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SJS0010.1177/1457496920984078Secondary Peritonitis and Intra-abdominal SepsisT. W. Clements, et al.

Review Article

Secondary Peritonitis and Intra-Abdominal

Sepsis: An Increasingly Global Disease in
Search of Better Systemic Therapies

T. W. Clements1, M. Tolonen2, C. G. Ball1, A. W. Kirkpatrick1,3

Medical Centre, Department of Critical Care Medicine and Surgery, Cumming School of Medicine,
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
2HUS Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
3Canadian Forces Medical Services, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada

Secondary peritonitis and intra-abdominal sepsis are a global health problem. The life-
threatening systemic insult that results from intra-abdominal sepsis has been extensively
studied and remains somewhat poorly understood. While local surgical therapy for
perforation of the abdominal viscera is an age-old therapy, systemic therapies to control
the subsequent systemic inflammatory response are scarce. Advancements in critical
care have led to improved outcomes in secondary peritonitis. The understanding of the
effect of secondary peritonitis on the human microbiome is an evolving field and has
yielded potential therapeutic targets. This review of secondary peritonitis discusses the
history, classification, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and future directions of
the management of secondary peritonitis. Ongoing clinical studies in the treatment of
secondary peritonitis and the open abdomen are discussed.
Key words: Peritonitis; secondary peritonitis; intra-abdominal sepsis; human microbiome; pathobiome;
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

Although there are different classifications of peritoni- dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response
tis, secondary peritonitis, typically originating from a to infection. IAS is particularly challenging as the
breach in the gastrointestinal tract, is a global problem focus of the disease occurs within a semi-rigid con-
as it may manifest as intra-abdominal sepsis (IAS). tainer within which inflammation from the primary
Sepsis has been recognized as life-threatening organ disease and subsequent therapies also cause abnormal

A. W. Kirkpatrick, CD, MD, MHSc, FRCSC, FACS
Foothills Medical Centre
Department of Critical Care Medicine and Surgery Scandinavian Journal of Surgery
Cumming School of Medicine 1­–11
University of Calgary © The Finnish Surgical Society 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
1403—29 Street NW
Calgary, Canada DOI: 10.1177/1457496920984078
AB T2N 2T9
2 T. W. Clements, et al.

intra-cavitary pressures. In addition to the primary with diffuse peritonitis require immediate surgical
inflammation, there may be additional compartment exploration, while those with localized clinical signs
pathophysiology, both potentiating physical and are often able to undergo further evaluation.
humoral consequences for the entire patient. Although the focus of this review is on secondary
Furthermore, as the gut containing the human micro- peritonitis, it is important to appreciate that peritonitis,
biome is within this compartment, the primary dis- in general, can be further classified into primary, sec-
ease, intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH), and ondary, and potentially tertiary etiologies. Each of
systemic vasomotor changes quickly induce a patho- these diagnoses have typical clinical presentations and
logical gut microflora or dysbiome with multiple, but scenarios that accompany them. In the practical set-
still poorly understood consequences for the host. It is ting, however, multiple nuances must be taken into
the clinicians’ challenge to make the diagnosis and account. At all times, it should be clarified that while
assess both the therapies require not only to correct or “peritonitis” defines the clinical findings, IAS with its
mitigate the primary pathology (source control) but association with sepsis and organ failure is what kills
also to assess the patient’s response and to appropri- the patient. Conceptual frameworks in understanding
ately support organ function and manage sepsis. In the incredibly complex and rapidly changing aspects
addition to formal laparotomy, there is now an array of the inflammatory response to IAS that kills the
of less invasive techniques to potentially address the patient have included the concepts where an acute
