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HR Policy Manual 5.

Leave Rules and Working Hours Policy-

Corporate Office



The objective of this policy is to promote work-life balance considering the longer
commute to the new Corporate Office location.


All employees located at the Corporate Office.


Leave year

Is the calendar year (01 January to 31 December of any year)

Working hours
1. The Official working hours for the purpose of Karnataka Shops and Commercial
Establishments Act for the Corporate Office will be from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm.
We believe that we must provide as much flexibility as is feasible. However,
employees can structure their working ours in a flexible manner to work on an
average of 8 hours and 30 minutes on a working day. The Average Working
Hours will be calculated on a quarterly basis.
2. Flexi timing is from 07:30 AM to 06:30 PM.
3. All attendance will be calculated from 07:30 AM to 06:30 PM only on any
working day. Any record of presence or OD either before 07:30 AM or after
06:30 PM will not be considered.
4. You are expected to be in office during the core working hours between 10:00
AM and 04:00 PM
5. For a full day’s attendance, you have to be present for a minimum of 6 hours 30
minutes on any day and should have recorded your IN Punch before 12:00
6. A minimum of 4 hours of working (either presence in office or OD) between
07:30 AM and 06:30 PM in the evening is required for presence of a half day to
register in the system. Anything below this will get recorded as absence for the
full day.
7. Where the number of hours you have been present are more than 4 hours and
less than 6 hours and 30 minutes on any day, that will be recorded as half day
presence in the system.

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HR Policy Manual 5.Leave Rules and Working Hours Policy-
Corporate Office

Hybrid days

Scenario 1

“Hybrid Day’ with part presence in office and part OD, the OD start/ end time as the IN /
OUT time will be taken into consideration for calculation of working hours.

Scenario 2

Part presence and OD. The total number of hours should be equal to or greater than 6
hours 30 mines for it to be a full-working day.

Scenario 3

You should have a minimum 4 hours of presence in office or OD for availing half-day’s

Example 1

If your ‘IN’ Punch is at 11 AM and ‘OUT’ Punch is at 4:00 PM, the number of hours
worked for that day is 5 hours, i.e. less than the required minimum of 6 hours 30 min.
For such a day, your first half will be shown as ‘Absent’ in the system.

Example 2

If your ‘IN’ Punch is at 10 AM and ‘OUT’ Punch is at 2:00 PM, the number of hours
worked for that day is 4 hours, i.e. less than the required minimum of 6 hours 30 min.
For such a day, your second half will be shown as ‘Absent’ in the system as you were
not present till 4 PM (present for a total of 4 hours only).

Example 3

If your ‘IN’ Punch is at 11 30 AM and ‘OUT’ Punch is at 2:30 PM, the number of hours
worked for that day is 3 hours, i.e. less than the required minimum of 4 hours for the
day. For such a day, your entire day will be marked as absent.

Example 4

If your ‘IN’ Punch is at 11 30 AM and ‘OUT’ Punch is at 2:30 PM, but also have OD from
2 30 PM to 6 PM, such a day will be considered a full working day. As it amounts to 6
hours 30 minutes of working.

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HR Policy Manual 5.Leave Rules and Working Hours Policy-
Corporate Office

Example 5

If you have recorded an OD commencing at 6 30 AM up to 10 30 AM and then have

come into office and have recorded presence of 2 hours i.e. 10 30 AM to 12 30 PM,
please note that such a day will amount to total working hours of 6 hours only and will
show as half day’s absence. Working hours will be counted only from 7 30 AM on any
day. Since your OD plus presence in office is less than the stipulated minimum of 6
hours 30 minutes for a full working day, this will be treated as half-day presence.

