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Welcome to Oxford International,

We create life enhancing learning experiences that help students worldwide to develop personally and
professionally and that enrich their future opportunities.
Our core values are at the heart of our business. They define who we are, how we work and guide how we act
with each other and with other partners. They are our DNA.

INTEGRITY: We build relationships through trust, honesty and respect.

PASSION & PRIDE: We love what we do and strive for excellence.

CARE: We put our students and their goals at the heart of everything we do.

CREATIVITY: We are not afraid to be different and we celebrate innovation.

Oh, and we believe that a SMILE goes a long way…

Our promise to you!

• We will treat all students with equal respect and courtesy at all times.
• We will communicate with you at all times to make sure you have all the information you need to know
about your lessons and excursions.
• We will provide all the resources and facilities you need for your lessons and activities.
• We will help you in any way we can to give you advice on your studies and how to progress.
• We will do our very best to make your stay an enjoyable and rewarding learning experience.

What we ask of you

• Get involved in all lessons and activities—they are a great way to practise your English with friends!
• Be punctual for lessons, activities and excursions—if one is late, everybody waits!
• Show respect for your fellow students, staff and your host family.
• Help us keep the school a friendly and tidy place for everybody.
• Contact a member of our staff or your host family if you see someone you do not know in your
accommodation or if you have any concerns for your safety.
• Wear your seatbelt at all times when you are using transportation. This is a legal requirement.
• DON’T carry large amounts of money, your passport or valuables with you.
• DON’T smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs.
• DON’T leave the school without adult supervision.
• DON’T graffiti or drop your litter anywhere.

Repeated failure to adhere to the above expectations or behaviour that is deemed dangerous or adversely affects
others’ enjoyment of the course, may result in a student’s removal from the centre.
I promise to do my best to make this holiday fun and enjoyable for everyone!

Please sign here

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In E n F w
Language for Life - Learning skills

Person I admire
Unit M
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Present Perfect vs. Past Simple

Past Simple
Form: ____________________________________________________

We use Past Simple to talk about ________________________________________


Present Perfect Simple

Form: ____________________ + ___________________

We use the Present Perfect to talk about ______________________________



Unit N
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - Speaking about films ACROSS 1


“ C AP
G” Daily M
6 7

9 10 11 S NA
I L - BI

g St an
d a rd


14 “H E AR
gr aph
15 16 The Tele

The G
The Times

This film will make you because it is absolutely . It was shot on location in
Greenwich, London and all the scenes are . and
are the stars of the movie. His performance is completely and
she showed totally acting skills.

The plot is . plays the role of a corrupt policeman and meets


when she is arrested for doing graffiti on the walls of Buckingham palace. Of
course, they fall in love. It all gets a bit when   , in a cameo
role, reveals that he is engaged to .

The scene of the movie is when the two main characters are on the London Eye
together and they want to kiss but aliens appear! The audience in the cinema were .
I can't tell you more in order not to spoil the ending but I recommend watching it with subtitles as
they all have voices. It wouldn’t be as if it were dubbed. Many fans
are about agreeing to star in the sequel next year.