primary pathology, such that great skill and experi- pro-inflammatory response becomes supplanted by a
ence are required for every unique patient. There are mixed anti-inflammatory response with balanced pro
less options, however, to address the most severe sep- and anti-inflammatory biomediators. This is followed
tic cases resulting from secondary peritoneal patholo- by an anergic, compensatory anti-inflammatory
gies, with no pharmacologic therapies whatsoever, response syndrome (CARS) leaving the host suscepti-
and only critical care support. Leaving the abdominal ble to secondary infectious complications (3).
cavity open to allow better peritoneal drainage of
inflammatory ascites and to mitigate IAH is a thera-
Primary Peritonitis
peutic adjunct that is increasingly being used and is
applicable in any healthcare setting, even in the devel- Primary peritonitis is defined as spontaneous bacterial
oping world if critical care is offered. However, the seeding of the peritoneal cavity. Spontaneous bacterial
evidence to clearly support this strategy is lacking, peritonitis (SBP) requires the presence of a bacterial
constituting the basis of the closed or open after source medium within the peritoneal cavity. More specifically,
control laparotomy (COOL) trial ( ascites in the setting of cirrhosis or peritoneal dialysate
being currently conducted on a Global Basis. in end-stage renal disease create a bacterial culture
medium which can progress to a disseminated infec-
tion once the medium is seeded. In hospitalized cir-
Peritonitis: History and Definition
rhotic patients, the overall prevalence of bacterial
Peritonitis has been life-threatening and ominous infections is 32%–34%, a quarter of which is made up
throughout the history of the human race. References of patients with SBP (4). Once infected, the 1-year
to peritonitis can be found as far back as the ancient recurrence risk without prophylaxis happens at a rate
Egyptians (1). Peritonitis is the inflammation of the of 20%–24% (5). Patients undergoing peritoneal dialy-
peritoneum. “Défence musculaire” or abdominal sis suffer from SBP once every 2 years on average (6).
rigidity is a clinical finding in abdominal palpation The main mechanism by which ascitic fluid
with involuntary contraction of abdominal muscles. becomes infected is dependent upon the background
Peritonism is generalized rigidity of the abdomen. cause of ascitic fluid. This is reflected in the microbiol-
These findings are suggestive of intra-abdominal ogy of the infected fluid. Usually, SBP infection con-
issues, yet sensitivity/specificity is poor. Nociceptive sists of a single, dominant bacterial species. Cirrhotic
stimuli on the peritoneal lining cause activation of vis- ascites is most commonly seeded with gram negative
ceral afferent pathways that activate a reflex loop to or enterococcus species via bacterial translocation
the abdominal wall musculature. The result is the from the gut. Patients with indwelling peritoneal dial-
splinting of the abdominal wall using the abdominal ysis catheters are more likely to become infected with
skeletal muscle in response to viscerosomatic pain (2). staphylococcus, pseudomonas, or pneumococcus spe-
While the origins of the peritoneal irritants that result cies via direct spread of skin flora through the catheter
in peritonitis are many, it is frequently a sign of catas- itself or inoculation during breaks in sterility during
trophe and if left untreated, brings a grim prognosis. dialysate change (6).
Mainstays of primary peritonitis include rapid
institution of systemic antibiotics, with tailoring of
Classification of Peritonitis
antibiotics once the cultures have been speciated. In
Clinically, peritonitis can be localized or isolated to a the case of recurrent infection, prophylactic antibiotics
certain sector of the abdomen. A classic example of may be administered. More severe cases of non-resolv-
localized peritonitis would be the localized tenderness ing or recurrent peritonitis in patients with indwelling
at McBurney’s point in the diagnosis of appendicitis. peritoneal catheters may necessitate a transition to
As irritants disseminate throughout the peritoneal hemodialysis and/or removal of infected peritoneal
cavity, peritonitis becomes diffuse. The classification dialysis catheters. Finally, secondary peritonitis must
of peritonitis as localized versus diffuse is clinically always be considered as a possible etiology for the
helpful. With very few exceptions, patients presenting seeding of peritoneal fluid.
Secondary Peritonitis and Intra-abdominal Sepsis 3

