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Appendix A


A.1 The Tetrad Formalism

A tetrad is a set of four linearly independent vectors that can be defined at each point
in a (semi-) Riemannian spacetime. Here we give a summary of useful relations
for tetrad fields. Good detailed discussions can be found in several texts see, for
example, Appendix J of [1]. We have the following basic relations that determine
the vector fields e A α or the 1-forms (covector fields) e A α , (we may use the notation,
e A = e A α d x α and e A = e A α ∂α ). The tetrads by definition satisfy the relations (see
[1], Eq. (J.3))

e A α e A β = δα β , (A.1)
e A
α eB = δ A
B . (A.2)

The choice of the tetrad field determines the metric through Eq. (A.3).

gαβ = e A α e B β η AB , (A.3)
η AB = e A α e B β gαβ , (A.4)

where η AB is the Minkowski spacetime metric in Cartesian coordinates. We note that

through Eq. (A.3) the fields e A define the spacetime, thus certain authors [2] refer
to them as the gravitational field. We shall always assume that the velocity vector
field, e0 , is tangent to a congruence of timelike paths and thus the tetrads are moving
along these paths. The reader should also read the comments in Sect. 3.1 below Eq.
(3.3), and in Sect. 3.6 below Eq. (3.100).

Under coordinate transformations, greek indices are treated as tensor indices,

while latin indices are merely labels (thus the e A α represent four different vector
fields). Equation (A.4) are also a statement of the orthonormality of the vectors e A α .
The tetrad components may be determined using the Eq. (A.3) or (A.4).

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66 Appendix A: Tetrads

Remark 15 It is easy to convince oneself that relabeling the subscripts (or super-
scripts) of the e A α in a consistent way, does not affect the relation (A.4). However,
problems may arise, if one is careless with relabeling and reordering variables while
using a symbolic manipulation software.

Although in these notes we have considered spacetimes with dimensionality of

two or four, in general, if n is the dimensionality of the manifold, Eq. (A.4) are a
set of ( 21 )n(n + 1) equations for the n 2 unknown components of the vielbein e A α .
Therefore ( 21 )n(n − 1) components can be freely chosen or determined by extra

Exercise 5 It is a simple exercise to show that Eqs. (A.2) and (A.3), imply Eq. (A.4),
while Eq. (A.1) and (A.4), imply Eq. (A.3).

We have the following rules for raising and lowering indices,

e Aα = gαβ e A β , (A.5)
e A
α =η AB
e Bα . (A.6)

The components of tensors in the tetrad frame are given by relations such as the
ones below
V A = e Aα V α, (A.7)

T A B = e Aα eB β T αβ , (A.8)

and so on. Note that in Eq. (A.7) we are taking the product of a vector V with n
1-forms e A α , as a result, we are replacing
1 the vector V with n scalars V A . Likewise
in Eq. (A.8), we are replacing the 1 tensor T with n 2 scalars T AB [3].

We can obtain the tensor components in the global chart from the “components”
in the tetrad frame using relations like the one below

V α = e A α V A = e Aα V A . (A.9)

Using the above relations we can show that Uμ V μ = U A V A .

gμν U μ V ν = η AB e A μ e B ν U μ V ν , (A.10)
μ ν
gμν U V = η AB U V , A B
Uμ V = U A V . A
Appendix A: Tetrads 67

A.2 Fermi Tetrad Fields

A Fermi tetrad field must satisfy some special conditions. As usual the tetrad field,
satisfies Eq. (A.3), etc., but in the Fermi case, the velocity vector field, e0 , is tangent
to a congruence of timelike geodesics, σ(τ ), parametrized by the proper time τ . Thus

dσ(τ )
e0 = , (A.13)

and therefore,
∇e0 e0 = 0 . (A.14)

A Fermi tetrad field must satisfy the equations

∇e0 e A = 0, A = 0, 1, 2, 3, (A.15)

so that all the tetrad vectors are parallelly transported along the chosen congruence of
timelike geodesics. (Recall that if ∇u u = 0 but ∇u v = 0, then v is parallel transported
but not on a geodesic).

Remark 16 Given a Fermi tetrad enables one to obtain approximate Fermi coordi-
nates by the well-known process given in [4]. Examples of how to obtain exact Fermi
coordinates, in cases where this is possible, were given in [5–8].

A.3 The Cartesian Gauge Tetrad

A tetrad field referred to as the “Cartesian gauge” was introduced by Brill and Wheeler
[9], and has been found useful by many authors [10–15]. An example of the Cartesian
gauge tetrad used in the FRW universe was given above, Eqs. (7.62)–(7.65). Here
we first discuss it in the simplest case namely flat Lorentz spacetime. Consider the
standard tetrad vectors in (Cartesian) Minkowski spacetime, namely,

e0 = ∂t , e1 = ∂x , (A.16)
e2 = ∂y , e3 = ∂z .

Then, if we transform to spherical coordinates (t, r, θ, φ), the above tetrad transforms
into the tetrad vector fields below
68 Appendix A: Tetrads

h 0 = ∂t , (A.17)
cos θ cos φ sin φ
h 1 = sin θ cos φ ∂r + ∂θ − ∂φ , (A.18)
r r sin θ
cos θ sin φ cos φ
h 2 = sin θ sin φ ∂r + ∂θ + ∂φ , (A.19)
r r sin θ
sin θ
h 3 = cos θ ∂r − ∂θ , (A.20)
For the case of the flat spacetime the Fock-Ivanenko coefficients vanish with this
tetrad in spherical coordinates. The metric is the usual spherical coordinate metric,

ds 2 = dt 2 − dr 2 − r 2 (dθ2 + sin2 θ dφ2 ) . (A.21)

Note that the default tetrad vector fields for the metric of Eq. (A.21), namely,

s0 = ∂t , (A.22)
s1 = ∂r , (A.23)
s 2 = ∂θ , (A.24)
s3 = ∂φ , (A.25)
r sin θ
are “rotated” (see Appendix A.4) with respect to the original Cartesian tetrad Eq.
(A.16) and the Fock-Ivanenko coefficients no longer vanish.

Exercise 6 (a) Write the Dirac equation using the tetrad, (A.17)–(A.20), for the
metric (A.21), in the chiral representation Eq. (D.18). (b) Transform the chiral plane
wave solution is φ(+)(1) in Eq. (D.14) to spherical coordinates and show that it
satisfies the Dirac equation obtained in part (a).

