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Rev.Adv.Mater.Sci. 18(2008) 660-666 Ch.-S. Jwo, L.-Y. Jeng, H. Chang and T.-P. Teng



Ching-Song Jwo1, Lung-Yue Jeng2, Ho Chang3 and Tun-Ping Teng2

Department of Energy and Refrigerating Air-Conditioning Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Graduate Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Received: March 29, 2008

Abstract. In this study, the Al2O3 nanofluids produced from the direct synthesis method were used
as the experimental samples, and ultrasonic vibration was used for dispersing the nanoparticles
into three types of different weight fractions (1.0, 1.5, 2.0 wt.%). The base solvent was the lubricant
of R-134a refrigeration system. The objectives of this study were to discuss the dependence of
thermal conductivity of Al2O3 nanofluids on the temperature (20~40 °C) under different weight
fractions. This experiment used the thermostatic bath to stabilize the temperature of sample, and
the transient hot-wire method to measure the thermal conductivity in the nanofluids of different
weight fractions and sample temperature. The results showed that the thermal conductivities were
enhanced by 2.0%, 4.6%, and 2.5% when the nanoparticles of Al2O3 of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 wt.% were
added at 40 °C. Among them, the optimal enhancement of the thermal conductivity was at 1.5
wt.%. The enhancement of thermal conductivity did not grow with the increase of weight ratios,
and it was obviously different from the general nanofluids with lubricant as the basic solvent.
Besides, thermal conductivities increased from 1.5 to 4.6% when the sample temperatures were
from 20 °C to 40 °C at 1.5 wt.%, and the trend of growth rates of the thermal conductivity was
proportional to temperature. From the results, it can be realized that temperature has greater
effects than weight fraction on the increase of thermal conductivities. Thus, it is better for nanpfluids
of Al2O3 to be applied in the high temperature field than in the low temperature field.

1. INTRODUCTION ment ecological protection, machine parts minia-

turization, and so on, if nano-technology can be
Nano technology can be regarded as one of the
fully applied to improve its systematic function and
most important frontier fields in the 21st century.
efficiency. In the refrigeration and air conditioning
Its applications are extremely extensive, such as
system, refrigeration oil not only can lubricate parts
electronics, information technology, physics, chem-
to reduce frictions, but also help with heat dispel-
istry, biology, medical science, material, etc. It has
ling and oil-sealing function of bearing. The heat
been developed in various new fields of scientific
dispelling can function well to cool activity parts of
and technological industry. Scientists consider that
compressor by refrigeration oil, taking the inside
nano-technology is the fourth wave of industrial
frictional heat away to the outside of machine or
revolution in the human society. As far as refrig-
the oil cooler. In 1991, Eckels and Pate [1] used
eration and air conditioning industry is concerned,
two mixture fluids, one was refrigerant R-134a—
there will be breakthrough and great contribution
refrigeration oil 169SUS (PAG oil), and the other
in the aspects of energy economization, environ-
Corresponding author: Lung-Yue Jeng, e-mail:

© 2008 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd.

Experimental study on thermal conductivity of lubricant containing nanoparticles 661

was refrigerant R-12—refrigeration oil 150SUS fects on thermal conductivity improvement. This
(naphthenic oil), as the working fluids to measure research used the Al2O3 nanofluids of different
the thermal conduction and depression. The re- weight fractions to measure the thermal conduc-
sults appeared that the thermal conductivity of tivity at the temperature range 10~40 °C in order
these two mixture fluids increased by 5~15% for to evaluate the relationship between thermal con-
adding refrigeration oil on the ground of low oil con- ductivity and nanofluids of different concentration
centration; however, in 5.5% high oil concentration, or temperature.
the thermo conductivity was 40~50% less than that
in pure refrigerant circumstance. In 1995, Shao and 2. RELATED THEORIES
Granryd [2] observed the influence induced by add-
ing lubricant in working fluid of refrigerant R-134a. The estimation and calculation equation for the
When they took experiment on refrigerant-lubricant amount of solid particles to be added in fluid to
to define the saturated temperature, the thermal increase the thermal conductivity of fluid was ear-
conductivity decreased 10~20% after adding oil. liest induced by Maxwell. However, Maxwell’s equa-
But the drop amount was not apparent if saturated tion only investigated how the volume fraction of
temperature was defined according to pure refrig- the added particles affected the thermal conduc-
erant. In the same year, Hambraeus [3] measured tivity coefficient of fluid. In 1962, Hamilton and
the thermal conduction of the three types of fluids Crosser [11] further developed a solid-liquid sus-
with different viscosities in refrigerant R-134a sys- pension theory, which took thermal conductivity of
tem. In the measurement, the thermo conduction base liquid and the shape of particles as the pa-
increased only on the condition of low flow rates rameters of equation, and considered how the re-
and low viscosities, which were caused by the high lationship between the appearance and surface
viscosity fluids that raised moist degree on the area of particles affected the rise of thermal con-
walled pipes. In 1998, Eckels et al. [4], used refrig- ductivity of fluid. The equation for the thermal con-
erant R-134a - refrigeration oil 150SUS as work- ductivity coefficient of solid-liquid suspension pro-
ing fluid to test plain pipes and micro-fine pipes posed by Hamilton and Crosser is expressed as
with external diameter 9.52 mm. The results on follows:
micro-fine pipes revealed that the thermal conduc-
keff = B = B > C,
kp + n − 1 kL − n − 1 φ kL − kp
k + =n − 1Bk + φ>k − k C
tivity decreased with increasing oil quantity. At the = (1)
oil weight fraction of 5 wt.%, the thermal conduc- kL p L L p

