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@ i = ONIT- J igh Pefrturoutce of a we hwe a 10078 fil (video file), “to paces “Huis file, wotuwol Cempaies voit om RBH , hore vic stone Fill be, Aay fe fo: sn Hot wdio fi, We wed b fl the Praseute of one ebferr, £0 | A Gk ewe powble tp lock the corps fle Un pepe With netic po, 45 we divide Huis l0OTR cnto ul: pute , te we Moool ChatrAted Compictiong ty Process Hus kak , aad eee Dérty— hub eee COL reek pe ts ace, ue adlue aby dividive Hug [oo TR til Unt pieces, Any File , 10° pasta , Aey we have a Compal ad Opa & pioun 178 le. \pors = CUP) 8, “nS or IL sah ah ng a, is wwe fy | plece bao arrol & ey yo $hoF 10 wie Wak patallel, to Ue to fd whethe te Puteubs not )- " upto 997, elect 8 net us stil) vote , aud ue Quurt Plewur becor tod we & e hy ob Peey , woy GY mod vet bee tee BEieid. eee sot file i 4 ee &, & get the sesulb we shoul + hy wb. go , hee Sar (AUG. ee Cougled depeucb unt Yur the wel su tds Hyp Gf Comput whe le cde waeol pe (mone 4 dal es of yc); eaves ceopteg = C 7” Lud (de), fu we henol b Kusw ee cautto Lizeo! csmpusting er Dak a of a So oy Hoinfosne (use te trols && &) ok, ber befite Sewer thatls the kan Shag ae Collect gy " Hun lied 's. , a hae wo four, Huy Carol Proeees » d uh bod Of Compt fslty Galle f Hunt torsttol xed ia: us woe the Euneudin Y Deseo temp - Biota Suppae $f cubolied ue ‘e shu Of vee feds 16, ak daa ft. rome Hae Ue my Lannea) amt), anal all He Chewy wlids ar a Aeros ftom thee Gaur on abe hauled BO Lath» , ds he dy Oy lye apliation We ve wang oF Pusent this toutelited Compubly 4 % Re euuit;, A Meanteume by, iy ae ue att hoxt only ui ge lone of Ou Pte, wolych wakes Bry aie: only ont LEWUEL hee the: oll the bg” dove Ot ab Oe: ™ nis we ae Udy Durie ly Bo Oitecbuled _ Com peativg | (pc) foe ia, Luchead of ee the offic tisn ie ui tafe, po coil load appli cosions hy ruttiple vale). phone the Clren Keds th Hath cats, ore of the wie cau Suspend Whol, Clierd= “ teebardan Lolucy we hat oes forded also. ; “Bele Piiabulaa = modu bur peek Of Muse “4 wacht e5- art & cx Facility yohue we Use wultipl Compal rane. Gone de MaaE tity oct opph Gxtiin v7 ier cote Seutest Loker pera & Deikerp asia, thot dou Kove opflrete a ea a uty few Of Hye te p disturbing the i as Mae eee rt Of he depending pT e tan add Sete we cat) Sceutove the We oto “#reulges. 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Pt pubes which we nad “Gud water woue fe so hase Suptadin By hau ottdy op a OEE 0 Voay iy Compl fica aor cetord pent nec ete. tomptaepeleongang OY Quid rnicdlizdcur Ato, bub bie due te some CFL Plo foe, J} ue woo b Prune the computin , to whieh | Goeuisation We Cam tay & Pwptove » ancl algo Wy omy ome Of te chornigerhion has Pucvased the 2 2 he Re Gail y Yo bos b chorea volt g alo a FAK: Hs aura Adify He a te Partlung od GC: ee Sh eae ub bas some aitaity “to0 « All hese adafhrrltet are eliumatig ell pd Com puchiy ber Leow tay ead Compeitg eek Auceevtdul da woxrkel- pio Compus Shue an ako A (us wek et Gncupa Oo i pi Of biclogelly derives] gwneblid Holeculey. stas ig taal, ebsan fined 70 Daye. ») Ser yt te 3) Aue) eee sy sO Npasdily alk pn Molecules & toil, ‘ (ow a “f deoiae ripe wre Come ae % (wok °) Peete) hurour braiv ( use door Corweotiiol alguns). 