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What is quality?
What is considered “a quality product”?
What is considered a “quality service”?
Quality can somehow be an ambiguous
concept. A product or service can be
judged in many different ways:

standards context



Throughout history, many

experts have defined what is
quality and how to achieve it.
Fill in the chart in manual pages 13 and 14.
William Edwards Deming
American engineer, statistician, professor,
author, lecturer, and management consultant
sent to Japan in 1947 to help with the country's

Deming defined quality as:

"A product or service has quality if it helps someone and
enjoys a good and sustained market."
William Edwards Deming
Deming's main contribution was:
Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology, also
known as Deming's Cycle, which would
become the base of continuous
Joseph M. Juran
Romanian-born American engineer and
management consultant.

Juran defined quality as “fitness for use”:

"An essential requirement of these products is that they meet
the needs of those members of society who will actually use
Joseph M. Juran

Juran's main contribution was Juran's trilogy:

-quality planning
-quality improvement
-quality control
Phillip Bayard Crosby
American businessman and author who contributed to
management theory and quality management practices

Crosby stated that:

"Quality is free, what costs money are
non quality things"
"Quality is doing things right the first
Phillip Bayard Crosby
Crosby's main contribution was the
ZERO DEFFECTS methodology:
quality is fulfilling requirements
defect prevention is more
important than correction
Kaoru Ishikawa

Japanese organizational theorist and a professor

noted for his quality management innovations.

His quality definition was:

"developing, designing, manufacturing and
maintaining a quality product that is the most
economical, the most useful and always
satisfactory for the consumer"
Kaoru Ishikawa

Ishikawa's main contribution was the

Ishikawa diagram, also known as Cause-
Effect or fishbone diagram.
Kaoru Ishikawa

Shigeo Shingo
Japanese industrial engineer who was considered as the world’s
leading expert on manufacturing practices and the Toyota
Production System.

Shingo stated : “Quality is a way of thinking, not a list of

things to do.”
Shigeo Shingo
His main contribution were the key elements of the
Toyota Production System:

-Poka Yoke: "mistake proofing"

-Just in Time: what needs to be done, when and how needs to

be done
Shigeo Shingo
Masaaki Imai
Imai didn't define quality per se, but he stated that is the
customer who defines quality, not the employee.

In this case, a customer can be an end customer, another firm or a

colleague from another department.

Imai gathered all quality methodologies known at that point in

the world renown concept:

Masaaki Imai
Masaaki Imai
Kaizen is the Japanese word meaning
"continuous improvement"
Is a philosophy, a way of life, and is
focused on continually improving any
kind of processes.
POP Quiz tomorrow

PDCA is an iterative design and
management method used in business for the control and
continual improvement of processes and products.

The cycle was actually developed by Walter Shewhart, who coined the
concept. However, the Japanese were in charge of making it known to the
world, naming it in honor of Dr. William Edwards Deming.

The Deming Cycle is used in solving issues and problems in many different
areas of engineering.
P-D-C-A Challenge
Marshmallow Challenge
Build the tallest free-standing structure using no more than
the given materials and one marshmallow. The
marshmallow must be on top and cannot be deformed to
hold it in place.
Tallest structure that can hold the marshmallow wins.
P-D-C-A Challenge

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