Aggregate Quarterly Working Hours:

As per the policy, each one of us is required to work for 8 hours 30 minutes (including
Lunch Break) in a day. As we have introduced flexi working hours, at the end of every
quarter, the aggregate number of working hours will be calculated based on the
following logic:

a. Both IN and OUT punch will be taken into consideration to arrive total working hours
in a day, including OD between 7 30 AM to 6 30 PM.

b. Required Quarterly Aggregate Working Hours =

8 hours 30 minutes * the number of days worked (including OD) in a quarter

c. To arrive at Actual Quarterly Aggregate Working Hours, the number of hours an

employee is actually presence and OD during the quarter.

d. Leave (either half a day or full day or more than one day) and weekly offs / holidays
will not be taken into account for any of these calculations.

e. ‘Hybrid’ days, where part presence in office and part OD will be taken into account
for these calculations. The start / end time of the OD along with IN/ OUT time
between 7 30 AM and 6 30 PM will be considered.

f. ‘Hybrid’ days where part presence in office and part Leave will not be considered for
this calculation.

g. Shortfall in the working hours will be calculated based on the difference between
Required Quarterly Aggregate Working Hours and Actual Quarterly Aggregate
Working Hours.
h. This shortfall will be communicated to the reporting manager for appropriate
discussion at the end of every quarter within 15 days of the quarter end.

Illustration (pure simulation):

₋ The quarter 1st January 2017 to March 2017 has 63 working days (excludes 25
weekly holidays and 2 National/ Festival holidays)

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HR Policy Manual 5.Leave Rules and Working Hours Policy-
Corporate Office

₋ Rajesh has taken 7 days of General Leave and has recorded OD of 9 days in
this quarter.
The Required Quarterly Aggregate Working Hours for Rajesh would be 8hours
30 minutes*56 days (63 less 7 days of leave)
₋ Which amounts to 476 hours
₋ Rajesh’s Actual Quarterly Aggregate Working Hours for 56 days is 425 hours
(based on his attendance data on the system).

₋ The shortfall in Rajesh’s Required Aggregate Quarterly Working Hours is 6 days

(51 hours/8.5)

Leave rules:
Effective 01 July 2017, leave credits will be of a single type called General Leave (GL).
For details of accumulated leave, please refer to the sections further in this document.

1. General Leave:

Details Employees& Trainees
No. of days of General Leave (GL)
36 days 24 days
applicable per annum
Maximum number of days that can be
Maximum of 24
carried forward and added to Privilege 12 days
Leave in a year
Minimum number of days that an employee
needs to compulsorily avail where if not 12 days 12 days
taken the days will lapse
Minimum unit of General Leave to be
0.5 day (half a day) 0.5 (half a day)

No limit but subject No limit but subject

Maximum number of days General Leave to
to Available leave to Available leave
be availed
balance balance

Number of incidences of General Leave in a

No limit No limit

2. Privilege Leave (PL) and Encashment guidelines:

a. PL will be maintained separately and the portion of unutilized GL (subject to a

maximum of 24 days per calendar year) will be added at the end of the calendar
b. PL and GL can be clubbed. However, you must first exhaust your current GL
balance before availing the accumulated PL.
c. Similarly PL and Sick Leave (SL) can be clubbed.
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HR Policy Manual 5.Leave Rules and Working Hours Policy-
Corporate Office

d. When PL and GL are combined and availed, intervening holidays and/or weekly offs
will be counted as Leave.
e. PL can be accumulated up to a maximum of 180 days.
f. PL of less than ONE day will not be granted.
g. Encashment of PL will be permitted TWICE in a calendar year, through Online
application on myCOMPASS portal.
h. After encashment a minimum of 15 (fifteen) days should remain in the credit of the
i. Calculation of PL Encashment will be on a 30 day month basis and salary for this
purpose will be Basic Salary as on the date of encashment.
j. Leave encashment is taxable. No PF deduction.

3. Sick Leave(SL):

a. SL balance as on 31 Dec 2016 can be carried forward and shall remain in your
accumulated SL balance.
b. A prorated calculation for the first six months of 2017 calendar year will also be
added to the SL accumulation.
c. Sick Leave can be used until it becomes zero.
d. SL and GL can be clubbed and availed. Similarly SL and PL can be clubbed and
e. Intervening Weekly off or other holidays within the Sick Leave period will not be
counted as part of leave.
f. Sick Leave is not encashable.