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(ghll Selewotiy Ad for Rel) > OC ae ee ats a Hau the pouetdhe/ Sap Compulis seg Cet cb feritly wlth th, nto digital tenpeshin Bee all the Howicststs one. 2upbced with aly, ‘ is 20 wor $4 Gu Meeoled , aud also ft Qty OO ba Eke cheesy eh a on ts SH Riser as v ov aia = eae ths & D nin Convechia/ Csn 5 alco be tolled as fhovowe ae Fa) a Ap , ur user the photons tn pte beau, rodru You shoric - @ oy thee tater flaws at only abouk Joy. oy Yet op lyht wwe ante Hho 10 fiwicy fhe OpeLorio Qe “Cry f ACLU ye frefatun ditt Crm pusehionys . > mw 6 Perf ued fut tho votue!l Glectumic Com sul fay aS vue optical Compullip ou Mere Pall. (LED Lgsti, lasens eh ) ernulepes ‘ Hipp Perderouuce ay ls Not 2) Log Cmntuuph Uy 5) moe flovidsi Lony cy bot 9) lus Wok stele ced 6) audit, Low Go Comune Ris ove lOpe * sawn 1) expenave Com ) tory cur Met ab ought Gide ) ee Phot ty) Datornpat bt Hy : Nhsto_tew Hus le (woksls) x th ic, Bis in) wad) tun auch wausptslocton alates | how a witLp tow! 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Ce Ust Cepu's) Comnnckd ith alhen Tet oud Tk Morr streagyt, and We and oe gaan 13 oO deplayd Slo tm" ba entire Sorkn CA Creation Cnet), -D The Bo tsi Prec Cem Con 7 manne cx hatereatnen " 5 cow pula boge cere aly Ub oe ae eI tS & on Poe > Eromple of Pe *ncluda Oo Smal closer } dattoe Be ce Peel On Ge rec) nd to sau SGent fre Goble’: & prolo9y ta maeedar lean Piston, any, Compt Beec ji AUS Pee trots Bold, devdoeind, apekcokow esos Buc = Wigh- Perfrnace Coneatinty gaol Pees Pr Sort Ghote a Lanog. Bobs or dsvided wake seater Fon rer Way Gre cd ape as ond Sousa cluster % sade, Y hoo STL Conputiog gt ro > : fas ‘ i > Palle Gapirs ore ef the este of Hee. “0 a to Sole o Cone dadi > Set of Rircssers el Cone pel - Rechte , td —? Then Paw cassov mocthnin oF cereus mostly homo gine? « > The Pee , THe Dabyebhon > a (Sonne bye HES and th tncluda Sacer Comguier Lhe have bende , ran Eater ro | eeGest7 S Rr esa aie ” Bsoarncter, OD we a Oe Cae Conventions Comprters CSE" ark Posabtd Com pubes gn tee Crecuded . Sequential Com@uteY $s. age ened vor Ceased a Serer of iasbucton A or a ee a. : sods hasvor niece ON oma aS CPO. ; * A Rss ys Ades ete ‘ seh Ore alter ans han, ena =) oe Sala Ponodis Gn eating, Un mse Perv @SSeeS, cee AN mudtielL Peocosow § Cmultiehe CPUD eA Pavblem §> bw tn doom take [aque thet Gn be seluid Concwrarthy, % each Pant Putin Loin Aeod vate O Series op Tans treo, # inshachcan Pann each Pont om eancateh Simctherdody en A Pert Rroavers, RAN overcth Comper) [ Corrdirodtin We chavs™ vexlen i 62° Re tau Pa Ghee >ODOD...... On ores sp Ovd---00 Tews Seo p- AD Ae Thad Reoooms, me Save El eee nye ae labs exo cation unt % Pipdlind inshuctlon % mall Cow. Disbibtd rn Patiney QTE is A Gnpuka spte thd Gosh ¢ ral ti pa, Guerkys & Reocssey