Anemia in Malignancies Pathogenetic and Diagnostic Considerations

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Anemia in malignancies: Pathogenetic and

diagnostic considerations

Balan Louis Gaspar, Prashant Sharma & Reena Das

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malignancies: Pathogenetic and diagnostic considerations, Hematology, 20:1, 18-25, DOI:

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Published online: 26 Mar 2014.

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Narrative review
Anemia in malignancies: Pathogenetic and
diagnostic considerations
Balan Louis Gaspar, Prashant Sharma, Reena Das
Department of Hematology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

Objectives: The aim of this paper is to review the pathogenesis and diagnostic approaches to anemia in
cancer patients.
Methods: PubMed was queried for various combinations of anemia and cancer-related terms using
appropriate filters for articles and practice guidelines published in the last 5 years. Specific searches were
conducted for individual pathogenetic mechanisms and malignancies of specific anatomic sites.
Results: Anemia is the commonest hematological manifestation of cancer, afflicting 40–64% of patients
treated for malignancies. Pathophysiologically, cancer-related anemia can be classified into four broad
but overlapping categories: hypoproliferative anemia including the common anemia of inflammation/
chronic disease, hemolytic anemia, miscellaneous etiologies, and uncertain etiologies. Anemia incidence
increases with the administration of chemotherapy/radiotherapy. It reduces the quality of life and shortens
survival in cancer patients. A positive correlation is observed between anemia and tumor hypoxia.
Experimentally, hypoxemia enhances tumor growth and resistance to therapy by stimulating angiogenesis,
acquisition of genomic mutations, and increasing resistance to apoptosis as well as to the killing effects of
chemo/radiotherapy-generated free radicals.
Discussion: Diagnostic approaches to the anemic cancer patient begin with a detailed clinical history and
physical examination. Peripheral blood morphology and reticulocyte count are also helpful. Patients with
unexplained anemia are evaluated by standard approaches also used in patients of similar age without
malignancy. Serum iron profile and bone marrow examination are often required in difficult cases. This
review focuses on major aspects of the pathogenesis of the individual entities. Diagnostic approaches
and uncommon causes including hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, acquired hemoglobinopathies,
and myelodysplasia are also discussed.
Keywords: Anemia, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Chronic disease, Etiopathogenesis, Hypoxia, Malignancy, Radiotherapy

Introduction gastrointestinal tract adenocarcinoma (refractory iron

Cancer is the commonest cause of mortality in devel- deficiency anemia (IDA) may be sole manifestation),
oped countries and the second leading cause of mor- hairy cell leukemia (HCL), or a myelodysplastic syn-
tality in the developing world. Global estimates for drome (MDS). The commonest anemia in patients
2008 pointed to 12.7 million cancer cases and 7.6 with malignancies is anemia of inflammation/
million cancer deaths.1,2 Anemia is a major public chronic disease,4 although other causes depending on
health problem affecting 1.62 billion people world- the site may be also common (e.g. blood loss in
wide. A World Health Organization (WHO) Global stomach, bladder, uterine, and cervical malignancies).
Database on Anemia for 1993–2005 pegged the preva- Multiple etiologies are encountered in many cases. In
lence of anemia worldwide at 25%.3 the current era of multimodality cancer therapy, the
Anemia is the commonest hematological manifes- prevalence of treatment-related anemia is likely to be
tation of cancer and a majority of cancer patients are increasing even though definite estimates are difficult.
anemic.4 Anemia may at times be the sole manifes- We review here the pathogenetic and etiological
tation of cancer and a diagnostic work-up of anemia approaches to anemia in cancer patients. For this, we
may unmask a hidden malignancy like a queried PubMed for various combinations of the
terms anemia, cancer, malignancy, diagnosis, and
Correspondence to: Prashant Sharma, Department of Hematology, pathogenesis using the following filters: reviews, sys-
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Level 5, tematic reviews, articles published in the last 5 years,
Research Block A, Sector 12, Chandigarh 160012, India.
Email: and practice guidelines. Subsequently, specific

