Odd One Out 2

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In each line, choose the word that is different from the others in meaning.
1. defeat 1.1 abundant 1.2 overthrow 1.3 conquer 1.4 vanquish

2. pardon 2.1 absolve 2.2 excuse 2.3 forgive 2.4 assemble

3. faithful 3.1 robust 3.2 loyal 3.3 devoted 3.4 true

4. feeble 4.1 weak 4.2 frail 4.3 faint 4.4 ruthless

5. still 5.1 corrupt 5.2 tranquil 5.3 serene 5.4 placid

6. plunder 6.1 quiver 6.2 shudder 6.3 vibrate 6.4 shake

7. forsake 7.1 abandon 7.2 prophesy 7.3 desert 7.4 leave

8. clasp 8.1 dash 8.2 clutch 8.3 grasp 8.4 grip

9. lustrous 9.1 9.2 bold 9.3 brave 9.4 daring


10. slothful 10.1 zealous 10.2 fervent 10.3 ardent 10.4 zestful

11. rare 11.1 scarce 11.2 unusual 11.3 11.4

moderate extraordinary

12. detest 12.1 entice 12.2 hate 12.3 loathe 12.4 abhor

13. sturdy 13.1 tough 13.2 hardy 13.3 stalwart 13.4 vivid

14. linger 14.1 revolve 14.2 rotate 14.3 spin 14.4 turn

15. abolish 15.1 15.2 expel 15.3 15.4 engulf

eliminate discharge

16. false 16.1 fake 16.2 16.3 genuine 16.4 bogus


17. voyage 17.1 riddle 17.2 journey 17.3 17.4 expedition


18. myth 18.1 legend 18.2 tale 18.3 festive 18.4 fable

19. jerk 19.1 yank 19.2 pull 19.3 snap 19.4 tug

20. hamper 20.1 seize 20.2 take 20.3 snatch 20.4 capture

21. illusion 21.1 dream 21.2 derision 21.3 vision 21.4 fantasy

22. attempt 22.1 try 22.2 endeavor 22.3 muffle 22.4 essay

23. strike 23.1 assault 23.2 deter 23.3 punch 23.4 pound
24. 24.1 elated 24.2 shocked 24.3 amazed 24.4
astonished flabbergasted
In each line, choose the word that is different from the others in meaning.
1. cover 1.1 mask 1.2 facade 1.3 cavern 1.4 front

2. filthy 2.1 stingy 2.2 dirty 2.3 grimy 2.4 unclean

3. hint 3.1 clue 3.2 warranty 3.3 implication 3.4 suggestion

4. reduce 4.1 demolish 4.2 diminish 4.3 decrease 4.4 abate

5. educated 5.1 learned 5.2 erudite 5.3 advocated 5.4 knowledgeable

6. miserable 6.1 despondent 6.2 forlorn 6.3 depressed 6.4 determined

7. permission 7.1 commission 7.2 consent 7.3 approval 7.4 clearance

8. pledge 8.1 prize 8.2 award 8.3 trophy 8.4 medal

9. skinny 9.1 slim 9.2 dense 9.3 slender 9.4 lean

10. explain 10.1 clarify 10.2 illustrate 10.3 elucidate 10.4 eradicate

11. expert 11.1 severe 11.2 authority 11.3 specialist 11.4 ace

12. strict 12.1 husky 12.2 stern 12.3 austere 12.4 stringent

13. stow 13.1 stop 13.2 halt 13.3 pause 13.4 stall

14. hurt 14.1 harm 14.2 injure 14.3 wound 14.4 hasten

15. jeopardy 15.1 danger 15.2 peril 15.3 solace 15.4 threat

16. crowd 16.1 mob 16.2 slob 16.3 throng 16.4 flock

17. remove 17.1 withdraw 17.2 extract 17.3 dislodge 17.4 devout

18. lift 18.1 absorb 18.2 elevate 18.3 raise 18.4 hoist

19. song 19.1 tune 19.2 anthem 19.3 hymn 19.4 memento

20. force 20.1 compel 20.2 coerce 20.3 flog 20.4 bully

21. colossal 21.1 trivial 21.2 petty 21.3 minor 21.4 slight

22. mend 22.1 fix 22.2 refund 22.3 repair 22.4 patch up

23. cling 23.1 foreign 23.2 alien 23.3 imported 23.4 exotic

24. deteriorate 24.1 worsen 24.2 decline 24.3 delete 24.4 degenerate

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