Dap An Bai Tap Tieng Anh 9

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lUu noAruo rn[

pAp Ax
mAr rAP rrf;ruc alurr

Toi ti€u phot mi6n Phi, khdng bdn

NHA xuAt sAN PA.I HQc stl PHAM

I. Vocabulary _ Matching.
l.H 2.D i.F 4.A 5.8 6.J 7. E 8.C 9.G l0.l
ll. Cap filling
l. ntausoleunt 2. tropical 3. clirnate 4 . religion -5. soil
6. comprises 7. compulsory 8. ethnic g . prayed 10. prirnary
Ill. Word Formation
l. compulsorily 2. corespondence 3. correspondent 4. division
,5. divisible 6. impressiotl 7. regional g. religious
9. peacefully 10. peacefully
IV. Prepositions
l. of 2. for 3. rvith .1. on/upon ,5. into
6. betr.veen 7. rvith 8. 1'rorl 9. rvith 10. in * r.vith
Answer: I -b-4-d-3-a-2_ f -5-c-6-e
VI. Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1C ].A.::
Lrnet-r,vasdoing ?. n,aspairing.-heard
2I. separation ll :'- . '
3. turned - saw 4. was r.i,earing
5. decided
26.D 17.{ _S:
6. were having * dropped 36. D (your * \tr--i
i. got 8. was picking - cut j8. A (get useJ l.'
9. was w'orking - opened rusrrecr 10. stood - ,uurk*,r closed
VIL Choose correct yerb tenses. - -- lir e;
40. B (live
l. had - \\'e,lt - ate- \\rote - met took 41. B 42. C '.: :
2. rvas r.vaiking- saw-said -r.varked
3. u'as ooing - sarv -51. c 52. A :-: _

-1. heard - ri,alked - opened - opened - sari -

said - askeci Sentence building.
-i. *'ere ri,atching - cdme - watched 6. *,ere r.vaiting - arrived Dear Mutn.
l. \\/ere they playing - started 8. cried - heard 61. I arrived a1 Tr- :-- '.
9. were driving - stopped I 0. becanre - began 62. Mai rret lr,a ;:'.. : - -
VIIL Past time expressions 63. ln tlre aict . -
i. in 2. when 3. ago 4. X 5. at/ on 6. last 7. On g. In 9. in 10. {br gilts lor \ ().:. J:,-.
IX. Choosing the right verb. 61. Mai took tt:. :, . - .

l. iost 2. spent 3. laughed 4. saved 5 left 65. I sau a lot o: l;-:- ' ^
i. fell 7. broke 8. found 9. took 10. rreeded 66. I'tn rtos it; \.
\. Rewriting _ wish construction. u'ondertll. lr-.i'
I wish l had a washing machine. 2. I rvish I didn't have
ro go ro school on Saturdays. 67. I en.ior srr i:::- - -
I wish we went away rnore often. -1. I n,ish t spite ,uny tangrog"r. sand castles.
-' 68. We'll lear.' i-.'- r
I wish the taxes weren,t,stt expensive. 6. I ivish
. yfl
I II wish every
bigger house-
1T9 "countr;, rvould 8. r rvish ,rou rvoutck..f qui.t. 69. I hope I c.ln :'.. -
stop killing lvhales. Japan in Jui.
,t. I wish it would stop raining
70. I'ru verr ha::. :'- --
\1. Cloze reading. \''-:-i
Hope to sec
2. temple 3. ntany 4. centuries 5. again Yours
:roved 7. country 8. later 9. independence 10. stage Miri
OM A PEN PA[. XIL Rewriting.
L Maryam and Lan have rvritten to each other lbr over t\.vo years.
: 2. Maryam rvas taken to Ben Market by Lan yesterday.
3. Kuala Lunrpur is the Iargest city in Malaysia.
4. He has learned to drive since he was eighteen.
./ pra\ ed ,5. There aren't any lakes in nr1, houretown.
6. Whose hat is this?/ Whose is this hat?
,.,I-t'r'spondent 1. Maryanr invited Lan to conre and visit her the follorving summer.
- 8. Lan and Mary'arn went out to have a drinU for a drink.
,_: Llnal 8. relrgiLru-r
9. lt took me trvo hours to do my houtervork.
10. Students have to stLrdy Englislt as a second language in all secondary schools
:r i.lllolt 5. into in Malaysia.
l0 in -',vith
l.c 2. A 3.D 4.8 5.D 6.C 1. B 8.D 9. D l0.B
il.A 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.D 16.B 11.A l8.C 19.C 20.C
- heard 21. separation 22. fiiendly 23. active 24. correspondent 25. irnpressed
I 26.D 27.A.28.8 29.D 30.B 3l.C 32.8 33.8 34.8 35.C
- dropped 36. D (your + y,ours) 31. A (going - go)
- cut 38. A (get used to * used to) 39. C (was going * 1vs.1;
ked - closed 40.8(live-lived)
,11B 42.C 43.D 44.8 45.B 46.8 41.A 48:C 49.8 50.8
s-saw-said-walked 51.C 52.A s3.C 54,8 55.C -56.8 s7.A s8.B 59.C 60.D

Sentence building.
g - arrived Dear Muln.
6I . I arrived at Tan Son Nhat Airport last Friday rnorning.
62. Mai lret tle at the airporl and took me home by taxi.
63. In the aftettioon, we went to a market near Mai's house and I bought a lot of
.,. in 10. for gil'ts for you. Daddl'. and Toshi.
6.1. Mai took ute to Da Lat three days ago.
'65. I saw a lot of peach blossorls there, like in Tokyo'
66. I'rn now in Nha Trang. The beach here is wonderful, and the food is

u'onderful, too.
' >llturdaYS 67. I enjoy swimming in the sea and eating seafood, but Mai only likes making
_:r3ges. sand castles.
- )iif. 68. We'll leave for Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow.
69. I hope I can take a boat trip along the Mekong River before conring back to
Japan in July.
70. I'm very happy and enjoy myselfso much here.
Hope to see you again soon.

TEST 2 (UNlr 1)
r. B 2. B i. D 4. A 5. C 6. D 1..A 8. D e. A l0.C l\'. Prepositions
l1.A 12.D 13.B 1,1.A 15.C 16.A l7.B l8.B 19.C 20.D f.in l lo -' -
21. inrpression 22. activit\ 23. fi'iendless ?4. inseparable 25. irnpressionable V. SPE,{K
26C21.A.28.A 29.8 30.A 3l.D 32.D 33.D 34.A 3-5.C l.-

36. D (have visited * visited) 37. A (uses * used) Vl. \ erb ten\( i
38. C (slept + was slecping) 39. C (can - could) 40. A (What -- How) L lt,ir e "- -

4l.B 42.A 4i.C 44.C 45.D 46.A 'i7.B 48'B 49.D 50.8 J. is kttt'.. -.-
5l.D 52.D 53.C .54.A 55.B -s6.A 57.C 58.C 59.B 60.B I o,rt
Sentencc building. Vli. Present Pr r''ri'
Dear Peter.
-1. )fctli
61. I-la Noi is great. We lil<e our school. 1. \\ere
61. Alan and I go to scltrtol five da1's a u'eek. 0. d is.rpp.'" -.
6i. We lrzir"e a lot ol ll'iends here. J

l .l. lrrr e :l .
(t4. Thev are very nice. We teach ihem Engiish. atnd tltev teach its Vietnanlese.
Vlll. Passite \ iii
65. I can speak a linle Vietnarttese now. I . Tltc \\.:1,I :
66. We go out ort weekends. 2. Studertts,i-J: -:.
67. Our fiiencls invit.s us to go to their houses lor ltrnch and sotnetirnes fbr clinner. i. frio It.r'- - -.
68. I like Vietnatnese tboci very nruch, especiall-v., spring rolls. L Yottt -I, r ..: -- -
(r9. Cettine around Ha Noi is vet'y cottvenient. 5. Srnokrr,.
r0. There ere cy'clos. a Vir:tttattrese st1.'le tric-vcle tari. 6. Dr Srttilr'- - :

Piease ri rite to lle soon. 1. Tltis tlr.'

Lot,e 8. Hc had i'i:: - .

N4 arv c). Vr cltar: i .:. ' . .

TEST 3 (UNIT {) 10. The Ittac l' . '.