4. General Note

1. The existing PL balance as on 30.06.2017 (with prorated adjustments for the first
six months of 2017) will continue as is and the guidelines mentioned above will
2. The existing SL balance as on 30.06.2017 (with prorated adjustments for the first
six months of 2017) will be maintained separately and employees can avail the
same till it becomes zero. Other guidelines to be followed as indicated above.
3. GL will be credited in advance at the beginning of the year.
4. For new joiners, the same will be credited on a pro-rata basis for the remaining part
of the calendar year.
5. If an employee avails more than the entitled GL during the Calendar year and then
separates from the Company, leave availed in excess of entitlement (pro-rated for
the period worked) will be recovered from the full & final settlement.
6. Encashment from the current GL balance is not permitted.
7. At the end of each year, out of the balance GL, a maximum of 24 days per calendar
year will be added to PL.
8. Only accumulated PL in excess of 15 days, as per the rules defined above can be
9. For all types of leave, except SL, intervening holidays and weekly offs will be
considered as leave.
10. This will be effective 01 July 2017 and will be applicable for Corporate Office.

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HR Policy Manual 5.Leave Rules and Working Hours Policy-
Corporate Office

11. Casual Leave and SL from 01.01.2017 up to 30.06.2017 will be adjusted into the
General Leave entitlement for the year after the required pro-ration.

4. Maternity Leave (Non - ESI Employees):

Those who are not covered under the ESI Act, 1948 will be covered under THE
MATERNITY BENEFIT ACT. The employer has to supply necessary forms as
prescribed under this Act to the employee.

Documentary requirements:

The requisite document(s) pertaining to pregnancy, birth of a child, miscarriage, or of

illness arising out of pregnancy, delivery and premature birth of a child or miscarriage
will need to provided.

The requisite documents will need to be provided in case of any unfortunate event
leading to loss of life to either a woman employee or the newborn. In such cases, the
Maternity Benefit shall be payable as per the Maternity Benefit Act. The certificate
should be obtained from a registered Medical Practitioner. Birth Certificate may also be
produced in the interim.

Notice of Claim:

Women employees shall inform their HRBP and the HR Department shall make the
payment to the applicant or to their nominees as authorized by the employee.

Leave Period:

Women employees are entitled to avail Maternity Leave of 182 days including weekly
off/holidays for confinement. In case of delivery of twins additional two weeks (14 days)
will be given.

5. Maternity Leave on Termination of Pregnancy/Miscarriage (Medical and


In the unfortunate event of an accidental or medical termination of pregnancy, the

woman employee can avail up to 6 weeks (up to 42 calendar days) of paid leave from
the date of the accidental / medical termination of pregnancy. This has to be supported
by a medical certificate. A woman employee desirous of joining back duty before the
expiry of the 6 weeks, may obtain a fitness certificate from a qualified medical
practitioner and submit an application to the respective HRBP.

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HR Policy Manual 5.Leave Rules and Working Hours Policy-
Corporate Office

6. Legal Adoption Leave:

a. This benefit is extended only to women employees (married or unmarried)
b. The leave will be granted according to the employee’s requirement with an upper
limit of 96 of calendar days.
c. The legal documents supporting the adoption should be submitted to the respective
d. Age of the child cannot be more than three years.
e. The number of occasions is restricted to two children including their own.
f. The child will be covered under the medical insurance provided by the company.
g. Nomination facility under the statutory benefits will also apply to adopted children.

7. Family Planning Leave and Special Leave for Women

a. Employees are allowed to take Leave with salary for SIX working days for family
planning operation for self or spouse. Doctor’s Certificate will need to be presented.
b. Special Leave for women employees for hysterectomy (removal of uterus): A
Special Leave of twelve (12) days will be given to women employees for a
hysterectomy. Doctor’s certificate will need to be presented.

This policy will come into force with effect from 1st July 2017.


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