Secondary Peritonitis and IAS CARS syndrome. Dysbiosis defines a quantitate and
Secondary peritonitis is defined as the irritation of the functional change in the intestinal microbiota that
abdominal peritoneal lining caused by direct contact alters immune responses, destabilizes intestinal home-
with a peritoneal contaminant (7). It occurs most com- ostasis, and is associated with overgrowth of pathobi-
monly from a physical or functional disruption of the onts (13). During critical illness/injury, there is a
integrity of the gastrointestinal tract, and thus the bacte- catastrophic loss of microbial diversity and induction
rial contribution to secondary peritonitis is commonly of a state of severe dysbiosis (14). The loss of normal
polymicrobial. While gastrointestinal perforation causes microbial diversity is met with overrepresentation by
direct spillage, secondary peritonitis can also be seen potentially pathogenic organisms, which combined
due to ischemic gut, volvulus, or blood in the peritoneal with loss of gut barrier integrity, yielding a greater
cavity secondary to trauma. It will be emphasized potential to translocate to extra-intestinal sites (15). It
throughout this review that although “peritonitis” is the stands to reason that the risk factors and clinical set-
physical finding that unifies a wide range of pathologies ting, wherein tertiary peritonitis was previously
within the abdominal compartment, the actual signifi- described, will be almost certainly conditions in which
cance and implications for morbidity and mortality gen- a critically ill patient will have a radically pathological
erally correlate with the potential of the inciting dysbiosis and likely CARS. In this case, further untar-
condition to IAS. geted broad-spectrum antibiotic therapies could be
disastrous. This opinion remains speculation as no
good data exists, but does represent an area we think
Tertiary Peritonitis and the Human
deserves urgent study and comprehensive overview
of the different theoretical models.
Tertiary peritonitis is poorly defined, misunderstood,
and potentially historical. It was defined most recently
An Egalitarian Challenge: A
in 2005 as “peritonitis that persists or recurs ⩾48 h fol-
Universal Overview of Secondary
lowing apparently successful management of primary
or secondary peritonitis” (8). It has been associated
with an observed shift from gram negative and enteric Secondary peritonitis respects the principles of egali-
bacteria to nosocomial microbes such as Enterobacter, tarianism, as it remains a potential threat to the health
Enterococcus, Acetinobacter, Citrobacter, Pseudomonas, of all humans of all age groups, race, and socioeco-
and fungal species (9). The clinical sequelae of tertiary nomics, no matter how healthy. Globally, the cumula-
peritonitis are grave and often deadly, with a mortality tive burden of all pathology causing peritonitis is
rate quoted as 30%–64% in some populations (10, 11). tremendous. Affecting both the developing and devel-
Clinically, it is most often suspected in cases of pro- oped world alike, secondary peritonitis is a tremen-
longed SIRS response and shock following effective dous source of lost life, livelihood, and resources.
management of the inciting pathology causing second- Using data from the Global Burden of Disease Study
ary peritonitis. Often, the diagnosis was made follow- (15, 16), Stewart et  al. reported an estimated 896,000
ing repeated trips to the operating room on the suspicion deaths, 20 million years of life lost, and 25 million dis-
of failed management of secondary peritonitis. ability adjusted life years lost per year related to just
The effective treatment of tertiary peritonitis is 11 emergency general surgical conditions (17). The
multifaceted, although it has been described as repre- magnitude of DALYs lost to this illness is likewise
senting the limit of surgical treatment of severe sec- staggering (18). The overall all-cause incidence of sec-
ondary peritonitis (11, 12). Patients suffering from ondary peritonitis is difficult to gauge, but large-scale
tertiary peritonitis are often comorbid, malnourished, epidemiologic studies show secondary peritonitis
and metabolically deranged. Physiologic support accounts for 1% of all hospital visits and is the second
often entails intensive care unit admission, adminis- leading cause of sepsis worldwide (19). Diffuse perito-
tration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, and ensuring nitis in any form is a poor prognostic indicator, with
source control. However, pathogens cultured from the mortalities as high as 20% in some studies (20). As
peritoneal cavity may be more of a symptom than a many patients with secondary peritonitis present in
cause of critical illness (11). Cross-sectional imaging extremis and require long ICU stays, the economic
should confirm the absence of intra-abdominal burden of secondary peritonitis is devastating.
abscess, anastomotic leakage, or failure of primary
repairs that can be dealt with surgically. Unfortunately,
Secondary Peritonitis and IAS
by its very definition, there is no evident focus.
Beyond Earth
Typically, only serosanguinous fluid upon reoperation
is found in which selected microorganisms can be cul- Technically, secondary peritonitis is actually more than
tured (11). a global challenge, it is a truly universal one. One of the
It should be noted that the classic descriptions of greatest medical challenges for manned exploration
tertiary peritonitis date from well before the critical beyond our planet is acute surgical emergencies, such
importance of the human microbiome and conse- as appendicitis and cholecystitis, which may still occur
quences of pathological dysbiome in critical illness in healthy, intensively screened astronauts for whom
were understood. To our knowledge, the observations therapies will be extremely limited (21). Although the
and theories related to tertiary peritonitis have NOT actual numbers of humans potentially affected by sec-
been updated to incorporate neither the modern ondary peritonitis while traveling beyond low Earth’s
understanding of the dysbiome nor the concept of the orbit is few at the moment, addressing such questions
4 T. W. Clements, et al.

