CB ELE 2018 For Print v2 - For Self Print

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Welcome to Oxford International,

We create life enhancing learning experiences that help students worldwide to develop personally and
professionally and that enrich their future opportunities.
Our core values are at the heart of our business. They define who we are, how we work and guide how we act
with each other and with other partners. They are our DNA.

INTEGRITY: We build relationships through trust, honesty and respect.

PASSION & PRIDE: We love what we do and strive for excellence.

CARE: We put our students and their goals at the heart of everything we do.

CREATIVITY: We are not afraid to be different and we celebrate innovation.

Oh, and we believe that a SMILE goes a long way…

Our promise to you!

• We will treat all students with equal respect and courtesy at all times.
• We will communicate with you at all times to make sure you have all the information you need to know
about your lessons and excursions.
• We will provide all the resources and facilities you need for your lessons and activities.
• We will help you in any way we can to give you advice on your studies and how to progress.
• We will do our very best to make your stay an enjoyable and rewarding learning experience.

What we ask of you

• Get involved in all lessons and activities—they are a great way to practise your English with friends!
• Be punctual for lessons, activities and excursions—if one is late, everybody waits!
• Show respect for your fellow students, staff and your host family.
• Help us keep the school a friendly and tidy place for everybody.
• Contact a member of our staff or your host family if you see someone you do not know in your
accommodation or if you have any concerns for your safety.
• Wear your seatbelt at all times when you are using transportation. This is a legal requirement.
• DON’T carry large amounts of money, your passport or valuables with you.
• DON’T smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs.
• DON’T leave the school without adult supervision.
• DON’T graffiti or drop your litter anywhere.

Repeated failure to adhere to the above expectations or behaviour that is deemed dangerous or adversely affects
others’ enjoyment of the course, may result in a student’s removal from the centre.
I promise to do my best to make this holiday fun and enjoyable for everyone!

Please sign here

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Language for Life - Asking questions
1. What’s your name?
a) My name is Anna.
b) I Anna.

2. Where are you from?

a) I’m from France.
b) I’m France.

3. How old are you?

a) I have 14.
b) I’m 14.

4. What’s your job?

a) Doctor?
b) I’m a student.

5. Are you here on holiday?

a) Yes, I am.
b) No, I’m a tourist.

6. What’s your favourite subject at school?

a) I like school.
b) I like English.

7. What are your hobbies?

a) I like films and I play tennis.
b) My hobbies are shopping.

8. What’s your email address?

a) My email address is annac@hotmail.com.
b) 258 Rouge Avenue, Paris.

1. you / Are / city / big / from / a ?

2. Are / student / a / you ?

3. Justin Bieber / from / is / Where ?


4. your teacher / London / from / Is?

5. What / colour / your favourite / ‘s ?

6. What / your dad’s / job / ‘s?

Unit A
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Present Simple

Tea at 5
British people drink tea at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. People often think
that. It is not true. British people drink a lot of tea but they don’t drink it at
any specific hour. They usually drink tea with milk.
My best friend Will
Foreigners sometimes think that British people know someone from the
royal family. The newspapers write a lot about the royal family. But a normal
British person doesn’t know anyone from the royal family personally.
I’m terribly sorry!
British people are very polite. Yes, that is true. Most British people are polite
and they often say “I’m sorry”. But there aren’t only polite people in the UK,
there are some rude people as well, like anywhere in the world.
But the food…
British people can’t cook. This is not true. Some people don’t like British
food but the British can cook. Plus, if you don’t like fish & chips, it is easy to
eat something else. There are many restaurants that sell food from all over
the world.
Rain, rain, rain…
It always rains in Britain. This is also not true. The weather in Britain changes
very quickly. It rains often but it doesn’t rain every day. It is a good idea to
have your umbrella with you all the time.