A.4 Vielbeins, Spinors and Local Lorentz Transformations

Suppose we solve the Dirac equation in a given manifold using a certain chart and
tetrad field. We would like to know how our spinor ψ is related to a spinor ψ  on the
same manifold but a different tetrad field related to the first one by a local Lorentz
transformation in (x). Although we shall prove some of the statements, we refer
the reader to the proofs given in [16].
We mention for the sake of clarity that if F ∈ G, where G is a group of coordinate
transformations, then we write
x̄ = F x . (A.26)
Appendix A: Tetrads 69

Thus in general for a scalar function, φ(x), we have

φ(x) = φ̄(x̄). (A.27)

If in a coordinate system (x 0 , x i ), we change from an initial chosen vielbein1

set, h A , to another set, e A , then the new vielbein vectors can be expressed as linear
combinations of the old,2
eAμ = A B h B μ . (A.28)

However, both vielbein sets must satisfy Eq. (A.4), i.e.,

η AB = h A α h B β gαβ , (A.29)
η AD = e A μ e D ν gμν . (A.30)

Substituting Eq. (A.28) in Eq. (A.29), we obtain

 A B h B μ  D C h C ν gμν = η AD , (A.31)
 A  D η BC = η AD ,
 η = η,

where T is the transpose of . From Eq. (A.33) we have that det  = ±1. Thus
it follows then from Eq. (A.32) that  A B is a Lorentz matrix. So in the context of
general relativity the Lorentz group is the group of vielbein rotations [16] p. 143. We
also remark that the  matrices will in general be spacetime-dependent. We shall
refer to them as local Lorentz transformations.

Under coordinate transformations spinors, ψ, behave like scalars so that, [16]

p. 147,    
φ̄(x̄) φ(x)
= . (A.34)
χ̄(x̄) χ(x)

However when a vielbein h B , is rotated by  as in Eq. (A.28), then

ψe = Lψh , (A.35)

where L is a (spacetime-dependent) spinor representative of a vielbein rotation ,

[16] pp. 76, 147,  
S 0
L=  † −1 , (A.36)
0 S

1 We shall use the term vielbein whenever the dimensionality is not necessarily (3+1). We reserve
the term tetrad for the (3+1) case.
2 A shorthand for Eq. (A.28) is e = −1 h, while Eq. (A.37) is L −1 γ L = γ, so that our index

positions agree with Refs. [17–19].

70 Appendix A: Tetrads

with det(L) = 1, [17], that satisfies the relations, [16] p. 147,

L −1 γ A L =  A B γ B , (A.37)

γ 0 L † γ 0 = L −1 . (A.38)

Given in [20], Eq. (5.396), p. 246. For a derivation of Eq. (A.37) see, e.g., [18].

Below we provide some helpful details for the calculation of the matrix L.

We use the equation given in Ref. [20], p. 225, with appropriate notational changes,
L((x)) = exp i AB  AB , (A.39)

where  is a local Lorentz transformation,  AB are the parameters characterizing the

Lorentz transformation. Also from [20], Eq. (5.284), p. 228, we have that

i  A B
 AB = − γ ,γ , (A.40)
thus   A B 
L = exp γ ,γ . (A.41)
Our γ matrices will be in the chiral representation.

It is straightforward to show that, det (L) = 1. We use the relation that for a matrix
M we have that  
det e M = etr (M) . (A.42)

Now we use Eq. (A.41) in its most general form. The exponent then is

01 γ 0 γ 1 + 02 γ 0 γ 2 + 03 γ 0 γ 3 + 12 γ 1 γ 2 + 13 γ 1 γ 3 + 23 γ 2 γ 3 . (A.43)
By evaluating each product of pairs of γ matrices separately in the chiral repre-
sentation, we find that they all vanish. Thus the trace of expression (A.43) vanishes.
This is a representation independent result.

The first step is, of course, to find the local Lorentz transformation  involved in
the tetrad rotation. This is easily deduced from the relation,

e Aμ =  A B h B μ. (A.44)
Appendix A: Tetrads 71

For the details of the relation between  and L, namely the calculation of the
parameters  AB , a clear presentation is given in Chap. 1 of Hitoshi Yamamoto’s
lecture notes [21] where it may be seen that  may be expressed as

 = eξi K i +θi L i ≡ e M , i = 1, 2, 3, (A.45)

where the matrices K i and L i are given in [21], furthermore we find that
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
0 ξ1 ξ2 ξ3 0 01 02 03
⎜ ξ1 0 −θ3 θ2 ⎟ ⎜ 01 0 −12 −13 ⎟
M =⎜
⎝ ξ2
⎟=⎜ ⎟, (A.46)
θ3 0 −θ1 ⎠ ⎝ 02 12 0 −23 ⎠
ξ3 −θ2 θ1 0 03 13 23 0

01 = ξ1 , 02 = ξ2 , 03 = ξ3 , 12 = θ3 , 13 = −θ2 , 23 = θ1 . (A.47)

If we have a , then using Mathematica’s MatrixLog[], we obtain our expression

for M. Comparing coefficients with (A.41), we find the  AB . Finally Mathematica’s
MatrixExp[M] gives us L. Apart from the simple example in our Sect. 5.2 above, a
more elaborate calculation can be found in Sect. 6 of Ref. [22].
Appendix B
The Gamma Matrices

B.1 General Summary

The 2 × 2 Pauli spin matrices are

01 0 −i 1 0
σ =
, σ =
, σ =
. (B.1)
10 i 0 0 −1

For a free spin 1/2 particle of mass m we write the Dirac equation in Minkowski
spacetime as
iγ A ∂ A ψ − mψ = 0 , (B.2)

where ψ is a 4-component (contravariant) spinor and the 4 × 4 γ (constant) matrices,3

satisfy the anticommutation relation

{γ A , γ B } = ε 2η AB I , (B.3)

where ε = ±1, and the Hermiticity conditions

(γ A )† = γ 0 γ A γ 0 . (B.4)

We raise and lower the indices using the metric η, e.g., γ A = η AB γ B .

All representations below satisfy the relation

{γ A , γ B } = 2η AB I , (B.5)

3 So more precisely Eq. (B.2) is i(γ A )i k ∂ A ψ k − mψ i = 0, i, k = (1, 2, 3, 4).

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74 Appendix B: The Gamma Matrices

with signature convention (+, −, −, −). We also define the matrix

γ 5 := i γ 0 γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 , (B.6)

which satisfies the representation and signature independent relations,

 5 2  5 †
{γ A , γ 5 } = 0 , γ = I4 , γ = γ5 . (B.7)

Remark 17 The sign choice in Eq. (B.3) depends on the metric sign convention and
the representation of the γ matrices. There are several commonly used representations
each with its own advantages. One can avoid the (ε = −1) choice in Eq. (B.3) by
multiplying the γ matrices with ±i, (e.g., both [2, 23] multiply by −i). These matters
are further elucidated in Appendix C.

