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Activating Skills for Listening 1 - Word List

Unit 1
to write information on all lines on a
fill out a form
attend a lecture to go to a lecture
to put all of one's energy on studying
focus on studies
a subject
to lift one's hand up to either head
raise one's hand
level or above

receive an award to get an award

someone who answers phones or

deals with visitors

lose focus to be unable to focus on something

strict does not allow people to break rules

a large formal meeting for people

convention who have a job or interest in

expertise an area in which someone is skilled

Unit 2

emotional likely to show or express emotion

disturb someone to bother someone

sweaty causing you to sweat

happy that something bad didn't
look for someone to search for someone

invite someone over to ask someone to come to one's


disappear to no longer be visible

panic to be overcome with extreme fear

limited to a certain person or group

of people
Unit 3
storyline the plot of a story

keep something a secret to not tell anyone about something

study for an exam to review material for a test

the style in which someone conducts
way of living their life
a center that takes care of elderly
seniors' home

take a trip to go on a trip

a class taken outside of standard

extracurricular activity
horseback riding the activity of riding a horse

behavior the way something or someone acts

the activity of shooting an arrow

with a bow
Unit 4
the act or process of moving to a
new area or place to live there
the act of finding or learning
discovery something for the first time
to be worth the expense or effort to
pay off
do something
have a good time to enjoy oneself

come toward someone to go in the direction of something

caretaker a person who gives physical or

emotional care to someone
thrilling very exciting
tell a story to speak
a place where people with no
parents live

push me to do something to force someone to do something

Unit 5
shiny metal or plastic circles usually
attached to clothes
small round piece of plastic, wood,
beads or other material that has a hole
through it
to demonstrate the method of doing
show someone how something
to use a whisk to combine to
whisk together
ingredients together
to go into a room without someone
sneak into a room knowing

come up with an idea to think of an idea

scoops of ice cream counter for balls of ice cream

lengthwise towards the longest side

reach to arrive at a place

to put a thin layer of grease or oil on
Unit 6
out of the office not at work

urgent important or needing attention

take a seat to sit down

discuss an issue to talk about an issue

to get something from someone but

give it back to them later

refuse to do to say that you will not do something

pay attention to focus on something

find something difficult to think something is hard

solve a problem to find a solution to a problem

to write down someone else's

copy homework
answers to a homework question

Unit 7
pass through to pierce something
close look an inspection of something
to spread outside the limits of
to clean up once someone has
clean up after someone
finished doing something
to change the position or order of
moving or doing things in a very
awkward way
things are better if there are more
the more the merrier
the environment something usually
habitat lives in
under the stars outside, under a starry sky
an experience that is satisfying due
a rewarding experience
to what you have done
Unit 8

care for properly to care for something the right way

take good care of something to treat something well

make a deal to agree to do something for

someone in exchange for something

made with one's hands rather than

by a machine
to do something or ready to do
be willing to do
something without being persuaded

to stay at a house longer in order to

stay for dinner
have dinner with them
used paper that has been made into
recycled paper
new sheets of paper

trim fat to cut the fat off of a piece of meat

cut of meat the type of meat

save on something to spend less money on something

Unit 9
well-done cooked completely
placed next to the food, sometimes
on the side on a separate dish

be in a hurry to rush around, lacking a lot of time

redo to do again
right after immediately after something
wait for a reply to wait for a response
resolve a problem to solve an issue

brief short

to tell someone about something

that bothers or does not satisfy

explain a situation to describe the details of a situation

to be overcome with a lot of

get emotional
Unit 10
can't put it down to be extremely interesting
see a doctor to visit the doctor's office
cancellation the act of cancelling an event
to check to see if a reserved time is
confirm an appointment still reserved
the last possible time when
last minute
something can be done
to keep a table at a restaurant for
reserve a table oneself
play on the radio to broadcast on the radio

occupied being used

to schedule an event for another

to have time or be available to do
Unit 11
come for a visit to make a visit to someone
to tidy the covers and pillows on a
make a bed
bed after it has been slept in

order in to stay at home and order food

to remove objects from the top of

clean off
to ask someone to join you at an
invite someone to something
help with something to assist in doing a task
go to the store to move to a store
to purchase food items from the
buy groceries
upcoming happening soon
to have an arrangement to meet
have plans
Unit 12
to tell someone how to get to
give directions somewhere
buy a ticket to get a ticket by paying money

to take a paycheck from a workplace

deposit a paycheck
and give it to one's bank

the last station on a bus or train

last stop
park a car to put a car in a designated spot

downtown the center of a town

to make a short trip to several

run errands businesses to buy things or use their
a long space between seats or
to go somewhere for a short time on
stop by the way to another
to take someone or something
drop off

Fill out this form with your name and address.