mache Conreck di Hersh wetayh, BM Cae ha catnsnn ov hehe gtntow bat wus & Sykes > Ot Ph cally cles dryetio oy gpoge plc ist 2d Corectt by ode are tok, Disttbtd Conpatiny, Saritm cdvetaspns OC Canfbbd oan and Supevt Sars Char cfeth'c Petod Biss Te Con ba Carib, farded by addsey Bema eth Cftectmy evshy Schep, ney © Mp Cahn! Sevelded metliny Gi Rade femtian euty Iban is tum aver habe Cer Pald) He kta Sicha Getty Hered euethdh, Drs, achat Computing © a a il ce ie rl Boon na % GmPuting Soptem thet Consiet oP multiple Compakes & we kos es Lhamagh Netarde, cakich Can be Homogenens > Diste cecal . Distahudea GABF wen on 0 sing Sp. Been toae's Pinu Pt 2 CPu's gna destnbuted Spltrr Gn ha Phayicodley eta Gnd Comeckd baa loc Natron ex they Gn be garogaaph tally Bstént ond Careckd by cide GLA Nyhacwlt 7 The goad af dishhukd Gupating is to Make a Netsork a a singk Gnade => Disibakd Gmapabr, Spi i BBsppiern 5 Sore characteristic Peahsves' DP eliiy: Te is ahs billy 7% Sate Be Op ate by adding Port prackings 97 Paaked and Vice Vewsa withat Phe ctira) exsisting Sete 2) Redundancy of replicken: Here, sever Machines Gn Provide Ba Sane Service, Sothel even Dome iS Unavailable Gee failed), Pere doe not Step beCaur othey sinlon Grputica, Speeds wha be. avalbr. 5 mort advartngtan Thr Concha a3 Ue) cluntee Gopsticd (| ve Conrack catty pep sea rerens taogthen Goopuakey © a Sinha eset jer Grek eben Gree) suptten Consist ‘ o v sists oP a Sop sche? ‘Oncgee Ascoed Neel > Charter Compulina, yeackes ered OS ae short Sart Resa > A) Bresso ena ches ers Sector eee: 4 sdirsar Such Rossi anterface (MeF? Tn dvi dud Comenter> Ree charter (9 ba wtferd noder. ‘ ke fea bo Save, a Robie vt dua yoden nn y cones OO" con Se omekeea in ody Bie Distnba le Nemec one Uk. oe. cael ® 6) ical iat ae Fay} Viehad — salary Hang zante Scab oy Toe Lope BP gist bted Cuytry 1) Mesley & 5 fave 2) park Poy fe > Grmurictin BIR Keke hoe a fake Reenty ‘ TF Commun tion Kent 2 chan fo sin Pat pol Bye icrnme lors eens pitas peering Bee SCE Spt Consists 0 Set He Sere, or simlon bee ob Recessey racing Cmntcled Using Dedicated sretoorls 1% Ra shuchoe. 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Ranger tha n any Gapiler Gn early Shue. wren taktiractiAt cork heed Tavelwe frog nef filer Sey te Pt and a CBactien 4 Groat ptscartin froma elit ce, be Tne or * it a Naval ong a ie ga ja Prostecher. thet Bi Gaslot £ tn cacensivs SS rete nd cope ihe sak’s begtther Com Prbry BN ck Provide, 2 ~acheson = craw al@ss ta 0 > Ta Geayah yd Gmeuk ‘ Moot Mant au Po Keay Sop FF Bal rn Com yet [re ad mis sten eg dais ae a Sever, cakich Mandte, aii 4 “the Maple, —= Nis Gu px a peltys MUny spe y grid Comprtiny MHYHK Ho, mp caches of Gupte Sly alae DQ Tdew of Od Greutiry toto rate Un of ny abbas, Com putingy Posey by th weedy ST ganitaionn, and there ba Be vertu on investrat. 