Yoga Assignment

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Yoga and Natural Well Being

Points to be Noted: -
• This Assignment is only for the Students of Group 3 (Group 1 Yoga
Management) and Group 4 (Group 2 Yoga Management).

• The total marks of the assignment are 50 Marks.

• The deadline to submit the Assignment is 10th April 2021, at 11:59 PM.

• The assignment should be uploaded in the Google Form (In PDF Format).
The Name of the file should be in the format (Roll Number_Name).

• The link to the Google form for submission is as follows:

• In case of any problem with the form, you may contact P Subham

• There shall not be an extension in the given deadline under any


• The assignment shall be verified by Plagiarism and Similarity checker

software, so it is advised not to copy directly from your friends/internet
because it won’t fetch you any marks. The assignment would be rejected if
found copied.

• In case of any queries, you can contact your group coordinator via MS
Teams or WhatsApp.

• The marks are on the left side of each question. You should explain every
point to fetch full marks.
Group 1(Yoga):

AKSHAT PARAG: 9431287871

Group 2(Yoga):
P SUBHAM: 7978617835


Q1) Define Yoga. Write the importance of Yoga in day-to-day life. [3]

Q2) What are the roots of Yoga? Explain briefly its history. [4]

Q3) Define Meditation and its benefits. Write all the types of Meditative Asanas and
explain it. [4]

Q4) Explain the procedure, benefits, and precautions while performing the following
asanas: (use pictures for proper representation if feasible) [5]

a) Padmasana

b) Vajrasana

c) Ardha Matsyendrasana

d) Paschimottasana

e) Pawanmuktasana

Q5) Explain the step-by-step procedure of Surya Namaskar and its therapeutic uses. [3]

Q6) Explain briefly the contradictions of following asanas: [5]

a) Gomukhasana

b) Trikonasana

c) Bhujangasana

d) Adho mukho Svanasana

e) Naukasana
Q7) Write briefly which asana/yoga is essential to prevent people from having the
following health issues: [4]

a) Diabetes

b) Obesity

c) Backpain

d) Insomnia

Q8) How do you think Yoga can improve Mental Health issues and provide benefits to
people suffering from depression? [3]

Q9) Explain briefly the Eight Limbs (Ashtanga) of Yoga. [4]

Q10) How can you connect Spirituality with Yoga? [2]

Q11) Explain in detail the steps, benefits, and precautions during Sukhasana. [3]

Q12) Why do people get muscle cramps in Yoga? [3]

Q13) What is the difference between Yoga and Exercise? [2]

Q14) Can the practice of Yoga help in alleviating incurable diseases? Also, mention the
reason. [3]

Q15) How is Yoga different from meditation? [2]

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