IX. Active t oice,
t.c 2.A 3.C 4. c 5. D 6.8 7.8 8.8 9. A 10. C l. Must Vir:.', ' - .

lt.A 12.D li.B lrl .D 1-5.A 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.8 2. Fashior: Je- .--
2 l. C 22. A (have had) 23. B (have seen + saw) 24. A (have helped -- help) i. Botlt ttre;r .." -
25. independently' 26. conrpulsory 27. instructions 28. friendliness J. Did lrcr rr -: :

29. True 30. False 3 I . False 32. TrLre 5. Pocts irar : :' - '

33. I rvish I didn't have to go to school on Sattrrdal'. 6. Yott tttu-::"::'

34. I rvish I could drive. 7. Nos ll'lr, ..: -
35. Marvam rvas taken to Ben Thanh Market b-v- [-an y-esterdal'. 8. Ms \lai J:- ,- '

36. The firrniture was too exDensive fbr me to bui'. 9 IshouldI'r. '.
10. People s.r
UNIT Z: ClOfnlruA clothing a: '. -'
tr. Vocabulary _ N'latching. X. Cloze reading.
I.E 2.H 3.J 4.A 5.B 6.G ].D 8.F 9.1 l0.C I . popu lar
II. Gap filling 5. latttou:
l. design 2. label i. economic 4. occasion 5. faded Xl. Reading (Trur-F, ..
6. peers 7. colton 8. Casual 9. champagnc 10. minor ity I . False -
lll. Word Formation XIl. Rervriting
l. fashionable 2. encouragernent 3. casLralll, 4. occasionally i. Becausesottte.r.- -:
5. designer 6. economical 7. eqr"rality 8. poetic looks ntoderi,
9. stylish 10. inspirational :. The"aodr: -.'--.
l. The desigr: .rr J - .'. -
-+ l. M1 latlrc:;t.. ' ' :

10. c IV. Prepositions

10. D l. in 2. to 3. in 4. out of 5. for 6. of 7. in 8. in 9. on iO. of
,able V. SPEAK.
l. e 2. g 3. a 4, b 5. d 6. c l. f
VI. Verb tenscs.
l. have known 2. haven't play 3. hasn't con'te - coutes - didn't get
4. is knocking 5. were sleeping - entered - stole 6. haven't finished
7. got 8. haven't been 9. has been I 0. met - were going
VII. Present Perfect or Past Simple.
l. realized 2. has seen 3. took
4. spent 5. have/has leplaced 6. have becorne
I. were 8. has enabled 9. has really inrproved
10. disappeared ll. took 12. have becorne
li. have not done 14. has brought I-5. has solved
VIll. Passive voice.
I . The r.vater level is checked very week.
't31 2. Students are expected not to talk during the erarnination.

3. Trvo hundred people were invited to the party.

4. Your shoes are being nrended at the lxoinent.
.5. Smoking is not allowed in this restaurant.
6. Dr Smiths is being intervier.ved at the mornent.
1. This rnachine rnust be cleaned every tinte it is Lrsed.
8. He had been warned not to go near the river the day before.
9. My chair has been nroved.
10. The rnachine r.vas being repaired rvhen the accident happened.
r IX. Active voice.
10. C
-\ 10. B
l. Most Vietnarnese used to rvear the traditional "ao dai".
2. Fashion designers have added sorrre beautiful patterns to the "ao dai".
.- - Irelp) 3. Both rnen and women frequently wore the "ao dai".
4. Did her rnother tell her to wear the traditional "ao dai" on her wedding dav?
5. Poets have rnentioned the "ao dai'' in poems for centuries.
6. You nrustn't throw arvay the traditionai "ao dai'^.
l. Now tashion designers want to change the traditional "ao dai".
8. Ms Mai decided to keep her traditional "ao dai".
9. I should love sorneone to print lines of poetry on my "ao dai".
10. People say that many Vietnamese \.vomen today prefer to lvear rrrodern
clothing at work.
X. Cloze reading.
: I l0.c l. popular 2. uniform 3. teenagers 4. king
5. famous 6. regular 7. sold '8. what
i thded XI. Reading (True-False).
10. rninority l. False 2. True 3. True 4. False
Xll. Rervriting
-;asionally l. Because sorre fashion designers have printed lines of poetry on the "ao dai". it
: letic looks modern.
2. The "ao dai" has been mentioned b1, poets in poenrs fbr centuries.
3. The design and material used for nren were not the sarne as those used lor wonlen.
4. My father hasn't srnoked for trvo years.
5. Whv don't we use electricity economically? 6-1. Schoolgirls feel ittrrt-. . - ' "; l
6. A whistle will be blorvn if there is an ernergency. or playing in the schi,: ..,-,
I. They began working in that l'actor-v ten years ago. 65. lhc lorrg tlouserr li: i '- :
8. IIe rvishes he weren't late. 66. Schoolgit'lr in Ittr ';i:.
9. The soil here is said to be very rich. 07. Howcvct. rie.tt ing 'n,:'
10. tlelen has been learning Chinese since 2000. arrd di[l'ercrrt liort, s;:.'
:68. Wearing skirts and bic-..' , -
TEST 1 (UN!T 2) 69. The shofi skirts e\pos- :... - - -
l.c 2. D i.B 4.A 5.A 6. A 7.C 8.D 9. D lO.C 70. ll both bo1 s arrd iir.' .. - ,
lt.B 12.c 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D l8.A 19.C 20.8 your opinion?
21. traditionalil, 22. nroclernize 23. argutnent 24. embroidered 25. faded
26.A )1.8 28.D 29.A i0.C 3l.B 32.11 33.D i4.B 35.C TEST
i6. B (to bLrild -- to bc b,rrilt) 31. C (since - fbr) l.B 2.C i.D r -
18. C (hzrve ever seen * ltad ever seen) i9 A (casuallv - casttal) t1.A 12.B li.D .-:l
"10. B(speak -spoken) 21.C 22.A(didrr'tsee - ::
JI. B 42. D Ji. B 44. C 45. A 46. B .17. C 48. A 49. B 50. A (have rvritten + \\:o:.
24. B
-51. n 51. c 5i. A 54. D 55. D -56. t) 57. ,A 58. C -59. C 60. B 27. encourage
Sentence building. 29. l"alse i0. TrLie
61. People sl'111s sarrre corintry rvear dif,ferent kinds of clothes. 33. Our teeth should be brushr
61. Clothcs help shou'r,i'hat rvork they do and rvhethei- they are rich or poor. 34. I rvish my neighbors didn'
63. People can tell who they are frorn r,vhat they rvear. 35. Helen has learned/ has bec
6-1. In the old Iinres. poor *'orkinu people \vore ver)/ sinrple clothes rvhile at rvork. 36. I haven't written to him fo
o-5. On the other hand. ricli pcople wore nrore elaborate. colourlirl clothes.
6(;. ln rranv teLrclal countries. tlre 1'ellorv colour ri'as lor the king's garnrents onlr".
(r7. Clotlring probabll dev,:iops lis a protc-ction against or adaptation to clinrate. 1. A 2.D 3. C 4. A
(r8. ln A1L'ican and Arab colrntries. people *,ear robes to protect themselves tionr ll. A 12. c 13. D 14. c
the heat and bright sunlight. 21. B (has - had) 22-B(
69. Traditional clothes in cold clirrrales have nranr, layers to prevent the loss of 24.8 (saw + seen) 25. C (
bodv heat. 26. inspiration 27. baggr
70. In tire 20'r'century, people rnade their clothes fi'orn sl,nthetic rnaterials like 3r.c 32.A 33. C 34-D
rrr lorr or acrylic.
4t.c 42.D 43. B 4.C
TEST 2 (UNrT 2) 46. I rvish my neighbour didn"t
l.A 2. B l.C 4.D -5.C 6.C 1. B 8.D e.C l0.D 47. This programme is being wi
il.c 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D l8.C 19.B 20.A 48. Your bill should be Paid be1
21. clesigner 22. rtrusicians 23. syrlbolizes 2-1. baggy 25. encouracement Sentence building.
26.8 21. A 28. A 29.D 30.8 3r. C i2. B l3. B 34. D 35. D 49. tt is compulsory to $'ear a l

i6. C (lrave taken - have been taken) 31. C (tried -- have tried) 50. That block of flats is being
38. A (didn't'"vrite * haven't rvritten) 39. B (made ironr -'made of) UNIT 3: A TRIP '
40. B (has becarne - has becoure)
4t. A '11. C 43. D 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. D I. Vocabulan _ M:ttchin:.
51. c -52. C 53. B 54. B 55. A 56. A 57. B -58. A 59. C 60. B l.F l. I I C - l

Sentence building. ll. Gap filling

6l . It is better fbr schoolgirls to wear trousers and blouses when they are at schocll. I . gathered I I: *;
62. Wearing trousem and blouses is convenient when students ride a bicycle to school.
63. They don't have to worr)'about keeping their trousers straight in place'"vhen III. Word Formation
there ale strorrg '"vinds. l.adrrtiration I ..=-'
6. location i .l'
6,1 Schoolgirls feel nrore comfortable rvhen doing the cleaning of the classroonls
or playing in the schoolyard.
'lhe long trousers heip schoolgirls hide any defect on their body.
66. Schoolgirls in my school iike wearing trousers and blouses.
67. Horvever, u'earing skit'ts and blouses makes schoolgirls look lnore fenlinirle
and different fionr schoolboys.
":'6g. Wearirrg skirls and blouses is convenient in hot weather.
t_ 69. The shorr skirts expose students' legs. which helps redrrce body heat.
.c 8. D 9. D lO.C 10. If both boys and girls wear trousers, the school looks quite boring. How about
7.D 18.A t9.C 20.B your opinion?
cl l. embroidered 25. f'aded
l_B 33,D 34.8 35.C TEST 3 (UN!T 2)
1.8 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.A 1.8 8.8 9.C l0.D
I A(casuallv+casrnl) l1A t2.B l3.D 14.B l-i.A 16.D 11.C l8.B 19.A 20.D
21. C 22. A (didn't see -- ltaven't seen) 23. C (be - been)
-\ \ 49.B 50.A 24. B (have rvritten + wrote) 25. Traditionally 26. inspiration
:r C -s9.C 60.8 ?7. encourage 28. rninorityi nr inorities
29. False 10. True 31. True 32. True
j- i3. Our teeth sliould be brushed carefully after nTeals.
. : "tclt or poor. 3.1. I rvislt nr1, neighbors didn't make (a lot of) noise at night'
15. Helen has learned/ has been learning lrreucli since 2005,
. : r,': \\ hile at u,o|k. 36. I haven't rvritten to hirn for three years.
.. l lothes.
- - jinrlerrts only'. L A 2.D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9. B l0.D
rr to clinrate.
- ll.A l2.C l3.D 14.C 15.B t6.A l7.D 18.C 19.D 20.8
22. B (cut - been cut) 23. D (leaves * left)
::r.'rlrselves fl'Onl
2 l. B (has * had)