relates to deriving improved therapies for earth. For poorest 2 billion people in the world have increased
example, terrestrial resource constrained environ- risk factors, disparities in access to care, and poorer
ments with little or no options for transfer to further outcomes in nearly every recorded surgical pathology.
definitive care. Thus, solutions for space may spin-off Thus, proven economical, cost-effective, and logisti-
solutions for earth. Very briefly, there are many chal- cally simple therapies are especially needed to address
lenges concerning secondary peritonitis in space, the causes of secondary peritonitis in these parts of the
including an immunosuppressed patient with space- world.
induced physiologic de-adaptations to cardiovascular
stress, increased virulence and antibiotic resistance of Pathophysiology of Secondary
space-borne pathogens, extreme limitations in diag- Peritonitis and IAS
nostic, treatment, and supportive capabilities, and
especially a space-induced primary dysbiosis even Sepsis and septic shock
before a secondary peritonitis occurs (22). From a practical patient-orientated perspective, peri-
tonitis most warrants consideration as marker of
Importance and Global Impact impending IAS. For example, even severe peritoneal
of Secondary Peritonitis on the irritation from blood emanating from a ruptured
Earth Surface physiologic ovulation (Mittelschmerz) is uncomforta-
ble, but not life-threatening as not associated with IAS.
Common etiologies of abdominal sepsis in the devel- However, intrabdominal infection is the second most
oped world included ruptured appendicitis, cholecys- common cause of sepsis (27). Complicating the high
titis, perforated gastrointestinal cancers, and incidence of IAS is high mortality estimated from 7.6%
diverticular disease. With expedient access to elective to 36.0% (23). Multiple factors have been shown to
surgical services, screening programs, and preventive worsen prognosis in secondary peritonitis. Candidal
medication (i.e. proton pump inhibitors), the outcomes infection, severe organ dysfunction (SOFA ⩾ 7), severe
of patients with abdominal sepsis has steadily pre-existing comorbidities, inadequate source control,
improved in the developed world (23). However, and inappropriate antibiotic administration play a
despite remarkable gains in many areas of global role (28, 29). Once a patient meets criteria for septic
health, provision of global surgery in low- and middle- shock, cardiovascular instability, sepsis-associated
income countries (LMICs) has stagnated or regressed. coagulopathy, and worsening organ failure drive mor-
Case-fatality rates remain high for common, easily tality rates to over 50%, or even 80% in the developing
treatable conditions including appendicitis and hernia world (30).
(24). Thus, it is not surprising that global surgery has In 2016, definitions for sepsis and septic shock were
been described as the “neglected stepchild of global revised. The Third International Consensus Definitions
health” (25). Although this has sometimes been defines sepsis as life-threatening organ dysfunction
assumed to be due to the costliness of surgery, in fact, caused by a dysregulated host response to infection,
surgery can be a highly cost-effective means of pre- emphasizing the critical concept to appreciate is the
venting disability adjusted life years, being on finan- host’s self-destruction initiated by the primary pathol-
cial par with better-recognized and funded ogy (31, 32). Organ dysfunction was defined by an
interventions such as HIV anti-retrovirals, malaria pre- increase in a sequential organ failure assessment
vention, and diarrhea treatment (26). The Lancet (SOFA) score of 2 or more. Previous definitions of sep-
Commission on Global surgery thus concluded that sis based on SIRS criteria in the presence of an infec-
surgery is an “indivisible, indispensable part of health tious source were abandoned as being too focused on
care and that surgical and anesthesia care should be an patient inflammatory response. Septic shock is defined
integral component of a national health system in as a “subset of sepsis in which particularly profound
countries at all levels of development” (24). Thus, treat- circulator, cellular, and metabolic abnormalities are
ments for secondary peritonitis that are applicable to associated with a greater risk of mortality than with
all parts of the globe especially bear consideration. sepsis alone” (31, 32). This is recognized by the need
This consideration is critical. Even in developed for vasopressors to maintain adequate mean arterial
nations, a significant proportion of the population pressure, and a serum lactate level > 2mmol/L after
lives distant from surgical care. Time to intervention is adequate resuscitation. Host response as manifested
a proven predictor of outcome in secondary peritoni- by sepsis and septic shock greatly dictates the man-
tis (27). Studies from developed nations with relatively agement of intrabdominal infection. Decisions on gas-
expedient access to surgical services demonstrate trointestinal reconstruction, stoma formation, or
mortality rates at 10.5% (23). Patients with prolonged damage control hinge on the metabolic/physiologic
IAS are more likely to present with severe metabolic status of the patient. Thus, a “deeper dive” into the
compromise and exhaustion. This leads to prolonged basic mechanisms of this dysregulated systematic self-
ICU stays, open abdomens (OAs), and overall poorer destruction is warranted.
outcomes. LMICs have been shown to have low num-
bers of surgeons per unit population, which is reflected
Microbial Factors
in the dismal outcomes of even basic surgical patholo-
gies in these underserved populations. This is com- The microbiology of secondary peritonitis is evolving.
pounded by the increased incidence of predisposing The relatively recent recognition of microbial ecological
pathologies such as H. pylori, tuberculosis, and other shift in the setting of critical illness has led to increased
infectious etiologies (17, 26, 27). More specifically, the understanding of the drivers of multi-organ failure
Secondary Peritonitis and Intra-abdominal Sepsis 5

