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1. English is the world language for diplomacy commerce and sports .

2. Foe long time, people have known about dangers of smoking..

3. The service should help new parents learn more about caring of the baby
4. It is over 25 years since man ‘s first flight to the space.
5. Many people find it difficult to admit that they need help.
6. Shortly before an earthquake Animals are known to act in unusual ways
7. This policy have been criticized by some sections of society.
8. Teacher are leaving their profession at alarming rate
9. The Wearing of school uniforms is the controversial matter in some country
10. An important relationship exists between food and comfort.
11. Middle children trend to feel neglected and insecure.
12. She has broken practically every record for Olympics.
13. I stopped eating junk food because it is bad for my health.
14. There are thousand of robots doing a wide variety of tests in hospitals.
15. Educational methods include teaching story telling and discussions and research.
16. Many large university institution are now starting to offer free online courses
17. I would have brought you a present if I had known it was your birthday.
18. Many believe that school should be concentrate more on children and less on the exam.
19. The smart phone has made an enormous difference to the ways we communicate.
20. Had I realised the severity of the situation I would have Inform the police
21. The primary energy source of tropical storms is warm water
22. Once they had checked all my bags I was allowed on the plane
23. She became very sick because she had not been sleeping enough.
24. The company have decided to integrate the sales and marketing departments.
25. obesity is connected to many different fatal diseases .
26. I don’t think it is worth spending all that money on exploring the universe.
27. The Olympics games is an important international event featuring summer and the winter sports
28. Ancient people used the positions of the stars to find the best time to plant crops
29. Most baseball uniforms include the name and the numbers of the players who wear them
30. large technology companies are often involved in scandals over privacy.
31. Country music has its roofs and the beginnings in folk music.
32. Online games are games on the internet that are designed to entertain players
33. Most movie are made so that they can be shown on screen in cinema and at home.
34. The earliest toys were made from rocks ,sticks and clay
35. The average American family uses more than One thousand liters of the water per day
36. We wrote a book about his journey and it became very famous .
37. Millions of people around the world speak English.
38. I have been in this country for three years and I really like being here.
39. I share a house with two other girls.
40. I am a student who enjoys learning English .
41. I did not write my book last week because I was busy
42. I started attending college last month.
43. School starts again next Monday
44. Many students from Asian countries go to australia country to study
45. An ambulance rushed the child to the hospital.
46. Although they grew up in different environment their school result are often remarkably similar
47. Freedom of speech is the most important feature of a Democratic society
48. In some countries If u criticize the government u can get fined or imprisoned
49. Over the last 20 years the enormous amount of money has been invested in space exploring
50. Supporters of school uniforms say that uniforms are encourage students To focus on studying
51. Cultural globalization refers to transmission Ideas , meanings and values around the world
52. Development in technology and transportation infrastructure have made tourism more
53. The internet have been instrumental in connecting people across the geographical borders
54. One reason you must consider studying abroad is for the chance of experiment different styles
of education
55. Scientific research on human emotions has increased significant Over the past two decades
56. After the evaluation the government announced the radical review of its procedure
57. The public sector is the part of the economy that Provide basic government service
58. Physical exercise is recommended for management of anxiety and mild depression
59. The process of mass urbanization begin in the early 19 century
60. The closing ceremony of the olympics games take place after all sports event have included
61. The british museum in london is one of the world’s largest and most important museum of
human history and culture
62. The idea of human rights originated from concepts found in religion and philosophy
63. If people have any problem regarding the law they can contant the lawyer for advice
64. Companies want to protect their brand from negative press
65. Career education intended to help you gain maximum benefit from Work experience
66. Studies show that air pollution can trigger heart attacks, strokes and worsen heart failure
67. The public sector generates up to Half of the country gross domestic product
68. Elective course able program Participant to develop specific skills
69. Italy ‘s judiciary system is Mainly framed on the french model
70. Morals may differ from Society to society and culture to culture

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