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Học phần: Phân tích Diễn ngôn

Mã học phần: 813075
Hình thức thi: Bài tập và Phát vấn trực tuyến
Điểm bài thi Họ tên, chữ ký cán bộ chấm thi 1 Họ tên, chữ ký cán bộ chấm thi 2
Bằng số Bằng chữ

Họ tên sinh viên: Phan Minh Thuận Nhóm thi

Ngày sinh: 25/4/2000
Mã số sinh viên: 3118130138


Task 1:
The sub-categories of grammatical cohesion include:
- Reference
- Substitution
- Ellipsis
- Conjunction.

Task 2:
Cataphoric reference occurs when a word or phrase refers to something mentioned later in the discourse.

Task 3:
From my point of view, "Have a good time" is a collocation. According to the definition, "collocation" is
word partnerships or words that are commonly used together by native speakers. "Have a good time" includes
a set of words that go together naturally in English, and native speakers use this collocation with the meaning
that they are enjoying themselves or to wish someone a good time or a pleasant experience. Moreover, in
phraseology, the meaning of collocation can be understood from the words that make it up (Wikipedia), and
"Have a good time" means exactly what each of its words signifies.

Task 4:
A word is called a hyponym when its meaning is included in the meaning of another word.
For example: "love", "anger", "happiness" are hyponyms of "emotion".

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Task 5:
1/ Introduction  greeting
A: My name is Thuan.
B: Hi, Thuan. Nice to meet you.

2/ Suggestion  refusal
A: Shall we go?
B: No, I want to stay.

3/ Complaint  excuse
A: You're very late.
B: I know. The traffic was awful.

4/ Inform  acknowledge
A: Your mother is here.
B: Thanks.

5/ Offer  acceptance
A: Would you like to come to the theater with me tonight?
B: I'd love to.

6/ Compliment  acceptance
A: Your daughter is adorable!
B: Thanks for your compliment.

7/ Question  reply
A: How do you spell your name?
B: It's T-H-U-A-N.

8/ Beckon  response
A: Excuse me, waiter!
B: Yes, madam.

9/ Request  rejection
A: Is it OK if I borrow your pencil?
B: I'd rather you didn't, I need it.

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10/ Degreeting  degreeting
A: I'll see you later then.
B: Yeah OK, see yah!

Task 6:
- Definition: The number of lexical or content words per clause is referred to as lexical density.
- Some implications for language study from lexical density: When writing English textbooks, writers
will evaluate students' levels and make adjustments to information-carrying words in reading passages to
match the three criteria for every lesson's objectives:
+ Knowledge: Texts which have a high lexical density are said to be more informative; therefore,
those can provide and enhance students' background knowledge.
+ Skills: Students can improve both receptive and productive skills by learning and using lexical
items in the text.
+ Behavior: Texts which have a high lexical density can also provide meaningful moral lessons;
hence, teachers can educate students via the texts.

Task 7:
There are two types of connections that tie discourse together:
1. Cohesion: endophoric connections (manifest in the discourse itself)
2. Coherence: exophoric connections (based on information or knowledge outside the discourse)
For example:
"A year has twelve months. Last month I went to the cinema with my friends. They are really nice.
"Nice" is an adjective."
 This sequence is highly cohesive because each sentence is connected to the previous one at the level
of discourse.
 However, it is not coherent, since no possible connections can be made outside the discourse.
It is clear that cohesion is not sufficient for constructing a coherent discourse. Coherence can help the
reader/hearer to distinguish connected discourses that make sense from those that do not.
Therefore, in order to make sense to the reader/hearer, discourse must be both cohesive and coherent.

Task 8:
Speech act is an utterance as a functional unit in communication. (Richards et al, 1985: 265)

Task 9:
The sub-categories of reiteration include:
- Repetition
- Synonym

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- Superordinate
- General word

Task 10:
According to Grice, conversational implicatures are based on the co-operative principle and its four basic
- The maxim of quality: Do not lie; do not make unsupported claims
- The maxim of quantity: Say neither more nor less than the discourse requires
- The maxim of relevance: Be relevant
- The maxim of manner: Be brief and orderly; avoid ambiguity and obscurity
In conversations, when the maxims are observed, the meanings are literal (no additional meanings).
However, when the maxims are violated, the implicature must be understood. That is, we must understand
the additional meanings. In addition, people often break the maxims overtly (flouting maxim) and sometimes
break the maxims secretly (hedging maxims) when they make a conversation:
- Flouting: A speaker who makes it clear that he or she is not following the conversational maxims
is said to be flouting the maxims and this gives rise to an implicature.
- Hedging: A phrase that eliminates or at least mitigates one of the maxims, which can signal to the
addressee that the speaker is going to ignore a maxim.