(MOF). In addition, multi-drug resistant organisms have fever response, activation of lymphocytes, and also plays
become commonplace worldwide. The Complicated a role in hematopoiesis. However, it has also been shown
intra-abdominal infections worldwide (CIAOW) study to induce myocardial depression (38). IL-12, interferon-γ,
elucidated the increasing incidence of resistant organisms and macrophage migration inhibitor factor (MIF) all have
(27). Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) produc- roles in the upregulation of the immune system and like-
ing Escherichia coli incidence nearly tripled worldwide wise have described deleterious end-organ effects in sep-
from 2002 to 2008 (7). Klebsiella pneumoniae resistance is sis. This again demonstrates that septic shock is more
nearly 20%. Enterococci species, some of the most com- than just severe infection. The host response is paramount
mon pathogens isolated in nosocomial sepsis, have in the reaction of every patient facing septic insult, with a
shown increasing resistance. Pseudomonas infection has remarkable variance in host response based partially on
been identified as an independent risk factor for mortality sex, age, and especially genetics.
(33). Candidal infection likewise has been shown to dras-
tically increase mortality in critically injured patients (34).
The Abdominal Inflammatory
As resistance patterns increase, the role of resistant organ-
Reservoir and Inflammatory
isms plays a larger and larger role in the outcomes of
Lymph Flow
critically ill patients with abdominal sepsis. Thus, we
believe all surgeons should support the Global Alliance In the presence of secondary peritonitis, the abdomi-
for Infections in Surgery, which aims to include and edu- nal cavity is a rich reservoir of inflammatory
cate all professionals involved in the battle against infec- cytokines. Abdominal visceral damage, peritoneal
tions in surgery (35). irritation, and intrabdominal contamination are all
potent triggers for systemic cytokine response. IL-6,
IL-8, TNF-α, and IL-1β have all been shown to occur
Inflammatory Cytokines
in high concentration in inflammatory ascites after
The dysregulated immune response is the pathophysi- abdominal visceral insult (39). Translocation of
ologic driver that results in the end-organ effects of inflammatory cytokine from ascitic fluid into the sys-
sepsis. In the presence of infection, microbial pathogen- temic circulation has been demonstrated to occur via
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are generated. mesenteric lymph channels (40). The phrenic or dia-
In the case of trauma, pancreatitis, or other non-infec- phragmatic lymph system is also responsible for up
tious insults, systemic inflammatory responses can be to 70%–80% of fluid reabsorption from the abdomi-
generated by the recognition of damage-associated nal cavity (41). Mesenteric and phrenic lymph chan-
molecular patterns (DAMPs). These inflammatory nels eventually empty into the cisterna chyla, leading
mediators activate toll-like receptors (TLRs) on sentinel to the thoracic duct and systemic circulation.
cells of the immune system. These macrophages and Disruption of this inflammatory flow may blunt the
dendritic cells initiate the inflammatory cascade respon- systemic inflammatory response, and ameliorate
sible for the adverse end-organ effects of sepsis. Via acti- acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and
vation from neutrophils, platelets have multiple immune MOF in animal models (42, 43). The peritoneal cavity
functions in various immune pathways including and inflammatory ascites have become a target for
inducing release of neutrophil extracellular traps, pro- intervention to blunt the systemic effects of intraperi-
moting degranulation, release of leukocyte-activating toneal injury. Multiple studies have been performed
cytokines (CD40L), augmenting leukocyte adhesion, testing the clinical effects of removing or diluting
and even directly killing invading pathogens (36). inflammatory ascites in the metabolically exhausted
Secondary peritonitis, being a surgical disease, primes septic patient. The premise of these studies is that the
the infected, physiologically exhausted patient for mas- removal of inflammatory cytokine from the perito-
sive systemic inflammatory response with a combina- neal cavity prevents its lymphatic uptake and subse-
tion of massive intraperitoneal bacterial burden, and quent systemic circulation.
invasive surgery for source control.
TLRs are pattern-recognition receptors expressed on
The Pathophysiology of
endothelial and immune cells which are instrumental to
Secondary Peritonitis
the inflammatory response. Protein kinase cascades are
Confounded by IAH
activated within these cells, propagating the production
of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Specifically, IL-6, IAH is a ubiquitous feature of critical illness/injury.
IL-8, IL-1/β, IL-10, MCP-1, TNF-α, Thromboxane A2, IAH is operationally defined as a sustained or patho-
HMGB1, and thrombin are all among noted downstream logic intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) reading ⩾ 12
effectors and cytokines produced by the TLR pathways. mm Hg. The abdominal compartment syndrome
Intra-abdominal contamination and secondary peritoni- (ACS) is defined as IAP >20 mm Hg in the context of
tis provide an ongoing source of PAMPs (via spillage of new organ failure. As the grade of IAH increases and
enteric content) and DAMPs (via direct damage to persists in the first 14 days, so too does the risk of 28
abdominal viscera and organs). This “Motor of and 90 day mortality (44). IAH and ACS are far more
Multisystem Organ Failure” provides ongoing cytokine common in emergency cases, with secondary perito-
fuel to the raging systemic response (37). For example, nitis making up a large proportion of these cases (44).
TNF-α and IL-1 are important pro-inflammatory Once a patient progresses to ACS, the mortality of this
cytokines. Each of these has been shown to induce vascu- group of patients has been seen as high as 75.9%, with
lar permeability, resulting in pulmonary edema and hem- untreated or missed ACS having a mortality rate
orrhage (38). IL-6 is a key molecule in the initiation of the near 100% (44). Unfortunately, its influence is often
6 T. W. Clements, et al.