B.2 The Standard or Dirac-Pauli Representation

In the standard or Dirac-Pauli representation, (or the Bjorken-Drell representation)

we have    
I 0 0 σK
γ0 = 2 , γK = , K = (1, 2, 3) . (B.8)
0 −I2 −σ K 0

It is easy to verify that,

 0 2  K 2
γ =I, γ = −I . (B.9)

We also give below the Dirac β and α K matrices,

I2 0 0 σK
β= , αK = , K = (1, 2, 3) , (B.10)
0 −I2 σK 0

that is, γ 0 = β, γ K = βα K .

B.3 The Chiral or Weyl Representation

In the chiral or Weyl representation, there are two possible choices for γ 0 , we choose
0 −I2 0 σK
γ0 = , γK = , K = (1, 2, 3) , (B.11)
−I2 0 −σ K 0

and  0 2  K 2
γ =I, γ = −I . (B.12)
Appendix B: The Gamma Matrices 75

Another option, in the chiral representation, is to choose the negative of the above
γ 0 , in which case γ 5 changes sign, unless one defines it as the negative of Eq. (B.6).
Some authors define the chiral γ matrices by multiplying all of the γ’s in Eq. (D.18)
by (−1), then the γ 5 does not change sign. In any of the above-mentioned chiral
representations, the chirality operator γ 5 given by Eq. (B.6) is equal to

I2 0
γ =±
, (B.13)
0 −I2

(see also Sect. D.1).

B.4 The Majorana Representation

In the Majorana representation the γ matrices are imaginary and the spinors are real.
0 σ2 iσ 0
γ0 = , γ1 = , (B.14)
σ2 0 0 iσ 3
0 −σ 2 −iσ 1 0
γ2 = , γ3 = , (B.15)
σ2 0 0 −iσ 1

and  0 2  K 2
γ =I, γ = −I . (B.16)

B.5 The Jauch-Rohrlich Representation

In the Jauch-Rorhlich representation [24], we have

I2 0 0 σK
γ = −i
, γ =
, K = (1, 2, 3) , (B.17)
0 −I2 σK 0

in fact form Eq. (B.10) we have that,

γ 0 = −iβ , γ K = αK , (B.18)

 0 2  2
γ = −I , γK =I, (B.19)

and we satisfy
{γ A , γ B } = 2η AB I , (B.20)
76 Appendix B: The Gamma Matrices

with signature (−, +, +, +).

Jauch and Rorhlich define γ 5 ≡ γ5 ≡ γ 0 γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 , so again γ 5 satisfies Eq. (B.7).

Furthermore, instead of Eq. (B.2), we now have

γ A ∂ A ψ + mψ = 0 . (B.21)

B.6 Gamma Matrices in (1 + 1) and (2 + 1) Spacetime

We give a few examples of γ matrix sets in lower spacetime dimensionalities, [20, 25].

In (1 + 1) a chiral representation set is

γ 0 = σ 1 , γ 1 = ±iσ 2 , (B.22)

with γ 5 ≡ γ 3 = σ 3 .

A Majorana representation is

γ 0 = σ 2 , γ 1 = iσ 1 . (B.23)

In (2 + 1) spacetime we have the two standard representations which are not

related by any transformation [25],

γ 0 = σ 3 , γ 1 = iσ 2 , γ 2 = −siσ 1 , s = ±1. (B.24)

The chiral representation

γ 0 = σ 1 , γ 1 = iσ 2 , γ 2 = iσ 3 , (B.25)

and, finally, the Majorana representation

γ 0 = σ2 , γ 1 = iσ 1 , γ 2 = −iσ 3 . (B.26)
Appendix C
Metric Signatures, the FI Coefficients, etc.

C.1 Additional Comments on the Gamma Matrices

In this subsection we amplify on a comment made in Ref. [26]. It is clear from Eqs.
(3.4), (3.3) and (3.5), that the transformation

γ A → −γ A , ∀ A, (C.1)

γ̄ α → −γ̄ α , ∀ α, (C.2)

giving rise to another representation of the gamma matrices. We note that the Fock-
Ivanenko μ , do not change since they involve products of two gamma matrices. The
solutions, ψ(−γ) obtained in the new representation, are related to the ψ(+γ) in the
old representation by letting m → −m. For example, in the standard representation,
we have solved the Dirac equation, iγ A ∂ A ψ − mψ = 0, and obtained the solutions
given in Eqs. (2.24)–(2.26), which we denote by the shorthand ψ(γ, m). If we now
define a new set of γ matrices, which we call δ matrices, such that δ A = −γ A , where
γ A is the standard represaentation, then the Dirac equation is iδ A ∂ A ψ − mψ = 0,
and the solutions to this equation are given again by Eqs. (2.24)–(2.26) but with
m → −m, i.e., ψ(δ, −m).
In the Minkowski case we also have the freedom of changing the sign of just one
of the γ matrices, e.g., γ 1 → −γ 1 and leaving the rest unchanged (see comment
below Eq. (B.12)). Then for example the new solution is related to the old one by
letting px → − px .

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78 Appendix C: Metric Signatures, the FI Coefficients, etc.

C.2 Signature (−2)

For easy reference we begin by recalling our definitions of the spin connection
coefficients, ω ABμ , the spinor affine connection, μ , the Fock-Ivanenko coefficients,
C , and the anticommutation relations of the γ matrices.

ω ABμ = gβα e A α ∇μ e B β , (C.3)

μ = ω ABμ γ A γ B , (C.4)
C = eC μ μ , (C.5)
{γ , γ } = ε 2η
I. (C.6)

It is clear that the sign of the ω ABμ coefficients depends on the signature because
of the gβα factor in Eq. (C.3). We now let ε = +1 in Eqs. (C.4), (C.6) and use any γ
matrix representation whose matrices satisfy
 0 2  K 2
γ =I, γ = −I , (C.7)

We then obtain μ and C , and we may write the Dirac equation as

iγ C (eC + C ) ψ − mψ = 0 . (C.8)

C.3 Signature (+2)

We begin by letting ε = +1 in Eqs. (C.4), (C.6). The simplest way to satisfy Eq.
(C.6) with signature (+2) is to absorb the i in Eq. (C.8) into the definition of a new
set of γ matrices so that now, instead of Eq. (C.7), we have
 0 2  2
γ = −I , γK =I. (C.9)