- ,', :'nt the loss of 24.8 (saw + seer) 25. C (go fishing - went/ used to fishing)
26. inspiration 27. baggy 28. correspondence 29. division 30-irnpression
- -:rrterials like 3l.c 32.A 33.C 34.D 35.A 36.C 37.8 38.8 39.A 40.8
4l.C 42.D ,13. B 44.C ,15.8
46. I rvish rny neighbour didn't uake a lot of noise at night'
a r0 D 47. This prosranure is being rvatched by about thirty million people.
B 20.A 48. Your bill should be paid befbre vou leave the hotel.
- ,:.lgelnent Sentence building.
_:) l5.D 49. It is corrrpLrlsoiy to wear a safetY helnret on a tllotorbike.
50. That block of flats is being ptrlled dorvn now because it is unsafe.
_ :l
_ -;(.i D I. Vocabulary _ Matching.
60. B l.F 2.1 3.G 4,A -5.J 6.8 ].C 8. H 9.8 l0. D
ll. Gap filling
' '.:irrrol. l. gathered 2. hike 3. locate ul. ploLrgh 5. comment
.-'.,trl. 6. route 7. exchange 8. blanket 9. admire10. rest
-: '.\ h!'lt III. Word Forrnation
l. adrniration 2. collector 3. exchangeable 4. gathering 5. photographl,
6. location 7. restful 8. tiredness 9. enjoyable 10. farming

9. It is sucl:.r:r i-:'.'
10. Theil'S::.--",
on T\'.
IV. Prepositions Xl. Rervriting.
l. for 2. of 3. on 4. on 5. under l. It*ass..- j- ' :
6. rvith 7. on 8. on 9. to 10. to I Irrislr:-. - - -.
V. SPEAK. 3. l'le drai:i - - ,- - .
l. I rverrt to my honle village to visit tny
Vung Tau'
4. Ther s;r r', . -
2. It's a smalliott'n on the beach n'ear 5. Bccattri:.--.
3. I went rvitl.r my parents and nly sister' 0. Irli>lt I ":: ,
1 lt's about 120 kilorreters ttom Flo Chi Mirrh Citr'' 1. Tltcirh''i',, -

5. I got there bY'coach. 8. \'ou ar. t: : ,

6. It;s u'onderful' It's not so hot br"it suunv' 9. English is .: '.-

1. Yes, I sruan, in the morning and sunbathed
in the afternoon' 10. HeissarC:.:- --
and enjoyed the tl'esh air'
8. We rvent alongthe beach, istened to sea rvaves
9. Oh" verl" cleliclous. We ilte lots olsealbod'
10. \'es. WLuld you go there with lne next )('ar'l l. D 2. ."\ i
VL I rvish... 11 A 12.D l
l. rvislr I cotrld rr-rn trst 21. collective ,-
) rvish I could fly like a bird. 26. A 21.8 -:
J. ivish rrv soccer team could play rvell' 36. A(On-i
-1. rvish i coLrld go on a Plclnic/ I tuirh it were a nice daY
todal'' 38. C(in-r:
5. rvish I could speak Englrsh fluentll" 40. A (doesn': -
rvish I coulcl tnake a trip to the countryside nou'
4l.c 42.D -.: ::
,1 . ri,ish I had enough Inoney to bu1' a nerv dictionarl'
5r.D 5r.C
Sentence buildin'1.
rvish rny granclnother didn't have a llackache'
9. rvisn t dian't have to rvash dishes alter the rreal
61 . It rrrs lr rr -.
63. M1 f ierrJ- ,' -
10. rvish I didn't a lot of pimples on vour t-ace' (r3. Wc 5a\\ J . .

Vll. The facts behind. 64. ARcr art lt. -:

L You're out of work. 2. There's nothing good on TV tonight'
{. You catt'r losc *cight. 65. At rtoorl. "\ J -

3. You like chocolate so rnuch. 66. flrcrr rt c '.,-

6. You ieft school at sixteen.
5. You didn't ivin the lottenr' 67. Afte r the " -
7. You dicln't go to univcrsitr ' 8. Your girlf iencl didrr't ring yotr iast night
68. There \\ i r
VlIl. Preposition of time. 4. in - on 5. since 69. At -1 pnr. .. -
1. at 2. for - fiom --to 3. During - at
70. The trip was
6. For 7. Until 8. in 9. at 10. At
tX. Cloze reading. =:'
I. 2. dress 3. at '1.
with 5. ethnic l. D I D '.

6. for 7. valleYs 8. provide 9. villages 10. thcir ll.A Il D '] ':

X. Rervriting Il.collectior: -- . .

2. My sister is so young tirat slie tT J C9 to the zoo alone' 36. B(sucn--
i. The road is so narro*a that it is difficLrlt for trvo caIS to pass.each
other' i8. C {ptttrt--::-
4.TheTVprogramlnewassointerestingthatthechildrendidn.trvanttogoto 40. B(thar--:
bed early. 1l.c l: { :j :
5. The streets are so crolvded that trafficjanls usuallv lrappen. 5l.D 5l { ':
rt iu* *.1, lovely weather that we spent rhe vvhole day. in the
e. Sentence building.
l. it tt;; ;;;i-I a wonderful sightseeing totrr thani'e all enjo!'ed. it'
rlrdience lelt sleepy''
8 Thc spokesperson gave srih lonitnlk t1r:: :r--.: :--lir"

9. It is such an interesting book that we have read it many times.

I 0. The 22"d SEA Garnes-were such a great event that miny people watched therl
on TV.
Xl. Rcwriting.
l. It was such a boring film that I turned off the TV set and went to bed.
l. I rvish it stopped raining.
3. He drank so much coffee that he couldn't get to sleep.
4. They saved their money so as to have a good summer holiday.
5. Because everyone felt tired and hungry, they sat down under the ffee and had a snack.
6. I rvish I knew her address.
1. Their homework is being corrected by the teacher.
8. You aren't tall enough to play volleyball for our team.
9. English is spoken in Australia.
10. He is said to be 99 years old.
r . .' - :l':.h air.
TEST 1 (UN|T 3)
l.D 2. A i.B 4.8 5.D 6. B 7. C 8.A 9. D l0.B
l1.A 12.D li.A l,t.A 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.8
21. collective 22. admirable 23. relaxed 24. comments 25. heroic
26. A 21.8 28. B 29.C 30. C 31. C 32.D 33. B 34. C 35. D
36. A (On * In) 31 . B (to clean cleaning/ to be cleaned)
38. C (in - on) 39. A (didn't tell- - hadn't told)
.10. A(doesn't*didn't)
41. c 42.D 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. A 41.D 48. C 49.8 50. C
5l.D 52.C 53.8 54.D 55.C 56.D 57.D 58.D 59.8 60.A
Sentence building.
6l. [t rvas a nice nrorning in May'.
62. My fi-iends and I took a boat trip in the Mekong Delta.
63. We saw a lot of rvomen pianting rice in the rice fields.
i :r T\' lrrnight. 64. After arr hour, r.ve stopped b1, an island and visited a snake farm to see the snakes.
-. 65. At noon. lve listened to the traditiorral irusic played by the Iocal people.
66. fhen we had lunch rvith rice and fresh lood in a fi'uit garden.
:= )(ru last night. 67. After the meal. we continued our trip to a floating rnarket.
68. There we enjoyed buying fruit and rrany local specialties.
69. At 4 pr.n, rve visited a famous pagoda befbre coming back home by coach.
- r * on 5. since
70. The trip was very interesting and rve enjoyed it very'n.ruch.
,r: 10. At
TEST 2 (UNrT 3)
: ::itrlic l.D 2. D 3.C 4. C 5.B 6. C 1. B 8.A 9. D 10.D
:hcir ll.A 12.D 13.B t4.A 15.C 16.C 17.A l8.C 19.C 20.8
2l . collection 22. relaxing 23. commentator 24. heroes 25. admirer
- \ t|rl tO get a taxi.
- 26.C 27. C 28. B 29.D 30. D 3r. B 32.C 33. D 34. D 35. D
36. B (such - so) 31. A (can * could)
:- 33SS eaCh Other. 38. C (punished + was punished) 39. C (to boat - boating)
::en didn't want to go 40. B(that*so)
4l.c 42.A 43.8 44.D 45.A 46.A 41.8 48.A 49.C -s0.8
- l:Den.
::i'rn tire garden.
5l.D 52.A 53.8 54.D -5,s.A 56.C 51.C 58.C 59.C 60.D
Sentence building.
:nloyed it.
' :he audience felt sleePv
3. If Nant seis lils tr . - -:.
51. Last stlnrlner vacation. Mai rvent rvith hel parents to her horne village in the
-1. I l- r oLr don t -ci Li -:
lv{ekong Delta. .