© W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2015

18 DOI 10.1179/1607845414Y.0000000161 Hematology 2015 VOL. 20 NO. 1
Gaspar et al. Anemia in malignancies

searches were conducted for the individual pathoge- miscellaneous etiologies include a wide variety of
netic mechanisms (e.g. chemotherapy-related anemia) causes including those due to hypersplenism, second-
and malignancies of specific anatomic sites. ary hemophagocytic syndrome, acquired (especially
alpha) thalassemia, and blood loss. At times, the
Pathophysiological classification of anemia in cause of anemia cannot be established where the
malignancies term anemia of uncertain etiology is more appropriate.
Anemia in cancer can be broadly classified into four These entities are discussed further below.
major categories: hypoproliferative anemia, hemolytic
anemia, anemia of miscellaneous etiology, and anemia Hypoproliferative anemia
of uncertain etiology (Table 1). The rubric hypoproli- Anemia of inflammation or chronic disease/iron
ferative anemia includes anemia of inflammation or sequestration anemia
chronic disease/iron sequestration anemia, anemia of It is the commonest cause of anemia in cancer
iron deficiency and other malnutritive/malabsorptive patients.4,5 Among the malignancies, solid tumors
states, pure red cell aplasia (PRCA), megaloblastic account for majority of cases. Mechanisms of
anemia, myelophthisic or leukoerythroblastic anemia of inflammation/chronic disease in cancer
anemia, myelodysplasia, and anemia due to marrow are both functional as well as iron deficiency-
aplasia or hypoplasia. Hemolytic anemias include related.5 Though these two processes are not mutually
autoimmune hemolytic syndromes and microangio- exclusive, the pathogenesis of anemia of inflam-
pathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA). Anemias of mation/chronic disease needs separate discussion.
The master regulator of iron homeostasis is hepci-
Table 1 A pathogenesis-based classification of etiologies of
din.6 This polypeptide hormone with antimicrobial
anemia in patients with malignancies activity acts by binding to ferroportin and causing its
degradation. This prevents iron from being exported
Anemia of inflammation/chronic disease
Anemia secondary to chemotherapy and radiation therapy out of the cell and results in functional iron deficiency.
Hypoplastic/aplastic bone marrow Bone morphogenetic protein-6 (BMP6) and its down-
Anorexia, vomiting stream signaling pathway mediated by second messen-
Drug-induced hemolysis
Anemia of blood loss gers act as key physiological regulators of hepcidin.
Exogenous blood loss (acute or chronic): gastrointestinal Hypoxia regulates hepcidin production directly
malignancies, head and neck cancer, genitourinary
cancers, cervical and vaginal cancers, post-tumor
through hypoxia-inducible factor or indirectly by
resection surgery increased erythropoietin production.7 Cytokines,
Intra-tumor bleeding: sarcomas, bulky melanomas, especially interleukin-6 (IL-6) increase hepcidin pro-
hepatoma, ovarian cancer, adrenocortical tumors
Nutritional anemia duction via signal transducer and activator of tran-
Anorexia and decreased dietary intake scription-3 (STAT3), as well as by other pathways.6–9
Iron deficiency due to blood loss Recently, the role of activin receptor-mediated
Secondary folate deficiency in neoplasms with high-cell
turnover pathways has been unraveled and dysregulation of
Post-gastrointestinal resection these pathways too appears to contribute to the
Gastrointestinal obstruction by tumor (intraluminal, intramural,
or extramural due to pressure effects)
development of iron sequestration anemia in
Intractable hyperemesis malignancies.9
Use of folate antagonist agents
Autoimmune gastritis resulting from neuroendocrine
neoplasms Iron deficiency anemia
Anemia of bone marrow replacement (myelophthisic anemia) Absolute iron deficiency commonly observed in cancer
Acute and chronic leukemias, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin may be nutritional, related to blood loss, insufficient
lymphomas, plasma cell myeloma, metastatic tumors
(breast, prostate, lung, neuroblastoma, etc.) iron uptake from food, or increased utilization. Solid
Secondary myelofibrosis tumors comprised of 22%, and hematological malig-
Myelonecrosis nancies 8% of the total causes of intravenous iron
Hemolytic anemia
MAHA requirement for IDA.10 Other causes of IDA are
TTP bleeding associated with malignancies of gastrointesti-
Immune hemolytic anemias
AIHA: warm antibody type, cold antibody type, and mixed
nal, urogenital, and respiratory tracts. Bleeding may
type also occur due to acquired platelet dysfunction in
Miscellaneous causes malignancies like the myeloproliferative neoplasms
Secondary hemophagocytic syndrome/HLH: histiocytic
medullary reticulosis, histiocytic lymphomas, other and in paraproteinemias.11 In patients with tumors
histiocytic neoplasms requiring gastric resection, iron deficiency develops
Anemia due to infections in immunocompromised patients because of decreased iron absorption. An underlying
Anemia of renal failure: including abnormalities of
erythropoietin production and utilization malignancy should be strongly considered in any
Hypersplenism patient presenting with IDA which is unexplained by
Anemia of unknown etiology
common approaches.