Unit O
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Quantifiers

Music for your e lked about
ly th e w or ld ’s m ost famous and ta the
obab together to form
The Beatles are pr si nc e th ey ca m e
ver 50 years , Paul, George and
musical group. O of Li ve rp oo l, Jo hn this
etown ung and old. For
band in their hom us ic fa ns , bo th yo
pular with m t The Beatles, but
do you
continue to be po io n is kn ow n ab ou fan?
rmat ider yourself a true
reason, a lot of info ou t th em to co ns e
know enough info
rmation ab
t T he Be at le s an d see how many ar
nown facts abou
Read these lesser-k
new to you…
but few
at Pa ul M cC ar tn ey is left-handed,
n knows th
1) Ever y Beatles fa is a left-handed drum
mer, too.
ise th at R in go les songs include oc
fans real m e fo od s in Be at !
2) If you’re feeling
hungry, so
ra w be rr ie s, pe pp ers and pies. Yum
ey, honey, st ne
marshmallows, turk as ed in 19 67 , al l of the real Penny La
ne was rele int the sign
3) Since Penny La
en st ol en . Li ve rp ool Council now pa
street signs have be
ve money. st name is
onto buildings to sa ge d th ei r na mes. Paul’s real fir
hn ch an Ono
4) Both Paul and Jo hi s m id dl e na m e from Winston to
James, and John ch .
Yoko Ono in 1969 l four Beatles. Flyi
ng and
when he married al ly w ri tt en by al
were actu rote on.
5) Very few songs ng s th at ea ch Beatles member w
so les
Dig It are the only ng in th e ea rl y 19 60s that The Beat of
6) ‘Beatlemania’ w
as so stro
ne d ab ou t th eir safety. This is one
more concer
became more and
opped touring. t she had little tim
the reasons they st hi s fir st gu ita r, bu
i bought him itar’s all right as a
7) John’s Aunt Mim to ld hi m , “T he gu
t. She
for the instrumen
u any money.” that they
but it won’t earn yo Pa ul ) w er e m ar ri ed twice, showing
8) All The Beatles
(except for the third
ey ca n’ t bu y m e love. Paul married
were right – Mon
time in 2011.
at le s fa ct s? If so , be sure to share
more Be
Do you know any

Quantifier Sg. Count. Pl. Count. Uncount.


a lot of
Unit P
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - This is my style!

Unit Q
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Now and then
I’ve just turned 90 and last year I
ran my 9th marathon. I used to play
a lot of sports but now I only run.
Being physically fit and active is the
recipe for a long and happy life.
I’ll be 89 in August. I have always
been a very active person but I didn’t
use to read much. I still do some physical
exercise but I read a lot more, play
Sudoku, learn foreign languages and in
general try to keep my brain active.

We used to live in a big city and we used

to be very, very busy. Now we live in a
countryside. We grow our own vegetables,
eat healthily and spend a lot of time outside. Betty
We feel a lot better and happier.

Janice & Steve

Used to


I used to + ________
I didn’t use to + ________
Did you use to + ________

We use “used to” to talk about_____________________________________________


How has your life changed since ?







Unit R
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - I want, I need

it ho u t? T h at was the main qinterviewed
live w They
What can’t youcused on in a recent survey. created a list of
researchers fo and 65 an d
o u t 2 , 0 0 0 ad ults between 18 e rn life. ion
b ig ge st n e ce ssities in mo f tea, a fast internet connectof
e o s
th e survey cups portant item
According to thiends are among the most img in our homes
and our best fr er, a daily shower and heatin
the list. Howevded in the answers.
were also inclu uld have a hard me
an y o f u s w o
shows that m . Apparently so
The survey alsove you’ every now and then and sometimes
without an ‘I lo that a night in on the sofa them. And while
people also saidcr y” were very important toone ‘necessity’, it
“having a goodput cuddles as their number television.
many women n are more attached to their
seems that me as a
d id n ’t re al ise an iPhone w e
ople said they ercent said th
Four in ten pe they had one, but only 30 p
necessity until ut their husband or wife.
same thing abo t
p e o p le sa id th ey did not wan
0 per cent of r, they also
Even though 7 their phone, television or cas are replaceable.
to live withoutl of their material possession y of overlooking
claimed that alple agreed that most are guiltfriendship.
Generally peo ings in life such as love and
the essential th n,
w e re an in te rnet connectiod and
e necessitie s best frie n
The top five bar sio n , a cu d d le , a trustworthy
followed by te
a daily sh o w e r.
le -23395 23/The -20-
.d ai ly m ai /news/ar tic ithout .html
Adapted from
: ht tp://w w w
s- m od er n- lif e-simply-live-w
Unit S
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Present Perfect Continuous
This is Helen. Helen is originally from Liverpool but she
moved to London for work….and never left.
What is Helen’s job?

30 a
Easter &
3 summer

1) I a lot of cake recently.

2) 3 slices today.
3) Look, I crumbs all over myself!

1) How long have you been working / do you work here?

2) Helen worked / has been living in London for six years.
3) She lives / has been living 45 minutes from work.
4) She has had / has been having this job for 3 years.

5) She bought / has bought a flat last month.

