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Steven. A.

Ingles III
College Admission Essay
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by how machines and constructs
work. I have always wanted to know how cars were built and constructed. The problem is that
my curiosity cannot be satisfied by looking at just the exterior, I must also understand how
everything works. This need to figure out all the complexities in a system is exactly why your
program is so important to me. There is no place better than The Massachusetts Institute of
Technology to learn about these things.

I graduated from Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra in Santiago de Los

Caballeros, majoring in Business Administration. When I thought about where to do my
master’s in Civil and Environmental Engineering, I immediately thought MIT. Not a single
institution has resonated with me in the same way. One of the things that most interests me is
the diversity in the student body. As a student from Dominican Republic, it would be great to
meet people from a similar background.

Even when I was just a young child you could see my love for engineering. As would
many others, I had a fascination with everything I could build. My favorite toys were Legos
and building blocks, and I would play with them any chance I had. The main issue with this
was that my parents did not have the money to buy me many expensive Lego sets. This meant
that I needed to find something else that could scratch that itch.

Naturally, my parents were not going to buy me new toys. This meant that I had to find
something else to play with. Quickly I figured out that if you used a screwdriver on many of
the electronics found in my house, they would fall apart, and you can build them back up.
After this revelation, I would tear every single item apart and then put it back together. It was
during this process that I realized my love for engineering.

In conclusion, engineering is a big passion of mine. Ever since I was a small child it
has caught my eye. Your program gives me the opportunity to learn all about of my favorite
topics. At MIT, not only will I be able to advance in my field, but I can share my knowledge
with a diverse group of students. With your help, I will be able to contribute to society in a
meaningful way.

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