minimized or ignored. However, it can be conceptualized complicated by the fact that the intraperitoneal inflam-
as equating to “ischemia” and malperfusion of the mation occurs within the body cavity containing the
viscera within the abdominal compartment and human microbiome. A fact, not yet fully understood
beyond (15). or appreciated, is that humans are super-organisms,
Secondary peritonitis itself and especially subse- living in symbiosis with their microbiomes, the genetic
quent therapies involving fluid resuscitation are sig- diversity of which dwarfs that of the human host (47).
nificant risk factors for ACS, and thus some degree of There may be 150-fold more bacterial genetic material
IAH likely accompanies the majority of closed abdo- in the human–microbiome commensal (14), such that
mens after diffuse peritonitis. Management of IAH is humans are more accurately classified as symbionts
targeted toward each of these features. Early operative with their microbial constituents, upon whom the
control of enteric spillage and bleeding is paramount. human’s health depends (14). At homeostasis, immune
Intraluminal fluid should be aggressively drained cells within the Peyers patches of the gut constantly
with both gastric and rectal drainage. Detectable sample intraluminal antigens and potentiate an
ascites is drained via percutaneous drainage. IAH immune response within gut-associated lymphoid tis-
induces profound effects that have adverse effects sues. In the absence of intestinal pathology, bacteroides
widely beyond the abdominal cavity that may be and firmicutes species are common. Derangements in
broadly considered physical and humoral. microbial balance may have a profound influence on
the immune function of the gut, and in turn the overall
response of the patient. Multiple hypotheses have
Physical and Humoral Effects of
been formulated to explain the role of the digestive
tract in the immunologic response to intra-abdominal
IAH causes mechanical derangements of all organs injury (IAI). An interesting avenue currently being
within the abdominal cavity and beyond through poly- explored involves the role of pancreatic proteases that
compartment interactions. These derangements include disrupt the protective intestinal mucus layer, allowing
well described respiratory compromise including wors- downstream organ dysfunction. It is remarkable that
ening pulmonary edema and ARDS, cardiovascular, while the CRASH-II trial found survival differences
gastrointestinal, renal, and even central nervous system with therapy, there was no difference in bleeding
effects. What is less appreciated are the humoral effects between treatment groups suggesting another poten-
of IAH, which reduces blood flow to the intestinal tial biological effect, which might involve gut mucosal
mucosa, causing increased permeability of the intestinal stabilization (48, 49). Nonetheless, bacterial transloca-
mucosal barrier (45). Locally, this causes irreversible tion through the portal system was long been a favored
mitochondrial damage and necrosis of the gut mucosa. mechanism of systemic insult in abdominal pathology,
Systemically, increased bacterial translocation and sys- but this theory now has been superseded by the gut-
temic endotoxemia are observed. Unsurprisingly, IAH, lymph hypothesis, as systemic sepsis from intra-
ACS, and loss of intestinal barrier function increase abdominal sources happens in the absence of clear
release of DAMPs and PAMPs into the systemic circula- bacterial translocation (50). The gut-lymph hypothesis
tion. The resultant massive release of pro-inflammatory postulates that biomediators travel through the mes-
cytokines drives multi-system organ failure (MSOF), enteric lymph system to cause remote injury (14).
even after source control is achieved (46). Clinically, the Intestinal epithelial apoptosis and epithelial hyperper-
common biochemical markers used in infection (white meability have also been implicated in the propaga-
cell counts, platelet levels, and c-reactive protein levels) tion of MOF in abdominal sepsis.
do not seem to correlate with the actual level of circulat- Injury to the viscera can have a profound effect on
ing cytokines. The importance and difficulty in control- the existing microbiome. The normal, healthy microbi-
ling the shock resultant from secondary peritonitis and ome represents the most important host barrier to
IAH cannot be overstated. Advances in the understand- intestinal microbial pathogenesis (51). Interactions
ing of the drivers of shock, early source control, aware- between normal, non-virulent gut bacteria, and poten-
ness and avoidance of IAH/ACS, and appropriate tial pathogens are largely responsible for preventing
anti-microbial therapy all represents advancements in host infection and immune response to otherwise
critical care which have improved the outcomes in sep- pathogenic bacteria that constantly exist in the gut.
sis and secondary peritonitis. Sudden injury to the gut causes rapid ecological col-
If a patient is to progress to overt ACS despite con- lapse of the normal, protective intestinal microflora.
servative treatment, decompressive laparotomy with For example, Lactobacilli have been shown to decrease
temporary abdominal closure is indicated. What is not by nearly 90% (52). In place of these “good” bacteria,
well understood, however, is what to do about lesser an inflammatory microbiome takes hold. Klebsiella,
degrees of IAH that contribute to ischemia and likely Escherichia, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, and Candida
catalyze MOF, which are below the threshold for for- species replicate and dominate the injured gut. While
mal laparotomy. many of these bacteria are known as commensal
organisms in the digestive system, injury to the gut
also increases horizontal transmission of pathogenic
The Human Microbiome and
genes, transforming these bacterial symbiotes into
The Induction of a Dysbiome in
virulent gut organisms. These microbes interact with
Critical Illness
pattern recognition receptors expressed by immune
A full understanding of the implications and conse- cells of the gut and activate the inflammatory cascade
quences of secondary peritonitis is also immensely (53). While a complete review of the effect of ecological
Secondary Peritonitis and Intra-abdominal Sepsis 7