It is easy to see from Eq. (C.4) that the change of signature will also change the
sign of the coefficients ω ABμ . Thus the latter sign change along with the product
of the two (+i) factors from the γ matrices in Eq. (C.4), will give us the same C
coefficients as before (Sect. C.2). The Dirac equation is now written as

γ C (eC + C ) ψ − mψ = 0 , (C.10)

Some authors prefer to multiply their γ matrices with a factor (−i), e.g., [2, 23].
With the definitions in our paper or the ones in Ref. [2] the Dirac equation becomes

γ C (eC + C ) ψ + mψ = 0 . (C.11)
Appendix C: Metric Signatures, the FI Coefficients, etc. 79

Parker in [23], using the Dirac β and α K matrices, Eq. (B.10), has γ 0 = η 00 γ0 =
−iβ, and γ K = γ 0 α K . In addition Parker defines his μ with the opposite sign from
the one adopted here and compensates with the usual (−) sign change in the Dirac
equation. Thus his Dirac equation is

γ C (eC − C ) ψ + mψ = 0 . (C.12)

As another example we consider Ryder in Ref. [27]. Ryder uses ε = −1 in Eqs.

(C.4), (C.6), so he can use the usual γ matrix representations with
 0 2  K 2
γ =I, γ = −I . (C.13)

Note, however, that the ε = −1 along with the sign change due to the signature,
ultimately gives the same μ and C coefficients as ours obtained in Sect. C.2.
Clearly, using ε = −1 is just completely equivalent to multiplying the γ matrices
with (±i), except that now we don’t have to hide the (i) in the Dirac equation, which
retains its standard form (see [27], Eq. (11.129)).

iγ C (eC + C ) ψ − mψ = 0 . (C.14)

Finally one may use the Jauch-Rohrlich representation. This representation is

used, for example, by Hounkonnou and Mendy [28] (see Sects. 4.3 and B.3). In this
case the Dirac equation is

γ C (eC + C ) ψ + mψ = 0. (C.15)

Remark 18 It follows from Eqs. (B.7), (C.4)–(C.8), that multiplying the Dirac equa-
tion from the left by γ 5 we have

iγ 5 γ C (eC + C ) ψ − mγ 5 ψ = 0, (C.16)
iγ (eC + C ) γ ψ + mγ ψ = 0 .
C 5 5
Appendix D
Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation
in Special Relativity

D.1 Chiral Representation Set

We begin by stating Pauli’s fundamental theorem relating two different represen-

tations of the γ matrices in (3+1). spacetime. For some generalizations to other
dimensionalities, see [29, 30].
Theorem 2 Suppose we have two representations of the γ matrices, γ μ and γ μ ,
satisfying the anticommutation relations

{γ μ , γ ν } = 2η μν I , (D.1)
{γ μ , γ ν } = 2η μν I , (D.2)

then there exists a nonsingular 4 × 4 matrix U , such that,

γ μ = U γ μ U −1 . (D.3)

Moreover if,
 0 †  †
γ = γ 0 , γ k = −γ k , (D.4)
 0 †  †
γ = γ 0 , γ k = −γ k , k = (1, 2, 3), (D.5)

then the matrix U can be chosen to be unitary (see [31, 32]).

Exercise 7 Show that if the relation (D.3) holds, then if (γ μ pμ − m I )ψ = 0, then
(γ μ pμ − m I )φ = 0, where φ = U ψ.
For example,the unitary matrix U below relates the standard representation to our
version of the chiral representation, Eq. (D.18).
1 I2 I2
U=√ . (D.6)
2 −I2 I2
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82 Appendix D: Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation in Special Relativity

We have that
μ μ
γ (chiral) = U γ (stand) U −1 , (D.7)

compare Eqs. (B.8) and (D.18). Using Eq. (2.7) we write

iU γ μ U −1 U ∂μ ψ − mU ψ = 0 , (D.8)

so instead of Eqs. (2.12)–(2.15), we now have,

−i∂t φ3 + i∂z φ3 + i∂x φ4 + ∂y φ4 − mφ1 = 0, (D.9)

i∂x φ3 − ∂y φ3 − i∂t φ4 − i∂z φ4 − mφ2 = 0, (D.10)
−i∂t φ1 − i∂z φ1 − i∂x φ2 − ∂y φ2 − mφ3 = 0, (D.11)
−i∂x φ1 + ∂y φ1 − i∂t φ2 + i∂z φ2 − mφ4 = 0, (D.12)

φ = U ψ. (D.13)

We use Eq. (D.13) and Eqs. (2.27), (2.28), and obtain the chiral, positive and
negative energy, solutions below,
⎛ pz ⎞ ⎛ −p + ip ⎞
1− x y
⎜ pt + m ⎟ ⎜ p + m ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ t ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ p x + i py ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ − ⎟ ⎜ 1 + pz ⎟
⎜ + ⎟ ⎜ pt + m ⎟
N ⎜

p t m ⎟ −i p x μ
⎟ N ⎜

⎟ −i p x μ
⎟e μ ,
φ(+)(1) =√ ⎜ e μ
, φ (+)(2)
= √
2⎜ pz ⎟⎟ 2⎜
⎜ − p x + i py

⎜−1 − ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ pt + m ⎟ ⎜ pt + m ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ p x + i py ⎠ ⎝ pz ⎠
− −1 +
pt + m pt + m

⎛ pz ⎞ ⎛ −p + ip ⎞
1− x y
⎜ pt + m ⎟ ⎜ pt + m ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ p x + i py ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜− ⎟ ⎜ 1 + pz ⎟
⎜ + ⎟ ⎜ pt + m ⎟
N ⎜ p t m ⎟ i p xμ N ⎜ ⎟ i p xμ
φ(−)(1) =√ ⎜

⎟e μ ,
⎟ φ(−)(2) =√ ⎜⎜
⎟e μ .

2⎜ pz ⎟ 2 ⎜ p x − i py ⎟
⎜1 + ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ pt + m ⎟ ⎜ pt + m ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ p x + i py ⎠ ⎝ pz ⎠
pt + m pt + m
Appendix D: Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation in Special Relativity 83

The chirality operator γ 5 , Eq. (B.6), in the chiral representation is

I2 0
γ =
. (D.15)
0 −I2

We introduce the bispinor χ, [33] below to represent the spinors in Eq. (D.14),
χ= , (D.16)

where each entry is a 2-component spinor. We then have

+χ R
γ χ=
, (D.17)
−χ L

χ R being right-handed and χ L left-handed.