Present Simple: I _____ We _____

You _____ You _____
S/he/ it _____ They _____

Negative: _________________________________________________

Question: _________________________________________________

1. I sometimes ______ (eat) fish and chips but I ______ (not like) it very much.

2. Bring your umbrella. It often ______ (rain) here.

3. He is from the UK but he _______ (not drink) tea with milk.

4. They ______ (not know) the Queen.

Unit B
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - Family

Male Both Female

father parents mother

nephew XXX
great grandchildren
great grandmother
XXX cousins XXX

Unit C
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Present continuous
Name: Nikita Sidorov
Age: 17
From: Russia

Hi Nikita! What’s your group doing this week?

We a magazine
about what’s happening at school.

Why are you doing that?

We can put the magazine on the student blog
and our parents and friends at home can see
what we .

What are you doing now?

I photos for the Name: Akemi Hirata
article about student projects, and you’re Age: 15
interviewing me about it. From: Japan
What are the other students in your group doing
Thibault and Matthieu Hi Akemi! What’s your group doing this week?
about our trip to We our time
London. Victoria is writing about our ’Fashion capsule.
Show’ activity last night.
Why are you doing that?
We can look again at our favourite moments of
the summer.

What are you doing now?

I photographs of our
favourite places and writing their names under
the pictures.

What are the other students doing now?

They a poster
about our trip to London.

Present Simple Timeline:

I ____ We ____

You ____ You ____

____ They

Present Continuous Timeline:

___ + ___________

Unit D
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - Describing pictures




Unit E
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Adjectives and adverbs

This country is very different from
This is a very big country. People here
Europe. Cities are very big and modern.
are very friendly. The live actively and
There are many people in the cities.
spend a lot of time outside. They love
They all work very hard and they do
sport and a lot of them play ice-hockey
everything perfectly. They speak English,
but they often speak quietly.

People in this country come from many
This country is very beautiful. There
different places in Europe like Spain,
are many museums and galleries. There
Germany, and Italy. They speak very
are also many nice cafés where you can
quickly. They love music and dance tango
relax and watch people. I think they are a
beautifully. The streets are very busy
little bit unfriendly but they dress very
and you have to be careful because they
fashionably. And they cook well.
drive dangerously.

Adjective Rule Adverb

Regular adjectives:

Adjectives ending in -y:



Unit F
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - You are what you eat

coffee orange juice cereal eggs bacon sausages
tomatoes toast mushrooms

a pizza chips a sandwich an apple water a hamburger
cheese grapes

fish meat a salad rice potatoes pasta
cucumbers lettuce

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

Examples Examples

Rule Rules

Unit G
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - Learning



verb + -ing
Unit H
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Past simple
The Apple Man
Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955. Clara and Paul Jobs
adopted him when he was a baby. His mother taught Steve to read. He
could read he went to school. His father taught him about electronics.
Steve didn’t like elementary school very much. And at university he
went only to some classes. He enjoyed his calligraphy class. In 1970, he
met Steve Wozniak. Together they created the Apple computer. They
started to sell the Macintosh computers in 1984. In 1986, Steve bought
a new company and started Pixar Animation Studios. Their first film
was  Toy Story. They also made films such as  Finding Nemo, Monsters,
Inc., Cars, WALL-E, and Up. In 2001, Steve presented the first iPod. It
changed how people listen to music. Steve Jobs died on 5 October

Fact File
t y:
Famous fo

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple

Unit I
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - A perfect day

as it ? 3. Why was it a per fect day?

1. Whe

2. What did you do in the evening?

you with?
4. Who were
5. How did you spend the day? you go to be
6. When did

8. What did you eat?

9. When did you get up?
7. What was the weather like?

10. Were was it?

A It was in Spain two years ago.

B I went there on holiday with my boyfriend.
C The weather was sunny but not very hot.
We got up about 9:30 and we had a lovely long breakfast on the balcony of our hotel.
After breakfast we drove to the mountains and went for a long walk. We explored a local
monastery and learned about its history. It was beautiful. On our way back we stopped in
D a small fishing village and had a lunch in one of the restaurants. I had a salad with seafood
and my boyfriend had fish. It was delicious. We found a beach and spent some time there
sunbathing, relaxing and swimming.
In the evening we went out. We met some very nice people and we all danced and talked. It
E was a beautiful evening. We went to bed very, very late.
F It was a perfect day because we did many different things but felt very relaxed the whole day.


