Lesson 12 - Subsets of Real Numbers Learning Competency 15: Illustrates The Different Subsets of Real Numbers I. - Objectives

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Lesson 12 – Subsets of Real Numbers

Learning Competency 15: Illustrates the different subsets of real numbers

a. Describe and illustrate the different subsets of real numbers.
b. Appreciate the importance of the evolution of the number system in real-life


Topic: Real Numbers
Sub-topic: Subsets of Real Numbers
References: LM pages 75 – 82;
Next Century Math 7, pages 26 – 30;
Grade 7 Mathematics, Patterns and Practicalities, pages 94 - 100

A. Preliminaries
Motivational Activity:

Identify which stage of your life you learned the following numbers. Choose
from the box below.

𝝅, 0, 1, 2, 3,
½, 0.5, …, -2, -1,
1, 2, √3, 4, 5, … 0, 1, 2 …
3, 4, 9/7 3
5, …. √3

________ _________ _________ __________ ________

Grade 6 toddler high school preschool elementary

B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/Modelling
Developmental Activity:

Using the set of numbers in the preliminary activity, fill-up the blanks in
the Hierarchy Chart of the Set of Real Numbers below.

__________ ___________

__________ ____________



2. Analysis
a. Can you identify the counting numbers? How?
b. The union of the set of counting numbers is the set of whole
numbers? Which belongs to this set?
c. What subset of real numbers may represent gain, loss or no gain at
all? Why? Which belongs to this set?
d. What set is the union of the set of fractions and decimals?
e. How do you identify the rational numbers?
f. How are the sets of rational and irrational numbers different?
g. If we put together all the numbers used in the preliminary activity, do
we form a set of real numbers? Why or why not?

3. Guided Practice
Give an example that satisfies each requirement/situation. Put the examples
together to form a set of real numbers.
a. the P5.00 debt you owe a friend in buying a pencil {___}
b. the change for P5 after buying index cards worth P1.50 {___}
c. the measure of the diagonal of a square tile whose side measures
2 2
1 foot (Hint: √𝑠 + 𝑠 ) {___}
d. the ratio of 20 females to 30 males in the classroom {___}
e. the number of learning areas with failing grades of section A
last year {___}

Locate the elements of your set { __, __, __, __, __ } on the number line below.
Extend the number line if you need to.
4. Independent Practice
From the elements of your set above, fill up the subsets below with as
many examples that you can find.
a. counting numbers { }
b. integers { }
c. irrational numbers { }
d. non-integers { }
e. rational numbers { }

5. Generalization
Subsets of Real Numbers
Natural or Counting Numbers – used in counting, uses ellipses to indicate
that the pattern continues indefinitely
Whole Numbers – consisting of the set of natural or counting numbers and
Integers – the result of the union of the set of whole numbers and the
negative of counting numbers.
Rational Numbers – can be expressed as a quotient of two integers. The
integer a is the numerator while the integer b, which cannot be 0 is the denominator. This
set includes fractions and some decimal numbers.
Irrational Numbers – cannot be expressed as a quotient of two integers.
Every irrational number may be represented by a decimal that neither repeats nor
Real Numbers – any of the numbers from the preceding subsets. They can be
found on the real number line. The union of rational numbers and irrational numbers is the
set of real numbers.

6. Application
Write 1 example and an applicable situation for each subset of the set of real
numbers. Use the table below.
Subset of Real Numbers Applicable Situation Example
Counting numbers
Whole numbers
Rational numbers
Irrational numbers