6) She lives / has been living with her friend for 3 weeks now.
7) Helen’s friend has done / has been doing yoga for 7 years.
8) She has had / has been having a yoga class today in the morning.

Unit T
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - A taste for adventure
Scene 1
a) How much is a to London?
b) Here are.
c) The train is now.
Scene 2
a) Do you have your number?

b) May I passport?
c) There go.
d) Are you any luggage in?
e) Did you pack the bags ?
f) Are there any objects or in your hand ?
g) What is the of the trip?
h) Please your to Gate 7.

Come or go?
is used to describe movement towards the speaker or the person being spoken to.
is used to describe movement away from the speaker or the person being spoken to.

1. I am coming / going to London to study.


2. Where are you coming / going for your holiday?

3. Are you coming / going to my party birthday.
4. Can you go / come to the shop. We don’t have any milk!
5. I’m not going / coming to school today Mum, I’m very sick!
6. I am coming / going home on Monday, Mum. I miss you!
7. Is it okay if I go / come home now, I’ve finished all my work.
8. Sorry I am not at the restaurant yet, I’m coming / going now. Why don’t you order?

Unit U
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Giving reason an purpose

Napoleon wasn’t only interested in war. He contributed to fashion in many ways too.
A The reason we have (1) on the sleeves of our (2)
is because Napoleon got tired of his soldiers wiping their noses on their (3)

Did you know that the low-waist baggy (4) that hip-hop musicians often
B wear originated in the prisons of Los Angeles? Why? Because the prisoners were not
allowed to wear (5) _______ to hold their (6) __________ in place.

(7) were invented to shade people from the sun and not from the
C rain. In ancient Greece they became a fashion (8) used by men and not
women. A useful fact to remind us to be careful in the sun.

When Peter the Great was a tsar in Russia, men were not supposed to grow a
D (9) in order to look more ‘European’. Those who did not follow this
rule had to pay a special fine.

What is the connection between cars and women’s fashion? During the late 18th
E century, after the invention of the automobile, (10) became shorter to
help women step into automobiles comfortably.

(11) (12) were originally worn by men. According to

Elizabeth Semmelhack of the Bata Shoe Museum, the (13) (14) was
F worn for centuries by men because it helped them secure their feet when riding horses.
Women did not start wearing them until the 1600s and by the 1700s (15)
(16) were so connected to women’s fashion that men stopped wearing them.

Unit V
New w

I’ve lea

Language for Life - Social Media

“Teens, Technology and Friendships,” conducted a survey among a group of teenagers between 13 and
17. They wanted to know if mobile phones and the internet affect their friendships. This is what they
found out!

Sharing passwords  Online friendships No. 1 is texting.

One in five teenagers have dominate What is the first thing most
shared their password with 57% said that they have made teenagers do when they meet
a friend. Because they do new friends on social media or somebody for the first time?
this, they increase the social through online games. Most of They share their numbers. 55%
networks they connect to, these friendships never make it of teens text with their friends
which means they meet more to the real world but connecting every day but only 25% actually
people. with someone who you would see their friends in person
not normally meet is a really good daily.
way to learn about other cultures,
Stronger people and places.
83% of teens
using different
social media say
that they feel
they get more
information about
their friends’
lives. And 68%
said that people
on the platforms
supported them
through difficult

Painful at times! Drama, drama, drama...

The online world can be hurtful sometimes. 53% of 68% of social media users (52% of all teens)
teens have seen people post about events to which they say they’ve experienced drama among their
were not invited. 42% said they have had someone post friends on sites like Facebook, Instagram,
things about them which they cannot change or control. etc. 26% of all teens have had a conflict
Sadly, 21% report that what others post on social with a friend over something that happened
media makes them feel worse about their own life. We online or over text messages. Remember,
all experience this though. Think about it carefully, it is if you know this person in real life, it’s a lot
quite possible that what actually makes you feel bad is better to talk it out in person. It’s super easy
something you can change, join in, or maybe it is simply to have a misunderstanding when you’re not
something you aren’t really interested in anyway! face to face.

