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Lesson Plan

School: Elena Cuza School, Piatra Neamt

Grade: 7 th grade
Subject: Plastic Art :
Teacher: Hasna Nicoleta Lamaita
Date: 24.10.2019
Topic: Clay Modelling Techniques
First letter slab
Type of lesson: Combined/Mixed lesson( communication of new knowledge/ developing skills
and abilities)

General Competence : how to use various methods and techniques which are specific to plastic
Specific Competence : how to adequately use different instruments, materials and techniques
which are specific to plastic and decorative arts
to explore the expressive register of plastic language using specific
Derivative competences
C1- to know and differentiate between materials and working instruments
C2- to identify and apply clay modelling techniques
C3- to create clay slabs with the name’s first letter by using both the specific instruments and
the modelling techniques introduced
C4- to go through all the stages of work correctly
C5- objective assessment and self-assessment of the works

Didactic strategies:
Methods and procedures: exposition, explanation, dialogue, heuristic conversation,
demonstration, observation, discovery, gallery tour, solo work
Teaching aids: boards, clay, specific instruments, textbook, lesson plan, worksheets with
instructions and rules
Classroom organization: class work, solo work

Timing: 50 minutes

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