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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02, Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Isabela



 The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight
management to promote community fitness.
 The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical
activity participation of the community.
 The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active
At the end of the 60-minute discussion, the students are expected to:
a. described the nature and background of indoor and outdoor
recreational activities;
b. differentiate indoor and outdoor activities; and
c. advocate community efforts to increase participation in physical
activities and improve healthy lifestyle.


a. Topic: Active Recreation : Indoor and Outdoor Activities
b. Materials: Laptop, Monitor and Manila Paper
c. References: Learner’s Module pages 158-185,
d. Code : PE9GS-IVb-h-7
e. Method: Face to Face
f. Values Integration: “Be physically fit through participation in
active recreational activities.”

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Greetings
Good morning, my dear students!
Good morning, Sir!
Is everybody okay?
Yes, Sir!
It’s nice to hear that everybody is okay.
2. Prayer
Before anything else, let’s come before
the presence of the Lord. May I request
everyone to please stand.
(The students will stand.)
Keisha, kindly lead us the prayer.
(Keisha will lead the prayer.)
Before you take your seat, arrange your
chairs properly, look around and pick up
pieces of papers under your chair.

You may now take your seats.

3. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present, class?
Yes, Sir!
I am glad that you are all present in our
class discussion today.

(The teacher will read the classroom

rules and COVID-19 protocols)

 Classroom Rules
1. Listen to the Teacher.
2. Respect others.
3. Use appropriate language.
4. Raise your hand if you want to speak

 COVID-19 Protocols
1. Maintain a distance.
2. Keep hands clean.
3. Wear your face mask everywhere.
4. Stay at home when you feel unwell.
5. Get vaccinated.

4. Review
In our last quarter, we talked about First
Aid, didn't we?
Yes, we did, Sir!
Can you give me the two survey under
First Aid?
Yes, James?
Primary survey and Secondary survey,
Very good, James!
DR ABC is under what survey?
Yes, Jasmine?
It is under primary survey, Sir.
Exactly, Jasmine!
DR ABC stands for what?
Yes, Jessalyn?
Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing
and Circulation, Sir.
Great, Jessalyn!
What about the SAMPLE under
secondary survey?
Yes David?
Signs and Symptoms, Allergies,
Medication, Past medical history, Last
meal, Event, Sir.
Precisely, Irish!

I am grateful that you really understand

our previous discussion. Now, we will be
discussing another topic for today.

5. Motivation

This time, let’s have our first activity.

This game is called, “Guess the

 The teacher will flash a meaningless
and unrelated word on the screen,
after which you can start guessing
the hidden word.
 You have 20 seconds to answer.
 If you get an answer, write it on your
board and raise it.

Did I make myself clear, class?

If you have no clarifications to ask, let’s

Now, what have you observed from our

first activity?
Yes, Cherilyn?
It’s about different sports, Sir.
B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation
Very good!
Since you’ve mentioned about sports,
sports is under recreational activity. Now
let us know what are the two categories
of recreational activities.

I have here an activity called, “EMOJI

CODE!”. Are you familiar with this
game? No, Sir.
If you are not familiar, all you have to do
is to decode it according to the letter that
corresponds to the emoji.
Do you understand?
Yes, Sir.
Are you ready now?
Yes, Sir!
Bring out any piece of paper for you to
decode your answer.
(The teacher starts to flash the codes.) (The students start their activity with

2. Discussion
(First code is flash)

What do you think is the answer, class?

Exactly! Sir, the word is recreation.

Let’s first define what recreation is.