So, as you can see, technology can cause some friendships to end or create animosity, but there’s also a
lot to be thankful for in terms of the connections and support when all goes well.
24 Adapted from
Unit W
New w

I’ve lea

Language Study - Focus on passives

MISSING WORDS: use tell give produce

hand-write discover spark release
1) There is a sound effect called the Wilhelm Scream that ________________ in over
200 movies and TV shows since 1951.
2) The spider used in ‘Spider Man’ movie ________________ anaesthesia and then
painted blue and red for the scene.

3) One thousand letters ___________________ by the Harry Potter graphics team

but then they found out that there were too heavy for the owls to carry.
4) Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella in Twilight, __________ by an agent when she was
5) According to the CEO of USA Archery, interest in archery _____________ has been
sparked by the Hunger Games films.
6) Over 800 movies a year _______________ in Bollywood in a year. Hollywood only
produces a half of this number in a year.
7) An untitled sequel to Avengers: Infinity War _________________ in May, 2019.
8) The story of Mulan ________________ in China for almost 1, 500 years before
Disney decided to make it a film.  


Unit X
New w

I’ve lea

Review space
Review space

New w
Project space
Project space

New w
Language for Life - English and you in the future English and You
Do you agree or disagree with the statements? Circle the number in the chart to show how you feel about
the statements, e.g. 1 = I completely disagree or 10 = I completely agree.

I feel confident when I speak English.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I can communicate well in English.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I enjoyed learning English during my stay here.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I learnt new words.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I spoke English a lot in my lessons.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I learnt how I can use English outside the classroom.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

It’s easier for me to understand English when I speak to others.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I spoke a lot of English with my new friends.

Score at start
of course

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How I am going to continue learning English at home

Language for Life - English and you in the future

Complete the sentences s
ordbelow with your ideas. Make sure you choose the correct preposition!
New w
Then exchange your ideas with a classmate. How many more ideas can you collect from your classmates?

I’m going to
practise listening by / with / to / for My classmate said I can also
practise listening

I’m going to
practise speaking English to / with / in My classmate said I can also
practise speaking

I’m going to
practise writing by / with / to / for My classmate said I can also
practise writing

I’m going to
practise reading by / for My classmate said I can also
practise reading

Transcript: Unit T

Language Study — Present Perfect
New w Continuous

How long have you been working here?

About three years. It was hard work at first but it
seems normal to me now.
Why did you move to London?
I came here for work. It was supposed to be for
just a couple of weeks…but I never left.
How long have you been living in London?
I have been living here for six years now. I’ve
worked in a lot of schools during that time, but
now I’ve finally found one that I like.
Have you made any friends since you started
working here?
Quite a few. A lot of other teachers are only here
for a short time, but we still get on really well and
stay in touch.
How many hours do you work a week?
Usually about 30. I generally teach six hours a day,
Monday to Friday.
How many hours have you taught so far this
Only a couple, but it’s still Monday!
Where do you live?
I live in a flat, about 45 minutes from work, with my
friend, Susan.
How long have you been living there?
A couple of years now, I really like it there.
What do you do at break times?
Well, I usually sit in the staffroom and have a cup of
tea. Lots of people bring in food for everyone to
share. I’m afraid to say I’ve been eating a lot of cake
How many cakes have you eaten today?
I’ve eaten three slices today! That’s terrible isn’t it?
And look, I’ve dropped crumbs all over myself!
When do you go on holiday?
I don’t get to go on holiday at normal times, like
Easter or Summer, as we are so busy, so I have to
go away off season.
And where do you go?
It depends. I’ve been to Spain, France, Italy, all over
Europe really. But I’ve never been to South Ameri-
ca. I’d love to go.