7. Assessment
From the set of real numbers {43, 4.3, -43, 4/3, ¾, 0.43, 34, √34, 3.4, 0}, select the
examples of the subsets of real numbers. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. whole numbers a. {43, 34, 0} b. {43, 34}
c. {43, 34, 0} d. {43, -43, 34, 0}
2. rational numbers a. {43, 34, 0} b. {43, 4.3, -43, 4/3, ¾, 0.43, 34, 3.4, 0}
c. {43, 34, 0} d. {-43}
3. natural numbers a. {√34} b. {43, 34} c. {43, 34, 0}
d. {43, 4.3, -43, 4/3, ¾, 0.43, 34, 3.4, 0}
4. irrational numbers a. {43, 34, 0} b. {43, 34}
c. {√34} d. {43, -43, 34, 0}
5. integers a. {43, 34, 0} b. {43, 34}
c. {43, 34, 0} d. {43, -43, 34, 0}

1. Follow-up
Give 1 situation each for the different subsets of real numbers applied in real-
life situations. Then, give an example from each subset.

2. Study: Arranging real numbers in increasing or decreasing order

a. How are real numbers arranged in increasing order? Decreasing order?
b. Why is there a need to learn how to arrange real numbers? Give 1 situation
where arranging real numbers is used.

Electronic Sources: https://ph.images.search.yahoo.com/

Answer Key:

Motivational Activity: toddler elementary high school preschool Grade 6

Guided Practice a. -5 b. 3.5 c. √2 d. 2/3 e. 0
{ -5, 3.5, √2, 2/3, 0}
Independent Practice a. {0} b. {-5, 0} c. {√2} d. {3.5, 2/3} e. { -5, 3.5, 2/3, 0}
Application answers may vary
Assessment 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. d
Lesson 12.1 – Ordering Real Numbers
Learning Competency 16: Arranges real numbers in increasing or decreasing order

a. Arrange real numbers in increasing or decreasing order
b. Realize the importance of the order of real numbers in real-life situation


Topic: Real Numbers
Sub-topic: Ordering Real Numbers
References: Next Century Math 7, pages 31 - 32

A. Preliminaries

Use the number line below to determine whether each mathematical sentence is TRUE or
FALSE. Write POP if the given is true. Otherwise, write FLOP.

1. -11/3 > -4.5 ______
2. 1/3 > √11 ______
3. √2 < 5.1101110111… ______
4. - √3 = -11/3 ______
5. - √6 < √11 ______

B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/Modelling
Developmental Activity

Suppose that you and your four friends are playing a game where each of you
draws a number from a box and the person who gets the highest number wins. Inside the
box are the real numbers {-2, √3, -12, 0.9999, 2/8}. Let’s say that you drew the number -2,
while your friends drew the numbers √3, -12, 0.9999, and 2/8, respectively. Could you
figure out who won the game? Who got the least number?

{-2, √3, -12, 0.9999, 2/8}.

√3 0.9999


2. Analysis
a. How did you figure out what the highest number is?
b. How will you figure out what the lowest number is?
c. How will you arrange the numbers in increasing order? Decreasing order?
d. How will you make ordering real numbers easier? What tools can be used?
e. Why is it necessary to arrange numbers in order?

3. Guided Practice
Plot the points on the number line corresponding to the elements of the given
set. For non-integers and irrational numbers, express them first as decimals. Then arrange
the set of real numbers in increasing and decreasing orders.
a. {6, -4, 0, 7.5, -9}

Increasing order: ____________________

Decreasing order: ____________________
b. {-2, √2, -1 1/2, -7, 6} {-2, ____, ____, -7, 6}

Increasing order: ____________________

Decreasing order: ____________________

4. Independent Practice
Plot the points corresponding to the elements of the given set. Then,
rearrange the elements in decreasing order.
a. {6, -4, 0, √9, -9}
b. {-2, -1/5, 4, -7, 6}
c. {-10, 0, -3, 7.2, 3}
d. {-3.3, -1, 4 2/5, 1/3, √15}
e. {2, 0, √8, −3, 3/6 }
5. Generalization
Ordering numbers from least to greatest or vice versa? Are the numbers in
different forms? To make comparing easier, convert all the numbers to decimals.
Then, plot those decimals on a number line and arrange them in increasing or
decreasing order!

