July 2011 - Interactive

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Interac n ctive Upda ate

Ju 2011 uly
Recent T Traffic and Trends T
OB MAJOR JO BOARDS Website Careerbuil lder Monster Unique Visitors 15,513,068 14,070,566 Aver rageStay 5:00 4:12 Page V Visits 10.8 12.2

Aggregato ors Website Indeed.com m SimplyHire ed.com Glassdoor. .com LinkUp .c com Careerbliss s.com

Unique Visitors 14,836,198 5,220,847 48,202 1,24 148 8,648 172 2,743

rage Stay Aver 9:08 7:23 7:01 5:21 4:24

Visits Page V 10.6 12.1 9.1 8.7 6.3

Ju 2011 uly

ACCOUNT TING Website Efinancialc careers.com Careerban nk.com

Unique Visitors 62,568 11,539

Aver rage Stay 5:33 2:14

Page V Visits 10.4 4.8

DIVERSITY Y Website LatPro.com m DiversityIn nc.com DiversityJo obs.com DiversityW Working.com

Unique Visitors 8,704 118 36,6 633 16,887 8,782

rage Stay Aver 4:36 3:50 2:42 1:41

Visits Page V 6.2 3.5 5.3 7.3

Ju 2011 uly

EDUCATIO ON Website Chronicle.com HigheredJobs.com Schoolspri ing.com Teachers.n net

Unique Visitors 425 5,584 364 4,760 211 1,508 161 1,371

Aver rage Stay 7:26 4:37 3:21 2:05

Page V Visits 11.5 8.8 5.6 6.2

ENGINEER RING Website IEEE.org EngineerJo obs.com Engcen.co om NSPE.org Engineerin ngJobs.net

Unique Visitors 248 8,528 26,279 17,228 11,718 3,615

rage Stay Aver 2:52 7:46 3:08 4:38 3:50

Visits Page V 4.4 6.4 4.7 4.7 4.5

Ju 2011 uly

HEALTHCA ARE Website AllHealthc carejobs.com Healthecareers.com Nurse.com m Campusrn.com Nursingjob bs.com

Unique Visitors 329 9,936 287 7,208 223 3,738 70,154 14,026

Aver rage Stay 5:62 5:05 11:36 6 2:52 2:12

Page V Visits 7.5 8.2 12 5.3 3.9

IT/COMPU UTER/TELECOM M Website Dice.com Computer rJobs.com TelecomCa areers.com Computer rWork.com

Unique Visitors 6,828 876 24,880 19,236 4,46 68

rageStay Aver 6:53 2:43 3:58 1:01

Page V Visits 11.4 5 7.4 2.3

Ju 2011 uly

MILITARY/ /DEFENSE Website Military.co om ClearanceJ Jobs.com MilitaryConnection.com MilitaryHir re.com Civilianjob bs.com

Unique Visitors 4,102,479 136 6,795 69,4 443 11,120 7,96 64

Aver rage Stay 5:42 7:16 2:43 6:35 6:33

Page V Visits 7 9.8 6.5 9.8 5.7

SALES/MA ARKETING Website Salesjobs.c com MarketingPower.com Marketingj jobs.com

Unique Visitors 91,776 48,770 17,845

Aver rageStay 6:03 5:39 2:28

Page V Visits 9 6.2 5.9

Ju 2011 uly

RTATION TRANSPOR Website Careersing gear.com Jobsintruc cks.com ClassaDriv vers.com HiringTruc ckDrivers.com CDLJobs.c com

Unique Visitors 290 0,837 185 5,153 67,191 38,782 24,344

Aver rage Stay 5:16 5:15 09:47 7 7:33 10:00 0

Page V Visits 12 6.2 9.5 10.9 6.6

EXECUTIV VE Website TheLadder rs.com 6FigureJob bs.com Execunet.c com

Unique Visitors 1,384,534 66,922 58,737

Aver rage Stay 6:58 6:06 6:20

Visits Page V 9.8 9.6 7.6

Ju 2011 uly

SOCIAL NE ETWORKS Website Facebook.com Youtube.com Myspace.c com Twitter.com Linkedin.com

Unique Visitors 142 2,666,563 126 6,637,712 30,791,215 28,741,503 19,285,889

Aver rage Stay 16:55 5 18:21 1 9:35 2:46 7:36

Page V Visits 67.8 14.4 50.8 1.2 16.1

Monster Launches Ap to Give Facebook Use a New, B pp ers Business Prof file John Zappe Ere.net acebook app over the weekend that w let the 700 million users of the pop p will 0 pular Monster launched a Fa mmunity buil a professio network separate and apart from the one their friends get t ld onal d r to social com see. n, d, much from Lin nkedIn and BranchOut, bu goes furthe than the la ut er atter BeKnown as it is called borrows m and offers more versat s tility and flair than the for r rmer. Its not a frontal atta on Linked ack dIns growing g

July 2011

recruitment business, but a flanking maneuver, focusing on younger workers just beginning to build their business contacts. While Monster is aiming at the 600 million-plus users worldwide who arent LinkedIn members, those who are can import their contacts from there as they build an independent network on BeKnown. The app also makes it possible to invite contacts from other sources, including Gmail, Yahoo, Twitter and, of course, Facebook. Installing the app gives users a second Facebook profile, that can be imported from LinkedIn or Monster if they are registered there. Pictures and other, existing Facebook content can be managed to create a distinctly differently persona from the one social friends get to see. Otherwise, the visual appearance mimics the typical Facebook presence. Borrowing liberally from other Internet social sites, Monster has added enough bells and whistles to appeal to younger users accustomed to interacting more intimately and frequently. For instance, like LinkedIn, you can have your contacts endorse you. As they do, and as you achieve certain milestones ----- number of connections, length of time with an employer, for example ----- you get badges, like on Foursquare. And, similar to Jobvite and Jobmagic, friends can recommend jobs, which will show up on your site. (Jobs from Monster.com are also tucked onto the jobs tab.) Besides those general LinkedIn-style endorsements, BeKnown enables skills-specific acknowledgments. Recruiters, who, obviously, can create their own BeKnown profiles, can also claim company pages where, once theyve built a network, can post jobs for free. Whats not evident in this initial, beta release, is a method of conducting the kinds of professional conversations that active LinkedIn members use to enhance their brand, gain notice, or for help with business issues. Josh Bersin, who got an advance look at BeKnown, says it has the potential to become one of the major social recruiting networks in the marketplace. In a very extensive blog post, Bersin details the specific features of this initial release, and notes some of the features expected in the future, in particular a bounty program to pay users who offer up qualified candidates. He says the new service is likely to appeal mostly to young career-oriented users, with more limited experience than those found on LinkedIn. Thats an observation Altimeter Groups Charlene Li shares. If Im looking for an entry-level researcher or intern I wont find them on LinkedIn, the Financial Times quotes her as saying. When youre coming out of college, you dont have a professional network, you have Facebook. Can Monster make a success of BeKnown?

July 2011

Bersin says the company is planning an extensive promotional campaign, presumably a global one, since the app is available in 19 languages and some 35 countries. The company is so sure it has developed a weapon in the recruiting war with LinkedIn and other social networks ----- including, curiously, Facebook itself ----- that the company demanded a signed nondisclosure agreement before journalists, bloggers, and others could preview the site last week. (ERE was invited to preview BeKnown, but declined to sign the NDA.) Li, who previewed BeKnown, said Monster has a long row to hoe, adding I also find it very, very interesting.

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