Hematology 2015 VOL. 20 NO. 1 19

Gaspar et al. Anemia in malignancies

Red cell hypoplasia and PRCA Folate antagonists, nucleoside analogs, and other
PRCA is a syndrome characterized by a severe normo- drugs interfering with DNA synthesis including hydro-
cytic anemia, reticulocytopenia, and the absence of xycarbamide, cytarabine, methotrexate, 5-fluoroura-
erythroblasts from an otherwise normal bone cil, thioguanine, azathioprine, and 6-mercaptopurine
marrow. Cancer is an important cause of secondary frequently produce megaloblastosis.19,20
PRCA. Both hematological neoplasms as well as
various solid malignancies have been implicated Myelophthisic or leukoerythroblastic anemia
although the exact pathogenesis remains unclear. Myelophthisic or leukoerythroblastic anemia refers to
PRCA has rarely been reported in association with anemia due to replacement of the normal marrow
lymphoproliferative disorders and among the hemato- elements by (in this context) a neoplastic process
logical malignancies chronic lymphocytic leukemia thereby resulting in hypoproliferation of the normal
(CLL), T-cell large granular leukemia (LGL)/natural marrow elements including the erythroid precursors.
killer (NK) cell leukemia, plasma cell myeloma, non- Bone marrow examination is always indicated in
Hodgkin lymphoma, MDS, and acute lymphoblastic persons with anemia of obscure etiology, even
leukemia (ALL) have been reported.12–14 PRCA occasionally yielding the first clue to the presence of
might precede, may present simultaneously, or might an occult malignancy.21 The neoplastic process can
follow the lymphoproliferative disorder, either in be in the form of frankly malignant cellular elements
relapse or even in remission. as well as tumor diatheses in the form of fibrosis,
Various pathogenetic roles of autoreactive B-cells, osteomyelosclerosis, and rarely necrosis or granuloma-
T-cells, and NK-cells in erythroid hypoproliferation tous responses. Both metastatic (e.g. breast, prostate,
have been described. B-cells mainly act via production renal carcinomas, etc.) as well as hematological malig-
of IgG antibodies.12,14,15 IgG binds complement, may nancies (e.g. HCL, Hodgkin lymphoma, primary mye-
be directly cytotoxic via type II hypersensitivity reac- lofibrosis, and other myeloproliferative neoplasms)
tion, targets erythroblasts in vitro, or inhibits hemo- commonly produce secondary myelofibrosis.
globin synthesis. IgG produced following a viral or Myelodysplastic syndromes
bacterial infection cross-reacts with erythroid precur- MDS are a heterogeneous group of clonal hemato-
sor cells or erythropoietin. Anti-erythropoietin anti- poietic stem cell disorders that are characterized by
bodies form immune complexes with erythropoietin, ineffective hematopoiesis/bone marrow failure, per-
causing functional inactivation. Obstruction of the ipheral blood cytopenias, and a propensity for leuke-
erythropoietin receptor by anti-erythroblast antibody mic transformation (usually into acute myeloid
has also been described.15 The role of T-cells is leukemia, AML). The WHO classification system cur-
mainly by major histocompatibility complex-I rently recognizes distinct pathological subtypes of
(MHC-I)-restricted CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocytes MDS based on morphological features, percentage
and NK-cells is via MHC-unrestricted CD3+ T- of nucleated bone marrow cells that are blasts, and
LGLs with T-cell receptor (TCR)-expressing killer- the number of hematopoietic lineages affected.
cell immunoglobulin-like receptors.16 There is also The diagnosis of MDS in a patient with a known
an interplay between all the cell types wherein anti- malignancy should however be made with extreme
bodies cross-link the TCR of the T-LGLs with the caution as myriad tumor and therapy-related influ-
Fc receptor on target cells or cross-links the Fc recep- ences can mimic the morphological appearances of
tor on the T-LGLs or NK-LGLs (CD16) with any MDS. Cytogenetic studies and, to a lesser extent,
specific ligand for the antibody on the target flow cytometry can be useful in this distinction
cells.15,17,18 although clinical and hematological follow-up includ-
ing repeat bone marrow examinations is always
Megaloblastic anemia in malignancies judicious.22
Megaloblastic anemia is a less common form of hypo-
proliferative anemia encountered in cancer patients. Hypoplastic/aplastic anemia in patients with cancer
Folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency may be nutri- More appropriately termed ‘secondary’ hypoplastic/
tional or may result from anorexia and decreased aplastic anemia; this is nearly always therapy-related.
dietary intake. Increased requirements for folic acid Even so, hematological malignancies (and concomi-
or vitamin B12 that cannot be replenished by the tant diminished hematopoietic reserves) as well as
regular dietary intake may occur due to increased cel- their treatments are more common causes than non-
lular proliferation and high-cell turnover as in leuke- hematological malignancies. The pathophysiology of
mias with hyperleukocytosis. Gastric tumor patients marrow cell destruction (direct cytotoxicity) has been
who have been treated by total or subtotal gastrectomy inferred from the results of treatment in humans,
are at increased risk for the development of megalo- with substantial support from in vitro and animal
blastic anemia because of vitamin B12 malabsorption. models.23