D.2 Calculating the Polarizations for u( p)

In this section we outline how one may obtain the properly polarized spinors u( p)
of Eq. (D.14), cf. [34], pp. 44–48. We adopt the chiral representation of Eq. (D.18),
0 −I2 0 σK
γ0 = , γK = , K = (1, 2, 3) , (D.18)
−I2 0 −σ K 0

where the Pauli spin matrices are as usual

01 0 −i 1 0
σ1 = , σ2 = , σ3 = . (D.19)
10 i 0 0 −1

For a free, spin 1/2 particle of mass m in Minkowski spacetime, we write the
Dirac equation for the momentum-dependent spinor part, u( p), as

( /p − m I )u( p) = 0 . (D.20)

It is easy to show that the general solution of Eq. (D.20) in the rest frame of the
particle, where p = (m, 0, 0, 0), is
ξ a1
u( p) = N ( p) , ξ= . (D.21)
−ξ a2

where N ( p) is a normalization factor and ξ is a constant 2-component spinor. Con-

ventionally one normalizes ξ so that
84 Appendix D: Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation in Special Relativity

ξ † ξ = |a1 |2 + |a2 |2 = 1. (D.22)

A useful reference for this material is Steane [33] see Fig. E.2. To proceed further
we also need to define the vectors with matrix components as follows,
σ = 1, σ 1 , σ 2 , σ 3 , (D.23)
σ̄ = 1, −σ 1 , −σ 2 , −σ 3 . (D.24)

We use the notation below and we write

p · σ = ημν p μ σ ν = pt σ 0 − p x σ 1 − p y σ 2 − p z σ 3 , (D.25)
= pt σ + p x σ + py σ + p z σ .
0 1 2 3

If we now apply a boost in an arbitrary p direction and operate on the rest frame
u( p) with the spinor representation of a finite Lorentz transformation, , the result
may be written in a compact from as (see [34], pp. 44–48).
ξ  − p · σ (+ξ)
u( p) = N ( p) → √
− , (D.27)
−ξ − p · σ̄ (−ξ)

where the minus signs in the square roots are necessary (in our case) in order to
obtain real (not imaginary) results. Using Eq. (2.50) we verify that for polarization
in the positive z direction  
ξ= . (D.28)

We now restrict ourselves to a boost in the positive z-direction and we obtain,

apart from an overall normalization factor, N ( p),
⎛ √ ⎞
pt − p z
⎜ 0 ⎟
u( p) = ⎜ ⎟
⎝ −√ pt + pz ⎠ . (D.29)

We can re-write the above solution as,

⎛ pz ⎞
1− pt +m
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
 ⎜ 0 ⎟

pt + m ⎜ ⎟

u( p) = ⎜  ⎟, (D.30)
2 ⎜ ⎟
⎜− 1 + pt p+m

⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Appendix D: Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation in Special Relativity 85

where we can still change the overall normalization N ( p). It is easy to reconcile Eqs.
(D.29) and (D.30). Recall that for simplicity we let px = py = 0. Thus

pt2 − m 2 = pz2 = ( p z )2 . (D.31)

However we are considering a boost in the positive z direction, in which case we

must let 
p z = pt2 − m 2 ≥ 0 , (D.32)

and, with our signature, pz ≤ 0. Thus

1 √ √  √
√ pt + m + pt − m = pt − p z , (D.33)
pt + m pz
= 1− , (D.34)
2 pt + m
1 √ √  √
√ pt − m − pt + m = − pt + p z , (D.35)
pt + m pz
= −1 − . (D.36)
2 pt + m

Obtaining spinors polarized in the x- and y-directions is straightforward using the

proper ξ’s from Steane’s Fig. E.2 [33]. Thus for particles with spin in the positive
x-direction we have that  
1 1
ξ=√ , (D.37)
2 1

while for particles with spin in the positive y-direction we have

1 1
ξ=√ . (D.38)
2 i

In any case one should go back to Eq. (D.27) and do a boost in a general direction
involving px , py , pz .

D.3 Normalization of ψ

In this subsection we mainly discuss how to determine the normalization constants

for the plane wave spinors in the standard representation. The calculations are similar
in any γ-matrix representation. For clarity we are going to proceed in two steps and
thus obtain two normalization constants, N and N. The normalization factor N is the
one appearing in Eqs. (2.24) and (2.25), while the normalization factor N is required
86 Appendix D: Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation in Special Relativity

when we integrate over the coordinates x k in the scalar product Eq. (7.23). Using the
notation of Eqs. (2.16) and (2.17), we follow Itzykson and Zuber [35] and adopt the
Lorentz invariant normalizations,

ū (α) ( p)u (β) ( p) = δ αβ , ū (α) ( p)v (β) ( p) = 0 , (D.39)

(α) (β) αβ (α) (β)
v̄ ( p)v ( p) = −δ , v̄ ( p)u ( p) = 0 . (D.40)

Remark 19 Different authors adopt different normalizations for the Lorentz invariant
product ψ̄ψ.

The normalization factor N for the plane waves is easily obtained from Eqs.
(D.39), (D.40), using the solutions (2.24) and (2.25). Apart from a possible phase
factor, we find that 
m + pt
N= . (D.41)

So in the notation of Eqs. (2.27) and (2.28), we have

ψ̄ (+)(α) (x)ψ (+)(β) (x) = δ αβ , (D.42)

(−)(α) (−)(β) αβ
ψ̄ (x)ψ (x) = −δ . (D.43)

Before proceeding to the scalar product Eq. (7.23) we prove certain useful rela-
tions. For easy reference for the proofs to follow, we write again some of the formulas
derived above:
/p − m I u ( p) = 0, ū (α) ( p) /p − m I = 0, (D.44)
/p + m I v ( p) = 0, v̄ (α) ( p) /p + m I = 0. (D.45)

We shall derive an expression for j μ = ψ̄γ μ ψ. In the derivation we make use of

Eqs. (D.39)–(D.45). For the positive energy solutions we have,
Appendix D: Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation in Special Relativity 87

ψ̄ (+)(α) γ μ ψ (+)(β) = ū (α) ( p)γ μ u (β) ( p),

1  (α) μ  (β)  
= ū γ u + ū (α) γ μ u (β) ,
1  (α) μ  (β)  
= ū mγ u + ū (α) γ μ mu (β) ,
1  (α) μ  (β)  
= ū /p γ u + ū (α) γ μ /p u (β) ,
1  (α) 
= ū { /p , γ μ }u (β) ,
1  (α) 
= ū pν {γ ν , γ μ }u (β) ,
1  (α)  p μ αβ
= ū pν 2η νμ I u (β) = δ . (D.46)
2m m
Repeating this derivation for the negative energy solutions we get