shifts on gut microflora is beyond the scope of this However, due to this sensitivity, if the symptoms have
review, there is strong and compelling evidence to lasted for more than 24 h and CRP is normal, IAI is
suggest the surgical pathologies within the gut trigger very unlikely as the cause of symptoms.
changes in intestinal microbial ecology, which has an Ultrasound imaging has a significant role in the
effect on systemic inflammatory response. diagnosis of the acute abdomen, especially in biliary,
ovarian, and uterine pathology. It is often the initial
diagnostic test of choice in children and pregnancy.
Diagnosis of Secondary
Ultrasound has taken an increasingly prominent role
Peritonitis and IAS
in the diagnosis of appendicitis, while sensitivity is
To ideally care for a patient suffering from secondary low (59%–78%), the specificity (73%–88%) can help
peritonitis, the clinician has to both diagnose the ana- augment the physical exam and avoid ionizing radia-
tomic problem responsible, assess and risk stratify the tion (19, 55). While by no means an alternative to
degree of physiologic derangement and host response cross-sectional imaging, ultrasound can be effectively
to the anatomic cause as well as any local or systemic applied at the bedside by clinicians to augment con-
progression of the inciting pathology, including imme- vincing history or physical exam findings and we
diate complications. believe should be further adopted by practicing sur-
Secondary peritonitis is typically a clinical diagno- geons.
sis, although multiple adjuncts help to refine the opti- Enhanced CT has largely become the diagnostic
mal management of patients who do not require workhorse of the modern workup of peritonitis. In the
immediate exploratory laparotomy. In the era of stable patient with an acute abdomen, CT scans inter-
advanced imaging, clinical examination remains preted by consultant radiologist are able to yield a cor-
important. The unstable patient with diffuse peritoni- rect diagnosis in >90% of cases (56). This is helpful not
tis requires immediate intervention without unneces- only in the decision to operate but also in planning
sary further delay. Stable patients with more localized surgical approach. In addition, management of dis-
tenderness are amenable to workup with diagnostic eases where percutaneous interventions abound, like
imaging. Every intra-abdominal organ has the poten- diverticulitis, have been revolutionized by accurate
tial to cause secondary peritonitis, with a plethora of cross-sectional imaging. The old adage of a 10% nega-
pathologies listed for each organ. There are nuances as tive appendectomy rate has also been rendered near
complex and varied as there are patients. An example obsolete.
is locally perforated diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon.
A macroperforation generating massive peritoneal
Treatment of Secondary
irritation and profound systemic reaction with overt
Peritonitis and IAS
vasomotor changes would be clinically obvious
requiring urgent laparotomy without further investi- Akin to the dual responsibilities of diagnosis, optimal
gations. However, the same anatomic perforation in treatment of secondary peritonitis involves both man-
an anergic host with little systemic reaction might aging the primary anatomic cause and treating or sup-
require advanced imaging to detect. A microperfora- porting the affected host. Ideal outcomes typically
tion of the same organ, with a profound host reaction, require a multi-disciplinary endeavor, involving sur-
might require both diagnostic imaging for diagnosis geons, radiologists, and recognizing these are surgical
and multiple biochemical/hematological tests to diseases and the team should be surgeon-led.
assess the host response to the pathology and guide
decisions regarding therapies.
Addressing the Macroscopic Physical
Patients may present in various stages of hemody-
Pathology: Source Control
namic instability ranging from normal hemodynamics
to decompensated shock. Abdominal rigidity is a hall- It is critical to provide the earliest source control or
mark clinical exam finding. Patients may present with management of whatever is causative. The failure to
leukocytosis, acidosis, and high lactate levels, but this obtain adequate source control is an independent
is not mandatory for diagnosis. While the physical mortality predictor (57). The primary goals of opera-
exam is an integral part of the evaluation of the surgi- tive intervention in secondary peritonitis remain con-
cal patient, commonly taught findings may be absent. stant; arrest of hemorrhage, control of contamination,
Less than half of patients with an acute abdomen will and decisions regarding reconstruction or damage
present with generalized peritonitis (19). Localized control are the basic tenants of the emergency lapa-
peritonitis is much more common. Physical exams rotomy. Perforated or damaged viscera should be
may be unreliable in the steroid-dependent, obtunded, resected, or in very select cases, patched or repaired.
or paralyzed patient. Biochemically, complete blood Abscesses should be drained. If the decision for recon-
counts are likely the most common laboratory investi- struction is made, well perfused bowel ends should be
gation ordered. However, leukocytosis is an insensi- brought together with airtight anastomoses.
tive (53.5%) and relatively non-specific (73.7%) finding Stable patients with localized disease may undergo
in acute abdomens. When combined with relative diagnostic imaging studies to elucidate etiology,
lymphopenia, specificity is increased (89.2%), but sen- allowing for minimally invasive, percutaneous, or
sitivity suffers (47.8%) (54). CRP, largely considered an conservative techniques. Largely facilitated by
overly sensitive test, also fails to correlate with posi- advances in diagnostic imaging, non-operative man-
tive intra-abdominal pathology on computerized agement of multiple different etiologies of secondary
tomography (CT) scanning of the abdomen (54). peritonitis has become common. Uncomplicated
8 T. W. Clements, et al.