20 Hematology 2015 VOL. 20 NO. 1

Gaspar et al. Anemia in malignancies

Hemolytic anemia in cancer patients lymphoma.31 Over 90% of the cancers were metastatic,
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia and in 19.4% of solid cancers, the MAHA occurred at
Cancer-associated autoimmune hemolytic anemia recurrence/relapse. In general, adenocarcinoma was
(AIHA) can be broadly divided into warm and cold the commonest histological type of cancer in
AIHA. Warm AIHA occurs in both lymphoid a well MAHA, in part due to the erythrocytopathic effects
as non-lymphoid malignancies. CLL and lymphomas of mucins produced. Gastric carcinoma was the com-
account for nearly 80% of secondary warm-antibody monest cancer site in that review, followed by breast,
AIHA cases.24 In addition, some non-lymphoid malig- prostate, lung, lymphomas, unknown primary,
nancies like ovarian tumors have also been shown to abdominal, genitourinary, and endocrine cancers.
produce warm AIHA. Lymphomas associated with MAHA included
IgG1, the most commonly encountered subclass, Hodgkin disease, angiotropic lymphoma (especially
and IgG3 autoantibodies appear to be the most T-cell types), diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, and
effective in shortening red blood cell (RBC) life plasma cell myelomas.31
spans.25,26 Destruction of autoantibody-coated RBCs A special feature of MAHA in malignancies is that,
is mediated primarily by sequestration and phagocyto- unlike in other paraneoplastic syndromes, a relatively
sis in macrophages of the splenic Billroth cords and to high proportion of MAHA cases occur at the time of
a lesser extent in hepatic Kupffer cells. These macro- cancer recurrence. In the review cited above, clinical
phages express cell surface receptors for the Fc and laboratory findings revealed that only a minority
region of IgG, especially IgG1 and IgG3 and also of cases presented with the features of thrombotic
for fragments of the complement proteins C3 and thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) or atypical hemoly-
C4. When present together on the RBC surface, IgG tic uremic syndrome (aHUS), with the exception of
and complement fragments act synergistically to prostate cancer, whereas aHUS was a common presen-
enhance RBC trapping and phagocytosis. tation and compared to hereditary or immune TTP or
Most RBC sequestration in warm-antibody AIHA aHUS.31 Bone marrow was the commonest site of
occurs in the spleen, but trapping in the liver occurs metastasis in cancer-related MAHA. About one-
in the presence of large quantities of RBC-bound third of patients with MAHA had laboratory signs
IgG or the concomitant presence of complement suggesting disseminated intravascular coagulation
proteins on the RBC surface. Trapped RBCs may be (DIC). Pulmonary symptoms were more common in
partially or completely ingested by a macrophage. cancer-related MAHA as compared to non-malignant
Partial phagocytosis is most common and leads to TTP/HUS. In the vast majority of cancer patients (a
the formation of spherocytes. Since membrane loss disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospon-
exceeds volume, the escaped RBC assumes a spherical din-like motif-13), ADAMTS13 levels were >20% in
shape, a sphere being the geometric shape with the contrast to hereditary and acquired TTP where
lowest ratio of surface area-to-volume. Certain ADAMTS13 activity is more or less reduced.
cancer chemotherapeutic drugs are well-known The pathogenesis of MAHA in cancer is largely
causes of hemolytic anemia. Carmustine (bis-chlor- speculative. In solid cancers, the most likely cause
oethylnitrosourea) reduces glutathione reductase and may be red cell fragmentation and platelet destruction
results in hemolysis in patients who are glucose 6- in small vessels of cancerous tissue, in particular, in
phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient. bone marrow, lung, or other organs. Cytokine
Doxorubicin generates reactive oxygen species and production by tumor cells may also play a role, for
results in oxidative hemolysis, also marked in patients instance, in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-mediated
with G6PD deficiency.27 Pentostatin, used in HCL, red cell damage. Massive tumor necrosis could
CLL, and graft-versus-host disease, may also cause release tissue factor and initiate the coagulation
hemolysis.28 cascade leading to thrombotic microangiopathies.31,32
Endothelial cells too are likely to play a role.
MAHA including disseminated intravascular Clinically, MAHA is a serious complication of malig-
coagulation nancy with a very poor prognosis. Nearly half of all
Cancer-related MAHA is a paraneoplastic syndrome patients (46.5%) in the aforementioned study died
characterized by Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia within a month with or without treatment.31
with schistocytes, thrombocytopenia, elevated
plasma hemoglobin, and lactate dehydrogenase and Miscellaneous hemolytic processes in patients with
frequently, renal failure or dysfunction.29 Cancer- malignancies
related microangiopathy is a rare cause but frequent These include hemolytic reactions (acute or delayed)
terminal cause of secondary MAHA.30 A recent as well as alloimmunization leading to reduced life
review of cancer-related MAHA found that 154 span of transfused RBCs in patients requiring blood
cases were associated with solid cancers and 14 with transfusions, co-incident infections like malaria,