62. Thel' stiryed lvith her utrcle tbr a rveek'

-i. If rie dOn't \\di:: . ... - r
6. If l otr rr ork .l ,:r .. ."
6i. Mai-'s cousins ancl her becatrle friends vs11' quickh' i
1. I[1orr don t..:r] ::l l
;;. iil;),taught Mai to clinrb rrees and break coconuts to enioy the srveet rnilk insicle.
8. If Lan dtre .t, t -:.. --
65. Mai also tried r'valking on fbotbridges' 9. I[1'oLr don'rir.:.. --
66. 1'lre e arly ntorninq in the village \!as so r-1uiet and fresh'
I 0. Ii thc teaclle:' i . - .
ei. tir. onll,sound Mai could hc'ar was the bird's singing on top of the trees. Vlll. Reported specrh.
6U. I-ler cotlsins took her to the river.
69. They' ron'eci a boat. srvanl in the river ancl caught fish' l. Hc said lre h.rJ : -
70. When thcl' 1's,'. tircd. thc'v nrade a flre and cooked the fish' L IIe told nte io r.' ' ,
i. Slre said sltc \\ , ,. -

l0c -1. Narn said llrat ir.,'.r ,.

t.B l.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.8 8.C SD 19D -i. Peter said tlr.rl lr . - . . '
1r.cll.l)li.B14.A 15.D 16.A 17.B18.A 20'B
6. Lan said tlrrr:h-,: -
ll.C 22. A (1'otr can - )',,rtt coulti) 23. B (such -- so) 2'i L'rrtlance
D (orr - in)
1. Tlre teachel a:ku- " -
25. en1ol'abl1'- 26. tlrocerr- 27. bcaLrtifiriit ?q' 8. I askcd Mai ul'r ., . -
29 Friise i0 'i-rLre 3I. False i2 False 9. His liicrrd asked \:
i-1 . lt u'as such a boring story tliat I ptrt it dou'n anC lvent to lred' 10. Torn askcd Narr; :.
--14. llc Crank so ruLrch
colfee that l.re couidn't get tcr sleep' lX. Reading (True - Fu!..
3-i. It $.as lovelv rveather that $,e spent the rvhole day in the gardeu.
I . False
16. i w'ish I rvere/u'as in thc plirnary school (norv).
X. Rervriting.
l. \rocabulary _ Matching.
l.'i. Urtless rorr ke.'l'i . .

2.D J.A I 9. Mark is ltot olJ r" .. -

I.G 4.8 _5. 6.C ,1 .J 8. Ll Ir 10. H
+. Mote attci nlorr' .,' . l
Il. (Jtp filling 5.
scenen' Nant tton rr i.-lrr: ..'
I. eclitions ?. experletlces 3. advance 4. ,5. lee
6. lt' l lrld ltot L-c; ' '
6. interrrrediate 7. course 8. deposit 9. publisIer1 10. native
tlre nreeting.
III. Word Formation 1. BecauscIuirr:i.-: -.
l. editor 2. E,ditorial 3. experiencecl 4. pLrblisher 5. itnprovet.nent
8. beginner' 9. passablc 10. tbreigner 8. Hc's used 1o,-it:.: r -
6. advertising 7. Flr-reirc'" 9. I catttc here I.e;.,,. .
lV. Frepositions 10. Don't lorqct to 1"., -
l. ln 2. on 3. in '1. of -i. on 5. on 7. of 8. by 9. fbr 10. lbr

V. SPEAK -=s'
I "1_3_10_9 _6*2_,s_8_7 l. c ). D I 3 -
Vl. Conditionals. lt.B ll.A l:
l. he ought to takei attend rnirsic classes. 31. publication ll ,
2. her parents shoLrldn't lbrce her to stud-v nledicine. l(r. A 17. (' lS 3 -
3. y'ou.have to eat it lot of ureat and drink a lot of rllilk. ib. A ihar t" ,r' , '.. . .
1. yoLl ntust practice it everY daY.
i8. B (rvill- \\c.. j
-5. 1,ou shotrld play sporrs instetrd. -10. C 1doe. i: r.r.: -- '

6. his teacher tnay get angr)'.

1. she may have a toothache. 5l.B 5l.C :i :-
8. lre rnight set Lrp latL'. Sentence building.
VII. Conditional sentenccs matching. 61. Tlrcre Jrt nr.1 .r :r
I . If it's cold tonlorrow, \\'e can't go on a picnic.

61. Yotr Icarrr r I ':- -

2. ilshe u'ants to go out r,,,ith her bo1,' f iend. she sltould ask her trotlter's pcrlllissiol).
speak it.

:: I the .l [f Nam gets this good nervs. he rnust be very happy
4. If yoLr don't get up earl1," you lltay nriss the train.

-5. If we don't want our envit'onntent polluted. rve shouldn't throw rubbish carelesslr.,.
6. lf you'"vork slorvly and lazily. you can,t finish work on tinre.
. "::.le.
8. Il Lan doesrr't study lrard fbr her exanrination, she can'ig-et goodrnarks.
9 lf 1,os 6on', practice speaking English regularly. your Erlqlisl can'r be betrer.
10. If the teacher is sick. he rna-v be absent tonrorrow.
VIII. Reported speech.
L He said he had to go the follorving rveek.
2. I-le told llle to retllelttber to get a bone for the dog rvhen I rvas at the bLrtcher's.
i. She said she rvould altswer the pltone.
(- 4. Narn said that he rvas told to be at school betbr.e 7 o,clock.
5. Peter said that his parents \vere verv proud olhis good rnarks.
- '--Ll in) 6. Lan said that slte might visit her parents in surtrrner.
7. The teacher asked tne *,here my father rvorkecl.
, ..:.'.Jd
- \: 8. I asked Mai w'hy she collected lvaste paper.
9. His I'riend asked Narn horv he went to the airport.
10. Torl asked Nanr horv long he rvould stay in Englancl.
IX. Reading (True - False).
I . Iralse 2. False 3. True 4. True
X. Ilervriting.
lt5 * I.AN G UAGE L Jolrn aclvised '[ont not to lend thent anr,, rnore ntoney.
2. Unless;,oLr keep yoLrr t'eet clrr. r,ou rviil catch/get a cold.
\) F 10.H 3. Mark is not olcl crrouglr to see the horror fllnt.
4 More and rnore pollution is being pr.odLrced by that lactorv.
-5. Narlr ltou,rvislres that he had accepted the job.
:l ilt lve 6. If I lrad Itot been busl',/ltad lreen fl'eei hacl hari free tirne. I could have sone to
the nrcetilrq.
1. Because I rvanted to see I\4r. Br.orvrr I phorred his contpanv.
- .: : :rrproventettt
. ',oreigner 8 He's used to getting up earl1, in the nrorning.
9. I canre here because ofthe English course.
r i) 1or' 10. 1br 10. Dorr't forget to check lor spelling nristakes belbre vou hand in your corrrposition.

LC 2. D l.B 4.A -i.B 6.D 1. B 8.C 9.8 l0.tl
il.8 12.A ti.D 14.B 15.B 16.C t7.A t8.D t9.A l0.cl
2 l. pLrblication 22. corxnrentar)' 23. hiking 2.1. agreeabre 2 :. t.eedonr
26.4 27.C 28.8 29.D i0.B 3l.B i2.D 33.C 34. Il 3.5.A
36. A (have * rvill have to/ have to) 37. B (is learning + \yas learning)
38. B (will * rvould) 39. B (was * hid been)
- 40. C (does it take it took)
4l.C 12.D 4i.A - .14.C 4_5.B,16.D
4t.A 48.D 49.8 50.C
5l.B 52.C 53.A -54.D 5-s.D 56.8 57.C -58.D 59.A 60.C
Sentence building.
61. -flrere are nrany reasons rvh1, 1,61, should learn a fbreign language.
r'i nrother's pern]ission. 62. You.learn a fbreign language to be able to cornmunicate with-the p'eopie llho
speak it.
63. This inciucles both the people you l-neet \vhen travelling as r'r'ell as the people in
your cot.ntnunitY.
i-5. Ifl'ou:..-'.: -

64. ireople in everli count|v t'eel happy when tourists make an etTort to speak their 36. Joltrt tt':- ,

local language. TEST YOURSELF B

OS Sp"^hnS"; nErv lan-uuage helps )'ou -get to ktlori' many people and their cultures' I, D :. B :

66. \lou can"ettioy'literattrie. llllrrs. and rllttsic in that langtlage'

a good i-ob.. ll.c ll B . -
Oi Wiif-, a fureig;1 Ianguage, y,ou also.6ave better chances of getting one or nlore foreign 21 . A(doesi. ---
AS. E, pfor,",ls iend t5 ciioose carrdiclates rvlto can speak
69. fhJl cIrt attract lllore custolllers and sell rrore goods'
15. D rton.-
16. rclar.rti,,i: .
;0 L;;i,ri;g a tor.ign ,anguage can help yov increase )'otrr undet'standing of -vour
ir.B ir.n
orvrt language. -+l.B +l D
TEST 2 (UNIT 4) -16. Tlrc bor. .. - '
r D l.c i.A 4.D 5.D'6.D l. A 8'B 9'D l0'c "17. She aske.l
ti.B ll.B ll.A 14.D 15.Apublishers 16'U 17.c 18A l9'c 20'B -18. Slte askcJ ;-
: i. ,iuof iionr,n,.,r 12. locatio. 23. 2'1. agreer:le,t 25- restless 49. Peter saiJ :
:r,i )1.c 28.A .19.D i0D 31.A 32.8 l3'c 3'1 D 358 50. He ouglrt :., -
:0. O (tonlorrow -+ the fbllowing da-v-)-' 37. C (rvas it -.it.rvas)
C (dicl he. r.vanr * ne u,antedi 39. C (u'as she doing .+ she \\'as doing)" U t{ li'[ 5r
+C. D (is hc - he is)
-+7. D 48 D .-19. B 50. A
I.Vocabular) \l:::---
41. A 4i. D 4i. A 44. C 45. D -i6. A I. E :. H
--51. D 51. D 53. B 54. C 5-5. D ,s6. D -57. D c s9. B 60.4 _s 8
II. Gap filline
Writing a lctter. I . incorne -
Deal Sir or Madanl 6. conrnrercial - --- .