Transcript: Unit U
Language for Life—A taste for adventure

Listening 1: At the Train Station

Announcement: Please go to desk 4

Customer: Hello, how much is a single to London,
Cashier: £38.40, Sir.
Customer: And, how much is a return?
Cashier: That would be £42.00.
Customer: Could I get a return then, please?
Cashier: No problem. Would you like to reserve a
Customer:Yes, please.
Cashier: Would you like an aisle or a window seat?
Customer: A window seat, please, with a table.
Cashier: That will be £42.00, please.
Transcripts .
Customer: Here you are. What time does the train 4) Did you know that the low-waist baggy trousers
leave? that hip-hop musicians often wear originated in the
Cashier: 6.05. The train is boarding now.You need prisons of Los Angeles? Why? Because the prisoners
to go to Platform 7. The train departs in 5 minutes were not allowed to wear belts to hold their trou-
so you’ll need to hurry. sers in place.
Customer: Oh dear! Thank you. Goodbye! 5) What is the connection between cars and wom-
en’s fashion? During the late 18th century, after the
Listening 2: At the airport invention of the automobile, skirts became shorter
to help women step into automobiles comfortably.
Check-in assistant: Would you like to come over to 6) When Peter the Great was a tsar in Russia, men
my desk, please? were not supposed to grow a beard in order to look
Customer:Yes, thank you. I’ve come to collect my more ‘European’. Those who did not follow this rule
ticket. I booked it on the internet. had to pay a special fine.
Check-in assistant: No problem. Do you have your
reference number?
Customer:Yes, it’s B7428b
Check-in assistant: Thank you, and may I see your
passport, please?
Customer: There you go.
Check-in assistant: Are you checking in any luggage?
Customer: That depends. Do I need to check this
bag in, or can I take it on board with me?
Check-in assistant: It’s too big for hand luggage, I’m
afraid.You’ll have to check it in. There is an excess
baggage charge of £30.
Customer: Oh dear, well, if I have to...
Check-in assistant: Thank you, did you pack the bag
Customer:Yes, I did.
Check-in assistant: Are there any sharp objects or
liquids in your hand luggage?
Customer: No.
Check-in assistant: Excellent, and what is the pur-
pose of your trip?
Customer: It’s for business.
Check-in assistant: When are you coming back?
Customer: Next week.
Check-in assistant: Ok, that’s all fine. Please make
your way to Gate 7. The flight is delayed by about
30 minutes.
Customer: Oh dear. Thank you. Goodbye.
Check-in assistant: Enjoy your flight. Goodbye.

Transcript: Unit V
Language Study—Giving reason and purpose

1) Napoleon wasn’t only interested in war. He con-

tributed to fashion in many ways, too. The reason
we have buttons on the sleeves of our jackets is
because Napoleon got tired of his soldiers wiping
their noses on their sleeves.
2) High heels were originally worn by men. Ac-
cording to Elizabeth Semmelhack of the Bata Shoe
Museum, the high heel was worn for centuries
by men because it helped them secure their feet
when riding horses. Women did not start wearing
them until the 1600s and by the 1700s high heels
were so connected to women’s fashion that men
stopped wearing them.
3) Umbrellas were invented to shade people from
the sun and not from the rain. In ancient Greece
they became a fashion accessory used by men and
not women. A useful fact to remind us to be careful
in the sun.
Irregular verbs
Base form Past simple Past Participle Your Language Base form Past simple Past Participle Your Language
arise New w arisen
arose know knew known
be was been lay laid laid
beat beat beaten lead led led
become became become learn learnt learnt
bend bent bent lend lent lent
bet bet bet let let let
bind bound bound lie lay lain
bite bit bit light lit lit
bleed bled bled lose lost lost
blow blew blown make made made
break broke broken mean meant meant
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built pay paid paid
burn burnt burnt put put put
buy bought bought read read read
can could could ring rang rung
catch caught caught rise rose risen
choose chose chosen run ran run
come came come say said said
cost cost cost see saw saw
deal dealt dealt seek sought sought
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
dream dreamt dreamt set set set
drink drank drunk shake shook shaken
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen sing sang sung
feel felt felt sit sat sat
fight fought fought sleep slept slept
find found found speak spoke spoken
fly flew flown spend spent spent
forbid forbade forbidden stand stood stood
forget forgot forgotten steal stole stolen
freeze froze frozen stick stuck stuck
get got got swear swore sworn
give gave given swim swam swum
go went gone swing swung swung
grow grew grown take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tear tore torn
hide hid hidden tell told told
hit hit hit think thought thought
hold held held wear wore worn
hurt hurt hurt win won won
keep kept kept write wrote written
Useful language
Hello / Hi Excuse me, please.
How are things? I’m looking for...
How’s it going? I’m just looking. Thank you.
Good morning / afternoon / evening Have you got this in another colour / size?
Goodbye! It’s too small / big.
Bye for now! I’ll take it.
Catch you later Can I reserve this?
See you soon / later / tomorrow Can I pay in cash / by card?