diverticulitis has been managed with antibiotics and scope of this review, one critical concern regards fluid
bowel rest for decades. More recently, randomized resuscitation. Thankfully, massive crystalloid resusci-
controlled as well as observational evidence has tation has greatly fallen out of favor, replaced by per-
shown that uncomplicated diverticulitis may be man- missive hypotension and the use of vasoactive agents.
aged with observation alone (58). Broad spectrum Although definitive scientific evidence is lacking, the
antibiotic therapy was not shown to significantly alter modulation of the “saline Tsunami” that characterized
complications, recurrence, readmission, or need for gross over-resuscitation in the recent past appears one
surgery in patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis of the most profound evolutions in the care of the crit-
(58). Antibiotics have also been advocated for the ically ill, in our opinion.
treatment of uncomplicated appendicitis (59). This Beyond general supportive care, it is appealing to
management has generated controversy, with recur- consider blocking or removing the mediators propa-
rence rates at 1 year being over 20%, as well as higher gating progressive organ damage. Increased recogni-
rates of adverse events, longer hospital stays, and tion of inflammatory cytokines as the driver for organ
increased incidence of complicated appendicitis (60, dysfunction in sepsis has opened the door for new
61). These management strategies depend on the potential treatments of the systemic inflammatory
body’s physiologic barriers to infection to establish response in sepsis. For example, immunological mon-
source control. Laparoscopic interventions have oclonal antibody therapies were designed against
become increasingly commonplace, such as for perfo- TNF-α, IL-1, and MIF. However, antibodies against
rated duodenal and gastric ulcers. Laparoscopic these cytokines failed to show any meaningful mortal-
Graham-patch repair may reduce hospital stay, as well ity outcomes (66, 67). Similarly, there have been 100 s
as reduced post-operative pneumonia, cardiac events, of inconclusive trials attempting to manipulate or
and mortality (62). Laparoscopic lavage in diverticuli- block single mediator molecules without success (68).
tis, however, has an increased risk of reoperation and Currently, there have been no human trials for these
subsequent requirement for percutaneous drainage therapies, and their use remains only a future possibil-
(63). Laparoscopic-assisted colon resections have ity. It thus appears that other modalities will be
gained acceptance. A recent Cochrane analysis of the required to better address the systemic effects of IAS.
subject showed that laparoscopic sigmoid resection in Another potential option to potentially mitigate
acute diverticulitis showed no difference between lap- biomediator spillage from the abdominal cavity into
aroscopic and open surgery with regards to mortality, the systemic circulation is to leave the abdominal cav-
anastomotic leak rates, or overall complications (64). ity open, with some form of negative peritoneal pres-
Complications are now much more easily managed sure device. Such a technique in severe sepsis has been
than previously, especially intra-abdominal abscesses. suggested to offer early identification and increased
Intra-abdominal abscesses from diverticulitis, appen- drainage of any residual infection, control any persis-
dicitis, or other gastrointestinal perforation can be suc- tent source of infection, more effective removal of bio-
cessfully treated in the stable patient with percutaneous mediator-rich peritoneal fluid, effective avoidance of
drainage with or without antibiotic therapy, or even IAH, and to safely allow for delayed gastrointestinal
just with antibiotics alone. anastomoses (68). Despite the absence of compelling
Multiple questions still remain in the management evidence of efficacy, use of the OA after laparotomy
of secondary peritonitis. Fecal diversion and stoma for sepsis is increasing being recommended.(69–71]
formation have long been considered the standard for This includes consensus recommendations from rec-
destructive colonic pathology in critically ill patients. ognized societies such as the World Society of the
However, more recent retrospective literature has sug- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome and the World
gested that formation of anastomosis is safe in even Society of Emergency Surgery who stated that despite
the most critically injured patient. Currently, the lack of high-quality data, OA use might be an impor-
debate between fecal diversion and primary anasto- tant option in the treatment of severe peritonitis (71), a
mosis remains unanswered. Prophylactic surgical position reaffirmed in 2018, although the lack of evi-
drainage after laparotomy is a common practice dence was again emphasized (72).
among acute care surgeons. Evidence for this practice Kirkpatrick et  al. (73) demonstrated in a rand-
is very scarce, but has demonstrated increased hospi- omized controlled trial (RCT) that intraperitoneal neg-
tal stay, duration of operation, wound infection rates, ative pressure therapy associated with a mortality
and overall complication rate (65). The majority of benefit over a less efficient home-made system in
operative management decisions in secondary perito- mixed trauma/non-trauma patients with OAs.
nitis are evolving from being etiology dependent to However, they did not show any significant difference
more reflecting physiology and host response. in levels of biomediators.
Peritoneal lavage is employed in an attempt to
“wash out” not only peritoneal contaminants, but also
Managing the Host Response
dilute and remove peritoneal cytokines. While most
Although the breach in the gastrointestinal tract initi- laparotomies will be irrigated at some point, interest is
ates the disease, progressive organ failure is the ulti- again being directed toward continuous intraperito-
mate cause of death. Thus, how to best arrest or neal lavage which may be combined with negative
mitigate this progressive organ dysfunction is critical. pressure peritoneal wound management systems. The
The initial steps in managing the critically ill victim of most current and largest (albeit non-randomized)
IAS consist of the full gamut of resuscitation/critical experience with this technique using isotonic fluid
care capabilities. While a full description is beyond the infusion found increased complications during the
Secondary Peritonitis and Intra-abdominal Sepsis 9

OA period, but no differences in mortality, entero- ORCID iD

atmospheric fistula, or opening time.
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