ψ̄ (−)(α) γ μ ψ (−)(β) = v̄ (α) ( p)γ μ v (β) ( p),

1  (α) 
=− v̄ { /p , γ μ }v (β) ,
1  (α)  p μ αβ
=− v̄ pν 2η νμ I v (β) = δ . (D.47)
2m m
It is important to show that positive and negative energy states are mutually orthog-
onal if we consider states with opposite energies but the same 3-momentum. We use
the vector momenta (see Remark 2),

p = ( p t , p), (D.48)
q = ( p t , − p), (D.49)

and write explicitly

ψ (+)(α) (x) = u (α) ( p)e−i ( p t− p x ) ,

t i i
ψ (−)(β) (x) = v (β) (q)ei ( p t+ p x ) .
t i i

Therefore, using again Eqs. (D.39)–(D.45), we have

ψ̄ (−)(β) γ 0 ψ (+)(α) = e−2i p t v̄ (β) (q)γ 0 u (α) ( p),


1 −2i pt t  (β)   
= e v̄ (q)m γ 0 u (α) ( p) + v̄ (β) (q)γ 0 mu (α) ( p) ,
1 −2i pt t (β)  
= e v̄ (q) −q/ γ 0 + γ 0 /p u (α) ( p) = 0. (D.52)
Showing the last step above requires care!
88 Appendix D: Some Further Topics on the Dirac Equation in Special Relativity

Exercise 8 Carry out the details of the last line of Eq. (D.52).

At this point we introduce the normalization factor, N, which is required by the

integration over space in the scalar product below. Thus we write
 (+)(α) (x) = Nψ (+)(α) (x) = Nu (α) ( p)e−i pμ x , (D.53)
(−)(α) (−)(α) (α) i pμ x μ
 (x) = Nψ (x) = Nv ( p)e . (D.54)

We now define the scalar product with the standard delta function normalization
for free particles. Using Eqs. (D.53), (D.54), we have
(α) 2 p
 p | p = N 2
ψ̄ (±)(α)
p  γ 0 (±)(β) 3
ψ p d x = N δ αβ (2π)3 δ 3 p − p ,
where the delta function is given by

ei ( p− p ) x d 3 x,

δ 3 p − p = x = x 1 , x 2 , x 3 = (x, y, z). (D.56)

The notation in Eq. (D.55) is further elucidated in the solution of Exercise 9.

Exercise 9 Carry out the details of Eq. (D.55) for the two positive energy spinors.

The normalization constant N, is chosen so that

p  | (β)
p = δ αβ δ 3 p − p . (D.57)

1 m
N= 3 . (D.58)
(2π) 2 pt

As a consequence of result (D.52) we see that if, in the integrand of (D.55), the
ψ’s have opposite energies, the result of the integration is zero. Thus we have that

(+)(α) 1 m (α) μ
 (x) = 3 u ( p)e−i pμ x , (D.59)
(2π) 2 pt

1 m (α) μ
 (−)(α) (x) = 3 v ( p)ei pμ x . (D.60)
(2π) 2 p t
Appendix E
Examples of Using CARTAN in General

Since the software includes its own manual, we are not going to re-write it here.
In this Appendix we will briefly explain how one may use the software package
Cartan [36] to obtain the necessary quantities in order to write the Dirac equation
in Sects. 4.1 and 4.2. The software comes with a set of ‘library’ text files for various
(3+1) spacetimes, however, one will undoubtedly wish to write and add library files
for spacetimes of interest.

E.1 Using C ARTAN in the F-I Approach

In this subsection we show how to use the software package Cartan to obtain the
results of Sect. 4.1. This software can calculate the FI coefficients and the expression
iγ C (eC − C ) ψ as outlined below. We reproduce in the figures below the relevant
pages from the Cartan files and comment on them

Cartan defines the C coefficients with the opposite sign from ours. This is
compensated in Cartan by inserting another minus sign so that the Dirac equation
now is
iγ C (eC − C ) ψ − mψ = 0 , (E.1)

thus ultimately identical to our Eq. (C.8), (Figs. E.1, E.3, E.4, E.5, E.6, E.7, E.8, E.9,
E.11, E.12 and E.13).
Furthermore, if one wishes to use signature (+2), then Cartan multiplies the γ
matrices with (+i), so that the Dirac equation is now

γ C (eC − C ) ψ − mψ = 0 . (E.2)

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 89

P. Collas and D. Klein, The Dirac Equation in Curved Spacetime,
SpringerBriefs in Physics,
90 Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity

Fig. E.1 This is a slightly edited CARTAN library text file for the Schwarzschild spacetime. Indices
are always in the order (1, 2, 3, 4) where 4 stands for the timelike coordinate if there is one. Note the
duplication of the coordinates and tetrad fields with the important small differences. The FlatMetric
determines the signature
Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity 91

Fig. E.2 This is the page 1 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients. Indices are always
in the order (1, 2, 3, 4). In using CARTAN with Mathematica 11, we found it useful to execute the
preamble below the first gray cell above. Executing the command, cartan.m, opens a window in
which one has to type the answers to certain queries (see the 2nd gray cell above)
92 Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity

Fig. E.3 This is page 2 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients. The structure coefficients
above are the same as the structure constants

Fig. E.4 This is page 3 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients. The connection above,
are the Ricci rotation coefficients. The  ABC are the negatives of ours because CARTAN’s C ABC are
the negatives of ours in the text
Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity 93

Fig. E.5 This is page 4 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients. We have the metric and
the input 1-form fields which we have called ω A. One has to ask for them if one is checking for
possible input errors
94 Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity

Fig. E.6 This is page 5 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients. We have chosen the
standard Dirac-Pauli representation. Note that the γ’s (given in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) include a
factor of i but γ 5 = γ 4 γ 1 γ 2 γ 3
Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity 95

Fig. E.7 This is page 6 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients. CARTAN gives the F-I
coefficients as a set of matrices C . They differ from ours by a sign which is compensated for later
in the calculation
96 Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity

Fig. E.8 This is page 7 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients.
 We define our ψ as an
array with four components. SlashDerivative[ψ] = γ μ I ∂μ − μ , see gray cell above. CARTAN’s
μ is the negative of ours hence the − sign
Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity 97

Fig. E.9 This is page 8 of the CARTAN evaluation of the F-I coefficients. Here we have the Dirac
equations separated by commas

E.2 Using CARTAN in the N-P Approach

In this subsection we show how to use Cartan to obtain the results of Sect. 4.2
mainly the NP spin coefficients. We reproduce in the figures below the relevant
pages from the Cartan files and comment on them.
98 Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity

Fig. E.10 This is library file of the CARTAN evaluation of the N-P coefficients. The tetrad input is
calculated using Eq. (3.91), moreover λ A = λ A r , λ A θ , λ A φ , λ A t
Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity 99

Fig. E.11 This is page 1 of the CARTAN evaluation of the N-P coefficients. Using the library file
of Fig. E.10 we had to define at the top the variables th = θ, ph = φ in order for the results look
better. We did not ask CARTAN to evaluate the structure coefficients or the connection
100 Appendix E: Examples of Using Cartan in General Relativity

Fig. E.12 This is page 2 of the CARTAN evaluation of the N-P coefficients. We have obtained the

Fig. E.13 This is page 3 of the CARTAN evaluation of the N-P coefficients. We have now obtained
the Newman-Penrose spin coefficients of Eqs. (4.23)–(4.27). In order to obtain the four Dirac
equations, (4.28)–(4.31), we have to use Eqs. (3.111) and (3.113), CARTAN will not do this part
Appendix F
Solutions to the Exercises

Exercise 1
ω ABμ = e Aβ ∇μ e B β , (F.1)

ω B Aμ = −e Aβ ∇μ e B β . (F.2)

We relabel A ↔ B,

ω ABμ = −e Bβ ∇μ e A β , (F.3)

e A β = ηC A g αβ eC α , (F.4)


ω ABμ = −e Bβ ηC A g αβ ∇μ eC α , (F.5)
= −e B ηC A ∇μ e C
α . (F.6)

Relabel A ↔ D, then

ω D Bμ = −e B α ηC D ∇μ eC α . (F.7)
ω A Bμ = η AD ηC D −e B α ∇μ eC α , (F.8)
= δ A C −e B α ∇μ eC α , (F.9)
= −e B α ∇μ e A α , (F.10)

which is Eq. (3.23).

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 101
P. Collas and D. Klein, The Dirac Equation in Curved Spacetime,
SpringerBriefs in Physics,
102 Appendix F: Solutions to the Exercises

Exercise 2 Starting with Eq. (3.31), we have

i γ̄ (I ∂μ + μ ) − m I ψ = 0 , (F.11)
i γ̄ (I ∂t + t ) + i γ̄ k (I ∂k + k ) − m I ψ = 0 , (F.12)

where k = (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ). Now we multiply on the left by γ̄ t . We choose our  = +1

in Eq. (3.5), thus
 t 2
γ̄ = g tt I. (F.13)

Thus we obtain,
ig I (I ∂t + t ) + i γ̄ t γ̄ k (I ∂k + k ) − γ̄ t m ψ = 0 . (F.14)

We now divide by g tt and obtain

i t k m t
i∂t ψ = −it − tt γ̄ γ̄ (I ∂k + k ) + tt γ̄ ψ . (F.15)
g g

i t k m
H =− γ̄ γ̄ (I ∂k + k ) − it + tt γ̄ t , (F.16)
g tt g

where k = (x 1 , x 2 , x 2 ).

Exercise 3 We shall calculate on of the matrix elements. From Eq. (3.87) we have

ζ12 = λ1 α λ2 β gαβ (F.17)

1 1  
= √ (e0 α + e3 α ) √ e0 β − e3 β gαβ , (F.18)
2 2
1 α β 
= e0 e0 gαβ − e3 α e3 β gαβ , (F.19)
= (1 + 1) = 1. (F.20)
Exercise 4 From Eq. (3.89) we have

g αβ = ζ AB λ A α λ B β , (F.21)
= ζ 12 λ1 α λ2 β + ζ 21 λ2 α λ1 β + ζ 34 λ3 α λ4 β + ζ 43 λ4 α λ3 β , (F.22)
α β α β α β α β
= λ1 λ2 + λ2 λ1 − λ3 λ4 − λ4 λ3 , (F.23)
α β α β α β α β
= l n + n l − m m̄ − m̄ m . (F.24)
Appendix F: Solutions to the Exercises 103

Exercise 5 Multiply Eq. (A.3) on both sides by eC α e D β , then

eC α e D β gαβ = eC α e D β e A α e B β η AB , (F.25)
= δCA δ DB η AB = ηC D . (F.26)

Exercise 6 (a) We can use Eq. (3.29) and (3.30) rather than starting with Eq. (3.3),
in order to write the Dirac equation since we know that the C = 0, thus we have

iγ C h C  − m = 0, (F.27)

where  is here is any one of the spinors of Eq. (D.14), the γ C are given by Eq.
(D.18), and the h C are given by Eqs. (A.17)–(A.20).

(b) We know that each component of the spinor  transforms as a scalar function
under general coordinate transformations, so now we transform the spinor to spher-
ical coordinates. We note that the coordinates t, x, y, z, appear explicitly only in the
exponential of Eq. (F.28).
⎛ pz ⎞
⎜ pt + m ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ p x + i py ⎟
⎜ − ⎟
⎜ + ⎟
N ⎜ p t m ⎟ −i p x μ
(+)(1) (t, x, y, z) = √ ⎜

⎟e μ , (F.28)
2⎜ pz ⎟⎟
⎜−1 − ⎟
⎜ pt + m ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ p x + i py ⎠

pt + m

We do not transform anything else. The exponent is transformed to

− i pt t + px r sin θ cos φ + py r sin θ sin φ + pz cos θ . (F.29)

Now we substitute the transformed (+)(1) (t, r, θ, φ) into Eq. (F.27). The details
are a little tedious. We write below the first equation
1 −iφ 1
e ∂φ + i cos θ ∂θ + ir sin θ ∂r 4
r sin θ

−i (r ∂t + sin θ ∂θ − r cos θ ∂r ) 3 − m1 = 0, (F.30)
104 Appendix F: Solutions to the Exercises

⎛ ⎞
⎜ 2 ⎟
(+)(1) (t, r, θ, φ) = ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠ . (F.31)

We find that it vanishes as expected.