Unit J
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Can for possibility

Means of transport

& other expressions

Means of transport Time Cost This is Julie. Julie

is at Trafalgar
Square in

London. It is
2. 3:30 p.m. now
and she wants to
3. be at Heathrow
Terminal 3 by 5
4. o’clock. She has

Positive Negative Question


Unit K
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - I love music

Music Questionnaire Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

1. How often you listen
to music?
• every day
• two or three times a week
• once a week

2. What your favourite

music genre?
• Pop
• Rock
• Other:
3. How often you go to
• Once a week
• Once a month
• Once a year

4. What kind of music

you like?
• Happy
• Sad
• Crazy

5. you a fan of

Unit L
o rd s
Nsew w
New w

I’ve lea

Review space
Review space

Project space
Project space

Language for Life - English and you in the future English and You
Do you agree or disagree with the statements? Circle the number in the chart to show how you feel about
the statements, e.g. 1 = I completely disagree or 10 = I completely agree.

I feel confident when I speak English.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I can communicate well in English.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I enjoyed learning English during my stay here.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I learnt new words.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I spoke English a lot in my lessons.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I learnt how I can use English outside the classroom.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

It’s easier for me to understand English when I speak to others.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I spoke a lot of English with my new friends.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How I am going to continue learning English at home

Language for Life - English and you in the future

Complete the sentences s
ordbelow with your ideas. Make sure you choose the correct preposition!
New w
Then exchange your ideas with a classmate. How many more ideas can you collect from your classmates?

I’m going to
practise listening by / with / to / for My classmate said I can also
practise listening

I’m going to
practise speaking English to / with / in My classmate said I can also
practise speaking

I’m going to
practise writing by / with / to / for My classmate said I can also
practise writing

I’m going to
practise reading by / for My classmate said I can also
practise reading


Unit A Transcript What are you doing now?
Transcripts Language for Life: Asking Questions I’m choosing photographs of our favourite places and
writing their names under the pictures.
What’s your name? - My name is Anna. What are the other students doing now?
2. Where are you from? - I’m from France. They’re drawing a poster about our trip to London.
3. How old are you? - I’m 14.
4. What’s your job? - I’m, a student. Unit G Transcript
5. Are you here on holiday? - Yes, I am. Language for Life:You are what you eat
6. What’s your favourite subject at school? - I like English.
7. What are your hobbies? - I like films and I play tennis. Today on “You are what you eat” we have one of the Jun-
8. What’s your email address? - My email address is ior Study Programmes teachers, Derek, so let’s see what
annac@hotmail.com. Derek usually eats.

