

p. 33 ex.6

Pete: Hey Dax. What are you two doing on Saturday night?
Dax: I don't know. We might go to the Death City Dread concert. What about you?
Pete: I'm going to have a bit of a party. My parents will go away for the weekend, so I've
asked a few people to come over to my place. Kris will bring his DJ equipment round, so
we'll have music. And everyone is going to bring some food and drink. Euan is coming
with a few friends. Do you think you can make it?
Dax: It sounds great. I`ll text Leyla to ask her what she thinks. Then l'll call you back to
let you know. Is that OK?
Pete: That's fine. l`ll speak to you later. Bye.

p.33 ex.7A

1. On weekend I am going to the gym.

2. I’m hungry. I’ll go to a café after the class.
3. Now that I’ve got the money, I’m going to buy a new dress.
4. My mother might go to Spain one day.
5. I'm going to learn a second foreign language.
6. I`m meeting with my grandmother for the next holiday.

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