tivity decreased 8~18%. In 2001, Lin Jian-Shun [5]

used pure refrigerant R-134a and the mixture of
refrigerant and lubricant to compare the perfor- 3
n= , (2)
mance in small pipes. The outcome indicated that ψ
there was no notable influence on frozen thermal
where, keff denotes the thermal conductivity coeffi-
conductivity, inclusive of lubricant; and the evapo-
cient of solid-liquid suspension, kL denotes the ther-
rated thermal conductivity was higher than in pure
refrigerant condition. The abovementioned docu- mal conductivity coefficient of fluid, kp denotes the
thermal conductivity coefficient of powder, ψ de-
ments relating to refrigerant R-134a and refrigera-
notes the volume fraction, n denotes the empirical
tion oil are focused on the investigation of thermal
shape factor of power, and ψ denotes the spheri-
conductivity properties merely among R-134a and
cal ratio. From the above, it can be seen that add-
refrigeration oils, which have no nanoparticle added
ing nanoparticles to fluid can effectively enhance
inside. The relative periodicals and theses indicate
that thermal conductivity can increase by adding thermal conductivity coefficients of fluid. Many stud-
ies showed that H-C model was not suitable for
nanoparticles in lubricants. However, most re-
nanofluid. In comparing the calculated result of the
searches [6-10] put more emphasis on the friction
equation of thermal conductivity coefficient with the
and abrasion under oils of different viscosity.
experimental value, a status of serious underesti-
To integrate and review the above relevant docu-
mation is found. Nevertheless, some research re-
ments, we observe the refrigeration oil has great
weight on lubrication and thermal conductivity. It is sults are also found to be the same as the experi-
mental values [12]. In recent years, many research-
also acquired that adding nanoparticles in base
ers involved in the studies of the size, movement
solvent can decrease friction and raise thermal
status and interfacial shell of nanoparticles to be
conductivity effectively. The temperature variation
added, and induced the calculation equations of
and weight fraction of nanoparticles also have ef-
662 Ch.-S. Jwo, L.-Y. Jeng, H. Chang and T.-P. Teng

experiment, in which thermostatic bath (Firstek

B403L) was used to stabilize the temperature of
sample, and thermo analyzer (Decagon KD2) was
used to measure the thermal conductivity. Finally,
relative data were entered to the computer for
analysis. The experimental methods and approach
are as follows:
1. Put the measuring sample in an ultrasonic oscil-
lator and shake it for one hour. After 24 hours,
observe if any sediment appears.
2. Put the measuring sample on thermostatic bath
and trace the temperature of sample until its tem-
perature between targets is smaller than ±0.5
°C. Then, start measuring the thermal conduc-
3. Insert the test stick to the sample solution to
take measurement.
4. The measurement interval is 20 min. Take mea-
surement for 3 times for each condition in order
to diminish experimental error.

Fig. 1. TEM photograph of Al2O3 nanoparticle.

