MC Seminar

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Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh..

Welcome to all participants , before we start our agenda, please kindly turn on your camera because
our agenda is about to begin.
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is _______,it is a wonderful and precious chance
for me to be your master of ceremony in our event today”Bijak Bermedia Sosial, Jadikan Sosial
Mediamu, Sarana Pembelajranmu.”

1. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim,
Alhamdulillaahi robbil ‘alamiin, wassolaatu wassalaamu’alaa asrofil anbiyaa ii wal mursaliin
sayyidina muhammadin, wa’ala alihi wa’ashabihi ajma’in. Ashadualla illa haa illallah,
waashadu anna muhammadarrosulullah. Robbi srohli sodri--wayassirli amri wahlul
ukdatammi lisaani-- yafkohul kauli-- amma ba’du.

2. First of all, let send our gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, the lord of the universe, who has
been given us grace and blessings by the chance to gather in this great occasion,

3. Secondly, praise and salutation will always be given to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW,
the best figure of this universe. The person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah era.

The honorable:
1. Mr.Guswika Bobitanto as the Principal of Junior High GIS 2 Serpong.
2. Mr.Sukristi Arianto and Ms.Fatma Yuny Innaeny as the vice principals.
3. Mrs. Dian Khoreanita Pratiwi, S.H MH as our speaker for today
4. All teachers, staff and my beloved Friends.

Before starting, let me deliver the structre of the agenda today

1. Opening
2. Ikrar
3. Indonesia Raya and Mars GIS
4. Speech by Mr Sukristi Ariyanto

5. Seminar Bijak bermedia social by Mrs Dian Khoreanita Pratiwi

6. Question and Answer Session that will be lead by Bina as moderator

7. Prayer

8. Closing
4. Before we step to next agenda, let us started by reciting basmallah. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim
5. Moving right along, reciting the bare witness by Rheyfan From Scout
Thank You Rheyfan .
6. Go on to the next agenda, Singing our national anthem, Indonesia Raya, and mars GIS. To all the
“audiences please kindly to stand up”.
All audiences may be seated
7. Now, let us listen speech By Mr Sukristi Ariyanto, thank you mr Ari for your inspiring words.
8. Next let us welcoming Rajabina Lubis from students council to lead Seminar Bijak Bermedia
Sosial, to Bina, time is yours.

6. Go on to the next agenda, Singing our national anthem, Indonesia Raya, and mars GIS. To all the
“audiences please kindly to stand up”.
All audiences may be seated.
7. Now, let us listen speech By Mr Dwi Priyo Laksono S.Pd as Head Of Divison Leadership
8. Next, let us welcoming Mr Guswika Bobitanto To lead Inauguration Procession
“To all representative Parents are welcome To embed organizational badges “
Thank you ________________ for the kind words and speeches
9. Moving to the next agenda Serah Terima Jabatan organisasi

10. Now Let us welcoming Annisa Zhafira Rajabina As head of Student council to give a speech
Thank you ________________ for the kind words and speeches
11. Moving to the next agenda let us watch Video Tribute Purna Bakti Organisasi
12. Go on to the next agenda, Speech from representative Purna Bakti Organisasi
13. Moving right along, performance from Students Council and GEC.
14. What a great performance. Ladies and gentlemen let us continue with performance from Scout
and Red Cross Youth Organization
Finally, we are in the end of the inauguration ceremony for today, forgive me if you found a lot mistakes
in leading this event. Thank you very much for your nice attention, may Allah bless us. The last, let’s say
hamdallah Together.. Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin.

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