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Dear Sir/Madam
My name is frank Avalon Otoo, I am writing to vent out my interest for the position which was
publicised on your website. The combination of my industry experience and the company's
values will be a peculiar and enriching experience for myself and your company.

My field of study over the years has been centred around the scope of computer science of which
I hold a degree in. I specialised in System Analysis for my masters and currently completing my
PHD in computer science.

I have years of experience in this industry and understand the social and economic value of this
sector. I am assertive that my experience and expertise will be beneficial to your company.

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to assume positions of increasing

responsibility. I worked as a teaching assistant in the computer science department at the West
Ukrainian university. My job entailed a number of duties including assisting lectures to prepare
marking schemes for examinations, grading assignment and quizzes, organising tutorials for
students, supervising during university examinations, research, and performing additional duties
assigned by the lectures.
Before my entry into the academia, I had the privilege to work with the 37 military hospital in
Accra-Ghana at their Pathology division. My duty was to conduct tests on patients, keep records
of patient’s documents, develop lab templates, and create reports for the division. I am currently
working Part-time at the Arden university berlin as a lecturer.

I have a mandate and a pursuit and that is to shape the lives of individuals in the society to
become the best version of themselves in all aspects of their lives and that is why I voluntarily
serve as the lead Pastor and coach for the Son’s of God in Zion (SOGIZ) church in Ternopil
Ukraine. I counsel, mentor, hold stewardship, bible conferences and evangelism projects, as well
as overseeing departments.

I also work with Valons Cashxpress in Ukraine as a manager, which has also helped me improve
upon my managerial skills and competency.

Aside working and schooling, I also have embarked on a few seminars and workshops just to
improve upon my skills and to become abreast with the recent happenings in my field of study. I
was a partaker of the Advanced Computer Information Technology seminar held by the
Deggendorf Institute of Technology in Germany twice in successive years.

My great effort in education and work has won me a couple of honours, achievements and
awards. Some of which are; graduating as the best male student in system analysis for my
master’s degree, publishing of an article I wrote on “Hardware Components of the Monitoring
System of Soil and Groundwater Contamination by Harmful Emissions from Vehicles". I also
joined a few colleagues to write an article on “Interval model of the portrait of users of the
thematic group on environmental issues in the social network”.
My quest to improve upon my skills and capabilities has made me delve deeper into research,
critical thinking, and technology.

I am not a reliant employee. I can also meet the goals by working solo. I am an extrovert who
enjoys working with others, yet I can also work independently when necessary. My work is
something I am concerned about, and getting it done is the most essential thing to me. I am
always open to learning new skills and definitely open to corrections.

I am convinced that you will find me to be an excellent fit for your company.

Thank you for your cogitation.

Yours Faithfully,
Frank Avalon Otoo.

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