Kindly read the slides, Anno?  Recreation is a voluntary
participation in an activity during
free and unobligated time that gives
 It embraces both indoor and outdoor
activities that refer to sports and
exercise leading to the attainment of
enjoyment as well as managing our
desired weight.
Now, let’s move on to choosing
recreational activities.
Choosing your own recreational activity
is very important because choosing the
best recreational activity for your body
and for your interest will make a big
difference with the result.
Kindly read the slides, Ariel?
 It should meet your recreational
satisfaction needs such as:
1. Physiological
2. Education
3. Social
4. Relaxation
Now let’s proceed to the H.E.L.P. 5. Aesthetic
Kindly read the slides, Dondon.
 Health - those who believe in the
benefits of healthy lifestyle are more
likely to engage in healthy behavior.
 Everyone - healthy lifestyle can be
practiced by everyone “health for
Class, what can you say about the
phrase, “Health for All”? (Let the students share their ideas.)
Very good! Now let’s move on to the
letter L and P.
Who wants to read?
Yes, Kristel.  Lifetime - the longer healthy
lifestyles are practice, the greater
the beneficial benefits.
 Personal- no two people are exactly
the same. Your personal needs is
the basis of your lifestyle change
Now let’s proceed to our next code. Are
you ready, class?
(The teacher will flash the second code.) Yes, Sir!
What do you think is the answer, class? The answer is Indoor Activity, Ma’am.
Our next word is the indoor activity.
When we say indoor activity, it is when
the activity is within the premises of your
comfort zone at home or inside a
Let’s proceed to our third code. Are you
ready class? Yes, Sir!
(The teacher will flash the third code.)


 Originated from the game “Poona”.

 Started in the 1870’s when the Duke
of Beaufort held a lawn party in his
country place, Badminton.
 Games are held inside the gym to
avoid the effect of air in the flight of
the shuttle.
 played in singles, doubles, or mixed
doubles with the use of a racket and
 21 points to win the match.

Yes, Sir!
What do you think is the answer, class?
The answer is volleyball, Sir!

 Initially called as “Mintonette”

 Invented by William J. Morgan at
Holyoke Massachusetts, 1895.
 In 1910, the game was bought to the
Philippines by Elwood S. Brown.
 A sport played with six players per
team in a court with 9x18 meters
 Uses a net, a ball, and court.
 A set is won by reaching a score of

(Let the students share their knowledge

about the question.)

Sports is beneficial to Physical,

Emotional, Social, and Intellectual
aspects, Ma’am.

The word is Outdoor Activity, Ma’am.

Very good!
One example of indoor recreational
activity is Badminton. Let’s take a look at
its brief history.
Kindly read the slides, Tina?

The answer is hiking, Ma’am.

Let’s proceed to the next code. Are you

all ready, class?
(The teacher will flash the fourth code.)
 Hiking is going on an extended walk
for the purpose of exercise and
 Exercise pertains to the fitness
benefits that we get from the activity.
 Pleasure on the other hand includes
having close encounter with nature,
enjoying the beauty of the
What do you think is the answer, class? environment, smelling the natural
Very good! aroma of flowers and trees, and
being one with Mother Nature.
Volleyball is another example of indoor
recreational activity, class. Lets take a
look at its brief background.  It offers cardiovascular fitness.
Kindly read the slide, Kevin?  It gives the feeling of relaxation.
 It's a good option for weight
management activity.

 Pick a partner.
 Pick a destination.
 Know your time and distance.
 Be physically ready.
 Choose your gear and your
 Pack and wear appropriate clothing.
Do you have any idea about the benefits
of sports?  Plan your meals.
 Keep communication lines open.
 Wilderness ethics.
In short, sports beneficial to what
aspects? None, Sir.

Yes, Maria?

Now let’s proceed to our next code.
(The teacher will flash the code.)

The answer is orienteering, Sir!

What do you think is the answer, class? Orienteering is an outdoor navigational

recreational activity using specially
Very good!
drawn and detailed maps.
Our next word is outdoor activity. When  It requires navigational skills to
we say outdoor activity, it is when the navigate from point to point normally
activity is undertaken in a natural, rural,
moving at a speed.
or open space outside the confines of
buildings, usually large land area that is
close to nature.
Now let’s proceed to our next code!
(The teacher will flash the code.)  Conceptual Aspect
 Physical Aspect
 Personal Aspect
 Social Aspect
 Environmental Aspect

What do you think is the answer, class? None, Sir!

Very good!
Hiking is an example of outdoor
Kindly read the slide, Huxley?

(Let the students share their thoughts

and ideas.)

Kindly read the Benefits of Hiking,


Who wants to read the Essential tips for Yes, Sir.