Hematology 2015 VOL. 20 NO. 1 21

Gaspar et al. Anemia in malignancies

shigellosis, clostridial sepsis, leishmaniasis,33 etc., and Acquired thalassemias

hemolysis associated with extra-corporeal circulatory Acquired hemoglobinopathies including acquired
devices and dialysis membranes. hemoglobin H disease and other α-thalassemias are
characteristically seen in patients with hematological
Anemias of miscellaneous etiology in cancer malignancies. They are usually associated with
patients MDS or less commonly, with myeloproliferative
Hypersplenism neoplasms and erythroleukemia.39–41 These
Hypersplenism secondary to lymphoproliferative relatively rare disorders may cause diagnostic dilem-
disorders and less commonly, myeloproliferative mas with the commoner inherited hemoglobin
neoplasms, is a rare cause of anemia. In myeloproli- abnormalities.
ferative neoplasms, the primary pathology is in bone Molecular pathogenesis for acquired α-thalassemia
marrow whereas in lymphoproliferative neoplasms, includes inactivating somatic mutations of trans-acting
hypersplenism might play a significant role. Anemia chromatin-associated factor on the X-chromosome
is caused by RBC pooling in the enlarged spleen, (ATRX) that down-regulate α-globin gene expression
decreased survival of RBCs, and hemodilution result- and, less commonly, acquired deletion of the
ing from an increased plasma volume.34,35 α-globin gene cluster on chromosome 16.39–41