6. Application
Write I if the elements are arranged in increasing order and D if in decreasing
a. {-7, -3, -9/11, √9, 18/5}
b. {-6, -4.7, -𝝅, -√8, 0.8}
c. {√25, 1.7, -5/2, -8, -√100}
d. {17/2, 3, 18/11, 0, −√9, -18/5}
e. {-52, -25, 𝝅, 3.3, √16}

7. Assessment
Arrange the elements in order depending on the specified arrangement.
a. {6, -4, 5, √9, -9}, increasing
b. {-2, -1/5, 4/3, -7, 6}, decreasing
c. {-10, 10, -3, 7.2, 3}, decreasing
d. {-0.3, -1, 4 2/5, 1/3, √15}, increasing
e. {4, 0, √10, −3, 3/6 }, decreasing

1. Review
a. How do you arrange real numbers of different forms?
b. What should you remember before real numbers are ordered in ascending
or descending order?

2. Study: Scientific Notation

a. Why do some calculators make use of the scientific notation?
b. How are numbers converted to scientific notation?

Electronic Sources: http://www.virtualnerd.com/algebra-2/

Answer Key:
Guided Practice: The points of the graph should correspond to the elements of the
following arrangements in increasing order.
a. {-9, -4, 0, 6, 7.5} {7.5, 6, 0, -4, -9} b. {-7, -2, -1 1/2, √2, 6} {6, √2, −1 1/2, -2, -7, }
Independent Practice: The points of the graph should correspond to the elements of the
following arrangements in increasing order.
a. {6, √9, 0, -4, -9} b. {6, 4, -1/5, -2, -7} c. {7.2, 3, 0, -3, -10}
d. {4 2/5, √15, 1/3, -1, -3.3} e. {√8, 2, 3/6, 0, -3}
Application a. I b. I c. D d. D e. I
Assessment a. {-9, -4, √9, 5, 6} b. {6, 4/3, -1/5, -2, -7, } c. {10, 7.2, 3, -3, -10}
d. { -1, -0.3, 1/3, √15, 4 2/5} e. {4, 0, √10, −3, 3/6 }
Module 1 – Numbers and Number Sense
Lesson 13: Significant Digits and the Scientific Notation
Learning Competency 17: Writes numbers in scientific notation and vice versa

a. Write numbers in scientific notation and vice versa
b. Appreciate the importance of scientific notation in real-life situation


Topic: Expressing Numbers in Scientific Notation
Materials: Scientific Calculator
References: LM pages 76 – 82;
Next Century Mathematics 7, pages 208 – 214;
Synergy for Success in Mathematics, Singaporean Approach, Grade 7,
pages 96 – 100

A. Preliminaries
Using a scientific calculator, key in the following.
a. Two hundred eighty-five billion
b. Eighty-seven hundred thousandth
c. One thousand, five billionth
d. Five trillion, six hundred nine billion
e. Three ten millionth

B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/Modelling
Using a scientific calculator, key in the numbers in the preliminary activity and
then press the equal sign. Are these reflected on the screen?
a. Two hundred eighty-five billion = 2.85 x 1011
b. Eighty-seven hundred thousandth = 8.7 x 10-4
c. One thousand, five billionth = 1.005 x 10-6
d. Five trillion, six hundred nine billion = 5.609 x 1012
e. Three ten millionth = 3 x 10-7

Illustrative example No. 1

Last graduation day, Danielle’s father gave her a graduation gift. It was a 64
GB flash drive. Her brother also received his graduation gift, a 32 GB flash drive? About
how many bytes is each flash drive equivalent to? Can these values be written in a shorter
way? How?
1 gigabyte (1 GB) = 1,073,741,824 bytes or about 1,100,000,000 bytes, so 64 GB is
about 65,000,000,000 bytes and 32 GB is about 35,000,000,000.
To write these values in a shorter way, use scientific notation.
It is denoted by
m x 10n, where 1 ≤ m < 10 and n is an integer.
1,100,000,000 = 1.1 x 109,
65,000,000,000 = 6.5 x 1010, and
35,000,000,000 = 3.5 x 1010
Illustrative example No. 2
How about the diameter of a red
blood cell?
It is about 0.000007 mm.
How can it be written in scientific
0.000007 = 7 x 10-6

2. Analysis
a. Are you comfortable in writing very large/small numbers? Why or why not?
b. Which way do you prefer to write the largest/smallest numbers, in whole
number/decimal form or scientific notation?
c. What is a more convenient way of expressing very large and very small
d. How do you express very large or very small numbers in scientific notation?

