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DURING S.Y 2019-2020

Stiffany Dizon

Rhoxine Umayam

Claire Alyssa Gido

John Christian Natalio

Leah Joy Bascos

Christian Patacsil



The researchers seeks to present the marketing strategies in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from

service provider’s perspective as well as customer’s perspective. Marketing strategies are not one time process

but a varied and unique action which is prominently necessary to revise year by year to attain predetermined

objectives. Whether the turnover is huge or marginal, marketing strategies are applicable and advisable in case

of every small, medium and large enterprise. Marketing strategies are quite comparable and measurable in

nature so affected by market fluctuations and trends of business cycle. Key change involving the transition to a

new kind of economy is not only the concern of the scientific world. Whilst SME strategies largely appear to be

about growth and development, the corporate sector appears to have spent the last twenty years in a process of

sub-division and shrinkage. This paper is a theoretical one, whose aim is to synthesize and systemize the most

important ideas outlined in some of the papers and articles published in the field of strategic small business

management. The problem here is that the information is every dispersed and it’s difficult for both a small

business manager and an academic researcher to have a rapid overview of this field. So the author of the

present paper is trying to facilitate this process, presenting the relevance of strategic management for small

businesses. The author is also proving that the small business managers are actually very preoccupied by the

issues of strategies and strategic management and that SMEs are displaying a pronounced strategic competitive


Implementing strategic management in the current activity of the small enterprises has become a stringent

necessity This paper is a theoretical one, whose aim is to synthesize and systemize the most important ideas

outlined in some of the papers and articles published in the field of strategic small business management. The

problem here is that the information is every dispersed and it’s difficult for both a small business manager and an

academic researcher to have a rapid overview of this field. So the author of the present paper is trying to

facilitate this process, presenting the relevance of strategic management for small businesses. The author is

also proving that the small business managers are actually very preoccupied by the issues of strategies and

strategic management and that SMEs are displaying a pronounced strategic competitive behaviour.The price

you charge for your product should aim at the sweet spot that provides you with a livelihood while also fitting the
budget of your target market. Compare the pricing element of your business model with the pricing element of

your marketing strategy by evaluating your prices relative to those of your competition. Your price should reflect

your strengths, challenges and priorities. For example, if you value quality and pay close attention to detail, you

will likely charge a high price that sets your offerings apart and communicates how product benefits justify the

additional expenses.

The researchers focus on the small business that have effective strategies in improving their business as a

result of having high profit. Small business must implement their own effective strategies such as having a good

relationship between them and their customers, and prices of services and goods that can afford of many

consumers. All small businesses has their own way to gain more costumers that will buys their products, this

research study aims for comparing how small businesses make different strategies on persuading the costumers

to buy their products. If the business has many competitors who also have the same kind of business there is a

possibility of having the same strategies that will affect their profit and loss of goods. Not only the competitors

are the problem of the small business, it also more frustrating and more challenging to small business owner is

to finding a target customers, because is not getting enough laser targeted customers to their websites or

sustaining those customers after getting them. The common problem facing the small business are the shortage

of funds fir adequate advertising and promotion and lack of time for developing creative marketing strategies.

In small business there are more effective strategies to expand the business it involves developing new

products to sell to your existing customers as well as to new ones. If you have a choice, you would ideally like to

sell your new products to existing customers. That's because selling products to your existing customers is far

less risky than "having to learn a new product and market at the same time.

The researches choose this study because they want to know the comparison for different promotional strategies that

implemented by small business and educate the readers what is the steps that the business owners do to improve their

business promotions and the advantages and disadvantages of this promotional strategies in their business. The

researchers want to have a knowledge of what is the different strategies on how to promote a business and to

know how they manage their own business to grow and to get an idea for the owners that they want to promote

their own small business.

Statement of the problem

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of :

a) Nature of business

b) Working hours

c) Income

2. What are the promotional strategies implemented by small business?

3. Is there significant effect of promotional strategies towards the income of the business owners?

Significance of the study

Community. It will help to improve the brand awareness and recognition to the community.

Owner of the business. It will help them to have a new idea to promote their business and to know the different

promotional strategies that they can do in their own business promotion.

Consumers. They will be benefited on the services and goods that they receive from different stores that has

products that consumers want to buy.

Future Businessman/ woman. It will help them to decide what kind of business they will promote. It can also help

them to make strategies for them to grow their business.

Future researchers. It will give them a deeper understanding and knowledge about having different promotional

strategy for business to progress.

Scope and delimitation

This study focuses in comparing promotional strategies implemented by small business. In this study, the

researchers want to know the different promotional strategies that the small business implemented to have a

high profit and to persuade the consumers to buy their product.

The researchers prefer to select their respondents that has small business and also connected to their study.

This study will start in school year 2019 and it will finish until the end of 2020. The researchers will conduct this

study in Zone 3, Rosales, Pangasinan. The subjects or respondents of this study are the small business

enterprises of Zone 3 in Rosales, Pangasinan. The researchers used the stratefied sampling under the

probability sampling, because the researcher's divided the small businesses into subgroups(or strata) who all

share a similar characteristic, and take equal sizes from each subgroups as a respondents. The researchers

choose the likert scale as a tool for their research to measure the answers of the business owners, if they were

agree , dis-agree or neutral for the promotional strategies implemented in small business at Zone 3,

Rosales ,Pangasinan.

The type of research design used in this study is causal-comparative under the quantitative research because

requires numerical data, which means that the research uses numbers than words in obtaining data. They want

to compare the different promotional strategies of small business. This method seeks to establish a cause and

effect in relationship between two or more variables.

Definition of terms

Management Style. Is a method of leadership used by owners.

Profit/ income. Money that is made in a business, through after all the costs and expenses are paid.

Promotion. It is a process of the business to grow, to earn money and to become a popular to the citizens.

Small business. An independently owned and operated that is limited size and in revenue depending on the


Strategies. A plan to achieve the goal, to become most effective activity or things in a particular long-term aim.

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