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Tt Bake Path Creatine, WSemeor be PCs, Workstele, Seer 2 TH ond aloo Rervasiag the emo Cornpudiegy Bresnrcen sy be acassible fon diAat Tee J The Quid Gmextin? ee a udikty, we ot Competes Racer ond Sher Copacth + ov Toke —@ Cloud . _ —> Clow Computing, hove APhat defination by ditt feactes Customer Omentd Aafeakon unmaak: evel. eles ey Ong, Her Suan Mone = Ra chet > scalable Stevian Ee estin SPO chevice oS uc taprNee tata woe > Accessin®y any Sesviters — Fass anne Nee Chead Conpating'- Ot is thy delivery ef on- demand Gm pation, Sowitas oven the fnteenet on 0 Pay an- yor go bom ® za men,” Trend Meved toward Clad fem Arid Grfting E nm lange wesmwar are wequin te Solve Sinofe Psoblorn, Re rp Poe ome Uy, 7 Tre Potentiad déPPerene between grid ond ping, Supperts We C leveraging) Me Paci) to Sele O Pex oud Gn pulieg, Supports Jeveraging, mubirhs Pred Seavica te th aus ous is hat ue ye Severed ticcdan apecck om GmPating sesoner, do dover Comeutinn, ths TT and buiness we sever - Sach on » nekror ir, ape ction, ond Proaster, Con be to thi Unr nado and Werkload , £ grid and abe Non rid coed archtechet wring DUistonrd Can Supper a three- tier Bees ss erhicie, Gi Gaoutt : 6 iE 2 th MBer Bonne ae opera on, Suck => Th Conpntiray pesowran in must UnONEm ee ee Peg Cartein Pit oka eon et GW wale Oe Win ulised)” Gepthiy ety “lap th aly coca > The by yh & vauertraat CRIZD on Com@atnry ittsbretar 5 Gx bY \nctand 7 Gnd Comput 8 vehow i gf Gonpitin, ov Bresson Grey af Sais Se ww dd en, : @T ade to curs ad WAr-BeSarwr renal” > rnanagy achih of BSene DO aN area coed ond Sten, acass ddan D Gad Senter Rovide Aas Gdok, Seem , jncle dim, Sieyted Bbrerten ond dolnba, ad acters eet, seca, Wreck ond horsy tem Sherey. Paakties. renal Eldrvic fover Gen'd cat Links Gon padre 1" guch ap Ped, Gaile skabiemn, Saaverd, and Storergt banned ~) Ta ghd ts alae Peevesioy ieee tek Memo (40) aa pee Tye Geta deo dther Chatters > BT Beer grd ise abbhy Tre MA Compateen an ah, » e Coe ols for dechveky Gad Ge ga if aukihty ce ask Pay Getsy otdne Py fey het ot ot. Posey e¢ Shereny Capacry ond ae gd +l Gnd Com tating 8 bret Reten duete th fll rm a> TE abib'ty & wale Cre

anh Cenk howd \ Cnvineret, > chad Can Suepet aang and avo noid Such an Gebr.g ace’ chon - Re tke sep, ong ci, oe ee oe S Cone wna ing the clad Gomputiney fea sibha and @ OE ssibke to ed Geers a) Filoo icy ane the coving rnodadr Pay Chad Computinry " Deployment Hodedo . 2. Sewit Modal , > Deployer t models Apia Che tore = aCeasd do sae aud. They ara Public, Parts, Hy bd and Gmrriathy Cory 2D & Seite (Ras) an a Sem @ ( Saas) Bro Gam Puies, > Th we th Concepts f bicker cally Aayive CY Stmudbaktch v mo kecalen Coy wmoddk, ) Thal Perv Pains Grenpalaneres Pyrcasses ty ord ts Solve a Reohleny, =7 The bicloy Gly ene Su echeck stachornn, ht Comexterr Programs tha beGme Pant o Ba apphichon, a. 2, en the theontircad backguend and Rruckicg fmUBts to explore Prottins and Dna 2? DNA and Mertens os nehor oulding blocks 7 Te Rinclior of the Bud recleate vather stoma depenay oy ty ode, C) blectes. as Com putra, Sciewtist Gerke o> Waverting the oe Se. iy een ages Cahionn WwinaiclGaey Brolesyy . 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