He attends a lecture every week.

Stop playing video games and focus on your studies!

The boy raises his hand to answer the question.

She received many academic awards for her good

The receptionist answered the phone when I called the
dentist's office.

I began to lose focus after studying for five hours.

My strict teacher always starts class exactly on time.

I go to the annual teachers' convention every spring.

She is known for her expertise in Asian history.

I tend to get emotional on these occasions.

My little brother always disturbs me when I'm with my

The kids were sweaty after playing soccer.

I was relieved to hear the man was safe.

The police are looking for the criminal.

She invited her sister over to her house after work.

I couldn't see the moon because it disappeared behind

the clouds.
She panicked when she saw smoke coming out of the

I belong to an exclusive club.

His movies always have the same basic storyline.

I tried to keep it secret from my friends.

Did you study for the exam?

Sarah's way of living is a lot harder than my own.

Eventually he gave up his house and went into a
seniors' home.
John takes a trip to his grandmother's house every

I'm involved in many extracurricular activities.

Does he enjoy horseback riding?

Jay is so nice so I don't understand his rude behavior

I took up archery two years ago.

The lecture was about the English settlement in North


NASA made a new discovery in space last week.

Hard work always pays off in the long run.

Did you have a good time at the birthday party?

She stood up and came toward me.

The family hired a caretaker to watch over their

The movie is a thrilling adventure story.
Would you tell me a story about grandma?
After the death of her family, she was raised in an

My parents pushed me to succeed.

This dress sparkles with sequins.

The girl is wearing a necklace of brightly colored beads.

Can you show me how to install the program?

Whisk all the ingredients together.

The thief sneaked into my room while I was asleep.

He came up with an interesting idea for a new product.

Can I have two scoops of ice cream, please?

Fold a piece of paper lengthwise.
We reached the peak of the mountain and enjoyed the
Grease the pan with butter and then pour in the batter.

James will be out of the office until Thursday.

I had to leave the meeting to take an urgent phone call.

Please take a seat in this chair.

The president had a meeting to discuss the issue of
education standards.

I borrow books from the library at school.

My little brother refused to eat his vegetables at dinner.

It is important to pay attention to other cars when

I find it very difficult to get up early.
To solve a problem, we need to identify the cause of
the problem.

Copying someone's homework is unacceptable.

The bullet passed through her arm.

We'll take a close look at this proposal.

Walk slowly or you will spill your drink.

She always wants other people to clean up after her.

I will rearrange the furniture in the living room.

He is a clumsy boy who drops things often.

Can I bring more friends to the party? Of course, the

more the merrier!

The mountain provides a habitat for many wild animals.

I prefer to sleep outside under the stars.

I didn't get paid much but I think it was a rewarding

You need to care for your wound properly or it will get

He should take better care of himself.

The two companies made a deal for building the new


Handmade furniture is becoming popular.

She is always ready and willing to help.

Would you like to stay for dinner?

This notebook is made of recycled paper.

The cook trimmed the fat off the meat.

This is the cheapest cut of pork.

Winter was warm, so I saved on electricity.

I prefer my steak well-done.

I'd like an omelet on the side, please.

I'm in hurry to see the doctor.

I have to redo my homework.

We will leave right after lunch.
I've been waiting for your reply.
I'm sure those problems will be resolved.

The meeting was brief and only lasted 10 minutes.

The soccer players complained about the rainy weather.

No one was able to explain the situation.

I got emotional during the wedding.

It was a great book and I couldn't put it down.

There was a $20 fee to see the doctor.
The restaurant never has a cancellation.
We called to confirm the time of my dental

You always do your homework at the last minute.

I need to reserve a table at the restaurant for dinner

The new song played on the radio.

The bathroom at the front of the train was occupied.

The meeting was rescheduled for Friday.

Is this a good time to talk? Are you free right now?

My grandfather came for a visit last month.

I always make the bed after I get up in the morning.

I think we'll order in tonight and watch a movie


She cleaned the mud off her shoes.

We invited all our relatives to a big family reunion.

I helped my sister with her homework.

She went to the store to buy groceries.

He stopped to buy some groceries for dinner.

Check the website for upcoming events.

Do you have any plans for the winter?

Could you please give me directions to city hall?

Is it possible to buy tickets for the movie tonight?

Your paycheck will be automatically deposited into your

bank account.

I'm getting off at the last stop.

She parked the car on the street.

I usually go shopping downtown because there are
many stores.

I have to run some errands for my dad tomorrow.

Candy and chocolate are in the next aisle.

She will stop by this afternoon for a chat.

My dad drops me off at school in the morning.

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