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International exchange for Innovation within and outside

the organisation
Event: Electronic platform; Romania, november 2018

Lesson Plan

Grade- 3rd grade

Teacher-Ganea Georgiana

Textbook-Booklet, 3rd grade

Lesson-Final Revision-Fun Time (vocabulary and grammar structures: there is/are,

can/cannot, likes and dislikes, present continuous/simple)

Type of lesson-Lesson of systematization and revision of knowledge

Revision through music and drawing

Skills: Speaking and listening

Resources: blackboard, portable speakers, paper, crayons, pencils

Aims-have students revise vocabulary and grammar points previously learnt

-activate background knowledge

-make language learning an enjoyable and fun experience

-promote cooperation and creativity

-encourage speaking using visual prompts

Groupings-class work, group work

Evaluation-observation, questions, verbal appreciation, self-assessment


1. Engage (introduce and arouse interest in the topic)-Teacher opens the textbook and points
to a picture (Unit 12-Wizbook paints in Paris). Where is Wizbook? What is he doing? Class-
He is in Paris; he is drawing. Teacher-Do you like drawing? I like drawing. But am I a good
drawer? You tell me.

Teacher starts drawing. (1 a house, 2 a snowman, 3 a tree, 4 an umbrella, 5 a boat, 6 a clock)

It is not a complete drawing only parts of it. What is it? If students do not know, teacher adds
International exchange for Innovation within and outside
the organisation
Event: Electronic platform; Romania, november 2018

new elements. After students guess the drawing, teacher elicits more detailed answers from
students. What season is it? What is the weather like? What do you do in winter? What time is

2. Activate- Activity 1-Teacher explains the activity called chain drawing. Teacher plays
three songs about topics previously learnt). Students are requested to draw whatever they
wish. When teacher presses pause, students have to exchange drawings with their classmates.
When the third song ends, teacher calls stop activity.

Teacher-Imagine this drawing is a dream you had last night. Can you describe it? What can
you see/ hear? Use there is /there are, can and present continuous. Five students describe their
drawings. Teacher-what about the songs? What were the songs about?

Activity 2-Students are arranged in groups of three. They are requested to draw on the same
sheet of paper. Teacher hands out slips of paper with three sentences (A man is fishing in a
big, blue boat for example). Each group gets a different set of sentences. Students have to
represent each sentence through drawing.

At the end of the activity, teacher collects the drawings and redistributes them to the class.
The drawings are face down. Groups describe the new drawings. Students are requested to
raise their hands when they recognize their drawing.

3. Closure-Feedback and self-assessment. Students are asked to think about how well they
did and if they liked the lesson.

If the answer is positive, they are requested to draw a happy face on the back of their drawing,
if the answer is negative, a sad face.

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