61. MV tt-iend. $,ho is living in the USA. irttroduced Your larlguage center to lIe. III. Word Formatr -
(,. j toLa nre that HarforJ Lansr-rage Centcr has a ver-y go.od reputation .
lf l. violence -
61. .,,ri i'u"r.r,.J'itt irttprirr inr: rnr E-rrglish sliills. especialll listcrring arrd speaking'
rvoLrld like sonte lllore iltforrriation about votrr cc'ntcr'
6. cotttttterci.,... -'
6,5. anl now at the pre-intennediate level ilr E]rglish' IV. Prepositionr
66. Irope to obtnin a score ol-l5u in tlrc TOEtI ' l. over :. '-
'orr'ld you cletails of
lrre detlils
please send nre o f the
thL- sutrtnler
sulll courses tl'onl June to August 6. to
61. Cor,ia 1 oLr pleasc
and fees? V. SPEAK
68. I ll,ould like to get the infbrntation about the accott]|llodation. too.
69. if an English teit or Irry studl"record is needed. please let tne knorv' 5. knou
70. I look fbrr'r,ard to hearing fi-om vou' Vl. Tag questionr
Yours faithfully l.uill rou -
NgLr,v-en Nam 6. didn't ther
TEST 3 (t NlT 4) VII. Question trE,
r.c2.83.A4.A5.8 6. C 1. B l. can't ther - -

8. B 9. D l0.A ll. 1\ i2.C 13. A l,+. A 5. couldn't.:

15. B 16. D 17. A 18. c 19. B 20. A 21. C 9. \\on't it
22. f) (tonrolrow + the nert dayl the follorving day) VIII. Question ijr!
23.A(won't*doesn't) l. arerol -
24. B (lvas she * she rvasl) 6. lras he
25. lvlisunderstancling 26. r'vonderful 27. foreigners 28. speech
29. True 30. True 31. fralse 32. False
ii. Tonr asked Mrs. Green what tirne schools began'
l. calling
I Ioa's father told her that she could go lo the rnovies rvith her tiiends.
5. seeing
-14. 9. not to se.
vell as the people in
35. If you book a table in advance. you'll avoid waiting.
effort to speak tlreir 36. John told Jane that he had to go home then.

and their cultures. TEST YOURSELF B

I.D 2. B 3.A 4. A 5.8 6. B 7.C B.A 9.8 l0.C
ning a good job. l l. c 12.8 t3. A 14.D 15. A 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.8
te or more foreign 21. A(doesn't*didn't) 22. A(can-could)
23. B(teach+taught) 24. D(aml-lwas)
25. D (tonight - the following night)
derstanding ofyour 26. relaxation 27 . collector 28. admirably 29. disagreed 30. publishing
3l.B 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.8 39.A 40.8
41. B 42.D 4i. D 44.8 45. C
46. l'he boys said that they had to try their best to win the match.
B 9. D l0.c 47. She asked Lan how rrany nrernbers there were in her farrily.
A 19.c 20.B 48. Slie asked her younger brother rvhy he collected waste paper.
ient 25. restless 49. Peter said that he would go to Ha Noi the following day.
c 3,+. D 35. B
-50. He ought to go on a diet if he wants to lose weight.
! * she rvas doirrg)"
49. B 50. A I. Vocabularl, _ Matching.
59. B 60. A l.E 2.H 3.J 4.A 5.F 6.8 ].C 8.r 9.D l0.G
II. Cap filling
l. incorne 2. documentary 3. denies 4. crier 5. costl_r
- - -:'1ir'l' tO llle .
6. conlnrercial 7. adult 8. access 9. control 10. purpose
-ril. Ill. Word Formation
-.::.: speakinq. l. violence 2. interaction 3. rvidth 4. governrrental 5. denial
6. conrmercialization 7. response 8. lorcefully 9. beneficial i0. accessible
IV. Prepositions
L over 2. from 3. for- of zl. under 5. for
-.Ir- to August 6. to 7. about/on 8. from - into 9. orr 10. at
1. watching 2. program 3. tinle 4. about
5. know on
6. abor-rt/ 7. at 8. miss
VI. Tag questions.
l. will you 2. aren't I 3. did they 41. u,ill you 5. hadn't you
6. didn't they 7. uas it 8. aren't you 9. does lre 10. rnustn't there
VII. Question tags
7B l. can't they 2. didn't he don't they 4. shouldn't he
1.1. A 5. couldn't it 6. isn't he 1. isn't it 8. can't he
lr. c 9. r.von't it 10. doesn't she
VIII. Question tags
l. are you 2. is she 3. do you 4. is it 5. rvas she
6. hashe l. willyou 8. doeshe 9. shouldthev 10. need I


l. calling 2. stopping, forgetting, to change 3. working 4. to lock
-:--iJi 5. seeing 6. driving 7. buying 8. taking
9. not to see I 0. seeing
Sentencc buildin
X. GERUND-INFINITIVO 61. Interactir.' i
l. trv. alswer 2. building Passing
not lr i:
4. beconring 5. trling. iriake 6' dislike' living on

f . increasing 8. tr-!'. dltt"t' speakinu

62. You c&n r;:-
XI. G EIIUND.INFINITI\/ E 63. YoLr c.i:r --- '
t.-'to takeitat lng I l to shorv" to ttse
64. \"oLr c:.- .-
J.srnokirrglltcleplrorlirts'askitt:l'tolook I 3 heeiing hrving heard' not to
enter 65. \'ou ca:: r r:
i. to see l'1. to explain, to listerl grunlbling 66. It is ca, .: -
4. learrrins,/to learn conteni ::-:
illiiril,r.ciiling to strike
';;;t;. l5 nraking' to do .

-i. to gtt 67. One e\a:' : :

;. io nl.nti"on,'n,entioning l6' having' Io -u!-.
7. to ansrver 17' to forget' wo!'rylng :
i 8 to rLIn' to have recovered 68. If loLr cl'
8. to go 69. I1't,oir c ,
9. rvatching lg listerrirlr:' hcarirrg
20 driving' being driven forecast
10. lerrcling" to bLrl'
70. Mean* hri:.
XII. VEITB FORNI taking -s splashing
i.',r,;[i,;; 2. u'ritirrg j rleetir]g 4' g'
6. tr-vinu ; tt'.ti iiig 8' eating'- Iooking 10' goirrg

Xlll. Vcrb forttt. . , r.^.. ' 1.A 2. D

l. usins 2 lendirrg 3' rvatching '{' learntng ll. D ll. c

6 plaf in! 7' r.eacling S going 2I. Conrrnunic.:
5. readine
XlV. Cloze reading.
26.4 27.8 2E

L apnearecl ). tastc -1. errtertaitltlent 4. interested 36. D (doesn

5. to 6 lire 7. tlrere 3, alnrost i8. D(ishe-: -
.10. B (has
X\r. Rervriting.
to iol\ t' -
41. B 42. A
I . The problcrlr is ttrtr dillicrrlt l'or Lrs

l. Ile is a verv gocttl s\\ lll)lllcl" 5l.c 52.A

j itirlor ru.(a; inreresring tllrn tliat rve
rvatch it rna.v tit.cs. Sentence building
4. I u,ish i kllerv rvltere she lives' 6l. The telephc:'.- ,
5. The arrinlals are f'ed trvice a da-v' phonc nu:r ::: ,

6. The chilclren enioy rvtiking in the rain' :i 62. 1-hei'harc :: :

) He err.ior s parLiiifating irr tlris
gatttc sllou
. L^ ..- collecting 6i. There is rc : '---
g. long have you been ^^r^^ stantps?
Horv long have you ."rL.,J stai,ps?r Llou 64. It is irnpo .,:.: '
9 We rvish-we could understand all the lessons' 65. The direc;i:. l
10. The house at the encl of the road r'vas solc'l' have phon...
66. The yellrrii ::_.
TEST 1 (UN!T 5)
l.c A i.D 4. B 5.D 6 A
2. 1' c 8. B 9. A l0.c bus inesse.
t'7'.D 18.8 19.c
67. Thev alsrr i...'.: -
il. c 12. C li. A 14.,A. 15. B 16' ll
-.:68. The y,ellori 1,=.
23. inventive
2l.explorers 22.conltnttttication 69. You can ilr- :,
i+. a.niott 25. Developing - developed 70. Under eac:: .': . -
ze.c 27.8 28.C 29-A 30.D 3i c B 33.C 34.C i5.B