Exercise 7 We substitute Eq. (D.3) and φ = U ψ into equation

(γ μ pμ − m I )φ = 0, (F.32)

then Eq. (F.32) becomes

 μ −1 
U γ U pμ − m I U ψ = 0, (F.33)
U γ μ pμ − m I ψ = 0. (F.34)

Exercise 8 In the solution below, q0 = qt , p0 = pt , and so forth. From the last line
of Eq. (D.52) we have,
v̄ (β) (q) −q/ γ 0 + γ 0 /p u (α) ( p), (F.35)

= v̄ (β) (q) −qμ γ μ γ 0 + γ 0 pμ γ μ u (α) ( p), (F.36)
= v̄ (β) (q) − q0 γ 0 + qi γ i γ 0 + γ 0 p0 γ 0 + pi γ i u (α) ( p), (F.37)
= v̄ (β) (q) − q 0 γ 0 − q i γ i γ 0 + γ 0 p 0 γ 0 − pi γ i u (α) ( p), (F.38)
= v̄ (β) (q) − p 0 γ 0 + pi γ i γ 0 + γ 0 p 0 γ 0 − pi γ i u (α) ( p), (F.39)
= v̄ (β) (q) − pi γ i γ 0 − pi γ 0 γ i u (α) ( p) = 0. (F.40)

Exercise 9 In the solution below, q0 = qt , p0 = pt , and so forth. From Eq. (D.55)

we have, using Eq. (D.53), that
 (α) ū (α) p  γ 0 u (β) ( p) ei ( pμ − pμ )x d 3 x,
p | p = N2

= N2 ū (α) p  γ 0 u (β) ( p) ei ( p0 − p0 )x +i ( p− p ) x d 3 x.

Now we use the result in Eq. (D.46) and obtain

Appendix F: Solutions to the Exercises 105

2 p αβ i ( p0 − p0 )x 0
 (α) ei ( p− p ) x d 3 x ,

p | p = N δ e (F.43)
p t αβ i ( p0 − p0 )x 0  
= N2 δ e (2π)3 δ 3 p − p . (F.44)
Since pt = p 0 = + p2 + m 2 , we see that the δ 3 p − p in Eq. (F.44), guaran-
tees that the energies of the two spinors involved, are also equal. So we can get rid
of the exponential in Eq. (F.44).


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A in FRW universe, 61, 62

Anticommutation relation, 73, 81 in Minkowski spacetime, 50, 73
in Schrödinger’s universe, 50
in Schwarzschild spacetime, 32
B in the N-P formalism, 29, 33
Bessel functions, 45, 46 Directional derivatives, 28
Bispinor, 83
Boundary conditions
in closed universe, 60 E
of energy, 9
C of momentum, 9
Canonical momenta, 5 Electromagnetic
Canonical zweibein, 45, 46 interaction, 24
Cartan, 24, 31, 33, 89 potential, 25
Cartesian gauge, 61, 67 Energy projection operators, 10
Chirality operator, 42, 50, 75, 83 Exercises, 18, 20, 26, 27, 66, 68, 81, 87, 88
Comoving coordinates, 42
time, 61, 62 F
Congruence Fermi coordinates, 2, 36, 42, 44, 46, 67
of timelike geodesics, 27, 67 Feynman
of timelike paths, 65 slash notation, 6, 56
Connection, 16, 51, 92 Feynman-Stückelberg, 7
Coordinate transformations, 16, 103 Fock-Ivanenko, 31, 34
Curvature Fock-Ivanenko coefficients, 15, 19, 20, 23,
parameter, 35 24, 32, 35, 39, 68, 78
observer, 27, 29
D proper, 15
Derivation, 17
Dirac equation, 31
adjoint, 56, 60 G
in a nonfactorizable metric, 35, 36 Gamma matrices, 77
in curved spacetime, 16, 19 in (1+1) and (2+1) spacetime, 76
in de Sitter universe, 36, 39 in Minkowski spacetime, 16

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 107
P. Collas and D. Klein, The Dirac Equation in Curved Spacetime,
SpringerBriefs in Physics,
108 Index

spacetime dependent, 16, 61 Normalization

Gauge delta function, 88
Cartesian, 61 factor, 86, 88
Gauss’ theorem, 57 integral, 46
Lorentz invariant, 86
Normalized polarization vector, 11
Dirac, 10–12, 20, 21 P
Helicity basis, 11 Parallel, 20
Hermiticity conditions, 73 Particle frame, 15
Hydrogen atom, 2 Pauli
Hydrogenic atom, 25 fundamental theorem, 12, 81
Hyperspherical coordinates, 62 spin matrices, 73, 83
Hypersurface Probability current
Cauchy, 58 density, 55
spacelike, 46, 57, 58 in GR, 58
Probability integral, 46, 57, 58, 62
Projection operators
I energy, 6, 10
Isometry, 37 Propositions, 18, 19, 58, 60

Kerr spacetime, 1 Reference frame
of Dirac particle, 15
Reference observer, 36
L Remarks, 7, 10, 18–20, 24, 27, 29, 43, 53,
Lagrangian, 5 66, 67, 74, 79, 86
Lapse, 20, 58 Representation
Leibniz rule, 60 Bjorken-Drell, 74
Lorentz chiral, 6, 68, 70, 74–76, 81, 83
group, 16, 69 Dirac, 10
local transformation, 16, 45, 69, 70 Dirac-Pauli, 74
matrix, 16, 69 Jauch-Rohrlich, 36, 75, 79
spacetime, 67 Majorana, 75, 76
standard, 6, 61, 74, 81
Weyl, 74
M Ricci rotation coefficients, 23, 24, 26, 28, 92
Metric Riemannian, 65
de Sitter, 35
FLRW, 35
frame field, 26 S
induced, 20, 58, 62 Scalar product
nonfactorizable, 35 in GR, 58, 60
Schwarzschild, 31, 33 in SR, 57
signature, 15, 18, 24 Schwarzschild spacetime, 2, 31, 33
Milne universe, 42 Shift, 20, 58
Minkowski, 5, 6, 36, 42, 65, 67 Signature, 78
Solutions to exercises, 101
N coefficients, 28, 29, 33
Newman-Penrose connection, 18, 32, 35, 78
formalism, 25 Foldy-Wouthuysen operator, 12
Index 109

operators, 6, 11, 12, 21 field, 65, 67

polarization, 83 1-form field, 37
projection operators, 11, 12 1-forms, 32, 35, 37
Spinor frame, 23, 66
adjoint, 55 null, 25–28, 33, 34
affine connection, 15, 78 orthogonal, 34
bundle, 15 properties, 27
2-component, 83 rotations, 21, 70
4-component, 8, 73 vectors, 15, 31, 35, 38, 61, 65, 67
left-handed, 83
negative energy, 8, 82
positive energy, 8, 10, 82 U
right-handed, 83 Unitary matrix, 81
Spinor covariant derivative, 17 Universe
Spinorial covariant derivative, 15 FRW, 60, 67
Spinor representative, 69 Milne, 42
Stress-energy tensor, 41
coefficients, 23 V
constants, 23, 92 Velocity, 65
Vielbein, 69
Volume element, 58
Tetrad, 16
Cartesian gauge, 67 Z
Fermi, 20, 27, 37, 61, 67 Zweibein, 42–45

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