Task 11:
Olivia: What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Mark: I had some toast and jam.
 This is maxim of quantity because Mark gives enough information, and says neither more nor less
informative than is required for the current exchange, which is about Mark's breakfast.

Task 12:
Sam: Did you enjoy your summer vacation?
Tim: Yes, it was exciting and relaxing.
 This is maxim of relevance because Tim's answer is relevant to the question, which is about whether
Tim enjoyed his summer vacation.

Task 13:
(Emma to David): I will help you with your presentation.
 This is a commissive because it commits the speaker to a course of action. In this case, Emma directly
promises to help David with his presentation.

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Task 14:
(Employer): You are fired!
 This is a declarative because it changes the world by bringing about or altering the state of affairs it
names. By saying that someone is fired, the employer causes or brings about the person's unemployment.

Task 15:
"To be honest, you look beautiful in that new dress."
 "To be honest" is an interpersonal theme because it expresses the attitude of the speaker and it is also a
comment adjunct.

Task 16:
A: Do you want to go to Taylor Swift concert with me?
B: When will the concert take place?
A: This Sunday.
B: OK. That would be fine.
 The pair in bold is an inserted pair because it intervenes between the first and second parts of an
adjacency pair (Invitation  acceptance).

Task 17:
"I have painted the bedroom blue. It is my favorite color."
 "Color" is the superordinate of "blue" because the meaning of "color" includes the meaning of "blue".

Task 18:
"My friend has explained this exercise to me five times and I still don't get it."
 "AND" is an adversative conjunction in this sentence because it expresses contrast between two
statements ("but" could substitute).

Task 19:
Sarah: Did you pass the final exam?
John: Yes.
 John's answer is a clausal ellipsis because the clause is omitted (Yes, I passed the final exam).

Task 20:
"This bulb is broken. Give me a new one."
 "One" is a nominal substitution because the nominal substitute "one" replaces the noun "bulb", and it
functions as the head of the nominal group.

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Task 21:
1/ She suggested that the student should borrow a dictionary but when he asked for a thesaurus, the
librarian replied that this kind was not available at that moment.
- She: cataphoric personal reference (the librarian)
- he: anaphoric personal reference (the student)
- but: adversative conjunction
- thesaurus: hyponymy (dictionary)
- this: anaphoric demonstrative reference (a thesaurus)

2/ Jack said there were many types of pasta, but his favorites are spaghetti and macaroni.
- his: anaphoric personal reference (Jack)
- but: adversative conjunction
- spaghetti: hyponymy (pasta)
- macaroni: hyponymy (pasta)

Task 22:
1/ Wow, last but not least, my back porch is the most comfortable place for me to relax.
- Interpersonal theme: Wow
- Textual theme: last but not least
- Topical theme: my back porch
- Rheme: is the most comfortable place for me to relax

2/ Actually, elephants, although they are large, are not predators.

- Interpersonal theme: Actually
- Topical theme: elephants
- Textual theme: although they are large
- Rheme: are not predators

Task 23:
Number 1:
(1) Mary: Mind if I turn on the heating system?
Tom: Of course.
(2) Mary directly asks for permission to turn on the heating system.
(3) This is a Directive.

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Number 2:
(1) Mother: You are making a mess.
Son: Sorry mom, I'll clean it up.
(2) The mother expresses her annoyance to her son.
(3) This is an Expressive.

Task 24:
Number 1:
A: Is the shirt I gave you comfortable to wear?
B: I like its color and pattern.
(1) B's utterance may implicate that B doesn't find wearing the shirt comfortable.
(2) B violates maxim of relevance.

Number 2:
A: Do you find the lions and the hippos ferocious?
B: I think the lions are.
(1) B's utterance may implicate that the hippos are not ferocious.
(2) B violates maxim of quantity.

Task 25:
Number 1:
A: Do you want to go out for dinner?
B: Why not?
This adjacency pair is Invitation  acceptance

Number 2:
A: How long does it take you to go to school?
B: Thirty minutes, I guess.
This adjacency pair is Question  reply

 HẾT 

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