Can I borrow a football / volleyball / basketball / rugby
ball / two tennis rackets, please?
Where is the tennis court / football pitch / basketball
court / sports hall?
At what time does the ... start?
Where is the disco?
What film is on this evening?
Where are you showing the film?
How do you take part in the talent show / X Factor /
IN THE CLASSROOM competition?
Can you say that again please? Where can I use the Internet?
I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.
I’m sorry but I don’t understand.
How long have we got for this activity?
Can we work together?
Can I borrow ... please?
Can you help me, please.
How do you say... ?
How do you spell... ?
Can you write that on the board for me?
I don’t know but I think the answer is...


How do I get to...?
Where can I buy a ticket? ASKING FOR HELP
How much is it to...? Excuse me, please.
How long does it take? Do you speak English?
Where is our meeting point? I speak very little English.
When does the train / bus / our coach leave? I’m sorry. I don’t understand.
Excuse me, is this seat taken? Can you repeat that, please?
What time are we meeting? Can you speak more slowly, please?
What is that building over there? Thank you very much for your help.
Where can I buy? I’m lost. Can you help me find ..., please?
I’m lost. Can you help me find...., please?
What’s the emergency phone number?

How is my level of English tested?

Your guide levels and exams

Your level is assessed on
s with a grammar and vocabulary multiple choice test, a composition and
New w
a speaking exam with one of our teachers. The test was designed specifically for the content of our
teaching syllabus and the name of your level may not be the same as at your school at home.

Why am I not in the same class as my classmate from home?

In the school system students of the same age study together but not everybody in the class will have
the same level of English. When we put students into classes, we try to make sure that students with
a similar level of English or similar strengths are in the same class. We also want to make sure that we
mix students from different countries so that you have a good reason to speak English with your new
classmates (and don’t accidentally use your first language).

Cambridge English Trinity College

Language Assessment
OIEG Syllabus CEFR Main Suite IELTS GESE
Elementary A1 1-2 1-2
Pre-Intermediate A2 KET 3 3-4
Intermediate B1 PET 3.5 - 4.5 5-6
Upper-Intermediate B2 FCE 5-6 7-9
Advanced C1 CAE 6.5 - 7 10 - 11
Proficiency C2 CPE 7.5 + 12

My class is too easy or too difficult. What can I do?

If you feel that your class is too easy or too difficult for you, please speak to your teacher or the Director
of Studies. Your teacher will pay attention to how everyone in your class is doing during the lessons and
take notes for the end-of-course report. It is important that you show your teacher in the lesson when
something is too easy or too difficult for you so that they can help you.

Can I move to another class?

You can only move to another class if your class is much too easy or difficult for you. Please speak to
your teacher or the Director of Studies if you would like to move.

I want to move to another class for a different reason.

If you would like to move to another class for a different reason, please speak to your teacher, the
Director of Studies or the Welfare Coordinator after your lesson.

Can I take a recognised English exam while I’m studying here?

If you are interested in taking a recognised English exam, you should talk to the Director of Studies
at your centre as soon as possible. There are many English examinations and the preparation can take
a longer time in order to be successful. Your Director of Studies will be able to recommend the best
one for you. You can find out more about other English examinations around the world by visiting their
websites below.
Testing body Selection of exams provided Website
Cambridge English General English: KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE
Language Assessment General and Academic English: IELTS
Trinity College London GESE, ISE, ESOL Skills for Life

If you would like to make a complaint or have All images in this book were sourced from the following websites:
suggestions for the improvement of your programme,
please see your Centre Manager, Activity Manager or
Director of Studies.
Students may be removed from the centre if their or purchased from
behaviour is deemed to be against the best interests of
OI Junior Programmes also uses images and photos with the
the programme. permission of those in the photographs.

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