3. Guided Practice
A. Determine the coefficient or significand in the following numbers.
a. 38,000,000,000 b. 0.000000001
c. 2,016,000,000,000 d. 0.000000001007
e. 0.000000000091306
B. Determine the value of n in the following scientific notations.
a. 5.3 x 104 b. 1.968 x 10−5 c. 2.071 x 100
d. 1.000001 x 10 e. 8 x 102

4. Independent Practice
A. Fill in the blank with the missing number.
a. 38,000,000,000 = _____ x 1010
b. 0.000000001 = _____ x 10−9
c. 2,016,000,000,000 = _____ x 1012
d. 0.000000001007 = _____ x 10−9
e. 0.000000000091306 = _____ x 10−11
B. Determine the value of the following scientific notations.
a. 5.3 x 104 = 53_______
b. 1.968 x 10−5 = 0._______1968
c. 2.071 x 10 = 2_071
d. 1.000001 x 10−3 = 0._______1000001
e. 8 x 102 = 8_______

5. Generalization
Procedure for Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation
Step 1: Determine the coefficient or significand by moving the decimal point to the right of
the first nonzero digit. It is understood that the decimal point of any natural number is
located after the last digit.
Step 2: Count the number of places the decimal is moved. This corresponds to the
exponent of 10 to be used as a factor. A movement to the left corresponds to a positive
integral power of 10. A movement to the right corresponds to a negative power or 10.
Step 3: Multiply the number obtained in step 1 and the power of 10 obtained in step 2.

Procedure in Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation to Decimal Form

Step 1: If the exponent of 10 is positive n, move the decimal point n places to the right.
Step 2: If the exponent of 10 is 0, do not move the decimal point.
Step 3: If the exponent of 10 is negative n, move the decimal point n places to the left.

6. Application
Complete the table below with numbers and their scientific notations.
Without Exponent Scientific Notation
1.000001 x 10−4
7 x 102
2.0071 x 100

7. Assessment
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. 5.02 x 102 a. 5.02 b. 50.2 c. 502 d. 5,020

2. 0.000000108 a. 1.08 x 106 b. 1.08 x 107

c. 1.08 x 10−6 d. 1.08 x 10−7
3. 2 981 000 000 a. 2.981 x 108 b. 2.981 x 10−8
c. 2.981 x 109 d. 2.981 x 10−9
4. 0.00000041230 a. 4.123 x 107 b. 4.123 x 10-7
c. 4.123 x 108 d. 4.123 x 10-8
5. 6.007 x 10-5 a. 0.00006007 b. 0.0006007
c. 0.000006007 d. 0.0000006007

1. Follow-up
a. Research about 5 smallest and biggest things. Express their sizes in
scientific notation.
2. Study: Problem Solving Involving Real Numbers
a. What real-life situations involve real numbers?
b. How do you represent real-life situations which involve real numbers?

Electronic Sources: https://www.ck12.org/arithmetic/


Answer Key:
Guided Practice A. 10, 9, 12, 9, 11 B. 4, -5, 0, -3, 2
Independent Practice A. 3.8, 1, 2.016, 1.007, 9.1306
B. 53000, 0.00001968, 2.071, 0.001000001, 800
Complete the table below with numbers and their scientific notations.
Without Exponent Scientific Notation
3.8 x 1010
1.007 x 10-9
Assessment 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

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