Secondary hemophagocytic syndrome/ Effects of anemia and tissue hypoxia on tumor

hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis growth and sensitivity to therapy
Malignancies presenting with prominent hemophago- Tumor hypoxia in anemic patients is well-known clini-
cytosis are rare and anemia resulting from cally to reduce the effectiveness of radiation therapy. It
malignancy-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistio- has also emerged, through experimental studies, as a
cytosis (HLH) is exceedingly rare. Only a few case major factor influencing malignant cell proliferation
series are available in the literature and in virtually and tumor progression.42 Although hypoxia can also
all the anemia is associated with other cytopenias. In negatively impact tumor cell growth, in vivo it more
the series by Shabbir et al. 36 in 18 adult patients, hem- often leads to hypoxia-driven responses that enhance
atological malignancies and stem cell transplantation malignant progression and aggressiveness, ultimately
constituted 33% of all HLH cases and no solid resulting in increased resistance to therapy and
tumors were noted. Celkan et al. 37 analyzed 29 pedi- poorer long-term prognosis. Malignant progression
atric malignancy-associated HLH and observed that associated with tumor hypoxia appears to be mediated
60% were due to hematological malignancies while by several mechanisms, including changes in gene
40% were due to solid tumors. ALL constituted expression, inactivation of tumor suppressor genes,
83.3% of the hematological malignancies. activation of proto-oncogenes, genomic instability,
Rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma constituted and clonal selection.43,44
50% each of the solid malignancies. Both genders These genetic changes further result in increased
were equally represented. They postulated that pre- angiogenesis, cellular resistance to apoptosis, and to
sumably, malignant cells secrete the proinflammatory oxidative free radicals generated by chemotherapy
cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 that contribute to and radiotherapy finally leading to enhanced tumor
immune dysregulation. growth and escape from therapy. A meta-analysis of
Regardless of the underlying condition, the hallmark 19 clinical studies of cancer-related anemia and 8
in many studies of HLH in malignancies appears to be studies on tumor hypoxemia in 2005 attempted to
acquired NK-cell dysfunction. Lymphoma-associated determine the effect of these variables on loco-regional
HLH, harbor either a bi-allelic or mono-allelic control and survival in patients with cancer.43 Despite
mutation in the perforin gene.38 Soluble CD163 is a sca- varying definitions of anemia and hypoxemia, all
venger receptor exclusively expressed in the monocyte– studies indicated positive correlations between
macrophage system and increased shedding of its reduced hemoglobin and higher levels of tumor
extracellular domain has been demonstrated with hypoxia with inferior prognosis. Attempted radiosensi-
various inflammatory stimuli. Very high levels of tization by improved tumor oxygenation or hypoxic
soluble interleukin-2 receptor alpha (sIL-2R-alpha) cell sensitization through hyperbaric oxygen, electro-
are rarely seen in conditions other than HLH. philic radiosensitizer pharmacological agents, and
Measurement of both sIL2R-alpha and sCD163 can mitomycin had limited success.
aid in making a timely diagnosis of HLH, especially
when the presentation is not classical. Hence, HLH Diagnostic approach to anemia in malignancy
should be borne in mind as a diagnostic possibility in Although heavily dependent on the clinical back-
sick, febrile patients with cytopenias, and organome- ground and historical and examination findings,
galy where commoner causes of anemia are unlikely. certain generic approaches can be defined for the

22 Hematology 2015 VOL. 20 NO. 1

Gaspar et al. Anemia in malignancies

Figure 1 An algorithmic approach to anemia in a cancer patient. [Note: The black boxes highlight key investigations often vital
to the differential diagnosis.]

anemic cancer patient. These are outlined in Fig. 1. Conclusions

Specific malignancies have differing incidences and 1. Anemia is a common manifestation of malignancies
features of anemia. Data on a few of the common and is estimated to occur in up to 60% of cancer
ones are presented in Table 2. patients.

Hematology 2015 VOL. 20 NO. 1 23

Gaspar et al. Anemia in malignancies

Table 2 Salient findings in anemia in common malignancies

Anatomic site
[reference] Incidence and features of anemia

Breast44,45 • Commonest etiology in western data is therapy-related anemia

• Most of the commonly used chemotherapy regimens in the adjuvant setting, FAC (5-fluorouracil,
doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide) and CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil) induce
anemia (Hb < 120 g/l) in 43–47% patients. Severe anemia (Hb level ≤79 g/l) occurs in 11% of patients
treated with FAC
• Hb level 11–80 g/l occurs in 67–97% previously untreated patients receiving taxanes as single agents
Lung46,47 • Frequency varies from 48 to 80%
• Pre-operative leukocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytosis are associated with poor survival in non-small
cell lung cancer
Prostate48 • Incidence varies from 33 to 70% in various studies
• Additional causes include androgen deprivation, hematuria, nutritional decline due to age, bone marrow
infiltration, treatment-related toxicity, and chronic inflammatory states
Lymphomas49 • Prevalences of anemia at diagnosis of CLL, NHL, and Hodgkin lymphoma have been reported as ∼25,
∼50, and 37.4%
• In one recent Indian study, anemia of inflammation/chronic disease was present in 72%, iron deficiency
in 39%, vitamin B12 and/or folate deficiency in 22% patients, and AIHA in 11% patients
• In only three patients, anemia was attributable to bone marrow involvement alone. Anemia was
multifactorial in 18 of 46 (39.1%) patients
• Nutritional deficiencies alone or in combination were present in 48% patients
Colorectal50,51 • Causes include insidious or acute blood loss, malabsorption, surgical resections, chemotherapy, DIC
• Anemia is present in ∼30–50% of the patients. Right-sided and non-rectal cancers are significantly
more likely to be anemic
• Anemia during neoadjuvant chemo–radiotherapy is associated with significant reductions in tumor
downstaging and regression

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