(Clap clap clap hmmm (3x) clap clap
Yes, Menchie? clap mwaaa!)

Do you have clarifications?

Now let’s proceed to our next code!

Yes, Sir.
(The teacher will flash the code.)
None, Sir.

Recreation is done during leisure time,

Yes, Sir.

What do you think is the answer, class?

Indoor and outdoor recreational
Very good! activities, Sir.

Aside from hiking, orienteering is also an

example of outdoor recreational activity.
Kindly read the slide, Ercole? Sir, the four benefits of sports are social,
physical, emotional, and intellectual.

Now, what are the benefits of

Kindly read the benefits of Orienteering,

I think that’s the end of our presentation.

Do you have questions or Clarifications?

Now, let’s watch a short video for you to

better understand our topic.
(The teacher will play the video.)
3. Values Integration
1. How will you advocate active
recreation to your community?
2. Why do we need to share with the
community the benefit of having a
healthy lifestyle?
Very nice answer!
It’s important to share what you have to
your community as long as it will have a
positive impact in their life. Participating
actively in physical activities is very
essential for everyone to stay healthy
especially now that there are many
viruses invading our community like the
corona virus disease.
Did you get it, class?
Before we proceed, let’s first do the
Love Clap!
4. Application
Let’s play the game called “In or Out?”.
All you have to do is to differentiate
indoor from outdoor recreational
 random students will be ask to
answer the question.
 if your answer is INDOOR, shoot the
ball on the right box and if your
answer is OUTDOOR, shoot the ball
on the left box.
Is it clear, class?
Do you have questions to ask?
If none, let’s begin!
Now, lets have a recap. What can you
say about recreation?
Yes, Aron?

Very good, Aron!

Can you still remember the two types of
recreational activities?
What are the two types of recreational
Yes, Arnel?

Exactly! How about the four benefits of

sports? What are those?
Yes, Divine?

Very good, Divine. Thank you!


V. Evaluation
Let us now check how far you have understood our lesson for today.
Multiple Choice. Read the following sentences carefully then encircle the letter of
your best answer. Each correct answer is equivalent to 2 points.
1) Badminton has its origin on the game?
a. Court game c. Shuttle game
b. Poona d. Tennis
2) Since hiking is a walking activity, can anybody be part of the hiking group?
a. Yes, it’s for everyone.
b. No, it’s dangerous.
c. Yes, it’s fun to walk with people.
d. No, only those with doctor’s clearance.
3) What is the most fundamental skill needed in orienteering?
a. Setting the map
b. Running at a speed
c. Locating the points
d. Communication with group mates
4) Jen would like to be an ambassador of healthy lifestyle in their community.
How can she give justice to this?
a. Practice healthy lifestyle.
b. Talk about healthy lifestyle.
c. Write about healthy lifestyle.
d. Disseminate healthy lifestyle.
5) Jams parent are both obese. She knows what the disease runs in the family
that’s why she is trying to find the best way to get out of it. Which is the best
a. Have a lifestyle change.
b. Consult a lifestyle professional.
c. Live in a healthy environment .
d. Eat raw and fresh fruits and vegetables.
6) Activities such as camping, hiking, orienteering, swimming, and camping are
under the category of
a. Recreation activities
b. Indoor recreation Activities
c. Outdoor recreation activities
d. Active recreation activities
7) Navigating an unfamiliar place requires a skill in
a. Camping c. Orienteering
b. Hiking d. Mountaineering
8) Why is badminton played indoors?
a. It’s more convenient to play inside the gym.
b. Friction is greater providing better stability.
c. Air resistance is lesser inside the gym.
d. It’s more comfortable inside the gym.
9) Volleyball is initially called as?
a. Mintonitte c. Mintonette
b. Montonette d. Miltonette
10) In an outdoor adventure, which of the following is not a natural trail?
a. Grass c. Yarn
b. Twigs d. Rocks
VI. Assignment
For your assignment research on the following questions:
1. What is zumba dance?
2. Who accidentally discovered zumba?
3. Why should you dance zumba?
Good bye class, may God bless you!

Prepared by:


Teacher III

Checked by:


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