:0. D (to clean - cleaning/ to be cleaned) 31. C(go-going)

38. D (to comPlain .t complaining) 39. D (isn't he * doesn't he) ?BC
40. A(didn't*haven't) 47.D 48. A 49.8 50. D l. B I :
41. c 42.A 43.A 44.D 45.C 46' B
51. B 52. B 53. C 54. A 55' B 56' C 57.8 58.A.59.C 60.4

Sentence building.
l. passlng
61. Interactive'l'v (irv) is any,television rvith a "return patlr,': infbnratiop comes
6. dislike. living not only fi'orn the broadcaster to viervers but also back from viervers to the
62. You can read the local new's h'eadlines rvhile rvatching your fbvourite soccer nratch.
.'.. io Llse 6i. You can cortrrnunicate rvith a fhntous singer in a taik show.
'ring. asking. to look 64. You can play along with a selected gante shorv.
T - :tlving
.. rr.
hearc'l. not t0 enter
to listell grunrbling
65. You catr ot'der the products )'ou see in the advertiselnents rvith a click of a button.
66. It is called interactive because it allorvs viervers to interact u,ith the television
content they are tvatching.
- :., do
., _et up 67. one example of irv is "The weather channel". you see a panel with the '.Go
-, ,'.,.r1'r)'rng lntei'active'' optiott on tl'te screen. yoLr can select it rvith a leutote or kevboard.
::l\ c recovel'ed 68. If 1'ou choose not to parlicipate, this panel disappears within l5 secorrds.
- .'lIittg 69. I1'you click on. y,,oLrr TV connects to the Web and you can see the livc ri,eather.
: :rc drivcn lorecast.
70. Meanwhile. you call see another TV progrant in the other.parl oi-)ies11 -[V screen.
-5' sPlaslrirlg
.. =
r_{ 10. gotng TEST 2 (UN!T 5)
l. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 1 C 8. D 9. B l0.A
ll.D t2.c ll.A 14.8 t5.A 16.C t7.B 18.B 19..C 20.C
21. Conlrnurrication 22. controller 23. developing 24. corrrnrunicable 25. inventiop
26.A 2l.B 28.C :9.A i0.A 3t.B 32.C 33.B 34.C 35.8
-1.interested 36. D (doesn't she - does she) 31 . A (readin_q
- ro* read)
3. alnrost 38. D (is he - does he) 39. A (didn,tiead haven'r read)
-10. B{has-lrad.1
41. B 42.A 43.D 44.C ,+5.-B 46.8 4l.C ,18.C .19.D -t0.A
-51. c 52. A 53.8 54. B -i5. A 56.8 57. A 58. B 59.8 60.8
.::". tllllcS
Sentence building.
61. The telephone directory is an alphabetical listing of the names. addresses. and
phone nurnbers of all the people in an area.
62. I'hey have phones and rvant their numbers to be listed.
63. There is no charge if you have your telephone number listed.
!i!-n collecting stan'lPS?
64. It is inipoliant to know hotv to use the telephone directory.
65. The directory has white pages that list the narres of people and businesses who
have phones.
66. The yellorv pages, in the back of the directory list the names and numbers of
8. B 9. A l0.c businesses.
18. B
19. c 20. A 67. They also have advertisements for some of the businesses listed.
23. inventive 68. The yellorv pages ale classified alphabetically by subjects.
69. You can find a listingof plurnbers, electricians, ph1 sicians, schoors, and so on.
33. C 34.C 35. B 70. Under each heading is an alphabetical listing of all the local businesses or
C (go people in that category.
- going)
D (isn't he * doesn't he)
18_A 49.8 50. D l. B 2. D :1. A 4. B 5.86.8 7.D
58.A .59.C 60. A 8.D9.B10. C 1I.D 12. D t3. C 14. B
4. Why ,.i.r:: . ,
15. D 16. B 17. D (go 18.goin-e) B 19. D 20. A 21. A. Itlrittk r.
ZZ. i O. play - playing) :lr) .C - VI.Adjectites 'r. - --'
25. enterlainrnent
17. computerized 28' comtnunications
26.. inc.?otingiy

29. True 30. False Jl. 32. True 6. indil'idurl' -

ffitEare toGrnrt rGae lessons by' heart
nuor6u tr l,
:1. Mr', Green has rarrght English lor 20 5.elrs' l. B
",,. -
35. The chitdren wanted to know where the zoo 1. If the \\ell:'.'-
the tiont door last night' did you'i
36. You didn't remember to lock
I 2. The,"''li s., 'l
i. If thc lertt
1. c 2. D 3. B 4. c 5' D 6 A 1' D 8' B 9' C l0c Pcoplu ..

1l.c 12.A 13.D 14.B 15'B 16'Il t1'c l8'A 19C 20'D !
?' (to.- 6. \\ e \\on i .:..
ii. o ta;a I cotne *l canre) B for)
(tetl -- leelinu) 25' A (eaten + had eatell)
Vlll. Conditiun' -

23. B (convenietrce *.onui""ltnt; 24 C l. lfirrlir''. .

29' entrance 30' traditionally
26. active zr' n''u1o':ii)'- is' attt'iption l. ll- r'oLt rrru -
i7'c :i8'D 39'A '+0'A

3t.D i2.D 33.A'34.8 35'A i6B 3. lf yott rint: .

41. D 12. A 'li. P 44.D 45' A 4. [f it is nicc :
5. If'm),bro::.-
Rerr:riting' Tintes vvtdelv because it is o.e of the n.rosr 6. Il'tllcr t:';'
.16. Both*teerragers and adults reacl 1. ll peoPlc' ::.-
poPular tnagazirtcs' be reduc.'.:
.17 He was not erpected to be the president of the company' 8. lf rve stat': .,:
48. I haven't gone fo the circus tbr tr'vo years' c) ll'the bor - '

49.i]ecausethereareviruses.tlrelnternetissolrretitrresdarrgerotts' 10. lf vou.iui : .,

50. Because tire nerv radio dicjn't rvork, he took
it back to the shop' IX. Adverbial cl:: -'.
1. BecaLrs.' t:
t[Nl'['6r TI.IE ENVIRONMENT l. 1]scxu.t I -
!. VocabularY Matching'
9.J l0.F 3. Because r: '.

l.H 2.8- - 3.A 4. I 5.8 6.G 7.C 8.D -+. Bccattt.''

II. Gap filling 5 Bcclu:e I
3. environment 4. florv 5. servage 6 Bcclttccl-.
l. olovide 2. rorvs
8. folk 9- Deforestatiorl 10. persLrade 1. Bccrtl.r
6. Inininrize 7. rtrhbish -.

lIL Word Formation B. Rccltttsci.'.

l. retirement 2. rock.Y 3. pollution 4. afiendance 9. BccrLts.'i- -

5. redr-rction 6. seriouslY i. Frevention 8. discoverY 10. Becattsr r-,:

I 1. environr.nental i2. t)ights X. Reading Tr'-.. i. ',
9. delbrest i0. harmflt
I -
ll. nersuasion l-i. Poliutants l 5. nrassive l 6. environlnentalist
Xtr. Rervriting.
17. provision I8. Providcr l. Becaus.'
IV. Prepositions l.
l. al'aboLrr l. like i. rvith 4. tiorn 5.of Bl'Clrt :'

6. ,,vitli 7. in 8. in 9. f}om l0' from -1. Tlrcin::'-'

-+. ldon'l l: '
\i. SPE,.\K
room because energy 5. Stncc P:::
1. I think you should turn off the light before leaving the 6. Tlru l,'...
plec ious. 1. Fle spci!' . ,
2. Vou shouldn't let the water run rvhile cleaning your teeth' 8. Mr. SII:,"".
We shouldn't waste water because it is our precious c, Shc c ::.
3. i; ;r;i,id'b; befter ii you io''r rhrorv pieces of J:aper. in the classroom. --

your bad habit'

I(t. I itc l':-' .

