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Effects of Organizational Justice, Obligations and Rewards on Employees Motivation; A study of middle management of commercial banks in Peshawar.

Introduction: The quality of services depends upon the motivated employees of the organization (Irfan, Mohsin & Yousaf, 2009). It is true that banks provide overall same products, but the logic which differentiate them from one another is the quality of their services (Barnes, 2010). In this competitive environment banks are trying their best to win the loyalty of their customers by providing superior quality services and innovative products to compete in the market. For this purpose bank management should address those areas which help them to provide good products and services to customers its only possible when our employees satisfied here we have key depended variables which depend on other in-depended variables these variables are interrelated with each other. Like employee motivation depend on organizational justice, organizational obligation and Organizational rewards. Problem statement: To find out the effects of Organizational Justice, Obligations and Rewards on Employees Motivation.


It is clear that organizational justice has a clear impact on the employees motivation (Fatt, Khin & Heng, 2010), Rewards has an impact on employees motivation (Pratheepkanth, 2011) and Organizational obligations (job security) has an impact on employees motivation (Probst & Brubaker, 2001). The framework (fig 1) is the research model for this research study. This research study is consisted of two major attributes, namely dependent and independent variables, which provides the guidelines for the research study. The independent variables in this research study will be the Organizational Justice, Obligations and Rewards, while the dependent variable will be Employees Motivation. Variables to be studied:

Dependent Variable: Employees motivation: Employees motivation plays practically and theoretically central role in management field (STEERS, MOWDAY & SHAPIRO, 2004). It is the process that account for an employees

intensity, direction and persistence of effort towards attaining any goal (Taking interest in his work). These are the key elements which help in employee motivation, so the intensity is concerned with how hard an employee work hard , however high intensity is only fruitful when the intensity is channeled in a direction, persistency that how a motivated employee stick to achieve their goals. Motivation make an organization more effective because motivated employees are always looking for better way to do a job, so it is important for management to understand how organizations influence the motivation of their individual employees.

Independent Variable: Organizational Obligations: Organizational obligations (job security) have an impact on employees motivation (Probst & Brubaker, 2001). The organizational obligation (job security, promotion opportunities and training) is the domain of the employees motivation (Korsgaard, Sapienza &
Schweiger, 2002). Employees motivation includes what Employees believe the

organization has promised, such as advancement opportunities, training, and job security? Organizational Justice: It is clear that organizational justice has a clear impact on the employees motivation (Fatt, Khin & Heng, 2010). The organizational jaustice is of three types, Procedural , Distributive and Interactional Justice. Procedural justice of planning the process in the organization. (The fairness of the process of decision-making) Rewards:

The Rewards system is an important tool through which management channel the employees motivation in the desired direction (Pratheepkanth, 2011). Or we can say that it is a system through which we can attract the people to join the organization, to keep them coming to work, and to motivate them to perform to high levels. The reward system consists of monetary and non-monetary rewards given by organization. It means that it is consist of compensations and benefits given to employees. Proposed Research Hypothesis: A. Organizational Justice affects employees motivation. B. Organizational obligation affects employees motivation.
C. Reward of the employees affects employees motivation.

Sources of Information: Information will be collected from middle level management banking employees in the Peshawar region. Sampling Technique & Procedure: Judgmental sampling technique will be used in this research study for data collection. We will collect data only from middle level management employees at the visited branches in the Peshawar region. Sample Size: We will collect data from 200 respondents.

Method of Data Collection & Procedure: Data will be collected through personal survey in this research study. The surveyor will personally visit the branches in Peshawar region. Instrument/s of Data Collection: Self-administered questionnaire will be used in this research study. Two hundreds questionnaires will be distributed among the respondents. Respondents will mark on their responce towards each factor based on five-point Likert scale ranging from 1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3Neutral, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree. Statistical Tests to be used: Regression analysis will be used in this research. Possible Research Findings: When we conclude the research we may know that there is a relation between organizational justices, obligations rewards with employees motivation.

References: Fatt Kwai Choong, Sek Khin Wong Edward and Heng Ngee Tioh, 2011, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration 2 (1): 56-63 Irfan Muhammad Syed, Mohsin Muhammad and Yousaf Irfan, 2009. Achieving Service Quality Through its Valuable Human Resources: An Empirical Study of Banking Sector of Pakistan. World Applied Sciences Journal 7 (10): 1222-1230 Korsgaard Audrey M., Sapienza J. Harry and Schweiger M. David, 2002. Beaten Before Begun: The Role of Procedural Justice in Planning Change. Journal of Management 2002; 28; 497 Pratheepkanth Puwanenthiren, 2011. Reward System And Its Impact On Employee Motivation In Commercial Bank Of Sri Lanka Plc, In Jaffna District. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume 11 Issue 4 Version 1.0 Probst M. Tahira and Brubaker L. Ty, 2001. The Effects of Job Insecurity on Employee Safety Outcomes: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Explorations. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 2, 139-159 Steers M. Richard, Mowday T. Richard, Shapiro L. Debra, 2004. Introduction to special topic forum the future of work motivation theory. Academy of Management Review, Vol. 29, No. 3, 379387.

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