Unit C Transcript Interviewer: So Derek, tell us… What do you typically

Language for Life: Family have for breakfast?
Derek: During the week, I have a coffee with milk and
A: Who are these people Joe? just some cereal. I usually eat it with yogurt or milk. I also
J: Those are my grandparents with me and my little sister love bananas, so I often mix it with my cereal.
Emma. Interviewer: Do you take any sugar with your coffee?
A: Oh, how old are they? Derek: No, I don’t put any sugar into my coffee. I also
J: My grandfather is 65 and my grandmother is 63. don’t put any milk into my tea, it is unusual for a Brit, I
A: Can you tell me a little bit about your grandparents? know.
J: My grandfather is very smart and funny. And my grand- Interviewer: Ok, that is a healthy breakfast.
mother is lovely. She is a very good cook. Can I see your Derek:Yes, probably… but at the weekend, when I have
pictures Alice? Who is this? more time, I like to have a big breakfast. I have two eggs,
A: This is my uncle, Tom. some bacon, some toast and beans, tomatoes, and mush-
J: And who is the lady next to him? rooms.
A: That is his wife Claire. Interviewer: Wow, that is a big breakfast. What do you
J: Is he your mother’s brother or your father’s brother? usually have for lunch?
A: He is my mom’s younger brother. Derek: When I am at school, I usually just have a sand-
J: What is his job? wich. I love sandwiches with ham and cheese. But I try
A: He is a teacher. He is serious but friendly. and eat some fruit every day so I also typically have an
J: And who is the little girl? apple or some grapes.
A: That is my cousin Julie. Interviewer: And what about dinner?
J: How old is she? Derek: I try to have a healthy dinner. I often eat fish. I
A: She is 1. She doesn’t like people very much. She is shy. love fish. Fish is my favourite food. I always have a salad
with my dinner—tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce...hmmm...
Unit D Transcript nummy….
Language Study: Present Continuous
Unit K Transcript
At our school, the students do project work every week. Language Study: Can for possibility
This week, the students are all busy with their project
work. We have decided to find out what is happening at Speaker 1
the school and interview two of our students about their You can take a taxi but traffic in London is often very
projects… bad. It can take a long time to get to the airport. Also,
taxis are quite expensive. It can cost £70, maybe £80.
Interview 1
Hi Nikita! What’s your group doing this week? Speaker 2
We’re writing a magazine about what’s happening at You can take the bus. Bus costs only £1.50. But there
school. isn’t a direct bus to the airport.You will have to change
Why are you doing that? 3 times. My phone says it takes about 2 hours and 30
We can put the magazine on the student blog and our minutes by bus.
parents and friends at home can see what we’re doing.
What are you doing now? Speaker 3
I’m taking photos for the article about student projects, You can walk to Leicester Square. It is only about 10
and you’re interviewing me about it. minutes. And there you can get the Tube. The Piccadilly
What are the other students in your group doing now? line goes all the way to Heathrow Airport. It takes about
Thibault and Matthieu are writing about our trip to Lon- 45 minutes and it costs £3.10.
don. Victoria is writing about our ’Fashion Show’ activity
last night. Speaker 4
Oh, you can take the Heathrow Express train.You can
Interview 2 take the Bakerloo Line form here to Paddington Station.
Hi Akemi! What’s your group doing this week? The Heathrow Express leaves from there. It only takes
We’re preparing out time capsule. about an hour from here and it is not too expensive, it
Why are you doing that? costs £25.
We can look again at our favourite moments of the
36 summer.
Irregular verbs
Base form Past simple Past Participle Your Language Base form Past simple Past Participle Your Language
arise arose arisen know knew known
be was been lay laid laid
beat beat beaten lead led led
become became become learn learnt learnt
bend bent bent lend lent lent
bet bet bet let let let
bind bound bound lie lay lain
bite bit bit light lit lit
bleed bled bled lose lost lost
blow blew blown make made made
break broke broken mean meant meant
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built pay paid paid
burn burnt burnt put put put
buy bought bought read read read
can could could ring rang rung
catch caught caught rise rose risen
choose chose chosen run ran run
come came come say said said
cost cost cost see saw saw
deal dealt dealt seek sought sought
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
dream dreamt dreamt set set set
drink drank drunk shake shook shaken
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen sing sang sung
feel felt felt sit sat sat
fight fought fought sleep slept slept
find found found speak spoke spoken
fly flew flown spend spent spent
forbid forbade forbidden stand stood stood
forget forgot forgotten steal stole stolen
freeze froze frozen stick stuck stuck
get got got swear swore sworn
give gave given swim swam swum
go went gone swing swung swung
grow grew grown take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tear tore torn
hide hid hidden tell told told
hit hit hit think thought thought
hold held held wear wore worn
hurt hurt hurt win won won
keep kept kept write wrote written
Useful language
Hello / Hi Excuse me, please.
How are things? I’m looking for...
How’s it going? I’m just looking. Thank you.
Good morning / afternoon / evening Have you got this in another colour / size?
Goodbye! It’s too small / big.
Bye for now! I’ll take it.
Catch you later Can I reserve this?
See you soon / later / tomorrow Can I pay in cash / by card?