YoLr shouldn't do it br:catlse it may beconle

- D 20 A 21. A 4. Why don't you try to use ferver plastic bags?
iJ.D(rvasn't'-didn't) I think you shouldn't use so manv as they do not decay easil,v-.
' ::'rrtlterized 28. comlnunicatiolls
Vl. Adjectives or adverbs.
32. True
1. politety 2. complete lreshly 4. different 5. cluickiy'
6. individualll, 7. slow extrerrelv f . incrcdibll 10. approximaie
: :r ,':>ons by hearl.
l. B 2.F 3.E 4 A 5.D 6C
' .:ii night. did i'oLt? l. lf the weather is good, rve'll probabl)'go to the beach on Sattrrdal'.
I 2. They'll go by plane if it isn't a lot lnore expensiVe than the train or the bus.
3. llthe rent isll't too high. she'll take the apafiment.
, - D 8. B 9. C l0.c ,1. People will understand hirn better if he speaks a little louder.
: -C l8.A l9.C 20.D ! -5. If the concen is boring, we won't stay for all of it.
6. We won't ask her to help us if she's too bus-"''.
- - 15 ,{ (eaicrr * had ealett) Vl I I. Conditional sentcnces.
l. lf it rains, they will get rvet.
-: 10. traditionaliv 2. lf vou are good, I rvili give you a bar of chocolate.
- 18. IJ 39. A '10. A 3. If yoLr ring the bell, the servant will come.
4. lf it is nice tonlort'ow. rve rvill go boating up the river.
-5. If my brother has enough tnone)', he rvill buy a nerv bicycie.
:.::. ii is onc of the ntost 6. If they Lrse so tnuch pesticide, the rivers rvill be poliLrtecl.
1. li people travel ntor;e by public transport. the exhaust lirntes in bi3. r:itics rvill
be reduced.
8. Ifrve start at 6.00. rve rvill arrive there before noon.
, -::n geroits. 9. If the boy eats so 11.1;11, gr€er apples. he rvill be ill.
. :. rlr.- shop. 10. if you-ioin an English-speaking club, your spealiirre skili ri,ill be ittrpt'oveci soon.
lX. Adverbial clauses of reason.
NMENT 1. Because if is a national holiday, yotl wQn't find nlany shcps open.
2. Because I can't read Spanish, I have had to read the docittnent translateci.
3.D 9.J l0.F 3. Because it rvas a hot day. we went tbr a srvim in the r:iver'.
4. Because it rvas a hot da1', we wellt fbr a srlinr in the river.
5. servage
5. Because'l'olrr u,ants to becorne independent. he is tq,ing to llnd a f'lat of his t-'u'n.
' ---:r;ion 6. Because he didn't rvant to rvake up the babl . he tiptoed into the rooill.
10. Persuade 7. Because yotl were out, I left a message.
8. Because i rvanted to hear'/ couldn't hear the spokesrran. I nroved to the liont rcrri.'.
'l artendance g. Because he had to pay fbr his school lbes, he borrorved the monev fi'onr his liiends.
S discovery 10. BecaLrse he rvants to study at a school in England, he is studying English hard.
i t'lights X. Read ing _'l-rue/False.
'-, cnl,ironrnental ist I l. Iralsq 2. Fiilse 3. True -1. False 5. Trtie
Xl. Rewriting.
I. Because ol'the hot weather, the children are going sri'itnlring.
2. Because Ididn't \vant to be late fbr school, I hurrieci.
3. The lnternet is useC as a means of edLrcation.
4. I don't think it eas), to study Vietnamese.
' --icallse eneigy ls 5. Since Peter rvas careless, he lost the garne.
6. The local residents find heavy traffic annoy'ing.
j 7. I-le speaks so slowh, tltat his students get very bored.
.i 8. Mr. Stamr.r.rer has worked,' has been workrng for the compan)' for ten years
. itrOITl. 9. She sings very sr.r'eetly.
i0. Tire bread isn't fresh enough fbr us to eat.
A TEST 1 (UNrT 6) (rQ. I ltc c.rr::
gellerat ia lr i
1.8 2.D 3.,4 /1. A 5.C 6. C 1. A 8.8 9.A l0.D
ir.1\ 12.B ti.A 14.8 15.D 16.B 17.B lE.D 19.B 20.8 70. This lll!'rllr) ^.::'
21. disappointing 22. expression 23. polltrtion/ pollutants -Enfi
2:i. provision 25. seriousl.v
26. B 21.8 28. A 29.D 30. C il. D 32. A 33.8 34.8 35. C l.c l.A -r ::

-16. D (happily * happy) 37 . B (rvas has been) il.B 12.C ,,: :

18. B (hardly - hard) i9. A (rvill -go on ---+ go on) 21. u l,

40. A(sadly-sad) l-1 .t ibtcltrsL --
4l. A 42. A 4l B 44.C 45. D 46. A 47.8 48. C 49.8 50. D
j /. pc:ttclo(
t, jl. I lor \\ ork\ { \ c: :
5t.c 52.D -53.C 54.8 -55.D 56.A 57.8 58.C 59.C 60.8 l-1. Sirrc.' I)e tt'l' \\.t' -.:
Scntence building. 15. I Ie sl'elrk. '" 'l
61. OLrr rivers. strearr.rs. and seas are being dimied by activities on land.
(r2. [:orest have an important econontic value because thel' provide us with 10.ll r rrtr pttl :ltl'r.: -
resources such as timber.
6i. Forest are vital to the environnrent because they clean the air we breatlte.
64. Man has been cutting too nlany trees over the years and lve now face up with I. Vocabularl'- )l:ttchin:
ihe problcrrr t,'' Jcloreslation. r Lt -l
6-5. The forest is stili a place that holds nrany of the rvorld's rnost valuable resoLlrces.
Il. Gap filling
66. Soil erosion results rvhen forests are cut down carelessly. l. appliances l. e:t.: --
6. irrstall j. itirLr:::'
61. ,As erosion occrirs. soil and other Iand debris are washed into our rivers.
oJ. N4otol boats pollute rivels with gas and oii ernissions. Ill. Word Formation
69. It,lost soaps and detergents contain phosohates. a substance that is daniaging to
i. .ui.!o.ir"a 2. energei
the environrnent. 5. conservationist 6. lnstalla
7t). Wasliing clothes and bathing in rivers and streams send these phosphates out to 9. regularity 10. seParat

the sea. causing darnage to fish and marine Iifb.

IV. Prepositions
I. to 2. with
TEST 2 (UNIT 6) 6. to 7. to
1.D 2. B i.C 4. A 5.B 6.A 1. B 8.A 9. A l0.C V. SPIAK.
ti c 12.B 13.D 1,1.C 15.B 16.C 17.8 18.A 19.C 20.8 1. A: Shall ',ve go to ihc 'r
I . beautituilt 22.rninimum 23. harrnless 24. revision 2,5. provision
1 B: All right. So ici': r-
2'o.B 21. A 28. B 29.C 30. B 3i. B 32.8 33. B 34. C 35. C 2. A: Whatabouttu,rl .ll: --
36. B (for - to) 37. B (about - that) 38. A (fastly * fast) B: OK. Let's go rrri :""
39. t3 (got -, gets/ can get) 40. C (will * rvould) j. A: Wlrr don't \\ i .
4l.B 42.A 43.A 44.D,15.C 46.8 41.A 48.8 49.4 50.C B: OK.
s -5i.D 52.C 53.A -s4.D 55.A 56.8 57.D 58.8 59.A 60.D -1 A: Shall ric lrl: r " . -
Sentence building. B: Let's lttt'tl .llu:

61. About two hundred years ago Man lived in greater hannony with the environment. VI. Verb forms.
62. At that time industry was not rnuch developed. l.tostar I r:''
63. 'foday the situation is quite different. (r. to t'etllettrbt'r -. ll.r. :'--
64. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environlnent. VII. Connectir es.
65. Modern industry and the need lor ntore energy do hann to our environment. l.altlrouuh - '
66. Netvspapers and r.naqazines have articles about water pollution, air pollution, 6. or
anci land pollution.
67. Why is so nruch discussion about pollution? VIII. Connrc:L'.'
58. After all. people have been pollutin-u the r.vorld around them for thousands of years. l.or -

6. therefore

(uNrT 6) 69. -fhe r-arth is our home. We nrust take care of it, for ourselves and for the next
6 C 7. A 8. B 9. A l0.D generations.
i6. B 17. B 18. D 19. B 20. B 70. This means keepil.ls, our environnlent clean.
)n 23. pollutioni pollutants (t Nlr 6)
:r.D 32.A 33.8 34.8 35.C 1.C l.A i.B 4.D 5.C 6.8 ].C 8.,\ 9.C 10''',\
---. B (rvas - has*+been) ll.B 12.C l-1.8 l'1.8 15.C l(r.A 17'D 18.C l9'A 2-0C
12. A (rvon't - clon't) 23. B (quick - quickl-r')
-:9 A (will go on go on) -+. B
C 1b..uute .* becaLtse ot) ?5' envirottl.tlentirlists 2{i' pollr-rtallts
r. { +7.B 48.C 19.B 50.D ZZ peiticides 28. cleflorestation 29. TrLre 30. True ] 1. False 12. False
:4 .r. 51 .8 58. C 59. C 60. 8 ii. l-loa ivorks (verY) hirrd.
34. Since Peter u'as careless. lre lost the ganle.
T. - .--. l..r activities on land. 35. He speaks so siolvll' that his students get bored'
rnininliz-c pollLrtion.
- -'icalise the1.' provide us with -l6.li1,oir put garbagc iirter tlre dLrstbins. YoLt rvilircatr

