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English BDR Exericse 1

A. Listening
Exercise 1
Instruction : Listen to the song several times and then complete the following lyrics (Dengarkan lagunya
beberapa kali lalu lengkapi lirik lagu berikut)

The Greeting Song

G_ _ _ morning 2X Good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2X Good _ _ _ _ _ 2X

_ _ _ _ to meet you , nice to meet you too

Good _ _ _ 2X See _ _ _

B. Speaking
Exercise 2
Instruction : Sing the song and record it, then send the recording to your teacher number. (Nyanyikan dan
rekan lagu tersebut, lalu kirimkan kepada gurumu)

C. Reading
Exercise 3
Instruction : Read the following conversation to answer the following questions. The answer has been done
partly for you, so you just need to complete with the main answer. Futhermore, some vocabularies are
available for you as assistance. (Bacalah percakapan berikut ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan berikut ini.
Ananda cukup melengkapi jawaban dan mendapat bantuan kosa kata)

Fani : Hi, Yosi. Good Evening.

Yosi : Hi, Good evening. Where do you go?
Fani : I go to “Pasar Kuliner”. Will you go with me?
Yosi : I am sorry I must go home.
Fani : That’s okay. Good bye Yosi.
Yosi : Bye Fani. See you

1. When do they meet?

They meet in the _________________________.

2. Where does Fani go?

Fani goes to __________________________.

When = Kapan Where = kemana/ dimana Go = pergi

D. Writing
Exercise 4
Instruction : Complete the following picture with possible expressions. Number one has been done for you as

1. Good morning

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________

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