Can I borrow a football / volleyball / basketball / rugby
ball / two tennis rackets, please?
Where is the tennis court / football pitch / basketball
court / sports hall?
At what time does the ... start?
Where is the disco?
What film is on this evening?
Where are you showing the film?
How do you take part in the talent show / X Factor /
IN THE CLASSROOM competition?
Can you say that again please? Where can I use the Internet?
I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.
I’m sorry but I don’t understand.
How long have we got for this activity?
Can we work together?
Can I borrow ... please?
Can you help me, please.
How do you say... ?
How do you spell... ?
Can you write that on the board for me?
I don’t know but I think the answer is...


How do I get to...?
Where can I buy a ticket?
Excuse me, please.
How much is it to...?
Do you speak English?
How long does it take?
I speak very little English.
Where is our meeting point?
I’m sorry. I don’t understand.
When does the train / bus / our coach leave?
Can you repeat that, please?
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Can you speak more slowly, please?
What time are we meeting?
Thank you very much for your help.
What is that building over there?
I’m lost. Can you help me find ..., please?
Where can I buy?
I’m lost. Can you help me find...., please?
What’s the emergency phone number?

How is my level of English tested?

Your guide to levels and exams

Your level is assessed on arrival with a grammar and vocabulary multiple choice test, a composition and
a speaking exam with one of our teachers. The test was designed specifically for the content of our
teaching syllabus and the name of your level may not be the same as at your school at home.

Why am I not in the same class as my classmate from home?

In the school system students of the same age study together but not everybody in the class will have
the same level of English. When we put students into classes, we try to make sure that students with
a similar level of English or similar strengths are in the same class. We also want to make sure that we
mix students from different countries so that you have a good reason to speak English with your new
classmates (and don’t accidentally use your first language).

Cambridge English Trinity College

Language Assessment
OIEG Syllabus CEFR Main Suite IELTS GESE
Elementary A1 1-2 1-2
Pre-Intermediate A2 KET 3 3-4
Intermediate B1 PET 3.5 - 4.5 5-6
Upper-Intermediate B2 FCE 5-6 7-9
Advanced C1 CAE 6.5 - 7 10 - 11
Proficiency C2 CPE 7.5 + 12

My class is too easy or too difficult. What can I do?

If you feel that your class is too easy or too difficult for you, please speak to your teacher or the Director
of Studies. Your teacher will pay attention to how everyone in your class is doing during the lessons and
take notes for the end-of-course report. It is important that you show your teacher in the lesson when
something is too easy or too difficult for you so that they can help you.

Can I move to another class?

You can only move to another class if your class is much too easy or difficult for you. Please speak to
your teacher or the Director of Studies if you would like to move.

I want to move to another class for a different reason.

If you would like to move to another class for a different reason, please speak to your teacher, the
Director of Studies or the Welfare Coordinator after your lesson.

Can I take a recognised English exam while I’m studying here?

If you are interested in taking a recognised English exam, you should talk to the Director of Studies
at your centre as soon as possible. There are many English examinations and the preparation can take
a longer time in order to be successful. Your Director of Studies will be able to recommend the best
one for you. You can find out more about other English examinations around the world by visiting their
websites below.

Testing body Selection of exams provided Website

Cambridge English General English: KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE www.cambridgeenglish.org
Language Assessment General and Academic English: IELTS
Trinity College London GESE, ISE, ESOL Skills for Life www.trinitycollege.co.uk
ETS TOEFL, TOEIC www.ets.org

All images in this book were sourced from the following websites:
If you would like to make a complaint or have suggestions https://opencliart.org
for the improvement of your programme, http://www.freepik.com
please see your Centre Manager, Activity Manager or http://flaticon.com
Director of Studies. http://www.vecteezy.com
Students may be removed from the centre if their or purchased from Shuttershock.com
behaviour is deemed to be against the best interests of the
programme. OI Junior Programmes also uses images and photos with the
permission of those in the photographs. 39

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