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NiC IT Academy Email: nicitacademy@gmail.

WhatsApp: +91 7010080468

Informatica ETL Developer

Informatica PowerCenter 10.4 Course Content

Day 1: Module 1: Data warehouse Concepts – Part 1

 Business Intelligence
 Data Warehousing Concepts (What/Why/How)
 Data Modeling (Schemas, FACTS and DIMENSIONS)
 Data Mart, CUBE and data normalization
 Metadata
 Data lake concepts
 Dimension, Fact tables

Day 2: Module 1: Data warehouse Concepts – Part 2

 Dimension and Fact tables

 Star Schema, Snowflake Schema
 Slowly Changing Dimensions
 Top down and Bottom up approach
 Why do we need ETL tool and Why Informatica?

Day 3: Module 2: SQL Concepts

 Introduction to DBMS, Oracle Installation

 Conceptual Explanation on SQL: DDL, DML, DRL, TCL, DCL
 Constraints – Primary key, Foreign key, Unique, Not Null, Check

Day 4:
 Select statements
 Single Row Functions

Day 5:
 Joins,
 Aggregate Functions
 Sub Queries

Day 6:
 Analytical Functions
 Index, Views, Sequences

NiC IT Academy
NiC IT Academy Email:
WhatsApp: +91 7010080468

Day 7: Module 3: UNIX Concepts – session 1

 Unix installation
 ls, pwd, cat, cd, mkdir, rmdir, grep, touch

Day 8: UNIX Concepts – session 2

 cp, mv, rm, head, tail, more, less

 grep, sed, wc, sort, uniq, cmp, diff

Day 9: Module 3: E T L Informatica PowerCenter 10.4.X

 Informatica 10.4 architecture

 Informatica installation and set up

Introduction to Informatica
 Introduction
 Getting started
 Informatica Suite Components
 Informatica Architecture
 Informatica Server

Day 10: Module 4: Informatica PowerCenter Client Components

 Repository Manager
 Designer
 Workflow Manager
 Workflow Monitor

Informatica Building Blocks

 Source & Targets
 Transformations
 Mappings
 Mapplet
 Sessions
 Workflows

Day 11:
 Working with Relational Source
 Working with Flat file Source
 Working with heterogeneous sources
 Working with Relational Targets
 Working with Flat file Targets

NiC IT Academy
NiC IT Academy Email:
WhatsApp: +91 7010080468

Flat Files concepts

 Direct and Indirect file loading
 Fixed width file loading
 Multiple delimiter, different delimiter file

Day 12: Module 6: Different Transformations

 Active and Passive Transformations

 Connected and un-connected transformations
 Source Qualifier Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 13:

1. Filter Transformation
2. Expression Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises: will be sent once session is over

Day 14:

3. Sorter Transformation
4. Aggregator Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 15:

5. Router Transformation
6. Rank Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 16:

7. Sequence Generator Transformation

8. Joiner Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

NiC IT Academy
NiC IT Academy Email:
WhatsApp: +91 7010080468

Day 17:
9. Lookup Transformation
- Connected Lookup
- Un Connected Lookup

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 18:
10. Lookup Transformation
- Lookup policy on multiple matches
- Multiple return port in unconnected lookup

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 19:
11. Update Strategy Transformation, SCD Type 1 implementation
12. Normalizer Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 20:
13. Union Transformation
14. Transaction Control Transformation
15. SQL Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 21:
16. Stored Procedure Transformation(connected, un-connected)

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 22:
17. Java Transformation
18. XML Transformation

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 23:
 Mapping Parameter & Variable, CDC concepts
 Reusable Transformation, Mapplet
 Target Load Plan

NiC IT Academy
NiC IT Academy Email:
WhatsApp: +91 7010080468

 Target load type, Pre-SQL, Post-SQL

Lab & Self-study exercises will be sent once session is over

Day 24:
 Debugger
 Mapping level properties
 Dependencies, back tracking process

Day 25: Module 7: Informatica Advanced Concepts

Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Types

 SCD type1 – LAB
 SCD type2 – LAB
 SCD type3 – LAB

Day 26: Module 8: Workflow task – Part 1

 Session(re-usable, non-re-usable)
 Command(re-usable, non-re-usable)
 Email(re-usable, non-re-usable)
 Event wait
 Decision Task

Day 27: Module 8: Workflow task – Part 2

 Assignment
 Control task
 Event raise
 Timer
 Worklet
 Link Task
 Scheduler

Lab exercise and Self-study exercise will be sent once session is over

Day 28: Module 9: Session level Properties

 Pre and Post SQL

 Lookup cache types - Static and dynamic cache
 Lookup & Joiner differences

NiC IT Academy
NiC IT Academy Email:
WhatsApp: +91 7010080468

 Persistent cache
 Parameter variable and file

Lab exercise and Self-study exercise will be sent once session is over

Day 29: Module 10: Project level sessions

Informatica Tuning (Source, target, mapping & Session)

 How to analyze the session log
 Push down optimization
 Partitioning Types

Day 30:
 Migration concepts
 Deployment process (import and export process)
 Check-in and Check-out

Day 31:
 Resume Preparation
 ETL developer roles and responsibilities

Day 32:
 Real time project explanation
 Project architecture
 Agile Methodology

Day 33:
 Banking project, sample unit testing
 Complex scenarios

Day 34:
 Interview preparation
 Questions and answers

Day 35:
 Mock interview (A week after completion of training)
 How to explain the project and first 10 minutes of introduction

NiC IT Academy

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