Fig. 3 is a chart showing the characteristics of sus-
pension. It indicates the ratios of absorbance of
the samples with different concentration measured
every 12 hours within the 48-hour stay to the initial
absorbance of the corresponding samples. In Fig.
3, it is obvious that the absorbance ratio slightly
varies with time for the samples of 1.0 wt.% and
thermal conductivity coefficient [13-15]. But the fact
1.5 wt.% under the condition of no surfactant added.
is that each nanofluid had its uniqueness. Hence,
Besides, it is found that no powder is gathered to
the measurement methods used would be the di-
deposit. Such a characteristic is good because it
rect and effective methods [16-19]. From HC-
does not let the parts of compressors wear out
model, it can be seen that adding nanoparticles to
under the condition of having a thin gap of the oil
fluid can effectively enhance thermal conductivity
film, and the capillary of the system jam.
coefficients of fluid. Therefore, it can be predicted
Fig. 4 is a chart showing the relationship be-
that adding nanoparticles in refrigeration oil should
tween each weight fraction and thermal conductiv-
be able to improve the heat dispelling effect of re-
ity ratio (keff/kL). For the weight fraction of nanofluid,
frigeration oil and the performance of refrigeration
there are three changes ranging from 1.0 to 2.0
wt.%. Under the condition that the temperature of
experimental sample is 20 °C, the thermal conduc-
3. EQUIPMENTS AND tivity increment rises 0.71%, 1.57%, and 0.85%
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN respectively. Under the condition that the tempera-
This study used nanofluid, which was directly syn- ture of experimental sample is 30 oC, the thermal
thesized from nanaparticles and refrigeration oils, conductivity increment rises 1.77%, 3.68%, and
and the nanoparticles (Fig. 1) of Al2O3 as the ex- 2.07% respectively. Under the condition that the
perimental samples. The base solvent was the lu- temperature of experimental sample is 40 °C, the
bricant of R-134a refrigeration system. Under the thermal conductivity increment rises 2.03%, 4.55%,
control of environmental temperature 25±1 °C, and 2.47% respectively. It is realized from Fig. 4
three types of concentration of different weight frac- that the value of HC-model is close to the experi-
tions (1.0, 1.5, 2.0 wt.%) were produced. Ultrasonic mental value only when it is 20 °C, and is far lower
vibrator is used to mix the nanoparticles with the than the measured value under other temperature
base solvent evenly. Fig. 2 shows the diagram of conditions. After putting the thermal conductivity
Experimental study on thermal conductivity of lubricant containing nanoparticles 663

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of experimental installation.

Fig. 3. Characteristic of suspension.

coefficients of material under different temperature the main reason for the growth of thermal conduc-
conditions into the HC-model, it is found that tem- tivity in nanofluids.
perature almost do not affect the calculation result Fig. 5 is a chart showing the relationship be-
at all. It is mainly because this way of calculation tween the temperature of each sample and the ther-
has neglected the factor for the probability increase mal conductivity increment. For the temperature
of friction between nanoparticles and base liquid of experimental sample, it has four changes rang-
caused by the temperature rise. And this factor is ing from 20 to 40 °C. Under the condition that the
664 Ch.-S. Jwo, L.-Y. Jeng, H. Chang and T.-P. Teng

Fig. 4. Relationship between thermal conductivity ratio (keff /kL) and weight fraction for different

volume fraction is 1.0% vol., the thermal conduc- the thermal conductivity growth rate at 2.0 wt.% is
tivity increment rises from 0.71% to 2.07%. Under lower than that at 1.5 wt.%, mainly because the
the condition that the volume fraction is 1.5% vol., floating status at 2.0 wt.% is poor. Particle being in
the thermal conductivity increment rises from the fluid at floating concentration would fall rapidly.
1.57% to 4.55%. Under the condition that the vol- After 24 hours, its concentration falls to below 60%
ume fraction is 2.0% vol., the thermal conductivity of its original concentration. Therefore, the growth
increment rises from 0.85% to 2.47%. rate of its thermal conductivity coefficient is similar
Using these experimental data, it is known that to that of 1.0 wt.%. If the nanoparticles of higher
raising temperature can enhance the thermal con- concentration are adopted, we have to consider
ductivity, and the experimental data demonstrates the stable floating status of the adding interfaces,
a quasi-two order polynomial relationship between surfactant and dispersant.
the enhancement of thermal conductivity and both
the volume fraction and temperature. Higher tem- 5. CONCLUSIONS
perature causes the speed increment of molecules,
and increases collisions between nanoparticles and From the experimental results and the discussion
the molecules of bulk liquid, resultin in an increased above, conclusions are made as follows.
thermal conductivity. It can be understood from the 1. Nanoparticles should be added to the lubricant
HC-model that thermal conductivity growth in- of R-134a refrigeration system without dispers-
creases with the rise of concentration of the added ant. The optimal suspension performance was
particles. In this experiment, the optimal value was achieved at weight fractios 1.0 wt.% and 1.5
achieved at 1.5 wt.%. From Fig. 3, it is known that wt.%.
Experimental study on thermal conductivity of lubricant containing nanoparticles 665

Fig. 5. Relationship between thermal conductivity ratio (keff /kL) and temperature for different weight

2. Nanoparticles Al2O3 should be added to lubri- As for the nanofluids with Al2O3 and refrigerant
cant to acquire an effective increase of thermal that can enhance the thermal conductivities, one
conductivity. The results showed that the ther- can further try to experiment at low temperature,
mal conductivities were respectively enhanced and even experiment with circulation of the sys-
by 2.0%, 4.6%, and 2.5% when nanoparticles of tem, which includes measuring the performance
Al2O3 at 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 wt.% were added at 40 of heat dissipation of the compressor, power con-
°C. sumption, COP, and heat transfer of the evapora-
3. In the three weight fraction specimens, the opti- tor and condenser of the system.
mal enhancement of the thermal conductivity is
1.5 wt.%. The thermal conductivities increase REFERENCES
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