r- ' :. clean the air rve breathe. UtllT 7: SAVING ENERGY

' : .3ot's and we nolv face up with l. Vocabulirrr' _ Nlatching.
l.H 2.F l.J -1.C i.B 6.A 1.1 8.c 9.D 10.i1
. - -l's rnost valr-rable resources. II. Gap filling
-,,:':iessl;-. l. appliances l. L-nergv 3. labels 4. inil'astrr-rclttre 5. etficietto'
. ,,.,.1rc.d inlo or.lt' rivcrs. 6. instali 7. hoLrsehold 8. irtnovations 9. efl'ectivel-v 10. nLrclear
. rlS. Ill. Word Form:ttion
, r.rIJStance that is dantaging to l categ,rrizcd L t'llclS(tic 3. unprotitable '1. conscrr rtttcrl
-5.corrservatiortist 6. Installation T. replltuelttcrrt 3. 5u:lJe\ti':l '
' , :.nd these phosphates out to 9. regularity' 1 0. sepalation
lV. Prepositions
1.to 2. r.vith 3. up rvith 4. in 5. rvithor-rt
6. to 7. to 8. at to in 9. fbr - at 10. fi'c'nr - abotri
i E. A 9. A l0.C V. SPEAK.
: lS.A 19.C 20.B L A: Shall we go to the zoo b1 bic-"-cle'?
. , .,n 2-5. provision B: r\ll riqlrt. So let's go there b)'bike.
ll. B 34. C
:-: '-:stl) - fast) 2. A: Whaiabottt tuining off tlre f)tucet over there in the corrler?
35. C
B: OK. Let's go and turn it off.
3. A: Whv don't uc ttrrn oflthe irir-conditioner?
;E. B 49. A 50. C B: OK.
,..1 B 59. A 60. D 4. A: Shall we tLlrrl ol'f allthose ceiling fans in that classroorn?
B: Let's tllrn thcnl 0t1'norv.
iih the environment.
VI. Verh fornts.
l. to sta)' 2. visiting 3. using- to wrap 4. opening -5' heiping
6. to rctr'tetttber fishilr!l 8. nreeting 9. r'erciirrg Ii). ciirt'" ii:-
- :n ihe environment.
. -.ur environment.
VII. Connectives'
:rtion, air pollution, l. although l. because i. lf 4. ancl -5. theretbre

i. but 8. horvever 9. so 10. irs

6. or
VIII. Connectives.
' - ,:ousands ofyea6. l. or 2. and 3. but 4. so -r. but
10. or
6. therefore 7. but 8. I-lora'ever 9. so


nX. Prepositions.
I. On
6. for
3. on 4. off 5. after r. B :
1. 8. after 9. for 10. away ll. B l T

X. Phrasal I'erbs. 21. Uitirr::. - ]|ll''

l. iook for ?. turn ofF i. turn on 4. Iook after 5. go on 26.D l-
6. turn ofl' 7. turn on 8. turn on 9. look fbr 10. turn orr 36. B (i--: ,-
Xtr. Cloze reading.
energl, rural 38. C tti':--' .
1. 2. 3. electriciW 4. .,vastes 5. Students/ Pup 40. A {[].'- ,
6. save 7. off 8. bulbs g. natural 10. coal 41. B --
Xll. Rcw riting. 5l.B ,<l i-
l. i suggest collecting plastic bags. Sentence buti: -
l. l.low about going to the beach? 61. Alnt(rj:.1
i. He suggested tlrat they should keep sheets with single printed page for drafting. 62. 'fhe e:r
4 Do vou ntind taking care of the children? 6i. Scienli::,
5. Because ofher good behaviour. everybody loves her. (r4. We ciirr -
6. She rvent to bed because she '"vas very tired. 6-5. The \t:r ' .
7. This is the first tirne I have eaten this kind of food. raitl. a:li-
8. It is possible t
use solar energy for a nurnber of days. 66. Il rl'e :: .'
9 By using solar energ1,,. we can save natural resources. () /. Lller-'. '
10. You don't need to finish it by Saturday. p,,,,r1-i:.'., -

TEST 1 (UN|T 7) 68. Recenl '

1. ,,\ 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. C l0.D 69. For a i,r:'-
1l.D 12.A i3 D 14.C 15.B t6.C t7.C t8.C 19.A 20.A 70. Todar "' -

2l . r'eplacenient 22. separation 2]. consurning 24. energetic 25. enonnously *B.q- -
26.C 21.D 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. A 32.C 33. D i4. D 35. B
36. C (For - Therefbre) :1. B (however -, bur) ]A
38. A (to have * having) 39. A (exciting - excited) _
ll.A 1l:l
40. B (rvere - have been) al
: I
. /a
i_ ::

41. A 42.8 43. D 44. B 45. A 46. A 47.D 48. B 49. C 50. B
-r l. B ,52. C 53. A 54. B 55. D 56.A 57.B 58.8 59.D 60.C lo. Falsc

Sentence building.
33. Pett:.----,
51. we are looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of energy thatiwhich l.l. Thcr ., - - ,

doesn't cause pollLrtion or waste natural resources.

i-i. Sir:..
62. At present, most ol our electricity comes from the use of coal. gas, oil or 36. Il'. i,.
nuclear power. . TEST YOURSEL-F C
63. This porver could be provided by the sun. l. A l
6,1. one percent of the solar energy that reaches the earth is enough to provide ll.,\ l:
polver for the total population. 21. B (qui.'. '
65. Many' countries are already using solar energy. 23. Il (th::.
66. Solar panels are placed on the roofofa house and the sun,s energy is used to 16. Poll.::
heat water.
-'t. D
57. The energy can be stored for a number ofdays. .1 l. lJ :-
68. On cloudy days 1,e11 cdn use solar energy, too. Writing.
69. Srveden has an advanced technology ofsolar energy. .16. Ifror. :.
70. Cars will use soiar energy instead of gas by the year 2020.

4. off 5. after t.B 2. C 3.D 4. B 5'C 6. D 7' C 8'A 9'C l0'B
9. for 10. away i].B D.B 13.c 14.D ls.B 16.c 1?'A l8'B le'A 20'A
ii. Ufti*ur"fy 22. solidified 23. efficient31. c 32' A 33' B25. 34'C
24. conservationist
4. look after 5. go on za.o 27. A 28.D 29'C 30. D 35' D
9. look for 10. turn on :4.-ei*utt*shoutd) i7 C(but*so)
38. C fin.i.f"* * however) 39' B (concerning - concerned)
J. rvastes 5. Students/ Pup 40. A(Because - Althouglt) .17.B 48.C 49.C 50 B
Q. natural I 0. coal 4r. B 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. A 46. C
5r. B 52. B 5i. B 54. D 55. ts 56. B -57.D 58.C 59.A 60 B
Sentence building.
We call thenr jbssil fucls'
61. Almost all our energl,'corlres flotll oil. gas. and nattt|al gtrs
- : :le printed page fbr drafting. 62. The earlh's fossil tuels are running ottt'
nr- O;. S.i.ntltts are trf ing ro find otlier alternative sources of energy'
. :-s her. 64. We call Llse enerqy tiorlr the sLrn' the rvinci' and the watel' evaporate rvaterlbr
65. The sr-rn supplies nti ,i.r. ellerg) used to groiv plairts.
rain. and to'maintain the telnperature o1'the planet'
- :-:" s. [-6. lfrveareab]e.tocoliectsolarenergv.u'ervi]l besuretohaveenoughpower'.
ships' grind grain'
,:) 67. Energl fi'onr the ruiiia 1,., Ueen tr-sea fbr centLrries to lllove
trunli-tt"tal. arrd do othcl' ftrrllr' 'rl'r\crl'k'
68. i{ecently, tlre rvind lias been used tt' se ne rate electricity'
eq. po. a loig tinle' people ltale used \\ater to porver rnacirines'
- ..; 8 D 9. C t0.D
. 18.C 19.A 20.4 70. Today ,uater pc,rre. is nlostlv Ltsed to generate electricity'
- - :rqetic 25. enormously TEST 3 (UNIT 7)
_,- i3.D 34.D 35.B l.A 2.D l.c LB iA 6'ts 7'A 8'A 9'C l0c
.. -'
:r r'f but)
lt.A 12.B li.c i+c 15A 16'C 24' lTll i8A 19D 20ts
. :;-j 'excited) . should) B (with * ot)
Zi. n 22. B (so -'bLrt) 23. B (nrust -
1s. Conru,.,.,..r' 26. installation '
21 natural 28' shortage
D 48.8 49.C 50.8 29. False 30. True I I False i2' True
B 58.8 s9. D 60. C ::. p.',.t suggested going to the Errglish-s.peakirrg club'in the local rlewspaper'.
31'. rtr.y,u!!.rted iirat Ishould pui an advertisenrent
.'.. .: energy thatr'which iS. Since thE"river very' dirty, rve cannot s"vim in it'
16. Ifyou rvork hard, yoLr u'ill be successtul'
' . - .; r-rf coal, gas, oil or
r. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D 6' D 1' A 8 D 9 B 10'c
, enough to provide ll.A 12.D 13.A 14cl l-sB 16'c 17'D 18'D l9'B 20C
ii. e tqui.L * quickly) ' 22 B (happv - happil)') ^
23. B (thereibr. * ,o) 24' 't iare - is;

j.5 C (heal iliealing)

pollLrtion 27. di(appointecl 28. inno'ations 29. consu,rption 30' profitab-le
: 26.
energy is used to
3r.B 32.D::.i":+.c 35.A 36'B 37'D 38'A 3e'B 40D
,ll. D 42. A 43. D 44. A 45 C
,16. If yoLr tell the trLrth, people rvill tlust you'


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