Gross Anatomy 1st Examination Review

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Gross Anatomy 1st Examination Review

March 14, 2022

Dr. Marylaine Padlan

The hypoglossal nerve exits through the

HYPOGLOSSAL CANAL and is found in the

What structure/s make the head lighter?

 Sinuses and Air cells

 Study cranial base (anterior, middle and

posterior fossa) and what passes
 Remember the names and number of
cranial nerves
A patient in the ER has a puncture wound
on his vertex along the sagittal suture. He
started to feel dizzy as the wound keeps
bleeding despite pressure application. What
is the most likely structure that can cause
this bleeding? Superior sagittal sinus


A Jefferson fracture doesn’t cause a spinal

cord injury except if the ___ is involved.
 C1 fracture
o Nothing is stabilizing the
dens from C2

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