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Cyborg Transformation

onstructs or animated objects are typically Transformation Boon: Mechanical
created through potent magic that binds the upgrades
construct to the will of their creator. However, While your body is still largely organic at this stage of the
some ambitious scientists and wizards have transformation, there are still many opportunities to improve
taken their understanding of animated objects your body. You gain the ability to use to Upgrades, which are
and applied that knowledge to their own bodies. described on the following pages. As your transformation
Through this application of knowledge, these continues your body can handle more upgrades the same
people have improved their minds and bodies with time.

mechanical and magical elements. When you gain this boon your character's body can only
Regardless of how you have become a Cyborg, a part of your handle one upgrades at the same time. Your character can
physique is forever changed by your inorganic improvements. only handle an amount of upgrades equal to their
Depending on your transformation level you gain certain transformation level.
benefits from being a Cyborg. The cost of implementing an upgrade is equal to 50 gp x
your transformation level. A character can implement
Prerequisites Transformation flaw: Power source
A Cyborg has the following transformation features: As part the procedure you have undergone to become a
Cyborg, a Power source was implanted into your body. This
Prerequisites power source is the driving force for your inorganic
Ability scores: Constitution 13
constructs. And while this power source generally requires
Roleplay: You must undergo a procedure in which a part of no upkeep, this does not mean it is not prone to failure.

your body is replaced by a mechanical or magical construct,

such as a limb or an organ system. As your transformation When you take lightning damage, you must make a
progresses more and more of your body will be replaced or Constitution saving throw. The DC of this saving throw
improved by these constructs
equals 10 or half the lightning damage your character took,

whichever is higher. If your character fails the saving throw

Some of your abilities require the target to make a saving they are under the effects of the slow spell until the end of
throw to resist their effects. The saving throw DC is their next turn.
calculated as follows:
Tranformation DC = 8+ Profinciency bonus+ your Having more than one creature type
Constitution score modifier
Some creatures are of more than one creature type.
If an effect works on at least of a creature' s types,
Level Milestones that effect can work on that creature. For example,
The following are examples of possible level milestones for if you are both a Humanoid and an Undead, cure
the Cyborg. wounds works on you, since the spell works on a
Undergoing a dangerous and costly experiment. Humanoid.
Replacing your power source with a more powerful power
Transferring your consciousness into a new body.
Fully replacing the entirety of your organic body with
inorganic constructs.
Transformation Level 1
Starting at 1st level, you gain the following
Boons and this level’s
Transformation Flaw.
Transformation Boon: Mechnical form
Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength
score increases by 1. An ability score cannot be increased
beyond 16 in this way.
You become an Construct in addition to any other creature
types you are. Spells and abilities that affect Constructs of a
specific CR have no effect on you.
Additionaly, When you take a long rest, you must spend at
least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than
sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render
you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.
Using excess energy from your power source, you can give
your fist an extra boost. Your hands can still be used
normally, but after using a bonus action your hands change
into electro-fists for the following minute. You can cancel this
effect by using another bonus action.
During this minute your fist are considered simple
weapons. You have profinciency in these weapons.
The weapons have the Finesse and Light properties and
deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Additionaly, these weapons
deal an additional 1d4 of acid, cold, fire or lightning damage,
when you create this upgrade you decide which additional
damge type the weapons deal.
This weapon' s additional damage increases by 1d4 when
you reach transformation level 2 (2d4), transformation level 3
(3d4), transformation level 4 (4d4).
Pistonpowered legs
You walking speed increases by 10 feet. Additionaly, you can
cast the expeditious retreat spell without expending a spell
slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Bionic eye
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and
nonmagical, to a distace of 120 feet. Additionally, once per
long rest you can cast see invisibility using this upgrade.
Plasma Repulsors
As an action, a beam of plasma forming a line 30 feet long
and 5 feet wide is shot out of you in a direction you choose.
Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw
equal to your Cyborg DC. A creature takes 2d6 force damage
on a failed save or half as much damage on a succesful one.
After this action is used, the Plasma repulsors must
recharge for 1 hour.
The damage of this action increases by 2d6 when you
reach transformation level 2 (4d6), transformation level 3
(6d6), transformation level 4 (8d6).

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